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The Secret Why Facebook Buys WhatsApp for $19 Billion!

Presentation By: Aiman

Facebook continues to buil upon its colossal empire throu!h strate!ic ac"uisitions# $ith instant%messa!in! platform WhatsApp the latest ser&ice to be snappe up by the social me ia !iant' Facebook $ill pay $1( billion ) $* billion cash an $1+ billion in stock ) for the eal' The a!reement also pro&i es for an a itional $, billion in restricte stock units to be !rante to WhatsApp-s foun ers an employees that $ill &est o&er four years subse"uent to closin!' .&er */0 million people use WhatsApp each month# 10 percent of $hom are acti&e aily users' The app is currently a in! more than one million ne$ re!istere users per ay' The ac"uisition supports Facebook an WhatsApp-s share mission to brin! more connecti&ity an utility to the $orl by eli&erin! core internet ser&ices efficiently an affor ably' The combination $ill help accelerate !ro$th an user en!a!ement across both companies' FB 23. 4ark 5uckerber! sai : 6WhatsApp is on a path to connect 1 billion people' The ser&ices that reach that milestone are all incre ibly &aluable'7

The WhatsApp eal far e8cee s the $1 billion that Facebook pai to ac"uire 9nsta!ram in +01+# as $ell as the $, billion offer it ma e for Snapchat:$hich $as turne o$n late last year' What oes this mean for WhatsApp users; Accor in! to a WhatsApp blo! post# the company $ill remain autonomous an operate in epen ently' <sers can continue to en=oy the ser&ice for a nominal fee# any$here in the $orl # on any smartphone' >o a &ertisin! is on the hori?on either! Why this eal-s smart for Facebook The rumour mill re users aban onin! Facebook en masse has been in full s$in! o&er the past si8 or so months# mean$hile statistics for &arious 94 platforms ) inclu in! WhatsApp ) in icate soli an stea y !ro$th'

Facebook# $hich recently turne 10# is craftin! a cle&er contin!ency plan by collectin! popular social net$orks outsi e its o$n' The company-s 4essen!er app ) $hile still popular ) came a little too late to the 94 !ame:costin! it a substantial loss of market share' The !ap bet$een 4essen!er an WhatsApp user numbers# too $i e to bri !e# ultimately left FB $ith t$o options ) thro$in! in the to$el for the instant messa!in! !ame# or thro$in! a heap of cash at a competitor' With o&er 1'+ billion re!istere users# Facebook is the lar!est social net$ork in the $orl ) some say it-s too bi! to fail# but it-s clearly takin! no chances' @o you use WhatsApp an Aor 4essen!er; Which o you prefer an $hy; Please lea&e your comments belo$'

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