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Matthew 1 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman

n Foun ation

Matthew 1

T!" #$$% o& the ance'try (genea)ogy* o& +e'u' Chri't (the ,e''iah, the -nointe *, the 'on ( e'cen ant* o& .a/i , the 'on ( e'cen ant* o& -braham0(-* -braham 1a' the &ather o& 2'aac, 2'aac the &ather o& +acob, +acob the &ather o& +u ah an hi' brother', +u ah the &ather o& 4ere5 an 6erah, 1ho'e mother 1a' Tamar, 4ere5 the &ather o& !e5ron, !e5ron the &ather o& -ram, -ram the &ather o& -mina ab, -mina ab the &ather o& 7ah'hon, 7ah'hon the &ather o& 8a)mon, 8a)mon the &ather o& #oa5, 1ho'e mother 1a' 9ahab, #oa5 the &ather o& $be , 1ho'e mother 1a' 9uth, $be the &ather o& +e''e, +e''e the &ather o& %ing .a/i , %ing .a/i the &ather o& 8o)omon, 1ho'e mother ha been the 1i&e o& :riah, (#* 8o)omon the &ather o& 9ehoboam, 9ehoboam the &ather o& -bi;ah, -bi;ah the &ather o& -'a, -'a the &ather o& +eho'haphat, +eho'haphat the &ather o& +oram <+ehoram=, +oram the &ather o& :55iah, :55iah the &ather o& +otham, +otham the &ather o& -ha5, -ha5 the &ather o& !e5ekiah, !e5ekiah the &ather o& ,ana''eh, ,ana''eh the &ather o& -mon, -mon the &ather o& +o'iah, -n +o'iah became the &ather o& +econiah <a)'o ca))e Coniah an +ehoiachin= an hi' brother' about the time o& the remo/a) ( eportation* to #aby)on0 <22 %ing' 24?14@ 2
11 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Chron0 3?15, 160= -&ter the eAi)e to #aby)on, +econiah became the &ather o& 8hea)tie) <8a)athie)=, 8hea)tie) the &ather o& 6erubbabe), 6erubbabe) the &ather o& -biu , -biu the &ather o& ")iakim, ")iakim the &ather o& -5or, -5or the &ather o& 8a oc, 8a oc the &ather o& -chim, -chim the &ather o& ")iu , ")iu the &ather o& ")ea5ar, ")ea5ar the &ather o& ,atthan, ,atthan the &ather o& +acob, +acob the &ather o& +o'eph, the hu'ban o& ,ary, o& 1hom 1a' born +e'u', Bho i' ca))e the Chri't0 (the ,e''iah, the -nointe * 8o a)) the generation' &rom -braham to .a/i are &ourteen, &rom .a/i to the #aby)onian eAi)e ( eportation* &ourteen generation', &rom the #aby)onian eAi)e to the Chri't &ourteen generation'0 7o1 the birth o& +e'u' Chri't took p)ace un er the'e circum'tance'? Bhen !i' mother ,ary ha been promi'e in marriage to +o'eph, be&ore they came together, 'he 1a' &oun to be pregnant <through the po1er= o& the !o)y 8pirit0 -n her <promi'e = hu'ban +o'eph, being a ;u't an upright man an not 1i))ing to eApo'e her pub)ic)y an to 'hame an i'grace her, eci e to repu iate an i'mi'' ( i/orce* her Cuiet)y an 'ecret)y0 #ut a' he 1a' thinking thi' o/er, beho) , an ange) o& the Lor appeare to him in a ream, 'aying, +o'eph, e'cen ant o& .a/i , o not be a&rai to take ,ary <a'= your 1i&e, &or that 1hich i' concei/e in her i' o& (&rom, out o&* the !o)y 8pirit0 8he 1i)) bear a 8on, an you 'ha)) ca)) !i' name +e'u' <the Dreek &orm o& the !ebre1 +o'hua, 1hich mean' 8a/ior=, &or !e 1i)) 'a/e !i' peop)e &rom their 'in' <that i',
21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

pre/ent them &rom <a=&ai)ing an mi''ing the true en an 'cope o& )i&e, 1hich i' Do =0 -)) thi' took p)ace that it might be &u)&i))e 1hich the Lor ha 'poken through the prophet, #eho) , the /irgin 'ha)) become pregnant an gi/e birth to a 8on, an they 'ha)) ca)) !i' name "mmanue)EE 1hich, 1hen tran')ate , mean', Do 1ith u'0(C* Then +o'eph, being arou'e &rom hi' ')eep, i a' the ange) o& the Lor ha comman e him? he took <her to hi' 'i e a'= hi' 1i&e0 #ut he ha no union 1ith her a' her hu'ban unti) 'he ha borne her &ir'tborn 8on@ an he ca))e !i' name +e'u'0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 1?21 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie' in the 7e1 Te'tament0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 1?1 ? 4' 132?11@ 2'a 11?1 #0 ,atthe1 1?6 ? 9uth 4?18E22@ 2 Chron 2?13E15 C0 ,atthe1 1?23 ? 2'a 7?14
25 24 23 22

Matthew 2 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 2

7$B B!"7 +e'u' 1a' born in #eth)ehem o& +u ea in the ay' o& !ero the king, beho) , 1i'e men <a'tro)oger'= &rom the ea't came to +eru'a)em, a'king,

Bhere i' !e Bho ha' been born %ing o& the +e1'G For 1e ha/e 'een !i' 'tar in the ea't <a=at it' ri'ing an ha/e come to 1or'hip !im0(-* Bhen !ero the king hear thi', he 1a' i'turbe an troub)e , an the 1ho)e o& +eru'a)em 1ith him0 8o he ca))e together a)) the chie& prie't' an )earne men ('cribe'* o& the peop)e an <b=anAiou')y a'ke them 1here the Chri't 1a' to be born0 They rep)ie to him, 2n #eth)ehem o& +u ea, &or 'o it i' 1ritten by the prophet? -n you #eth)ehem, in the )an o& +u ah, you are not in any 1ay )ea't or in'igni&icant among the <c=chie& citie' o& +u ah@ &or &rom you 'ha)) come a 9u)er (< =Lea er* Bho 1i)) go/ern an <e='hepher ,y peop)e 2'rae)0(#* Then !ero 'ent &or the 1i'e men <a'tro)oger'= 'ecret)y, an <&=accurate)y to the )a't point a'certaine &rom them the time o& the appearing o& the 'tar <that i', <g= ho1 )ong the 'tar ha ma e it'e)& /i'ib)e 'ince it' ri'ing in the ea't=0 Then he 'ent them to #eth)ehem, 'aying, Do an 'earch &or the Chi) care&u))y an i)igent)y, an 1hen you <h= ha/e &oun !im, bring me 1or , that 2 too may come an 1or'hip !im0 Bhen they ha )i'tene to the king, they 1ent their 1ay, an beho) , the 'tar 1hich ha been 'een in the ea't <i= in it' ri'ing 1ent be&ore them unti) it came an 'too o/er the p)ace 1here the young Chi) 1a'0 Bhen they 'a1 the 'tar, they 1ere thri))e 1ith ec'tatic ;oy0 -n on going into the hou'e, they 'a1 the Chi) 1ith ,ary !i' mother, an they &e)) o1n an 1or'hipe !im0 Then opening their trea'ure bag', they pre'ente to !im gi&t'EEgo) an &rankincen'e an myrrh0
11 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

-n <;=recei/ing an an'1er to their a'king, they 1ere i/ine)y in'tructe an 1arne in a ream not to go back to !ero @ 'o they eparte to their o1n country by a i&&erent 1ay0 7o1 a&ter they ha gone, beho) , an ange) o& the Lor appeare to +o'eph in a ream an 'ai , Det upH <<k=Ten er)y= take unto you the young Chi) an !i' mother an &)ee to "gypt@ an remain there ti)) 2 te)) you <other1i'e=, &or !ero inten ' to 'earch &or the Chi) in or er to e'troy !im0 -n ha/ing ri'en, he took the Chi) an !i' mother by night an 1ith re1 to "gypt -n remaine there unti) !ero I' eath0 Thi' 1a' to &u)&i)) 1hat the Lor ha 'poken by the prophet, $ut o& "gypt ha/e 2 ca))e ,y 8on0(C* Then !ero , 1hen he rea)i5e that he ha been mi')e by the 1i'e men, 1a' &uriou')y enrage , an he 'ent an put to eath a)) the ma)e chi) ren in #eth)ehem an in a)) that territory 1ho 1ere t1o year' o) an un er, reckoning accor ing to the ate 1hich he ha in/e'tigate i)igent)y an ha )earne eAact)y &rom the 1i'e men0 Then 1a' &u)&i))e 1hat 1a' 'poken by the prophet +eremiah? - /oice 1a' hear in 9amah, 1ai)ing an )ou )amentation, 9ache) 1eeping &or her chi) ren@ 'he re&u'e to be com&orte , becau'e they 1ere no more0(.* #ut 1hen !ero ie , beho) , an ange) o& the Lor appeare in a ream to +o'eph in "gypt -n 'ai , 9i'e, <<)=ten er)y= take unto you the Chi) an !i' mother an go to the )an o& 2'rae), &or tho'e 1ho 'ought the Chi) I' )i&e are ea 0 Then he a1oke an aro'e an <<m=ten er)y= took the Chi) an !i' mother an came into the )an o& 2'rae)0
21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13


#ut becau'e he hear that -rche)au' 1a' ru)ing o/er +u ea in the p)ace o& hi' &ather !ero , he 1a' a&rai to go there0 -n being i/ine)y 1arne in a ream, he 1ith re1 to the region o& Da)i)ee0 !e 1ent an 1e)t in a to1n ca))e 7a5areth, 'o that 1hat 1a' 'poken through the prophet' might be &u)&i))e ? !e 'ha)) be ca))e a 7a5arene <#ranch, 8eparate $ne=0("* Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 2?2 -)ternate tran')ation0 b0 ,atthe1 2?4 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation in the Language o& the 4eop)e0 c0 ,atthe1 2?6 +o'eph !enry Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 0 ,atthe1 2?6 +ame' !ope ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary o& the Dreek Te'tament0 e0 ,atthe1 2?6 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 &0 ,atthe1 2?7 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 g0 ,atthe1 2?7 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 h0 ,atthe1 2?8 Capita)i5e becau'e o& 1hat !e i', the 'pot)e'' 8on o& Do , not 1hat the 'peaker may ha/e thought !e 1a'0 i0 ,atthe1 2?9 -)ternate tran')ation0 ;0 ,atthe1 2?12 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 k0 ,atthe1 2?13 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 )0 ,atthe1 2?2> Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 m0 ,atthe1 2?21 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 2?2 ? 7um 24?17@ +er 23?5@ 6ech 9?9 #0 ,atthe1 2?6 ? ,ic 5?2 C0 ,atthe1 2?15 ? !o' 11?1 .0 ,atthe1 2?18 ? +er 31?15



,atthe1 2?23 ? 2'a 11?1

Matthew 3 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 3

27 T!$8" ay' there appeare +ohn the #apti't, preaching in the Bi) erne'' (.e'ert* o& +u ea -n 'aying, 9epent (<a=think i&&erent)y@ change your min , regretting your 'in' an changing your con uct*, &or the king om o& hea/en i' at han 0 Thi' i' he 1ho 1a' mentione by the prophet 2'aiah 1hen he 'ai , The /oice o& one crying in the 1i) erne'' ('houting in the e'ert*, 4repare the roa &or the Lor , make !i' high1ay' 'traight ()e/e), <b= irect*0(-* Thi' 'ame +ohnI' garment' 1ere ma e o& came)I' hair, an he 1ore a )eather gir )e about hi' 1ai't@ an hi' &oo 1a' )ocu't' an 1i) honey0(#* Then +eru'a)em an a)) +u ea an a)) the country roun about the +or an 1ent out to him@ -n they 1ere bapti5e in the +or an by him, con&e''ing their 'in'0 #ut 1hen he 'a1 many o& the 4hari'ee' an 8a ucee' coming &or bapti'm, he 'ai to them, Jou broo o& /iper'H Bho 1arne you to &)ee an e'cape &rom the 1rath an in ignation <o& Do again't i'obe ience= that i' comingG #ring &orth &ruit that i' con'i'tent 1ith repentance <)et your )i/e' pro/e your change o& heart=@ -n o not pre'ume to 'ay to your'e)/e', Be ha/e -braham &or our &ore&ather@ &or 2 te)) you, Do i' ab)e to
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

rai'e up e'cen ant' &or -braham &rom the'e 'tone'H -n a)rea y the aA i' )ying at the root o& the tree'@ e/ery tree there&ore that oe' not bear goo &ruit i' cut o1n an thro1n into the &ire0 2 in ee bapti5e you <c=in (1ith* 1ater < =becau'e o& repentance <that i', becau'e o& your <e=changing your min ' &or the better, hearti)y amen ing your 1ay', 1ith abhorrence o& your pa't 'in'=0 #ut !e Bho i' coming a&ter me i' mightier than 2, Bho'e 'an a)' 2 am not 1orthy or &it to take o&& or carry@ !e 1i)) bapti5e you 1ith the !o)y 8pirit an 1ith &ire0 !i' 1inno1ing &an ('ho/e), &ork* i' in !i' han , an !e 1i)) thorough)y c)ear out an c)ean !i' thre'hing &)oor an gather an 'tore !i' 1heat in !i' barn, but the cha&& !e 1i)) burn up 1ith &ire that cannot be put out0 Then +e'u' came &rom Da)i)ee to the +or an to +ohn to be bapti5e by him0 #ut +ohn <&=prote'te 'trenuou')y, ha/ing in min to pre/ent !im, 'aying, 2t i' 2 1ho ha/e nee to be bapti5e by Jou, an o Jou come to meG #ut +e'u' rep)ie to him, <g=4ermit it ;u't no1@ &or thi' i' the &itting 1ay &or <both o&= u' to &u)&i)) a)) righteou'ne'' <that i', to <h=per&orm comp)ete)y 1hate/er i' right=0 Then he permitte !im0 -n 1hen +e'u' 1a' bapti5e , !e 1ent up at once out o& the 1ater@ an beho) , the hea/en' 1ere opene , an he <+ohn= 'a1 the 8pirit o& Do e'cen ing )ike a o/e an a)ighting on !im0 -n beho) , a /oice &rom hea/en 'ai , Thi' i' ,y 8on, ,y #e)o/e , in Bhom 2 e)ightH(C* Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 3?2 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1>

b0 ,atthe1 3?3 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 c0 ,atthe1 3?11 "n, the prepo'ition u'e here, i' tran')ate both KinK an K1ithK in the Dreek )eAicon' an concor ance' genera))y0 The %ing +ame' Fer'ion (the -uthori5e Fer'ion* gi/e' pre&erence to K1ith,K putting KinK in the margin@ the -merican 8tan ar Fer'ion gi/e' pre&erence to Kin,K putting K1ithK in the margin0 ,any mo ern /er'ion' choo'e one or the other about eCua))y0 0 ,atthe1 3?11 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 e0 ,atthe1 3?11 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 3?14 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 g0 ,atthe1 3?15 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 3?15 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 3?3 ? 2'a 4>?3 #0 ,atthe1 3?4 ? Le/ 11?22@ 22 %ing' 1?8@ 6ech 13?4 C0 ,atthe1 3?17 ? 4' 2?7@ 2'a 42?1

Matthew 4 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 4

T!"7 +"8:8 1a' )e (gui e * by the <!o)y= 8pirit into the 1i) erne'' ( e'ert* to be tempte (te'te an trie * by the e/i)0

-n !e 1ent 1ithout &oo &or &orty ay' an &orty

night', an )ater !e 1a' hungry0(-* -n the tempter came an 'ai to !im, 2& Jou are Do I' 8on, comman the'e 'tone' to be ma e <<a=)oa/e' o&= brea 0 #ut !e rep)ie , 2t ha' been 1ritten, ,an 'ha)) not )i/e an be uphe) an 'u'taine by brea a)one, but by e/ery 1or that come' &orth &rom the mouth o& Do 0 (#* Then the e/i) took !im into the ho)y city an p)ace !im on <b=a turret (pinnac)e, <c=gab)e* o& the temp)e < = 'anctuary0(C* -n he 'ai to !im, 2& Jou are the 8on o& Do , thro1 Jour'e)& o1n@ &or it i' 1ritten, !e 1i)) gi/e !i' ange)' charge o/er you, an they 1i)) bear you up on their han ', )e't you 'trike your &oot again't a 'tone0(.* +e'u' 'ai to him, <e=$n the other han , it i' 1ritten a)'o, Jou 'ha)) not tempt, <&=te't thorough)y, or <g=try eAcee ing)y the Lor your Do 0("* -gain, the e/i) took !im up on a /ery high mountain an 'ho1e !im a)) the king om' o& the 1or) an the g)ory (the 'p)en or, magni&icence, preeminence, an eAce))ence* o& them0 -n he 'ai to !im, The'e thing', a)) taken together, 2 1i)) gi/e Jou, i& Jou 1i)) pro'trate Jour'e)& be&ore me an o homage an 1or'hip me0 Then +e'u' 'ai to him, #egone, 8atanH For it ha' been 1ritten, Jou 'ha)) 1or'hip the Lor your Do , an !im a)one 'ha)) you 'er/e0(F* Then the e/i) eparte &rom !im, an beho) , ange)' came an mini'tere to !im0 7o1 1hen +e'u' hear that +ohn ha been arre'te an put in pri'on, !e 1ith re1 into Da)i)ee0 -n )ea/ing 7a5areth, !e 1ent an 1e)t in Capernaum by the 'ea, in the country o& 6ebu)un an
13 12 11 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

7aphta)iEE That 1hat 1a' 'poken by the prophet 2'aiah might be brought to pa''? The )an o& 6ebu)un an the )an o& 7aphta)i, in the 1ay to the 'ea, beyon the +or an, Da)i)ee o& the Denti)e' <o& the <i=peop)e' 1ho are not o& 2'rae)=EE(D*
<h= 15 14

The peop)e 1ho 'at <;=( 1e)t en/e)ope * in arkne'' ha/e 'een a great Light, an &or tho'e 1ho 'at in the )an an 'ha o1 o& eath Light ha' a1ne 0 From that time +e'u' began to preach, <k=crying out, 9epent (<)=change your min &or the better, hearti)y amen your 1ay', 1ith abhorrence o& your pa't 'in'*, &or the king om o& hea/en i' at han 0 -' !e 1a' 1a)king by the 8ea o& Da)i)ee, !e notice t1o brother', 8imon 1ho i' ca))e 4eter an -n re1 hi' brother, thro1ing a ragnet into the 'ea, &or they 1ere &i'hermen0 -n !e 'ai to them, Come <m=a&ter ,e <a' i'cip)e'EE )etting ,e be your Dui e=, &o))o1 ,e, an 2 1i)) make you &i'her' o& menH -t once they )e&t their net' an <n=became !i' i'cip)e' <'i e 1ith !i' party an &o))o1e !im=0 -n going on &urther &rom there !e notice t1o other brother', +ame' 'on o& 6ebe ee an hi' brother +ohn, in the boat 1ith their &ather 6ebe ee, men ing their net' an putting them right@ an !e ca))e them0 -t once they )e&t the boat an their &ather an <o=;oine +e'u' a' i'cip)e' <'i e 1ith !i' party an &o))o1e !im=0 -n !e 1ent about a)) Da)i)ee, teaching in their 'ynagogue' an preaching the goo ne1' (Do'pe)* o& the king om, an hea)ing e/ery i'ea'e an e/ery 1eakne'' an in&irmity among the peop)e0
24 23 22 21 2> 19 18 17


8o the report o& !im 'prea throughout a)) 8yria, an

they brought !im a)) 1ho 1ere 'ick, tho'e a&&)icte 1ith /ariou' i'ea'e' an torment', tho'e un er the po1er o& emon', an epi)eptic', an para)y5e peop)e, an !e hea)e them0 -n great cro1 ' ;oine an accompanie !im about, coming &rom Da)i)ee an .ecapo)i' <the i'trict o& the ten citie' ea't o& the 8ea o& Da)i)ee= an +eru'a)em an +u ea an &rom the other <the ea't= 'i e o& the +or an0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 4?3 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 b0 ,atthe1 4?5 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 4?5 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 0 ,atthe1 4?5 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 e0 ,atthe1 4?7 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 &0 ,atthe1 4?7 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 4?7 9obert Joung, -na)ytica) Concor ance to the #ib)e0 h0 ,atthe1 4?15 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon o& 7e1 Te'tament Dreek0 i0 ,atthe1 4?15 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon o& 7e1 Te'tament Dreek0 ;0 ,atthe1 4?16 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 k0 ,atthe1 4?17 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 )0 ,atthe1 4?17 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 4?19 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 4?2> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 4?22 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references:

-0 #0 C0 .0 "0 F0 D0

,atthe1 ,atthe1 ,atthe1 ,atthe1 ,atthe1 ,atthe1 ,atthe1

4?2 ? "Ao 34?28@ 2 %ing' 19?8 4?4 ? .eut 8?3 4?5 ? 7eh 11?1@ .an 9?24 4?6 ? 4' 91?11, 12 4?7 ? .eut 6?16 4?1> ? .eut 6?13 4?15 ? 2'a 9?1E2


(Amplified Bible)

Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation


8""27D T!" cro1 ', !e 1ent up on the mountain@ an 1hen !e 1a' 'eate , !i' i'cip)e' came to !im0
2 3

Then !e opene !i' mouth an taught them, 'aying?

#)e''e (happy, <a=to be en/ie , an <b='piritua))y pro'perou'EE<c=1ith )i&eE;oy an 'ati'&action in Do I' &a/or an 'a)/ation, regar )e'' o& their out1ar con ition'* are the poor in 'pirit (the humb)e, 1ho rate them'e)/e' in'igni&icant*, &or their' i' the king om o& hea/enH #)e''e an en/iab)y happy <1ith a < =happine'' pro uce by the eAperience o& Do I' &a/or an e'pecia))y con itione by the re/e)ation o& !i' match)e'' grace= are tho'e 1ho mourn, &or they 'ha)) be com&orte H (-* #)e''e (happy, b)ithe'ome, ;oyou', <e='piritua))y pro'perou'EE<&=1ith )i&eE;oy an 'ati'&action in Do I' &a/or an 'a)/ation, regar )e'' o& their out1ar con ition'* are the meek (the mi) , patient, )ongE'u&&ering*, &or they 'ha)) inherit the earthH(#*
6 5 4

#)e''e an &ortunate an happy an



pro'perou' (in that 'tate in 1hich the bornEagain chi) o& Do <h=en;oy' !i' &a/or an 'a)/ation* are tho'e 1ho hunger an thir't &or righteou'ne'' (uprightne'' an right 'tan ing 1ith Do *, &or they 'ha)) be <i=comp)ete)y 'ati'&ie H(C* #)e''e (happy, <;=to be en/ie , an <k='piritua))y pro'perou'EE<)=1ith )i&eE;oy an 'ati'&action in Do I' &a/or an 'a)/ation, regar )e'' o& their out1ar con ition'* are the merci&u), &or they 'ha)) obtain mercyH #)e''e (happy, <m=en/iab)y &ortunate, an <n='piritua))y pro'perou'EEpo''e''ing the <o=happine'' pro uce by the eAperience o& Do I' &a/or an e'pecia))y con itione by the re/e)ation o& !i' grace, regar )e'' o& their out1ar con ition'* are the pure in heart, &or they 'ha)) 'ee Do H (.* #)e''e (en;oying <p=en/iab)e happine'', <C='piritua))y pro'perou'EE<r=1ith )i&eE;oy an 'ati'&action in Do I' &a/or an 'a)/ation, regar )e'' o& their out1ar con ition'* are the maker' an <'=maintainer' o& peace, &or they 'ha)) be ca))e the 'on' o& Do H #)e''e an happy an <t=en/iab)y &ortunate an <u= 'piritua))y pro'perou' </=(in the 'tate in 1hich the bornE again chi) o& Do en;oy' an &in ' 'ati'&action in Do I' &a/or an 'a)/ation, regar )e'' o& hi' out1ar con ition'* are tho'e 1ho are per'ecute &or righteou'ne''I 'ake (&or being an oing right*, &or their' i' the king om o& hea/enH #)e''e (happy, <1=to be en/ie , an <A='piritua))y pro'perou'EE<y=1ith )i&eE;oy an 'ati'&action in Do I' &a/or an 'a)/ation, regar )e'' o& your out1ar con ition'* are you 1hen peop)e re/i)e you an per'ecute you an 'ay a)) kin ' o& e/i) thing' again't you &a)'e)y on ,y account0 #e g)a an 'upreme)y ;oy&u), &or your re1ar in hea/en i' great ('trong an inten'e*, &or in thi' 'ame 1ay peop)e per'ecute the prophet' 1ho 1ere be&ore you0 <22 Chron0 36?160=
12 11 1> 9 8 7

Jou are the 'a)t o& the earth, but i& 'a)t ha' )o't it' ta'te (it' 'trength, it' Cua)ity*, ho1 can it' 'a)tne'' be re'tore G 2t i' not goo &or anything any )onger but to be thro1n out an tro en un er&oot by men0 Jou are the )ight o& the 1or) 0 - city 'et on a hi)) cannot be hi en0 7or o men )ight a )amp an put it un er a peck mea'ure, but on a )amp'tan , an it gi/e' )ight to a)) in the hou'e0 Let your )ight 'o 'hine be&ore men that they may 'ee your <5=mora) eAce))ence an your prai'e1orthy, nob)e, an goo ee ' an <aa=recogni5e an honor an prai'e an g)ori&y your Father Bho i' in hea/en0 .o not think that 2 ha/e come to o a1ay 1ith or un o the La1 or the 4rophet'@ 2 ha/e come not to o a1ay 1ith or un o but to comp)ete an &u)&i)) them0
<ab= 17 16 15 14


For tru)y 2 te)) you, unti) the 'ky an earth pa'' a1ay an peri'h, not one 'ma))e't )etter nor one )itt)e hook <i enti&ying certain !ebre1 )etter'= 1i)) pa'' &rom the La1 unti) a)) thing' <it &ore'ha o1'= are accomp)i'he 0 Bhoe/er then break' or oe' a1ay 1ith or re)aAe' one o& the )ea't <important= o& the'e comman ment' an teache' men 'o 'ha)) be ca))e )ea't <important= in the king om o& hea/en, but he 1ho practice' them an teache' other' to o 'o 'ha)) be ca))e great in the king om o& hea/en0 For 2 te)) you, un)e'' your righteou'ne'' (your uprightne'' an your right 'tan ing 1ith Do * i' more than that o& the 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', you 1i)) ne/er enter the king om o& hea/en0 Jou ha/e hear that it 1a' 'ai to the men o& o) , Jou 'ha)) not ki)), an 1hoe/er ki))' 'ha)) be <ac=)iab)e to an unab)e to e'cape the puni'hment impo'e by the court0 ("*
22 21 2> 19


