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]x, {;S- : rtee#=Utypto'Y-:g-to (Point-and-Cal1 Guide)J


E) )thk2F*}nFGft Z*JVi-maX" ecpt.eafiT


Point-and-Call Guide

In Conjunction with KYT

I. implementing Point and Call .
1. What is Point and Call?

2. The Objective ofPoint ahd Call

3. , 4.HowtoPointandCall
5. Variations

6. Cautionary Points
7. Items to Confirm (' egts)


ll. wny Use Point and Call Now?
1. The Necessity ofPoint and Call
2. [[he Effectiveness ofPoint and Call

III.APointandCal1PromotionPrograih ,
1, Problems with implementing Point and Call and Solutions 2. Point and Call and the Zero Accidents Campaign
3. Plaiming to introduce, Promote, and Establish Point and Cal1

' ' 4. KY Methods Incorporating P

gint and Cal/t,1 P. .oint and Repeat, and Touch and Call


... .-'x-,..

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I. ImpleTr }enting Point and Call

' '
1. What is Point and Call?

"Point and call" is used to promote work safety and error-free work. It
involves a worker identifying an object to be conifTirmed at each strategic point in work by pointing a finger at it and narning it by saying out loud, "[Such-and-such], okay!"

Although the actions and voiced sighals used for communicating with
co-workers are sometimes included in the genera1 term "point and call," it is essentially

an act of conflrmation performed individually.

Slogans such as "Let's go for zero accidents, ekay!" or team action targets called out by a team together are ''point and repeat," which differs from "point.and

2. IIhe Objective ofPoint and Call

Point and call is a specific method for preventing accidents caused by human
error. It brings to the conscious l

gvel any "change of gears," making actions clear and

regular, thereby improving work accuracy. Point and call was ptoposed as of the zero accidents campaign to achieve
the three basic principles of zero accidents, anticipation, and involvement. It is being

. ali employees participate in implemented throughout the workplace as ari activity that
to maintain safety--the tme objective for which the principles were established.



"Okay to' tnrn yalve to the right?"


Tum valve-to the righg okay!"



4. How to Point' and Cqll

' '



' '


Carry oul "point and call" at zero accidents meetings in the following manner.

tt t

' object to be confirmed. " With the eyes: Look directly at the
* With the arm/finger: Place left hand on the hip. Extend the right arm, malce a fist and
extend the forefinger to point to the object. Lift the finger to the ear once, and extend it



oncemore,saying"Okay!" ' ,
* With the mouth: in a clear voice, call out "[Such-and-such], okay!" For example,

' ' ' "Switch on, okay!" or "Valve open, okay!" .

" With the ears: Listen to your own voice.

Pointing and calling engages the senses of the worker by using the eyes, arrn, fmger,
mouth, and ears. Its intended use is to conf:um the object and the cogectness and safety


' Strict adherence to form is therefore not necessary. It is of one's work actions. ' at each workplace. sufficient to discuss and decide details '

' ' Createabrief,clearform!' Extetid'theforefingeroutstraight

Frorn,afist...- -' .'


Make a fist, then extend the forefinger out straight to ereate a brief, clear form.


Stand straight

Left hand on the hip





' Point while cal1ing out mpe of item

up to the ear 'Thiplsifitisreally nght and confiini

' Extend right am

' Point to objeet with forefinger ' Look straight at object

' Once coniinned... t Point while

saying"Okay!" .

and lower ami, pointing

5. Variations

(1) in implementing "point and call" on

the workfloor, individual variations



i "Okay!"

will develop, such as taking a step'

forward and touching the object

directly, or taking a step back while
pointing and calling,


(2) Some workplaces also include communication signals for mutual

confirmation such as voice
or whistle with hand motion within "point and call,"


as having another person repeat "Powerokay!" off, after calling it out for oneself.

' asking "[Such-and-such], okay?" with another persDn answering (3) One person
"[Such-and-su6h], okay!" for mutual confimpation (or one person both asking and
answering) is also effective in preventing accidents due to error,

Very important confirmation should be done by two people! ' '




"Switeh on, okay!".

