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qgyh2 maxwellhill BritishEnglishPolice anutensil AutoModerator kwangqengelele Pharnaces_II slapchopsuey SarahLee 3009 Dolphins 'suffering miscarriage, lung disease, losing teeth after BP oil spill' researchers claim ( submitted 19 hours ago by Libertatea 283 comments share top 200 commentsshow all 283 sorted by: best [ ]FartSkin 98 points 9 hours ago Lets get really angry about this for 15 minutes then move on! permalink [ ]Worldbuilders 20 points 7 hours ago I've been consistently upset since 2010. Give me a public beheading and I shall join the rabble. permalink parent [ ]dcpeon 11 points 6 hours ago I feel like with the way corporations are handled in the justice system, nothing 's ever going to really change until this starts actually happening to corporate exec's. permalink parent load more comments (3 replies) [ ]Jimiandjanice 4 points 6 hours ago I agree with you. But seriously. We should at least make them bath in the oil wa ter for a few hours each day. permalink parent [ ]JayDeeDonuts 2 points 2 hours ago

you mean like the same thing we do with everything??!?! permalink parent [ ]CarpeNivem 3 points 6 hours ago Fuck that! Ya know what we should do instead? No, seriously. I'm asking. permalink parent [ ]Poltras 2 points 5 hours ago You mean talking to your politicians or representatives and voting for the platf orm that would help in these cases isn't working? Or are you not doing it? permalink parent [ ]NeededToFilterSubs 3 points 1 hour ago Well you being downvoted speaks volumes about why we have politicians controlled by corporate interests. We're content to wallow in pessimism when we do have an outlet for change, because that outlet is neither easy nor quick (it is not des igned to be for our own benefit.) The fact is it is not satisfying to call up yo ur representative/write letters to the editor, then wait for the next voting cyc le to campaign for a politician who better suits your desires, it is not as glam orous as the political change of Gandhi or Mandela, but it is how you can get th ings done in the USA. Corporations can buy all this influence because their donations buys your votes essentially. So you either have people that treat politics as a sports game and only care about their team winning, or you have people who are busy with the day -to-day of just getting by (most of us) and can't/don't take the time to thoroug hly evaluate which candidates may be best so they decide based on advertising. H owever then you have the cynics who have given up on the process, they see the p roblem and they quit, which invariably makes them a part of the problem as it re moves their insight from the voting pool. I believe it was Ron Paul who said "If you all threw away your votes on me, then I would be the next president." Which is of paramount importance to understand. These conditions exist because we as an overall group (not necessarily individu ally) simply acquiesce, and allow sound bites and advertisements to buy our vote s, which ultimately buys the politicians. tl;dr - Yeah the traditional political process is slow and not very sexy, but it can and does work. Also individual rational examination and perception goes a l ong way. edit: Its late and I'm rambling so reworded somethings permalink parent [ ]SwaleEnthusiasm 1 point 2 hours ago How's buying into a corrupt system then shaming others for not doing the same go

ing for you? permalink parent [ ]CheesyGreenbeans 3 points 1 hour ago How's sitting back and not even trying to change things through proper channels working for you? permalink parent [ ]evilcleverdog 3 points 3 hours ago Lets get really angry about this for 15 minutes then move on! This is why shit never gets done. People have such short OOOH A FUNNY CAT! permalink parent [ ]NotTodayJR -2 points 5 hours ago +/u/reddtipbot 10 Reddcoins permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) load more comments (4 replies) [ ]HockeyCannon 265 points 19 hours ago Non-human persons having human problems thanks to humans. permalink [ ]fun_boat 55 points 11 hours ago Balsamic dinosaur is rough on the body, tell you what. permalink parent [ ]cuteman 6 points 5 hours ago Corexit doesn't help either. permalink parent [ ]Hank_McNeilly 4 points 5 hours ago Somehow I knew this would happen...fuck. corexit kills cells. Lets pump millions of fucking gallons of it into the already fucking destroyed ecosystem. Fuck! permalink parent

