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Test 1

PAPER 1 READING (1 hour) Part 1 You are going to read a magazine article about an artist who paints flowers. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the te t. !ark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

An eye for detail

"rtist #usan #hepherd is best known for her flower paintings, and the large garden that surrounds her house is the source of many of her sub$ects. %t is full of her fa&ourite flowers, most especially &arieties of tulips and poppies. #ome of the plants are unruly and seed themsel&es all o&er the garden. 'here is a harmony of colour, shape and structure in the two long flower borders that line the pa&ed path which crosses the garden from east to west. !uch of this is due to the pre&ious owners who were keen gardeners, and who left plants that appealed to #usan. #he also inherited the gardener, (anny. )%n fact, it was really his garden,* she says. )+e got on &ery well. "t first he would say, ,-h, it*s not worth it. to some of the things % wanted to put in, but when % said % wanted to paint them, he recognised what % had in mind.* #usan prefers to focus on detailed studies of indi&idual plants rather than on the garden as a whole, though she will occasionally paint a group of plants where they are. !ore usually, she picks them and then takes them up to her studio. )% don*t set the whole thing up at once,* she says. )% take one flower out and paint it, which might take a few days, and then % bring in another one and build up the painting that way. #ometimes it takes a couple of years to finish.* /er busiest time of year is spring and early summer, when the tulips are out, followed by the poppies. )'hey all come out together, and you*re so busy,* she says. 0ut the gradual decaying process is also part of the fascination for her. +ith Level B2 tulips, for e ample, )you bring them in and put them in water, then lea&e them for perhaps a day and they each form themsel&es into different shapes. 'hey open out and are fantastic. +hen you first put them in a &ase, you think they are boring, but they change all the time with twists and turns.* #usan has always been interested in plants1 )% did botany at school and used to collect wild flowers from all around the countryside,* she says. )% wasn*t particularly interested in gardening then2 in fact, % didn*t like garden flowers, % thought they looked like the ones made of silk or plastic that were sold in some florists* shops 3 to me, the only real ones were wild. % was intrigued by the way they managed to flower in really awkward places, like cracks in rocks or on cliff tops.* 4owadays, the garden owes much to plants that originated in far3off lands, though they seem as much at home in her garden as they did in 5hina or the /imalayas. #he has a come3what3 may attitude to the garden, rather like an affectionate aunt who is quite happy for children to run about undisciplined as long as they don*t do any serious damage. +ith two forthcoming e hibitions to prepare for, and a ready supply of sub$ect material at her back door, finding time to work in the garden has been difficult recently. #he now employs an e tra gardener but, despite the need to paint, she knows that, to maintain her connection with her sub$ect matter, )you ha&e to get your hands dirty*.

line 12

Paper 1


1 %n the first paragraph, the writer describes #usan*s garden as A ha&ing caused problems for the pre&ious owners. B ha&ing a path lined with flowers. C needing a lot of work to keep it looking attracti&e. D being only partly finished. 2 +hat does )this* in line 16 refer to7 A the position of the path B the number of wild plants C the position of the garden D the harmony of the planting 3 +hat does #usan say about (anny7 A /e felt she was interfering in his work. B /e immediately understood her feelings. C /e was recommended by the pre&ious owners. D /e was slow to see the point of some of her ideas. +hat is #usan*s approach to painting7 A #he will wait until a flower is ready to be picked before painting it. B #he likes to do research on a plant before she paints it. C #he spends all day painting an indi&idual flower. D #he creates her paintings in se&eral stages. ! #usan thinks that tulips A are more colourful and better shaped than other flowers. B are not easy to paint because they change so quickly. C look best some time after they ha&e been cut. D should be kept in the house for as long as possible. " +hy did #usan en$oy studying wild flowers at school7 A #he found the way they adapted to their surroundings fascinating. B #he used the lessons as a good e cuse to get out of school. C #he was attracted by their different colours and shapes. D #he wanted to learn how to make copies of them in material. # /ow does the writer describe #usan*s attitude to her garden7 A #he thinks children should be allowed to en$oy it. B #he prefers planting flowers from o&erseas. C #he likes a certain amount of disorder. D #he dislikes criticism of her planting methods. 8 +hat point is #usan making in the final paragraph7 A %t*s essential to find the time to paint e&en if there is gardening to be done. B %t*s important not to lea&e the gardening entirely to other people. C %t*s good to ha&e e pert help when you grow plants. D %t*s hard to do e hibitions if there are not enough plants ready in the garden. Test 1 Level B2

Part 2 You are going to read a magazine article about letter writing. #e&en sentences ha&e been remo&ed from the article. 5hoose from the sentences A-$ the one which fits each gap %&1!'. 'here is one e tra sentence which you do not need to use. !ark your answers on the separate answer sheet(

Drop me a line!

