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Mickey Mouse Inspired Baby Hat Crochet Pattern Last week, I published a "Minnie Mouse Inspired Baby Hat"

crochet pattern, and it was surprisingly, a big hit!.. I !e actually gotten so "any re#uests since then $or a Mickey Mouse hat, that I $inally decided to gi!e in, and create on $or you guys! %o here it is, en&oy!

'hat (ou ll )eed *.++"" Crochet Hook ,.++"" Crochet Hook - Colours o$ ,+g .ply (arn %cissors /apestry0'ool )eedle

1inished %i2e - 3 * Months 4ld 5Head Circu"$erence 6* inches, 7+c". Hat Height *., inches, 6*.,c"8

Colours 5/his is the list o$ colours I used.8 %trawberry 9ed :et Black %now 'hite ; )ote ; 5Chains at the start o$ a round count as the $irst Hal$ <ouble Crochet o$ that round8 9ound 6; /aking your *.++"" crochet hook and &et black yarn, start o$ by "aking a %lip =not, then crochet > Chains. Crochet ? Hal$ <ouble Crochets into the $irst chain you "ade. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e . hal$ double crochets now. 9ound >; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. Crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets into e!ery stitch all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e 6* hal$ double crochets now. 9ound -; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. @Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet. /hen crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets in the neAt stitch. 9epeat $ro" the @ all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e >7 hal$ double crochets now. 9ound 7; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e

stitch. @Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt > stitches. /hen crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets in the neAt stitch. 9epeat $ro" the @ all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e -> hal$ double crochets now. 9ound ,; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. @Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt - stitches. /hen crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets in the neAt stitch. 9epeat $ro" the @ all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e 7+ hal$ double crochets now. 9ound *; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. @Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt > stitches. /hen crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets in the neAt stitch. 9epeat $ro" the @ all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e ,- hal$ double crochets now. 9ound ? 3 6+; Chain >. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into e!ery stitch all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. 9ound 66 3 67; Change yarn colour to strawberry red. Chain >. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into e!ery stitch all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. 9ound 6,; Chain >. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet only into the neAt -, stitches. 5)oteB /his is starting to create the back o$ the hat as well as the ear3$laps.8 9ound 6*; Chain >. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt -, stitches. <o )4/ $asten o$$, as you will be crocheting the le$t ear3$lap in the sa"e place. ; Car 1laps ; Le$t Car31lap 9ound 6; Chain 6. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt * stitches. /hen crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease.

9ound >; Chain 6. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt 7 stitches. /hen crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. 9ound -; Chain 6. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt > stitches. /hen crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. 9ound 7; Chain 6. Crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecreases. 1asten o$$, and wea!e in loose ends. 9ight Car31lap %tart o$ by attaching your raspberry pink yarn to the last stitch o$ 9ow 6*. 9ight across $ro" where the le$t ear3$lap is. 9ound 6; Chain 6. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt * stitches. /hen crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. 9ound >; Chain 6. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt 7 stitches. /hen crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. 9ound -; Chain 6. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt > stitches. /hen crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecrease. 9ound 7; Chain 6. Crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochet <ecreases. 1asten o$$, and wea!e in loose ends ; Border ; /aking your *.++"" crochet hook and strawberry red yarn, start o$ by "aking a %lip =not, then attach your yarn to the back o$ the hat, right in the "iddle.

/hen %ingle Crochet all along the edge o$ your hat. %lip %titch into the $irst single crochet. 1asten o$$, and wea!e in loose ends. ; Cars ; 9ound 6; /aking your ,.++"" crochet hook and &et black yarn, start o$ by "aking a %lip =not, then crochet > Chains. Crochet ? Hal$ <ouble Crochets into the $irst chain you "ade. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e . hal$ double crochets now. 9ound >; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. Crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets into e!ery stitch all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e 6* hal$ double crochets now. 9ound -; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. @Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet. /hen crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets in the neAt stitch. 9epeat $ro" the @ all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e >7 hal$ double crochets now. 9ound 7; Chain >, then crochet a Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the sa"e stitch. @Crochet 6 Hal$ <ouble Crochet into the neAt > stitches. /hen crochet > Hal$ <ouble Crochets in the neAt stitch. 9epeat $ro" the @ all around. %lip %titch into the top o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e -> hal$ double crochets now. 9epeat ear pattern once "ore to "ake a pair. /hen, taking your tapestry needle, sew both ears to the top o$ your hat, "aking sure they re e!enly spaced out. 1asten o$$, and wea!e in ends. ; 'hite Buttons ; 9ound 6; /aking your ,.++"" crochet hook and snow white yarn, start o$ by "aking a %lip =not, then crochet > Chains. Crochet 66 Hal$ <ouble Crochets into the $irst chain you "ade. %lip %titch into the top

o$ chain >. (ou should ha!e 6> hal$ double crochets now. /hen, taking your tapestry needle, sew both white buttons to the $ront o$ your hat, "aking sure they re e!enly spaced out. 1asten o$$, and wea!e in ends. ; Braided /assels ; /aking your &et black, snow white and strawberry red yarn, cut D strands o$ yarn E- o$ e!ery colourF, each -+ inches long. /hen "ake a si"ple knot into the botto" o$ the le$t ear3$lap. Make a loose braid as short or long as you like, EMine was . inchesF then tie a knot at the end, and cut o$ any eAcess yarn. 9epeat $or the right ear3$lap. ; Minnie Mouse Inspired Baby Hat Crochet Pattern ; Hope you all en&oyed this <isney inspired pattern! I$ you did crochet this, please post a photo o$ your creation onto "y 1acebook Page. I d lo!e to see it! Ha!e a lo!ely day crocheting!

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