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EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: %a&e ' o( )

III!IV EEE "I Seme#ter$

%ARALLEL O%ERATION O* T+O SINGLE %HASE TRANS*ORMERS Aim: - To perform parallel operation of two single phase Apparatus: S,N o, 1. 2. 3. . &. Meter Voltmeter Ammeter Ammeter Varia! 'oad Ran&e 0-300V 0-20A 0-10A 1-"# 2$0 V%1&A 1-"# 230V%13A T-pe MI MI MI (esistiv e ./antit2 2 2 1 1 transformer & observe the load sharing between them.

Name Plate Details: Voltage ) *hase ,VA ) -.ll 'oad /.rrent )

'-0 Tran#(ormer, 230%230 Volts ) +ingle. 3,VA. 13 Amps.

Circuit Diagram: -

Theory: La1 In C2ar&e HOD3 EEE

EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: %a&e 4 o( )

III!IV EEE "I Seme#ter$

In order to operate two or more transformers !onne!ted in parallel 0on the primar1 as well as se!ondar1 sides2 the1 satisf1 the following !onditions) 3hen two transformers are to be operated in parallel the following !onditions are to be f.lfilled. 1. Their transformation ratios be 2. The voltage rating of both the transformers be same. 3. The e4.ivalent impedan!e of ea!h transformer be inversel1 proportional to its !.rrent ratings. . The ratio of e4.ivalent resistan!e to e4.ivalent rea!tan!e sho.ld be same for ea!h transformer. &. *er!entage impedan!e of the two transformers sho.ld be 5f these !onditions# 012 is easil1 !omprehended6 !ondition 022 is essential. There is some possible with !onditions 032 and 0 2. If !ondition 032 is not e7a!tl1 satisfied i.e. the two transformers have slightl1 different transformation or voltage ratios# even then parallel are possible. 8.t d.e to ine4.alit1 of ind.!ed e.m.f9s in se!ondaries# there will be even on no-load# some !ir!.lating !.rrent between them when se!ondar1 terminals are !onne!ted in parallel. If !ondition 0 2 is not e7a!tl1 satisfied i.e. impedan!e triangles are not identi!al in shape and si:e# parallel operation will still be possible# b.t the power fa!tors at whi!h the two transformers operate will be different from the power fa!tor of the !ommon load. It sho.ld be noted that the impedan!es of the two transformers ma1 differ in and in 4.alit1. It is worthwhile to disting.ish between the per!entage and n.meri!al val.e of impedan!e. -or parallel operation# the reg.lation be the same# this !ondition being enfor!ed b1 the ver1 fa!t of their being !onne!ted in parallel. It means that the !.rrents !arried b1 the two transformers are proportional to these ratings and their per!entage impedan!es are identi!al. If the 4.alit1 of the two per!entage impedan!es is different # then this will in divergen!e of phase angle of the two !.rrents# with the that one transformer will be operating with a higher and the other with a lower power fa!tor than that of the !ombined load.

La1 In C2ar&e HOD3 EEE

EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: %a&e 5 o( )

III!IV EEE "I Seme#ter$

Procedure: 1. 2. 3. . /onne!t the two single-phase transformers in parallel as shown in the !ir!.it diagram. Appl1 the rated voltage on the primar1 side .sing 1-" varia! and note the load readings of all meters. The load on the transformers is in!reased step b1 step .ntil the transformers are f.ll1 loaded. the readings of meters for ea!h step and tab.late the res.lts. Verif1 that the readings of the load !.rrents of the two transformers 0A & 82 are or not and plot graphs of I A vers.s I' & I8 vers.s I'.

Observation: S,No, %rimarVo6ta&e Vp Termina6 Vo6ta&e VT S/pp6C/rrent IS T!R A Cir7/it IA T!R B Cir7/it IA Loa8 C/rren t IL

Model Graphs: IL IL



Precautions: 1. (emove the entire load on the transformers before swit!hing off the s.ppl1.

La1 In C2ar&e HOD3 EEE

EEE Department EM-II LAB

Experiment No: %a&e ) o( ) 2. 3. . &.

III!IV EEE "I Seme#ter$

Ta;e !are# s.!h that the load !.rrent does not e7!eed the transformers rated !.rrent. The !ondition for parallel operation sho.ld be stri!tl1 established before transformers are operated /onne!tions sho.ld not be loose. Meter (eadings sho.ld be ta;en witho.t paralla7 error.

esult: Performed the parallel operation of two single-phase transformers and verified that the load is equally shared by the transformers.

La1 In C2ar&e HOD3 EEE

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