%n our fast world of phones, emails and computers, when it*s an airmail en&elope with beautiful the old3fashioned art of letter writing is at risk of stamps. !y o&erseas letters arri&e from !angala disappearing altogether. Yet, to me, there is something in #ri 8anka, from someone % trained with o&er about recei&ing a letter that cannot be matched by any 6: years ago, and % ha&e a penfriend in other form of communication. 'here is the e citement "ustralia and another in ;ancou&er. of its arri&al, the pleasure of seeing who it is from and, finally, the en$oyment of the contents. 8etter writing has been part of my life for as long as % can remember. %t probably began with the little always insisted % write my own thank3you letters for 5hristmas and birthday presents. 'hen there*s the lady who writes to me from France. %f we hadn*t started talking in a restaurant on the way home from holiday, if my husband hadn*t taken her photo and if % hadn*t been able to write to her. "s it is,

notes % would write to my mother. !y mother, also, asked her for her address, % would ne&er ha&e we now ha&e a regular correspondence. % can

+hen % left home at 19 to train as a doctor in impro&e my French (she speaks no <nglish)2 8ondon, % would write once a week, and so would my we ha&e stayed at her home twice and she has mother. -ccasionally my father would write and it was stayed with us. always a $oy to recei&e his long, amusing letters. -f course, we also made phone calls but it is the letters % remember most. 'here were also letters from my boyfriends. %n my study away at some time and % was only able to stay in touch by correspondence. talking. 5hristmas cards. "nd it*s e&en nicer could often e press myself more easily in writing than by !y biggest letter3writing success, howe&er, came this summer, when my family and % stayed with my "merican penfriend in 'e as. <&eryone was amazed that a press e&en considered the correspondence % am pleased that my children are carrying on the tradition. 8ike my mother before me, % !y daughter writes me little letters, $ust as % did to my mother. /owe&er con&enient communicating by email may appear to be, % strongly urge readers not to allow letter writing to become another )lost art*.

youth % seemed to attract people who had to work or correspondence could last so long. 'he local % found that % worth reporting on the front page.

% lo&e the letters that come with birthday or insist they write their own thank3you letters.

Paper 1 A !ost of the letters from home Level B2


E =oor handwriting can spoil your


contained friends.




en$oyment of a letter. ) 0ut instead of harming the relationships, letter writing seemed to impro&e them. G #he and my son ha&e penfriends of their own in 'e as, organised by my penfriend. $ !ore important, if she hadnAt replied, we would be the poorer for it.

concerning my parents and their B +e had been corresponding for 6? years but had ne&er met. C %t didn*t matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters. D 4otes are appreciated, but how much better to ha&e a year*s supply of news@

Level B2

Test 1

Part 3
You are going to read a magazine article in which fi&e people talk about railway $ourneys. For questions 1"-3*, choose from the people %A-E'( 'he people may be chosen more than once. +hen more than one answer is required, these may be gi&en in any order. !ark your answers on the separate answer sheet(

+hi,h person or people

found on returning years later that nothing had changed7 was unsure of the number of passengers on the train7 en$oyed the company of fellow passengers7 found the &iews from the train dramatic7 welcomed a chance to rela on the trip7 was ne&er disappointed by the $ourney7 has a reason for feeling grateful to one special train7 tra&elled on a railway which is no longer in regular ser&ice7 regretted not going on a particular train trip7 used to tra&el on the railway whene&er possible7 learnt an interesting piece of information on a train $ourney7 took a train which tra&elled from one country to another7 says that the railway had been looked after by unpaid helpers7 was once considered not old enough to tra&el by train7

