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HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Electronics, Co #e$art ent of Co unications an! "uto ation unications an!


(%esi'a )* +aron'o

#i ensionin' (o,ile )I("- in t.e "ccess an! Core Net%or&/ " case Stu!y

(aster0s T.esis su, itte! in $artial fulfil ent of t.e !e'ree of (aster of Science in Tec.nolo'y

Es$oo, Finlan!, 1t. No2e ,er 3445 Su$er2isor/ Instructor/ 6rofessor 78r' Ott 7ouni Kar2o, #*Sc


HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY "+STR"CT of t.e (aster0s t.esis "ut.or/ Na e of T.esis/ #ate/ Faculty/ 6rofessors.i$/ Su$er2isor/ Instructor/ (%esi'a )ilson +aron'o #i ensionin' o,ile )i("- in t.e access an! core net%or& 9 " case stu!y 1t. No2e ,er 3445 Electronics, Co Nu ,er of $a'es/ :: ; 5: unications, an! "uto ation

Net%or&in' Tec.nolo'y 6rofessor 78r' Ott 7ouni Kar2o, #*Sc

E<istin' ,roa!,an! %ireless tec.nolo'ies suc. as e2ol2in' =G an! )iFi .a2e en> ?oye! %i!es$rea! a!o$tion ,ut are far fro offerin' t.e fle<i,ility in !e$loy ent an! .i'. !ata rates* (o,ile )i("-, an e er'in' ,roa!,an! %ireless tec.nolo'y $ro ises to ,rin' a ne% e<$erience to o,ile ,roa!,an! ser2ices ,y offerin' users .i'. !ata rates an! efficient net%or& access* t.esis %or& $ro2i!es a tec.nical !escri$tion of o,ile )i("- an! co $ares its tec.nical ca$a,ilities %it. t.e e<istin' tec.nolo'ies suc. as )iFi an! =G* T.e %or& continues on !i ensionin' o,ile )i("- in t.e access an! core net> %or&* In t.e access net%or&, %e !eter ine t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! to co2er a 'i2en etro$olitan area, e<$lore t.eir confi'urations, an! $erfor fre@uency selec> tion* In t.e core net%or& %e !i ension t.e interfaces, an! no!es in2ol2e!* Fro t.e stu!y %e %ill s.o% )i("- $ro2i!es t.e o$erator %it. t.e antenna con> fi'urations o$tions of .i'. ca$acities, lar'e cell co2era'e area, an! a %i!e selection of AoS classes* T.e stu!y %ill also s.o% t.e !ata !ensity re@uire ents of cus> to ers, resultin' fro t.e ca$acity analysis are fulfille! ,y $ro$erly !i ensionin' t.e ele ents in t.e access an! core net%or&* Key%or!s/ )i("-, Lan'ua'e/ En'lis. o,ile )i("-, ,roa!,an!, !i ensionin'


Acknowledgements Co aster0s t.esis %as carrie! out at t.e Net%or&in' la,oratory, #e$art ent of unications an! Net%or&in', Co net* I %is. to e<$ress y sincere y su$er2isor, 6rofessor 78r' Ott, an! instructor, #*Sc*

a$$reciation an! 'ratitu!e to

7ouni Kar2o for .a2in' acce$te! researc. stu!y in t.e first $lace* It is your 'ui!ance, a!2ice an! fee!,ac& for%ar! %as 'ettin' tou'.* I %oul! also li&e to ta&e o$$ortunity to ti es in Finlan!* Lastly, y s$ecial 'o to y $arents an! si,lin's for t.eir irre$lacea,le su$$ort y fello% stu!ents an! collea'ues a!e tor entin' ,ut %ort.%.ile e focuse! at ti es %.en 'oin'

en!ea2our a success* Your encoura'e ent .as &e$t

at TKK, frien!s an! lo2e! ones for t.eir su$$ort an! carin' !urin' 'oo! an! !ifficult

an! lo2e

a!e %ort.%.ile ?ourney a reality*

(%esi'a )* +aron'o No2e ,er 1, 3445 Es$oo, Finlan!


",,re2iations***************************************************************************************************************2i List of Fi'ures***************************************************************************************************************< List of Ta,les****************************************************************************************************************<i : Intro!uction***********************************************************************************************************: :*: (oti2ation for t.e t.esis************************************************************************************: :*3 O,?ecti2es of t.e t.esis**************************************************************************************3 :*= Sco$e of t.e t.esis**********************************************************************************************3 :*B (et.o!olo'y*****************************************************************************************************= :*C T.esis Outline****************************************************************************************************= 3 +roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s*******************************************************************************B 3*: )i("- net%or&************************************************************************************************B 3*:*: )i("- net%or& arc.itecture********************************************************************D 3*:*3 )i("- @uality of ser2ice***********************************************************************:3 3*3 =G an! HS6" net%or&s************************************************************************************:= 3*= )iFi net%or&s**************************************************************************************************:5 3*=*: )iFi net%or& arc.itecture***********************************************************************:D 3*B Co $arison of ,roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s**************************************************3: 3*B*: )i("- 2s )iFi***************************************************************************************3: 3*B*3 )i("- 2s =G an! HS6"***********************************************************************33 3*C Su ary an! Conclusion********************************************************************************3E = )i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations*******************************************************************35 =*: Intro!uction to )i("- net%or& $lannin'******************************************************=: =*3 Co2era'e $lannin'********************************************************************************************== =*= Ca$acity $lannin'*********************************************************************************************=C =*B Su ary an! conclusion*********************************************************************************=5 B Case Stu!y**********************************************************************************************************=D B*: #i ensionin' )i("- Ra!io Interface**********************************************************=D B*:*: Fre@uency selection**********************************************************************************BE B*:*3 Lin& ,u!'et analysis*********************************************************************************B1 B*:*= #eter inin' t.e nu ,er of +ase Stations************************************************C4 B*:*B C.oosin' "ntenna Confi'uration*************************************************************C3 B*:*C Fre@uency Reuse Sc.e e*************************************************************************CB B*:*E #u$le<in' et.o!************************************************************************************C5 B*:*1 +ac&.aul trans$ort solutions *******************************************************************E4 B*3 #i ensionin' )i("- Net%or& ********************************************************************E= B*3*: En!>to>en! traffic o!el**************************************************************************EB B*3*3 "SN Gate%ay !i ensionin'********************************************************************EE B*3*= "SN AoS ec.anis s****************************************************************************ED B*3*B CSN traffic an! $erfor ance o!el*********************************************************14 B*3*C Su ary an! conclusion*************************************************************************1= C Conclusions an! Future %or&*****************************************************************************1C REFERENCES **********************************************************************************************************11 "$$en!i< "*****************************************************************************************************************54 COST>3=: Hata (o!el*******************************************************************************************54

Erlan' C for ula****************************************************************************************************5:


=G =G66 """ "(C "6 "SN "SN>G) "S6 ")S +E +ER +6SK +S +TS C#(" COTS C6E CSN #CF #HC6 #NS #L =r! Generation =r! Generation 6artners.i$ 6ro?ect "ut.entication "ut.orisation an! "ccountin' "!a$ti2e (o!ulation an! Co!in' sc.e e "ccess 6oint "ccess Ser2ice Net%or& "ccess Ser2ice Net%or& Gate%ay "$$lication Ser2ice 6ro2i!er "!2ance! )ireless Ser2ices +est Effort +it Error Rate +inary 6.ase S.ift Keyin' +ase Station +ase Transcei2er Station Co!e #i2ision (ulti$le "ccess Co ercial Off T.e S.elf

Custo er 6re ises E@ui$ ent Connecti2ity Ser2ice Net%or& #istri,ute! Coor!ination Function #yna ic Host Control 6rotocol #o ain Na e Syste #o%nlin&


#SC6 #SL E:

#ifferential Ser2ice Co!e 6oints #i'ital Su,scri,er Line E>carrier le2el :, a Euro$ian co 3(,$s unication stan!ar! for

E"6 ert>6S F## FT6 FUSC G,$s G6RS GRE GS( GT6 H" HS6" HSU6" HS#6" HSS ICT IEEE I6 I(S ITU

E<tensi,le "ut.entication 6rotocol e<ten!e! real ti e 6ollin' Ser2ice Fre@uency #i2ision #u$le< File Transfer 6rotocol Fully Use! Su,carrier Gi'a,it $er secon! General 6ac&et Ra!io Ser2ice Generic Routin' Enca$sulation Glo,al Syste for (o,ile Co unication

G6RS Tunnellin' 6rotocol Ho e "'ent Hi'. S$ee! 6ac&et "ccess Hi'. S$ee! U$lin& 6ac&et "ccess Hi'. S$ee! #o%nlin& 6ac&et "ccess Ho e Su,scri,er Ser2er Infor ation an! Co unications Tec.nolo'y

Institute of Electrical an! Electronics En'ineers Internet 6rotocol I6 (ulti e!ia Su,syste International Teleco unications Union


&,$s L"N LTE ("C ("N (,$s (I(O (6EG (S (I6 N"6 N"6T N"T NLOS N(S NR( NS6 nrt>6S OF#( OF#(" 6+H 6USC A"( AoS

&ilo,it $er secon! Local "rea Net%or& Lon' Ter E2olution

(e!iu "ccess Control layer (etro$olitan "rea Net%or& (e'a,it $er secon! (ulti$le In (ulti$le Out T.e (o2in' 6icture E<$ert Grou$ (o,ile Station (o,ile I6 Net%or& "ccess 6ro2i!er Net%or& "!!ress 6ort Translation Net%or& "!!ress Translation Non Line of Si'.t Net%or& (ana'e ent Syste Net%or& Reference (o!el Net%or& Ser2ice 6ro2i!er non real ti e 6ollin' Ser2ice Ort.o'onal Fre@uency #i2ision (ulti$le<in' Ort.o'onal Fre@uency #i2ision (ulti$le "ccess 6ea& +usy Hour 6artially Use! Su,carrier Aua!rature " $litu!e (o!ulation Auality of Ser2ice



Aua!rature 6.ase S.ift Keyin' Re ote "ut.entication #ial In User Ser2ice Ra!io Fre@uency real ti e 6ollin' Ser2ice Ser2ice #ata Unit Sin'le In$ut (ulti$le Out$ut Sin'le In$ut Sin'le Out$ut S all Office Ho e Office S all (e!iu Enter$rises

Su,scri,er Station Ser2ice Set I!entifier T>carrier :, a Nort. " erica an! 7a$an co stan!ar! for :*CBB (,itFs unication

TC6 T## T#( UGS UHF UL VoI6 )C#(" )iFi )i(")))

Trans ission Control 6rotocol Ti e #i2ision #u$le< Ti e #i2ision (ulti$le<in' Unsolicite! Grant Ser2ice Ultra Hi'. Fre@uency U$lin& Voice o2er Internet 6rotocol )i!e,an! Co!e #i2ision (ulti$le "ccess )ireless Fi!elity )orl!%i!e Intero$era,ility for (icro%a2e "ccess )orl!%i!e )e,


List of Figures
Ti e !i2ision ulti$le<in' %it. OF#( as use! in fi<e! )i("- Gto$H an! OF#(" as use! in o,ile )i("- G,otto H I:J***********************************************************************E (ulti$le In (ulti$le Out G(I(OH I:J**************************************************************************1 )i("- net%or& reference o!el I3=J************************************************************************D )i("- net%or& I6 ,ase! arc.itecture I3=J**************************************************************:: GS(>)C#(" arc.itecture I1J*********************************************************************************:B Ca$acity e2olution %it. HS6" I:J******************************************************************************:C HS6" =G66 R1 arc.itecture I5J**********************************************************************************:E " )iFi net%or& arc.itecture I:CJ*******************************************************************************34 S$ectru efficiency co $arison I5J***************************************************************************3C Net%or& !i ensionin' an! $lannin' $rocess I::J******************************************************=3 Tri>sector ,ase station*************************************************************************************************C: Fractional fre@uency reuseI3:J***********************************************************************************CC Fre@uency reuse of = %it. = sectors ,ase station********************************************************CE #o%nlin& t.rou'.$ut for T## %it. :4(HK c.annel ,an!%i!t. I33J***********************CD #i ensionin' trans$ort net%or& I=J***************************************************************************E: #etaile! )i("- arc.itecture I3J******************************************************************************E=


List of Tables
Fa ily of IEEE 543*:: I:EJ****************************************************************************************:D Tec.nical co $arison of HS6" an! )i("- I:J*******************************************************3B C.aracteristics of t.e !e o'ra$.ic re'ions****************************************************************B: Geo'ra$.ic factors for t.e !e$loy ent***********************************************************************B3 "ssu e! $ara eters for t.e !e$loy ent********************************************************************B3 )i("- ser2ice classes I31J**************************************************************************************BB Esti ate! $ea& ,usy .our !ata re@uire ent I33J*******************************************************BC #o%nlin& !ata !ensity esti ation o2er years I33J*****************************************************BE Lin& ,u!'et I3J***********************************************************************************************************BD Reuse !istance*************************************************************************************************************C5 Su,scri,er traffic o!el**********************************************************************************************EC Su,scri,er o,ility o!el******************************************************************************************EC 6ara eters for t.e no!e !i ensionin'************************************************************************EE AoS $rofile for t.e su,scri,ers***********************************************************************************ED



Motivation for the thesis
Recent tren!s in Infor ation an! Co co unities* Ne% unications tec.nolo'ies GICTH .a2e of co unications a on' seen t.e e<$losion of Internet as a ne% for 'rou$s of $eo$le can co

e!ia c.annels .a2e ,een !e2ise! ,y %.ic. 2arious unicate an! s.are infor ation affectin' t.eir unication .as ,eco e a o2e! fro t.e unication .as

!aily li2es* T.e nee! for t.e ,roa!,an! %ireless co 2ital $art of our !aily li2es* Voice co

tec.nolo'y ,ase! on t.e circuit s%itc.e! net%or& to t.e one ,ase! on $ac&et s%itc.e! net%or&s* Internet infrastructure can no% trans$ort 2oice, 2i!eo an! ulti e!ia content t.rou'. .i'. ca$acity fi,er lin&s an! %ireless c.annels* T.e e<$losion of t.e Internet an! ,roa!,an! %ireless access .as alrea!y ,een felt to a lar'e e<tent in co tre en!ous flo% of infor ation* E er'in' ar&ets in s$arsely $o$ulate! areas suc. as "frica, .a2e a li ite! unities aroun! !e2elo$e! countries* T.e o!ate t.e e2er increasin' infrastructure is continuously e2ol2in' to acco

access to ,roa!,an! %ireless access* T.e $resent %ireline tec.nolo'ies ,ase! on co$$er an! fi,er !o not $ro ise to $ro2i!e Internet access to $eo$le far in rural areas at an affor!a,le cost* E er'in' tec.nolo'y suc. as )ireless Intero$era,ility for (icro%a2e "ccess G)i("-H is a suita,le c.oice for $ro2i!in' access to t.e re ote areas at a lo%er cost ,ut at t.e sa e ti e %it. a .i'. ca$acity an! co2era'e ran'e* T.e ty$ical or o$ti u co2era'e ran'e %it. a of )i("- is E > D &ilo etres, %it. a ca$acity of u$ to 13(,$s for a $oint to $oint ran'e of B5 &ilo etres* )i("- $ro ises to !eli2er a syste ser2ice an! 'oo! co2era'e %.ic. su,ur,an co .i'. !ata rate, .i'. ca$acity, lo% cost $er ,it, lo% latency, 'oo! @uality of a&es ,roa!,an! access to rural an! unities in !e2elo$in' countries a reality*

E<istin' ,roa!,an! tec.nolo'ies suc. as ca,le an! !i'ital su,scri,er line G#SLH face $ractical li itations %.ere,y t.e $ossi,le !istance a su,scri,er can ,e ser2e! fro t.e central office is a,out C &ilo etres*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Intro!uction .a $ers t.e ser2ice fro

3' all t.e $otential custo ers* )i("-

$ro ises to $ro2i!e ,roa!,an! %ireless connecti2ity ,eyon! t.e reac. of tra!itional %ireline tec.nolo'ies* )i("- tec.nolo'y ena,les an o$erator to econo ically $ro2i!e ,roa!,an! %ireless access un!er a 2ariety of !e o'ra$.ics con!itions* Un!erstan!in' t.e ,enefits suc. as fast )e, surfin' an! @uic& !o%nloa!in' t.e )i("- tec.nolo'y ,rin's to t.e users, stu!y ai s to in2esti'ate so e of its tec.nical as$ects* T.ese inclu!e an un!erstan!in' of .o% )i("- co $ares %it. t.e e<istin' ,roa!,an! tec.nolo'ies suc. as t.e! 'eneration G=GH an! )ireless Fi!elity G)iFiH, its arc.itecture, an! .o% to !i ension t.e access an! core $art of t.e net%or&* T.e !esire to learn .o% to $ro2i!e affor!a,le ,roa!,an! %ireless access to co su,ur,an areas is t.e unities in rural an! oti2atin' factor in $ursuin' t.esis %or&*


Objectives of the thesis t.esis %or& .as t%o o,?ecti2es* T.e first one is to in2esti'ate t.e en!>to> en! as$ects of )i("- net%or& arc.itecture, an! $ro2i!e a co $arison %it. t.e e<istin' ,roa!,an! %ireless tec.nolo'ies suc. as =G an! )iFi* T.e secon! o,?ecti2e is to 'ain an un!erstan!in' of .o% to !i ension a o,ile )i("- net%or& in t.e access an! core ser2ice net%or&* T.e access net%or& co $rises of t.e air interface as$ects of )i("- suc. as ra!io lin& ,u!'ets, antenna confi'urations, fre@uency reuse sc.e es an! so on %.ile t.e core ser2ice $art $ro2i!es t.e Internet 6rotocol GI6H connecti2ity an! core net%or& functions*


Scope of the thesis

T.e t.esis %or& focuses on t.e essentials of !i ensionin' a o,ile )i("net%or& in t.e access an! core ser2ice net%or&*, t.e t.esis %or& $ro2i!es a tec.nical co $arison of )i("- %it. si ilar ,roa!,an!
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o


tec.nolo'ies* It !oes not a!!ress in !etail t.e $ro2ision of en!>to>en! @uality of ser2ice, actual ra!io net%or& $lannin' ta&in' into account t.e or$.olo'y an! to$o'ra$.y !etails of a $articular area of !e$loy ent* It also !oes not a!!ress t.e en!>to>en! ser2ice as$ects suc. as I6 connecti2ity, session ana'e ent, an! !i ensionin' t.e o,ility ana'e ent* It a!!resses t.e &ey issues are ta&en into consi!eration in t.e access an! core ser2ice net%or& %.en o,ile )i("- net%or&*


T.e t.esis %or& is con!ucte! as a literature re2ie% as %ell as a case stu!y ,ase! on t.e $u,lis.e! tec.nical $a$ers fro infor ation are fro o$erators an! co aca!e ic institutions, an! stan!ar!isation ,o!ies suc. as a )i("- Foru * T.e sources of t.e te<t,oo&s !escri,in' ,roa!,an! tec.nolo'ies an! unications unications e@ui$ ent anufacturers* %.ite $a$ers are $u,lis.e! un!er t.e !o ain of teleco


Thesis Outline
C.a$ter 3 $resents t.e o2er2ie% of t.e e<istin' ,roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s, !escri,in' t.eir arc.itectures, tec.nical ca$a,ilities, an! tec.nical !ifferences* C.a$ter = $ro2i!es &ey factors to ta&e into account $rior to !e$loyin' a )i("- net%or&, an! $resents t.e re@uire ents for t.e co2era'e an! ca$acity $lannin'* C.a$ter B !escri,es t.e !i ensionin' of t.e selecte! re'ions of !e$loy entL Helsin&i, Es$oo, an! Kir&&onu o,ile )i("- net%or& in t.e ra!io interface an! core ser2ice net%or& for t.e i* C.a$ter B ta&es into account t.e !e o'ra$.ics, 'eo'ra$.ical factors, an! !ata !ensity re@uire ents of t.e selecte! re'ions so as to analyse .o% t.e net%or& can ,e !i ensione!* Finally c.a$ter C $resents t.e conclusions an! future %or&*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s