#ut 2 'ay to you that e/eryone 1ho continue' to be

<a =

angry 1ith hi' brother or harbor' ma)ice (enmity o& heart* again't him 'ha)) be <ae=)iab)e to an unab)e to e'cape the puni'hment impo'e by the court@ an 1hoe/er 'peak' contemptuou')y an in'u)ting)y to hi' brother 'ha)) be <a&=)iab)e to an unab)e to e'cape the puni'hment impo'e by the 8anhe rin, an 1hoe/er 'ay', Jou <ag=cur'e &oo)H <Jou emptyEhea e i iotH= 'ha)) be <ah= )iab)e to an unab)e to e'cape the he)) (Dehenna* o& &ire0 8o i& 1hen you are o&&ering your gi&t at the a)tar you there remember that your brother ha' any <grie/ance= again't you, Lea/e your gi&t at the a)tar an go0 Fir't make peace 1ith your brother, an then come back an pre'ent your gi&t0 Come to term' Cuick)y 1ith your accu'er 1hi)e you are on the 1ay tra/e)ing 1ith him, )e't your accu'er han you o/er to the ;u ge, an the ;u ge to the guar , an you be put in pri'on0 Tru)y 2 'ay to you, you 1i)) not be re)ea'e unti) you ha/e pai the )a't &raction o& a penny0 Jou ha/e hear that it 1a' 'ai , Jou 'ha)) not commit a u)tery0(F* #ut 2 'ay to you that e/eryone 1ho 'o much a' )ook' at a 1oman 1ith e/i) e'ire &or her ha' a)rea y committe a u)tery 1ith her in hi' heart0 2& your right eye 'er/e' a' a trap to en'nare you or i' an occa'ion &or you to 'tumb)e an 'in, p)uck it out an thro1 it a1ay0 2t i' better that you )o'e one o& your member' than that your 1ho)e bo y be ca't into he)) (Dehenna*0 -n i& your right han 'er/e' a' a trap to en'nare you or i' an occa'ion &or you to 'tumb)e an 'in, cut it o&& an ca't it &rom you0 2t i' better that you )o'e one o& your
3> 29 28 27 26 25 24 23

member' than that your entire bo y 'hou) be ca't into he)) (Dehenna*0 2t ha' a)'o been 'ai , Bhoe/er i/orce' hi' 1i&e mu't gi/e her a certi&icate o& i/orce0 #ut 2 te)) you, Bhoe/er i'mi''e' an repu iate' an i/orce' hi' 1i&e, eAcept on the groun ' o& un&aith&u)ne'' ('eAua) immora)ity*, cau'e' her to commit a u)tery, an 1hoe/er marrie' a 1oman 1ho ha' been i/orce commit' a u)tery0(D* -gain, you ha/e hear that it 1a' 'ai to the men o& o) , Jou 'ha)) not '1ear &a)'e)y, but you 'ha)) per&orm your oath' to the Lor <a' a re)igiou' uty=0 #ut 2 te)) you, .o not bin your'e)/e' by an oath at a))? either by hea/en, &or it i' the throne o& Do @ $r by the earth, &or it i' the &oot'too) o& !i' &eet@ or by +eru'a)em, &or it i' the city o& the Dreat %ing0 (!* -n o not '1ear by your hea , &or you are not ab)e to make a 'ing)e hair 1hite or b)ack0 Let your Je' be 'imp)y Je', an your 7o be 'imp)y 7o@ anything more than that come' &rom the e/i) one0 (2* Jou ha/e hear that it 1a' 'ai , -n eye &or an eye, an a tooth &or a tooth0(+* #ut 2 'ay to you, .o not re'i't the e/i) man <1ho in;ure' you=@ but i& anyone 'trike' you on the right ;a1 or cheek, turn to him the other one too0 -n i& anyone 1ant' to 'ue you an take your un er'hirt (tunic*, )et him ha/e your coat a)'o0 -n i& anyone &orce' you to go one mi)e, go 1ith him t1o <mi)e'=0 Di/e to him 1ho keep' on begging &rom you, an o <ai= not turn a1ay &rom him 1ho 1ou) borro1 < at intere't= &rom you0(%*
43 42 41 4> 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31

Jou ha/e hear that it 1a' 'ai , Jou 'ha)) )o/e your

neighbor an hate your enemy@(L* #ut 2 te)) you, Lo/e your enemie' an pray &or tho'e 1ho per'ecute you,(,* To 'ho1 that you are the chi) ren o& your Father Bho i' in hea/en@ &or !e make' !i' 'un ri'e on the 1icke an on the goo , an make' the rain &a)) upon the upright an the 1rong oer' <a)ike=0 For i& you )o/e tho'e 1ho )o/e you, 1hat re1ar can you ha/eG .o not e/en the taA co))ector' o thatG -n i& you greet on)y your brethren, 1hat more than other' are you oingG .o not e/en the Denti)e' (the heathen* o thatG Jou, there&ore, mu't be per&ect <gro1ing into comp)ete <ak=maturity o& go )ine'' in min an character, <a)= ha/ing reache the proper height o& /irtue an integrity=, a' your hea/en)y Father i' per&ect0(7* Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 5?3 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon o& the Dreek 7e1 Te'tament0 b0 ,atthe1 5?3 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 c0 ,atthe1 5?3 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 5?4 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 5?5 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 &0 ,atthe1 5?5 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 5?6 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 h0 ,atthe1 5?6 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 5?6 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 ;0 ,atthe1 5?7 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 k0 ,atthe1 5?7 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0
48 47 46 45<a;= 44

)0 ,atthe1 5?7 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 5?8 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 5?8 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 o0 ,atthe1 5?8 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 p0 ,atthe1 5?9 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 5?9 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 r0 ,atthe1 5?9 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 '0 ,atthe1 5?9 Bi))iam Tyn a)e, The Tyn a)e #ib)e0 t0 ,atthe1 5?1> -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 u0 ,atthe1 5?1> ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 /0 ,atthe1 5?1> !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 10 ,atthe1 5?11 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 A0 ,atthe1 5?11 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 y0 ,atthe1 5?11 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 50 ,atthe1 5?16 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 aa0 ,atthe1 5?16 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 bb0 ,atthe1 5?17 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 cc0 ,atthe1 5?21 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 5?22 8ome manu'cript' in'ert here? K1ithout cau'e0K ee0 ,atthe1 5?22 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 &&0 ,atthe1 5?22 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 gg0 ,atthe1 5?22 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 hh0 ,atthe1 5?22 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0

ii0 ,atthe1 5?42 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 ;;0 ,atthe1 5?45 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 kk0 ,atthe1 5?48 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie' in the 7e1 Te'tament0 ))0 ,atthe1 5?48 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 5?4 ? 2'a 61?2 #0 ,atthe1 5?5 ? 4' 37?11 C0 ,atthe1 5?6 ? 2'a 55?1, 2 .0 ,atthe1 5?8 ? 4' 24?3, 4 "0 ,atthe1 5?21 ? "Ao 2>?13@ .eut 5?17@ 16?18 F0 ,atthe1 5?27 ? "Ao 2>?14@ .eut 5?18 D0 ,atthe1 5?32 ? .eut 24?1E4 !0 ,atthe1 5?35 ? 4' 48?2@ 2'a 66?1 20 ,atthe1 5?37 ? Le/ 19?12@ 7um 3>?2@ .eut 23?21 +0 ,atthe1 5?38 ? "Ao 21?24@ Le/ 24?2>@ .eut 19?21 %0 ,atthe1 5?42 ? .eut 15?8@ 4ro/ 24?29 L0 ,atthe1 5?43 ? Le/ 19?18@ 4' 139?21, 22 ,0 ,atthe1 5?44 ? 4ro/ 25?21, 22 70 ,atthe1 5?48 ? Le/ 19?2, 18

Matthew ! (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew !

T-%" C-9" not to o your goo ee ' pub)ic)y or be&ore men, in or er to be 'een by them@ other1i'e you 1i)) ha/e no re1ar <<a=re'er/e &or an a1aiting you= 1ith an &rom your Father Bho i' in hea/en0

Thu', 1hene/er you gi/e to the poor, o not b)o1 a trumpet be&ore you, a' the hypocrite' in the 'ynagogue' an in the 'treet' )ike to o, that they may be <b= recogni5e an honore an prai'e by men0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, they ha/e their re1ar <c=in &u)) a)rea y0 #ut 1hen you gi/e to charity, o not )et your )e&t han kno1 1hat your right han i' oing, 8o that your ee ' o& charity may be in 'ecret@ an your Father Bho 'ee' in 'ecret 1i)) re1ar you open)y0 -)'o 1hen you pray, you mu't not be )ike the hypocrite', &or they )o/e to pray 'tan ing in the 'ynagogue' an on the corner' o& the 'treet', that they may be 'een by peop)e0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, they ha/e their re1ar < =in &u)) a)rea y0 #ut 1hen you pray, go into your <mo't= pri/ate room, an , c)o'ing the oor, pray to your Father, Bho i' in 'ecret@ an your Father, Bho 'ee' in 'ecret, 1i)) re1ar you in the open0 -n 1hen you pray, o not heap up phra'e' (mu)tip)y 1or ', repeating the 'ame one' o/er an o/er* a' the Denti)e' o, &or they think they 1i)) be hear &or their much 'peaking0 <2 %ing' 18?25E290= .o not be )ike them, &or your Father kno1' 1hat you nee be&ore you a'k !im0 4ray, there&ore, )ike thi'? $ur Father Bho i' in hea/en, ha))o1e (kept ho)y* be Jour name0 Jour king om come, Jour 1i)) be one on earth a' it i' in hea/en0
11 12 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

Di/e u' thi' ay our ai)y brea 0

-n &orgi/e u' our ebt', a' 1e a)'o ha/e &orgi/en ( )e&t, remitte , an )et go o& the ebt', an ha/e <&=gi/en up re'entment again't* our ebtor'0
<e= 13

-n )ea (bring* u' not into temptation, but e)i/er u'

&rom the e/i) one0 For Jour' i' the king om an the po1er an the g)ory &ore/er0 -men0 For i& you &orgi/e peop)e their tre'pa''e' <their reck)e'' an 1i))&u) 'in', <h=)ea/ing them, )etting them go, an <i=gi/ing up re'entment=, your hea/en)y Father 1i)) a)'o &orgi/e you0
<g= 14

#ut i& you o not &orgi/e other' their tre'pa''e' <their reck)e'' an 1i))&u) 'in', <k=)ea/ing them, )etting them go, an <)=gi/ing up re'entment=, neither 1i)) your Father &orgi/e you your tre'pa''e'0


-n 1hene/er you are &a'ting, o not )ook g)oomy an <m='our an <n= reary )ike the hypocrite', &or they put on a i'ma) countenance, that their &a'ting may be apparent to an 'een by men0 Tru)y 2 'ay to you, they ha/e their re1ar <o=in &u)) a)rea y0(-* #ut 1hen you &a't, per&ume your hea an 1a'h your &ace, 8o that your &a'ting may not be notice by men but by your Father, Bho 'ee' in 'ecret@ an your Father, Bho 'ee' in 'ecret, 1i)) re1ar you in the open0 .o not <p=gather an heap up an 'tore up &or your'e)/e' trea'ure' on earth, 1here moth an ru't an 1orm con'ume an e'troy, an 1here thie/e' break through an 'tea)0 #ut <C=gather an heap up an 'tore &or your'e)/e' trea'ure' in hea/en, 1here neither moth nor ru't nor 1orm con'ume an e'troy, an 1here thie/e' o not break through an 'tea)@ For 1here your trea'ure i', there 1i)) your heart be a)'o0 The eye i' the )amp o& the bo y0 8o i& your eye i' 'oun , your entire bo y 1i)) be &u)) o& )ight0
23 22 21 2> 19 18 17


#ut i& your eye i' un'oun , your 1ho)e bo y 1i)) be

&u)) o& arkne''0 2& then the /ery )ight in you <your <r= con'cience= i' arkene , ho1 en'e i' that arkne''H 7o one can 'er/e t1o ma'ter'@ &or either he 1i)) hate the one an )o/e the other, or he 1i)) 'tan by an be e/ote to the one an e'pi'e an be <'=again't the other0 Jou cannot 'er/e Do an mammon (<t= eceit&u) riche', money, po''e''ion', or <u=1hate/er i' tru'te in*0 There&ore 2 te)) you, 'top being </=perpetua))y unea'y (anAiou' an 1orrie * about your )i&e, 1hat you 'ha)) eat or 1hat you 'ha)) rink@ or about your bo y, 1hat you 'ha)) put on0 2' not )i&e greater <in Cua)ity= than &oo , an the bo y <&ar abo/e an more eAce))ent= than c)othingG Look at the bir ' o& the air@ they neither 'o1 nor reap nor gather into barn', an yet your hea/en)y Father keep' &ee ing them0 -re you not 1orth much more than theyG -n 1ho o& you by 1orrying an being anAiou' can a one unit o& mea'ure (cubit* to hi' 'tature or to the <1= 'pan o& hi' )i&eG(#* -n 1hy 'hou) you be anAiou' about c)othe'G Con'i er the )i)ie' o& the &ie) an <A=)earn thorough)y ho1 they gro1@ they neither toi) nor 'pin0 Jet 2 te)) you, e/en 8o)omon in a)) hi' <y=magni&icence (eAce))ence, ignity, an grace* 1a' not arraye )ike one o& the'e0 <2 %ing' 1>?4E70= #ut i& Do 'o c)othe' the gra'' o& the &ie) , 1hich to ay i' a)i/e an green an tomorro1 i' to''e into the &urnace, 1i)) !e not much more 'ure)y c)othe you, $ you o& )itt)e &aithG There&ore o not 1orry an be anAiou', 'aying, Bhat are 1e going to ha/e to eatG or, Bhat are 1e going to ha/e to rinkG or, Bhat are 1e going to ha/e to 1earG For the Denti)e' (heathen* 1i'h &or an cra/e an i)igent)y 'eek a)) the'e thing', an your hea/en)y Father kno1' 1e)) that you nee them a))0
32 31 3> 29 28 27 26 25 24

#ut 'eek (<5=aim at an 'tri/e a&ter* &ir't o& a)) !i' king om an !i' righteou'ne'' (<aa=!i' 1ay o& oing an being right*, an then a)) the'e thing' <ab=taken together 1i)) be gi/en you be'i e'0 8o o not 1orry or be anAiou' about tomorro1, &or tomorro1 1i)) ha/e 1orrie' an anAietie' o& it' o1n0 8u&&icient &or each ay i' it' o1n troub)e0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 6?1 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 b0 ,atthe1 6?2 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 6?2 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 0 ,atthe1 6?5 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 e0 ,atthe1 6?12 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 &0 ,atthe1 6?12 Beb'terI' 7e1 2nternationa) .ictionary o&&er' thi' phra'e a' a e&inition o& the 1or K&orgi/e0K g0 ,atthe1 6?14 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 h0 ,atthe1 6?14 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 i0 ,atthe1 6?14 Beb'terI' 7e1 2nternationa) .ictionary o&&er' thi' phra'e a' a e&inition o& the 1or K&orgi/e0K ;0 ,atthe1 6?15 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 k0 ,atthe1 6?15 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 )0 ,atthe1 6?15 Beb'terI' 7e1 2nternationa) .ictionary o&&er' thi' phra'e a' a e&inition o& the 1or K&orgi/e0K m0 ,atthe1 6?16 ,artin Luther, cite by ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 n0 ,atthe1 6?16 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 o0 ,atthe1 6?16 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 p0 ,atthe1 6?19 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0


C0 ,atthe1 6?2> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 r0 ,atthe1 6?23 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 '0 ,atthe1 6?24 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 t0 ,atthe1 6?24 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 u0 ,atthe1 6?24 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 /0 ,atthe1 6?25 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 10 ,atthe1 6?27 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon? the 1or tran')ate KcubitK i' u'e a' a mea'urement o& time, a' 1e)) a' a mea'urement o& )ength0 A0 ,atthe1 6?28 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 y0 ,atthe1 6?29 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 50 ,atthe1 6?33 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 aa0 ,atthe1 6?33 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 bb0 ,atthe1 6?33 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 6?16 ? 2'a 58?5 #0 ,atthe1 6?27 ? 4' 39?5E7

Matthew " (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew "

.$ 7$T ;u ge an critici5e an con emn other', 'o that you may not be ;u ge an critici5e an con emne your'e)/e'0 For ;u't a' you ;u ge an critici5e an con emn other', you 1i)) be ;u ge an critici5e an con emne , an in accor ance 1ith the mea'ure you <u'e to= ea) out to other', it 1i)) be ea)t out again to you0 Bhy o you <a='tare &rom 1ithout at the <b=/ery 'ma)) partic)e that i' in your brotherI' eye but o not become a1are o& an con'i er the beam <c=o& timber that i' in your o1n eyeG $r ho1 can you 'ay to your brother, Let me get the tiny partic)e out o& your eye, 1hen there i' the beam < =o& timber in your o1n eyeG Jou hypocrite, &ir't get the beam o& timber out o& your o1n eye, an then you 1i)) 'ee c)ear)y to take the tiny partic)e out o& your brotherI' eye0 .o not gi/e that 1hich i' ho)y (the 'acre thing* to the og', an o not thro1 your pear)' be&ore hog', )e't they tramp)e upon them 1ith their &eet an turn an tear you in piece'0 %eep on a'king an it 1i)) be gi/en you@ <&= keep on 'eeking an you 1i)) &in @ <g=keep on knocking <re/erent)y= an <the oor= 1i)) be opene to you0 For e/eryone 1ho keep' on a'king recei/e'@ an he 1ho keep' on 'eeking &in '@ an to him 1ho keep' on knocking, <the oor= 1i)) be opene 0 $r 1hat man i' there o& you, i& hi' 'on a'k' him &or a )oa& o& brea , 1i)) han him a 'toneG
1> 11 9 8 7<e= 6 5 4 3 2

$r i& he a'k' &or a &i'h, 1i)) han him a 'erpentG

2& you then, e/i) a' you are, kno1 ho1 to gi/e goo an <h=a /antageou' gi&t' to your chi) ren, ho1 much more 1i)) your Father Bho i' in hea/en <per&ect a' !e i'= gi/e

goo an <i=a /antageou' thing' to tho'e 1ho a'king !imH



keep on

8o then, 1hate/er you e'ire that other' 1ou) o to an &or you, e/en 'o o a)'o to an &or them, &or thi' i' ('um' up* the La1 an the 4rophet'0 "nter through the narro1 gate@ &or 1i e i' the gate an 'paciou' an broa i' the 1ay that )ea ' a1ay to e'truction, an many are tho'e 1ho are entering through it0 #ut the gate i' narro1 (contracte <k=by pre''ure* an the 1ay i' 'traitene an compre''e that )ea ' a1ay to )i&e, an &e1 are tho'e 1ho &in it0(-* #e1are o& &a)'e prophet', 1ho come to you re''e a' 'heep, but in'i e they are e/ouring 1o)/e'0(#* Jou 1i)) <)=&u))y recogni5e them by their &ruit'0 .o peop)e pick grape' &rom thorn', or &ig' &rom thi't)e'G "/en 'o, e/ery hea)thy ('oun * tree bear' goo &ruit < 1orthy o& a miration=, but the 'ick)y ( ecaying, 1orth)e''* tree bear' ba (1orth)e''* &ruit0
<m= 17 16 15 14 13

- goo (hea)thy* tree cannot bear ba (1orth)e''* &ruit, nor can a ba ( i'ea'e * tree bear <n=eAce))ent &ruit <1orthy o& a miration=0 "/ery tree that oe' not bear goo &ruit i' cut o1n an ca't into the &ire0
2> 21 19


There&ore, you 1i))


&u))y kno1 them by their &ruit'0

7ot e/eryone 1ho 'ay' to ,e, Lor , Lor , 1i)) enter the king om o& hea/en, but he 1ho oe' the 1i)) o& ,y Father Bho i' in hea/en0 ,any 1i)) 'ay to ,e on that ay, Lor , Lor , ha/e 1e not prophe'ie in Jour name an ri/en out emon' in Jour name an one many mighty 1ork' in Jour nameG -n then 2 1i)) 'ay to them open)y (pub)ic)y*, 2 ne/er kne1 you@ epart &rom ,e, you 1ho act 1icke )y
23 22

< i'regar ing ,y comman '=0(C* 8o e/eryone 1ho hear' the'e 1or ' o& ,ine an act' upon them <obeying them= 1i)) be )ike a <p='en'ib)e (pru ent, practica), 1i'e* man 1ho bui)t hi' hou'e upon the rock0 -n the rain &e)) an the &)oo ' came an the 1in ' b)e1 an beat again't that hou'e@ yet it i not &a)), becau'e it ha been &oun e on the rock0 -n e/eryone 1ho hear' the'e 1or ' o& ,ine an oe' not o them 1i)) be )ike a 'tupi (&oo)i'h* man 1ho bui)t hi' hou'e upon the 'an 0 -n the rain &e)) an the &)oo ' came an the 1in ' b)e1 an beat again't that hou'e, an it &e))EEan great an comp)ete 1a' the &a)) o& it0 Bhen +e'u' ha &ini'he the'e 'aying' <the 8ermon on the ,ount=, the cro1 ' 1ere a'toni'he an o/er1he)me 1ith be1i) ere 1on er at !i' teaching, For !e 1a' teaching a' $ne Bho ha <an 1a'= authority, an not a' < i = the 'cribe'0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 b0 ,atthe1 Focabu)ary0 c0 ,atthe1 0 ,atthe1 e0 ,atthe1 &0 ,atthe1 g0 ,atthe1 h0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 ;0 ,atthe1 7?3 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 7?3 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The 7?3 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 7?4 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 7?7 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 7?7 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 7?7 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 7?11 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) 7?11 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) 7?11 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0
29 28 27 26 25 24

k0 ,atthe1 7?14 )0 ,atthe1 7?16 m0 ,atthe1 7?17 LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 7?18 LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 7?2> p0 ,atthe1 7?24 LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 7?14 #0 ,atthe1 7?15 C0 ,atthe1 7?23

-)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek ? .eut 3>?19@ +er 21?8 ? "5ek 22?27 ? 4' 6?8

Matthew # (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew #

B!"7 +"8:8 came o1n &rom the mountain, great throng' &o))o1e !im0 -n beho) , a )eper came up to !im an , pro'trating him'e)&, 1or'hipe !im, 'aying, Lor , i& Jou are 1i))ing, Jou are ab)e to <a=c)ean'e me by curing me0 -n !e reache out !i' han an touche him, 'aying, 2 am 1i))ing@ be c)ean'e <b=by being cure 0 -n in'tant)y hi' )epro'y 1a' cure an c)ean'e 0 -n +e'u' 'ai to him, 8ee that you te)) nothing about thi' to anyone@ but go, 'ho1 your'e)& to the prie't an pre'ent the o&&ering that ,o'e' comman e , &or a te'timony <to your hea)ing= an a' an e/i ence to the
4 3 2

peop)e0(-* -' +e'u' 1ent into Capernaum, a centurion came up to !im, begging !im, -n 'aying, Lor , my 'er/ant boy i' )ying at the hou'e para)y5e an <c= i'tre''e 1ith inten'e pain'0
7 8 6 5

-n +e'u' 'ai to him, 2 1i)) come an re'tore him0

#ut the centurion rep)ie to !im, Lor , 2 am not 1orthy or &it to ha/e Jou come un er my roo&@ but on)y 'peak the 1or , an my 'er/ant boy 1i)) be cure 0 For 2 a)'o am a man 'ub;ect to authority, 1ith 'o) ier' 'ub;ect to me0 -n 2 'ay to one, Do, an he goe'@ an to another, Come, an he come'@ an to my ')a/e, .o thi', an he oe' it0 Bhen +e'u' hear him, !e mar/e)e an 'ai to tho'e 1ho &o))o1e !im << =1ho a here 'tea &a't)y to !im, con&orming to !i' eAamp)e in )i/ing an , i& nee be, in ying a)'o=, 2 te)) you tru)y, 2 ha/e not &oun 'o much &aith a' thi' <e=1ith anyone, e/en in 2'rae)0 2 te)) you, many 1i)) come &rom ea't an 1e't, an 1i)) 'it at tab)e 1ith -braham, 2'aac, an +acob in the king om o& hea/en, Bhi)e the 'on' an heir' o& the king om 1i)) be ri/en out into the arkne'' out'i e, 1here there 1i)) be 1eeping an grin ing o& teeth0(#* Then to the centurion +e'u' 'ai , Do@ it 'ha)) be one &or you a' you ha/e be)ie/e 0 -n the 'er/ant boy 1a' re'tore to hea)th at that /ery <&=moment0 -n 1hen +e'u' 1ent into 4eterI' hou'e, !e 'a1 hi' motherEinE)a1 )ying i)) 1ith a &e/er0 !e touche her han an the &e/er )e&t her@ an 'he got up an began 1aiting on !im0 Bhen e/ening came, they brought to !im many 1ho 1ere <g=un er the po1er o& emon', an !e ro/e out the
16 15 14 13 12 11 1> 9

'pirit' 1ith a 1or an re'tore to hea)th a)) 1ho 1ere 'ick0 -n thu' !e &u)&i))e 1hat 1a' 'poken by the prophet 2'aiah, !e !im'e)& took <<h=in or er to carry a1ay= our 1eakne''e' an in&irmitie' an bore <i=a1ay our i'ea'e'0
(C* 17

7o1 +e'u', 1hen !e 'a1 the great throng' aroun !im, ga/e or er' to cro'' to the other 'i e <o& the )ake=0 -n a 'cribe came up an 'ai to !im, ,a'ter, 2 1i)) accompany Jou 1here/er Jou go0 -n +e'u' rep)ie to him, FoAe' ha/e ho)e' an the bir ' o& the air ha/e )o ging p)ace', but the 8on o& ,an ha' no1here to )ay !i' hea 0 -nother o& the i'cip)e' 'ai to !im, Lor , )et me &ir't go an bury <<;=care &or ti)) eath= my &ather0 #ut +e'u' 'ai to him, Fo))o1 ,e, an )ea/e the ea < in 'in= to bury their o1n ea 0
<k= 22 21 2> 19


-n a&ter !e got into the boat, !i' i'cip)e' &o))o1e !im0 -n <)='u en)y, beho) , there aro'e a /io)ent 'torm on the 'ea, 'o that the boat 1a' being co/ere up by the 1a/e'@ but !e 1a' ')eeping0 -n they 1ent an a1akene !im, 'aying, Lor , re'cue an pre'er/e u'H Be are peri'hingH -n !e 'ai to them, Bhy are you timi an a&rai , $ you o& )itt)e &aithG Then !e got up an rebuke the 1in ' an the 'ea, an there 1a' a great an 1on er&u) ca)m (<m=a per&ect peaceab)ene''*0 -n the men 1ere 'tunne 1ith be1i) ere 1on er an mar/e)e , 'aying, Bhat kin o& ,an i' thi', that e/en the 1in ' an the 'ea obey !imH -n 1hen !e arri/e at the other 'i e in the country o& the Da arene', t1o men un er the contro) o& emon'
28 27 26 25 24


1ent to meet !im, coming out o& the tomb', 'o &ierce an 'a/age that no one 1a' ab)e to pa'' that 1ay0 -n beho) , they 'hrieke an 'creame , Bhat ha/e Jou to o 1ith u', +e'u', 8on o& Do G !a/e Jou come to torment u' be&ore the appointe timeG(.* 7o1 at 'ome i'tance &rom there a ro/e o& many hog' 1a' gra5ing0 -n the emon' begge !im, 2& Jou ri/e u' out, 'en u' into the ro/e o& hog'0 -n !e 'ai to them, #egoneH 8o they came out an 1ent into the hog', an beho) , the 1ho)e ro/e ru'he o1n the 'teep bank into the 'ea an ie in the 1ater0 The her 'men &)e an 1ent into the to1n an reporte e/erything, inc)u ing 1hat ha happene to the men un er the po1er o& emon'0 -n beho) , the 1ho)e to1n 1ent out to meet +e'u'@ an a' 'oon a' they 'a1 !im, they begge !im to epart &rom their )oca)ity0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 8?2 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 8?3 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 8?6 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 8?1> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 8?1> 8ome manu'cript' a K1ith anyone0K &0 ,atthe1 8?13 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 g0 ,atthe1 8?16 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 8?17 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 8?17 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon@ Deorge 9icker #erry, DreekE"ng)i'h 7e1
34 33 32 31 3> 29

Te'tament LeAicon@ -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon@ +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon@ B0+0 !ickie, DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 ;0 ,atthe1 8?21 ,any commentator' interpret it thu'0 k0 ,atthe1 8?22 -)bert #arne', 7ote' on the 7e1 Te'tament0 )0 ,atthe1 8?24 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 m0 ,atthe1 8?26 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 8?4 ? Le/ 14?2 #0 ,atthe1 8?12 ? 4' 1>7?2, 3@ 2'a 49?12@ 59?19@ ,a) 1?11 C0 ,atthe1 8?17 ? 2'a 53?4 .0 ,atthe1 8?29 ? +u g 11?12@ 22 8am 16?1>

Matthew $ (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew $

-7. +"8:8, getting into a boat, cro''e to the other 'i e an came to !i' o1n to1n <Capernaum=0 -n beho) , they brought to !im a man para)y5e an pro'trate by i))ne'', )ying on a ')eeping pa @ an 1hen +e'u' 'a1 their &aith, !e 'ai to the para)y5e man, Take courage, 'on@ your 'in' are &orgi/en an the <a=pena)ty remitte 0 -n beho) , 'ome o& the 'cribe' 'ai to them'e)/e', Thi' man b)a'pheme' <!e c)aim' the right' an prerogati/e' o& Do =H
4 3 2

#ut +e'u', kno1ing (<b='eeing* their thought', 'ai ,

Bhy o you think e/i) an harbor



ma)ice in your heart'G

For 1hich i' ea'ier? to 'ay, Jour 'in' are &orgi/en an the < =pena)ty remitte , or to 'ay, Det up an 1a)kG #ut in or er that you may kno1 that the 8on o& ,an ha' authority on earth to &orgi/e 'in' an <e=remit the pena)ty, !e then 'ai to the para)y5e man, Det upH 4ick up your ')eeping pa an go to your o1n hou'e0
7 8 6

