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UNIT - 0
brother city class classroom clock desk England favourite friend from goodbye hello - hermano - ciudad - clase - aula - reloj - pupitre - Inglaterra - favorito - amigo/a - de, desde - adis - hola notebook page same sister so south Spain student teacher time today year - cuaderno - pgina - mismo/a . hermana - por eso, as que - sur - Espaa - estudiante - profesor/a - hora, tiempo, vez - hoy - ao


Whats your name? My name is . Where are you from? Im from Toledo Where do you live? I live in Mora Whats your address? 17, Main Street What do you do? Im a student Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 999763400 Have you got any brothers or sisters? Yes, Ive got 2 brothers and 3 sisters ask be begin draw find listen match practise read start study tell use write VERBS - preguntar - ser, estar - comenzar - dibujar - encontrar - escuchar - emparejar - practicar - leer - empezar - estudiar - decir (a) - usar - escribir COLOURS black blue brown green grey orange pink purple red white yellow - negro - azul - marrn - verde - gris - naranja - rosa - morado - rojo - blanco - amarillo

What colour are your eyes? Theyre brown

Whats your favourite school subject? My favourite school subject is Maths USEFUL PHRASES Thank you You're welcome What time is it? - Gracias - De nada - Qu hora es?

Excuse me Please In pairs

- Disculpe - Por favor - En parejas

Unit Unit 0
1.1.- Numbers 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 - eleven 12 - twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty A /ew/

2.2.- The Alphabet B /bi:/ C /si:/ D /di:/ E /i:/ F /ef/ G /i:/ 3.- Demostrativos this that these those - este/a/o - ese/a/o aquel/a/o - estos/as - esos/as aquellos/as

30 - thirty 40 - forty 50 - fifty 60 - sixty 70 - seventy 80 - eighty 90 - ninety 100 - a hundred 1,000 - a thousand 1,000,000 - a million 45 - forty-five 610 - six hundred and ten 6,241 - six thousand, two hundred and forty-one 6.6.- Whats the time?

H /ew/ I /aw/

J /ew/ K /kew/ L /el/ /Y:(r)/ S /es/

M /em/ N /en/ T /ti:/ U /ju:/

O /c/ P /pi:/ Q /kju:/ R V /vi:/ W /dblju:/

X /ex/

Y /waw/ Z /zed/

4.- El artculo determinado the: the el, la, lo, los, las (the dog, the dogs, the table, the tables,...)

5.- El artculo indeterminado a (un, una) an (un, una)

a se utiliza delante de palabras que Delante de sonido de consonante se pronuncia /c/. comienzan con sonido de consonante. Delante de sonido de vocal su pronunciacin es /w/. an se utiliza delante de palabras que comienzan con sonido de vocal. the lemon /c lemcn/, the orange /w Zrwn/ a dog, a window, an elephant, an apple 05.00 Its five oclock 01.30 Its half past one 08.25 Its twenty-five past eight 02.15 Its quarter past two 12.05 Its five past twelve 09.40 Its twenty to ten 10.45 Its quarter to eleven 04.50 Its ten to five 03.17 Its seventeen minutes past three


UNIT 1 a lot of - muchos, muchas big - grande bike - bici birthday - cumpleaos blonde - rubio capital letter - letra mayscula computer - ordenador country - pas fair - rubio family - familia famous - famoso for - para, por here - aqu house - casa long - largo member - miembro new of pen people person pet photo present ruler short singer there too voice with - nuevo - de - boli - gente, personas - persona - mascota - foto - regalo, presente - regla - corto - cantante - all - tambin - voz - con THE FAMILY parents - padres dad - pap father - padre mum - mam mother - madre granddad - abuelo grandma - abuela brother - hermano sister - hermana son - hijo daughter - hija uncle - to aunt - ta cousin - primo/a husband - marido wife - esposa


THE BODY head - cabeza hair - pelo eye - ojo ear - oreja nose - nariz mouth - boca cheek - mejilla chin - barbilla neck - cuello back - espalda shoulder - hombro arm - brazo elbow - codo hand - mano finger - dedo (mano) leg - pierna knee - rodilla ankle - tobillo foot - pie feet - pies toe - dedo del pie VOCABULARY VERBS add - aadir check - comprobar choose - elegir copy - copiar go - ir have - haber, tener, tomar hear - or help - ayudar live - vivir look at - mirar make - hacer pay attention - prestar atencin talk - hablar, conversar tick - marcar con un tick translate - traducir

Nice to meet you Good luck! No way He's cute He's got brown hair and blue eyes

USEFUL PHRASES - Encantado de conocerte - Buena suerte! - De ninguna manera - Es guapo - Tiene el pelo castao y los ojos azules

7.7.- Caso Posesivo

8.- Adjetivos Posesivos my your his her its mi, mis tu, tus su, sus (de l) su, sus (de ella) su, sus (de un animal o cosa) our - nuestro/a/os/as your - vuestro/a/os/as their - su, sus (de ellos/as) 9.- El adjetivo El adjetivo en ingls es invariable. Tiene igual forma en masculino, femenino, singular o plural. good = bueno, buena, buenos, buenas - El adjetivo se coloca delante del nombre: a good book (un buen libro) yellow cars (coches amarillos) - Tambin puede ir detrs de algunos verbos: Peter is tall (Peter es alto)