Level B2

Paper 1


-n the rails
Five celebrities tell Andrew Morgan their favourite memories of railwa !ourne s" " "ndrea 'hompson 3 4ewsreader
howe&er, is how lo&ely it was to tra&el through France and then by boat up the 4ile to 8u or. %t was, without a doubt, the perfect way to wind down after all the wedding preparations. ( !artin 0rown 3 Fournalist +e were working on a series of articles based on a round3the3world trip and had to cross a desert in an "frican country. 'here wasn*t a road, so the only way we could continue our $ourney was to take what was affectionately known as the (esert < press. 'he timetable was unreliable 3 we were $ust gi&en a day. +e also heard that, in any case, the dri&er would often wait for days to depart if he knew there were people still on their way. +hen it appeared, there was a sudden charge of what seemed like hundreds of people climbing into and onto the carriages 3 people were e&en allowed to tra&el on the roof free. (uring the night, the train crossed some of the most beautiful landscapes % ha&e e&er seen. %t was like a dream, like tra&elling across the moon. < "risu !ezuki 3 "ctress % imagine most people*s fa&ourite impressions of trains and railways are formed when they are young children, but that*s not my case. % was brought up in #ingapore and 5yprus, where % saw &ery few trains, let alone tra&elled on them. %t wasn*t until % was a teenager that trains began to dominate my life. % made a film which featured a railway in Yorkshire. !ost of the filming took place on an old, disused stretch of the line which had been lo&ingly maintained by &olunteers. 'hat*s where my passion for steam trains began. +hen we weren*t filming, we took e&ery opportunity to ha&e a ride on the train, and, when % went back last year, it was as if time had stood still. <&erything was still in place, e&en the gas lights on the station platform@ % fell in lo&e with the south of France a long time ago and try to get back there as often as % can. 'here*s a local train from 5annes along the coast which crosses the border with %taly. %t takes you past some of the most amazing seascapes. %t ne&er matters what the weather is like, or what time of the year it is, it is always enchanting. -ut of the other window are some of the best back gardens and residences in the whole of France. You feel like someone peeping into the property of the rich and famous. 'he tra&ellers themsel&es are always li&ely because there is an interesting mi of tourists and locals, all with different itineraries but all admirers of the breathtaking $ourney.

Da$ =atel 3 < plorer

% ha&e en$oyed so many rail $ourneys through the years, but if % had to pick a fa&ourite it would be the 4ile ;alley < press, which runs across the desert of northern #udan. 'he one misfortune in my youth, growing up in #outh "frica, was missing out on a family train $ourney from 5ape 'own to the Eruger 4ational =ark. % was regarded as being too young and troublesome and was sent off to an aunt. +hen % came to li&e in <ngland as a teenager, % still hadn*t tra&elled by train. 8ondon +aterloo was the first real station % e&er saw and its great glass dome filled me with wonder.

0etty 5ooper 3 4o&elist

% am indebted to one train in particular1 the 0lue 'rain, which took my husband and me on our honeymoon across France to catch a boat to <gypt. %t was on the train that my husband ga&e me a pink dress, which % thought was absolutely wonderful. #omeone happened to mention that pink was good for the brain, and %*&e ne&er stopped wearing the colour since. +hat % remember about the $ourney itself,

Level B2

Test 1 PAPER 2 +RI.ING (1 hour 6: minutes) Part 1 You /0st answer this question. +rite your answer in 12*-1!* words in an appropriate style. 1. Your <nglish friend 0ill is a tra&el writer. /e has written a chapter for a guidebook about a town you know well and you ha&e $ust read it. Dead 0ill*s letter and your notes. 'hen write a letter to 0ill using all your notes. Than#s for agreeing to chec# the chapter that $%ve written" &ould ou let me #now what ou li#ed about it' Also( if an of the information is inaccurate( please give me the correct information) And do ou thin# there%s an thing else $ should include' *nce again( than#s a lot for reading the chapter" Bill

4otes for letter to 0ill I 'ell 0ill what % liked about his chapter 3 places to &isit,J I Ki&e 0ill correct information about 3 parking in city centre 3 museum opening times I #uggest 0ill includes information about nightilfe 3 gi&e him details

+rite your letter( You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation. (o not write any postal addresses.

