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AGREEMENT FOR APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL MANAGER OF COMPANY AN AGREEMENT made on this ________________ day of ______________ BETWEEN ________________ a company

registered under the Companies Act, 1 !" and ha#ing its registered office at ________________ $%ereinafter ca&&ed the 'company'( of the one part and Mr) ______________________ etc) $hereinafter ca&&ed the 'genera& manager'( of the other part)

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The company is desirous of appointing _______ as its genera& manager* and The said ___________ has agreed to said appointment on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing) N,W T%-. AGREEMENT W-TNE..E. as fo&&o/s 0


The said person is here1y appointed as the genera& manager of the company and he /i&& ho&d the said office, su12ect to the pro#isions made hereinafter, for a term of _________ years form the date of e3ecution of this agreement) The genera& manager sha&& 1e paid a sa&ary of Rs) __________ per month) The genera& manager sha&& perform such duties and e3ercise such po/ers as may from time to time 1e assigned to or #ested in him 1y the Board of 5irectors of the company) The genera& manager sha&&, un&ess pre#ented 1y i&&7hea&th or any una#oida1&e cause, during the continuance of the term of his office de#ote his /ho&e time, attention and a1i&ities to the 1usiness of the company) The genera& manager sha&& o1ey the orders form time to time of the Board of 5irectors of the company and in a&& respects conform to and comp&y /ith the directions gi#en and regu&ations made 1y the Board) %e sha&& /e&& and faithfu&&y ser#e the company to the 1est of his a1i&ities and sha&& ma8e his utmost endea#ors to promote to the 1est of his 1est of his a1i&ities and sha&& ma8e his utmost endea#ors to promote the interests of the company) The said ____________ sha&& 1e at &i1erty to resign his office of genera& manager at any time 1y gi#ing to the company three months notice in /riting of his intention to do so) The company may terminate this agreement at any time 1efore the e3piry of the stipu&ated term if the genera& manager commits any 1reach of the conditions aforesaid 1y gi#ing one month:s notice in /riting to the genera& manager)

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-f 1efore the e3piry of the stipu&ated term of this agreement, the company is /ound up, or if any other means, e3cept the death or resignation of the said _____________, the tenure of the said office sha&& 1e &i<uidated damages for &oss of his office) -n Witness Whereof, the common sea& of the company is affi3ed in the presence of

.hri _________________________________ and the signatures of Mr) _________________ are affi3ed in the presence of .hri _____________________)


Witness to the affi3ing of sea& __________________________________


Witness to the signature of Mr) _________________________________

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