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Keep the Heat Test 1-28-2012 School Name Team Number

Circle the all of the correct answer to the below questions. One or more of the answers can be correct, if more than on one answer is correct, circle all correct answers. 1) Temperature is a measure of ____ of the particles in an object. a) the difference between the potential and kinetic energ b) the sum of the potential and kinetic energ c) the a!erage potential energ d) the a!erage kinetic energ ") # liquid thermometer works because liquid ____ when warmed. a) e$pands b) solidifies c) contracts d) condenses %) #n increase in heat in a s stem __________. a) has less kinetic energ b) increases entrop c) decreases entrop d) reduces temperature &) The specific latent heat of melting for lead is "".& k'(kg and that of o$ gen is 1%.) k'(kg. This means* a) +ead melts at a higher temperature. b) ,ore energ is needed to heat lead than is needed to heat the same mass of o$ gen b the same amount. c) ,ore energ is needed to melt lead than is needed to melt o$ gen. d) +ess energ is needed to heat lead than is needed to heat the same mass of o$ gen b the same amount. e) +ead melts at a lower temperature. -) Con!ert the temperature of %" oC to degrees .ankline a) /&0) o. b) /%10 o. c) &2- o. d) -0) o. e) -&) o. 3) Con!ert the temperature of 100 o4 to degrees Celsius a) "& oC b) %2 oC c) 22 oC d) 1""oC e) 1&2 oC 1) Con!ert the temperature of %" o4 to degrees 5el!in a) "-) o5 b) "1% o5 c) ")) o5 d) %"% o5 e) %22 o5

2) The temperature of +ightening is "2000 o5. Con!ert this temperature to degrees 4ahrenheit. a) 1-3&& o4 b) 1-102 o4 c) &))&0 o4 d) -0000 o4 6789 4ig:s) e) -01&) o4 )) #n Object starts at -0 C, energ is added until the temperature increases to 30 C for a total ;T of 10 C. <hat is the temperature change as e$pressed in degrees 5el!in a) /"3% o5 b) 10 o5 c) -0 o5 d) "2% o5 e) -10 o5 10) #n Object starts at 2- C, energ is added until the temperature increases to 100 C for a total ;T of 1- C. <hat is the temperature change as e$pressed in degrees 4ahrenheit a) 2.% o4 b) 1- o4 c) "1 o4 d) &0 o4 e) -) o4 11) <hich of the following statement is(are correct= a) >eat is a form of energ and it is contained inside a bod b) The temperature of a bod does not depend on the internal energ it possesses c) <hen two bodies of different temperatures are in thermal contact, internal energ are transferred from the bod of higher temperature to that of lower temperature d) 8t is impossible to transfer heat energ from one bod to another if the are at the same temperature 1") <hich of the following statements about ?heat? is(are Correct= a) it is the energ transferred due to temperature difference b) if Object # has a higher temperature than Object @, Object # must ha!e more thermal energ than Object @. c) it has the same meaning as work d) it is related to degree of hotness 1%) The specific heat capacit of a substance is the heat required to warm a) it b 1 degree Celsius b) 1 kilogram of water b one degree Celsius c) 1 kilogram of it b one degree Celsius d) an equal weight of water b one degree Celsius 1&) 9i!en the specific heat capacit of ice is "100 'kg/1oC/1, and the specific heat capacit of water is &"00 'kg /1oC/1. 4or the same mass of ice and water, if the same amount of heat is added to the ice and water* a) The temperature of the 8ce will increase " times the temperature increase of the water b) The temperature of the 8ce and water will increase the same amount. c) The temperature of the 8ce will increase 0.- times the temperature increase of the water d) Aot enough information is pro!ided determine the relati!e temperature change 1-) The specific heat capacit of a water is &"00 'kg/1oC/1 means that if we ha!e 1 kg of water* a) a heater of power 1 < would take &"00s to heat the water before it boils b) a heater of power &"00 < would take 1 s to heat the water from %00 5 to %01 5 c) the water contains &"00 ' of internal energ d) &"00 ' are needed to turn the water into steam 13) @ B C mc;T and c C &"00 'kg/1oC/1. Calculate the energ used to heat the water. 69i!en ,ass of water m C " kg, 8nitial temperature T1 C 20 oC, 4inal temperature T" C 100 oC ) a) 31"000' b) 2&0000' c) 132000' d) 1"0000'

