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Proper party (Locus Standi)

Taxpayers suit requisites

Macalintal vs PET, GR 1 1!1"

#acts$ Par %, Sec &, 'rt ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution provides$ -T+e Supre.e ,ourt, sittin/ en 0anc, s+all 0e t+e sole 1ud/e o* all contests relatin/ to t+e election, returns, and quali*ications o* t+e President or (ice2President, and .ay pro.ul/ate its rules *or t+e purpose34

Sec 15, 'rt3 ())) o* t+e ,onstitution provides$ T+e Me.0ers o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt and o* ot+er courts esta0lis+ed 0y la6 s+all not 0e desi/nated to any a/ency per* quasi21udicial or ad.inistrative *unctions3

T+e case at 0ar is a .otion *or reconsideration *iled 0y petitioner o* t+e S,7s decision dis.issin/ t+e * 7s petition and declarin/ t+e esta0lis+.ent o* t+e respondent PET as constitutional3

Petitioner ar/ues t+at PET is unconstitutional on t+e /round t+at Sec &, 'rt ()) o* t+e ,onstitution does not provide *or t+e creation o* t+e PET, and it violates Sec 15, 'rt ())) o* t+e ,onstitution3

T+e Solicitor General .aintains t+at t+e constitution o* t+e PET is on *ir. *ootin/ on t+e 0asis o* t+e /rant o* aut+ority to t+e Supre.e ,ourt to 0e t+e sole 1ud/e o* all election contests *or t+e President or (ice2President under par %, Sec &, 'rt ()) o* t+e ,onstitution3 )ssue$

8+et+er or not PET is constitutional3 8+et+er or not PET exercises quasi21udicial po6er3 9eld$

:es3 T+e explicit re*erence o* t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission to a Presidential Electoral Tri0unal, 6it+ #r3 ;oaquin <ernas cate/orically declarin/ t+at in cra*tin/ t+e last para/rap+ o* Sec3 &, 'rt ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, t+ey -constitutionali=ed 6+at 6as statutory34 ;udicial po6er /ranted to t+e Supre.e ,ourt 0y t+e sa.e ,onstitution is plenary3 'nd under t+e

doctrine o* necessary i.plication, t+e additional 1urisdiction 0esto6ed 0y t+e last para/rap+ o* Section &, 'rticle ()) o* t+e ,onstitution to decide presidential and vice2presidential elections contests includes t+e .eans necessary to carry it into e**ect3

>o3 T+e traditional /rant o* 1udicial po6er is *ound in Section 1, 'rticle ())) o* t+e ,onstitution 6+ic+ provides t+at t+e po6er -s+all 0e vested in one Supre.e ,ourt and in suc+ lo6er courts as .ay 0e esta0lis+ed 0y la634 T+e set up e.0odied in t+e ,onstitution and statutes c+aracteri=e t+e resolution o* electoral contests as essentially an exercise o* 1udicial po6er3 8+en t+e Supre.e ,ourt, as PET, resolves a presidential or vice2presidential election contest, it per*or.s 6+at is essentially a 1udicial po6er3

T+e ,?MELE,, 9RET and SET are not, strictly and literally spea@in/, courts o* la63 'lt+ou/+ not courts o* la6, t+ey are, nonet+eless, e.po6ered to resolve election contests 6+ic+ involve, in essence, an exercise o* 1udicial po6er, 0ecause o* t+e explicit constitutional e.po6er.ent *ound in Section 5(5), 'rticle )A2, (*or t+e ,?MELE,) and Section 1%, 'rticle () (*or t+e Senate and 9ouse Electoral Tri0unals) o* t+e ,onstitution3

1. Taxpayers, voters, concerned citizens, and legislators may be accorded standing to sue, provided that the following requirements are met:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

(1 cases involve constitutional issues! (" for taxpayers, there must be a claim of illegal disbursement of public funds or that the tax measure is unconstitutional! (# for voters, there must be a showing of obvious interest in the validity of the election law in question! ($ for concerned citizens, there must be a showing that the issues raised are of transcendental importance which must be settled early! and (% for legislators, there must be a claim that the official action complained of infringes upon their prerogatives as legislators. &ontrary to the well'settled actual and direct in(ury test, petitioner has simply alleged a generalized interest in the outcome of this case, and succeeds only in muddling the issues. )aragraph " of the petition reads:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

". x x x *ince the creation and continued operation of the )+T involves the use of public funds and the issue raised herein is of transcendental importance, it is petitioner ,s humble submission that, as a citizen, a taxpayer and a member of the -./, he has the legal standing to file this petition.

-ut even if his submission is valid, petitioner ,s standing is still imperiled by the white elephant in the petition, i.e., his appearance as counsel for former )resident 0loria 1acapagal'.rroyo (1acapagal'.rroyo in the election protest filed by "22$ presidential candidate 3ernando )oe, 4r. before the )residential +lectoral Tribunal,51#6 because (udicial inquiry, as mentioned above, requires that the constitutional question be raised at the earliest possible opportunity.51$6 *uch appearance as counsel before the Tribunal, to our mind, would have been the first opportunity to challenge the constitutionality of the Tribunal,s constitution.

.lthough there are recognized exceptions to this requisite, we find none in this instance. )etitioner is unmista7ably estopped from assailing the (urisdiction of the )+T before which tribunal he had ubiquitously appeared and had ac7nowledged its (urisdiction in "22$. 8is failure to raise a seasonable constitutional challenge at that time, coupled with his unconditional acceptance of the Tribunal,s authority over the case he was defending, translates to the clear absence of an indispensable requisite for the proper invocation of this &ourt,s power of (udicial review. +ven on this score alone, the petition ought to be dismissed outright.

?posa v3 #actoran #',TS$ ' class suit 0rou/+t 0y && c+ildren, as represented 0y t+eir parents, t+at t+ey 0rin/ t+e case in t+e na.e o* Bt+eir /eneration as 6ell as t+ose /enerations yet un0orn3B ' to stop de*orestation, it 6as *iled a/ainst t+e Secretary #actoran o* t+e Cepart.ent o* Environ.ent and >atural Resources, see@in/ to +ave +i. cancel all t+e ti.0er license a/ree.ents (TL's) in t+e country and to cease and desist *ro. acceptin/ and approvin/ .ore ti.0er license a/ree.ents3 T+e c+ildren invo@ed t+eir ri/+t to a 0alanced and +ealt+*ul ecolo/y and to protection 0y t+e State in its capacity as parens patriae3 T+e petitioners clai.ed t+at t+e CE>R SecretaryDs re*usal to cancel t+e TL's and to stop issuin/ t+e. 6as Bcontrary to t+e +i/+est la6 o* 22t+e natural la622 and violative o* plainti**sD ri/+t to sel*2preservation and perpetuation3B T+e case 6as dis.issed in t+e lo6er court, invo@in/ t+e la6 on non2i.pair.ent o* contracts, so it 6as 0rou/+t to t+e Supre.e ,ourt on certiorari3

)SSEE$ 8+et+er or not petitioners +ave t+e le/al standin/ to *ile t+e caseF

REL)>G$ :ES3 T+e Supre.e ,ourt in /rantin/ t+e petition ruled t+at t+e c+ildren +ad t+e le/al standin/ to *ile t+e case on 0e+al* o* *uture /enerations 0ased on t+e concept o* Binter2/enerational responsi0ilityB3 T+eir ri/+t to a +ealt+y environ.ent carried 6it+ it an o0li/ation to preserve t+e environ.ent *or t+e succeedin/ /enerations3 Section 1! o* 'rticle 5 6+ic+ reco/ni=es a0ove allG BT+e state s+all protect and advance t+e ri/+t o* t+e people to a 0alanced and +ealt+*ul ecolo/y in accord 6it+ t+e r+yt+. and +ar.ony o* nature3B 'lso, t+e Supre.e ,ourt said t+at t+e la6 on non2 i.pair.ent o* contracts .ust /ive 6ay to t+e exercise o* t+e police po6er o* t+e state in t+e interest o* pu0lic 6el*are3

'/an v P)'T,? G3R3 >o3 1HHII13 May H, 5IIJ

#acts$ So.e ti.e in 1 J, six 0usiness leaders, explored t+e possi0ility o* investin/ in t+e ne6 >')' airport ter.inal, so t+ey *or.ed 'sians Cra/on ,orp3 T+ey su0.itted proposals to t+e /overn.ent *or t+e develop.ent o* >')' )ntl3 Passen/er Ter.inal ))) (>')' )PT ))))3 T+e >EC' approved t+e >')' )PT ))) pro1ect3 <idders 6ere invited, and a.on/ t+e proposal Peoples 'ir ,ar/o (Paircar/o) 6as c+osen3 'EC, protested alle/in/ t+at pre*erence 6as /iven to Paircar/o, 0ut still t+e pro1ect 6as a6arded to Paircar/o3 <ecause o* t+at, it incorporated into, P+il3 )ntl3 'irport Ter.inals ,o3 (P)'T,?)3 T+e C?T, and P)'T,? entered into a concession a/ree.ent in 1 % to *ranc+ise and operate t+e said ter.inal *or 51years3 )n >ov3 1 " it 6as a.ended in t+e .atters o* pertainin/ to t+e de*inition o* t+e o0li/ations /iven to t+e concessionaire, develop.ent o* *acilities and proceeds, *ees and c+ar/es, and t+e ter.ination o* contract3 Since M)'' is c+ar/ed 6it+ t+e .aintenance and operations o* >')' ter.inals ) and )), it +as a contract 6it+ several service providers3 The wor7ers filed the petition for prohibition claiming that they would lose their (ob, and the service providers (oined them, filed a motion for intervention. 9i7ewise several employees of the 1:.. filed a petition assailing the legality of arrangements. . group of congressmen filed similar petitions 3 Pres3 'rroyo declared in +er speec+ t+at s+e 6ill not +onor P)'T,? contracts 6+ic+ t+e Exec3 <ranc+Ds le/al o**ice concluded null and void3

)ssue$ 8+et+er t+e petitioners and t+e petitioners2in2intervention +ave standin/G

9eld$ :es, petitioners +ave t+e requisite standin/3 )n t+e a0ove2.entioned cases, petitioners +ave a direct and su0stantial interest to protect 0y reason o* t+e i.ple.entation o* t+e P)'T,? ,ontracts3 T+ey stand to lose t+eir source o* liveli+ood, a property ri/+t 6+ic+ is =ealously protected 0y t+e

,onstitution3 Moreover, su0sistin/ concession a/ree.ents 0et6een M)'' and petitioners2 intervenors and service contracts 0et6een international airlines and petitioners2intervenors stand to 0e nulli*ied or ter.inated 0y t+e operation o* t+e >')' )PT ))) under t+e P)'T,? ,ontracts3 T+e *inancial pre1udice 0rou/+t a0out 0y t+e P)'T,? ,ontracts on petitioners and petitioners2 intervenors in t+ese cases are le/iti.ate interests su**icient to con*er on t+e. t+e requisite standin/ to *ile t+e instant petitions3

)n G3R3 >o3 1HHH&%, petitioners *iled t+e petition *or pro+i0ition as .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, citi=ens and taxpayers3 T+ey alle/e t+at as .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, t+ey are especially interested in t+e P)'T,? ,ontracts, 0ecause t+e contracts co.pel t+e Govern.ent andKor t+e 9ouse o* Representatives to appropriate *unds necessary to co.ply 6it+ t+e provisions t+erein3 T+ey cite provisions o* t+e P)'T,? ,ontracts 6+ic+ require dis0urse.ent o* unappropriated a.ounts in co.pliance 6it+ t+e contractual o0li/ations o* t+e Govern.ent3 T+ey alle/e t+at t+e Govern.ent o0li/ations in t+e P)'T,? ,ontracts 6+ic+ co.pel /overn.ent expenditure 6it+out appropriation is a curtail.ent o* t+eir prero/atives as le/islators, contrary to t+e .andate o* t+e ,onstitution t+at -LnMo .oney s+all 0e paid out o* t+e treasury except in pursuance o* an appropriation .ade 0y la6

?ple v Torres

#acts$ T+e petition at 0ar is a co..enda0le e**ort on t+e part o* Senator <las #3 ?ple to prevent t+e s+rin@in/ o* t+e ri/+t to privacy, 6+ic+ t+e revered Mr3 ;ustice <randeis considered as Bt+e .ost co.pre+ensive o* ri/+ts and t+e ri/+t.ost valued 0y civili=ed .en3B Petitioner ?ple prays t+at 6e invalidate 'd.inistrative ?rder >o3 JI" entitled B'doption o* a >ational ,o.puteri=ed )denti*ication Re*erence Syste.B on t6o i.portant constitutional /rounds, vi=$ (1)it is a usurpation o* t+e po6er o* ,on/ress to le/islate, and(5)it i.per.issi0ly intrudes on our citi=enryDs protected =one o* privacy3 8e /rant t+e petition *or t+e ri/+ts sou/+t to 0e vindicated 0y t+e petitioner need stron/er 0arriers a/ainst *urt+er erosion3 '3?3 >o3 JI" 6as pu0lis+ed in *our ne6spapers o* /eneral circulation on ;anuary 55, 1 % and ;anuary 5J, 1 %3 ?n ;anuary 5&, 1 %, petitioner *iled t+e instant petition a/ainst respondents, t+en Executive Secretary Ru0en Torres and t+e +eads o* t+e /overn.ent a/encies, 6+o as .e.0ers o* t+e )nter2'/ency ,oordinatin/ ,o..ittee, are c+ar/ed 6it+ t+e i.ple.entation o* '3?3 >o3 JI"3 ?n 'pril ", 1 %, 6e issued a te.porary restrainin/ order en1oinin/ its i.ple.entation3

)ssue$ 8?> t+e petitioner +as t+e stand to assail t+e validity o* '3?3 >o3 JI"

Rulin/$ :ES Rationale$ 's is usual in constitutional liti/ation, respondents raise t+e t+res+old issues relatin/ to t+e standin/ to sue o* t+e petitioner and t+e 1usticia0ility o* t+e case at 0ar3 More speci*ically, respondents aver t+at petitioner +as no le/al interest to up+old and t+at t+e i.ple.entin/ rules o* '3?3 >o3 JI" +ave yet to 0e pro.ul/ated3 T+ese su0.issions do not deserve our sy.pat+etic ear3 Petitioner ?ple is a distin/uis+ed .e.0er o* our Senate3 's a Senator, petitioner is possessed o* t+e requisite standin/ to 0rin/ suit raisin/ t+e issue t+at t+e issuance o* '3?3 >o3 JI" is a usurpation o* le/islative po6er3 & 's taxpayer and .e.0er o* t+e Govern.ent Service )nsurance Syste. (GS)S), petitioner can also i.pu/n t+e le/ality o* t+e .isali/n.ent o* pu0lic *unds and t+e .isuse o* GS)S *unds to i.ple.ent '3?3 >o3 JI"3 T+e ripeness *or ad1udication o* t+e Petition at 0ar is not a**ected 0y t+e *act t+at t+e i.ple.entin/ rules o* '3?3 >o3 JI" +ave yet to 0e pro.ul/ated3 Petitioner ?ple assails '3?3 >o3 JI" as invalid per se and as in*ir.ed on its *ace3 9is action is not pre.ature *or t+e rules yet to 0e pro.ul/ated cannot cure its *atal de*ects3 Moreover, t+e respondents t+e.selves +ave started t+e i.ple.entation o* '3?3 >o3 JI" 6it+out 6aitin/ *or t+e rules3 's early as ;anuary 1 , 1 %, respondent Social Security Syste. (SSS) caused t+e pu0lication o* a notice to 0id *or t+e .anu*acture o* t+e >ational )denti*ication ()C) card3 Respondent Executive Secretary Torres +as pu0licly announced t+at representatives *ro. t+e GS)S and t+e SSS +ave co.pleted t+e /uidelines *or t+e national identi*ication syste.3 'll si/nals *ro. t+e respondents s+o6 t+eir uns6ervin/ 6ill to i.ple.ent '3?3 >o3 JI" and 6e need not 6ait *or t+e *or.ality o* t+e rules to pass 1ud/.ent on its constitutionality3 )n t+is li/+t, t+e dissenters insistence t+at 6e ti/+ten t+e rule on standin/ is not a co..enda0le stance as its result 6ould 0e to t+rottle an i.portant constitutional principle and a *unda.ental ri/+t3

tatad vs secretary o* depart.ent o* ener/y

#acts$ T+e petitions assail t+e constitutionality o* various provisions o* R' "1"I entitiled t+e -Co6nstrea. ?il )ndustry Cere/ulation 'ct o* 1 !34 Ender t+e dere/ulated environ.ent, any person or entity .ay i.port or purc+ase any quantity o* crude oil and petroleu. products *ro. a *orei/n or do.estic source, lease or o6n and operate re*ineries and ot+er do6nstrea. oil *acilities and .ar@et suc+ crude oil or use t+e sa.e *or +is o6n require.ent, su01ect only to .onitorin/ 0y t+e Cepart.ent o* Ener/y3

)ssues$ (1) 8+et+er or not t+e petitions raise a 1usticia0le controversy (5) 8+et+er or not t+e petitioners +ave t+e standin/ to assail t+e validity o* t+e la6

9eld$ 's to t+e *irst issue, 1udicial po6er includes not only t+e duty o* t+e courts to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le, 0ut also t+e duty to deter.ine 6+et+er or not t+ere +as 0een /rave a0use o* discretion a.ountin/ to lac@ or excess o* 1urisdiction on t+e part o* any 0ranc+ or instru.entality o* t+e /overn.ent3 T+e courts, as /uardians o* t+e ,onstitution, +ave t+e in+erent aut+ority to deter.ine 6+et+er a statute enacted 0y t+e le/islature transcends t+e i.posed 0y t+e *unda.ental la63 8+ere a statute violates t+e ,onstitution, it is not only t+e ri/+t 0ut t+e duty o* t+e 1udiciary to declare suc+ act as unconstitutional and void3 T+e e**ort o* respondents to question t+e le/al standin/ o* petitioners also *ailed3 T+e ,ourt +as 0ri/+tlined its li0eral stance on a petitioner 7s locus standi 6+ere t+e petitioner is a0le to cra*t an issue o* transcendental si/ni*icance to t+e people3 )n t+e case, petitioners pose issues 6+ic+ are si/ni*icant to t+e people and 6+ic+ deserve t+e ,ourt7s *ort+ri/+t resolution3

To /ive t+eir ar/u.ent a ne6 spin, pu0lic respondents try to 1usti*y t+e &N tari** di**erential on t+e /round t+at t+ere is a su0stantial di**erence 0et6een a re*iner and an i.porter 1ust as t+ere is a di**erence 0et6een ra6 .aterial and *inis+ed product3 ?0viously, t+e e**ort is .ade to de.onstrate t+at t+e unequal tari** does not violate t+e unequal protection clause o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+e e**ort only proves t+at t+e pu0lic respondents are still loo@in/ at t+e issue o* tari** di**erential *ro. t+e 6ron/ end o* t+e telescope3 ?ur Cecision did not +old t+at t+e &N tari** di**erential in*rin/ed t+e equal protection clause o* t+e ,onstitution even as t+is 6as contended 0y petitioner Tatad3 " Rat+er, 6e +eld t+at said tari** di**erential su0stantially occluded t+e entry point o* prospective players in t+e do6nstrea. oil industry3 8e *urt+er +eld t+at its inevita0le result is to exclude *air and e**ective co.petition and to en+ance t+e .onopolistsD a0ility to ta.per 6it+ t+e .ec+anis. o* a *ree .ar@et3 T+is consideration is 0asic in anti2trust suits and cannot 0e eroded 0y 0ela0orin/ t+e inapplica0le principle in taxation t+at di**erent t+in/s can 0e taxed di**erently3

T+e pu0lic respondents tenaciously de*end t+e validity o* t+e .ini.u. inventory require.ent3 T+ey aver t+at t+e require.ent 6ill not pre1udice ne6 players B3 3 3 durin/ t+eir *irst year o* operation 0ecause t+ey do not +ave yet annual sales *ro. 6+ic+ t+e required .ini.u. inventory .ay 0e deter.ined3 ,o.pliance 6it+ suc+ require.ent on t+eir second and succeedin/ years o* operation 6ill not 0e di**icult 0ecause t+e puttin/ up o* stora/e *acilities in proportion to t+e volu.e o* t+eir 0usiness an ordinary and necessary 0usiness underta@in/ 1ust as t+e case o* i.porters o* *inis+ed products in ot+er industries3B T+e contention is an old one alt+ou/+ it is purveyed 6it+ a ne6 lipstic@3 T+e contention cannot convince *or as 6ell articulated 0y petitioner Garcia, Bt+e pro+i0itive cost o* t+e required .ini.u. inventory 6ill not 0e any less 0urdenso.e on t+e second, t+ird, *ourt+, etc3 years o* operations3 Enli@e .ost products 6+ic+ can 0e i.ported and stored 6it+ *acility, oil i.ports require ocean receivin/, stora/e *acilities3 ?cean receivin/ ter.inals are already very expensive, and to require ne6 players to put up .ore t+an t+ey need is to co.pound and a//ravate t+eir costs, and consequently t+eir /reat dis2advanta/e vis2a2vis t+e <i/ J3B 1I '/ain,

t+e ar/u.ent on 6+et+er t+e .ini.u. inventory require.ent seriously +urts t+e ne6 players is 0est settled 0y +earin/ t+e ne6 players t+e.selves3 )n t+eir .otion *or intervention, t+ey i.plicitly con*ir.ed t+at t+e +i/+ cost o* .eetin/ t+e inventory require.ent +as an in+i0itin/ e**ect in t+eir operation and +ence, t+ey support t+e rulin/ o* t+is ,ourt stri@in/ it do6n as unconstitutional3

,+ave= vs Pu0lic Estates 'ut+ority and 'M'R) ,orporation

#acts$ T+e Pu0lic Estates 'ut+ority is t+e central i.ple.entin/ a/ency tas@ed to underta@e recla.ation pro1ects nation6ide3 )t too@ over t+e leasin/ and sellin/ *unctions o* t+e CE>R inso*ar as reclai.ed or a0out to 0e reclai.ed *ores+ore lands are concerned3

PE' sou/+t t+e trans*er to 'M'R), a private corporation, o* t+e o6ners+ip o* %%3J& +ectares o* t+e #reedo. )slands3 PE' also sou/+t to +ave 5 I31H! +ectares o* areas o* Manila <ay to 'M'R)3

T+erea*ter, PE' 6as /ranted patent to t+e reclai.ed areas o* land and t+en, years later, PE' entered into a ;(' 6it+ 'M'R) *or t+e develop.ent o* t+e #reedo. )slands3 T+ese t6o entered into a 1oint venture in t+e a0sence o* any pu0lic 0iddin/3

Later, a privile/e speec+ 6as /iven 0y Senator President Maceda denouncin/ t+e ;(' as t+e /rand.ot+er o* all sca.s3 'n investi/ation 6as conducted and it 6as concluded t+at t+e lands t+at PE' 6as conveyin/ to 'M'R) 6ere lands o* t+e pu0lic do.ainG t+e certi*icates o* title over t+e #reedo. )slands 6ere voidG and t+e ;(' itsel* 6as ille/al3 investi/atory co..ittee on t+e le/ality o* t+e ;('3 T+is pro.pted Ra.os to *or. an

Petitioner no6 and contends t+at t+e /overn.ent stands to lose 0illions 0y t+e conveyance or sale o* t+e reclai.ed areas to 'M'R)3 9e also as@ed *or t+e *ull disclosure o* t+e rene/otiations +appenin/ 0et6een t+e parties3 Petitioner #ran@ )3 ,+ave= (BPetitionerB *or 0revity) as a taxpayer, *iled t+e instant Petition *or 6it+ Prayer *or t+e )ssuance o* a 8rit o* Preli.inary )n1unction and Te.porary Restrainin/ ?rder3

)ssue$ 8?> t+e petitioner +as le/al standin/

9eld$ T+e petitioner +as standin/ to 0rin/ t+is taxpayerDs suit 0ecause t+e petition see@s to co.pel PE' to co.ply 6it+ its constitutional duties3 T+ere are t6o constitutional issues involved +ere3 #irst is t+e ri/+t o* citi=ens to in*or.ation on .atters o* pu0lic concern3 Second is t+e application o* a constitutional provision intended to insure t+e equita0le distri0ution o* aliena0le lands o* t+e pu0lic do.ain a.on/ #ilipino citi=ens, t+e petition raises .atters o* transcendental i.portance to t+e pu0lic3

<)R'?G? (S PT,


Pres3 'quino si/ned E3 ?3 >o3 1 esta0lis+in/ P+ilippine Trut+ ,o..ission o* 5I1I (PT,) dated ;uly JI, 5I1I3

PT, is a .ere ad +oc 0ody *or.ed under t+e ?**ice o* t+e President 6it+ t+e pri.ary tas@ to investi/ate reports o* /ra*t and corruption co..itted 0y t+ird2level pu0lic o**icers and e.ployees, t+eir co2principals, acco.plices and accessories durin/ t+e previous ad.inistration, and to its *indin/ and reco..endations to t+e President, ,on/ress and t+e ?.0uds.an3 PT, +as all t+e po6ers o* an investi/ative 0ody3 <ut it is not a quasi21udicial 0ody as it cannot ad1udicate, ar0itrate, resolve, settle, or render a6ards in disputes 0et6een contendin/ parties3 'll it can do is /at+er, collect and assess evidence o* /ra*t and corruption and .a@e reco..endations3 )t .ay +ave su0poena po6ers 0ut it +as no po6er to cite people in, .uc+ less order t+eir arrest3 'lt+ou/+ it is a *act2*indin/ 0ody, it cannot deter.ine *ro. suc+ *acts i* pro0a0le cause exists as to 6arrant t+e *ilin/ o* an in*or.ation in our courts o* la63

Petitioners as@ed t+e ,ourt to declare it unconstitutional and to en1oin t+e PT, *ro. per* its *unctions3 T+ey ar/ued t+at$

(a) E3?3 >o3 1 violates separation o* po6ers as it arro/ates t+e po6er o* t+e ,on/ress to create a pu0lic o**ice and appropriate *unds *or its operation3

(0) T+e provision o* <oo@ ))), ,+apter 1I, Section J1 o* t+e 'd.inistrative ,ode o* 1 "% cannot le/iti.i=e E3?3 >o3 1 0ecause t+e dele/ated aut+ority o* t+e President to structurally reor/ani=e t+e ?**ice o* t+e President to ac+ieve econo.y, si.plicity and e**iciency does not include t+e po6er to create an entirely ne6 pu0lic o**ice 6+ic+ 6as +it+erto inexistent li@e t+e -Trut+ ,o..ission34

(c) E3?3 >o3 1 ille/ally a.ended t+e ,onstitution and statutes 6+en it vested t+e -Trut+ ,o..ission4 6it+ quasi21udicial po6ers duplicatin/, i* not supersedin/, t+ose o* t+e ?**ice o* t+e ? created under t+e 1 "% ,onstitution and t+e C?; created under t+e 'd.inistrative ,ode o* 1 "%3

(d) E3?3 >o3 1 violates t+e equal protection clause as it selectively tar/ets *or investi/ation and prosecution o**icials and personnel o* t+e previous ad.inistration as i* corruption is t+eir peculiar species even as it excludes t+ose o* t+e ot+er ad.inistrations, past and present, 6+o .ay 0e indicta0le3

Respondents, t+rou/+ ?SG, questioned t+e le/al standin/ o* petitioners and ar/ued t+at$

1M E3?3 >o3 1 does not arro/ate t+e po6ers o* ,on/ress 0ecause t+e President7s executive po6er and po6er o* control necessarily include t+e in+erent po6er to conduct investi/ations to ensure t+at la6s are *ait+*ully executed and t+at, in any event, t+e ,onstitution, Revised 'd.inistrative ,ode o* 1 "%, PC >o3 1&1!1! (as a.ended), R3'3 >o3 %I and settled 1urisprudence, aut+ori=e t+e President to create or *or. suc+ 0odies3

5M E3?3 >o3 1 does not usurp t+e po6er o* ,on/ress to appropriate *unds 0ecause t+ere is no appropriation 0ut a .ere allocation o* *unds already appropriated 0y ,on/ress3

JM T+e Trut+ ,o..ission does not duplicate or supersede t+e *unctions o* t+e ? and t+e C?;, 0ecause it is a *act2*indin/ 0ody and not a quasi21udicial 0ody and its *unctions do not duplicate, supplant or erode t+e latter 7s 1urisdiction3

&M T+e Trut+ ,o..ission does not violate t+e equal protection clause 0ecause it 6as validly created *or lauda0le purposes3


13 8?> t+e petitioners +ave le/al standin/ to *ile t+e petitions and question E3 ?3 >o3 1G 53 8?> E3 ?3 >o3 1 violates t+e principle o* separation o* po6ers 0y usurpin/ t+e po6ers o* ,on/ress to create and to appropriate *unds *or pu0lic o**ices, a/encies and co..issionsG

9eld$ +e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is su01ect to li.itations, to 6it$ (1) t+ere .ust 0e an actual case or controversy callin/ *or t+e exercise o* 1udicial po6erG (5) t+e person c+allen/in/ t+e act .ust +ave t+e standin/ to question t+e validity o* t+e su01ect act or issuanceG ot+er6ise stated, +e .ust +ave a personal and su0stantial interest in t+e case suc+ t+at +e +as sustained, or 6ill sustain, direct in1ury as a result o* its en*orce.entG (J) t+e question o* constitutionality .ust 0e raised at t+e earliest opportunityG and (&) t+e issue o* constitutionality .ust 0e t+e very lis .ota o* t+e case3

13 T+e petition pri.arily invo@es usurpation o* t+e po6er o* t+e ,on/ress as a 0ody to 6+ic+ t+ey 0elon/ as .e.0ers3 To t+e extent t+e po6ers o* ,on/ress are i.paired, so is t+e po6er o* eac+ .e.0er t+ereo*, since +is o**ice con*ers a ri/+t to participate in t+e exercise o* t+e po6ers o* t+at institution3

Le/islators +ave a le/al standin/ to see to it t+at t+e prero/ative, po6ers and privile/es vested 0y t+e ,onstitution in t+eir o**ice re.ain inviolate3 T+us, t+ey are allo6ed to question t+e validity o* any o**icial action 6+ic+, to t+eir .ind, in*rin/es on t+eir prero/atives as le/islators3

8it+ re/ard to <irao/o, +e +as not s+o6n t+at +e sustained, or is in dan/er o* sustainin/, any personal and direct in1ury attri0uta0le to t+e i.ple.entation o* E3 ?3 >o3 13

Locus standi is -a ri/+t o* appearance in a court o* 1ustice on a /iven question34 )n private suits, standin/ is /overned 0y t+e -real2parties2in interest4 rule3 )t provides t+at -every action .ust 0e prosecuted or de*ended in t+e na.e o* t+e real party in interest34 Real2party2in interest is -t+e party 6+o stands to 0e 0ene*ited or in1ured 0y t+e 1ud/.ent in t+e suit or t+e party entitled to t+e avails o* t+e suit34

Ci**iculty o* deter.inin/ locus standi arises in pu0lic suits3 9ere, t+e plainti** 6+o asserts a -pu0lic ri/+t4 in assailin/ an alle/edly ille/al o**icial action, does so as a representative o* t+e /eneral pu0lic3 9e +as to s+o6 t+at +e is entitled to see@ 1udicial protection3 9e +as to .a@e out a su**icient interest in t+e vindication o* t+e pu0lic order and t+e securin/ o* relie* as a -citi=en4 or -taxpayer3

T+e person 6+o i.pu/ns t+e validity o* a statute .ust +ave -a personal and su0stantial interest in t+e case suc+ t+at +e +as sustained, or 6ill sustain direct in1ury as a result34 T+e ,ourt, +o6ever, *inds reason in <irao/o7s assertion t+at t+e petition covers .atters o* transcendental i.portance to 1usti*y t+e exercise o* 1urisdiction 0y t+e ,ourt3 T+ere are constitutional issues in t+e petition 6+ic+ deserve t+e attention o* t+is ,ourt in vie6 o* t+eir seriousness, novelty and 6ei/+t as precedents

T+e Executive is /iven .uc+ lee6ay in ensurin/ t+at our la6s are *ait+*ully executed3 T+e po6ers o* t+e President are not li.ited to t+ose speci*ic po6ers under t+e ,onstitution3 ?ne o* t+e reco/ni=ed po6ers o* t+e President /ranted pursuant to t+is constitutionally2.andated duty is t+e po6er to create ad +oc co..ittees3 T+is *lo6s *ro. t+e o0vious need to ascertain *acts and deter.ine i* la6s +ave 0een *ait+*ully executed3 T+e purpose o* allo6in/ ad +oc investi/atin/ 0odies to exist is to allo6 an inquiry into .atters 6+ic+ t+e President is entitled to @no6 so t+at +e can 0e properly advised and /uided in t+e per*or.ance o* +is duties relative to t+e execution and en*orce.ent o* t+e la6s o* t+e land3

Petitioners 6+o are not even t+e in1ured parties are invo@in/ t+e equal protection clause3 T+eir standin/ to raise t+is issue is seriously contested in t+e Cissent o* ;ustice ,arpio Morales3 T+ey do not clai. in any .anner t+at t+ey are t+e su01ect o* E? 13 ,ourts +ave 6arned t+at t+e ri/+t o* equal protection o* t+e la6 -.ay not 0e perversely invo@ed4 to 1usti*y desistance 0y t+e aut+orities *ro. t+e prosecution o* a cri.inal case, 1ust 0ecause not all o* t+ose 6+o are pro0a0ly /uilty t+ereo* 6ere c+ar/ed3 T+is c+aracteri=ation 6ould apply especially i* t+e ones 6+o invo@e t+e equal protection clause are t+ose 6+o are not in1ured 0y t+e contested executive action3

>? L?,ES ST'>C)

GE'>O?> (S3 CE ()LL'

#acts$ T+e &1 petitioners alle/ed t+at t+e Bsaturation driveB or Baerial tar/et =onin/B t+at 6ere conducted in t+eir place (Tondo Manila) 6ere unconstitutional3 T+ey alle/ed t+at t+ere is no speci*ic tar/et +ouse to 0e searc+ and t+at t+ere is no searc+ 6arrant or 6arrant o* arrest served3 Most o* t+e police.en are in t+eir civilian clot+es and 6it+out na.eplates or identi*ication cards3 T+e residents 6ere rudely rouse *ro. t+eir sleep 0y 0an/in/ on t+e 6alls and 6indo6s o* t+eir +ouses3 T+e residents 6ere at t+e point o* +i/+2po6ered /uns and +erded li@e co6s3 Men 6ere ordered to strip do6n to t+eir 0rie*s *or t+e police to exa.ine t+eir tattoo .ar@s3 T+e residents co.plained t+at t+eyDre 6ere ransac@ed, tossin/ t+eir 0elon/in/s and destroyin/ t+eir valua0les3 So.e o* t+eir .oney and valua0les +ad disappeared a*ter t+e operation3 T+e residents also reported incidents o* .aulin/s, spot20eatin/s and .altreat.ent3 T+ose 6+o 6ere detained also su**ered .ental and p+ysical torture to extract con*essions and tactical in*or.ations3 T+e respondents said t+at suc+ accusations 6ere all lies3 Respondents contends t+at t+e ,onstitution /rants to /overn.ent t+e po6er to see@ and cripple su0versive .ove.ents *or t+e .aintenance o* peace in t+e state3 T+e aerial tar/et =onin/ 6ere intended to *lus+ out su0versives and cri.inal ele.ents coddled 0y t+e co..unities 6ere t+e said drives 6ere conducted3 T+ey said t+at t+ey +ave intelli/ently and care*ully planned .ont+s a+ead *or t+e actual operation and t+at local and *orei/n .edia 1oined t+e operation to 6itness and record suc+ event3

)ssue$ 8?> )<P +as le/al standin/


T+e )<P +as not su**iciently co.plied 6it+ t+e requisites o* standin/ in t+is case3

)n t+e case at 0ar, t+e )<P pri.arily anc+ors its standin/ on its alle/ed responsi0ility to up+old t+e rule o* la6 and t+e ,onstitution3 'part *ro. t+is declaration, +o6ever, t+e )<P asserts no ot+er 0asis in support o* its locus standi3 T+e .ere invocation 0y t+e )<P o* its duty to preserve t+e rule o* la6 and not+in/ .ore, 6+ile undou0tedly true, is not su**icient to clot+e it 6it+ standin/ in t+is case3

E'RL)EST ?PPERTE>)T: E.ali v3 Guin/ona

#acts$ ?s.undo E.ali t+e petitioner 6as appointed Re/ional Cirector o* t+e <ureau o* )nternal Revenue 0y Pres #idel (3 Ra.os3 9e assi/ned +i. in Manila, >ove.0er 5 , 1 J to Marc+ 1H, 1 & and Ma@ati, Marc+ 1!, 1 & to 'u/ust &, 1 &3 ?n 'u/ust 1, 1 &, President Ra.os received a con*idential .e.orandu. a/ainst t+e petitioner *or alle/ed violations o* internal revenue la6s, rules and re/ulations durin/ +is incu.0ency as Re/ional Cirector, .ore particularly t+e *ollo6in/ .al*easance, .is*easance and non*easance3 upon receipt o* t+e said con*idential .e.orandu., * President aut+ori=ed t+e issuance o* an ?rder *or t+e preventive suspension o* t+e petitioner and i..ediately re*erred t+e ,o.plaint a/ainst t+e latter to t+e Presidential ,o..ission on 'nti2 Gra*t and ,orruption (P,'G,), *or investi/ation3 Petitioner 6as duly in*or.ed o* t+e c+ar/es a/ainst +i.3 'nd 6as directed +i. to send in +is ans6er, copies o* +is State.ent o* 'ssets, and Lia0ilities *or t+e past t+ree years (J), and Personal Cata S+eet3 )nitial +earin/ 6as set on 'u/ust 5H, 1 &, at 5$II p3.3, at t+e P,'G, ?**ice3 ?n 'u/ust 5J, t+e petitioner *iled +is required ans6er3 '*ter evaluatin/ t+e evidence on record, t+e P,'G, issued its Resolution o* Septe.0er 5J, 1 &, *indin/ a pri.a *acie evidence to support six (!) o* t+e t6elve (15) c+ar/es a/ainst petitioner3 ?n ?cto0er !, 1 &, actin/ upon t+e reco..endation o* t+e P,'G,, t+en President Ra.os issued 'd.inistrative ?rder >o3 1H5 dis.issin/ petitioner *ro. t+e service, 6it+ *or*eiture o* retire.ent and all 0ene*its under t+e la63


(1) 8+et+er or >ot '? >o3 1H5 violated petitionerDs Ri/+t to Security o* Tenure3

(5) 8+et+er or >ot Petitioner 6as denied due process o* la6

(J) 8+et+er or >ot t+e P,'G, is a validly ,onstituted /overn.ent a/ency and 6+et+er t+e petitioner can raise t+e issue o* constitutionality 0elatedly in its .otion *or reconsideration o* t+e trial courts decision3

(&) 8+et+er or >ot t+e o.0uds.anDs resolution dis.issin/ t+e c+ar/es a/ainst t+e petitioner is still 0asis *or t+e petitionerDs dis.issal 6it+ *or*eiture o* 0ene*its as ruled in '? >o3 1H5

9eld$ Petitioner .aintains t+at as a career executive service o**icer, +e can only 0e re.oved *or cause and under t+e 'd.inistrative ,ode o* 1 "%, ! loss o* con*idence is not one o* t+e le/al causes or /rounds *or re.oval3 ,onsequently, +is dis.issal *ro. o**ice on t+e /round o* loss con*idence violated +is ri/+t to security o* tenure, petitioner t+eori=ed3 '*ter a care*ul study, 6e are o* t+e irresisti0le conclusion t+at t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals ruled correctly on t+e *irst t+ree )ssue3 To 0e sure, petitioner 6as not denied t+e ri/+t to due process 0e*ore t+e P,'G,3 Records s+o6 t+at t+e petitioner *iled +is ans6er and ot+er pleadin/s 6it+ respect to +is alle/ed violation o* internal revenue la6s and re/ulations, and +e attended t+e +earin/s 0e*ore t+e investi/atory 0ody3 )t is t+us decisively clear t+at +is protestation o* non2o0servance o* due process is devoid o* any *actual or le/al 0asis3 >eit+er can it 0e said t+at t+ere 6as a violation o* 6+at petitioner asserts as +is security o* tenure3 'ccordin/ to petitioner, as a Re/ional Cirector o* <ureau o* )nternal Revenue, +e is ,ES? eli/i0le entitled to security o* tenure3 9o6ever, petitionerDs clai. o* ,ES? eli/i0ility is ane.ic o* evidentiary support3 )t 6as incu.0ent upon +i. to prove t+at +e is a ,ES? eli/i0le 0ut un*ortunately, +e *ailed to adduce su**icient evidence on t+e .atter3 9is *ailure to do so is *atal3 's re/ards t+e issue o* constitutionality o* t+e P,'G,, it 6as only posed 0y petitioner in +is .otion *or reconsideration 0e*ore t+e Re/ional Trial ,ourt o* Ma@ati3 )t 6as certainly too late to raise *or t+e *irst ti.e at suc+ late sta/e o* t+e proceedin/s3 's to last issue, )t is 6ort+y to note t+at in t+e case under consideration, t+e ad.inistrative action a/ainst t+e petitioner 6as ta@en prior to t+e institution o* t+e cri.inal case3 T+e c+ar/es included in 'd.inistrative ?rder >o3 1H5 6ere 0ased on t+e results o* investi/ation conducted 0y t+e P,'G, and not on t+e cri.inal c+ar/es 0e*ore t+e ?.0uds.an3 )n su., t+e petition is dis.issa0le on t+e /round t+at t+e )ssue posited 0y t+e petitioner do not constitute a valid le/al 0asis *or overturnin/ t+e *indin/ and conclusion arrived at 0y t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals3 9o6ever, ta@in/ into account t+e antecedent *acts and circu.stances a*ore.entioned, t+e ,ourt, in t+e exercise o* its equity po6ers, +as decided to consider t+e

dis.issal o* t+e c+ar/es a/ainst petitioner 0e*ore t+e ?, t+e succinct and un.ista@a0le .ani*estation 0y t+e ,o..issioner o* t+e <ureau o* )nternal Revenue t+at +is o**ice is no lon/er interested in pursuin/ t+e case, and t+e position ta@en 0y t+e Solicitor General, t+at t+ere is no .ore 0asis *or 'd.inistrative ?rder >o3 1H5, as e**ective and su0stantive supervenin/ events t+at cannot 0e overloo@ed3

Oandueta v3 de la ,osta !! P+il3 !1H (1 J") )n re$ >ecessity o* decidin/ ,onstitutional Puestions

T+e case is an ori/inal quo 6arranto action 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt instituted 0y 9onora0le #rancisco Oandueta a/ainst 9onora0le Sixto de la ,osta to o0tain *ro. t+e Supre.e ,ourt a 1ud/.ent declarin/ t+e respondent to 0e ille/ally occupyin/ t+e o**ice o* ;ud/e o* t+e #i*t+ <ranc+ o* t+e ,#) o* Manila, #ourt+ ;udicial Cistrict, oustin/ +i. *ro. t+e said o**ice and +oldin/ t+at t+e petitioner is entitled to continue occupyin/ t+e o**ice in question 0y placin/ +i. in possession t+ereo*3


Prior to t+e pro.ul/ation o* t+e ,o..on6ealt+ 'ct >o3 1&H, petitioner, t+e 9onora0le #rancisco Oandueta 6as disc+ar/in/ t+e o**ice o* 1ud/e o* *irst instance, >int+ ;udicial Cistrict, co.prisin/ solely o* t+e ,ity o* Manila and 6as presidin/ over t+e #i*t+ <ranc+ o* t+e ,#) o* t+e said city, 0y virtue o* an ad interi. appoint.ent issued 0y t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines in +is *avor on ;une 5, 1 J!, 6it+ t+e correspondin/ con*ir.ation 0y t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly on Septe.0er "t+ o* t+e sa.e year3 ?n >ove.0er %, 1 J!, t+e date on 6+ic+ t+e ,o..on6ealt+ 'ct >o3 1&H, ot+er6ise @no6n as t+e ;udicial Reor/ani=ation La6, too@ e**ect, petitioner received *ro. t+e President o* t+e ,o..on6ealt+ a ne6 ad interi. appoint.ent as 1ud/e o* *irst instance, t+is ti.e o* t+e #ourt+ ;udicial Cistrict, 6it+ aut+ority to preside over t+e ,ourts o* #irst )nstance o* Manila and Pala6an3 T+e ne6 appoint.ent o* t+e petitioner 6as not acted upon 0y t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly and as it ad1ourned on >ove.0er 5I, 1 J%, t+e petitioner 6as issued 6it+ a ne6 ad interi. appoint.ent to t+e sa.e o**ice, over 6+ic+ t+e petitioner too@ oat+ on >ove.0er 55, 1 J% and su0sequently disc+ar/ed t+e duties o* t+e said o**ice3 T+e petitioner, actin/ as executive 1ud/e, per*or.ed several executive acts 6+ic+ consist o* desi/nation o* several personnel to t+e ,ourts over +is 1urisdiction3 ?n May 1 , 1 J", t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents disapproved t+e a*oresaid ad interi. appoint.ent o* t+e petitioner, pro.ptin/ t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines to appoint t+e 9onora0le

Sixto de la ,osta to t+e sa.e o**ice, 6+o too@ t+e necessary oat+ and disc+ar/ed t+e duties o* t+e said o**ice, and 6as su0sequently con*ir.ed 0y t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents3 )ssues 13 ,an t+e petitioner i.pu/n t+e constitutionality o* ,o..on6ealt+ 'ct >o3 1&HF

53 )s t+e petitioner entitled to continue to disc+ar/e t+e duties o* t+e o**ice +e occupied prior to +is appoint.ent 0y virtue o* t+e ,o..on6ealt+ 'ct >o3 1&HF


T+e petitioner cannot i.pu/n t+e constitutionality o* t+e la6 0y virtue o* 6+ic+ +e 6as appointed3 T+e petitioner is estopped 0y +is o6n act proceedin/ to question t+e constitutionality o* ,o..on6ealt+ 'ct >o3 1&H, 0y virtue o* 6+ic+ +e 6as appointed, 0y acceptin/ said appoint.ent and enterin/ into t+e per*or.ance o* t+e duties appertainin/ to t+e o**ice con*erred t+erein3 )n acceptin/ t+e ne6 appoint.ent on >ove.0er %, 1 J! and quali*yin/ *or t+e exercise o* t+e *unctions o* t+e o**ice con*erred 0y it, 0y ta@in/ t+e necessary oat+ on >ove.0er 55, 1 J%, and in disc+ar/in/ t+e sa.e, disposin/ o* 0ot+ 1udicial and ad.inistrative cases correspondin/ to t+e ,#) o* Manila and Pala6an, t+e petitioner a0andoned +is appoint.ent o* ;une 5, 1 J!, and ceased to exercise o* t+e *unctions o* t+e o**ice occupied 0y +i. 0y virtue t+ereo*3 T+e petitioner a0andons +is old o**ice and cannot clai. to 0e entitled to repossess it or question t+e constitutionality o* t+e la6 0y virtue o* 6+ic+ +is ne6 appoint.ent +as 0een issuedG and said ne6 appoint.ent disapproved 0y t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly, neit+er can +e clai. to continue occupyin/ t+e o**ice con*erred upon +i. 0y said ne6 appoint.ent, +avin/ ipso 1ure ceased in t+e disc+ar/e o* t+e *unctions t+ereo*3 Petition denied and dis.issed3

>ecessity o* decidin/ t+e constitutional question

'r.ando Tarrosa vs Ga0riel Sin/son Q Enrique= )))


Ga0riel ,3 Sin/son 6as appointed Governor o* t+e <an/@o Sentral 0y President #idel (3 Ra.os on ;uly 5, 1 J3 ;esus 'r.ando Tarrosa, as a BtaxpayerB, *iled a petition *or pro+i0ition questionin/ t+e

appoint.ent o* Sin/son *or not +avin/ 0een con*ir.ed 0y t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents as required 0y t+e provisions o* Section ! o* R3'3 >o3 %!HJ, 6+ic+ esta0lis+ed t+e <an/@o Sentral as t+e ,entral Monetary 'ut+ority o* t+e P+ilippines3 T+e Secretary o* <ud/et and Mana/e.ent 6as i.pleaded *or dis0ursin/ pu0lic *unds in pay.ent o* t+e salaries and e.olu.ents o* respondent Sin/son3

)n t+eir co..ent, respondents clai. t+at ,on/ress exceeded its le/islative po6ers in requirin/ t+e con*ir.ation 0y t+e ,' o* t+e appoint.ent o* t+e Governor o* t+e <an/@o Sentral3 T+ey contend t+at an appoint.ent to t+e said position is not a.on/ t+e appoint.ents 6+ic+ +ave to 0e con*ir.ed 0y t+e ,', citin/ Section 1! o* 'rticle () o* t+e ,onstitution3


S, dis.issed t+e petition3

T+e instant petition is in t+e nature o* a quo 6arranto proceedin/ as it see@s t+e ouster o* respondent Sin/son and alle/es t+at t+e latter is unla6*ully +oldin/ or exercisin/ t+e po6ers o* Governor o* t+e <an/@o Sentral3 Suc+ a special civil action can only 0e co..enced 0y t+e Solicitor General or 0y a Bperson to 0e entitled to a pu0lic o**ice or position unla6*ully +eld or exercised 0y anot+er3B

)n Sevilla v3 ,ourt o* 'ppeals, 5I S,R' !J% (1 5), 6e +eld t+at t+e petitioner t+erein, 6+o did not aver t+at +e 6as entitled to t+e o**ice o* t+e ,ity En/ineer o* ,a0anatuan ,ity, could not 0rin/ t+e action *or quo 6arranto to oust t+e respondent *ro. said o**ice as a .ere usurper3

Li@e6ise in Greene v3 Rnox, 1%H >3:3 &J5 (1 IJ), !% >3E3 1I, it 6as +eld t+at t+e question o* title to an o**ice, 6+ic+ .ust 0e resolved in a quo 6arranto proceedin/, .ay not 0e deter.ined in a suit to restrain t+e pay.ent o* salary to t+e person +oldin/ suc+ o**ice, 0rou/+t 0y so.eone 6+o does not clai. to 0e t+e one entitled to occupy t+e said o**ice3

9o6ever *or t+e in*or.ation o* all concerned, 6e call attention to our decision in ,alderon v3 ,arale, 5I" S,R' 5H& (1 5), 6it+ ;ustice )sa/ani '3 ,ru= dissentin/, 6+ere 6e ruled t+at ,on/ress cannot 0y la6 expand t+e con*ir.ation po6ers o* t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents and require con*ir.ation o* appoint.ent o* ot+er /overn.ent o**icials not expressly .entioned in t+e *irst sentence o* Section 1! o* 'rticle ()) o* t+e ,onstitution3 (Tarrosa vs3 Sin/son, G3R3 >o3 1115&J, May 5H, 1 &)

E>,?>ST)TET)?>'L)T: M'>)L' M?T?RS ,?3 )>,3 (S3 #L?RES

#',TS$ May 1 H&, Manila Motors ,o3 )nc3 *iled a co.plaint 0e*ore t+e .un3 court o* .anila to recover t+e a.ount o* P 1,I&%3 " *ro. M'>EEL T3 #L?RES as c+attel .ort/a/e install.ents 6Kc is due in Septe.0er 1 &13 #lores pleaded *or prescription$ 1 &121 H& and t+e co.plaint 6as dis.issed3 ?n appeal 0e*ore t+e ,#), t+e court sa6 t+e plainti** 7s sustainin/ contention t+at t+e .oratoriu. la6s +ad interrupted t+e runnin/ o* t+e prescriptive period Q t+at deductin/ t+e ti.e durin/ 6+ic+ said la6s 6ere in operation2 J yrs3 'nd " .ont+s2 t+e 1I yr3 ter. +ad not yet elapsed 6+en t+e co.plainant sued *or collection in 1 H&3 ,#) ordered t+e return o* t+e case to t+e .unicipal 1ud/e *or trial on t+e .erits3

)SSEEKS$ 8+et+er or not t+e .oratoriu. la6s did not +ave t+e e**ect o* suspendin/ t+e period due to unconstitutionality as declared in t+e Rutter vs3 Este0an case3 Rulin/$ )n Montilla vs3 Paci*ic ,o..ercialJ 6e +eld t+at t+e .oratoriu. la6s suspended t+e period o* prescription3 T+at 6as rendered a*ter t+e Rutter2Este0an decision3 )t s+ould 0e stated +o6ever, in *airness to appellant, t+at t+e Montilla decision ca.e do6n a*ter +e +ad su0.itted +is 0rie*3 'nd in ans6er to +is .ain contention, t+e *ollo6in/ portion is quoted *ro. a resolution o* t+is ,ourt& Rutter vs3 Este0an ( J P+il3 !") .ay 0e construed to .ean t+at at t+eo* t+e decision t+e Moratoriu. la6 could no lon/er 0e validly applied 0ecause o* t+e prevailin/ circu.stances3 't any rate, alt+ou/+ t+e /eneral rule is t+at an unconstitutional statute S Bcon*ers no ri/+t, create no o**ice, a**ords no protection and 1usti*ies no acts per*or.ed under it3B (11 '.3 ;ur3, pp3 "5", "5 3)

)n Re ,unanan )> RE ,E>'>'> L & P+il HJ&G ResolutionG 1" Mar 1 H&M )n t+e Matter o* t+e Petitions *or 'd.ission to t+e <ar o* Ensuccess*ul ,andidates o* 1 &! to 1 HJG 'L<)>? ,E>'>'>, ET 'L3, petitioners3

Resoluti, 1 H&on Marc+ 1" #acts$ ,on/ress passed Repu0lic 'ct >u.0er %5, co..only @no6n as t+e -<ar #lun@ers7 'ct o* 1 HJ34 )n accordance 6it+ t+e said la6, t+e Supre.e ,ourt t+en passed and ad.itted to t+e 0ar t+ose candidates 6+o +ad o0tained an avera/e o* %5 per cent 0y raisin/ it to %H percent3 '*ter its approval, .any o* t+e unsuccess*ul post6ar candidates *iled petitions *or ad.ission to t+e 0ar invo@in/ its provisions, 6+ile ot+er .otions *or t+e revision o* t+eir exa.ination papers 6ere still pendin/ also invo@ed t+e a*oresaid la6 as an additional /round *or ad.ission3 T+ere are also ot+ers 6+o +ave sou/+t si.ply t+e reconsideration o* t+eir /rades 6it+out, +o6ever, invo@in/ t+e la6 in question3 To avoid in1ustice to individual petitioners, t+e court *irst revie6ed t+e .otions *or reconsideration, irrespective o* 6+et+er or not t+ey +ad invo@ed Repu0lic 'ct >o3 %53 )ssue$ 8+et+er or >ot R' >o3 %5 is constitutional and valid3 9eld$ R' >o3 %5 +as *or its o01ect, accordin/ to its aut+or, to to t+e <ar, t+ose candidates 6+o su**ered *ro. insu**iciency o* readin/ .aterials and inadequate preparation3 )n t+e 1udicial syste. *ro. 6+ic+ ours +as 0een evolved, t+e ad.ission, suspension, dis0ar.ent and reinstate.ent o* attorneys at la6 in t+e practice o* t+e pro*ession and t+eir supervision +ave 0een indisputa0ly a 1udicial *unction and responsi0ility3 8e +ave said t+at in t+e 1udicial syste. *ro. 6+ic+ ours +as 0een derived, t+e ad.ission, suspension, dis0ar.ent or reinstate.ent o* attorneys at la6 in t+e practice o* t+e pro*ession is concededly 1udicial3 ?n t+is .atter, t+ere is certainly a clear distinction 0et6een t+e *unctions o* t+e 1udicial and le/islative depart.ents o* t+e /overn.ent3 )t is o0vious, t+ere*ore, t+at t+e ulti.ate po6er to /rant license *or t+e practice o* la6 0elon/s exclusively to t+is ,ourt, and t+e la6 passed 0y ,on/ress on t+e .atter is o* per.issive c+aracter, or as ot+er aut+orities .ay say, .erely to *ix t+e .ini.u. conditions *or t+e license3 Repu0lic 'ct >u.0er %5 is +eld to 0e unconstitutional

M','L)>T'L (S3 ,?MELE, G3R3 >o3 1H%I1J, ;uly 1I 5IIJ

#',TS$ <e*ore t+e ,ourt is a petition *or certiorari and pro+i0ition *iled 0y Ro.ulo <3 Macalintal, a .e.0er o* t+e P+ilippine <ar, see@in/ a declaration t+at certain provisions o* Repu0lic 'ct >o3

1" (T+e ?verseas '0sentee (otin/ 'ct o* 5IIJ) su**er *ro. constitutional in*ir.ity3 , t+at +e +as actual and .aterial le/al interest in t+e su01ect .atter o* t+is case in seein/ to it t+at pu0lic *unds are properly and la6*ully used and appropriated, petitioner *iled t+e instant petition as a taxpayer and as a la6yer3

)SSEES$ (1) 8+et+er or not Section H(d) o* Repu0lic 'ct >o3 Section 1 o* 'rticle ( o* t+e ,onstitution3 1" violates t+e residency require.ent in

