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Justice Sachar Committee Report Findings:

CPI(M)s Charter for Advancement of Mus im Communit! PREAMBLE The 138 million (13.8 crore) Muslims in India are intrinsic to the multi-cultural multilin!ual and multi-reli!ious mosaic that is India. "ecular democrac# under the $onstitution %ro&ides e'ual o%%ortunities and (undamental ri!hts (or all irres%ecti&e o( race reli!ion or creed as citi)ens o( the countr#. A democratic s#stem is e&aluated *# ho+ it treats its minorities , +hether reli!ious ethnic or lin!uistic. -or (osterin! national unit# (or stren!thenin! democrac# and secularism it is essential that the Muslim minorit# +ho constitute 13.. %er cent o( the %o%ulation are %ro&ided e'ual o%%ortunities to access the *ene(its o( de&elo%ment and the (undamental ri!hts !i&en in the $onstitution. The /ustice Ra0inder "achar $ommittee re%ort has hi!hli!hted the de%lora*le socioeconomic %li!ht o( the mass o( the Muslim communit#. It has ser&ed to hi!hli!ht the ur!ent need to ado%t s%ecial measures (or the u%li(tment in their social and economic conditions. It has also e((ecti&el# re*utted the (alse and moti&ated %ro%a!anda a*out 1minorit# a%%easement2. In the li!ht o( the "achar $ommittee re%ort the $entral !o&ernment must (rame a concrete %ro!ramme *ac3ed +ith ade'uate (inancial allocations to address the discrimination (aced *# minorit# communities in %articular the Muslim minorit# communit# in the economic social and educational s%here. It is essential to immediatel# identi(# Muslim areas and conduct concrete sur&e#s so that the assistance can *e concreti)ed. This e4ercise must *e done in a time-*ound (rame+or3. 1. 5e&elo%ment i) The !o&ernment must (ormulate a su*-%lan (or the Muslim communit# on the lines o( the tri*al su*-%lan. There has to *e a s%eci(ic *ud!etar# allocation in all de&elo%ment schemes (or Muslims %ro%ortionate to their %o%ulation at the all-India le&el. 6nder a s%ecial com%onent %lan allocation ma# *e made in the states %ro%ortionate to the %ercenta!e o( Muslims in that state. ii) The im%lementation o( e4istin! schemes (or minorit# +el(are must *e strictl# monitored. Increased (inancial allocations to institutions such as Maulana A)ad -oundation 7M5-$ 8a3( $ouncil etc. should *e ensured to stren!then and e4%and the schemes. iii) E((ecti&e ste%s (or %rotection o( 8a3( %ro%erties and %ro%er utili)ation o( these %ro%erties (or the +el(are educational and social de&elo%ment o( the communit#. i&) In Muslim %o%ulated &illa!es and munici%al +ards it is (ound that o(ten there are neither I$5" nor %rimar# health centers. These must *e ensured. &) "%ecial schemes to ensure housin! (or %oorer sections o( the communit# must *e ensured. 9. Em%lo#ment and Income !eneration i) Pro&ide reser&ations (or dalit Muslims.

ii) In the im%ortant (ield o( em%lo#ment it is necessar# (or :B$ Muslims to !et an ade'uate share o( the reser&ed 'uota (or :B$s. At %resent e&en thou!h the# are listed in a lar!e num*er o( states as :B$s the# ha&e hardl# *ene(ited throu!h the :B$ 'uota. Access to :B$ certi(icates must *e sim%li(ied. 8here Muslim :B$s ha&e not *een listed such an e4ercise must *e com%leted in a time-*ound manner. A monitorin! mechanism can *e set u% in di((erent states to chec3 the %ro!ress on this (ront. iii) In recruitments (or state and $entral securit# (orces Muslims must !et ade'uate re%resentation. i&) Ade'uate num*er must *e em%anelled in all recruitment *oards o( selection committees. &) "ince lar!e num*ers o( the Muslim communit# includin! Muslim +omen are en!a!ed in traditional +or3 as artisans and sel(-em%lo#ed it is essential to ma3e eas# credit a&aila*le to them. "mooth (lo+ o( credit (rom (inancial institutions *an3s and &arious cor%orations (or sel(-em%lo#ment micro-enter%rises and small and medium scale industries must *e ensured. The 1; %er cent allocation (or minorities (rom %riorit# sector *an3 loans assured *# the Prime Minister must *e im%lemented. &i) It is (ound that Muslim +omen ha&e not had ade'uate o%%ortunities in the sel(-hel% !rou% sector. Attention must *e %aid to (orm +omen<s sel(-hel% !rou%s amon! Muslims +ith *an3 lin3a!es. &ii) Lar!e scale s3ill de&elo%ment %ro!rammes to u%!rade traditional s3ills must *e or!ani)ed *# !o&ernment (or the communit# +ith s%ecial %ro!rammes (or Muslim +omen. "%ecial em%hasis must *e %laced on trades traditionall# underta3en *# minorit# !rou%s. &iii) In land re(orm %ro!rammes in allocation o( %lots in residential and industrial areas sho%s stalls %etrol=!as dealershi%s o%%ortunities (or Muslims should *e ensured. 3. Education i) "chools includin! residential schools im%artin! modern education (or *oth !irls and *o#s must *e *uilt in all districts and *loc3s +ith si)a*le Muslim %o%ulation. Muslim !irls< hostels must *e constructed to (acilitate education amon! !irls. ii) Incenti&es (or +omen<s and !irl>s education must *e !i&en. Increase in the num*er o( hostels includin! hostels (or Muslim !irls. iii) There must *e a su*stantial increase in increase in sti%ends and scholarshi%s on means cum merit *asis. i&) Recruitment o( 6rdu-s%ea3in! teachers and (illin! u% o( &acancies o( 6rdu teachin! %osts in schools. 6rdu must *e a&aila*le as an o%tional su*0ect in all !o&ernment and !o&ernment-aided schools in areas +ith su*stantial 6rdu-s%ea3in! %o%ulation. ?ood 'ualit# te4t*oo3s in 6rdu must *e %ro&ided. &) E((orts should *e made to introduce and encoura!e scienti(ic and 0o* oriented education in Madarsas. In some states li3e 8est Ben!al !eneral s#lla*us is also tau!ht in Madarsas and certi(icates and de!rees a+arded *# Madarsas are reco!ni)ed. This ena*les eas# mi!ration (rom Madarsas to !eneral education institutions. This model ma# *e tried in other states also. &i) "%ecial %ro!rammes should *e underta3en to esta*lish &ocational trainin! institutes %ol#technics and colle!es in Muslim-dominated areas.

.. "ecurit# i) /ustice to communal &iolence &ictims must *e ensured. Ade'uate com%ensation to all &ictims includin! &ictims o( the ?u0arat !enocide in line +ith that o( the 1@8. &ictims. ii) All %er%etrators o( communal &iolence must *e immediatel# *rou!ht to *oo3 +ithin a time-*ound (rame+or3 re!ardless o( their %u*lic or o((icial %osition. iii) Recommendations o( the "ri Arishna $ommission on the Mum*ai &iolence +hich indicted to% %oliticians %olice and !o&ernment o((icers to *e im%lemented. i&) ?o&ernment must end dela# and immediatel# institute time-*ound $BI in&esti!ations into the ?u0arat !enocide related cases +hose &ictims are still denied 0ustice. March B; 9BBC

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