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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BOMBAY Department of Mechanical Engineering Course : ME-617 Rapid Product Development Instructor : K.P.

Karunakaran Date : August 8, 2013 (Wednesday) 9:30PM Instructions:

Write your roll number only on the question paper. Do not reveal your identity in any part of the answer books. Staple the question paper at the top of the answer book while submitting. Manage time efficiently as the question paper is too long.

L-T-P-C : 3-0-0-6 I Semester 2013-14 Duration : 60 min. Roll No Marks


TEST - 1 (Preamble; Product Development; Rapid Product Development) Part A (1 mark each) 1. What MRP-I and MRP-II stand for? What did lead to this evolution? MRP-I MRP-II Material Requirement Planning Manufacturing Resource Planning

Initially managers thought that control of various materials (inventory of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods) alone is enough. Subsequently, they appreciated the need to control the other resources like machines and man power too. So, MRP-II that encompasses all the resources was developed. 2. Expand PLM and ERP and distinguish between them. Product Lifecycle Management Enterprise Resource Planning ERP is largely alpha-numeric data driven whereas PLM is largely geometric data driven. There are efforts to combine them into one or at least create interfaces between them since they have some data common such as Bill of Materials (BoM). 3. Name the most user-friendly and the most system-friendly solid representations in the popular CAD/CAM packages. FBM B-Rep 4. Which is the simplest volumetric representation? Voxel 5. Name a solid representation of the hierarchical space decomposition type. Any one of [Octree, Bintree, Lintree ...]

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6. The bounding box of a solid sphere is defined by (32, 59, 85) and (132, 159, 185). Express the half space defining its B-Rep. The radius and centre of the sphere are 50 and (82, 109, 135). The half space is (x-82)2+y-109)2 +(z-135)2 502 7. Mention at least two important features required to upgrade a surface model into B-Rep solid model.

No point is duplicated. This results in proper stitching or water tight model; i.e., no overlaps or gaps. B-Rep has the additional topology of outward normal.

8. What are the two keywords that are implicit in the term Feature-Based Modeling and describe its behavior?

Constraints. Parametric.

Due to these, it has the following benefits: The Boolean operation is built in. Only sketching is done. So ease of creation. Constrained parametric definitions. So, editing is easy. So a family of parts is designed with the same efforts of a single part. Bi-directional associativity permits broadcasting of a change in one place throughout the assembly and related parts.

9. Pick the correct statement. Storage of redundancy in B-Rep causes: (a) increase in space complexity and decrease in time complexity (b) increase in space complexity and increase in time complexity (c) decrease in space complexity and decrease in time complexity (d) decrease in space complexity and increase in time complexity. (a) 10. Pick the correct statement. The memory occupied by (a) B-Rep is proportional to the sum of the areas of all its surface patches. (b) Exhaustive enumeration is constant. (c) Octree is proportional to the volume of the object. (d) CSG is very high. (b) 11. Pick the correct statement: (a) Octree is the most accurate solid representation. (b) Octree cannot handle non-manifold objects. (c) Feature details are lost in Octree. (d) Octree can handle self-intersecting objects. (c)

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12. Which group of solid operations will you not find in such a pure FBM package? Boolean operations. 13. Which type of solid is Klein bottle? (a) Manifold solid (b) Non-manifold solid (c) Self-intersecting solid (d) Virtual solid (c) 14. Which solid representation is suitable to represent gradient objects like bones, bamboos and stones whose properties such as composition and density vary throughout? Spatial Decomposition. Specific representations like voxel, octree etc. are also correct answers. 15. A CNC machine is a (a) Scalar device (d) Raster device (b) 16. The most popular display today is: a. Storage tube with vector graphics c. Refresh tube with vector graphics (d) 17. Pick two correct answers. Double buffering is required for: a. Storage tube with vector type monochrome displays b. Refresh tube with raster type monochrome displays c. Storage tube with vector type color displays d. Storage tube with raster type color displays e. LCD displays (b) & (e) 18. Give a binary (i.e., in terms of high/low) comparison of laser and inkjet printers as per the following table. Capital cost Running cost Speed Laser printer Inkjet printer Capital cost High Low Running cost Low High Speed High Low

(b) Vector device (e) Voxel device

(c) Tensor device

b. Storage tube with raster graphics d. Refresh tube with raster graphics.