(5) 8+et+er or not Section 1"3H o* t+e sa.e la6 violates t+e constitutional .andate under Section &, 'rticle ()) o* t+e ,onstitution t+at t+e 6innin/ candidates *or President and t+e (ice2President s+all 0e proclai.ed as 6inners 0y ,on/ress3

(J) 8+et+er or not ,on/ress .ay, t+rou/+ t+e ;oint ,on/ressional ?versi/+t ,o..ittee created in Section 5H o* Rep3 'ct >o3 1" , exercise t+e po6er to revie6, revise, a.end, and approve t+e ).ple.entin/ Rules and Re/ulations t+at t+e ,o..ission on Elections, pro.ul/ate 6it+out violatin/ t+e independence o* t+e ,?MELE, under Section 1, 'rticle )A2' o* t+e ,onstitution3 9ELC$ (1) >o3 Section H o* R' >o3 1" enu.erates t+ose 6+o are disquali*ied votin/ under t+is 'ct3 )t disquali*ies an i..i/rant or a per.anent resident 6+o is reco/ni=ed as suc+ in t+e +ost country3 9o6ever, an exception is provided i3e3 unless +eKs+e executes, upon re/istration, an a**idavit prepared *or t+e purpose 0y t+e ,o..ission declarin/ t+at +eKs+e s+all resu.e actual p+ysical per.anent residence in t+e P+ilippines not later t+an J years *ro. approval o* re/istration3 Suc+ a**idavit s+all also state t+at +eKs+e +as not applied *or citi=ens+ip in anot+er country3 #ailure to return s+all 0e cause *or t+e re.oval o* t+e na.e o* t+e i..i/rant or per.anent resident *ro. t+e >ational Re/istry o* '0sentee (oters and +isK+er per.anent disquali*ication to vote in a0sentia3

Petitioner clai.s t+at t+is is violative o* t+e residency require.ent in Section 1 'rticle ( o* t+e ,onstitution 6+ic+ requires t+e voter .ust 0e a resident in t+e P+ilippines *or at least one yr, and a resident in t+e place 6+ere +e proposes to vote *or at least ! .ont+s i..ediately precedin/ an election3

9o6ever, ?SG +eld t+at rulin/ in said case does not +old 6ater at present, and t+at t+e ,ourt .ay +ave to discard t+at particular rulin/3 Panacea o* t+e controversy$ '**idavit *or 6it+out it, t+e presu.ption o* a0andon.ent o* P+il do.icile s+all re.ain3 T+e quali*ied #ilipino a0road 6+o executed an a**idavit is dee.ed to +ave retained +is do.icile in t+e P+ilippines and presu.ed not to +ave lost +is do.icile 0y +is p+ysical a0sence *ro. t+is country3 Section H o* R' >o3 1" does not only require t+e pro.ise to resu.e actual p+ysical per.anent residence in t+e P+ilippines not later

t+an J years a*ter approval o* re/istration 0ut it also requires t+e #ilipino a0road, 8?> +e is a /reen card +older, a te.porary visitor or even on 0usiness trip, .ust declare t+at +eKs+e +as not applied *or citi=ens+ip in anot+er country3 T+us, +eKs+e .ust return to t+e P+ilippines ot+er6ise consequences 6ill 0e .et accordin/ to R' >o3 1" 3

'lt+ou/+ t+ere is a possi0ility t+at t+e #ilipino 6ill not return a*ter +e +as exercised +is ri/+t to vote, t+e ,ourt is not in a position to rule on t+e 6isdo. o* t+e la6 or to repeal or .odi*y it i* suc+ la6 is *ound to 0e i.practical3 9o6ever, it can 0e said t+at t+e ,on/ress itsel* 6as conscious o* t+is pro0a0ility and provided *or deterrence 6+ic+ is t+at t+e #ilipino 6+o *ails to return as pro.ised stands to lose +is ri/+t o* su**ra/e3 'ccordin/ly, t+e votes +e cast s+all not 0e invalidated 0ecause +e 6as quali*ied to vote on t+e date o* t+e elections3

Expressu. *acit cessare tacitu.$ 6+ere a la6 sets do6n plainly its 6+ole .eanin/, t+e ,ourt is prevented *ro. .a@in/ it .ean 6+at t+e ,ourt pleases3 )n *ine, considerin/ t+at underlyin/ intent o* t+e ,onstitution, as is evident in its statutory construction and intent o* t+e *ra.ers, 6+ic+ is to /rant #ilipino i..i/rants and per.anent residents a0road t+e unquestiona0le ri/+t to exercise t+e ri/+t o* su**ra/e (Section 1 'rticle () t+e ,ourt *inds t+at Section H o* R' >o3 1" is not constitutionally de*ective3

(5) :es3 ,on/ress s+ould not +ave allo6ed ,?MELE, to usurp a po6er t+at constitutionally 0elon/s to it3 T+e canvassin/ o* t+e votes and t+e procla.ation o* t+e 6innin/ candidates *or President and (ice President *or t+e entire nation .ust re.ain in t+e +ands o* ,on/ress as its duty and po6er under Section & o* 'rticle ()) o* t+e ,onstitution3 ,?MELE, +as t+e aut+ority to proclai. t+e 6innin/ candidates only *or Senators and Party2list Reps3

(J) >o3 <y vestin/ itsel* 6it+ t+e po6ers to approve, revie6, a.end and revise t+e ).ple.entin/ Rules Q Re/ulations *or R' >o3 1" , ,on/ress 6ent 0eyond t+e scope o* its constitutional aut+ority3 ,on/ress tra.pled upon t+e constitutional .andate o* independence o* t+e ,?MELE,3 Ender suc+ a situation, t+e ,ourt is le*t 6it+ no option 0ut to 6it+dra6 *ro. its usual silence in declarin/ a provision o* la6 unconstitutional3

Lidasan vs ,?MELE, Political La6 E**ect i* Title Coes >ot ,o.pletely Express t+e Su01ect

Lidasan is a resident o* Paran/, ,ota0ato3 Later, R' &% I, 6+ic+ is entitled -'n 'ct ,reatin/ t+e

Municipality o* Cianaton in t+e Province o* Lanao del Sur,4 6as passed3 Lidasan ca.e to @no6 later on t+at 0arrios To/ai/ and Madalu. 1ust .entioned are 6it+in t+e .unicipality o* <uldon, Province o* ,ota0ato, and t+at <ayan/a, Lan/@on/, Sara@an, Rat20o, Ci/a@apan, Ma/a0o, Ta0an/ao, Tion/@o, ,olodan, and Ra0a.a@a6an are parts and parcel o* anot+er .unicipality, t+e .unicipality o* Paran/, also in t+e Province o* ,ota0ato and not o* Lanao del Sur3, even t+e ,on/ o* ,ota0ato voted in *avor o* R' &% I3M Pursuant to t+is la6, ,?MELE, proceeded to esta0lis+ precints *or voter re/istration in t+e said territories o* Cianaton3 Lidasan t+en *iled t+at R' &% I 0e nulli*ied *or 0ein/ unconstitutional 0ecause it did not clearly indicate in its title t+at it in creatin/ Cianaton, it 6ould 0e includin/ in t+e territory t+ereo* 0arrios *ro. ,ota0ato3

)SSEE$ )s R' &% I, 6+ic+ created Cianaton 0ut 6+ic+ includes 0arrios located in anot+er province ,ota0ato to 0e spared *ro. attac@ planted upon t+e constitutional .andate t+at ->o 0ill 6+ic+ .ay 0e enacted into la6 s+all e.0race .ore t+an one su01ect 6+ic+ s+all 0e expressed in t+e title o* t+e 0illF

9ELC$ T+e 0ane*ul e**ect o* t+e de*ective title +ere presented is not so di**icult to perceive3 Suc+ title did not in*or. t+e .e.0ers o* ,on/ress as to t+e *ull i.pact o* t+e la6G it did not apprise t+e people in t+e to6ns o* <uldon and Paran/ in ,ota0ato and in t+e province o* ,ota0ato itsel* t+at part o* t+eir territory is 0ein/ ta@en a6ay *ro. t+eir to6ns and province and added to t+e ad1acent Province o* Lanao del SurG it @ept t+e pu0lic in t+e dar@ as to 6+at to6ns and provinces 6ere actually a**ected 0y t+e 0ill t+at even a ,on/ *ro. ,ota0ato voted *or it only to *ind out later on t+at it is to t+e pre1udice o* +is o6n province3 T+ese are t+e pressures 6+ic+ +eavily 6ei/+ a/ainst t+e constitutionality o* R' &% I3

,entral <an@ E.ployees 'ssociation )nc3 vs3 <an/@o Sentral n/ Pilipinas LGR 1&"5I", 1H Cece.0er 5II&M En <anc, Puno (;)$ " concur, & dissent, 5 on leave #acts$ ?n J ;uly 1 J, R' %!HJ (t+e >e6 ,entral <an@ 'ct) too@ e**ect3 )t a0olis+ed t+e old ,entral <an@ o* t+e P+ilippines, and created a ne6 <SP3 ?n " ;une 5II1, al.ost " years a*ter t+e e**ectivity o* R' %!HJ, t+e ,entral <an@ (no6 <SP) E.ployees 'ssociation, )nc3, *iled a petition *or pro+i0ition a/ainst <SP and t+e Executive Secretary o* t+e ?**ice o* t+e President, to restrain t+e <an/@o Sentral n/ Pilipinas and t+e Executive Secretary *ro. *urt+er i.ple.entin/ t+e last proviso in Section 1H(c), 'rticle )) o* R' %!HJ, on t+e /round t+at it is unconstitutional3 'rticle )), Section 1H(c) o* R' %!HJ (Exercise o* 'ut+ority) provides t+at B)n t+e exercise o* its aut+ority, t+e Monetary <oard s+all 333 (c) esta0lis+ a resource .ana/e.ent syste. 6+ic+ s+all /overn t+e selection, +irin/, appoint.ent, trans*er, pro.otion, or dis.issal o* all personnel3 Suc+ syste. s+all ai. to esta0lis+ pro*essionalis. and excellence at all levels o* t+e <an/@o Sentral in accordance 6it+ sound principles o* .ana/e.ent3 ' co.pensation structure, 0ased on 1o0 evaluation studies and 6a/e surveys and su01ect to t+e <oard7s approval, s+all 0e instituted as an inte/ral co.ponent

o* t+e <an/@o Sentral7s resource develop.ent pro/ra.$ Provided, T+at t+e Monetary <oard s+all .a@e its o6n syste. con*or. as closely as possi0le 6it+ t+e principles provided *or under Repu0lic 'ct >o3 !%H" LSalary Standardi=ation 'ctM3 Provided, +o6ever, T+at co.pensation and 6a/e structure o* e.ployees 6+ose positions *all under salary /rade 1 and 0elo6 s+all 0e in accordance 6it+ t+e rates prescri0ed under Repu0lic 'ct >o3 !%H"3B T+e 'ssociation alle/es t+at t+e proviso .a@es an unconstitutional cut 0et6een t6o classes o* e.ployees in t+e <SP, vi=$ (1) t+e <SP o**icers or t+ose exe.pted *ro. t+e covera/e o* t+e Salary Standardi=ation La6 (SSL) ( class)G and (5) t+e ran@2and2*ile (Salary Grade LSGM 1 and 0elo6), or t+ose not exe.pted *ro. t+e covera/e o* t+e SSL ( class)3 )t is contended t+at t+is classi*ication is -a classic case o* class le/islation,4 alle/edly not 0ased on su0stantial distinctions 6+ic+ .a@e real di**erences, 0ut solely on t+e SG o* t+e <SP personnel7s position3 )ssue$ 8+et+er t+eran@2and2*ile e.ployees o* t+e <SP are unduly discri.inated upon 0y exe.ptin/ <SP o**icers (SG 5I and a0ove) *ro. t+e Salary Standardi=ation La63 9eld$ ,on/ress is allo6ed a 6ide lee6ay in providin/ *or a valid classi*ication3 T+e equal protection clause is not in*rin/ed 0y le/islation 6+ic+ applies only to t+ose persons *allin/ 6it+in a speci*ied class3 )* t+e /roupin/s are c+aracteri=ed 0y su0stantial distinctions t+at .a@e real di**erences, one class .ay 0e treated and re/ulated di**erently *ro. anot+er3 T+e classi*ication .ust also 0e /er.ane to t+e purpose o* t+e la6 and .ust apply to all t+ose 0elon/in/ to t+e sa.e class3 T+e exe.ption o* o**icers (SG 5I and a0ove) *ro. t+e SSL 6as intended to address t+e <SP7s lac@ o* co.petitiveness in ter.s o* attractin/ co.petent o**icers and executives3 )t 6as not intended to discri.inate a/ainst t+e ran@2and2*ile3 )* t+e end2result did in *act lead to a disparity o* treat.ent 0et6een t+e o**icers and t+e ran@2and2*ile in ter.s o* salaries and 0ene*its, t+e discri.ination or distinction +as a rational 0asis and is not palpa0ly, purely, and entirely ar0itrary in t+e le/islative sense3 9o6ever, 6+ile R' %!HJ started as a valid .easure 6ell 6it+in t+e le/islature7s po6er, t+e enact.ent o* su0sequent la6s exe.ptin/ all ran@2and2*ile e.ployees o* ot+er Govern.ent #inancial )nstitutions (G#)s) leec+ed all validity out o* t+e last proviso o* Section 1H(c), 'rticle )) o* R' %!HJ3 '*ter t+e ne6 <SP c+arter 6as enacted in 1 J, ,on/ress also undertoo@ t+e a.end.ent o* t+e c+arters o* t+e Land <an@ o* t+e P+ilippines (L<P, 6it+ R' % I% L1 HM), Social Security Syste. (SSS, 6it+ R' "5"5 L1 %M), S.all <usiness Guarantee and #inance ,orporation (S<G#,, 6it+ R' "5" L1 %M), Govern.ent Service )nsurance Syste. (GS)S, 6it+ R' "5 1 L1 %M), Cevelop.ent <an@ o* t+e P+ilippines (C<P, 6it+ R' "H5J L1 "M), 9o.e Guaranty ,orporation (9G,, 6it+ R' "%!J L5IIIM), and P+ilippine Ceposit )nsurance ,orporation (PC),, 6it+ R' JI5 L5II&M)3 T+us, 11 years a*ter t+e a.end.ent o* t+e <SP c+arter, t+e ran@2and2*ile o* % ot+er G#)s 6ere /ranted t+e exe.ption t+at 6as speci*ically denied to t+e ran@2and2*ile o* t+e <SP3 Even t+e Securities and Exc+an/e ,o..ission (SE,) 6as /ranted t+e sa.e 0lan@et exe.ption *ro. t+e SSL in 5III3 T+e prior vie6 on t+e constitutionality o* R' %!HJ 6as con*ined to an evaluation o* its classi*ication 0et6een t+e ran@2and2*ile and t+e o**icers o* t+e <SP, *ound reasona0le 0ecause t+ere 6ere su0stantial distinctions t+at .ade real di**erences 0et6een t+e t6o classes3 T+e su0sequent enact.ents, +o6ever, constitute si/ni*icant c+an/es in circu.stance t+at considera0ly alter t+e reasona0ility o* t+e continued operation o* t+e last proviso o* Section 1H(c), 'rticle )) o* R' %!HJ, t+ere0y exposin/ t+e proviso to .ore serious scrutiny3 T+is ti.e, t+e scrutiny relates to t+e constitutionality o* t+e classi*ication 2 al0eit .ade indirectly as a consequence o* t+e passa/e o*

ei/+t ot+er la6s 2 0et6een t+e ran@2and2*ile o* t+e <SP and t+e seven ot+er G#)s3 T+e classi*ication .ust not only 0e reasona0le, 0ut .ust also apply equally to all .e.0ers o* t+e class3 T+e proviso .ay 0e *air on its *ace and i.partial in appearance 0ut it cannot 0e /rossly discri.inatory in its operation, so as practically to .a@e un1ust distinctions 0et6een persons 6+o are 6it+out di**erences3 T+e disparity o* treat.ent 0et6een <SP ran@2and2*ile and t+e ran@2and2*ile o* t+e ot+er seven G#)s de*initely 0ears t+e un.ista@a0le 0ad/e o* invidious discri.ination 2 no one can, 6it+ candor and *airness, deny t+e discri.inatory c+aracter o* t+e su0sequent 0lan@et and total exe.ption o* t+e seven ot+er G#)s *ro. t+e SSL 6+en suc+ 6as 6it++eld *ro. t+e <SP3 'li@es are 0ein/ treated as unali@es 6it+out any rational 0asis3 T+e equal protection clause does not de.and a0solute equality 0ut it requires t+at all persons s+all 0e treated ali@e, under li@e circu.stances and conditions 0ot+ as to privile/es con*erred and lia0ilities en*orced3 #avoritis. and undue pre*erence cannot 0e allo6ed3 #or t+e principle is t+at equal protection and security s+all 0e /iven to every person under circu.stances 6+ic+, i* not identical, are analo/ous3 )* la6 0e loo@ed upon in ter.s o* 0urden or c+ar/es, t+ose t+at *all 6it+in a class s+ould 0e treated in t+e sa.e *as+ionG 6+atever restrictions cast on so.e in t+e /roup is equally 0indin/ on t+e rest3 )n li/+t o* t+e lac@ o* real and su0stantial distinctions t+at 6ould 1usti*y t+e unequal treat.ent 0et6een t+e ran@2and2*ile o* <SP *ro. t+e seven ot+er G#)s, it is clear t+at t+e enact.ent o* t+e seven su0sequent c+arters +as rendered t+e continued application o* t+e c+allen/ed proviso anat+e.a to t+e equal protection o* t+e la6, and t+e sa.e s+ould 0e declared as an outla63 t+e t6o2tier analysis .ade in t+e case, and its conclusion o* unconstitutionality 0y su0sequent operation, are in cadence and in consonance 6it+ t+e pro/ressive trend o* ot+er 1urisdictions and in international la63 T+ere s+ould 0e no +esitation in usin/ t+e equal protection clause as a .a1or cuttin/ ed/e to eli.inate every conceiva0le irrational discri.ination in our society3 )ndeed, t+e social 1ustice i.peratives in t+e ,onstitution, coupled 6it+ t+e special status and protection a**orded to la0or, co.pel t+is approac+3 'propos t+e special protection a**orded to la0or under our ,onstitution and international la6, it +as 0een +eld in )nternational Sc+ool 'lliance o* Educators v3 Puisu.0in/ t+at -pu0lic policy a0+ors inequality and discri.ination is 0eyond contention3 ?ur ,onstitution and la6s re*lect t+e policy a/ainst t+ese evils3 T+e ,onstitution in t+e 'rticle on Social ;ustice and Ri/+ts ex+orts ,on/ress to T/ive +i/+est priority to t+e enact.ent o* .easures t+at protect and en+ance t+e ri/+t o* all people to di/nity, reduce social, econo.ic, and political inequalities37 T+e very 0road 'rticle 1 o* t+e ,ivil ,ode requires every person, Tin t+e exercise o* +is ri/+ts and in t+e per*or.ance o* +is duties, LtoM act 6it+ 1ustice, /ive everyone +is due, and o0serve +onesty and /ood *ait+37B )nternational la6, 6+ic+ sprin/s *ro. /eneral principles o* la6, li@e6ise proscri0es discri.ination3 General principles o* la6 include principles o* equity, i3e3, t+e /eneral principles o* *airness and 1ustice, 0ased on t+e test o* 6+at is reasona0le3 T+e Eniversal Ceclaration o* Ri/+ts, t+e )nternational ,ovenant on Econo.ic, Social, and ,ultural Ri/+ts, t+e )nternational ,onvention on t+e Eli.ination o* 'll #or.s o* Racial Ciscri.ination, t+e ,onvention a/ainst Ciscri.ination in Education, t+e ,onvention (>o3 111) ,oncernin/ Ciscri.ination in Respect o* E.ploy.ent and ?ccupation 2 all e.0ody t+e /eneral principle a/ainst discri.ination, t+e very antit+esis o* *airness and 1ustice3 T+e P+ilippines, t+rou/+ its ,onstitution, +as incorporated t+is principle as part o* its national la6s3 T+e <SP ran@2and2*ile e.ployees .erit /reater concern *ro. t+e Supre.e ,ourt3 T+ey represent t+e .ore i.potent ran@2and2*ile /overn.ent e.ployees 6+o, unli@e e.ployees in t+e private sector, +ave no speci*ic ri/+t to or/ani=e as a collective 0ar/ainin/ unit and ne/otiate *or 0etter ter.s and conditions o* e.ploy.ent, nor t+e po6er to +old a stri@e to protest un*air la0or practices3 >ot only

are t+ey i.potent as a la0or unit, 0ut t+eir e**icacy to lo00y in ,on/ress is al.ost nil as R' %!HJ e**ectively isolated t+e. *ro. t+e ot+er G#) ran@2and2*ile in co.pensation3 T+ese <SP ran@2and2 *ile e.ployees represent t+e politically po6erless and t+ey s+ould not 0e co.pelled to see@ a political solution to t+eir unequal and iniquitous treat.ent3 )ndeed, t+ey +ave 6aited *or .any years *or t+e le/islature to act3 T+ey cannot 0e as@ed to 6ait so.e .ore *or discri.ination cannot 0e /iven any 6aitin/ ti.e3 Enless t+e equal protection clause o* t+e ,onstitution is a .ere platitude, it is t+e ,ourt7s duty to save t+e. *ro. reasonless discri.ination3 T+us, t+e continued operation and i.ple.entation o* t+e last proviso o* Section 1H(c), 'rticle )) o* Repu0lic 'ct %!HJ 6as declared unconstitutional3

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUU )c+on/ vs 9ernande= #acts$ ,+inese, Lao )c+on/, entered t+e country to ta@e advanta/e o* 0usiness opportunities +erein a0ound3 9is type o* 0usiness particularly is a retail 0usiness3 9e and +is *ello6 ,+inese 0usiness.en en1oyed a -.onopoly4 in t+e local .ar@et in Pasay3 <ut in ;une 1 H&, ,on/ress passed t+e Repu0lic 'ct >o3 11"I or t+e Retail Trade >ationali=ation 'ct3 T+is act is to reserve to #ilipinos t+e ri/+t to en/a/e in t+e retail 0usiness3 )c+on/ t+en petitioned *or t+e nulli*ication o* t+e said 'ct on t+e /round t+at it contravened several treaties concluded 0y t+e P+ilippines3 9e said it violates t+e equal protection clause (pacta sund servanda) and, as a ,+inese en/a/ed in t+e 0usiness +ere in t+e country 6+o +elps in t+e inco.e /eneration o* t+e country, +e s+ould 0e /iven equal opportunity3 )SSEE$

8+et+er or >ot Repu0lic 'ct >o3 11"I violates equal protection clause3


>o3 T+e .ere *act o* aliena/e is t+e root and cause o* t+e distinction 0et6een t+e alien and t+e national as a trader3 T+e alien resident o6es alle/iance to t+e country o* +is 0irt+ or +is adopted countryG +is stay +ere is *or personal convenienceG +e is attracted 0y t+e lure o* /ain and pro*it3 9e is naturally lac@in/ in t+at spirit o* loyalty and ent+usias. *or t+is country 6+ere +e te.porarily stays and .a@es +is livin/, or o* t+at spirit o* re/ard, sy.pat+y and consideration *or +is #ilipino custo.ers as 6ould prevent +i. *ro. ta@in/ advanta/e o* t+eir 6ea@ness and exploitin/ t+e.3

'not+er o01ection to t+e alien retailer in t+is country is t+at +e never really .a@es a /enuine contri0ution to national inco.e and 6ealt+3 T+e alienDs interest in t+is country 0ein/ .erely transient and te.porary, it 6ould indeed 0e ill2advised to continue entrustin/ t+e very i.portant *unction o* retail distri0ution to +is +ands3

T+e practices resorted to 0y aliens in t+e control o* distri0ution s+o6 t+e existence o* real and actual, positive and *unda.ental di**erences 0et6een an alien and a national 6+ic+ *ully 1usti*y t+e le/islative classi*ication adopted in t+e retail trade .easure

Ci**erence in alien ai.s and purposes su**icient 0asis *or distinction3 T+e a0ove o01ectiona0le c+aracteristics o* t+e exercise o* t+e retail trade 0y t+e aliens, 6+ic+ are actual and real, *urnis+ su**icient /rounds *or le/islative classi*ication o* retail traders into nationals and aliens3 So.e .ay disa/ree 6it+ t+e 6isdo. o* t+e le/islatureDs classi*ication3 To t+is 6e ans6er, t+at t+is is t+e prero/ative o* t+e la62.a@in/ po6er3 Since t+e ,ourt *inds t+at t+e classi*ication is actual, real and reasona0le, and all persons o* one class are treated ali@e, and as it cannot 0e said t+at t+e classi*ication is patently unreasona0le and un*ounded, it is in duty 0ound to declare t+at t+e le/islature acted 6it+in its le/iti.ate prero/ative and it can not declare t+at t+e act transcends t+e o* equal protection esta0lis+ed 0y t+e ,onstitution3

<roadly spea@in/, t+e po6er o* t+e le/islature to .a@e distinctions and classi*ications a.on/ persons is not curtailed or denied 0y t+e equal protection o* t+e la6s clause3 T+e le/islative po6er ad.its o* a 6ide scope o* discretion, and a la6 can 0e violative o* t+e constitutional li.itation only 6+en t+e classi*ication is 6it+out reasona0le 0asis3

G3R3 >o3 L25&!%I Cece.0er 1&, 1 % ?RT)G'S Q ,?3, L)M)TEC P'RT>ERS9)P vs3 #E'T) <'>R '>C TREST ,?3

#',TS$ Plainti** is en/a/ed in real estate 0usiness, developin/ and sellin/ lots to t+e pu0lic, particularly t+e 9i/+6ay 9ills Su0division alon/ ECS'3 ?n Marc+ &, 1 H5, plainti**, as vendor, and 'u/usto Padilla and >atividad 'n/eles, as vendees, entered into separate a/ree.ents o* sale on install.ents over t6o parcels o* land o* t+e Su0division3 ?n ;uly 1 , 1 !5, t+e said vendees trans*erred t+eir ri/+ts and interests over t+e a*oresaid lots in *avor o* one E..a ,+ave=3 Epon co.pletion o* pay.ent o* t+e purc+ase price, t+e plainti** executed t+e correspondin/ deeds o* sale in *avor o* E..a ,+ave=3 <ot+ t+e a/ree.ents (o* sale on install.ent) and t+e deeds o* sale contained t+e

stipulations or restrictions t+at$

13 T+e parcel o* land s+all 0e used exclusively *or residential purposes, and s+e s+all not 0e entitled to ta@e or re.ove soil, stones or /ravel *ro. it or any ot+er lots 0elon/in/ to t+e Seller3 53 'll 0uildin/s and ot+er i.prove.ents (except t+e *ence) 6+ic+ .ay 0e constructed at any ti.e in said lot .ust 0e, (a) o* stron/ .aterials and properly painted, (0) provided 6it+ .odern sanitary installations connected eit+er to t+e pu0lic se6er or to an approved septic tan@, and (c) s+all not 0e at a distance o* less t+an t6o (5) .eters *ro. its 0oundary lines3

Eventually said lots 6ere 0ou/+t 0y de*endant3 Lot H directly *ro. ,+ave= and Lot ! *ro. Repu0lic #lour Mills 0y deed o* exc+an/e, 6it+ sa.e restrictions3 Plainti** clai.s t+at restriction is *or t+e 0eauti*ication o* t+e su0division3 Ce*endant clai.ed o* t+e co..erciali=ation o* 6estern part o* ECS'3 Ce*endant 0e/an constructin/ a co..ercial 0an@ 0uildin/3 Plainti** de.and to stop it, 6+ic+ *orced +i. to *ile a case, 6+ic+ 6as later dis.issed, up+oldin/ police po6er3 Motion *or recon 6as denied, +ence t+e appeal3

)SSEE$ 8?> Resolution >o3 5% is a valid exercise o* police po6er

9ELC$ :es3 Resolution is a valid exercise o* police po6er3 ECS', a .ain tra**ic artery 6+ic+ runs t+rou/+ several cities and .unicipalities in t+e Metro Manila area, supports an endless strea. o* tra**ic and t+e resultin/ activity, noise and pollution are +ardly conducive to t+e +ealt+, sa*ety or 6el*are o* t+e residents in its route3 9ealt+, sa*ety, peace, /ood order and /eneral 6el*are o* t+e people in t+e locality are 1usti*ications *or t+is3 )t s+ould 0e stressed, t+at 6+ile non2i.pair.ent o* contracts is constitutionally /uaranteed, t+e rule is not a0solute, since it +as to 0e reconciled 6it+ t+e le/iti.ate exercise o* police po6er3

PR, vs3 Ce

#acts$ T+e respondents are all /raduates o* t+e #ati.a ,olle/e o* Medicine, (alen=uela ,ity, Metro Manila3 T+ey passed t+e P+ysician Licensure Exa.ination conducted in #e0ruary 1 J 0y t+e <oard o* Medicine (<oard)3 Petitioner Pro*essional Re/ulation ,o..ission (PR,) t+en released t+eir as success*ul exa.inees in t+e .edical licensure exa.ination3 S+ortly t+erea*ter, t+e <oard o0served t+at t+e /rades o* t+e seventy2nine success*ul exa.inees *ro. #ati.a ,olle/e in t+e t6o .ost di**icult su01ects in t+e .edical licensure exa., <ioc+e.istry (<io2,+e.) and ?0stetrics and Gynecolo/y (?<2Gyne), 6ere unusually and exceptionally +i/+3 Eleven #ati.a exa.inees scored 1IIN in <io2,+e. and ten /ot 1IIN in ?<2Gyne, anot+er eleven /ot N in <io2,+e., and

t6enty2one scored

N in ?<2Gyne3

#or its part, t+e ><) *ound t+at -t+e questiona0le passin/ rate o* #ati.a exa.inees in t+e L1 JM P+ysician Exa.ination leads to t+e conclusion t+at t+e #ati.a exa.inees /ained early access to t+e test questions34 )ssue$ 8as t+e act pursuant to R3'3 5J"5 a valid exercise o* police po6er Rulin/$ :es, it is true t+at t+is ,ourt +as up+eld t+e constitutional ri/+t o* every citi=en to select a pro*ession or course o* study su01ect to a *air, reasona0le, and equita0le ad.ission and acade.ic require.ents3 <ut li@e all ri/+ts and *reedo.s /uaranteed 0y t+e ,+arter, t+eir exercise .ay 0e so re/ulated pursuant to t+e police po6er o* t+e State to sa*e/uard +ealt+, .orals, peace, education, order, sa*ety, and /eneral 6el*are o* t+e people3 T+us, persons 6+o desire to en/a/e in t+e learned pro*essions requirin/ scienti*ic or tec+nical @no6led/e .ay 0e required to ta@e an exa.ination as a prerequisite to en/a/in/ in t+eir c+osen careers

GR >o3 1JI5J , 'pril 1H, 5IIH MMC' vs3 G'R)>

#',TS$ Respondent Garin 6as issued a tra**ic violation receipt (T(R) and +is driver 7s license 6as con*iscated *or par@in/ ille/ally3 Garin 6rote to t+en MMC' , Prospero ?reta requestin/ t+e return o* +is license and expressed +is pre*erence *or +is case to 0e *ile in ,ourt3 8it+out an i..ediate reply *ro. t+e, Garin *iled *or a preli.inary in1unction assailin/ a.on/ ot+ers t+at Sec H (*) o* R' % 5& violates t+e constitutional pro+i0ition a/ainst undue dele/ation o* le/islative aut+ority, allo6in/ MMC' to *ix and i.pose unspeci*ied and unli.ited *ines and penalties3 RT, rule in +is *avor, directin/ MMC' to return +is license and *or t+e aut+ority to desist *ro. con*iscatin/ driver 7s license 6it+out *irst /ivin/ t+e driver t+e opportunity to 0e +eard in an appropriate proceedin/3 T+us t+is petition3

)SSEE$ 8?> Sec H(*) o* R' % 5& 6+ic+ aut+ori=es MMC' to con*iscate and suspend or revo@e driver 7s license in t+e en*orce.ent o* tra**ic rules and re/ulations constitutionalF

9ELC$ T+e MMC' is not vested 6it+ police po6er3 )t 6as concluded t+at MMC' is not a local /overn.ent unit o* a pu0lic corporation endo6ed 6it+ le/islative po6er and it +as no po6er to enact ordinances *or t+e 6el*are o* t+e co..unity3

Police po6er, as an in+erent attri0ute o* soverei/nty is t+e po6er vested in t+e le/islature to .a@e, ordain, esta0lis+ all .anner o* 6+oleso.e and reasona0le la6s, statutes and ordinances eit+er 6it+ penalties o* 6it+out, not repu/nant to t+e constitution, as t+ey s+all 1ud/e to 0e *or /ood and 6el*are o* t+e co..on6ealt+ and *or su01ects o* t+e sa.e3 T+ere is no provision in R' % 5& t+at e.po6ers MMC' or its council to -enact ordinance, approve resolutions and appropriate *unds *or t+e /eneral 6el*are o* t+e in+a0itants o* Metro Manila34 )t is an a/ency created *or t+e purpose o* layin/ do6n policies and coordinatin/ 6it+ t+e various national /overn.ent a/encies, People7s ?r/ani=ations, >G?s and private sector *or t+e e**icient and expeditious delivery o* services3 'll its *unctions are ad.inistrative in nature3

11 S,R' H %, 1 "5 T'A),'< ?PER'T?RS ?# METR? M'>)L' (S3 <?T

#',TS$ ?n 1I ?cto0er 1 %%, t+e <oard o* Transportation (<T) issued Me.orandu. ,ircular %%2&5 p+asin/ out old and dilapidated taxisG re*usin/ re/istration to taxi units 6it+in t+e >ational ,apitol Re/ion +avin/ year .odels over ! years old3 Pursuant to t+e a0ove <?T circular, t+e Cirector o* t+e <ureau o* Land Transportation (<LT) issued ).ple.entin/ ,ircular H5, dated 1H 'u/ust 1 "I, instructin/ t+e Re/ional Cirector, t+e M( Re/istrars and ot+er personnel o* <LT, all 6it+in t+e >ational ,apital Re/ion (>,R), to i.ple.ent said ,ircular, and *or.ulatin/ a sc+edule o* p+ase2out o* ve+icles to 0e allo6ed and accepted *or re/istration as pu0lic conveyances3 )n accordance t+ere6it+, ca0s o* .odel 1 %1 6ere p+ased2out in re/istration year 1 %"G t+ose o* .odel 1 %5, in 1 % G t+ose o* .odel 1 %J, in 1 "IG and t+ose o* .odel 1 %&, in 1 "13 ?n 5% ;anuary 1 "1, Taxica0 ?perators o* Metro Manila, )nc3 (T?MM)), includin/ its .e.0ers 'ce Transportation ,orporation and #elicisi.o ,a0i/ao, *iled a petition 6it+ t+e <T (,ase "I2%HHJ), see@in/ to nulli*y Me.orandu. ,ircular %%2&5 or to stop its i.ple.entationG to allo6 t+e re/istration and operation in 1 "1 and su0sequent years o* taxica0s o* .odel 1 %&, as 6ell as t+ose o* earlier .odels 6+ic+ 6ere p+ased2 out, provided t+at, at t+e ti.e o* re/istration, t+ey are road6ort+y and *it *or operation3 ?n 1! #e0ruary 1 "1, T?MM), et3 al3 *iled 0e*ore t+e <T a -Mani*estation and Er/ent Motion4, prayin/ *or an early +earin/ o* t+eir petition3 T+e case 6as +eard on 5I #e0ruary 1 "13 ?n 5" >ove.0er 1 "1, T?MM), et3 al3 *iled 0e*ore t+e sa.e <oard a -Mani*estation and Er/ent Motion to Resolve or Cecide Main Petition4 prayin/ t+at t+e case 0e resolved or decided not later t+an 1I Cece.0er 1 "1 to ena0le t+e., in case o* denial, to avail o* 6+atever re.edy t+ey .ay +ave under t+e la6 *or t+e protection o* t+eir interests 0e*ore t+eir 1 %H .odel ca0s are p+ased2out on 1 ;anuary 1 "53 T?MM), et3 al3, t+rou/+ its President, alle/edly .ade personal *ollo62ups o* t+e case, 0ut 6as later in*or.ed t+at t+e records o* t+e case could not 0e located3 ?n 5 Cece.0er 1 "1, T?MM), et3 al3, instituted a petition *or certiorari, pro+i0ition and 6it+ preli.inary in1unction and te.porary restrainin/ order 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt3

)SSEE$ 8?> t+e i.ple.entation and en*orce.ent o* Me.orandu. ,ircular %%2&5 violates t+e petioner 7s constitutional ri/+ts to (1) Equal protection o* t+e la6G (5) Su0stantive due processG and (J) Protection a/ainst ar0itrary and unreasona0le classi*ication and standard3

9ELC$ Re/ardin/ t+e and Su0stantive Cue Process, Presidential Cecree 1I1 /rants to t+e <oard o* Transportation t+e po6er to *ix 1ust and reasona0le standards, classi*ication, re/ulations, practices, .easure.ents, or service to 0e *urnis+ed, i.posed, o0served, and *ollo6ed 0y operators o* pu0lic utility .otor ve+icles3 T+e overridin/ consideration in t+e issuance o* Me.orandu. ,ircular %%2&5 is t+e sa*ety and co.*ort o* t+e ridin/ pu0lic *ro. t+e dan/ers posed 0y old and dilapidated taxis3 T+e State, in t+e exercise o* its police po6er, can prescri0e re/ulations to pro.ote t+e +ealt+, .orals, peace, /ood order, sa*ety and /eneral 6el*are o* t+e people3 )t can pro+i0it all t+in/s +urt*ul to co.*ort, sa*ety and 6el*are o* society3 )t .ay also re/ulate property ri/+ts3 T+e necessities i.posed 0y pu0lic 6el*are .ay 1usti*y t+e exercise o* /overn.ental aut+ority to re/ulate even i* t+ere0y certain /roups .ay plausi0ly assert t+at t+eir interests are disre/arded3 Cispensin/ 6it+ a pu0lic +earin/ prior to t+e issuance o* t+e ,irculars is not violative o* procedural due process3 Previous notice and +earin/ are not essential to t+e validity o* /eneral rules or re/ulations pro.ul/ated to /overn *uture conduct o* a class or persons or enterprises, unless t+e la6 provides ot+er6ise3 )t is i.practical to su01ect every taxica0 to constant and recurrin/ evaluation to deter.ine its road26ort+iness, not to spea@ o* t+e *act t+at it can open t+e door to t+e adoption o* .ultiple standards, possi0le collusion, and even /ra*t and corruption3 ' reasona0le standard .ust 0e adopted to apply to all ve+icles a**ected uni*, *airly, and 1ustly3 T+e span o* six years supplies t+at reasona0le standard3 T+e product o* experience s+o6s t+at 0y t+at ti.e taxis +ave *ully depreciated, t+eir cost recovered, and a *air return on invest.ent o0tained3 T+ey are also /enerally dilapidated and no lon/er *it *or sa*e and co.*orta0le service to t+e pu0lic specially considerin/ t+at t+ey are in continuous operation practically 5& +ours everyday in t+ree s+i*ts o* ei/+t +ours per s+i*t3 8it+ t+at standard o* reasona0leness and a0sence o* ar0itrariness, t+e require.ent o* due process +as 0een .et3 alle/ed t+at t+e ,ircular in question violates t+eir ri/+t to equal protection o* t+e la6 0ecause t+e sa.e is 0ein/ en*orced in Metro Manila only and is directed solely to6ards t+e taxi industry3 't t+e outset it s+ould 0e pointed out t+at i.ple.entation outside Metro Manila is also envisioned in Me.orandu. ,ircular >o3 %%2&53 )n *act, t+e sa.e is also i.ple.ented in ,e0u ,ity3 T+e <oardDs reason *or en*orcin/ t+e ,ircular initially in Metro Manila is t+at taxica0s in t+is city, co.pared to t+ose o* ot+er places, are su01ected to +eavier tra**ic pressure and .ore constant use3 T+is is o* co..on @no6led/e3 ,onsiderin/ t+at tra**ic conditions are not t+e sa.e in every city, a su0stantial distinction exists so t+at in*rin/e.ent o* t+e equal protection clause can +ardly 0e success*ully clai.ed3 T+e overridin/ consideration is t+e sa*ety and co.*ort o* t+e ridin/ pu0lic *ro. t+e dan/ers posed 0y old and dilapidated taxis3 T+e State, in t+e exercise, o* its police po6er, can prescri0e re/ulations to pro.ote t+e +ealt+, .orals, peace, /ood order, sa*ety and /eneral 6el*are o* t+e people3 )t can pro+i0it all t+in/s +urt*ul to co.*ort, sa*ety and 6el*are o* society .ay also re/ulate property ri/+ts t+e lan/ua/e o* ,+ie* ;ustice Enrique M3 #ernando Bt+e necessities i.posed 0y

pu0lic 6el*are .ay 1usti*y t+e exercise o* /overn.ental aut+ority to re/ulate even i* t+ere0y certain /roups .ay plausi0ly assert t+at t+eir interests are disre/ardedB3

,?>R'C? T)E ( ,' G3R3 15%&1I V ;anuary 5I, 1 V ;3 Pan/ani0an


T+e constitutional ri/+ts to equal protection o* t+e la6 is not violated 0y an executive order, issued pursuant to la6, /rantin/ tax and duty incentives only to t+e 0usiness and residents 6it+in t+e -secured area4 o* t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Oone and denyin/ t+e. to t+ose 6+o live 6it+in t+e Oone 0ut outside suc+ -*enced2in4 territory3 T+e ,onstitution does not require a0solute equality a.on/ residents3 )t is enou/+ t+at all persons under li@e circu.stances or conditions are /iven t+e sa.e privile/es and required to *ollo6 t+e sa.e o0li/ations3 )n s+ort, a classi*ication 0ased on valid and reasona0le standards does not violate t+e equal protection clause3


Petitioners assail t+e ,' decision and resolution t+at up+eld t+e constitutionality and validity o* E? %2', accordin/ to 6+ic+ t+e /rant and en1oy.ent o* t+e tax and duty incentives aut+ori=ed under R' %55% (-'n 'ct 'cceleratin/ t+e ,onversion o* Military Reservations )nto ?t+er Productive Eses, ,reatin/ t+e <ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ut+ority *or t+is Purpose, Providin/ #unds T+ere*or and *or ?t+er Purposes4) 6ere li.ited to t+e 0usiness enterprises and residents 6it+in t+e *enced2in area o* t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Oone (SSEO)3

'.on/ ot+ers, Section 15 o* R' %55% provides t+at, -T+e provision o* existin/ la6s, rules and re/ulations to t+e contrary not6it+standin/, no taxes, local and national, s+all 0e i.posed 6it+in t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Oone3 )n lieu o* payin/ taxes, t+ree percent (JN) o* t+e /ross inco.e earned 0y all 0usinesses and enterprises 6it+in t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Oone s+all 0e re.itted to t+e >ational Govern.ent, one percent (1N) eac+ to t+e local /overn.ent units a**ected 0y t+e declaration o* t+e =one in proportion to t+eir population area, and ot+er *actors3 )n addition, t+ere is +ere0y esta0lis+ed a develop.ent *und o* one percent (1N) o* t+e /ross inco.e earned 0y all 0usinesses and enterprises 6it+in t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Oone to 0e utili=ed *or t+e develop.ent o* .unicipalities outside t+e ,ity o* ?lon/apo and t+e Municipality o* Su0ic, and ot+er .unicipalities conti/uous to t+e 0ase areas xxx )n case o* con*lict 0et6een national and local la6s 6it+ respect to tax exe.ption privile/es in t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Oone, t+e sa.e s+all 0e resolved in *avor o* t+e latterG4

E? %, 6+ic+ clari*ied t+e application o* t+e incentives provided t+us$

Sec3 13 ?n ).port Taxes and Cuties3 S Tax and duty2*ree i.portations s+all apply only to ra6 .aterials, capital /oods and equip.ent 0rou/+t in 0y 0usiness enterprises into t+e SSEO3 Except *or t+ese ite.s, i.portations o* ot+er /oods into t+e SSEO, 6+et+er 0y 0usiness enterprises or resident individuals, are su01ect to taxes and duties under relevant P+ilippine la6s3

T+e exportation or re.oval o* tax and duty2*ree /oods *ro. t+e territory o* t+e SSEO to ot+er parts o* t+e P+ilippine territory s+all 0e su01ect to duties and taxes under relevant P+ilippine la6s3

Sec3 53 ?n 'll ?t+er Taxes3 S )n lieu o* all local and national taxes (except i.port taxes and duties), all 0usiness enterprises in t+e SSEO s+all 0e required to pay t+e tax speci*ied in Section 15(c) o* R3'3 >o3 %55%3

Respondent ,ourt +eld t+at -t+ere is no su0stantial di**erence 0et6een t+e provisions o* E? %2' and Section 15 o* R' %55%3 )n 0ot+, t+e TSecured 'rea7 is precise and 6ell2de*ined as T3 3 3 t+e lands occupied 0y t+e Su0ic >aval <ase and its conti/uous extensions as e.0raced, covered and de*ined 0y t+e 1 &% Military <ases '/ree.ent 0et6een t+e P+ilippines and t+e Enited States o* '.erica, as a.ended 3 3 374 T+e appellate court concluded t+at suc+ 0ein/ t+e case, petitioners could not clai. t+at E? %2' is unconstitutional, 6+ile at t+e sa.e ti.e .aintainin/ t+e validity o* R' %55%3

T+e court a quo also explained t+at t+e intention o* ,on/ress 6as to con*ine t+e covera/e o* t+e SSEO to t+e -secured area4 and not to include t+e -entire ?lon/apo ,ity and ot+er areas .entioned in Section 15 o* t+e la634

T+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals *urt+er 1usti*ied t+e li.ited application o* t+e tax incentives as 0ein/ 6it+in t+e prero/ative o* t+e le/islature, pursuant to its -avo6ed purpose Lo* servin/M so.e pu0lic 0ene*it or interest34 )t ruled t+at -E? %2' .erely i.ple.ents t+e le/islative purpose o* LR' %55%M34

Cisa/reein/, petitioners no6 see@ 0e*ore us a revie6 o* t+e a*orecited ,ourt o* 'ppeals Cecision and Resolution3


8K> E? J%2' is constitutional


:ES3 Said ?rder is not violative o* t+e equal protection clauseG neit+er is it discri.inatory3 T+ere are real and su0stantive distinctions 0et6een t+e circu.stances o0tainin/ inside and t+ose outside t+e Su0ic >aval <ase, t+ere0y 1usti*yin/ a valid and reasona0le classi*ication3

,lassi*ication, to 0e valid, .ust (1) rest on su0stantial distinctions, (5) 0e /er.ane to t+e purpose o* t+e la6, (J) not 0e li.ited to existin/ conditions only, and (&) apply equally to all .e.0ers o* t+e sa.e class3

8e 0elieve it 6as reasona0le *or t+e President to +ave deli.ited t+e application o* so.e incentives to t+e con*ines o* t+e * Su0ic .ilitary 0ase3 )t is t+is speci*ic area 6+ic+ t+e /overn.ent intends to trans*or. and develop *ro. its status quo ante as an a0andoned naval *acility into a sel*2 sustainin/ industrial and co..ercial =one, particularly *or 0i/ *orei/n and local investors to use as operational 0ases *or t+eir 0usinesses and industries3 T+e classi*ication is, t+ere*ore, /er.ane to t+e purposes o* t+e la63

,ertainly, t+ere are su0stantial di**erences 0et6een t+e 0i/ investors 6+o are 0ein/ lured to esta0lis+ and operate t+eir industries in t+e so2called -secured area4 and t+e present 0usiness operators outside t+e area3 ?n t+e one +and, 6e are tal@in/ o* 0illion2peso invest.ents and t+ousands o* ne6, 1o0s3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, de*initely none o* suc+ .a/nitude3 )n t+e *irst, t+e econo.ic i.pact 6ill 0e nationalG in t+e second, only local3

)t is 6ell2settled t+at t+e equal2protection /uarantee does not require territorial uni*or.ity o* la6s3's lon/ as t+ere are actual and .aterial di**erences 0et6een territories, t+ere is no violation o* t+e constitutional clause3 'nd o* course, anyone, includin/ t+e petitioners, possessin/ t+e requisite invest.ent capital can al6ays avail o* t+e sa.e 0ene*its 0y c+annellin/ +is or +er resources or 0usiness operations into t+e *enced2o** *ree port =one3

Lastly, t+e classi*ication applies equally to all t+e resident individuals and 0usinesses 6it+in t+e -secured area34 T+e residents, 0ein/ in li@e circu.stances or contri0utin/ directly to t+e ac+ieve.ent o* t+e end purpose o* t+e la6, are not cate/ori=ed *urt+er3 )nstead, t+ey are all si.ilarly treated, 0ot+ in privile/es /ranted and in o0li/ations required3 Petition CE>)EC

CE,S v San Cie/o

1"I S,R' HJJ

(Cece.0er 51, 1 " )

#acts$ T+e respondent *ailed to pass t+e >ational Medical 'd.ission Test (>M'T) J and +e 6as denied ad.ission to ta@e t+e test *or anot+er ti.e 0y t+e petitioner under its rule t+at a student is allo6ed only to ta@e t+e >M'T J and a*ter J consecutive *ailures a student s+all not 0e allo6ed to ta@e >M'T t+e &t+ ti.e3 Respondent invo@e +is constitutional ri/+ts on acade.ic *reedo. and quality education in +is petition *or 0e*ore t+e court3 Respondent 1ud/e rendered decision citin/ t+e ad.ission rule o* t+e petitioner as an ar0itrary exercise o* police po6er, deprivin/ respondent o* +is ri/+t to pursue .edical education t+us t+is petition *or revie6 0e*ore t+e +i/+er court3

)ssue$ 8+et+er or not t+e ad.ission rule i.ple.ented 0y petitioner an ar0itrary exercise o* police po6er3

9eld$ T+e court +eld t+at police po6er is validly exercised i* (a) t+e interests o* t+e pu0lic /enerally, as distin/uis+ed *ro. t+ose o* a particular class, require t+e inter*erence o* t+e State, and (0) t+e .eans e.ployed are reasona0ly necessary to t+e attain.ent o* t+e o01ect sou/+t to 0e acco.plis+ed and not unduly oppressive upon individuals3 T+e proper exercise o* t+e police po6er requires t+e concurrence o* a la6*ul su01ect and a la6*ul .et+od3 T+e su01ect o* t+e c+allen/ed re/ulation is certainly 6it+in t+e a.0it o* t+e police po6er3 )t is t+e ri/+t and indeed t+e responsi0ility o* t+e State to insure t+at t+e .edical pro*ession is not in*iltrated 0y inco.petents to 6+o. patients .ay un6arily entrust t+eir lives and +ealt+3 T+e .et+od e.ployed 0y t+e c+allen/ed re/ulation is not irrelevant to t+e purpose o* t+e la6 nor is it ar0itrary or oppressive3 T+e t+ree2 *lun@ rule is intended to insulate t+e .edical sc+ools and ulti.ately t+e .edical pro*ession *ro. t+e intrusion o* t+ose not quali*ied to 0e doctors3 T+e State needs to i.ple.ent decisive steps to re/ulate syste. o* education 0y directin/ students to t+e course 6+ere +e is 0est suited t+rou/+ initial tests and evaluation3 T+e decision o* t+e respondent 1ud/e 6as reversed

G3R3 >o3 %11! Cece.0er 55, 1 "" S'>G'L'>G (S )',

#',TS$ <el2'ir (illa/e is located nort+ o* <uendia 'venue extension (no6 Sen3 Gil ;3 Puyat 've3) across a stretc+ o* co..ercial 0loc@ <el2'ir (illa/e 6as o6ned and developed into a residential su0division in t+e 1 HIs 0y Ma@ati

Cevelop.ent ,orporation (+ereina*ter re*erred to as MC,), 6+ic+ in 1 !" 6as .er/ed 6it+ appellant 'yala T+e lots 6+ic+ 6ere acquired 0y appellees San/alan/ and spouse Gaston and spouse and <riones and spouse in 1 !I, 1 H% and 1 H", respectively, 6ere all sold 0y MC, su01ect to certain conditions and ease.ents contained in Ceed Restrictions 6+ic+ *or.ed a part o* eac+ deed o* sale T+e o6ner o* t+is lotKs or +is successors in interest is required to 0e and is auto.atically a .e.0er o* t+e <el2'ir 'ssociation and .ust a0ide 0y suc+ rules and re/ulations laid do6n 0y t+e 'ssociation in t+e interest o* t+e sanitation, security and t+e /eneral 6el*are ?n 'pril &, 1 %H, t+e .unicipal council o* Ma@ati enacted its ordinance >o3 "1, providin/ *or t+e =oni*ication o* Ma@ati 3 Ender t+is ?rdinance, <el2'ir (illa/e 6as classi*ied as a ,lass ' Residential Oone, 6it+ its 0oundary in t+e sout+ extendin/ to t+e center line o* ;upiter Street T+ere is a peri.eter 6all t+en standin/ on t+e co..ercial side o* ;upiter Street t+e destruction o* 6+ic+ opened t+e street to t+e pu0lic3

)SSEE$ 8+et+er or not t+e MM, ?rdinance represents a le/it.ate exercise o* police po6erF

9ELC $ Endou0tedly, t+e MM, ?rdinance represents a le/iti.ate exercise o* police po6er3 T+e petitioners +ave not s+o6n 6+y 6e s+ould +old ot+er6ise ot+er t+an *or t+e supposed Bnon2i.pair.entB /uaranty o* t+e ,onstitution, 6+ic+, as 6e +ave declared, is secondary to t+e .ore co.pellin/ interests o* /eneral 6el*are3 T+e ?rdinance +as not 0een s+o6n to 0e capricious or ar0itrary or unreasona0le to 6arrant t+e reversal o* t+e 1ud/.ents so appealed3

Cel Rosario vs3 <en/=on (Cece.0er 51, 1 " )

#acts$ P+ilippine Medical 'ssociation is t+e national or/ani=ation o* .edical doctors in t+e P+ilippines3 T+ey assail t+e constitutionality o* so.e o* t+e provisions o* Generics 'ct o* 1 "" (Rep3 'ct !!%H) and t+e i.ple.entation o* 'd.inistrative ?rder >o3 !53

T+e la6 speci*ically pr5ovides t+at -'ll /overn.ent +ealt+ a/encies s+all use /eneric ter.inolo/y or /eneric in all transactions related to purc+asin/, prescri0in/, dispensin/, and ad.inisterin/ o* dru/s and .edicines3 )t also includes .edical, dental and veterinary, private practitioners s+all 6rite prescriptions usin/ t+e /eneric na.e3

T+e petitioner 7s .ain ar/u.ent is t+e alle/ed unequal treat.ent o* /overn.ent practitioners and

t+ose on t+e private practice3 )t is 0ecause t+e * are required to use only /eneric ter.inolo/y in t+e prescription 6+ile t+e latter .ay 6rite t+e 0rand na.e o* t+e dru/ 0elo6 t+e /eneric na.e3 )t is alle/edly a specie o* invalid class le/islation3

)n addition, t+e petitioners /ave a distorted interpretation on R' !!%H and ' ?rder >o3 !5 sayin/ t+at t+e sales/irl and or dru//ist +ave t+e discretion to su0stitute t+e doctor 7s prescription3 T+e court says t+at t+e sales/irl at t+e dru/store counter .erely in*or.s t+e, 0ut does not deter.ine all t+e ot+er dru/ products or 0rands t+at +ave t+e sa.e /eneric na.e and t+eir prices3

)ssue$ 8+et+er or not t+e Generics 'ct is constitutional as to t+e exercise o* police po6er 0y t+e /overn.ent3

9eld$ Petition Cis.issed3

T+e court +as 0een una0le to *ind any constitutional in*ir.ity in t+e Generics 'ct3 )t i.ple.ents t+e constitutional .andate *or t+e State -to protect and pro.ote t+e ri/+t to +ealt+ o* t+e people4 and -to .a@e essential /oods, +ealt+ and ot+er social services availa0le to all t+e people at a**orda0le cost43

T+e alle/ed unequal treat.ent o* /overn.ent p+ysicians, dentists and veterinarians on one +and and t+ose in t+e private practice in t+e ot+er, is a .isinterpretation o* t+e la63

T+e sales/irl at t+e dru/store counter .erely in*or.s t+e o* all availa0le products, 0ut does not deter.ine all t+e ot+er dru/ products or 0rands t+at +ave t+e sa.e /eneric na.e and t+eir correspondin/ process3

T+e penal sanction in violation o* t+e la6 is indispensa0le 0ecause t+ey are t+e teet+ o* t+e la63 8it+out t+e., t+e la6 6ould 0e toot+less3

T+e Generics 'ct and t+e i.ple.entin/ ad.inistrative orders o* t+e Secretary o* 9ealt+ are constitutional3