Broadband wireless networks

One of t.e a?or !ri2in' forces for t.e %i!e acce$tance of )i("- is t.e is an in!ustry le!, non> intero$era,ility of !ifferent solutions for ,roa!,an! %ireless net%or& $ro2i!e! ,y a )i("- Foru * T.e )i("- Foru $rofit or'anisation for e! to certify an! $ro ote t.e co $ati,ility an! intero$era,ility of ,roa!,an! %ireless $ro!ucts ,ase! u$on t.e .ar onise! IEEE 543*:E stan!ar!* It ,rin's to' 2en!ors an! e@ui$ ent anufacturers of co unications net%or&s ena,lin' e@ui$ ent to inter%or& an! !ri2in' !o%n cost to o$erators* )i("- offers an alternati2e access to t.e Internet %it. a u,i@uitous access to .i'. @uality 2oice, !ata, 2i!eo an! strea in' 2i!eo ser2ices* It is an affor!a,le an! easy to access #SL, an! T: lines* eans co $are! to alrea!y e<istin' ,roa!,an! access tec.nolo'ies suc. as ca,le,


iM!" net#or$
)i("- is a ,roa!,an! %ireless tec.nolo'y $ro2i!es %ireless !ata access to fi<e!, no a!ic an! o,ile users* It confor s to t%o stan!ar! tec.nolo'ies IEEE 543*:E! an! IEEE 543*:Ee* IEEE 543*:E! is a fi<e! %ireless tec.nolo'y o$ti ise! for fi<e! an! no a!ic a$$lications in Line of Si'.t GLOSH an! Non>Line of Si'.t GNLOSH en2iron ents* It $ro ises to $ro2i!e a etro$olitan area %it. a .i'. ,an!%i!t. an! lar'er co2era'e area ulti$le<in' GOF#(H $.ysical a&es it stron' an! is currently a2aila,le %it. t.e e<istin' tec.nolo'ies suc. as )iFi an! =G* It uses Ort.o'onal fre@uency !i2ision layer tec.nolo'y an! s art antenna %.ic. a c.un& of s$ectru

ro,ust* T.e use of OF#( allo%s lar'e a ount of !ata to ,e trans itte! o2er %it. 'reater efficiency e<istin' %ireless ulti$le access GT#("H an! co!e !i2ision tec.nolo'ies suc. as ti e !i2ision

ulti$le access GC#("H* T.e OF#( s$lits a ra!io si'nal into ulti$le s all si'nals %.ic. are t.en trans itte! si ultaneously at !ifferent fre@uencies to t.e recei2er*
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s 543*:Ee is a o,ile )i("- stan!ar! tar'ete! for $orta,le,

C o,ile

a$$lication as %ell as fi<e! an! no a!ic a$$lications in NLOS en2iron ents* (o,ile )I("- e<ten!s t.e fi<e! )i("- stan!ar! ,y 'i2in' users t.e a,ility to &ee$ on'oin' connections acti2e %.ile )i("- syste usin' EB A"( o2in' at 2e.icular s$ee!s*

is a,le to su$$ort u$ to 1B(,$s $ea& $.ysical !ata rate %.en o!ulation sc.e e* ).en usin' a :4(HK s$ectru o$eratin'

usin' t.e Ti e #i2ision #u$le< GT##H sc.e e %it. a =/: !o%nlin&>to> u$lin& ratio, )i("- ac.ie2es $ea& $.ysical !ata rates of a,out 3C(,$s an! E*1(,$s $er sector for t.e !o%nlin& an! u$lin& res$ecti2ely* )i("su$$orts a %i!e 2ariety of features inclu!in' (ulti$le In$ut (ulti$le Out$ut G(I(OH, s art antenna tec.nolo'ies, a %i!e ran'e of ,an!%i!t.s, o$eratin' fre@uencies in t.e license! an! unlicense! ,an!s, T## an! fre@uency !i2ision !u$le< GF##H o$eratin' co2era'e area* Fi<e! )i("- uses ra!io interface is ,ase! on OF#( %.ile o$eration on ,ot. T## an! F## %.ile o$erate on T## only* OF#( !i2i!es a 2ery .i'. rate !ata strea !ata strea s* Eac. lo% rate !ata strea carrier an! o!ulate! ,y so e OF#( %.ere into ulti$le $arallel lo% rate o,ile o!es an! fractional fre@uency reuse* T.ese features contri,ute to t.e .i'. !ata t.rou'.$ut an! %i!e

)i("- uses a ra!io interface ,ase! on OF#("* Fi<e! )i("- allo%s o,ile )i("- is initially set to

is t.en

a$$e! to an in!i2i!ual su,>

o!ulation sc.e e* OF#(" is a 2ariation of

ulti$le closely s$ace! su,carriers are !i2i!e! into 'rou$s of

su,carriers calle! su,c.annels are t.en allocate! to t.e su,scri,er stations* Fi'ure : $resents t.e OF#( an! OF#("*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s

Figure 1: Time division multiplexing with OFDM as used in fixed WiMAX (top and OFDMA as used in mo!ile WiMAX (!ottom "1#

In OF#(, only one su,scri,er station trans its in a ti e slot %.ile in OF#(" se2eral su,scri,er stations can trans it in t.e sa e ti e slot o2er se2eral su,c.annels* OF#( $ro2i!es resistance to ulti$at. interference an! is t.erefore suita,le for ur,an NLOS en2iron ents* IEEE 543*:E stan!ar! for ,roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s can o$erate on license! 3*CGHK an! =*CGHK ,an!s, an! 3*BGHK an! C*5GHK unlicense! ,an!s* License! ,an!s $ro2i!e o$erators %it. t.e control o2er usa'e of t.e ,an!s, allo%in' t.e to ,uil! .i'. @uality net%or&s* Unlicense! ,an!s, on t.e .an!, allo% t.e $ro2ision of ,ac&.aul ser2ices for .ots$ots Gin case )i("- inter%or&s %it. )iFi net%or& to $ro2i!e ,ac&.aul connecti2ityH* T.e =*CGHK ,an! is a license! ,an! a2aila,le in ost countries for !e$loy ent of %ireless etro$olitan area net%or&s G("NH* )it. a (I(O, )i("- effecti2ely utilises t.e effect of reflecte! fro ulti$at.

si'nal* (I(O, as !escri,e! in Fi'ure 3, co ,ines t.e ra!io si'nals t.e ,uil!in's, trees an! o,structions to effecti2ely increase t.e ca$acity of t.e syste *

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Figure $: Multiple %n Multiple Out (M%MO "1#

)i("- $ro2i!es ,ot. LOS an! NLOS co2era'e ran'e, %it. C4 & !istance for t.e LOS an! a cell ra!ius of 5 &


for NLOS trans ission* LOS

an! NLOS con!itions are 'o2erne! ,y t.e $ro$a'ation c.aracteristics of t.eir en2iron ents, $at. loss an! ra!io lin& ,u!'et* NLOS is suita,le for situations re@uire strict $lannin' re@uire ents an! antenna .ei'.t restrictions !o not allo% t.e antenna to ,e $ositione! for LOS* )i("- su$$orts a!a$ti2e o!ulation an! co!in' sc.e es G"(CH o!ulation an! co!in'

allo% t.e sc.e es to ,e'e! on a $er user an! $er fra e ,asis !e$en!in' u$on t.e c.annel con!itions* "(C assi'ns t.e .i'.est sc.e e can ,e su$$orte! ,y t.e si'nal to noise $lus interference ratio at t.e recei2er* ena,les users to recei2e t.e .i'.est $ossi,le !ata rates can ,e su$$orte! in t.eir res$ecti2e lin&s* )i("- uses T## trans ission et.o!s to !i2i!e su,c.annels a on' users

in t.e U$lin& GULH an! #o%nlin& G#LH !irection* It uses OF#(" to assi'n su,carriers Gas a function of c.annel ,an!%i!t.H to !ifferent users*
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C.annel allocation for t.e su,scri,ers in )i("- net%or& !e$en!s on t.e a2aila,le s$ectru * C.annel ,an!%i!t. in )i("- can ,e a (HK, :*C(HK, an! :*1C(HK %it. a to o$erate in s all se' ents of s$ectru )i("- e $loys !yna ic a!a$ti2e t.rou'.$ut for ran'e* T.e syste fro .i'.er to lo%er or!er a<i u ulti$le of :*3C of 34(HK* " c.annel siKe

,et%een :*3C(HK an! 34(HK is an i $ortant feature of )i("- allo%in' it are a2aila,le* o!ulation %.ic. allo%s it to tra!e o!ulation sc.e e

!yna ically a!?usts t.e

o!ulation if t.e ,ase station cannot esta,lis. a

lin& to a !istant su,scri,er* T.e afore entione! $rocess re!uces t.rou'.$ut ,ut increases t.e effecti2e ran'e* )i("- stan!ar! su$$orts +6SK, A6SK, :EA"(, an! EBA"( o!ulation sc.e es*

)i("- su$$orts a connection>oriente! arc.itecture is !esi'ne! to su$$ort a 2ariety of a$$lications, inclu!in' 2oice, 2i!eo an! !ata* It su$$orts !ata are of constant ,it rate, 2aria,le ,it rate, real ti e an! non>real ti e traffic !ata as %ell as ,est effort !ata* T.e $.ysical layer of )i("- su$$orts lar'e nu ,er of users %it. ulti$le connections $er ter inal, an! eac. %it. its o%n @uality of ser2ice GAoSH re@uire ent* )i("- $ro2i!es en!>to>en! ser2ices ,ase! on I6 arc.itecture relies on I6>,ase! $rotocols for en!>to>en! trans$ort, AoS, session security an! ana'e ent, o,ility* Usin' an I6>,ase! arc.itecture ena,les easy

con2er'ence %it. t.e net%or&s, an! si $lifies t.e core net%or& arc.itecture resultin' into lo% cost $rocessin'* T.e lo% cost $rocessin' is attri,ute! to t.e fact )i("- !oes not nee! to .a2e se$arate core net%or&s for 2oice an! !ataF ulti e!ia ser2ices as is t.e case for t.e =G net%or&s*

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2.1.1 WiMA network arc!itecture

)i("- Foru .as !e2elo$e! a stan!ar! net%or& reference o!el GNR(H ulti>2en!or for o$en>net%or& interfaces in or!er to su$$ort air>lin& intero$era,ility as %ell as inter>2en!or inter>net%or& intero$era,ility for roa in', access net%or&s an! inter>co $any ,illin'* T.e )i("- NR( is a lo'ical re$resentation of t.e net%or& arc.itecture* T.e NR( i!entifies t.e functional entities an! reference $oints ,et%een functional entities o2er %.ic. intero$era,ility is ac.ie2e!* T.e NR( consists of t.e lo'ical entities (o,ile StationG(SHFSu,scri,er StationGSSH, "ccess ser2ice net%or& G"SNH an! Connecti2ity Ser2ice Net%or& GCSNH* "s s.o%n in fi'ure =, eac. lo'ical entity re$resents a set of functions ay ,e realise! in a sin'le $.ysical !e2ice or !istri,ute! o2er ulti$le $.ysical !e2ices*

Figure &: WiMAX networ' referen(e model "$&#

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T.e "SN !efines t.e lo'ical ,oun!ary for functional intero$era,ility %it. )i("- clients, connecti2ity ser2ice functions an! a''re'ation of functions e ,o!ie! ,y !ifferent 2en!ors* "SN !eals %it. t.e essa'e flo%s associate! %it. t.e access ser2ices* "SN also $ro2i!es an I6 $ac&et !eli2ery ser2ice ,et%een )i("- su,scri,ers an! t.e CSN* T.e "SN connects ,ase stations to t.e )i("- "SN 'ate%ay usin' trans$ort net%or&s suc. as Internet t.rou'. Ho e a'ent GH"H or a routin' !e2ice* T.e CSN $ro2i!es a set of net%or&in' functions ena,le I6 connecti2ity ser2ices to )i("- su,scri,ers* T.e CSN is also res$onsi,le for t.e' an! routin' of calls an! !ata connections to e<ternal net%or&s* It co $rises of net%or& ele ents suc. as routers, "ut.entication, "ut.orisation an! "ccountin' G"""H $ro<y ser2ers, user !ata,ases an! Inter%or&in' 'ate%ay !e2ices* Fi'ure = s.o%s )i("- su$$orts net%or& s.arin' an! 2ariety of ,usiness o!els* T.e arc.itecture allo%s for t.e lo'ical se$aration ,et%een t.e net%or& access $ro2i!er GN"6H, net%or& ser2ice $ro2i!er GNS6H, an! a$$lication ser2ice $ro2i!er G"S6H* N"6 is an entity o%ns an! o$erates t.e "SN, NS6 is t.e entity o%ns su,scri,ers an! $ro2i!e t.e ,roa!,an! ser2ice* "S6 $ro2i!es 2alue a!!e! ser2ices suc. as ulti e!ia su,syste GI(SH fra e%or&* ulti e!ia usin' I6 icro%a2e, co$$er or fi,re lin&s* T.e )i("- "SN 'ate%ay $ro2i!es connecti2ity to t.e

Fi'ure = also s.o%s reference $oints R:>RC ,in! functional entities* T.e reference $oints are !efine! ,y t.e )i("- Foru

I3J as follo%s/

"1/ is t.e interface ,et%een t.e (S an! "SN* It i $le ents air> interface GIEEE 543*:EeH s$ecifications*

"2# is t.e interface ,et%een t.e (S an! CSN* It is a lo'ical interface is use! for t.e aut.entication, aut.orisation, I6 .ost confi'uration ana'e ent, an! o,ility ana'e ent*

"$# is t.e interface ,et%een t.e "SN an! CSN* It enco $asses t.e ,earer $lane et.o!s to transfer I6 !ata ,et%een "SN an! CSN*
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"%# is a set of control an! ,earer $lane $rotocols ori'inatin' or ter inatin' in 2arious entities t.e "SN coor!inates (S o,ility ,et%een t.e "SNs*

"&# is a set of control an! ,earer $lane $rotocols for inter%or&in' ,et%een t.e .o e an! 2isite! net%or&*

Fi'ure B s.o%s t.e !etaile! 2ie% of t.e entities t.e entities "SN an! CSN*

ain functional

Figure ): WiMAX networ' %* !ased ar(hite(ture "$&#

T.e )i("- net%or& arc.itecture also consists of a net%or& syste entity* T.e N(S $ro2i!es centralise! so as to

ana'e ent

GN(SH %.ic. can ,e $art of a CSN functional entity or a stan!>alone ana'e ent of t.e %.ole net%or&* It net%or&

also $ro2i!es a fra e%or& for 2isualisin' t.e net%or& an! traffic o$erations aintain t.e $referre! @uality of ser2ice an! $erfor o$ti isation*

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2.1.2 WiMA 'ualit( of service

T.e IEEE 543*:E stan!ar! su$$orts u$ to fi2e AoS classes* T.e le2el of @uality of ser2ice !ifferentiation is $er ser2ice flo%* Eac. of t.e ser2ice flo% is .a2in' one of t.e sc.e!ulin' ty$esL ,est effort G+EH, non>real ti e $ollin' ser2ice Gnrt6SH, real>ti e $ollin' ser2ice Grt>6SH, e<ten!e! real>ti e $ollin' ser2ice Gert>6SH or unsolicite! 'rant ser2ice GUGSH* )i("- $ro2i!es t.e fi2e AoS classes t.rou'. an arc.itecture is a,le to $rocess re@uests, $erfor resources are a,le to access control an! allocate t.e re@uire! ra!io eet t.e re@uests are acce$te!* T.e fi2e AoS

classes are !escri,e! as follo%s*

)*+/ is !esi'ne! to su$$ort real>ti e !ata strea s consist of fi<e! siKe! $ac&ets issue! at $erio!ic inter2als, suc. as ,ac&.aul an! 2oice o2er I6 GVoI6H %it.out silence su$$ression*

,rt-.+/ is !esi'ne! for t.e e<ten!e! real>ti e ser2ices of 2aria,le rates suc. as VoI6 %it. silence su$$ression, interacti2e 'a in', an! 2i!eo tele$.ony*

"t-.+/ is !esi'ne! to su$$ort real>ti e !ata strea s of 2aria,le rates are issue! at $erio!ic inter2als, suc. as (6EG 2i!eo, au!io an! 2i!eo strea in', an! interacti2e 'a in'*

/rt-.+/ is !esi'ne! to su$$ort !elay>tolerant !ata strea s consistin' of 2aria,le>siKe! !ata $ac&ets suc. as file transfer $rotocol GFT6H, ,ro%sin', 2i!eo !o%nloa!, an! 2i!eo on !e an!*

B,/ is !esi'ne! to su$$ort !ata strea s for %.ic. t.ere is no ini u ser2ice re@uire ents, an! no 'uarantee of ti ely !eli2ery of $ac&ets suc. as E> ail an! Internet ,ro%sin'*

)i("- !ifferentiates t.e ser2ice flo%s at t.e I6 layer t.rou'. t.e #iffSer2 co!e $oints G#SC6H* #SC6 is a fiel! in t.e .ea!er of I6 $ac&ets use! for classifyin' $ac&ets enterin' t.e net%or& in or!er to $ro2i!e AoS 'uarantees*

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an I6 trans$ort $ers$ecti2e, t.e )i("- net%or& is !i2i!e! into

ulti$le #SC6 !o ains* One !o ain is ,et%een t.e ,ase station an! t.e "SN 'ate%ay G"SN>G)H in e2ery "SN ter e! as "SN #iffSer2 !o ain* T.e secon! !o ain, CSN #iffSer2 !o ain, is ,et%een t.e "SN>G)s an! t.e H"s* T.e! !o ain is ,et%een t.e H"s an! Internet or o$erator ser2ice net%or&*


3% and &S'! net#or$s

T.e ter =G refers to t.e! 'eneration (o,ile syste , %.ic. is a o,ile tele$.ony tec.nolo'y un!er t.e u ,rella of t.e =r! Generation 6artners.i$ 6ro?ect G=G66H* It !eli2ers ,roa!,an! a$$lications to su,scri,ers, %it. !ata t.rou'.$ut ca$a,ilities on t.e or!er of a fe% .un!re! &ilo,its $er secon! to a fe% e'a,its $er secon!L CC4&,$s 9 :B*B(,$s* =G66 is a colla,orati2e unications stan!ar!isation ,o!ies for o,ile of $ro2i!in' tec.nical s$ecifications an! tec.nical re$orts on t.e ,ase! on t.e e2ol2e! Glo,al Syste a'ree ent %.ic. ,rin's to' teleco %it. t.e ai =G co o,ile syste

unications GGS(H core net%or&s an! t.e ra!io access tec.nolo'ies

t.ey su$$ort* =G o,ile syste s ena,le $ro2ision for t.e ulti e!ia content suc. as 2i!eo

strea in', 'a in' an! co!e !i2ision

usic !o%nloa!* =G tec.nolo'y suc. as %i!e,an! eans t.ey eans t.e

ulti$le access G)C#("H is ,ase! on t.e use of C#("

tec.nolo'y %.ere users are se$arate! ,y uni@ue co!es, %.ic. can use t.e sa e fre@uency an! trans it at t.e sa e ti e* syste .i'. @uality of ser2ice*

can $ac& consi!era,le nu ,er of users %it. increase! !ata rates an!

Fi'ure C s.o%s t.e si $le arc.itecture of )C#(" net%or& %.ere,y it re> uses t.e core net%or& to' %it. t.e GS( net%or&*

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Figure +: ,-M.W/DMA ar(hite(ture "0#

Hi'. S$ee! 6ac&et "ccess GHS6"H is an en.ance! )C#(" tec.nolo'y offers .i'.er ,it rates an! re!uce! latency is $ro2i!e! in )C#(" =G66 Release DD* Current =G o,ile syste s $ro2i!es less ca$a,ilities for !ata net%or&s suc. as .i'. latency G344 9 =44 sH associate! %it. settin' u$ t.e !ata session, an! lo% !ata rates G:35 9 C:3&,$sH* HS6" a!!resses t.ese issues ,y $ro2i!in' a series of u$'ra!es to ,ot. t.e ,ase stations an! t.e ,ase station to t.e o,ile stationH an! t.e o,ile recei2ers* HS6" s$lits t.e u$'ra!es into Hi'. S$ee! #o%nlin& 6ac&et "ccess GHS#6"H for t.e !o%nlin& Gfro station to t.e ,ase stationH* Fi'ure E s.o%s t.e t.eoretical !o%nlin& an! u$lin& ca$acity for HS6" as co $are! to =G G)C#("H o,ile syste * In $ractice, HS6" offers a easure! t.rou'.$ut on t.e TC6 layer of a$$ro<i ately :5B&,$s !o%nlin& %it. a one>%ay !elay of 1C s an! :B5&,$s u$lin& %it. a !elay of 5C s I:J* Hi'. S$ee! U$lin& 6ac&et "ccess GHSU6"H for t.e u$lin& Gfro

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Figure 1: /apa(it2 evolution with 3-*A "1#

HS6" offers four AoS classes ran'in' fro

a 'uarantee! !ata rate to a ,est

effort ser2ice* T.ese classes inclu!e con2ersational class Gcon2ersational real ti eH, strea in' class Gstrea in' real ti eH, interacti2e class Ginteracti2e ,est effortH an! ,ac&'roun! class G,ac&'roun! ,est effortH* T.e HS6" arc.itecture is ,ase! on t.e =G !irect tunnellin' $rotocol GGT6H o$ti ises t.e !eli2ery of o,ile an! %ireless ,roa!,an! ser2ices* T.e t.e RNC to GGSN* T.e !irect tunnel arc.itecture $ro2i!es a !irect $at. fro

use of t.e GT6 as s.o%n in fi'ure 1, allo%s !irect user $lane traffic fro RNC to GGSN, ,y>$assin' t.e SGSN I5J* GT6 also $ro2i!es an efficient %ay of .an!lin' AoS an! of creatin' ,in!in' to ra!io ,earers*

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Figure 0: 3-*A &,** 40 ar(hite(ture "5#

