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POL T#$% $ "&LTA% ABD &L H AL ! !&'AD(A ! "HAH $ # D A H D A R & L A ! A %) ! A L A * " A


Code and Course: BC101 Computer Application Credit : 1 Total Lecture Hour: 30 Hours Academic Session: Dis. 2010 Semester: 1 Program: DPR1C

Lecturer Room . Place Tel. %o. Synopsis

: : : :

Pn. %ors+ila Binti A,u Ba-ar Ci/il #n0ineerin0 Department 0123114251

CO!P&T#R APPL CAT O% provides kno !edge and ski!!s to st"dents re!ating to vario"s types o# comp"ter systems and its app!ication especia!!y pertaining to $ard are and so#t are% T$is co"rse a!so e&poses st"dents to di##erent packages o# so#t are app!ications #or ord processor' spreads$eet' pro(ect management' presentation and internet% T$e st"dents i!! a!so $ave opport"nity to manip"!ate and create a variety o# tec$ni)"es and sty!es to prod"ce doc"ments' spreads$eets' c$art and presentations% T$is co"rse emp$asi*es on t$e practica! aspects o# "sing comp"ter app!ications%

Learning O"tcomes : +y t$e end o# t$e co"rse' st"dents s$o"!d ,e a,!e to: Co"rse Learning O"tcome -LO. 1% 5rite a !ist o# ,asic comp"ter system $ic$ consist o# so#t are' $ard are and operating systems% Prod"ce doc"ments in #orm o# report ,y c$oosing appropriate design temp!ates ,ased on ord processor so#t are /anage !arge amo"nts o# data in a ta,!e it$ appropriate operations ,ased on spreads$eet so#t are design temp!ates Create 6antt c$art "sing 6antt i*ard ,ased on pro(ect management so#t are Use internet et$ica!!y to searc$ appropriate data #or gro"p pro(ect% Present c!ear!y a report #indings ,ased on presentation so#t are design temp!ates Programme Learning O"tcome-s.Addressed PLO4 Assessment /et$ods L5'9'T








PLO7 and PLO 8






Pre' P -L5 :La, 5ork : T :Test : 9 :9"i* : Pre : Presentation : P : Pro(ect.

Code and Course: BC101 Computer Application Credit : 1 Total Lecture Hour: 30 Hours "tudent Learnin0 Time Learnin0 and Teac+in0 Acti/ities 1% 0% 1% Lect"re Practica! Se!# Learning

Academic Session: Dis. 2010 Semester: 1 Program: DPR1C

"tudent Learnin0 Time 6+ours7 ; 1; 13 ; 3

1% T"toria!
2% Ot$er Assesment Task



Learnin0 !et+ods Lectures ,ased on po9er point presentations) readin0 assi0nment) 0roup learnin0 acti/ities suc+ as discussions) pro,lem sol/in0 e:ercises) la, 9or-s) 0roup assi0nments and pro;ect.

Code and Course: BC101 Computer Application Credit : 1 Total Lecture Hour: 30 Hours

Academic Session: Dis. 2010 Semester: 1 Program: DPR1C

<ee-l= "c+edule: <ee- 223

CO!P&T#R "*"T#! T$is topic introd"ces evo!"tion o# comp"ter' parts o# comp"ter systems and comp"ter $ard are% It a!so serves to introd"ce concept o# standa!one and net orked comp"ters in a company% It a!so covers an introd"ction part to operating system and #i!e management %T#R%#T Introd"ces st"dents to practice comm"nication ski!!s "sing Internet% It a!so teac$es t$e st"dent on $o to s"r# Internet% It emp$asi*es on ,asic concepts and #"ndamenta!s o# e, page creation "sing e,<deve!opment so#t are% T$e st"dents s$o"!d ,e a,!e to design a ,asic e, page and "p!oad it to internet% <ORD PROC#""OR Introd"ces ord processor so#t are% It covers doc"ment editing' #ormatting and additiona! #eat"res s"pported ,y t$is so#t are "PR#AD"H##T
Introd"ces t$e concept o# spreads$eets' $o to create a ne spreads$eet' edit and #ormat an e&isting spreads$eet "sing arit$metic operators and ,"i!t<in spreads$eet #"nctions% It a!so covers steps to constr"ct c$arts ,ased on data in spreads$eet

<ee- 128

<ee- 42>

<ee- 5210

<ee- 11211

PR#"#%TAT O% A%D TH# BA" C" O? !&LT !#D A Introd"ces st"dents to practice presentation ski!!s "sing presentation so#t are% E&pose ,asic princip!es o# "sing m"!timedia devices and so#t are to prod"ce an advanced presentation PRO@#CT !A%AA#!#%T
E&poses st"dents to t$e introd"ction o# pro(ect p!anning and management "sing pro(ect management so#t are

<ee- 1821>

<ee- 15213:

? %AL #BA!


A!an C!ements -0;;4.%Principles of Computer Hardware (Paperback)% USA% =ait$e 5empen -0;;7.% Microsoft Word 2007% Specia! Edition% 9"e P",!is$ing IS+N >78;78>714;84% Lean' 5 ? 6ooda!!% +% -1>77.% Aspects Of and !conomics% Red ood Press Ltd' London% /o$amad S$"kri , Seman% -0;;3.% ati" #ubi Mikroekonomi $#PM% Pener,itan Pe!angi Sdn% +$d' @o$or +a$r"% Ne a!! -1>77.% An %ntroduction #o #"e !conomics Of &rban and &se% Estate 6a*ette' London% Patricia /% Ai!!e,randt% -1>>8. -Ter(ema$an : Omar Osman.% #eori !konomi dan %ndustri Pembinaan' Pener,it Universiti Sains /a!aysia' P"!a" Pinang% Reyno!ds L%6% -1>8;.% !konomi ( $atu Pen)enalan &mum% Be an +a$asa Ban P"staka' C"a!a L"mp"r%

A""#""!#%T: %o 1 0 1 2 3 tem 9"i* Test La, 5ork Presentation Pro(ect O/erall Total Prepared ,=: Name: Pn. %ors+ila Binti A,u Ba-ar Signat"re: Bate: 0 Becem,er 0;1; Duantit= 2 0 3 1 1 Criteria Lect"re topics 1'0' 1' 2' 3' 4 Lect"re topics -1<1.' -4. and -2< 3. Lect"re topics -1.' -0.' -3.' -4. Cover a!! !ect"re topics Cover a!! !ect"re topics E Total 0;D -1;D. 1;D -13D. 1;D -13D. 1;D-3D. 1;D -3D. 100E CertiCied ,=: Name: Pn. %orliFa Binti !d. *usoC Signat"re: Bate: Dates 5eek 4'>'11'13 5eek 1;' 12 5eek 1' 4' 8' 11 5eek 14

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