[ ]canisdormit 1 point 4 hours ago "We have the money....we can do ANYTHING!" permalink parent [ ]cuteman 1 point 3 hours ago I know! I'll dig my way out! permalink parent [ ]pinkcat423 2 points 5 hours ago I tell ya hwhat... permalink parent [ ]WTFppl 20 points 7 hours ago The way humans treat this habitat, the only habitat we have, I wonder if our spe cies will even exist in 500 to 600 years. permalink parent [ ]tru_power22 18 points 6 hours ago tl;dl too long; didn't live permalink parent [ ]WilliamDecker 4 points 5 hours ago Dinosaurs are extinct because they couldn't wean themselves off of oil. permalink parent load more comments (5 replies) [ ]gadimus 1 point 6 hours ago Those poor corporations. permalink parent [+]muhamedThejew comment score below threshold (8 children) load more comments (12 replies) [ ]FondlesTheClown 156 points 16 hours ago

BP's entire Board of Directors should have been jailed. permalink [ ]wetac0s 94 points 14 hours ago Ironically, they're sponsoring the US Olympic team. I'm surprised no one boycott ed them. permalink parent [ ]teracrapto 107 points 14 hours ago Can't hear you over this waterfall of money yo permalink parent [ ]vaelroth 31 points 10 hours ago Can't hear you over this waterfall oil spill of money yo I think you missed a perfect opportunity there. permalink parent [ ]Durbee 5 points 8 hours ago I, for one, agree. Splashin' that cash. Waves of dollars rollin' in... permalink parent [ ]NooMoahk 4 points 7 hours ago Oil spills aren't loud. Waterfalls are intense white noise that easily drowns ou t speech. permalink parent [ ]Haiku_Description 1 point 6 hours ago WHAT? permalink parent [ ]Clunnis 7 points 9 hours ago British Petroleum sponsoring team USA? permalink parent [ ]CALL_ME_ISHMAEBY 10 points 8 hours ago

BMW is as well. permalink parent [ ]the_red_wolf 4 points 4 hours ago North American BMW branch permalink parent [ ]tittybangbang123 7 points 3 hours ago British Petroleum It's not called British Petroleum, it's a British American company and has been for about 15 years. permalink parent [ ]V_Wolf 4 points 8 hours ago* 40% of the company's shares belong to US companies/investors and half the board of directors are American - its not too hard to believe they're sponsoring team USA. EDIT: My source is outdated (2010), so the information is probably inaccurate. B ut it gives you an idea as to how diverse the ownership of the company is despit e being called "British Petroleum". permalink parent [ ]horking 3 points 2 hours ago We're sorry :3 permalink parent [ ]Catacronik 1 point 5 hours ago Yes? permalink parent [ ]Lazybeans 4 points 6 hours ago Well, at least they apologized. permalink parent [ ]Planet-man 2 points 6 hours ago I'm surprised no one boycotted them.

You are? Is "surprise" really still the prevalent emotion at nobody doing jack shit about billion-dollar atrocities? permalink parent [ ]poonJavi39 4 points 12 hours ago I did. permalink parent [ ]lifeformed 4 points 11 hours ago good work permalink parent [ ]JustSomeRedditor 1 point 10 minutes ago People only boycott when it's convenient to them. permalink parent [ ] 12 hours ago [ ]AnxietyMan 10 points 9 hours ago Problems like this are systemic. It'd be like saying we should only punish hitme n and never the people who contracted them. permalink [ ] 9 hours ago [ ]AnxietyMan 21 points 9 hours ago If you ignore the people working on the truck telling you it needs a new brake s ystem, then you are. permalink [ ]GuildCalamitousNtent 3 points 6 hours ago And you think the board of directors were getting day to day rundowns or even re motely specific details on projects? How exactly do you think a company the size of BP works? permalink parent [ ]SwaleEnthusiasm 3 points 2 hours ago yes I think they were giving the go ahead to inherently risky projects, evidence