Laser printer Inkjet printer

19. Pick the correct statement in the context of CRT:

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(a) Creating any color involves suitable proportion of Red, Green and Blue in conjunction with Yellow. This process involves optical addition of the basic colors and their subtraction from Yellow. (b) The three electron guns corresponding to Red, Green and Blue emit electrons at different velocities so as to create different excitements on the phosphor coating. This differential excitement results in the phosphor coating emitting the desired color. (c) The electron guns for all the three colors are identical. (d) None of the above is correct. (c) 20. Why is triangular approximation preferred to other faceted modelling such a quadrilateral? Uniquely defines a plane (even in finite precision computing). 21. How will you compare two numbers when they are (a) integers and (b) floats? (a) Integers can be compared using the standard equality operator, say, ==. (b) Floats cannot be compared exactly. They need to be compared only within a defined precision. For example, if (fabs(a-b)< 0.001) {...} 22. Among the solid representation schemes, name the two most significant advantages of spatial decomposition method over the other three types? Ability to define the interior details Operations such as Booleans are implemented as binary rather than geometric. So, they happen in trivial time.

23. What are the two reasons for the shortening of product life and hence the decreasing time for product development? i. Fast changing taste of the increasingly affluent customers ii. Technological obsolescence. 24. What are the three design phases? i. ii. iii. Conceptual design Configurational design Detailed design.

25. Distinguish between Geometric Modeling and Reverse Engineering. Geometric Modeling creates the object from scratch whereas Reverse Engineering creates the Geometric Model of the physical object (through digitizing). The ultimate goal in both is the creation of the geometric model, i.e., virtual object.

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26. The figure shows how various costs vary during the product development cycle. Identify the curves depicting the three different costs along with brief explanations of their respective trends. Is the cost instantaneous or cumulative?

Marketing cost: The two bulges are for market survey and advertising. Design cost: Gradual rise and fall in expenses with the peak in the middle. Initially only manpower and office expenses are required in discussions, visits and virtual/paper works for design and testing. The middle bump is during prototyping and testing. Production cost: Gradual rise and fall in expenses with the peak towards the end. This is due to physical prototyping and productionizing. 27. What are the two distinct phases of manufacturing automation? What do you understand by total automation in this context? i. Automation of the process ii. Automation of the process planning. When both these exists, it is called total automation.

Part B (Marks mentioned against each question) 1. Distinguish between CAD/CAM and CAD/CAM/CAE. In the latter acronym, list
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activities under CAD, CAM and CAE. CAD in CAD/CAM = GM+CAE CAD in CAD/CAM/CAE = GM Note: GM stands for Geometric Modeling. CAD CAM CAE
Geometric Modeling, Reverse Engineering, animation, drafting etc. process planning, tool Development, layout etc. Structural Analysis, Heat & Fluid Flow Analysis, Kinematic Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Design for Xability (DFX), Optimization etc.


2. Name at least one package for each of the following activities: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Seamlessly integrated CAD/CAM/CAE system Pure FBM package FEA CFD Kinematic analysis Casting simulation NC simulation Enterprise Resource Planning PLM software Expert System Shell Activity Seamlessly integrated CAD/CAM/CAE system Pure FBM package FEA CFD Kinematic analysis Casting simulation NC simulation Enterprise Resource Planning PLM software NX, Catia Pro/E, SolidWorks


Sl. No. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.



Expert System Shell

Fluent Adams, 3DStudio, Maya, Pro/Mechanica, MoldFlow (for plastics), CMold (for metal), AutoCAST (for metals) VeriCut, VirtualNC SAP, BAAN, IFF, DEdwards Windchill (PTC), TeamCentre (formerly Metaphase (SDRC), IMAN (EDS)), Ennovia (Dassaults), Matrix One (Dassaults), SAP PLM nExpert

3. Reproduce the following table and write the three representations in the increasing order of topological information. For an axis-aligned unit cube in the first octant, fill the geometric and topological entities corresponding to these representations. [4] Representation Geometry Topology

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Representation Geometry Wire frame 8 corners, viz., p0=(0,0,0), p1=(1,0,0), p2=(0,1,0), p3=(1,1,0), p4=(0,0,1), p5=(1,0,1), p6=(0,1,1), p7=(1,1,1) Surface