ON e

"[Such-and-such], okay?" and the other person answering "[Such-and-such], okay!" Then the action is to be 'done, callmg "[Sueh-and-such], okay!"

6. Cautionary Points

(1) A cqrtain level of,intensity is needed, so correct posture should be used and the

(2) If a persbn dislikes speaking out, and will only point to confirm, or ifa person ealls

. of accuracy wil1 drop. It is out but negleets to move the arrn and point, the degree
crucial to both point and call wherever possible. (In cases where pointing cannot be
done, at leas; callmg must be performed).

(3) To focus attention as closely as possible, it is better to cal1 out "Temperature xx

degrees, okay!" instead of"Temperature, okay!" or "Oxygen concentration xx percent,

okay!" rather than merely "Oxygen concentration okay!" Call out the vital information

in this way. Use variations according to the workplace and call out with as specific and

penetratinginformationaspossible. '

(4) It is not necessary to shout Iouder "Ladder angle 75

than required, but to get people degrees,okay!"

beyond feeling embarrassed or ' '

self-conscious, have everyone call


outusingaloudvoiceintraining.' .
7. Items te Conf7irm (Objects)

(1)ConfirmationofpersoriTo '' focus attention, be specific in calling,

' tt



' '



a. Oneself


"Ladder angle 75 degrees, okay!"


1) Position (distance from object,

surroundings) ' ''

2) Posture fposition of head, arms, legs, back) 3) Attire (work hat, work uni form, buttons, sleeve cuff$, etc.) 4) Safety devices (h
elmet, chin strap, safety shoes, shoelaces, etc.)

b. Co-workers
Others' position, posture, attire, safety devices, signals, etc.

(2) Confirmation ofthings

Thermometer flow meter and other indicator devices

a. Instrumentation , '

and a!arm systems

' '' ' b. Operating devices

Wheel (tm right or left), valve (open or closed), lever switch (on or off), power (on or

ofD, operating panel (automatic or manual), interlocK cranelforklift operation, slinging work, and variousother items to confimi

c. Tools

Knife, spanner, hammer, etc. (type, condition)

Stackmg (height), position, direction, angle (fiat or aligned) e. Signs

Hazardous or toxic materials, no entry, stop line, inflammables, display larnps

' (visibilityofsign)
Safety equipment
Hard hat, safety shoes, safety belt (lifeline), protective goggles, earplugs, mask, gloves,

seatbelt, etc. (how it is worn,.performance)

g. Other

' depending on type of work Various points and iterns to cenfrrrn



(3) Number ofitems and number of "point and calls"

The supervisor and workers on the workfloor should discuss and reach
agreement on what objects to call oug how the calling should be done, and defmitions.

When fust introducing the system, it is best to narrow down the number of items to
about three to five, witli an average of.about 30-50 point-and-call repetitions per day.

Select a limited nutnber of important items that you want to do properly at the workplace and proceed to implement "point and call" for them. If the number of
objects to chll or repetitions is too low, it will not be done often enough in the day and. will not take hold. if, on the other hand, there are too many repetitions, it will become

too habitual and unconscious.

"Let's do just these!"


Firsg discuss at the workp1ace what objects and how to call them
out and reach agreement on just three to five important items that

you want to do properly.

' 8.lmplementingPointandRepeat. -. ' ' ' '' ' .' ' tt (1)Aimsandapplication
"Point and repeat" is a method by which everyone points to an object together
and names it in unison. It aims to focus everyone's attention on the goal together and
enhance the team's sense ofidentity and solidarity This differs from "point and cal1."

Generally, at the teapi meetings held to start and end the workday, a slogan is repeated in unison, such as "Every person is valuablq. Okay!" Or it is used for calling
out KYT items to confirm (hazard points, team action targets, etc.)

(2) Method
As with point and call, the Ieft hand is placed on the hip and one points at the

okay!" in unison.

