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What Are You Waiting For?

4 Steps to Begin Taking Bold Action How to move past the indecision standstill with bold action. Published on October 28, 2010 by Carolyn L. Rubenstein in Now Is Everything 12 inShare email "Good decisions, bad decisions, at least you're making decisions" was the sage a dvice I once received. At the time, I thought it was crazy. Who wants to make bad decisions? But over time, I've learned that indecision can often be worse. Indecision and uncertainty can be dangerous, as the ability to analyze two side s of a problem and draw a timely conclusion are crucial, especially in the inter connected world we live in today. Woman gazing wonderingly out her windowAn anonymous quote reads, "Indecision is the graveyard of good intention." I challenge you to think about how this appli es to you. Do you feel that fear, or a sense of helplessness, stands in your wa y between where you are now and where you want to be? If you do, ask yourself WH Y. Utilize the question of "WHY?" to get to the root of your inaction. It may ta ke five or more why's to break down the amorphous uncertainty, but without doing so, you remain exactly where you were, without any clue as to what your next st ep should be. Asking yourself "why?" clarifies what is standing between you and your bold action. This questioning process won't take the action for you, but it will provide you with a greater certainty and a sense of control towards your n ext step. Why do we find ourselves at this standstill? Because we have become comfortable -- finding ourselves standing still in our co mfort zones. Quite simply, our comfort zone is an easy place to be. We retreat t o our comfort zones to feel a sense of ease and certainty. We know what to do wi thin it. We know how to excel. Why question what works for us? Sometimes we shou ldn't; however, when this place of retreat becomes a blockade between what our e ssential selves want, then we must challenge the status quo. But challenging the status quo isn t fun. As a result, we may overstay our welcome in the comfort zon e. Without realizing it, from that function of comfort, comes the desolate and unin spiring interim. Most ironically, this period of waiting is a very uncomfortable place to be. I often don't notice that I'm waiting - standing rigid in my comf ort zone. I trick myself into believing there is a good reason that I'm waiting for something external to happen. It is in this ambivalence that action seems to become a fantasy... a world away. Taking that leap of faith in yourself is s cary, yet necessary. Then indecision brings its own delays, And days are lost lamenting o'er lost days. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; What you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Begin taking bold action. The action itself is not what reak free from those thoughts will become the equivalent of the driven, and the anew. Use revitalization. we fear it is our thoughts that are restraining. B and move towards action. Soon enough, small steps a giant leap toward the creative, the passionate, these four steps to aid yourself in the process of

1. Ask yourself tough questions. What is the cost of inaction? Create a "why not ?" list and ask yourself if the benefits outweigh these negative thoughts. Think about the consequences of the status quo internally and externally. 2. Accept rational accountability. Decide to change your inaction and make yours elf accountable for both your actions and inaction. I grew up learning that ther e are actions of commission and acts of omission. We are equally responsible for what we do and don't do. 3. Follow your own advice. If a friend were in the same scenario, what advice wo uld you give him or her? Taking a step back from the problem or scenario might h elp you gain objectivity. Sometimes being too entrenched can cloud our judgment. 4. Always listen to your intuition. Do a gut check and gauge what the heart and mind can't. Remember that this requires little thinking... What's your first rea ction? How do you viscerally respond to what's going on? If you have strong feel ings, listen to them. The bold action that you take doesn't have to be anything grandiose; it can mere ly be a step away from ambivalence and inactivity. We may not always get our dec isions "right," but there is something both beautiful and powerful about taking action. What are you waiting for? Are you stuck in a comfort zone? Or have you successfully overcome the strong ma gnetic pull of this place of inaction? Share your thoughts, questions, or sage a dvice below. (If you don't typically leave comments, begin taking bold action by starting today!)

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