d by BP's horrendous, industry-worst safety record. permalink parent load more comments (7 replies) [ ]rmm45177 2 points 6 hours ago If my emplyees fuck up I have to pay for the damages. Why should it be different for a mega corporation? permalink [ ]Yeti_Poet 1 point 5 hours ago The whole POINT of a corporation is to shift liability off of individuals and on to the corporation as an entity. permalink parent [ ]superhappytrail 1 point 10 hours ago reddit permalink [ ]Sornos 26 points 13 hours ago BP's entire Board of Directors should have been jailed. Why? permalink parent [ ]Tashre 12 points 10 hours ago Well, you know, 'cause they're bad and stuff. I mean, I don't like them, and red dit really doesn't like them, so I can't really imagine they're guiltless here, so jail time seems appropriate. permalink parent [ ]empfindsamkeit 11 points 5 hours ago* I'll try my hand at it. Maybe it's that they (and especially the CEO, if different, selected by the boar d) get paid a fuckton for "shouldering risk" supposedly, yet they don't ever see m to shoulder any. If you are ever named to the board of directors for any serio us company, you most likely have it made for the rest of your life, no matter wh at happens. Any time I hear about someone sitting on a board, they sit on multip le and are probably already rich fucks to boot. The worst that can happen, if yo u get an especially huge amount of negative publicity and aren't sufficiently fa mous/rich to overcome it, is that you just won't be invited to sit on another bo ard. It is definitely among the least risky jobs you could ever hope to find, in any sense.

If we're going to justify ludicrous executive pay scales, even in the midst of t errible management that can wreck national economies (or the global economy), I want there to be a real risk of financial and personal ruin. Incentivize the peo ple at the top, and I imagine the rest will likely fall in line (or at least mor e in line than they are now). After all, what do the rank and file especially ca re about the long term health of some shitty company they work for? I mean, no o ne wants to lose their job when a company folds, but they aren't going to make t hese frantic calls to ignore all manner of safety standard on their own because they care deeply about the company; they don't share in the massive wealth made by these means. They make the calls when the pressure is on them to simply produ ce results, with no mind to the measures undertaken to get there. And don't fall back on telling me their pay is so high because they work so hard . Plenty of poor people work 60-80+ hour weeks. I'd imagine a lot of CEO/board w orking hours include sitting behind a desk in an opulent office, out on the golf course or country club making "business deals", cruising around on private jets (or at least in first class), etc. I'm sure it's high pressure, but I'd much ra ther have the work of a CEO or board member than a coal miner, even if the pay w ere the same. And as for talent? Ha. It seems like a crapshoot to me, except for a handful lik e Steve Jobs (an asshole, though undeniably a good businessman). The unexception al ones seem to shuffle around between different businesses without really under standing them from the bottom up, and much like a US president's "stewardship" o f the economy, shit either goes swell or terribly, and they get praised/blamed f or presiding over it, but it often has the sheen of being blind chance and/or th e product of the groundwork laid by your predecessor. And anyway, minorities and/or the truly impoverished already get dicked around b y the legal system quite a bit more, so even if it isn't quite the right thing t o do, it still wouldn't matter to me all that much. permalink parent [ ]wavingwhale 3 points 1 hour ago The spill nearly bankrupted the company. They paid in their failure to run the c ompany and its subsequent poor financial situation. Yeh they're paid too much, and yeh they will all be OK in the long run because t hey and other CEOs of other companies are all in it together, but that I would s ay is a separate issue. The accident (due to mismanagement or any other cause) caused punishment of its own through its own costs of mitigation control as well as the bills paid as dem anded by the US government. To say they should go to jail as punishment as a direct result of the accident, in my mind is like saying the store manager of a shop should be sacked because h is employee dropped a bottle of wine. permalink parent [ ] 8 hours ago [+]drf_ comment score below threshold (0 children)