-n he got up an 1ent a1ay to hi' o1n hou'e0

Bhen the cro1 ' 'a1 it, they 1ere 'truck 1ith &ear an a1e@ an they <&=recogni5e Do an prai'e an thanke !im, Bho ha gi/en 'uch po1er an authority to men0 -' +e'u' pa''e on &rom there, !e 'a1 a man name ,atthe1 'itting at the taA co))ectorI' o&&ice@ an !e 'ai to him, <g=#e ,y i'cip)e <'i e 1ith ,y party an &o))o1 ,e=0 -n he ro'e an &o))o1e !im0 -n a' +e'u' rec)ine at tab)e in the hou'e, beho) , many taA co))ector' an <h=<e'pecia))y 1icke = 'inner' came an 'at (rec)ine * 1ith !im an !i' i'cip)e'0 -n 1hen the 4hari'ee' 'a1 thi', they 'ai to !i' i'cip)e', Bhy oe' your ,a'ter eat 1ith taA co))ector' an tho'e <preeminent)y= 'in&u)G #ut 1hen +e'u' hear it, !e rep)ie , Tho'e 1ho are 'trong an 1e)) (hea)thy* ha/e no nee o& a phy'ician, but tho'e 1ho are 1eak an 'ick0 Do an )earn 1hat thi' mean'? 2 e'ire mercy <that i', rea ine'' to he)p tho'e in troub)e= an not 'acri&ice an 'acri&icia) /ictim'0 For 2 came not to ca)) an in/ite <to repentance= the righteou' (tho'e 1ho are upright an in right 'tan ing 1ith Do *, but 'inner' (the erring one' an a)) tho'e not &ree &rom 'in*0(-*
<i= 13 12 11 1> 9

Then the i'cip)e' o& +ohn came to +e'u', inCuiring, Bhy i' it that 1e an the 4hari'ee' &a't <;=o&ten, <that i',


ab'tain &rom &oo an rink a' a re)igiou' eAerci'e=, but Jour i'cip)e' o not &a'tG -n +e'u' rep)ie to them, Can the 1e ing gue't' mourn 1hi)e the bri egroom i' 'ti)) 1ith themG The ay' 1i)) come 1hen the bri egroom i' taken a1ay &rom them, an then they 1i)) &a't0 -n no one put' a piece o& c)oth that ha' not been 'hrunk on an o) garment, &or 'uch a patch tear' a1ay &rom the garment an a 1or'e rent (tear* i' ma e0 7either i' ne1 1ine put in o) 1ine'kin'@ &or i& it i', the 'kin' bur't an are <k=torn in piece', an the 1ine i' 'pi))e an the 'kin' are ruine 0 #ut ne1 1ine i' put into &re'h 1ine'kin', an 'o both are pre'er/e 0 Bhi)e !e 1a' ta)king thi' 1ay to them, beho) , a ru)er entere an , knee)ing o1n, 1or'hipe !im, 'aying, ,y aughter ha' ;u't <)=no1 ie @ but come an )ay Jour han on her, an 'he 1i)) come to )i&e0 -n +e'u' got up an accompanie him, 1ith !i' i'cip)e'0 -n beho) , a 1oman 1ho ha 'u&&ere &rom a &)o1 o& b)oo &or t1e)/e year' came up behin !im an touche the &ringe o& !i' garment@(#* For 'he kept 'aying to her'e)&, 2& 2 on)y touch !i' garment, 2 'ha)) be re'tore to hea)th0 +e'u' turne aroun an , 'eeing her, !e 'ai , Take courage, aughterH Jour &aith ha' ma e you 1e))0 -n at once the 1oman 1a' re'tore to hea)th0 -n 1hen +e'u' came to the ru)erI' hou'e an 'a1 the &)ute p)ayer' an the cro1 making an uproar an in, !e 'ai , Do a1ay@ &or the gir) i' not ea but ')eeping0 -n they )aughe an ;eere at !im0 #ut 1hen the cro1 ha been or ere to go out'i e, !e 1ent in an took her by the han , an the gir) aro'e0
25 24 23 22 21 2> 19 18 17 16 15

-n the ne1' about thi' 'prea through a)) that i'trict0 -' +e'u' pa''e on &rom there, t1o b)in men &o))o1e !im, 'houting )ou )y, !a/e pity an mercy on u', 8on o& .a/i H Bhen !e reache the hou'e an 1ent in, the b)in men came to !im, an +e'u' 'ai to them, .o you be)ie/e that 2 am ab)e to o thi'G They 'ai to !im, Je', Lor 0 Then !e touche their eye', 'aying, -ccor ing to your &aith an tru't an re)iance <on the po1er in/e'te in ,e= be it one to you@ -n their eye' 1ere opene 0 -n +e'u' earne't)y an 'tern)y charge them, 8ee that you )et no one kno1 about thi'0 #ut they 1ent o&& an b)a5e an 'prea !i' &ame abroa throughout that 1ho)e i'trict0 -n 1hi)e they 1ere going a1ay, beho) , a umb man un er the po1er o& a emon 1a' brought to +e'u'0 -n 1hen the emon 1a' ri/en out, the umb man 'poke@ an the cro1 ' 1ere 'tunne 1ith be1i) ere 1on er, 'aying, 7e/er be&ore ha' anything )ike thi' been 'een in 2'rae)0 #ut the 4hari'ee' 'ai , !e ri/e' out emon' through an 1ith the he)p o& the prince o& emon'0 -n +e'u' 1ent about a)) the citie' an /i))age', teaching in their 'ynagogue' an proc)aiming the goo ne1' (the Do'pe)* o& the king om an curing a)) kin ' o& i'ea'e an e/ery 1eakne'' an in&irmity0 Bhen !e 'a1 the throng', !e 1a' mo/e 1ith pity an 'ympathy &or them, becau'e they 1ere be1i) ere (hara''e an i'tre''e an e;ecte an he)p)e''*, )ike (C* 'heep 1ithout a 'hepher 0
37 36 35 34 33 32 31 3> 29 28 27


Then !e 'ai to !i' i'cip)e', The har/e't i' in ee

p)enti&u), but the )aborer' are &e10 8o pray to the Lor o& the har/e't to thru't )aborer' into !i' har/e't0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 9?2 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 9?4 ,any manu'cript' 'o rea 0 c0 ,atthe1 9?4 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 9?5 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 9?6 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 9?8 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 9?9 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 9?1> D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 9?13 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 ;0 ,atthe1 9?14 ,any manu'cript' 'o rea 0 k0 ,atthe1 9?17 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 9?18 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 m0 ,atthe1 9?38 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 9?13 ? !o' 6?6 #0 ,atthe1 9?2> ? ,att 14?36 C0 ,atthe1 9?36 ? 6ech 1>?2
38 <m=

&orce out an

Matthew 1% (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 1%

-7. +"8:8 'ummone to !im !i' t1e)/e i'cip)e' an ga/e them po1er an authority o/er unc)ean 'pirit', to ri/e them out, an to cure a)) kin ' o& i'ea'e an a)) kin ' o& 1eakne'' an in&irmity0 7o1 the'e are the name' o& the t1e)/e apo't)e' ('pecia) me''enger'*? &ir't, 8imon, 1ho i' ca))e 4eter, an -n re1 hi' brother@ +ame' 'on o& 6ebe ee, an +ohn hi' brother@ 4hi)ip an #artho)ome1 <7athanie)=@ Thoma' an ,atthe1 the taA co))ector@ +ame' 'on o& -)phaeu', an Tha aeu' <+u a', not 2'cariot=@ 8imon the Cananaean, an +u a' 2'cariot, 1ho a)'o betraye !im0 +e'u' 'ent out the'e t1e)/e, charging them, Do no1here among the Denti)e' an o not go into any to1n o& the 8amaritan'@
6 7 5 4 3 2

#ut go rather to the )o't 'heep o& the hou'e o& 2'rae)0

-n a' you go, preach, 'aying, The king om o& hea/en i' at han H Cure the 'ick, rai'e the ea , c)ean'e the )eper', ri/e out emon'0 Free)y (1ithout pay* you ha/e recei/e , &ree)y (1ithout charge* gi/e0 Take no go) nor 'i)/er nor <e/en= copper money in your pur'e' (be)t'*@ -n o not take a pro/i'ion bag or a <a=1a))et &or a co))ection bag &or your ;ourney, nor t1o un ergarment', nor 'an a)', nor a 'ta&&@ &or the 1orkman e'er/e' hi' 'upport (hi' )i/ing, hi' &oo *0 -n into 1hate/er to1n or /i))age you go, inCuire 1ho in it i' e'er/ing, an 'tay there <at hi' hou'e= unti) you )ea/e <that /icinity=0
12 11 1> 9 8

-' you go into the hou'e, gi/e your greeting' an

1i'h it 1e))0 Then i& in ee that hou'e i' e'er/ing, )et come upon it your peace <that i', <b=&ree om &rom a)) the i'tre''e' that are eAperience a' the re'u)t o& 'in=0 #ut i& it i' not e'er/ing, )et your peace return to you0 -n 1hoe/er 1i)) not recei/e an accept an 1e)come you nor )i'ten to your me''age, a' you )ea/e that hou'e or to1n, 'hake the u't <o& it= &rom your &eet0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, it 'ha)) be more to)erab)e on the ay o& ;u gment &or the )an o& 8o om an Domorrah than &or that to1n0 #eho) , 2 am 'en ing you out )ike 'heep in the mi 't o& 1o)/e'@ be <c=1ary an 1i'e a' 'erpent', an be innocent (harm)e'', gui)e)e'', an < =1ithout &a)'ity* a' o/e'0(-* #e on guar again't men <1ho'e <e=1ay or nature i' to act in oppo'ition to Do =@ &or they 1i)) e)i/er you up to counci)' an &)og you in their 'ynagogue', -n you 1i)) be brought be&ore go/ernor' an king' &or ,y 'ake, a' a 1itne'' to bear te'timony be&ore them an to the Denti)e' (the nation'*0 #ut 1hen they e)i/er you up, o not be anAiou' about ho1 or 1hat you are to 'peak@ &or 1hat you are to 'ay 1i)) be gi/en you in that /ery hour an <&=moment, For it i' not you 1ho are 'peaking, but the 8pirit o& your Father 'peaking through you0 #rother 1i)) e)i/er up brother to eath, an the &ather hi' chi) @ an chi) ren 1i)) take a 'tan again't their parent' an 1i)) ha/e them put to eath0 -n you 1i)) be hate by a)) &or ,y nameI' 'ake, but he 1ho per'e/ere' an en ure' to the en 1i)) be 'a/e <<g=&rom 'piritua) i'ea'e an eath in the 1or) to come=0
23 22 21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13

Bhen they per'ecute you in one to1n <that i', pur'ue

you in a manner that 1ou) in;ure you an cau'e you to 'u&&er becau'e o& your be)ie&=, &)ee to another to1n@ &or tru)y 2 te)) you, you 1i)) not ha/e gone through a)) the to1n' o& 2'rae) be&ore <h=the 8on o& ,an come'0 - i'cip)e i' not abo/e hi' teacher, nor i' a 'er/ant or ')a/e abo/e hi' ma'ter0 2t i' 'u&&icient &or the i'cip)e to be )ike hi' teacher, an the 'er/ant or ')a/e )ike hi' ma'ter0 2& they ha/e ca))e the ,a'ter o& the hou'e #ee)5ebub <<i=ma'ter o& the 1e))ing=, ho1 much more 1i)) they 'peak e/i) o& tho'e o& !i' hou'eho) 0 <22 %ing' 1?20= 8o ha/e no &ear o& them@ &or nothing i' concea)e that 1i)) not be re/ea)e , or kept 'ecret that 1i)) not become kno1n0 Bhat 2 'ay to you in the ark, te)) in the )ight@ an 1hat you hear 1hi'pere in the ear, proc)aim upon the hou'etop'0 -n o not be a&rai o& tho'e 1ho ki)) the bo y but cannot ki)) the 'ou)@ but rather be a&rai o& !im 1ho can e'troy both 'ou) an bo y in he)) (Dehenna*0 -re not t1o <;=)itt)e 'parro1' 'o) &or a pennyG -n yet not one o& them 1i)) &a)) to the groun 1ithout your FatherI' )ea/e (con'ent* an notice0 #ut e/en the /ery hair' o& your hea are a)) numbere 0 Fear not, then@ you are o& more /a)ue than many 'parro1'0 There&ore, e/eryone 1ho ackno1)e ge' ,e be&ore men an con&e''e' ,e <<k=out o& a 'tate o& onene'' 1ith ,e=, 2 1i)) a)'o ackno1)e ge him be&ore ,y Father Bho i' in hea/en an <)=con&e'' <that 2 am abi ing in= him0 #ut 1hoe/er enie' an i'o1n' ,e be&ore men, 2 a)'o 1i)) eny an i'o1n him be&ore ,y Father Bho i' in
33 32 31 3> 29 28 27 26 25 24

hea/en0 .o not think that 2 ha/e come to bring peace upon the earth@ 2 ha/e not come to bring peace, but a '1or 0 For 2 ha/e come to part a'un er a man &rom hi' &ather, an a aughter &rom her mother, an a <m=ne1)y marrie 1i&e &rom her motherEinE)a1EE
36 37 35 34

-n a manI' &oe' 1i)) be they o& hi' o1n hou'eho) 0 (#*

!e 1ho )o/e' <an <n=take' more p)ea'ure in= &ather or mother more than <in= ,e i' not 1orthy o& ,e@ an he 1ho )o/e' <an take' more p)ea'ure in= 'on or aughter more than <in= ,e i' not 1orthy o& ,e@ -n he 1ho oe' not take up hi' cro'' an &o))o1 ,e < c)ea/e 'tea &a't)y to ,e, con&orming 1ho))y to ,y eAamp)e in )i/ing an , i& nee be, in ying a)'o= i' not 1orthy o& ,e0
<o= 38

Bhoe/er &in ' hi' <<p=)o1er= )i&e 1i)) )o'e it <the higher )i&e=, an 1hoe/er )o'e' hi' <)o1er= )i&e on ,y account 1i)) &in it <the higher )i&e=0 !e 1ho recei/e' an 1e)come' an accept' you recei/e' an 1e)come' an accept' ,e, an he 1ho recei/e' an 1e)come' an accept' ,e recei/e' an 1e)come' an accept' !im Bho 'ent ,e0 !e 1ho recei/e' an 1e)come' an accept' a prophet becau'e he i' a prophet 'ha)) recei/e a prophetI' re1ar , an he 1ho recei/e' an 1e)come' an accept' a righteou' man becau'e he i' a righteou' man 'ha)) recei/e a righteou' manI' re1ar 0 -n 1hoe/er gi/e' to one o& the'e )itt)e one' <in rank or in&)uence= e/en a cup o& co) 1ater becau'e he i' ,y i'cip)e, 'ure)y 2 ec)are to you, he 'ha)) not )o'e hi' re1ar 0 Footnotes:
42 41 4>


a0 ,atthe1 1>?1> +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 b0 ,atthe1 1>?13 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 1>?16 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 0 ,atthe1 1>?16 ,artin Luther, cite by ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 e0 ,atthe1 1>?17 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 1>?19 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 g0 ,atthe1 1>?22 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 1>?23 #e)ie/e by many to mean the coming o& the !o)y 8pirit at 4enteco't0 $ther commentator' ob'er/e that the 'aying 'eem' to teach that the Do'pe) 1i)) continue to be preache to the +e1' unti) Chri'tI' 'econ coming0 i0 ,atthe1 1>?25 +ohn .0 .a/i', - .ictionary o& the #ib)e0 ;0 ,atthe1 1>?29 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 k0 ,atthe1 1>?32 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 )0 ,atthe1 1>?32 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 m0 ,atthe1 1>?35 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 n0 ,atthe1 1>?37 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 o0 ,atthe1 1>?38 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 p0 ,atthe1 1>?39 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 1>?16 ? Den 3?1 #0 ,atthe1 1>?36 ? ,ic 7?6

Matthew 11 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP)

Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 11

B!"7 +"8:8 ha &ini'he !i' charge to !i' t1e)/e i'cip)e', !e )e&t there to teach an to preach in their <Da)i)ean= citie'0 7o1 1hen +ohn in pri'on hear about the acti/itie' o& Chri't, he 'ent a me''age by hi' i'cip)e' -n a'ke !im, -re Jou the $ne Bho 1a' to come, or 'hou) 1e keep on eApecting a i&&erent oneG (-* -n +e'u' rep)ie to them, Do an report to +ohn 1hat you hear an 'ee? The b)in recei/e their 'ight an the )ame 1a)k, )eper' are c)ean'e (by hea)ing* an the ea& hear, the ea are rai'e up an the poor ha/e goo ne1' (the Do'pe)* preache to them0(#* -n b)e''e (happy, &ortunate, an <a=to be en/ie * i' he 1ho take' no o&&en'e at ,e an &in ' no cau'e &or 'tumb)ing in or through ,e an i' not hin ere &rom 'eeing the Truth0 Then a' the'e men 1ent their 1ay, +e'u' began to 'peak to the cro1 ' about +ohn? Bhat i you go out in the 1i) erne'' ( e'ert* to 'eeG - ree '1aye by the 1in G Bhat i you go out to 'ee thenG - man c)othe in 'o&t garment'G #eho) , tho'e 1ho 1ear 'o&t c)othing are in the hou'e' o& king'0 #ut 1hat i you go out to 'eeG - prophetG Je', 2 te)) you, an one <<b=out o& the common, more eminent, more remarkab)e, an = <c='uperior to a prophet0 Thi' i' the one o& 1hom it i' 1ritten, #eho) , 2 'en ,y me''enger ahea o& Jou, 1ho 'ha)) make rea y Jour
1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

1ay be&ore Jou0(C* Tru)y 2 te)) you, among tho'e born o& 1omen there ha' not ri'en anyone greater than +ohn the #apti't@ yet he 1ho i' )ea't in the king om o& hea/en i' greater than he0 -n &rom the ay' o& +ohn the #apti't unti) the pre'ent time, the king om o& hea/en ha' en ure /io)ent a''au)t, an /io)ent men 'ei5e it by &orce <a' a preciou' pri5eEEa < ='hare in the hea/en)y king om i' 'ought 1ith mo't ar ent 5ea) an inten'e eAertion=0 For a)) the 4rophet' an the La1 prophe'ie up unti) +ohn0 -n i& you are 1i))ing to recei/e an accept it, +ohn him'e)& i' ")i;ah 1ho 1a' to come <be&ore the king om=0 (.* !e 1ho ha' ear' to hear, )et him be )i'tening an )et him con'i er an <e=percei/e an comprehen by hearing0 #ut to 1hat 'ha)) 2 )iken thi' generationG 2t i' )ike )itt)e chi) ren 'itting in the marketp)ace' 1ho ca)) to their p)aymate', Be pipe to you <p)aying 1e ing=, an you i not ance@ 1e 1ai)e irge' <p)aying &unera)=, an you i not mourn an beat your brea't' an 1eep a)ou 0 For +ohn came neither eating nor rinking <1ith other'=, an they 'ay, !e ha' a emonH The 8on o& ,an came eating an rinking <1ith other'=, an they 'ay, #eho) , a g)utton an a 1ine rinker, a &rien o& taA co))ector' an <<&=e'pecia))y 1icke = 'inner'H Jet 1i' om i' ;u'ti&ie an /in icate by 1hat 'he oe' (her ee '* an by <g=her chi) ren0 Then !e began to cen'ure an reproach the citie' in 1hich mo't o& !i' mighty 1ork' ha been per&orme , becau'e they i not repent <an their heart' 1ere not change =0
21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

Boe to you, Chora5inH Boe to you, #eth'ai aH For i&

the mighty 1ork' one in you ha been one in Tyre an 8i on, they 1ou) )ong ago ha/e repente in 'ackc)oth an a'he' <an their heart' 1ou) ha/e been change =0 2 te)) you <&urther=, it 'ha)) be more en urab)e &or Tyre an 8i on on the ay o& ;u gment than &or you0 -n you, Capernaum, are you to be )i&te hea/enG Jou 'ha)) be brought o1n to !a e' o& the ea =H For i& the mighty 1ork' one in been one in 8o om, it 1ou) ha/e continue
24 23 22

up to <the region you ha unti) to ay0

#ut 2 te)) you, it 'ha)) be more en urab)e &or the )an o& 8o om on the ay o& ;u gment than &or you0 -t that time +e'u' began to 'ay, 2 thank Jou, Father, Lor o& hea/en an earth <an <h=2 ackno1)e ge open)y an ;oy&u))y to Jour honor=, that Jou ha/e hi en the'e thing' &rom the 1i'e an c)e/er an )earne , an re/ea)e them to babie' <to the <i=chi) i'h, untaught, an un'ki))e =0 Je', Father, <2 prai'e Jou that= 'uch 1a' Jour graciou' 1i)) an goo p)ea'ure0 -)) thing' ha/e been entru'te an e)i/ere to ,e by <;= <k= ,y Father@ an no one &u))y kno1' an accurate)y un er'tan ' the 8on eAcept the Father, an no one <)=&u))y kno1' an <m=accurate)y un er'tan ' the Father eAcept the 8on an anyone to 1hom the 8on <n= e)iberate)y 1i))' to make !im kno1n0 Come to ,e, a)) you 1ho )abor an are hea/yE)a en an o/erbur ene , an 2 1i)) cau'e you to re't0 <2 1i)) <o= ea'e an re)ie/e an <p=re&re'h <C=your 'ou)'0= Take ,y yoke upon you an )earn o& ,e, &or 2 am gent)e (meek* an humb)e ()o1)y* in heart, an you 1i)) &in re't (<r=re)ie& an ea'e an re&re'hment an <'= recreation an b)e''e Cuiet* &or your 'ou)'0 ("* For ,y yoke i' 1ho)e'ome (u'e&u), <t=goo EEnot har'h, har , 'harp, or pre''ing, but com&ortab)e, graciou', an p)ea'ant*, an ,y bur en i' )ight an ea'y to be borne0
3> 29 28 27 26 25

Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 11?6 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 11?9 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 11?9 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 11?12 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 11?15 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 11?19 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 11?19 ,any manu'cript' rea Kchi) renK here, a' in Luke 7?350 h0 ,atthe1 11?25 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 11?25 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 ;0 ,atthe1 11?27 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 k0 ,atthe1 11?27 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 11?27 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 m0 ,atthe1 11?27 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 11?27 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 11?28 Bi))iam Tyn a)e, The Tyn a)e #ib)e0 p0 ,atthe1 11?28 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 C0 ,atthe1 11?28 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 r0 ,atthe1 11?29 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 '0 ,atthe1 11?29 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 t0 ,atthe1 11?3> +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0

Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 11?3 ? Den 49?1>@ 7um 24?17 #0 ,atthe1 11?5 ? 2'a 35?5, 6@ 61?1 C0 ,atthe1 11?1> ? ,a) 3?1 .0 ,atthe1 11?14 ? ,a) 4?5 "0 ,atthe1 11?29 ? +er 6?16

Matthew 12 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 12

-T T!-T <a=particu)ar time +e'u' 1ent through the &ie) ' o& 'tan ing grain on the 8abbath@ an !i' i'cip)e' 1ere hungry, an they began to pick o&& the 'pike' o& grain an to eat0(-* -n 1hen the 4hari'ee' 'a1 it, they 'ai to !im, 8ee thereH Jour i'cip)e' are oing 1hat i' un)a1&u) an not permitte on the 8abbath0 !e 'ai to them, !a/e you not e/en rea 1hat .a/i i 1hen he 1a' hungry, an tho'e 1ho accompanie himEE(#* !o1 he 1ent into the hou'e o& Do an ate the )oa/e' o& the 'ho1brea EE1hich 1a' not )a1&u) &or him to eat, nor &or the men 1ho accompanie him, but &or the prie't' on)yG $r ha/e you ne/er rea in the La1 that on the 8abbath the prie't' in the temp)e /io)ate the 'anctity o& the 8abbath <breaking it= an yet are gui)t)e''G(C* #ut 2 te)) you, 8omething greater an <b=more eAa)te an more ma;e'tic than the temp)e i' hereH
6 5 4 3 2

-n i& you ha on)y kno1n 1hat thi' 'aying mean', 2 e'ire mercy <rea ine'' to he)p, to 'pare, to &orgi/e= rather than 'acri&ice an 'acri&icia) /ictim', you 1ou) not ha/e con emne the gui)t)e''0(.*
8 9

For the 8on o& ,an i' Lor <e/en= o& the 8abbath0

-n going on &rom there, !e 1ent into their 'ynagogue0 -n beho) , a man 1a' there 1ith one 1ithere han 0 -n they 'ai to !im, 2' it )a1&u) or a))o1ab)e to cure peop)e on the 8abbath ay'GEEthat they might accu'e !im0 #ut !e 'ai to them, Bhat man i' there among you, i& he ha' on)y one 'heep an it &a))' into a pit or itch on the 8abbath, 1i)) not take ho) o& it an )i&t it outG !o1 much better an o& more /a)ue i' a man than a 'heepH 8o it i' )a1&u) an a))o1ab)e to o goo on the 8abbath ay'0 Then !e 'ai to the man, 9each out your han 0 -n the man reache it out an it 1a' re'tore , a' 'oun a' the other one0 #ut the 4hari'ee' 1ent out an he) a con'u)tation again't !im, ho1 they might o a1ay 1ith !im0 #ut being a1are o& thi', +e'u' 1ent a1ay &rom there0 -n many peop)e <c=;oine an accompanie !im, an !e cure a)) o& them, -n 'trict)y charge them an 'harp)y 1arne them not to make !im < =pub)ic)y kno1n0 Thi' 1a' in &u)&i))ment o& 1hat 1a' 'poken by the prophet 2'aiah, #eho) , ,y 8er/ant Bhom 2 ha/e cho'en, ,y #e)o/e in an 1ith Bhom ,y 'ou) i' 1e)) p)ea'e an <e=ha' &oun it' e)ight0 2 1i)) put ,y 8pirit upon !im, an !e 'ha)) proc)aim an <&='ho1 &orth ;u'tice to the nation'0
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1>

!e 1i)) not 'tri/e or 1rang)e or cry out )ou )y@ nor 1i)) anyone hear !i' /oice in the 'treet'@ - brui'e ree !e 1i)) not break, an a 'mo) ering ( im)y burning* 1ick !e 1i)) not Cuench, ti)) !e bring' <g= ;u'tice an a ;u't cau'e to /ictory0
<h= 2>


-n in an on !i' name 1i)) the Denti)e' (the peop)e' out'i e o& 2'rae)* 'et their hope'0("*


Then a b)in an umb man un er the po1er o& a emon 1a' brought to +e'u', an !e cure him, 'o that the b)in an umb man both 'poke an 'a10 -n a)) the <cro1 ' o&= peop)e 1ere 'tunne 1ith be1i) ere 1on er an 'ai , Thi' cannot be the 8on o& .a/i , can itG #ut the 4hari'ee', hearing it, 'ai , Thi' <i=,an ri/e' out emon' on)y by an 1ith the he)p o& #ee)5ebub, the prince o& emon'0 -n kno1ing their thought', !e 'ai to them, -ny king om that i' i/i e again't it'e)& i' being brought to e'o)ation an )ai 1a'te, an no city or hou'e i/i e again't it'e)& 1i)) )a't or continue to 'tan 0 -n i& 8atan ri/e' out 8atan, he ha' become i/i e again't him'e)& an i'uni&ie @ ho1 then 1i)) hi' king om )a't or continue to 'tan G -n i& 2 ri/e out the emon' by <he)p o&= #ee)5ebub, by 1ho'e <he)p= o your 'on' ri/e them outG <;=For thi' rea'on they 'ha)) be your ;u ge'0 #ut i& it i' by the 8pirit o& Do that 2 ri/e out the emon', then the king om o& Do ha' come upon you <k= < be&ore you eApecte it=0 $r ho1 can a per'on go into a 'trong manI' hou'e an carry o&& hi' goo ' (the entire eCuipment o& hi' hou'e* 1ithout &ir't bin ing the 'trong manG Then in ee he may p)un er hi' hou'e0
29 28 27 26 25 24 23