T+e purpose o* t+e Generics 'ct is to -pro.ote and require t+e use o* /eneric dru/ products t+at are t+erapeutically equivalent to t+eir 0rand na.e counterparts43 T+e e**ect o* t+e dru/ does not depend

on its 0rand 0ut on t+e active in/redients 6+ic+ it contains

TELE,?MME>),'T)?>S '>C <R?'C,'ST 'TT?R>E:S ?# T9E P9)LS3 (S3 ,?MELE, L5" S,R' JJ%G G3R3 >?3 1J5 55G 51 'PR 1 "M

#acts$ Petitioner Teleco..unications and <roadcast 'ttorneys o* t+e P+ilippines, )nc3 (TELE<'P) is an or/ani=ation o* la6yers o* radio and television 0roadcastin/ co.panies3 )t 6as declared to 0e 6it+out le/al standin/ to sue in t+is case as, a.on/ ot+er reasons, it 6as not a0le to s+o6 t+at it 6as to su**er *ro. actual or t+reatened in1ury as a result o* t+e su01ect la63 Petitioner GM' >et6or@, on t+e ot+er +and, +ad t+e requisite standin/ to 0rin/ t+e constitutional c+allen/e3 Petitioner operates radio and television 0roadcast stations in t+e P+ilippines a**ected 0y t+e en*orce.ent o* Section 5, <3P3 >o3 ""13

Petitioners c+allen/e t+e validity o* Section 5, <3P3 >o3 ""1 6+ic+ provides$

-,o.elec Ti.e2 T+e ,o..ission s+all procure radio and television ti.e to 0e @no6n as t+e -,o.elec Ti.e4 6+ic+ s+all 0e allocated equally and i.partially a.on/ t+e candidates 6it+in t+e area o* covera/e o* all radio and television stations3 #or t+is purpose, t+e *ranc+ise o* all radio 0roadcastin/ and television stations are +ere0y a.ended so as to provide radio or television ti.e, *ree o* c+ar/e, durin/ t+e period o* ca.pai/n34

Petitioner contends t+at 6+ile Section I o* t+e sa.e la6 requires ,?MELE, to procure print space in ne6spapers and .a/a=ines 6it+ pay.ent, Section 5 provides t+at air ti.e s+all 0e procured 0y ,?MELE, *ree o* c+ar/e3 T+us it contends t+at Section 5 sin/les out radio and television stations to provide *ree air ti.e3

Petitioner clai.s t+at it su**ered losses runnin/ to several .illion pesos in providin/ ,?MELE, Ti.e in connection 6it+ t+e 1 5 presidential election and 1 H senatorial election and t+at it stands to su**er even .ore s+ould it 0e required to do so a/ain t+is year3 Petitioners clai. t+at t+e pri.ary source o* revenue o* t+e radio and television stations is t+e sale o* air ti.e to advertisers and to require t+ese stations to provide *ree air ti.e is to aut+ori=e un1ust ta@in/ o* private property3 'ccordin/ to petitioners, in 1 5 it lost P55,& ",H!I3II in providin/ *ree air ti.e *or one +our eac+ day and, in t+is year 7s elections, it stands to lost PH", "I,"HI3II in vie6 o* ,?MELE,7s require.ent t+at it provide at least JI .inutes o* pri.e ti.e daily *or suc+3


(1) 8+et+er o* not Section 5 o* <3P3 >o3 ""1 denies radio and television 0roadcast co.panies t+e equal protection o* t+e la6s3

(5) 8+et+er or not Section 5 o* <3P3 >o3 ""1 constitutes ta@in/ o* property 6it+out due process o* la6 and 6it+out 1ust co.pensation3

9eld$ Petitioner 7s ar/u.ent is 6it+out .erit3 'll 0roadcastin/, 6+et+er radio or 0y television stations, is licensed 0y t+e /overn.ent3 'ir6ave *requencies +ave to 0e allocated as t+ere are .ore individuals 6+o 6ant to 0roadcast t+at t+ere are *requencies to assi/n3 Radio and television 0roadcastin/ co.panies, 6+ic+ are /iven *ranc+ises, do not o6n t+e air6aves and *requencies t+rou/+ 6+ic+ t+ey 0roadcast si/nals and i.a/es3 T+ey are .erely /iven t+e te.porary privile/e to use t+e.3 T+us, suc+ exercise o* t+e privile/e .ay reasona0ly 0e 0urdened 6it+ t+e per*or.ance 0y t+e /rantee o* so.e *or. o* pu0lic service3 )n /rantin/ t+e privile/e to operate 0roadcast stations and supervisin/ radio and television stations, t+e state spends considera0le pu0lic *unds in licensin/ and supervisin/ t+e.3

T+e ar/u.ent t+at t+e su01ect la6 sin/les out radio and television stations to provide *ree air ti.e as a/ainst ne6spapers and .a/a=ines 6+ic+ require pay.ent o* 1ust co.pensation *or t+e print space t+ey .ay provide is li@e6ise 6it+out .erit3 Re/ulation o* t+e 0roadcast industry requires spendin/ o* pu0lic *unds 6+ic+ it does not do in t+e case o* print .edia3 To require t+e 0roadcast industry to provide *ree air ti.e *or ,?MELE, is a *air exc+an/e *or 6+at t+e industry /ets3

's radio and television 0roadcast stations do not o6n t+e air6aves, no private property is ta@en 0y t+e require.ent t+at t+ey provide air ti.e to t+e ,?MELE,3

3 ?PLE (S3 T?RRES, ;uly 5J, 1


Puno, ;3


?n Cece.0er 15, 1 !, t+en President #)CEL (3 R'M?S issued 'd.inistrative ?rder >o3 JI" entitled -'C?PT)?> ?# ' >'T)?>'L ,?MPETER)OEC )CE>T)#),'T)?> RE#ERE>,E S:STEM43

T+e '? see@s to +ave all #ilipino citi=ens and *orei/n residents to +ave a Population Re*erence >u.0er (PR>) /enerated 0y t+e >ational Statistics ?**ice (>S?) t+rou/+ t+e use o* <)?METR),S TE,9>?L?G: 3

T+e '? 6as questioned 0y Senator ?ple on t+e *ollo6in/ /rounds$

13 T+e esta0lis+.ent o* t+e PR> 6it+out any la6 is an unconstitutional usurpation o* t+e le/islative po6ers o* t+e ,on/ress o* t+e P+ilippinesG

53 T+e appropriation o* pu0lic *unds *or t+e i.ple.entation o* t+e said '? is unconstitutional since ,on/ress +as t+e exclusive aut+ority to appropriate *unds *or suc+ expenditureG and

J3 T+e '? violates t+e citi=en7s ri/+t to privacy protected 0y t+e <ill o* Ri/+ts o* t+e ,onstitution3


13 T+e '? esta0lis+es a syste. o* identi*ication t+at is all2enco.passin/ in scope, a**ects t+e li*e and li0erty o* every #ilipino citi=ens and *orei/n residents and t+ere*ore, it is supposed to 0e a la6 passed 0y ,on/ress t+at i.ple.ents it, not 0y an 'd.inistrative ?rder issued 0y t+e President3 'd.inistrative Po6er, 6+ic+ is supposed to 0e exercised 0y t+e President, is concerned 6it+ t+e 6or@ o* applyin/ policies and en*orcin/ orders as deter.ined 0y proper /overn.ental or/ans3 )t ena0les t+e President to *ix a uni*or. standard o* ad.inistrative e**iciency and c+ec@ t+e o**icial conduct o* +is a/ents3 Prescindin/ *ro. t+e *ore/oin/ precepts, '? JI" involves a su01ect t+at is not appropriate to 0e covered 0y an 'd.inistrative ?rder3 'n ad.inistrative order is an ordinance issued 0y t+e President 6+ic+ relates to speci*ic aspects in t+e ad.inistrative operation o* t+e /overn.ent3 )t .ust 0e in +ar.ony 6it+ t+e la6 and s+ould 0e *or t+e sole purpose o* i.ple.entin/ t+e la6 and carryin/ out t+e le/islative policy3 T+e su01ect o* '? JI" t+ere*ore is 0eyond t+e po6er o* t+e President to issue and it is a usurpation o* le/islative po6er3

53 T+e '? li@e6ise violates t+e ri/+t to privacy since its .ain purpose is to provide a -co..on re*erence nu.0er to esta0lis+ a lin@a/e a.on/ concerned a/encies t+rou/+ t+e use o* <)?METR),S TE,9>?L?G:3 <io.etry is t+e science o* t+e application o* statistical .et+ods to 0iolo/ical *actsG a .at+e.atical analysis o* a 0iolo/ical data3 )t is t+e con*ir.ation o* an individual7s identity t+rou/+ a *in/erprint, retinal scan, +and /eo.etry or *acial *eatures3 T+rou/+ t+e PR>, t+e /overn.ent o**ices +as t+e c+ance o* 0uildin/ a +u/e and *or.ida0le in*or.ation 0ase t+rou/+ t+e electronic lin@a/e o* t+e *iles o* every citi=en3 T+e data, +o6ever, .ay 0e /at+ered *or /ain*ul and use*ul /overn.ent purposesG 0ut t+e existence o* t+is vast reservoir o* personal in*or.ation constitutes a covert invitation to .isuse, a te.ptation t+at .ay 0e too /reat *or so.e o* our aut+orities to resist3

#urt+er, t+e '? does not even tells us in clear and unequivocal ter.s +o6 t+ese in*or.ations /at+ered s+all 0e +andled3 )t does not provide 6+o s+all control and access t+e data and under 6+at circu.stances and *or 6+at purpose3 T+ese *actors are essential to sa*e/uard t+e privacy and /uaranty t+e inte/rity o* t+e in*or.ation3 T+e co.puter lin@a/e /ives ot+er /overn.ent a/encies access to t+e in*or.ation3 :ET, T9ERE 'RE >? ,?>TR?LS T? GE'RC 'G')>ST LE'R'GE ?# )>#?RM'T)?>S3 89E> T9E ',,ESS ,?CE ?# T9E ,?>TR?L PR?GR'MS ?# T9E P'RT),EL'R ,?MPETER S:STEM )S <R?RE>, '> )>TRECER, 8)T9?ET #E'R ?# S'>,T)?> ?R PE>'LT:, ,'> M'RE ESE ?# T9E C'T' #?R 89'TE(ER PERP?SE, ?R 8?RSE, M'>)PEL'TE T9E C'T' ST?REC 8)T9)> T9E S:STEM3

'? >o3 JI" is unconstitutional since it *alls s+ort o* assurin/ t+at personal in*or.ation /at+ered a0out our people 6ill 0e used only *or speci*ied purposes t+ere0y violatin/ t+e citi=en7s ri/+t to privacy3

:not v )nter.ediate 'ppellate ,ourt

1&" S,R' !H (1 "%)

#$ PetitionersD ! cara0aos 6ere con*iscated 0y t+e police *or +avin/ 0een transported *ro. Mas0ate to )loilo in violation o* E? !5!2'3 9e 0rou/+t an action *or replevin, c+allen/in/ t+e consitutionality o* t+e E?3 T+e trial court sustained t+e con*iscation o* t+e ani.als and declined to rule on t+e validity o* t+e la6 on t+e /round t+at it lac@ed aut+ority to do so3 )ts decision 6as a**ir.ed 0y t+e )',3 9ence t+is petition *or revie63

9ELC$ (1) Ender t+e provision /rantin/ t+e S, 1urisdiction to Brevie6, revise, reverse, .odi*y or a**ir. on appeal or certiorari, as t+e la6 or rules o* court .ay provide *inal 1ud/.ents o* lo6er courtsB in all cases involvin/ t+e constitutionality o* certain .easures, lo6er courts can pass upon t+e validity o* a statute in t+e *irst instance3 (5) T+ere is no dou0t t+at 0y 0annin/ t+e slau/+ter o* t+ese ani.als (except 6+ere t+ere at

least % yrs3 old i* .ale and 11 yrs old i* *e.ale upon t+e issuance o* t+e necessary t+e E? 6ill 0e conservin/ t+ose still *it *or *ar. 6or@ or 0reedin/ and preventin/ t+eir i.provident depletion3 8e do not see, +o6ever, +o6 t+e pro+i0ition o* t+e interprovincial transport o* cara0aos can prevent t+eir indiscri.inate slau/+ter, considerin/ t+at t+ey can 0e @illed any 6+ere, 6K no less di**iculty in on province t+an in anot+er3 ?0viously, retainin/ t+e cara0ao in one province 6ill not prevent t+eir slau/+ter t+ere, any .ore t+an .ovin/ t+e. to anot+er province 6ill .a@e it easier to @ill t+e. t+ere3 's *or t+e cara0ee*, t+e pro+i0ition is .ade to apply to it as ot+er6ise, so says t+e E?, it could 0e easily circu.s0cri0ed 0y si.ply @illin/ t+e ani.al3 Per+aps so3 9o6ever, i* t+e .ove.ent o* t+e live ani.als *or t+e purpose o* preventin/ t+eir slau/+ter cannot 0e pro+i0ited, it s+ould *ollo6 t+at t+ere is no reason eit+er to pro+i0it t+eir trans*er as, not to 0e *lippant, dead .eat3 (J) )n t+e instant case, t+e cara0aos 6ere ar0itrarily con*iscated 0y t+e police station co..ander, 6ere returned to t+e petitioner only a*ter +e +ad *iled a co.plaint *or recovery and /iven a supersedeas 0ond 6Kc 6as ordered con*iscated upon +is *ailure to produce t+e cara0aos 6+en ordered 0y t+e trial court3 T+e E? de*ined t+e pro+i0ition, convicted t+e petitioner and i..ediately i.posed punis+.ent, 6Kc 6as carried out *ort+ri/+t3 T+e .easures struc@ +i. at once and pounced upon t+e petitioner 6Ko /ivin/ +i. a c+ance to 0e +eard, t+us denyin/ +i. ele.entary *air play3 (&) )t is t+ere aut+ori=ed t+at t+e sei=ed prop3 s+all B0e distri0uted to c+arita0le institutions and ot+er si.ilar institutions as t+e , o* t+e >ational Meat )nspection ,o..ission .ay see *it, in t+e case o* cara0ee*, and to deservin/ *ar.ers t+rou/+ dispersal as t+e Cirector o* ' )ndustry .ay see *it in t+e case o* cara0aos3B T+e p+rase .ay see *it is an extre.ely /enerous and dan/erous condition, i* condition it is3 )t is laden 6K perilous opportunities *or partiality and a0use, and even corruption3 ?ne searc+es in vain *or t+e usual standard and t+e reasona0le /uidelines, or 0etter still, t+e li.itations t+at t+e said o**icers .ust o0serve 6+en t+ey .a@e t+eir distri0ution3

P9)L)PP)>E PRESS )>ST)TETE (S3 ,?MELE, L5&& S,R' 5%5G G3R3 >o3 11 ! &G 55 May 1


#acts$ Respondent ,o.elec pro.ul/ated Resolution >o3 5%%5 directin/ ne6spapers to provide *ree ,o.elec space o* not less t+an one2+al* pa/e *or t+e co..on use o* political parties and candidates3 T+e ,o.elec space s+all 0e allocated 0y t+e ,o..ission, *ree o* c+ar/e, a.on/ all candidates to ena0le t+e. to .a@e @no6n t+eir quali*ications, t+eir stand on pu0lic )ssue and t+eir plat*or.s o* /overn.ent3 T+e ,o.elec space s+all also 0e used 0y t+e ,o..ission *or disse.ination o* vital election in*or.ation3

Petitioner P+ilippine Press )nstitute, )nc3 .a/a=ine pu0lis+ers, as@s t+e Supre.e unconstitutional and void on t+e /round t+at upon t+e /overn.ent a/ainst t+e ta@in/

(PP)), a non2pro*it or/ani=ation o* ne6spaper and ,ourt to declare ,o.elec Resolution >o3 5%%5 it violates t+e pro+i0ition i.posed 0y t+e ,onstitution o* private property *or pu0lic use 6it+out 1ust

co.pensation3 ?n 0e+al* Resolution is a per.issi0le t+e in*or.ation operations ensure a *air, i.partial and

o* t+e respondent ,o.elec, t+e Solicitor General clai.ed t+at t+e exercise o* t+e po6er o* supervision (police po6er) o* t+e ,o.elec over o* print .edia enterprises durin/ t+e election period to sa*e/uard and credi0le election3


8+et+er or not ,o.elec Resolution >o3 5%%5 is unconstitutional3

9eld$ T+e Supre.e ,ourt declared t+e Resolution as unconstitutional3 )t +eld t+at to co.pel print .edia co.panies to donate -,o.elec space4 a.ounts to -ta@in/4 o* private personal property 6it+out pay.ent o* t+e 1ust co.pensation required in expropriation cases3 Moreover, t+e ele.ent o* necessity *or t+e ta@in/ +as not 0een esta0lis+ed 0y respondent ,o.elec, considerin/ t+at t+e ne6spapers 6ere not un6illin/ to sell advertisin/ space3 T+e ta@in/ o* private property *or pu0lic use is aut+ori=ed 0y t+e constitution, 0ut not 6it+out pay.ent o* 1ust co.pensation3 'lso Resolution >o3 5%%5 does not constitute a valid exercise o* t+e police po6er o* t+e state3 )n t+e case at 0enc+, t+ere is no s+o6in/ o* existence o* a national to ta@e private property o* ne6spaper or .a/a=ine pu0lis+ers

G3R3 >o3 L21&JHH, ?cto0er J1, 1 1 T9E ,)T: ?# M'>)L' vs3 ,9)>ESE ,?MME>)T: ?# M'>)L', ET 'L3

#',TS$ ?n t+e 11t+ day o* Cece.0er, 1 1!, t+e city o* Manila presented a petition in t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance o* said city, prayin/ t+at certain lands 0e expropriated *or t+e purpose o* constructin/ a pu0lic i.prove.ent na.ely, t+e extension o* Ri=al 'venue, Manila3 T+e de*endant, t+e ,o.unidad de ,+inos de Manila L,+inese ,o..unity o* ManilaM opposed t+e expropriation alle/in/ t+at t+e ,+inese ce.etery +as *or its purpose t+e 0ene*it and /eneral 6el*are o* t+e ,+inese ,o..unity o* t+e ,ity o* Manila and t+at t+e expropriation, in *act, 6as not necessary as a pu0lic i.prove.ent *or ot+er routes 6ere availa0le 6+ic+ 6ould *ully satis*y t+e plainti**Ds purposes, at .uc+ less expense and 6it+out distur0in/ t+e restin/ places o* t+e dead3 T+e trial court decided t+at t+ere 6as no necessity *or t+e expropriation o* t+e particular strip o* land in question, and a0solved eac+ and all o* t+e de*endants *ro. all lia0ility under t+e co.plaint, 6it+out any *indin/ as to costs3 T+e ,ity o* Manila t+en appealed t+e trial court7s decision3

)SSEE$ 8?> t+e ,+inese ,e.etery .ay 0e validly expropriated 0y t+e ,ity o* Manila3

9ELC$ T+e exercise o* t+e ri/+t o* e.inent do.ain, 6+et+er directly 0y t+e State, or 0y its aut+ori=ed a/ents, is necessarily in dero/ation o* private ri/+ts, and t+e rule in t+at case is t+at t+e aut+ority .ust 0e strictly construed3 >o species o* property is +eld 0y individuals 6it+ /reater tenacity, and none is /uarded 0y t+e constitution and la6s .ore sedulously, t+an t+e ri/+t to t+e *ree+old o* in+a0itants3 8+en t+e le/islature inter*eres 6it+ t+at ri/+t, and, *or /reater pu0lic purposes, appropriates t+e land o* an individual 6it+out +is consent, t+e plain .eanin/ o* t+e la6 s+ould not 0e enlar/ed 0y dou0tly interpretation3 T+e ri/+t o* expropriation is not an in+erent po6er in a .unicipal corporation, and 0e*ore it can exercise t+e ri/+t so.e la6 .ust exist con*errin/ t+e po6er upon it3 8+en t+e courts co.e to deter.ine t+e question, t+ey .ust only *ind (a) t+at a la6 or aut+ority exists *or t+e exercise o* t+e ri/+t o* e.inent do.ain, 0ut (0) also t+at t+e ri/+t or aut+ority is 0ein/ exercised in accordance 6it+ t+e la63 )n t+e present case t+ere are t6o conditions i.posed upon t+e aut+ority conceded to t+e ,ity o* Manila$ #irst, t+e land .ust 0e privateG and, second, t+e purpose .ust 0e pu0lic3 )t is a 6ell @no6n *act t+at ce.eteries .ay 0e pu0lic or private3 T+e * is a ce.etery used 0y t+e /eneral co..unity, or nei/+0or+ood, or c+urc+, 6+ile t+e latter is used only 0y a *a.ily, or a s.all portion o* t+e co..unity or nei/+0our+ood3 8+ere a ce.etery is open to pu0lic, it is a pu0lic use and no part o* t+e /round can 0e ta@en *or ot+er pu0lic uses under a /eneral aut+ority3 'nd t+is i..unity extends to t+e uni.proved and unoccupied parts 6+ic+ are +eld in /ood *ait+ *or *uture use3 T+e ce.etery in question is used 0y t+e /eneral co..unity o* ,+inese, 6+ic+ *act, in t+e /eneral acceptation o* t+e de*inition o* a pu0lic ce.etery, 6ould .a@e t+e ce.etery in question pu0lic property3 T+e petition o* t+e plainti** .ust 0e denied, *or t+e reason t+at t+e city o* Manila +as no aut+ority or ri/+t under t+e la6 to expropriate pu0lic property3 )n t+e present case, even /rantin/ t+at a necessity exists *or t+e openin/ o* t+e street in question, t+e record contains no proo* o* t+e necessity o* openin/ t+e sa.e t+rou/+ t+e ce.etery3 T+e record s+o6s t+at ad1oinin/ and ad1acent lands +ave 0een o**ered to t+e city *ree o* c+ar/e, 6+ic+ 6ill ans6er every purpose o* t+e plainti**3 #or all o* t+e *ore/oin/, t+e 1ud/.ent o* t+e lo6er court s+ould 0e and is +ere0y a**ir.ed, 6it+ costs a/ainst t+e appellant3

G3R3 >o3 L21""&1, ;anuary 5%, 1 ! RP vs3 P9)L)PP)>E L?>G C)ST'>,E TELEP9?>E ,?MP'>:

#',TS$ So.eti.e in 1 JJ, t+e de*endant, PLCT, and t+e R,' ,o..unications, )nc3, entered into an a/ree.ent 6+ere0y telep+one .essa/es, *ro. t+e Enited States and received 0y R,'Ds do.estic station, could auto.atically 0e trans*erred to t+e lines o* PLCTG and vice2versa, *or calls collected 0y t+e PLCT *or trans.ission *ro. t+e P+ilippines to t+e Enited States3 T+e arran/e.ent 6as later extended to radio2telep+one .essa/es to and *ro. European and 'siatic countries3 T+eir contract contained a stipulation t+at eit+er party could ter.inate it on a 5&2.ont+ notice to t+e ot+er3 ?n 5 #e0ruary 1 H!, PLCT /ave notice to R,' to ter.inate t+eir contract on 5 #e0ruary 1 H"3 Soon a*ter its creation in 1 &%, t+e <ureau o* Teleco..unications set up its o6n Govern.ent Telep+one Syste. 0y utili=in/ its o6n appropriation and equip.ent and 0y rentin/ trun@ lines o* t+e PLCT to ena0le /overn.ent o**ices to call private parties3 T+e <ureau +as extended its services to t+e /eneral pu0lic since 1 &", usin/ t+e sa.e trun@ lines o6ned 0y, and rented *ro., t+e PLCT, and prescri0in/ its (t+e <ureauDs) o6n sc+edule o* rates3 T+rou/+ t+ese trun@ lines, a Govern.ent Telep+one Syste. (GTS) su0scri0er could .a@e a call to a PLCT su0scri0er in t+e sa.e 6ay t+at t+e latter could .a@e a call to t+e *or.er3 ?n H Marc+ 1 H", t+e plainti**, t+rou/+ t+e Cirector o* Teleco..unications, entered into an a/ree.ent 6it+ R,' ,o..unications, )nc3, *or a 1oint overseas telep+one service 6+ere0y t+e <ureau 6ould convey radio2telep+one overseas calls received 0y R,'Ds station to and *ro. local residents3 ?n % 'pril 1 H", t+e de*endant P+ilippine Lon/ Cistance Telep+one ,o.pany, co.plained to t+e <ureau o* Teleco..unications t+at said 0ureau 6as violatin/ t+e conditions under 6+ic+ t+eir Private <ranc+ Exc+an/e (P<A) is inter2connected 6it+ t+e PLCTDs *acilities, re*errin/ to t+e rented trun@ lines, *or t+e <ureau +ad used t+e trun@ lines not only *or t+e use o* /overn.ent o**ices 0ut even to serve private persons or t+e /eneral pu0lic, in co.petition 6it+ t+e 0usiness o* t+e PLCTG and /ave notice t+at i* said violations 6ere not stopped 0y .idni/+t o* 15 'pril 1 H", t+e PLCT 6ould sever t+e telep+one connections3 8+en t+e PLCT received no reply, it disconnected t+e trun@ lines 0ein/ rented 0y t+e <ureau at .idni/+t on 15 'pril 1 H"3 T+e result 6as t+e isolation o* t+e P+ilippines, on telep+one services, *ro. t+e rest o* t+e 6orld, except t+e Enited States3 T+e <ureau o* Teleco..unications +ad proposed to t+e PLCT on " ;anuary 1 H" t+at 0ot+ enter into an interconnectin/ a/ree.ent, 6it+ t+e /overn.ent payin/ (on a call 0asis) *or all calls passin/ t+rou/+ t+e interconnectin/ *acilities *ro. t+e Govern.ent Telep+one Syste. to t+e PLCT3 T+e PLCT replied t+at it 6as 6illin/ to enter into an a/ree.ent on overseas telep+one service to Europe and 'sian countries provided t+at t+e <ureau 6ould to t+e 1urisdiction and re/ulations o* t+e Pu0lic Service ,o..ission3 ?n 15 'pril 1 H", plainti** Repu0lic co..enced suit a/ainst t+e de*endant, in t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance o* Manila (,ivil ,ase >o3 JH"IH), prayin/ in its co.plaint *or 1ud/.ent co..andin/ t+e PLCT to execute a contract 6it+ plainti**, t+rou/+ t+e <ureau, *or t+e use o* t+e *acilities o* de*endantDs telep+one syste. t+rou/+out t+e P+ilippines under suc+ ter.s and conditions as t+e court .i/+t consider reasona0le, and *or a 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction a/ainst t+e de*endant

co.pany to restrain t+e severance o* t+e existin/ telep+one connections andKor restore t+ose severed3 PLCT, on t+e ot+er +and denied any o0li/ation on its part to execute a contrary o* services 6it+ t+e <ureau o* Teleco..unicationsG contested t+e 1urisdiction o* t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance to co.pel it to enter into interconnectin/ a/ree.ents, and averred t+at it 6as 1usti*ied to disconnect t+e trun@ lines +ereto*ore leased to t+e <ureau o* Teleco..unications under t+e existin/ a/ree.ent 0ecause its *acilities 6ere 0ein/ used in *raud o* its ri/+ts3 PLCT *urt+er clai.ed t+at t+e <ureau 6as en/a/in/ in co..ercial telep+one operations in excess o* aut+ority, in co.petition 6it+, and to t+e pre1udice o*, t+e PLCT, usin/ de*endants o6n telep+one poles, 6it+out proper accountin/ o* revenues3 '*ter trial, t+e lo6er court rendered 1ud/.ent t+at it could not co.pel t+e PLCT to enter into an a/ree.ent 6it+ t+e <ureau 0ecause t+e parties 6ere not in a/ree.entG t+at under Executive ?rder &, esta0lis+in/ t+e <ureau o* Teleco..unications, said <ureau 6as not li.ited to servicin/ /overn.ent o**ices alone, nor 6as t+ere any in t+e contract o* lease o* t+e trun@ lines, since t+e PLCT @ne6, or ou/+t to +ave @no6n, at t+e ti.e t+at t+eir use 0y t+e <ureau 6as to 0e pu0lic t+rou/+out t+e )slands, +ence t+e <ureau 6as neit+er /uilty o* *raud, a0use, or .isuse o* t+e poles o* t+e PLCTG and, in vie6 o* serious pu0lic pre1udice t+at 6ould result *ro. t+e disconnection o* t+e trun@ lines, declared t+e preli.inary in1unction per.anent, alt+ou/+ it dis.issed 0ot+ t+e co.plaint and t+e counterclai.s3 <ot+ parties appealed3

)SSEE$ 8?> PLCT is co.pelled to enter into a contract co.pulsory renderin/ t+e co.pany to provide inter2connectivity services, despite its o01ection3

9ELC$ T+e Supre.e ,ourt a/reed 6it+ t+e court 0elo6 t+at parties cannot 0e coerced to enter into a contract 6+ere no a/ree.ent is +ad 0et6een t+e. as to t+e principal ter.s and conditions o* t+e contract3 #reedo. to stipulate suc+ ter.s and conditions is o* t+e essence o* our contractual syste., and 0y express provision o* t+e statute, a contract .ay 0e annulled i* tainted 0y violence, inti.idation, or undue in*luence ('rticles 1JI!, 1JJ!, 1JJ%, ,ivil ,ode o* t+e P+ilippines)3 <ut t+e court a quo+as apparently overloo@ed t+at 6+ile t+e Repu0lic .ay not co.pel t+e PLCT to cele0rate a contract 6it+ it, t+e Repu0lic .ay, in t+e exercise o* t+e soverei/n po6er o* e.inent do.ain, require t+e telep+one co.pany to interconnection o* t+e /overn.ent telep+one syste. and t+at o* t+e PLCT, as t+e needs o* t+e /overn.ent service .ay require, su01ect to t+e pay.ent o* 1ust co.pensation to 0e deter.ined 0y t+e court3 8+ile t+e de*endant telep+one co.pany is a pu0lic utility corporation 6+ose *ranc+ise, equip.ent and ot+er properties are under t+e 1urisdiction, supervision and control o* t+e Pu0lic Service ,o..ission (Sec3 1J, Pu0lic Service 'ct), yet t+e plainti**Ds teleco..unications net6or@ is a

pu0lic service o6ned 0y t+e Repu0lic and operated 0y an instru.entality o* t+e >ational Govern.ent, +ence, under Section 1& o* t+e Pu0lic Service 'ct, *ro. suc+ 1urisdiction, supervision and control3 89ERE#?RE, t+e decision o* t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance, no6 under appeal, is a**ir.ed, except in so *ar as it dis.isses t+e petition o* t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines to co.pel t+e P+ilippine Lon/ Cistance Telep+one ,o.pany to continue servicin/ t+e Govern.ent telep+one syste. upon suc+ ter.s, and *or a co.pensation, t+at t+e trial court .ay deter.ine to 0e 1ust, includin/ t+e period elapsed *ro. t+e *ilin/ o* t+e ori/inal co.plaint or petition3 'nd *or t+is purpose, t+e records are ordered returned to t+e court o* ori/in *or *urt+er +earin/s and ot+er proceedin/s not inconsistent 6it+ t+is opinion3 >o costs3


)n 1 H", #elix 'l0erto Q ,o3, )nc (#',)) 6as /ranted 0y ,on/ress a *ranc+ise to 0uild radio stations (later construed as to include telep+ony)3 #',) later c+an/ed its na.e to Express Teleco..unications ,o3, )nc3 (ET,))3 )n 1 "%, ET,) 6as /ranted 0y t+e >ational Teleco..unications ,o..ission a provisional aut+ority to 0uild a telep+one syste. in so.e parts o* Manila3 P+ilippine Lon/ Cistance Telep+one ,o3 (PLCT) opposed t+e said /rant as it avers, a.on/ ot+ers, t+at ET,) is not quali*ied 0ecause its *ranc+ise +as already 0een invalidated 6+en it *ailed to exercise it 6it+in 1I years *ro. 1 H"G t+at in 1 "%, t+e 'l0ertos, o6ners o* .ore t+an &IN o* ET,)7s s+ares o* stoc@s, trans*erred said stoc@s to t+e ne6 stoc@+olders (,ellco., )nc3F not speci*ied in t+e case)G t+at suc+ trans*er involvin/ .ore t+an &IN s+ares o* stoc@s a.ounted to a trans*er o* *ranc+ise 6+ic+ is void 0ecause t+e aut+ori=ation o* ,on/ress 6as not o0tained3 T+e >T, denied PLCT3 PLCT t+en *iled a petition *or certiorari and pro+i0ition a/ainst t+e >T,3

)SSEE$ 8+et+er or not PLCT7s petition s+ould prosper3

9ELC$ >o3

PLCT cannot attac@ ET,)7s *ranc+ise in a petition *or certiorari3 )t cannot 0e collaterally attac@ed3 )t s+ould 0e directly attac@ed t+rou/+ a petition *or quo 6arranto 6+ic+ is t+e correct procedure3 ' *ranc+ise is a property ri/+t and cannot 0e revo@ed or *or*eited 6it+out due process o* la63 T+e deter.ination o* t+e ri/+t to t+e exercise o* a *ranc+ise, or 6+et+er t+e ri/+t to en1oy suc+ privile/e +as 0een *or*eited 0y non2user, is .ore properly t+e su01ect o* t+e prero/ative 6rit o* quo 6arranto3 #urt+er, *or any violation o* t+e *ranc+ise, it s+ould 0e t+e /overn.ent 6+o s+ould 0e *ilin/ a quo 6arranto proceedin/ 0ecause it 6as t+e /overn.ent 6+o /ranted it in t+e *irst place3 T+e trans*er o* .ore t+an &IN o* t+e s+ares o* stoc@s is not tanta.ount to a trans*er o* *ranc+ise3

T+ere is a distinction +ere3 T+ere is no need to o0tain aut+ori=ation o* ,on/ress *or t+e .ere trans*er o* s+ares o* stoc@s3 S+are+olders can trans*er t+eir s+ares to anyone3 T+e only li.itation is t+at i* t+e trans*er involves .ore t+an &IN o* t+e corporation7s stoc@s, it s+ould 0e approved 0y t+e >T,3 T+e trans*er in t+is case 6as s+o6n to +ave 0een approved 0y t+e >T,3 8+at requires aut+ori=ation *ro. ,on/ress is t+e trans*er o* *ranc+iseG and t+e person 6+o s+all o0tain t+e aut+ori=ation is t+e /rantee (ET,))3 ' distinction s+ould 0e .ade 0et6een s+ares o* stoc@, 6+ic+ are o6ned 0y stoc@+olders, t+e sale o* 6+ic+ requires only >T, approval, and t+e *ranc+ise itsel* 6+ic+ is o6ned 0y t+e corporation as t+e /rantee t+ereo*, t+e sale or trans*er o* 6+ic+ requires ,on/ressional sanction3 Since stoc@+olders o6n t+e s+ares o* stoc@, t+ey .ay dispose o* t+e sa.e as t+ey see *it3 T+ey .ay not, +o6ever, trans*er or assi/n t+e property o* a corporation, li@e its *ranc+ise3 )n ot+er 6ords, even i* t+e ori/inal stoc@+olders +ad trans*erred t+eir s+ares to anot+er /roup o* s+are+olders, t+e *ranc+ise /ranted to t+e corporation su0sists as lon/ as t+e corporation, as an entity, continues to exist3 T+e *ranc+ise is not t+ere0y invalidated 0y t+e trans*er o* t+e s+ares3 ' corporation +as a personality separate and distinct *ro. t+at o* eac+ stoc@+older3 )t +as t+e ri/+t o* continuity or perpetual succession3

G3R3 >o3 L25I!5I 'u/ust 1H, 1 %& RP vs3 ,'STEL()

#',TS$ T+e ,astellvi property +ad 0een occupied 0y t+e P+ilippine 'ir #orce since 1 &% under a contract o* lease3 )t 6as stipulated 0y t+e parties, t+at Bt+e *ore/oin/ contract o* lease is Dsi.ilar in ter.s and conditions, includin/ t+e dateD, 6it+ t+e annual contracts entered into *ro. year to year 0et6een de*endant ,astellvi and t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines3 )t is undisputed, t+ere*ore, t+at t+e Repu0lic occupied ,astellviDs land *ro. ;uly 1, 1 &%, 0y virtue o* t+e a0ove2.entioned contract, on a year to year 0asis (*ro. ;uly 1 o* eac+ year to ;une JI o* t+e succeedin/ year)3 <e*ore t+e expiration o* t+e contract o* lease on ;une JI, 1 H! t+e Repu0lic sou/+t to rene6 t+e sa.e 0ut ,astellvi re*used3 8+en t+e '#P re*used to vacate t+e leased pre.ises a*ter t+e ter.ination o* t+e contract, on ;uly 11, 1 H!, ,astellvi 6rote to t+e ,+ie* o* Sta**, '#P, in* t+e latter t+at t+e +eirs o* t+e property +ad decided not to continue leasin/ t+e property in question 0ecause t+ey +ad decided to su0divide t+e land *or sale to t+e /eneral pu0lic, de.andin/ t+at t+e property 0e vacated 6it+in JI days *ro. receipt o* t+e letter, and t+at t+e pre.ises 0e returned in su0stantially t+e sa.e condition as 0e*ore occupancy 3?n ;anuary JI, 1 H%, Lieutenant General 'l*onso 'rellano, ,+ie* o* Sta**, ans6ered t+e letter o* ,astellvi, sayin/ t+at it 6as di**icult *or t+e ar.y to vacate t+e pre.ises in vie6 o* t+e per.anent installations and ot+er *acilities 6ort+ al.ost PHII,III3II t+at 6ere erected and already esta0lis+ed on t+e property, and t+at, t+ere 0ein/ no ot+er recourse, t+e acquisition o* t+e property 0y .eans o* expropriation proceedin/s 6ould 0e reco..ended to t+e President3 Ce*endant ,astellvi t+en 0rou/+t suit in t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance o* Pa.pan/a to e1ect t+e P+ilippine 'ir #orce *ro. t+e land3 8+ile t+is e1ect.ent case 6as pendin/, t+e Repu0lic

instituted t+ese expropriation proceedin/s3 T+e Repu0lic ar/ues t+at t+e Bta@in/B s+ould 0e rec@oned *ro. t+e year 1 &% 6+en 0y virtue o* a special lease a/ree.ent 0et6een t+e Repu0lic and appellee ,astellvi, t+e * 6as /ranted t+e Bri/+t and privile/eB to 0uy t+e property s+ould t+e lessor 6is+ to ter.inate t+e lease3 ,astellvi, on t+e ot+er +and, .aintains t+at t+e Bta@in/B o* property under t+e po6er o* e.inent do.ain requires t6o essential ele.ents, to 6it$ (1) entrance and occupation 0y conde.n or upon t+e private property *or .ore t+an a .o.entary or li.ited period, and (5) devotin/ it to a pu0lic use in suc+ a 6ay as to oust t+e o6ner and deprive +i. o* all 0ene*icial en1oy.ent o* t+e property3 T+is appellee ar/ues t+at in t+e instant case t+e *irst ele.ent is 6antin/, *or t+e contract o* lease relied upon provides *or a lease *ro. year to yearG t+at t+e second ele.ent is also 6antin/, t+at t+e contract o* lease does not /rant t+e Repu0lic t+e Bri/+t and privile/eB to 0uy t+e pre.ises Bat t+e value at t+e ti.e o* occupancy3B

)SSEE$ 8?> t+e -Ta@in/4 o* properties under expropriation co..enced 6it+ t+e *ilin/ o* t+e action3 (8+at are t+e requisites o* -Ta@in/4 o* property o* e.inent do.ainF)

9ELC$ )t is clear t+at t+e Bta@in/B o* ,atellviDs property *or purposes o* e.inent do.ain cannot 0e considered to +ave ta@en place in 1 &% 6+en t+e Repu0lic co..enced to occupy t+e property as lessee t+ereo*3 8e *ind .erit in t+e contention o* ,astellvi t+at t6o essential ele.ents in t+e Bta@in/B o* property under t+e po6er o* e.inent do.ain, na.ely$ (1) t+at t+e entrance and occupation 0y t+e conde.nor .ust 0e *or a per.anent, or inde*inite period, and (5) t+at in devotin/ t+e property to pu0lic use t+e o6ner 6as ousted *ro. t+e property and deprived o* its 0ene*icial use, 6ere not present 6+en t+e Repu0lic entered and occupied t+e ,astellvi property in 1 &%3 Entena0le also is t+e Repu0licDs contention t+at alt+ou/+ t+e contract 0et6een t+e parties 6as one o* lease on a year to year 0asis, it 6as Bin reality a .ore or less per.anent ri/+t to occupy t+e pre.ises under t+e /uise o* lease 6it+ t+e Dri/+t and privile/eD to 0uy t+e property s+ould t+e lessor 6is+ to ter.inate t+e lease,B and Bt+e ri/+t to 0uy t+e property is .er/ed as an inte/ral part o* t+e lease relations+ip 333 so .uc+ so t+at t+e *air .ar@et value +as 0een a/reed upon, not, as o* t+e ti.e o* purc+ase, 0ut as o* t+e ti.e o* occupancyB3 8e cannot accept t+e Repu0licDs contention t+at a lease on a year to year 0asis can /ive rise to a per.anent ri/+t to occupy, since 0y express le/al provision a lease .ade *or a deter.inate ti.e, as 6as t+e lease o* ,astellviDs land in t+e instant case, ceases upon t+e day *ixed, 6it+out need o* a de.and ('rticle 1!! , ,ivil ,ode)3 >eit+er can it 0e said t+at t+e ri/+t o* e.inent do.ain .ay 0e exercised 0y si.ply leasin/ t+e pre.ises to 0e expropriated (Rule !%, Section 1, Rules o* ,ourt)3 To sustain t+e contention o* t+e Repu0lic is to sanction a practice 6+ere0y in order to secure a lo6 price *or a land 6+ic+ t+e /overn.ent intends to expropriate (or 6ould eventually expropriate) it 6ould *irst ne/otiate 6it+ t+e o6ner o* t+e land to lease t+e land (*or say ten or t6enty years) t+en expropriate t+e sa.e 6+en t+e lease is a0out to ter.inate, t+en clai. t+at t+e Bta@in/B o* t+e

property *or t+e purposes o* t+e expropriation 0e rec@oned as o* t+e date 6+en t+e Govern.ent started to occupy t+e property under t+e lease, and t+en assert t+at t+e value o* t+e property 0ein/ expropriated 0e rec@oned as o* t+e start o* t+e lease, in spite o* t+e *act t+at t+e value o* t+e property, *or .any /ood reasons, +ad in t+e .eanti.e increased durin/ t+e period o* t+e lease3 T+e lo6er court did not an error 6+en it +eld t+at t+e Bta@in/B o* t+e property under expropriation co..enced 6it+ t+e *ilin/ o* t+e co.plaint in t+is case3 )n t+e instant case, it is undisputed t+at t+e Repu0lic 6as placed in possession o* t+e ,astellvi property, 0y aut+ority o* t+e court, on 'u/ust 1I, 1 H 3 T+e Bta@in/B o* t+e ,astellvi property *or t+e purposes o* deter.inin/ t+e 1ust co.pensation to 0e paid .ust, t+ere*ore, 0e rec@oned as o* ;une 5!, 1 H 6+en t+e co.plaint *or e.inent do.ain 6as *iled3

'lunan vs Mirasol GR >o3 1I"J ;uly J1, 1 %

#acts$ LG, o* 1 1 provided *or an SR in every 0aran/ay to 0e co.posed o* a, % .e.0ers, a secretary and a treasurer, and provided t+at t+e *irst SR elections 6ere to 0e +eld JI days a*ter t+e next local elections3 T+e Local Govern.ent ,ode 6as enacted ;anuary 1, 1 53 T+e *irst elections under t+e code 6ere +eld May o* 1 53 'u/ust 1 5, ,?MELE, provided /uidelines *or t+e +oldin/ o* t+e /eneral elections *or t+e SR on Sept3 JI, 1 5, 6+ic+ also placed t+e SR elections under t+e direct control and supervision o* C)LG, 6it+ t+e tec+nical assistance o* ,?MELE,3 '*ter postpone.ents, t+ey 6ere +eld Cece.0er &, 1 53 Re/istration in ! districts o* Manila 6as conducted3 1H5,J!J people a/ed 1H251 re/istered, 1H,%& o* t+e. *ilin/ certi*icated o* candidacy3 T+e ,ity ,ouncil passed t+e necessary appropriations *or t+e elections3 Septe.0er 1", 1 5 T+e C)LG, t+rou/+ 'lunan, issued a letter2resolution exe.ptin/ Manila *ro. +oldin/ SR elections 0ecause t+e elections previously +eld on May 5!, 1 I 6ere to 0e considered t+e *irst SR elections under t+e ne6 LG,3 C)LG acted on a letter 0y Santia/o, actin/ President o* t+e R< (Ra0ataan/ <aran/ay) ,ity #ederation o* Manila and a .e.0er o* t+e ,ity ,ouncil o* Manila, 6+ic+ stated t+at elections *or t+e Ra0ataan/ <aran/ay 6ere +eld on May 5!, 1 I3 )n t+is resolution, C)LG stated t+at t+e LG, intended to t+ose 0aran/ay c+apters 6+ic+ conducted t+eir R< elections *ro. ;anuary 1, 1 " to ;anuary 1, 1 5 *ro. t+e * SR elections3 T+e ter.s o* t+ose elected 6ould 0e extended to coincide 6it+ t+e ter.s o* t+ose elected in t+e SR elections Private respondents, to represent 5&,III .e.0ers o* t+e Ratipunan n/ Ra0ataan, *iled a petition *or certiorari and, ar/uin/ t+at t+e C)LG +ad no po6er to a.end t+e resolutions

o* t+e ,?MELE, callin/ *or /eneral elections *or SRs, and t+at C)LG denied t+e. equal protection o* la6s3 RT, issued an in1unction and ordered petitioners to desist *ro. i.ple.entin/ t+e order o* t+e C)LG Secretary, and ordered t+e. to per*or. t+e speci*ied pre2election activities in order to i.ple.ent t+e /eneral elections3 T+e case 6as rera**led to a di**erent 0ranc+ o* t+e sa.e court, and t+e ne6 1ud/e +eld t+at C)LG +ad no po6er to Manila *ro. +oldin/ SR elections, 0ecause t+at po6er rests solely in ,?MELE,, and t+at ,?MELE, already deter.ined t+at Manila +as not previously +eld elections *or R< 0y callin/ *or a /eneral election, and t+at t+e exe.ption o* Manila violated t+e equal protection clause 0ecause o* t+e H,III 0aran/ays t+at previously +eld elections, only in Manila, " % 0aran/ay, 6ere t+ere no elections3

)ssue$ 8+et+er ,?MELE, can validly vest t+e C)LG 6it+ t+e po6er o* direct control and supervision over t+e SR elections 6it+ t+e tec+nical assistance o* ,?MELE, 8+et+er C)LG can an LGE *ro. +oldin/ SR elections

9eld$ Cespite t+e +oldin/ o* SR elections in 1 evadin/ revie63 !, t+e case is not .ootG it is capa0le o* repetition, yet

C)LG +ad t+e aut+ority to deter.ine 6+et+er Manila 6ould 0e required to +old SR elections3 ,?MELE, vestin/ C)LG 6it+ suc+ po6ers is not unconstitutional3 Election *or SR o**icers are not su01ect to t+e supervision o* ,?MELE, in t+e sa.e 6ay t+at contests involvin/ elections o* SR o**icials do not *all 6it+in t+e 1urisdiction o* ,?MELE,3 ;ustice Cavide, in Mercado vs <oard o* Election Supervisors, stated t+at t+e provision in t+e ?.ni0us Election ,ode t+at states t+at ,?MELE, s+all +ave exclusive appellate 1urisdiction over contest involvin/ elective 0aran/ay o**icials only re*er to elective 0aran/ay o**icials under t+e la6s in *orce at t+e ti.e t+e ,ode 6as enacted, 6+ic+ 6as t+e old LG,3 Moreover, C)LG 6as only actin/ or per* tas@s in accordance to t+e *ra.e6or@ o* detailed and co.pre+ensive rules e.0odied in a resolution o* ,?MELE,3 'lt+ou/+ it is ar/ued t+at no 0aran/ays 6ere na.ed in t+e resolution, C)LG 6as not /iven discretionary po6ers 0ecause t+ey .erely used t+e ti.e period set 0y ,?MELE, as a re*erence in desi/natin/ exe.pted 0aran/ays3 Li@e6ise, t+e LG, o* 1 1 6as +eld to 0e curative, and t+us s+ould 0e /iven retroactive e**ect, /ivin/ t+e .ayor t+e aut+ority to call electionsG t+us, t+e 1 I R< elections 6ere not null and void *or 0ein/ conducted 6it+out aut+ority3 T+e contention o* violation o* t+e equal protection clause could not 0e deter.ined *ro. t+e records o* t+is case3 T+e .ere s+o6in/ t+at t+ere 6ere ot+er 0aran/ays t+at +eld R< elections durin/ t+e set period 0ut 6ere not exe.pted *ro. t+e 1 5 SR elections is not su**icient to prove t+at violation3

'n article in .anila <ulletin stated t+at 0aran/ays in <ulacan did not +ave elections in 1 0ecause t+ey +eld elections on ;anuary 1, 1 ""3

DEFENSOR-SANTIAGO vs. COMELEC (G.R. No. 127325 - March 19 1997!