[ ]pick_one 5 points 10 hours ago Because in UK cruelty to animals is criminal offense punishable by jail time? permalink parent [ ]WelcomeToVault101 1 point 8 hours ago Seriously?! permalink parent [+]DaAvalon comment score below threshold (4 children) [ ]dcpeon 5 points 6 hours ago BP's entire Board of Directors should have been jailed. i vote worse. permalink parent [ ]emufood 4 points 13 hours ago Its terrible in the oil industry, BP's sold off resources were bought up by some cheap companies and if anything it has gotten worse. permalink parent [ ]TerribleEngineer 0 points 7 hours ago Because we screwed they got rid of the liability... Or assets which ar e worth so much less due to all the publicity and small companies that can just food bought them. permalink parent [ ]emufood 1 point 6 hours ago You are being downvoted but it is true, the position hasnt gotten any better its gotten worse. They should have been forced to inspect everything BP touched. permalink parent [ ]ThinKrisps 1 point 4 hours ago The fact that we allow companies to continue after they destroy ecosystems like that is ridiculous. Why do we protect criminals just to protect those "jobs" eve ryone's been talking about. permalink parent [ ]scottishaggis 7 points 13 hours ago

honestly US butthurt over BP is laughable, you don't see transocean picking up t he tab for the clean up costs. permalink parent [ ]LukeChrisco 7 points 8 hours ago well BP and Transocean and Halliburton are all suing the fuck out of each other to see who gets left holding the bag. Although I suspect they all have pretty ti ght contracts about who's liable. permalink parent [ ]403redditor 2 points 8 hours ago Nah they're too important and rich. Amirite? permalink parent [ ]nermf 1 point 7 hours ago Wouldn't it be better to jail those specifically responsible? i.e. the wells dir ectors who directly told the rig workers to ignore signs of a potential kick to save time and money? permalink parent [ ]isignedupforthis 1 point 38 minutes ago Yes, but lets start with politicians and government workers that make that possi ble. permalink parent [ ]ghostfox1_gfaqs 2 points 15 hours ago I think you mean tried, then jailed, and then sued into oblivion. Right? permalink parent [ ]varjar 1 point 10 hours ago Yeah! Then let's go after all BPs stockholders! Fuckin' richers. permalink parent [ ]jkaiser94 0 points 6 hours ago Jailed for being forced out into deeper waters? Jailed for having to pay billion s of dollars? Jailed for some poor engineer's mistake?

permalink parent [ ]canisdormit 1 point 4 hours ago *hanged FTFY permalink parent [+]itshardbutdoable comment score below threshold (2 children) load more comments (2 replies) [ ]khyrohn 15 points 12 hours ago So long and thanks for all the fish. permalink [ ]3256716345123 2 points 2 hours ago So sad it had to come to this. Oh, how depressing... permalink parent [ ]Yackity-Yack 35 points 16 hours ago Oh this is natural - remember - the ocean loves oil, gobbles it right up accordi ng to GOP scientist Rush Limbaugh. permalink [ ]F22Rapture 16 points 10 hours ago Except the claim is that the dispersant is causing the abnormalities, not the oi l. Even back during the spill everyone thought using high quantities of dispersa nts was a terrible idea. permalink parent [ ]bikerwalla 30 points 12 hours ago But windmills kill a non-zero number of birds every year, so those are bad and s hould be shut down right away. permalink parent [ ]Yackity-Yack 9 points 12 hours ago And bats too!

permalink parent [ ]gadimus 3 points 6 hours ago Killing the bats is actually really bad since it's mostly the migratory bats get ting killed that are a really important part of many seasonal eco systems. It su cks. permalink parent [ ]Yackity-Yack 1 point 6 hours ago It all sucks, no matter what is done, nature pays a price. permalink parent [ ]gadimus 2 points 6 hours ago Well compared to a giant radioactive meteor wiping out 90% of the life on the pl anet and starting an ice age the gulf oil spill is like a bad rash. permalink parent [ ]Yackity-Yack 1 point 6 hours ago Do you shit in your kitchen? Why not, you might accidentally spill some olive oi l or bacon grease and start a fire one day so what's the difference...right? Whi le your at it, shit in your bed, and put some in a bag and put it in your refrig erator, a little e-coli never hurt anyone. The attitude of benign actions is juvenile, is my point. permalink parent [ ]gadimus 1 point 6 hours ago Well if there was anyway to change the attitudes of corporations or undo the dam age done it would be nice. Until then we're better off being juvenile and enjoyi ng what little time we have left. I'm off to the pub. permalink parent [ ]Fingclownshoes 1 point 10 hours ago permalink parent [ ]BP_Public_Relations 1 point 6 hours ago Anything that can help improve wildlife viscosity can't hurt. permalink

