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International Islamic University Islamabad

Department of computer science

Subject Teacher E-mail Course Session Introduction & Objective This course discusses Object Oriented Paradigm$s basic building blocks like Classes and Objects% &ata Encapsulation and 'iding% (nheritance% Pol)morphism and O*erloading +,unction and Operator O*erloading- in details .ith C// programming e0amples. 1esides that course teaches )ou ho. to program in C//% a computer language that supports object oriented programming +OOP-. 2h) do .e need OOP3 2hat does it do that traditional languages such as C% Pascal% and 14S(C don$t3 2hat are the principles behind OOP3 Etc. Books . Object Oriented Programming in C// b) 5obert 6a7ore% # th Edition. ". C//8 'o. to Program b) &eitel 9 &eitel% :th Edition Assessment Criteria ;ui< 4ssignments Midterm Project ,inal != != "!= 2eightage e>ual to t.o assignments ?!= Object Oriented Paradigm Muhammad Nasir SE ! Spring "! #

Note8 Teacher reser*es the right to change to assessment criteria based on class position Course Contents Week No " @ # : Name of t e !opics 6ecture o (ntroduction to the Course 6ecture " o The 1ig Picture 6ecture o C// Programming 1asics 6ecture " o C// Programming 1asics 6ecture o 6oops and &ecisions 6ecture " o 6oops and &ecisions 6ecture o Structures in C// 6ecture " o Structures in C// 6ecture

o ? A B C ! " @ # : ? Attendance and Assi"nment #olicy

Enumerations in C//

6ecture " o ,unctions in C// 6ecture o ,unctions in C// 6ecture " o Objects and Classes in C// 6ecture o Objects and Classes in C// 6ecture " o Objects and Classes in C// 6ecture o 4rra)s and Strings in C// 6ecture " o Operator O*erloading in C// Midterm 6ecture o Operator O*erloading in C// 6ecture " o (nheritance 6ecture o (nheritance 6ecture " o Pointers 6ecture o Pointers 6ecture " o Dirtual ,unctions 6ecture o ,ile Streaming 6ecture " o 1inar) Streaming 6ecture o E0ceptions 6ecture " o EM6 Class &iagram 6ecture o Project Presentations 6ecture " o Project Presentations 6ecture o Project Presentations 6ecture " o Project Presentations

Fou are e0pected to attend all lectures. A:= attendance is must in the course and students .ith 4ttendance less than A:= .ill not be able to sit in the 7inal e0am. 6ate comers +coming in class a7ter e0pir) o7 : minuses- .ill be marked absent. Fou must be on time. Submit arti7acts on time. 6ate

submission o7 assignmentsG,inal Project .ill be penali<ed. Student .ill be able to get ma0imum grade HC$ i.e. ?!= marks a7ter late submission. #la"iarism $ill not be tolerated and $ill be dealt very seriously%

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