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CIV541 BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT PROCESSES Practice Assignment #1 1. A wastewater is treated in an aerobic CSTR with no recycle.

Determine c min, [ cmin ]lim ,

and Smin if the following parameters hold: Ks = 50 mg/L, k= 5 mg/mg VSSa-d, kd = 0.06/d, Y = 0.60 g VSSa/g, So = 220 mg/l, and fd = 1.0 or 0.8 (two answers). (Problem 3.1 from Rittmann and McCarty (R&M)) 2. Consider a chemostat operating at a detention time of 2 h. The following growth constants apply: k= 48 g/g VSSa-d; Y = 0.5 gVSSa/g; Ks = 100 mg/l; kd = 0.1/d; and fd = 1.0 (Problem 3.2, R&M). a) What are the steady-state concentrations of substrate (S) for influent substrated concentrations (So) of 10,000; 1,000; and 100 mg/l. b) What are the steady-state concentrations of cell (Xa) for each So? d) What is the minimum detection time below which washout would occur for each So? What is the limiting value of this washout detention time? 3. An industry has an aerated lagoon for treatment of its wastewater. The wastewater has the characteristics: Q = 104 m3/d So = 200 mg COD/l (all is biodegradable) 0 Xa =0

X i0 = 30 mg VSSi/l
The lagoon is well aerated and has a total volume 4x104 m3. Tracer studies have shown that the lagoon can be described as two CSTRs in series. Therefore, assume that the lagoon is divided into two CSTRs in series. Compute S, Xa, and Xi in the effluent from both CSTRs. Use the following parameters: k=5 mg/mg VSSa-d Ks = 350 mg COD/l kd = 0.2/d Y = 0.40 mg VSSa/mg COD fd = 0.8

(Problem 3.7, R&M) 4. Calculate the hydraulic detention time () of a CSTR with settled-solids recycle if: Y = 0.6 g VSSa/g k=20 g/g VSSa-d Ks = 20 mg COD/l kd = 0.25/d fd = 0.8 So = 10,000 mg COD/l Xv = 4,000 mg/l X v0 = 0 c = 6d Q = 1,000 m3/d Ignore SMP formation and biomass in the settler. Discuss the practicality of treating this rather high-strength, soluble wastewater by this method (Problem 5.2, R&M). 5. Compare the cell concentration that will be present after 24 h through batch growth on a nongrowth limiting concentration of acetate for the following four cases, assuming that Y is the only variable between the organisms. The initial cell concentration in all cases is 10 mg/l. Assume other constants of interest are k=12 mg acetate/mg VSSa-d, Ks = 2 mg/l, and kd = 0.1/d. a) Y = 0.6 mg VSSa/mg acetate (aerobic growth) b) Y = 0.45 mg VSSa/mg acetate (denitrification) c) Y = 0.06 mg VSSa/mg acetate (sulfate reduction) d) Y = 0.04 mg VSSa/mg acetate (methane fermentation) (Problem 5.6, R&M) 6. You are designing a CSTR with cell settling and recycle for treatment of an organic industrial wastewater. You have selected a reactor for design that results in a given substrate concentration in the effluent. You now wish to do a sensitivity analysis to determine the effect of certain changes on the volume of the reactor, while keeping the effluent concentration unchanged. Fill out the following table to indicate how an increase in each of the variables in the left-hand column will affect reactor volume. Assume all other factors listed in the left-hand column remain constant. Use: + =

increase, - = decrease, 0 = no change, and i = need more information to tell (Problem 5.12, R&M).

Variable Increased Ks k Qo So X io Xa

Effect on Reactor Size


Determine the volume of an aerobic CSTR with settling and solids recycle for BOD removal under the following conditions (assume typical values for aerobic noncarbohydrate BOD): a) SF = 40 b) Qo = 103 m3/d c) X io = 300 mg VSSi/l d) Influent BODL = 200 mg/l e) Effluent BODL = 5 mg/l f) Xv = 2,000 mg VSS/l (Problem 5.14, R&M)


Consider a suspended-growth reactor with settling and solids recycle and with Xa = 1,200 mg VSSa/l and detention time = 4 h. A contaminant has an influent concentration So to the reactor of 0.5 mg/l, and is decomposed with kinetic coefficient based upon the total Xa concentration of k = 0.05 mg/mg VSSa-d and Ks = 3 mg/l. Estimate the effluent concentration Se from the reactor if the reactor were completely mixed (Problem 5.16, R&M).

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