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Suvorov Interview Part 1

An Interview with Viktor Suvorov By Viktor Kalashnikov, March 2011 Courtesy of A!I"#$%& htt'())*a+i,#net)article)--./0 &ranslate, fro0 the ori1inal 2ussian 3y Ser1e Ka3u, Viktor Suvorov, a former Soviet spy, is today a cult figure and author of documentaries and historical fiction as well as non-fiction. At the beginning of the 199 s his books caused almost a !opernican "evolution in the perception of the Second #orld #ar and Soviet foreign policy. Kalashnikov: Part of your 3io1ra'hy is connecte, with 4kraine# 5ow ,oes it influence you6 Suvorov: My father is 4krainian# 5e was ,ecorate, for the ,efense of Kiev# In a,,ition to his other awar,s, this one is the ,earest to 0e( it 0eans that he fou1ht in the su00er of 1781, an, this alone says so0ethin1# 5e was fi1htin1 throu1h the whole war fro0 3e1innin1 to en,, an, after that he was thrown into the 9a'anese front# An, he 1ot stuck in the :ar %ast, an, that;s where I was 3orn# 5e serve, for another 12 years after 178< 3efore 3ein1 transferre, 3ack to Konoto'# I finishe, the first 1ra,e in School $o# 1 in Konoto'# After I 1ra,uate, Suvorov 9unior Military Colle1e, I chose for 0yself to stu,y at the Kiev 5i1her Co03ine, Ar0s 2e, Banner School na0e after :run*e# $on%t crucify me, but & don%t speak 'krainian. It is 0y weak s'ot# Peo'le shoul, not for1et that there was only one lan1ua1e s'oken throu1hout the Soviet Ar0y, an, that was not 4krainian# After 0y stu,ies I took a little e+'e,ition to C*echoslovakia, an, 0ore = I serve, in Chernovtsy >4kraine?# I always felt at ho0e there# My ho0e is = 4kraine# @eir, enou1h, officially 4kraine ,oesn;t consi,er 0e a son, or even a 'ro,i1al son# @ell, well, we cannot 3e offen,e, at our 0other 4kraine# Kalashnikov: "i, you serve in the Car'athian Military "istrict, with its hea,Auarters in Bvov# @ere you an intelli1ence officer at this ti0e6 @hat o'erations ,i, you 'artici'ate in6 5ow woul, you assess what was 1oin1 on there6 Suvorov: In the center of Moscow there was the C24, chief intelli1ence ,irectorate of the Ceneral Staff# &he 4SS2 ha, 1D 0ilitary ,istricts, four 1rou's of forces, an, four fleets# %ach ha, their own hea,Auarters# %ach

hea,Auarters ha, several ,irectorates# &he :irst "irectorate 'lans 0ilitary actions# &he Secon, "irectorate is intelli1ence# &he Car'athian "istrict ha, its own hea,Auarters an, four ar0ies un,er it that nee,e, intelli1ence# &hat;s the reason for an intelli1ence ,irectorate in Bvov, which was very 'owerful# &he intelli1ence ,irectorate in Bvov ha, a se'arate 3ri1a,e of s'ecial forces un,er its co00an,# Besi,es this, all four ar0ies of the Car'athian "istrict ha, their own intelli1ence units re'ortin1 to Bvov# Ene of the ,irectorates re'ortin1 to the intelli1ence center was res'onsi3le to 1ather intelli1ence on the 3or,erin1 territories, C*echoslovkia, 5un1ary, Polan,, %ast Cer0any, inclu,in1 @est Cer0any an, the Car'athian area itself# &he Car'athian forces were calle, u'on to cross the 3or,ers to the @est in the event of a 0ilitary confrontation# @e were su''ose, to for0 a front# &hat;s why all these re1ions were un,er the watch of the Car'athian Military "istrict# Cer0any an, Austria were heavily infiltrate, 3y two networks of a1entsF one was infor0ational an, the other was for sa3ota1e# My rank was lieutenant, assi1ne, to ChernovtsyF 3ut I was freAuently in Bvov hea,Auarters as well# I re0e03er the 3uil,in1 in Bvov# It was 3uilt to rese03le the Penta1on, an, it was calle, unofficially Gthe Penta1on#G %veryone knew that 3uil,in1 in those ,ays# I ,i, 0y service there fro0 17D-=/0# I was then transferre, to Vol1a Military "istrict in Kui3yshev, which was a secret secon,ary ca'ital for the Soviet 4nion# In 0y 3ook, &nside the A(uarian, I wrote a3out o'erations in the Car'athian Military "istrict# Basically, the sa0e ty'e of o'erations were takin1 'lace in the Vol1a Military "istrict# I chan1e, the na0es, 'laces an, ,ates in 0y 3ook so that no3o,y woul, 1et into trou3le# Also, I wrote a3out Vienna in 0y 3ook# But in fact it was takin1 'lace in Ceneva# My work in Vol1a Military "istrict was a3solutely i,entical to what I was ,oin1 in Bvov# All of the0 work the sa0e 'attern# :irst "irectorate is 3rains# Secon, "irectorate is eyes an, ears# Kalashnkov: 4kraine is re,efinin1 the co00on 'erce'tion of the Secon, @orl, @ar an, the role of 4krainian nationalists in it# 5ow woul, you co00ent6 Suvorov: 2e1ar,in1 the 4PA >4krainian Insur1ent Ar0y? an, >Ste'an? Ban,era, we 0ust say this# @hen 5itler was in 4kraine, all 5ell 3roke out# But 5itler ca0e fro0 outsi,e, as for the fa0ine 1enoci,e of 5olo,o0or of 17.., that was the creation of our own co00issars# So 'eo'le rose u' a1ainst 5itler an, a1ainst the co00issars who 3rou1ht