HS#6" is a !o%nlin& only air interface !efine! ,y t.e =G66* It is ca$a,le of $ro2i!in' $ea& user !ata rates of :B*B(,$s usin' a C(HK c.annel* HS#6" ai s at increasin' t.e efficiency ,y su$$ortin' a<i u ore users an! ore !ata into a 'i2en c.un& of s$ectru , re!ucin' t.e latency to C4 s, an! increasin' !ata rate for users to o2er 3(,$s* HS#6" uses .i'.>s$ee! s.are! o!ulation to sen! ore !ata on a $articular ra!io c.annel, fast c.annel %it. a 2ery s.ort trans ission inter2al Ga$$ro<i ately 3 sH* It uses .i'.er or!er lin& a!a$tation to a!?ust t.e a ount of error co!in' use! on t.e ra!io c.annel, an! fast .y,ri! auto atic re$eat to co ,ine t%o fra es containin' errors into one, error>free fra e* T.ese alto' increase t.e o2erall $erfor ance of t.e syste as co $are! to t.e =G syste s* T.e $ea& o,ile !ata rates, :B*B(,$s, offere! ,y HS#6" are only ac.ie2a,le if t.e C s$ecifications*

ter inal i $le ents all t.e a2aila,le :C co!es s$ecifie! in t.e U(TS release

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Ty$ical a2era'e rates a user o,tains are in t.e ran'e of 3C4&,$s to 1C4&,$s* Usin' C an! :4 co!es, HS#6" su$$orts $ea& !ata rates of =*E(,$s an! 1*3(,$s res$ecti2ely* HSU6" is an en.ance ent to t.e )C#(" net%or& %.ere it a!!s a ne% trans$ort c.annel ter e! as en.ance! !e!icate! c.annel GE>#CHH* HS6" i $ro2es u$lin& $erfor ance ,y re!ucin' t.e latency, increasin' !ata rates an! ca$acity* HSU6" intro!uces se2eral features %.ic. .a2e ini al i $act on t.e e<istin' ra!io interface $rotocol arc.itecture* T.ese features inclu!e ulti>co!e trans ission, s.ort trans ission ti e inter2al, fast .y,ri! auto atic re$eat re@uest an! fast sc.e!ulin'* )it. HSU6", user e@ui$ ents can ac.ie2e a ,it rate of :*B(,$s* "lt.ou'. it e $loys si ilar as HS#6", t.ere are !ifferences ,et%een HSU6" an! HS#6"* T.e s.are! resource in t.e HSU6" is t.e total recei2e! $o%er at t.e ,ase station, %.ic. !e$en!s on t.e !ecentralise! $o%er resource in eac. (S* In HS#6", t.e s.are! resource consists of trans ission $o%er an! c.annelisation co!es, an! is centralise! to t.e ,ase station* Currently t.e =G o,ile syste is ,ein' e2ol2e! into a lon' ter e2olution

arc.itectural $lan* T.e lon' ter

e2olution GLTEH conce$t entails

en.ance ent in ,ot. t.e u$lin& an! !o%nlin& of t.e ra!io c.annel* It is ai in' at i $ro2in' t.e user e<$erience in ter s of latency, ca$acity an! t.rou'.$ut* It is also o$ti ise! for t.e $ac&et !ata ser2ices ,ase! on t.e I6 so as to facilitate t.e use of $erfor ance an! ca$a,ilities/


ar&et I6>,ase! ser2ices* "lt.ou'. it is still

un!er'oin' stan!ar!isation %or&, LTE tar'ets at $ro2i!in' t.e follo%in'

T.e $otential to $ro2i!e si'nificantly .i'. !ata rates %it. $ea& !ata rates of :44(,$s o2er t.e !o%nlin& G.i'. s$ee! !o%nlin& $ac&et accessH an! C4(,$s o2er t.e u$lin& G.i'. s$ee! u$lin& $ac&et accessH*

I $ro2e! co2era'e %it. .i'.er !ata rates )C#(" an! HS6" o,ile net%or&s*
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Re!uce! latency in t.e user $lane as %ell as re!ucin' t.e !elay associate! %it. t.e control $lane $roce!ures suc. as session set>u$* Ra!io access net%or& latency is re!uce! to :4 s*

Hi'. syste

ca$acity co $le ente! ,y t.e su$$ort of scala,le

,an!%i!t. of 34(HK, :C(HK, C(HK an! ,elo% C(HK* It $ro2i!es su$$ort for t.e $aire! an! un$aire! s$ectru , an! consists of ten $aire! an! four un$aire! s$ectru


LTE uses flat arc.itecture %.ere t.e ,ase station calle! eNo!e+ is connecte! to t.e core net%or& usin' t.e core net%or& R"N interface, S:* T.e flat arc.itecture re!uces t.e nu ,er of in2ol2e! no!es in t.e connections*


i(i net#or$s
)iFi stan!s for wireless fidelit26 a %ireless local area tec.nolo'y !esi'ne! for .o e an! s all i $le entation* )iFi is a !ata trans ission syste ,y usin' ra!io %a2es a 'ui!e! 543*:: stan!ar! for s.ort ran'e %ireless co !esi'ne! to $ro2i!e location>in!e$en!ent net%or& access ,et%een co $utin' !e2ices e!iu * )iFi is ai e! at $ro2i!in' in>,uil!in' ,roa!,an! co2era'e* It is ,ase! on t.e $u,lis.e! IEEE unication* It is ,ein' !e$loye! to $ro2i!e co2era'e in t.e Uni2ersity ca $uses, .otels, an! air$orts usin' is ter e! as .ots$ot7 " .ots$ot is t.e re'ion co2ere! ,y one or se2eral access $oints G"6H* " %ireless access $oint connects a 'rou$ of %ireless !e2ices to an a!?acent %ire! Local "rea Net%or&s GL"NH, relayin' !ata ,et%een connecte! %ireless !e2ices in a!!ition to a sin'le connecte! %ire! !e2ice* It is ,ase! on t.e fa ily of stan!ar!s suc. as IEEE 543*::a, 543*::,, 543*::', an! 543*::n* Ta,le : s.o%s t.e IEEE 543*:: stan!ar! 2ariants* T.e t.rou'.$ut in Ta,le : refers to t.e t.eoretical a<i u t.rou'.$ut $ro2i!e!

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s ,y t.e (e!iu "ccess Control G("CH layer* T.e t.eoretical a<i u

:D a<i u a ount

t.rou'.$ut of t.e IEEE 543*:: stan!ar! is !efine! as t.e unit I:=J*

of ("C layer ser2ice !ata units GS#UsH can ,e trans itte! in a ti e

Ta,le :/ Fa ily of IEEE 543*:: I:EJ +tandard 543*::a 543*::, 543*::' 543*::? 543*::. 543*::n 543*::y 01erating 2*345 C 3*B 3*B B*D > C C,:C 9 C,=C Gin!oorH C,B1 9 C,13C Gout!oorH 3*BFC =*1 fre'uenc( T!roug!1ut 2Mb1s5 3= B*= :D 3= 3= 1B 3= 6ata rate 2Mb1s5 CB :: CB CB CB 3B5 CB

2.$.1 WiFi network arc!itecture

T.e )iFi net%or& setu$ consists of one or T.e "6 co ore "6s an! one or ore clients* unicates %it. t.e client ,y ,roa!castin' its Ser2ice Set

I!entifier GSSI#HFnet%or& na e t.rou'. $ac&ets calle! ,eacons* T.e "6 ,roa!casts t.e ,eacons e2ery :44 s, an! at a rate of :(,$s* +ase! on t.e settin's of t.e SSI#, t.e client !eci!es to connect to t.e "6 or not* If t.ere are se2eral "6s %it. t.e sa e SSI#, t.e client fir %are uses t.e si'nal stren't. as a easure of %.ic. "6 to connect to* Fi'ure 5 !escri,es t.e )iFi arc.itecture in !etail*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s


Local ser2ices

""" ser2er $ro<y +illin' syste


Lin& Layer 3 !istri,ution net%or&

"ccess router

I6 ,ac&,one net%or&


#HC6 #NS "ccess router

HT T 6 ser2er

Gate%ay N"6 T

Figure 5: A WiFi networ' ar(hite(ture "1+#

T.e )iFi net%or& uses ra!io si'nals to $ro2i!e connecti2ity to t.e Internet or to t.e o,ile o$erator0s net%or&* It $ro2i!es ser2ices only u$ to t.e lin& layer "s s.o%n in fi'ure 5, t.e Gate%ay N"6T $ro2i!es le2el, an! t.erefore !e$en!s on t.e %ire! I6 infrastructure for t.e en! to en! connecti2ity I:CJ* connecti2ity to I6 ,ase! net%or&s %.ile t.e """ ser2er $ro<y .an!les access control an! aut.entication of $orta,le ter inals* )iFi uses re ote aut.entication !ial in user ser2ice GR"#IUSH $rotocol to' %it. t.e e<tensi,le aut.entication $rotocol GE"6H to aut.enticate a ter inal is tryin' to 'ain access to t.e net%or&* Eac. "6 in a )iFi net%or& .as a finite ran'e %it. %.ic. t.e client can connect* T.e actual !istance 2aries !e$en!in' u$on t.e en2iron ent, is, t.e client is locate! in in!oor or out!oor en2iron ent* T.e ty$ical in!oor ran'e is BC > D4 out!oor ran'e is =44 Fro etres* etres, %.ile

t.e AoS $oint of 2ie%, )iFi %as not !esi'ne! %it. in>,uilt AoS

su$$ort* It %as !esi'ne! for t.e ,est effort !ata ser2ices ,ut se2eral stu!ies suc. as IBJ .a2e e<$lore! 2arious AoS sc.e es* T.ere is also an e<ten!e! IEEE 543*::e stan!ar! for !elay sensiti2e 2oice o2er I6, an! 2i!eo strea in' I:4J*
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

ulti e!ia a$$lications suc. as

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s


T.e %i!ely researc.e! AoS sc.e es are ,ase! on t.e #istri,ute! Coor!ination Function G#CFH e!iu access $rotocol* T.e sc.e es are classifie! as ser2ice !ifferentiation, a! ission control an! ,an!%i!t. reser2ation, an! t.e lin& a!a$tation* T.e sc.e es are !efine! as follo%s IBJ/

+ervice differentiation/ is ac.ie2e! ,y $riority an! fair sc.e!ulin' ec.anis s* 6riority ec.anis ,in!s c.annel access to !ifferent traffic classes ,y $rioritise! contention $ara eters* Fair sc.e!ulin' fairly $artitions t.e c.annel ,an!%i!t. ,y re'ulatin' %aitin' ti es of traffic classes in $ro$ortion accor!in' to t.e 'i2en %ei'.ts*

Admission control and bandwidt! reservation/ sc.e e $ro2i!es AoS 'uarantee for flo%s !urin' .i'. traffic loa! con!itions* It $erfor s a! ission control an! reser2es ,an!%i!t. so as to $ro2i!e 'oo! @uality for t.e ulti e!ia !ata traffic*

Link ada1tation/ uses al'orit. s suc. as t.e c.annel si'nal>to>noise ratio, recei2e! $o%er le2el, a2era'e $ayloa! len't., an! trans ission ac&no%le!'e ents to a<i ise t.e t.rou'.$ut un!er !yna ically'in' c.annel con!itions*


)o*parison of broadband #ireless net#or$s

T.e a?or nota,le !ifference ,et%een )iFi an! )i("- net%or&s is t.e etres, )i("- can

2.%.1 WiMA vs WiFi

co2era'e area* ).ile )iFi co2ers a re'ion of u$ to =44 T.erefore, %.en it turns to co2erin' lar'e re@uires an o$erator to !e$loy net%or&* eans it is

co2er t.e re'ion of u$ to B5 & s un!er NLOS an! LOS con!itions* etro$olitan area, )iFi net%or& ore nu ,er of ,ase stations )i("ore costly usin' )iFi net%or& to $ro2i!e

,roa!,an! %ireless ser2ices s$ans o2er a lar'e area* )iFi net%or& %as !esi'ne! an! o$ti ise! for in!oor use an! s.ort ran'e co2era'e %.ile )i("- net%or& is !esi'ne! an! o$ti ise! for lon' ran'e
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s


co2era'e an! out!oor usa'e* )iFi ser2es local area net%or&s %.ereas )i("- ser2es etro$olitan area net%or&s G("NH*

)iFi su$$orts fe%er users $er ,ase station, ty$ically one to ten users %it. a fi<e! c.annel siKe of 34(HK $er ,ase station* )i("- on t.e .an! su$$orts one to fi2e .un!re! users $er ,ase station %it. 2aria,le c.annel siKe of :*C(HK to 34(HK I:5J* )i("- uses ,ot. license! an! unlicense! s$ectru unlicense! s$ectru * O$eratin' in t.e license! ,an! a,ility to co2er lon' !istances an! su$$ort su,>c.annelisation* T.e )i("- arc.itecture consists of ,ase stations $rocess re@uests to sen! or recei2e !ata fro ter inals, $erfor s access control an! allocates t.e eet t.e re@uests are acce$te!* In ter s of re@uire! ra!io resources to ec.anis s in e!'e of t.e %.ereas )iFi uses only eans )i("- .as t.e

ore nu ,er of users ,y usin'

security, )i("- as o$$ose! to )iFi, is !esi'ne! %it. stron' security in! %it. layer u$on layer for aut.entication, aut.orisation an! accountin' in $lace* )i("- !efines a $ri2acy su,>layer at t.e lo%er e!ia access control su,>layer of TC6FI6 to .an!le encry$tion of ana'e ent* interference $ac&ets an! &ey

)i("- .as ty$ically less interference %.ile )iFi suffers fro in etro$olitan areas %.ere t.ere are

any users* )iFi access is .i'.ly

conten!e! an! .as a $oor u$loa! s$ee! ,et%een t.e router an! Internet %.ile )i("- $ro2i!es connecti2ity ,et%een net%or& en!$oints %it.out t.e nee! for t.e !irect line of si'.t*

2.%.2 WiMA vs $* and 3+.A

)i("- an! =G tec.nolo'ies %ere initially !esi'ne! to ser2e !ifferent sectors of t.e o,ile tele$.one ar&et* tren! %ill'e in t.e co in' years, an! ,ot. tec.nolo'ies %ill con2er'e to $ro2i!e al ost t.e sa e set of

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s


ca$a,ilities an! ser2ices* )i("- $ro2i!es .i'. !ata rates Gu$ to 13(,$sH ,ut $ro2i!es less Gfro o,ility* On t.e .an!, =G $ro2i!es s aller !ata rates o,ility $rotocols an! .an!o2er =5B&,$s to =(,$sH )i("- ,ut $ro2i!es users %it. sea less

o,ility usin' e<istin' an! e2ol2e! cellular ec.anis s*

" nota,le &ey !ifference ,et%een )i("- an! =G is t.e fact =G tec.nolo'ies suc. as HS6" .a2e ,een t.e e2olution of t.e e<istin' GS( tec.nolo'y only re@uire soft%are u$'ra!e, %.ile for t.e case of )i("t.e %.ole net%or& .as to ,e ,uilt fro scratc.* T.e fact )i("re@uires 'reen fiel! i $le entation .as a conse@uence on ti e an! cost %.en !e$loyin' t.e net%or& as co $are! to t.e =G net%or&* =G syste s .a2e fi<e! c.annel ,an!%i!t. %.ile )i("- .as scala,le c.annel ,an!%i!t. fro :*3C(HK to 34(HK allo%s for a 2ery fle<i,le !e$loy ent an! .i'. t.rou'.$ut ca$a,ilities* Ta,le 3 co $ares t.e )i("- an! =G ,ase! u$on t.e in!icate! $erfor ance etrics*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s Ta,le 3/ Tec.nical co $arison of HS6" an! )i("- I:J WiMA Initial !o%nlin& !ata 3=(,$s rate G a<H Initial u$lin& rate G a<H !ata B(,$s BE(,$s B(,$s C4 s 3+.A :B*B(,$s =5B&,$s 35(,$s ::(,$s :44 s


E2ol2e! !o%nlin& !ata rate G a<H E2ol2e! u$lin& !ata rate G a<H Latency S$ectru AoS (o,ility su$$ort

3*C, =*CGHK Glicense! ,an!sHL 5C4(HK to 3,E44 3*B, C*5GHK Gunlicense! ,an!H (HK Su$$orts fi2e AoS classes Su$$orts four AoS classes o,ility

Li ite! o,ilityL ,ase! on o> Sea less ,ile I6 $rotocol for o,ility ana'e ent +ase! on certificates or E"6 C4 s A6SK, :E A"(, EB A"( F##, T##

Security Ser2ice set>u$ ti e Lin& a!a$tation #u$le< sc.e e

SI(>,ase! security 3sec re!ucin' to 4*Esec A6SK, :E A"(, EB A"( F##


a?or !ifference ,et%een )i("- an! =G

o,ile syste s is a

user in )i("- trans its in a su,c.annel an! t.erefore !oes not occu$y an entire c.annel* is !ue to t.e fact )i("- is ,ase! on t.e OF#( an! OF#(" tec.nolo'ies !i2i!es a sin'le c.annel into su,>c.annels* T.e su,c.annels allo% users to trans it usin' only a fraction of t.e ,an!%i!t. allocate! ,y t.e ,ase station* )i("- an! HS6" also !iffer in t.e %ay t.ey utilise s$ectru s$ectru efficiency* S$ectru efficiency can ,e !efine! as t.e efficiently > easure of

t.e a ount of !ata can ,e carrie! ,y a cell $er unit of ti e, nor alise! %it. t.e occu$ie! syste ,an!%i!t.* Fi'ure D co $ares t.e s$ectru
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s efficiency ,et%een HS6" releases an! )i("-*




1.4 Spectr ! "##icie$c% &bp'(H)('ector*






2004 HS PA R6

2007 HS PA R7 WiMAX Wave 1

2008 HS PA R8 WiMAX Wave 2

Figure 8: -pe(trum effi(ien(2 (omparison "5#

)i("- .as a ,etter s$ectru effects of

efficiency HS6" RE %it. ,asic R"KE

recei2ers* " R"KE recei2er is t.e ra!io recei2er !esi'ne! to counter t.e ulti$at. fa!in'* )it. t.e use of a!2ance! recei2ers, suc. as efficiency GR"KE %it. recei2e !i2ersity, HS6" .as 'reater s$ectru o,ile )i("-* T.e a<i u

)i("-* In ter s of co2era'e, HS6" .as ty$ically E>:4 !+ 'reater co2era'e out$ut $o%er of )i("- ter inals G3= H %.ic. a ounts to a !ifference !+ H is : !+ lo%er for HS6" G3B !+

of : !+ in lin& ,u!'et I5J* Since )i("- o$erates in a .i'.er fre@uency HS6", an! $at. loss is $ro$ortional to t.e s@uare of t.e fre@uency in use, a ounts to less co2era'e for )i("- syste * In a co2era'e li ite! net%or&, )i("- re@uires 3*3 ti es as lin& ,u!'et I5J* any access $oints as HS6" for a E !+ less in

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s



Su**ary and )onclusion c.a$ter $resente! t.e co $arison of )i("- %it. t.e ,roa!,an! %ireless tec.nolo'ies, an! it can ,e sai! )i("- offers si'nificant a!2anta'es %.en it co es to !e$loy ent* For a 'i2en re'ion selecte! for t.e !e$loy ent, )i("- allo%s an o$erator to select a c.annel ,an!%i!t. fro :*3C(HK to 34(HK* 'i2es t.e o$erator so e fle<i,ility !urin' t.e !e$loy ent %.ere .e can select t.e a$$ro$riate c.annel ,an!%i!t. to ser2e t.e tar'ete! ar&et se' ent* Since t.e tar'et for a ,roa!,an! %ireless tec.nolo'y is to offer .i'. !ata rates, )i("- is a ,etter c.oice for $ur$ose =G an! )iFi, as it relies on OF#( an! OF#(" tec.nolo'ies* "lt.ou'. )iFi also relies on OF#( tec.nolo'y, it is face! %it. li ite! o,ility* )i("- tec.nolo'y incor$orate! (I(O !urin' its initial !esi'n $.ase, $ro2i!in' it %it. .i'.er s$ectral efficiency =G syste s* =G syste s are i $le entin' (I(O in $.ases lea!in' into lo% s$ectral efficiency* For a ulticellular !e$loy ent, OF#( $.ysical layer tec.nolo'y use! ,y )i("- 'i2es it an a!2anta'e to e<$loit fre@uency an! ultiuser !i2ersity to i $ro2e ca$acity* ).en it co es to c.oosin' t.e ri'.t tec.nolo'y for t.e ,roa!,an! %ireless access, )i("- .as t.e $otential to ,eco e t.e cost effecti2e tec.nolo'y for t.e o$erators %.o lac& =G infrastructure ,ut can o,tain access to 3*CGHK or =*CGHK s$ectru * )i("- also $ro2i!es cost efficient %ireless e<tension to areas %it.out t.e #SL or %ireless infrastructure* For =G66 o$erators %it. li ite! s$ectru , it offers t.e $ossi,ility to $ro2i!e an alternati2e ,roa!,an! %ireless access* Co $are! to )iFi, )i("- $ro2i!es sy consi!era,le !istance %it. )i("- s$ectru s$ectru * etrical ,an!%i!t. o2er a

uc. stron'er encry$tion an! less interference*

a$$lies o2er a %i!e ran'e of t.e ra!io fre@uency GRFH

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

+roa!,an! %ireless net%or&s


On t.e .an!, for o$erators %it. e<istin' GS( an! )C#(" tec.nolo'ies, HS6">LTE is a $ro isin' c.oice as it can ,e easily inte'rate! %it. e<istin' ra!io net%or&s, core net%or&s, net%or&s o$erations an! su,scri$tion ser2ices* ana'e ent* T.erefore, HS6">LTE offers GS(>)C#(" net%or& an e2olution $at. to%ar!s t.e $ro2ision of ,roa!,an! %ireless