9. Touch and Call (T&C)

(1) Aims and application
"Touch and call" is a type ofpoint and repeat. Everyone is in physical contact through apart ofthe body. This enhances group identity and solidarity, and imprints a positive image on the paleocortex in the brain. The aim here is to promote safe actions even unconSciously, and to prevent careless, absent-minded behavior.

. ineetings held to start It can be used for group repetition of slogans at team
and end the workday, to mark the start and end of work or to start and end training at a

study meeting.


(2) Three basic modes

1) Touch: Form a circle. Place your left hand on the shoulder of the person to your left,
and using your right hand point to the center of the circle and call otit in unison. This is

suitable for 7-8 people or mere. '


' hand to point to the center of the img and call forrning a ring of hands. Use the right
' outinunison.Thisissuitablefor5-6peopleormore. '
3) Hand stack: Form a circle. Everyone's left hand is put into the center, stacking one
on another. Use the right hand to point to the stack ofhands and call out in unison. The

leader should support the stack ofhands from below with palm facing upward. This is
suitable for 3-5 people or fewez

"Let's go for zero

g a

"Touch and call


accidents, xh){l[l[





Touching left hands or placing them on one apothefs shoulders,

call out in unison. Use this "touch and call" action to end a KYT activity.
l) Toueh (7-8 people er more)
2) Ring (7-8 people er mbre).

3) Hand stack
(3-5 people er fewer)


Human beings are fraught with psychological flaws and it is no surprise that we are constantly making mistakes. We must see this imperfection in human nature for
what it is and try to somehow prevent mistakes from being made, or even if errors are

committed,keep'themfromcausingaccidents.. .
At this point let us look at the necessity of point and call from the point of

view of three human tendencies: inattention, misperception, and the tendency to cut
comers or take shortcuts.

(1) inattention '

When an accident occurs, the cause can often be attributed to a person's lack,

of attention. But nobody is inattentive because they try to be inattentive. Being

inattentive is'a completely ordinary state.

in psychological terms, the human faculty of attentiveness means "the focus

of awareness on a specific, selected object," with its attendant propenies (limitations).

wnen attentiveness slips into inattention, it can become the cause of accidents when
hazardous conditions are present during hazardous operations.

To prevent the combination of hazard and inattention, at each strategic point

in work the use of "point and call" will enable a person to "change gears" consciously,

. action. It is essential.for create a normal, clear state of mind, and confirm the
preventing carelessness, absentmindedness, and inattention.


(2) Misperception

People do not always perceive everythmg correctly, nor do they always act using correctJudgment There are hmits to how much we can perceive correctly, and

often our perceptions become distorted and we misperceive somethmg and make a
mistake This has been proven through psychologrcal research

We need to understand fully that it is natural for human bemgs to make mistakes, and with that understandmg proceed to work m a safe way To avoid the
mistake of confUsmg similar valves or switches, for exarnple, m addition to proper labellmg, it is necessary to employ the action ofpomtmg and callmg to brmg the pomt
or action to the conscious level, to create a normal, clear state ofmmd, and to enable
the person to clearly identify the object




Sgns Tb:s ymy


t 'SSN
.efS .


Righg okay!

S]gas llts rvry




Tcndenq)r to cut cor Lers

safe actaon by haung workers pomt and vocalize at each strategtc pomt m therr wotk


(3) The Tendency to Ornit Steps or Take Shortcuts

' Peopleoftenomitstepsofaprocedurethattheyarerequiredtodo,andhave
an urge to take shortcuts that are forbidden. Or, figuring that everything will be all
right, they do sornething unsafe against betterjudgrnent, or neglect to restore an unsafe

situation to a safe one. For example, they might not wear designated safety equipment (omissive behavior) or might walk on top ofmaterials (taking a shortcut). [Miese kinds
of things often lead to aCcidents or incidents.

Pointing and calling is an effective means ofputting the brakes on such desire
to skip steps or take shortcuts.