!e 1ho i' not 1ith ,e < e&inite)y <)=on ,y 'i e= i' again't ,e, an he 1ho oe' not < e&inite)y= gather 1ith ,e an &or <m=,y 'i e 'catter'0 There&ore 2 te)) you, e/ery 'in an b)a'phemy (e/ery e/i), abu'i/e, <n=in;uriou' 'peaking, or in ignity again't 'acre thing'* can be &orgi/en men, but b)a'phemy again't the <!o)y= 8pirit 'ha)) not an <o=cannot be &orgi/en0 -n 1hoe/er 'peak' a 1or again't the 8on o& ,an 1i)) be &orgi/en, but 1hoe/er 'peak' again't the 8pirit, the !o)y $ne, 1i)) not be &orgi/en, either in thi' 1or) an age or in the 1or) an age to come0 "ither make the tree 'oun (hea)thy an goo *, an it' &ruit 'oun (hea)thy an goo *, or make the tree rotten ( i'ea'e an ba *, an it' &ruit rotten ( i'ea'e an ba *@ &or the tree i' kno1n an recogni5e an ;u ge by it' &ruit0 Jou o&&'pring o& /iper'H !o1 can you 'peak goo thing' 1hen you are e/i) (1icke *G For out o& the &u))ne'' (the o/er&)o1, the <p='uperabun ance* o& the heart the mouth 'peak'0 The goo man &rom hi' inner goo trea'ure <C=&)ing' &orth goo thing', an the e/i) man out o& hi' inner e/i) 'torehou'e <r=&)ing' &orth e/i) thing'0 #ut 2 te)) you, on the ay o& ;u gment men 1i)) ha/e to gi/e account &or e/ery <'=i )e (inoperati/e, non1orking* 1or they 'peak0 For by your 1or ' you 1i)) be ;u'ti&ie an acCuitte , an by your 1or ' you 1i)) be con emne an 'entence 0 Then 'ome o& the 'cribe' an 4hari'ee' 'ai to !im, Teacher, 1e e'ire to 'ee a 'ign or mirac)e &rom Jou <pro/ing that Jou are 1hat Jou c)aim to be=0 #ut !e rep)ie to them, -n e/i) an a u)terou' generation (a generation <t=mora))y un&aith&u) to Do *
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31


'eek' an eman ' a 'ign@ but no 'ign 'ha)) be gi/en to it eAcept the 'ign o& the prophet +onah0 For e/en a' +onah 1a' three ay' an three night' in the be))y o& the 'ea mon'ter, 'o 1i)) the 8on o& ,an be three ay' an three night' in the heart o& the earth0 (F* The men o& 7ine/eh 1i)) 'tan up at the ;u gment 1ith thi' generation an con emn it@ &or they repente at the preaching o& +onah, an beho) , 8omeone more an greater than +onah i' hereH(D* The Cueen o& the 8outh 1i)) 'tan up at the ;u gment 1ith thi' generation an con emn it@ &or 'he came &rom the en ' o& the earth to )i'ten to the 1i' om o& 8o)omon, an beho) , 8omeone more an greater than 8o)omon i' here0 <2 %ing' 1>?1@ 22 Chron0 9?10= #ut 1hen the unc)ean 'pirit ha' gone out o& a man, it roam' through ry <ari = p)ace' in 'earch o& re't, but it oe' not &in any0 Then it 'ay', 2 1i)) go back to my hou'e &rom 1hich 2 came out0 -n 1hen it arri/e', it &in ' the p)ace unoccupie , '1ept, put in or er, an ecorate 0 Then it goe' an bring' 1ith it 'e/en other 'pirit' more 1icke than it'e)&, an they go in an make their home there0 -n the )a't con ition o& that man become' 1or'e than the &ir't0 8o a)'o 'ha)) it be 1ith thi' 1icke generation0 +e'u' 1a' 'ti)) 'peaking to the peop)e 1hen beho) , !i' mother an brother' 'too out'i e, 'eeking to 'peak to !im0 8omeone 'ai to !im, Li'tenH Jour mother an Jour brother' are 'tan ing out'i e, 'eeking to 'peak to Jou0 #ut !e rep)ie to the man 1ho to) !im, Bho i' ,y mother, an 1ho are ,y brother'G
49 48 47<u= 46 45 44 43 42 41 4>

-n 'tretching out !i' han to1ar <not on)y the

t1e)/e i'cip)e' but a))= </=!i' a herent', !e 'ai , !ere are ,y mother an ,y brother'0 For 1hoe/er oe' the 1i)) o& ,y Father in hea/en i' ,y brother an 'i'ter an motherH Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 12?1 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 b0 ,atthe1 12?6 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 12?15 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 12?16 +ohn .arby, The 7e1 Te'tament, a 7e1 Tran')ation0 e0 ,atthe1 12?18 +ohn .arby, The 7e1 Te'tament, a 7e1 Tran')ation0 &0 ,atthe1 12?18 +ohn .arby, The 7e1 Te'tament, a 7e1 Tran')ation0 g0 ,atthe1 12?2> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 12?21 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 12?24 Capita)i5e becau'e o& 1hat !e i', the 'pot)e'' 8on o& Do , not 1hat the 'peaker' may ha/e thought !e 1a'0 ;0 ,atthe1 12?27 +ohn .arby, The 7e1 Te'tament, a 7e1 Tran')ation0 k0 ,atthe1 12?28 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 )0 ,atthe1 12?3> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 12?3> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 12?31 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 o0 ,atthe1 12?31 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation0

p0 ,atthe1 12?34 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 12?35 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 r0 ,atthe1 12?35 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 '0 ,atthe1 12?36 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 t0 ,atthe1 12?39 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 u0 ,atthe1 12?47 8ome manu'cript' omit /er'e 470 /0 ,atthe1 12?49 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 12?1 ? .eut 23?25 #0 ,atthe1 12?3 ? Le/ 24?9@ 2 8am 21?1E6 C0 ,atthe1 12?5 ? 7um 28?9, 1> .0 ,atthe1 12?7 ? !o' 6?6@ ,att 9?13 "0 ,atthe1 12?21 ? 2'a 42?1E4 F0 ,atthe1 12?4> ? +onah 1?17 D0 ,atthe1 12?41 ? +onah 3?5 Matthew 13 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 13

T!-T 8-," ay +e'u' 1ent out o& the hou'e an 1a' 'itting be'i e the 'ea0 #ut 'uch great cro1 ' gathere about !im that !e got into a boat an remaine 'itting there, 1hi)e a)) the throng 'too on the 'hore0 -n !e to) them many thing' in parab)e' ('torie' by 1ay o& i))u'tration an compari'on*, 'aying, - 'o1er 1ent out to 'o10 -n a' he 'o1e , 'ome 'ee ' &e)) by the roa 'i e, an the bir ' came an ate them up0
4 3 2

$ther 'ee ' &e)) on rocky groun , 1here they ha not much 'oi)@ an at once they 'prang up, becau'e they ha no epth o& 'oi)0 #ut 1hen the 'un ro'e, they 1ere 'corche , an becau'e they ha no root, they rie up an 1ithere a1ay0 $ther 'ee ' &e)) among thorn', an the thorn' gre1 up an choke them out0 $ther 'ee ' &e)) on goo 'oi), an yie) e grainEE'ome a hun re time' a' much a' 1a' 'o1n, 'ome 'iAty time' a' much, an 'ome thirty0 !e 1ho ha' ear' <to hear=, )et him be )i'tening an )et him <a=con'i er an <b=percei/e an comprehen by hearing0 Then the i'cip)e' came to !im an 'ai , Bhy o Jou 'peak to them in parab)e'G -n !e rep)ie to them, To you it ha' been gi/en to kno1 the 'ecret' an my'terie' o& the king om o& hea/en, but to them it ha' not been gi/en0 For 1hoe/er ha' <'piritua) kno1)e ge=, to him 1i)) more be gi/en an he 1i)) <c=be &urni'he rich)y 'o that he 1i)) ha/e abun ance@ but &rom him 1ho ha' not, e/en 1hat he ha' 1i)) be taken a1ay0 Thi' i' the rea'on that 2 'peak to them in parab)e'? becau'e < =ha/ing the po1er o& 'eeing, they o not 'ee@ an <e=ha/ing the po1er o& hearing, they o not hear, nor o they gra'p an un er'tan 0 2n them in ee i' <&=the proce'' o& &u)&i))ment o& the prophecy o& 2'aiah, 1hich 'ay'? Jou 'ha)) in ee hear an hear but ne/er gra'p an un er'tan @ an you 'ha)) in ee )ook an )ook but ne/er 'ee an percei/e0 For thi' nationI' heart ha' gro1n gro'' (&at an u))*, an their ear' hea/y an i&&icu)t o& hearing, an their
15 14 13 12 11 1> 9 8 7 6

eye' they ha/e tight)y c)o'e , )e't they 'ee an percei/e 1ith their eye', an hear an comprehen the 'en'e 1ith their ear', an gra'p an un er'tan 1ith their heart, an turn an 2 'hou) hea) them0(-* #ut b)e''e (happy, &ortunate, an <g=to be en/ie * are your eye' becau'e they o 'ee, an your ear' becau'e they o hear0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, many prophet' an righteou' men <men 1ho 1ere upright an in right 'tan ing 1ith Do = yearne to 'ee 1hat you 'ee, an i not 'ee it, an to hear 1hat you hear, an i not hear it0 Li'ten then to the <meaning o& the= parab)e o& the 'o1er? Bhi)e anyone i' hearing the Bor o& the king om an oe' not gra'p an comprehen it, the e/i) one come' an 'natche' a1ay 1hat 1a' 'o1n in hi' heart0 Thi' i' 1hat 1a' 'o1n a)ong the roa 'i e0 -' &or 1hat 1a' 'o1n on thin (rocky* 'oi), thi' i' he 1ho hear' the Bor an at once 1e)come' an accept' it 1ith ;oy@ Jet it ha' no rea) root in him, but i' temporary (incon'tant, <i=)a't' but a )itt)e 1hi)e*@ an 1hen a&&)iction or troub)e or per'ecution come' on account o& the Bor , at once he i' cau'e to 'tumb)e <he i' repe))e an <;= begin' to i'tru't an e'ert !im Bhom he ought to tru't an obey= an he &a))' a1ay0 -' &or 1hat 1a' 'o1n among thorn', thi' i' he 1ho hear' the Bor , but the care' o& the 1or) an the p)ea'ure an e)ight an g)amour an eceit&u)ne'' o& riche' choke an 'u&&ocate the Bor , an it yie) ' no &ruit0 -' &or 1hat 1a' 'o1n on goo 'oi), thi' i' he 1ho hear' the Bor an gra'p' an comprehen ' it@ he in ee bear' &ruit an yie) ' in one ca'e a hun re time' a' much a' 1a' 'o1n, in another 'iAty time' a' much, an in
23 22 21 2> 19<h= 18 17 16

another thirty0 -nother parab)e !e 'et &orth be&ore them, 'aying, The king om o& hea/en i' )ike a man 1ho 'o1e goo 'ee in hi' &ie) 0 #ut 1hi)e he 1a' ')eeping, hi' enemy came an 'o1e a)'o arne) (1ee ' re'emb)ing 1heat* among the 1heat, an 1ent on hi' 1ay0 8o 1hen the p)ant' 'proute an &orme grain, the arne) (1ee '* appeare a)'o0 -n the 'er/ant' o& the o1ner came to him an 'ai , 8ir, i you not 'o1 goo 'ee in your &ie) G Then ho1 oe' it ha/e arne) 'hoot' in itG !e rep)ie to them, -n enemy ha' one thi'0 The 'er/ant' 'ai to him, Then o you 1ant u' to go an 1ee them outG #ut he 'ai , 7o, )e't in gathering the 1i) 1heat (1ee ' re'emb)ing 1heat*, you root up the <true= 1heat a)ong 1ith it0 Let them gro1 together unti) the har/e't@ an at har/e't time 2 1i)) 'ay to the reaper', Dather the arne) &ir't an bin it in bun )e' to be burne , but gather the 1heat into my granary0 -nother 'tory by 1ay o& compari'on !e 'et &orth be&ore them, 'aying, The king om o& hea/en i' )ike a grain o& mu'tar 'ee , 1hich a man took an 'o1e in hi' &ie) 0 $& a)) the 'ee ' it i' the 'ma))e't, but 1hen it ha' gro1n it i' the )arge't o& the gar en herb' an become' a tree, 'o that the bir ' o& the air come an &in 'he)ter in it' branche'0 !e to) them another parab)e? The king om o& hea/en i' )ike )ea/en (<k='our ough* 1hich a 1oman took an co/ere o/er in three mea'ure' o& mea) or &)our ti)) a)) o& it 1a' )ea/ene 0(#*
33 32 31 3> 29 28 27 26 25 24

The'e thing' <)=a)) taken together +e'u' 'ai to the cro1 ' in parab)e'@ in ee , 1ithout a parab)e !e 'ai nothing to them0 Thi' 1a' in &u)&i))ment o& 1hat 1a' 'poken by the prophet? 2 1i)) open ,y mouth in parab)e'@ 2 1i)) utter thing' that ha/e been hi en 'ince the &oun ation o& the 1or) 0(C* Then !e )e&t the throng' an 1ent into the hou'e0 -n !i' i'cip)e' came to !im 'aying, "Ap)ain to u' the parab)e o& the arne) in the &ie) 0 !e an'1ere , !e Bho 'o1' the goo 'ee i' the 8on o& ,an0 The &ie) i' the 1or) , an the goo 'ee mean' the chi) ren o& the king om@ the arne) i' the chi) ren o& the e/i) one, -n the enemy 1ho 'o1e it i' the e/i)0 The har/e't i' the c)o'e an con'ummation o& the age, an the reaper' are ange)'0 +u't a' the arne) (1ee ' re'emb)ing 1heat* i' gathere an burne 1ith &ire, 'o it 1i)) be at the c)o'e o& the age0 The 8on o& ,an 1i)) 'en &orth !i' ange)', an they 1i)) gather out o& !i' king om a)) cau'e' o& o&&en'e <<m=per'on' by 1hom other' are ra1n into error or 'in= an a)) 1ho o iniCuity an act 1icke )y, -n 1i)) ca't them into the &urnace o& &ire@ there 1i)) be 1eeping an 1ai)ing an grin ing o& teeth0 Then 1i)) the righteou' (tho'e 1ho are upright an in right 'tan ing 1ith Do * 'hine &orth )ike the 'un in the king om o& their Father0 Let him 1ho ha' ear' <to hear= be )i'tening, an )et him <n=con'i er an percei/e an un er'tan by hearing0(.*
44 43 42 41 4> 39 38 37 36 35


The king om o& hea/en i' )ike


'omething preciou'

burie in a &ie) , 1hich a man &oun an hi again@ then in hi' ;oy he goe' an 'e))' a)) he ha' an buy' that &ie) 0 -gain the king om o& hea/en i' )ike a man 1ho i' a ea)er in 'earch o& &ine an <p=preciou' pear)', Bho, on &in ing a 'ing)e pear) o& great price, 1ent an 'o) a)) he ha an bought it0 -gain, the king om o& hea/en i' )ike a <C= ragnet 1hich 1a' ca't into the 'ea an gathere in &i'h o& e/ery 'ort0 Bhen it 1a' &u)), men ragge it up on the beach, an 'at o1n an 'orte out the goo &i'h into ba'ket', but the 1orth)e'' one' they thre1 a1ay0 8o it 1i)) be at the c)o'e an con'ummation o& the age0 The ange)' 1i)) go &orth an 'eparate the 1icke &rom the righteou' (tho'e 1ho are upright an in right 'tan ing 1ith Do * -n ca't them <the 1icke = into the &urnace o& &ire@ there 1i)) be 1eeping an 1ai)ing an grin ing o& teeth0 !a/e you un er'too <r=a)) the'e thing' <parab)e'= taken togetherG They 'ai to !im, Je', Lor 0 !e 'ai to them, There&ore e/ery <'=teacher an interpreter o& the 8acre Briting' 1ho ha' been in'tructe about an traine &or the king om o& hea/en an ha' <t= become a i'cip)e i' )ike a hou'eho) er 1ho bring' &orth out o& hi' 'torehou'e trea'ure that i' ne1 an <trea'ure that i'= o) <the &re'h a' 1e)) a' the &ami)iar=0 Bhen +e'u' ha &ini'he the'e parab)e' (the'e compari'on'*, !e )e&t there0 -n coming to !i' o1n country <7a5areth=, !e taught in their 'ynagogue 'o that they 1ere ama5e 1ith be1i) ere 1on er, an 'ai , Bhere i thi' <u=,an get thi' 1i' om an the'e miracu)ou' po1er'G
55 54 53 52 51 5> 49 48 47 46 45

2' not thi' the carpenterI' 8onG 2' not !i' mother

ca))e ,aryG -n are not !i' brother' +ame' an +o'eph an 8imon an +u a'G -n o not a)) !i' 'i'ter' )i/e here among u'G Bhere then i thi' ,an get a)) thi'G -n they took o&&en'e at !im <they 1ere repe))e an hin ere &rom ackno1)e ging !i' authority, an cau'e to 'tumb)e=0 #ut +e'u' 'ai to them, - prophet i' not 1ithout honor eAcept in hi' o1n country an in hi' o1n hou'e0 -n !e i not o many 1ork' o& po1er there, becau'e o& their unbe)ie& (their )ack o& &aith </=in the i/ine mi''ion o& +e'u'*0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 g0 ,atthe1 h0 ,atthe1 i0 ,atthe1 ;0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 k0 ,atthe1 )0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 13?9 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 13?9 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek 13?12 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 13?13 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 13?13 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 13?14 13?16 13?19 13?21 13?21 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h
58 57 56

13?33 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 13?34 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 13?41 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 13?43 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h

LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 13?44 LeAicon0 p0 ,atthe1 13?45 LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 13?47 r0 ,atthe1 13?51 LeAicon0 '0 ,atthe1 13?52 LeAicon0 t0 ,atthe1 13?52 u0 ,atthe1 13?54 /0 ,atthe1 13?58 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 13?15 #0 ,atthe1 13?33 C0 ,atthe1 13?35 .0 ,atthe1 13?43

+o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 8ee &ootnote on ,att0 2?80 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 ? ? ? ? 2'a 6?9, 1> Den 18?6 4' 78?2 .an 12?3

Matthew 14 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 14

-T T!-T time !ero the go/ernor hear the report' about +e'u', -n he 'ai to hi' atten ant', Thi' i' +ohn the #apti't@ !e ha' been rai'e &rom the ea , an that i' 1hy the po1er' <a=o& per&orming mirac)e' are at 1ork in !im0 For !ero ha arre'te +ohn an boun him an put him in pri'on <to <b='to1 him out o& the 1ay= on account an &or the 'ake o& !ero ia', hi' brother 4hi)ipI' 1i&e,
3 2

For +ohn ha 'ai to him, 2t i' not )a1&u) or right &or you to ha/e her0(-* -)though he 1i'he to ha/e him put to eath, he 1a' a&rai o& the peop)e, &or they regar e +ohn a' a prophet0 #ut 1hen !ero I' birth ay came, the aughter o& !ero ia' ance in the mi 't <be&ore the company= an p)ea'e an &a'cinate !ero , -n 'o he promi'e 1ith an oath to gi/e her 1hate/er 'he might a'k0 -n 'he, being put &or1ar an prompte by her mother, 'ai , Di/e me the hea o& +ohn the #apti't right here on a <c=p)atter0 -n the king 1a' i'tre''e an 'orry, but becau'e o& hi' oath' an hi' gue't', he or ere it to be gi/en her@
1> 11 9 8 7 6 5

!e 'ent an ha +ohn behea e in the pri'on0

-n hi' hea 1a' brought in on a < =p)atter an gi/en <e= to the )itt)e mai , an 'he brought it to her mother0 -n +ohnI' i'cip)e' came an took up the bo y an burie it0 Then they 1ent an to) +e'u'0 Bhen +e'u' hear it, !e 1ith re1 &rom there pri/ate)y in a boat to a 'o)itary p)ace0 #ut 1hen the cro1 ' hear o& it, they &o))o1e !im <by )an = on &oot &rom the to1n'0 Bhen !e 1ent a'hore an 'a1 a great throng o& peop)e, !e ha compa''ion (pity an eep 'ympathy* &or them an cure their 'ick0 Bhen e/ening came, the i'cip)e' came to !im an 'ai , Thi' i' a remote an barren p)ace, an the ay i' no1 o/er@ 'en the throng' a1ay into the /i))age' to buy &oo &or them'e)/e'0 +e'u' 'ai , They o not nee to go a1ay@ you gi/e them 'omething to eat0 They 'ai to !im, Be ha/e nothing here but &i/e )oa/e' an t1o &i'h0
17 16 15 14 13 12

18 19

!e 'ai , #ring them here to ,e0

Then !e or ere the cro1 ' to rec)ine on the gra''@ an !e took the &i/e )oa/e' an the t1o &i'h, an , )ooking up to hea/en, !e ga/e thank' an b)e''e an broke the )oa/e' an han e the piece' to the i'cip)e', an the i'cip)e' ga/e them to the peop)e0 -n they a)) ate an 1ere 'ati'&ie 0 -n they picke up t1e)/e <<&='ma)) han = ba'ket' &u)) o& the broken piece' )e&t o/er0 -n tho'e 1ho ate 1ere about 5,>>> men, not inc)u ing 1omen an chi) ren0 Then !e irecte the i'cip)e' to get into the boat an go be&ore !im to the other 'i e, 1hi)e !e 'ent a1ay the cro1 '0 -n a&ter !e ha i'mi''e the mu)titu e', !e 1ent up into the hi))' by !im'e)& to pray0 Bhen it 1a' e/ening, !e 1a' 'ti)) there a)one0 #ut the boat 1a' by thi' time out on the 'ea, many &ur)ong' <a &ur)ong i' oneEeighth o& a mi)e= i'tant &rom the )an , beaten an to''e by the 1a/e', &or the 1in 1a' again't them0 -n in the &ourth 1atch <bet1een 3?>>EE6?>> a0m0= o& the night, +e'u' came to them, 1a)king on the 'ea0 -n 1hen the i'cip)e' 'a1 !im 1a)king on the 'ea, they 1ere terri&ie an 'ai , 2t i' a gho'tH -n they 'creame out 1ith &right0 #ut in'tant)y !e 'poke to them, 'aying, Take courageH 2 -,H 8top being a&rai H(#* -n 4eter an'1ere !im, Lor , i& it i' Jou, comman me to come to Jou on the 1ater0 !e 'ai , ComeH 8o 4eter got out o& the boat an 1a)ke on the 1ater, an he came to1ar +e'u'0
3> 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2>

#ut 1hen he percei/e an &e)t the 'trong 1in , he

1a' &rightene , an a' he began to 'ink, he crie out, Lor , 'a/e me <&rom eath=H 2n'tant)y +e'u' reache out !i' han an caught an he) him, 'aying to him, $ you o& )itt)e &aith, 1hy i you oubtG
32 33 31

-n 1hen they got into the boat, the 1in cea'e 0

-n tho'e in the boat kne)t an 1or'hipe !im, 'aying, Tru)y Jou are the 8on o& Do H -n 1hen they ha cro''e o/er to the other 'i e, they 1ent a'hore at Denne'aret0 -n 1hen the men o& that p)ace recogni5e !im, they 'ent aroun into a)) the 'urroun ing country an brought to !im a)) 1ho 1ere 'ick -n begge !im to )et them mere)y touch the &ringe o& !i' garment@ an a' many a' touche it 1ere per&ect)y re'tore 0(C* Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 14?2 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 b0 ,atthe1 14?3 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 14?8 Bi))iam Tyn a)e, The Tyn a)e #ib)e0 0 ,atthe1 14?11 Bi))iam Tyn a)e, The Tyn a)e #ib)e0 e0 ,atthe1 14?11 ,artin Luther, cite by ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 &0 ,atthe1 14?2> ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 #ut accor ing to +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary, the term re&er' to the type o& materia) o& 1hich the ba'ket i' con'tructe (perhap' a 1icker ba'ket* an not nece''ari)y the 'i5e o& the ba'ket0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 14?4 ? Le/ 18?16@ 2>?21 #0 ,atthe1 14?27 ? "Ao 3?14 C0 ,atthe1 14?36 ? ,att 9?2>
36 35 34

Matthew 1 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 1

T!"7 F9$, +eru'a)em came 'cribe' an 4hari'ee' an 'ai , Bhy o Jour i'cip)e' tran'gre'' an /io)ate the ru)e' han e o1n by the e) er' o& the pa'tG For they o not practice <ceremonia))y= 1a'hing their han ' be&ore they eat0 !e rep)ie to them, -n 1hy a)'o o you tran'gre'' an /io)ate the comman ment o& Do &or the 'ake o& the ru)e' han e o1n to you by your &ore&ather' (the e) er'*G For Do comman e , !onor your &ather an your mother, an , !e 1ho cur'e' or re/i)e' or 'peak' e/i) o& or abu'e' or treat' improper)y hi' &ather or mother, )et him 'ure)y come to hi' en by eath0(-* #ut you 'ay, 2& anyone te))' hi' &ather or mother, Bhat you 1ou) ha/e gaine &rom me <that i', the money an 1hate/er 2 ha/e that might be u'e &or he)ping you= i' a)rea y e icate a' a gi&t to Do , then he i' eAempt an no )onger un er ob)igation to honor an he)p hi' &ather or hi' mother0 8o &or the 'ake o& your tra ition (the ru)e' han e o1n by your &ore&ather'*, you ha/e 'et a'i e the Bor o& Do < epri/ing it o& &orce an authority an making it o& no e&&ect=0
7 6 5 4 3 2

Jou preten er' (hypocrite'*H - mirab)y an tru)y i

2'aiah prophe'y o& you 1hen he 'ai ? The'e peop)e ra1 near ,e 1ith their mouth' an honor ,e 1ith their )ip', but their heart' ho) o&& an are &ar a1ay &rom ,e0 :'e)e'')y o they 1or'hip ,e, &or they teach a' octrine' the comman ' o& men0(#* -n +e'u' ca))e the peop)e to !im an 'ai to them, Li'ten an gra'p an comprehen thi'? 2t i' not 1hat goe' into the mouth o& a man that make' him unc)ean an e&i)e , but 1hat come' out o& the mouth@ thi' make' a man unc)ean an e&i)e' <him=0 Then the i'cip)e' came an 'ai to !im, .o Jou kno1 that the 4hari'ee' 1ere i'p)ea'e an o&&en e an in ignant 1hen they hear thi' 'ayingG !e an'1ere , "/ery p)ant 1hich ,y hea/en)y Father ha' not p)ante 1i)) be torn up by the root'0(C* Let them a)one an i'regar them@ they are b)in gui e' an teacher'0 -n i& a b)in man )ea ' a b)in man, both 1i)) &a)) into a itch0 #ut 4eter 'ai to !im, "Ap)ain thi' <b= maAim* to u'0
16 15 <a= 14 13 12 11 1> 9 8

pro/erb (thi'

-n !e 'ai , -re you a)'o e/en yet u)) an ignorant <1ithout un er'tan ing an <c=unab)e to put thing' together=G .o you not 'ee an un er'tan that 1hate/er goe' into the mouth pa''e' into the < =ab omen an 'o pa''e' on into the p)ace 1here i'charge' are epo'ite G #ut 1hate/er come' out o& the mouth come' &rom the heart, an thi' i' 1hat make' a man unc)ean an e&i)e' <him=0 For out o& the heart come e/i) thought' (rea'oning' an i'puting' an e'ign'* 'uch a' mur er, a u)tery, 'eAua) /ice, the&t, &a)'e 1itne''ing, ')an er, an irre/erent
19 18 17

'peech0 The'e are 1hat make a man unc)ean an e&i)e <him=@ but eating 1ith un1a'he han ' oe' not make him unc)ean or e&i)e <him=0 -n going a1ay &rom there, +e'u' 1ith re1 to the i'trict o& Tyre an 8i on0 -n beho) , a 1oman 1ho 1a' a Canaanite &rom that i'trict came out an , 1ith a <)ou , troub)e'ome)y urgent= cry, begge , !a/e mercy on me, $ Lor , 8on o& .a/i H ,y aughter i' mi'erab)y an i'tre''ing)y an crue))y po''e''e by a emonH #ut !e i not an'1er her a 1or 0 -n !i' i'cip)e' came an imp)ore !im, 'aying, 8en her a1ay, &or 'he i' crying out a&ter u'0 !e an'1ere , 2 1a' 'ent on)y to the )o't 'heep o& the hou'e o& 2'rae)0 #ut 'he came an , knee)ing, 1or'hipe !im an kept praying, Lor , he)p meH -n !e an'1ere , 2t i' not right (proper, becoming, or &air* to take the chi) renI' brea an thro1 it to the <e=)itt)e og'0 8he 'ai , Je', Lor , yet e/en the )itt)e pup' (<&=)itt)e 1he)p'* eat the crumb' that &a)) &rom their <young= ma'ter'I tab)e0 Then +e'u' an'1ere her, $ 1oman, great i' your &aithH #e it one &or you a' you 1i'h0 -n her aughter 1a' cure &rom that <g=moment0 -n +e'u' 1ent on &rom there an pa''e a)ong the 'hore o& the 8ea o& Da)i)ee0 Then !e 1ent up into the hi))' an kept 'itting there0 -n a great mu)titu e came to !im, bringing 1ith them the )ame, the maime , the b)in , the umb, an many other', an they put them o1n at !i' &eet@ an !e
3> 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2>

cure them, 8o that the cro1 1a' ama5e 1hen they 'a1 the umb 'peaking, the maime ma e 1ho)e, the )ame 1a)king, an the b)in 'eeing@ an they <h=recogni5e an prai'e an thanke an g)ori&ie the Do o& 2'rae)0 Then +e'u' ca))e !i' i'cip)e' to !im an 'ai , 2 ha/e pity an 'ympathy an am eep)y mo/e &or the cro1 , becau'e they ha/e been 1ith ,e no1 three ay' an they ha/e nothing <at a)) )e&t= to eat@ an 2 am not 1i))ing to 'en them a1ay hungry, )e't they &aint or become eAhau'te on the 1ay0 -n the i'cip)e' 'ai to !im, Bhere are 1e to get brea 'u&&icient to &ee 'o great a cro1 in thi' i'o)ate an e'ert p)aceG -n +e'u' a'ke them, !o1 many )oa/e' o& brea you ha/eG They rep)ie , 8e/en, an a &e1 'ma)) &i'h0
35 36 34 33 32 31

-n or ering the cro1 to rec)ine on the groun ,

!e took the 'e/en )oa/e' an the &i'h, an 1hen !e ha gi/en thank', !e broke them an ga/e them to the i'cip)e', an the i'cip)e' ga/e them to the peop)e0 -n they a)) ate an 1ere 'ati'&ie 0 -n they gathere up 'e/en <<i=)arge pro/i'ion= ba'ket' &u)) o& the broken piece' that 1ere )e&t o/er0 Tho'e 1ho ate 1ere 4,>>> men, not inc)u ing the 1omen an the chi) ren0 Then !e i'mi''e the cro1 ', got into the boat, an 1ent to the i'trict o& ,aga an0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 15?15 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 15?15 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0
39 38 37

c0 ,atthe1 15?16 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 15?17 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 e0 ,atthe1 15?26 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 &0 ,atthe1 15?27 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 g0 ,atthe1 15?28 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 h0 ,atthe1 15?31 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 15?37 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 8ee a)'o &ootnote on ,att0 14?2>0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 15?4 ? "Ao 2>?12@ 21?17@ Le/ 2>?9@ .eut 5?16 #0 ,atthe1 15?9 ? 2'a 29?13 C0 ,atthe1 15?13 ? 2'a 6>?21 Matthew 1! (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 1!