11) 7ublimation occurs when a) liquid water changes to gaseous water. b) gaseous water changes to ice. c) ice changes to gaseous water. d) ice changes to liquid water. e) liquid water changes to ice. 12) <hich of the following are e$pressions of microscopic energ * a) # !ehicle is sitting on top of a large hill b) The kinetic energ of indi!idual molecules c) The potential energ stored in candle wa$ d) # ball is fl ing through the air at 10 feet ( second. e) #n a!erage donut is %"0 calories 1)) # heat engine has a thermal efficienc of &-D. >ow much power does the engine produce when heat is transferred into it at a rate of 10) k'(>r= a) -0 ,< b) 1- ,< c) 100 ,< d) 1"- ,< "0) The thermod namic efficienc of a heat engine that rejects heat at a rate of "0 ,< when heat is supplied to it at a rate of 30 ,< is* a) %%.%D b) -0D c) 33.1D d) 1-D "1) <hich of the following laws of ph sics becomes the foundation of thermod namics= a) Aewton:s laws of motion b) +aw of conser!ation of energ c) +aw of uni!ersal gra!itation d) +aw of conser!ation of momentum "") #ll real refrigerators require work to get heat to flow from a cold area to a warmer area. <hich of the following parts of the refrigerator does work for this purpose= a) coils b) lamp c) condenser d) motor "%) <hat do ou call an object that does not significantl change in temperature and internal energ e!en when heat is remo!ed or added to it= a) >eat sink b) .eser!oir c) <orking substance d) >eat engine "&) The natural direction of heat flow is from high/temperature reser!oir to a low temperature reser!oir, regardless of their respecti!e heat contents. This fact is incorporated in the a) first law of thermod namics. b) second law of thermod namics. c) law of conser!ation of energ . d) law of conser!ation of entrop . "-) 8f -0 grams of ice and -0 grams of water are both at 0oC, then it is true that a) the water molecules ha!e a higher a!erage kinetic energ than the ice molecules b) the ice molecules ha!e a higher a!erage kinetic energ than the water molecules c) the water molecules ha!e a higher total potential energ than the ice molecules d) the ice molecules ha!e a higher total potential energ than the water molecules

"3) # block of ice at /10oC is slowl heated and con!erted to steam at 100 oC. <hich of the following cur!es represents the phenomenon qualitati!el

"1) # block of metal is heated to a temperature much higher than the room temperature and allowed to cool in a room free from air currents. <hich of the following cur!es correctl represents the rate of cooling=

"2) #n adiabatic e$pansion of a gas is one in which a) the pressure is kept constant b) the !olume is kept constant c) the temperature is kept constant d) it neither loses nor gains heat ")) 8n what ear did #nders Celsius propose the international temperature scale bearing his name= a) 131& b) 13-c) 110% d) 11&" e) 12"1 %0) This person is often called the father of thermod namics a) Aicolas +eonard 7adi Carnot b) 9eorge @ra ton c) #nders Celsius d) .udolf Eiesel e) Eaniel 9abriel 4ahrenheit %1) This person laid the ground work for the second law of thermod namics a) Aicolas +eonard 7adi Carnot b) 9eorge @ra ton c) #nders Celsius d) .udolf Eiesel e) Eaniel 9abriel 4ahrenheit %") <ho is most known as the first engineer to pro!e that fuel can be ignited without a flame or a spark, which he accomplished in the 12)0s. a) Aicolas +eonard 7adi Carnot b) 9eorge @ra ton c) .udolf Eiesel d) 'ames Frescott 'oule e) Aikolaus #ugust Otto