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations


WiMA de1lo(ment considerations

+efore startin' to !e$loy a !eter ines if t.e ,usiness o,ile )i("- net%or&, t.e o$erator usually o!el an! financial as$ects of t.e net%or& are

econo ically 2ia,le* "lso, $rior to !e$loy ent, t.e o$erator nee!s to un!erta&e initial site sur2ey %.ere,y t.e $.ysical con!itions of t.e areas of !e$loy ent are assesse!* "fter ,ein' satisfie! %it. t.e results of t.e site sur2ey, t.e o$erator lays !o%n t.e $reli inary net%or& !esi'n* T.e $reli inary net%or& !esi'n inclu!es t.e follo%in' I:1J/ " su ary of t.e o2erall net%or& o,?ecti2es, 'oals, e<$ectations, a user an! net%or& arc.itecture

a!2anta'es an! c.allen'es fro

$ers$ecti2e* T.ese inclu!e factors li&e ,an!%i!t. consi!erations, lin& a2aila,ility, fre@uency selection, nu ,er of sites an! sectors, an! so on* T.e list of 2en!ors reco ?u $ers, an! so on* Costs associate! %it. t.e site ac@uisition, inte'ration, testin', site o$ti isation, an! relate! costs* #etails of t.e $oint to $oint ,ac&.aul RF lin& ,u!'ets an! $at. $rofiles for eac. lin& in t.e net%or&* " !etaile! $at. analysis an! lin& ,u!'et for eac. lin& in t.e net%or& inclu!in' calculations for t.e free s$ace loss, connector an! ca,le losses, lin& a2aila,ility an! !o%nti e in a $ro?ecte! year*

en!e! for t.e access $oints, ca,lin', ,ac&>

u$ $o%er units, antennas,, sur'e su$$ressors, connectors,

E<$ecte! nu ,er of users an! t.eir use of ser2ices* Results of s$ectru an! noise analysis %ere $erfor e! !urin' t.e

site sur2ey* T.e noise analysis is re@uire! to !eter ine t.e ,aseline for acce$ta,le si'nal stren't. le2els*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations


)i("- !e$loy ents can ,e ran'e li ite! or ca$acity li ite!* T.e user !ata rate is less for a ran'e li ite! !e$loy ent as co $are! to a ca$acity li ite! case* #urin' !e$loy ent, co>c.annel interference nee!s to ,e ta&en into account as t.e lin& is affecte! ten!s to is not a $referre! case as o2in' fro o2e to a ro,ust o!ulation* o2in' to a ro,ust ,ut less efficient sc.e e suc. as

EB A"( to A6SK re!uces t.e c.annel ca$acity* o,ile )i("- net%or&, t.e ,ase stations nee! to ,e a?ority of users are foun! in or!er to o!ulation sc.e es*

).en !e$loyin' a

locate! areas %.ere t.e a<i ise t.e use of .i'.er or!er

+ase stations also constitute a ,i' $art of t.e net%or& infrastructure cost* +ase station !e$loy ent can ,e !i2i!e! into ,ase station infrastructure, ,ase station e@ui$ ent an! ,ac&.aul connection* +ase station infrastructure inclu!es ci2il %or& acti2ities suc. as site ac@uisition, antenna to%ers, en2iron entally controlle! enclosures for t.e in!oor electronics, $ri ary an! ,ac& u$ $o%er, con!uits, ca,lin' an! so on* 6ossi,le locations for t.e )i("- ,ase stations !e$loy ent are ,uil!in' roofto$s, e<istin' ra!io cellular to%ers an! ountain to$s* #etails a,out t.e or$.olo'y terrain of t.e $lace of !e$loy ent nee! to ,e o,taine! Gterrain a$ to $ro2i!e an acce$ta,le )i("- $erfor ance* " i $ortant issue an o$erator nee!s to consi!er $rior to !esi'nin' an! !e$loyin' a o,ile )i("- net%or& is to a!!ress &ey issues $ertainin' to t.e !e$loy ent* Issues to ,e a!!resse! inclu!e/

a$H* T.e ,ase stations confi'uration can ,e !eter ine! ,ase! on t.e terrain

Net%or& to$olo'y T.e &in!s of lin&s to ,e use!L T.e fre@uency to ,e use! (ulti$at. tolerance es., star or rin'

Net%or& to$olo'y $lays a crucial role in !eter inin' t.e ro,ustness, an! relia,ility of t.e net%or&* T.e o$erator .as to c.oose t.e star or
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o


)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations


to$olo'y ac.ie2es .i'. relia,ility for a 'i2en !e$loy ent re'ion* eans !e$en!in' u$on t.e 'eo'ra$.ic con!itions of t.e area set for t.e !e$loy ent, star or o$ti al $erfor ance* "lso, a !ecision .as to ,e a!e on to e $loy $oint>to>$oint or $oint> ay ,loc& t.e es. to$olo'y .as to ,e selecte! so as to !eli2er t.e

to> ulti$oint lin&s* O,structions suc. as trees or ,uil!in's

line of si'.t also nee! to ,e ta&en into account, an! t.e !ecision on %.ere to !e$loy )i("- tec.nolo'y for LOS an! NLOS con!itions nee!s to ,e clear fro t.e outset* ) to use LOS or NLOS solutions ay !e$en! on t.e $lannin' re@uire ents an! antenna .ei'.t restrictions on a $articular area* In or!er to ac.ie2e effecti2e ran'e or co2era'e for t.e net%or&, a ,alance ,et%een t.rou'.$ut, ran'e an! ,it error rate G+ERH .as to ,e !eter ine!* Since +ER is li ite! ,y t.e tec.nolo'y itself, t.e effecti2e ran'e at a 'i2en t.rou'.$ut .as to ,e calculate! fro t.e lin& ,u!'et analysis* eans lin& ,u!'et analysis .as to ,e $erfor e! $rior to !e$loy ent of t.e net%or&* Lin& ,u!'et analysis ta&es into account factors suc. as $at. loss, recei2er sensiti2ity, noise, 'ain an! losses fro at t.e recei2er* For t.e case of $ro2i!in' )i("- ser2ices, t.e o$erator nee!s to carefully c.oose t.e s$ectru s$ectru to ,e use!* T.e c.osen s$ectru .as t.e conse@uence on t.e o2erall costs of !e$loyin' t.e )i("- net%or&* Usin' a =*CGHK re@uires consi!era,le nu ,er of ,ase stations to co2er a 'i2en area as co $are! to 3*CGHK* In $lannin' ser2ice re@uire ents, t.ere is a nee! to !efine t.e flo% of ser2ice ,et%een t.e su,scri,ers an! ser2ice $ro2i!er is, ser2ice re@uire entsH, an! to also stu!y to e<tent a lar'e $ro$ortion of su,scri,er can access !ifferent ser2ices fro !ifferent access an! !istri,ution net%or&s %.ile still fulfillin' t.e ser2ice re@uire ents* t.e antennas an! ca,les* T.e lin& ,u!'et analysis results into a trans it $o%er re@uire! to ac.ie2e a 'i2en +ER

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations



+ntroduction to

iM!" net#or$ planning

6lannin' of a %ireless net%or& usually in2ol2es a nu ,er of ste$s are essential for a successful ,usiness case* T.e first ste$ is to !efine t.e 'eo'ra$.ic area %.ere t.e ser2ice is e<$ecte! to ,e offere!* Key an! nu ,er of s all an! net%or&s, flat or e!iu etrics to s$ecify for t.e 'eo'ra$.ic area are $o$ulation !ensity, nu ,er of .ouse.ol!s, ,usinesses* T.e terrain ty$e also nee!s to ,e s$ecifie!* In or!er to ensure s oot. si'nal $ro$a'ation o2er t.e %ireless o!erately .illy terrain is $referre!* an! ,an!%i!t. to ,e use!* Fro

T.e ne<t ste$ is to !eter ine t.e s$ectru

t.e a2aila,le fre@uency ,an!s G3*CGHK an! =*CGHKH, t.e selection of of t.e fre@uency ,an! !eter ines t.e total ,an!%i!t. ac.ie2a,le* #e$en!in' u$on t.e fre@uency ,an! c.osen, one can !eci!e to use c.annel ,an!%i!t. of :*3C(HK, :*1C(HK, =*C(HK, C(HK, 5*1C(HK, :4(HK, :B(HK or 34(HK* T.e ste$ follo%s in2ol2es !eter inin' t.e tec.nolo'ical $ara eters to calculate ran'e an! ca$acity* 6ara eters of interest inclu!e lin& ,u!'et, s$ectral efficiency, an! antenna confi'urations GSISO, SI(O, (I(OH, fre@uency reuse factor, %.ic. alto' control t.e co2era'e area $er cell site an! t.e total nu ,er of cell sites or ,ase stations nee!e! to co2er t.e !esire! 'eo'ra$.y* In or!er to ac.ie2e en!>to>en! connecti2ity, t.e ne<t ste$ is to !i ension an! $lan t.e ele ents for t.e core ser2ice net%or&* Since )i("- is an I6> ,ase! tec.nolo'y, in2ol2es !i ensionin' an! $lannin' of "SN ele entsL "SN>G)s an! +Ss, as %ell as CSN ele ents G""" ser2ers, #HC6F#NS ser2ers, H", an! so onH* T.e c.oice of "SN an! CSN ele ents an! .o% to confi'ure t.e is a!e ,ase! u$on t.e ty$e of ser2ice is to ,e offere!, an! to$o'ra$.y of t.e area as ar&et se' ent, t.e a2aila,le s$ectru reflecte! in t.e earlier sections*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations Auality of ser2ice is i $ortant as$ect %.en $lannin' a e<$erience %.en t.ey access t.e net%or& for 2oice, !ata or co unication*

=3 o,ile

)i("- net%or&* !eter ines t.e le2el of ser2ice users %ill ulti e!ia

)i("- net%or& $lannin' follo%s t.e flo% of acti2ities as $resente! in fi'ure :47

(ar&etin' in$uts

#e an! forecast

#esi'n $ara eters

Re'ulatory re@uire ents

Lin& ,u!'et

Sites re@uire! for co2era'e

Sites re@uire! for ca$acity

Ra!io net%or& infrastructure @uantities

Ra!io confi'uration an! site count

#i'ital terrain an!For clutter a$

No inal cell $lan

Figure 19: :etwor' dimensioning and planning pro(ess "11#

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations In or!er to


ini ise t.e interference in )i("- syste , t.ere is a nee! for a is

careful RF $lannin'* " $otential source of interference in )i("- syste c.annels or %.en t.e UL>#L ratio in a T## syste .a2e li ite! a ount of s$ectru *

t.e loss in fra e sync.ronisation ,et%een t.e ,ase stations usin' t.e sa e is !ifferent for eac. +S* )i("- su$$orts c.annel reuse fre@uency factor of one for o$erators

For a )i("- syste , t.e !o%nlin& co2era'e is easier to $lan u$lin&* is !ue to t.e fact in t.e !o%nlin&, t.e interference ori'inates fro t.e sa e location, is, fro t.e sa e c.annel* In net%or& $lannin', t.e o$erator a&es assu $tions on t.e !ata rate, icro or acro a nei'.,ourin' ,ase station trans ittin' on

sectorisation, fre@uency reuse $lan, an! ty$e of cell G$ico, ser2ices*

cellsH to ,e !e$loye!* T.e o$erator also $re!icts .o% users %ill use t.e


)overage planning
T.e tar'et for t.e co2era'e $lannin' is to fin! o$ti al locations for t.e ,ase stations to ,uil! a continuous co2era'e accor!in' to t.e $lannin' re@uire ents* Co2era'e $lannin' is $erfor e! %it. a $lannin' tool inclu!es a !i'ital 6ro$a'ation a$ %it. to$o'ra$.y infor ation of a $articular re'ion* o!els ai! in !eter inin' t.e co2era'e area are t.en

selecte! ,ase! on t.e $lannin' $ara eters Gfre@uency, ,ase station antenna .ei'.t an! so onH* T.e o2erall co2era'e $re!iction is t.en !eter ine! ,ase! u$on t.e co ,ination of t.e !i'ital $ro$a'ation o!el* a$ infor ation an! t.e selecte!

#urin' $.ase, t.e lin& ,u!'et analysis is $erfor e! !efines t.e a<i u a<i u allo%e! $at. loss %it. certain confi'urations* #ifferent $ara eters cell siKe* T.e cell siKe or ran'e lea!s to t.e !eter ination of t.e constitute t.e lin& ,u!'et lea!s to t.e !eter ination of t.e t.eoretical

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations


co2era'e area %it. a certain location $ro,a,ility* Location $ro,a,ility is t.e $ro,a,ility of t.e recei2er ,ein' a,le to ca$ture t.e si'nal, is, t.e si'nal le2el is .i'.er t.e recei2er sensiti2ity* T.e first ste$ in co2era'e $lannin' is to create a $reli inary $lan ,ase! u$on t.e calculate! nu ,er of ,ase stations I=J* In ste$, t.e t.eoretical locations of t.e +TSs are !eter ine! an! t.e !ecision on to use o ni cells or sectorise! cells is a!e* O ni cells are ,etter suite! for rural areas or s$arsely $o$ulate! areas %.ere t.ere is not a nee! for a .i'. ca$acity* Sectorise! cells are ,etter suite! in areas %.ere t.ere is a nee! for co2era'e in $recise locations* T.e ne<t ste$ is to fin! t.e actual location of t.e ,ase stations* tas& in2ol2es site ac@uisition tea %.ose tas& is to !eter ine $ro$er locations %.ere t.e sites can ,e locate! an! t.e trans ission re@uire ents ,e fulfille!* "fter t.e actual locations .a2e ,een !eter ine!, t.e $lan ,ase! on t.e $reli inary location is u$!ate! an! cell co2era'e areas are calculate! a'ain usin' t.e ne% $ara eters* #urin' ste$, t.e co2era'e an! ca$acity re@uire ents are ali'ne! %it. t.e actual ,ase station locations* #urin' co2era'e $lannin', %ays for future en.ance ent of co2era'e are ta&en into consi!eration* for en.ancin' co2era'e $ro2e to ,e ,eneficial in situations %.ere t.e ,ase station is incorrectly locate! as a result of $reli inary $lannin' $rocess* One et.o! to en.ance co2era'e is to o$ti ise t.e lin& ,u!'et $ara eters t.e 'i2en ran'e, usin' ,ase stations %it. .i'. $o%er as $ossi,le an! .a2in' .i'. 'ain antennas* To ensure sufficient co2era'e, ,ase station $o%er an! antenna .ei'.ts nee! to ,e consi!ere! an! ec.anical an! electrical !o%ntilts use! %.en nee!e!* "lso ast>.ea! ore sensiti2ity to ,ase station co2era'e is en.ance! ,y usin' su$$le entary .ar!%are suc. as a $lifier stren't.ens u$lin& ,y 'i2in' an! ena,les rece$tion of %ea& si'nals* Co2era'e analysis is one of t.e crucial ste$ in !esi'nin' an! !e$loyin' a o,ile )i("- net%or&* +ase! on t.e co2era'e analysis, cells can ,e

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations !esi'ne! lea! to


ini al interference ,et%een eac.* is o!els an! fa!e ar'ins for

ac.ie2e! ,y selectin' a$$ro$riate $ro$a'ation t.e area co2era'e $ro,a,ility*

"s t.e ran'e of )i("- net%or& is increase!, )i("- net%or& ste$s !o%n to a lo% or!er o!ulation %.ereas as t.e ran'e is re!uce! t.e .i'. or!er o!ulation is selecte! resultin' into increase! !ata t.rou'.$ut* T.e lo% o!ulation sc.e e .as an effect on c.annel ca$acity of a ,ase station resultin' into s all !ata rates* In ac.ie2in' co2era'e in a re'ion, se2eral factors .a2e to ,e ta&en into consi!eration suc. as ,uil!in's .ei'.ts, terrain, ,uil!in' !ensities an! so on* (o,ile )i("- can ,e !e$loye! for co2era'e %it.out re'ar! to ca$acity re@uire ents* eans at first, t.e ini u nu ,er of ,ase stations are ore !e$loye! to $ro2i!e u,i@uitous co2era'e in a $articular area* Ca$acity is only increase! %.ene2er t.e nee! arises, an! can ,e !one ,y a!!in' c.annels to t.e e<istin' ,ase stations assu in' t.ere is a2aila,le s$ectru * &in! of is useful in situations %.ere t.ere are uncertainties a,out ar&et re@uire ents an! t.erefore !ifficult to $re!ict .o% t.e su,scri,er ,ase %ill e2ol2e* T.e )i("- ,ase station connects t.e core ser2ice net%or& to t.e en! user, an! t.erefore it is an i $ortant etric in !eter inin' t.e co2era'e of t.e net%or& an! en!>users e<$erience* Net%or& co2era'e is calculate! ,ase! on t.e $at.>loss !ata ,et%een t.e ,ase stations an! users as %ell as usin' antenna confi'uration $ara eters suc. as antenna ty$e, $o%er, ra!iation c.aracteristics, tilt an! aKi ut.*


)apacity planning
Ca$acity $lannin' is ,ase! on t.e co2era'e o,taine! fro a$s an! traffic esti ates t.e co2era'e $lannin'* For a ,roa!,an! ser2ice suc. as

)i("-, ca$acity $lannin' in2ol2es antici$atin' .o% users %ill use t.e

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations syste T.e an! t.e !e an! t.ey $lace on t.e syste *


etric is use! in !eter inin' t.e ca$acity $lannin' is t.e !ata

!ensity e<$resse! as (,$s $er &

* Gi2en a certain !e o'ra$.ics re'ion, ulti>ste$ $rocess in2ol2in' in ter s of usa'e* Various inclu!e ,ro%sin' t.e %e,,

!eter inin' t.e re@uire! !ata !ensity is a !e$en! on t.e loa! t.ey $lace on t.e syste !e an!s are $lace! ,y t.e users on t.e syste

classifyin' users of t.e syste s on !ifferent cate'ories* User cate'ories

e> ailin', VoI6, !o%nloa! or u$loa! of 2i!eo content Greal ti e ser2icesH, %.ic. alto' $ose !ifferent re@uire ents on t.e syste * For e<a $le ,usiness users can ,e cate'orise! as t.e ones %.o !e an! .i'. !ata rates an! conse@uently loa! t.e syste ore fre@uently*

)i("- ca$acity in2ol2es 'i2in' a user an access to t.e !e an!e! traffic for t.e !ifferent ser2ice re@uire ents consi!erin' t.e acti2ity factor, o2er,oo&in' or contention ratio, an! T## ratio for t.e u$lin& an! !o%nlin&* Ca$acity of t.e )i("- net%or& is !eter ine! ,y calculatin' t.e cell t.rou'.$ut ,ase! on t.e area of eac. o!ulation sc.e e* o!ulation sc.e e is ,ase! on t.e

T.rou'.$ut calculation for a $articular follo%in' for ula I::J/ Rb= R s %.ere/ (/ MC Rr


o!ulation 'ain G3 for A6SK, B for :E A"(, an! E for EB A"(H

R,/ Rr/ C/ Rs/

,it rate re$etition rate of :, 3, B or E Co!in' rate G4*C, 4*1C, an! so onH Sy ,ol rate

In !eter inin' t.e ca$acity re@uire ents of a )i("- syste , t.e follo%in'

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations factors are ta&en into account/



ar&et se' ents GSOHO, S(E , an! so onH

"rea !e o'ra$.ics Ser2ices to ,e offere! GAoS, ,it rateH E<$ecte! ar&et rate

E<$ecte! nu ,er of custo ers Re@uire! !ata !ensity (,$s $er s@>& etrics use! in' t.e ,ase station ca$acity to t.e ar&et re@uire ents in turn

One of t.e &ey

ar&et re@uire ents is t.e !ata !ensity* 6ro?ecte! t.e a!!ressa,le su$$ort* E<$ecte!

