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Acegi Apache Ant

1.0.0 Acegi Security is a powerful, flexible security solution for enterprise software, with a particular emph comprehensive authentication, authorization, instance-based access control, channel security and hu

1.6.5 Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles. is extended using Java classes. Instead of writing shell commands, the configuration files are XML-ba object that implements a particular Task interface. 1.4 1.0

Apache Axis Apache Axis2 Apache Beehive Apache Cocoon

Apache Axis is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C

Apache Axis2 is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack to bui

1.0.1 Beehive's goal is to make J2EE programming easier by building a simple object model on J2EE and S

2.1.9 Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns notion of "component pipelines", each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular operatio hooking together components into pipelines without any required programming. 1.1.1 MyFaces is the first free open source Java Server Faces implementation. 5.M5 2.2 5.2

Apache Faces API Apache Harmony Apache JMeter Apache Jakarta BCEL Apache Jakarta BSF

Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and since expanded to other test functions.

The Byte Code Engineering Library is intended to give users a convenient possibility to analyze, crea represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields

2.3.0 Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is a set of Java classes which provides scripting language support w BSF allows one to write JSPs in languages other than Java while providing access to the Java class lib dynamically extended) by a language that is embedded within it. This is achieved by providing an AP registry that exposes Java objects to these scripting language engines. 2.1 1.7

Apache Jakarta Commons Attributes Apache Jakarta Commons Beanutils Apache Jakarta Commons Betwixt Apache Jakarta Commons CLI Apache Jakarta Commons Chain

The Jakarta Commons Attributes projects enables developers to use C#-like attributes in their progr a tutorial and instructions for use.

The Bean Introspection Utilities component of the Jakarta Commons subproject offers low-level utilit naming design patterns outlined in the JavaBeans Specification, as well as mechanisms for dynamica contains objects which apply these techniques to collections. They rely on commons-collections 3.0 (

0.7 1.0 1.0

The Betwixt library provides an XML introspection mechanism for mapping beans to XML in a flexible similar to the standard Introspector and BeanInfo from the Java Beans specification.

The Jakarta Commons CLI library provides an API for processing command line interfaces. It was for Optz.

A popular technique for organizing the execution of complex processing flows is the "Chain of Respon design patterns book. Although the fundamental API contracts required to implement this design pat and (more importantly) encouraging composition of command implementations from multiple divers "commands" that can be combined into a "chain". The API for a command consists of a single metho computation, and whose return value is a boolean that determines whether or not processing for the the next command in the chain (false).

Apache Jakarta Commons Codec Apache Jakarta Commons Collections Apache Jakarta Commons Configuration Apache Jakarta Commons DBCP Apache Jakarta Commons Daemon Apache Jakarta Commons DbUtils Apache Jakarta Commons Digester Apache Jakarta Commons Discovery

1.3 3.2 1.2

Commons Codec provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex,

The Java Collections Framework was a major addition in JDK 1.2. It added many powerful data struc has become the recognised standard for collection handling in Java. Commons-Collections seek to bu

Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which enables an application to re access to single, and multi-valued configuration parameters.

1.2.1 There are several Database Connection Pools already available, both within Jakarta products and els to create and maintain an efficient, feature-rich package under the ASF license. The commons-dbcp mechanisms that it utilizes. 1.0.1 Alternative invocation mechanism for unix-daemon-like java code. 1.0 1.7 0.2

DbUtils is a small set of classes designed to make working with JDBC easier. JDBC resource cleanup from your code leaving you with what you really wanted to do with JDBC in the first place: query and

Many Jakarta projects read XML configuration files to provide initialization of various Java objects wit designed to provide a common implementation that can be used in many different projects.

The Discovery component is about discovering, or finding, implementations for pluggable interfaces. singleton (factory) classes. Fundamentally, Discovery locates classes that implement a given Java in

projects including JAXP (SaxParserFactory and others) and commons-logging (LogFactory). By extra the pattern as Discovery evolves. Apache Jakarta Commons EL Apache Jakarta Commons Email Apache Jakarta Commons FileUpload Apache Jakarta Commons HttpClient Apache Jakarta Commons IO Apache Jakarta Commons JEXL Apache Jakarta Commons JXPath Apache Jakarta Commons Jelly Apache Jakarta Commons Lang 1.0 1.0 1.1 EL is the JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter from Apache.

Commons-Email aims to provide a API for sending email. It is built on top of the Java Mail API, which

The Commons FileUpload package makes it easy to add robust, high-performance, file upload capab to RFC 1867, "Form-based File Upload in HTML". That is, if an HTTP request is submitted using the P that request, and make the results available in a manner easily used by the caller.

3.0.1 Although the package provides basic functionality for accessing resources via HTTP, it doesn Commons HttpClient component seeks to fill this void by providing an efficient, up-to-date, and featu recommendations. 1.2 1.0

Commons IO is a library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality. There are three main a various implementations of file filters and 3) Streams - useful stream, reader and writer implementa

Java Expression Language (JEXL) is an expression language engine which can be embedded in applic defined in the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library version 1.1 (JSTL) and JavaServer Pages vers implementation of EL as defined in JSTL 1.1 (JSR-052) or JSP 2.0 (JSR-152).

1.2 1.0 2.1

The org.apache.commons.jxpath package defines a simple interpreter of an expression language cal Maps, Servlet contexts, DOM etc, including mixtures thereof.

Jelly is a tool for turning XML into executable code. So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and pr as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or workflow syst

The standard Java libraries fail to provide enough methods for manipulation of its core classes. The L helper utilities for the java.lang API, notably String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, contains an inheritable enum type, an exception structure that supports multiple types of nested-Exc with building methods, such as hashCode, toString and equals.

Apache Jakarta Commons Launcher Apache Jakarta Commons Logging Apache Jakarta Commons Math Apache Jakarta Commons Modeler Apache Jakarta Commons Net

1.1 1.1

The Launcher Component is designed to be a cross platform Java application launcher. The original J need for a batch or shell script to launch a Java class.

When writing a library it is very useful to log information. However there are many logging implemen application that the library is a part of. The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between differen any logging implementation at runtime. Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popu

1.1 1.1

Commons Math is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components add Commons Lang.

The Modeler component is designed to make the process of creating Model MBeans simple and painle to be supported. In addition, Modeler provides a factory mechanism to create the actual Model MBea

1.4.1 Jakarta Commons Net implements the client side of many basic Internet protocols. The purpose of th Therefore, some of the design violates object-oriented design principles. Our philosophy is to make t possible, but also provide access to the fundamental protocols where applicable so that the program TFTP packet send and receive methods are exposed). 1.3 1.0

Apache Jakarta Commons Pool Apache Jakarta Commons Primitives

Pool provides an Object-pooling API, with three major aspects: 1. A generic object pool interface tha implementations. 2. A toolkit for creating modular object pools. 3. Several general purpose pool imp

The Java language is mostly Object based, however the original designers chose to include eight prim provides a library of collections and utilities specially designed for use with primitive types.

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