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The Road to Rio+20:

Buildings and Cities

Hilary French
UNEP Regional Office for North America

October 6, 2011

1he koad to k|o+20
1992: LarLh SummlL - 8lo de !anlero,

2002: World SummlL on SusLalnable
uevelopmenL (8lo+10) - !ohanesburg,
SouLh Afrlca.

2012: k|o+20 - 8lo de !anlero, 8razll.

k|o+20: Cb[ect|ve
Secure renewed pollLlcal commlLmenL for
susLalnable developmenL

Assess progress to date and Lhe rema|n|ng gaps ln
Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe ouLcomes of Lhe ma[or
summlLs on Su

Address new and emerg|ng cha||enges

1hemes of the Conference

A green economy ln Lhe conLexL of
susLalnable developmenL and poverLy

1he |nst|tut|ona| framework for
susLalnable developmenL.

otent|a| k|o+20 Conference Cutcomes
Plgh-level pollLlcal sLaLemenLs

Speclflc pollcy commlLmenLs

volunLary publlc-prlvaLe lnlLlaLlves and

What |s a Green Lconomy?
A Green Lconomy ls one LhaL resulLs ln
lncreased human we||-be|ng & soc|a|
equ|ty, whlle slgnlflcanLly reduc|ng
env|ronmenta| r|sks & eco|og|ca|
A Green Lconomy recognlzes Lhe value
of, and lnvesLs, and generaLes galns ln
Natura| Cap|ta|.

1owards a Green Lconomy: athways to Susta|nab|e
Deve|opment and overty Lrad|cat|on

1he Creen Lconomy 8eporL ls complled by unL's Creen Lconomy
lnlLlaLlve ln collaboraLlon wlLh economlsLs and experLs worldwlde.

llnds LhaL Lhe green economy ls a
new englne of growLh, a neL
generaLor of decenL [obs, and a
means of reduclng poverLy.

Seeks Lo moLlvaLe pollcy makers Lo
promoLe lnvesLmenL ln green
A Green Lconomy De||vers More Susta|nab|e Urban L|v|ng
and Low-Carbon Mob|||ty by.
romoLlng and ralslng efflclency and producLlvlLy ln clLles

Lncouraglng rapld expanslon and lncreaslng lnvesLmenL over
Lhe nexL decades, parLlcularly ln emerglng economles

romoLlng energy savlngs ln bulldlngs

ConsLrucLlng new green bulldlngs and reLroflLLlng exlsLlng
energy- and resource-lnLenslve bulldlngs Lo achleve
slgnlflcanL savlngs

8ecognlzlng key urban LransporLaLlon lssues
CurrenL modallLles based prlmarlly on prlvaLe moLorlzed vehlcles are
a ma[or conLrlbuLor Lo cllmaLe change, polluLlon, and healLh hazards
Creen Lconomy vs. 8rown Lconomy
Creen economy grows fasLer Lhan a brown economy over Llme,
whlle also malnLalnlng and resLorlng naLural caplLal

unL, Creen Lconomy 8eporL
Importance of 8u||d|ngs Sector for
C||mate Change and other |ssues

In the United States alone, buildings account for:
72% of electricity consumption,
39% of energy use,
38% of all carbon dioxide emissions,
40% of raw materials use,
30% of waste output (136 million tons annually),
and 14% of potable water consumption.

Globally, the building sector contributes up
to 30% of annual GHG emissions and
consumes up to 40% of all energy.

SLrong lnLernaLlonal plaLform Lo esLabllsh basellnes Lo
measure and reporL bulldlngs performance, develop Lools and
sLraLegles, advlce and supporL Lo pollcy-makers.

M|ss|on: presenL Lhe common volce of bulldlng secLor
sLakeholders on bulldlngs and cllmaLe change, drawlng on
unL's unlque capaclLy Lo provlde a global plaLform for
collecLlve acLlon.

Cur members: lnLernaLlonal and naLlonal companles,
lederaLlons, Creen bulldlng counclls, Local auLhorlLles,
AssoclaLlons and nCCs

UNEP Sustainable Buildings and
Climate Initiative (SBCI)

-Lnergy + CPC Lmlsslons,

-Soclal lssues,
-8lodlverslLy .
SusLalnable 8ulldlngs lndex
Measur|ng Lnergy Use & keport|ng GnG Lm|ss|ons
from 8u||d|ng Cperat|ons
Lnergy: kWh]m
Lm|ss|ons: kgCC

!" $%&&'(%)'*+%" ,+*-. World 8esources lnsLlLuLe (W8l)

A framework for building performance:

lnLernaLlonal CrganlzaLlon for
SLandardlzaLlon (lSC) and CCM

lnLernaLlonal sLandard seLLlng body

uellberaLlve process LhaL seeks Lo propagaLe
worldwlde lndusLrlal and commerclal sLandards

!une of 2011 lSC balloLed and adopLed unL-
S8Cl's Common Carbon MeLrlc as a new Work
lLem (n 16743-1), Lhe flrsL sLep Lowards
adopLlon as a worldwlde sLandard

C|t|es as otent|a| Dr|vers of Change
S0 of Lhe wor|d popu|at|on llves ln clLles today. 70 expecLed by 20S0
A|| of the popu|at|on growth ln Lhe nexL four decades wlll be absorbed by
urban areas

1he number of clLles wlLh over a mllllon wenL from 11 clLles ln 1900 Lo 378 ln
2000 and lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL Lhls number wlll lncrease Lo 399 by 2023. SLrong
urban growLh predlcLed ln SouLh Asla and Sub-Saharan Afrlca, where
lnfrasLrucLure ls lacklng.

ClLles consume over 7S of Lhe wor|d's natura| resources,
use 60 - 80 of g|oba| energy and
are responslble for 7S of Lhe CC2 em|ss|ons

Lconom|c dr|ver:
urban based economlc acLlvlLles accounL for
33 of Cn ln LuCs, 73 ln mlddle lncome counLrles, and 83 ln Lhe mosL
developed counLrles

=> D||emma: C|t|es are a dr|ver of g|oba| unsusta|nab|e
resource use, but a|so offer the greatest potent|a| for
susta|nab|||ty-or|ented |nnovat|ons


Common Lnv|ronmenta| Ind|cators for C|t|es

lrameworks Lo assess sLaLe of urban envlronmenL and
performance of urban acLlvlLles, Laklng lnLo accounL
dlverslLy among clLles

Lnable clLles can compare performance and analyze

leed lnLo Lhe process of beLLer deflnlng Lhe elemenLs
consLlLuLlng a susLalnable clLy

G|oba| keport|ng GnG Iramework for C|t|es
lramework calculaLes emlsslons on a per caplLa basls
ClLles can compare performance and analyze
ConslsLenL wlLh lCC guldellnes and W8l/W8CSu CPC
8espondlng Lo Lhe need of provldlng clLles wlLh an
open, global and harmonlzed roLocol
ueveloped under a !olnL Work rogramme wlLh World
8ank, un-PA8l1A1 and ClLles Alllance on ClLles and
CllmaLe Change, ln cooperaLlon wlLh C40 and lCLLl

1owards k|o+20

k|o+20 offers |mportant opportun|t|es to
move the bu||d|ng and c|t|es agendas

A new c|t|es partnersh|p?

now can North Amer|ca contr|bute?

Thank you!

United Nations Environment Programme
Regional Office for North America
900 17 St., NW, Suite 506
Washington, DC 20006

For further information:


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