!eter ine t.e ,ase station ca$acity re@uire ents* For e<a $le assu in' ar&et is of ,usiness cate'ory, t.en %e e<$ect t.ey create a traffic !ata of aroun! 544&,$s %.ic. t.e ,ase station conse@uently .as to

ar&et $enetration or ta&e>u$ rate is t.e factor t.e ar&et %ill e2ol2e after se2eral

o$erator .as to ta&e into account %.en analysin' ca$acity re@uire ents* In case, t.e o$erator .as to forecast .o% t.e years of o$eration, an! conse@uently a!!ress its ca$acity nee!s* )i("- ,ase station offers ,et%een a$$ro<i ately :B 9 =4(,$s $er sector in !o%nlin& an! 3 9 E(,$s $er sector in u$lin& I3J, !e$en!in' u$on t.e antenna confi'uration G3M3 (I(O, 3MB (I(O, or BM3 (I(OH* T.e &ey !eter inant of t.e a2era'e t.rou'.$ut $er sector is t.e s$ectru efficiency %.ic. is rou'.ly in t.e ran'e of :*DC 9 B*CC,$sFHK !o%nlin&, an! 4*DB 9 3*:D,$sFHK u$lin& !e$en!in' u$on t.e antenna confi'uration I3J* Gi2en t.e s$ectru :4(HKH, s$ectru .as ,een allocate! to t.e o$erator Gfor e<a $le efficiency !eter ines t.e a2era'e t.rou'.$ut $er sector

for t.e ,ase station* T.e a2era'e t.rou'.$ut $er sector is s.are! e@ually ,y all t.e users are currently ser2e! in t.e sector*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

)i("- !e$loy ent consi!erations



Su**ary and conclusion

#i ensionin' an! $lannin' of a re!ucin' t.e a<i u o,ile )i("- net%or& is a co $ro ise ore ca$acity, t.e ,et%een co2era'e an! ca$acity* T.e re@uire! co2era'e can ,e e<ten!e! ,y loa!* ).ene2er t.ere is a nee! of co2era'e area of an in!i2i!ual cell s.rin&s resultin' into an increase in t.e nu ,er of re@uire! net%or& ele ents* Fro an o$erator $ers$ecti2e, it is i $ortant to $lan carefully for co2era'e, $re!eter ine t.e ca$acity re@uire ents an! !e$loy accor!in' to .o% su,scri,ers e2ol2e o2er ti e* Since )i("- is a ,roa!,an! %ireless ser2ice !e an!s a certain le2el of @uality of ser2ice 'uarantee, careful $lannin' also ensures t.e !e$loy ent for co2era'e !oes not sacrifice ca$acity an! 2ice 2ersa* Careful co2era'e an! ca$acity consi!erations lea! to an acce$ta,le @uality of ser2ice at ti es %.en t.e net%or& is t.e ,usiest* In or!er to ta&e into account traffic 2ariation in t.e net%or&, su$$orts fractional fre@uency reuse %.ere a o,ile )i("-

o,ile station uses all t.e

a2aila,le su,c.annels %.en it is close to t.e cell* ).en a$$' t.e ,or!ers of t.e cell it uses only $art of t.e su,c.annel set* a$$roac. ena,les an o$erator to a2oi! t.e nee! for o$ti isation* T.e follo%in' c.a$ter 'i2es t.e rou'. esti ates of t.e a2era'e 2alues for co2era'e an! ca$acity re@uire ents* For e<a $le, it $ro2i!es t.e a2era'e 2alues for t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! for a etro$olitan area $lus t.e $ea& t.rou'.$ut $er sector to ser2e t.e esti ate! !ata !ensity* )e !o not 'o into t.e !etail of t.e actual $lannin' $.ase as t.ere is a lac& of access to a $lannin' tool %it. a !i'ital a$ inclu!es to$o'ra$.y infor ation* anual net%or&in' $lannin' an!

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


7ase +tud( researc. %or& assu es !e$loy ent in Finlan!0s Helsin&i an! Es$oo, as %ell as t.e re'ion of Kir&&onu Es$oo res$ecti2ely %.ile Kir&&onu unici$alities of i* Helsin&i an!

unici$alities are assu e! to ,e ur,an an! su,ur,an re'ions i is assu e! to ,e a rural area* Ta,le = in

section B*: $resents t.e c.aracteristics of t.e re'ions* T.e Es$oo re'ion is re'ar!e! .ere as a su,ur,an area alt.ou'., accor!in' to t.e Es$oo unici$ality a$s, it is .alf rural .alf su,ur,an* Su,ur,an in case t.erefore refers to areas %.ere ,ase stations are li&ely to ,e !e$loye!L is, areas Es$oo in.a,itants li2e* T.ese areas are alon' t.e coastline, near t.e rail%ay lines, an! alon' t.e rin' lines* T.e t.ree re'ionsL Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onu i, are classifie! as ur,an,

su,ur,an an! rural areas ,ase! on t.e $o$ulation !ensity, lan! area as %ell as on t.e scale of e<istin' infrastructure* +ase! on t.e total lan! area of t.e etro$olitan, %e !eter ine t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations nee!e! for co2era'e* Fro t.e $o$ulation of eac. re'ion, %e $ro2i!e an esti ate of t.e e<$ecte! t.e &ey ele ents in $lannin' en!> nu ,er custo ers an! t.eir !ata !ensity re@uire ents* T.e nu ,er of ,ase stations an! t.e !ata !ensity re@uire! for to>en! o,ile )i("- net%or&*



iM!" -adio +nterface section $resents t.e !i ensionin' of t.e ra!io net%or& $art of t.e net%or&* 6ara eters are consi!ere! inclu!e esti ation of t.e traffic e<$ectations, $o$ulation !ensity in t.e area of !e$loy ent, s$ectru allocation, lin& ,u!'et analysis, antenna confi'urations, an! fre@uency reuse sc.e e* T.e ain outco e out of t.e !i ensionin' $.ase is to co e u$ %it. an esti ate of t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! to co2er a 'i2en area, to !eter ine t.e re@uire ents for t.e co2era'e, ca$acity an! @uality of ser2ice, an! to esti ate t.e su$$orte! traffic 2olu e $er ,ase station*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


T.e &ey as$ects t.e o$erator .as to consi!er %.en $lannin' to !e$loy a o,ile )i("- tec.nolo'y is t.e !e o'ra$.ics* #e o'ra$.ics !ata inclu!e $o$ulation !ensity an! $o$ulation 'ro%t. in a $articular area, !istri,ution of a'e 'rou$s a on' t.e $o$ulation, an! $ro$ortion of .ouse.ol! !ensities* researc. %or& assu es t.e !e o'ra$.ics re'ions are !i2i!e! into ur,an, su,ur,an, an! rural areas* Ta,le = $resents t.e assu e! &ey c.aracteristics !efinin' t.e !e o'ra$.ics re'ions*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Ta,le =/ C.aracteristics of t.e !e o'ra$.ic re'ions Area Ur,an


7!aracteristics Hi'. !ensity of $otential o,ile )i("- su,scri,ers lo% ar&et $enetration !ue to t.e e<istence of stron' co $etit> ors $resence of ulti$le offices an! resi!ential ,uil!in's $resence of o$erators usin' li> cense! s$ectru stron' ar&et !ri2en ,y a2aila,> ility of access tec.nolo'y (o!erate !ensity of $otential su,scri,ers access to #SL an! ca,le> lo'ies $ossi,ility of a .i'. ar&et $en> etration for a ne% o$erator $resence of ,usiness $ar&s an! alls consi!era,le concentration of co $uter users .i'. $ercenta'e of co uters nee! ser2ices $ossi,ility to !e$loy lar'e cell siKes



Hi'. concentration of resi!ential an! s all ,usinesses .i'. !e an! for Internet access an! ser2ices li ite! co $etition 2ery .i'. ar&et $enetration an! ra$i! a!o$tion rate e<$ecte! for a ne% o$erator

Ta,le B $resents t.e 'eo'ra$.ic scenarios for t.e $ro$ose! !e o'ra$.ics re'ionsL Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onu i*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Ta,le B/ Geo'ra$.ic factors for t.e !e$loy ent ,lement (ar&et se' ent SiKe 6o$ulation 3elsinki ,s1oo



Resi!entialFur,an Resi!entialFs all Rural area e!iu enter$rises :5E s@ & CE5,C=: =:3 s@ & 3B:,55: 11C $er s@ & =EC s@ & :=:,C5C =E4 $er s@ &

6o$ulation !ensity =4C1 $er s@ &

Source/ Statistics Finlan!, 3441> .tt$/FF%%%*stat*fi,

T.e first !ecision an o$erator .as to

a&e ,efore startin' !e$loyin' t.e to ,e use!* ).ile

o,ile )i("- net%or& is to c.oose t.e s$ectru

)i("- offers o$eration on ,ot. license! an! unlicense! ,an!s, t.e c.oice ,et%een of t.e t%o ,an!s !e$en!s on t.e re'ion of !e$loy ent* Since license! s$ectru offers t.e ,enefit of controllin' t.e interference, it is t.erefore ,est suite! for ur,an an! su,ur,an areas* For researc. %or&, license! ,an!s 3*CGHK an! =*CGHK are t.erefore assu e! for t.e !e$loy ent* T.e license! ,an!s are also selecte! ,ecause re'ulations allo% t.e ,an!s to ,e use! also for fi<e! ,roa!,an! ser2ices* Ta,le C $resents t%o fre@uency ,an!s are assu e! for t.e !e$loy ent in t.e re'ions* Ta,le C/ "ssu e! $ara eters for t.e !e$loy ent .arameter Fre@uency ,an! "ssu e! s$ectru 3elsinki =*CGHK =4(HK ,s1oo =*CGHK :4(HK T## =4(HK 8irkkonummi 3*CGHK :4(HK T## =4(HK

C.annel ,an!%i!t. :4(HK T##

"fter !efinin' t.e !e o'ra$.ics, 'eo'ra$.ical $ara eters of areas set for t.e !e$loy ent an! selectin' t.e fre@uency to ,e use!, t.e o$erator $ro2i!es an esti ate of t.e !ata !ensity re@uire ents* T.e esti ate! !ata !ensity is use! to !eter ine .o% t.e ,ase station sites can ,e confi'ure! to su$$ort t.e

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


$ro?ecte! !ata !ensity* #ata !ensity esti ation tas& starts ,y cate'orisin' t.e e<$ecte! custo ers t.e tar'et

ar&et se' ents as follo%s I33J/ ost o,ile ostly

.rofessional users/ T.ese are t.e ,usiness ty$e of users %.o are assu e! to ,e usin' t.e ser2ices in stationary, no a!ic an! en2iron ents* T.e ty$e of ser2ices are $ercei2e! to ,e use! are file !o%nloa!, strea in' ail*

!e an!in' in ter s of ,roa!,an! !ata usa'e* ty$e of users are

e!ia, 2i!eo conferencin', an! e>

3ig! end users/ T.ese are ty$e of users %.o use t.e ser2ices !o inant a$$lications t.ey use t.e 'a in', usic !o%nloa!s, an! so on*


for t.eir $ersonal use* T.ey use t.e ser2ices on re'ular ,asis, an! t.e ost are %e, ,ro%sin',

7asual users/ T.ese are ty$e of users %.o nee! access to use ,roa!,an! ser2ices G%e, ,ro%sin', !ata oriente! ser2icesH ,ut are only connecte! fe% .ours in a !ay*

Eac. of t.e cate'ory of users !e an! !ifferent !ata !ensity re@uire ents, an! it is $ro?ecte! t.e $rofessional an! .i'. en! users are ur,an an! su,ur,an areas* Casual ty$e of users are area of t.e etro$olitan* to t.e ostly foun! in ostly locate! in t.e rural

T.e stu!y assu es t.e ser2ices t.e users !e an! confor )i("- ser2ices I31J*

ser2icesFa$$lications t.e )i("- stan!ar! a!!resses* Ta,le E !efines t.e

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Ta,le E/ )i("- ser2ice classes I31J 7lass descri1tion Interacti2e 'a in' A11lication t(1e Interacti2e 'a in' Vi!eo $.one Strea in' e!ia (usicFS$eec. Vi!eo cli$s (o2ies strea in' Infor ation tec.nolo'y Instant essa'in' )e, ,ro%sin' (e!ia content !o%nloa! +ul& !ata, Gstore an! for%ar!H loa! $eer>to>$eer Bandwidt! C4 > 5C &,$s B > EB &,$s =3 > =5B &,$s C > :35 &,$s 34 > =5B &,$s N3 (,$s O3C4 ,yte NC44 &,$s essa'es


VoI6, Vi!eo conferencin' VoI6

E ailG%it. attac. entH NC44 &,$s o2ie !o%n> N: (,$s NC44 &,$s

Ta,le E also $resents t.e c.aracteristics of t.e !ata ser2ices t.e o$erator can offer* #ata ser2ices in stu!y refer to o,ile !ata ser2ices are ,ase! on t.e I6 arc.itecture* T.e !ata ser2ices are assu e! to ,e content oriente!, an! .a2in' interacti2e an!For ,ac&'roun! c.aracteristics* ).en !eter inin' t.e !ata !ensity re@uire ent, t.e i $act of co su,scri,ers is ta&en into consi!eration* Co utin' traffic is utin' ostly utin'

e<$erience! t.e ur,an GHelsin&iH an! su,ur,an GEs$ooH re'ions ,ecause of t.e $resence of consi!era,le nu ,er of ,usinesses* Co ti e .ours, an! it is assu e! t.e !aily co :CP* In or!er to esti ate t.e re@uire! !ata !ensity $er en! user for t.e t.ree re'ions, t.e $ea& ,usy .our G6+HH acti2ity le2el .as to ,e !efine! or assu e! ,y t.e o$erator* #o%nlin& !uty circle Gs.o%in' t.e fraction of ti e t.e syste is in acti2e stateH an! custo er i< G$ercenta'e !istri,ution of traffic t.erefore $laces an a!!itional !e an! on t.e net%or& !urin' t.e !ay uter traffic flo% ore ur,an an! su,ur,an areasH increases t.e !ayti e $o$ulation ,y

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


custo ers a on' t.e cate'ory of usersH are $ara eters are use! in co ,ination %it. t.e 6+H acti2ity le2el to !eter ine t.e user rate* Ta,le 1 $resents t.e 2alues for t.e 6+H acti2ity le2el, custo er !o%nlin& !uty circle, an! t.e $o$ulation of ini u o2erall custo er a2era'e !o%nlin& rate esti ation is o2er t.e DB:,DD1* Custo er etro$olitan area* Ta,le 1/ Esti ate! $ea& ,usy .our !ata re@uire ent I33J 7ustomer t(1e 7ustomer mi9 .eak 6ownlink Bus( 3our dut( circle Activit(# 1 of / active NQC NQ1 N Q 34 et> N Q 1*D 3CP 3CP 3CP 3CP Minimal 1er end-user downlink rate during .B3 E44&,$s B54&,$s 3B4&,$s C4B&,$s i<, ini u $er en!

$er en!>user rate !urin' 6+H* T.e etro$olitan i< in ta,le 1 a$$lies to t.e %.ole

6rofessional users Hi'.>en! users Casual users


Custo er a2era'e o2er ro$olitan area

T.e 2alues in ta,le 1 are ,ase! on %e re'ar! to ,e t.e con!ition of t.e net%or& !urin' t.e $ea& ,usy .our* For e<a $le E44&,$s t.e user is a,le to !o%nloa! at a<i u ini al 6+H !ata rate for a $rofessional user is ,ase! on t.e assu $tion in an e<tre e case a =4 $a'e !ocu ent e> ail attac. ent in a,out B secon!s %.ic. is a tolera,le !o%nloa! ti e !urin' 6+H traffic con!itions* Ty$ical siKe of a =4 $a'e !ocu ent consists of 'ra$.s an! fi'ures is ,et%een 3C4 9 =C4&ilo,ytes I33J, t.erefore %it. a !o%nlin& rate of E44&,$s t.e !o%nloa! s$ee! is a$$ro<i ately B secon!s* T.e ini al !o%nlin& !ata rates a!!ress t.e ti e at %.ic. t.e net%or& is uc. .i'.er !ata rates can ,e ac.ie2e! if t.ere are ,usiest an! t.erefore

2ariations in t.e !o%nlin& !uty circle an! acti2ity le2el* T.e a!!ressa,le ar&et $ertainin' to t.e !ata rate re@uire ent in ta,le 1 are of t.e a'e of 34
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y to 1C %.ic. a ounts to al ost 54P of t.e Finlan!, 3441H*

BE etro$olitan $o$ulation Gstatistics

Ta,le 5 s.o%s t.e e<$ecte! nu ,er of custo ers an! t.eir $ro?ections for !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uire ents ,y t.e tent. year of o$eration* T.e e<$ecte! nu ,er of custo ers are o,taine! un!er t.e assu $tion in t.e ,e'innin' D $ercent of t.e $o$ulation in t.e ur,an an! su,ur,an areas are 'oin' to su,scri,e for t.e ser2ice %.ile :4 $ercent su,scri,e for t.e case of rural area* is ,ase! on t.e reasonin' custo ers e2ol2e o2er ti e, an! in t.e initial $.ase t.e nu ,er of custo ers is s all* Ta,le 5/ #o%nlin& !ata !ensity esti ation o2er years I33J Metro1olitan ,91ected number Ad:ust6ownlink data densit( region of customers ments to ac- re'uirements in 1;t! (ear count for mobilit( during .B3 Ur,an Su,ur,an Rural C4,444 34,444 :4,444 :CP :CP 4P 34(,$sF& 3 & 3 :*E(,$sF& & 3 4*:C(,$sF&
3 3



o2er =:3

o2er =EC&>

%.1.1 Fre'uenc( selection

T.e fre@uency ,an!s selecte! for t.e !e$loy ent are =*CGHK ,an! for t.e ur,an an! su,ur,an areas an! 3*CGHK ,an! for t.e rural area* T.e =*CGHK ,an! o$erates in t.e fre@uency ran'e =*= R =*EGHK resultin' into =44(HK of s$ectru * 3*CGHK ,an! o$erates in t.e fre@uency ran'e 3*= 9 3*ED4GHK resultin' into =D4(HK of s$ectru * +an!s of =44(HK or =D4(HK are t.e total a2aila,le s$ectru s$ectru Kir&&onu t.e re'ulator can allocate to all e<istin' o$erators in a $articular country* In researc. %or&, it is assu e! t.e =4(HK is allocate! to t.e o$erator in t.e re'ion of Helsin&i, Es$oo, an! i, %it. a c.annel ,an!%i!t. :4(HK an! a T## !u$le<in'
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


sc.e e* T.e c.oice of t.e a,o2e selecte! fre@uency ,an!s is influence! ,y t.e fact license! s$ectru $ro2i!es 'oo! $rotection a'ainst interference es$ecially in t.e ur,an areas %.ere t.e nu ,er of co $etin' o$erators is $re!o inant* 3*CGHK is $referre! for t.e rural area ,ecause it allo%s for a fle<i,le !e$loy ent since it $ro ises to $ro2i!e a .i'. ran'e as %ell as iti'atin' t.e interference* Gi2en t.e $o$ulation !ensity of t.e $articular re'ion, say Helsin&i, t.e &ey @uestion is .o% to !eter ine t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations to co2er $articular area* T.e nu ,er of ,ase stations can ,e !e$loye! !e$en!s on t.e o$erator0s s$ectru * +efore e ,ar&in' on !eter inin' t.e ca$acity an! nu ,er of ,ase stations, it is i $ortant to calculate t.e lin& ,u!'et* T.e lin& ,u!'et is use! to !eter ine t.e co2era'e or ran'e of t.e sin'le ,ase station*

%.1.2 Link budget anal(sis

" lin& ,u!'et is t.e su of t.e loss an! 'ain of t.e si'nal stren't. as it tra2els t.e trans itter to t.e so t.e recei2e t.rou'. !ifferent co $onents !o%n t.e $at. fro is a,le to o2erco e losses in t.e trans ission $o%er is a!e@uate for t.e rece$tion of t.e si'nal* "s a result of t.e lin& ,u!'et, t.e recei2e $o%er is sufficiently 'reater t.e noise $o%er, an! t.e tar'ete! ,it error rate can ,e ac.ie2e!* T.e lin& ,u!'et !eter ines t.e t.eoretical a<i u cell ra!ius of eac. ,ase

recei2er* T.e lin& ,u!'et allo%s !eter inin' t.e re@uire! trans it $o%er e!iu

station an! co $rises of t%o ty$es of co $onents I:1J/


le2el co $onents %.ic. inclu!e recei2er sensiti2ity, o!ulation efficiency* T.ese co $onents !o not

$o%er le2el an!