parent [ ]Dolphin_Noises 8 points 11 hours ago NOOOOOOO permalink [ ]BeerKnurd0010 22 points 13 hours ago And what did they do to try to clean up the oil spill? Dump more chemicals into the ocean of course (chemical dispersants). I'm guessing they thought 2 wrongs m ake a right? permalink [+]TexasShiv comment score below threshold (3 children) [+]WeAreAllBrainWashed[??] comment score below threshold (11 children) [ ]inculcation 90 points 14 hours ago "Scientists admitted that their study cannot prove that the dolphin's health pro blems were caused by the Deepwater spill because there were no studies of dolphi n health prior to it." cool. thanks for writing an article that points fingers, i guess? permalink [ ]Chocolatedio 104 points 11 hours ago No, no, no. "there were no studies of dolphin health prior to it." is basically like a disclaimer to the other scientists reading it, saying they don't have sta ts to compare with their results. So it wouldn't be correct to not add that. But their evidence shows a high number of anomalies and they started their experime nt after the oil spill. Put 2 and 2 together and its pretty clear but not 99% co rrect. But hey maybe if the science community could get more funding, maintaining and s urveying ecosystems could help answer these questions! permalink parent [ ]TheDude069 55 points 11 hours ago* It doesn't help that BP has lobbied and spent millions to restrict testing and s urveying the gulf and affected areas and local wildlife, as well as putting gag orders on the locals (which was the only way for the locals effected by the disa ster to receive compensation, many of which never got anything.) add ontop of the fact that BP was able to write off the loss of all that oil spi lt because of their faulty drilling, as well as much of the fine they were suppo sed to pay. Edit: also the tons of corexit dumped as well ( a known highly toxic substance) EDIT 2: my comments below with sources got a load from the downvote brigade. see below for sources of my comment.

permalink parent [ ]BlameTheNinja 5 points 7 hours ago God I hate the world I live in permalink parent [ ]TheDude069 3 points 5 hours ago i feel more and more like the professor from futurama... permalink parent [ ]jtesuce 3 points 10 hours ago source? permalink parent [ ]SincerelyNow 31 points 9 hours ago Stop being a lazy, ignorant fool permalink parent [ ]TheDude069 4 points 8 hours ago good link, better than the couple i used. permalink parent [+]TheDude069 comment score below threshold (16 children) [ ]WeAreAllBrainWashed[??] 0 points 10 hours ago I say we go around and light all of their leaks on fire and see what happens. permalink parent [ ]ScubaSteve58001 7 points 11 hours ago But they have no baseline data, no control group. For all we know, all of this could have been happening at higher rates before th e spill and oil is actually healthy for dolphins. (Not saying that's true, just that the data doesn't prove anything.) permalink parent [ ]BolognaTugboat 14 points 10 hours ago