Fac"s# Private respondent 'tty3 ;esus Cel*in, president o* People7s )nitiative *or Re*or.s, Moderni=ation and 'ction (P)RM'), *iled 6it+ ,?MELE, a petition to a.end t+e constitution to li*t t+e ter. li.its o* elective o**icials, t+rou/+ People7s )nitiative 3 9e 0ased t+is petition on 'rticle A()), Sec3 5 o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, 6+ic+ provides *or t+e ri/+t o* t+e people to exercise t+e po6er to directly propose a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution3 Su0sequently t+e ,?MELE, issued an order directin/ t+e pu0lication o* t+e petition and o* t+e notice o* +earin/ and t+erea*ter set t+e case *or +earin/3 't t+e +earin/, Senator Roco, t+e )<P, Ce.o@rasya2)pa/tan//ol an/ Ronstitusyon, Pu0lic )nterest La6 ,enter, and La0an n/ Ce.o@rati@on/ Pilipino appeared as intervenors2oppositors3 Senator Roco *iled a .otion to dis.iss t+e Cel*in petition on t+e /round t+at one 6+ic+ is co/ni=a0le 0y t+e ,?MELE,3 T+e petitioners +erein Senator Santia/o, 'lexander Padilla, and )sa0el ?n/pin *iled t+is civil action *or pro+i0ition under Rule !H o* t+e Rules o* ,ourt a/ainst ,?MELE, and t+e Cel*in petition risin/ t+e several ar/u.ents, suc+ as t+e *ollo6in/$ (1) T+e constitutional provision on people7s initiative to a.end t+e constitution can only 0e i.ple.ented 0y la6 to 0e passed 0y ,on/ress3 >o suc+ la6 +as 0een passedG (5) T+e people7s initiative is li.ited to a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution, not to revision t+ereo*3 Li*tin/ o* t+e ter. li.its constitutes a revision, t+ere*ore it is outside t+e po6er o* people7s initiative 3 T+e Supre.e ,ourt /ranted t+e Motions *or )ntervention3

Iss$%s# (1) 8+et+er or not Sec3 5, 'rt3 A()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution is a sel*2executin/ provision3

(5) 8+et+er or not ,?MELE, Resolution >o3 5JII re/ardin/ t+e conduct o* initiative on a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution is valid, considerin/ t+e a0sence in t+e la6 o* speci*ic provisions on t+e conduct o* suc+ initiative3

(J) 8+et+er t+e li*tin/ o* ter. li.its o* elective o**icials 6ould constitute a revision or an a.end.ent o* t+e ,onstitution3

&%'(# Sec3 5, 'rt A()) o* t+e ,onstitution is not sel* executory, t+us, 6it+out i.ple.entin/ le/islation t+e sa.e cannot operate3 'lt+ou/+ t+e ,onstitution +as reco/ni=ed or /ranted t+e ri/+t, t+e people cannot exercise it i* ,on/ress does not provide *or its i.ple.entation3

T+e portion o* ,?MELE, Resolution >o3 5JII 6+ic+ prescri0es rules and re/ulations on t+e conduct o* initiative on a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution, is void3 )t +as 0een an esta0lis+ed rule t+at 6+at +as 0een dele/ated, cannot 0e dele/ated (potestas dele/ata non dele/ari potest)3 T+e dele/ation o* t+e po6er to t+e ,?MELE, 0ein/ invalid, t+e latter cannot validly pro.ul/ate rules and re/ulations to i.ple.ent t+e exercise o* t+e ri/+t to people7s initiative3

T+e li*tin/ o* t+e ter. li.its 6as +eld to 0e t+at o* a revision, as it 6ould a**ect ot+er provisions o* t+e ,onstitution suc+ as t+e sync+roni=ation o* elections, t+e constitutional /uarantee o* equal access to opportunities *or pu0lic service, and pro+i0itin/ political dynasties3 ' revision cannot 0e done 0y initiative3 9o6ever, considerin/ t+e ,ourt7s decision in t+e a0ove )ssue, t+e issue o* 6+et+er or not t+e petition is a revision or a.end.ent +as 0eco.e acade.ic3

)a"r*c*o D$+'ao %" a' vs COMELEC ;n <ovember =, "212 >+qual )rotection? @ +ligibility to ;ffice after -eing =% Cu.lao 6as t+e * /overnor o* >ueva (i=caya3 9e +as retired *ro. +is o**ice and +e +as 0een receivin/ retire.ent 0ene*its t+ere*ro.3 9e *iled *or reelection to t+e sa.e o**ice *or t+e 1 "I local elections3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, <P H5 6as passed (par 1 t+ereo*) providin/ disquali*ication *or t+e li@es o* Cu.lao3 Cu.lao assailed t+e <P averrin/ t+at it is class le/islation +ence unconstitutional3 9is petition 6as 1oined 0y 'tty3 )/ot and Salapantan ;r3 T+ese t6o +o6ever +ave di**erent issues3 T+e suits o* )/ot and Salapantan are .ore o* a taxpayer 7s suit assailin/ t+e ot+er provisions o* <P H5 re/ardin/ t+e ter. o* o**ice o* t+e elected o**icials, t+e len/t+ o* t+e ca.pai/n and t+e provision 0arrin/ persons c+ar/ed *or .ay not run *or pu0lic o**ice and t+at t+e *ilin/ o* co.plaints a/ainst t+e. and a*ter preli.inary investi/ation 6ould already disquali*y t+e. *ro. o**ice3 )n /eneral, Cu.lao invo@ed equal protection in t+e eye o* t+e la63 ISS,E# 8+et+er or not t+e t+ere is cause o* action3

&ELD# T+e S, pointed out t+e procedural lapses o* t+is case *or t+is case 6ould never +ave 0een .er/ed3 Cu.lao7s cause is di**erent *ro. )/ot7s3 T+ey +ave separate issues3 #urt+er, t+is case does not .eet all t+e requisites so t+at it7d 0e eli/i0le *or 1udicial revie63 T+ere are standards t+at +ave to 0e *ollo6ed in t+e exercise o* t+e *unction o* 1udicial revie6, na.ely$ (1) t+e existence o* an appropriate caseG (5) an interest personal and su0stantial 0y t+e party raisin/ t+e constitutional questionG (J) t+e plea t+at t+e *unction 0e exercised at t+e earliest opportunityG and (&) t+e necessity t+at t+e constitutional question 0e passed upon in order to decide t+e case3 )n t+is case, only t+e J r d requisite 6as .et3 T+e S, ruled +o6ever t+at t+e provision 0arrin/ persons c+ar/ed *or .ay not run *or pu0lic o**ice and t+at t+e *ilin/ o* co.plaints a/ainst t+e. and a*ter preli.inary investi/ation 6ould already disquali*y t+e. *ro. o**ice as null and void3 T+e assertion t+at Sec & o* <P H5 is contrary to t+e sa*e/uard o* equal protection is neit+er 6ell ta@en3 T+e constitutional /uarantee o* equal protection o* t+e la6s is su01ect to rational classi*ication3 )* t+e /roupin/s are 0ased on reasona0le and real di**erentiations, one class can 0e treated and re/ulated di**erently *ro. anot+er class3 #or purposes o* pu0lic service, e.ployees !H years o* a/e, +ave 0een validly classi*ied di**erently *ro. youn/er e.ployees3 E.ployees attainin/ t+at a/e are su01ect to co.pulsory retire.ent, 6+ile t+ose o* youn/er a/es are not so co.pulsorily retira0le3 )n respect o* election to provincial, city, or .unicipal positions, to require t+at candidates s+ould not 0e .ore t+an !H years o* a/e at t+e ti.e t+ey assu.e o**ice, i* applica0le to everyone, .i/+t or .i/+t not 0e a reasona0le classi*ication alt+ou/+, as t+e Solicitor General +as inti.ated, a /ood policy o* t+e la6 s+ould 0e to pro.ote t+e o* youn/er 0lood in our political elective ec+elons3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, it .i/+t 0e t+at persons .ore t+an !H years old .ay also 0e /ood elective local o**icials3 Retire.ent *ro. /overn.ent service .ay or .ay not 0e a reasona0le disquali*ication *or elective local o**icials3 #or one t+in/, t+ere can also 0e retirees *ro. /overn.ent service at a/es, say 0elo6 !H3 )t .ay neit+er 0e reasona0le to disquali*y retirees, a/ed !H, *or a !H2year old retiree could 0e a /ood local o**icial 1ust li@e one, a/ed !H, 6+o is not a retiree3 <ut, in t+e case o* a !H2year old elective local o**icial (Cu.alo), 6+o +as retired *ro. a provincial, city or .unicipal o**ice, t+ere is reason to disquali*y +i. *ro. runnin/ *or t+e sa.e o**ice *ro. 6+ic+ +e +ad retired, as provided *or in t+e c+allen/ed provision3

E-r*'% vs. S%-a"% E'%c"ora' Tr*.$-a' #acts$ ?n ;anuary 5I, 1 H, Sen3 'quilino Pi.entel *iled 6it+ t+e Senate Electoral Tri0unal (SET) an election protest a/ainst Sen3 ;uan Ponce Enrile and ot+er senatorial candidates 6+o 6on in t+e May 1 H senatorial elections3 ?n ;une JI, 1 H, t+e petitioner, Sen3 Enrile, *iled +is ans6er in counter2protest3 )ssues +avin/ 1oined, t+e SET required t+e parties to t+e list o* pilot precincts nu.0er not .ore t+an 5HN o* t+e total precints involved3

?n 'u/3 51, 1 %, SET +eld a press con*erence at t+e Supre.e ,ourt Session 9all announcin/ t+e partial and tentative results o* t+e revision o* 0allots in t+e pilot precincts 6it+out resolvin/ t+e protest3 )n t+e ta0ulation presented, t+e petitioner 7s na.e dropped to t+e 1H t + position in t+e senatorial race3 ?n Septe.0er 5&, 1 %, petitioner *iled a Motion to Set 'side Partial Results in Sen3 Pi.entel7s Protest and to ,onduct 'not+er 'ppreciation o* <allots in t+e Presence o* 'll Parties3 Respondent and Sen3 ,oseten/ *iled separate co..ents alle/in/ petitioner 7s .otion is pre.ature considerin/ t+e SET +as not resolved respondent7s election protest3 >evert+eless, t+e SET denied petitioner 7s .otion +oldin/ no su**icient 0asis to discard t+e partial ta0ulation3 T+e SET also denied petitioner 7s .otion *or reconsideration3 ' petition *or ,ertiorari assailed *or +avin/ 0een issued 6it+ /rave a0use o* discretion t+e resolution t+at denied petitioner 7s Motion to 'nnulKSet 'side Partial Results in Pi.entel7s Protest and to ,onduct anot+er 'ppreciation o* <allots in t+e Presence o* 'll Parties3

)ssue$ 8+et+er or not t+ere is still use*ul purpose t+at can serve in passin/ upon .erits o* said petition3

9eld$ T+e ,ourt *inds t+e petition .oot and acade.ic3 T+e tenure o* t+e contested senatorial position su01ect to respondent7s protest expired on ;une JI, 1 "3 T+e case 0eca.e .oot considerin/ t+ere is no .ore actual controversy 0et6een t+e parties and +as no use*ul purpose t+at can serve in passin/ upon any .erit3 8+ere issues +ave 0eco.e .oot and acade.ic, 1usticia0le controversies are lost, t+ere0y renderin/ t+e resolution o* no practical use or value3 T+e petition is dis.issed3

Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines S,)REME CO,RT Manila E> <'>, G.R. No. 1/02/1 Nov%+.%r 10 2003


4ORLD 4AR II 5ETERANS LEGIONARIES OF T&E )&ILI))INES INC. petitioner2in2 intervention, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES RE)RESENTED 16 S)EA3ER 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA T&E SENATE RE)RESENTED 16 SENATE )RESIDENT FRAN3LIN M. DRILON RE)RESENTATI5E GIL1ERTO C. TEODORO 2R. AND RE)RESENTATI5E FELI7 4ILLIAM 1. F,ENTE1ELLA respondents3 2AIME N. SORIANO respondent2in2)ntervention, SENATOR A8,ILINO 8. )IMENTEL respondent2in2intervention3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/02/2 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 SEDFRE6 M. CANDELARIA CARLOS ). MEDINA 2R. AND &ENEDINA RA9ON-A1AD petitioners, ATT6S. ROM,LO 1. MACALINTAL AND )ETE 8,IRINO 8,ADRA petitioners2in2 intervention, 4ORLD 4AR II 5ETERANS LEGIONARIES OF T&E )&ILI))INES INC. petitioner2in2 intervention, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES T&RO,G& T&E S)EA3ER OR ACTING S)EA3ER OR )RESIDING OFFICER S)EA3ER 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA RE)RESENTATI5E GIL1ERTO G. TEODORO 2R. RE)RESENTA-TI5E FELI7 4ILLIAM 1. F,ENTE1ELLA T&E SENATE OF T&E )&ILI))INES T&RO,G& ITS )RESIDENT SENATE )RESIDENT FRAN3LIN M. DRILON respondents, 2AIME N. SORIANO respondent2in2intervention, SENATOR A8,ILINO 8. )IMENTEL respondent2in2intervention3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/02/3 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 ART,RO M. DE CASTRO AND SOLEDAD M. CAGAM)ANG petitioners, 4ORLD 4AR II 5ETERANS LEGIONARIES OF T&E )&ILI))INES INC. petitioners2in2 intervention, vs3 FRAN3LIN M. DRILON IN &IS CA)ACIT6 AS SENATE )RESIDENT AND 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA 2R. IN &IS CA)ACIT6 AS S)EA3ER OF T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES respondents, 2AIME N. SORIANO respondent2in2intervention, SENATOR A8,ILINO 8. )IMENTEL respondent2in2intervention3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/0277 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 FRANCISCO I. C&A5E9 petitioner,



&ON. S)EA3ER 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA ALL MEM1ERS &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES &ON. SENATE )RESIDENT FRAN3LIN M. DRILON AND ALL MEM1ERS )&ILI))INE SENATE respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/03<2 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 ATT6. FERNANDO ).R. )ERITO IN &IS CA)ACIT6 AS A MEM1ER OF T&E INTEGRATED 1AR OF T&E )&ILI))INES MANILA III AND ENGR. MA7IMO N. MENE9 2R. IN &IS CA)ACIT6 AS A TA7)A6ER AND MEM1ER OF T&E ENGINEERING )ROFESSION petitioners, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTA-TI5ES RE)RESENTED 16 T&E ;3 &ONORA1LE MEM1ERS OF T&E &O,SE LED 16 &ON. RE)RESENTATI5E 4ILLIAM F,ENTE1ELLA respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/03<3 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 INTEGRATED 1AR OF T&E )&ILI))INES petitioner, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTA-TI5ES T&RO,G& T&E S)EA3ER OR ACTING S)EA3ER OR )RESIDING OFFICER S)EA3ER 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA RE)RESENTATI5E GIL1ERTO G. TEODORO 2R. RE)RESENTATI5E FELI7 4ILLIAM 1. F,ENTE1ELLA T&E SENATE OF T&E )&ILI))INES T&RO,G& ITS )RESIDENT SENATE )RESIDENT FRAN3LIN M. DRILON respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/03/0 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 CLARO 1. FLORES petitioner, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES T&RO,G& T&E S)EA3ER AND T&E SENATE OF T&E )&ILI))INES T&RO,G& T&E SENATE )RESIDENT respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/03/5 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 ,.). LA4 AL,MNI CE1, FO,NDATION INC. GOERING G.C. )ADERANGA DANILO 5. ORTI9 GLORIA C. ESTEN9O-RAMOS LI9A D. CORRO L,IS 5. DIORES SR. 1EN2AMIN S. RALLON ROLANDO ). NONATO DANTE T. RAMOS ELSA R. DI5INAGRACIA 3AREN 1. CA)ARROS-AR8,ILLANO S6L5A G. AG,IRRE-)ADERANGA FOR T&EMSEL5ES AND IN 1E&ALF OF OT&ER CITI9ENS OF T&E RE),1LIC OF T&E )&ILI))INES petitioners, vs3

T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTA-TI5ES S)EA3ER 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA T&E SENATE OF T&E )&ILI))INES SENATE )RESIDENT FRAN3LIN DRILON &O,SE RE)RESENTATI5ES FELI7 F,ENTE1ELLA AND GIL1ERTO TEODORO 16 T&EMSEL5ES AND AS RE)RESENTATI5ES OF T&E GRO,) OF MORE T&AN ;0 &O,SE RE)RESENTATI5ES 4&O SIGNED AND FILED T&E IM)EAC&MENT COM)LAINT AGAINST S,)REME CO,RT C&IEF 2,STICE &ILARIO G. DA5IDE 2R. respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/0370 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 FR. RAN&ILIO CALLANGAN A8,INO petitioner, vs3 T&E &ONORA1LE )RESIDENT OF T&E SENATE T&E &ONORA1LE S)EA3ER OF T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/037/ Nov%+.%r 10 2003 NILO A. MALAN6AON petitioner, vs3 &ON. FELI7 4ILLIAM F,ENTE1ELLA AND GIL1ERT TEODORO IN RE)RESENTATION OF T&E ;/ SIGNATORIES OF T&E ARTICLES OF IM)EAC&MENT AGAINST C&IEF 2,STICE &ILARIO G. DA5IDE 2R. AND T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES CONGRESS OF T&E )&ILI))INES RE)RESENTED 16 ITS S)EA3ER &ON. 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/0392 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 5ENICIO S. FLORES AND &ECTOR L. &OFILE:A petitioners, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES T&RO,G& S)EA3ER 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA AND T&E SENATE OF T&E )&ILI))INES T&RO,G& SENATE )RESIDENT FRAN3LIN DRILON respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/0397 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 IN T&E MATTER OF T&E IM)EAC&MENT COM)LAINT AGAINST C&IEF 2,STICE &ILARIO G. DA5IDE 2R. ATT6. DIOSCORO ,. 5ALLE2OS 2R. petitioner3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/0<03 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 )&ILI))INE 1AR ASSOCIATION petitioner, vs3

T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTATI5ES T&RO,G& T&E S)EA3ER OR )RESIDING OFFICER &ON. 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA RE)RESENTATI5E GIL1ERTO G. TEODORO 2R. RE)RESENTATI5E FELI7 4ILLIAM 1. F,ENTE1ELA T&E SENATE OF T&E )&ILI))INES T&RO,G& SENATE )RESIDENT &ON. FRAN3LIN DRILON respondents3 x222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222x G.R. No. 1/0<05 Nov%+.%r 10 2003 DEMOCRITO C. 1ARCENAS )RESIDENT OF I1) CE1, CIT6 C&A)TER MAN,EL M. MON9ON )RESIDING OF I1) CE1, )RO5INCE 5ICTOR A. MAAM1ONG )RO5INCIAL 1OARD MEM1ER ADELINO 1. SITO6 DEAN OF T&E COLLEG EOF LA4 ,NI5ERSIT6 OF CE1, 6O,NG LA46ERS ASSOCAITION OF CE1, INC. =6LAC> RE)RSEENTED 16 ATT6. MAN,EL LEGAS)I CONFEDERATION OF ACCREDITED MEDIATORS OF T&E )&ILI))INES INC. =CAM) INC> RE)RESENTED 16 RODERIC R. )OCA MANDA,E LA46ERS ASSOCIATION =MANLA4> RE)RESENTED 16 FELI)E 5ELAS8,E9 FEDERACION INTERNACIONAL DE A1OGADAS =FIDA> RE)RESENTED 16 T&ELMA L. 2ORDAN CARLOS G. CO )RESIENT OF CE1, C&AM1ER OF COMMERCE AND IND,STR6 AND CE1, LAD6 LA46ERS ASSOCIATION INC. =CELLA INC.> MARI1ELLE NA5ARRO AND 1ERNARDITO FLORIDO )AST )RESIDENT CE1, C&AM1ER OF COMMERCE AND INTEGRATED 1AR OF T&E )&ILI))INES CE1, C&A)TER petitioners, vs3 T&E &O,SE OF RE)RESENTA-TI5ES RE)RESENTED 16 RE). 2OSE G. DE 5ENECIA AS &O,SE S)EA3ER AND T&E SENATE RE)RESENTED 16 SENATOR FRAN3LIN DRILON AS SENATE )RESIDENT respondents3 CAR)IO MORALES J. # T+ere can 0e no constitutional crisis arisin/ *ro. a con*lict, no .atter +o6 passionate and irreconcila0le it .ay appear to 0e, over t+e deter.ination 0y t+e independent 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent o* t+e nature, scope and extent o* t+eir respective constitutional po6ers 6+ere t+e ,onstitution itsel* provides *or t+e .eans and 0ases *or its resolution3 ?ur nationDs +istory is replete 6it+ vivid illustrations o* t+e o*ten *rictional, at tur0ulent, dyna.ics o* t+e relations+ip a.on/ t+ese co2equal 0ranc+es3 T+is ,ourt is con*ronted 6it+ one suc+ today involvin/ t+e le/islature and t+e 1udiciary 6+ic+ +as dra6n le/al lu.inaries to c+art antipodal courses and not a *e6 o* our country.en to vent cacop+onous senti.ents t+ereon3 T+ere .ay indeed 0e so.e le/iti.acy to t+e c+aracteri=ation t+at t+e present controversy su01ect o* t+e instant petitions 6+et+er t+e *ilin/ o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide, ;r3 6it+ t+e 9ouse o* Representatives *alls 6it+in t+e one year 0ar provided in t+e ,onstitution, and 6+et+er t+e resolution t+ereo* is a political question +as resulted in a political crisis3 Per+aps even .ore trut+ to t+e vie6 t+at it 6as 0rou/+t upon 0y a political crisis o* conscience3 )n any event, it is 6it+ t+e a0solute certainty t+at our ,onstitution is su**icient to address all t+e

issues 6+ic+ t+is controversy spa6ns t+at t+is ,ourt unequivocally pronounces, at t+e *irst instance, t+at t+e *eared resort to extra2constitutional .et+ods o* resolvin/ it is neit+er necessary nor le/ally per.issi0le3 <ot+ its resolution and protection o* t+e pu0lic interest lie in ad+erence to, not departure *ro., t+e ,onstitution3 )n passin/ over t+e co.plex issues arisin/ *ro. t+e controversy, t+is ,ourt is ever .ind*ul o* t+e essential trut+ t+at t+e inviolate doctrine o* separation o* po6ers a.on/ t+e le/islative, executive or 1udicial 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent 0y no .eans prescri0es *or a0solute autono.y in t+e disc+ar/e 0y eac+ o* t+at part o* t+e /overn.ental po6er assi/ned to it 0y t+e soverei/n people3 't t+e sa.e ti.e, t+e corollary doctrine o* c+ec@s and 0alances 6+ic+ +as 0een care*ully cali0rated 0y t+e ,onstitution to te.per t+e o**icial acts o* eac+ o* t+ese t+ree 0ranc+es .ust 0e /iven e**ect 6it+out destroyin/ t+eir indispensa0le co2equality3 Ta@en to/et+er, t+ese t6o *unda.ental doctrines o* repu0lican /overn.ent, intended as t+ey are to insure t+at /overn.ental po6er is 6ielded only *or t+e /ood o* t+e people, .andate a relations+ip o* interdependence and coordination a.on/ t+ese 0ranc+es 6+ere t+e delicate *unctions o* enactin/, interpretin/ and en*orcin/ la6s are +ar.oni=ed to ac+ieve a unity o* /overnance, /uided only 0y 6+at is in t+e /reater interest and 6ell20ein/ o* t+e people3 (erily, salus populi est suprema lex. 'rticle A) o* our present 1 "% ,onstitution provides$ ARTICLE 7I Acco$-"a.*'*"? o@ )$.'*c O@@*c%rs SE,T)?> 13 Pu0lic o**ice is a pu0lic trust3 Pu0lic o**icers and e.ployees .ust at all 0e accounta0le to t+e people, serve t+e. 6it+ ut.ost responsi0ility, inte/rity, loyalty, and e**iciency, act 6it+ patriotis. and 1ustice, and lead .odest lives3 SE,T)?> 53 T+e President, t+e (ice2President, t+e Me.0ers o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt, t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..issions, and t+e ? .ay 0e re.oved *ro. o**ice, on i.peac+.ent *or, and conviction o*, culpa0le violation o* t+e ,onstitution, treason, 0ri0ery, /ra*t and corruption, ot+er +i/+, or 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust3 'll ot+er pu0lic o**icers and e.ployees .ay 0e re.oved *ro. o**ice as provided 0y la6, 0ut not 0y i.peac+.ent3 SE,T)?> J3 (1) T+e 9ouse o* Representatives s+all +ave t+e %Ac'$s*v% po6er to *-*"*a"% all cases o* i.peac+.ent3 (5) ' veri*ied co.plaint *or i.peac+.ent .ay 0e *iled 0y any Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives or 0y any citi=en upon a resolution o* endorse.ent 0y any Me.0er t+ereo*, 6+ic+ s+all 0e included in t+e ?rder o* <usiness 6it+in ten session days, and re*erred to t+e proper ,o..ittee 6it+in t+ree session days t+erea*ter3 T+e ,o..ittee, a*ter +earin/, and 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, s+all its report to t+e 9ouse 6it+in sixty session days *ro. suc+ re*erral, to/et+er 6it+ t+e correspondin/ resolution3 T+e resolution s+all 0e calendared *or consideration 0y t+e 9ouse 6it+in ten session days *ro. receipt t+ereo*3 (J) ' vote o* at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse s+all 0e necessary eit+er to a**ir. a *avora0le resolution 6it+ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent o* t+e ,o..ittee, or override its contrary

resolution3 T+e vote o* eac+ Me.0er s+all 0e recorded3 (&) )n case t+e veri*ied co.plaint or resolution o* i.peac+.ent is *iled 0y at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse, t+e sa.e s+all constitute t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent, and trial 0y t+e Senate s+all *ort+6it+ proceed3 (H) No i.peac+.ent proceedin/s sha'' 0e *-*"*a"%( a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in a period o* one year3 (!) T+e Senate s+all +ave t+e so'% po6er to try and decide all cases o* i.peac+.ent3 8+en sittin/ *or t+at purpose, t+e Senators s+all 0e on oat+ or a**ir.ation3 8+en t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines is on trial, t+e ,+ie* ;ustice o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt s+all preside, 0ut s+all not vote3 >o person s+all 0e convicted 6it+out t+e concurrence o* t6o2t+irds o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e Senate3 (%) ;ud/.ent in cases o* i.peac+.ent s+all not extend *urt+er t+an re.oval *ro. o**ice and disquali*ication to +old any o**ice under t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines, 0ut t+e party convicted s+all nevert+eless 0e lia0le and su01ect to prosecution, trial, and punis+.ent accordin/ to la63 (") T+e ,on/ress s+all pro.ul/ate its rules on i.peac+.ent "o %@@%c"*v%'? carr? o$" "h% B$rBos% o@ "h*s s%c"*o- 3 (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) #ollo6in/ t+e a0ove2quoted Section " o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution, t+e 15t+ ,on/ress o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives adopted and approved t+e Rules o* Procedure in ).peac+.ent Proceedin/s (9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules) on >ove.0er 5", 5II1, supersedin/ t+e previous 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules 1 approved 0y t+e 11t+ ,on/ress3 T+e r%'%va-" distinctions 0et6een t+ese t6o ,on/ressesD 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules are s+o6n in t+e *ollo6in/ ta0ulation$ 11T& CONGRESS R,LES 12T& CONGRESS R,LES R,LE 5 NE4


1AR AGAINST INITIATION OF IM)EAC&MENT S%c"*o- 2. Mode of Initiating )ROCEEDINGS AGAINST Impeachment. ).peac+.ent T&E SAME OFFICIAL s+all 0e initiated only 0y a veri*ied co.plaint *or S%c"*o- 1/. C Impeachment i.peac+.ent *iled 0y any Proceedings Deemed Initiated. Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* )n cases 6+ere a Me.0er o* Representatives or 0y any citi=en t+e 9ouse *iles a veri*ied upon a resolution o* endorse.ent co.plaint o* i.peac+.ent or a 0y any Me.0er t+ereo* or 0y a citi=en *iles a veri*ied veri*ied co.plaint or resolution co.plaint t+at is endorsed 0y a o* i.peac+.ent *iled 0y at least Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse t+rou/+ a one2t+ird (1KJ) o* all t+e resolution o* endorse.ent Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse3 a/ainst an i.peac+a0le o**icer,

i.peac+.ent proceedin/s a/ainst suc+ o**icial are dee.ed initiated on t+e day t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice *inds t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint andKor resolution a/ainst suc+ o**icial, as t+e case .ay 0e, is su**icient in su0stance, or on t+e date t+e 9ouse votes to overturn or a**ir. t+e *indin/ o* t+e said ,o..ittee t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint andKor resolution, as t+e case .ay 0e, is not su**icient in su0stance3 )n cases 6+ere a veri*ied co.plaint or a resolution o* i.peac+.ent is *iled or endorsed, as t+e case .ay 0e, 0y at least one2t+ird (1KJ) o* t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse, *+B%ach+%-" Broc%%(*-Ds ar% (%%+%( *-*"*a"%( a" "h% "*+% o@ "h% @*'*-D o@ s$ch v%r*@*%( co+B'a*-" or r%so'$"*o- o@ *+B%ach+%-" E*"h "h% S%cr%"ar? G%-%ra'.


S%c"*o- 1<. Scope of Bar. >o i.peac+.ent proceedin/s s+all 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in t+e period o* one (1) year3

S%c"*o17. Bar Against Initiation Of Impeachment Proceedings. 8it+in a period o* one (1) year *ro. t+e date i.peac+.ent proceedin/s are dee.ed initiated as provided in Section 1! +ereo*, no i.peac+.ent proceedin/s, as suc+, can 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial3 ()talics in t+e ori/inalG e.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied)

?n ;uly 55, 5II5, t+e 9ouse o* Representatives adopted a Resolution, 5 sponsored 0y Representative #elix 8illia. C3 #uente0ella, 6+ic+ directed t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice Bto conduct an investi/ation,

in aid o* le/islation, on t+e .anner o* dis0urse.ents and expenditures 0y t+e ,+ie* ;ustice o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt o* t+e ;udiciary Cevelop.ent #und (;C#)3B J ?n ;une 5, 5IIJ, * President ;osep+ E3 Estrada *iled an i.peac+.ent co.plaint & (*irst i.peac+.ent co.plaint) a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide ;r3 and seven 'ssociate ;ustices H o* t+is ,ourt *or Bculpa0le violation o* t+e ,onstitution, 0etrayal o* t+e pu0lic trust and ot+er +i/+ cri.es3B ! T+e co.plaint 6as endorsed 0y Representatives Rolex T3 Suplico, Ronaldo <3 Oa.ora and Cida/en Pian/ Cilan/alen, % and 6as re*erred to t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice on 'u/ust H, 5IIJ " in accordance 6it+ Section J(5) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution 6+ic+ reads$ Section J(5) ' veri*ied co.plaint *or i.peac+.ent .ay 0e *iled 0y any Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives or 0y any citi=en upon a resolution o* endorse.ent 0y any Me.0er t+ereo*, 6+ic+ s+all 0e included in t+e ?rder o* <usiness 6it+in ten session days, and re*erred to t+e proper ,o..ittee 6it+in t+ree session days t+erea*ter3 T+e ,o..ittee, a*ter +earin/, and 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, s+all its report to t+e 9ouse 6it+in sixty session days *ro. suc+ re*erral, to/et+er 6it+ t+e correspondin/ resolution3 T+e resolution s+all 0e calendared *or consideration 0y t+e 9ouse 6it+in ten session days *ro. receipt t+ereo*3 T+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice ruled on ?cto0er 1J, 5IIJ t+at t+e *irst i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as Bsu**icient in *or.,B 0ut voted to dis.iss t+e sa.e on ?cto0er 55, 5IIJ *or 0ein/ insu**icient in su0stance3 1 I To date, t+e ,o..ittee Report to t+is e**ect +as not yet 0een sent to t+e 9ouse in plenary in accordance 6it+ t+e said Section J(5) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3 #our .ont+s and t+ree 6ee@s since t+e *ilin/ on ;une 5, 5IIJ o* t+e *irst co.plaint or on ?cto0er 5J, 5IIJ, a day a*ter t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice voted to dis.iss it, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 11 6as *iled 6it+ t+e Secretary General o* t+e 9ouse 1 5 0y Representatives Gil0erto ,3 Teodoro, ;r3 (#irst Cistrict, Tarlac) and #elix 8illia. <3 #uente0ella (T+ird Cistrict, ,a.arines Sur) a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide, ;r3, *ounded on t+e alle/ed results o* t+e le/islative inquiry initiated 0y a0ove2.entioned 9ouse Resolution3 T+is second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as acco.panied 0y a BResolution o* Endorse.entK).peac+.entB si/ned 0y at least one2t+ird (1KJ) o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 1 J T+us arose t+e instant petitions a/ainst t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, et. al., .ost o* 6+ic+ petitions contend t+at t+e *ilin/ o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint is unconstitutional as it violates t+e provision o* Section H o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution t+at BLnMo i.peac+.ent proceedin/s s+all 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in a period o* one year3B )n G.R. No. 1/02/1 , petitioner 'tty3 Ernesto <3 #rancisco, ;r3, alle/in/ t+at +e +as a duty as a .e.0er o* t+e )nte/rated <ar o* t+e P+ilippines to use all availa0le le/al re.edies to stop an unconstitutional i.peac+.ent, t+at t+e issues raised in +is petition *or ,ertiorari, Pro+i0ition and are o* transcendental i.portance, and t+at +e B+i.sel* 6as a victi. o* t+e capricious and ar0itrary c+an/es in t+e Rules o* Procedure in ).peac+.ent Proceedin/s introduced 0y t+e 15t+ ,on/ress,B 1 & posits t+at +is ri/+t to 0rin/ an i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst t+en ? 'niano Cesierto +ad 0een violated due to t+e capricious and ar0itrary c+an/es in t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules adopted and approved on >ove.0er 5", 5II1 0y t+e 9ouse o* Representatives and prays t+at (1) Rule (, Sections 1! and 1% and Rule ))), Sections H, !, %, ", and t+ereo* 0e

declared unconstitutionalG (5) t+is ,ourt issue a 6rit o* directin/ respondents 9ouse o* Representatives et. al. to co.ply 6it+ 'rticle )A, Section J (5), (J) and (H) o* t+e ,onstitution, to return t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint andKor stri@e it o** t+e records o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, and to pro.ul/ate rules 6+ic+ are consistent 6it+ t+e ,onstitutionG and (J) t+is ,ourt per.anently en1oin respondent 9ouse o* Representatives *ro. proceedin/ 6it+ t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 )n G.R. No. 1/02/2 , petitioners Sed*rey M3 ,andelaria, et. al., as citi=ens and taxpayers, alle/in/ t+at t+e issues o* t+e case are o* transcendental i.portance, pray, in t+eir petition *or ,ertiorariKPro+i0ition, t+e issuance o* a 6rit BperpetuallyB pro+i0itin/ respondent 9ouse o* Representatives *ro. *ilin/ any 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice 6it+ t+e SenateG and *or t+e issuance o* a 6rit BperpetuallyB pro+i0itin/ respondents Senate and Senate President #ran@lin Crilon *ro. acceptin/ any 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice or, in t+e event t+at t+e Senate +as accepted t+e sa.e, *ro. proceedin/ 6it+ t+e i.peac+.ent trial3 )n G.R. No. 1/02/3 , petitioners 'rturo M3 de ,astro and Soledad ,a/a.pan/, as citi=ens, taxpayers, la6yers and .e.0ers o* t+e )nte/rated <ar o* t+e P+ilippines, alle/in/ t+at t+eir petition *or Pro+i0ition involves pu0lic interest as it involves t+e use o* pu0lic *unds necessary to conduct t+e i.peac+.ent trial on t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint, pray *or t+e issuance o* a 6rit o* pro+i0ition en1oinin/ ,on/ress *ro. conductin/ *urt+er proceedin/s on said second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 )n G.R. No. 1/0277 , petitioner #rancisco )3 ,+ave=, alle/in/ t+at t+is ,ourt +as reco/ni=ed t+at +e +as locus standi to 0rin/ petitions o* t+is nature in t+e cases o* &havez v. )&00 1 H and &havez v. )+.'.mari &oastal -ay Aevelopment &orporation , 1 ! prays in +is petition *or )n1unction t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 0e declared unconstitutional3 )n G.R. No. 1/0292 , petitioners 'tty3 9arry L3 Roque, et. al., as taxpayers and .e.0ers o* t+e le/al pro*ession, pray in t+eir petition *or Pro+i0ition *or an order pro+i0itin/ respondent 9ouse o* Representatives *ro. dra*tin/, adoptin/, approvin/ and trans.ittin/ to t+e Senate t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint, and respondents Ce (enecia and >a=areno *ro. trans.ittin/ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent to t+e Senate3 )n G.R. No. 1/0295 petitioners Representatives Salacni0 #3 <aterina and Ceputy Spea@er Raul M3 Gon=ale=, alle/in/ t+at, as .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, t+ey +ave a le/al interest in ensurin/ t+at only constitutional i.peac+.ent proceedin/s are initiated, pray in t+eir petition *or ,ertiorariKPro+i0ition t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint and any act proceedin/ t+ere*ro. 0e declared null and void3 )n G.R. No. 1/0310 petitioners Leonilo R3 'l*onso et al., t+at t+ey +ave a ri/+t to 0e protected a/ainst all *or.s o* senseless spendin/ o* taxpayersD .oney and t+at t+ey +ave an o0li/ation to protect t+e Supre.e ,ourt, t+e ,+ie* ;ustice, and t+e inte/rity o* t+e ;udiciary, alle/e in t+eir petition *or ,ertiorari and Pro+i0ition t+at it is instituted as Ba class suitB and pray t+at (1) t+e 9ouse Resolution endorsin/ t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint as 6ell as all issuances e.anatin/ t+ere*ro. 0e declared null and voidG and (5) t+is ,ourt en1oin t+e Senate and t+e Senate President *ro. ta@in/ co/ni=ance o*, +earin/, tryin/ and decidin/ t+e second i.peac+.ent

co.plaint, and issue a 6rit o* pro+i0ition co..andin/ t+e Senate, its prosecutors and a/ents to desist *ro. conductin/ any proceedin/s or to act on t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 )n G.R. No. 1/031; petitioner Pu0lic )nterest ,enter, )nc3, 6+ose .e.0ers are citi=ens and taxpayers, and its co2petitioner ,rispin T3 Reyes, a citi=en, taxpayer and a .e.0er o* t+e P+ilippine <ar, 0ot+ alle/e in t+eir petition, 6+ic+ does not state 6+at its nature is, t+at t+e *ilin/ o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint involves para.ount pu0lic interest and pray t+at Sections 1! and 1% o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules and t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaintK'rticles o* ).peac+.ent 0e declared null and void3 )n G.R. No. 1/03<2 petitioner 'tty3 #ernando P3 R3 Perito, as a citi=en and a .e.0er o* t+e P+ilippine <ar 'ssociation and o* t+e )nte/rated <ar o* t+e P+ilippines, and petitioner En/r3 Maxi.o >3 Mene=, ;r3, as a taxpayer, pray in t+eir petition *or t+e issuance o* a Te.porary Restrainin/ ?rder and Per.anent )n1unction to en1oin t+e 9ouse o* Representatives *ro. proceedin/ 6it+ t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 )n G.R. No. 1/03<3 petitioner )nte/rated <ar o* t+e P+ilippines, alle/in/ t+at it is .andated 0y t+e ,ode o* Pro*essional Responsi0ility to up+old t+e ,onstitution, prays in its petition *or ,ertiorari and Pro+i0ition t+at Sections 1! and 1% o* Rule ( and Sections H, !, %, ", o* Rule ))) o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules 0e declared unconstitutional and t+at t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 0e per.anently en1oined *ro. proceedin/ 6it+ t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 )n G.R. No. 1/03/0 petitioner2taxpayer 'tty3 ,laro #lores prays in +is petition *or ,ertiorari and Pro+i0ition t+at t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules 0e declared unconstitutional3 )n G.R. No. 1/03/5 petitioners E3P3 La6 ' ,e0u #oundation )nc3, et3 al3, in t+eir petition *or Pro+i0ition and )n1unction 6+ic+ t+ey clai. is a class suit *iled in 0e+al* o* all citi=ens, citin/ ;posa v. 3actoran 1 % 6+ic+ 6as *iled in 0e+al* o* succeedin/ /enerations o* #ilipinos, pray *or t+e issuance o* a 6rit pro+i0itin/ respondents 9ouse o* Representatives and t+e Senate *ro. conductin/ *urt+er proceedin/s on t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint and t+at t+is ,ourt declare as unconstitutional t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint and t+e acts o* respondent 9ouse o* Representatives in inter*erin/ 6it+ t+e *iscal .atters o* t+e ;udiciary3 )n G.R. No. 1/0370 petitioner2taxpayer #at+er Ran+ilio ,allan/an 'quino, alle/in/ t+at t+e issues in +is petition *or Pro+i0ition are o* national and transcendental si/ni*icance and t+at as an o**icial o* t+e P+ilippine ;udicial 'cade.y, +e +as a direct and su0stantial interest in t+e un+a.pered operation o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt and its o**icials in disc+ar/in/ t+eir duties in accordance 6it+ t+e ,onstitution, prays *or t+e issuance o* a 6rit pro+i0itin/ t+e 9ouse o* Representatives *ro. trans.ittin/ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent to t+e Senate and t+e Senate *ro. receivin/ t+e sa.e or /ivin/ t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint due course3 )n G.R. No. 1/037/ petitioner >ilo '3 Malanyaon, as a taxpayer, alle/es in +is petition *or Pro+i0ition t+at respondents #uente0ella and Teodoro at t+e ti.e t+ey *iled t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint, 6ere Ba0solutely 6it+out any le/al po6er to do so, as t+ey acted 6it+out 1urisdiction as *ar as t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent assail t+e alle/ed a0use o* po6ers o* t+e ,+ie* ;ustice to dis0urse t+e (;C#)3B

)n G.R. No. 1/0392 petitioners 'ttorneys (enicio S3 #lores and 9ector L3 9o*ileWa, alle/in/ t+at as pro*essors o* la6 t+ey +ave an a0idin/ interest in t+e su01ect .atter o* t+eir petition *or ,ertiorari and Pro+i0ition as it pertains to a constitutional issue B6+ic+ t+ey are tryin/ to inculcate in t+e .inds o* t+eir students,B pray t+at t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 0e en1oined *ro. endorsin/ and t+e Senate *ro. tryin/ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent and t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 0e declared null and void3 )n G.R. No. 1/0397 petitioner 'tty3 Cioscoro (alle1os, ;r3, 6it+out alle/in/ +is locus standi , 0ut alle/in/ t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint is *ounded on t+e issue o* 6+et+er or not t+e ;udicial Cevelop.ent #und (;C#) 6as spent in accordance 6it+ la6 and t+at t+e 9ouse o* Representatives does not +ave exclusive 1urisdiction in t+e exa.ination and audit t+ereo*, prays in +is petition BTo Ceclare ,o.plaint >ull and (oid *or Lac@ o* ,ause o* 'ction and ;urisdictionB t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 0e declared null and void3 )n G.R. No. 1/0<03 petitioner P+ilippine <ar 'ssociation, alle/in/ t+at t+e issues raised in t+e *ilin/ o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint involve .atters o* transcendental i.portance, prays in its petition *or ,ertiorariKPro+i0ition t+at (1) t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint and all proceedin/s arisin/ t+ere*ro. 0e declared null and voidG (5) respondent 9ouse o* Representatives 0e pro+i0ited *ro. trans.ittin/ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent to t+e SenateG and (J) respondent Senate 0e pro+i0ited *ro. acceptin/ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent and *ro. conductin/ any proceedin/s t+ereon3 )n G.R. No. 1/0<05 petitioners Ce.ocrit ,3 <arcenas et. al., as citi=ens and taxpayers, pray in t+eir petition *or ,ertiorariKPro+i0ition t+at (1) t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint as 6ell as t+e resolution o* endorse.ent and i.peac+.ent 0y t+e respondent 9ouse o* Representatives 0e declared null and void and (5) respondents Senate and Senate President #ran@lin Crilon 0e pro+i0ited *ro. acceptin/ any 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice or, in t+e event t+at t+ey +ave accepted t+e sa.e, t+at t+ey 0e pro+i0ited *ro. proceedin/ 6it+ t+e i.peac+.ent trial3 Petitions 0earin/ doc@et nu.0ers G3R3 >os3 1!I5!1, 1!I5!5 and 1!I5!J, t+e *irst t+ree o* t+e ei/+teen 6+ic+ 6ere *iled 0e*ore t+is ,ourt, 1 " prayed *or t+e issuance o* a Te.porary Restrainin/ ?rder andKor preli.inary in1unction to prevent t+e 9ouse o* Representatives *ro. trans.ittin/ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent arisin/ *ro. t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint to t+e Senate3 Petition 0earin/ doc@et nu.0er G3R3 >o3 1!I5!1 li@e6ise prayed *or t+e declaration o* t+e >ove.0er 5", 5II1 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules as null and void *or 0ein/ unconstitutional3 Petitions 0earin/ doc@et nu.0ers G3R3 >os3 1!I5%%, 1!I5 5 and 1!I5 H, 6+ic+ 6ere *iled on ?cto0er 5", 5IIJ, sou/+t si.ilar relie*3 )n addition, petition 0earin/ doc@et nu.0er G3R3 >o3 1!I5 5 alle/ed t+at 9ouse Resolution >o3 5!I (callin/ *or a le/islative inquiry into t+e ad.inistration 0y t+e ,+ie* ;ustice o* t+e ;C#) in*rin/es on t+e constitutional doctrine o* separation o* po6ers and is a direct violation o* t+e constitutional principle o* *iscal autono.y o* t+e 1udiciary3 ?n ?cto0er 5", 5IIJ, durin/ t+e plenary session o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, a .otion 6as put *ort+ t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 0e * trans.itted to t+e Senate, 0ut it 6as not carried 0ecause t+e 9ouse o* Representatives ad1ourned *or lac@ o* quoru., 1 and as re*lected a0ove, to date, t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent +ave yet to 0e *or6arded to t+e Senate3

<e*ore actin/ on t+e petitions 6it+ prayers *or te.porary restrainin/ order andKor 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction 6+ic+ 6ere *iled on or 0e*ore ?cto0er 5", 5IIJ, ;ustices Puno and (itu/ o**ered to recuse t+e.selves, 0ut t+e ,ourt re1ected t+eir o**er3 ;ustice Pan/ani0an in+i0ited +i.sel*, 0ut t+e ,ourt directed +i. to participate3 8it+out necessarily /ivin/ t+e petitions due course, t+is ,ourt in its Resolution o* ?cto0er 5", 5IIJ, resolved to (a) consolidate t+e petitionsG (0) require respondent 9ouse o* Representatives and t+e Senate, as 6ell as t+e Solicitor General, to co..ent on t+e petitions not later t+an &$JI p3.3 o* >ove.0er J, 5IIJG (c) set t+e petitions *or oral ar/u.ents on >ove.0er H, 5IIJ, at 1I$II a3.3G and (d) appointed distin/uis+ed le/al experts as amici curiae. 5 I )n addition, t+is ,ourt called on petitioners and respondents to .aintain t+e status quo, en1oinin/ all t+e parties and ot+ers actin/ *or and in t+eir 0e+al* to re*rain *ro. co..ittin/ acts t+at 6ould render t+e petitions .oot3 'lso on ?cto0er 5", 5IIJ, 6+en respondent 9ouse o* Representatives t+rou/+ Spea@er ;ose ,3 Ce (enecia, ;r3 andKor its co2respondents, 0y 6ay o* special appearance, su0.itted a Mani*estation assertin/ t+at t+is ,ourt +as no 1urisdiction to +ear, .uc+ less pro+i0it or en1oin t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, 6+ic+ is an independent and co2equal 0ranc+ o* /overn.ent under t+e ,onstitution, *ro. t+e per*or.ance o* its constitutionally .andated duty to initiate i.peac+.ent cases3 ?n even date, Senator 'quilino P3 Pi.entel, ;r3, in +is o6n 0e+al*, *iled a Motion to )ntervene ( +x .budante &autela ) 5 1 and ,o..ent, prayin/ t+at Bt+e consolidated petitions 0e dis.issed *or lac@ o* 1urisdiction o* t+e ,ourt over t+e issues a**ectin/ t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s and t+at t+e sole po6er, aut+ority and 1urisdiction o* t+e Senate as t+e i.peac+.ent court to try and decide i.peac+.ent cases, includin/ t+e one 6+ere t+e ,+ie* ;ustice is t+e respondent, 0e reco/ni=ed and up+eld pursuant to t+e provisions o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3B 5 5 'ctin/ on t+e ot+er petitions 6+ic+ 6ere su0sequently *iled, t+is ,ourt resolved to (a) consolidate t+e. 6it+ t+e earlier consolidated petitionsG (0) require respondents to *ile t+eir co..ent not later t+an &$JI p3.3 o* >ove.0er J, 5IIJG and (c) include t+e. *or oral ar/u.ents on >ove.0er H, 5IIJ3 ?n ?cto0er 5 , 5IIJ, t+e Senate o* t+e P+ilippines, t+rou/+ Senate President #ran@lin M3 Crilon, *iled a Mani*estation statin/ t+at inso*ar as it is concerned, t+e petitions are plainly pre.ature and +ave no 0asis in la6 or in *act, addin/ t+at as o* t+e ti.e o* t+e *ilin/ o* t+e petitions, no 1usticia0le issue 6as presented 0e*ore it since (1) its constitutional duty to constitute itsel* as an i.peac+.ent court co..ences only upon its receipt o* t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent, 6+ic+ it +ad not, and (5) t+e principal issues raised 0y t+e petitions pertain exclusively to t+e proceedin/s in t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 ?n ?cto0er JI, 5IIJ, 'tty3 ;ai.e Soriano *iled a BPetition *or Leave to )nterveneB in G3R3 >os3 1!I5!1, 1!I5!5, 1!I5!J, 1!I5%%, 1!I5 5, and 1!I5 H, questionin/ t+e status quo Resolution issued 0y t+is ,ourt on ?cto0er 5", 5IIJ on t+e /round t+at it 6ould unnecessarily put ,on/ress and t+is ,ourt in a Bconstitutional deadloc@B and prayin/ *or t+e dis.issal o* all t+e petitions as t+e .atter in question is not yet ripe *or 1udicial deter.ination3 ?n >ove.0er J, 5IIJ, 'ttorneys Ro.ulo <3 Macalintal and Pete Puirino Puadra *iled in G3R3 >o3 1!I5!5 a BMotion *or Leave o* ,ourt to )ntervene and to ' t+e 9erein )ncorporated Petition in )ntervention3B

?n >ove.0er &, 5IIJ , <agmamalasa7it na mga 1anananggol ng mga 1anggagawang )ilipino, :nc. *iled a Motion *or )ntervention in G3R3 >o3 1!I5!13 ?n >ove.0er H, 5IIJ, 8orld 8ar )) (eterans Le/ionnaires o* t+e P+ilippines, )nc3 also *iled a BPetition2in2)ntervention 6it+ Leave to )nterveneB in G3R3 >os3 1!I5!1, 1!I5!5, 1!I5!J, 1!I5%%, 1!I5 5, 1!I5 H, and 1!IJ1I3 T+e .otions *or intervention 6ere /ranted and 0ot+ Senator Pi.entelDs ,o..ent and 'ttorneys Macalintal and PuadraDs Petition in )ntervention 6ere ad.itted3 ?n >ove.0er H2!, 5IIJ, t+is ,ourt +eard t+e vie6s o* t+e amici curiae and t+e ar/u.ents o* petitioners, intervenors Senator Pi.entel and 'ttorney Ma@alintal, and Solicitor General 'l*redo <enipayo on t+e principal issues outlined in an 'dvisory issued 0y t+is ,ourt on >ove.0er J, 5IIJ, to 6it$ 8+et+er t+e certiorari 1urisdiction o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt .ay 0e invo@edG 6+o can invo@e itG on 6+at issues and at 6+at ti.eG and 6+et+er it s+ould 0e exercised 0y t+is ,ourt at t+is ti.e3 )n discussin/ t+ese issues, t+e *ollo6in/ .ay 0e ta@en up$ a) locus standi o* petitionersG 0) ripeness(pre.aturityG .ootness)G c) political questionK1usticia0ilityG d) 9ouseDs BexclusiveB po6er to initiate all cases o* i.peac+.entG e) SenateDs BsoleB po6er to try and decide all cases o* i.peac+.entG *) constitutionality o* t+e 9ouse Rules on ).peac+.ent vis'a'vis Section J(H) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitutionG and /) 1udicial restraint ()talics in t+e ori/inal) )n resolvin/ t+e intricate con*lux o* preli.inary and su0stantive issues arisin/ *ro. t+e instant petitions as 6ell as t+e .yriad ar/u.ents and opinions presented *or and a/ainst t+e /rant o* t+e relie*s prayed *or, t+is ,ourt +as si*ted and deter.ined t+e. to 0e as *ollo6s$ (1) t+e t+res+old and novel issue o* 6+et+er or not t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 extends to t+ose arisin/ *ro. i.peac+.ent proceedin/sG (5) 6+et+er or not t+e essential pre2requisites *or t+e exercise o* t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 +ave 0een *ul*illedG and (J) t+e su0stantive issues yet re.ainin/3 T+ese .atters s+all no6 0e discussed in seriatim 3 Judicial Review 's re*lected a0ove, petitioners plead *or t+is ,ourt to exercise t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 to deter.ine t+e validity o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 T+is ,ourtDs po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is con*erred on t+e 1udicial 0ranc+ o* t+e /overn.ent in Section 1, 'rticle ())) o* our present 1 "% ,onstitution$ SE,T)?> 13 T+e 1udicial po6er s+all 0e vested in one Supre.e ,ourt and in suc+ lo6er courts as .ay 0e esta0lis+ed 0y la63

2$(*c*a' BoE%r *-c'$(%s "h% ($"? o* t+e courts o* 1ustice to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le, and "o (%"%r+*-% Eh%"h%r or -o" "h%r% has .%%- a Drav% a.$s% o@ (*scr%"*o- a+o$-"*-D "o 'acF or %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- o- "h% Bar" o@ a-? .ra-ch or *-s"r$+%-"a'*"? o@ "h% Dov%r-+%-" 3 (E.p+asis supplied) Suc+ po6er o* 1udicial revie6 6as early on ex+austively expounded upon 0y ;ustice ;ose P3 Laurel in t+e de*initive 1 J! case o* .ngara v. +lectoral &ommission 5 J a*ter t+e e**ectivity o* t+e 1 JH ,onstitution 6+ose provisions, unli@e t+e present ,onstitution, did not contain t+e present provision in 'rticle ())), Section 1, par3 5 on 6+at 1udicial po6er includes3 T+us, ;ustice Laurel discoursed$ x x x )n o* social disquietude or political excite.ent, t+e /reat o* t+e ,onstitution are apt to 0e *or/otten or .arred, i* not entirely o0literated . I- cas%s o@ co-@'*c" "h% G$(*c*a' (%Bar"+%-" *s "h% o-'? co-s"*"$"*o-a' orDa- Eh*ch ca- .% ca''%( $Bo- "o (%"%r+*-% "h% BroB%r a''oca"*o- o@ BoE%rs .%"E%%- "h% s%v%ra' (%Bar"+%-"s a-( a+o-D "h% *-"%Dra' or co-s"*"$%-" $-*"s "h%r%o@ . 's any production, our ,onstitution is o* course lac@in/ per*ection and per*ecti0ility, 0ut as .uc+ as it 6as 6it+in t+e po6er o* our people, actin/ t+rou/+ t+eir dele/ates to so provide, t+at instru.ent 6+ic+ is t+e expression o* t+eir soverei/nty +o6ever li.ited, +as esta0lis+ed a repu0lican /overn.ent intended to operate and *unction as a +ar.onious 6+ole, under a syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances, and su01ect to speci*ic li.itations and restrictions provided in t+e said instru.ent3 Th% Co-s"*"$"*o- s%"s @or"h *- -o $-c%r"a*- 'a-D$aD% "h% r%s"r*c"*o-s a-( '*+*"a"*o-s $Bo- Dov%r-+%-"a' BoE%rs a-( aD%-c*%s. I@ "h%s% r%s"r*c"*o-s a-( '*+*"a"*o-s ar% "ra-sc%-(%( *" Eo$'( .% *-co-c%*va.'% *@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- ha( -o" Brov*(%( @or a +%cha-*s+ .? Eh*ch "o (*r%c" "h% co$rs% o@ Dov%r-+%-" a'o-D co-s"*"$"*o-a' cha--%'s *or t+en t+e distri0ution o* po6ers 6ould 0e .ere ver0ia/e, t+e 0ill o* ri/+ts .ere expressions o* senti.ent, and t+e principles o* /ood /overn.ent .ere political apot+e/.s3 ,ertainly, t+e li.itations and restrictions e.0odied in our ,onstitution are real as t+ey s+ould 0e in any livin/ constitution3 )n t+e Enited States 6+ere no express constitutional /rant is *ound in t+eir constitution, "h% Boss%ss*o- o@ "h*s +o(%ra"*-D BoE%r o@ "h% co$r"s not to spea@ o* its +istorical ori/in and develop.ent t+ere, +as 0een set at rest 0y popular acquiescence *or a period o* .ore t+an one and a +al* centuries3 )n our case, t+is .oderatin/ po6er *s Dra-"%( *@ -o" %ABr%ss'? .? c'%ar *+B'*ca"*o- @ro+ s%c"*o- 2 o@ ar"*c'% 5III o@ o$r Co-s"*"$"*o- 3 T+e ,onstitution is a de*inition o* t+e po6ers o* /overn.ent3 4ho *s "o (%"%r+*-% "h% -a"$r% scoB% a-( %A"%-" o@ s$ch BoE%rsH Th% Co-s"*"$"*o- *"s%'@ has Brov*(%( @or "h% *-s"r$+%-"a'*"? o@ "h% G$(*c*ar? as "h% ra"*o-a' Ea?. A-( Eh%- "h% G$(*c*ar? +%(*a"%s "o a''oca"% co-s"*"$"*o-a' .o$-(ar*%s *" does not assert any superiority over t+e ot+er depart.entsG it does not in reality nulli*y or invalidate an act o* t+e le/islature, 0ut o-'? ass%r"s "h% so'%+- a-( sacr%( o.'*Da"*oass*D-%( "o *" .? "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- "o (%"%r+*-% co-@'*c"*-D c'a*+s o@ a$"hor*"? $-(%r "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- a-( "o %s"a.'*sh @or "h% Bar"*%s *- a- ac"$a' co-"rov%rs? "h% r*Dh"s Eh*ch "ha" *-s"r$+%-" s%c$r%s a-( D$ara-"%%s "o "h%+. Th*s *s *- "r$"h a'' "ha" *s *-vo'v%( *- 6+at is ter.ed B1udicial supre.acyB 6+ic+ properly *s "h% BoE%r o@ G$(*c*a' r%v*%E $-(%r "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- 3 Even t+en, t+is po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is li.ited to actual cases and controversies to 0e exercised a*ter *ull opportunity o* ar/u.ent 0y t+e parties, and li.ited *urt+er to t+e

constitutional question raised or t+e very lis mota presented3 'ny at a0straction could only lead to dialectics and 0arren le/al questions and to sterile conclusions unrelated to actualities3 >arro6ed as its *unction is in t+is .anner, t+e 1udiciary does not pass upon questions o* 6isdo., 1ustice or expediency o* le/islation3 More t+an t+at, courts accord t+e presu.ption o* constitutionality to le/islative enact.ents, not only 0ecause t+e le/islature is presu.ed to a0ide 0y t+e ,onstitution 0ut also 0ecause t+e 1udiciary in t+e deter.ination o* actual cases and controversies .ust re*lect t+e 6isdo. and 1ustice o* t+e people as expressed t+rou/+ t+eir representatives in t+e executive and le/islative depart.ents o* t+e /overn.ent3 5 & ()talics in t+e ori/inalG e.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) 's pointed out 0y ;ustice Laurel, t+is B.oderatin/ po6erB to Bdeter.ine t+e proper allocation o* po6ersB o* t+e di**erent 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent and Bto direct t+e course o* /overn.ent alon/ constitutional c+annelsB is in+erent in all courts 5 H as a necessary consequence o* t+e 1udicial po6er itsel*, 6+ic+ is Bt+e po6er o* t+e court to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le3B 5 ! T+us, even in t+e Enited States 6+ere t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is not explicitly con*erred upon t+e courts 0y its ,onstitution, suc+ po6er +as B0een set at rest 0y popular acquiescence *or a period o* .ore t+an one and a +al* centuries3B To 0e sure, it 6as in t+e 1"IJ leadin/ case o* 1arbury v. 1adison 5 % t+at t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 6as *irst articulated 0y ,+ie* ;ustice Mars+all, to 6it$ )t is also not entirely un6ort+y o* o0servation, t+at in declarin/ 6+at s+all 0e t+e supre.e la6 o* t+e land, t+e constitution itsel* is *irst .entionedG and not t+e la6s o* t+e Enited States /enerally, 0ut t+ose only 6+ic+ s+all 0e .ade in pursuance o* t+e constitution, +ave t+at ran@3 Th$s "h% Bar"*c$'ar Bhras%o'oD? o@ "h% co-s"*"$"*o- o* t+e Enited States con*ir.s and stren/t+ens "h% Br*-c*B'% s$BBos%( "o .% %ss%-"*a' "o a'' Er*""%- co-s"*"$"*o-s "ha" a 'aE r%B$D-a-" "o "h% co-s"*"$"*o- *s vo*(I a-( "ha" courts as E%'' as o"h%r (%Bar"+%-"s ar% .o$-( .? "ha" *-s"r$+%-". 5 " ()talics in t+e ori/inalG e.p+asis supplied) )n our o6n 1urisdiction, as early as 1 I5, decades 0e*ore its express /rant in t+e 1 JH ,onstitution, t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 6as exercised 0y our courts to invalidate constitutionally in*ir. acts3 5 'nd as pointed out 0y noted political la6 pro*essor and * Supre.e ,ourt ;ustice (icente (3 Mendo=a, J I t+e executive and le/islative 0ranc+es o* our /overn.ent in *act e**ectively ac@no6led/ed t+is po6er o* 1udicial revie6 in 'rticle % o* t+e ,ivil ,ode, to 6it$ 'rticle %3 La6s are repealed only 0y su0sequent ones, and t+eir violation or non2o0servance s+all not 0e excused 0y disuse, or custo. or practice to t+e contrary3 4h%- "h% co$r"s (%c'ar% a 'aE "o .% *-co-s*s"%-" E*"h "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- "h% @or+%r sha'' .% vo*( a-( "h% 'a""%r sha'' Dov%r-. A(+*-*s"ra"*v% or %A%c$"*v% ac"s or(%rs a-( r%D$'a"*o-s sha'' .% va'*( o-'? Eh%- "h%? ar% -o" co-"rar? "o "h% 'aEs or "h% Co-s"*"$"*o-. (E.p+asis supplied) 's indicated in .ngara v. +lectoral &ommission , J 1 1udicial revie6 is indeed an inte/ral co.ponent o* t+e delicate syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances 6+ic+, to/et+er 6it+ t+e corollary principle o* separation o* po6ers, *or.s t+e 0edroc@ o* our repu0lican *or. o* /overn.ent and insures t+at its