Topology 12 Edges: e0=[ p0, p1], e1=[ p0, p2], e2=[ p1, p3], e3=[ p2, p3], e4=[ p4, p5], e5=[ p4, p6], e6=[ p5, p7], e7=[ p6, p7], e8=[ p0, p4], e9=[ p1, p5], e10=[ p3, p7], e11=[ p2, p6], The above 12 Edges and 4 faces: f0=[ e0, e2, e3, e1], f1=[ e4, e6, e7, e5], f2=[ e0, e9, e4, e8], f3=[ e2, e10, e6, e9], f4=[ e3, e10, e7, e11], f5=[ e1, e11, e5, e8] In addition to the above 12 edges and 6 faces, direction of material will be given by through outward normals corresponding each face. n0=(0,0,-1), n1=(0,0,1), n2=(0,1,0), n3=(1,0,0), n4=(0,1,0), n5=(1,0,0)

4. Compare the traditional solid representations like CSG, FBM and B-Rep with spatial decomposition methods. [2] Traditional solid representations like CSG, FBM and B-Rep Exact No need to specify universe and resolution. Geometric features are retained. Only the external surface of the object is defined and the interior is assumed to be homogeneous. Spatial Decomposition Method Inexact Universe and resolution are to be specified. Geometric features are lost. The entire object, i.e., its interior as well as surface are defined. Therefore, suitable for defining gradient objects. This is more closer to reality.

5. Compare, in the form of a table, the vector and raster types of computer devices in terms of their principle of operation, accuracy, rendering capability, complexity in space and time domains. Which one of these is popular and why? [4] Feature Principle of operation Vector Device Objects are created by the movement of the tool (electron beam, pen etc.) along the 2D geometric entities. Raster Device The 2D geometric entities are converted into a collections of dots of different grey levels/colors and stored. This is called scan conversion. Then, these are copied to the corresponding pixels of the screen. Suffers from staircase effect.

Accuracy Rendering

Accurate since there are no staircases. Shaded rendering is not

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Ideally suited for shaded


possible. Higher number of colors and gray levels are not economical since that many buffers will be required. Space Buffer size varies with picture complexity complexity. The buffer here is a series of vectors defined by (int x, int y).

rendering. Higher number of colors and gray levels are possible.

Time Refresh time depends on the complexity number of entities (actually sum of their perimeters). Therefore, flickering may happen when the picture is more complex.

Buffer size is constant. It is independent of the picture complexity and depends only on display accuracy. The buffer here is a rectangular arrays that store (0, 1) values. Refresh time is constant. It is independent of the picture complexity and depends only on display accuracy. Therefore no flickering occurs.

Raster. Time and space complexity is constant. Stairstep error is not a problem as we have very high resolution today. 6. A monochrome display has 4 bit-planes. It has 16 pixels along X and 12 pixels along Y. Draw a block diagram that shows the flow of the information stored in these planes onto the screen. What will be the video memory required for such a display ignoring double buffering? [5] Video memory required = 16 x 12 x 4 = 768 bits = 96 Bytes.

7. Draw the block diagram depicting the steps in obtaining the display on the screen from the CAD model. [3]

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Picture processing includes

Carrying out the viewing transformation for the given viewing conditions of zoom, rotate and pan Clipping for the window, Hidden line and hidden surface removal, Shadow calculation, Shading and rendering computations with respect to various lighting arrangements and finally mapping to the screen coordinates.
Saves the resulting data as a bit map in the computer's one of the display buffers while display is created from the other (This is known as double buffering).

8. Explain double buffering.


When the frame buffer is being written, if data is accessed from it to fill the screen pixel, it will result in a mixture of the information from the previous and current frames. Therefore, the user will not see anything clearly. Therefore, two buffers are required. When one is being updated with a new frame, the other is accessed to update the screen pixels. Then the two buffers are swapped in their role. 9. Which type of display requires shadow mask? Sketch its constructions and explain its principle of operation. [5] Display using Cathod Ray Tube (CRT) requires shadow mask.