Sirve para indicar posesin o pertenencia. Hay dos formas: a) Cuando el poseedor es una persona o un animal, se colocan las palabras en el siguiente orden: POSEEDOR APSTROFO S COSA POSEDA (sin artculo) Pams books (los libros de Pam) The girls dress (el vestido de la chica) b) Si el poseedor es pural y termina en s se aade slo el apstrofo: The girls dresses (los vestidos de las chicas) c) Si el poseedor es una cosa, se utiliza la preposicin of: of The leg of the table (la pata de la mesa).


about - alrededor de, sobre after - despus de also - tambin beach - playa bed - cama before - antes de bonfire - hoguera candle - vela centre - centro cereal - cereales daily routine - rutina diaria dancer - bailarn each - cada early - temprano enormous - enorme festival - fiesta, festival fireworks - fuegos artificiales fire - fuego food game guitar homework horoscope important Indian job last late love match money nurse shower typical week weekend way work - comida - juego - guitarra - deberes - horscopo - importante - indio, hind - trabajo, empleo - ltimo, pasado - tarde - amor - partido - dinero - enfermera - ducha - tpico - semana - fin de semana - camino, manera - trabajo DAYS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday - domingo - lunes - martes - mircoles - jueves - viernes - sbado


DAILY ACTIVITIES burn come cook do finish go out learn like listen to meet play practise say sleep speak spell teach think visit walk work VERBS - quemar - venir - cocinar - hacer - terminar - salir - aprender - gustar - escuchar (a) - encontrarse con - jugar, tocar - practicar - decir - dormir - hablar - deletrear - ensear - creer, pensar - visitar - andar, caminar - trabajar brush your hair - cepillarse el pelo clean your teeth - limpiarse los dientes do your homework - hacer los deberes get up - levantarse go to bed - acostarse have a lie-in - levantarse tarde have a shower - ducharse have breakfast - desayunar MONTHS have dinner - cenar have lunch - comer (medio da) January - enero leave home - salir de casa February - febrero listen to music - escuchar msica March - marzo make your bed - hacer la cama April - abril play computer games - jugar con May - mayo el ordenador June - junio read a magazine - leer una revista July - julio wash your hands - lavarse las manos August - agosto - ver la tele September - septiembre watch TV October - octubre November - noviembre December - diciembre

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night - por la maana (hasta las 12:00) - por la tarde (12:00 a 17:30) - por la tarde/noche (a partir de las 17:30) - por la noche How are you? I'm fine, thanks When's your birthday? Go on Hurry up! Good night! From Monday to Friday

- Cmo ests? - Estoy bien, gracias - Cundo es tu cumpleaos? - Contina - Date prisa! - Buenas noches! - De lunes a viernes

apostrophe comma exclamation mark full stop question mark new paragraph - apstrofo - coma - admiracin - punto - interrogacin - aparte

MY TYPICAL FRIDAY FRIDAY After lunch I... - Despus de comer yo... After school I... - Despus del colegio yo... I have lunch at... - Yo como a las... On a typical Friday I get up at... - En un viernes tpico me levanto a...

Hi, Mike. It's Tracy Can you come to the caf on Friday? I need to ask my dad Wait a minute See you there!

PHONING A FRIEND - Hola, Mike. Soy Tracy! - Puedes venir a la cafetera el viernes? - Necesito preguntrselo a mi pap - Espera un minuto - Nos vemos all!

10. 10.- Uso del presente simple simple Usamos el presente simple para: a) Spelling:

11. 11.- s en la 3 persona del singular: 12. 12.- Adverbios de frecuencia 13 Pronombres personales

always - siempre Subject Object usually - usualmente - Hablar de horarios y de acciones - Se aade s en la 3 persona del singular: often - a menudo I me = yo habituales o costumbres: I play he plays sometimes - a veces you you = t The film starts at six oclock - Si el verbo termina en ss, ch, sh, x, o, o aade es: es ever - alguna vez he him = l I go to judo every Wednesday I watch she watches I go he goes rarely - raramente - Si el verbo termina en y precedida de consonante, she her = ella hardly ever - casi nunca - Expresar verdades generales y cambia la y por ies: I study he studies it it = ello (un ies never - nunca definiciones: - El verbo have tiene la forma especial has: animal o cosa) Manchester is a city we us = nosotros/as I have he has Los adverbios de frecuencia you you = vosotros/as -Tambin para indicar gustos, se colocan delante del verbo b) Pronunciation: they them = ellos/as opiniones y sentimientos: principal, o detrs del verbo She likes music /z/ play-plays run-runs to be: /s/ walk-walks put-puts I always go to school by bus /wz/ wash-washes relax-relaxes Do you often cycle to school? She is never late for school 14 Connectors and - y or - o but - pero first - primero then - luego finally - finalmente so - por eso, as que because - porque while - mientras however although - sin embargo - aunque for example - por ejemplo in conclusion - en conclusin