vast po6ers are utili=ed only *or t+e 0ene*it o* t+e people *or 6+ic+ it serves3 Th% s%Bara"*o- o@ BoE%rs *s a @$-(a+%-"a' Br*-c*B'% *- o$r s?s"%+ o@ Dov%r-+%-" 3 )t o0tains not t+rou/+ express provision 0ut 0y actual division in our ,onstitution3 Eac+ depart.ent o* t+e /overn.ent +as exclusive co/ni=ance o* .atters 6it+in its 1urisdiction, and is supre.e 6it+in its o6n sp+ere3 <ut it does not *ollo6 *ro. t+e *act t+at t+e t+ree po6ers are to 0e @ept separate and distinct t+at t+e ,onstitution intended t+e. to 0e a0solutely unrestrained and independent o* eac+ ot+er3 Th% Co-s"*"$"*o- has Brov*(%( @or a- %'a.ora"% s?s"%+ o@ ch%cFs a-( .a'a-c%s "o s%c$r% coor(*-a"*o- *- "h% EorF*-Ds o@ "h% var*o$s (%Bar"+%-"s o@ "h% Dov%r-+%-". x x x A-( "h% G$(*c*ar? *- "$r- E*"h "h% S$Br%+% Co$r" as "h% @*-a' ar.*"%r %@@%c"*v%'? ch%cFs "h% o"h%r (%Bar"+%-"s *- "h% %A%rc*s% o@ *"s BoE%r "o (%"%r+*-% "h% 'aE a-( h%-c% "o (%c'ar% %A%c$"*v% a-( '%D*s'a"*v% ac"s vo*( *@ v*o'a"*v% o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- . J 5 (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) )n t+e sc+olarly esti.ation o* * Supre.e ,ourt ;ustice #lorentino #eliciano, Bx x x 1udicial revie6 is essential *or t+e .aintenance and en*orce.ent o* t+e separation o* po6ers and t+e 0alancin/ o* po6ers a.on/ t+e t+ree /reat depart.ents o* /overn.ent t+rou/+ t+e de*inition and .aintenance o* t+e 0oundaries o* aut+ority and control 0et6een t+e.3B J J To +i., BL1Mudicial revie6 is t+e c+ie*, indeed t+e only, .ediu. o* participation or instru.ent o* intervention o* t+e 1udiciary in t+at 0alancin/ operation3B J & To ensure t+e potency o* t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 to cur0 /rave a0use o* discretion 0y B a-? .ra-ch or *-s"r$+%-"a'*"*%s o@ Dov%r-+%-" ,B t+e a*ore2quoted Section 1, 'rticle ())) o* t+e ,onstitution en/raves, *or t+e *irst ti.e into its +istory, into 0loc@ letter la6 t+e so2called Bexpanded certiorari 1urisdictionB o* t+is ,ourt, t+e nature o* and rationale *or 6+ic+ are .irrored in t+e *ollo6in/ excerpt *ro. t+e sponsors+ip speec+ o* its proponent, * ,+ie* ;ustice ,onstitutional ,o..issioner Ro0erto ,oncepcion$ xxx T+e *irst section starts 6it+ a sentence copied *ro. * ,onstitutions3 )t says$ T+e 1udicial po6er s+all 0e vested in one Supre.e ,ourt and in suc+ lo6er courts as .ay 0e esta0lis+ed 0y la63 ) suppose no0ody can question it3 T+e next provision is ne6 in our constitutional la63 ) 6ill read it *irst and explain3 ;udicial po6er includes t+e duty o* courts o* 1ustice to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le and to deter.ine 6+et+er or not t+ere +as 0een a /rave a0use o* discretion a.ountin/ to lac@ or excess o* 1urisdiction on t+e part or instru.entality o* t+e /overn.ent3 #ello6 Me.0ers o* t+is ,o..ission, "h*s *s ac"$a''? a Bro($c" o@ o$r %AB%r*%-c% ($r*-D +ar"*a' 'aE 3 's a .atter o* *act, it +as so.e antecedents in t+e past, 0ut "h% ro'% o@ "h% G$(*c*ar? ($r*-D "h% (%Bos%( r%D*+% Eas +arr%( co-s*(%ra.'? .? "h% c*rc$+s"a-c% "ha" *- a -$+.%r o@ cas%s aDa*-s" "h% Dov%r-+%-" Eh*ch "h%- ha( -o '%Da' (%@%-s% a" a'' "h% so'*c*"or D%-%ra' s%" $B "h% (%@%-s% o@ Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-s a-( Do" aEa? E*"h *" 3 's a consequence, certain principles

concernin/ particularly t+e 6rit o* +a0eas corpus, t+at is, t+e aut+ority o* courts to order t+e release o* political detainees, and ot+er .atters related to t+e operation and e**ect o* .artial la6 *ailed 0ecause t+e /overn.ent set up t+e de*ense o* political question3 'nd t+e Supre.e ,ourt said$ B8ell, since it is political, 6e +ave no aut+ority to pass upon it3B Th% Co++*""%% o- "h% 2$(*c*ar? @%%'s "ha" "h*s Eas -o" a BroB%r so'$"*o- o@ "h% J$%s"*o-s *-vo'v%(. I" (*( -o" +%r%'? r%J$%s" a%-croach+%-" $Bo- "h% r*Dh"s o@ "h% B%oB'% .$" *" *- %@@%c" %-co$raD%( @$r"h%r v*o'a"*o-s "h%r%o@ ($r*-D "h% +ar"*a' 'aE r%D*+%. x x x xxx 1r*%@'? s"a"%( co$r"s o@ G$s"*c% (%"%r+*-% "h% '*+*"s o@ BoE%r o@ "h% aD%-c*%s a-( o@@*c%s o@ "h% Dov%r-+%-" as E%'' as "hos% o@ *"s o@@*c%rs. I- o"h%r Eor(s "h% G$(*c*ar? *s "h% @*-a' ar.*"%r o"h% J$%s"*o- Eh%"h%r or -o" a .ra-ch o@ Dov%r-+%-" or a-? o@ *"s o@@*c*a's has ac"%( E*"ho$" G$r*s(*c"*o- or *- %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- or so caBr*c*o$s'? as "o co-s"*"$"% a- a.$s% o@ (*scr%"*o- a+o$-"*-D "o %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- or 'acF o@ G$r*s(*c"*o-. Th*s *s -o" o-'? a G$(*c*a' BoE%r .$" a ($"? "o Bass G$(D+%-" o- +a""%rs o@ "h*s -a"$r%. T+is is t+e 0ac@/round o* para/rap+ 5 o* Section 1, 6+ic+ .eans t+at "h% co$r"s ca--o" h%r%a@"%r %va(% "h% ($"? "o s%""'% +a""%rs o@ "h*s -a"$r% .? c'a*+*-D "ha" s$ch +a""%rs co-s"*"$"% a Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- 3 J H ()talics in t+e ori/inalG e.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) To deter.ine t+e .erits o* t+e issues raised in t+e instant petitions, t+is ,ourt .ust necessarily turn to t+e ,onstitution itsel* 6+ic+ e.ploys t+e 6ell2settled principles o* constitutional construction3 #irst, verba legis , t+at is, 6+erever possi0le, t+e 6ords used in t+e ,onstitution .ust 0e /iven t+eir ordinary .eanin/ except 6+ere tec+nical ter.s are e.ployed3 T+us, in 4.1. Tuason B &o., :nc. v. 9and Tenure .dministration , J ! t+is ,ourt, spea@in/ t+rou/+ ,+ie* ;ustice Enrique #ernando, declared$ 4% 'ooF "o "h% 'a-D$aD% o@ "h% (oc$+%-" *"s%'@ *- o$r s%arch @or *"s +%a-*-D. 4% (o -o" o@ co$rs% s"oB "h%r% .$" "ha" *s Eh%r% E% .%D*-. I" *s "o .% ass$+%( "ha" "h% Eor(s *- Eh*ch co-s"*"$"*o-a' Brov*s*o-s ar% co$ch%( %ABr%ss "h% o.G%c"*v% so$Dh" "o .% a""a*-%(. Th%? ar% "o .% D*v%- "h%*r or(*-ar? +%a-*-D %Ac%B" Eh%r% "%ch-*ca' "%r+s ar% %+B'o?%( *- Eh*ch cas% "h% s*D-*@*ca-c% "h$s a""ach%( "o "h%+ Br%va*'s. 's t+e ,onstitution is not pri.arily a la6yerDs docu.ent , it 0ein/ essential *or t+e rule o* la6 to o0tain t+at it s+ould ever 0e present in t+e peopleDs consciousness, its lan/ua/e as .uc+ as possi0le s+ould 0e understood in t+e sense t+ey +ave in co..on use 3 4ha" *" sa?s accor(*-D "o "h% "%A" o@ "h% Brov*s*o- "o .% co-s"r$%( co+B%'s acc%B"a-c% and ne/ates t+e po6er o* t+e courts to alter it, 0ased on t+e postulate t+at t+e *ra.ers and t+e people .ean 6+at t+ey say3 T+us t+ese are t+e cases 6+ere t+e need *or construction is reduced to a .ini.u.3 J % (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) Second, 6+ere t+ere is a.0i/uity, ratio legis est anima 3 T+e 6ords o* t+e ,onstitution s+ould 0e interpreted in accordance 6it+ t+e intent o* its *ra.ers3 'nd so did t+is ,ourt apply t+is principle in &ivil 9iberties Cnion v. +xecutive *ecretary J " in t+is 6ise$ ' *oolproo* yardstic@ in constitutional construction is t+e intention underlyin/ t+e provision under consideration3 T+us, it +as 0een +eld t+at t+e ,ourt in construin/ a ,onstitution s+ould 0ear in .ind

t+e o01ect sou/+t to 0e acco.plis+ed 0y its adoption, and t+e evils, i* any, sou/+t to 0e prevented or re.edied3 ' dou0t*ul provision 6ill 0e exa.ined in t+e li/+t o* t+e +istory o* t+e, and t+e condition and circu.stances under 6+ic+ t+e ,onstitution 6as *ra.ed3 Th% o.G%c" *s "o asc%r"a*"h% r%aso- Eh*ch *-($c%( "h% @ra+%rs o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- "o %-ac" "h% Bar"*c$'ar Brov*s*o- a-( "h% B$rBos% so$Dh" "o .% acco+B'*sh%( "h%r%.? *- or(%r "o co-s"r$% "h% Eho'% as "o +aF% "h% Eor(s co-so-a-" "o "ha" r%aso- a-( ca'c$'a"%( "o %@@%c" "ha" B$rBos%. J (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) 's it did in <itafan v. &ommissioner on :nternal /evenue & I 6+ere, spea@in/ t+rou/+ Mada.e ;ustice '.uer*ina '3 Melencio29errera, it declared$ x x x Th% asc%r"a*-+%-" o@ "ha" *-"%-" *s .$" *- F%%B*-D E*"h "h% @$-(a+%-"a' Br*-c*B'% o@ co-s"*"$"*o-a' co-s"r$c"*o- "ha" "h% *-"%-" o@ "h% @ra+%rs o@ "h% orDa-*c 'aE a-( o@ "h% B%oB'% a(oB"*-D *" sho$'( .% D*v%- %@@%c". T+e pri.ary tas@ in constitutional construction is to ascertain and t+erea*ter assure t+e reali=ation o* t+e purpose o* t+e *ra.ers and o* t+e people in t+e adoption o* t+e ,onstitution3 I" +a? a'so .% sa@%'? ass$+%( "ha" "h% B%oB'% *- ra"*@?*-D "h% Co-s"*"$"*oE%r% D$*(%( +a*-'? .? "h% %AB'a-a"*o- o@@%r%( .? "h% @ra+%rs . & 1 (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) #inally, ut magis valeat quam pereat 3 T+e ,onstitution is to 0e interpreted as a 6+ole3 T+us, in &hiongbian v. Ae 9eon , & 5 t+is ,ourt, t+rou/+ ,+ie* ;ustice Manuel Moran declared$ A A A =T>h% +%+.%rs o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o-a' Co-v%-"*o- co$'( -o" hav% (%(*ca"%( a Brov*s*o- o@ o$r Co-s"*"$"*o- +%r%'? @or "h% .%-%@*" o@ o-% B%rso- E*"ho$" co-s*(%r*-D "ha" *" co$'( a'so a@@%c" o"h%rs. 4h%- "h%? a(oB"%( s$.s%c"*o- 2 "h%? B%r+*""%( *@ -o" E*''%( "ha" sa*( Brov*s*osho$'( @$-c"*o- "o "h% @$'' %A"%-" o@ *"s s$.s"a-c% a-( *"s "%r+s -o" .? *"s%'@ a'o-% .$" *co-G$-c"*o- E*"h a'' o"h%r Brov*s*o-s o@ "ha" Dr%a" (oc$+%-". & J (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) Li@e6ise, still in &ivil 9iberties Cnion v. +xecutive *ecretary , & & t+is ,ourt a**ir.ed t+at$ I" *s a E%''-%s"a.'*sh%( r$'% *- co-s"*"$"*o-a' co-s"r$c"*o- "ha" -o o-% Brov*s*o- o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- *s "o .% s%Bara"%( @ro+ a'' "h% o"h%rs "o .% co-s*(%r%( a'o-% .$" "ha" a'' "h% Brov*s*o-s .%ar*-D $Bo- a Bar"*c$'ar s$.G%c" ar% "o .% .ro$Dh" *-"o v*%E a-( "o .% so *-"%rBr%"%( as "o %@@%c"$a"% "h% Dr%a" B$rBos%s o@ "h% *-s"r$+%-". S%c"*o-s .%ar*-D o- a Bar"*c$'ar s$.G%c" sho$'( .% co-s*(%r%( a-( *-"%rBr%"%( "oD%"h%r as "o %@@%c"$a"% "h% Eho'% B$rBos% o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- a-( o-% s%c"*o- *s -o" "o .% a''oE%( "o (%@%a" a-o"h%r *@ .? a-? r%aso-a.'% co-s"r$c"*o- "h% "Eo ca- .% +a(% "o s"a-( "oD%"h%r. )n ot+er 6ords, t+e court .ust +ar.oni=e t+e., i* practica0le, and .ust lean in *avor o* a construction 6+ic+ 6ill render every 6ord operative, rat+er t+an one 6+ic+ .ay .a@e t+e 6ords idle and nu/atory3 & H (E.p+asis supplied) )*, +o6ever, t+e plain .eanin/ o* t+e 6ord is not *ound to 0e clear, resort to ot+er aids is availa0le3 )n still t+e sa.e case o* &ivil 9iberties Cnion v. +xecutive *ecretary, t+is ,ourt expounded$ 8+ile it is per.issi0le in t+is 1urisdiction to consult t+e (%.a"%s a-( Broc%%(*-Ds o* t+e constitutional convention in order to arrive at t+e reason and purpose o* t+e resultin/ ,onstitution,

r%sor" "h%r%"o +a? .% ha( o-'? Eh%- o"h%r D$*(%s @a*' as sa*( Broc%%(*-Ds ar% BoE%r'%ss "o var? "h% "%r+s o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- Eh%- "h% +%a-*-D *s c'%ar 3 Ce0ates in t+e constitutional convention Bare o* value as s+o6in/ t+e vie6s o* t+e individual .e.0ers, and as indicatin/ t+e reasons *or t+eir votes, 0ut t+ey /ive us no li/+t as to t+e vie6s o* t+e lar/e .a1ority 6+o did not tal@, .uc+ less o* t+e .ass o* our *ello6 citi=ens 6+ose votes at t+e polls /ave t+at instru.ent t+e *orce o* *unda.ental la63 4% "h*-F *" sa@%r "o co-s"r$% "h% co-s"*"$"*o- @ro+ Eha" aBB%ars $Bo- *"s @ac%.K Th% BroB%r *-"%rBr%"a"*o- "h%r%@or% (%B%-(s +or% o- hoE *" Eas $-(%rs"oo( .? "h% B%oB'% a(oB"*-D *" "ha- *- "h% @ra+%rsLs $-(%rs"a-(*-D "h%r%o@. & ! (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) )t is in t+e context o* t+e *ore/oin/ 0ac@drop o* constitutional re*ine.ent and 1urisprudential application o* t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 t+at respondents Spea@er Ce (enecia, et. al. and intervenor Senator Pi.entel raise t+e novel ar/u.ent t+at t+e ,onstitution +as excluded i.peac+.ent proceedin/s *ro. t+e covera/e o* 1udicial revie63 <rie*ly stated, it is t+e position o* respondents Spea@er Ce (enecia et. al. t+at i.peac+.ent is a political action 6+ic+ cannot assu.e a 1udicial c+aracter3 9ence, any question, issue or incident arisin/ at any sta/e o* t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/ is 0eyond t+e reac+ o* 1udicial revie63 & % #or +is part, intervenor Senator Pi.entel contends t+at t+e SenateDs B sole po6er to try B i.peac+.ent cases & " (1) entirely excludes t+e application o* 1udicial revie6 over itG and (5) necessarily includes t+e SenateDs po6er to deter.ine constitutional questions relative to i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 & )n *urt+erin/ t+eir ar/u.ents on t+e proposition t+at i.peac+.ent proceedin/s are outside t+e scope o* 1udicial revie6, respondents Spea@er Ce (enecia, et. al. and intervenor Senator Pi.entel rely +eavily on '.erican aut+orities, principally t+e .a1ority opinion in t+e case o* <ixon v. Cnited *tates 3 H I T+us, t+ey contend t+at t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6 over i.peac+.ent proceedin/s is inappropriate since it runs counter to t+e *ra.ersD decision to allocate to di**erent *ora t+e po6ers to try i.peac+.ents and to try cri.esG it distur0s t+e syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances, under 6+ic+ i.peac+.ent is t+e only le/islative c+ec@ on t+e 1udiciaryG and it 6ould create a lac@ o* *inality and di**iculty in *as+ionin/ relie*3 H 1 Respondents li@e6ise point to deli0erations on t+e ES ,onstitution to s+o6 t+e intent to isolate 1udicial po6er o* revie6 in cases o* i.peac+.ent3 RespondentsD and intervenorsD reliance upon '.erican 1urisprudence, t+e '.erican ,onstitution and '.erican aut+orities ca--o" 0e credited to support t+e proposition t+at t+e SenateDs Bsole po6er to try and decide i.peac+.ent cases,B as provided *or under 'rt3 A), Sec3 J(!) o* t+e ,onstitution, is a textually de.onstra0le constitutional o* all issues pertainin/ to i.peac+.ent to t+e le/islature, to t+e total exclusion o* t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 to c+ec@ and restrain any /rave a0use o* t+e i.peac+.ent process3 >or can it reasona0ly support t+e interpretation t+at it necessarily con*ers upon t+e Senate t+e in+erently 1udicial po6er to deter.ine constitutional questions incident to i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 Said '.erican 1urisprudence and aut+orities, .uc+ less t+e '.erican ,onstitution, are o* du0ious application *or t+ese are no lon/er controllin/ 6it+in our 1urisdiction and +ave only li.ited persuasive .erit inso*ar as P+ilippine constitutional la6 is concerned3 's +eld in t+e case o* 0arcia

vs. &;1+9+& , H 5 BLiMn resolvin/ constitutional disputes, Lt+is ,ourtM s+ould not 0e 0e/uiled 0y *orei/n 1urisprudence so.e o* 6+ic+ are +ardly applica0le 0ecause t+ey +ave 0een dictated 0y di**erent constitutional settin/s and needs3B H J )ndeed, alt+ou/+ t+e P+ilippine ,onstitution can trace its ori/ins to t+at o* t+e Enited States, t+eir pat+s o* develop.ent +ave lon/ since diver/ed3 )n t+e color*ul 6ords o* #at+er <ernas, BL6Me +ave cut t+e u.0ilical cord3B T+e .a1or di**erence 0et6een t+e 1udicial po6er o* t+e P+ilippine Supre.e ,ourt and t+at o* t+e E3S3 Supre.e ,ourt is t+at 6+ile t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is only impliedly /ranted to t+e E3S3 Supre.e ,ourt and is discretionary in nature, t+at /ranted to t+e P+ilippine Supre.e ,ourt and lo6er courts, as expressly provided for in the &onstitution , is not 1ust a po6er 0ut also a ($"? , and it 6as D*v%- a- %ABa-(%( (%@*-*"*o- to include t+e po6er to correct any /rave a0use o* discretion on t+e part o* any /overn.ent 0ranc+ or instru.entality3 T+ere are also /larin/ distinctions 0et6een t+e E3S3 ,onstitution and t+e P+ilippine ,onstitution 6it+ respect to t+e po6er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives over i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 8+ile t+e E3S3 ,onstitution 0esto6s sole po6er o* i.peac+.ent to t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 6it+out li.itation, H & our ,onstitution, t+ou/+ vestin/ in t+e 9ouse o* Representatives t+e exclusive po6er to initiate i.peac+.ent cases, H H provides *or several li.itations to t+e exercise o* suc+ po6er as e.0odied in Section J(5), (J), (&) and (H), 'rticle A) t+ereo*3 T+ese li.itations include t+e .anner o* *ilin/, required vote to i.peac+, and t+e one year 0ar on t+e i.peac+.ent o* one and t+e sa.e o**icial3 Respondents are also o* t+e vie6 t+at 1udicial revie6 o* i.peac+.ents under.ines t+eir *inality and .ay also lead to con*licts 0et6een ,on/ress and t+e 1udiciary3 T+us, t+ey call upon t+is ,ourt to exercise 1udicial states.ans+ip on t+e principle t+at B6+enever possi0le, t+e ,ourt s+ould de*er to t+e 1ud/.ent o* t+e people expressed le/islatively, reco/ni=in/ *ull 6ell t+e perils o* 1udicial 6ill*ulness and pride3B H ! <ut did not t+e people also express t+eir 6ill 6+en t+ey instituted t+e a0ove2.entioned sa*e/uards in t+e ,onstitutionF T+is s+o6s t+at t+e ,onstitution did not intend to leave t+e .atter o* i.peac+.ent to t+e sole discretion o* ,on/ress3 )nstead, it provided *or certain 6ell2de*ined li.its, or in t+e lan/ua/e o* -a7er v. &arr , H % B1udicially discovera0le standardsB *or deter.inin/ t+e validity o* t+e exercise o* suc+ discretion, t+rou/+ t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie63 T+e cases o* /omulo v. Dniguez H " and .le(andrino v. Euezon , H cited 0y respondents in support o* t+e ar/u.ent t+at t+e i.peac+.ent po6er is 0eyond t+e scope o* 1udicial revie6, are not in point3 T+ese cases concern t+e denial o* petitions *or 6rits o* to co.pel t+e le/islature to per*or. non2.inisterial acts, and do not concern t+e exercise o* t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie63 T+ere is indeed a plet+ora o* cases in 6+ic+ t+is ,ourt exercised t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 over con/ressional action3 T+us, in *antiago v. 0uingona, 4r., ! I t+is ,ourt ruled t+at it is 6ell 6it+in t+e po6er and 1urisdiction o* t+e ,ourt to inquire 6+et+er t+e Senate or its o**icials co..itted a violation o* t+e ,onstitution or /rave a0use o* discretion in t+e exercise o* t+eir *unctions and prero/atives3 )n Tanada v. .ngara, ! 1 in see@in/ to nulli*y an act o* t+e P+ilippine Senate on t+e /round t+at it contravened t+e ,onstitution, it +eld t+at t+e petition raises a 1usticia0le controversy and t+at 6+en an action o* t+e le/islative 0ranc+ is seriously alle/ed to +ave in*rin/ed t+e

,onstitution, it not only t+e ri/+t 0ut in *act t+e duty o* t+e 1udiciary to settle t+e dispute3 )n -ondoc v. )ineda , ! 5 t+is ,ourt declared null and void a resolution o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 6it+dra6in/ t+e no.ination, and rescindin/ t+e election, o* a con/ as a .e.0er o* t+e 9ouse Electoral Tri0unal *or 0ein/ violative o* Section 1%, 'rticle () o* t+e ,onstitution3 )n &oseteng v. 1itra , ! J it +eld t+at t+e resolution o* 6+et+er t+e 9ouse representation in t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents 6as 0ased on proportional representation o* t+e political parties as provided in Section 1", 'rticle () o* t+e ,onstitution is su01ect to 1udicial revie63 )n Aaza v. *ingson, ! & it +eld t+at t+e act o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives in re.ovin/ t+e petitioner *ro. t+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents is su01ect to 1udicial revie63 )n Tanada v. &uenco, ! H it +eld t+at alt+ou/+ under t+e ,onstitution, t+e le/islative po6er is vested exclusively in ,on/ress, t+is does not detract *ro. t+e po6er o* t+e courts to pass upon t+e constitutionality o* acts o* ,on/ress3 )n .ngara v. +lectoral &ommission, ! ! it ruled t+at con*ir.ation 0y t+e >ational 'sse.0ly o* t+e election o* any .e.0er, irrespective o* 6+et+er +is election is contested, is not essential 0e*ore suc+ .e.0er2elect .ay disc+ar/e t+e duties and en1oy t+e privile/es o* a .e.0er o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly3 #inally, t+ere exists no constitutional 0asis *or t+e contention t+at t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6 over i.peac+.ent proceedin/s 6ould upset t+e syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances3 (erily, t+e ,onstitution is to 0e interpreted as a 6+ole and Bone section is not to 0e allo6ed to de*eat anot+er3B ! % <ot+ are inte/ral co.ponents o* t+e cali0rated syste. o* independence and interdependence t+at insures t+at no 0ranc+ o* /overn.ent act 0eyond t+e po6ers assi/ned to it 0y t+e ,onstitution3 ssential Re!uisites for Judicial Review 's clearly stated in .ngara v. +lectoral &ommission , t+e courtsD po6er o* 1udicial revie6, li@e al.ost all po6ers con*erred 0y t+e ,onstitution, is su01ect to several li.itations, na.ely$ (1) an actual case or controversy callin/ *or t+e exercise o* 1udicial po6erG (5) t+e person c+allen/in/ t+e act .ust +ave Bstandin/B to c+allen/eG +e .ust +ave a personal and su0stantial interest in t+e case suc+ t+at +e +as sustained, or 6ill sustain, direct in1ury as a result o* its en*orce.entG (J) t+e question o* constitutionality .ust 0e raised at t+e earliest possi0le opportunityG and (&) t+e issue o* constitutionality .ust 0e t+e very lis mota o* t+e case3 x x x Even t+en, t+is po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is li.ited to actual cases and controversies to 0e exercised a*ter *ull opportunity o* ar/u.ent 0y t+e parties, and li.ited *urt+er to t+e constitutional question raised or t+e very lis mota presented3 'ny at a0straction could only lead to dialectics and 0arren le/al questions and to sterile conclusions unrelated to actualities3 >arro6ed as its *unction is in t+is .anner, t+e 1udiciary does not pass upon questions o* 6isdo., 1ustice or expediency o* le/islation3 More t+an t+at, courts accord t+e presu.ption o* constitutionality to le/islative enact.ents, not only 0ecause t+e le/islature is presu.ed to a0ide 0y t+e ,onstitution 0ut also 0ecause t+e 1udiciary in t+e deter.ination o* actual cases and controversies .ust re*lect t+e 6isdo. and 1ustice o* t+e people as expressed t+rou/+ t+eir representatives in t+e executive and le/islative depart.ents o* t+e /overn.ent3 ! " ()talics in t+e ori/inal) Standing

9ocus standi or le/al standin/ or +as 0een de*ined as a personal and su0stantial interest in t+e case suc+ t+at t+e party +as sustained or 6ill sustain direct in1ury as a result o* t+e /overn.ental act t+at is 0ein/ c+allen/ed3 T+e /ist o* t+e question o* standin/ is 6+et+er a party alle/es suc+ personal sta@e in t+e outco.e o* t+e controversy as to assure t+at concrete adverseness 6+ic+ s+arpens t+e presentation o* issues upon 6+ic+ t+e court depends *or illu.ination o* di**icult constitutional questions3 ! :ntervenor Soriano, in prayin/ *or t+e dis.issal o* t+e petitions, contends t+at petitioners do not +ave standin/ since only t+e ,+ie* ;ustice +as sustained and 6ill sustain direct personal in1ury3 .micus curiae * ;ustice Minister and Solicitor General Estelito Mendo=a si.ilarly contends3 Epon t+e ot+er +and, t+e Solicitor General asserts t+at petitioners +ave standin/ since t+is ,ourt +ad, in t+e past, accorded standin/ to taxpayers, voters, concerned citi=ens, le/islators in cases involvin/ para.ount pu0lic interest % I and transcendental i.portance, % 1 and t+at procedural .atters are su0ordinate to t+e need to deter.ine 6+et+er or not t+e ot+er 0ranc+es o* t+e /overn.ent +ave @ept t+e.selves 6it+in t+e li.its o* t+e ,onstitution and t+e la6s and t+at t+ey +ave not a0used t+e discretion /iven to t+e.3 % 5 .micus curiae Cean Raul Pan/alan/an o* t+e E3P3 ,olle/e o* La6 is o* t+e sa.e opinion, citin/ transcendental i.portance and t+e 6ell2entrenc+ed rule exception t+at, 6+en t+e real party in interest is una0le to vindicate +is ri/+ts 0y see@in/ t+e sa.e re.edies, as in t+e case o* t+e ,+ie* ;ustice 6+o, *or et+ical reasons, cannot +i.sel* invo@e t+e 1urisdiction o* t+is ,ourt, t+e courts 6ill /rant petitioners standin/3 T+ere is, +o6ever, a di**erence 0et6een t+e rule on real2party2in2interest and t+e rule on standin/, *or t+e * is a concept o* civil procedure % J 6+ile t+e latter +as constitutional underpinnin/s3 % & )n vie6 o* t+e ar/u.ents set *ort+ re/ardin/ standin/, it 0e+ooves t+e ,ourt to reiterate t+e rulin/ in Filosbayan, :nc. v. 1orato % H to clari*y 6+at is .eant 0y locus standi and to distin/uis+ it *ro. real party2in2interest3 T+e di**erence 0et6een t+e rule on standin/ and real party in interest +as 0een noted 0y aut+orities t+us$ B)t is i.portant to note 3 3 3 t+at standin/ 0ecause o* its constitutional and pu0lic policy underpinnin/s, is very di**erent *ro. questions relatin/ to 6+et+er a particular plainti** is t+e real party in interest or +as capacity to sue3 'lt+ou/+ all t+ree require.ents are directed to6ards ensurin/ t+at only certain parties can .aintain an action, standin/ restrictions require a partial consideration o* t+e .erits, as 6ell as 0roader policy concerns relatin/ to t+e proper role o* t+e 1udiciary in certain areas3 Standin/ is a special concern in constitutional la6 0ecause in so.e cases suits are 0rou/+t not 0y parties 6+o +ave 0een personally in1ured 0y t+e operation o* a la6 or 0y o**icial action ta@en, 0ut 0y concerned citi=ens, taxpayers or voters 6+o actually sue in t+e pu0lic interest3 9ence t+e question in standin/ is 6+et+er suc+ parties +ave Balle/ed suc+ a personal sta@e in t+e outco.e o* t+e controversy as to assure t+at concrete adverseness 6+ic+ s+arpens t+e presentation o* issues upon 6+ic+ t+e court so lar/ely depends *or illu.ination o* di**icult constitutional questions3B xxx ?n t+e ot+er +and, t+e question as to Breal party in interestB is 6+et+er +e is Bt+e party 6+o 6ould 0e 0ene*ited or in1ured 0y t+e 1ud/.ent, or t+e Dparty entitled to t+e avails o* t+e suit3DB % ! (,itations

o.itted) 8+ile ri/+ts personal to t+e ,+ie* ;ustice .ay +ave 0een in1ured 0y t+e alle/ed unconstitutional acts o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, none o* t+e petitioners 0e*ore us asserts a violation o* t+e personal ri/+ts o* t+e ,+ie* ;ustice3 ?n t+e contrary, t+ey invaria0ly invo@e t+e vindication o* t+eir o6n ri/+ts as taxpayersG .e.0ers o* ,on/ressG citi=ens, individually or in a class suitG and .e.0ers o* t+e 0ar and o* t+e le/al pro*ession 6+ic+ 6ere supposedly violated 0y t+e alle/ed unconstitutional acts o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 )n a lon/ line o* cases, +o6ever, concerned citi=ens, taxpayers and le/islators 6+en speci*ic require.ents +ave 0een .et +ave 0een /iven standin/ 0y t+is ,ourt3 8+en suin/ as a citizen , t+e interest o* t+e petitioner assailin/ t+e constitutionality o* a statute .ust 0e direct and personal3 9e .ust 0e a0le to s+o6, not only t+at t+e la6 or any /overn.ent act is invalid, 0ut also t+at +e sustained or is in i..inent dan/er o* sustainin/ so.e direct in1ury as a result o* its en*orce.ent, and not .erely t+at +e su**ers t+ere0y in so.e inde*inite 6ay3 )t .ust appear t+at t+e person co.plainin/ +as 0een or is a0out to 0e denied so.e ri/+t or privile/e to 6+ic+ +e is la6*ully entitled or t+at +e is a0out to 0e su01ected to so.e 0urdens or penalties 0y reason o* t+e statute or act co.plained o*3 % % )n *ine, 6+en t+e proceedin/ involves t+e assertion o* a pu0lic ri/+t, % " t+e .ere *act t+at +e is a citi=en satis*ies t+e require.ent o* personal interest3 )n t+e case o* a taxpayer , +e is allo6ed to sue 6+ere t+ere is a clai. t+at pu0lic *unds are ille/ally dis0ursed, or t+at pu0lic .oney is 0ein/ de*lected to any i.proper purpose, or t+at t+ere is a 6asta/e o* pu0lic *unds t+rou/+ t+e en*orce.ent o* an invalid or unconstitutional la63 % <e*ore +e can invo@e t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6, +o6ever, +e .ust speci*ically prove t+at +e +as su**icient interest in preventin/ t+e ille/al expenditure o* .oney raised 0y taxation and t+at +e 6ould sustain a direct in1ury as a result o* t+e en*orce.ent o* t+e questioned statute or contract3 )t is not su**icient t+at +e +as .erely a /eneral interest co..on to all .e.0ers o* t+e pu0lic3 " I 't all events, courts are vested 6it+ discretion as to 6+et+er or not a taxpayerDs suit s+ould 0e entertained3 " 1 T+is ,ourt opts to /rant standin/ to .ost o* t+e petitioners, /iven t+eir alle/ation t+at any i.pendin/ trans.ittal to t+e Senate o* t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent and t+e ensuin/ trial o* t+e ,+ie* ;ustice 6ill necessarily involve t+e expenditure o* pu0lic *unds3 's *or a legislator , +e is allo6ed to sue to question t+e validity o* any o**icial action 6+ic+ +e clai.s in*rin/es +is prero/atives as a le/islator3 " 5 )ndeed, a .e.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives +as standin/ to .aintain inviolate t+e prero/atives, po6ers and privile/es vested 0y t+e ,onstitution in +is o**ice3 " J 8+ile an association +as le/al personality to represent its .e.0ers, " & especially 6+en it is co.posed o* su0stantial taxpayers and t+e outco.e 6ill a**ect t+eir vital interests, " H t+e .ere invocation 0y t+e :ntegrated -ar of the )hilippines or any member of the legal profession o* t+e duty to preserve t+e rule o* la6 and not+in/ .ore, alt+ou/+ undou0tedly true, does not su**ice to clot+e it 6it+ standin/3 )ts interest is too /eneral3 )t is s+ared 0y ot+er /roups and t+e 6+ole citi=enry3 9o6ever, a readin/ o* t+e petitions s+o6s t+at it +as advanced constitutional issues 6+ic+ deserve t+e attention o* t+is ,ourt in vie6 o* t+eir seriousness, novelty and 6ei/+t as precedents3 " ! )t, t+ere*ore, 0e+ooves t+is ,ourt to relax t+e rules on standin/ and to resolve t+e issues presented

0y it3 )n t+e sa.e vein, 6+en dealin/ 6it+ class suits *iled in 0e+al* o* all citi=ens, persons intervenin/ .ust 0e su**iciently nu.erous to *ully protect t+e interests o* all concerned " % to ena0le t+e court to deal properly 6it+ all interests involved in t+e suit, " " *or a 1ud/.ent in a class suit, 6+et+er *avora0le or un*avora0le to t+e class, is, under t+e res (udicata principle, 0indin/ on all .e.0ers o* t+e class 6+et+er or not t+ey 6ere 0e*ore t+e court3 " 8+ere it clearly appears t+at not all interests can 0e su**iciently represented as s+o6n 0y t+e diver/ent issues raised in t+e nu.erous petitions 0e*ore t+is ,ourt, G3R3 >o3 1!IJ!H as a class suit ou/+t to *ail3 Since petitioners additionally alle/e standin/ as citi=ens and taxpayers, +o6ever, t+eir petition 6ill stand3 T+e )hilippine -ar .ssociation , in G3R3 >o3 1!I&IJ, invo@es t+e sole /round o* transcendental i.portance, 6+ile 'tty3 Cioscoro E3 (alle1os, in G3R3 >o3 1!IJ %, is .u. on +is standin/3 T+ere 0ein/ no doctrinal de*inition o* transcendental i.portance, t+e *ollo6in/ instructive deter.inants *or.ulated 0y * Supre.e ,ourt ;ustice #lorentino P3 #eliciano are instructive$ (1) t+e c+aracter o* t+e *unds or ot+er assets involved in t+e caseG (5) t+e presence o* a clear case o* disre/ard o* a constitutional or statutory pro+i0ition 0y t+e pu0lic respondent a/ency or instru.entality o* t+e /overn.entG and (J) t+e lac@ o* any ot+er party 6it+ a .ore direct and speci*ic interest in raisin/ t+e questions 0ein/ raised3 I 'pplyin/ t+ese deter.inants, t+is ,ourt is satis*ied t+at t+e issues raised +erein are indeed o* transcendental i.portance3 )n not a *e6 cases, t+is ,ourt +as in *act adopted a li0eral attitude on t+e locus standi o* a petitioner 6+ere t+e petitioner is a0le to cra*t an issue o* transcendental si/ni*icance to t+e people, as 6+en t+e issues raised are o* para.ount i.portance to t+e pu0lic3 1 Suc+ li0erality does not, +o6ever, .ean t+at t+e require.ent t+at a party s+ould +ave an interest in t+e .atter is totally eli.inated3 ' party .ust, at t+e very least, still plead t+e existence o* suc+ interest, it not 0ein/ one o* 6+ic+ courts can ta@e 1udicial notice3 )n petitioner (alle1osD case, +e *ailed to alle/e any interest in t+e case3 9e does not t+us +ave standin/3 8it+ respect to t+e .otions *or intervention, Rule 1 , Section 5 o* t+e Rules o* ,ourt requires an intervenor to possess a le/al interest in t+e .atter in liti/ation, or in t+e success o* eit+er o* t+e parties, or an interest a/ainst 0ot+, or is so situated as to 0e adversely a**ected 0y a distri0ution or ot+er disposition o* property in t+e custody o* t+e court or o* an o**icer t+ereo*3 8+ile intervention is not a .atter o* ri/+t, it .ay 0e per.itted 0y t+e courts 6+en t+e applicant s+o6s *acts 6+ic+ satis*y t+e require.ents o* t+e la6 aut+ori=in/ intervention3 5 )n )ntervenors 'ttorneys Ro.ulo Macalintal and Pete Puirino PuadraDs case, t+ey see@ to 1oin petitioners ,andelaria, et. al. in G3R3 >o3 1!I5!53 Since, save *or one additional issue, t+ey raise t+e sa.e issues and t+e sa.e standin/, and no o01ection on t+e part o* petitioners ,andelaria, et3 al3 +as 0een interposed, t+is ,ourt as earlier stated, /ranted t+e Motion *or Leave o* ,ourt to )ntervene and Petition2in2)ntervention3 >a/.a.alasa@it na ./a Mananan//ol n/ ./a Man//a/a6an/ Pilipino, )nc3, et. al. sou/+t to 1oin petitioner #rancisco in G3R3 >o3 1!I5!13 )nvo@in/ t+eir ri/+t as citi=ens to intervene, alle/in/ t+at Bt+ey 6ill su**er i* t+is insidious sc+e.e o* t+e .inority .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives is success*ul,B t+is ,ourt *ound t+e requisites *or intervention +ad 0een co.plied 6it+3

'lle/in/ t+at t+e issues raised in t+e petitions in G3R3 >os3 1!I5!1, 1!I5!5, 1!I5!J, 1!I5%%, 1!I5 5, 1!I5 H, and 1!IJ1I 6ere o* transcendental i.portance, 8orld 8ar )) (eterans Le/ionnaires o* t+e P+ilippines, )nc3 *iled a BPetition2in2)ntervention 6it+ Leave to )nterveneB to raise t+e additional issue o* 6+et+er or not t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice is valid and 0ased on any o* t+e /rounds prescri0ed 0y t+e ,onstitution3 #indin/ t+at >a/.a.alasa@it na ./a Mananan//ol n/ ./a Man//a/a6an/ Pilipino, )nc3, et al. and 8orld 8ar )) (eterans Le/ionnaires o* t+e P+ilippines, )nc3 possess a le/al interest in t+e .atter in liti/ation t+e respective .otions to intervene 6ere +ere0y /ranted3 Senator 'quilino Pi.entel, on t+e ot+er +and, sou/+t to intervene *or t+e li.ited purpose o* .a@in/ o* record and ar/uin/ a point o* vie6 t+at di**ers 6it+ Senate President CrilonDs3 9e alle/es t+at su0.ittin/ to t+is ,ourtDs 1urisdiction as t+e Senate President does 6ill under.ine t+e independence o* t+e Senate 6+ic+ 6ill sit as an i.peac+.ent court once t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent are trans.itted to it *ro. t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 ,learly, Senator Pi.entel possesses a le/al interest in t+e .atter in liti/ation, +e 0ein/ a .e.0er o* ,on/ress a/ainst 6+ic+ t+e +erein petitions are directed3 #or t+is reason, and to *ully ventilate all su0stantial issues relatin/ to t+e .atter at +and, +is Motion to )ntervene 6as /ranted and +e 6as, as earlier stated, allo6ed to ar/ue3 Lastly, as to ;ai.e >3 SorianoDs .otion to intervene, t+e sa.e .ust 0e denied *or, 6+ile +e asserts an interest as a taxpayer, +e *ailed to .eet t+e standin/ require.ent *or 0rin/in/ taxpayerDs suits as set *ort+ in Aumlao v. &omelec , J to wit $ x x x 8+ile, concededly, t+e elections to 0e +eld involve t+e expenditure o* pu0lic .oneys, no6+ere in t+eir Petition do said petitioners alle/e t+at t+eir tax .oney is B0ein/ extracted and spent in violation o* speci*ic constitutional protection a/ainst a0uses o* le/islative po6er,B or t+at t+ere is a .isapplication o* suc+ *unds 0y respondent ,?MELE,, or t+at pu0lic .oney is 0ein/ de*lected to any i.proper purpose3 >eit+er do petitioners see@ to restrain respondent *ro. 6astin/ pu0lic *unds t+rou/+ t+e en*orce.ent o* an invalid or unconstitutional la63 & (,itations o.itted) )n prayin/ *or t+e dis.issal o* t+e petitions, Soriano *ailed even to alle/e t+at t+e act o* petitioners 6ill result in ille/al dis0urse.ent o* pu0lic *unds or in pu0lic .oney 0ein/ de*lected to any i.proper purpose3 'dditionally, +is .ere interest as a .e.0er o* t+e <ar does not su**ice to clot+e +i. 6it+ standin/3 Ripeness and Prematurit" )n Tan v. 1acapagal , H t+is ,ourt, t+rou/+ ,+ie* ;ustice #ernando, +eld t+at *or a case to 0e considered ripe *or ad1udication, Bit is a prerequisite t+at +ad 0y t+en 0een acco.plis+ed or per*or.ed 0y eit+er 0ranc+ 0e*ore a court .ay co.e into t+e picture3B ! ?nly t+en .ay t+e courts pass on t+e validity o* 6+at 6as done, i* and 6+en t+e latter is c+allen/ed in an appropriate le/al proceedin/3 T+e instant petitions raise in t+e .ain t+e issue o* t+e validity o* t+e *ilin/ o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice in accordance 6it+ t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules adopted 0y t+e 15t+ ,on/ress, t+e constitutionality o* 6+ic+ is questioned3 T+e questioned acts +avin/ 0een carried out, i3e3, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint +ad 0een *iled 6it+ t+e 9ouse o*

Representatives and t+e 5II1 Rules +ave already 0een already pro.ul/ated and en*orced, t+e prerequisite t+at t+e alle/ed unconstitutional act s+ould 0e acco.plis+ed and per*or.ed 0e*ore suit, as Tan v. 1acapagal +olds, +as 0een co.plied 6it+3 Related to t+e issue o* ripeness is t+e question o* 6+et+er t+e instant petitions are pre.ature3 .micus curiae * Senate President ;ovito R3 Salon/a opines t+at t+ere .ay 0e no ur/ent need *or t+is ,ourt to render a decision at t+is ti.e, it 0ein/ t+e *inal ar0iter on questions o* constitutionality any6ay3 9e t+us reco..ends t+at all re.edies in t+e 9ouse and Senate s+ould *irst 0e ex+austed3 Ta@in/ a si.ilar stand is Cean Raul Pan/alan/an o* t+e E3P3 ,olle/e o* La6 6+o su//ests to t+is ,ourt to ta@e 1udicial notice o* on2/oin/ atte.pts to encoura/e si/natories to t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint to 6it+dra6 t+eir si/natures and opines t+at t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules provide *or an opportunity *or .e.0ers to raise constitutional questions t+e.selves 6+en t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent are presented on a .otion to to t+e sa.e to t+e Senate3 T+e dean .aintains t+at even t+at t+e 'rticles are trans.itted to t+e Senate, t+e ,+ie* ;ustice can raise t+e issue o* t+eir constitutional in*ir.ity 0y 6ay o* a .otion to dis.iss3 T+e deanDs position does not persuade3 #irst, t+e 6it+dra6al 0y t+e Representatives o* t+eir si/natures 6ould not, 0y itsel*, cure t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules o* t+eir constitutional in*ir.ity3 >eit+er 6ould suc+ a 6it+dra6al, 0y itsel*, o0literate t+e questioned second i.peac+.ent co.plaint since it 6ould only place it under t+e a.0it o* Sections J(5) and (J) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution % and, t+ere*ore, petitioners 6ould continue to su**er t+eir in1uries3 Second and .ost i.portantly, t+e *utility o* see@in/ re.edies *ro. eit+er or 0ot+ 9ouses o* ,on/ress 0e*ore to t+is ,ourt is s+o6n 0y t+e *act t+at, as previously discussed, neit+er t+e 9ouse o* Representatives nor t+e Senate is clot+ed 6it+ t+e po6er to rule 6it+ de*initiveness on t+e issue o* constitutionality, 6+et+er concernin/ i.peac+.ent proceedin/s or ot+er6ise, as said po6er is exclusively vested in t+e 1udiciary 0y t+e earlier quoted Section ), 'rticle ())) o* t+e ,onstitution3 Re.edy cannot 0e sou/+t *ro. a 0ody 6+ic+ is 0ere*t o* po6er to /rant it3 Justicia#ilit" )n t+e leadin/ case o* Tanada v. &uenco , Bpolitical question,B viz $

,+ie* ;ustice Ro0erto ,oncepcion de*ined t+e ter.

LTM+e ter. Bpolitical questionB connotes, in le/al parlance, 6+at it .eans in ordinary parlance, na.ely, a question o* policy3 )n ot+er 6ords, in t+e lan/ua/e o* ,orpus ;uris Secundu., it re*ers to Bt+ose questions 6+ic+, under t+e ,onstitution, are to 0e decided by the people in t+eir soverei/n capacity, or in re/ard to 6+ic+ full discretionary authority +as 0een dele/ated to t+e Le/islature or executive 0ranc+ o* t+e Govern.ent3B )t is concerned 6it+ issues dependent upon t+e wisdom , not le/ality, o* a particular .easure3 ()talics in t+e ori/inal) Prior to t+e 1 %J ,onstitution, 6it+out consistency and 6it+out any r+y.e or reason, t+is ,ourt vacillated on its stance o* ta@in/ co/ni=ance o* cases 6+ic+ involved political questions3 )n so.e cases, t+is ,ourt +id 0e+ind t+e cover o* t+e political question doctrine and re*used to exercise its po6er o* 1udicial revie63 1 I I )n ot+er cases, +o6ever, despite t+e political nature o* t+e

t+erein issues involved, t+is ,ourt assu.ed 1urisdiction 6+enever it *ound constitutionally i.posed li.its on po6ers or *unctions con*erred upon political 0odies3 1 I 1 Even in t+e 1 "" case o* 4avellana v. +xecutive *ecretary 1 I 5 6+ic+ raised t+e issue o* 6+et+er t+e 1 %J ,onstitution 6as rati*ied, +ence, in *orce, t+is ,ourt s+unted t+e political question doctrine and too@ co/ni=ance t+ereo*3 Rati*ication 0y t+e people o* a ,onstitution is a political question, it 0ein/ a question decided 0y t+e people in t+eir soverei/n capacity3 T+e *requency 6it+ 6+ic+ t+is ,ourt invo@ed t+e political question doctrine to re*use to ta@e 1urisdiction over certain cases durin/ t+e Marcos re/i.e .otivated ,+ie* ;ustice ,oncepcion, 6+en +e 0eca.e a ,onstitutional ,o..issioner, to clari*y t+is ,ourtDs po6er o* 1udicial revie6 and its application on issues involvin/ political questions, viz $ MR3 ,?>,EP,)?>3 T+an@ you, Mr3 Presidin/ ?**icer3 ) 6ill spea@ on t+e 1udiciary3 Practically, every0ody +as .ade, ) suppose, t+e usual co..ent t+at t+e 1udiciary is t+e 6ea@est a.on/ t+e t+ree .a1or 0ranc+es o* t+e service3 Since t+e le/islature +olds t+e purse and t+e executive t+e s6ord, t+e 1udiciary +as not+in/ 6it+ 6+ic+ to en*orce its decisions or co..ands except t+e po6er o* reason and appeal to conscience 6+ic+, a*ter all, re*lects t+e 6ill o* God, and is t+e .ost po6er*ul o* all ot+er po6ers 6it+out exception3 x x x 'nd so, 6it+ t+e 0odyDs indul/ence, ) 6ill proceed to read t+e provisions dra*ted 0y t+e ,o..ittee on t+e ;udiciary3 T+e *irst section starts 6it+ a sentence copied *ro. * ,onstitutions3 )t says$ T+e 1udicial po6er s+all 0e vested in one Supre.e ,ourt and in suc+ lo6er courts as .ay 0e esta0lis+ed 0y la63 ) suppose no0ody can question it3 T+e next provision is ne6 in our constitutional la63 ) 6ill read it *irst and explain3 ;udicial po6er includes t+e duty o* courts o* 1ustice to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le and to deter.ine 6+et+er or not t+ere +as 0een a /rave a0use o* discretion a.ountin/ to lac@ or excess o* 1urisdiction on t+e part or instru.entality o* t+e /overn.ent3 #ello6 Me.0ers o* t+is ,o..ission, t+is is actually a product o* our experience durin/ .artial la63 's a .atter o* *act, it +as so.e antecedents in t+e past, 0ut t+e ro'% o@ "h% G$(*c*ar? ($r*-D "h% (%Bos%( r%D*+% Eas +arr%( co-s*(%ra.'? .? "h% c*rc$+s"a-c% "ha" *- a -$+.%r o@ cas%s aDa*-s" "h% Dov%r-+%-" Eh*ch "h%- ha( -o '%Da' (%@%-s% a" a'' "h% so'*c*"or D%-%ra' s%" $B "h% (%@%-s% o@ Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-s a-( Do" aEa? E*"h *". As a co-s%J$%-c% c%r"a*- Br*-c*B'%s co-c%r-*-D Bar"*c$'ar'? "h% Er*" o@ ha#eas corpus "ha" *s "h% a$"hor*"? o@ co$r"s "o or(%r "h% r%'%as% o@ Bo'*"*ca' (%"a*-%%s a-( o"h%r +a""%rs r%'a"%( "o "h% oB%ra"*o- a-( %@@%c" o@ +ar"*a' 'aE @a*'%( .%ca$s% "h% Dov%r-+%-" s%" $B "h% (%@%-s% o@ Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-. 'nd t+e Supre.e ,ourt said$ B8ell, since it is political, 6e +ave no aut+ority to pass upon it3B Th% Co++*""%% o- "h% 2$(*c*ar? @%%'s "ha" "h*s Eas -o" a BroB%r so'$"*o- o@ "h% J$%s"*o-s *-vo'v%(. I" (*( -o" +%r%'? r%J$%s" a%-croach+%-" $Bo- "h% r*Dh"s o@ "h% B%oB'% .$" *" *- %@@%c" %-co$raD%( @$r"h%r v*o'a"*o-s "h%r%o@ ($r*-D "h% +ar"*a' 'aE r%D*+%. ) a. sure t+e .e.0ers o* t+e <ar are *a.iliar 6it+ t+is situation3 <ut *or t+e 0ene*it o* t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,o..ission 6+o are not la6yers, allo6 .e to

explain3 ) 6ill start 6it+ a decision o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt in 1 %J on t+e case o* 4avellana vs. the *ecretary of 4ustice , i* ) a. not .ista@en3 Martial la6 6as announced on Septe.0er 55, alt+ou/+ t+e procla.ation 6as dated Septe.0er 513 T+e o0vious reason *or t+e delay in its pu0lication 6as t+at t+e ad.inistration +ad appre+ended and detained pro.inent ne6s.en on Septe.0er 513 So t+at 6+en .artial la6 6as announced on Septe.0er 55, t+e .edia +ardly pu0lis+ed anyt+in/ a0out it3 )n *act, t+e .edia could not pu0lis+ any story not only 0ecause our .ain 6riters 6ere already incarcerated, 0ut also 0ecause t+ose 6+o succeeded t+e. in t+eir 1o0s 6ere under .ortal t+reat o* 0ein/ t+e o01ect o* 6rat+ o* t+e rulin/ party3 T+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention +ad 0e/un on ;une 1, 1 %1 and 0y Septe.0er 51 or 55 +ad not *inis+ed t+e ,onstitutionG it +ad 0arely a/reed in t+e *unda.entals o* t+e ,onstitution3 ) *or/ot to say t+at upon t+e procla.ation o* .artial la6, so.e dele/ates to t+at 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention, do=ens o* t+e., 6ere pic@ed up3 ?ne o* t+e. 6as our very o6n collea/ue, ,o..issioner ,alderon3 So, t+e un*inis+ed dra*t o* t+e ,onstitution 6as ta@en over 0y representatives o* MalacaWan/3 )n 1% days, t+ey *inis+ed 6+at t+e dele/ates to t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention +ad 0een una0le to acco.plis+ *or a0out 1& .ont+s3 T+e dra*t o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution 6as presented to t+e President around Cece.0er 1, 1 %5, 6+ereupon t+e President issued a decree callin/ a ple0iscite 6+ic+ suspended t+e operation o* so.e provisions in t+e .artial la6 decree 6+ic+ pro+i0ited discussions, .uc+ less pu0lic discussions o* certain .atters o* pu0lic concern3 T+e purpose 6as presu.a0ly to allo6 a *ree discussion on t+e dra*t o* t+e ,onstitution on 6+ic+ a ple0iscite 6as to 0e +eld so.eti.e in ;anuary 1 %J3 )* ) .ay use a 6ord *a.ous 0y our collea/ue, ,o..issioner ?ple, durin/ t+e interre/nu., +o6ever, t+e dra*t o* t+e ,onstitution 6as analy=ed and critici=ed 6it+ suc+ a tellin/ e**ect t+at MalacaWan/ *elt t+e dan/er o* its approval3 So, t+e President suspended inde*initely t+e +oldin/ o* t+e ple0iscite and announced t+at +e 6ould consult t+e people in a re*erendu. to 0e +eld *ro. ;anuary 1I to ;anuary 1H3 <ut t+e questions to 0e su0.itted in t+e re*erendu. 6ere not announced until t+e eve o* its sc+eduled 0e/innin/, under t+e supposed supervision not o* t+e ,o..ission on Elections, 0ut o* 6+at 6as t+en desi/nated as Bciti=ens asse.0lies or 0aran/ays3B T+us t+e 0aran/ays ca.e into existence3 T+e questions to 0e propounded 6ere released 6it+ proposed ans6ers t+ereto, su//estin/ t+at it 6as unnecessary to +old a ple0iscite 0ecause t+e ans6ers /iven in t+e re*erendu. s+ould 0e re/arded as t+e votes cast in t+e ple0iscite3 T+ereupon, a .otion 6as *iled 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt prayin/ t+at t+e +oldin/ o* t+e re*erendu. 0e suspended3 8+en t+e .otion 6as 0ein/ +eard 0e*ore t+e Supre.e ,ourt, t+e Minister o* ;ustice delivered to t+e ,ourt a procla.ation o* t+e President declarin/ t+at t+e ne6 ,onstitution 6as already in *orce 0ecause t+e .a1ority o* t+e votes cast in t+e re*erendu. *avored t+e ,onstitution3 )..ediately a*ter t+e departure o* t+e Minister o* ;ustice, ) proceeded to t+e session roo. 6+ere t+e case 6as 0ein/ +eard3 ) t+en in*or.ed t+e ,ourt and t+e parties t+e presidential procla.ation declarin/ t+at t+e 1 %J ,onstitution +ad 0een rati*ied 0y t+e people and is no6 in *orce3 ' nu.0er o* ot+er cases 6ere *iled to declare t+e presidential procla.ation null and void3 T+e .ain de*ense put up 0y t+e /overn.ent 6as t+at t+e issue 6as a political question and t+at t+e court +ad no 1urisdiction to entertain t+e case3 xxx T+e /overn.ent said t+at in a re*erendu. +eld *ro. ;anuary 1I to ;anuary 1H, t+e vast .a1ority rati*ied t+e dra*t o* t+e ,onstitution3 >ote t+at all .e.0ers o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt 6ere residents o*

Manila, 0ut none o* t+e. +ad 0een noti*ied o* any re*erendu. in t+eir respective places o* residence, .uc+ less did t+ey participate in t+e alle/ed re*erendu.3 >one o* t+e. sa6 any re*erendu. proceedin/3 )n t+e P+ilippines, even local /ossips spread li@e 6ild *ire3 So, a .a1ority o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,ourt *elt t+at t+ere +ad 0een no re*erendu.3 Second, a re*erendu. cannot su0stitute *or a ple0iscite3 Th%r% *s a .*D (*@@%r%-c% .%"E%%- a r%@%r%-($+ a-( a B'%.*sc*"%. 1$" a-o"h%r Dro$B o@ G$s"*c%s $Bh%'( "h% (%@%-s% "ha" "h% *ss$% Eas a Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-. 4h%r%$Bo- "h%? (*s+*ss%( "h% cas%. Th*s *s -o" "h% o-'? +aGor cas% *Eh*ch "h% B'%a o@ KBo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-K Eas s%" $B. Th%r% hav% .%%- a -$+.%r o@ o"h%r cas%s *"h% Bas". x x x Th% (%@%-s% o@ "h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- Eas r%G%c"%( .%ca$s% "h% *ss$% Eas c'%ar'? G$s"*c*a.'%. xxx x x x 8+en your ,o..ittee on t+e ;udiciary 0e/an to per*or. its *unctions, it *aced t+e *ollo6in/ questions$ 8+at is 1udicial po6erF 8+at is a political questionF T+e Supre.e ,ourt, li@e all ot+er courts, +as one .ain *unction$ to settle actual controversies involvin/ con*licts o* ri/+ts 6+ic+ are de.anda0le and en*orcea0le3 T+ere are ri/+ts 6+ic+ are /uaranteed 0y la6 0ut cannot 0e en*orced 0y a 1udiciary party3 )n a decided case, a +us0and co.plained t+at +is 6i*e 6as un6illin/ to per*or. +er duties as a 6i*e3 T+e ,ourt said$ B8e can tell your 6i*e 6+at +er duties as suc+ are and t+at s+e is 0ound to co.ply 6it+ t+e., 0ut 6e cannot *orce +er p+ysically to disc+ar/e +er .ain .arital duty to +er +us0and3 T+ere are so.e ri/+ts /uaranteed 0y la6, 0ut t+ey are so personal t+at to en*orce t+e. 0y actual co.pulsion 6ould 0e +i/+ly dero/atory to di/nity3B T+is is 6+y t+e *irst part o* t+e second para/rap+ o* Section ) provides t+at$ ;udicial po6er includes t+e duty o* courts to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le or en*orcea0le 3 3 3 T+e courts, t+ere*ore, cannot entertain, .uc+ less decide, +ypot+etical questions3 I- a Br%s*(%-"*a' s?s"%+ o@ Dov%r-+%-" "h% S$Br%+% Co$r" has a'so a-o"h%r *+Bor"a-" @$-c"*o-. Th% BoE%rs o@ Dov%r-+%-" ar% D%-%ra''? co-s*(%r%( (*v*(%( *-"o "hr%% .ra-ch%s# "h% L%D*s'a"*v% "h% EA%c$"*v% a-( "h% 2$(*c*ar?. Each o-% *s s$Br%+% E*"h*- *"s oE- sBh%r% a-( *-(%B%-(%-" o@ "h% o"h%rs. 1%ca$s% o@ "ha" s$Br%+ac? BoE%r "o (%"%r+*-% Eh%"h%r a D*v%- 'aE *s va'*( or -o" *s v%s"%( *- co$r"s o@ G$s"*c%. 1r*%@'? s"a"%( co$r"s o@ G$s"*c% (%"%r+*-% "h% '*+*"s o@ BoE%r o@ "h% aD%-c*%s a-( o@@*c%s o@ "h% Dov%r-+%-" as E%'' as "hos% o@ *"s o@@*c%rs. I- o"h%r Eor(s "h% G$(*c*ar? *s "h% @*-a' ar.*"%r o"h% J$%s"*o- Eh%"h%r or -o" a .ra-ch o@ Dov%r-+%-" or a-? o@ *"s o@@*c*a's has ac"%( E*"ho$" G$r*s(*c"*o- or *- %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- or so caBr*c*o$s'? as "o co-s"*"$"% a- a.$s% o@ (*scr%"*o- a+o$-"*-D "o %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- or 'acF o@ G$r*s(*c"*o-. Th*s *s -o" o-'? a G$(*c*a' BoE%r .$" a ($"? "o Bass G$(D+%-" o- +a""%rs o@ "h*s -a"$r%.

