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History[edit] Work on a layered model of network architecture was started and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

began to de elo! its OSI framework architecture" OSI had two ma#or com!onents$ an abstract model of networking% called the &asic 'eference (odel or se en)layer model% and a set of s!ecific !rotocols" *he conce!t of a se en)layer model was !ro ided by the work of +harles &achman% Honeywell Information Ser ices" ,arious as!ects of OSI design e ol ed from e-!eriences with the .'/.01*% the fledgling Internet% 0/201*% 1I0% +3+2.41S network and the work in I5I/ W67"8" *he new design was documented in ISO 9:;< and its arious addenda" In this model% a networking system was di ided into layers" Within each layer% one or more entities im!lement its functionality" 1ach entity interacted directly only with the layer immediately beneath it% and !ro ided facilities for use by the layer abo e it" /rotocols enabled an entity in one host to interact with a corres!onding entity at the same layer in another host" Ser ice definitions abstractly described the functionality !ro ided to an (0))layer by an (0)8) layer% where 0 was one of the se en layers of !rotocols o!erating in the local host" *he OSI standards documents are a ailable from the I*=)* as the >"?@@)series of recommendations"[8] Some of the !rotocol s!ecifications were also a ailable as !art of the I*=)* > series" *he eAui alent ISO and ISOBI1+ standards for the OSI model were a ailable from ISO% but only some of them without fees"[?] 2ayer 8$ !hysical layer[edit] *he !hysical layer has the following ma#or functions$ it defines the electrical and !hysical s!ecifications of the data connection" It defines the relationshi! between a de ice and a !hysical transmission medium (e"g"% a co!!er or fiber o!tical cable)" *his includes the layout of !ins% oltages% line im!edance% cable s!ecifications% signal timing% hubs% re!eaters% network ada!ters% host bus ada!ters (H&. used in storage area networks) and more" it defines the !rotocol to establish and terminate a connection between two directly connected nodes o er a communications medium" it may define the !rotocol for flow control" it defines a !rotocol for the !ro ision of a (not necessarily reliable) connection between two directly connected nodes% and the (odulation or con ersion between the re!resentation of digital data in user eAui!ment and the corres!onding signals transmitted o er the !hysical communications channel" *his channel can in ol e !hysical cabling (such as co!!er and o!tical fiber) or a wireless radio link" *he !hysical layer of /arallel S+SI o!erates in this layer% as do the !hysical layers of 1thernet and other local)area networks% such as token ring% 544I% I*=)* 6"hn% and I111 <@?"88% as well as !ersonal area networks such as &luetooth and I111 <@?"8C":" 2ayer ?$ data link layer[edit] *he data link layer !ro ides a reliable link between two directly connected nodes% by detecting and !ossibly correcting errors that may occur in the !hysical layer" /oint)to)/oint /rotocol (///) is an e-am!le of a data link layer in the *+/BI/ !rotocol stack" *he I*=)* 6"hn standard% which !ro ides high)s!eed local area networking o er e-isting wires (!ower lines% !hone lines and coa-ial cables)% includes a com!lete data link layer which !ro ides both error correction and flow control by means of a selecti e re!eat Sliding Window /rotocol" 2ayer D$ network layer[edit] *he network layer !ro ides the functional and !rocedural means of transferring ariable length data seAuences (called datagrams) from one node to another connected to the same network" . network is a medium to which many nodes can be connected% on which e ery node has an address and which !ermits nodes connected to it to transfer messages to other nodes connected to it by merely !ro iding the content of a message and the address of the destination node and letting the network find the way to deli er (ErouteE) the message to the destination node" In addition to message routing% the network may (or may not) im!lement message deli ery by s!litting the message into se eral fragments% deli ering each fragment by a se!arate route and reassembling the fragments% re!ort deli ery errors% etc" 4atagram deli ery at the network layer is not guaranteed to be reliable"