To prevent behavior that is selfish, subjective, and based on wishfu1 thinking,

it is necessary to instill correct work habits. To do so, at each strategic point in one's work it is vital to point and call, confirming first whether something is really okay or


oo Q <ks2)







Q O.s
pt- pt



2.TheEffectivenessofPointand.Call . ...
' "Pointandcall"isusefulinpreventingerroneopsjudgment,misoperationand
errors in work that are based on commbn'
psychological fiaws, and helps to prevent the.

' occurrence of accidents or incidents. [IThe process of'looking straight at the object,
' pointing, and 'calling out raises the attention shift to a conscious extending the arm,

level,andcreatesanormal,clearmindstate. .
The late ProfesSor -Kunie Hashimoto divided consciousness into five levels

' ' is carriedtt (phases). Most regular, everyday work out in Ph.ase 2 (the normal, relaxed
state).' It is therefore necessary to incerporate ergonomic principles so that errors do not

occur in this phase. At the same time, when doing work that is out ofthe ordinary, we

need to switch inte Phase 3 (the normal, clear state), and pointing apd calling is
effectiv,e fo'r that purpose.

FiveLevels ofConsciousnessKunieHashimoto Condition Attention Consciousness Phase Aslefstroke None Unconscious o Fatigued,dull, Lowleve! I













Over O.999999 Lessthan


Careless or absent-minded errcms oceur in Phases I and ll



Irilpiove work

- tsx
Regular work
in Phase ll

methods, Work erLvironment


15 .

Shift1 evels ofconsciousness .


As an example of implementation for the zero accidents carnpaign, pointing

and calling has been proven effective in bringing about a shift from Phase IV (tense, in a panic)' to Phase M.

It is not dnly effective for raising the level of consciousness (from Phase I or ll to Phase IID, but also lowers the level of consciousness effectively (from Phase IV
to Phase l]]D.

Cerebral physiology has also produced these fmdings: (1) Of the peripheral muscular sensations, movement ofthe masseteric muscles around
the mouth plays a 1arge role ih stimulating the brain to function correctly.

cQTsYsr"NN(iibtwges,tis[s)s,ojes,ptOisib,e2SS ,

Correctness and safety

One mobilizes the senses, using the eyes, aims, fingers, meuth, ears, and other parts of the body in eonfirming the correctaess and safety of the object or action.




g2o)osSttsiMthUeiaainctnivgililh) eofCtehiiSbtrhal;.Make up the muscie spindie m the muscie of the arm

(3) The sensation of movement, in addition to visual perception, together with the use of other senses stimulated by pointing, such as rnuscular sensation and hearing, will
Cor fegltee

oabjS.etrcOtn. g iMPTeSSiOn On the COnSCiousness and raise accuracy of the recognnion

According to an official trial by the Railway Technical Research Institute
carried out in 1994 to determine the effectiveness of poinhng and calling, results showed that work accuracy was improved most in response to "pointing and calling,"
"pointing only," and "calling only" in that order, as opposed to "doing nothing." The

use of pointing and calling produced fewer than one-sixth the number of errors that

occurredwhenno-actionwasperforrned. . .
Also, statistics showed no significant slowdown in work from the use of



(1994, Railway Technical Research institute)


Mistakerate(O/o) o










' III. A Point and Call Promotion Program

1. Problems with lmplementing Pomt and Call gnd Solutions


' '

ln exactly the same way as -with hazard prediction, pointing and c'alling is a
self-initiated activity, and it will only take hold in the workplace when everyone is





enthusiasticaboutdoingit.' At first, many kinds of problerns will arise, includmg peopie feeling
embarrassed or self-conscious,. or feeling that it's "uncoo!," "a hassle," or that it looks

foolish. They might not understand its necessity or how to do it, or may not be able to
see the results. 1[hey may complain that they don't feel 1ike doing it, that their voice won't come out, that they have a quiet voice, that their superiors are not doing, or that

"nobody does it."

' To counter these problems, the following steps can be taken.




(1) Executives should themselves point and call, leading by example.