academy activity adress against because boring captain card character competitor enough fast league lesson - academia - actividad - seas, direccin - contra - porque - aburrido - capitn - carnet, tarjeta - personaje - competidor - bastante, suficiente - rpdo - liga - leccin mistake national nice now only or possible shot similar small sports centre team until - error, equivocacin - nacional - bonito, agradable - ahora - slo, solamente -o - posible - disparo - similar - pequeo - centro de deportes - equipo - hasta SPORTS athletics - atletismo basketball - baloncesto cycling - ciclismo football - ftbol gymnastics - gimnasia hang-gliding - ala delta karate - krate parachuting - paracaidismo paragliding - parapente rock climbing - escalada sailing - vela scuba-diving - submarinismo skateboarding - monopatn skiing - esqu swimming - natacin tennis - tenis volleyball - balonvolea weight-training - levantamiento de pesos windsurfing - windsurf


PREPOSITIONS WITH TIME at two o'clock - a las dos at night - por la noche at the weekend - el fin de semana in August - en agosto in the morning - por la maana in the afternoon - por la tarde in the evening - por la tarde/noche in 2002 - en 2002 on Sunday - el domingo believe cycle hate join love pass prefer run score see sit stop USEFUL PHRASES support swim Come on! - Vamos! I don't believe it! - No me lo creo! win I'm sorry - Lo siento Over here! - Aqu, por aqu Over there! - All, por all Welcome - Bienvenido VERBS - creer - hacer ciclismo - odiar - unirse - amar, gustar mucho - pasar - preferir - correr - marcar - ver - sentarse - parar - apoyar, sostener - nadar - ganar

Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night!

GREETINGS - Buenos das! - Buenas tardes! - Buenas tardes/noches! - Buenas noches! (al despedirnos)

Can I join the sports centre, please? How do you spell...? What's your address? What's your telephone number? Here's your membership card

JOINING A SPORTS CENTRE - puedo apuntarme al centro de deportes, por favor? - Cmo se deletrea...? - Cul es tu direccin? - cul es tu nmero de telfono? - Aqu tienes tu carnet de socio

who what which when where - quin, quines (pregunta por personas) - qu, cul (pregunta por cosas) - qu, cul (cuando se elige entre varios) - cundo - dnde where... from why whose what ... like how

15.- Interrogativos - de dnde - por qu - de quin - cmo (cmo es algo) - cmo (cmo est o se hace algo) 16.16.- QUESTIONS How much How many How old How long How often - cunto/a - cuntos/as - cuntos aos - cunto tiempo - con qu frecuencia

'Wh''Wh'-QUESTIONS: QUESTIONS Son preguntas que comienzan por un interrogativo (who, what, where, how,...). Hay dos clases: Preguntas por el sujeto: sujeto Se hacen con el interrogativo (who, what o which) y el verbo en forma afirmativa. Se responden con el nombre del sujeto: Who lives in that house? - Bill Who has got my keys? - I've got them What is burning? - A piece of paper Preguntas por un objeto: objeto Se hacen con la partcula interrogativa (who, what, why, where, how, how many,...) y el verbo en forma interrogativa. Se responden con una frase completa: Who are you phoning? - I'm phoning Bill What is Peter doing? - He's playing the guitar Where do they live? - They live in London

'YES/NO' QUESTIONS: QUESTIONS Se hacen con el verbo en forma interrogativa. Se responden con Yes o No, seguido del verbo auxiliar con que se haya preguntado. Are you my friend? - Yes, I am Has your brother got a bike? - No, he hasn't Can Miss Norton swim? - No, she can't Do you like music? - Yes, I do Did they play with you? - Yes, they did COMPARE: COMPARE David telephoned Peter Who telephoned Peter? Who did David telephone? - David (subject) - Peter (object)


all bad biology finally hour Ireland later maybe plant pound project really - realmente - todos - malo shop-assistant - dependiente - biologa - finalmente Switzerland - Suiza - hora temperature - temperatura - Irlanda that - que - ms tarde thing - cosa - quizs tiger - tigre - planta tropical - tropical - libra whale - ballena - proyecto wind - viento USEFUL PHRASES What's the weather like? - Qu tiempo hace? At the moment - En este momento Of course - Desde luego There you are! - Ah ests! Wait! - Espera!