2ary si'nificantly across !ifferent fre@uency ,an!s*


relate! co $onents, are e<$ecte! to 2ary across

!ifferent fre@uencies* T.ese co $onents inclu!e/

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


>6at. loss/ is t.e $ro$a'ation loss t.e ra!io fre@uency si'nal e<$eriences an! is fre@uency !e$en!ent* T.e lo%er t.e fre@uency of o$eration, t.e s aller t.e $at. loss an! t.e t.e si'nal can $ro$a'ate* T.e .i'.er t.e fre@uency, t.e lar'er t.e losses, an! t.e s aller t.e si'nal can $ro$a'ate* In t.e $resence of o,stacles, .i'. fre@uency si'nals cannot $enetrate o,stacles an! re@uire LOS con!itions for efficient o$eration* >6.ysical en2iron ent/ t.e $resence of ,uil!in's an! an> a!e

structures .a2e a si'nificant effect on t.e losses intro!uce! to t.e fre@uency ,an! in use* For instance, .i'.er fre@uency si'nals suffer consi!era,le losses u$on encounterin' concrete an! ,u!'et* >Ca,le loss/ .as an i $act on cases %.ere t.e ,ase station is to%er In case, ca,le loss increases %it. fre@uency* >S.a!o% ar'in/ T.e terrain an! an> a!e o,?ects .a2e si'nificant i $act ar'in nee!s to ounte!* etal surfaces* e $.asises t.e nee! of ta&in' into account t.e losses intro!uce! ,y t.ese structures into t.e lin&

on t.e 2ariation of t.e si'nal $o%er, an! t.erefore a!!itional

,e a!!e! to t.e $at. loss to ac.ie2e t.e !esire! co2era'e $ro,a,ility* Ta,le D $resents lin& ,u!'et $ara eters for t.e !e$loy ent in ur,an an! su,ur,an areas for t.e fre@uency ,an! of =*CGHK, c.annel ,an!%i!t. :4(HK T##, an! s$ectru =4(HK*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Ta,le D/ Lin& ,u!'et I3J .arameter Mobile !and!eld in outdoor /otes scenario 6ownlink 6o%er a $lifier out$ut $o%er Nu ,er of trans it an> tennas Gassu in' 3M3 (I(O +ase stationsH Trans it antenna 'ain Trans itter losses Effecti2e isotro$ic ra!i> ate! $o%er C.annel ,an!%i!t. Nu ,er of su,c.annels Recei2er noise le2el Recei2er noise fi'ure Re@uire! SNR Su,c.annelisation 'ain #ata rate $er su,> nel G&,$sH Recei2er G!+ H Syste 'ain ar'in sensiti2ity B=*4 !+ 3 )1link 31*4 !+ 3 ": "3


:5 !+i =*4 !+ EE !+ :4(HK =4 >:4B !+ 5 !+ 4*5 !+ 4 !+ :C:*3 >DC*3 4 !+i :CE*3 !+ :4 !+ 4 !+ :E4 !+

4 !+i 4 !+ 31 !+ :4(HK =C >:4B !+ B !+ :*5 !+ :3 !+ =B*E >::4*3 :5 !+i :CC*3 !+ :4 !+ 4 !+ :C:*EB !+

"= "B "C Q ": ; :4lo> ':4G"3H ; "= > "B "E "1 "5 Q >:1B ; :4lo> ':4G"EM:eEH "D ":4 ":: Q :4lo':4G"1H ":3 ":= Q "5 ; "D ; ":4 >":: ":B ":C Q "C 9 ":= ; ":B ":E ":1 ":5 Q ":C 9 ":E > ":1

Recei2er antenna 'ain

S.a!o%>fa!e +uil!in' loss Lin& ar'in


Cell ra!ius

:*5E & Gur,anH, 3*3E & ur,anH

Gsu,> "ssu in' COST> 3=: Hata ur,an o!el

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y T.e nu ,er of su,c.annels G=4 an! =CH is ,ase! on t.e initial su,c.annels for u$lin& an! !o%nlin& res$ecti2ely*

C4 o,ile

)i("- $rofile for :4(HK c.annel ,an!%i!t. !efines =4 an! =C

T.e co2era'e ran'es s.o%n in Ta,le D are !eter ine! ,ase! on t.e COST> 3=: Hata $ro$a'ation (o!el I3J* Lin& COST>3=: Hata for o!el a$$lies to ar'in use! is :E4!+* "lt.ou'. o,ile a$$lications in t.e :D44(HK ,an!, o!el*

it is assu e! acce$ta,le for 3C44(HK an! =C44(HK ,an!* See Appendix A ore infor ation on $ro$a'ation ore, co2era'e ran'es in ta,le D are !eter ine! assu in' t.e o,ile ,ase station antenna .ei'.t is =4 , an! t.e : * T.ese are t.e ty$ical 2alues for o,ile station .ei'.t is ost !e$loy ent scenarios I3J*

For t.e case of rural area, :M3 SI(O sc.e e is use!* )it. t.e sa e $ara eters for t.e lin& ,u!'et as in ta,le D e<ce$t a'e in t.e nu ,er of trans it antenna, translates into a lin& rural area* ar'in in e<cess of :C4 !+ for t.e

%.1.$ 6etermining t!e number of Base +tations

T.e )i("- ,ase station is t.e &ey net%or& ele ent in connectin' t.e core net%or& to t.e en! user, it !eter ines t.e co2era'e of t.e net%or& an! !efines t.e en!>user e<$erience* T.e lin& ,u!'et analysis as $resente! in section B*:*3 results into !eter inin' t.e cell ra!ius, 4, of t.e ,ase station* +ase! on t.e cell ra!ius, %e !eter ine t.e co2era'e area of a sin'le ,ase station* T.e co2era'e area of a sin'le ,ase station lea!s into !eter inin' t.e total nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! to co2er a $articular re'ion in a 'i2en area* T.e ,ase station co2era'e area is !eter ine! !e$en!in' u$on t.e nu ,er of sectors t.e ,ase station .as* T.ere are t.ree sectorin' are e $loye! in cellular syste s* T.ese inclu!e t.e use of o ni>!irectional sector Gone cell %it. one antenna co2erin' all !irectionsH, ,i>sector Gt%o cells $er one ,ase stationH an! tri>sector Gt.ree cells $er one ,ase stationH* For
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o


Case Stu!y


case stu!y, tri>sector cells in a sin'le ,ase station are $referre! to ot.ers in or!er to $ro2i!e $recise co2era'e for t.e selecte! re'ions $ertainin' to t.e !e$loy ent* T.e co2era'e area A(ell of t.e tri>sector ,ase station is !eter ine! usin' t.e follo%in' for ula I34J/

A (ell ; 178+ 4$ Fi'ure :: !e$icts t.e


o!el for a t.ree sectore! ,ase station*

Figure 11: !ase station

In or!er to !eter ine t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations, <, nee!e! to co2er a 'i2en area, A, t.e follo%in' for ula I34J is use!/ < ; A=A(ell G=H

Usin' e@uations 3 an! = a,o2e, a$$ro<i ately 35 ,ase stations are nee!e! to co2er Helsin&i re'ion, %.ile =: ,ase stations are nee!e! to co2er Es$oo re'ion o2er t.e lan! areas of :5E an! =:3 s@uare &ilo etres res$ecti2ely* For t.e case of rural area, Kir&&onu t.e lin& for ulas G3H an! G=H, 3*EE & i, o$eratin' at 3*CGHK ,an!, assu in'

ar'in of :C4!+, t.e cell ra!ius results into 3*EE & * Usin' cell ra!ius lea!s to 3E ,ase stations nee!e! for

co2era'e o2er t.e =EC s@uare &ilo etres*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


%.1.% 7!oosing Antenna 7onfiguration

)i("- tec.nolo'y offers a ran'e of s art antenna tec.nolo'ies i $ro2e t.e syste $erfor ance an! en.ance ,ot. co2era'e an! c.annel relia,ility, increasin' t.e ac.ie2a,le t.rou'.$ut* (o,ile )i("- also su$$orts (I(O antenna solutions offer a!2anta'es suc. as increasin' t.e syste !ata rates, increasin' t.e co2era'e area an! !ecreasin' t.e trans it $o%er* S art antenna tec.nolo'ies are su$$orte! inclu!e a!a$ti2e ,ea > for in', trans it !i2ersity, an! s$atial uses ulti$le<in'* "!a$ti2e ,ea >for in' in ulti$le antennas to trans it t.e sa e si'nal a$$ro$riately %ei'.te! for t.e interference, t.ere,y

eac. antenna ele ent suc. t.e effect is to focus t.e trans itte! ,ea t.e !irection of t.e recei2er an! a%ay fro i $ro2in' si'nal to interference $lus noise ratio* Trans it !i2ersity $ro2i!es t.e $ossi,ility to .a2e t%o or antennas an! one or ulti$le in!e$en!ent ulti$le<in', t.e of t.e syste * ore recei2e antennas* S$atial strea s across ulti$le antennas*

ore trans it In s$atial

ulti$le<in' trans its

ulti$le antennas are use! to increase !ata rate or ca$acity

(I(O are su$$orte! ,y )i("- inclu!e :M3 SI(O an! 3 M 3 (I(O* : M 3 SI(O sc.e e uses one trans it antenna an! t%o recei2e antennas, %.ile 3 M 3 (I(O sc.e e uses t%o trans it antennas an! t%o recei2e antennas at t.e ,ase station* )it. t.e e<istence of t.e afore entione! antenna, t.e &ey issue of concern %.en !e$loyin' t.e ,ase station is !eter inin' t.e confi'uration counter t.e effects of $ro$a'ation en2iron ent suc. as ulti$at. an! fa!in', ,ut at t.e sa e ti e resultin' in tre en!ous t.rou'.$ut $erfor ance* For ur,an an! su,ur,an areas, Helsin&i an! Es$oo, 3M3 (I(O is a suita,le c.oice since it offers i $ro2e! $erfor ance o2er re'ions %it. consi!era,le ulti$at. effects* Since ur,an an! su,ur,an areas are nor ally occu$ie! ,y ,uil!in's an! an> a!e structures reflect si'nals, 3M3 (I(O sc.e e

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y ta&es a!2anta'e of t.e reflecte! si'nals ,y su$eri $osin' t.e recei2in' en!*

C= at t.e

3M3 (I(O antenna offers $er sector t.rou'.$ut of :B*E:(,$s G!o%nlin&H an! 3*=B(,$s Gu$lin&H in a :4(HK c.annel I3J* )it. 3M3 (I(O, s$ectral efficiency is :*DC ,$sFHertK !o%nlin& an! 4*DB ,$sFHertK u$lin&* (o,ile )i("- su$$orts !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio fro :/: to =/:* $resents a si'nificant increase in t.rou'.$ut in !o%nlin& as co $are! to u$lin&, t.ere,y $ro2i!in' an a!2anta'e to !ata>centric traffic %.ic. are e<$ecte! to ,e !o%nlin& oriente!* " =/: !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio for instance re$resents a C4P increase in !o%nlin& !ata t.rou'.$ut as co $are! to a ratio of :/: for t.e sa e c.annel ,an!%i!t. I33J* "s for t.e case of t.e etro$olitan area, Helsin&i an! Es$oo re'ions use

c.annel ,an!%i!t. of :4(HK %it. a T## sc.e e, t.erefore assu in' a !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio of =/: t.e $ea& !ata rate $er sector results to rou'.ly 3C>31(,$s !o%nlin& an! E*1(,$s u$lin&* )it. t.e ,ase stations in Helsin&i an! Es$oo confi'ure! as tri>sector ,ase stations as s.o%n in Fi'ure ::, an! eac. sector consistin' of antenna confi'uration 3M3 (I(O, t.e resultin' t.rou'.$ut is rou'.ly 3C(,$s $er sector I3J* #ue to t.e lo% $ro,a,ility all custo ers are 'oin' to ,e ser2e! in a sin'le ,ase station, it is assu e! at least :4 custo ers can ,e ser2e! $er sector* Since o,ile )i("- uses s.are! resources, t.e !ata rate $er sector is s.are!

e@ually a on' all users currently ser2e! un!er t.e cell* For e<a $le, if t.ere are currently :4 users in t.e cell, eac. is t.en .a2in' an access to 3*C (,$s of !ata rate* If t.ere is only one user currently ,ein' ser2e! in cell, t.en .e 'ets t.e total !ata rate, is 3C(,$s* "'ain assu in' t.e reasona,le o2er,oo&in' factor of :4, t.en it eans a sin'le sectore! cell can .an!le u$ to :44 custo ers I=:J* t.erefore results into a total of =44 custo ers can ,e ser2e! ,y a sin'le ,ase station in Helsin&i an! Es$oo re'ions* T.e assu $tion $resente! .ere see s to ,e reasona,le in t.e sense %e fulfil

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


t.e $ro?ecte! !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uire ent as $resente! in Ta,le 5* eans t.e ca$acity of t.e ,ase station is a!e@uate to as in Ta,le 5* For t.e case of rural area, Kir&&onu i, :M3 SI(O antenna confi'uration is eet users !e an!

a suita,le c.oice* confi'uration uses a sin'le trans it antenna an! t%o recei2e antennas at eac. en! of t.e lin&* "lt.ou'. t.ere is e<$ecte! to ,e little $resence of an> a!e structures suc. as ,uil!in's an! ,ri!'es %.ic. can ulti$at. to reflect t.e si'nal, :M3 SI(O sc.e e still ta&es a!2anta'e of

i $ro2e ,ot. u$lin& an! !o%nlin& recei2e! si'nal stren't.* On t.e .an! confi'uration sa2es antenna costs as only a sin'le trans it antenna is utilise!, an! see s to ,e a reasona,le c.oice for a rural area since t.e su,scri,er ,ase an! ta&e u$ rate at t.e ,e'innin' are e<$ecte! to ,e lo%* In ter s of !ata rates $er sector, :M3 SI(O offers !o%nlin& !ata rates u$ to D (,$s $er sector assu in' t.e !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio of =/: I33J* )it. t.e sa e set of assu $tions as in Helsin&i an! Es$oo re'ions, G:4 custo ers can ,e ser2e! $er sectorH, a D(,$s is s.are! e@ually ,y all :4 users if t.ey are currently on t.e cell 'i2in' t.e 4*D(,$s eac.* If t.ere is only one custo er in a cell GsectorH .e 'ets t.e total D(,$s* "'ain %it. assu $tion %e fulfil t.e !ata rate re@uire ents $resente! in Ta,le 5*

%.1.& Fre'uenc( "euse +c!eme

Fre@uency $lannin' for t.e )i("- net%or& in2ol2es t.e use of t%o co on fre@uency reuse sc.e es are a2aila,le for ulticellular !e$loy ent %it. =>sectore! ,ase stations* T.ese are t.e fre@uency reuse of : Guni2ersal fre@uency reuseH, !enote! as G:,:,=H, %.ere all t.e sectors in a ,ase station use t.e sa e c.annel, an! fre@uency reuse of =, !enote! as G:,=,=H %.ere,y a c.annel is use! only one of e2ery t.ree sectors in a ,ase station* T.e no enclature for na in' t.e fre@uency reuse $atterns is Gc,n,sH %.ere ( stan!s for t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations, n t.e nu ,er of c.annels an! s t.e nu ,er of sectors $er ,ase station site*

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Case Stu!y In


ost cases, t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse is a $referre! o$tion for t.e ore s$ectru t.e o$erator nee!s t.e .i'.er t.e cost, oney on s$ectru *

!e$loy ent since it .as t.e a!2anta'e of usin' t.e least a ount of s$ectru * Gi2en t.e sc.e e .el$s in i $ro2in' co2era'e %.ile s$en!in' less

T.e !o%nsi!e of t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse is it results into co> c.annel interference at t.e sector ,oun!aries an! cell e!'es* T.e co>c.annel interference re!uces t.e !o%nlin& c.annel ca$acity as t.e su,carriers allocate! are not fully utilise! t.rou'.out t.e entire cell* In or!er to ac.ie2e an acce$ta,le cell>e!'e $erfor ance %it. uni2ersal fre@uency reuse, t.e se' entation ,an!%i!t.* )it. t.e fractional fre@uency reuse t.e (S uses $art of t.e su,c.annel set, 6artially Use! Su,carriers G6USCH, %.en a$$' t.e ,or!ers of t.e cell* ).en it is close to t.e fre@uency reuse* i!!le of t.e cell, t.e (S uses all t.e su,c.annels, Fully use! Su,>Carrier GFUSCH* Fi'ure :3 illustrate t.e $rinci$le of fractional o,ile )i("- su$$orts t.e fractional fre@uency reuse %it. ec.anis * )it. t.e se' entation ec.anis , o,ile

)i("- 'i2es users su,c.annels are only a s all $art of t.e %.ole

Figure :3/ Fra(tional fre>uen(2 reuse"$1#

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y T.e fre@uency reuse of = sc.e e nee!s t.ree ti es as uc. s$ectru

CE as t.e

uni2ersal fre@uency reuse ,ut it eli inates t.e co>c.annel interference at t.e sector ,oun!aries* It also re!uces t.e t.e co>c.annel interference ,et%een nei'.,ourin' cells !ue to increasin' s$atial se$aration for c.annels o$eratin' on t.e sa e fre@uency ,an!* Fi'ure := illustrate t.e fre@uency reuse of =*

Figure 1&: Fre>uen(2 reuse of & with & se(tors !ase station

T.e &ey @uestions to a!!ress for !e$loy ent are/ .o% to c.oose t.e fre@uency re>use $lan ena,les o$ti al use of t.e a2aila,le s$ectru L an! on ,asis s.oul! one select t.e fre@uency $lan for t.e ur,an, su,ur,an an! rural areas* )it. t.e assu e! =4(HK s$ectru c.annel, it an! a :4(HK T## eans if t.e o$erator a!o$ts t.e fre@uency reuse $lan of :

t.en eac. sector is allocate! t.ree :4(HK T## c.annels I3J* T.e !eter inin' factor for assi'nin' t.e c.annels in a sin'le ,ase station is t.e s$ectru t.e o$erator .as ac@uire! fro t.e teleco unications re'ulatory aut.ority* T.e re'ulatory aut.ority allocates t.e :4(HK T## c.annel !e$en!in' u$on t.e fre@uency of o$erationL=*CGHK an! 3*CGHK ,an!s, as use! in stu!y* )it. t.e fre@uency reuse $lan of = t.en eac. sector is allocate! a sin'le :4(HK T## c.annel* T.e o2erall ca$acity for G:,:,=H reuse $attern is .i'.er G:,=,=H reuse $attern since eac. sector is allocate! t.ree c.annels as

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Case Stu!y o$$ose! to one c.annel in t.e case of G:,=,=H reuse*


+ase! on t.e o2erall ca$acity an! cost>effecti2eness, a uni2ersal fre@uency reuse is $referre! for case stu!y* T.e fre@uency reuse of : ena,les ,etter utilisation of t.e assu e! s$ectru as %ell as t.e increase in ca$acity*

Fre'uenc( reuse distance

Cellular net%or& $lannin' re@uires cells usin' t.e sa e fre@uency ,e se$arate! ,y t.e fre@uency reuse !istance D in or!er to ac.ie2e tolera,le si'nal to interference $lus noise ratio I:BJ* For t.e fre@uency reuse !istance, D, t.e follo%in' relations.i$ .ol!s/ D = 4 =( GBH

%.ere 4 is t.e ra!ius of t.e cell, an! M is t.e fre@uency reuse $attern factorL M ? @16&6)606861$6777A* E@uation B is ,ase! on t.e assu $tion t.e cells are .e<a'ons, are e@ually siKe! an! t.e sa e fre@uency reuse $attern is use! for all t.e cells* researc. stu!y assu es t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse factor is !e$loye! for all t.e re'ionsL Helsin&i, Es$oo, an! Kir&&onu t.e 2alue of ( in e@uation B is :* +ase! on t.e e@uation B, t.e fre@uency reuse !istances for t.e re'ions of Helsin&i, Es$oo, an! Kir&&onu i are as in!icate! in Ta,le :4* )it. fre@uency reuse of :, t.e resultin' fre@uency reuse !istances are s aller in t.e case of fre@uency reuse of =* Fre@uency reuse of : results into an increase in s$ectru re use of =* efficiency ,ecause for a 'i2en !istance t.e 'i2en ore nu ,er of ti es in t.e case of fre@uency fre@uency can ,e reuse! i* In case,

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Ta,le :4/ Reuse !istance "egion Helsin&i Es$oo Kir&&onu i 7ell radius 2km5 :*5E 3*3E 3*EE "euse distance 2km5 =*33 =*D: B*E:


%.1.< 6u1le9ing met!od

)i("- tec.nolo'y uses t%o ty$es of !u$le<in' !o%nlin& an! u$lin& trans ission an! co et.o!s to se$arate unication of si'nals* T.ese are

T## an! F## !u$le<in' sc.e es* T## uses t.e sa e fre@uency for ,ot. !o%nlin& an! u$lin& trans ission, ,ut t.e trans ission occurs at !ifferent ti e slots* F## on t.e .an! uses !ifferent $air of fre@uencies for t.e !o%nlin& an! u$lin& trans ission* In !e$loyin' a o,ile )i("- tec.nolo'y, t.e c.oice of of t.e unications re'ulatory aut.ority o,ile )i("- net%or&, t.e

!u$le<in' sc.e e is !ictate! ,y t.e teleco

of a $articular country* 6rior to !e$loyin' t.e

o$erator !eter ines if t.e fre@uency ,an! t.e net%or& is to o$erate on $er its t.e use of one of t.e !u$le<in' sc.e e or ,ot.* ena,les t.e selection of t.e !u$le<in' et.o! 'i2es t.e acce$ta,le t.rou'.$ut $erfor ance !e$en!in' u$on t.e ty$e of ser2ices to ,e offere!* For t.e !e$loy ent of an! Kir&&onu o,ile )i("- in t.e t.ree re'ions, Helsin&i, Es$oo et.o! G:4(HK o,ile )i("- are !ata eans t.e !o%nlin&

i, T## sc.e e is selecte! as a !u$le<in'

,an!%i!t. c.annelH* Since ser2ices offere! ,y centric, ty$ical of Internet access ser2ices, ser2ices, T## is a suita,le !u$le<in' u$lin&* Since T##

traffic !o inates as co $are! to t.e u$lin& traffic* )it. t.ese ty$es of et.o! since it allo%s t.e o$erator to !efine t.e $ercenta'e of ,an!%i!t. to ,e allocate! for ,ot. t.e !o%nlin& an! et.o! su$$orts !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio of :/: to =/:, it is e<$ecte! t.e su,scri,ers are ,oun! to e<$erience u$ to C4 $ercent increase in !o%nlin& !ata t.rou'.$ut %.en =/: ratio is use! in a :4(HK c.annel I33J*
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Case Stu!y

CD is ,ecause %it. =/: T## sc.e e a s.are! c.annel is use! t.ree @uarter of t.e ti e for !o%nlin& an! one @uarter of t.e ti e for t.e u$lin&* Selectin' a :4(HK T## c.annel for t.e re'ions ac.ie2es efficient usa'e of t.e li ite! s$ectru t.e %.ile at t.e sa e ti e offerin' t.e e<$ecte! @uality of ser2ice for o,ile )i("- ser2ice*

Fi'ure :B s.o%s t.e 'ains ac.ie2e! for :/: 2ersus =/: !o%nlin& to u$lin& ratio %.en T## et.o! is use! %it. 2arious antenna confi'urations* et.o! for t.e re'ions* ?ustifies t.e selection of T## as a !u$le<in'

Figure 1): Downlin' throughput for TDD with 19M3B (hannel !andwidth "$$#

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Case Stu!y


%.1.= Back!aul trans1ort solutions

"fter !eter inin' t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! in a $articular area, t.ere is a nee! to a!!ress t.e issue of .o% to $ro2i!e a trans$ort solution to ensure $oint to $oint or $oint to ulti$oint connecti2ity of t.e ,ase stations* es. to$olo'ies* T.ere are se2eral to$olo'y o$tions are a2aila,le for $lannin' trans$ort net%or&L $oint>to>$oint, c.ain, loo$, tree an!