Level B2

Paper 2 Part 2


+rite an answer to one of the questions 2-! in this part. +rite your answer in 12*-18* words in an appropriate style. 6. You recently saw this notice in an <nglish language computer magazine. Reviews needed!
Do you play computer games? Write us a review of a computer game that you enjoy. Describe the games good and bad points and say how easy or difficult it is to play. Also say what age group it is suitable for. A free game for the best review!

+rite your re1iew( >. Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the college <nglish language magazine. 'he story must 2e3in with the following words1 $t was onl a small mista#e but it changed m life for ever" +rite your story. B. You ha&e seen the following notice in an international magazine.

Is it 2etter to li1e in a flat5 a /odern ho0se or an old ho0se6 +rite 0s an arti,le 3i1in3 yo0r opinions( .he 2est arti,le will 2e p02lished and the writer will re,ei1e 7!**( +rite your arti,le( C. "nswer one of the following two questions based on one of the titles below. (a) *fficiall ,ead by Dichard =rescott 'his is part of a letter from your friend !atthew. $n the boo# -*fficiall ,ead%( &olin Fenton doesn%t behave ver well( does he' ,o ou have an s mpath for him or not' +rite and tell me what ou thin#" Matthew +rite your letter to !atthew. (o not write any postal addresses. (b) Pride and Pre!udice by Fane "usten Your <nglish teacher has gi&en you this essay for homework. &ompare the characters of Mr and Mrs Bennett and sa whether ou thin# the have a good marriage or not" +rite your essay( Level B2

Test $


89E -) ENG:I9$ (BC minutes)

Part 1

For questions 1-12, read the te t below and decide which answer %A5 B5 C or D' best fits each gap. 'here is an e ample at the beginning %*'( !ark your answers on the separate answer sheet( E;a/ple< * A. $oined B. held C. were D. took

.ho/as Edison
-n the night of 61 -ctober 1?>1, millions of "mericans %*'........part in a coast3to3coast ceremony to commemorate the passing of a great man. 8ights %1' homes and offices from 4ew York to 5alifornia. 'he ceremony %2'..........the death of arguably the most important in&entor of %3'.........time1 'homas "l&a <dison. Few in&entors ha&e % '.........such an impact on e&eryday life, and many of his in&entions played a crucial %!' the de&elopment of modern technology. -ne should ne&er %"' re&olutionary some of <dison*s in&entions were. %n many ways, <dison is the perfect e ample of an in&entor 3 that is, not $ust someone who %#'.........up cle&er gadgets, but someone whose products transform the li&es of millions. /e possessed the key characteristics that an in&entor needs to %8'.......a success of in&entions, notably sheer determination. <dison famously tried thousands of materials while working on a new type of battery, reacting to failure by cheerfully %&' his colleagues1 )+ell, %1*'........we know 9,::: things that don*t work*. Enowing when to take no %11'..........of e perts is also important. <dison*s proposal for electric lighting circuitry was %12'............with total disbelief by eminent scientists, until he lit up whole streets with his lights.

Level B2

Paper . 1 A turned out 2 A marked 3 A whole A put ! A effect " A underestimate # A creates 8 A gain & A announcing 1* A by far 11 A notice 12 A gathered B came off B distinguished B full B had B place B lower B shapes B make B informing B at least B regard B caught C went out C noted C entire C ser&ed C role C decrease C dreams C achie&e C instructing C e&en though C attention C drawn

/se of 0nglish D put off D indicated D all D set D share D mislead D forms D get D notifying D for all D &iew D recei&ed

Level B2


Test 1 Part 2
For questions 13-2 , read the te t below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Lse only one word in each gap. 'here is an e ample at the beginning %*'( +rite your answers IN CAPI.A: :E..ER9 on the separate answer sheet( E;a/ple<

