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Studies in Comparative Religion Fredenck M, Demy, Edtor The Hoy Bok in Camara Perspective Fae by Fredrick M. Dery and Rodney L.Tayor 0. Srangep: Ont Symtoc Meaning of Nokes Weapons By raCherus atv Ameren Rolgous Acton: PrtormneeAgpase fo Rolgon y Sam Gt Human Fights and te Cont of Cuts Wester and lsamc Perspcives on Reus Liberty By Davd ite, soon Kl, ané Absa 8, Sacha The Manstn of Eyp: Mek Wold and Ter ong ‘yar Waugh The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka: Religious Tradition, Reinterpretation and Response By George D. Bond ery of ‘Sout Carona Pose i nett Soh Cal Pas nS co, Giemsa sae SR ae on. (uae eames ee oe 4 Sa Se coma rag ohmic S.C) ie ee seh et CONTENTS lors Peace ‘Acknowledges Abbrev troduction (Caper One: The Teravate Train ante Beeground tthe Budi Reral ChaperTwo: The Cay Rea and Protestant diem (hope Tree: Tho Buh Jayant on th Posts Parad Chapter Four Telit Masato (Vipassand Bhéand Move- ret Caper Fe: lal Lay Mectatars: Unity and ives in ‘he Patios ot pasand Cape Sic—_Lay Buds Mataton Sots Caper Sever: Te Renpretaton ofthe Dharma for Soci ‘ao: The Savodea Straratia Movement cencusion ‘bonapty Index 6 % 0 ” an 20 6 16 Editor's Preface “There isa sense in which this series of books provides ils readers wth opportunities ta compare scholarly approaches to diferent rl {ious tadions and this sone am ofthe projec. There is another Sense in which unity and vanety within singe taditions are discerned tnd analyzed. Finally, thar sth major alm ofthe src: to prove tba, Integrative approach to the study of religons and religions ‘dmensione of human experince through a scholarship that makes Sense regardless of th specie maton being examined, and that [Becomes acressbe to thought readers from 3 wide vnc of inter sts and backgrounds. Bat such scholtsip abo requles very specie Finds of mastery of the religious symiod and action system being cramined stots and contents se dotins, practice, and com ‘munity oem, ‘George Bond's The Bali Reia in Si Lane: Rligins Triton, Intepelation an Response, amply fall all the sis ised sbove—and then some” On one love this study can be read as an epitome of ‘cent Wesier scholarship on Theravada Beddhism, espe in nk, a country that has both produced and attracted the highest IBerofschlar, whether in humanistic or socal scent stdies of Bodahiss. On another lvl, The Budi! Reval permits the reader toplace the Sa Lankan developments in thiscentay within the eis Tistory of Buddhism, party because that island nation andthe ancient tradition are almost coterminous. Indeed, the Pali language txts of ‘Theravada in So Lanka can be tnced bac tothe Budden of the cly centuries in southern Asa. The most important level st which this book wal be appreciated sin ts arresting comparisons between calonilist modernizing of education and Chrstin misoniing in ‘eligi and ther unplanned and anorescen resin inspiring and fepuwering new Sel Lankan Budahie elite in one of the most fr aching relorns in Bais history. Ironically yet pathape nevi By, the Protestant Reormation n Europe provided, through ts Eng lsk-speking missionary gates, sewers hey cements of the Se {Lankan revival an emphasinon aciptate and elt iteracy indivi tors Pratace tal decison making in spiral and ethical mates aly focus that translated Lather priesthood of ll beevers nto a sophisticated fd widely. appealing Ixy meditation movement: the Vipunaat ‘Bhainds ac a thieworkly asceticism” that minimizes hiereey, preaches universalism, and clivates socal ation as mestrious Ecivty that takes iterally Buddha's nal admonishment to. "Work fut your ov slvation eth dijgence,” with he tact understanding, that personal salvation not a mater of classical, elie arnt, fonly, but am slrustic vocaton sited to an ban It that has the ‘eedom and leaning to take charge of thei ives. ‘Modern Buddhist reform n Se Lanka by no means uniform nor ‘uninear ints development, asthe author demonstrates in his wide ranging, yet focused survey which contains, among other valuable ‘lemens, the most exlenaie Geatment ofthe Vian meditation movement curently avaiable, It iso amet tte to speak of bing ing together both the “text and contest” ofa tadion for balanced Scholarship. Yet trl al to nasal fo read a sold example of ‘eldwork ised scholarship on Theravada Buddism whose authors sso seasoned special in the Pal tradition and the history of el {ions The Bud Reval Sri Lan thas an example ofthe new, {negative scholarship that thi series is designe to publ, both for itv inne terest and vai and forts anicpated mpl on con parative stuesn religion generally Frederick Mathewson Denny Seri Eitor

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