7$B T!" 4hari'ee' an 8a ucee' came up to +e'u', an they a'ke !im to 'ho1 them a 'ign ('pectacu)ar mirac)e* &rom hea/en <atte'ting !i' i/ine authority=0 !e rep)ie to them, <a=Bhen it i' e/ening you 'ay, 2t 1i)) be &air 1eather, &or the 'ky i' re , -n in the morning, 2t 1i)) be 'tormy to ay, &or the 'ky i' re an ha' a g)oomy an threatening )ook0 Jou kno1 ho1 to interpret the appearance o& the 'ky, but you cannot interpret the 'ign' o& the time'0
3 2

- 1icke an mora))y un&aith&u) generation cra/e' a 'ign, but no 'ign 'ha)) be gi/en to it eAcept the 'ign o& the prophet +onah0 Then !e )e&t them an 1ent a1ay0(-* Bhen the i'cip)e' reache the other 'i e o& the 'ea, they &oun that they ha &orgotten to bring any brea 0 +e'u' 'ai to them, #e care&u) an on your guar again't the )ea/en (&erment* o& the 4hari'ee' an 8a ucee'0 -n they rea'one among them'e)/e' about it, 'aying, 2t i' becau'e 1e i not bring any brea 0 #ut +e'u', a1are o& thi', a'ke , Bhy are you i'cu''ing among your'e)/e' the &act that you ha/e no brea G $ you <men, ho1 )itt)e tru't you ha/e in ,e, ho1= )itt)e &aithH .o you not yet i'cern (percei/e an un er'tan *G .o you not remember the &i/e )oa/e' o& the &i/e thou'an , an ho1 many <<b='ma)) han = ba'ket' you gathere G 7or the 'e/en )oa/e' &or the &our thou'an , an ho1 many <<c=)arge pro/i'ion= ba'ket' you took upG !o1 i' it that you &ai) to un er'tan that 2 1a' not ta)king to you about brea G #ut be1are o& the )ea/en (&erment* o& the 4hari'ee' an 8a ucee'0 Then they i'cerne that !e i not te)) them to be1are o& the )ea/en o& brea , but o& the teaching o& the 4hari'ee' an 8a ucee'0 7o1 1hen +e'u' 1ent into the region o& Cae'area 4hi)ippi, !e a'ke !i' i'cip)e', Bho o peop)e 'ay that the 8on o& ,an i'G -n they an'1ere , 8ome 'ay +ohn the #apti't@ other' 'ay ")i;ah@ an other' +eremiah or one o& the prophet'0 !e 'ai to them, #ut 1ho o you <your'e)/e'= 'ay that 2 amG
15 14 13 12 11 1> 9 8 7 6 5

8imon 4eter rep)ie , Jou are the Chri't, the 8on o& the )i/ing Do 0 Then +e'u' an'1ere him, #)e''e (happy, &ortunate, an < =to be en/ie * are you, 8imon #arE+onah0 For &)e'h an b)oo <men= ha/e not re/ea)e thi' to you, but ,y Father Bho i' in hea/en0 -n 2 te)) you, you are <e=4eter <Dreek, 4etro'EEa )arge piece o& rock=, an on thi' rock <Dreek, petraEEa <&=huge rock )ike Dibra)tar= 2 1i)) bui) ,y church, an the gate' o& !a e' (the po1er' o& the <g=in&erna) region* 'ha)) <h=not o/erpo1er it <or be 'trong to it' etriment or ho) out again't it=0 2 1i)) gi/e you the key' o& the king om o& hea/en@ an 1hate/er you bin ( ec)are to be improper an un)a1&u)* on earth <i=mu't be 1hat i' a)rea y boun in hea/en@ an 1hate/er you )oo'e ( ec)are )a1&u)* on earth <;=mu't be 1hat i' a)rea y )oo'e in hea/en0(#* Then !e 'tern)y an 'trict)y charge an 1arne the i'cip)e' to te)) no one that !e 1a' +e'u' the Chri't0 From that time &orth +e'u' began <c)ear)y= to 'ho1 !i' i'cip)e' that !e mu't go to +eru'a)em an 'u&&er many thing' at the han ' o& the e) er' an the high prie't' an 'cribe', an be ki))e , an on the thir ay be rai'e <k= &rom eath0 Then 4eter took !im a'i e <)=to 'peak to !im pri/ate)y an began to repro/e an <m=charge !im 'harp)y, 'aying, Do &orbi , Lor H Thi' mu't ne/er happen to JouH #ut +e'u' turne <n=a1ay &rom 4eter an 'ai to him, Det behin ,e, 8atanH Jou are in ,y 1ay <an o&&en'e an a hin rance an a 'nare to ,e=@ &or you are <o=min ing 1hat partake' not o& the nature an Cua)ity o& Do , but o& men0 Then +e'u' 'ai to !i' i'cip)e', 2& anyone e'ire' to be ,y i'cip)e, )et him eny him'e)& < i'regar , )o'e 'ight
24 23 22 21 2> 19 18 17


o&, an &orget him'e)& an hi' o1n intere't'= an take up hi' cro'' an &o))o1 ,e <<p=c)ea/e 'tea &a't)y to ,e, con&orm 1ho))y to ,y eAamp)e in )i/ing an , i& nee be, in ying, a)'o=0 For 1hoe/er i' bent on 'a/ing hi' <tempora)= )i&e <hi' com&ort an 'ecurity here= 'ha)) )o'e it <eterna) )i&e=@ an 1hoe/er )o'e' hi' )i&e <hi' com&ort an 'ecurity here= &or ,y 'ake 'ha)) &in it <)i&e e/er)a'ting=0 For 1hat 1i)) it pro&it a man i& he gain' the 1ho)e 1or) an &or&eit' hi' )i&e <hi' b)e''e <C=)i&e in the king om o& Do =G $r 1hat 1ou) a man gi/e a' an eAchange &or hi' <b)e''e = <r=)i&e <in the king om o& Do =G For the 8on o& ,an i' going to come in the g)ory (ma;e'ty, 'p)en or* o& !i' Father 1ith !i' ange)', an then !e 1i)) ren er account an re1ar e/ery man in accor ance 1ith 1hat he ha' one0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, there are 'ome 'tan ing here 1ho 1i)) not ta'te eath be&ore they 'ee the 8on o& ,an coming in (into* !i' king om0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 16?2 8ome manu'cript' o not ha/e the re't o& /er'e 2 an a)) o& /er'e 30 b0 ,atthe1 16?9 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 8ee a)'o &ootnote on ,att0 14?2>0 c0 ,atthe1 16?1> ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 8ee a)'o &ootnote on ,att0 14?2>0 0 ,atthe1 16?17 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 16?18 The rock on 1hich the church i' bui)t i' tra itiona))y interprete a' either 4eterI' in'pire con&e''ion o& &aith in +e'u' a' the ,e''iah, or it may be 4eter him'e)& ('ee "ph0 2?2>*0 &0 ,atthe1 16?18 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 g0 ,atthe1 16?18 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0
28 27 26 25

h0 ,atthe1 16?18 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 16?19 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation? KThe per&ect pa''i/e particip)e, here re&erring to a 'tate o& ha/ing been a)rea y &orbi en <or permitte =0K ;0 ,atthe1 16?19 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation? KThe per&ect pa''i/e particip)e, here re&erring to a 'tate o& ha/ing been a)rea y &orbi en <or permitte =0K k0 ,atthe1 16?21 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 16?22 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 m0 ,atthe1 16?22 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 16?23 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 o0 ,atthe1 16?23 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 p0 ,atthe1 16?24 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 16?26 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 r0 ,atthe1 16?26 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 16?4 ? +onah 3?4, 5 #0 ,atthe1 16?19 ? 2'a 22?22 Matthew 1" (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 1"

-7. 82L ay' a&ter thi', +e'u' took 1ith !im 4eter an

+ame' an +ohn hi' brother, an )e them up on a high mountain by them'e)/e'0 -n !i' appearance un er1ent a change in their pre'ence@ an !i' &ace 'hone <a=c)ear an bright )ike the 'un, an !i' c)othing became a' 1hite a' )ight0 -n beho) , there appeare to them ,o'e' an ")i;ah, 1ho kept ta)king 1ith !im0 Then 4eter began to 'peak an 'ai to +e'u', Lor , it i' goo an e)ight&u) that 1e are here@ i& Jou appro/e, 2 1i)) put up three booth' hereEEone &or Jou an one &or ,o'e' an one &or ")i;ah0 Bhi)e he 1a' 'ti)) 'peaking, beho) , a 'hining c)ou < compo'e o& )ight= o/er'ha o1e them, an a /oice &rom the c)ou 'ai , Thi' i' ,y 8on, ,y #e)o/e , 1ith Bhom 2 am <an <c=ha/e a)1ay' been= e)ighte 0 Li'ten to !imH(-*
<b= 5 4 3 2

Bhen the i'cip)e' hear it, they &e)) on their &ace' an 1ere < ='ei5e 1ith a)arm an 'truck 1ith &ear0 #ut +e'u' came an touche them an 'ai , Det up, an o not be a&rai 0 -n 1hen they rai'e their eye', they 'a1 no one but +e'u' on)y0 -n a' they 1ere going o1n the mountain, +e'u' cautione an comman e them, .o not mention to anyone 1hat you ha/e 'een, unti) the 8on o& ,an ha' been rai'e &rom the ea 0 The i'cip)e' a'ke !im, Then 1hy o the 'cribe' 'ay that ")i;ah mu't come &ir'tG !e rep)ie , ")i;ah oe' come an 1i)) get e/erything re'tore an rea y0 #ut 2 te)) you that ")i;ah ha' come a)rea y, an they i not kno1 or recogni5e him, but i to him a' they )ike 0 8o a)'o the 8on o& ,an i' going to be treate an
12 11 1> 9 8 7

'u&&er at their han '0 Then the i'cip)e' un er'too that !e 'poke to them about +ohn the #apti't0(#* -n 1hen they approache the mu)titu e, a man came up to !im, knee)ing be&ore !im an 'aying, Lor , o pity an ha/e mercy on my 'on, &or he ha' epi)ep'y (i' <e=moon'truck* an he 'u&&er' terrib)y@ &or &reCuent)y he &a))' into the &ire an many time' into the 1ater0 -n 2 brought him to Jour i'cip)e', an they 1ere not ab)e to cure him0 -n +e'u' an'1ere , $ you unbe)ie/ing (<&=1arpe , 1ay1ar , rebe))iou'* an <g=thorough)y per/er'e generationH !o1 )ong am 2 to remain 1ith youG !o1 )ong am 2 to bear 1ith youG #ring him here to ,e0 -n +e'u' rebuke the emon, an it came out o& him, an the boy 1a' cure in'tant)y0 Then the i'cip)e' came to +e'u' an a'ke pri/ate)y, Bhy cou) 1e not ri/e it outG !e 'ai to them, #ecau'e o& the )itt)ene'' o& your &aith <that i', your )ack o& <h=&irm)y re)ying tru't=0 For tru)y 2 'ay to you, i& you ha/e &aith <<i=that i' )i/ing= )ike a grain o& mu'tar 'ee , you can 'ay to thi' mountain, ,o/e &rom here to yon er p)ace, an it 1i)) mo/e@ an nothing 1i)) be impo''ib)e to you0 #ut thi' kin &a'ting0
22 21<;= 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13

oe' not go out eAcept by prayer an

Bhen they 1ere going about here an there in Da)i)ee, +e'u' 'ai to them, The 8on o& ,an i' going to be turne o/er into the han ' o& men0 -n they 1i)) ki)) !im, an !e 1i)) be rai'e <to )i&e= again on the thir ay0 -n they 1ere eep)y an eAcee ing)y grie/e an i'tre''e 0

Bhen they arri/e in Capernaum, the co))ector' o& the ha)& 'heke) <the temp)e taA= 1ent up to 4eter an 'ai , .oe' not your Teacher pay the ha)& 'heke)G (C* !e an'1ere , Je'0 -n 1hen he came home, +e'u' 'poke to him <about it= &ir't, 'aying, Bhat o you think, 8imonG From 1hom o earth)y ru)er' co))ect utie' or tributeEE&rom their o1n 'on' or &rom other' <k=not o& their o1n &ami)yG -n 1hen 4eter 'ai , From other peop)e <)=not o& their o1n &ami)y, +e'u' 'ai to him, Then the 'on' are eAempt0 !o1e/er, in or er not to gi/e o&&en'e an cau'e them to 'tumb)e <that i', to cau'e them <m=to ;u ge un&a/orab)y an un;u't)y= go o1n to the 'ea an thro1 in a hook0 Take the &ir't &i'h that come' up, an 1hen you open it' mouth you 1i)) &in there a 'heke)0 Take it an gi/e it to them to pay the temp)e taA &or ,e an &or your'e)&0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 17?2 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 17?5 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 17?5 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation? K'ugge'te by the aori't (pa't* ten'e0K 0 ,atthe1 17?6 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 17?15 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon? K"pi)ep'y i' 'uppo'e to return an increa'e 1ith the increa'e o& the moon0K &0 ,atthe1 17?17 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 g0 ,atthe1 17?17 Litera))y, KthroughoutK ( ia*0 h0 ,atthe1 17?2> !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 17?2> Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1
27 26 25


Te'tament? - Tran')ation0 ;0 ,atthe1 17?21 8ome manu'cript' o not contain thi' /er'e0 k0 ,atthe1 17?25 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 17?26 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 17?27 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 17?5 ? 4' 2?7@ 2'a 42?1 #0 ,atthe1 17?13 ? ,a) 4?5 C0 ,atthe1 17?24 ? "Ao 3>?13@ 38?26 Matthew 1# (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 1#

-T T!-T time the i'cip)e' came up an a'ke +e'u', Bho then i' <rea))y= the greate't in the king om o& hea/enG -n !e ca))e a )itt)e chi) to !im'e)& an put him in the mi 't o& them, -n 'ai , Tru)y 2 'ay to you, un)e'' you repent (change, turn about* an become )ike )itt)e chi) ren <tru'ting, )o1)y, )o/ing, &orgi/ing=, you can ne/er enter the king om o& hea/en <at a))=0 Bhoe/er 1i)) humb)e him'e)& there&ore an become )ike thi' )itt)e chi) <tru'ting, )o1)y, )o/ing, &orgi/ing= i' greate't in the king om o& hea/en0
5 4 3 2

-n 1hoe/er recei/e' an accept' an 1e)come' one

)itt)e chi) )ike thi' &or ,y 'ake an in ,y name recei/e' an accept' an 1e)come' ,e0 #ut 1hoe/er cau'e' one o& the'e )itt)e one' 1ho be)ie/e in an <a=ackno1)e ge an c)ea/e to ,e to 'tumb)e an 'in <that i', 1ho entice' him or hin er' him in right con uct or thought=, it 1ou) be better (<b=more eApe ient an pro&itab)e or a /antageou'* &or him to ha/e a great mi))'tone &a'tene aroun hi' neck an to be 'unk in the epth o& the 'ea0 Boe to the 1or) &or 'uch temptation' to 'in an in&)uence' to o 1rongH 2t i' nece''ary that temptation' come, but 1oe to the per'on on 1ho'e account or by 1hom the temptation come'H -n i& your han or your &oot cau'e' you to 'tumb)e an 'in, cut it o&& an thro1 it a1ay &rom you@ it i' better (more pro&itab)e an 1ho)e'ome* &or you to enter )i&e maime or )ame than to ha/e t1o han ' or t1o &eet an be thro1n into e/er)a'ting &ire0 -n i& your eye cau'e' you to 'tumb)e an 'in, p)uck it out an thro1 it a1ay &rom you@ it i' better (more pro&itab)e an 1ho)e'ome* &or you to enter )i&e 1ith on)y one eye than to ha/e t1o eye' an be thro1n into the he)) (Dehenna* o& &ire0 #e1are that you o not e'pi'e or &ee) 'corn&u) to1ar or think )itt)e o& one o& the'e )itt)e one', &or 2 te)) you that in hea/en their ange)' a)1ay' are in the pre'ence o& an )ook upon the &ace o& ,y Father Bho i' in hea/en0 For the 8on o& man came to 'a/e << =&rom the pena)ty o& eterna) eath= that 1hich 1a' )o't0 Bhat o you thinkG 2& a man ha' a hun re 'heep, an one o& them ha' gone a'tray an get' )o't, 1i)) he not )ea/e the ninetyEnine on the mountain an go in 'earch o& the one that i' )o'tG
13 12 11<c= 1> 9 8 7 6

-n i& it 'hou) be that he &in ' it, tru)y 2 'ay to you,

he re;oice' more o/er it than o/er the ninetyEnine that i not get )o't0 +u't 'o it i' not the 1i)) o& ,y Father Bho i' in hea/en that one o& the'e )itt)e one' 'hou) be )o't an peri'h0 2& your brother 1rong' you, go an 'ho1 him hi' &au)t, bet1een you an him pri/ate)y0 2& he )i'ten' to you, you ha/e 1on back your brother0 #ut i& he oe' not )i'ten, take a)ong 1ith you one or t1o other', 'o that e/ery 1or may be con&irme an uphe) by the te'timony o& t1o or three 1itne''e'0 2& he pay' no attention to them <re&u'ing to )i'ten an obey=, te)) it to the church@ an i& he re&u'e' to )i'ten e/en to the church, )et him be to you a' a pagan an a taA co))ector0(-* Tru)y 2 te)) you, 1hate/er you &orbi an ec)are to be <e= improper an un)a1&u) on earth mu't be 1hat i' a)rea y &orbi en in hea/en, an 1hate/er you permit an ec)are <&= proper an )a1&u) on earth mu't be 1hat i' a)rea y permitte in hea/en0 -gain 2 te)) you, i& t1o o& you on earth agree (harmoni5e together, make a 'ymphony together* about 1hate/er <anything an <g=e/erything= they may a'k, it 1i)) come to pa'' an be one &or them by ,y Father in hea/en0 For 1here/er t1o or three are gathere ( ra1n together a' ,y &o))o1er'* in (into* ,y name, there 2 -, in the mi 't o& them0(#* Then 4eter came up to !im an 'ai , Lor , ho1 many time' may my brother 'in again't me an 2 &orgi/e him an <h=)et it goG <-' many a'= up to 'e/en time'G +e'u' an'1ere him, 2 te)) you, not up to 'e/en time', but 'e/enty time' 'e/enH(C*
23 22 21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14

There&ore the king om o& hea/en i' )ike a human king

1ho 1i'he to 'ett)e account' 1ith hi' atten ant'0 Bhen he began the accounting, one 1a' brought to him 1ho o1e him 1>,>>> ta)ent' <probab)y about M1>,>>>,>>>=, -n becau'e he cou) not pay, hi' ma'ter or ere him to be 'o) , 1ith hi' 1i&e an hi' chi) ren an e/erything that he po''e''e , an payment to be ma e0 8o the atten ant &e)) on hi' knee', begging him, !a/e patience 1ith me an 2 1i)) pay you e/erything0 -n hi' ma'terI' heart 1a' mo/e 1ith compa''ion, an he re)ea'e him an &orga/e him <cance))ing= the ebt0 #ut that 'ame atten ant, a' he 1ent out, &oun one o& hi' &e))o1 atten ant' 1ho o1e him a hun re enarii <about t1enty o))ar'=@ an he caught him by the throat an 'ai , 4ay 1hat you o1eH 8o hi' &e))o1 atten ant &e)) o1n an begge him earne't)y, Di/e me time, an 2 1i)) pay you a)) H #ut he 1a' un1i))ing, an he 1ent out an ha him put in pri'on ti)) he 'hou) pay the ebt0 Bhen hi' &e))o1 atten ant' 'a1 1hat ha happene , they 1ere great)y i'tre''e , an they 1ent an to) e/erything that ha taken p)ace to their ma'ter0 Then hi' ma'ter ca))e him an 'ai to him, Jou contemptib)e an 1icke atten antH 2 &orga/e an cance))e a)) that <great= ebt o& your' becau'e you begge me to0 -n 'hou) you not ha/e ha pity an mercy on your &e))o1 atten ant, a' 2 ha pity an mercy on youG -n in 1rath hi' ma'ter turne him o/er to the torturer' (the ;ai)er'*, ti)) he 'hou) pay a)) that he o1e 0 8o a)'o ,y hea/en)y Father 1i)) ea) 1ith e/ery one o& you i& you o not &ree)y &orgi/e your brother &rom your
35 34 33 32 31 3> 29 28 27 26 25 24

heart hi' o&&en'e'0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 18?6 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 18?6 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 18?11 ,any manu'cript' o not contain thi' /er'e0 0 ,atthe1 18?11 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 18?18 8ee &ootnote on ,att0 16?190 &0 ,atthe1 18?18 8ee &ootnote on ,att0 16?190 g0 ,atthe1 18?19 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 h0 ,atthe1 18?21 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 18?17 ? Le/ 19?17@ .eut 19?15 #0 ,atthe1 18?2> ? "Ao 3?14 C0 ,atthe1 18?22 ? Den 4?24 Matthew 1$ (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 1$

7$B B!"7 +e'u' ha &ini'he 'aying the'e thing', !e )e&t Da)i)ee an 1ent into the part o& +u ea that i' beyon the +or an@ -n great throng' accompanie !im, an !e cure them there0
3 2

-n 4hari'ee' came to !im an put !im to the te't by

a'king, 2' it )a1&u) an right to i'mi'' an repu iate an i/orce oneI' 1i&e &or any an <a=e/ery cau'eG !e rep)ie , !a/e you ne/er rea that !e Bho ma e them &rom the beginning ma e them ma)e an &ema)e, -n 'ai , For thi' rea'on a man 'ha)) )ea/e hi' &ather an mother an 'ha)) be unite &irm)y (;oine in'eparab)y* to hi' 1i&e, an the t1o 'ha)) become one &)e'hG(-* 8o they are no )onger t1o, but one &)e'h0 Bhat there&ore Do ha' ;oine together, )et not man put a'un er ('eparate*0 They 'ai to !im, Bhy then i ,o'e' comman <u'= to gi/e a certi&icate o& i/orce an thu' to i'mi'' an repu iate a 1i&eG(#* !e 'ai to them, #ecau'e o& the har ne'' ('tubbornne'' an per/er'ity* o& your heart' ,o'e' permitte you to i'mi'' an repu iate an i/orce your 1i/e'@ but &rom the beginning it ha' not been <b='o <or aine =0 2 'ay to you? 1hoe/er i'mi''e' (repu iate', i/orce'* hi' 1i&e, eAcept &or uncha'tity, an marrie' another commit' a u)tery, <c=an he 1ho marrie' a i/orce 1oman commit' a u)tery0 The i'cip)e' 'ai to !im, 2& the ca'e o& a man 1ith hi' 1i&e i' )ike thi', it i' neither pro&itab)e nor a /i'ab)e to marry0 #ut !e 'ai to them, 7ot a)) men can accept thi' 'aying, but it i' &or tho'e to 1hom <the capacity to recei/e= it ha' been gi/en0 For there are eunuch' 1ho ha/e been born incapab)e o& marriage@ an there are eunuch' 1ho ha/e been ma e 'o by men@ an there are eunuch' 1ho ha/e ma e them'e)/e' incapab)e o& marriage &or the 'ake o& the king om o& hea/en0 Let him 1ho i' ab)e to accept thi' accept it0
12 11 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4

Then )itt)e chi) ren 1ere brought to +e'u', that !e might put !i' han ' on them an pray@ but the i'cip)e' rebuke tho'e 1ho brought them0 #ut !e 'ai , Lea/e the chi) ren a)oneH -))o1 the )itt)e one' to come to ,e, an o not &orbi or re'train or hin er them, &or o& 'uch <a' the'e= i' the king om o& hea/en compo'e 0 -n !e put !i' han ' upon them, an then 1ent on !i' 1ay0 -n beho) , there came a man up to !im, 'aying, Teacher, 1hat eAce))ent an per&ect)y an e''entia))y goo ee mu't 2 o to po''e'' eterna) )i&eG(C* -n !e 'ai to him, Bhy o you a'k ,e about the per&ect)y an e''entia))y goo G There i' on)y $ne Bho i' goo <per&ect)y an e''entia))y=EEDo 0 2& you 1ou) enter into the Li&e, you mu't continua))y keep the comman ment'0 !e 'ai to !im, Bhat < ='ort o& comman ment'G <$r, 1hich one'G= -n +e'u' an'1ere , Jou 'ha)) not ki)), Jou 'ha)) not commit a u)tery, Jou 'ha)) not 'tea), Jou 'ha)) not bear &a)'e 1itne'',(.* !onor your &ather an your mother, an , Jou 'ha)) )o/e your neighbor a' <you o= your'e)&0("* The young man 'ai , 2 ha/e ob'er/e a)) the'e &rom my youth@ 1hat 'ti)) o 2 )ackG +e'u' an'1ere him, 2& you 1ou) be per&ect <that i', ha/e that 'piritua) maturity 1hich accompanie' 'e)&E 'acri&icing character=, go an 'e)) 1hat you ha/e an gi/e to the poor, an you 1i)) ha/e riche' in hea/en@ an come, <&= be ,y i'cip)e <'i e 1ith ,y party an &o))o1 ,e=0
<e= 21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14


#ut 1hen the young man hear thi', he 1ent a1ay 'a (grie/e an in much i'tre''*, &or he ha great po''e''ion'0


-n +e'u' 'ai to !i' i'cip)e', Tru)y 2 'ay to you, it 1i)) be i&&icu)t &or a rich man to get into the king om o& hea/en0 -gain 2 te)) you, it i' ea'ier &or a came) to go through the eye o& a nee )e than &or a rich man to go into the king om o& hea/en0 Bhen the i'cip)e' hear thi', they 1ere utter)y pu55)e (a'toni'he , be1i) ere *, 'aying, Bho then can be 'a/e <<g=&rom eterna) eath=G #ut +e'u' )ooke at them an 'ai , Bith men thi' i' impo''ib)e, but a)) thing' are po''ib)e 1ith Do 0(F* Then 4eter an'1ere !im, 'aying, #eho) , 1e ha/e )e&t <our= a)) an ha/e become <h=Jour i'cip)e' <'i e 1ith Jour party an &o))o1e Jou=0 Bhat then 'ha)) 1e recei/eG +e'u' 'ai to them, Tru)y 2 'ay to you, in the ne1 age <the <i=,e''ianic rebirth o& the 1or) =, 1hen the 8on o& ,an 'ha)) 'it o1n on the throne o& !i' g)ory, you 1ho ha/e <become ,y i'cip)e', 'i e 1ith ,y party an = &o))o1e ,e 1i)) a)'o 'it on t1e)/e throne' an ;u ge the t1e)/e tribe' o& 2'rae)0 -n anyone an e/eryone 1ho ha' )e&t hou'e' or brother' or 'i'ter' or &ather or mother or chi) ren or )an ' &or ,y nameI' 'ake 1i)) recei/e <;=many <e/en a hun re = time' more an 1i)) inherit eterna) )i&e0 #ut many 1ho <no1= are &ir't 1i)) be )a't <then=, an many 1ho <no1= are )a't 1i)) be &ir't <then=0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 19?3 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 b0 ,atthe1 19?8 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 19?9 8ome manu'cript' o not contain thi' phra'e0
3> 29 28 27 26 25 24