THE WEATHER it's cloudy - est nublado it's cold - hace fro it's foggy - hay niebla it's hot - hace calor it's raining - est lloviendo it's snowing - est nevando it's sunny - hace sol it's warm - hace calor (templado) it's windy - hace viento CARDINAL POINTS north - norte south - sur east - este west - oeste THE WORLD Europe - Europa Asia - Asia Africa - frica The Americas - Amrica Oceania - Oceana Antarctica - La Antrtida COUNTRIES & NATIONALITIES VERBS Australia - Australian - Australia - australiano buy - comprar Brazil - Brazilian - Brasil - brasileo chat - charlar, chatear Canada - Canadian - Canad - canadiense dance - bailar drink - beber China - Chinese - China - chino England - English - Inglaterra - ingls eat - comer jump - saltar France - French - Francia - francs Germany - German - Alemania - alemn know - saber, conocer Greece - Greek - Grecia - griego look for - buscar phone - telefonear India - Indian - India - indio/hind Italy - Italian - Italia - italiano rain - llover send - enviar Japan - Japanese - Japn - japons Nigeria - Nigerian - Nigeria - nigeriano shine - brillar Peru - Peruvian - Per - peruano shout - gritar, dar voces Russia - Russian - Rusia - ruso sing - cantar Scotland - Scottish - Escocia - escocs snow - nevar Spain - Spanish - Espaa - espaol want - querer IN A SHOP Can I help you? - Puedo ayudarle? Do you sell maps? - Vendis mapas? I'm looking for a map of London - Estoy buscando un mapa de Londres I'd like this one - Quiero ste Here you are! - Aqu tiene!

17. 17.- Formacin del gerundio

18. 18.- El presente continuo - Se conjuga con el verbo to be ms el verbo principal terminado en ing. - Se usa principalmente para hablar de acciones que estn ocurriendo en el mismo momento en que se habla. I am reading this book (estoy leyendo este libro) Emily isn't playing with Mary (Emily no est jugando con Mary)

- El gerundio de los verbos se forma aadiendo ing al infinitivo. open/opening look/looking work/working be/being - Si el verbo termina en una e muda, pierde dicha e: have/having live/living close/closing - Los verbos terminados en slaba tnica formada por una vocal seguida de una consonante (excepto w o y ), duplican la consonante al aadir ing: run/running begin/beginning sit/sitting swim/swimming


board - tablero called - llamado carpet - alfombra cheap - barato closed - cerrado coast - costa expensive - caro left - izquierda light - luz problem - problema quite - bastante, completamente right - derecha river - ro road - carretera, calle sea - mar tourist - turista transport - transporte


PREPOSITIONS PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE behind - detrs (de) in - en (dentro de) in front of - delante de next to - junto a on - en (encima de) opposite - en frente (de) over - sobre under - debajo de arrive call catch close follow get VERBS - llegar - llamar - coger - cerrar - seguir - obtener, conseguir - dar - necesitar - abrir - viajar - girar

give need open travel turn USEFUL PHRASES Follow me - Sgame From all over the world - De todo el mundo I'm hungry - Tengo hambre Too late - Demasiado tarde IMPERATIVES GIVING DIRECTIONS Be careful! - Ten cuidado! Excuse me. Is there a supermarket near here? - Disculpe. Hay un supermercado cerca de aqu? Be quiet! - Cllate! Can you tell me where the library is, please? - Me puede decir dnde est la biblioteca, por favor? Go to bed! - Vete a la cama! How do I get there? - Cmo llego all? Sit down! - Sintate! Go straight on and turn left - Siga recto y gire a la izquierda Don't be late! - No llegues tarde! Thanks a lot! - Muchas gracias! Don't write in your book! - No escribas en tu libro! You're welcome! - De nada!

PLACES IN TOWN airport - aeropuerto department store - grandes almacenes baker's - panadera doctor's surgery - consulta bank - banco football ground - campo de ftbol beach - playa games arcade - recreativos bus stop - parada de autobs music shop - tienda de msica caf - cafetera newsagent's - kiosco de prensa chemist's - farmacia police station - comisara cinema - cine post office - oficina de correos library - biblioteca sports shop - tienda de deportes restaurant - restaurante supermarket - supermercado school - escuela swimming pool - piscina underground - metro town hall - ayuntamiento university - universidad train station - estacin de ferrocarril

19. 19.- There is / There are There is y there are significan hay There is se usa en singular y there are en plural. - There is an apple on the table - There are some apples here - There isnt an apple on the table - There arent any apples here - Is there an apple on the table? - Are there any apples here? - Theres some milk in the glass - There isnt any milk in the glass - Is there any milk in the glass? 21. 21.- Formacin del plural 1.- Regla general: Se aade s al singular: name/names book/books boy/boys 2.- Si el singular termina en s, sh, x, ch y, a veces, en o, aade es: es dress/dresses box/boxes potato/potatoes match/matches 3.- Si el singular termina en y precedida de consonante, cambia la y por ies: ies fly/flies family/families country/countries

20. 20.- El imperativo El imperativo de los verbos se usa para dar instrucciones y rdenes. Se forma con el infinitivo del verbo, pero sin to. Es igual en singular y en plural. La negativa se forma con dont. Open the door (Abre/abrid la puerta) Wait for me (Esprame/esperadme) Don't open the door Don't wait for me

4.- Varias palabras terminadas en f o fe, cambian la f por v y aaden es: wife/wives thief/thieves shelf/shelves 5.- Plurales irregulares: man/men woman/women child/children ox/oxen foot/feet tooth/teeth person/people 6.- Palabras que slo se usan en plural: trousers (pantaloes), jeans (vaqueros), scissors (tijeras) 7.- Nombres con igual sigular que plural: sheep (oveja/-as), fish (pez/peces).