Th*s *s "h% .acFDro$-( o@ BaraDraBh 2 o@ S%c"*o- 1 Eh*ch +%a-s "ha" "h% co$r"s ca--o" h%r%a@"%r %va(% "h% ($"? "o s%""'% +a""%rs o@ "h*s -a"$r% .? c'a*+*-D "ha" s$ch +a""%rs co-s"*"$"% a Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-. ) +ave .ade t+ese extended to t+e end t+at t+e ,o..issioners .ay +ave an initial *ood *or t+ou/+t on t+e su01ect o* t+e 1udiciary3 1 I J ()talics in t+e ori/inalG e.p+asis supplied) Curin/ t+e deli0erations o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission, ,+ie* ;ustice ,oncepcion *urt+er clari*ied t+e concept o* 1udicial po6er, t+us$ MR. NOLLEDO. Th% G%-"'%+a- $s%( "h% "%r+ KG$(*c*a' BoE%rK .$" G$(*c*a' BoE%r *s -o" v%s"%( *- "h% S$Br%+% Co$r" a'o-% .$" a'so *- o"h%r 'oE%r co$r"s as +a? .% cr%a"%( .? 'aE. MR. CONCE)CION. 6%s. MR. NOLLEDO. A-( so *s "h*s o-'? a- %Aa+B'%H MR. CONCE)CION. No I F-oE "h*s *s -o". Th% G%-"'%+a- s%%+s "o *(%-"*@? Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-s E*"h G$r*s(*c"*o-a' J$%s"*o-s. 1$" "h%r% *s a (*@@%r%-c%. MR. NOLLEDO. 1%ca$s% o@ "h% %ABr%ss*o- KG$(*c*a' BoE%rKH MR. CONCE)CION. No. 2$(*c*a' BoE%r as I sa*( r%@%rs "o or(*-ar? cas%s .$" Eh%r% "h%r% *s a J$%s"*o- as "o Eh%"h%r "h% Dov%r-+%-" ha( a$"hor*"? or ha( a.$s%( *"s a$"hor*"? "o "h% %A"%-" o@ 'acF*-D G$r*s(*c"*o- or %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- "ha" *s -o" a Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-. Th%r%@or% "h% co$r" has "h% ($"? "o (%c*(%. xxx #R3 <ER>'S3 Elti.ately, t+ere*ore, it 6ill al6ays +ave to 0e decided 0y t+e Supre.e ,ourt accordin/ to t+e ne6 nu.erical need *or votes3 ?n anot+er point, *s *" "h% *-"%-"*o- o@ S%c"*o- 1 "o (o aEa? E*"h "h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- (oc"r*-%H MR. CONCE)CION. No. FR. 1ERNAS. I" *s -o". MR. CONCE)CION. No .%ca$s% Eh%-%v%r "h%r% *s a- a.$s% o@ (*scr%"*o- a+o$-"*-D "o a 'acF o@ G$r*s(*c"*o-. . . FR. 1ERNAS. So I a+ sa"*s@*%( E*"h "h% a-sE%r "ha" *" *s -o" *-"%-(%( "o (o aEa? E*"h "h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- (oc"r*-%. MR. CONCE)CION. No c%r"a*-'? -o". 4h%- "h*s Brov*s*o- Eas or*D*-a''? (ra@"%( *" so$Dh" "o (%@*-% Eha" *s G$(*c*a' BoE%r. 1$" "h% G%-"'%+a- E*'' -o"*c% *" sa?s KG$(*c*a' BoE%r *-c'$(%sK a-( "h% r%aso- .%*-D "ha" "h% (%@*-*"*o- "ha" E% +*Dh" +aF% +a? -o" cov%r a'' Boss*.'% ar%as. FR. 1ERNAS. So "h*s *s -o" a- a""%+B" "o so'v% "h% Bro.'%+s ar*s*-D @ro+ "h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- (oc"r*-%.

MR. CONCE)CION. I" (%@*-*"%'? (o%s -o" %'*+*-a"% "h% @ac" "ha" "r$'? Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o-s ar% .%?o-( "h% Ba'% o@ G$(*c*a' BoE%r. 1 I & (E.p+asis supplied) #ro. t+e *ore/oin/ record o* t+e proceedin/s o* t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission, it is clear t+at 1udicial po6er is not only a po6erG it is also a duty, a ($"? 6+ic+ cannot 0e a0dicated 0y t+e .ere specter o* t+is creature called t+e political question doctrine3 ,+ie* ;ustice ,oncepcion +astened to clari*y, +o6ever, t+at Section 1, 'rticle ())) 6as not intended to do a6ay 6it+ Btruly political questions3B #ro. t+is clari*ication it is /at+ered t+at t+ere are t6o species o* political questions$ (1) Btruly political questionsB and (5) t+ose 6+ic+ Bare not truly political questions3B Truly political questions are t+us 0eyond 1udicial revie6, t+e reason *or respect o* t+e doctrine o* separation o* po6ers to 0e .aintained3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, 0y virtue o* Section 1, 'rticle ())) o* t+e ,onstitution, courts can revie6 questions 6+ic+ are not truly political in nature3 's pointed out 0y a.icus curiae * dean Paci*ico '/a0in o* t+e EP ,olle/e o* La6, t+is ,ourt +as in *act in a nu.0er o* cases ta@en 1urisdiction over questions 6+ic+ are not truly political *ollo6in/ t+e e**ectivity o* t+e present ,onstitution3 )n 1arcos v. 1anglapus, 1 I H t+is ,ourt, spea@in/ t+rou/+ Mada.e ;ustice )rene ,ortes, +eld$ T+e present ,onstitution li.its resort to t+e political question doctrine and 0roadens t+e scope o* 1udicial inquiry into areas 6+ic+ t+e ,ourt, under previous constitutions, 6ould +ave le*t to t+e political depart.ents to decide3 1 I ! x x x )n -engzon v. *enate -lue /ibbon &ommittee, 1 I % t+rou/+ ;ustice Teodoro Padilla, t+is ,ourt declared$ T+e Ballocation o* constitutional 0oundariesB is a tas@ t+at t+is ,ourt .ust per*or. under t+e ,onstitution3 Moreover, as +eld in a recent case, K("!h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- (oc"r*-% -%*"h%r *-"%rBos%s a- o.s"ac'% "o G$(*c*a' (%"%r+*-a"*o- o@ "h% r*va' c'a*+s. Th% G$r*s(*c"*o- "o (%'*+*" co-s"*"$"*o-a' .o$-(ar*%s has .%%- D*v%- "o "h*s Co$r". I" ca--o" a.(*ca"% "ha" o.'*Da"*o+a-(a"%( .? "h% 19;7 Co-s"*"$"*o- a'"ho$Dh sa*( Brov*s*o- .? -o +%a-s (o%s aEa? E*"h "h% aBB'*ca.*'*"? o@ "h% Br*-c*B'% *- aBBroBr*a"% cas%s.K 1 I " (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) 'nd in Aaza v. *ingson, 1 I spea@in/ t+rou/+ ;ustice )sa/ani ,ru=, t+is ,ourt ruled$ )n t+e case no6 0e*ore us, t+e 1urisdictional o01ection even less tena0le and decisive3 T+e reason is t+at, even i* 6e 6ere to assu.e t+at t+e issue presented 0e*ore us 6as political in nature, 6e 6ould still not 0e precluded *ro. resolvin/ it under t+e %ABa-(%( 1urisdiction con*erred upon us t+at no6 covers, in proper cases, even t+e political question3 11 I x x x (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied3) Section 1, 'rticle ())), o* t+e ,ourt does not de*ine 6+at are 1usticia0le political questions and non2 1usticia0le political questions, +o6ever3 )denti*ication o* t+ese t6o species o* political questions .ay 0e pro0le.atic3 T+ere +as 0een no clear standard3 T+e '.erican case o* -a7er v. &arr 111 atte.pts to provide so.e$ x x x Pro.inent on t+e sur*ace o* any case +eld to involve a political question is *ound a textually de.onstra0le constitutional o* t+e issue to a coordinate political depart.ent G or a lac@

o* 1udicially discovera0le and .ana/ea0le standards *or resolvin/ it G or t+e i.possi0ility o* decidin/ 6it+out an initial policy deter.ination o* a @ind clearly *or non21udicial discretion G or t+e i.possi0ility o* a courtDs underta@in/ independent resolution 6it+out expressin/ lac@ o* t+e respect due coordinate 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent G or an unusual need *or questionin/ ad+erence to a political decision already .ade G or t+e potentiality o* e.0arrass.ent *ro. .ulti*arious pronounce.ents 0y various depart.ents on one question 3 11 5 (Enderscorin/ supplied) ?* t+ese standards, t+e .ore relia0le +ave 0een t+e *irst t+ree$ (1) a textually de.onstra0le constitutional o* t+e issue to a coordinate political depart.entG (5) t+e lac@ o* 1udicially discovera0le and .ana/ea0le standards *or resolvin/ itG and (J) t+e i.possi0ility o* decidin/ 6it+out an initial policy deter.ination o* a @ind clearly *or non21udicial discretion3 T+ese standards are not separate and distinct concepts 0ut are interrelated to eac+ in t+at t+e presence o* one stren/t+ens t+e conclusion t+at t+e ot+ers are also present3 T+e pro0le. in applyin/ t+e *ore/oin/ standards is t+at t+e '.erican concept o* 1udicial revie6 is radically di**erent *ro. our current concept, *or Section 1, 'rticle ())) o* t+e ,onstitution provides our courts 6it+ *ar less discretion in deter.inin/ 6+et+er t+ey s+ould pass upon a constitutional issue3 )n our 1urisdiction, t+e deter.ination o* a truly political question *ro. a non21usticia0le political question lies in t+e ans6er to t+e question o* 6+et+er t+ere are constitutionally i.posed li.its on po6ers or *unctions con*erred upon political 0odies3 )* t+ere are, t+en our courts are duty20ound to exa.ine 6+et+er t+e 0ranc+ or instru.entality o* t+e /overn.ent properly acted 6it+in suc+ li.its3 T+is ,ourt s+all t+us no6 apply t+is standard to t+e present controversy3 T+ese petitions raise *ive su0stantial issues$ )3 8+et+er t+e o**enses alle/ed in t+e Second i.peac+.ent co.plaint constitute valid i.peac+a0le o**enses under t+e ,onstitution3 ))3 8+et+er t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as *iled in accordance 6it+ Section J(&), 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3 )))3 8+et+er t+e le/islative inquiry 0y t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice into t+e ;udicial Cevelop.ent #und is an unconstitutional in*rin/e.ent o* t+e constitutionally .andated *iscal autono.y o* t+e 1udiciary3 )(3 8+et+er Sections 1H and 1! o* Rule ( o* t+e Rules on ).peac+.ent adopted 0y t+e 15t+ ,on/ress are unconstitutional *or violatin/ t+e provisions o* Section J, 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3 (3 8+et+er t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint is 0arred under Section J(H) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+e *irst issue /oes into t+e .erits o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint over 6+ic+ t+is ,ourt +as no 1urisdiction3 More i.portantly, any discussion o* t+is issue 6ould require t+is ,ourt to .a@e a deter.ination o* 6+at constitutes an i.peac+a0le o**ense3 Suc+ a deter.ination is a purely political question 6+ic+ t+e ,onstitution +as le*t to t+e sound discretion o* t+e le/islation3 Suc+ an intent is

clear *ro. t+e deli0erations o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission3 11 J 'lt+ou/+ Section 5 o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution enu.erates six /rounds *or i.peac+.ent, t6o o* t+ese, na.ely, ot+er +i/+ and 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust, elude a precise de*inition3 )n *act, an exa.ination o* t+e records o* t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission s+o6s t+at t+e *ra.ers could *ind no 0etter 6ay to approxi.ate t+e 0oundaries o* 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust and ot+er +i/+ t+an 0y alludin/ to 0ot+ positive and ne/ative exa.ples o* 0ot+, 6it+out arrivin/ at t+eir clear cut de*inition or even a standard t+ere*or3 11 & ,learly, t+e issue calls upon t+is court to decide a non2 1usticia0le political question 6+ic+ is 0eyond t+e scope o* its 1udicial po6er under Section 1, 'rticle ()))3 $is Mota )t is a 6ell2settled .axi. o* ad1udication t+at an issue assailin/ t+e constitutionality o* a /overn.ental act s+ould 0e avoided 6+enever possi0le3 T+us, in t+e case o* *otto v. &ommission on +lections , 11 H t+is ,ourt +eld$ x x x )t is a 6ell2esta0lis+ed rule t+at a court s+ould not pass upon a constitutional question and decide a la6 to 0e unconstitutional or invalid, unless suc+ question is raised 0y t+e parties and t+at 6+en it is raised, *@ "h% r%cor( a'so Br%s%-"s so+% o"h%r Dro$-( $Bo- Eh*ch "h% co$r" +a? r%s" *"s G$(D+%-" "ha" co$rs% E*'' .% a(oB"%( a-( "h% co-s"*"$"*o-a' J$%s"*o- E*'' .% '%@" @or co-s*(%ra"*o- $-"*' a cas% ar*s%s *- Eh*ch a (%c*s*o- $Bo- s$ch J$%s"*o- E*'' .% $-avo*(a.'% 3 11 ! LE.p+asis and underscorin/ suppliedM T+e sa.e principle 6as applied in 9uz 3arms v. *ecretary of .grarian /eform , 11 % 6+ere t+is ,ourt invalidated Sections 1J and J5 o* Repu0lic 'ct >o3 !!H% *or 0ein/ con*iscatory and violative o* due process, to 6it$ )t +as 0een esta0lis+ed t+at "h*s Co$r" E*'' ass$+% G$r*s(*c"*o- ov%r a co-s"*"$"*o-a' J$%s"*oo-'? *@ *" *s shoE- "ha" "h% %ss%-"*a' r%J$*s*"%s o@ a G$(*c*a' *-J$*r? *-"o s$ch a J$%s"*o- ar% @*rs" sa"*s@*%( 3 T+us, t+ere .ust 0e an actual case or controversy involvin/ a con*lict o* le/al ri/+ts suscepti0le o* 1udicial deter.ination, t+e constitutional question .ust +ave 0een opportunely raised 0y t+e proper party, and "h% r%so'$"*o- o@ "h% J$%s"*o- *s $-avo*(a.'? -%c%ssar? "o "h% (%c*s*oo@ "h% cas% *"s%'@ 3 11 " LE.p+asis suppliedM Succinctly put, courts 6ill not touc+ t+e issue o* constitutionality unless it is truly unavoida0le and is t+e very lis mota or crux o* t+e controversy3 's noted earlier, t+e instant consolidated petitions, 6+ile all see@in/ t+e invalidity o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint, collectively raise several constitutional issues upon 6+ic+ t+e outco.e o* t+is controversy could possi0ly 0e .ade to rest3 )n deter.inin/ 6+et+er one, so.e or all o* t+e re.ainin/ su0stantial issues s+ould 0e passed upon, t+is ,ourt is /uided 0y t+e related cannon o* ad1udication t+at Bt+e court s+ould not *or. a rule o* constitutional la6 0roader t+an is required 0y t+e precise *acts to 6+ic+ it is applied 3B 11 )n G3R3 >o3 1!IJ1I, petitioners Leonilo R3 'l*onso, et al. ar/ue t+at, a.on/ ot+er reasons, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint is invalid since it directly resulted *ro. a Resolution 1 5 I callin/ *or a le/islative inquiry into t+e ;C#, 6+ic+ Resolution and le/islative inquiry petitioners clai. to

li@e6ise 0e unconstitutional *or 0ein/$ (a) a violation o* t+e rules and 1urisprudence on investi/ations in aid o* le/islationG (0) an open 0reac+ o* t+e doctrine o* separation o* po6ersG (c) a violation o* t+e constitutionally .andated *iscal autono.y o* t+e 1udiciaryG and (d) an assault on t+e independence o* t+e 1udiciary3 1 5 1 8it+out /oin/ into t+e .erits o* petitioners 'l*onso, et. al. Ds clai.s, it is t+e studied opinion o* t+is ,ourt t+at t+e issue o* t+e constitutionality o* t+e said Resolution and resultin/ le/islative inquiry is too *ar re.oved *ro. t+e issue o* t+e validity o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 Moreover, t+e resolution o* said issue 6ould, in t+e ,ourtDs opinion, require it to *or. a rule o* constitutional la6 touc+in/ on t+e separate and distinct .atter o* le/islative inquiries in /eneral, 6+ic+ 6ould t+us 0e 0roader t+an is required 0y t+e *acts o* t+ese consolidated cases3 T+is opinion is *urt+er stren/t+ened 0y t+e *act t+at said petitioners +ave raised ot+er /rounds in support o* t+eir petition 6+ic+ 6ould not 0e adversely a**ected 0y t+e ,ourtDs rulin/3 +n passant, t+is ,ourt notes t+at a standard *or t+e conduct o* le/islative inquiries +as already 0een enunciated 0y t+is ,ourt in -engzon, 4r. v. *enate -lue /ibbon &ommttee, 1 5 5 vi=$ T+e 1 "% ,onstitution expressly reco/ni=es t+e po6er o* 0ot+ +ouses o* ,on/ress to conduct inquiries in aid o* le/islation3 T+us, Section 51, 'rticle () t+ereo* provides$ T+e Senate or t+e 9ouse o* Representatives or any o* its respective co..ittees .ay conduct inquiries in aid o* le/islation in accordance 6it+ its duly pu0lis+ed rules o* procedure3 T+e ri/+ts o* persons appearin/ in or a**ected 0y suc+ inquiries s+all 0e respected3 T+e po6er o* 0ot+ +ouses o* ,on/ress to conduct inquiries in aid o* le/islation is not, t+ere*ore a0solute or unli.ited3 )ts exercise is circu.scri0ed 0y t+e a*ore2quoted provision o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+us, as provided t+erein, t+e investi/ation .ust 0e Bin aid o* le/islation in accordance 6it+ its duly pu0lis+ed rules o* procedureB and t+at Bt+e ri/+ts o* persons appearin/ in or a**ected 0y suc+ inquiries s+all 0e respected3B )t *ollo6s t+en t+at t+e ri/+t ri/+ts o* persons under t+e <ill o* Ri/+ts .ust 0e respected, includin/ t+e ri/+t to due process and t+e ri/+t not 0e co.pelled to testi*y a/ainst oneDs sel*3 1 5 J )n G3R3 >o3 1!I5!5, intervenors Ro.ulo <3 Macalintal and Pete Puirino Puadra, 6+ile 1oinin/ t+e ori/inal petition o* petitioners ,andelaria, et. al., introduce t+e ne6 ar/u.ent t+at since t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as veri*ied and *iled only 0y Representatives Gil0erto Teodoro, ;r3 and #elix 8illia. #uente0ella, t+e sa.e does not *all under t+e provisions o* Section J (&), 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution 6+ic+ reads$ Section J(&) )n case t+e veri*ied co.plaint or resolution o* i.peac+.ent is *iled 0y at least one2 t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse, t+e sa.e s+all constitute t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent, and trial 0y t+e Senate s+all *ort+6it+ proceed3 T+ey assert t+at 6+ile at least "1 .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives si/ned a Resolution o* Endorse.entK).peac+.ent, t+e sa.e did not satis*y t+e requisites *or t+e application o* t+e a*ore2 .entioned section in t+at t+e Bveri*ied co.plaint or resolution o* i.peac+.entB 6as not *iled B0y at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse3B 8it+ t+e exception o* Representatives Teodoro and #uente0ella, t+e si/natories to said Resolution are alle/ed to +ave veri*ied t+e sa.e .erely as a

BResolution o* Endorse.ent3B )ntervenors point to t+e B(eri*icationB o* t+e Resolution o* Endorse.ent 6+ic+ states t+at$ B8e are t+e proponentsKsponsors o* t+e Resolution o* Endorse.ent o* t+e a0ove.entioned ,o.plaint o* Representatives Gil0erto Teodoro and #elix 8illia. <3 #uente0ella x x xB 1 5 & )ntervenors Macalintal and Puadra *urt+er clai. t+at 6+at t+e ,onstitution requires in order *or said second i.peac+.ent co.plaint to auto.atically 0eco.e t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent and *or trial in t+e Senate to 0e/in B*ort+6it+,B is t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint 0e B*iled ,B not .erely endorsed, 0y at least one2t+ird o* t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 >ot +avin/ co.plied 6it+ t+is require.ent, t+ey concede t+at t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint s+ould +ave 0een calendared and re*erred to t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice under Section J(5), 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution, viz $ Section J(5) ' veri*ied co.plaint *or i.peac+.ent .ay 0e *iled 0y any Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives or 0y any citi=en upon a resolution o* endorse.ent 0y any Me.0er t+ereo*, 6+ic+ s+all 0e included in t+e ?rder o* <usiness 6it+in ten session days, and re*erred to t+e proper ,o..ittee 6it+in t+ree session days t+erea*ter3 T+e ,o..ittee, a*ter +earin/, and 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, s+all its report to t+e 9ouse 6it+in sixty session days *ro. suc+ re*erral, to/et+er 6it+ t+e correspondin/ resolution3 T+e resolution s+all 0e calendared *or consideration 0y t+e 9ouse 6it+in ten session days *ro. receipt t+ereo*3 )ntervenorsD *ore/oin/ position is ec+oed 0y ;ustice Maa.0on/ 6+o opined t+at *or Section J (&), 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution to apply, t+ere s+ould 0e %! or .ore representatives 6+o si/ned and veri*ied t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint as co.plainants , si/ned and veri*ied t+e si/natories to a resolution o* i.peac+.ent3 ;ustice Maa.0on/ li@e6ise asserted t+at t+e Resolution o* Endorse.entK).peac+.ent si/ned 0y at least one2t+ird o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives as endorsers is not t+e resolution o* i.peac+.ent conte.plated 0y t+e ,onstitution, suc+ resolution o* endorse.ent 0ein/ necessary only *ro. at least one Me.0er 6+enever a citi=en *iles a veri*ied i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 8+ile t+e *ore/oin/ issue, as ar/ued 0y intervenors Macalintal and Puadra, does indeed t+e scope o* t+e constitutional issues to t+e provisions on i.peac+.ent, .ore co.pellin/ considerations .ilitate a/ainst its adoption as t+e lis mota or crux o* t+e present controversy3 ,+ie* a.on/ t+is is t+e *act t+at only 'ttorneys Macalintal and Puadra, intervenors in G3R3 >o3 1!I5!5, +ave raised t+is issue as a /round *or invalidatin/ t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3 T+us, to adopt t+is additional /round as t+e 0asis *or decidin/ t+e instant consolidated petitions 6ould not only render *or nau/+t t+e e**orts o* t+e ori/inal petitioners in G3R3 >o3 1!I5!5, 0ut t+e e**orts presented 0y t+e ot+er petitioners as 6ell3 '/ain, t+e decision to discard t+e resolution o* t+is issue as unnecessary *or t+e deter.ination o* t+e instant cases is .ade easier 0y t+e *act t+at said intervenors Macalintal and Puadra +ave 1oined in t+e petition o* ,andelaria, et. al., adoptin/ t+e latterDs ar/u.ents and issues as t+eir o6n3 ,onsequently, t+ey are not unduly pre1udiced 0y t+is ,ourtDs decision3 )n su., t+is ,ourt +olds t+at t+e t6o re.ainin/ issues, inextrica0ly lin@ed as t+ey are, constitute t+e very lis .ota o* t+e instant controversy$ (1) 6+et+er Sections 1H and 1! o* Rule ( o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules adopted 0y t+e 15t+ ,on/ress are unconstitutional *or violatin/ t+e provisions

o* Section J, 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitutionG and (5) 6+et+er, as a result t+ereo*, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint is 0arred under Section J(H) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3 Judicial Restraint Senator Pi.entel ur/es t+is ,ourt to exercise 1udicial restraint on t+e /round t+at t+e Senate, sittin/ as an i.peac+.ent court, +as t+e sole po6er to try and decide all cases o* i.peac+.ent3 '/ain, t+is ,ourt reiterates t+at t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 includes t+e po6er o* revie6 over 1usticia0le issues in i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, respondents Spea@er Ce (enecia et3 al3 ar/ue t+at BLtM+ere is a .oral co.pulsion *or t+e ,ourt to not assu.e 1urisdiction over t+e i.peac+.ent 0ecause all t+e Me.0ers t+ereo* are su01ect to i.peac+.ent3B 1 5 H <ut t+is ar/u.ent is very .uc+ li@e sayin/ t+e Le/islature +as a .oral co.pulsion not to pass la6s 6it+ penalty clauses 0ecause Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives are su01ect to t+e.3 T+e exercise o* 1udicial restraint over 1usticia0le issues is not an option 0e*ore t+is ,ourt3 'd1udication .ay not 0e declined, 0ecause t+is ,ourt is not le/ally disquali*ied3 >or can 1urisdiction 0e renounced as t+ere is no ot+er tri0unal to 6+ic+ t+e controversy .ay 0e re*erred3B 1 5 ! ?t+er6ise, t+is ,ourt 6ould 0e s+ir@in/ *ro. its duty vested under 'rt3 ())), Sec3 1(5) o* t+e ,onstitution3 More t+an 0ein/ clot+ed 6it+ aut+ority t+us, t+is ,ourt is duty20ound to ta@e co/ni=ance o* t+e instant petitions3 1 5 % )n t+e au/ust 6ords o* amicus curiae #at+er <ernas, B1urisdiction is not 1ust a po6erG it is a sole.n duty 6+ic+ .ay not 0e renounced3 To renounce it, even i* it is vexatious, 6ould 0e a dereliction o* duty3B Even in cases 6+ere it is an interested party, t+e ,ourt under our syste. o* /overn.ent cannot in+i0it itsel* and .ust rule upon t+e c+allen/e 0ecause no ot+er o**ice +as t+e aut+ority to do so3 1 5 " ?n t+e occasion t+at t+is ,ourt +ad 0een an interested party to t+e controversy 0e*ore it, it +as acted upon t+e .atter Bnot 6it+ o**iciousness 0ut in t+e disc+ar/e o* an unavoida0le duty and, as al6ays, 6it+ detac+.ent and *airness3B 1 5 '*ter all, B0y L+isM appoint.ent to t+e o**ice, t+e pu0lic +as laid on La .e.0er o* t+e 1udiciaryM t+eir con*idence t+at L+eM is .entally and .orally *it to pass upon t+e .erits o* t+eir varied contentions3 #or t+is reason, t+ey expect L+i.M to 0e *earless in L+isM pursuit to render 1ustice, to 0e una*raid to displease any person, interest or po6er and to 0e equipped 6it+ a .oral *i0er stron/ enou/+ to resist t+e te.ptations lur@in/ in L+isM o**ice3B 1 J I T+e duty to exercise t+e po6er o* ad1udication re/ardless o* interest +ad already 0een settled in t+e case o* .bbas v. *enate +lectoral Tribunal 3 1 J 1 )n t+at case, t+e petitioners *iled 6it+ t+e respondent Senate Electoral Tri0unal a Motion *or Cisquali*ication or )n+i0ition o* t+e Senators2Me.0ers t+ereo* *ro. t+e +earin/ and resolution o* SET ,ase >o3 II52"% on t+e /round t+at all o* t+e. 6ere interested parties to said case as respondents t+erein3 T+is 6ould +ave reduced t+e Tri0unalDs .e.0ers+ip to only its t+ree ;ustices2Me.0ers 6+ose disquali*ication 6as not sou/+t, leavin/ t+e. to decide t+e .atter3 T+is ,ourt +eld$ 8+ere, as +ere, a situation is created 6+ic+ precludes t+e su0stitution o* any Senator sittin/ in t+e Tri0unal 0y any o* +is ot+er collea/ues in t+e Senate 6it+out invitin/ t+e sa.e o01ections to t+e su0stituteDs co.petence, t+e proposed .ass disquali*ication, i* sanctioned and ordered, 6ould leave t+e Tri0unal no alternative 0ut to a0andon a duty t+at no ot+er court or 0ody can per*or., 0ut 6+ic+

it cannot la6*ully disc+ar/e i* s+orn o* t+e participation o* its entire .e.0ers+ip o* Senators3 To our .ind, t+is is t+e overridin/ consideration S t+at t+e Tri0unal 0e not prevented *ro. disc+ar/in/ a duty 6+ic+ it alone +as t+e po6er to per*or., t+e per*or.ance o* 6+ic+ is in t+e +i/+est pu0lic interest as evidenced 0y its 0ein/ expressly i.posed 0y no less t+an t+e *unda.ental la63 )t is aptly noted in t+e *irst o* t+e questioned Resolutions t+at t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution could not +ave 0een una6are o* t+e possi0ility o* an election contest t+at 6ould involve all SenatorsS elect, six o* 6+o. 6ould inevita0ly +ave to sit in 1ud/.ent t+ereon3 )ndeed, suc+ possi0ility .i/+t sur*ace a/ain in t+e 6a@e o* t+e 1 5 elections 6+en once .ore, 0ut *or t+e last ti.e, all 5& seats in t+e Senate 6ill 0e at sta@e3 :et t+e ,onstitution provides no sc+e.e or .ode *or settlin/ suc+ unusual situations or *or t+e su0stitution o* Senators desi/nated to t+e Tri0unal 6+ose disquali*ication .ay 0e sou/+t3 Liti/ants in suc+ situations .ust si.ply place t+eir trust and +opes o* vindication in t+e *airness and sense o* 1ustice o* t+e Me.0ers o* t+e Tri0unal3 ;ustices and Senators, sin/ly and collectively3 Let us not 0e .isunderstood as sayin/ t+at no Senator2Me.0er o* t+e Senate Electoral Tri0unal .ay in+i0it or disquali*y +i.sel* *ro. sittin/ in 1ud/.ent on any case 0e*ore said Tri0unal3 Every 1ember o* t+e Tri0unal .ay, as +is conscience dictates, re*rain *ro. participatin/ in t+e resolution o* a case 6+ere +e sincerely *eels t+at +is personal interests or 0iases 6ould stand in t+e 6ay o* an o01ective and i.partial 1ud/.ent3 8+at 6e are .erely sayin/ is t+at in t+e li/+t o* t+e ,onstitution, t+e Senate Electoral Tri0unal cannot le/ally *unction as suc+, a0sent its entire .e.0ers+ip o* Senators and t+at no a.end.ent o* its Rules can con*er on t+e t+ree ;ustices2Me.0ers alone t+e po6er o* valid ad1udication o* a senatorial election contest3 More recently in t+e case o* +strada v. Aesierto , 1 J 5 it 6as +eld t+at$ Moreover, to disquali*y any o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,ourt, particularly a .a1ority o* t+e., is not+in/ s+ort o* pro tanto deprivin/ t+e ,ourt itsel* o* its 1urisdiction as esta0lis+ed 0y t+e *unda.ental la63 Cisquali*ication o* a 1ud/e is a deprivation o* +is 1udicial po6er3 'nd i* t+at 1ud/e is t+e one desi/nated 0y t+e ,onstitution to exercise t+e 1urisdiction o* +is court, as is t+e case 6it+ t+e ;ustices o* t+is ,ourt, t+e deprivation o* +is or t+eir 1udicial po6er is equivalent to t+e deprivation o* t+e 1udicial po6er o* t+e court itsel*3 )t a**ects t+e very +eart o* 1udicial independence3 T+e proposed .ass disquali*ication, i* sanctioned and ordered, 6ould leave t+e ,ourt no alternative 0ut to a0andon a duty 6+ic+ it cannot la6*ully disc+ar/e i* s+orn o* t+e participation o* its entire .e.0ers+ip o* ;ustices3 1 J J ()talics in t+e ori/inal) <esides, t+ere are speci*ic sa*e/uards already laid do6n 0y t+e ,ourt 6+en it exercises its po6er o* 1udicial revie63 )n Aemetria v. .lba, 1 J & t+is ,ourt, t+rou/+ ;ustice Marcelo #ernan cited t+e Bseven pillarsB o* li.itations o* t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6, enunciated 0y ES Supre.e ,ourt ;ustice <randeis in .shwander v. TG. 1 J H as *ollo6s$ 13 T+e ,ourt 6ill not pass upon t+e constitutionality o* le/islation in a *riendly, non2adversary proceedin/, declinin/ 0ecause to decide suc+ questions Dis le/iti.ate only in t+e last resort, and as a

necessity in t+e deter.ination o* real, earnest and vital controversy 0et6een individuals3 )t never 6as t+e t+ou/+t t+at, 0y .eans o* a *riendly suit, a party 0eaten in t+e le/islature could trans*er to t+e courts an inquiry as to t+e constitutionality o* t+e le/islative act3D 53 T+e ,ourt 6ill not Danticipate a question o* constitutional la6 in advance o* t+e necessity o* decidin/ it3D 3 3 3 D)t is not t+e +a0it o* t+e ,ourt to decide questions o* a constitutional nature unless a0solutely necessary to a decision o* t+e case3D J3 T+e ,ourt 6ill not D*or.ulate a rule o* constitutional la6 0roader t+an is required 0y t+e precise *acts to 6+ic+ it is to 0e applied3D &3 T+e ,ourt 6ill not pass upon a constitutional question alt+ou/+ properly presented 0y t+e record, i* t+ere is also present so.e ot+er /round upon 6+ic+ t+e case .ay 0e disposed o*3 T+is rule +as *ound .ost varied application3 T+us, i* a case can 0e decided on eit+er o* t6o /rounds, one involvin/ a constitutional question, t+e ot+er a question o* statutory construction or /eneral la6, t+e ,ourt 6ill decide only t+e latter3 'ppeals *ro. t+e +i/+est court o* a state c+allen/in/ its decision o* a question under t+e #ederal ,onstitution are *requently dis.issed 0ecause t+e 1ud/.ent can 0e sustained on an independent state /round3 H3 T+e ,ourt 6ill not pass upon t+e validity o* a statute upon co.plaint o* one 6+o *ails to s+o6 t+at +e is in1ured 0y its operation3 '.on/ t+e .any applications o* t+is rule, none is .ore stri@in/ t+an t+e denial o* t+e ri/+t o* c+allen/e to one 6+o lac@s a personal or property ri/+t3 T+us, t+e c+allen/e 0y a pu0lic o**icial interested only in t+e per*or.ance o* +is o**icial duty 6ill not 0e entertained 3 3 3 )n 3airchild v. 8ughes, t+e ,ourt a**ir.ed t+e dis.issal o* a suit 0rou/+t 0y a citi=en 6+o sou/+t to +ave t+e >ineteent+ '.end.ent declared unconstitutional3 )n 1assachusetts v. 1ellon, t+e c+allen/e o* t+e *ederal Maternity 'ct 6as not entertained alt+ou/+ .ade 0y t+e ,o..on6ealt+ on 0e+al* o* all its citi=ens3 !3 T+e ,ourt 6ill not pass upon t+e constitutionality o* a statute at t+e instance o* one 6+o +as availed +i.sel* o* its 0ene*its3 %3 8+en t+e validity o* an act o* t+e ,on/ress is dra6n in question, and even i* a serious dou0t o* constitutionality is raised, it is a cardinal principle t+at t+is ,ourt 6ill *irst ascertain 6+et+er a construction o* t+e statute is *airly possi0le 0y 6+ic+ t+e question .ay 0e avoided (citations o.itted)3 T+e *ore/oin/ BpillarsB o* li.itation o* 1udicial revie6, su..ari=ed in .shwander v. TG. *ro. di**erent decisions o* t+e Enited States Supre.e ,ourt, can 0e encapsulated into t+e *ollo6in/ cate/ories$ 13 t+at t+ere 0e a0solute necessity o* decidin/ a case 53 t+at rules o* constitutional la6 s+all 0e *or.ulated only as required 0y t+e *acts o* t+e case J3 t+at 1ud/.ent .ay not 0e sustained on so.e ot+er /round &3 t+at t+ere 0e actual in1ury sustained 0y t+e party 0y reason o* t+e operation o* t+e statute H3 t+at t+e parties are not in estoppel

!3 t+at t+e ,ourt up+olds t+e presu.ption o* constitutionality3 's stated previously, parallel /uidelines +ave 0een adopted 0y t+is ,ourt in t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6$ 13 actual case or controversy callin/ *or t+e exercise o* 1udicial po6er 53 t+e person c+allen/in/ t+e act .ust +ave Bstandin/B to c+allen/eG +e .ust +ave a personal and su0stantial interest in t+e case suc+ t+at +e +as sustained, or 6ill sustain, direct in1ury as a result o* its en*orce.ent J3 t+e question o* constitutionality .ust 0e raised at t+e earliest possi0le opportunity &3 t+e issue o* constitutionality .ust 0e t+e very lis mota o* t+e case3 1 J ! Respondents Spea@er de (enecia, et. al. raise anot+er ar/u.ent *or 1udicial restraint t+e possi0ility t+at B1udicial revie6 o* i.peac+.ents .i/+t also lead to e.0arrassin/ con*licts 0et6een t+e ,on/ress and t+e L;Mudiciary3B T+ey stress t+e need to avoid t+e appearance o* i.propriety or con*licts o* interest in 1udicial +earin/s, and t+e scenario t+at it 6ould 0e con*usin/ and +u.iliatin/ and ris@ serious political insta0ility at +o.e and a0road i* t+e 1udiciary counter.anded t+e vote o* ,on/ress to re.ove an i.peac+a0le o**icial3 1 J % )ntervenor Soriano ec+oes t+is ar/u.ent 0y alle/in/ t+at *ailure o* t+is ,ourt to en*orce its Resolution a/ainst ,on/ress 6ould result in t+e di.inution o* its 1udicial aut+ority and erode pu0lic con*idence and *ait+ in t+e 1udiciary3 Suc+ an ar/u.ent, +o6ever, is specious, to say t+e least3 's correctly stated 0y t+e Solicitor General, t+e possi0ility o* t+e occurrence o* a constitutional crisis is not a reason *or t+is ,ourt to re*rain *ro. up+oldin/ t+e ,onstitution in all i.peac+.ent cases3 ;ustices cannot a0andon t+eir constitutional duties 1ust 0ecause t+eir action .ay start, i* not precipitate, a crisis3 ;ustice #eliciano 6arned a/ainst t+e dan/ers 6+en t+is ,ourt re*uses to act3 x x x #requently, t+e *i/+t over a controversial le/islative or executive act is not re/arded as settled until t+e Supre.e ,ourt +as passed upon t+e constitutionality o* t+e act involved, t+e 1ud/.ent +as not only 1uridical e**ects 0ut also political consequences3 T+ose political consequences .ay *ollo6 even 6+ere t+e ,ourt *ails to /rant t+e petitionerDs prayer to nulli*y an act *or lac@ o* t+e necessary nu.0er o* votes3 #requently, *ailure to act explicitly, one 6ay or t+e ot+er, itsel* constitutes a decision *or t+e respondent and validation, or at least quasi2validation, *ollo6s3B 1 J " T+us, in 4avellana v. +xecutive *ecretary 1 J 6+ere t+is ,ourt 6as split and Bin t+e end t+ere 6ere not enou/+ votes eit+er to /rant t+e petitions, or to sustain respondentDs clai.s,B 1 & I t+e pre2existin/ constitutional order 6as disrupted 6+ic+ paved t+e 6ay *or t+e esta0lis+.ent o* t+e .artial la6 re/i.e3 Suc+ an ar/u.ent 0y respondents and intervenor also t+at t+e coordinate 0ranc+es o* t+e /overn.ent 6ould 0e+ave in a la6less .anner and not do t+eir duty under t+e la6 to up+old t+e ,onstitution and o0ey t+e la6s o* t+e land3 :et t+ere is no reason to 0elieve t+at any o* t+e 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent 6ill 0e+ave in a precipitate .anner and ris@ social up+eaval, violence, c+aos and anarc+y 0y encoura/in/ disrespect *or t+e *unda.ental la6 o* t+e land3

Su0stitutin/ t+e 6ord pu0lic o**icers *or 1ud/es, t+is ,ourt is 6ell /uided 0y t+e doctrine in )eople v. Generacion , to wit $ 1 & 1 ?0edience to t+e rule o* la6 *or.s t+e 0edroc@ o* our syste. o* 1ustice3 )* Lpu0lic o**icersM, under t+e /uise o* reli/ious or political 0elie*s 6ere allo6ed to roa. unrestricted 0eyond 0oundaries 6it+in 6+ic+ t+ey are required 0y la6 to exercise t+e duties o* t+eir o**ice, t+en la6 .eanin/less3 ' /overn.ent o* la6s, not o* .en excludes t+e exercise o* 0road discretionary po6ers 0y t+ose actin/ under its aut+ority3 Ender t+is syste., Lpu0lic o**icersM are /uided 0y t+e Rule o* La6, and ou/+t Bto protect and en*orce it 6it+out *ear or *avor,B resist encroac+.ents 0y /overn.ents, political parties, or even t+e inter*erence o* t+eir o6n personal 0elie*s3 1 & 5 %onstitutionalit" of the Rules of Procedure for Impeachment Proceedings adopted #" the &'th %ongress Respondent 9ouse o* Representatives, t+rou/+ Spea@er Ce (enecia, ar/ues t+at Sections 1! and 1% o* Rule ( o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules do not violate Section J (H) o* 'rticle A) o* our present ,onstitution, contendin/ t+at t+e ter. BinitiateB does not .ean Bto *ileGB t+at Section J (1) is clear in t+at it is t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, as a collective 0ody, 6+ic+ +as t+e exclusive po6er to initiate all cases o* i.peac+.entG t+at initiate could not possi0ly .ean Bto *ileB 0ecause *ilin/ can, as Section J (5), 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution provides, only 0e acco.plis+ed in J 6ays, to 6it$ (1) 0y a veri*ied co.plaint *or i.peac+.ent 0y any .e.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* RepresentativesG or (5) 0y any citi=en upon a resolution o* endorse.ent 0y any .e.0erG or (J) 0y at least 1KJ o* all t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse3 Respondent 9ouse o* Representatives concludes t+at t+e one year 0ar pro+i0itin/ t+e initiation o* i.peac+.ent proceedin/s a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icials could not +ave 0een violated as t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice Cavide and seven 'ssociate ;ustices +ad not 0een initiated as t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, actin/ as t+e collective 0ody , +as yet to act on it3 T+e resolution o* t+is issue t+us +in/es on t+e interpretation o* t+e ter. Binitiate3B Resort to statutory construction is, t+ere*ore, in order3 T+at t+e sponsor o* t+e provision o* Section J(H) o* t+e ,onstitution, ,o..issioner #loren= Re/alado, 6+o eventually 0eca.e an 'ssociate ;ustice o* t+is ,ourt, a/reed on t+e .eanin/ o* BinitiateB as Bto *ile,B as pro**ered and explained 0y ,onstitutional ,o..issioner Maa.0on/ durin/ t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission proceedin/s, 6+ic+ +e (,o..issioner Re/alado) as amicus curiae a**ir.ed durin/ t+e oral ar/u.ents on t+e instant petitions +eld on >ove.0er H, 5IIJ at 6+ic+ +e added t+at t+e act o* Binitiatin/B included t+e act o* ta@in/ initial action on t+e co.plaint, dissipates any dou0t t+at indeed t+e 6ord BinitiateB as it t6ice appears in 'rticle A) (J) and (H) o* t+e ,onstitution .eans to *ile t+e co.plaint and ta@e initial action on it3 B)nitiateB o* course is understood 0y ordinary .en to .ean, as dictionaries do, to 0e/in, to co..ence, or set /oin/3 's 8e0sterDs T+ird >e6 )nternational Cictionary o* t+e En/lis+ Lan/ua/e concisely puts it, it .eans Bto per*or. or *acilitate t+e *irst action ,B 6+ic+ 1i0es 6it+ ;ustice Re/aladoDs position, and t+at o* #at+er <ernas, 6+o elucidated durin/ t+e oral ar/u.ents o* t+e instant petitions on >ove.0er H, 5IIJ in t+is 6ise$

<rie*ly t+en, an i.peac+.ent proceedin/ is not a sin/le act3 )t is a o* acts consistin/ o* a 0e/innin/, a .iddle and an end3 T+e end is t+e trans.ittal o* t+e articles o* i.peac+.ent to t+e Senate3 T+e .iddle consists o* t+ose deli0erative .o.ents leadin/ to t+e *or.ulation o* t+e articles o* i.peac+.ent3 T+e 0e/innin/ or t+e initiation is t+e *ilin/ o* t+e co.plaint and its re*erral to t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice3 #inally, it s+ould 0e noted t+at t+e 9ouse Rule relied upon 0y Representatives ,o1uan/co and #uente0ella says t+at i.peac+.ent is B (%%+%( *-*"*a"%( B 6+en t+e ;ustice ,o..ittee votes in *avor o* i.peac+.ent or 6+en t+e 9ouse reverses a contrary vote o* t+e ,o..ittee3 >ote t+at t+e Rule does not say Bi.peac+.ent proceedin/sB are initiated 0ut rat+er are Bdee.ed initiated3B T+e lan/ua/e is reco/nition t+at initiation +appened earlier, 0ut 0y le/al *iction t+ere is an to postpone it to a ti.e a*ter actual initiation3 (E.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) 's stated earlier, one o* t+e .eans o* interpretin/ t+e ,onstitution is loo@in/ into t+e intent o* t+e la63 #ortunately, t+e intent o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution can 0e pried *ro. its records$ MR3 M''M<?>G3 8it+ re*erence to Section J, re/ardin/ t+e procedure and t+e su0stantive provisions on i.peac+.ent, ) understand t+ere +ave 0een .any proposals and, ) t+in@, t+ese 6ould need so.e ti.e *or ,o..ittee action3 9o6ever, ) 6ould 1ust li@e to indicate t+at ) su0.itted to t+e ,o..ittee a resolution on i.peac+.ent proceedin/s, copies o* 6+ic+ +ave 0een *urnis+ed t+e Me.0ers o* t+is 0ody3 T+is is 0orne out o* .y experience as a .e.0er o* t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice, Ri/+ts and Good Govern.ent 6+ic+ too@ c+ar/e o* t+e last i.peac+.ent resolution *iled 0e*ore t+e #irst <atasan/ Pa.0ansa3 For "h% *-@or+a"*o- o@ "h% Co++*""%% "h% r%so'$"*o- cov%rs s%v%ra' s"%Bs *- "h% *+B%ach+%-" Broc%%(*-Ds s"ar"*-D E*"h *-*"*a"*o- ac"*o- o@ "h% SB%aF%r co++*""%% ac"*oca'%-(ar*-D o@ r%Bor" vo"*-D o- "h% r%Bor" "ra-s+*""a' r%@%rra' "o "h% S%-a"% "r*a' a-( G$(D+%-" .? "h% S%-a"%. xxx MR3 M''M<?>G3 Mr3 Presidin/ ?**icer, ) a. not .ovin/ *or a reconsideration o* t+e approval o* t+e a.end.ent su0.itted 0y ,o..issioner Re/alado, 0ut ) 6ill 1ust .a@e o* record .y t+in@in/ t+at 6e do not really initiate t+e *ilin/ o* t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent on t+e *loor3 Th% Broc%($r% as I hav% Bo*-"%( o$" %ar'*%r Eas "ha" "h% *-*"*a"*o- s"ar"s E*"h "h% @*'*-D o@ "h% co+B'a*-". A-( Eha" *s ac"$a''? (o-% o- "h% @'oor *s "ha" "h% co++*""%% r%so'$"*o- co-"a*-*-D "h% Ar"*c'%s o@ I+B%ach+%-" *s "h% o-% aBBrov%( .? "h% .o(?. 's t+e p+raseolo/y no6 runs, 6+ic+ .ay 0e corrected 0y t+e ,o..ittee on Style, it appears t+at t+e initiation starts on t+e *loor3 )* 6e only +ave ti.e, ) could cite exa.ples in t+e case o* t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s o* President Ric+ard >ixon 6+erein t+e ,o..ittee on t+e ;udiciary su0.itted t+e reco..endation, t+e resolution, and t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent to t+e 0ody, and it 6as t+e 0ody 6+o approved t+e resolution3 I" *s -o" "h% .o(? Eh*ch *-*"*a"%s *". I" o-'? aBBrov%s or (*saBBrov%s "h% r%so'$"*o-. So, on t+at score, pro0a0ly t+e ,o..ittee on Style could +elp in rearran/in/ t+ese 6ords 0ecause 6e +ave to 0e very tec+nical a0out t+is3 ) +ave 0een 0rin/in/ 6it+ .e The /ules of the 8ouse of /epresentatives o* t+e E3S3 ,on/ress3 T+e Senate Rules are 6it+ .e3 T+e proceedin/s on t+e case o* Ric+ard >ixon are 6it+ .e3 ) +ave su0.itted .y proposal, 0ut t+e

,o..ittee +as already decided3 >evert+eless, ) 1ust 6ant to indicate t+is on record3 xxx MR3 M''M<?>G3 ) 6ould 1ust li@e to .ove *or a reconsideration o* t+e approval o* Section J (J)3 My reconsideration 6ill not at all a**ect t+e su0stance, 0ut it is only in @eepin/ 6it+ t+e exact *or.ulation o* t+e Rules o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives o* t+e Enited States re/ardin/ i.peac+.ent3 ) a. proposin/, Mada. President, 6it+out doin/ da.a/e to any o* t+is provision, t+at on pa/e 5, Section J (J), *ro. lines 1% to 1", E% (%'%"% "h% Eor(s Eh*ch r%a(# K"o *-*"*a"% *+B%ach+%-" Broc%%(*-DsK and t+e co..a (,) and insert on line 1 a*ter t+e 6ord BresolutionB t+e p+rase 8)T9 T9E 'RT),LES, and t+en capitali=e t+e letter BiB in Bi.peac+.entB and replace t+e 6ord B0yB 6it+ ?#, so t+at t+e 6+ole section 6ill no6 read$ B' vote o* at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse s+all 0e necessary eit+er to a**ir. a resolution 8)T9 T9E 'RT),LES o* ).peac+.ent ?# t+e ,o..ittee or to override its contrary resolution3 T+e vote o* eac+ Me.0er s+all 0e recorded3B I a'r%a(? +%-"*o-%( %ar'*%r ?%s"%r(a? "ha" "h% *-*"*a"*o- as *ar as t+e 9ouse o* Representatives o* t+e Enited States is concerned, r%a''? s"ar"s @ro+ "h% @*'*-D o@ "h% v%r*@*%( co+B'a*-" and every resolution to i.peac+ al6ays carries 6it+ it t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent3 's a .atter o* *act, t+e 6ords B'rticles o* ).peac+.entB are .entioned on line 5H in t+e case o* t+e direct *ilin/ o* a veri*ied co.pliant o* one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse3 ) 6ill .ention a/ain, Mada. President, t+at .y a.end.ent 6ill not vary t+e su0stance in any 6ay3 )t is only in @eepin/ 6it+ t+e uni*or. procedure o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives o* t+e Enited States ,on/ress3 T+an@ you, Mada. President3 1 & J ()talics in t+e ori/inalG e.p+asis and udnerscorin/ supplied) T+is a.end.ent proposed 0y ,o..issioner Maa.0on/ 6as clari*ied and accepted 0y t+e ,o..ittee on t+e 'ccounta0ility o* Pu0lic ?**icers3 1 & & )t is t+us clear t+at t+e *ra.ers intended BinitiationB to start 6it+ t+e *ilin/ o* t+e co.plaint3 )n +is amicus curiae 0rie*, ,o..issioner Maa.0on/ explained t+at Bt+e o0vious reason in deletin/ t+e p+rase B "o *-*"*a"% *+B%ach+%-" Broc%%(*-Ds B as contained in t+e text o* t+e provision o* Section J (J) 6as "o s%""'% a-( +aF% *" $-(%rs"oo( o-c% a-( @or a'' "ha" "h% *-*"*a"*o- o@ *+B%ach+%-" Broc%%(*-Ds s"ar"s E*"h "h% @*'*-D o@ "h% co+B'a*-" and t+e vote o* one2t+ird o* t+e 9ouse in a resolution o* i.peac+.ent (o%s -o" *-*"*a"% t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s Eh*ch Eas a'r%a(? *-*"*a"%( .? "h% @*'*-D o@ a v%r*@*%( co+B'a*-" $-(%r S%c"*o- 3 BaraDraBh (2! Ar"*c'% 7I o@ "h% Co-s"*"$"*o- 3B 1 & H .micus curiae ,onstitutional ,o..issioner Re/alado is o* t+e sa.e vie6 as is #at+er <ernas, 6+o 6as also a .e.0er o* t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission, t+at t+e 6ord BinitiateB as used in 'rticle A), Section J(H) .eans to *ile, 0ot+ addin/, +o6ever, t+at t+e *ilin/ .ust 0e acco.panied 0y an action to set t+e co.plaint .ovin/3 Curin/ t+e oral ar/u.ents 0e*ore t+is ,ourt, #at+er <ernas clari*ied t+at t+e 6ord Binitiate,B appearin/ in t+e constitutional provision on i.peac+.ent, viz $ Section J (1) T+e 9ouse o* Representatives s+all +ave t+e exclusive po6er to initiate all cases o* i.peac+.ent3

xxx (H) >o i.peac+.ent proceedin/s s+all 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in a period o* one year, (E.p+asis supplied) re*ers to t6o o01ects, Bi.peac+.ent caseB and Bi.peac+.ent proceedin/3B #at+er <ernas explains t+at in t+ese t6o provisions, t+e co..on ver0 is Bto initiate3B T+e o01ect in t+e *irst sentence is Bi.peac+.ent case3B T+e o01ect in t+e second sentence is Bi.peac+.ent proceedin/3B #ollo6in/ t+e principle o* reddendo singuala sinuilis , t+e ter. BcasesB .ust 0e distin/uis+ed *ro. t+e ter. Bproceedin/s3B 'n i.peac+.ent case is t+e le/al controversy t+at .ust 0e decided 0y t+e Senate3 '0ove2quoted *irst provision provides t+at t+e 9ouse, 0y a vote o* one2 t+ird o* all its .e.0ers, can 0rin/ a case to t+e Senate3 )t is in t+at sense t+at t+e 9ouse +as Bexclusive po6erB to initiate all cases o* i.peac+.ent3 >o ot+er 0ody can do it3 9o6ever, 0e*ore a decision is .ade to initiate a case in t+e Senate, a Bproceedin/B .ust 0e *ollo6ed to arrive at a conclusion3 ' proceedin/ .ust 0e Binitiated3B To initiate, 6+ic+ *ro. t+e Latin 6ord initium , .eans to 0e/in3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, proceedin/ is a pro/ressive noun3 )t +as a 0e/innin/, a .iddle, and an end3 )t ta@es place not in t+e Senate 0ut in t+e 9ouse and consists o* several steps$ (1) t+ere is t+e *ilin/ o* a veri*ied co.plaint eit+er 0y a Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives or 0y a private citi=en endorsed 0y a Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* t+e RepresentativesG (5) t+ere is t+e processin/ o* t+is co.plaint 0y t+e proper ,o..ittee 6+ic+ .ay eit+er re1ect t+e co.plaint or up+old itG (J) 6+et+er t+e resolution o* t+e ,o..ittee re1ects or up+olds t+e co.plaint, t+e resolution .ust 0e *or6arded to t+e 9ouse *or *urt+er processin/G and (&) t+ere is t+e processin/ o* t+e sa.e co.plaint 0y t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 6+ic+ eit+er a**ir.s a *avora0le resolution o* t+e ,o..ittee or overrides a contrary resolution 0y a vote o* one2t+ird o* all t+e .e.0ers3 )* at least one t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers up+olds t+e co.plaint, 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent are prepared and trans.itted to t+e Senate3 )t is at t+is point t+at t+e 9ouse Binitiates an i.peac+.ent cas% 3B )t is at t+is point t+at an i.peac+a0le pu0lic o**icial is success*ully i.peac+ed3 T+at is, +e or s+e is success*ully c+ar/ed 6it+ an i.peac+.ent BcaseB 0e*ore t+e Senate as i.peac+.ent court3 #at+er <ernas *urt+er explains$ T+e Bi.peac+.ent proceedin/B is not initiated 6+en t+e co.plaint is trans.itted to t+e Senate *or trial 0ecause t+at is t+e end o* t+e 9ouse proceedin/ and t+e 0e/innin/ o* anot+er proceedin/, na.ely t+e trial3 >eit+er is t+e Bi.peac+.ent proceedin/B initiated 6+en t+e 9ouse deli0erates on t+e resolution passed on to it 0y t+e ,o..ittee, 0ecause prior to t+at +as already 0een done3 T+e action o* t+e 9ouse is already a *urt+er step in t+e proceedin/, not its initiation or 0e/innin/3 Rat+er, t+e proceedin/ is initiated or 0e/ins, 6+en a veri*ied co.plaint is *iled and re*erred to t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice *or action 3 T+is is t+e initiatin/ step 6+ic+ tri//ers t+e series o* steps t+at *ollo63 T+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution also understood initiation in its ordinary .eanin/3 T+us 6+en a proposal reac+ed t+e *loor proposin/ t+at B' vote o* at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse s+all 0e necessaryX to initiate impeachment proceedings ,B t+is 6as .et 0y a proposal to delete t+e line on t+e /round t+at t+e vote o* t+e 9ouse does not initiate i.peac+.ent proceedin/ 0ut rat+er t+e *ilin/ o* a co.plaint does3 1 & ! T+us t+e line 6as deleted and is not *ound in t+e present ,onstitution3