0 ,atthe1 19?18 Char)e' #0 Bi))iam', The 7e1 Te'tament? - Tran')ation? K2nterrogati/e o& Cua)ity0K e0 ,atthe1 19?21 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 &0 ,atthe1 19?21 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 19?25 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 19?27 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 19?28 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 ;0 ,atthe1 19?29 8ome manu'cript' rea Kmani&o) 0K Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 19?5 ? Den 1?27@ 2?24 #0 ,atthe1 19?7 ? .eut 24?1E4 C0 ,atthe1 19?16 ? Le/ 18?5 .0 ,atthe1 19?18 ? "Ao 2>?12E16@ .eut 5?16E2> "0 ,atthe1 19?19 ? Le/ 19?18@ ,att 22?39 F0 ,atthe1 19?26 ? Den 18?14@ +ob 42?2 Matthew 2% (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 2%

F$9 T!" king om o& hea/en i' )ike the o1ner o& an e'tate 1ho 1ent out in the morning <a=a)ong 1ith the a1n to hire 1orkmen &or hi' /ineyar 0 -&ter agreeing 1ith the )aborer' &or a enariu' a ay, he 'ent them into hi' /ineyar 0 -n going out about the thir hour (nine oIc)ock*, he 'a1 other' 'tan ing i )e in the marketp)ace@
3 2

-n he 'ai to them, Jou go a)'o into the /ineyar , an 1hate/er i' right 2 1i)) pay you0 -n they 1ent0 !e 1ent out again about the 'iAth hour (noon*, an the ninth hour (three oIc)ock* he i the 'ame0 -n about the e)e/enth hour (&i/e oIc)ock* he 1ent out an &oun 'ti)) other' 'tan ing aroun , an 'ai to them, Bhy o you 'tan here i )e a)) ayG They an'1ere him, #ecau'e nobo y ha' hire u'0 !e to) them, Jou go out into the /ineyar a)'o <b=an you 1i)) get 1hate/er i' ;u't an &air0 Bhen e/ening came, the o1ner o& the /ineyar 'ai to hi' manager, Ca)) the 1orkmen an pay them their 1age', beginning 1ith the )a't an en ing 1ith the &ir't0 (-* -n tho'e 1ho ha been hire at the e)e/enth hour (&i/e oIc)ock* came an recei/e a enariu' each0 7o1 1hen the &ir't came, they 'uppo'e they 1ou) get more, but each o& them a)'o recei/e a enariu'0 -n 1hen they recei/e it, they grumb)e at the o1ner o& the e'tate, 8aying, The'e <men= 1ho came )a't 1orke no more than an hour, an yet you ha/e ma e them rank 1ith u' 1ho ha/e borne the bur en an the <c='corching heat o& the ay0 #ut he an'1ere one o& them, Frien , 2 am oing you no in;u'tice0 .i you not agree 1ith me &or a enariu'G Take 1hat be)ong' to you an go0 2 choo'e to gi/e to thi' man hire )a't the 'ame a' 2 gi/e to you0 -m 2 not permitte to o 1hat 2 choo'e 1ith 1hat i' mineG <$r o you begru ge my being generou'G= 2' your eye e/i) becau'e 2 am goo G 8o tho'e 1ho <no1= are )a't 1i)) be &ir't <then=, an tho'e 1ho <no1= are &ir't 1i)) be )a't <then=0 < =For many are ca))e , but &e1 cho'en0
16 15 14 13 12 11 1> 9 8 7 6 5

-n a' +e'u' 1a' going up to +eru'a)em, !e took the t1e)/e i'cip)e' a'i e a)ong the 1ay an 'ai to them, #eho) , 1e are going up to +eru'a)em, an the 8on o& ,an 1i)) be han e o/er to the chie& prie't' an 'cribe'@ an they 1i)) 'entence !im to eath -n e)i/er !im o/er to the Denti)e' to be mocke an 1hippe an cruci&ie , an !e 1i)) be rai'e <to )i&e= on the thir ay0 Then the mother o& 6ebe eeI' chi) ren came up to !im 1ith her 'on' an , knee)ing, 1or'hipe !im an a'ke a &a/or o& !im0 -n !e a'ke her, Bhat o you 1i'hG 8he an'1ere !im, Di/e or er' that the'e t1o 'on' o& mine may 'it, one at Jour right han an one at Jour )e&t in Jour king om0 #ut +e'u' rep)ie , Jou o not rea)i5e 1hat you are a'king0 -re you ab)e to rink the cup that 2 am about to rink <e=an to be bapti5e 1ith the bapti'm 1ith 1hich 2 am bapti5e G They an'1ere , Be are ab)e0 !e 'ai to them, Jou 1i)) rink ,y cup, but 'eat' at ,y right han an at ,y )e&t are not ,ine to gi/e, but they are &or tho'e &or 1hom they ha/e been <&=or aine an prepare by ,y Father0 #ut 1hen the ten <other i'cip)e'= hear thi', they 1ere in ignant at the t1o brother'0 -n +e'u' ca))e them to !im an 'ai , Jou kno1 that the ru)er' o& the Denti)e' )or it o/er them, an their great men ho) them in 'ub;ection <tyranni5ing o/er them=0 7ot 'o 'ha)) it be among you@ but 1hoe/er 1i'he' to be great among you mu't be your 'er/ant, -n 1hoe/er e'ire' to be &ir't among you mu't be your ')a/eEE +u't a' the 8on o& ,an came not to be 1aite on but to 'er/e, an to gi/e !i' )i&e a' a ran'om &or many <the
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2> 19 18


price pai to 'et them &ree=0 -n a' they 1ere going out o& +ericho, a great throng accompanie !im0 -n beho) , t1o b)in men 1ere 'itting by the roa 'i e, an 1hen they hear that +e'u' 1a' pa''ing by, they crie out, Lor , ha/e pity an mercy on u', <Jou= 8on o& .a/i H The cro1 ' repro/e them an to) them to keep 'ti))@ but they crie out a)) the more, Lor , ha/e pity an mercy on u', <Jou= 8on o& .a/i H -n +e'u' 'toppe an ca))e them, an a'ke , Bhat o you 1ant ,e to o &or youG They an'1ere !im, Lor , 1e 1ant our eye' to be opene H -n +e'u', in pity, touche their eye'@ an in'tant)y they recei/e their 'ight an &o))o1e !im0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 2>?1 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 b0 ,atthe1 2>?7 8ome manu'cript' o not contain thi' phra'e0 c0 ,atthe1 2>?12 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 0 ,atthe1 2>?16 8ome manu'cript' o not contain thi' phra'e0 e0 ,atthe1 2>?22 8ome manu'cript' o not contain thi' phra'e0 &0 ,atthe1 2>?23 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 2>?8 ? Le/ 19?13@ .eut 24?15 Matthew 21 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP)
34 33 32 31 3> 29

Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 21

-7. B!"7 they came near +eru'a)em an ha reache #ethphage at the ,ount o& $)i/e', +e'u' 'ent t1o i'cip)e' on ahea , 8aying to them, Do into the /i))age that i' oppo'ite you, an at once you 1i)) &in a onkey tie , an a co)t 1ith her@ untie <them= an bring <them= to ,e0 2& anyone 'ay' anything to you, you 'ha)) rep)y, The Lor nee ' them, an he 1i)) )et them go 1ithout e)ay0 Thi' happene that 1hat 1a' 'poken by the prophet might be &u)&i))e , 'aying, 8ay to the .aughter o& 6ion <inhabitant' o& +eru'a)em=, #eho) , your %ing i' coming to you, )o1)y an ri ing on a onkey, an on a co)t, the &oa) o& a onkey <a bea't o& bur en=0(-* Then the i'cip)e' 1ent an them0
7 6 5 4 3 2

i a' +e'u' ha


They brought the onkey an the co)t an )ai their coat' upon them, an !e 'eate !im'e)& on them <the c)othing=0 -n mo't o& the cro1 kept 'prea ing their garment' on the roa , an other' kept cutting branche' &rom the tree' an 'cattering them on the roa 0 -n the cro1 ' that 1ent ahea o& !im an tho'e that &o))o1e !im kept 'houting, !o'anna (<a=$ be propitiou', graciou')y inc)ine * to the 8on o& .a/i , <<b=the ,e''iah=H #)e''e (prai'e , g)ori&ie * i' !e Bho come' in the name o& the Lor H !o'anna ($ be &a/orab)y i'po'e * in the highe't <hea/en=H(#*
1> 9 8

-n 1hen !e entere +eru'a)em, a)) the city became

agitate an < = Thi'G



<tremb)ing 1ith eAcitement= 'ai , Bho i'

-n the cro1 ' rep)ie , Thi' i' the prophet +e'u' &rom 7a5areth o& Da)i)ee0 -n +e'u' 1ent into the temp)e (<e=1ho)e temp)e enc)o'ure* an ro/e out a)) 1ho bought an 'o) in the <&= 'acre p)ace, an !e turne o/er the <g=&ourE&oote tab)e' o& the money changer' an the chair' o& tho'e 1ho 'o) o/e'0 !e 'ai to them, The 8cripture 'ay', ,y hou'e 'ha)) be ca))e a hou'e o& prayer@ but you ha/e ma e it a en o& robber'0(C*
<h= 13 12

-n the b)in an the )ame came to !im in the porche' an court' o& the temp)e, an !e cure them0


#ut 1hen the chie& prie't' an the 'cribe' 'a1 the 1on er&u) thing' that !e i an the boy' an the gir)' an the <i=youth' an the mai en' crying out in the <;= porche' an court' o& the temp)e, !o'anna ($ be propitiou', graciou')y inc)ine * to the 8on o& .a/i H they 1ere in ignant0 -n they 'ai to !im, .o Jou hear 1hat the'e are 'ayingG -n +e'u' rep)ie to them, Je'@ ha/e you ne/er rea , $ut o& the mouth' o& babe' an un1eane in&ant' Jou ha/e ma e (pro/i e * per&ect prai'eG(.* -n )ea/ing them, !e eparte &rom the city an 1ent out to #ethany an )o ge there0 2n the ear)y a1n the neAt morning, a' !e 1a' coming back to the city, !e 1a' hungry0 -n a' !e 'a1 <k=one 'ing)e )ea&y &ig tree <)=abo/e the roa 'i e, !e 1ent to it but !e &oun nothing but )ea/e' on it <<m='eeing that in the &ig tree the &ruit appear' at the 'ame time a' the )ea/e'=0 -n !e 'ai to it, 7e/er again 'ha)) &ruit gro1 on youH -n the &ig tree 1ithere up at once0
19 18 17 16

Bhen the i'cip)e' 'a1 it, they mar/e)e great)y an a'ke , !o1 i' it that the &ig tree ha' 1ithere a1ay a)) at onceG -n +e'u' an'1ere them, Tru)y 2 'ay to you, i& you ha/e &aith (a <n=&irm re)ying tru't* an o not oubt, you 1i)) not on)y o 1hat ha' been one to the &ig tree, but e/en i& you 'ay to thi' mountain, #e taken up an ca't into the 'ea, it 1i)) be one0 -n 1hate/er you a'k &or in prayer, ha/ing &aith an <rea))y= be)ie/ing, you 1i)) recei/e0 -n 1hen !e entere the 'acre <o=enc)o'ure o& the temp)e, the chie& prie't' an e) er' o& the peop)e came up to !im a' !e 1a' teaching an 'ai , #y 1hat <p=po1er o& authority are Jou oing the'e thing', an 1ho ga/e Jou thi' po1er o& authorityG +e'u' an'1ere them, 2 a)'o 1i)) a'k you a Cue'tion, an i& you gi/e ,e the an'1er, then 2 a)'o 1i)) te)) you by 1hat <C=po1er o& authority 2 o the'e thing'0 The bapti'm o& +ohnEE&rom 1here 1a' itG From hea/en or &rom menG -n they rea'one an argue 1ith one another, 2& 1e 'ay, From hea/en, <r=!e 1i)) a'k u', Bhy then i you not be)ie/e himG #ut i& 1e 'ay, From menEE1e are a&rai o& an mu't reckon 1ith the mu)titu e, &or they a)) regar +ohn a' a prophet0 8o they an'1ere +e'u', Be o not kno10 -n !e 'ai to them, 7either 1i)) 2 te)) you by 1hat <'=po1er o& authority 2 o the'e thing'0 Bhat o you thinkG There 1a' a man 1ho ha t1o 'on'0 !e came to the &ir't an 'ai , 8on, go an 1ork to ay in the /ineyar 0 -n he an'1ere , 2 1i)) not@ but a&ter1ar he change hi' min an 1ent0
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21


Then the man came to the 'econ an 'ai the 'ame <thing=0 -n he rep)ie , 2 1i)) <go=, 'ir@ but he i not go0 Bhich o& the t1o i the 1i)) o& the &atherG They rep)ie , The &ir't one0 +e'u' 'ai to them, Tru)y 2 te)) you, the taA co))ector' an the har)ot' 1i)) get into the king om o& hea/en be&ore you0 For +ohn came to you 1a)king in the 1ay o& an upright man in right 'tan ing 1ith Do , an you i not be)ie/e him, but the taA co))ector' an the har)ot' i be)ie/e him@ an you, e/en 1hen you 'a1 that, i not a&ter1ar change your min ' an be)ie/e him <a here to, tru't in, an re)y on 1hat he to) you=0 Li'ten to another parab)e? There 1a' a ma'ter o& a hou'e 1ho p)ante a /ineyar an put a he ge aroun it an ug a 1ine /at in it an bui)t a 1atchto1er0 Then he )et it out <&or rent= to tenant' an 1ent into another country0 Bhen the &ruit 'ea'on re1 near, he 'ent hi' 'er/ant' to the tenant' to get hi' <'hare o& the= &ruit0 #ut the tenant' took hi' 'er/ant' an beat one, ki))e another, an 'tone another0 -gain he 'ent other 'er/ant', more than the &ir't time, an they treate them the 'ame 1ay0 Fina))y he 'ent hi' o1n 'on to them, 'aying, They 1i)) re'pect an gi/e hee to my 'on0 #ut 1hen the tenant' 'a1 the 'on, they 'ai to them'e)/e', Thi' i' the heir@ come on, )et u' ki)) him an ha/e hi' inheritance0 -n they took him an thre1 him out o& the /ineyar an ki))e him0 7o1 1hen the o1ner o& the /ineyar come' back, 1hat 1i)) he o to tho'e tenant'G
41 4> 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31


They 'ai to !im, !e 1i)) put tho'e 1retche' to a

mi'erab)e eath an rent the /ineyar to other tenant' <t= o& 'uch a character that they 1i)) gi/e him the &ruit' prompt)y in their 'ea'on0("* +e'u' a'ke them, !a/e you ne/er rea in the 8cripture'? The /ery 8tone 1hich the bui) er' re;ecte an thre1 a1ay ha' become the Corner'tone@ thi' i' the Lor I' oing, an it i' mar/e)ou' in our eye'G(F* 2 te)) you, &or thi' rea'on the king om o& Do 1i)) be taken a1ay &rom you an gi/en to a peop)e 1ho 1i)) pro uce the &ruit' o& it0 -n 1hoe/er &a))' on thi' 8tone 1i)) be broken to piece', but he on 1hom 2t &a))' 1i)) be cru'he to po1 er <an 2t 1i)) </=1inno1 him, <1='cattering him )ike u't=0(D* -n 1hen the chie& prie't' an the 4hari'ee' hear !i' parab)e' (compari'on', 'torie' u'e to i))u'trate an eAp)ain*, they percei/e that !e 1a' ta)king about them0 -n a)though they 1ere trying to arre't !im, they &eare the throng' becau'e they regar e !im a' a prophet0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 21?9 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 21?9 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 21?1> Litera) meaning0 0 ,atthe1 21?1> Capita)i5e becau'e o& 1hat !e i', the 'pot)e'' 8on o& Do , not 1hat the 'peaker' may ha/e thought !e 1a'0 e0 ,atthe1 21?12 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 &0 ,atthe1 21?12 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 21?12 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan,
46 45 44<u= 43 42

The Focabu)ary0 h0 ,atthe1 21?14 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 i0 ,atthe1 21?15 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 ;0 ,atthe1 21?15 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 k0 ,atthe1 21?19 Litera) meaning0 )0 ,atthe1 21?19 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 21?19 +ame' $rr et a)0, e '0, 2nternationa) 8tan ar #ib)e "ncyc)ope ia0 n0 ,atthe1 21?21 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 21?23 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 p0 ,atthe1 21?23 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 21?24 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 r0 ,atthe1 21?25 Capita)i5e becau'e o& 1hat !e i', the 'pot)e'' 8on o& Do , not 1hat the 'peaker' may ha/e thought !e 1a'0 '0 ,atthe1 21?27 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 t0 ,atthe1 21?41 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 u0 ,atthe1 21?44 8ome manu'cript' o not contain /er'e 440 /0 ,atthe1 21?44 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 10 ,atthe1 21?44 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 21?5 ? 2'a 62?11@ 6ech 9?9 #0 ,atthe1 21?9 ? 4' 118?26 C0 ,atthe1 21?13 ? 2'a 56?7@ +er 7?11 .0 ,atthe1 21?16 ? 4' 8?2

"0 F0 D0

,atthe1 21?41 ? 2'a 5?1E7 ,atthe1 21?42 ? 4' 118?22, 23 ,atthe1 21?44 ? 2'a 8?14@ .an 2?34, 35

Matthew 22 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 22

-7. -D-27 +e'u' 'poke to them in parab)e' (compari'on', 'torie' u'e to i))u'trate an eAp)ain*, 'aying, The king om o& hea/en i' )ike a king 1ho ga/e a 1e ing banCuet &or hi' 'on -n 'ent hi' 'er/ant' to 'ummon tho'e 1ho ha been in/ite to the 1e ing banCuet, but they re&u'e to come0 -gain he 'ent other 'er/ant', 'aying, Te)) tho'e 1ho are in/ite , #eho) , 2 ha/e prepare my banCuet@ my bu))ock' an my &at ca)/e' are ki))e , an e/erything i' prepare @ come to the 1e ing &ea't0 #ut they 1ere not concerne an pai no attention <they ignore an ma e )ight o& the 'ummon', treating it 1ith contempt= an they 1ent a1ayEEone to hi' &arm, another to hi' bu'ine'', Bhi)e the other' 'ei5e hi' 'er/ant', treate them 'hame&u))y, an put them to eath0 <!earing thi'= the king 1a' in&uriate @ an he 'ent hi' 'o) ier' an put tho'e mur erer' to eath an burne their city0 Then he 'ai to hi' 'er/ant', The 1e ing <&ea't= i' prepare , but tho'e in/ite 1ere not 1orthy0
8 7 6 5 4 3 2

8o go to the thorough&are' 1here they )ea/e the city <1here the main roa ' an tho'e &rom the country en = an in/ite to the 1e ing &ea't a' many a' you &in 0 -n tho'e 'er/ant' 1ent out on the cro''roa ' an got together a' many a' they &oun , both ba an goo , 'o <the room in 1hich= the 1e ing &ea't <1a' he) = 1a' &i))e 1ith gue't'0 #ut 1hen the king came in to /ie1 the gue't', he )ooke intent)y at a man there 1ho ha on no 1e ing garment0 -n he 'ai , Frien , ho1 i you come in here 1ithout putting on the <appropriate= 1e ing garmentG -n he 1a' 'peech)e'' (<a=mu55)e , gagge *0 Then the king 'ai to the atten ant', Tie him han an &oot, an thro1 him into the arkne'' out'i e@ there 1i)) be 1eeping an grin ing o& teeth0 For many are ca))e (in/ite an 'ummone *, but &e1 are cho'en0 Then the 4hari'ee' 1ent an con'u)te an p)otte together ho1 they might entang)e +e'u' in !i' ta)k0 -n they 'ent their i'cip)e' to !im a)ong 1ith the !ero ian', 'aying, Teacher, 1e kno1 that Jou are <b= 'incere an 1hat Jou pro&e'' to be an that Jou teach the 1ay o& Do truth&u))y, regar )e'' o& con'eCuence' an being a&rai o& no man@ &or Jou are impartia) an o not regar either the per'on or the po'ition o& anyone0 Te)) u' then 1hat Jou think about thi'? 2' it )a1&u) to pay tribute <)e/ie on in i/i ua)' an to be pai year)y= to Cae'ar or notG #ut +e'u', a1are o& their ma)iciou' p)ot, a'ke , Bhy o you put ,e to the te't an try to entrap ,e, you preten er' (hypocrite'*G
19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1>

8ho1 me the money u'e &or the tribute0 -n they

brought !im a enariu'0 -n +e'u' 'ai to them, Bho'e )ikene'' an tit)e are the'eG They 'ai , Cae'arI'0 Then !e 'ai to them, 4ay there&ore to Cae'ar the thing' that are ue to Cae'ar, an pay to Do the thing' that are ue to Do 0 Bhen they hear it they 1ere ama5e an mar/e)e @ an they )e&t !im an eparte 0 The 'ame ay 'ome 8a ucee', 1ho 'ay that there i' no re'urrection <o& the ea =, came to !im an they a'ke !im a Cue'tion, 8aying, Teacher, ,o'e' 'ai , 2& a man ie', )ea/ing no chi) ren, hi' brother 'ha)) marry the 1i o1 an rai'e up a &ami)y &or hi' brother0(-* 7o1 there 1ere 'e/en brother' among u'@ the &ir't marrie an ie , an , ha/ing no chi) ren, )e&t hi' 1i&e to hi' brother0 The 'econ a)'o ie chi) )e'', an the thir , o1n to the 'e/enth0
27 28 26 25 24 23 22 21 2>

La't o& a)), the 1oman ie a)'o0

7o1, in the re'urrection, to 1hich o& the 'e/en 1i)) 'he be 1i&eG For they a)) ha her0 #ut +e'u' rep)ie to them, Jou are 1rong becau'e you kno1 neither the 8cripture' nor Do I' po1er0 For in the re'urrecte 'tate neither o <men= marry nor are <1omen= gi/en in marriage, but they are )ike the ange)' in hea/en0 #ut a' to the re'urrection o& the ea EEha/e you ne/er rea 1hat 1a' 'ai to you by Do , 2 am the Do o& -braham, an the Do o& 2'aac, an the Do o& +acobG !e i' not the Do o& the ea but o& the )i/ingH(#*
32 31 3> 29

-n 1hen the throng hear it, they 1ere a'toni'he an &i))e 1ith <<c=g)a = ama5ement at !i' teaching0 7o1 1hen the 4hari'ee' hear that !e ha 'i)ence ( mu55)e * the 8a ucee', they gathere together0
< = 34


-n one o& their number, a )a1yer, a'ke !im a Cue'tion to te't !im0 Teacher, 1hich <e=kin o& comman ment i' great an important (the principa) kin * in the La1G <8ome comman ment' are )ightEE1hich are hea/yG= -n !e rep)ie to him, Jou 'ha)) )o/e the Lor your Do 1ith a)) your heart an 1ith a)) your 'ou) an 1ith a)) your min (inte))ect*0(C* Thi' i' the great (mo't important, principa)* an &ir't comman ment0 -n a 'econ i' )ike it? Jou 'ha)) )o/e your neighbor a' <you o= your'e)&0(.* The'e t1o comman ment' <&='um up an upon them epen a)) the La1 an the 4rophet'0 7o1 1hi)e the 4hari'ee' 1ere 'ti)) a''emb)e there, +e'u' a'ke them a Cue'tion, 8aying, Bhat o you think o& the Chri'tG Bho'e 8on i' !eG They 'ai to !im, The 8on o& .a/i 0 !e 'ai to them, !o1 i' it then that .a/i , un er the in&)uence o& the <!o)y= 8pirit, ca))' !im Lor , 'aying, The Lor 'ai to ,y Lor , 8it at ,y right han unti) 2 put Jour enemie' un er Jour &eetG("*
45 46 44 43 42 41 4> 39 38 37 36


2& then .a/i thu' ca))' !im Lor , ho1 i' !e hi' 8onG

-n no one 1a' ab)e to an'1er !im a 1or , nor &rom that ay i anyone /enture or are to Cue'tion !im0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 22?12 Litera) tran')ation0

b0 ,atthe1 22?16 LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 22?33 LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 22?34 e0 ,atthe1 22?36 &0 ,atthe1 22?4> LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 22?24 #0 ,atthe1 22?32 C0 ,atthe1 22?37 .0 ,atthe1 22?39 "0 ,atthe1 22?44

!ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h Litera) tran')ation0 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h ? ? ? ? ? .eut 25?5 "Ao 3?6 .eut 6?5 Le/ 19?18 4' 11>?1

Matthew 23 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 23

T!"7 +"8:8 'ai to the mu)titu e' an to !i' i'cip)e',


The 'cribe' an 4hari'ee' 'it on ,o'e'I 'eat <o& authority=0 8o ob'er/e an practice a)) they te)) you@ but o not o 1hat they o, &or they preach, but o not practice0 They tie up hea/y )oa ', har to bear, an p)ace them on menI' 'hou) er', but they them'e)/e' 1i)) not )i&t a &inger to he)p bear them0 They o a)) their 1ork' to be 'een o& men@ &or they make 1i e their phy)acterie' (<a='ma)) ca'e' enc)o'ing certain 8cripture pa''age', 1orn uring prayer on the )e&t arm an &orehea * an make )ong their &ringe' <1orn by
5 4 3

a)) ma)e 2'rae)ite', accor ing to the comman =0(-* -n they <b=take p)ea'ure in an <thu'= )o/e the p)ace o& honor at &ea't' an the be't 'eat' in the 'ynagogue', -n to be greete 1ith honor in the marketp)ace' an to ha/e peop)e ca)) them rabbi0 #ut you are not to be ca))e rabbi (teacher*, &or you ha/e one Teacher an you are a)) brother'0 -n o not ca)) anyone <in the church= on earth &ather, &or you ha/e one Father, Bho i' in hea/en0 -n you mu't not be ca))e ma'ter' ()ea er'*, &or you ha/e one ,a'ter (Lea er*, the Chri't0
11 12 1> 9 8 7 6

!e 1ho i' greate't among you 'ha)) be your 'er/ant0

Bhoe/er eAa)t' him'e)& <<c=1ith haughtine'' an empty pri e= 'ha)) be humb)e (brought )o1*, an 1hoe/er humb)e' him'e)& <1hoe/er ha' a mo e't opinion o& him'e)& an beha/e' accor ing)y= 'ha)) be < =rai'e to honor0 #ut 1oe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you 'hut the king om o& hea/en in menI' &ace'@ &or you neither enter your'e)/e', nor o you a))o1 tho'e 1ho are about to go in to o 'o0 Boe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you '1a))o1 up 1i o1'I hou'e' an &or a preten'e to co/er it up make )ong prayer'@ there&ore you 1i)) recei/e the greater con emnation an the hea/ier 'entence0 Boe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you tra/e) o/er 'ea an )an to make a 'ing)e pro'e)yte, an 1hen he become' one <a pro'e)yte=, you make him oub)y a' much a chi) o& he)) (Dehenna* a' you are0 Boe to you, b)in gui e', 1ho 'ay, 2& anyone '1ear' by the <&='anctuary o& the temp)e, it i' nothing@ but i& anyone '1ear' by the go) o& the <g='anctuary, he i' a
16 15 14<e= 13

ebtor <boun by hi' oath=0



Jou b)in &oo)'H For 1hich i' greater? the go) , or the 'anctuary o& the temp)e that ha' ma e the go) 'acre G


