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Sophie Bonnet

Oakland, CA
Green card holder

Marketing and Communication

" ueflne and plloL Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of press
maLerlals and 8 evenLs ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe markeLlng Leam.
" SupporL MarkeLlng Manager ln on ongolng processes from deslgn Lo
prlnLlng and dlsLrlbuLlon of new collaLerals for collecLlon.
" Manage proacLlve and reacLlve medla relaLlons.
" SupporL Lhe Leam ln Lhe execuLlon of sLraLeglc exLernal
communlcaLlons plans.
" 8esearch, Lrack and analyse poLenLlal sponsors, bulld long-Lerm
relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe magazlne.
" AsslsL ln Lhe preparaLlon of presenLaLlons, plans and key meeLlngs
relaLed Lo Lhe communlcaLlon of Lhe brand.
" SupporL MarkeLlng Croup ln developlng and execuLlng an lnLegraLed
markeLlng communlcaLlons program Lo launch new collecLlon and

Social Media and Online Marketing
" ueflnlng and lmplemenLlng soclal medla markeLlng sLraLegles.
" CollecL and analyse daLa from promoLlons and markeLlng Lo lncrease
usage, soclal engagemenL and reglsLraLlons.
" updaLlng onllne parLner webslLe wlLh new collecLlon lnformaLlon,
lncludlng press lnfo and lmages.
" LxcellenL undersLandlng of consumer behavlour and soclal medla.
" 8esearch and undersLandlng of communlLy managemenL and soclal
medla engagemenL Lechnlques.
" Lxperlence and experLlse ln managlng onllne markeLlng research and
cusLomer feedback programs.

! ConLenL CuallLy AnalysL -
lrench LlngulsL
[ Apple lnc.
Callfornla, uSA
May 2014- CurrenL.

! Soclal Medla SpeclallsL
[ PunLer uouglas
ArchlLecLural roducLs
lebruary 2012- Aprll 2013.

! CommunlcaLlon & LvenL
[ Sandvlk
Lnglneerlng ConsulLancy
March 2011- AugusL 2011.

! CommunlcaLlon volunLeer
[ Colosoul, non-proflL
Magazlne CulLure & ?ouLh
CcLober 2010- March 2011.

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My professlonal experlence and mulLlculLural background brlngs a fresh,
unlque and lnvenLlve look lnLo managlng brands and communlcaLlng
Lhelr vlslon Lo Lhe LargeL markeL audlence.
l am exclLed Lo share my lnLernaLlonal knowledge wlLh Lhe alm Lo creaLe,
arLlculaLe and supporL Lhe enLlre markeLlng mlx of brands. l dellghL ln
brlnglng brands Lo llfe.

! Cnllne MarkeLlng AsslsLanL
[ 3form
lnLerlor ueslgn
lebruary 2010- AugusL

! CusLomer Servlce
[ Calvln kleln
!anuary 2009- !anuary 2010.


Budget and Project Management
" Manage Lhe expenses of Lhe pro[ecL asslgned accordlng Lo
Lhe budgeLs and schedules agreed.
" AsslsL wlLh prellmlnary evenL plannlng, bralnsLormlng, and loglsLlcs.
" CommunlcaLe effecLlvely wlLh Leam, pro[ecL parLlclpanLs, and any
oLher key players regardlng compleLe/lncompleLe Lasks, quesLlons,
and concerns.
" 8esponslble for order malnLenance, release and cleanlng up order
" 8esponslble for Lhe recelpL and processlng of cusLomer orders,
lnqulrles and complalnLs.
" SupporL and organlze 8 and communlcaLlons evenLs and acLlvlLles.

" 2010: 8achelor uegree ln lnLernaLlonal CommunlcaLlon and
ManagemenL, lnholland unlverslLy, Polland.

! CraduaLlon Lhesls: Crade: 8/10
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" 2003: uegree of LlLeraLure, ArL PlsLory and lasLlcs ArLs, Lycee SL
Sernln, lrance. Crade: 8/10


" upon requesL.


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