#at+er <ernas concludes t+at 6+en Section J (H) says, B>o i.peac+.ent proceedin/ s+all 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in a period o* one year,B it .eans t+at no second veri*ied co.plaint .ay 0e accepted and re*erred to t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice *or action3 <y +is explanation, t+is interpretation is *ounded on t+e co..on understandin/ o* t+e .eanin/ o* Bto initiateB 6+ic+ .eans to 0e/in3 9e re.inds t+at t+e ,onstitution is rati*ied 0y t+e people, 0ot+ ordinary and sop+isticated, as t+ey understand itG and t+at ordinary people read ordinary .eanin/ into ordinary 6ords and not a0struse .eanin/, t+ey rati*y 6ords as t+ey understand it and not as sop+isticated la6yers con*use it3 To t+e ar/u.ent t+at only t+e 9ouse o* Representatives as a 0ody can initiate i.peac+.ent proceedin/s 0ecause Section J (1) says BT+e 9ouse o* Representatives s+all +ave t+e exclusive po6er to initiate all cases o* i.peac+.ent,B T+is is a .isreadin/ o* said provision and is contrary to t+e principle o* reddendo singula singulis 0y equatin/ Bi.peac+.ent casesB 6it+ Bi.peac+.ent proceedin/3B #ro. t+e records o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission, to t+e amicus curiae 0rie*s o* t6o * ,onstitutional ,o..issioners, it is 6it+out a dou0t t+at t+e ter. Bto initiateB re*ers to t+e *ilin/ o* t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint coupled 6it+ ,on/ressD ta@in/ initial action o* said co.plaint3 9avin/ concluded t+at t+e initiation ta@es place 0y t+e act o* *ilin/ and re*erral or endorse.ent o* t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint to t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice or, 0y t+e *ilin/ 0y at least one2t+ird o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 6it+ t+e Secretary General o* t+e 9ouse, t+e .eanin/ o* Section J (H) o* 'rticle A) clear3 ?nce an i.peac+.ent co.plaint +as 0een initiated, anot+er i.peac+.ent co.plaint .ay not 0e *iled a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial 6it+in a one year period3 Ender Sections 1! and 1% o* Rule ( o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules, i.peac+.ent proceedin/s are dee.ed initiated (1) i* t+ere is a *indin/ 0y t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint andKor resolution is su**icient in su0stance, or (5) once t+e 9ouse itsel* a**ir.s or overturns t+e *indin/ o* t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint andKor resolution is not su**icient in su0stance or (J) 0y t+e *ilin/ or endorse.ent 0e*ore t+e Secretary2General o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives o* a veri*ied co.plaint or a resolution o* i.peac+.ent 0y at least 1KJ o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse3 T+ese rules clearly contravene Section J (H) o* 'rticle A) since t+e rules /ive t+e ter. BinitiateB a .eanin/ di**erent .eanin/ *ro. *ilin/ and re*erral3 )n +is a.icus curiae 0rie*, ;ustice 9u/o Gutierre= posits t+at t+is ,ourt could not use conte.poraneous construction as an aid in t+e interpretation o* Sec3J (H) o* 'rticle A), citin/ Gera v. .velino 1 & % 6+erein t+is ,ourt stated t+at Bt+eir personal opinions (re*errin/ to ;ustices 6+o 6ere dele/ates to t+e ,onstitution ,onvention) on t+e .atter at issue expressed durin/ t+is ,ourtDs our deli0erations stand on a di**erent *ootin/ *ro. t+e properly recorded utterances o* de0ates and proceedin/s3B #urt+er citin/ said case, +e states t+at t+is ,ourt li@ened t+e * .e.0ers o* t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention to actors 6+o are so a0sor0ed in t+eir e.otional roles t+at intelli/ent spectators .ay @no6 .ore a0out t+e real .eanin/ 0ecause o* t+e latterDs 0alanced perspectives and disinterestedness3 1 & " ;ustice Gutierre=Ds state.ents +ave no application in t+e present petitions3 T+ere are at present only

t6o .e.0ers o* t+is ,ourt 6+o participated in t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission ,+ie* ;ustice Cavide and ;ustice 'dol* '=cuna3 ,+ie* ;ustice Cavide +as not ta@en part in t+ese proceedin/s *or o0vious reasons3 Moreover, t+is ,ourt +as not si.ply relied on t+e personal opinions no6 /iven 0y .e.0ers o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission, 0ut +as exa.ined t+e records o* t+e deli0erations and proceedin/s t+ereo*3 Respondent 9ouse o* Representatives counters t+at under Section J (") o* 'rticle A), it is clear and unequivocal t+at it and only it +as t+e po6er to .a@e and interpret its rules /overnin/ i.peac+.ent3 )ts ar/u.ent is pre.ised on t+e assu.ption t+at ,on/ress +as a0solute po6er to pro.ul/ate its rules3 T+is assu.ption, +o6ever, is .isplaced3 Section J (") o* 'rticle A) provides t+at BT+e ,on/ress s+all pro.ul/ate its rules on i.peac+.ent to e**ectively carry out t+e purpose o* t+is section3B ,learly, its po6er to pro.ul/ate its rules on i.peac+.ent is li.ited 0y t+e p+rase B to e**ectively carry out t+e purpose o* t+is section 3B 9ence, t+ese rules cannot contravene t+e very purpose o* t+e ,onstitution 6+ic+ said rules 6ere intended to e**ectively carry out3 Moreover, Section J o* 'rticle A) clearly provides *or ot+er speci*ic li.itations on its po6er to .a@e rules, viz $ Section J3 (1) x x x (5) ' veri*ied co.plaint *or i.peac+.ent .ay 0e *iled 0y any Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives or 0y any citi=en upon a resolution o* endorse.ent 0y any Me.0er t+ereo*, 6+ic+ s+all 0e included in t+e ?rder o* <usiness 6it+in ten session days, and re*erred to t+e proper ,o..ittee 6it+in t+ree session days t+erea*ter3 T+e ,o..ittee, a*ter +earin/, and 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, s+all its report to t+e 9ouse 6it+in sixty session days *ro. suc+ re*erral, to/et+er 6it+ t+e correspondin/ resolution3 T+e resolution s+all 0e calendared *or consideration 0y t+e 9ouse 6it+in ten session days *ro. receipt t+ereo*3 (J) ' vote o* at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse s+all 0e necessary to eit+er a**ir. a *avora0le resolution 6it+ t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent o* t+e ,o..ittee, or override its contrary resolution3 T+e vote o* eac+ Me.0er s+all 0e recorded3 (&) )n case t+e veri*ied co.plaint or resolution o* i.peac+.ent is *iled 0y at least one2t+ird o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse, t+e sa.e s+all constitute t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent, and trial 0y t+e Senate s+all *ort+6it+ proceed3 (H) >o i.peac+.ent proceedin/s s+all 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in a period o* one year3 )t is 0asic t+at all rules .ust not contravene t+e ,onstitution 6+ic+ is t+e *unda.ental la63 )* as alle/ed ,on/ress +ad a0solute rule .a@in/ po6er, t+en it 6ould 0y necessary i.plication +ave t+e po6er to alter or a.end t+e .eanin/ o* t+e ,onstitution 6it+out need o* re*erendu.3 )n ;smeHa v. )endatun , 1 & t+is ,ourt +eld t+at it is 6it+in t+e province o* eit+er 9ouse o* ,on/ress to interpret its rules and t+at it 6as t+e 0est 1ud/e o* 6+at constituted Bdisorderly 0e+aviorB o* its .e.0ers3 9o6ever, in )aceta v. *ecretary of the &ommission on .ppointments , 1 H I ;ustice (later ,+ie* ;ustice) Enrique #ernando, spea@in/ *or t+is ,ourt and quotin/ ;ustice <randeis in Cnited *tates v. *mith , 1 H 1 declared t+at 6+ere t+e construction to 0e /iven to a rule a**ects persons ot+er

t+an .e.0ers o* t+e Le/islature , t+e question 1udicial in nature3 )n .rroyo v. Ae Genecia , 1 H 5 quotin/ Cnited *tates v. -allin, 4oseph B &o., 1 H J ;ustice (icente Mendo=a, spea@in/ *or t+is ,ourt, +eld t+at 6+ile t+e ,onstitution e.po6ers eac+ +ouse to deter.ine its rules o* proceedin/s, it .ay not 0y its rules i/nore constitutional restraints or violate *unda.ental ri/+ts, and *urt+er t+at t+ere s+ould 0e a reasona0le relation 0et6een t+e .ode or .et+od o* proceedin/ esta0lis+ed 0y t+e rule and t+e result 6+ic+ is sou/+t to 0e attained 3 )t is only 6it+in t+ese li.itations t+at all .atters o* .et+od are open to t+e deter.ination o* t+e Le/islature3 )n t+e sa.e case o* .rroyo v. Ae Genecia , ;ustice Reynato S3 Puno, in +is ,oncurrin/ and Cissentin/ ?pinion, 6as even .ore e.p+atic as +e stressed t+at in t+e P+ilippine settin/ t+ere is even .ore reason *or courts to inquire into t+e validity o* t+e Rules o* ,on/ress, viz $ 4*"h ($% r%sB%c" I (o -o" aDr%% "ha" "h% *ss$%s Bos%( .? "h% B%"*"*o-%r ar% -o--G$s"*c*a.'%. Nor (o I aDr%% "ha" E% E*'' "r*v*a'*M% "h% Br*-c*B'% o@ s%Bara"*o- o@ BoE%r *@ E% ass$+% G$r*s(*c"*oov%r h% cas% a" .ar. Even in t+e Enited States, t+e principle o* separation o* po6er is no lon/er an i.pre/na0le i.pedi.ent a/ainst t+e interposition o* 1udicial po6er on cases involvin/ 0reac+ o* rules o* procedure 0y le/islators3 Ri/+tly, t+e ponencia uses t+e 1" 1 case o* C* v -allin (1&& ES 1) as a 6indo6 to vie6 t+e issues 0e*ore t+e ,ourt3 )t is in -allin 6+ere t+e ES Supre.e ,ourt *irst de*ined t+e 0oundaries o* t+e po6er o* t+e 1udiciary to revie6 con/ressional rules3 )t +eld$ Bx x x BT+e ,onstitution, in t+e sa.e section, provides, t+at eac+ +ouse .ay deter.ine t+e rules o* its proceedin/s3B )t appears t+at in pursuance o* t+is aut+ority t+e 9ouse +ad, prior to t+at day, passed t+is as one o* its rules$ R$'% 75 J3 ?n t+e de.and o* any .e.0er, or at t+e su//estion o* t+e Spea@er, t+e o* .e.0ers su**icient to .a@e a quoru. in t+e +all o* t+e 9ouse 6+o do not vote s+all 0e noted 0y t+e cler@ and recorded in t+e 1ournal, and reported to t+e Spea@er 6it+ t+e o* t+e .e.0ers votin/, and 0e counted and announced in deter.inin/ t+e presence o* a quoru. to do 0usiness3 (9ouse ;ournal, 5JI, #e03 1&, 1" I) T+e action ta@en 6as in direct co.pliance 6it+ t+is rule3 Th% J$%s"*o- "h%r%@or% *s as "o "h% validit" of this rule and not 6+at .et+ods t+e Spea@er .ay o* +is o6n .otion resort to *or deter.inin/ t+e presence o* a quoru., nor 6+at .atters t+e Spea@er or cler@ .ay o* t+eir o6n volition place upon t+e 1ournal3 >eit+er do t+e advanta/es or disadvanta/es, t+e 6isdo. or *olly, o* suc+ a rule present any .atters *or 1udicial consideration3 Iith the courts the question is only one of power. (he %onstitution empowers each house to determine its rules of proceedings. It ma" not #" its rules ignore constitutional restraints or violate fundamental rights) and there should #e a reasona#le relation #etween the mode or method of proceedings esta#lished #" the rule and the result which is sought to #e attained. <ut 6it+in t+ese li.itations all matters of method are open to t+e deter.ination o* t+e 9ouse, and it is no i.peac+.ent o* t+e rule to say t+at so.e ot+er 6ay 6ould 0e 0etter, .ore accurate, or even .ore 1ust3 )t is no o01ection to t+e validity o* a rule t+at a di**erent one +as 0een prescri0ed and in *orce *or a len/t+ o* ti.e3 T+e po6er to .a@e rules is not

one 6+ic+ once exercised is ex+austed3 )t is a continuous po6er, al6ays su01ect to 0e exercised 0y t+e 9ouse, and 6it+in t+e li.itations su//ested, a0solute and 0eyond t+e c+allen/e o* any ot+er 0ody or tri0unal3B Ballin) c'%ar'? co-@*r+%( "h% G$r*s(*c"*o- o@ co$r"s "o Bass $Bo- "h% va'*(*"? o@ co-Dr%ss*o-a' r$'%s *.% Eh%"h%r "h%? ar% co-s"*"$"*o-a'. Rule A( 6as exa.ined 0y t+e ,ourt and it 6as *ound to satis*y t+e test$ (1) t+at it did not i/nore any constitutional restraintG (5) it did not violate any *unda.ental ri/+tG and (J) its .et+od +ad a reasona0le relations+ip 6it+ t+e result sou/+t to 0e attained3 <y exa.inin/ Rule A(, t+e ,ourt did not allo6 its 1urisdiction to 0e de*eated 0y t+e .ere invocation o* t+e principle o* separation o* po6ers3 1 H & xxx I- "h% Philippine setting) "h%r% *s a more compelling reason @or co$r"s "o ca"%Dor*ca''? r%G%c" "h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- (%@%-s% Eh%- *"s *-"%rBos*"*o- E*'' cov%r $B a.$s% o@ BoE%r. For s%c"*o- 1 Ar"*c'% 5III o@ o$r Co-s"*"$"*o- Eas intentionall" co..'%( "o %+BoE%r co$r"s KA A A "o (%"%r+*-% Eh%"h%r or -o" "h%r% has .%%- a Drav% a.$s% o@ (*scr%"*o- a+o$-"*-D "o 'acF or %Ac%ss o@ G$r*s(*c"*o- o- "h% Bar" o@ a-? .ra-ch or *-s"r$+%-"a'*"? o@ "h% Dov%r-+%-".K T+is po6er is ne6 and 6as not /ranted to our courts in t+e 1 JH and 1 %5 ,onstitutions3 I" Eas -o" a'so A%roA%( @ro+ "h% ,S Co-s"*"$"*o- or a-? @or%*D- s"a"% co-s"*"$"*o-. Th% CONCOM Dra-"%( "h*s %-or+o$s BoE%r "o o$r co$r"s *- v*%E o@ o$r %AB%r*%-c% $-(%r +ar"*a' 'aE Eh%r% a.$s*v% %A%rc*s%s o@ s"a"% BoE%r E%r% sh*%'(%( @ro+ G$(*c*a' scr$"*-? .? "h% +*s$s% o@ "h% Bo'*"*ca' J$%s"*o- (oc"r*-%. Led 0y t+e e.inent * ,+ie* ;ustice Ro0erto ,oncepcion, t+e ,?>,?M expanded and s+arpened t+e c+ec@in/ po6ers o* t+e 1udiciary vis2Y2vis t+e Executive and t+e Le/islative depart.ents o* /overn.ent3 1 H H xxx The &onstitution cannot be any clearer. *hat it granted to this %ourt is not a mere power which it can decline to e+ercise. Precisel" to deter this disinclination) the %onstitution imposed it as a dut" of this %ourt to stri,e down an" act of a #ranch or instrumentalit" of government or an" of its officials done with grave a#use of discretion amounting to lac, or e+cess of -urisdiction. /ightly or wrongly, the &onstitution has elongated the chec7ing powers of this &ourt against the other branches of government despite their more democratic character, the )resident and the legislators being elected by the people. 1 H ! xxx T+e provision de*inin/ 1udicial po6er as includin/ t+e Dduty o* t+e courts o* 1ustice3 3 3 to deter.ine 6+et+er or not t+ere +as 0een a /rave a0use o* discretion a.ountin/ to lac@ or excess o* 1urisdiction on t+e part o* any 0ranc+ or instru.entality o* t+e Govern.entD constitutes t+e capstone o* t+e e**orts o* t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission to up/rade t+e po6ers o* t+is court vis2Y2vis t+e ot+er 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent3 T+is provision 6as dictated 0y our experience under .artial la6 6+ic+ tau/+t us t+at a stron/er and .ore independent 1udiciary is needed to a0ort a0uses in /overn.ent3 x xx xxx

)n su., ) t+at in i.posin/ to t+is ,ourt t+e duty to annul acts o* /overn.ent co..itted 6it+ /rave a0use o* discretion, t+e ne6 ,onstitution trans*or.ed t+is ,ourt *ro. passivity to activis.3 T+is trans*or.ation, dictated 0y our distinct experience as nation, is not .erely evolutionary 0ut revolutionary3 Cnder the 1J#% and the 1JK# &onstitutions, this &ourt approached constitutional violations by initially determining what it cannot do! under the &./0 %onstitution) there is a shift in stress 1 this %ourt is mandated to approach constitutional violations not #" finding out what it should not do #ut what it must do . T+e ,ourt .ust disc+ar/e t+is sole.n duty 0y not resuscitatin/ a past t+at petri*ies t+e present3 ) ur/e .y 0ret+ren in t+e ,ourt to /ive due and serious consideration to t+is ne6 constitutional provision as t+e case at 0ar once .ore calls us to de*ine t+e para.eters o* our po6er to revie6 violations o* t+e rules o* t+e 9ouse3 4% E*'' -o" .% "r$% "o o$r "r$s" as "h% 'as" .$'EarF aDa*-s" Dov%r-+%-" a.$s%s *@ E% r%@$s% "o %A%rc*s% "h*s -%E BoE%r or *@ E% E*%'( *" E*"h "*+*(*"?. To .% s$r% *" *s "h*s %Ac%%(*-D "*+*(*"? "o $-sh%a"h% "h% G$(*c*a' sEor( "ha" has *-cr%as*-D'? %+.o'(%-%( o"h%r .ra-ch%s o@ Dov%r-+%-" "o (%-*Dra"% *@ -o" (%@? or(%rs o@ o$r co$r"s. )n Tolentino , ) endorsed t+e vie6 o* * Senator Salon/a t+at t+is novel provision stretc+in/ t+e latitude o* 1udicial po6er is distinctly #ilipino and its interpretation s+ould not 0e depreciated 0y undue reliance on inapplica0le *orei/n 1urisprudence3 )n resolvin/ t+e case at 0ar, t+e lessons o* our o6n +istory s+ould provide us t+e li/+t and not t+e experience o* *orei/ners3 1 H % ()talics in t+e ori/inal e.p+asis and underscorin/ supplied) T+us, t+e rulin/ in ;smena v. )endatun is not applica0le to t+e instant petitions3 9ere, t+e t+ird parties alle/in/ t+e violation o* private ri/+ts and t+e ,onstitution are involved3 >eit+er .ay respondent 9ouse o* RepresentativesD rely on <ixon v. C* 1 H " as 0asis *or ar/uin/ t+at t+is ,ourt .ay not decide on t+e constitutionality o* Sections 1! and 1% o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules3 's already o0served, t+e E3S3 #ederal ,onstitution si.ply provides t+at Bt+e 9ouse o* Representatives s+all +ave t+e sole po6er o* i.peac+.ent3B )t adds not+in/ .ore3 )t /ives no clue 6+atsoever as to +o6 t+is Bsole po6erB is to 0e exercised3 >o li.itation 6+atsoever is /iven3 T+us, t+e ES Supre.e ,ourt concluded t+at t+ere 6as a textually de.onstra0le constitutional o* a constitutional po6er to t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 T+is reasonin/ does not +old 6it+ re/ard to i.peac+.ent po6er o* t+e P+ilippine 9ouse o* Representatives since our ,onstitution, as earlier enu.erated, *urnis+es several provisions articulatin/ +o6 t+at Bexclusive po6erB is to 0e exercised3 T+e provisions o* Sections 1! and 1% o* Rule ( o* t+e 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules 6+ic+ state t+at i.peac+.ent proceedin/s are dee.ed initiated (1) i* t+ere is a *indin/ 0y t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint andKor resolution is su**icient in su0stance, or (5) once t+e 9ouse itsel* a**ir.s or overturns t+e *indin/ o* t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice t+at t+e veri*ied co.plaint andKor resolution is not su**icient in su0stance or (J) 0y t+e *ilin/ or endorse.ent 0e*ore t+e Secretary2 General o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives o* a veri*ied co.plaint or a resolution o* i.peac+.ent 0y at least 1KJ o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse t+us clearly contravene Section J (H) o* 'rticle A) as t+ey /ive t+e ter. BinitiateB a .eanin/ di**erent *ro. B*ilin/3B 2alidit" of the Second Impeachment %omplaint 9avin/ concluded t+at t+e initiation ta@es place 0y t+e act o* *ilin/ o* t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint

and re*erral to t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice, t+e initial action ta@en t+ereon, t+e .eanin/ o* Section J (H) o* 'rticle A) clear3 ?nce an i.peac+.ent co.plaint +as 0een initiated in t+e *ore/oin/ .anner, anot+er .ay not 0e *iled a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial 6it+in a one year period *ollo6in/ 'rticle A), Section J(H) o* t+e ,onstitution3 )n *ine, considerin/ t+at t+e *irst i.peac+.ent co.plaint, 6as *iled 0y * President Estrada a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide, ;r3, alon/ 6it+ seven associate 1ustices o* t+is ,ourt, on ;une 5, 5IIJ and re*erred to t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice on 'u/ust H, 5IIJ, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint *iled 0y Representatives Gil0erto ,3 Teodoro, ;r3 and #elix 8illia. #uente0ella a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice on ?cto0er 5J, 5IIJ violates t+e constitutional pro+i0ition a/ainst t+e initiation o* i.peac+.ent proceedin/s a/ainst t+e sa.e i.peac+a0le o**icer 6it+in a one2year period3 %onclusion )* t+ere is anyt+in/ constant a0out t+is country, it is t+at t+ere is al6ays a p+eno.enon t+at ta@es t+e center sta/e o* our individual and collective consciousness as a people 6it+ our c+aracteristic *lair *or dra.a, con*lict or tra/edy3 ?* course t+is is not to de.ean t+e seriousness o* t+e controversy over t+e Cavide i.peac+.ent3 #or .any o* us, t+e past t6o 6ee@s +ave proven to 0e an exasperatin/, .entally and e.otionally ex+austin/ experience3 <ot+ sides +ave *ou/+t 0itterly a dialectical stru//le to articulate 6+at t+ey respectively 0elieve to 0e t+e correct position or vie6 on t+e issues involved3 Passions +ad ran +i/+ as de.onstrators, 6+et+er *or or a/ainst t+e i.peac+.ent o* t+e ,+ie* ;ustice, too@ to t+e streets ar.ed 6it+ t+eir *a.iliar slo/ans and c+ants to air t+eir voice on t+e .atter3 (arious sectors o* society 2 *ro. t+e 0usiness, retired .ilitary, to t+e acade.e and deno.inations o* *ait+ o**ered su//estions *or a return to a state o* nor.alcy in t+e o**icial relations o* t+e /overn.ental 0ranc+es a**ected to o0viate any perceived resultin/ insta0ility upon areas o* national li*e3 T+rou/+ all t+ese and as early as t+e ti.e 6+en t+e 'rticles o* ).peac+.ent +ad 0een constituted, t+is ,ourt 6as speci*ically as@ed, told, ur/ed and ar/ued to ta@e no action o* any @ind and *or. 6it+ respect to t+e prosecution 0y t+e 9ouse o* Representatives o* t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst t+e su01ect respondent pu0lic o**icial3 8+en t+e present petitions 6ere @noc@in/ so to spea@ at t+e doorsteps o* t+is ,ourt, t+e sa.e cla.or *or non2inter*erence 6as .ade t+rou/+ 6+at are no6 t+e ar/u.ents o* Blac@ o* 1urisdiction,B Bnon21usticia0ility,B and B1udicial sel*2restraintB ai.ed at +altin/ t+e ,ourt *ro. any .ove t+at .ay +ave a 0earin/ on t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 T+is ,ourt did not +eed t+e call to adopt a +ands2o** stance as *ar as t+e question o* t+e constitutionality o* initiatin/ t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice Cavide is concerned3 To reiterate 6+at +as 0een already explained, t+e ,ourt *ound t+e existence in *ull o* all t+e requisite conditions *or its exercise o* its constitutionally vested po6er and duty o* 1udicial revie6 over an issue 6+ose resolution precisely called *or t+e construction or interpretation o* a provision o* t+e *unda.ental la6 o* t+e land3 8+at lies in +ere is an issue o* a /enuine constitutional .aterial 6+ic+ only t+is ,ourt can properly and co.petently address and ad1udicate in accordance 6it+ t+e clear2cut allocation o* po6ers under our syste. o* /overn.ent3 #ace2to2*ace t+us 6it+ a .atter or pro0le. t+at squarely *alls under t+e ,ourtDs 1urisdiction, no ot+er course o* action can 0e +ad 0ut *or it to pass upon t+at pro0le. +ead on3

T+e clai., t+ere*ore, t+at t+is ,ourt 0y 1udicially entan/lin/ itsel* 6it+ t+e process o* i.peac+.ent +as e**ectively set up a re/i.e o* 1udicial supre.acy, is patently 6it+out 0asis in *act and in la63 T+is ,ourt in t+e present petitions su01ected to 1udicial scrutiny and resolved on t+e .erits only t+e .ain issue o* 6+et+er t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s initiated a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice trans/ressed t+e constitutionally i.posed one2year ti.e 0ar rule3 <eyond t+is, it did not /o a0out 1urisdiction 6+ere it +ad none, nor indiscri.inately turn 1usticia0le issues out o* decidedly political questions3 <ecause it is not at all t+e 0usiness o* t+is ,ourt to assert 1udicial do.inance over t+e ot+er t6o /reat 0ranc+es o* t+e /overn.ent3 Rat+er, t+e raison dDetre o* t+e 1udiciary is to co.ple.ent t+e disc+ar/e 0y t+e executive and le/islative o* t+eir o6n po6ers to 0rin/ a0out ulti.ately t+e 0ene*icent e**ects o* +avin/ *ounded and ordered our society upon t+e rule o* la63 )t is su//ested t+at 0y our ta@in/ co/ni=ance o* t+e issue o* constitutionality o* t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s a/ainst t+e ,+ie* ;ustice, t+e .e.0ers o* t+is ,ourt +ave actually closed ran@s to protect a 0ret+ren3 T+at t+e .e.0ersD interests in rulin/ on said issue is as .uc+ at sta@e as is t+at o* t+e ,+ie* ;ustice3 >ot+in/ could 0e *art+er *ro. t+e trut+3 T+e institution t+at is t+e Supre.e ,ourt to/et+er 6it+ all ot+er courts +as lon/ +eld and 0een entrusted 6it+ t+e 1udicial po6er to resolve con*lictin/ le/al ri/+ts re/ardless o* t+e personalities involved in t+e suits or actions3 T+is ,ourt +as dispensed 1ustice over t+e course o* ti.e, una**ected 0y 6+o.soever stood to 0ene*it or su**er t+ere*ro., un*raid 0y 6+atever i.putations or speculations could 0e .ade to it, so lon/ as it rendered 1ud/.ent accordin/ to t+e la6 and t+e *acts3 8+y can it not no6 0e trusted to 6ield 1udicial po6er in t+ese petitions 1ust 0ecause it is t+e +i/+est ran@in/ .a/istrate 6+o is involved 6+en it is an incontroverti0le *act t+at t+e *unda.ental issue is not +i. 0ut t+e validity o* a /overn.ent 0ranc+Ds o**icial act as tested 0y t+e li.its set 0y t+e ,onstitutionF ?* course, t+ere are rules on t+e in+i0ition o* any .e.0er o* t+e 1udiciary *ro. ta@in/ part in a case in speci*ied instances3 <ut to disquali*y t+is entire institution no6 *ro. t+e suit at 0ar is to re/ard t+e Supre.e ,ourt as li@ely incapa0le o* i.partiality 6+en one o* its .e.0ers is a party to a case, 6+ic+ is si.ply a non sequitur 3 >o one is a0ove t+e la6 or t+e ,onstitution3 T+is is a 0asic precept in any le/al syste. 6+ic+ reco/ni=es equality o* all .en 0e*ore t+e la6 as essential to t+e la6Ds .oral aut+ority and t+at o* its a/ents to secure respect *or and o0edience to its co..ands3 Per+aps, t+ere is no ot+er /overn.ent 0ranc+ or instru.entality t+at is .ost =ealous in protectin/ t+at principle o* le/al equality ot+er t+an t+e Supre.e ,ourt 6+ic+ +as discerned its real .eanin/ and ra.i*ications t+rou/+ its application to nu.erous cases especially o* t+e +i/+2pro*ile @ind in t+e annals o* 1urisprudence3 T+e ,+ie* ;ustice is not a0ove t+e la6 and neit+er is any ot+er .e.0er o* t+is ,ourt3 <ut 1ust 0ecause +e is t+e ,+ie* ;ustice does not i.ply t+at +e /ets to +ave less in la6 t+an any0ody else3 T+e la6 is solicitous o* every individualDs ri/+ts irrespective o* +is station in li*e3 T+e #ilipino nation and its de.ocratic institutions +ave no dou0t 0een put to test once a/ain 0y t+is i.peac+.ent case a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario Cavide3 'ccordin/ly, t+is ,ourt +as resorted to no ot+er t+an t+e ,onstitution in searc+ *or a solution to 6+at .any *eared 6ould ripen to a crisis in /overn.ent3 <ut t+ou/+ it is indeed i..ensely a 0lessin/ *or t+is ,ourt to +ave *ound ans6ers in our 0edroc@ o* le/al principles, it is equally i.portant t+at it 6ent t+rou/+ t+is cruci0le o* a de.ocratic process, i* only to discover t+at it can resolve di**erences 6it+out t+e use o* *orce and

a//ression upon eac+ ot+er3 4&EREFORE Sections 1! and 1% o* Rule ( o* t+e Rules o* Procedure in ).peac+.ent Proceedin/s 6+ic+ 6ere approved 0y t+e 9ouse o* Representatives on >ove.0er 5", 5II1 are unconstitutional3 ,onsequently, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide, ;r3 6+ic+ 6as *iled 0y Representatives Gil0erto ,3 Teodoro, ;r3 and #elix 8illia. <3 #uente0ella 6it+ t+e ?**ice o* t+e Secretary General o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives on ?cto0er 5J, 5IIJ is 0arred under para/rap+ H, section J o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3

FACTS# T+e 9R on its 15 t + ,on/ress adopted a di**erent rule on i.peac+.ent *ro. t+at o* t+e 11 t + ,on/ress3 ?n ;une 55, 5II5, t+e 9R adopted a resolution to investi/ate t+e dis0urse.ent o* *unds o* t+e ;C# under 9ilario Cavide3 )n ;une 5, 5IIJ, * President Estrada *iled an i.peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice Cavide *or culpa0le violation o* t+e ,onstitution, 0etrayal o* t+e pu0lic trust and ot+er +i/+ cri.es3 T+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice ruled t+at t+e i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as Bsu**icient in *or.,B0ut voted to dis.iss t+e sa.e on ?cto0er 55, 5IIJ *or 0ein/ insu**icient in su0stance3 ' day a*ter dis.issin/ t+e *irst i.peac+.ent co.plaint, a 5 n d co.plaint 6as *iled a/ainst Cavide 0ased on t+e investi/ation o* *und dis0urse.ent o* ;C# under Cavide3 Petitions 6ere *iled to declare t+e 5 n d i.peac+.ent unconstitutional *or it violates t+e provision t+at no i.peac+.ent proceedin/s s+all 0e initiated t6ice a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial3 Petitions also clai. t+at t+e le/islative inquiry into t+e ad.inistration 0y t+e ,+ie* ;ustice o* t+e ;C# in*rin/es on t+e constitutional doctrine o* separation o* po6ers and is a direct violation o* t+e constitutional principle o* *iscal autono.y o* t+e 1udiciary3 Senator 'quilino P3 Pi.entel, ;r3, in +is o6n 0e+al*, *iled a Motion to )ntervene and ,o..ent, prayin/ t+at Bt+e consolidated petitions 0e dis.issed *or lac@ o* 1urisdiction o* t+e ,ourt over t+e issues a**ectin/ t+e i.peac+.ent proceedin/s and t+at t+e sole po6er, aut+ority and 1urisdiction o* t+e Senate as t+e i.peac+.ent court to try and decide i.peac+.ent cases, includin/ t+e one 6+ere t+e ,+ie* ;ustice is t+e respondent, 0e reco/ni=ed and up+eld pursuant to t+e provisions o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3B )n su..ary, petitioners plea *or t+e S, to exercise t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 to deter.ine t+e validity o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint3


8?> 1udicial revie6 po6er extends to t+ose arisin/ *ro. i.peac+.ent proceedin/s


Po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is t+e po6er o* t+e court to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le3 ;udicial revie6 is indeed an inte/ral co.ponent o* t+e delicate syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances 6+ic+, to/et+er 6it+ t+e corollary principle o* separation o* po6ers, *or.s t+e 0edroc@ o* repu0lican *or. o* /overn.ent and insures t+at its vast po6ers are utili=ed only *or t+e 0ene*it o* t+e people *or 6+ic+ it serves3 Separation o* po6ers is not a0solute3 T+e S, is t+e *inal ar0iter to deter.ine i* acts 0y t+e le/islature and t+e executive is in violation o* t+e ,onstitution3 Moreover, t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is expressly stated in t+e ,onstitution3 Z5 n d ).peac+.ent co.plaint a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice Cavide is unconstitutional3

GON9ALES vs COMELEC G.R. No. L-2;19/

Nov%+.%r 9 19/7

FACTS# ?n Marc+ 1!, 1 !%, t+e Senate and t+e 9ouse o* Representatives passed resolutions >o3 1, 5 and J i3e3 to increase t+e seats o* t+e Lo6er 9ouse *ro. 15I to 1"IG to convo@e a ,onstitutional ,onvention o* 1 %1G and to a.end t+e ,onstitution (Section 1!, 'rticle ()) so t+ey can 0eco.e dele/ates t+e.selves to t+e ,onvention3 Su0sequently, ,on/ress passed a 0ill, 6+ic+, upon approval 0y t+e President, on ;une 1%, 1 !%, 0eca.e Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1J, providin/ t+at t+e a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution proposed in t+e a*ore.entioned Resolutions >o3 1 and J 0e su0.itted, *or approval 0y t+e people, at t+e /eneral elections 6+ic+ s+all 0e +eld on >ove.0er 1&, 1 !%3 T6o cases 6ere *iled a/ainst t+is act o* ,on/ress$ ?ne an is ori/inal action *or pro+i0ition, 6it+ preli.inary in1unction 0y Ra.on '3 Gon=ales, in L25"1 !, a #ilipino citi=en, a taxpayer, and a voter3 9e clai.s to +ave instituted case L25"1 ! as a class unit, *or and in 0e+al* o* all citi=ens, taxpayers, and voters si.ilarly situated3 'not+er one is 0y P9)L,?>S', in L25"55&, a corporation duly or/ani=ed and existin/ under t+e la6s o* t+e P+ilippines, and a civic, non2pro*it and non2 partisan or/ani=ation t+e o01ective o* 6+ic+ is to up+old t+e rule o* la6 in t+e P+ilippines and to de*end its ,onstitution a/ainst erosions or onslau/+ts *ro. 6+atever source3 ISS,ENS# 8+et+er or not a Resolution o* ,on/ress S actin/ as a constituent asse.0ly S violates t+e ,onstitutionF May ,onstitutional '.end.ents <e Su0.itted *or Rati*ication in a General ElectionF

&ELD# T+e issue 6+et+er or not a Resolution o* ,on/ress S actin/ as a constituent asse.0ly S violates t+e ,onstitution essentially 1usticia0le, not political, and, +ence, su01ect to 1udicial revie63

)n t+e cases at 0ar, not6it+standin/ t+at t+e R3 <3 93 >os3 1 and J +ave 0een approved 0y a vote o* t+ree2*ourt+s o* all t+e .e.0ers o* t+e Senate and o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives votin/ separately, said resolutions are null and void 0ecause Me.0ers o* ,on/ress, 6+ic+ approved t+e proposed a.end.ents, as 6ell as t+e resolution callin/ a convention to propose a.end.ents, are, at 0est, de facto ,on/ress.en (0ased upon Section H, 'rticle (), o* t+e ,onstitution, no apportion.ent +as 0een .ade 0een .ade 0y ,on/ress 6it+in t+ree (J) years since 1 !I3 T+erea*ter, t+e ,on/ress o* t+e P+ilippines andKor t+e election o* its Me.0ers 0eca.e ille/alG t+at ,on/ress and its Me.0ers, li@e6ise, 0eca.e a de facto ,on/ress andKor de facto con/ress.en)G 9o6ever, 's a consequence, t+e title o* a de facto o**icer cannot 0e assailed collaterally3

Re*errin/ particularly to t+e contested proposals *or a.end.ent, t+e su**iciency or insu**iciency, *ro. a constitutional an/le, o* t+e su0.ission t+ereo* *or rati*ication to t+e people on >ove.0er 1&, 1 !%, depends S in t+e vie6 o* t+ose 6+o concur in t+is opinion, and 6+o, inso*ar as t+is p+ase o* t+e case, constitute t+e .inority S upon 6+et+er t+e provisions o* Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1J are suc+ as to *airly apprise t+e people o* t+e /ist, t+e .ain idea or t+e su0stance o* said proposals, 6+ic+ is S under R3 <3 93 >o3 1 S t+e increase o* t+e .axi.u. nu.0er o* seats in t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, *ro. 15I to 1"I, and S under R3 <3 93 >o3 J S t+e aut+ority /iven to t+e .e.0ers o* ,on/ress to run *or dele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention and, i* elected t+ereto, to disc+ar/e t+e duties o* suc+ dele/ates, 6it+out *or*eitin/ t+eir seats in ,on/ress3 8e S 6+o constitute t+e .inority S 0elieve t+at Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1J satis*ies suc+ require.ent and t+at said 'ct is, accordin/ly, constitutional3 ?ne o* t+e issues raised in t+is case 6as t+e validity o* t+e su0.ission o* certain proposed constitutional a.end.ents at a ple0iscite sc+eduled on t+e sa.e day as t+e re/ular elections3 Petitioners ar/ued t+at t+is 6as unla6*ul as t+ere 6ould 0e no proper su0.ission o* t+e proposal to t+e people 6+o 6ould 0e .ore interested in t+e issues involved in t+e election3

&ELD# Pursuant to 'rt 1H o* t+e 7JH ,onstitution, S, +eld t+at t+ere is not+in/ in t+is provision to indicate t+at t+e election t+erein re*erred to is a special, not a /eneral election3 T+e circu.stance t+at t+e previous a.end.ent to t+e ,onstitution +ad 0een su0.itted to t+e people *or rati*ication in special elections .erely s+o6s t+at ,on/ress dee.ed it 0est to do so under t+e circu.stances t+en o0tainin/3 )t does not ne/ate its aut+ority to proposed a.end.ents *or rati*ication in /eneral elections3

OO2 R%?%s (*ss%-"%(. -Ple0iscite s+ould 0e sc+eduled on a special date so as to *acilitate -#air su0.ission, intelli/ent consent or re1ection43 T+ey s+ould 0e a0le to co.pare t+e ori/inal proposition 6it+ t+e a.ended proposition

GON9ALES vs COMELEC G.R. No. L-2;19/

Nov%+.%r 9 19/7

FACTS# ?n Marc+ 1!, 1 !%, t+e Senate and t+e 9ouse o* Representatives passed resolutions >o3 1, 5 and J i3e3 to increase t+e seats o* t+e Lo6er 9ouse *ro. 15I to 1"IG to convo@e a ,onstitutional ,onvention o* 1 %1G and to a.end t+e ,onstitution (Section 1!, 'rticle ()) so t+ey can 0eco.e dele/ates t+e.selves to t+e ,onvention3 Su0sequently, ,on/ress passed a 0ill, 6+ic+, upon approval 0y t+e President, on ;une 1%, 1 !%, 0eca.e Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1J, providin/ t+at t+e a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution proposed in t+e a*ore.entioned Resolutions >o3 1 and J 0e su0.itted, *or approval 0y t+e people, at t+e /eneral elections 6+ic+ s+all 0e +eld on >ove.0er 1&, 1 !%3 T6o cases 6ere *iled a/ainst t+is act o* ,on/ress$ ?ne an is ori/inal action *or pro+i0ition, 6it+ preli.inary in1unction 0y Ra.on '3 Gon=ales, in L25"1 !, a #ilipino citi=en, a taxpayer, and a voter3 9e clai.s to +ave instituted case L25"1 ! as a class unit, *or and in 0e+al* o* all citi=ens, taxpayers, and voters si.ilarly situated3 'not+er one is 0y P9)L,?>S', in L25"55&, a corporation duly or/ani=ed and existin/ under t+e la6s o* t+e P+ilippines, and a civic, non2pro*it and non2 partisan or/ani=ation t+e o01ective o* 6+ic+ is to up+old t+e rule o* la6 in t+e P+ilippines and to de*end its ,onstitution a/ainst erosions or onslau/+ts *ro. 6+atever source3 ISS,ENS# 8+et+er or not a Resolution o* ,on/ress S actin/ as a constituent asse.0ly S violates t+e ,onstitutionF May ,onstitutional '.end.ents <e Su0.itted *or Rati*ication in a General ElectionF

&ELD# T+e issue 6+et+er or not a Resolution o* ,on/ress S actin/ as a constituent asse.0ly S violates t+e ,onstitution essentially 1usticia0le, not political, and, +ence, su01ect to 1udicial revie63 )n t+e cases at 0ar, not6it+standin/ t+at t+e R3 <3 93 >os3 1 and J +ave 0een approved 0y a vote o* t+ree2*ourt+s o* all t+e .e.0ers o* t+e Senate and o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives votin/ separately, said resolutions are null and void 0ecause Me.0ers o* ,on/ress, 6+ic+ approved t+e proposed a.end.ents, as 6ell as t+e resolution callin/ a convention to propose a.end.ents, are, at 0est, de facto ,on/ress.en (0ased upon Section H, 'rticle (), o* t+e ,onstitution, no apportion.ent +as 0een .ade 0een .ade 0y ,on/ress 6it+in t+ree (J) years since 1 !I3 T+erea*ter, t+e ,on/ress o* t+e P+ilippines andKor t+e election o* its Me.0ers 0eca.e ille/alG t+at ,on/ress and its Me.0ers, li@e6ise, 0eca.e a de facto ,on/ress andKor de facto con/ress.en)G 9o6ever, 's a consequence, t+e title o* a de facto o**icer cannot 0e assailed collaterally3

Re*errin/ particularly to t+e contested proposals *or a.end.ent, t+e su**iciency or insu**iciency, *ro. a constitutional an/le, o* t+e su0.ission t+ereo* *or rati*ication to t+e people on >ove.0er 1&, 1 !%, depends S in t+e vie6 o* t+ose 6+o concur in t+is opinion, and 6+o, inso*ar as t+is p+ase o* t+e case, constitute t+e .inority S upon 6+et+er t+e provisions o* Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1J are suc+ as to *airly apprise t+e people o* t+e /ist, t+e .ain idea or t+e su0stance o* said proposals, 6+ic+ is S under R3 <3 93 >o3 1 S t+e increase o* t+e .axi.u. nu.0er o* seats in t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, *ro. 15I to 1"I, and S under R3 <3 93 >o3 J S t+e aut+ority /iven to t+e .e.0ers o* ,on/ress to run *or dele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention and, i* elected t+ereto, to disc+ar/e t+e duties o* suc+ dele/ates, 6it+out *or*eitin/ t+eir seats in ,on/ress3 8e S 6+o constitute t+e .inority S 0elieve t+at Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1J satis*ies suc+ require.ent and t+at said 'ct is, accordin/ly, constitutional3 ?ne o* t+e issues raised in t+is case 6as t+e validity o* t+e su0.ission o* certain proposed constitutional a.end.ents at a ple0iscite sc+eduled on t+e sa.e day as t+e re/ular elections3 Petitioners ar/ued t+at t+is 6as unla6*ul as t+ere 6ould 0e no proper su0.ission o* t+e proposal to t+e people 6+o 6ould 0e .ore interested in t+e issues involved in t+e election3

&ELD# Pursuant to 'rt 1H o* t+e 7JH ,onstitution, S, +eld t+at t+ere is not+in/ in t+is provision to indicate t+at t+e election t+erein re*erred to is a special, not a /eneral election3 T+e circu.stance t+at t+e previous a.end.ent to t+e ,onstitution +ad 0een su0.itted to t+e people *or rati*ication in special elections .erely s+o6s t+at ,on/ress dee.ed it 0est to do so under t+e circu.stances t+en o0tainin/3 )t does not ne/ate its aut+ority to proposed a.end.ents *or rati*ication in /eneral elections3

OO2 R%?%s (*ss%-"%(. -Ple0iscite s+ould 0e sc+eduled on a special date so as to *acilitate -#air su0.ission, intelli/ent consent or re1ection43 T+ey s+ould 0e a0le to co.pare t+e ori/inal proposition 6it+ t+e a.ended proposition

Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines S,)REME CO,RT Manila E> <'>,

G.R. No. ;3;9/ F%.r$ar? 22 1991 CI5IL LI1ERTIES ,NION petitioner, vs3 T&E E7EC,TI5E SECRETAR6 respondent . G.R. No. ;3;15 F%.r$ar? 22 1991

ANTI-GRAFT LEAG,E OF T&E )&ILI))INES INC. a-( CRIS)IN T. RE6ES petitioners, vs3 )&ILI) ELLA C. 2,ICO as S%cr%"ar? o@ ADrar*a- R%@or+I CARLOS DOMING,E9 as S%cr%"ar? o@ ADr*c$'"$r%I LO,RDES 8,IS,M1ING as S%cr%"ar? o@ E($ca"*o- C$'"$r% a-( SBor"sI F,LGENCIO FACTORAN 2R. as S%cr%"ar? o@ E-v*ro-+%-" a-( Na"$ra' R%so$rc%sI 5ICENTE 5. 2A6ME as S%cr%"ar? o@ F*-a-c%I SEDFRE6 ORDO:E9 as S%cr%"ar? o@ 2$s"*c%I FRAN3LIN N. DRILON as S%cr%"ar? o@ La.or a-( E+B'o?+%-"I L,IS SANTOS as S%cr%"ar? o@ Loca' Gov%r-+%-"I FIDEL 5. RAMOS as S%cr%"ar? o@ Na"*o-a' D%@%-s%I TEODORO F. 1ENIGNO as )r%ss S%cr%"ar?I 2,ANITO FERRER as S%cr%"ar? o@ )$.'*c 4orFs a-( &*DhEa?sI ANTONIO ARRI9A1AL as S%cr%"ar? o@ Sc*%-c% a-( T%ch-o'oD?I 2OSE CONCE)CION as S%cr%"ar? o@ Tra(% a-( I-($s"r?I 2OSE ANTONIO GON9ALE9 as S%cr%"ar? o@ To$r*s+I ALFREDO R.A. 1ENG9ON as S%cr%"ar? o@ &%a'"hI REINERIO D. RE6ES as S%cr%"ar? o@ Tra-sBor"a"*o- a-( Co++$-*ca"*o-I G,ILLERMO CARAG,E as Co++*ss*o-%r o@ "h% 1$(D%"I a-( SOLITA MONSOD as &%a( o@ "h% Na"*o-a' Eco-o+*c D%v%'oB+%-" A$"hor*"? r%sBo-(%-"s. :gnacio ). 9acsina, 9uis /. 1auricio, .ntonio /. Euintos and 4uan T. Aavid for petitioners in L#LJ=. .ntonio ). &oronel for petitioners in L#L1%.