UNIT 6 baby barbecue bottle canteen countryside cow cross Easter every example fast food glass group healthy meal minute noise per cent percentage portion through type wrestler - beb - barbacoa - botella - cantina - campo - vaca - cruz - Pascua - cada, todos - ejemplo - comida rpida - cristal - grupo - sano - comida - minuto - ruido - por ciento - porcentaje - porcin - por, a travs de - tipo - luchador FOOD AND DRINKS apple - manzana hamburger beef - carne de vaca juice beer - cerveza lemonade biscuit - galleta meat bread - pan milk butter - mantequilla more cake - pastel onion carrot - zanahoria pasta cheese - queso pea chicken - pollo pizza chips - patatas fritas pork chocolate - chocolate protein cod - bacalao rice coffee - caf roast meat crisps - patatas fritas salt dairy - lechera strawberry egg - huevo sugar fat - gordo, grasa tea fruit - fruta tuna grapefruit - pomelo vegetables grape - uva water gravy - salsa wine ham - jamn yoghurt - hamburguesa - zumo - gaseosa - carne - leche - ms - cebolla - pasta - guisante - pizza - carne de cerdo - proteina - arroz - carne asada - sal - fresa - azcar - t - atn - verduras - agua - vino - yogur can


VOCABULARY VERBS - poder, saber (hacer algo)

USEFUL PHRASES I'm thirsty - Tengo sed Look! - Mira! Well - Bien Good idea - Buena idea Would you like a biscuit? - Quieres una galleta? INVITATIONS Are you doing anything on Saturday night? - Vas a hacer algo el sbado por la noche? I don't think so - Creo que no Do you want to come? - Quieres venir? Yes, that sounds fun - S, parece divertido


24 Presente Continuo con valor de futuro: futuro: El presente continuo se puede utilizar para describir planes futuros: Im visiting my uncle tomorrow

22. 23.- Some y any 22.- Nombre contables e incontables 23. Son nombres contables los que se refieren a cosas que Some y Any significan: pueden contarse poniendo un nmero delante. Tienen algunos-as (delante de nombres contables en plural) singular y plural. algo de (delante de nombres incontables) dog (one dog, two dogs, three dogs,...), window, cup,... Some se utiliza en frases afirmativas y any en frases negativas e interrogativas. - I have got some books - There is some water here Son incontables los que se refieren a algo que no puede - I haven't got any books - There isn't any water here contarse poniendo nmeros delante. No tienen plural. milk, rain, money, music, water,... - Have I got any books? - Is there any water here?


angry - enfadado artist - artista at home - en casa between - entre break - recreo difficult - difcil easy - fcil experiment - experimento everybody - todos fish - pescado floor - suelo, piso foreign - extranjero foreign language - lengua extranjera fortunately - afortunadamente friendly - simptico, amable fun - diversin interesting - interesante large - grande main - principal most - la mayor parte on holiday - de vacaciones opinion - opinin order - orden painting - pintura private - privado school subject - asignatura secondary - secundaria state - estatal timetable - horario trip - excursin uniform - uniforme weak - dbil yesterday - ayer the day before yesterday - anteayer last week - la semana pasada this week - esta semana next week - la semana que viene


SCHOOL SUBJECTS art - Arte computer studies - Informtica English - Ingls French - Francs geography - Geografa history - Historia maths - Matemticas music - Msica P.E. - Educacin fsica science - Ciencias VERBS - traer - organizar - pagar - probar, intentar - llevar puesto THE SCHOOL - sala de reuniones - comedor - gimnasio - aula de msica - patio de recreo - laboratorio de ciencias - campo de deportes USEFUL PHRASES Are you OK? - Ests bien? Are you sure? - Ests seguro? How was it? - Cmo fue? I don't understand - No entiendo Really? - De verdad? Sorry! - Lo siento! What a day! - Qu da! What do you mean? - Qu quieres decir? You weren't at volleyball practise yesterday - No estuviste en entrenamiento de baloncesto ayer assembly hall dining room gymnasium music room playground science lab sports field

bring organise pay try wear

25.25.- Ordinals: 1st - first 2nd - second 3rd - third 4th - fourth 5th - fifth 6th - sixth 7th - seventh 8th - eighth 9th - ninth 10th - tenth 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second th 13 thirteenth 23rd twenty-third 14th fourteenth 24th twenty-fourth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty-fifth th 16 sixteenth 26th twenty-sixth 17th seventeenth 27th twenty-seventh 18th eighteenth 28th twenty-eighth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty-ninth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth 31st thirty-first

26.26.- Las formas verbales: Los verbos ingleses tienen tres formas: 1 - Infinitivo - sirve para los tiempos simples. 2 - Pasado - sirve para la afirmativa del pasado simple. 3 - Participio - sirve para los tiempos compuestos. Los verbos regulares hacen la 2 y 3 forma aadiendo ed: play played played Los verbos irregulares hacen la 2 y 3 forma de cualquier otra manera: break broke broken 27.- Los tiempos verbales: Los verbos tienen cuatro tiempos simples y otros cuatro compuestos. Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Present Condicional Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Perfect Condicional