(2)Supervisorsshouldtaketheinitiativeandalloutinaloudvoice. .
(3) Point out that it is being canied out in every workp!ace and is an essential part of


the zero accidents campaignlKYT. '

(4) Educate'workers about the necessity and effectiveness ofpointing and calling using
slides and text.

t tt

' at every workplace and on every workfioor at the same (5) implement for every worker


(6) Train in a loud voice everyday at the team meetings held to start and end the
workday. It is also good to create training spots for everyone to practice pointing and callingtogether.

(7) Start with one-on-one attire and safety device inspections, nairow dewn
instmctions to familiar requirements at the workplace, paste on stickers, make it
official, and implement.


i'It's embarrassing" "I would feel

"[Ihat looks foolish!"





At firsg everyone feels self-conscious or embarrassed and thipks it looks foolish,

and ngbody wants to do it


(8) Rotate leaders every day for training in pointing and callipg. Decide on a

point-and-callleader.. ,
(10) Analyze examples ,of past accidents or misoperation or errors, and impress on
everyone the need for and importance of the point-and-all system.

(11) Use the four round method to thoroughly discuss solutions to overcome problems
in the workplace such as why someone can't do it or why they are unable to vocalize. (12) Tour model work Eloors and other workplaces for information exchange.

(13) Establish a campaign sinch as the zero accidents campaign or the zero home

accidentscampaign,andpublicizeitsimplementationoutsidetheworkplace. It is vital to have patience in planning and carrying out these measures. Steps (1) and (2) where' the actions of executives and supervisors set an example, are of the utmost



2. Point and Call and the Zero Accidents Campaign .

It is not possible to succeed in implementing "point and call" by force, no
' matter how rnuch force is used. PQinting and calling is a self-initiated activity that

everyone will do voluntarily when supervisors do it with them. It is only then that enough enthusiasm and determination will be generated to make workers want to do it. To fu11y implement line management and stimulate self-initiated activity in the workplace for the zero accidents carnpaign requires promotion by getting everyone to

infiuence each other to createamultiplier eifect. .

The zero accidents campaign begins with the auitude of the executtves.

. Factoriesinwhichthefactorymanagerlooksinbothdirectionsbeforecrossingthe
road and calls out "Itight, okay! Left, okay! Forward, okay!" in a loud voice will create a culture in the workplace that gets everyone to point and call with feeling and energy.

in the promotion of zero accidents in every workplace, pointing and calling is being irnplemented more and more 'i conjunction with hazard prevention training.

' do it, let's go!" Put into practice with the feeling "Let's
Pointing and calling cultivates the aspiration for zero accidents in the workplace

'XX;llBe involved" 7/

xx tt




3. Planning to Introduce, Promote, and Establish Point and Call

The following is a program for establishing pointing and calling in order to

introduce it for the first time or to reintroduce it into the workplace. Please use this
section for reference.

(1) Establish a promotion committee Cproject team to introduge system)

a. Determine overall promotion program (for all employees, without going through
division directly or indirectly)

c. Create text and produce pamphlet

' film) d. Prepare audio-visual training materials (slides, video,

e. Educate and train trainers

f. Implement in a model workplace and designate points for all workers to implement
g. Tour other factories

h. Participate in zero accident study meetings tparticularly project members)

i. incorporate 24-hour total program into pian, such as "zero accidents campaign" and

"Home KY"
j. lmplement simultaneously at'partner companies and affiliates



!ii gt :!xOYeetes






'a.Makeideathor'oughlyunderstood(inthepr6ductionline) '
b. Hahg PR posters, distribute pamphlets c. Carry out basic training (at safety meetings, start- and end-of-day team rneetings,

' and calling through discussions at each d. Select important iterns for pointing
workplace and determine how to name the objects in specific, penetrating ways; also
designate and define where pointing and calling is to be used e. Solicit handmade posters, select
Solicit designs for stickers and labels, select

h. Hold a lecture with Q&A given by outside instructor

i. lntroduce various work examples j. Have project members give advice to each workplace