after ;ancou&er in western 5anada is named %*'.............5aptain Keorge ;ancou&er of the 0ritish Doyal 4a&y. /owe&er, 5aptain ;ancou&er was not the first <uropean %13'........&isit the area 3 the coast %1 '.......already been e plored by the #panish. 4or did 5aptain ;ancou&er spend many days there, e&en %1!'...........the scenery amazed him and e&eryone else %1"'............was tra&elling with him. 'he scenery still amazes &isitors to %1#' of ;ancou&er today. First3time &isitors who are %18' of breathtaking &iews are usually directed to a beach about ten minutes %1&'...........the city centre. 'here, looking out o&er the sailing boats racing across the blue water, &isitors see ;ancou&er*s towering skyline backed by the magnificent 5oast !ountains. 'he city is regularly picked by international tra&el associations %2*' of the world*s best tourist destinations. 'hey are only confirming what the two million residents and eight million tourists &isiting Kreater ;ancou&er %21'..............single year are always saying1 there is simply %22'.............other place on earth quite %23' %t*s not $ust the gorgeous setting that appeals to people, %2 '.............also ;ancou&er*s wide range of sporting, cultural and entertainment facilities.

Level B2


Paper . Part 3

/se of 0nglish

For questions 2!-3 , read the te t below. Lse the word gi&en in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the sa/e line. 'here is an e ample at the beginning %*'( +rite your answers IN CAPI.A: :E..ER9 on the separate answer sheet(


A >o2 with ris?s

/a&e you e&er got really caught up in the e citement and emotion of amazement a good action film, and wondered in %*' film stars manage to perform %2!'..................acts like $umping off buildings or dri&ing at great speed7 -f course, it is only a momentary feeling as it is no secret that the real %2"'.................are almost in&ariably stunt men or women, who can earn a &ery good %2#' standing in for the stars when necessary. 'he work is %28'..........demanding, and before qualifying for this $ob they ha&e to undergo a rigorous training programme and %2&' ...............their ability in a number of sports including skiing, riding and gymnastics. 4aturally, the %3*'.........of the stunt performer is of the utmost importance. !uch depends on the performer getting the timing e actly right so e&erything is planned down to the %31'...........detail. %n a scene which in&ol&es a complicated series of actions, there is no time for %32'..............mistakes. " stunt man or woman often has only one chance of getting things right, %33' stars, who can, if necessary, film a scene %3 '................until it gains the director*s appro&al.

Level B2


Test 1

For questions 3!- 2, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word gi&en. Do not ,han3e the word 3i1en. You must use between two and fi1e words, including the word gi&en. E;a/ple< *( " &ery friendly ta i dri&er dro&e us into town. DRI=EN +e.......................................................................a &ery friendly ta i dri&er. 'he gap can be filled by the words )were dri&en into town by*, so you write1 E;a/ple< +rite only the missing words IN CAPI.A: :E..ER9 on the separate answer sheet( 3! )(on*t sit in front of the computer for too long,* our teacher told us. +ARNED -ur front of the computer for too long. 3" +e got lost coming home from the leisure centre. +A@ +e couldn*t................................................................. from the leisure centre. 3# !ary didn*t find it difficult to pass her dri&ing test DI))IC8:.@ !ary had................................................................................her dri&ing test. 38 % always trust 5arla*s ad&ice. 9-4EB-D@ % always trust. 3& +e appear to ha&e been gi&en the wrong address. A9 %t........................................................we ha&e been gi&en the wrong address. * % couldn*t understand the instructions for my new (;( player. 9EN9E 'he instructions for my new (;( player didn* 1 %t*s a pity we didn*t do more sport when % was at school. C-8:D % wish that.....................................................more sport when % was at school. 2 /e described the hotel to us in detail. DE.AI:ED /e..................................................................................................of the hotel.

Level B2


Test 1


:I9.ENING (appro imately B: minutes)

Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer %A5 B or C'( 1 You o&erhear a young man talking about his first $ob. /ow did he feel in his first $ob7 A bored B confused C enthusiastic 2 You hear a radio announcement about a dance company. +hat are listeners being in&ited to7 A a show B a talk C a party 3 You o&erhear a woman talking to a man about something that happened to her. +ho was she7 A a pedestrian B a dri&er C a passenger You hear a woman talking on the radio about her work making wildlife films. +hat is her main point7 A 0eing in the right place at the right time is a matter of luck. B !ore time is spent planning than actually filming. C %t is worthwhile spending time preparing. ! You hear part of a tra&el programme on the radio. +here is the speaker7 A outside a cafM B by the sea C on a lake " You o&erhear a woman talking about a table3tennis table in a sports shop. +hat does she want the shop assistant to do about her table3tennis table7 A pro&ide her with a new one B ha&e it put together for her C gi&e her the money back # You hear part of an inter&iew with a businesswoman. +hat is her business7 A hiring out boats B hiring out cara&ans C building boats 8 You hear a man talking on the radio. +ho is talking7 A an actor B a $ournalist C a theatre3goer