UNIT 8 acrobat - acrbata archaeologist - arquelogo bird - pjaro bowl - cuenco Britain - Gran Bretaa castle - castillo change - cambio date - fecha Egypt - Egipto Egyptian - egipcio exciting - emocionante, excitante feast - banquete ghost - fantasma gold - oro grass - hierba just - justo king - rey lots of - muchos/as message - mensaje mobile phone - telfono mvil poor - pobre prison - prisin prisoner - prisionero queen - reina quietly - silenciosamente rich - rico servant - sirviente show - espectculo story - historia strange - extrao tomb - tumba towards - hacia warm - templado THE HOUSE armchair - silln bath - baera bedside table - mesilla de noche chest of drawers - cmoda coffee table - mesa de centro cooker - cocina (aparato) dishwasher - lavavajillas fireplace - chimenea, hogar fridge - frigorfico microwave - microondas plate - plato


PARTS OF THE HOUSE bathroom - cuarto de bao bedroom - dormitorio dining room - comedor downstairs - piso de abajo garden - jardn hall - vestbulo kitchen - cocina living room - cuarto de estar stairs - escaleras toilet - servicio upstairs - piso de arriba wardrobe - armario ropero washbasin - lavabo USEFUL PHRASES VOCABULARY VERBS be born - nacer carry - llevar, transportar clean - limpiar climb - trepar, escalar decide - decidir discover - descubrir die - morir escape - escapar fly - volar grow - crecer, cultivar hurry - darse prisa invent - inventar leave - salir de, dejar marry - casarse paint - pintar plan - planear, plnificar put - poner wake up - despertar

I'm going! - Ya voy! / Me voy Stop it! - Djalo! That isn't funny! - Eso no tiene gracia! AT A MUSEUM Can I have four tickets, please? Can I have a guidebook too, please? That's 39.50 in total, please. Yes, of course

- Me puede dar cuatro tickets, por favor? - Me puede dar tambin una gua, por favor? - Son 39.50 libras en total, por favor. - S, desde luego.

28.- El pasado simple - El Pasado Simple de los verbos regulares se conjuga de la siguiente manera: a) AFIRMATIVA Con sujeto+verbo terminado en ed b) NEGATIVA Con didn't entre sujeto y verbo (en infinitivo) c) INTERROGATIVA: Con did delante del sujeto y verbo (en infinitivo)

29. 29.- Terminacin -ed de los verbos 30. 30.- Pronunciacin de -ed /d/ Regla general: love-loved kill-killed /t/ Despus de los sonidos /p/,/k/,/s/,/f/,//,// jump-jumped walk-walked /wd/ Despus de /t/,/d/ want-wanted add/added

1.- Aaden '-ed' ask-asked stay-stayed 2.- Si terminan en 'e', aaden slo 'd' live-lived like-liked 3.- Algunos verbos duplican su consonante final: stop-stopped travel-travelled - El Pasado Simple se usa para hablar de acciones que ocurrieron en un pasado determinado. Se suelen usar con una expresin de 4.- Si terminan en consonante+y pierden la tiempo: y y aaden 'ied' I went to Madrid last Sunday study-studied cry-cried


UNIT 9 chess - ajedrez classmate - compaero de clase coat - abrigo during - durante for - por, durante holiday - fiesta, vacaciones hotel - hotel ice - hielo made - hecho mountain - montaa news - noticia/-as poem - poema ready - preparado, listo souvenir - suvenir statue - estatua suitcase - maleta Sweden - Suecia swimsuit - traje de bao theme park - parque temtico tomorrow - maana tonight - esta noche tower - torre CLOTHES bikini - bikini boots - botas cap - gorra cardigan - rebeca dress - vestido glasses - gafas gloves - guantes hooded top - top con capucha jacket - chaqueta jeans - vaqueros miniskirt - minifalda scarf - bufanda shorts - pantalones cortos sleeve - manga sleeveless dress - vestido sin mangas socks - calcetines sunglasses - gafas de sol sweater - suter swimsuit - traje de bao top - top tracksuit - chandal tracksuit bottoms - pantalones de chandal trainers - deportivas trousers - pantalones T-shirt - camiseta wooly hat - gorro de lana


ADJECTIVES boring - exciting - aburrido - emocionante easy - difficult - fcil - difcil good - bad - bueno - malo happy - unhappy - feliz - desdichado healthy - unhealthy - sano - insano hot - cold - caliente - fro old - new - viejo - nuevo old - young - viejo - joven patient - impatient - paciente - impaciente polite - impolite - educado - maleducado popular - impopular - popular - impopular possible - impossible - posible - imposible short - long - corto - largo small - big - pequeo - grande tall - short - alto - bajo tidy - untidy - ordenado - desordenado MAKING SUGGESTIONS Let's go! - Vmonos! Let's go to the park! - Vayamos al parque! Shall we ask Greg? - Le preguntamos a Greg? Why don't we go to the cinema? - Por qu no vamos al cine? VOCABULARY VERBS forget - olvidar go abroad - ir al extranjero go shopping - ir de compras must - deber, tener que remember - recordar spend - pasar, gastar stay - quedarse suggest - sugerir sunbathe - tomar baos de sol tidy - ordenar, arreglar