. number of layer)management !rotocols% a function defined in the (anagement .nne-% ISO 9:;<B:% belong to the network layer" *hese include routing !rotocols% multicast grou! management% network)layer information and error% and network)layer address assignment" It is the function of the !ayload that makes these belong to the network layer% not the !rotocol that carries them" 2ayer :$ trans!ort layer[edit] *he trans!ort layer !ro ides the reliable sending of data !ackets between nodes (with addresses) located on a network% !ro iding reliable data transfer ser ices to the u!!er layers" .n e-am!le of a trans!ort layer !rotocol in the standard Internet !rotocol stack is *+/% usually built on to! of the I/ !rotocol" *he trans!ort layer controls the reliability of a gi en link through flow control% segmentationBdesegmentation% and error control" Some !rotocols are state) and connection) oriented" *his means that the trans!ort layer can kee! track of the segments and retransmit those that fail" *he trans!ort layer also !ro ides the acknowledgement of the successful data transmission and sends the ne-t data if no errors occurred" *he trans!ort layer creates !ackets out of the message recei ed from the a!!lication layer" /acketizing is a !rocess of di iding the long message into smaller messages" OSI defines fi e classes of connection)mode trans!ort !rotocols ranging from class @ (which is also known as */@ and !ro ides the least features) to class : (*/:% designed for less reliable networks% similar to the Internet)" +lass @ contains no error reco ery% and was designed for use on network layers that !ro ide error)free connections" +lass : is closest to *+/% although *+/ contains functions% such as the graceful close% which OSI assigns to the session layer" .lso% all OSI */ connection)mode !rotocol classes !ro ide e-!edited data and !reser ation of record boundaries" 4etailed characteristics of */@): classes are shown in the following table$[:] 2ayer C$ session layer[edit] *he session layer controls the dialogues (connections) between com!uters" It establishes% manages and terminates the connections between the local and remote a!!lication" It !ro ides for full)du!le-% half)du!le-% or sim!le- o!eration% and establishes check!ointing% ad#ournment% termination% and restart !rocedures" *he OSI model made this layer res!onsible for graceful close of sessions% which is a !ro!erty of the *ransmission +ontrol /rotocol% and also for session check!ointing and reco ery% which is not usually used in the Internet /rotocol Suite" *he session layer is commonly im!lemented e-!licitly in a!!lication en ironments that use remote !rocedure calls" 2ayer 7$ !resentation layer[edit] *he !resentation layer establishes conte-t between a!!lication)layer entities% in which the a!!lication)layer entities may use different synta- and semantics if the !resentation ser ice !ro ides a ma!!ing between them" If a ma!!ing is a ailable% !resentation ser ice data units are enca!sulated into session !rotocol data units% and !assed down the *+/BI/ stack" *his layer !ro ides inde!endence from data re!resentation (e"g"% encry!tion) by translating between a!!lication and network formats" *he !resentation layer transforms data into the form that the a!!lication acce!ts" *his layer formats and encry!ts data to be sent across a network" It is sometimes called the synta- layer"[C] *he original !resentation structure used the &asic 1ncoding 'ules of .bstract Synta- 0otation One (.S0"8)% with ca!abilities such as con erting an 1&+4I+)coded te-t file to an .S+II)coded file% or serialization of ob#ects and other data structures from and to >(2" 2ayer 9$ a!!lication layer[edit] *he a!!lication layer is the OSI layer closest to the end user% which means both the OSI a!!lication layer and the user interact directly with the software a!!lication" *his layer interacts with software a!!lications that im!lement a communicating com!onent" Such a!!lication !rograms fall outside the sco!e of the OSI model" .!!lication)layer functions ty!ically include identifying communication !artners% determining resource a ailability% and synchronizing communication" When identifying communication !artners% the a!!lication layer determines the identity and a ailability of communication !artners for an a!!lication with data to transmit" When determining resource a ailability% the a!!lication layer must decide whether sufficient network or the reAuested communication e-ists" In synchronizing communication% all communication between a!!lications reAuires coo!eration that is managed by the a!!lication layer" Some

e-am!les of a!!lication)layer im!lementations also include$ On OSI stack$ 5*.( 5ile *ransfer and .ccess (anagement /rotocol >":@@ (ail +ommon (anagement Information /rotocol (+(I/) On *+/BI/ stack$ Hy!erte-t *ransfer /rotocol (H**/)% 5ile *ransfer /rotocol (5*/)% Sim!le (ail *ransfer /rotocol (S(*/) Sim!le 0etwork (anagement /rotocol (S0(/)"""

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