Shadow mask is a grid of holes with 1/3 density of pixels as shown in the figure. The

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three beams corresponding to Red, Green and Blue merge at the shadow mask and diverge. The distance between the shadow mask and phosphor screen is such that the beams fall on the closest set of Red, Green and Blue phosphor dots. The shadow mask thus ensures that the electron beam corresponding to any color will fall only on the phosphor dot of that color. 10. What is the minimum number of triangles required to define a sphere of 20 unit diameter with a maximum permissible deviation of 0.5 unit? Your answer can have an error of 5%. [5]

Note: There are deviations in 3D (spherical bulge) and 2D (circular bulge). One has to decide which is dominating. The 2D deviation in the circle is 1.561 which is much more than the allowed deviation of 0.5. So, this circle shall be approximated by a hexagon rather than a triangle. Even then, the deviation becomes 0.781 which is higher than the permissible value. 11. a. Describe the STL format briefly. b. What are its storage inefficiencies? What are its other limitations? c. What is the reason for its success in spite of being an inefficient representation? [2] [2] [1]

(a) STL format is a planar approximation of the object boundary in the form of triangles. STL file is an unordered collection of triangles. Each triangle is represented by not only the three corner points (9 float values) but also its unit outward normal (3 more float values). Topology is not explicitly available. A valid STL file defining a valid solid will have the following characteristics:

It is a water-tight model void of any overlaps or gaps between the triangles An edge will not cut another edge An edge will be shared by two and only two faces
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A face will be surrounded by three and only three faces

In the beginning it was in ASCII format. However, only binary format is popular in view of large number of triangle. (b) Two storage inefficiencies are:
i. The same point is repeated several times in the file as this is simply an unordered set of faces. This not only increases the size of the file but also leads to defects such as gaps, overlaps, intersecting edges etc. as the same point may be interpreted as different points at the floating point precision.

ii. Normal is also a redundant storage as it can be calculated from the three vertices that are given in a particular order.

Other limitations:

This is an inexact representation. For acceptable accuracies, the file size is much larger than its exact form even in binary format. This is an unordered set of faces. Topology is not explicitly available. It has to be extracted.

(c) Sheer simplicity. 12. Calculate the normal [nx, ny, nz] for the following triangle given in STL format: facet normal nx ny nz outer loop vertex 1.495970 3.611590 -3.117449 vertex 2.764192 2.764192 -3.117449 vertex 0.830200 2.004281 -4.504845 endloop endfacet
facet normal 0.350493 0.524550 -0.775887


13. Compare the behavior of competition with the way a python deals with its prey. List at least four features of business environment that are analogous to breathing. [2] When a python captures an animal, it tightens it a little every time the animal exhales leaving less and less room for subsequent breathing till the prey finally dies of suffocation. The cycles similar to breathing occur in organizations also; [i] the inventory of raw materials, work in progress and finished products fluctuate, [ii] cash flow fluctuates, [iii] machines fail, [iv] manpower attrition and so on. Whenever each of these reaches a low level, the competitors loose no time to take away the market share just as the python does. Therefore, organizations can never remain complacent with their current performance. 14. Present the characteristics of the industrial scenario in the past and presently in the form of the following table: [3]

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Feature Economy based on the type of Govt. protection Type of Competition Market is dictated by fn(Profit, Price, Cost) Definition of quality One word to define the attitude Feature Economy based on the type of Govt. protection Type of Competition Market is dictated by fn(Profit, Price, Cost) Definition of quality One word to define the attitude



Past Protected economy Local Seller Price = (Cost + Profit) Cost Conformance to design Complacence

Present Open economy Global Buyer Profit = Price Cost Customer delight Competition

15. Name each of the four project types with an example for each in the respective cells: [2] Product Market/ Existing New Applications Existing 1 2 New 3 4 Product Market/ Applications Existing Updating Replacement: Existing Annual release after taking care of customer feedback and minor improvements. Adaptation: European car for India and vice versa New Supplementing: Cell phone with camera, radio etc. Diversification: An automotive company starting an IT division [2]


16. Explain the significance of Figure 1 in the context of product design:

Design options are more in the beginning and they diminish with time. So, the later a design error is recognized, the costlier it is to rectify. 17. Explain the significance of Figure 2. Is the cost instantaneous or cumulative? [2]

While the actual expenditure is less in the early stage, we commit drastic amount which actually gets spent after quite some time. Any outside changes occurring during this gap

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may affect the fate of the project. The cost is cumulative.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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