USEFUL PHRASES Don't worry Hurray! I think so It's OK - No te preocupes - Hurra! - Creo que s - Est bien

UNIT 9 be become begin bite break bring build burn* buy catch choose come cost cut do draw dream* drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find was/were became began bit broke brought built burnt bought caught chose came cost cut did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found been become begun bitten broken brought built burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found - ser, estar - hacerse, convertirse - comenzar - morder - romper - traer - edificar, constuir - quemar - comprar - coger - elegir - venir - costar - cortar - hacer - dibujar - soar - beber - conducir - comer - caer(se) - alimentar - sentir - luchar - encontrar fly forget freeze get give go grow have hear hit hold hurt keep know learn* leave lend let lose make meet pay put read ride

ring run say see sell send shine shut sing sit sleep speak spend stand steal swim swing take teach tell think throw wake wear win write (*) Los verbos marcados con asterisco pueden conjugarse tambin como verbos regulares.

GRAMMAR IRREGULAR VERBS flew flown - volar forgot forgotten - olvidar froze frozen - helar got got - obtener, conseguir gave given - dar went gone - ir grew grown - crecer, cultivar had had - haber, tener heard heard - or hit hit - golpear held held - sujetar, sostener hurt hurt - herir, hacer dao kept kept - guardar knew known - saber,conocer learnt learnt - aprender left left - salir de, dejar lent lent - prestar let let - dejar, permitir lost lost - perder made made - hacer, fabricar met met - encontrarse con paid paid - pagar put put - poner read read - leer rode ridden - montar, cabalgar

rang ran said saw sold sent shone shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam swung took taught told thought threw woke wore won wrote

rung run said seen sold sent shone shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum swung taken taught told thought thrown woken worn won written

- sonar - correr - decir - ver - vender - enviar - brillar - cerrar - cantar - sentarse - dormir - hablar - pasar, gastar - estar de pie - robar - nadar - balancearse - tomar, llevar - ensear - decir (a) - creer, pensar - tirar - despertar(se) - llevar puesto - ganar - escribir


Short form I'm you're he's she's it's we're you're they're Long form I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not we are not you are not they are not Short form I'm not you aren't he isn't she isn't it isn't we aren't you aren't they aren't

I.E.S Peas Negras

Long form I am (yo soy/estoy) you are (t eres/ests) he is (l es/est) she is (ella es/est) it is (ello es/est) we are (nosotros/as somos/estamos) you are (vosotros/as sois/estis) they are (ellos/as son/estn)

INTERROG. am I? are you? is he? is she? is it? are we? are you? are they?

RESPUESTAS BREVES Affirmative Negative Negative

Yes, I am Yes, you are Yes, he is Yes, she is Yes, it is Yes we are Yes, you are Yes, they are No, Im not No, you arent No, he isnt No, she isnt No, it isnt No, we arent No, you arent No, they arent

Long form I was (yo era/estaba) you were (t eras/estabas) he was (l era/estaba) she was (ella era/estaba) it was (ello era/estaba) we were (nosotros/as ramos/estbamos) you were (vosotros/as erais/estabais) they were (ellos/as eran/estaban)


Long form I was not you were not he was not she was not it was not we were not you were not they were not Short form I wasnt you weren't he wasnt she wasnt it wasnt we weren't you weren't they weren't

INTERROG. INTERROG. was I? were you? was he? was she? was it? were we? were you? were they?

RESPUESTAS BREVES Affirmative Negative

Yes, I was Yes, you were Yes, he was Yes, she was Yes, it was Yes we were Yes, you were Yes, they were No, I wasnt No, you werent No, he wasnt No, she wasnt No, it wasnt No, we werent No, you werent No, they werent

Verbo auxiliar to have haber - PRESENT SIMPLE

AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROG. Short form Long form Short form Long form
I have you have he has she has it has we have you have they have (yo he) (t has) (l ha) (ella ha) (ello ha) (nosotros/as hemos) (vosotros/as habis) (ellos/as han) I've you've he's she's it's we've you've they've I have not you have not he has not she has not it has not we have not you have not they have not I haven't you haven't he hasn't she hasn't it hasn't we haven't you haven't they haven't have I? have you? has he? has she? has it? have we? have you? have they?