the fa0ine >years 3efore?# &hose sa0e 'eo'le ha, chil,ren an, 1ran,chil,ren, who 0ake u' 0uch of 4kraine to,ay# 4kraine owes its free,o0 to these 'eo'le an, the contri3ution these 'eo'le 0a,e in their stru11le# @e shoul, 0ention the Vlasov Ar0y, an, we shoul, 0ention the %stonians, Batvians an, 4krainians who were fi1htin1 for 5itler an, a1ainst 5itlerF on Cer0an si,e an, a1ainst Cer0any# &here were 4krainians fi1htin1 for Stalin, an, a1ainst Stalin# In fact, we shoul, call it a civil war, which 'roves that the 1overn0ent in Moscow at the ti0e was cri0inal# $ot every3o,y su''orte, Moscow# It is interestin1 that there was no colla3orationis0 in Polan,# $ot a sin1le Polish re1i0ent was fi1htin1 un,er the Cer0an fla1#

Kalashnikov: "o you think 4kraine will eventually Hoin $A&E6 Suvorov: I;ll tell you a 'ersonal story on the 0atter# I have not receive, 'er0ission fro0 the 4krainian 1overn0ent to enter 4kraine 3ecause I was a traitor to the Soviet 4nion# At the sa0e ti0e, I was the first 4krainian to Hoin $A&E# "e)un, Vladimir *ogdanovich >Suvorov;s real na0e?. An, now 4kraine follows 0e# I was the first to leave the Soviet 4nion, then 4kraine Hoine, 0e# :irst I Hoin $A&E, then 4kraine wants to 3e in $A&E# :irst I Hoin the %uro'ean 4nion an, now 4kraine wants to 3e there# #hy do they call me a traitor+ It ha''ens that I cannot visit the lan, of 0y ancestors# I a0 'rohi3ite, fro0 visitin1 Cherkassy, where 0y 1ran,father Vasily An,reyevich is 3urie,, where 0y father Bo1,an Vasilevich is 3urie,, an, where 0y 72=year=ol, 0other now lives# I cannot 1o there 3ecause I a0 a traitor to the Soviet 4nion# It looks like those who 0a,e the ,ecision to kee' 0e out are still loyal to the Soviet 'nion# I a''eale, to the Ceneral Prosecutor of 4kraine with a 1eneral Auestion( G@hat is 0y cri0e a1ainst the state6 I 0ay 3e 1uilty a1ainst the Soviet 4nion an, I a0 not hi,in1 it, 3ut 'rou, of it# After the 3reaku' of the Soviet 4nion 4kraine acAuire, in,e'en,ence# So what is 0y cri0e a1ainst 4kraine6 I receive, an answer to the effect that Gwe will have to contact Moscow an, fin, out what to ,o#G So they call their 3i1 3rother in the Kre0lin# @ell then, I will have to wait# I ,on;t nee, their citi*enshi' if they still have a 3i1 3rother in Moscow# I say to the0( ,ou get drunk with him, but & am not -oining you. I a''eale, this several ti0es, to the ,ifferent officials in 4kraine# At so0e 'oint the 4krainian 'arlia0ent was lookin1 into 0y case# An, I a0 'rou, there was a 1rou' of MPs who vote, to awar, 0e with 4krainian citi*enshi'# But the 0aHority ,eci,e, that a traitor to the Soviet 4nion is a traitor, an, I cannot enter 4kraine#

Kalashnikov: Are you 3etter receive, in other 'ost=Co00unist countries6 Suvorov: Ence I wrote a letter to the Prosecutor Ceneral of Bul1aria, Ivan &atarchev# I was thinkin1( 4kraine ,oesn;t consi,er 0e as a son, or any other relative# &he ene0y is an ene0y# @ell, okay# @hat is 0y cri0e a1ainst Bul1aria6 &he Prosecutor Ceneral of Bul1aria answere,( G&he fact that Bul1aria can choose its own 'olitical course without consultin1 with a 3i1 3rother, *ulgaria owes to you# &hat;s why you;re 1oin1 to take your wife &atyana, an, i00e,iately fly to Bul1ariaF an, we are sen,in1 a 'ersonal Het to 'ick you u'#G So we arrive in Sofia where the Prosecutor Ceneral an, the Chief Military Prosecutor 0eet with us# GCreetin1s, here is your car an, 3o,y 1uar,s#G An, I re'ly, GI ,on;t nee, 3o,y 1uar,s#G An, they say, GIou are our 1uest, an, we are res'onsi3le for you safety#G @e toure, Bul1aria for two weeks, talkin1 to Bul1arians# I 0et 0y rea,ers# @e ate an, ,rank wine# An, finally it was ti0e to 1o 3ack ho0e# &he Prosecutor Ceneral 'ut us on the 'lane an, sai,, GIf so0e3o,y shoots

Suvorov Interview Part 2

An Interview with Viktor Suvorov

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