Ho%e2er, section !oes not !etail t.e i $le entation of t.e to$olo'ies for t.e $articular area, ,ut $ro2i!e an o2er2ie% for !i ensionin' t.e trans$ort net%or&* is !ue to lac& of access to to$o'ra$.y re'ions selecte! for t.e !e$loy ent* T.e a$s of t.e ost critical $art in !i ensionin' a

trans$ort net%or& is in fin!in' a trans ission solution for t.e connection ,et%een t.e trans ission net%or& an! ,ase station site* T.e trans ission solution can ,e ,ase! on t.e lease! Ti e #i2ision (ulti$le<in' GT#(H or "sync.ronous Transfer (o!e G"T(H* T.e solution is to ,uil! o%n net%or& usin' icro%a2e ra!io lin&s* is t.e $referre! case if co$$er or icro%a2e lin&s are fi,re>,ase! ,ac&,one net%or& !oes not e<ist* "lso, if $er issions or access to consi!erations* T.e increasin' !e an! for ,an!%i!t. intensi2e a$$lications %ill also !e an! for I6 an! Et.ernet trans$ort in t.e ,ac&.aul* (etro Et.ernet is also t.e trans$ort solution can ,e use! to ,ac&.aul t.e ,ase stations to t.e core net%or&* For t.e o,ile ,roa!,an! tec.nolo'y suc. as )i("-, etro Et.ernet can ,e a suita,le trans$ort solution* Fi'ure :C s.o%s t.e $rocess flo% for !i ensionin' trans$ort net%or&*

use!, en2iron ental factors suc. as line of si'.t, restrictions on ,uil!in' icro%a2e ra!io fre@uency licence are ta&en into

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


Ser2ices $er su,scri,er

Nu ,er of su,scri,ers

Ra!io net%or& $lannin'

Auality of ser2ice re@uire ents for t.e traffic

Re@uire! trans ission ca$acity $er ,ase station

Re@uire! trans ission ca$acity $er core net%or&

Figure 1+: Dimensioning transport networ' "&# T.e follo%in' are t.e ste$s in2ol2e! in !i ensionin' t.e trans$ort net%or&/

7alculation of t!e re'uired trans1ort network ca1acit(/ inclu!es t.e re@uire! trans ission ca$acity for t.e ,ase station* T.e nee!e! trans$ort net%or& ca$acity !e$en!s on t.e ra!io net%or& confi'uration, %.ic. a'ain is ,ase! on t.e esti ate! nu ,er of su,scri,ers an! t.e ser2ices t.ey use* "s $resente! in Section B*:*B, t.e ca$acity $er ,ase station for t.e !e$loy ent is 3C(,$s !o%nlin& for Helsin&i an! Es$oo Gusin' 3M3 (I(O antennaH an! D (,$s u$lin& for Kir&&onu i Gusin' :M3 SI(O antennaH*

+election of t!e trans1ort network media/ !e$en!s on t.e en2iron ent an! net%or& confi'uration* T.e c.oices inclu!e ca,les, ra!ios, etro et.ernet an! lease! lines as entione! earlier*

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Case Stu!y


.lanning t!e trans1ort network to1olog(/ $lannin' is ,ase! on t.e e<istin' to$olo'y o$tionsL c.ain, es., loo$, an! tree*

.lanning of t!e trans1ort network 1rotection/ is ac.ie2e! ,y securin' t.e connections so infor ation is transferre! t.rou'. t%o !ifferent routes* T.e o$tion is t.rou'. e@ui$ ent re!un!ancy, %.ic. eans if one e@ui$ ent is ,ro&en t.en t.e re!un!ant e@ui$ ent ta&es o2er* section $resente! t.e net%or& to$olo'ies can ,e e $loye! for t.e $ro$ose! re'ions of !e$loy entL Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onu terrain an! .i'. relia,ility* i, an! t.e ste$s are to ,e follo%e!* #e$en!in' u$on t.e layout of t.e ,uil!in's, an> a!e an! natural features, t.e suita,le net%or& to$olo'y is selecte! can !eli2er .i'. t.rou'.$ut, stron' ro,ustness, an!

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Case Stu!y




iM!" .et#or$
o,ile )i("- net%or& %.ic. section !escri,es t.e !i ensionin' of a

inclu!es ele ents "SN>G) an! in t.e CSN* inclu!es !i ensionin' interfaces ,et%een t.e ,ase station an! t.e "SN>G), ,et%een "SN>G)s, an! ,et%een "SN an! CSN* #i ensionin' also inclu!es confi'uration of t.e CSN ele ents ,ase! on t.e esti ate of traffic 'enerate! ,y t.e su,scri,ersFcusto ers as $resente! in section B*:* +efore !etailin' t.e !i ensionin' of t.e core net%or& $art, Fi'ure :E $resents t.e !etaile! arc.itecture of t.e )i("- en!>to>en! net%or&*

R3 R: Su,scri,er station +ase station

R"#IUS $rotocol CSN """ ser2er -1 RE "SN 'ate%ay CSN Ho e "'ent RB "'ent R=(I6 "SN 'ate%ay #HC6 F#NS ser2er Internet Fire%all HLRFHSS

Su,scri,er station

+ase station

Su,scri,er station

+ase station RE

Su,scri,er station

+ase station

Figure 11: Detailed WiMAX ar(hite(ture "$#

Fi'ure :E s.o%s an e<ten!e! )i("- reference net%or& ele ents for

o!el* T.e

t.e core ser2ice net%or& are !i ensione! ,ase! u$on t.e

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


traffic esti ation co in' out of t.e ,ase station* T.e traffic esti ation !eter ines .o% t.e ele ents an! interfaces are confi'ure! to ena,le en!>to> en! connecti2ity* T.e )i("- arc.itecture su$$orts ,ot. t.e I6 $ac&ets an! Et.ernet fra es* T.e "SN $art of o,ile )i("- net%or& .an!les routin' of $ac&ets ,et%een t.e ,ase stations an! "SN>G)s* Routin' o2er t.e "SN is $erfor e! usin' I6>in>I6 enca$sulation $rotocols suc. as 'eneric routin' enca$sulation GGREH* 6ac&ets t.e "SN are ,ri!'e! or route!* T.e )i("- ,ase station consists of Et.ernet interface %.ic. can su$$ort ca$acity of :4>:44(,$s I35J* T.e "SN>G) %.ic. interfaces %it. t.e ,ase station, su$$orts ca$acity on t.e le2els of G,$sL it su$$orts :44F:444 +ase>T Et.ernet interface a!a$ter* " sin'le "SN>G) can .an!le u$ to :44,444 users an! 34,444 VoI6 calls I35J* "ccor!in' to t.e !i ensionin' rule, one "SN> G) ana'es 344 cells, t.erefore one "SN>G) can connects as any as EE ,ase stations %it. one ,ase station consistin' of t.ree cells* In or!er to !i ension t.e o,ile )i("- en!>to>en! net%or&, assu $tions o!el

on t.e su,scri,er usa'e of t.e net%or& ser2ices, an! en!>to>en! traffic ele ents as %ell as "SN AoS ec.anis s*

are 'i2en* )e also $ro2i!e t.e traffic relate! e2ents .a2in' an i $act on "SN

%.2.1 ,nd-to-end traffic model

T.e en!>to>en! traffic o!el !escri,es t.e su,scri,er ,e.a2iour for an o,ile )i("- net%or& ele ents* It o,ility o!el* o!el as %ell as t.e su,scri,er ali'ne! ca$acity $lannin' of t.e inclu!es t.e su,scri,er traffic T.e su,scri,er traffic

o!el $ro2i!es t.e state of t.e su,scri,ers on t.e o!el*

net%or& an! t.eir s.are on t.e interfaces* Ta,le :: lists t.e $ara eters are !efine! for t.e su,scri,er traffic

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Ta,le ::/ Su,scri,er traffic .arameter Su,scri$tions 6o%ere! on su,scri,ers "cti2e su,scri,ers )nit 54,444 54P C4P o!el


6escri1tion Su of all su,scri,ers of t.e $ro> 2i!er* Grefer to Ta,le 5H 6ercenta'e of su,scri,ers .a2e $o%ere! on t.eir o,ile stations 6ercenta'e of "SN su,scri,er sta> tions in an acti2e state 6ercenta'e of "SN su,scri,ers in slee$in' state* 6ercenta'e of "SN su,scri,ers in i!le state*

Su,scri,ers in slee$in' 34P state Su,scri,ers in i!le state =4P

In ta,le ::, t.e assu $tion use! is a si'nificant $ercenta'e GC4PH of su,scri,ers are in acti2e state, %.ic. is t.e o,2ious case for an! slee$in' su,scri,ers refer to $o%ere! on su,scri,ers* T.e su,scri,er o,ility o!el $ro2i!es o,ility e2ents in t.e ,usy .our at ost of o,ile an! %ireless net%or&s, an! t.e rest are in i!le an! slee$in' state* "cti2e, i!le

t.e RE, RB, an! R= interfaces* T.e

o,ility e2ents occur %.en t.e o,ility e2ents* For acti2e or

su,scri,er station is in acti2e, i!le or slee$in' state* T.e state of t.e su,scri,er station !eter ines t.e fre@uency of slee$in' su,scri,er stations i!le su,scri,er stations o,ility occurs at t.e sector crossin's, %.ile for o,ility o!el o!el*

o,ility occurs as a conse@uence of a location u$!ate*

Ta,le :3 $resents $ara eters for t.e su,scri,er Ta,le :3/ Su,scri,er .arameter )nit o,ility

6escri1tion 6ercenta'e of su,scri,ers locate! in "SN>G) area 6ercenta'e of su,scri,er are in .an!o2er ,et%een "SN 'ate> %ays 6ercenta'e of su,scri,er are o,ile

6ercenta'e of su,scri,ers C4P in t.e RE interface 6ercenta'e of su,scri,ers BP in t.e RB interface 6ercenta'e of su,scri,ers BEP in t.e R= interface

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T.e 2alues in ta,le :3 are ,ase! on t.e reasonin' t.e su,scri,er !istri,ution o2er t.e interfaces is suc. t.e su,scri,ers o2er RE interface is t.e su of su,scri,ers o2er RB an! R= interfaces* Out of C4P acti2e o,ile in t.e R= su,scri,ers in an "SN 'ate%ay area, BP are assu e! to ,e usin' "SN 'ate%ay as a ser2in' 'ate%ay* Re ainin' su,scri,ers are interface*

%.2.2 A+/ *atewa( dimensioning

In or!er to !i ension t.e "SN 'ate%ay, t.e !ata !ensity re@uire ents ,y t.e tent. year an! VoI6 'enerate! traffic are use!* T.e 'enerate! VoI6 traffic is a result of $o%ere! on su,scri,ers %.ile for t.e case of t.e !ata traffic, t.e a<i u 2alue of t.e !ata !ensity re@uire ents in t.e t.ree re'ions is use!* i* T.e "SN>G)s are For case stu!y, it is assu e! t.ere are t.ree "SN 'ate%ays locate! in eac. re'ion, Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onu !istri,ute! across re'ions so traffic is no!e !i ensionin'* Ta,le :=/ 6ara eters for t.e no!e !i ensionin' .arameter 6o%ere! on su,scri,ers >alue 6escri1tion ini ise! across t.e trans ission

net%or&* Ta,le:= $resents $ara eters are use! for t.e "SN 'ate%ay

EB,444 su,> refer to 54P of su,scri$tions as in scri,ers ta,le ::

(a<i u t.rou'.$ut o2er 34(,$s all su,scri,ers +it rate of a VoI6 call Gfor B4&,$s G*13D co!ecH Nu ,er of e<$ecte! VoI6 34CD calls calls "2era'e t.rou'.$ut ca$a> =:(,$s city $er cell Total t.rou'.out $er cell G!o%n> lin& ; u$lin&H (a<i u ,it rate of a VoI6 call inclu!in' o2er.ea!s, ("CFRT6F U#6FI6 %it.out co $ression

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Case Stu!y


)e assu e a G*13D co!ec is use! on to$ of I62B ,ac&,one, %.ere a fra e is $ro!uce! e2ery 34 s, an! t.e VoI6 $ac&et siKe is as follo%s ICJ/ VoI6 $ac&et siKe Q Et.ernet fra e .ea!er GB3 ,ytesH ; I62B .ea!er G34 ,ytesH ; U#6 .ea!er G5 ,ytesH ; RT6 .ea!er G:3 ,ytesH ; 2oice $ayloa! siKe G34 ,ytesH Q :43 ,ytes* )e calculate t.e e<$ecte! VoI6 calls in ta,le := usin' t.e Erlan' C for ula for a 'i2en traffic in Erlan's, an! a !elay $ro,a,ility* Erlan' C for ula is use! ,ecause it ta&es into account t.e !ata net%or&s suc. as !elay $ro,a,ility* "ssu in' a nor al !i ensionin' 2alue for traffic $er user of =4 Erl !urin' Erl Q etrics use! to !i ension 2oice for t.e etrics inclu!e $ac&et loss an! o,ile )i("-* T.e

t.e net%or& ,usy .our I=J, EB,444 users create a traffic of EB,444 M =4

:D34 Erl* T.erefore for a traffic of :D34 Erl assu in' a !elay $ro,a,ility of 4*:P, t.e resultin' nu ,er of 2oice calls accor!in' to Erlan' C for ula is a$$ro<i ately 34CD* For !i ensionin' $ur$oses t.e 2oice calls is t.e sa e as t.e nu ,er of traffic c.annels* Appendix A $ro2i!es Erlan' C for ula T.e "SN>G) no!e is !i ensione! ,ase! on t.e follo%in' ste$s*

ore infor ation on t.e

First t.e offere! loa! 'enerate! ,y all su,scri,ers is calculate!* For t.e etro$olitan area, translates into t.e follo%in' offere! loa! for VoI6 an! !ata traffic/ Offere! loa! for VoI6 traffic Q 34CD calls M B4&,$s G,it rate of a VoI6 call, G*13D co!ecH Q 53(,$s Offere! loa! for t.e !ata traffic Q 34(,$s, %.ic. is a result of !ata !ensity re@uire ent*

T.e offere! loa! is t.en !istri,ute! to all "SN>G) interfaces GRE, RB, R=H*

T.e offere! traffic is !istri,ute! ,ase! u$on t.e su,scri,er !istri,ution as in Ta,le :3* "ssu in' t.e $ercenta'e of su,scri,ers in an interface is
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y


$ro$ortional to t.e offere! traffic on interface, t.en t.e $ro$ortion of traffic loa! $er interface is as follo%s/

RE interface/ For VoI6 traffic, C4P of t.e offere! loa! for VoI6 traffic Q B:(,$s is !istri,ute! to t.e interface, %.ile for t.e !ata traffic :4 (,$s is !istri,ute! to t.e RE interface*

RB interface/ For VoI6 traffic, BP of t.e VoI6 traffic loa! Q =*=(,$s is !istri,ute! to t.e interface, %.ile 4*5(,$s !ata traffic is !istri,ute! to t.e interface*

R= interface/ For VoI6 traffic, BEP of t.e VoI6 traffic loa! Q =1*1 (,$s is !istri,ute!, %.ile D*3(,$s !ata traffic is !istri,ute! to t.e RE interface*

In or!er to !eter ine t.e ca$acity of t.e "SN trans$ort lin&, RE, a for ula ,ase! on t.e a2era'e ra!io cell t.rou'.$ut I=J is use!* )it. for ula, t.e ca$acity of t.e RE interface ,et%een t.e ,ase station an! "SN>G) is li ite! ,y t.e ca$acity of t.e ra!io cell ser2e! ,y t.e ,ase station* T.e ra!io cell ca$acity !e$en!s on t.e ra!io confi'uration an! air interface con!ition as it is $resente! in Section B*:*B* T.erefore RE ca$acity re@uire ents on t.e trans$ort le2el is calculate! ,ase! on t.e follo%in' for ula I=J/

41 !andwidth = num!er of (ells per C- Average (ell (apa(it2 s(aling fator


Scalin' factor in e@uation C accounts for a .i'.er a2era'e traffic to ,e acco o!ate!, an! ta&es into account t.e RE trans$ort o2er.ea!* T.e su''este! 2alue for t.e scalin' factor is :*3C* +S is assu e! to ,e a tri> sectore! +S, an! t.e a2era'e cell ca$acity is =:(,$s* Usin' t.ese 2alues results into a$$ro<i ately ::E(,$s RE trans$ort ca$acity* ca$acity fits %ell t.e li its $ose! ,y t.e "SN>G) I35J, as "SN> G) su$$orts :44F:444 +ase>T< Et.ernet interface connection* )it. ::E(,$s trans$ort ca$acity, RE interface can su$$ort t.e offere! loa!*
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Case Stu!y


%.2.$ A+/ ?o+ mec!anisms section !escri,es t.e AoS issues are .a2in' an i $act on "SN !i ensionin'* )it. o,ile )i("-, it is $ossi,le to select t.e AoS classes are suita,le for t.e ser2ices t.e o$erator e<$ects to offer* )it. t.e ty$e of ser2ices suc. as file !o%nloa!, interacti2e 'a in', %e, ,ro%sin' an! so on, t.e o$erator can offer to custo ers in t.e etro$olitan area, t%o AoS classes ert>6S an! +E fulfil t.ose ser2ice re@uire ents* AoS .an!lin' in t.e "SN is $erfor e! on $er ser2ice flo% ,asis* T.e ser2ice flo%s are c.aracterise! ,y t.e set of $ara eters suc. as latency, t.rou'.$ut an! ?itter* In or!er to !eli2er t.e e<$ecte! @uality of ser2ice to su,scri,ers, a AoS $rofile is !efine! for eac. cate'ory of users, contains all ser2ice flo%s alon' %it. t.eir associate! ser2ice classes* Ta,le:B $resents t.e AoS $rofile for eac. cate'ory of users as !efine! in section B*:* Ta,le :B/ AoS $rofile for t.e su,scri,ers +ervice 6efinition A11lication +ub?o+ 1arameter scriber categor( 6rofes> "2era'e t.rou'.> sional $ut Q C4B&,$s an! Hi'. $er su,scri,er, en! users* a<i u latency Q C4 s, a<i u ?itter Q :44 s "2era'e t.rou'.> $ut Q 3B4&,$s $er su,scri,er, a<i u latency an! ?itter not 'uarantee!*


Real>ti e ser2ice flo%s 'ener> ate 2aria,le>siKe! !ata $ac&ets on a $erio!ic ,asis*

VoI6 %it. si> lence su$$res> sion, interacti2e 'a in', 2i!eo tele$.ony*


#ata strea s for Internet a$$lica> Casual %.ic. no ini > tions inclu!in' users u ser2ice le2el .tt$, ft$ an! e> is re@uire! an! ail* can t.erefore ,e .an!le! on s$ace a2aila,le ,asis*

Su,scri,er0s flo%s are $er itte! to t.e net%or& ,ase! u$on t.e traffic rates s$ecifie! in t.e AoS $rofile, an! t.e a2aila,ility of t.e net%or& resources* Connection a! ission !ecision is locate! in t.e ,ase station, an! is e<ecute!
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Case Stu!y


only for t.e ert>6S ser2ice class* T.e +E ser2ice !oes not nee! an a! ission ec.anis an! flo%s are al%ays a! itte!* For t.e real ti e ser2ice set u$, suc. as 2i!eo tele$.ony or VoI6, t.e a2aila,le air interface ,an!%i!t. resources are co $are! %it. traffic rates s$ecifie! in t.e su,scri,er $rofile, an! if t.ere are not enou'. resources t.e connection is re?ecte!* T.e ser2ice flo%s are rate li ite! after ,ein' a! itte! so t.e su,scri,e! ,it rate are not e<cee!e!* RE interface enforces rate li itin' ,ot. in t.e u$lin& Gin t.e ,ase stationH an! in !o%nlin& Gin t.e "SN>G)H*