Jou 'ay too, Bhoe/er '1ear' by the a)tar i' not uty boun @ but 1hoe/er '1ear' by the o&&ering on the a)tar, hi' oath i' bin ing0 Jou b)in menH Bhich i' greater? the gi&t, or the a)tar 1hich make' the gi&t 'acre G 8o 1hoe/er '1ear' by the a)tar '1ear' by it an by e/erything on it0 -n he 1ho '1ear' by the <i='anctuary o& the temp)e '1ear' by it an by !im Bho 1e))' in it0 <2 %ing' 8?13@ 4'0 26?80= -n 1hoe/er '1ear' by hea/en '1ear' by the throne o& Do an by !im Bho 'it' upon it0 Boe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you gi/e a tenth o& your mint an i)) an cummin, an ha/e neg)ecte an omitte the 1eightier (more important* matter' o& the La1EEright an ;u'tice an mercy an &i e)ity0 The'e you ought <particu)ar)y= to ha/e one, 1ithout neg)ecting the other'0
24 23 22 21 2> 19


Jou b)in gui e', &i)tering out a gnat an gu)ping o1n came)H(C*

Boe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you c)ean the out'i e o& the cup an o& the p)ate, but 1ithin they are &u)) o& eAtortion (prey, 'poi), p)un er* an gra'ping 'e)&Ein u)gence0 Jou b)in 4hari'eeH Fir't c)ean the in'i e o& the cup an o& the p)ate, 'o that the out'i e may be c)ean a)'o0 Boe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you are )ike tomb' that ha/e been 1hite1a'he , 1hich )ook beauti&u) on the out'i e but
27 26


in'i e are &u)) o& ea menI' bone' an e/erything impure0 +u't 'o, you a)'o out1ar )y 'eem to peop)e to be ;u't an upright but in'i e you are &u)) o& preten'e an )a1)e''ne'' an iniCuity0(.* Boe to you, 'cribe' an 4hari'ee', preten er' (hypocrite'*H For you bui) tomb' &or the prophet' an ecorate the monument' o& the righteou', 8aying, 2& 1e ha )i/e in the ay' o& our &ore&ather', 1e 1ou) not ha/e ai e them in 'he ing the b)oo o& the prophet'0 Thu' you are te'ti&ying again't your'e)/e' that you are the e'cen ant' o& tho'e 1ho mur ere the prophet'0 Fi)) up, then, the mea'ure o& your &ather'I 'in' to the brim <'o <k=that nothing may be 1anting to a &u)) mea'ure=0 Jou 'erpent'H Jou 'pa1n o& /iper'H !o1 can you e'cape the <)=pena)ty to be 'u&&ere in he)) (Dehenna*G #ecau'e o& thi', take notice? 2 am 'en ing you prophet' an 1i'e men (interpreter' an teacher'* an 'cribe' (men )earne in the ,o'aic La1 an the 4rophet'*@ 'ome o& them you 1i)) ki)), e/en cruci&y, an 'ome you 1i)) &)og in your 'ynagogue' an pur'ue an per'ecute &rom to1n to to1n, 8o that upon your hea ' may come a)) the b)oo o& the righteou' (<m=tho'e 1ho corre'pon to the i/ine 'tan ar o& right* 'he on earth, &rom the b)oo o& the righteou' -be) to the b)oo o& 6echariah 'on o& #arachiah, 1hom you mur ere bet1een the 'anctuary an the a)tar <o& burnt o&&ering=0("* Tru)y 2 ec)are to you, a)) the'e <<n=e/i), ca)amitou' time'= 1i)) come upon thi' generation0 <22 Chron0 36?15, 160= $ +eru'a)em, +eru'a)em, mur ering the prophet' an 'toning tho'e 1ho are 'ent to youH !o1 o&ten 1ou) 2
37 36 35 34 33 32 31 3> 29 28

ha/e gathere your chi) ren together a' a mother &o1) gather' her broo un er her 1ing', an you re&u'e H #eho) , your hou'e i' &or'aken an e'o)ate (aban one an )e&t e'titute o& Do I' he)p*0 <2 %ing' 9?7@ +er0 22?50= For 2 ec)are to you, you 1i)) not 'ee ,e again unti) you 'ay, #)e''e (magni&ie in 1or'hip, a ore , an eAa)te * i' !e Bho come' in the name o& the Lor H(F* Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 23?5 +ohn .0 .a/i', - .ictionary o& the #ib)e0 b0 ,atthe1 23?6 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 c0 ,atthe1 23?12 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 23?12 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 23?14 8ome manu'cript' o not contain /er'e 140 &0 ,atthe1 23?16 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 g0 ,atthe1 23?16 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 h0 ,atthe1 23?17 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 i0 ,atthe1 23?21 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 ;0 ,atthe1 23?24 The came) 1a' a)'o unc)ean, one o& the )arge't o& unc)ean anima)', 1herea' the gnat 1a' the 'ma))e't o& unc)ean anima)' (Le/0 11?4*0 k0 ,atthe1 23?32 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 23?33 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 23?35 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek
39 38

LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 23?36 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 23?5 ? "Ao 13?9@ 7um 15?38@ .eut 6?8 #0 ,atthe1 23?17 ? "Ao 3>?29 C0 ,atthe1 23?24 ? Le/ 27?3>@ ,ic 6?8 .0 ,atthe1 23?28 ? 4' 5?9 "0 ,atthe1 23?35 ? Den 4?8@ 22 Chron 24?21 F0 ,atthe1 23?39 ? 4' 118?26 Matthew 24 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 24

+"8:8 ."4-9T". &rom the temp)e <a=area an 1a' going on !i' 1ay 1hen !i' i'cip)e' came up to !im to ca)) !i' attention to the bui) ing' o& the temp)e an point them out to !im0 #ut !e an'1ere them, .o you 'ee a)) the'eG Tru)y 2 te)) you, there 1i)) not be )e&t here one 'tone upon another that 1i)) not be thro1n o1n0 Bhi)e !e 1a' 'eate on the ,ount o& $)i/e', the i'cip)e' came to !im pri/ate)y an 'ai , Te)) u', 1hen 1i)) thi' take p)ace, an 1hat 1i)) be the 'ign o& Jour coming an o& the en (the comp)etion, the con'ummation* o& the ageG +e'u' an'1ere them, #e care&u) that no one mi')ea ' you < ecei/ing you an )ea ing you into error=0 For many 1i)) come in (on the 'trength o&* ,y name < appropriating the name 1hich be)ong' to ,e=, 'aying, 2
<b= 5 4 3 2

am the Chri't (the ,e''iah*, an they 1i)) )ea many a'tray0 -n you 1i)) hear o& 1ar' an rumor' o& 1ar'@ 'ee that you are not &rightene or troub)e , &or thi' mu't take p)ace, but the en i' not yet0 For nation 1i)) ri'e again't nation, an king om again't king om, an there 1i)) be &amine' an earthCuake' in p)ace a&ter p)ace@
<c= 7 6

-)) thi' i' but the beginning <the ear)y pain'= o& the birth pang' <o& the < =into)erab)e angui'h=0

Then they 1i)) han you o/er to 'u&&er a&&)iction an tribu)ation an put you to eath, an you 1i)) be hate by a)) nation' &or ,y nameI' 'ake0 -n then many 1i)) be o&&en e an repe))e an 1i)) begin to i'tru't an e'ert <!im Bhom they ought to tru't an obey= an 1i)) 'tumb)e an &a)) a1ay an betray one another an pur'ue one another 1ith hatre 0
<e= 1>

-n many &a)'e prophet' 1i)) ri'e up an )ea many into error0



ecei/e an

-n the )o/e o& <&=the great bo y o& peop)e 1i)) gro1 co) becau'e o& the mu)tip)ie )a1)e''ne'' an iniCuity,
13 14

#ut he 1ho en ure' to the en 1i)) be 'a/e 0

-n thi' goo ne1' o& the king om (the Do'pe)* 1i)) be preache throughout the 1ho)e 1or) a' a te'timony to a)) the nation', an then 1i)) come the en 0 8o 1hen you 'ee the appa))ing 'acri)ege <the abomination that a'toni'he' an make' e'o)ate=, 'poken o& by the prophet .anie), 'tan ing in the !o)y 4)aceEE)et the rea er take notice an <g=pon er an con'i er an hee <thi'=EE(-* Then )et tho'e 1ho are in +u ea &)ee to the mountain'@
17 16 15

Let him 1ho i' on the hou'etop not come o1n an

go into the hou'e to take anything@ -n )et him 1ho i' in the &ie) not turn back to get hi' o/ercoat0 -n a)a' &or the 1omen 1ho are pregnant an &or tho'e 1ho ha/e nur'ing babie' in tho'e ay'H 4ray that your &)ight may not be in 1inter or on a 8abbath0 For then there 1i)) be great tribu)ation (a&&)iction, i'tre'', an oppre''ion* 'uch a' ha' not been &rom the beginning o& the 1or) unti) no1EEno, an ne/er 1i)) be <again=0(#* -n i& tho'e ay' ha not been 'hortene , no human being 1ou) en ure an 'ur/i/e, but &or the 'ake o& the e)ect (Do I' cho'en one'* tho'e ay' 1i)) be 'hortene 0 2& anyone 'ay' to you then, #eho) , here i' the Chri't (the ,e''iah*H or, There !e i'HEE o not be)ie/e it0 For &a)'e Chri't' an &a)'e prophet' 1i)) ari'e, an they 1i)) 'ho1 great 'ign' an 1on er' 'o a' to ecei/e an )ea a'tray, i& po''ib)e, e/en the e)ect (Do I' cho'en one'*0
25 26 24 23 22 21 2> 19 18

8ee, 2 ha/e 1arne you be&orehan 0

8o i& they 'ay to you, #eho) , !e i' in the 1i) erne'' ( e'ert*EE o not go out there@ i& they te)) you, #eho) , !e i' in the 'ecret p)ace' or inner room'EE o not be)ie/e it0 For ;u't a' the )ightning &)a'he' &rom the ea't an 'hine' an <h=i' 'een a' &ar a' the 1e't, 'o 1i)) the coming o& the 8on o& ,an be0 Bhere/er there i' a &a))en bo y (a corp'e*, there the /u)ture' (or eag)e'* 1i)) &)ock together0 (C* 2mme iate)y a&ter the tribu)ation o& tho'e ay' the 'un 1i)) be arkene , an the moon 1i)) not 'he it' )ight, an the 'tar' 1i)) &a)) &rom the 'ky, an the po1er' o& the hea/en' 1i)) be 'haken0(.*
29 28 27

Then the 'ign o& the 8on o& ,an 1i)) appear in the 'ky, an then a)) the tribe' o& the earth 1i)) mourn an <i=beat their brea't' an )ament in angui'h, an they 1i)) 'ee the 8on o& ,an coming on the c)ou ' o& hea/en 1ith po1er an great g)ory <in bri))iancy an 'p)en or=0("* -n !e 1i)) 'en out !i' ange)' 1ith a )ou trumpet ca)), an they 1i)) gather !i' e)ect (!i' cho'en one'* &rom the &our 1in ', <e/en= &rom one en o& the <;=uni/er'e to the other0(F* From the &ig tree )earn thi' )e''on? a' 'oon a' it' young 'hoot' become 'o&t an ten er an it put' out it' )ea/e', you kno1 <)=o& a 'urety that 'ummer i' near0
<k= 32 31


8o a)'o 1hen you 'ee the'e 'ign', <m=a)) taken together, coming to pa'', you may kno1 <n=o& a 'urety that !e i' near, at the /ery oor'0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, thi' generation (<o=the 1ho)e mu)titu e o& peop)e )i/ing at the 'ame time, <p=in a e&inite, <C=gi/en perio * 1i)) not pa'' a1ay ti)) a)) the'e thing' <r=taken together take p)ace0 8ky an earth 1i)) pa'' a1ay, but ,y 1or ' 1i)) not pa'' a1ay0 #ut o& that <eAact= ay an hour no one kno1', not e/en the ange)' o& hea/en, nor the 8on, but on)y the Father0 -' 1ere the ay' o& 7oah, 'o 1i)) be the coming o& the 8on o& ,an0 For ;u't a' in tho'e ay' be&ore the &)oo they 1ere eating an rinking, <men= marrying an <1omen= being gi/en in marriage, unti) the </ery= ay 1hen 7oah 1ent into the ark, -n they i not kno1 or un er'tan unti) the &)oo came an '1ept them a)) a1ayEE'o 1i)) be the coming o& the 8on o& ,an0(D*
39 38 37 36 35<'= 34


-t that time t1o men 1i)) be in the &ie) @ one 1i)) be taken an one 1i)) be )e&t0 T1o 1omen 1i)) be grin ing at the han mi))@ one 1i)) be taken an one 1i)) be )e&t0 Batch there&ore <<t=gi/e 'trict attention, be cautiou' an acti/e=, &or you o not kno1 in 1hat kin o& a ay <<u=1hether a near or remote one= your Lor i' coming0 #ut un er'tan thi'? ha the hou'eho) er kno1n in 1hat <part o& the night, 1hether in a </=night or a morning= 1atch the thie& 1a' coming, he 1ou) ha/e 1atche an 1ou) not ha/e a))o1e hi' hou'e to be <1=un ermine an broken into0 Jou a)'o mu't be rea y there&ore, &or the 8on o& ,an i' coming at an hour 1hen you o not eApect !im0 Bho then i' the &aith&u), thought&u), an 1i'e 'er/ant, 1hom hi' ma'ter ha' put in charge o& hi' hou'eho) to gi/e to the other' the &oo an 'upp)ie' at the proper timeG #)e''e (happy, &ortunate, an <A=to be en/ie * i' that 'er/ant 1hom, 1hen hi' ma'ter come', he 1i)) &in 'o oing0 2 'o)emn)y ec)are to you, he 1i)) 'et him o/er a)) hi' po''e''ion'0 #ut i& that 'er/ant i' 1icke an 'ay' to him'e)&, ,y ma'ter i' e)aye an i' going to be gone a )ong time, -n begin' to beat hi' &e))o1 'er/ant' an to eat an rink 1ith the runken, The ma'ter o& that 'er/ant 1i)) come on a ay 1hen he oe' not eApect him an at an hour o& 1hich he i' not a1are, -n 1i)) puni'h him <<y=cut him up by 'courging= an put him 1ith the preten er' (hypocrite'*@ there 1i)) be 1eeping an grin ing o& teeth0
51 5> 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41


Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 24?1 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 b0 ,atthe1 24?5 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 24?8 Litera) tran')ation0 0 ,atthe1 24?8 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 24?1> +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 24?12 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 g0 ,atthe1 24?15 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 24?27 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 i0 ,atthe1 24?3> ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 ;0 ,atthe1 24?31 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 k0 ,atthe1 24?32 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 )0 ,atthe1 24?32 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 24?33 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 24?33 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 24?34 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 p0 ,atthe1 24?34 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 24?34 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 r0 ,atthe1 24?34 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 '0 ,atthe1 24?35 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 t0 ,atthe1 24?42 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h

LeAicon0 u0 ,atthe1 24?42 /0 ,atthe1 24?43 10 ,atthe1 24?43 A0 ,atthe1 24?46 y0 ,atthe1 24?51 LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 24?15 #0 ,atthe1 24?21 C0 ,atthe1 24?28 .0 ,atthe1 24?29 6eph 1?15 "0 ,atthe1 24?3> F0 ,atthe1 24?31 D0 ,atthe1 24?39

,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 -)eAan er 8outer, 4ocket LeAicon0 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h ? ? ? ? .an 9?27@ 11?31@ 12?11 .an 12?1@ +oe) 2?2 +ob 39?3> 2'a 13?1>@ 34?4@ +oe) 2?1>, 11@

? .an 7?13@ 9e/ 1?7 ? 2'a 27?13@ 6ech 9?14 ? Den 6?5E8@ 7?6E24

Matthew 2 (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 2

T!"7 T!" king om o& hea/en 'ha)) be )ikene to ten /irgin' 1ho took their )amp' an 1ent to meet the bri egroom0 Fi/e o& them 1ere &oo)i'h (thought)e'', 1ithout &orethought* an &i/e 1ere 1i'e ('en'ib)e, inte))igent, an pru ent*0 For 1hen the &oo)i'h took their )amp', they i not take any <eAtra= oi) 1ith them@ #ut the 1i'e took &)a'k' o& oi) a)ong 1ith them <a)'o= 1ith their )amp'0
4 3 2

Bhi)e the bri egroom )ingere an 1a' ')o1 in coming, they a)) began no ing their hea ', an they &e)) a')eep0 #ut at mi night there 1a' a 'hout, #eho) , the bri egroomH Do out to meet himH Then a)) tho'e /irgin' got up an put their o1n )amp' in or er0 -n the &oo)i'h 'ai to the 1i'e, Di/e u' 'ome o& your oi), &or our )amp' are going out0 #ut the 1i'e rep)ie , There 1i)) not be enough &or u' an &or you@ go in'tea to the ea)er' an buy &or your'e)/e'0 #ut 1hi)e they 1ere going a1ay to buy, the bri egroom came, an tho'e 1ho 1ere prepare 1ent in 1ith him to the marriage &ea't@ an the oor 1a' 'hut0 Later the other /irgin' a)'o came an 'ai , Lor , Lor , open <the oor= to u'H #ut !e rep)ie , 2 'o)emn)y ec)are to you, 2 o not kno1 you <2 am not acCuainte 1ith you=0 Batch there&ore <gi/e 'trict attention an be cautiou' an acti/e=, &or you kno1 neither the ay nor the hour 1hen the 8on o& ,an 1i)) come0 For it i' )ike a man 1ho 1a' about to take a )ong ;ourney, an he ca))e hi' 'er/ant' together an entru'te them 1ith hi' property0 To one he ga/e &i/e ta)ent' <probab)y about M5,>>>=, to another t1o, to another oneEEto each in proportion to hi' o1n <a=per'ona) abi)ity0 Then he eparte an )e&t the country0 !e 1ho ha recei/e the &i/e ta)ent' 1ent at once an tra e 1ith them, an he gaine &i/e ta)ent' more0 -n )ike1i'e he 1ho ha recei/e the t1o ta)ent'EEhe a)'o gaine t1o ta)ent' more0
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1> 9 8 7 6

#ut he 1ho ha recei/e the one ta)ent 1ent an


a ho)e in the groun an hi hi' ma'terI' money0 7o1 a&ter a )ong time the ma'ter o& tho'e 'er/ant' returne an 'ett)e account' 1ith them0 -n he 1ho ha recei/e the &i/e ta)ent' came an brought him &i/e more, 'aying, ,a'ter, you entru'te to me &i/e ta)ent'@ 'ee, here 2 ha/e gaine &i/e ta)ent' more0 !i' ma'ter 'ai to him, Be)) one, you upright (honorab)e, <b=a mirab)e* an &aith&u) 'er/antH Jou ha/e been &aith&u) an tru't1orthy o/er a )itt)e@ 2 1i)) put you in charge o& much0 "nter into an 'hare the ;oy (the e)ight, the <c=b)e''e ne''* 1hich your ma'ter en;oy'0 -n he a)'o 1ho ha the t1o ta)ent' came &or1ar , 'aying, ,a'ter, you entru'te t1o ta)ent' to me@ here 2 ha/e gaine t1o ta)ent' more0 !i' ma'ter 'ai to him, Be)) one, you upright (honorab)e, < =a mirab)e* an &aith&u) 'er/antH Jou ha/e been &aith&u) an tru't1orthy o/er a )itt)e@ 2 1i)) put you in charge o& much0 "nter into an 'hare the ;oy (the e)ight, the <e=b)e''e ne''* 1hich your ma'ter en;oy'0 !e 1ho ha recei/e one ta)ent a)'o came &or1ar , 'aying, ,a'ter, 2 kne1 you to be a har'h an har man, reaping 1here you i not 'o1, an gathering 1here you ha not 1inno1e <the grain=0 8o 2 1a' a&rai , an 2 1ent an hi your ta)ent in the groun 0 !ere you ha/e 1hat i' your o1n0 #ut hi' ma'ter an'1ere him, Jou 1icke an )a5y an i )e 'er/antH .i you in ee kno1 that 2 reap 1here 2 ha/e not 'o1e an gather <grain= 1here 2 ha/e not 1inno1e G Then you 'hou) ha/e in/e'te my money 1ith the banker', an at my coming 2 1ou) ha/e recei/e 1hat 1a' my o1n 1ith intere't0
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2> 19

8o take the ta)ent a1ay &rom him an gi/e it to the

one 1ho ha' the ten ta)ent'0 For to e/eryone 1ho ha' 1i)) more be gi/en, an he 1i)) be <&=&urni'he rich)y 'o that he 1i)) ha/e an abun ance@ but &rom the one 1ho oe' not ha/e, e/en 1hat he oe' ha/e 1i)) be taken a1ay0 -n thro1 the goo E&orEnothing 'er/ant into the outer arkne''@ there 1i)) be 1eeping an grin ing o& teeth0 Bhen the 8on o& ,an come' in !i' g)ory (!i' ma;e'ty an 'p)en or*, an a)) the ho)y ange)' 1ith !im, then !e 1i)) 'it on the throne o& !i' g)ory0 -)) nation' 1i)) be gathere be&ore !im, an !e 1i)) 'eparate them <the peop)e= &rom one another a' a 'hepher 'eparate' hi' 'heep &rom the goat'@(-* -n !e 1i)) cau'e the 'heep to 'tan at !i' right han , but the goat' at !i' )e&t0 Then the %ing 1i)) 'ay to tho'e at !i' right han , Come, you b)e''e o& ,y Father <you <g=&a/ore o& Do an appointe to eterna) 'a)/ation=, inherit (recei/e a' your o1n* the king om prepare &or you &rom the &oun ation o& the 1or) 0 For 2 1a' hungry an you ga/e ,e &oo , 2 1a' thir'ty an you ga/e ,e 'omething to rink, 2 1a' a 'tranger an you <h=brought ,e together 1ith your'e)/e' an 1e)come an entertaine an <i=)o ge ,e, 2 1a' nake an you c)othe ,e, 2 1a' 'ick an you /i'ite ,e <;=1ith he)p an mini'tering care, 2 1a' in pri'on an you came to 'ee ,e0(#* Then the ;u't an upright 1i)) an'1er !im, Lor , 1hen i 1e 'ee Jou hungry an ga/e Jou &oo , or thir'ty an ga/e Jou 'omething to rinkG -n 1hen i 1e 'ee Jou a 'tranger an 1e)come an entertaine Jou, or nake an c)othe JouG
39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 3> 29

-n 1hen i 1e 'ee Jou 'ick or in pri'on an came

to /i'it JouG -n the %ing 1i)) rep)y to them, Tru)y 2 te)) you, in 'o &ar a' you i it &or one o& the )ea't <<k=in the e'timation o& men= o& the'e ,y brethren, you i it &or ,e0 (C* Then !e 1i)) 'ay to tho'e at !i' )e&t han , #egone &rom ,e, you cur'e , into the eterna) &ire prepare &or the e/i) an hi' ange)'H For 2 1a' hungry an you ga/e ,e no &oo , 2 1a' thir'ty an you ga/e ,e nothing to rink, 2 1a' a 'tranger an you i not 1e)come ,e an entertain ,e, 2 1a' nake an you i not c)othe ,e, 2 1a' 'ick an in pri'on an you i not /i'it ,e <)=1ith he)p an mini'tering care0 Then they a)'o <in their turn= 1i)) an'1er, Lor , 1hen i 1e 'ee Jou hungry or thir'ty or a 'tranger or nake or 'ick or in pri'on, an i not mini'ter to JouG -n !e 1i)) rep)y to them, 8o)emn)y 2 ec)are to you, in 'o &ar a' you &ai)e to o it &or the )ea't <<m=in the e'timation o& men= o& the'e, you &ai)e to o it &or ,e0 (.* Then they 1i)) go a1ay into eterna) puni'hment, but tho'e 1ho are ;u't an upright an in right 'tan ing 1ith Do into eterna) )i&e0("* Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 b0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 c0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 e0 ,atthe1 LeAicon0 25?15 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 25?21 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) 25?21 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h 25?23 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) 25?23 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h
46 45 44 43 42 41 4>

&0 ,atthe1 25?29 LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 25?34 LeAicon0 h0 ,atthe1 25?35 i0 ,atthe1 25?35 ;0 ,atthe1 25?36 k0 ,atthe1 25?4> LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 25?43 m0 ,atthe1 25?45 LeAicon0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 25?32 #0 ,atthe1 25?36 C0 ,atthe1 25?4> .0 ,atthe1 25?45 "0 ,atthe1 25?46

+o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h Litera) meaning0 Bi))iam Tyn a)e, The Tyn a)e #ib)e0 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h ? ? ? ? ? "5ek 34?17 2'a 58?7 4ro/ 19?17 4ro/ 14?31@ 17?5 .an 12?2

Matthew 2! (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 2!