RESPUESTAS BREVES Affirmative Negative

Yes, I have Yes, you have Yes, he has Yes, she has Yes, it has Yes, we have Yes, you have Yes, they have No, I havent No, you havent No, he hasnt No, she hasnt No, it hasnt No, we havent No, you havent No, they havent

Verbo modal can - saber o poder (hacer algo) - PRESENT SIMPLE

NEGATIVE AFFIRMATIVE I can you can he can she can it can we can you can they can (yo puedo/s) (t puedes/sabes) (l puede/sabe) (ella puede/sabe) (ello puede/sabe) (nosotros/as podemos/sabemos) (vosotros/as podis/sabis) (ellos/as pueden/saben) Long form I cannot you cannot he cannot she cannot it cannot we cannot you cannot they cannot Short form I can't you can't he can't she can't it can't we can't you can't they can't INTERROG. can I? can you? can he? can she? can it? can we? can you? can they? AFFIRMATIVE Yes, I can Yes, you can Yes, he can Yes, she can Yes, it can Yes, we can Yes, you can Yes, they can


No, I cant No, you cant No, he cant No, she cant No, it cant No, we cant No, you cant No, they cant

Verbo modal must deber o tener que (hacer algo) - PRESENT SIMPLE
NEGATIVE AFFIRMATIVE Long form I must not I must (yo debo/tengo que) you must (t debes/tienes que) you must not he must (l debe/tiene que) he must not she must (ella debe/tiene que) she must not it must not it must (ello debe/tiene que) we must (nosotros/as debemos/tenemos que) we must not you must (vosotros debis/tenis que) you must not they must (ellos/as deben/tienen que) they must not Short form I mustn't you mustn't he mustn't she mustn't it mustn't we mustn't you mustn't they mustn't INTERROG. INTERROG. must I? must you? must he? must she? must it? must we? must you? must they? AFFIRMATIVE Yes, I must Yes, you must Yes, he must Yes, she must Yes, it must Yes, we must Yes, you must Yes, they must


No, I mustn't No, you mustn't No, he mustn't No, she mustn't No, it mustn't No, we mustn't No, you mustn't No, they mustn't




I play you play he plays she plays it plays we play you play they play (yo juego) (t juegas) (l juega) (ella juega) (ello juega) (nosotros/as jugamos) (vosotros/as jugis) (ellos/as juegan)

NEGATIVE Long form Short form

I do not play you do not play he does not play she does not play it does not play we do not play you do not play they do not play I don't play you don't play he doesn't play she doesn't play it doesn't play we don't play you don't play they don't play

do I play? do you play? does he play? does she play? does it play? do we play? do you play? do they play?

RESPUESTAS BREVES Affirmative Affirmative Negative

Yes, I do Yes, you do Yes, he does Yes, she does Yes, it does Yes, we do Yes, you do Yes, they do No, I dont No, you dont No, he doesnt No she doesnt No, it doesnt No, we dont No, you dont No, they dont

AFFIRMATIVE Long form I am playing (yo estoy jugando) you are playing (t ests jugando) he is playing (l est jugando) she is playing (ella est jugando) (est jugando) it is playing we are playing (nosotros estamos jugando) you are playing (vosotros estis jugando) they are playing (ellos/as estn jugando)


Short form Im playing youre playing hes playing shes playing its playing were playing youre playing theyre playing Long form I am not playing you are not playing he is not playing she is not playing it is not playing we are not playing you are not playing they are not playing Short form I'm not playing you aren't playing he isn't playing she isn't playing it isn't playing we aren't playing you aren't playing they aren't playing


RESPUESTAS BREVES Negative No, Im not No, you arent No, he isnt No, she isnt No, it isnt No, we arent No, you arent No, they arent

Affirmative am I playing? Yes, I am are you playing? Yes, you are is he playing? Yes, he is is she playing? Yes, she is is it playing? Yes, it is are we playing? Yes, we are are you playing? Yes, you are are they playing? Yes, they are



Short form I didn't play you didn't play he didn't play she didn't play it didn't play we didn't play you didn't play they didn't play

Long form I played (yo jugu/jugaba) I did not play you played (t jugaste/jugabas) you did not play he played (l jug/jugaba) he did not play she played (ella jug/jugaba) she did not play it played (ello jug/jugaba) it did not play we played (nosotros/as jugamos/jugbamos) we did not play you played (vosotros/as jugasteis/jugabais) you did not play they played (ellos/as jugaron/jugaban) they did not play

INTERROG. did I play? did you play? did he play? did she play? did it play? did we play? did you play? did they play?


Affirmative Affirmative
Yes, I did Yes, you did Yes, he did Yes, she did Yes, it did Yes, we did Yes, you did Yes, they did

No, I didnt No you didnt No, he didnt No, she didnt No, it didnt No, we didnt No, you didnt No, they didnt

VOWELS / / /e e/ /w/ /Z/ / / / / man pen ship hot book cup /Y:/ /f:/ /ii:/ /]:/ /u u:/ /c/ car girl sheep ball boot a glass of water DIPTHONGS /a a w/ /e e w/ /]w/ /a a / /c/ /wc/ /e ec/ /c/ like tail boy house phone beer chair tour /p p/ /b b/ /t t/ /d d/ /k k/ /g g/ pen baby ten door car girl /s s/ /z z/ // // // // sun zoo shoe television chair jam CONSONANTS /f f/ /v v/ /w w/ /jj/ /h h/ // fat van window yellow hat thin / / /m m/ /n n/ // /ll/ /r r/ the weather mouth nose ring letter rain

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