(3) lmpiementation and promotion

a. Factory manager and supervisors should !ead by example

c. Supervisors should provide guidance d. Use self-evaluation with checksheets
e. Carry out'

amutual attentiVeness campaign -

Hold evaluation meetings at each workplace, and decide on areas for improvement
and points to focus on

g. Review work procedures for each step in a work unit, correlate to work standards,
and enter a mark at the spot'required

h. Do repetitive training at meetings to start and end the workday and at safety
meetings, and rotate training leaders

i. Tour model workplaces


. -



(4) Follow-up establishment plan

a. Promote in conjunctiQn with hazard prevention training

' results', and introduce through b. Hold study meetings, meetings to present ' newsletter



c. Hold a point-and-call contest d. Produce slides and a video e. Review and improve point-and-call objects and actions

f. Carry out four-round method problem-solving discussions on the

"establishing point and call" at each workplace ' g. Review and revise related work standards
h. Carry out training continuous'ly

theme of

i. PR for the home and commute (introduce 24-hour total zero accidents
including zero traffic accidents and zero home accidents)


Promote in conjunction with KYT and 4R methods! IR wnat are the

potential haxards? 2R This is the hazard point. (Point and repeat)

3R What would you do?

4R This is what we wil1 do (Point and repeat)


hazard prediction training four round method.


' Methods Incorp'orating Point and Call, Point and Repeat, and Touch and Call 4. KY

' Inzeroaccidentscampaignstudyrneetings--inthestudymeetingoverallorin
KYT--the point-and-call and point-and-repeat methods are to be incorporated and
implemented many times over.
(1) At study meetings to start and end the workday, have ,everyone repeat together in a
loud voice while pointing at the "zero accidents flag" .such slogans as "Let's go for zero

accidents, okay!" and "Everyone for zero accidents, okay!"


' '


(2) At the three-minute team meetings within the study meetings to start and end the
workday, for training in calling out in a loud voice, conduct a touch-and-call session

(touching each others hands and repeating in unison), using such slogans as "Let's
work hard again today, okay!," "Zer6 accidents with KYT, okay!," or "Let's go for zero

(3) ln the second round of KYT, decide on the hazard point and point and repeat in loud voices, "Hazard point. Because of [such-and-such], [this happens], resulting in
[that], okay!" in this way everyone confrirms the hazard point together with certainty. (4) In the fourth round of KYT, set the team action ta::gets and have everyone repeat in
a loud voice, "Team action target: Let's [do this] [in this way], okay!"

(5) in the KYT stage ofconfirrnation, set the point-and-call items, have everyone use

' then end with a touch and call, using "Let's go for. them to poiht and repeat three times,
(6) The point-and-call and point-and-repeat methods should be incorporated inte.Work
Instruction STK Training and all other KYT techniques over and over again.

' zero accidents, okay!" .


2R and 4R Point and Repeat

2R "This is the hazard point.

When you stand on the load

and reach up to try to stack a box, your foot slips and

4R "We'11 do it this way. We'll use d platforrn, and

stagk large boxes first, okay!"

you fal1, okay!"


voice to conlirm the hazard point and tearrl action target.

To ensure that pointing and calling takes hold in the workplace, -it is extremely
important for everyone to train together in standing with the correct posture, extending

the arm completely and pointing, and calling out using a loud voice. IIIhe key is for. superiors to lead by example first, then everyone should join the supervisor to train

repeatedly at meetings to start and end the workday. In time the timid feelings of

embarrassment and self-consciousness will,drop away. Even at zero accident study

meetings, at first nobody is able to call out in a loud voice, but with.repetition it is

how !oud the calling out in unison gets. The loudness of a team's pointing

and calling and pointing and repeating is also an indication of its level ofteamwork. If

it can't be done at the study meeting, there is no way it can be done on the workfioor.

Train thorough!y at the zero accident study meetings to develop the will to use the
system. This will help immensely in being able to implement it on the workfiooz


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