Level B2


Test 1
Part 2 You will hear a radio inter&iew with !ike Deynolds, whose hobby is e ploring underground places such as ca&es. For questions &-18, complete the sentences. 5a&ers e plore underground places such as mines and

+hen ca&ers camp underground, they choose places which ha&e and %n the LE, the place !ike likes best for ca&ing is "s a physical acti&ity, !ike compares ca&ing to 5a&ers can pay as much as N6: for a suitable. 5a&ers can pay as much as NC: for the right kind of

as well as ca&es.



11 12 13

!ike recommends buying e pensi&e

,which is worn on the head.

5a&ing is a sport for people of #ome ca&es in 0ritain are called )places of 'he need for safety e plains why people don*t organise ca&ing

to a&oid ha&ing accidents.


and backgrounds.



Level B2


Paper 1 Listening Part 3 You will hear fi&e different people talking about their work on a cruise ship. For questions 1&-235 choose from the list (A-)) what each speaker says about their work. Lse the letters only once. 'here is one e tra letter which you do not need to use. A -ne aspect of my $ob is less interesting than others. #peaker 1 B !y $ob in&ol&es planning for the une pected. #peaker 6 C You ha&e to be sociable to do my $ob. #peaker > D % don*t like routine in my working life. #peaker B E 'here*s not much work to do during the day. #peaker C ) % pro&ide passengers with a sou&enir of their trip.

1& 2* 21 22 23

Level B2


Test 1


You will hear an inter&iew with a man called #tan 8each who is talking about ad&enture sports. For questions 2 -3*, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 2 #tan says that the best thing about walking is that you can A get fit by doing it. B please yourself how you do it. C do it on your own. 2! #tan*s opinion on scrambling is that A people doing it may need to be accompanied. B it is unsuitable for beginners. C it is more e citing than walking. 2" +hat did #tan disco&er when he went climbing7 A %t was not en$oyable. B %t was harder than he e pected. C %t can be &ery frightening. 2# +hat does #tan say about mountain biking7 A 0ritain is not the best place for it. B %t is more e pensi&e in 0ritain than elsewhere. C %t is best where there are lots of downhill slopes. 28 #tan*s ad&ice on scuba di&ing is that A most of the courses for it are good. B it is easier than it seems. C you should think carefully before trying it. 2& +hat is #tan*s &iew of skydi&ing7 A %t is surprisingly popular. B %t is best when done in teams. C -nly certain types of people like it. 3* +hat does #tan say about canoeing7 A You can do it in conditions that suit you. B %t is best at certain times of the year. C 'here are few places in 0ritain to do it.

Level B2


Test 1 PAPER ! 9PEAAING (1B minutes) You take the #peaking test with another candidate, referred to here as your partner. 'here are two e aminers. -ne will speak to you and your partner and the other will be listening. 0oth e aminers will award marks.

Part 1 (> minutes)

'he e aminer asks you and your partner questions about yoursel&es. You may be asked about things like )your home town*, )your interests*, )your career plans*, etc.

Part 2 (a one3minute )long turn* for each candidate, plus 6:3second response from the second candidate)
'he e aminer gi&es you two photographs and asks you to talk about them for one minute. 'he e aminer then asks your partner a question about your photographs and your partner responds briefly. 'hen the e aminer gi&es your partner two different photographs. Your partner talks about these photographs for one minute. 'his time the e aminer asks you a question about your partner*s photographs and you respond briefly.

Part 3 (appro imately > minutes)

'he e aminer asks you and your partner to talk together. You may be asked to sol&e a problem or try to come to a decision about something. For e ample, you might be asked to decide the best way to use some rooms in a language school. 'he e aminer gi&es you a picture to help you but does not $oin in the con&ersation.


(appro imately B minutes)

'he e aminer asks some further questions, which leads to a more general discussion of what you ha&e talked about in =art >. You may comment on your partner*s answers if you wish.

Level B2


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