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A Survey on

Social Networking Sites in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges

Dear Faculty Me !er" My name is Dr. Ahmed Alenezi and I would like to request you to participate in a Research Survey by fillin this !uestionnaire. It is an attempt to obtain your su estions and uidelines on the said topic.

"he aim of this research is to understand your perception towards the #Opportunities and Challenges through the use o$ Social Networking Sites in Higher Education in %our &espective 'nstitutions( # $lease ensure you fill this questionnaire consistently to help us understand your assessments on the Social %etworkin Sites for &i her 'ducation. (our responses will be used for the purposes of this study only) and will not be disclosed to third parties without your direct consent. *e assure your personal identities will be kept anonymous and names not put on the survey at any sta e. *e ask you for your +, to +- minutes to complete this Survey which involves no potential risk. $lease contact the undersi ned researcher if you have any question / query re ardin this study. 0est re ards)

Dr( Ah ed Alene)i *ice Deanship o$ '+ , *ice Deanship o$ e-.earning , Distance .earning Northern /order 0niversity Arar" 1ingdo o$ Saudi Ara!ia E ail: ah ed(alene)i2n!u(edu(sa Alene)i32yahoo(co
4hone: 'n the 1SA" 55677-8589:688;

College= Depart ent1 DEANSH'4 OF 'NFO&MA+'ON +ECHNO.O>% Designation: O&AC.E E&4 CONS0.+AN+ Age=DO/: ?????96????????????????? >ender: MA.E E ail=4hone: oha ed(ra$i2n!u(edu(sa

+. Avera e hours of active Internet use per day a. 2, minutes 3 4,minutes b. + 3 5 hour c. d. 5 3 2 hour More than 2hour

5. *hat is the most important social network or media that you check on a re ular basis) the one you reach for first. a. 6acebook d. 7inkedIn 2. *hy do you use S%S:s.
Social Networking sites just allow us to communicate with others and express ourselves easier. These sites help you find people you have not seen in a while, chat without actually going places and learn things that are happening today. We actually express our feelings when we respond on these types of networking sites and interact in every way. Get us news around and keep update.

b. MySpace e. 8oo le9

c. "witter f. (ou"ube

;. &ow often do you usually lo on to your favorite service<s=.

a. I:m constantly lo b. Several times a day c. >nce in a few days d. >nce a week

ed on

e. >ccasionally <less than once week=


&ow much time <on avera e= do you spend on your favorite social networkin site<s= per session.

a. 7ess than - minutes b. -?+, minutes c. ++?2, minutes d. 2,9 minutes

4. &ow many @onnections / 6riends you have for your S%S profile.

a. +,?-, b. -,?+,, c. +,,?+-,

d. +-, and more A. Do you use S%S:s for teachin . a. (es b. %o If yes please ive the details) which S%S:s you) use.

B. &ow do you balance your personal and professional uses of social networks. We have to keep the things separate Is there anything You dont want someone to see? If you do not want others to know about your online activity, it can make sense to want to keep a separate presence for work. Assess your personal situation to decide whats best for you. an I post about my personal life and yet be professional? If you can do this, there should be little reason to keep completely separate online carefully think over what youre saying before you click !post on any site. onsider it from others "employer, colleagues, family etc# perspective and make sure its something you feel confident about them seeing. When considering this issue, its important to find your own personal sweet spot for your online identity. $se each of your different platforms and networks in a way thats the most comfortable and makes the most sense to you.

C. &ow often do you participate in professional communitiesD discussions. ?? occasionally

+,. I:m a community moderator/ roup officer a. I:m an active participant in terms of comments and discussion topics startin b. I:m rather a reader than an active commenter c. I do not participate in discussions) Eust watch communities for updates d. >thers <please specify=
++. &ow often do you check communities for updates.

a. Daily 3 I:m subscribed to RSS/have a feed on my profile b. Several times a week ? while visitin discussions interestin for me c. >nce a week ? as I receive a weekly activity summary d. 7ess than once a week
+5. Are you a member of any roups/communities related to your colle e/university.

a. (es) unofficial student roups b. (es) official colle e/university profile <pa e= c. (es) alumni section d. %o
+2. Do you feel these networkin professional life. a. (es b. %o If (es
Social networking we sites are the reason due to which children start learning slangs and a usive languages in their early ages. They get friends with the wrong company and are spoilt to a great extent, due to which they can!t pay attention to their studies. They waste time on chatting with the wrong sort of people who don!t have anything to do on the internet than to gain followers and supporters. These sort of people have ruined their careers and now are ent on ruining others! too. "ad social networking we sites not existed, children would have een much more manerful and in control of their parents. These we sites with their negative impact have made our new generation lost somewhere. This new generation will have to take over the reins of the world, if they end up chatting on face ook all day what will they serve the world# Therefore it is the social networking we sites that have given them the chance to ruin their lives, which they are doing so ecause of their deep slum er and lind attraction towards these sites. Sometimes ecause of some personal reasons on these sites with friends leads to mental stress and this stress sometimes results in suicide.

sites have created any ne ative impact on your personal and

+;. *hat are the challen es you faced while usin S%S:s. a. $rivacy b. Advertisement c. Subscription d. >thers please specify

+-. @an you consider ads that you see on your profile relevant to your interests. a. (es) most of the time b. >ccasionally c. %o) never +4. &ow often do you click on the ads you see on your profile. a. >ften b. Rarely c. >ccasionally d. Almost never

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