%%) <ho in!ented the four stroke combustion c cle. >e was the first to create a practical multistroke engine. >is working model was the first internal combustion, four/stroke engine to efficientl burn fuel in a piston. a) Aicolas +eonard 7adi Carnot b) 9eorge @ra ton c) .udolf Eiesel d) 'ames Frescott 'oule e) Aikolaus #ugust Otto %&) <hich of the following were AOT credited with optimiGing or impro!ing thermal engines= a) ,iller b) Otto c) #tkinson d) <att e) 4ahrenheit %-) +ist the Aumber of the +aw of Thermod namics that is e$pressed in the following statements 60 th +aw,1st +aw ,"nd +aw,%rd +aw or &th +aw). a) Hsing logs in a fire place to heat a home 61st +aw) b) +ighting a Candle which gi!es off heat and light 61st +aw) c) # thermometer is placed in a cup of hot water to measure it:s temperature. 60th +aw) d) Coffee is placed in a coffee mug. The outside of the mug heats up. 61st +aw) e) #n oscillating pendulum e!entuall stops and comes to rest. 6"nd +aw) f) # heat engine takes that works between two heat reser!oirs 6"nd +aw) %3) # small cand bar has -" calories. 8f all of its energ were con!erted to heat, b how much would it raise the temperature of 1 + of water= a) 1I C b) -"I C c) 10&I C d) 0I C %1) <ho disco!ered the mechanical equi!alent of heat= a) .obert @o le b) #ntoine +a!oisier c) 'ames 'oule d) 'ames <att %2) 8f a fi$ed !olume c linder containing water, is heated b a bunsen burner, what is the t pe of thermod namic process= a) 8sochoric b) 8sobaric c) #diabatic d) 8sothermal e) 8sentropic %)) B$press the following quantities in terms of base 78 units 6kg, m, and s)* 6a) power, 6b) kinetic energ , and 6c) specific weight. a) Fower C 6force)6!elocit ) C 6A)6m(s) C 6kgJm(s")6m(s) C kgJm"(s% b) 5inetic energ C mass K !elocit

C kgJ

C kgJm"(s" (m%C kg(6s"Jm")

c) 7pecific weight C weight(!olume C A(m% C kgJ

&0) 8dentif which of the following are e$tensi!e properties and which are intensi!e properties* 6a) a 10/m% !olume, 6b) %0 ' of kinetic energ , 6c) a pressure of )0 kFa, 6d) a stress of 1000 kFa, 6e) a mass of 1- kg, and 6f) a !elocit of 30 m(s. 6g) Con!ert all e$tensi!e properties to intensi!e properties assuming m C 1- kg. a) B$tensi!e. 8f the mass is doubled, the !olume increases. b) B$tensi!e. 8f the mass doubles, the kinetic energ increases. c) 8ntensi!e. Fressure is independent of mass. d) 8ntensi!e. 7tress is independent of mass. e) B$tensi!e. 8f the mass doubles, the mass doubles. f) 8ntensi!e. Lelocit is independent of mass. g)

41) When you are setting a table, why does the metal fork feel cooler than a plastic cup? Use Thermodynamic terms to explain your answer !This "uestion is worth both points and is the first Tie #reaker)

The reason for that is conductivity. Metal is a better conductor of heat than plastic. When you touch metal, the body heat from your body is conducted to the metal very quickly. Because of the high thermal conductivity of the metal, the heat from your body is heating a larger portion of the mass of the metal than of the plastic cup.

42 The gas in a cubical !olume with sides at different temperatures is suddenl isolated with reference to transfer of mass and energ . 8s this s stem in thermod namic equilibrium= <h or wh not= 6 This "uestion is worth both points and is the $econd Tie @reaker) 8t is not in thermod namic equilibrium. 8f the sides of the container are at different temperatures, the temperature is not uniform o!er the entire !olume, a requirement of thermod namic equilibrium. #fter a period of time elapsed, the sides would all approach the same temperature and equilibrium would e!entuall be attained.

4%) &oes exothermic truly mean the reaction releases only heat? Use Thermodynamic terms to explain your answer !This "uestion is worth both points and is the Third Tie #reaker) 8n thermod namics, the term e$othermic 6Moutside heatingM) describes a process or reaction that releases energ from the s stem, usuall in the form of heat, but also in the form of light 6e.g. a spark, flame, or e$plosion), electricit 6e.g. a batter ), or sound 6e.g. burning h drogen). 44 Hse equations to show that /&0 C is the same temperature as N &0 4. 6 This "uestion is worth both points and is the 'ourth Tie @reaker) Two Bquations / C C 64 /%")O-()P and 4 C C Therefore 4 C 64/%")O-() 4 N -()O4 C / %" O -() &() O 4 C / %" O-() 4 C 6/ %" O -()) ( 6&()) 4 C C C /&0

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