I don't know jack shit about dolphins but I'm assuming there are dolphins ouside the Gulf. I wonder if they're losing their teeth and getting lung disease. I'd look it up but.... permalink parent [ ]Tomgibo 8 points 9 hours ago They have dolphins in other areas as a control group, as in "The health of the a nimals was compared with 27 bottlenose dolphins from the Sarasota Bay, Florida, which was unaffected by the oil spill." and I've never seen such a high prevalenc e of very sick animals, and There is disease in any wild population. We just haven 't seen animals that were in such bad shape as what we saw in Barataria Bay, . No data ever "proves something" there is always an alternative explanation no ma tter how long winded and implausible it may be, but this data is highly suggesti ve of something to the point where the statement that "dolphins in areas affecte d by the oil spill show a higher prevalence of disease than other populations" i s something that can be demonstrated within reasonable doubt. permalink parent [ ]KaribouLouDied -2 points 10 hours ago Put 2 and 2 together? That's not how science works. Science is concrete informat ion. This is: "well we dont know much about dolphins before the spill. But when we started intensively researching them after the spill, we found 'yada yada yad a'". That's not science... You need a control for an experiment to take place. T here is no control, therefore the study is abhorrently flawed from the get go. permalink parent [ ]blkstallion88 1 point 10 minutes ago How about every other dolphin on the planet not affected by the oil spill? You c an control for ocean temperature and other local species- you have to admit that any type of large contaminant in an area will fuck with the local ecosystem. Science is "I observe this thing, and I think this is the cause." This is absolu tely science. permalink parent [ ]inculcation -1 points 11 hours ago right. all i'm trying to say is that even if a company egregiously violates safe ty codes (i have no idea if they did, i didn't follow the disaster that closely) it's still not an excuse for terrible journalism. this is terrible journalism. permalink parent [ ]NorthernSparrow 14 points 10 hours ago*

There's no prior studies in Barataria Bay but there's lots and lots of studies o n other bottlenose populations in other similar bays elsewhere. Sarasota Bay dol phins are often selected as the best control group for Barataria Bay (because th e Sarasota dolphins are in a similar ecosystem and have similar genetics and are extremely well-studied) and the Sarasota dolphins are in fine shape. There's al so a good deal of data from other locations, though none so extensive as Sarasot a. Ultimately it would be quite a coincidence if the dolphins with the worst health just happen to be in the bay that was hardest hit by the oil... especially sinc e the health problem seen are exactly those health problems that are already kno wn to be caused by oil toxicity. That is, we already have an a-priori reason to expect those particular health problems in areas with high exposure to oil. Science never deals in "proof" of any sort, but the most plausible explanation f or the patterns seen is that the oil spill affected the health of the Barataria Bay dolphins. The word "admitted" is also bugging me. "Scientists admitted"? It's more like, " scientists deliberately pointed out" the lack of prior baseline data. (the goal being to spur more funding into collection of baseline data. It's incredibly dif ficult to get funding for baseline health studies) permalink parent load more comments (3 replies) [ ]dustyh55 5 points 11 hours ago* So, you've decided to exclude: There is disease in any wild population. We just h aven't seen animals that were in such bad shape as what we saw in Barataria Bay a long with other statement showing the decline in health in that very particular region. This is a pretty strong statement for something you've simply "overlooke d", but why are you even bothering to deny the heinous destruction that happened ? What would motivate you to try to say it wasn't the toxic oil? Just curious. edit: I don't usually downvote but I really don't like your scientific omissions . permalink parent load more comments (7 replies) [ ]ksf8291 3 points 10 hours ago This is a legal strategy that big corporations employ time and time again after committing gross environmental destruction. It's the same argument that hydro-fr acking firms have used against the class action cases that blame them for the fa ct that you can now set the water from their faucets on fire. "Well, nobody test ed the tap water for flammable/toxic chemicals before we started fracking, so ho w do you know for sure that the fracking is the cause of the flammable water?" ( Edit: but who would have anticipated the tap water to become flammable and do th ose tests the day before the fracking began?) Everyone knows intuitively that it's true, but it's impossible to prove, so the corporations get off. Then they smack a nondisclosure agreement on the settlemen t, and then nobody can use past lawsuits as evidence in future cases.