%.2.% 7+/ traffic and 1erformance model section !escri,es t.e !i ensionin' of t.e CSN ele ents inclu!in' """ ser2ers, H", #HC6 an! fire%all* In !i ensionin' t.e $ro2i!es t.e !escri$tion of t.e traffic an! $erfor ance """ ser2ers, #HC6 ser2er an! fire%all* 3ome Agent @3AA T.e $erfor ance $ara eters for t.e H" are t.e (o,ile I6 G(I6H re'istration rate, ,in!in' ca$acity, t.rou'.$ut an! $ac&et rate* H" also 'enerates accountin' e2ents constitute a!!itional loa! to t.e syste * T.e (I6 re'istration rate is t.e su of t.e (I6 re'istration !ue to $o%ere! on $lus H" also .an!les o,ility* $ercenta'e of acti2e su,scri,ers in t.e R= interface* entione! ele ents, o!el of t.e H", t.e no!e $erfor ance $ara eters are ta&en into account* section also

a!!itional """ aut.entication re@uests !ue to (I6 rene%al an! R=

T.e ,in!in' ca$acity is t.e nu ,er of su,scri,er stations in t.e CSN* )it. t.e nu ,er of su,scri,ers in t.e R= interface $ro$ortional to su,scri,ers in t.e CSN, t.e ,in!in' ca$acity of H" results into 3D,444 su,scri,ers* In o,ile )i("- release :*: I35J "SN 'ate%ay !oes not su$$ort re!un!ancy of t.e H", t.erefore H" re!un!ancy can !e$en! on t.e re!un!ancy of t.e !e$loye! .o e a'ent only* Loa! s.arin' for t.e Ho e "'ent is i $le ente! ,y t.e follo%in' eans/

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Case Stu!y


#i2i!in' su,scri,ers in 'rou$s an! confi'urin' !ifferent H" a!!resses for eac. su,scri,er 'rou$*

""" ser2er assi'ns H" a!!ress out of $ool of H" a!!resses in eac. access re@uest*

+y i $le entin' a


in t.e """ ser2er to re$ly a !ifferent

H" a!!ress !e$en!in' on t.e H" loa! infor ation*

AAA +erver T.e $erfor ance $ara eters for t.e """ ser2er are t.e !ata,ase ca$acity for aut.orisation an! accountin', aut.entication transactions an! accountin' transactions* T.e re@uire! !ata,ase ca$acity for aut.entication is t.e nu ,er of all su,scri,ers, 54,444* T.e re@uire! !ata,ase ca$acity for accountin' !e$en!s on t.e a2era'e siKe of t.e accountin' tic&et, t.e nu ,er of accountin' transactions an! t.e ti e accountin' tic&et nee!s to ,e store!* T.e accountin' transaction loa! is t.e su of accountin' e2ents !ue to

$o%ere! on su,scri,ers, su,scri,ers in t.e R= interface, (I6 rene%al an! su,scri,ers !ue to accountin' u$!ate* "n accountin' u$!ate is tri''ere! ,y an e<$iration of an accountin' ti er* "s in H", t.e re!un!ancy !e$en!s on t.e re!un!ancy of t.e """ ser2er* 637. server T.e no!e $erfor ance $ara eter for t.e #HC6 ser2er is t.e nu ,er of transactions or re@uests* T.e #HC6 is !i ensione! accor!in' to t.e total nu ,er of #HC6 re@uests !urin' t.e ,usy .our %it. res$ect to its .an!lin' ca$acity in ter s of re@uests $er secon!* T.e transactions or re@uests occur !urin' $o%er onFoff an! in case of #HC6 rene%al* #HC6 rene%al !e$en!s on t.e confi'ure! #HC6 rene%al ti e*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Case Stu!y Firewall


T.e fire%all is !i ensione! ,ase! u$on t.e total re@uire! traffic !urin' t.e ,usy .our %it. res$ect to t.e e@ui$ ent $rocessin' ca$acity* T.e fire%all is e<$ecte! to ,e i $le ente! on an Sn;:T confi'uration runnin' t.e Virtual Router Re!un!ancy $rotocol GVRR6H for e@ui$ ent re!un!ancy an! loa! s.arin' functionality*

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Case Stu!y


%.2.& +ummar( and conclusion c.a$ter $resente! t.e !i ensionin' of t.e o,ile )i("- in t.e access i as an! core net%or&, usin' t.ree re'ionsL Helsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onu t.e

t.e case stu!y for t.e !e$loy ent* In !i ensionin' t.e ra!io interface $art of o,ile )i("-, %e o,ser2e! usin' license! ,an! =*CGHK ,an! for Helsin&i an! Es$oo re'ions as %ell as 3 M 3 (I(O sc.e e resulte! into a reasona,le nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! for co2era'e* "lt.ou'. t.e case stu!y !i! not !etail t.e o$ti u locations for t.e ,ase stations, t.e nu ,er of ini al cost is incurre! ,ase stations %ere !eter ine! so as to ensure

!urin' t.e !e$loy ent $.ase* is ac.ie2e! ,y o$ti isin' t.e lin& ,u!'et $ara eters, suc. as t.e nu ,er of su,c.annels, so as to ac.ie2e sufficient lin& ar'in* For t.e rural area, usin' t.e : M 3 SI(O sc.e e resulte! into a ar'in to ur,an GHelsin&iH an! su,ur,an GEs$ooH , an! ,it lo%er lin&

conse@uently to fe%er nu ,er of ,ase stations* T.e analysis $resente! in c.a$ter s.o%s !e$loyin' in t.e 3*CGHK ,an! in t.e rural area resulte! into fe%er nu ,er of ,ase stations co $are! to t.e case of =*CGHK !e$loy ent !es$ite t.e fact it .as t.e lar'est area siKe* is ,ecause 3*CGHK ,an! .as s aller $ro$a'ation losses =*C GHK ,an! an! t.e ,ase station si'nal $ro$a'ates* 3*CGHK is $referre! in t.e rural area !ue to t.e $ro,a,ility of $ro2i!in' %i!e co2era'e %it.out %orryin' uc. a,out ca$acity nee!s since %e $ro?ect fe% su,scri,ers etro$olitan area of to ,e $resent* T.e total nu ,er of ,ase stations re@uire! for u,i@uitous co2era'e as %ell as a!!ressin' ca$acity nee!s is 5C for a t.e siKe of 5E= &

It is also o,ser2e! t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse a!o$te! in t.e case stu!y $ro2i!es t.e .i'.est $er sector a2era'e t.rou'.$ut ,ut it !oes so %.ile sacrificin' t.e $erfor ance at t.e cell>e!'e* "lt.ou'. fre@uency reuse of = ac.ie2es an acce$ta,le le2el of user !ata rate at t.e cell>e!'e, it is not $referre! since t.ere is a li ite! a ount of s$ectru * In or!er to efficiently a!!ress t.e ca$acity nee!s, t.e (I(O an! SI(O sc.e es %it. sufficiently .i'. s$ectral efficiency Ga2era'e! o2er :*1,$sFHKH are selecte!*
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Case Stu!y


T.e c.oice of :4(HK c.annel ,an!%i!t. is ,ase! on ac.ie2in' .i'.er ca$acity $er sector, since ta&in' into account t.e s$ectral efficiency, t.e .i'.er t.e c.annel ,an!%i!t. t.e 'reater t.e ca$acity* In !i ensionin' )i("- net%or&, %e o,ser2e! t.e ele ents "SN>G) an! in t.e CSN, are !i ensione! ,ase! u$on t.e traffic esti ation is a result of !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uire ents* T.e $ro?ecte! !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uire ents an! t.e traffic loa! ,y $o%ere! on su,scri,ers are fulfille! ,y selectin' t.e a$$ro$riate antenna tec.nolo'ies an! core net%or& ele ents* T.e stu!y s.o%e! %it. careful !eter ine! !ata !ensity re@uire ents in t.e re'ions selecte! for t.e !e$loy ent, suita,le antenna tec.nolo'ies can ,e selecte! %ill result into a ca$acity across RE interface su$$orts t.e offere! loa!* E@ui$ ents $ertainin' to t.e H", #HC6, """ ser2ers are selecte! ,ase! u$on t.e nu ,er of su,scri,ers, an! t.eir $rocessin' ca$acities a'ainst t.e nu ,er of transactions or re@uests $er secon!* T.ese no!es are essential for $ro2i!in' access control an! aut.orisin' entry to t.e use of t.e t.e o,ile )i("- ser2ices, an! t.erefore it is i $ortant t.e AoS $oint of 2ie%, %e o,ser2e! careful selection ,e $erfor e!* Fro

o,ile )i("- net%or& 'i2es an o$erator t.e a,ility to select AoS

classes are suita,le for t.e ty$e of ser2ices e<$ecte! to ,e offere!*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Conclusions an! Future %or&



7onclusions and Future work

#es$ite t.e a!2anta'es )i("- tec.nolo'y offers !urin' !e$loy ent, it re@uires careful !i ensionin' an! e2entually $lannin' in t.e access an! core $art of t.e net%or& so t.e esti ate! !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uire ents are fulfille!* "s$ects of t.e access net%or& suc. as lin& ,u!'et calculation, antenna confi'urations an! fre@uency reuse sc.e es, nee! to ,e carefully $erfor e!* T.e stu!y s.o%e! ,y o$ti isin' t.e lin& ,u!'et $ara eters suc. as t.e nu ,er of trans ittin' antennas an! nu ,er of su,>c.annels ,ot. for t.e u$lin& an! !o%nlin&, t.e cell ra!ius is increase! lea!in' to fe% nu ,er of ,ase stations* translates to si'nificant cost sa2in's as ,ase station infrastructure costs a ount to a .i'. 2alue on t.e o2erall en!>to>en! in2est ent* Usin' t.e uni2ersal fre@uency reuse sc.e e ensures an effecti2e use of t.e a2aila,le s$ectru ,ut sacrifices t.e cell e!'e $erfor ance* o,ile )i("- net%or& in a lo%

T.e stu!y s.o%e!, %.en !e$loyin' a !ensity area suc. as Kir&&onu

i, : M 3 SI(O sc.e e is a 'oo! c.oice*

)it. sc.e e, t.e resultin' cell ra!ius lea!s to fe%er ,ase stations nee!e! in t.e case of 3 M 3 (I(O sc.e e* It is also o,ser2e! : M 3 SI(O an! 3 M 3 (I(O sc.e es are 'oo! c.oices for ran'e li ite! !e$loy ent an! as suc. can ,e use! to 'et u,i@uitous co2era'e o2er t.e etro$olitan area* "lt.ou'. 3 M 3 (I(O sc.e e in Helsin&i resulte! into fe%er ,ase stations re'ions in suc. a !ensely $ac&e! en2iron ent, u$'ra!es to t.e ,ase stations confi'urations %it. a!a$ti2e ,ea for in' can .el$ eet t.e ca$acity re@uire ent*

+ase! on stu!y, it is %ort. notin' t.e increase in t.e nu ,er of e<$ecte! custo ers %ill lea! into an increase in t.e !o%nlin& !ata !ensity re@uire ents* .as a conse@uence on t.e antenna confi'urations are to ,e use! for t.e ,ase stations* Fro t.e net%or& $oint of 2ie%, t.e increase in t.e nu ,er of custo ers %ill lea! into increase in t.e nu ,er of ,ase stations an! conse@uently t.e nu ,er of "SN>G)s*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

Conclusions an! Future %or&


).en selectin' t.e CSN ele ents GH", """ ser2er, #HC6 ser2er, an! fire%allH for t.e !e$loy ent, t.e o$erator .as to a&e sure t.eir $rocessin' ca$acities ta&e into account t.e increase of custo ers* Fro t.e "SN AoS $oint of 2ie%, %e o,ser2e! o,ile )i("- $ro2i!es

an o$erator t.e fle<i,ility in c.oosin' t.e AoS

o!el can suit t.e ty$e of

ser2ices .e e<$ects to offer* allo%s t.e o$erator to !eli2er t.e ,roa!,an! ser2ice %it. an acce$ta,le @uality as a'ree! on t.e ser2ice le2el a'ree ent* It is e<$ecte! t.e &no%le!'e 'aine! on !i ensionin' TanKania* T.e t.ree re'ions GHelsin&i, Es$oo an! Kir&&onu Salaa * #ar es Salaa city is o,ile )i("iH co $are

can ,e transferre! to !e$loy si ilar tec.nolo'y in !e2elo$in' country suc. as fairly %ell in ter s of $o$ulation !ensity to t.e TanKanian ca$ital of #ar es a!e u$ of t.ree !istricts GIlala, Kinon!oni,

an! Te e&eH %it. t.e total lan! area of :CD4 & a$$ro<i ately :C44 $eo$le $er &

an! $o$ulation !ensity of

Ho%e2er t.ere is still researc. nee!s to ,e !one, an! ,elo% is a list of areas for %or&/

"ctual ra!io net%or& $lannin' ta&in' into account ta&in' into account en2iron ental factors suc. as terrain, to$o'ra$.y an! or$.olo'y*

"ctual trans ission net%or& $lannin' s$ecifyin' t.e o$ti u locations for t.e ,ase stations sites, an! to$olo'y to ,e use!* tas& also in2ol2es site sur2eys, e@ui$ ent selection, selection of t.e trans ission e!iu Gra!io, o$tical ca,les or lease! linesH lea!in' to a final net%or& !esi'n*

I6 $lannin' so as to !eter ine .o% to set u$ correct I6 a!!resses to all t.e ele ents in t.e core ser2ice net%or&* %ill ena,le en!>to>en! I6 connecti2ity for t.e user sessions*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o



!ll http lin$s #ere tested/ and found to be #or$ing on 20.10.1001. I:J "'.2a i, H*, an! 7o.nston, N/ /omparing WiMAX and 3-*A D a guide to the te(hnolog26"$ril3441* !tt1#BBwww.s1ringerlink.comBinde9B>%&C&<&;2<*%;DCD.1df I3J "n!re%s, 7*, G.os., "*, an! (u.a e!, R*,/ Fundamentals of WiMAX6 Enderstanding Croad!and Wireless :etwor'ing6 US" 3441* I=J "?ay R (is.ra/ Advan(ed (ellular networ' planning and optimisation $,=$7+,=&, evolution to ),6 No&ia Net%or&s, 3441* IBJ tac, I*, Li, (*, 6ra,.a&aran, +*, an! U.u, H*, A surve2 of Fualit2 of -ervi(e in %GGG 59$711 :etwor's6 Uni2ersity of Te<as, "u'ust 344B* ICJ Cisco ).ite$a$er/ Hoi(e over %* D per (all !andwidth (onsumption7 !!Btk<&2Btk<DCBtec!nologiesEtec!Enote;D1C< a;;C;;D%ae2.s!tml IEJ #a.l an, E*, E&str8 No2e ,er344C* H*, Furus&Vr, "*, Krlsson, 7*, (eyer, (*, 6ar&2all, S*,

an! Torsner, 7*/ The long term evolution of &,6 Ericsson ).ite$a$er, ! reviewB2;;&E;2B;=.s!tml* I1J Ericsson/ Casi( (on(epts of W/DMA 4adio A((ess :etwor'7 !tt1#BBwww.cs.ucsb.eduBFalmerot!BclassesBW;$.&D&/B1a1ersBwcdmaconce1ts.1df I5J Ericsson/ Te(hni(al overview and performan(e of 3-*A and mo!ile WiMAX6 3441* !!nolog(Bw!ite1a1ersB!s1aEandEmobileEwima9 .1df IDJ Hol a, H*, 6irs&anen, 7*, Ranta>a.o, K*, an! Tos&ala, "*/ 3igh speed pa('et a((ess evolution in &,** release 06 No&ia Sie ens Net%or&s, #ece ,er 3441*
(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o



I:4J Hou, 7*, Hu, C*, Ki , H*, an! Ge, Y*/ Fo- provisioning in %GGG 59$711. (ompliant networ's: *ast6 present and future6 Uni2ersity of Illinois, Octo,er 344E* I::J Hunu&u ,re, (*, U$ase, +*, an! Va!'a a, S*,/ 4adio networ' dimensioning and planning for WiMAX networ's7 !tt1#BBwww.fu:itsu.comBdownloadsB MA*Bvol%$-%B1a1er;D.1df* I:3J IEEE Tec.nical $a$er/ Analog2 of promising wireless te(hnologies on different fre>uen(iesI Cluetooth6 WiFi6 and WiMAX6 "u'ust 3441* I:=J 7un, 7*, 6e!!a,ac.a'ari, 6*, an! Sic.itiu, (*/ Theoreti(al maximum throughput of %GGG 59$711 and its appli(ations6 Nort. Carolina State Uni2ersity, "$ril 344=* ! arnumberH12;11<$ I:BJ 7yri HV VlVinen/ /ellular 4adio :etwor' planning and optimisation6 Lecture notes, Helsin&i Uni2ersity of Tec.nolo'y, S$rin' 3445* I:CJ Kar2o, 7*/ Wireless :etwor's, Lecture notes, Helsin&i Uni2ersity of Tec.nolo'y, "utu n 3441* I:EJ (in'> )u/ A (omparison of WiFi and WiMAX with (ase studies6 (aster0s t.esis, Flori!a state Uni2ersity, 3441* !tt1#BBetd.lib.fsu.eduBt!esesBavailableB etd-111D2;;=-1;$1$&B I:1J Nortel/ /onsiderations for deplo2ing mo!ile WiMAX at various fre>uen(ies7 !tt1#BBwww.nortel.comBsolutionsBwima9BcollateralBnn11&%%;.1df* I:5J O.rt an, F/ WiMAX 3and!oo'6 Cuilding 59$711 wireless networ's6 US" 344C* I:DJ Ri,eiro, C*,/ Cringing wireless a((ess to the automo!ileL A (omparison of Wi. Fi6 WiMAX6 MCWA6 and &,6 3:st Co $uter Science se inar* !tt1#BBwww.r!.eduBFr!bBcsEseminarE2;;&B+essionB$Bribeiro.1df I34J S2en>Gusta2 HV'' an/ Mo!ile /ommuni(ation -2stems and servi(es6 Lecture notes, Helsin&i Uni2ersity of Tec.nolo'y, No2e ,er 344E*

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o



I3:J T.o as Casey/ Case -tation /ontrolled Joad Calan(ing with 3andovers in mo!ile WiMAX6 (aster0s t.esis, Helsin&i Uni2ersity of Tec.nolo'y, 7anuary, 3445* I33J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ A (omparative anal2sis of Mo!ile WiMAX

deplo2ment alternatives in the a((ess networ'6 (ay 3441* !tt1#BBwww.wima9forum.orgBtec!nolog(Bdownloads I3=J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ Mo!ile WiMAX D *art 1: A te(hni(al overview

and performan(e evaluation6 "u'ust 344E* !tt1#BBwww.wima9forum.orgBtec!nolog(Bdownloads I3BJ )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ WiMAX deplo2ment (onsiderations for fixed

wireless a((ess in the $7+,3B and &7+,3B li(ensed !ands6 7une 344C* !tt1#BB wima9forum.orgBtec!nolog(Bdownloads I3CJ )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ WiMAX deplo2ment with self installa!le %ndoor

terminals6 7une 344C* !tt1#BBwww.wima9forum.orgBtec!nolog(Bdownloads I3EJ )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ WiMAX te(hnolog2 for JO- and :JO-

environments6 "u'ust 344B !tt1#BBwww.wima9forum.orgBtec!nolog(BdownloadsB I31J )i("- Foru ).ite$a$er/ /an WiMAX address 2our appli(ationsK6 Octo,er

344C* !tt1#BBwww.wima9forum.orgBdocumentsBdownloadsB I35J )i("- Foru / Net%or&in' 'rou$* !tt1#BBwww.wima9forum.orgBtec!nolog(BdocumentsB I3DJ )i("- ).ite$a$er/ A (omprehensive WiMAX Operator Cusiness (ase pro(ess7 ! I=4J )i("- ).ite$a$er/ TDD vs FDD7 !tt1#BBwww.moonblinkwifi.comBfddvstddwima9.cfm I=:J )i("- 2i!eos* !tt1#BBwww.wima9.comBwima9-videoBvideo

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

"$$en!i< "


A11endi9 A
)OST2231 &ata Model is an e<ten!e! $at.loss o!el of t.e %i!ely use! Hata $ro$a'ation e!ian $at.loss as a function of o,ile station* T.e o!el is 'i2en o,ile station antenna .ei'.ts, an! t.e (o!el* It $ro2i!es an e<$ression for t.e carrier fre@uency, ,ase station an! ,y t.e follo%in' for ula/ *J ; )17& L &&78log19 f D 1&75$log19 h! L ())78 D 17++log19 h! log19 d D a(hm L /F T.e (S antenna>correction factor, a(hm 6 is 'i2en ,y a(hm ; (1711log19 D 970 hm D (17+1log19 f . 975 6 %.ere f is t.e carrier fre@uency in (HK, h! is t.e ,ase station .ei'.t in eters, hm is t.e o,ile station antenna .ei'.t in etres, an! d is t.e !istance ,et%een t.e ,ase station an! o,ile station in & * For ur,an an! su,ur,an !istance ,et%een t.e ,ase station an! t.e

areas, t.e correction factor /F is =!+ an! 4!+ res$ecti2ely* T.e

o!el is 2ali! for t.e follo%in' ran'e of $ara eters/ :C4(HK W f M 3444(HK =4 : :& W h! M 344 W hm M :4 W ! W34&

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

"$$en!i< "


3rlang ) for*ula
T.e erlan' C for ula calculates t.e $ro,a,ility of @ueuin' *( for traffic T %it. t.e a ount of c.annels /7 T.e traffic is 'i2en in Erlan's* T.e for ula calculates t.e $ro,a,ility t.e user .as to %ait to ,e ser2e!* * / = / :

T / / /[ / N / T ]

T i / i NT / / /[ / N / T ]

(%esi'a )ilson +aron'o

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