B!"7 +"8:8 ha en e thi' i'cour'e, !e 'ai to !i' i'cip)e',


Jou kno1 that the 4a''o/er i' in t1o ay'EEan the 8on o& ,an 1i)) be e)i/ere up <a=treacherou')y to be cruci&ie 0 Then the chie& prie't' an the e) er' o& the peop)e gathere in the <<b=open= court o& the pa)ace o& the high prie't, 1ho'e name 1a' Caiapha',

-n con'u)te together in or er to arre't +e'u' by 'tratagem 'ecret)y an put !im to eath0 #ut they 'ai , 2t mu't not be uring the Fea't, &or &ear that there 1i)) be a riot among the peop)e0 7o1 1hen +e'u' came back to #ethany an 1a' in the hou'e o& 8imon the )eper, - 1oman came up to !im 1ith an a)aba'ter &)a'k o& /ery preciou' per&ume, an 'he poure it on !i' hea a' !e rec)ine at tab)e0 -n 1hen the i'cip)e' 'a1 it, they 1ere in ignant, 'aying, For 1hat purpo'e i' a)) thi' 1a'teG For thi' per&ume might ha/e been 'o) &or a )arge 'um an the money gi/en to the poor0 #ut +e'u', &u))y a1are o& thi', 'ai to them, Bhy o you bother the 1omanG 8he ha' one a nob)e (prai'e1orthy an beauti&u)* thing to ,e0 For you a)1ay' ha/e the poor among you, but you 1i)) not a)1ay' ha/e ,e0(-* 2n pouring thi' per&ume on ,y bo y 'he ha' one 'omething to prepare ,e &or ,y buria)0 Tru)y 2 te)) you, 1here/er thi' goo ne1' (the Do'pe)* i' preache in the 1ho)e 1or) , 1hat thi' 1oman ha' one 1i)) be to) a)'o, in memory o& her0 Then one o& the T1e)/e <apo't)e'=, 1ho 1a' ca))e +u a' 2'cariot, 1ent to the chie& prie't' -n 'ai , Bhat are you 1i))ing to gi/e me i& 2 han !im o/er to youG -n they 1eighe out &or an pai to him thirty piece' o& 'i)/er <about t1entyEone o))ar' an 'iAty cent'=0(#* -n &rom that moment he 'ought a &itting opportunity to betray !im0 7o1 on the &ir't ay o& :n)ea/ene #rea <4a''o/er 1eek=, the i'cip)e' came to +e'u' an 'ai to !im, Bhere
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1> 9 8 7 6 5

o Jou 1i'h u' to prepare &or Jou to eat the 4a''o/er 'upperG !e 'ai , Do into the city to a certain man an 'ay to him, The ,a'ter 'ay'? ,y time i' near@ 2 1i)) keep the 4a''o/er at your hou'e 1ith ,y i'cip)e'0 -n accor ing)y the i'cip)e' i a' +e'u' ha irecte (C* them, an they ma e rea y the 4a''o/er 'upper0 Bhen it 1a' e/ening, !e 1a' rec)ining at tab)e 1ith the t1e)/e i'cip)e'0 -n a' they 1ere eating, !e 'ai , 8o)emn)y 2 'ay to you, one o& you 1i)) betray ,eH They 1ere eAcee ing)y paine an i'tre''e an eep)y hurt an 'orro1&u) an began to 'ay to !im one a&ter another, <c=8ure)y it cannot be 2, Lor , can itG !e rep)ie , !e 1ho ha' <;u't= ippe hi' han in the 'ame i'h 1ith ,e 1i)) betray ,eH The 8on o& ,an i' going ;u't a' it i' 1ritten o& !im@ but 1oe to that man by 1hom the 8on o& ,an i' betraye H 2t 1ou) ha/e been better (more pro&itab)e an 1ho)e'ome* &or that man i& he ha ne/er been bornH(.* +u a', the betrayer, 'ai , < =8ure)y it i' not 2, i' it, ,a'terG !e 'ai to him, Jou ha/e 'tate <the &act=0 7o1 a' they 1ere eating, +e'u' took brea an , prai'ing Do , ga/e thank' an a'ke !im to b)e'' it to their u'e, an 1hen !e ha broken it, !e ga/e it to the i'cip)e' an 'ai , Take, eat@ thi' i' ,y bo y0
<e= 26 25 24 23 22 21 2> 19 18

-n !e took a cup, an 1hen !e ha gi/en thank', !e ga/e it to them, 'aying, .rink o& it, a)) o& you@ For thi' i' ,y b)oo o& the ne1 co/enant, 1hich < rati&ie' the agreement an = i' <g=being poure out &or many &or the &orgi/ene'' o& 'in'0("*
<&= 28


2 'ay to you, 2 'ha)) not rink again o& thi' &ruit o& the /ine unti) that ay 1hen 2 rink it 1ith you ne1 an <h=o&


'uperior Cua)ity in ,y FatherI' king om0 -n 1hen they ha 'ung a hymn, they 1ent out to the ,ount o& $)i/e'0 Then +e'u' 'ai to them, Jou 1i)) a)) be o&&en e an 'tumb)e an &a)) a1ay becau'e o& ,e thi' night < i'tru'ting an e'erting ,e=, &or it i' 1ritten, 2 1i)) 'trike the 8hepher , an the 'heep o& the &)ock 1i)) be 'cattere 0 (F* #ut a&ter 2 am rai'e up <to )i&e again=, 2 1i)) go ahea o& you to Da)i)ee0 4eter ec)are to !im, Though they a)) are o&&en e an 'tumb)e an &a)) a1ay becau'e o& Jou <an i'tru't an e'ert Jou=, 2 1i)) ne/er o 'o0 +e'u' 'ai to him, 8o)emn)y 2 ec)are to you, thi' /ery night, be&ore a <i='ing)e roo'ter cro1', you 1i)) eny an i'o1n ,e three time'0 4eter 'ai to !im, "/en i& 2 mu't ie 1ith Jou, 2 1i)) not eny or i'o1n JouH -n a)) the i'cip)e' 'ai the 'ame thing0 Then +e'u' 1ent 1ith them to a p)ace ca))e Deth'emane, an !e to) !i' i'cip)e', 8it o1n here 1hi)e 2 go o/er yon er an pray0 -n taking 1ith !im 4eter an the t1o 'on' o& 6ebe ee, !e began to <;='ho1 grie& an i'tre'' o& min <k= an 1a' eep)y epre''e 0 Then !e 'ai to them, ,y 'ou) i' /ery 'a an eep)y <)= grie/e , 'o that 2 am a)mo't ying o& 'orro10 8tay here an keep a1ake an keep 1atch 1ith ,e0 -n going a )itt)e &arther, !e thre1 !im'e)& upon the groun on !i' &ace an praye 'aying, ,y Father, i& it i' po''ib)e, )et thi' cup pa'' a1ay &rom ,e@ ne/erthe)e'', not 1hat 2 1i)) <not 1hat 2 e'ire=, but a' Jou 1i)) an e'ire0
4> 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 3>

-n !e came to the i'cip)e' an &oun them

')eeping, an !e 'ai to 4eter, BhatH -re you 'o utter)y unab)e to 'tay a1ake an keep 1atch 1ith ,e &or one hourG -)) o& you mu't keep a1ake (gi/e 'trict attention, be cautiou' an acti/e* an 1atch an pray, that you may not come into temptation0 The 'pirit in ee i' 1i))ing, but the &)e'h i' 1eak0 -gain a 'econ time !e 1ent a1ay an praye , ,y Father, i& thi' cannot pa'' by un)e'' 2 rink it, Jour 1i)) be one0 -n again !e came an &oun them ')eeping, &or their eye' 1ere 1eighe o1n 1ith ')eep0 8o, )ea/ing them again, !e 1ent a1ay an praye &or the thir time, u'ing the 'ame 1or '0 Then !e returne to the i'cip)e' an 'ai to them, -re you 'ti)) ')eeping an taking your re'tG #eho) , the hour i' at han , an the 8on o& ,an i' betraye into the han ' o& <m=e'pecia))y 1icke 'inner' <<n=1ho'e 1ay or nature it i' to act in oppo'ition to Do =0
46 47 45 44 43 42 41

Det up, )et u' be goingH 8ee, ,y betrayer i' at han H

-' !e 1a' 'ti)) 'peaking, +u a', one o& the T1e)/e <apo't)e'=, came up, an 1ith him a great cro1 1ith '1or ' an c)ub', &rom the chie& prie't' an e) er' o& the peop)e0 7o1 the betrayer ha gi/en them a 'ign, 'aying, The $ne 2 'ha)) ki'' i' the ,an@ 'ei5e !im0 -n he came up to +e'u' at once an 'ai , !ai) (greeting', goo hea)th to Jou, )ong )i&e to Jou*, ,a'terH -n he <o=embrace !im an ki''e !im <p=1ith <preten e = 1armth an e/otion0 +e'u' 'ai to him, Frien , &or 1hat are you hereG Then they came up an )ai han ' on +e'u' an arre'te !im0
51 5> 49 48

-n beho) , one o& tho'e 1ho 1ere 1ith +e'u'

reache out hi' han an re1 hi' '1or an , 'triking the bo y 'er/ant o& the high prie't, cut o&& hi' ear0 Then +e'u' 'ai to him, 4ut your '1or back into it' p)ace, &or a)) 1ho ra1 the '1or 1i)) ie by the '1or 0 (D* .o you 'uppo'e that 2 cannot appea) to ,y Father, an !e 1i)) imme iate)y pro/i e ,e 1ith more than t1e)/e )egion' <<C=more than 8>,>>>= o& ange)'G #ut ho1 then 1ou) the 8cripture' be &u)&i))e , that it mu't come about thi' 1ayG -t that moment +e'u' 'ai to the cro1 ', !a/e you come out 1ith '1or ' an c)ub' a' <you 1ou) = again't a robber to capture ,eG .ay a&ter ay 2 1a' <r=accu'tome to 'it in the <'=porche' an court' o& the temp)e teaching, an you i not arre't ,e0 #ut a)) thi' ha' taken p)ace in or er that the 8cripture' o& the prophet' might be &u)&i))e 0 Then a)) the i'cip)e' e'erte !im an , &)eeing, e'cape 0 #ut tho'e 1ho ha 'ei5e +e'u' took !im a1ay to Caiapha', the high prie't, 1here the 'cribe' an the e) er' ha a''emb)e 0 #ut 4eter &o))o1e !im at a i'tance, a' &ar a' the courtyar o& the high prie'tI' home@ he e/en 1ent in'i e an 'at 1ith the guar ' to 'ee the en 0 7o1 the chie& prie't' an the 1ho)e counci) (the 8anhe rin* 'ought to get &a)'e 1itne''e' to te'ti&y again't +e'u', 'o that they might put !im to eath@ #ut they &oun none, though many 1itne''e' came &or1ar <to te'ti&y=0 -t )a't t1o men came &or1ar -n te'ti&ie , Thi' <t=Fe))o1 'ai , 2 am ab)e to tear o1n the <u='anctuary o& the temp)e o& Do an to bui) it up again in three ay'0 -n the high prie't 'too up an 'ai , !a/e Jou no an'1er to makeG Bhat about thi' that the'e men te'ti&y
62 61 6> 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52

again't JouG #ut +e'u' kept 'i)ent0 -n the high prie't 'ai to !im, 2 ca)) upon you to '1ear by the )i/ing Do , an te)) u' 1hether you are the Chri't, the 8on o& Do 0
</= 63

+e'u' 'ai to him, <1=Jou ha/e 'tate <the &act=0 ,ore than that, 2 te)) you? Jou 1i)) in the &uture 'ee the 8on o& ,an 'eate at the right han o& <A=the -)mighty an coming on the c)ou ' o& the 'ky0(!* Then the high prie't tore hi' c)othe' an eAc)aime , !e ha' uttere b)a'phemyH Bhat nee ha/e 1e o& &urther e/i enceG Jou ha/e no1 hear !i' b)a'phemy0(2* Bhat o you think no1G They an'1ere , !e e'er/e' to be put to eath0 Then they 'pat in !i' &ace an 'truck !im 1ith their &i't'@ an 'ome <y=')appe !im in the &ace,(+* 8aying, 4rophe'y to u', Jou Chri't (the ,e''iah*H Bho 1a' it that 'truck JouG 7o1 4eter 1a' 'itting out'i e in the courtyar , an one mai came up to him an 'ai , Jou 1ere a)'o 1ith +e'u' the Da)i)eanH
<5= 69 68 67 66 65


#ut he enie it <aa=&a)'e)y be&ore them a)), 'aying, 2 o not kno1 1hat you mean0 -n 1hen he ha gone out to the porch, another mai 'a1 him, an 'he 'ai to the by'tan er', Thi' &e))o1 1a' 1ith +e'u' the 7a5areneH -n again he enie it an <ab= i'o1ne !im 1ith an oath, 'aying, 2 o not kno1 the ,anH -&ter a )itt)e 1hi)e, the by'tan er' came up an 'ai to 4eter, Jou certain)y are one o& them too, &or e/en your accent betray' you0 Then 4eter began to in/oke a cur'e on him'e)& an to '1ear, 2 o not e/en kno1 the ,anH -n at that moment a roo'ter cro1e 0
74 73 72 71


-n 4eter remembere +e'u'I 1or ', 1hen !e ha 'ai , #e&ore a <ac='ing)e roo'ter cro1', you 1i)) eny an i'o1n ,e three time'0 -n he 1ent out'i e an 1ept bitter)y0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 26?2 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 b0 ,atthe1 26?3 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 c0 ,atthe1 26?22 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 0 ,atthe1 26?25 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 e0 ,atthe1 26?26 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 &0 ,atthe1 26?28 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 g0 ,atthe1 26?28 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 h0 ,atthe1 26?29 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 26?34 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 ;0 ,atthe1 26?37 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 k0 ,atthe1 26?37 Deorge 90 #erry, DreekE"ng)i'h 7e1 Te'tament LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 26?38 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 m0 ,atthe1 26?45 D0 -bbottE8mith, ,anua) Dreek LeAicon0 n0 ,atthe1 26?45 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 o0 ,atthe1 26?49 !0-0B0 ,eyer, Critica) an "Aegetica) !an book to the Do'pe) o& ,atthe10 p0 ,atthe1 26?49 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 C0 ,atthe1 26?53 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 r0 ,atthe1 26?55 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 '0 ,atthe1 26?55 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1


Te'tament0 t0 ,atthe1 26?61 Capita)i5e becau'e o& 1hat !e i', the 'pot)e'' 8on o& Do , not 1hat the 'peaker' may ha/e thought !e 1a'0 u0 ,atthe1 26?61 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 /0 ,atthe1 26?63 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 10 ,atthe1 26?64 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 A0 ,atthe1 26?64 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 y0 ,atthe1 26?67 +o'eph Thayer, - DreekE"ng)i'h LeAicon0 50 ,atthe1 26?69 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 aa0 ,atthe1 26?7> !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 bb0 ,atthe1 26?72 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 cc0 ,atthe1 26?75 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 26?11 ? .eut 15?11 #0 ,atthe1 26?15 ? "Ao 21?32@ 6ech 11?12 C0 ,atthe1 26?19 ? .eut 16?5E8 .0 ,atthe1 26?24 ? 4' 41?9 "0 ,atthe1 26?28 ? "Ao 24?6E8 F0 ,atthe1 26?31 ? 6ech 13?7 D0 ,atthe1 26?52 ? Den 9?6 !0 ,atthe1 26?64 ? 4' 11>?1@ .an 7?13 20 ,atthe1 26?65 ? Le/ 24?16@ 7um 14?6 +0 ,atthe1 26?67 ? 2'a 5>?6 Matthew 2" (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 2"

B!"7 2T 1a' morning, a)) the chie& prie't' an the e) er' o& the peop)e he) a con'u)tation again't +e'u' to put !im to eath@ -n they boun !im an )e !im a1ay an han e !im o/er to 4i)ate the go/ernor0 Bhen +u a', !i' betrayer, 'a1 that <+e'u'= 1a' con emne , <+u a' 1a' <a=a&&)icte in min an troub)e &or hi' &ormer &o))y@ an = 1ith remor'e <1ith )itt)e more than a 'e)&i'h rea o& the con'eCuence'= he brought back the thirty piece' o& 'i)/er to the chie& prie't' an the e) er',(-* 8aying, 2 ha/e 'inne in betraying innocent b)oo 0 They rep)ie , Bhat i' that to u'G 8ee to that your'e)&0 -n ca'ting the piece' o& 'i)/er <&or1ar = into the <!o)y 4)ace o& the <b='anctuary o& the= temp)e, he eparte @ an he 1ent o&& an hange him'e)&0 #ut the chie& prie't', picking up the piece' o& 'i)/er, 'ai , 2t i' not )ega) to put the'e in the <con'ecrate = trea'ury, &or it i' the price o& b)oo 0 8o a&ter con'u)tation they bought 1ith them <the piece' o& 'i)/er= the potterI' &ie) <a' a p)ace= in 1hich to bury 'tranger'0 There&ore that piece o& groun ha' been ca))e the Fie) o& #)oo to the pre'ent ay0 Then 1ere &u)&i))e the 1or ' 'poken by +eremiah the prophet 1hen he 'ai , -n they took the thirty piece' o& 'i)/er, the price o& !im on Bhom a price ha been 'et by 'ome o& the 'on' o& 2'rae),(#* -n they ga/e them &or the potterI' &ie) , a' the Lor irecte me0 7o1 +e'u' 'too be&ore the go/ernor <4i)ate=, an the go/ernor a'ke !im, -re you the %ing o& the +e1'G +e'u'
11 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

'ai to him, Jou ha/e 'tate <the &act=0 #ut 1hen the charge' 1ere ma e again't !im by the chie& prie't' an e) er', !e ma e no an'1er0(C* Then 4i)ate 'ai to !im, .o Jou not hear ho1 many an ho1 'eriou' are the thing' they are te'ti&ying again't JouG #ut !e ma e no rep)y to him, not e/en to a 'ing)e accu'ation, 'o that the go/ernor mar/e)e great)y0 7o1 at the Fea't <o& the 4a''o/er= the go/ernor 1a' in the habit o& 'etting &ree &or the peop)e any one pri'oner 1hom they cho'e0 -n at that time they ha a notoriou' pri'oner 1ho'e name 1a' #arabba'0 8o 1hen they ha a''emb)e &or thi' purpo'e, 4i)ate 'ai to them, Bhom o you 1ant me to 'et &ree &or you, #arabba', or +e'u' Bho i' ca))e Chri'tG For he kne1 that it 1a' becau'e o& en/y that they ha han e !im o/er to him0 -)'o, 1hi)e he 1a' 'eate on the ;u gment bench, hi' 1i&e 'ent him a me''age, 'aying, !a/e nothing to o 1ith that ;u't an upright ,an, &or 2 ha/e ha a pain&u) eAperience to ay in a ream becau'e o& !im0 #ut the chie& prie't' an the e) er' pre/ai)e on the peop)e to a'k &or #arabba', an put +e'u' to eath0 -gain the go/ernor 'ai to them, Bhich o& the t1o o you 1i'h me to re)ea'e &or youG -n they 'ai , #arabba'H 4i)ate 'ai to them, Then 1hat 'ha)) 2 o 1ith +e'u' Bho i' ca))e Chri'tG They a)) rep)ie , Let !im be cruci&ie H -n he 'ai , BhyG Bhat ha' !e one that i' e/i)G #ut they 'houte a)) the )ou er, Let !im be cruci&ie H 8o 1hen 4i)ate 'a1 that he 1a' getting no1here, but rather that a riot 1a' about to break out, he took 1ater
24 23 22 21 2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

an 1a'he hi' han ' in the pre'ence o& the cro1 , 'aying, 2 am not gui)ty o& nor re'pon'ib)e &or thi' <c= righteou' ,anI' b)oo @ 'ee to it your'e)/e'0(.* -n a)) the peop)e an'1ere , Let !i' b)oo be on u' an on our chi) renH("* 8o he 'et &ree &or them #arabba'@ an he <ha = +e'u' 1hippe , an e)i/ere !im up to be cruci&ie 0 Then the go/ernorI' 'o) ier' took +e'u' into the pa)ace, an they gathere the 1ho)e batta)ion about !im0 -n they 'trippe o&& !i' c)othe' an put a 'car)et robe (< =garment o& ignity an o&&ice 1orn by 9oman o&&icer' o& rank* upon !im, -n , 1ea/ing a cro1n o& thorn', they put it on !i' hea an put a ree ('ta&&* in !i' right han 0 -n knee)ing be&ore !im, they ma e 'port o& !im, 'aying, !ai) (greeting', goo hea)th to Jou, )ong )i&e to Jou*, %ing o& the +e1'H -n they 'pat on !im, an took the ree ('ta&&* an 'truck !im on the hea 0 -n 1hen they &ini'he making 'port o& !im, they 'trippe !im o& the robe an put !i' o1n garment' on !im an )e !im a1ay to be cruci&ie 0 -' they 1ere marching &orth, they came upon a man o& Cyrene name 8imon@ thi' man they &orce to carry the cro'' o& +e'u'0 -n 1hen they came to a p)ace ca))e Do)gotha <Latin? Ca)/ary=, 1hich mean' The 4)ace o& a 8ku)), They o&&ere !im 1ine ming)e 1ith ga)) to rink@ but 1hen !e ta'te it, !e re&u'e to rink it0 -n 1hen they ha cruci&ie !im, they i/i e an i'tribute !i' garment' <among them= by ca'ting )ot' <e= 'o that the prophetI' 'aying 1a' &u)&i))e , They parte ,y garment' among them an o/er ,y appare) they ca't
35 34 33 32 31 3> 29 28 27 26 25

36 37

Then they 'at o1n there an kept 1atch o/er !im0

-n o/er !i' hea they put the accu'ation again't !im (<&=the cau'e o& !i' eath*, 1hich rea , Thi' i' +e'u', the %ing o& the +e1'0 -t the 'ame time t1o robber' 1ere cruci&ie 1ith !im, one on the right han an one on the )e&t0 -n tho'e 1ho pa''e by 'poke reproach&u))y an abu'i/e)y an ;eere at !im, 1agging their hea ',(D* -n they 'ai , Jou Bho 1ou) tear o1n the 'anctuary o& the temp)e an rebui) it in three ay', re'cue Jour'e)& <h=&rom eath0 2& Jou are the 8on o& Do , come o1n &rom the cro''0
<g= 4> 39 38

2n the 'ame 1ay the chie& prie't', 1ith the 'cribe' an e) er', ma e 'port o& !im, 'aying, !e re'cue other' <i=&rom eath@ !im'e)& !e cannot re'cue <;=&rom eath0 !e i' the %ing o& 2'rae)G Let !im come o1n &rom the cro'' no1, an 1e 1i)) be)ie/e in an <k= ackno1)e ge an c)ea/e to !im0 !e tru't' in Do @ )et Do e)i/er !im no1 i& !e care' &or !im an 1i)) ha/e !im, &or !e 'ai , 2 am the 8on o& Do 0 -n the robber' 1ho 1ere cruci&ie 1ith !im a)'o abu'e an reproache an ma e 'port o& !im in the 'ame 1ay0 7o1 &rom the 'iAth hour (noon* there 1a' arkne'' o/er a)) the )an unti) the ninth hour (three oIc)ock*0 -n about the ninth hour (three oIc)ock* +e'u' crie 1ith a )ou /oice, ")i, ")i, )ama 'abachthaniGEEthat i', ,y Do , ,y Do , 1hy ha/e Jou aban one ,e <)ea/ing ,e <)= he)p)e'', &or'aking an &ai)ing ,e in ,y nee =G(!* -n 'ome o& the by'tan er', 1hen they hear it, 'ai , Thi' ,an i' ca))ing &or ")i;ahH
47 46 45 44 43 42


-n one o& them imme iate)y ran an took a 'ponge, 'oake it 1ith /inegar (a 'our 1ine*, an put it on a ree ('ta&&*, an 1a' <m=about to gi/e it to !im to rink0(2* #ut the other' 'ai , BaitH Let u' 'ee 1hether ")i;ah 1i)) come to 'a/e !im <n=&rom eath0 -n +e'u' crie again 1ith a )ou /oice an ga/e up !i' 'pirit0 -n at once the curtain o& the <o='anctuary o& the temp)e 1a' torn in t1o &rom top to bottom@ the earth 'hook an the rock' 1ere 'p)it0(+* The tomb' 1ere opene an many bo ie' o& the 'aint' 1ho ha &a))en a')eep <p=in eath 1ere rai'e <to )i&e=@ -n coming out o& the tomb' a&ter !i' re'urrection, they 1ent into the ho)y city an appeare to many peop)e0 Bhen the centurion an tho'e 1ho 1ere 1ith him keeping 1atch o/er +e'u' ob'er/e the earthCuake an a)) that 1a' happening, they 1ere terrib)y &rightene an &i))e 1ith a1e, an 'ai , Tru)y thi' 1a' Do I' 8onH There 1ere a)'o numerou' 1omen there, )ooking on &rom a i'tance, 1ho 1ere o& tho'e 1ho ha accompanie +e'u' &rom Da)i)ee, mini'tering to !im0 -mong them 1ere ,ary o& ,ag a)a, an ,ary the mother o& +ame' an +o'eph, an the mother o& 6ebe eeI' 'on'0 Bhen it 1a' e/ening, there came a rich man &rom -rimathea, name +o'eph, 1ho a)'o 1a' a i'cip)e o& +e'u'0 !e 1ent to 4i)ate an a'ke &or the bo y o& +e'u', an 4i)ate or ere that it be gi/en to him0 -n +o'eph took the bo y an <C=ro))e it up in a c)ean )inen c)oth <r=u'e &or '1athing ea bo ie'
6> 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 5> 49


-n )ai it in hi' o1n &re'h (<'=un e&i)e * tomb, 1hich

he ha he1n in the rock@ an he ro))e a big bou) er o/er the oor o& the tomb an 1ent a1ay0 -n ,ary o& ,ag a)a an the other ,ary kept 'itting there oppo'ite the tomb0 The neAt ay, that i', the ay a&ter the ay o& 4reparation <&or the 8abbath=, the chie& prie't' an the 4hari'ee' a''emb)e be&ore 4i)ate -n 'ai , 8ir, 1e ha/e ;u't remembere ho1 that /agabon 2mpo'ter 'ai 1hi)e !e 1a' 'ti)) a)i/e, -&ter three ay' 2 1i)) ri'e again0
<t= 63 62 61

There&ore gi/e an or er to ha/e the tomb ma e 'ecure an 'a&eguar e unti) the thir ay, &or &ear that !i' i'cip)e' 1i)) come an 'tea) !im a1ay an te)) the peop)e that !e ha' ri'en &rom the ea , an the )a't eception an &rau 1i)) be 1or'e than the &ir't0 4i)ate 'ai to them, Jou ha/e a guar <o& 'o) ier'@ take them an = go, make it a' 'ecure a' you can0 8o they 1ent o&& an ma e the tomb 'ecure by 'ea)ing the bou) er, a guar o& 'o) ier' being 1ith them an remaining to 1atch0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 27?3 +eremy Tay)or an -ri'tot)e, cite by 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 b0 ,atthe1 27?5 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 c0 ,atthe1 27?24 8ome manu'cript' 'o rea 0 0 ,atthe1 27?28 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 e0 ,atthe1 27?35 ,any manu'cript' o not contain thi' part o& /er'e 350 &0 ,atthe1 27?37 Bi))iam Tyn a)e, The Tyn a)e #ib)e0 g0 ,atthe1 27?4> 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0
66 65


h0 ,atthe1 27?4> !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 i0 ,atthe1 27?42 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 ;0 ,atthe1 27?42 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 k0 ,atthe1 27?42 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 )0 ,atthe1 27?46 %enneth Bue't, Bor 8tu ie'0 m0 ,atthe1 27?48 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 n0 ,atthe1 27?49 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 o0 ,atthe1 27?51 9ichar Trench, 8ynonym' o& the 7e1 Te'tament0 p0 ,atthe1 27?52 !ermann Cremer, #ib)icoETheo)ogica) LeAicon0 C0 ,atthe1 27?59 9obert Joung, -na)ytica) Concor ance0 r0 ,atthe1 27?59 +ame' ,ou)ton an Deorge ,i))igan, The Focabu)ary0 '0 ,atthe1 27?6> ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 t0 ,atthe1 27?63 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 Cross references: -0 ,atthe1 27?3 ? "Ao 21?32 #0 ,atthe1 27?9 ? 6ech 11?12, 13 C0 ,atthe1 27?12 ? 2'a 53?7 .0 ,atthe1 27?24 ? .eut 21?6E9@ 4' 26?6 "0 ,atthe1 27?25 ? +o'h 2?19 F0 ,atthe1 27?35 ? 4' 22?18 D0 ,atthe1 27?39 ? 4' 22?7, 8@ 1>9?25 !0 ,atthe1 27?46 ? 4' 22?1 20 ,atthe1 27?48 ? 4' 69?21 +0 ,atthe1 27?51 ? "Ao 26?31E35 Matthew 2# (Amplified Bible) Amplified Bible (AMP)

Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foun ation

Matthew 2#

7$B -FT"9 the 8abbath, near a1n o& the &ir't ay o& the 1eek, ,ary o& ,ag a)a an the other ,ary 1ent to take a )ook at the tomb0 -n beho) , there 1a' a great earthCuake, &or an ange) o& the Lor e'cen e &rom hea/en an came an ro))e the bou) er back an 'at upon it0 !i' appearance 1a' )ike )ightning, an hi' garment' a' 1hite a' 'no10 -n tho'e keeping guar 1ere 'o &rightene at the 'ight o& him that they 1ere agitate an they tremb)e an became )ike ea men0 #ut the ange) 'ai to the 1omen, .o not be a)arme an &rightene , &or 2 kno1 that you are )ooking &or +e'u', Bho 1a' cruci&ie 0 !e i' not here@ !e ha' ri'en, a' !e 'ai <!e 1ou) Come, 'ee the p)ace 1here !e )ay0 Then go Cuick)y an te)) !i' i'cip)e', !e ha' ri'en &rom the ea , an beho) , !e i' going be&ore you to Da)i)ee@ there you 1i)) 'ee !im0 #eho) , 2 ha/e to) you0 8o they )e&t the tomb ha'ti)y 1ith &ear an great ;oy an ran to te)) the i'cip)e'0 -n a' they 1ent, beho) , +e'u' met them an 'ai , !ai) (greeting'*H -n they 1ent up to !im an c)a'pe !i' &eet an 1or'hipe !im0 Then +e'u' 'ai to them, .o not be a)arme an a&rai @ go an te)) ,y brethren to go into Da)i)ee, an there they 1i)) 'ee ,e0 Bhi)e they 1ere on their 1ay, beho) , 'ome o& the guar ' 1ent into the city an reporte to the chie& prie't'
11 1> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


e/erything that ha occurre 0 -n 1hen they <the chie& prie't'= ha gathere 1ith the e) er' an ha con'u)te together, they ga/e a 'u&&icient 'um o& money to the 'o) ier', -n 'ai , Te)) peop)e, !i' i'cip)e' came at night an 'to)e !im a1ay 1hi)e 1e 1ere ')eeping0 -n i& the go/ernor hear' o& it, 1e 1i)) appea'e him an make you 'a&e an &ree &rom troub)e an care0 8o they took the money an i a' they 1ere in'tructe @ an thi' 'tory ha' been current among the +e1' to the pre'ent ay0 7o1 the e)e/en i'cip)e' 1ent to Da)i)ee, to the mountain to 1hich +e'u' ha irecte an ma e appointment 1ith them0 -n 1hen they 'a1 !im, they &e)) o1n an 1or'hipe !im@ but 'ome oubte 0 +e'u' approache an , <a=breaking the 'i)ence, 'ai to them, -)) authority (a)) po1er o& ru)e* in hea/en an on earth ha' been gi/en to ,e0 Do then an make i'cip)e' o& a)) the nation', bapti5ing them <b=into the name o& the Father an o& the 8on an o& the !o)y 8pirit, Teaching them to ob'er/e e/erything that 2 ha/e comman e you, an beho) , 2 am 1ith you <c=a)) the ay' (< =perpetua))y, uni&orm)y, an on e/ery occa'ion*, to the </ery= c)o'e an con'ummation o& the age0 <e=-men ('o )et it be*0 Footnotes: a0 ,atthe1 28?18 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 b0 ,atthe1 28?19 ,ar/in Fincent, Bor 8tu ie'0 c0 ,atthe1 28?2> +ohn Byc)i&&e, The Byc)i&&e #ib)e0 0 ,atthe1 28?2> Beb'terI' 7e1 2nternationa) .ictionary o&&er' thi' phra'e a' a e&inition o& Ka)1ay'0K
2> 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

e0 ,atthe1 28?2> 8ome manu'cript' o not contain thi' en ing0

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