That line was basically scientists saying that there is enough evidence to make a claim that the toxic oil is killing the dolphins, but they don't want to get s ued by wealthy corporate lawyers representing BP. permalink parent [ ]BaldingEwok 1 point 10 hours ago Study finds dolphins picked up smoking from oil field workers permalink parent [ ]mehereman 1 point 10 hours ago you mean the exact opposite.. its obviously easy to refute if the study is one o f a kind. no control. however, this doesn't mean it isn't accurate, it just mean s more research is needed. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [+]enzoblue comment score below threshold (4 children) load more comments (1 reply) [ ]diesector 19 points 15 hours ago I am so ashamed of my fellow man. What we have done to the Earth and the life th at inhabits it in the pursuit of wealth is our greatest error and will be our fa tal flaw. permalink [ ]emufood 1 point 13 hours ago Accepting first past the post voting means they can do whatever they want as the y can easily control the electorate. permalink parent [ ]Reddit_Novice 2 points 6 hours ago We're sorry permalink [ ]5000_Dimensions 5 points 6 hours ago The BP spill was/is truly horrible. Clean up is still on-going (mostly off-shore and in wetlands) and the biological/ecological impacts will have ripple effects in the region for generations. I work for a environmental consulting firm along the Gulf Coast as a GIS analyst . My company sends me to the annual Area Contingency Plan for Sector Mobile (a m eeting/open forum with NOAA, USCG, EPA, Oil Companies, State Environmental Agenc

ies, Environmental Consulting firms, and Environmental Groups). I always get a l ittle bit of joy when NOAA, USCG, and EPA all take time to re-cap and ultimately shame BP for the mistakes that were made. And more importantly, how to avoid th ose critical errors/mistakes and make better decisions (especially when it comes disaster prevention and response). Sadly, BP was the only major oil company that did not send representatives to th e 2013 meeting. permalink [ ]guyblo 6 points 9 hours ago I live on the Florida Gulf Coast. I have not spent one cent at a BP station sinc e the spill, nor will I ever. permalink [ ]Tebbo 1 point 9 hours ago Lol@u. You think bp only sells to bp stations? Lol. permalink parent [ ]guyblo 4 points 8 hours ago Of course not,,smart ass. But you take a stand economically where it is clear. A lso watching fuel consumption in general. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]clauderamey 4 points 13 hours ago am I the only person who thought OP meant the football team, for just a minute? permalink [ ]chiefsfan71308 1 point 7 hours ago Yep thought I was in r/nfl.. I mean I know it was a rough finish to their year b ut damn.. permalink parent [ ]my79spirit 1 point 11 hours ago They have been having those problems since Marino retired. permalink parent [ ]SandKitten 0 points 11 hours ago Yes.

permalink parent [ ]BCJunglist 3 points 9 hours ago Nothing to see here. Move along people. Aren't there some sex scandals in the ne ws to direct your attention to? permalink [ ]Findilis 2 points 9 hours ago Reality TV permalink parent [ ]Denmark1976 2 points 11 hours ago Its the clean up chemicals, not the oil which did the most damage. permalink [ ]one_comment_only 0 points 14 hours ago From the article Scientists admitted that their study cannot prove that the dolphin's health problems were caused by the Deepwater spill because there were no studies of dol phin health prior to it. permalink [ ]gacemonster 5 points 11 hours ago It's like saying, 'We can't prove driving a car directly into a brick wall cause s brain damage, because we haven't done previous tests' Obvious hyperbole, but y ou get the gist. Someone replied to a comment similar to yours earlier with this answer: No, no, no. "there were no studies of dolphin health prior to it." is basica lly like a disclaimer to the other scientists reading it, saying they don't have stats to compare with their results. So it wouldn't be correct to not add that. But their evidence shows a high number of anomalies and they started their expe riment after the oil spill. Put 2 and 2 together and its pretty clear but not 99 % correct. But hey maybe if the science community could get more funding, mainta ining and surveying ecosystems could help answer these questions! permalink parent [ ]BikeRidinMan 2 points 14 hours ago Fucking BP, come clean your shit up. permalink [ ]FrankTank4 2 points 13 hours ago They should tried for crimes against non-humanity

permalink [ ]Durbee 1 point 8 hours ago All my Monday sads are now dedicated to this. The thought is pretty devastating. permalink [ ]pimatard 1 point 8 hours ago What's with all the idiots trying to be funny in their posts? Give it a rest ple ase. permalink [ ]Absocold 1 point 6 hours ago The video of this was way more engaging. permalink [ ]Arternative1 1 point 5 hours ago RIP Reggie Bush. permalink [ ]RMaximus 1 point 4 hours ago Correlation is not causation. permalink [ ]jtide_2012 1 point 4 hours ago This is the harsh reality that will be the case for decades to come. Its really sad to see such a beautiful coastal area with such abundant wildlife suffer like this. permalink [ ]90DaysOfEggs 1 point 4 hours ago I often find it difficult to be excited about the future anymore. permalink [ ]richards85 2 points 3 hours ago BP Board of director's should be punishied for this. permalink [ ]evilcleverdog 1 point 3 hours ago I'm pro-choice, so I'm okay with this. No, this is terrible.

But what can I do about it? I don't have a car or drive one, so I'm not a huge p art of the problem really. permalink [ ]GiantJay 1 point 2 hours ago How can we be sure they aren't just smoking meth? permalink [ ]boyled 1 point 2 hours ago Look bud, the stress has taken a toll on me too permalink [ ]ColHoraceGentleman 0 points 14 hours ago Typical finger-pointing. BP would like to point out the expansion of Gulf-area M cDonald's and aggressive underwater marketing by cigarette companies that are mu ch more likely to be at fault. Also, we're sorry. permalink [ ]count_of_mt_diablo 1 point 10 hours ago Rednecks: "Lung disease? Well fuck it, they're underwater anyway!" permalink [ ]joebradley 1 point 8 hours ago fuck bp permalink [ ]redditwithafork 1 point 10 hours ago Welcome to our world, fellow mammal! We suffer all the same crap, with no "one" particular person/corporation to blame. permalink [ ]wananah 1 point 9 hours ago This is worse for dolphins than Richie Incognito. permalink [ ]The_Masta_P 1 point 8 hours ago Ever since we started burning coal and oil, I think we suffered the same fate as well. permalink [ ]methefishy 1 point 6 hours ago

Miami hasn't been doing that great recently permalink [ ]ripweld79 0 points 6 hours ago So sad. I make a great living in the oilfield and it upsets me when reading stuf f like this. permalink [ ]kieranblieran 1 point 5 hours ago Wow this Richie Incognito-Jonathan Martin situation is a bigger deal than I thou ght permalink [ ]poonJavi39 0 points 12 hours ago I know for a fact that you should never eat gulf seafood. If they were to stop l ying and tell the truth than we could make better choices... permalink [ ]MosaicMaster 0 points 12 hours ago* Halliburton is the parent company of the chemical used in the clean up process. [Corexit]( is the Chemical and was banned by the EPA for use in the Gulf Coast. Edit: Day drinking* permalink [ ]Pandadeist12 2 points 11 hours ago This was really hard to read. permalink parent load more comments (1 reply) [ ]RatherPleasent -1 points 11 hours ago Come on guys, this is old news. BP already said sorry. Forgive and forget, that' s how everything works. permalink [ ]BigTerm -1 points 9 hours ago Loving people getting furious about the clean up and likely forgetting that 11 p eople died permalink [ ]dontbanmeho 0 points 11 hours ago These dolphins hate capitalism.

permalink [ ]moonBears 0 points 8 hours ago lol permalink [ ]Smoked_Beer 0 points 8 hours ago BP: Bastards Personified. permalink [ ]thejshep 1 point 8 hours ago Way to go BP... You've turned the Gulf into West Virginia. permalink [+]scotty5698 comment score below threshold (0 children) load more comments (30 replies) about blog about team source code advertise jobs help wiki FAQ reddiquette rules contact us tools mobile firefox extension chrome extension buttons widget <3 reddit gold store redditgifts radio reddit Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy . 2014 reddit inc. All rights reserved. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. p

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