FERNAN %.J.3p T+ese t6o (5) petitions 6ere consolidated per resolution dated 'u/ust , 1 "" 1 and are 0ein/ resolved 1ointly as 0ot+ see@ a declaration o* t+e unconstitutionality o* Executive ?rder >o3 5"& issued 0y President ,ora=on ,3 'quino on ;uly 5H, 1 "%3 T+e pertinent provisions o* t+e assailed Executive ?rder are$ Sec3 13 Even i* allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e ordinary *unctions o* +is position, a .e.0er o* t+e ,a0inet, undersecretary or assistant secretary or ot+er appointive o**icials o* t+e Executive Cepart.ent .ay, in addition to +is pri.ary position, +old not .ore t+an t6o positions in t+e /overn.ent and /overn.ent corporations and receive t+e correspondin/ co.pensation t+ere*orG )rovided , t+at t+is li.itation s+all not apply to ad +oc 0odies or co..ittees, or to 0oards, councils or 0odies o* 6+ic+ t+e President is t+e ,+air.an3 Sec3 53 )* a .e.0er o* t+e ca0inet, undersecretary or assistant secretary or ot+er appointive o**icial o* t+e Executive Cepart.ent +olds .ore positions t+an 6+at is allo6ed in Section 1 +ereo*, t+ey ( sic ) .ust relinquis+ t+e excess position in *avor o* t+e su0ordinate o**icial 6+o is next in ran@, 0ut in no case s+all any o**icial +old .ore t+an t6o positions ot+er t+an +is pri.ary position3 Sec3 J3 )n order to *ully protect t+e interest o* t+e /overn.ent in /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations, at least one2t+ird (1KJ) o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 0oards o* suc+ corporation s+ould eit+er 0e a secretary, or undersecretary, or assistant secretary3 Petitioners .aintain t+at t+is Executive ?rder 6+ic+, in e**ect, allo6s .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir undersecretaries and assistant secretaries to +old ot+er /overn.ent o**ices or positions in addition

to t+eir pri.ary positions, al0eit su01ect to t+e li.itation t+erein i.posed, runs counter to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, 2 6+ic+ provides as *ollo6s$ Sec3 1J3 T+e President, (ice2President, t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, and t+eir deputies or assistants s+all not, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitution, +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 T+ey s+all not, durin/ said tenure, directly or indirectly practice any ot+er pro*ession, participate in any 0usiness, or 0e *inancially interested in any contract 6it+, or in any *ranc+ise, or special privile/e /ranted 0y t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency, or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or t+eir su0sidiaries3 T+ey s+all strictly avoid con*lict o* interest in t+e conduct o* t+eir o**ice3 )t is alle/ed t+at t+e a0ove2quoted Section 1J, 'rticle ()) pro+i0its pu0lic respondents, as .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, alon/ 6it+ t+e ot+er pu0lic o**icials enu.erated in t+e list attac+ed to t+e petitions as 'nnex B,B in G3R3 >o3 "J"1H 3 and as 'nnex B<B in G3R3 >o3 "J" ! < *ro. +oldin/ any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 )n addition to see@in/ a declaration o* t+e unconstitutionality o* Executive ?rder >o3 5"&, petitioner 'nti2Gra*t Lea/ue o* t+e P+ilippines *urt+er see@s in G3R3 >o3 "J"1H t+e issuance o* t+e extraordinary 6rits o* pro+i0ition and mandamus , as 6ell as a te.porary restrainin/ order directin/ pu0lic respondents t+erein to cease and desist *ro. +oldin/, in addition to t+eir pri.ary positions, dual or .ultiple positions ot+er t+an t+ose aut+ori=ed 0y t+e 1 "% ,onstitution and *ro. receivin/ any salaries, allo6ances, per die.s and ot+er *or.s o* privile/es and t+e li@e appurtenant to t+eir questioned positions, and co.pellin/ pu0lic respondents to return, rei.0urse or re*und any and all a.ounts or 0ene*its t+at t+ey .ay +ave received *ro. suc+ positions3 Speci*ically, petitioner 'nti2Gra*t Lea/ue o* t+e P+ilippines c+ar/es t+at not6it+standin/ t+e a*orequoted Ba0solute and sel*2executin/B provision o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, t+en Secretary o* ;ustice Sed*rey ?rdoWe=, construin/ Section 1J, 'rticle ()) in relation to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2<, rendered on ;uly 5J, 1 "% ?pinion >o3 %J, series o* 1 "%, 5 declarin/ t+at ,a0inet .e.0ers, t+eir deputies (undersecretaries) and assistant secretaries .ay +old ot+er pu0lic o**ice, includin/ .e.0ers+ip in t+e 0oards o* /overn.ent corporations$ (a) 6+en directly provided *or in t+e ,onstitution as in t+e case o* t+e Secretary o* ;ustice 6+o is .ade an ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil under Section ", para/rap+ 1, 'rticle ()))G or (0) i* allo6ed 0y la6G or (c) i* allo6ed 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+eir respective positionsG and t+at on t+e 0asis o* t+is ?pinion, t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines, on ;uly 5H, 1 "% or t6o (5) days 0e*ore ,on/ress convened on ;uly 5%, 1 "%$ pro.ul/ated Executive ?rder >o3 5"&3 / Petitioner 'nti2Gra*t Lea/ue o* t+e P+ilippines o01ects to 0ot+ C?; ?pinion >o3 %J and Executive ?rder >o3 5"& as t+ey alle/edly Blu.ped to/et+erB Section 1J, 'rticle ()) and t+e /eneral provision in anot+er article, Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A<3 T+is Bstrained lin@a/eB 0et6een t+e t6o provisions, eac+ addressed to a distinct and separate /roup o* pu0lic o**icers one, t+e President and +er o**icial *a.ily, and t+e ot+er, pu0lic servants in /eneral alle/edly Ba0olis+ed t+e clearly separate, +i/+er, exclusive, and .andatory constitutional ran@ assi/ned to t+e pro+i0ition a/ainst .ultiple 1o0s *or t+e President, t+e (ice2President, t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, and t+eir deputies and su0alterns, 6+o are t+e leaders o* /overn.ent expected to lead 0y exa.ple3B 7 'rticle )A2<, Section %, par3 (5) ; provides$

Sec3 %3 3 3 3 3 3 Cnless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of his position, no appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the government or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including government'owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries 3 T+e Solicitor General counters t+at Cepart.ent o* ;ustice C?; ?pinion >o3 %J, series o* 1 "%, as *urt+er elucidated and clari*ied 0y C?; ?pinion >o3 15 , series o* 1 "% 9 and C?; ?pinion >o3 1HH, series o* 1 "", 1 0 0ein/ t+e *irst o**icial construction and interpretation 0y t+e Secretary o* ;ustice o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) and par3 (5) o* Section %, 'rticle )2A< o* t+e ,onstitution, involvin/ t+e sa.e su01ect o* appoint.ents or desi/nations o* an appointive executive o**icial to positions ot+er t+an +is pri.ary position, is Breasona0ly valid and constitutionally *ir.,B and t+at Executive ?rder >o3 5"&, pro.ul/ated pursuant to C?; ?pinion >o3 %J, series o* 1 "% is consequently constitutional3 )t is 6ort+ notin/ t+at C?; ?pinion >o3 15 , series o* 1 "% and C?; ?pinion >o3 1HH, series o* 1 "" construed t+e li.itation i.posed 0y E3?3 >o3 5"& as not applyin/ to ex'officio positions or to positions 6+ic+, alt+ou/+ not so desi/nated as ex'officio are allo6ed 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+e pu0lic o**icial, 0ut only to t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple positions 6+ic+ are not related to or necessarily included in t+e position o* t+e pu0lic o**icial concerned (disparate positions)3 )n su., t+e constitutionality o* Executive ?rder >o3 5"& is 0ein/ c+allen/ed 0y petitioners on t+e principal su0.ission t+at it adds exceptions to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) ot+er t+an t+ose provided in t+e ,onstitution3 'ccordin/ to petitioners, 0y virtue o* t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitution,B t+e only exceptions a/ainst +oldin/ any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in Govern.ent are t+ose provided in t+e ,onstitution, na.ely$ (1) T+e (ice2President .ay 0e appointed as a Me.0er o* t+e ,a0inet under Section J, par3 (5), 'rticle ()) t+ereo*G and (5) t+e Secretary o* ;ustice is an ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil 0y virtue o* Section " (1), 'rticle ()))3 Petitioners *urt+er ar/ue t+at t+e exception to t+e pro+i0ition in Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A< on t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission applies to o**icers and e.ployees o* t+e ,ivil Service in /eneral and t+at said exceptions do not apply and cannot 0e extended to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) 6+ic+ applies speci*ically to t+e President, (ice2President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet and t+eir deputies or assistants3 T+ere is no dispute t+at t+e pro+i0ition a/ainst t+e President, (ice2President, t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet and t+eir deputies or assistants *ro. +oldin/ dual or .ultiple positions in t+e Govern.ent ad.its o* certain exceptions3 T+e disa/ree.ent 0et6een petitioners and pu0lic respondents lies on t+e constitutional 0asis o* t+e exception3 Petitioners insist t+at 0ecause o* t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB used in Section 1J o* 'rticle ()), t+e exception .ust 0e expressly provided in t+e ,onstitution, as in t+e case o* t+e (ice2President 0ein/ allo6ed to 0eco.e a Me.0er o* t+e ,a0inet under t+e second para/rap+ o* Section J, 'rticle ()) or t+e Secretary o* ;ustice 0ein/ desi/nated an ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil under 'rticle ())), Sec3 " (1)3 Pu0lic respondents, on t+e ot+er +and, .aintain t+at t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+e ,onstitutionB in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) .a@es re*erence to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A< inso*ar as t+e appointive o**icials .entioned t+erein are concerned3

T+e t+res+old question t+ere*ore is$ does t+e pro+i0ition in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution inso*ar as ,a0inet .e.0ers, t+eir deputies or assistants are concerned o* t+e 0road exceptions .ade *or appointive o**icials in /eneral under Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A< 6+ic+, *or easy re*erence is quoted ane6, t+us$ BEnless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position, no appointive o**icial s+all +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporation or t+eir su0sidiaries3B 4% r$'% *- "h% -%Da"*v%. ' *oolproo* yardstic@ in constitutional construction is t+e intention underlyin/ t+e provision under consideration3 T+us, it +as 0een +eld t+at t+e ,ourt in construin/ a ,onstitution s+ould 0ear in .ind t+e o01ect sou/+t to 0e acco.plis+ed 0y its adoption, and t+e evils, i* any, sou/+t to 0e prevented or re.edied3 ' dou0t*ul provision 6ill 0e exa.ined in t+e li/+t o* t+e +istory o* t+e, and t+e condition and circu.stances under 6+ic+ t+e ,onstitution 6as *ra.ed3 T+e o01ect is to ascertain t+e reason 6+ic+ induced t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution to enact t+e particular provision and t+e purpose sou/+t to 0e acco.plis+ed t+ere0y, in order to construe t+e 6+ole as to .a@e t+e 6ords consonant to t+at reason and calculated to e**ect t+at purpose3 11 T+e practice o* desi/natin/ .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants as .e.0ers o* t+e /overnin/ 0odies or 0oards o* various /overn.ent a/encies and instru.entalities, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned and controlled corporations, 0eca.e prevalent durin/ t+e ti.e le/islative po6ers in t+is country 6ere exercised 0y * President #erdinand E3 Marcos pursuant to +is .artial la6 aut+ority3 T+ere 6as a proli*eration o* ne6ly2created a/encies, instru.entalities and /overn.ent2 o6ned and controlled corporations created 0y presidential decrees and ot+er .odes o* presidential issuances 6+ere ,a0inet .e.0ers, t+eir deputies or assistants 6ere desi/nated to +ead or sit as .e.0ers o* t+e 0oard 6it+ t+e correspondin/ salaries, e.olu.ents, per die.s, allo6ances and ot+er perquisites o* o**ice3 Most o* t+ese instru.entalities +ave re.ained up to t+e present ti.e3 T+is practice o* +oldin/ .ultiple o**ices or positions in t+e /overn.ent soon led to a0uses 0y unscrupulous pu0lic o**icials 6+o too@ advanta/e o* t+is sc+e.e *or purposes o* sel*2enric+.ent3 )n *act, t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple o**ices in /overn.ent 6as stron/ly denounced on t+e *loor o* t+e <atasan/ Pa.0ansa3 1 2 T+is conde.nation ca.e in reaction to t+e pu0lis+ed report o* t+e ,o..ission on 'udit, entitled B1 "J Su..ary 'nnual 'udit Report on$ Govern.ent2?6ned and ,ontrolled ,orporations, Sel*2Governin/ <oards and ,o..issionsB 6+ic+ carried as its #i/ure >o3 & a BRoaster o* Me.0ers+ip in Governin/ <oards o* Govern.ent2?6ned and ,ontrolled ,orporations as o* Cece.0er J1, 1 "J3B Particularly odious and revoltin/ to t+e peopleDs sense o* propriety and .orality in /overn.ent service 6ere t+e data contained t+erein t+at Ro0erto (3 ?n/pin 6as a .e.0er o* t+e /overnin/ 0oards o* t6enty2nine (5 ) /overn.ental a/encies, instru.entalities and corporationsG ).elda R3 Marcos o* t6enty2t+ree (5J)G ,esar E3'3 (irata o* t6enty2t6o (55)G 'rturo R3 Tanco, ;r3 o* *i*teen (1H)G ;esus S3 9ipolito and Geroni.o O3 (elasco, o* *ourteen eac+ (1&)G ,esar ,3 Oala.ea o* t+irteen (1J)G Ru0en <3 'nc+eta and ;ose '3 RoWo o* t6elve (15) eac+G Manuel P3 'l0a, Gil0erto ?3 Teodoro, and Ed/ardo Tordesillas o* eleven (11) eac+G and Lilia <autista and Teodoro P3 PeWa o* ten (1I) eac+3 1 3

T+e 0latant 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust evolved into one o* t+e serious causes o* discontent 6it+ t+e Marcos re/i.e3 )t 6as t+ere*ore quite inevita0le and in consonance 6it+ t+e senti.ent o* t+e people t+at t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission, convened as it 6as a*ter t+e people success*ully unseated * President Marcos, s+ould dra*t into its proposed ,onstitution t+e provisions under consideration 6+ic+ are envisioned to re.edy, i* not correct, t+e evils t+at *lo6 *ro. t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple /overn.ental o**ices and e.ploy.ent3 )n *act, as @eenly o0served 0y Mr3 ;ustice )sa/ani '3 ,ru= durin/ t+e deli0erations in t+ese cases, one o* t+e stron/est sellin/ points o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution durin/ t+e ca.pai/n *or its rati*ication 6as t+e assurance /iven 0y its proponents t+at t+e scandalous practice o* ,a0inet .e.0ers +oldin/ .ultiple positions in t+e /overn.ent and collectin/ unconsciona0ly excessive co.pensation t+ere*ro. 6ould 0e discontinued3 <ut 6+at is indeed si/ni*icant is t+e *act t+at alt+ou/+ Section %, 'rticle )2A< already contains a 0lan@et pro+i0ition a/ainst t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent 0ot+ elective and appointive pu0lic o**icials, t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission s+ould see it *it to *or.ulate anot+er provision, Sec3 1J, 'rticle ()), speci*ically pro+i0itin/ t+e President, (ice2President, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants *ro. +oldin/ any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+e ,onstitution itsel*3 Evidently, *ro. t+is .ove as 6ell as in t+e di**erent p+raseolo/ies o* t+e constitutional provisions in question, t+e intent o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution 6as to i.pose a stricter pro+i0ition on t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily in so *ar as +oldin/ ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent or else6+ere is concerned3 Moreover, suc+ intent is underscored 0y a co.parison o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) 6it+ ot+er provisions o* t+e ,onstitution on t+e disquali*ications o* certain pu0lic o**icials or e.ployees *ro. +oldin/ ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent3 Ender Section 1J, 'rticle (), B(>)o Senator or Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives .ay +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in the 0overnment 3 3 3B3 Ender Section H(&), 'rticle A(), B(>)o .e.0er o* t+e ar.ed *orces in t+e active service s+all, at any ti.e, 0e appointed in any capacity to a civilian position in the 0overnment, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or any o* t+eir su0sidiaries3B Even Section % (5), 'rticle )A2<, relied upon 0y respondents provides B(E)nless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position, no appointive o**icial s+all +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in the 0overnment 3B )t is quite nota0le t+at in all t+ese provisions on disquali*ications to +old ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent, t+e pro+i0ition pertains to an o**ice or e.ploy.ent in the government and /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or t+eir su0sidiaries3 )n stri@in/ contrast is t+e 6ordin/ o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) 6+ic+ states t+at B(T)+e President, (ice2President, t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, and t+eir deputies or assistants s+all not, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitution, +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3B )n t+e latter provision, t+e disquali*ication is a0solute, not 0ein/ quali*ied 0y t+e p+rase Bin t+e Govern.ent3B T+e pro+i0ition i.posed on t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily is t+ere*ore all2e.0racin/ and covers 0ot+ pu0lic and private o**ice or e.ploy.ent3 Goin/ *urt+er into Section 1J, 'rticle ()), t+e second sentence provides$ BT+ey s+all not, durin/ said tenure, directly or indirectly, practice any ot+er pro*ession, participate in any 0usiness, or 0e

*inancially interested in any contract 6it+, or in any *ranc+ise, or special privile/e /ranted 0y t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or t+eir su0sidiaries3B T+ese s6eepin/, all2e.0racin/ pro+i0itions i.posed on t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily, 6+ic+ pro+i0itions are not si.ilarly i.posed on ot+er pu0lic o**icials or e.ployees suc+ as t+e Me.0ers o* ,on/ress, .e.0ers o* t+e civil service in /eneral and .e.0ers o* t+e ar.ed *orces, are proo* o* t+e intent o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution to treat t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily as a class 0y itsel* and to i.pose upon said class stricter pro+i0itions3 Suc+ intent o* t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission to 0e stricter 6it+ t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily 6as also succinctly articulated 0y ,o..issioner (icente #o= a*ter ,o..issioner Re/alado Maa.0on/ noted durin/ t+e *loor deli0erations and de0ate t+at t+ere 6as no sy..etry 0et6een t+e ,ivil Service pro+i0itions, ori/inally *ound in t+e General Provisions and t+e anticipated report on t+e Executive Cepart.ent3 ,o..issioner #o= ,o..ented, B8e actually +ave to 0e stricter 6it+ t+e President and t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet 0ecause t+ey exercise .ore po6ers and, t+ere*ore, .ore c+ee@s and restraints on t+e. are called *or 0ecause t+ere is .ore possi0ility o* a0use in t+eir case3B

T+us, 6+ile all ot+er appointive o**icials in t+e civil service are allo6ed to +old ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure 6+en suc+ is allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+eir positions, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants .ay do so only 6+en expressly aut+ori=ed 0y t+e ,onstitution itsel*3 )n ot+er 6ords, Section %, 'rticle )2A< is .eant to lay do6n t+e /eneral rule applica0le to all elective and appointive pu0lic o**icials and e.ployees, 6+ile Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is .eant to 0e t+e exception applica0le only to t+e President, t+e (ice2 President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants3 T+is 0ein/ t+e case, t+e quali*yin/ p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) cannot possi0ly re*er to t+e 0road exceptions provided under Section %, 'rticle )2A< o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution3 To construe said quali*yin/ p+rase as respondents 6ould +ave us do, 6ould render nu/atory and .eanin/less t+e .ani*est intent and purpose o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution to i.pose a stricter pro+i0ition on t+e President, (ice2President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants 6it+ respect to +oldin/ ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 RespondentsD interpretation t+at Section 1J o* 'rticle ()) ad.its o* t+e exceptions *ound in Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )A2< 6ould o0literate t+e distinction so care*ully set 0y t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution as to 6+en t+e +i/+2ran@in/ o**icials o* t+e Executive <ranc+ *ro. t+e President to 'ssistant Secretary, on t+e one +and, and t+e /enerality o* civil servants *ro. t+e ran@ i..ediately 0elo6 'ssistant Secretary do6n6ards, on t+e ot+er, .ay +old any ot+er o**ice or position in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 Moreover, respondentsD readin/ o* t+e provisions in question 6ould render certain parts o* t+e ,onstitution inoperative3 T+is o0servation applies particularly to t+e (ice2President 6+o, under Section 1J o* 'rticle ()) is allo6ed to +old ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent 6+en so aut+ori=ed 0y t+e ,onstitution, 0ut 6+o as an elective pu0lic o**icial under Sec3 %, par3 (1) o* 'rticle )2A< is a0solutely ineli/i0le B*or appoint.ent or desi/nation in any capacity to any pu0lic o**ice or position durin/ +is tenure3B Surely, to say t+at t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB

*ound in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) +as re*erence to Section %, par3 (1) o* 'rticle )2A< 6ould render .eanin/less t+e speci*ic provisions o* t+e ,onstitution aut+ori=in/ t+e (ice2President to 0eco.e a .e.0er o* t+e ,a0inet, 1 5 and to act as President 6it+out relinquis+in/ t+e (ice2Presidency 6+ere t+e President s+all not +ave 0een c+osen or *ails to quali*y3 1 / Suc+ a0surd consequence can 0e avoided only 0y interpretin/ t+e t6o provisions under consideration as one, i 3 e 3, Section %, par3 (1) o* 'rticle )2A< providin/ t+e /eneral rule and t+e ot+er, i 3 e 3, Section 1J, 'rticle ()) as constitutin/ t+e exception t+ereto3 )n t+e sa.e .anner .ust Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )2A< 0e construed vis' a'vis Section 1J, 'rticle ())3 )t is a 6ell2esta0lis+ed rule in ,onstitutional construction t+at no one provision o* t+e ,onstitution is to 0e separated *ro. all t+e ot+ers, to 0e considered alone, 0ut t+at all t+e provisions 0earin/ upon a particular su01ect are to 0e 0rou/+t into vie6 and to 0e so interpreted as to e**ectuate t+e /reat purposes o* t+e instru.ent3 1 7 Sections 0earin/ on a particular su01ect s+ould 0e considered and interpreted to/et+er as to e**ectuate t+e 6+ole purpose o* t+e ,onstitution 1 ; and one section is not to 0e allo6ed to de*eat anot+er, i* 0y any reasona0le construction, t+e t6o can 0e .ade to stand to/et+er3 1 9 )n ot+er 6ords, t+e court .ust +ar.oni=e t+e., i* practica0le, and .ust lean in *avor o* a construction 6+ic+ 6ill render every 6ord operative, rat+er t+an one 6+ic+ .ay .a@e t+e 6ords idle and nu/atory3 2 0 Since t+e evident purpose o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution is to i.pose a stricter pro+i0ition on t+e President, (ice2President, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants 6it+ respect to +oldin/ .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure, t+e exception to t+is pro+i0ition .ust 0e read 6it+ equal severity3 ?n its *ace, t+e lan/ua/e o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is pro+i0itory so t+at it .ust 0e understood as intended to 0e a positive and unequivocal ne/ation o* t+e privile/e o* +oldin/ .ultiple /overn.ent o**ices or e.ploy.ent3 (erily, 6+erever t+e lan/ua/e used in t+e constitution is pro+i0itory, it is to 0e understood as intended to 0e a positive and unequivocal ne/ation3 2 1 T+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB .ust 0e /iven a literal interpretation to re*er only to t+ose particular instances cited in t+e ,onstitution itsel*, to 6it$ t+e (ice2President 0ein/ appointed as a .e.0er o* t+e ,a0inet under Section J, par3 (5), 'rticle ())G or actin/ as President in t+ose instances provided under Section %, pars3 (5) and (J), 'rticle ())G and, t+e Secretary o* ;ustice 0ein/ ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil 0y virtue o* Section " (1), 'rticle ()))3 T+e pro+i0ition a/ainst +oldin/ dual or .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent under Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e ,onstitution .ust not, +o6ever, 0e construed as applyin/ to posts occupied 0y t+e Executive o**icials speci*ied t+erein 6it+out additional co.pensation in an ex'officio capacity as provided 0y la6 and as required 2 2 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* said o**icialsD o**ice3 T+e reason is t+at t+ese posts do no co.prise Bany ot+er o**iceB 6it+in t+e conte.plation o* t+e constitutional pro+i0ition 0ut are properly an i.position o* additional duties and *unctions on said o**icials3 2 3 To c+aracteri=e t+ese posts ot+er6ise 6ould lead to a0surd consequences, a.on/ 6+ic+ are$ T+e President o* t+e P+ilippines cannot c+air t+e >ational Security ,ouncil reor/ani=ed under Executive ?rder >o3 11H (Cece.0er 5&, 1 "!)3 >eit+er can t+e (ice2President, t+e Executive Secretary, and t+e Secretaries o* >ational Ce*ense, ;ustice, La0or and E.ploy.ent and Local Govern.ent sit in

t+is ,ouncil, 6+ic+ 6ould t+en +ave no reason to exist *or lac@ o* a c+airperson and .e.0ers3 T+e respective undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, 6ould also 0e pro+i0ited3 T+e Secretary o* La0or and E.ploy.ent cannot c+air t+e <oard o* Trustees o* t+e >ational Manpo6er and :out+ ,ouncil (>M:,) or t+e P+ilippine ?verseas E.ploy.ent 'd.inistration (P?E'), 0ot+ o* 6+ic+ are attac+ed to +is depart.ent *or policy coordination and /uidance3 >eit+er can +is Endersecretaries and 'ssistant Secretaries c+air t+ese a/encies3 T+e Secretaries o* #inance and <ud/et cannot sit in t+e Monetary <oard3 2 < >eit+er can t+eir respective undersecretaries and assistant secretaries3 T+e ,entral <an@ Governor 6ould t+en 0e assisted 0y lo6er ran@in/ e.ployees in providin/ policy direction in t+e areas o* .oney, 0an@in/ and credit3 2 5 )ndeed, t+e *ra.ers o* our ,onstitution could not +ave intended suc+ a0surd consequences3 ' ,onstitution, vie6ed as a continuously operative c+arter o* /overn.ent, is not to 0e interpreted as de.andin/ t+e i.possi0le or t+e i.practica0leG and unreasona0le or a0surd consequences, i* possi0le, s+ould 0e avoided3 2 / To reiterate, t+e pro+i0ition under Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is not to 0e interpreted as coverin/ positions +eld 6it+out additional co.pensation in ex'officio capacities as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+e concerned o**icialDs o**ice3 T+e ter. ex'officio .eans B*ro. o**iceG 0y virtue o* o**ice3B )t re*ers to an Baut+ority derived *ro. o**icial c+aracter .erely, not expressly con*erred upon t+e individual c+aracter, 0ut rat+er annexed to t+e o**icial position3B +x' officio li@e6ise denotes an Bact done in an o**icial c+aracter, or as a consequence o* o**ice, and 6it+out any ot+er appoint.ent or aut+ority t+an t+at con*erred 0y t+e o**ice3B 2 7 'n ex'officio .e.0er o* a 0oard is one 6+o is a .e.0er 0y virtue o* +is title to a certain o**ice, and 6it+out *urt+er 6arrant or appoint.ent3 2 ; To illustrate, 0y express provision o* la6, t+e Secretary o* Transportation and ,o..unications is t+e ex'officio , o* t+e <oard o* t+e P+ilippine Ports 'ut+ority, 2 9 and t+e Li/+t Rail Transit 'ut+ority3 3 0 T+e ,ourt +ad occasion to explain t+e .eanin/ o* an ex'officio position in /afael vs 3 +mbroidery and .pparel &ontrol and :nspection -oard, 3 1 t+us$ B'n exa.ination o* section 5 o* t+e questioned statute (R3'3 J1J%) reveals t+at *or t+e and .e.0ers o* t+e <oard to quali*y t+ey need only 0e desi/nated 0y t+e respective depart.ent +eads3 8it+ t+e exception o* t+e representative *ro. t+e private sector, t+ey sit ex'officio 3 )n order to 0e desi/nated t+ey .ust already 0e +oldin/ positions in t+e o**ices .entioned in t+e la63 T+us, *or instance, one 6+o does not +old a previous appoint.ent in t+e <ureau o* ,usto.s, cannot, under t+e act, 0e desi/nated a representative *ro. t+at o**ice3 T+e sa.e is true 6it+ respect to t+e representatives *ro. t+e ot+er o**ices3 >o ne6 appoint.ents are necessary3 T+is is as it s+ould 0e, 0ecause t+e representatives so desi/nated merely perform duties in the -oard in addition to those already performed under their original appointments 3B 3 2 T+e ter. Bpri.aryB used to descri0e B*unctionsB re*ers to t+e order o* i.portance and t+us .eans c+ie* or principal *unction3 T+e ter. is not restricted to t+e sin/ular 0ut .ay re*er to t+e plural3 3 3 T+e additional duties .ust not only 0e closely related to, 0ut .ust 0e required 0y t+e o**icialDs pri.ary *unctions3 Exa.ples o* desi/nations to positions 0y virtue o* oneDs pri.ary *unctions are

t+e Secretaries o* #inance and <ud/et sittin/ as .e.0ers o* t+e Monetary <oard, and t+e Secretary o* Transportation and ,o..unications actin/ as , o* t+e Mariti.e )ndustry 'ut+ority 3 < and t+e ,ivil 'eronautics <oard3 )* t+e *unctions required to 0e per*or.ed are .erely incidental, re.otely related, inconsistent, inco.pati0le, or ot+er6ise alien to t+e pri.ary *unction o* a ca0inet o**icial, suc+ additional *unctions 6ould *all under t+e purvie6 o* Bany ot+er o**iceB pro+i0ited 0y t+e ,onstitution3 'n exa.ple 6ould 0e t+e Press Endersecretary sittin/ as a .e.0er o* t+e <oard o* t+e P+ilippine '.use.ent and ,orporation3 T+e sa.e rule applies to suc+ positions 6+ic+ con*er on t+e ca0inet o**icial .ana/e.ent *unctions andKor .onetary co.pensation, suc+ as 0ut not li.ited to c+air.ans+ips or directors+ips in /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations and t+eir su0sidiaries3 Mandatin/ additional duties and *unctions to t+e President, (ice2President, ,a0inet Me.0ers, t+eir deputies or assistants 6+ic+ are not inconsistent 6it+ t+ose already prescri0ed 0y t+eir o**ices or appoint.ents 0y virtue o* t+eir special @no6led/e, expertise and s@ill in t+eir respective executive o**ices is a practice lon/2reco/ni=ed in .any 1urisdictions3 )t is a practice 1usti*ied 0y t+e de.ands o* e**iciency, policy direction, continuity and coordination a.on/ t+e di**erent o**ices in t+e Executive <ranc+ in t+e disc+ar/e o* its .ulti*arious tas@s o* executin/ and i.ple.entin/ la6s a**ectin/ national interest and /eneral 6el*are and deliverin/ 0asic services to t+e people3 )t is consistent 6it+ t+e po6er vested on t+e President and +is alter e/os, t+e ,a0inet .e.0ers, to +ave control o* all t+e executive depart.ents, 0ureaus and o**ices and to ensure t+at t+e la6s are *ait+*ully executed3 3 5 8it+out t+ese additional duties and *unctions 0ein/ assi/ned to t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily to sit in t+e /overnin/ 0odies or 0oards o* /overn.ental a/encies or instru.entalities in an ex'officio capacity as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+eir pri.ary *unctions, t+ey 6ould 0e supervision, t+ere0y deprived o* t+e .eans *or control and resultin/ in an un6ieldy and con*used 0ureaucracy3 )t 0ears repeatin/ t+ou/+ t+at in order t+at suc+ additional duties or *unctions .ay not trans/ress t+e pro+i0ition e.0odied in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, suc+ additional duties or *unctions .ust 0e required by the primary functions of the official concerned, who is to perform the same in an ex'officio capacity as provided by law, without receiving any additional compensation therefor 3 T+e ex'officio position 0ein/ actually and in le/al conte.plation part o* t+e principal o**ice, it *ollo6s t+at t+e o**icial concerned +as no ri/+t to receive additional co.pensation *or +is services in t+e said position3 T+e reason is t+at t+ese services are already paid *or and covered 0y t+e co.pensation attac+ed to +is principal o**ice3 )t s+ould 0e o0vious t+at i*, say, t+e Secretary o* #inance attends a .eetin/ o* t+e Monetary <oard as an ex'officio .e.0er t+ereo*, +e is actually and in le/al conte.plation per* t+e pri.ary *unction o* +is principal o**ice in de*inin/ policy in .onetary and 0an@in/ .atters, 6+ic+ co.e under t+e 1urisdiction o* +is depart.ent3 #or suc+ attendance, t+ere*ore, +e is not entitled to collect any extra co.pensation, 6+et+er it 0e in t+e *or. o* a per t+e. or an +onorariu. or an allo6ance, or so.e ot+er suc+ <y 6+atever na.e it is desi/nated, suc+ additional co.pensation is pro+i0ited 0y t+e ,onstitution3 )t is interestin/ to note t+at durin/ t+e *loor deli0erations on t+e proposal o* ,o..issioner

,+ristian Monsod to add to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2<, ori/inally *ound as Section J o* t+e General Provisions, t+e exception Bunless required 0y t+e *unctions o* +is position,B 3 / express re*erence to certain +i/+2ran@in/ appointive pu0lic o**icials li@e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet 6ere .ade3 3 7 Respondin/ to a query o* ,o..issioner <las ?ple, ,o..issioner Monsod pointed out t+at t+ere are instances 6+en alt+ou/+ not required 0y current la6, .e.0ers+ip o* certain +i/+2ran@in/ executive o**icials in other offices and corporations is necessary 0y reason o* said o**icialsD pri.ary *unctions3 T+e exa.ple /iven 0y ,o..issioner Monsod 6as t+e Minister o* Trade and )ndustry3 3 ; 8+ile t+is exc+an/e 0et6een ,o..issioners Monsod and ?ple .ay 0e used as aut+ority *or sayin/ t+at additional *unctions and duties *lo6in/ *ro. t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+e o**icial .ay 0e i.posed upon +i. 6it+out o**endin/ t+e constitutional pro+i0ition under consideration, it cannot, +o6ever, 0e ta@en as aut+ority *or sayin/ t+at t+is exception is 0y virtue o* Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )2A<3 T+is colloquy 0et6een t+e t6o ,o..issioners too@ place in t+e plenary session o* Septe.0er 5%, 1 "!3 Ender consideration t+en 6as Section J o* ,o..ittee Resolution >o3 HJ1 6+ic+ 6as t+e proposed article on General Provisions3 3 9 't t+at ti.e, t+e article on t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission +ad 0een approved on t+ird readin/ on ;uly 55, 1 "!, < 0 6+ile t+e article on t+e Executive Cepart.ent, containin/ t+e .ore speci*ic pro+i0ition in Section 1J, +ad also 0een earlier approved on t+ird readin/ on 'u/ust 5!, 1 "!3 < 1 )t 6as only a*ter t+e dra*t ,onstitution +ad under/one re*or.attin/ and Bstylin/B 0y t+e ,o..ittee on Style t+at said Section J o* t+e General Provisions 0eca.e Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )A2< and re6orded BEnless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position3 3 3 3B 8+at 6as clearly 0ein/ discussed t+en 6ere /eneral principles 6+ic+ 6ould serve as constitutional /uidelines in t+e a0sence o* speci*ic constitutional provisions on t+e .atter3 8+at 6as pri.arily at issue and approved on t+at occasion 6as t+e adoption o* t+e quali*ied and deli.ited p+rase Bpri.ary *unctionsB as t+e 0asis o* an exception to t+e /eneral rule coverin/ all appointive pu0lic o**icials3 9ad t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission intended to dilute t+e speci*ic pro+i0ition in said Section 1J o* 'rticle ()), it could +ave re26orded said Section 1J to con*or. to t+e 6ider exceptions provided in t+en Section J o* t+e proposed /eneral Provisions, later placed as Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )A2< on t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission3 T+at t+is exception 6ould in t+e *inal analysis apply also to t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily is 0y reason o* t+e le/al principles /overnin/ additional *unctions and duties o* pu0lic o**icials rat+er t+an 0y virtue o* Section %, par3 5, 'rticle )A2< 't any rate, 6e +ave .ade it clear t+at only t+e additional *unctions and duties Brequired,B as opposed to Ballo6ed,B 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions .ay 0e considered as not constitutin/ Bany ot+er o**ice3B 8+ile it is per.issi0le in t+is 1urisdiction to consult t+e de0ates and proceedin/s o* t+e constitutional convention in order to arrive at t+e reason and purpose o* t+e resultin/ ,onstitution, resort t+ereto .ay 0e +ad only 6+en ot+er /uides *ail < 2 as said proceedin/s are po6erless to vary t+e ter.s o* t+e ,onstitution 6+en t+e .eanin/ is clear3 Ce0ates in t+e constitutional convention Bare o* value as s+o6in/ t+e vie6s o* t+e individual .e.0ers, and as indicatin/ t+e reasons *or t+eir votes, 0ut t+ey /ive us no li/+t as to t+e vie6s o* t+e lar/e .a1ority 6+o did not tal@, .uc+ less o* t+e .ass o* our *ello6 citi=ens 6+ose votes at t+e polls /ave t+at instru.ent t+e *orce o* *unda.ental la63 8e t+in@ it sa*er to construe t+e constitution *ro. 6+at appears upon its *ace3B < 3

T+e proper interpretation t+ere*ore depends .ore on +o6 it 6as understood 0y t+e people adoptin/ it t+an in t+e *ra.ersDs understandin/ t+ereo*3 < < )t 0ein/ clear, as it 6as in *act one o* its 0est sellin/ points, t+at t+e 1 "% ,onstitution see@s to pro+i0it t+e President, (ice2President, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies or assistants *ro. +oldin/ durin/ t+eir tenure .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent, except in t+ose cases speci*ied in t+e ,onstitution itsel* and as a0ove clari*ied 6it+ respect to posts +eld 6it+out additional co.pensation in an ex'officio capacity as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+eir o**ice, t+e citation o* ,a0inet .e.0ers (t+en called Ministers) as exa.ples durin/ t+e de0ate and deli0eration on t+e /eneral rule laid do6n *or all appointive o**icials s+ould 0e considered as .ere personal opinions 6+ic+ cannot override t+e constitutionDs .ani*est intent and t+e peopleD understandin/ t+ereo*3 )n t+e li/+t o* t+e construction /iven to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) in relation to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2< o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, Executive ?rder >o3 5"& dated ;uly 5J, 1 "% is unconstitutional3 ?stensi0ly restrictin/ t+e nu.0er o* positions t+at ,a0inet .e.0ers, undersecretaries or assistant secretaries .ay +old in addition to t+eir pri.ary position to not .ore t+an t6o (5) positions in t+e /overn.ent and /overn.ent corporations, Executive ?rder >o3 5"& actually allo6s t+e. to +old .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in direct contravention o* t+e express .andate o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution pro+i0itin/ t+e. *ro. doin/ so, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+e 1 "% ,onstitution itsel*3 T+e ,ourt is alerted 0y respondents to t+e i.practical consequences t+at 6ill result *ro. a strict application o* t+e pro+i0ition .andated under Section 1J, 'rticle ()) on t+e operations o* t+e Govern.ent, considerin/ t+at ,a0inet .e.0ers 6ould 0e stripped o* t+eir o**ices +eld in an ex' officio capacity, 0y reason o* t+eir pri.ary positions or 0y virtue o* le/islation3 's earlier clari*ied in t+is decision, ex'officio posts +eld 0y t+e executive o**icial concerned 6it+out additional co.pensation as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is o**ice do not *all under t+e de*inition o* Bany ot+er o**iceB 6it+in t+e conte.plation o* t+e constitutional pro+i0ition3 8it+ respect to ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent +eld 0y virtue o* le/islation, includin/ c+air.ans+ips or directors+ips in /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations and t+eir su0sidiaries, su**ice it to say t+at t+e *eared i.practical consequences are .ore apparent t+an real3 <ein/ +ead o* an executive depart.ent is no .ean 1o03 )t is .ore t+an a *ull2ti.e 1o0, requirin/ *ull attention, speciali=ed @no6led/e, s@ills and expertise3 )* .axi.u. 0ene*its are to 0e derived *ro. a depart.ent +eadDs a0ility and expertise, +e s+ould 0e allo6ed to attend to +is duties and responsi0ilities 6it+out t+e distraction o* ot+er /overn.ental o**ices or e.ploy.ent3 9e s+ould 0e precluded *ro. dissipatin/ +is e**orts, attention and ener/y a.on/ too .any positions o* responsi0ility, 6+ic+ .ay result in +ap+a=ardness and ine**iciency3 Surely t+e advanta/es to 0e derived *ro. t+is concentration o* attention, @no6led/e and expertise, particularly at t+is sta/e o* our national and econo.ic develop.ent, *ar out6ei/+ t+e 0ene*its, i* any, t+at .ay 0e /ained *ro. a depart.ent +ead spreadin/ +i.sel* too t+in and ta@in/ in .ore t+an 6+at +e can +andle3 #indin/ Executive ?rder >o3 5"& to 0e constitutionally in*ir., t+e court +ere0y orders respondents Secretary o* Environ.ent and >atural Resources #ul/encio #actoran, ;r3, Secretary o* Local Govern.ent < 5 Luis Santos, Secretary o* >ational Ce*ense #idel (3 Ra.os, Secretary o* 9ealt+

'l*redo R3'3 <en/=on and Secretary o* t+e <ud/et Guiller.o ,ara/ue to i..ediately relinquis+ t+eir ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent, as +erein de*ined, in t+e /overn.ent, includin/ /overn.ent2 o6ned or controlled corporations and t+eir su0sidiaries3 8it+ respect to t+e ot+er na.ed respondents, t+e petitions +ave 0eco.e .oot and acade.ic as t+ey are no lon/er occupyin/ t+e positions co.plained o*3 Curin/ t+eir tenure in t+e questioned positions, respondents .ay 0e considered de facto o**icers and as suc+ entitled to e.olu.ents *or actual services rendered3 < / )t +as 0een +eld t+at Bin cases 6+ere t+ere is no de (ure, o**icer, a de facto o**icer, 6+o, in /ood *ait+ +as +ad possession o* t+e o**ice and +as disc+ar/ed t+e duties pertainin/ t+ereto, is le/ally entitled to t+e e.olu.ents o* t+e o**ice, and .ay in an appropriate action recover t+e salary, *ees and ot+er co.pensations attac+ed to t+e o**ice3 T+is doctrine is, undou0tedly, supported on equita0le /rounds since it see.s un1ust t+at t+e pu0lic s+ould 0ene*it 0y t+e services o* an o**icer de facto and t+en 0e *reed *ro. all lia0ility to pay any one *or suc+ services3 < 7 'ny per die., allo6ances or ot+er e.olu.ents received 0y t+e respondents 0y virtue o* actual services rendered in t+e questioned positions .ay t+ere*ore 0e retained 0y t+e.3 89ERE#?RE, su01ect to t+e quali*ication a0ove2stated, t+e petitions are GR'>TEC3 Executive ?rder >o3 5"& is +ere0y declared null and void and is accordin/ly set aside3

C*v*' L*.%r"*%s ,-*o- v EA%c$"*v% S%cr%"ar? (19< SCRA 317!

4A%(S3 T+e petitioner are assailin/ t+e Executive ?rder >o3 5"& issued 0y t+e President allo6in/ ca0inet .e.0ers, undersecretary or asst3 secretaries and ot+er appointive o**icials o* t+e executive depart.ent to +old 5 positions in t+e /overn.ent and /overn.ent corporations and to receive additional co.pensation3 T+ey *ind it unconstitutional a/ainst t+e provision provided 0y Section 1J, 'rticle ()) pro+i0itin/ t+e President, ,a0inet .e.0ers and t+eir deputies to +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent3 Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2< *urt+er states t+at -Enless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position, no appointive o**icial s+all +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporation or t+eir su0sidiaries3B )n t+e opinion o* t+e C?; as a**ir.ed 0y t+e Solicitor General, t+e said Executive ?rder is valid and constitutional as Section % o* 'rticle )A2< stated -unless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la64 6+ic+ is construed to 0e an exe.ption *ro. t+at stipulated on 'rticle ()), section 1J, suc+ as in t+e case o* t+e (ice President 6+o is constitutionally allo6ed to 0eco.e a ca0inet .e.0er and t+e Secretary o* ;ustice as ex2o**icio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil3

ISS5 3 8+et+er Section % o* 'rticle )A2< provides an exe.ption to 'rticle ()), section 1J o* t+e


R5$I673 T+e court +eld it is not an exe.ption since t+e le/islative intent o* 0ot+ ,onstitutional provisions is to prevent /overn.ent o**icials *ro. +oldin/ .ultiple positions in t+e /overn.ent *or sel* enric+.ent 6+ic+ a 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust3 Section %, 'rticle )2A< is .eant to lay do6n t+e /eneral rule applica0le to all elective and appointive pu0lic o**icials and e.ployees, 6+ile Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is .eant to 0e t+e exception applica0le only to t+e President, t+e (ice2 President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants3 T+us t+e p+rase -unless ot+er6ise provided 0y t+e ,onstitution4 in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) cannot 0e construed as a 0road exception *ro. Section % o* 'rticle )A2< t+at is contrary to t+e le/islative intent o* 0ot+ constitutional provisions3 Suc+ p+rase is only li.ited to and strictly applies only to particular instances o* allo6in/ t+e (P to 0eco.e a ca0inet .e.0er and t+e Secretary o* ;ustice as ex2o**icio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil3 T+e court t+ere0y declared E3? 5"& as null and void3

IsaDa-* Cr$M vs DENR ;n 4anuary "J, "21" 9and Titles and Aeeds @ :)/. 9aw vis a vis /egalian Aoctrine ,ru=, a noted constitutionalist, assailed t+e validity o* t+e R' "J%1 or t+e )ndi/enous People7s Ri/+ts 'ct on t+e /round t+at t+e la6 a.ount to an unla6*ul deprivation o* t+e State7s o6ners+ip over lands o* t+e pu0lic do.ain as 6ell as .inerals and ot+er natural resources t+erein, in violation o* t+e re/alian doctrine e.0odied in Section 5, 'rticle A)) o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+e )PR' la6 0asically enu.erates t+e ri/+ts o* t+e indi/enous peoples over ancestral do.ains 6+ic+ .ay include natural resources3 ,ru= et al contend t+at, 0y providin/ *or an all2enco.passin/ de*inition o* -ancestral do.ains4 and -ancestral lands4 6+ic+ .i/+t even include private lands *ound 6it+in said areas, Sections J(a) and J(0) o* said la6 violate t+e ri/+ts o* private lando6ners3 ISS,E# 8+et+er or not t+e )PR' la6 is unconstitutional3 &ELD# T+e S, deli0erated upon t+e .atter3 '*ter deli0eration t+ey voted and reac+ed a %2% vote3 T+ey deli0erated a/ain and t+e sa.e result transpired3 Since t+ere 6as no .a1ority vote, ,ru=7s petition 6as dis.issed and t+e )PR' la6 6as sustained3 9ence, ancestral do.ains .ay include pu0lic do.ain so.e+o6 a/ainst t+e re/alian doctrine3 Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines S,)REME CO,RT Manila E> <'>,

G.R. No. L-32<32 S%B"%+.%r 11 1970

MAN,EL 1. IM1ONG petitioner, vs3 2AIME FERRER as Cha*r+a- o@ "h% Co+%'%c LINO M. )ATA2O a-( CESAR MILAFLOR as +%+.%rs "h%r%o@ respondents3 G.R. No. L-32<<3 S%B"%+.%r 11 1970 IN T&E MATTER OF A )ETITION FOR DECLARATOR6 2,DGMENT REGARDING T&E 5ALIDIT6 OF R.A. No. /132 OT&ER4ISE 3NO4N AS T&E CONSTIT,TIONAL CON5ENTION ACT OF 1970. RA,L M. GON9ALES petitioner, vs3 COMELEC respondent3 1anuel -. :mbong in his own behalf. /aul 1. 0onzales in his own behalf. ;ffice of the *olicitor 0eneral 3elix E. .ntonio, .cting .ssistant *olicitor 0eneral /icardo 9. )ronove, 4r., and *olicitors /aul :. 0oco, -ernardo ). )ardo, /osalio .. de 9eon, Gicente .. Torres and 0uillermo &. <a7ar for respondents. 9orenzo TaHada, .rturo Tolentino, 4ovito *alonga and +mmanuel )elaez as amici curiae.

MA3ASIAR J.3 T+ese t6o separate 0ut related petitions *or declaratory relie* 6ere *iled pursuant to Sec3 1 o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 0y petitioners Manuel <3 ).0on/ and Raul M3 Gon=ales, 0ot+ .e.0ers o* t+e <ar, taxpayers and interested in runnin/ as candidates *or dele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention3 <ot+ i.pu/n t+e constitutionality o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5, durin/ t+e oral ar/u.ent t+at it pre1udices t+eir ri/+ts as suc+ candidates3 '*ter t+e Solicitor General +ad *iled ans6ers in 0e+al* t+e respondents, +earin/s 6ere +eld at 6+ic+ t+e petitioners and t+e a.ici curiae, na.ely Senator Loren=o TaWada, Senator 'rturo Tolentino, Senator ;ovito Salon/a, and Senator E..anuel Pelae= ar/ued orally3 )t 6ill 0e recalled t+at on Marc+ 1!, 1 !%, ,on/ress, actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly pursuant to 'rt3 A( o* t+e ,onstitution, passed Resolution >o3 5 6+ic+ a.on/ ot+ers called *or a ,onstitutional ,onvention to propose constitutional a.end.ents to 0e co.posed o* t6o dele/ates *ro. eac+ representative district 6+o s+all +ave t+e sa.e quali*ications as t+ose o* ,on/ress.en, to 0e elected on t+e second Tuesday o* >ove.0er, 1 %I in accordance 6it+ t+e Revised Election ,ode3 '*ter t+e adoption o* said Res3 >o3 5 in 1 !% 0ut 0e*ore t+e >ove.0er elections o* t+at year, ,on/ress, actin/ as a le/islative 0ody, enacted Repu0lic 'ct >o3 & 1& i.ple.entin/ t+e a*oresaid Resolution >o3 5 and practically restatin/ in toto t+e provisions o* said Resolution >o3 53 ?n ;une 1%, 1 ! , ,on/ress, also actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly, passed Resolution >o3 & a.endin/ t+e a*oresaid Resolution >o3 5 o* Marc+ 1!, 1 !% 0y providin/ t+at t+e convention Bs+all 0e co.posed o* J5I dele/ates apportioned a.on/ t+e existin/ representative districts accordin/ to

t+e nu.0er o* t+eir respective in+a0itants$ Provided, t+at a representative district s+all 0e entitled to at least t6o dele/ates, 6+o s+all +ave t+e sa.e quali*ications as t+ose required o* .e.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives,B 1 Band t+at any ot+er details relatin/ to t+e speci*ic apportion.ent o* dele/ates, election o* dele/ates to, and t+e +oldin/ o*, t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention s+all 0e e.0odied in an i.ple.entin/ le/islation$ Provided, t+at it s+all not 0e inconsistent 6it+ t+e provisions o* t+is Resolution3B 2 ?n 'u/ust 5&, 1 %I, ,on/ress, actin/ as a le/islative 0ody, enacted Repu0lic 'ct >o3 !1J5, i.ple.entin/ Resolutions >os3 5 and &, and expressly repealin/ R3'3 >o3 & 1&3 3 Petitioner Raul M3 Gon=ales assails t+e validity o* t+e entire la6 as 6ell as t+e particular provisions e.0odied in Sections 5, &, H, and par3 1 o* "(a)3 Petitioner Manuel <3 ).0on/ i.pu/ns t+e constitutionality o* only par3 ) o* Sec3 "(a) o* said R3'3 >o3 !1J5 practically on t+e sa.e /rounds advanced 0y petitioner Gon=ales3 : T+e validity o* Sec3 & o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5, 6+ic+ considers, all pu0lic o**icers and e.ployees, 6+et+er elective or appointive, includin/ .e.0ers o* t+e 'r.ed #orces o* t+e P+ilippines, as 6ell as o**icers and e.ployees o* corporations or enterprises o* t+e /overn.ent, as resi/ned *ro. t+e date o* t+e *ilin/ o* t+eir certi*icates o* candidacy, 6as recently sustained 0y t+is ,ourt, on t+e /rounds, inter alia, t+at t+e sa.e is .erely an application o* and in consonance 6it+ t+e pro+i0ition in Sec3 5 o* 'rt3 A)) o* t+e ,onstitution and t+at it does not constitute a denial o* due process or o* t+e equal protection o* t+e la63 Li@e6ise, t+e constitutionality o* para/rap+ 5 o* Sec3 "(a) o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 6as up+eld3 < :: 8it+out *irst considerin/ t+e validity o* its speci*ic provisions, 6e sustain t+e constitutionality o* t+e enact.ent o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 0y ,on/ress actin/ as a le/islative 0ody in t+e exercise o* its 0road la62.a@in/ aut+ority, and not as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly, 0ecause S 13 ,on/ress, 6+en actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly pursuant to 'rt3 A( o* t+e ,onstitution, +as *ull and plenary aut+ority to propose ,onstitutional a.end.ents or to call a convention *or t+e purpose, 0y a t+ree2*ourt+s vote o* eac+ 9ouse in 1oint session asse.0led 0ut votin/ separately3 Resolutions >os3 5 and & callin/ *or a constitutional convention 6ere passed 0y t+e required t+ree2 *ourt+s vote3 53 T+e /rant to ,on/ress as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly o* suc+ plenary aut+ority to call a constitutional convention includes, 0y virtue o* t+e doctrine o* necessary i.plication, all ot+er po6ers essential to t+e e**ective exercise o* t+e principal po6er /ranted, suc+ as t+e po6er to *ix t+e quali*ications, nu.0er, apportion.ent, and co.pensation o* t+e dele/ates as 6ell as appropriation o* *unds to .eet t+e expenses *or t+e election o* dele/ates and *or t+e operation o* t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention itsel*, as 6ell as all ot+er i.ple.entin/ details indispensa0le to a *ruit*ul convention3 Resolutions >os3 5 and & already e.0ody t+e a0ove2.entioned details, except t+e appropriation o* *unds3 J3 8+ile t+e aut+ority to call a constitutional convention is vested 0y t+e present ,onstitution solely

and exclusively in ,on/ress actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly, t+e po6er to enact t+e i.ple.entin/ details, 6+ic+ are no6 contained in Resolutions >os3 5 and & as 6ell as in R3'3 >o3 !1J5, does not exclusively pertain to ,on/ress actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly3 Suc+ i.ple.entin/ details are .atters 6it+in t+e co.petence o* ,on/ress in t+e exercise o* its co.pre+ensive le/islative po6er, 6+ic+ po6er enco.passes all .atters not expressly or 0y necessary i.plication 6it+dra6n or re.oved 0y t+e ,onstitution *ro. t+e a.0it o* le/islative action3 'nd as lone as suc+ statutory details do not clas+ 6it+ any speci*ic provision o* t+e constitution, t+ey are valid3 &3 ,onsequently, 6+en ,on/ress, actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly, o.its to provide *or suc+ i.ple.entin/ details a*ter callin/ a constitutional convention, ,on/ress, actin/ as a le/islative 0ody, can enact t+e necessary i.ple.entin/ le/islation to *ill in t+e /aps, 6+ic+ aut+ority is expressly reco/ni=ed in Sec3 " o* Res >o3 5 as a.ended 0y Res3 >o3 &3 H3 T+e *act t+at a 0ill providin/ *or suc+ i.ple.entin/ details .ay 0e vetoed 0y t+e President is no ar/u.ent a/ainst concedin/ suc+ po6er in ,on/ress as a le/islative 0ody nor present any di**icultyG *or it is not irre.edia0le as ,on/ress can override t+e Presidential veto or ,on/ress can reconvene as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly and adopt a resolution prescri0in/ t+e required i.ple.entin/ details3 ::: Petitioner Raul M3 Gon=ales asserts t+at Sec3 5 on t+e apportion.ent o* dele/ates is not in accordance 6it+ proportional representation and t+ere*ore violates t+e ,onstitution and t+e intent o* t+e la6 itsel*, 6it+out pinpointin/ any speci*ic provision o* t+e ,onstitution 6it+ 6+ic+ it collides3 Enli@e in t+e apportion.ent o* representative districts, t+e ,onstitution does not expressly or i.pliedly require suc+ apportion.ent o* dele/ates to t+e convention on t+e 0asis o* population in eac+ con/ressional district3 ,on/ress, sittin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly, .ay constitutionally allocate one dele/ate *or, eac+ con/ressional district or *or eac+ province, *or reasons o* econo.y and to avoid +avin/ an un6ieldy convention3 )* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e present ,onstitution 6anted t+e apportion.ent o* dele/ates to t+e convention to 0e 0ased on t+e nu.0er o* in+a0itants in eac+ representative district, t+ey 6ould +ave done so in so .any 6ords as t+ey did in relation to t+e apportion.ent o* t+e representative districts3 5 T+e apportion.ent provided *or in Sec3 5 o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 cannot possi0ly con*lict 6it+ its o6n intent expressed t+ereinG *or it .erely o0eyed and i.ple.ented t+e intent o* ,on/ress actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly expressed in Sec3 1 o* Res3 >o3 &, 6+ic+ provides t+at t+e J5I dele/ates s+ould 0e apportioned a.on/ t+e existin/ representative districts accordin/ to t+e nu.0er o* t+eir respective in+a0itants, 0ut *ixin/ a .ini.u. o* at least t6o dele/ates *or a representative district3 T+e presu.ption is t+at t+e *actual predicate, t+e latest availa0le o**icial population census, *or suc+ apportion.ent 6as presented to ,on/ress, 6+ic+, accordin/ly e.ployed a *or.ula *or t+e necessary co.putation to e**ect t+e desired proportional representation3 T+e records o* t+e proceedin/s on Senate <ill >o3 %% sponsored 0y Senator Pelae= 6+ic+ is no6 R3'3 >o3 !1J5, su0.itted to t+is Tri0unal 0y t+e a.ici curiae, s+o6 t+at it 0ased its apportion.ent o* t+e dele/ates on t+e 1 %I o**icial preli.inary population census ta@en 0y t+e <ureau o* ,ensus and Statistics *ro. May ! to ;une JI, 1 %!G and t+at ,on/ress adopted t+e *or.ula to e**ect a reasona0le apportion.ent o* dele/ates3 T+e Cirector o* t+e <ureau o* ,ensus and Statistics +i.sel*,

in a letter to Senator Pelae= dated ;uly JI, 1 %I, stated t+at Bon t+e 0asis o* t+e preli.inary count o* t+e population, 6e +ave co.puted t+e distri0ution o* dele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention 0ased on Senate <ill %% (p3 5 lines H to J5 and p3 J line 15) 6+ic+ is a *air and an equita0le .et+od o* distri0utin/ t+e dele/ates pursuant to t+e provisions o* t+e 1oint Resolution o* 0ot+ 9ouses >o3 5, as a.ended3 Epon your request at t+e session o* t+e Senate29ouse ,on*erence ,o..ittee .eetin/ last ni/+t, 6e are su0.ittin/ +ere6it+ t+e results o* t+e co.putation on t+e 0asis o* t+e a0ove2stated .et+od3B Even i* suc+ latest census 6ere a preli.inary census, t+e sa.e could still 0e a valid 0asis *or suc+ apportion.ent3 / T+e *act t+at t+e lone and s.all con/ressional district o* <atanes, .ay 0e over2 represented, 0ecause it is allotted t6o dele/ates 0y R3'3 >o3 !1J5 despite t+e *act t+at it +as a population very .uc+ less t+an several ot+er con/ressional districts, eac+ o* 6+ic+ is also allotted only t6o dele/ates, and t+ere*ore under2represented, vis2a2vis <atanes alone, does not vitiate t+e apportion.ent as not e**ectin/ proportional representation3 '0solute proportional apportion.ent is not required and is not possi0le 6+en 0ased on t+e nu.0er o* in+a0itants, *or t+e population census cannot 0e accurate nor co.plete, dependent as it is on t+e dili/ence o* t+e census ta@ers, a//ravated 0y t+e constant .ove.ent o* population, as 6ell as daily deat+ and 0irt+3 )t is enou/+ t+at t+e 0asis e.ployed is reasona0le and t+e resultin/ apportion.ent is su0stantially proportional3 Resolution >o3 & *ixed a .ini.u. o* t6o dele/ates *or a con/ressional district3 8+ile t+ere .ay 0e ot+er *or.ulas *or a reasona0le apportion.ent considerin/ t+e evidence su0.itted to ,on/ress 0y t+e <ureau o* ,ensus and Statistics, 6e are not prepared to rule t+at t+e co.putation *or.ula adopted 0y, ,on/ress *or proportional representation as, directed in Res3 >o3 & is unreasona0le and t+at t+e apportion.ent provided in R3'3 >o3 !1J5 does not constitute a su0stantially proportional representation3 )n t+e Macias case, relied on 0y petitioner Gon=ales, t+e apportion.ent la6, 6+ic+ 6as nulli*ied as unconstitutional, /ranted .ore representatives to a province 6it+ less population t+an t+e provinces 6it+ .ore in+a0itants3 Suc+ is not t+e case +ere, 6+ere under Sec3 5 o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 <atanes is allotted only t6o dele/ates, 6+ic+ nu.0er is equal to t+e nu.0er o* dele/ates accorded ot+er provinces 6it+ .ore population3 T+e present petitions t+ere*ore do not present *acts 6+ic+ *it t+e .ould o* t+e doctrine in t+e case o* 1acias et al. vs. &omelec, supra 3 T+e i.possi0ility o* a0solute proportional representation is reco/ni=ed 0y t+e ,onstitution itsel* 6+en it directs t+at t+e apportion.ent o* con/ressional districts a.on/ t+e various provinces s+all 0e B as nearly as may be according to their respective inhabitants , 0ut eac+ province s+all +ave at least one .e.0erB (Sec3 H, 'rt3 (), P+il3 ,onst3, e.p+asis supplied)3 T+e e.ploy.ent o* t+e p+rase Bas nearly as .ay 0e accordin/ to t+eir respective in+a0itantsB e.p+asi=es t+e *act t+at t+e .ind can only approxi.ate a reasona0le apportion.ent 0ut cannot e**ect an a0solutely proportional representation 6it+ .at+e.atical precision or exactitude3 :G Sec3 H o* R3'3 !1J5 is attac@ed on t+e /round t+at it is an undue deprivation o* li0erty 6it+out due process o* la6 and denies t+e equal protection o* t+e la6s3 Said Sec3 H disquali*ies any elected dele/ate *ro. runnin/ B*or any pu0lic o**ice in any electionB or *ro. Bany appointive

o**ice or position in any 0ranc+ o* t+e /overn.ent /overn.ent until a*ter t+e *inal ad1ourn.ent o* t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention3B T+at t+e citi=en does not +ave any in+erent nor natural ri/+t to a pu0lic o**ice, is axio.atic under our constitutional syste.3 T+e State t+rou/+ its ,onstitution or le/islative 0ody, can create an o**ice and de*ine t+e quali*ications and disquali*ications t+ere*or as 6ell as i.pose in+i0itions on a pu0lic o**icer3 ,onsequently, only t+ose 6it+ quali*ications and 6+o do not *all under any constitutional or statutory in+i0ition can 0e validly elected or appointed to a pu0lic o**ice3 T+e o0vious reason *or t+e questioned in+i0ition, is to i..uni=e t+e dele/ates *ro. t+e pervertin/ in*luence o* sel*2 interest, party interest or vested interest and to insure t+at +e dedicates all +is ti.e to per* solely in t+e interest o* t+e nation +is +i/+ and 6ell ni/+ sacred *unction o* *or.ulatin/ t+e supre.e la6 o* t+e land, 6+ic+ .ay endure *or /enerations and 6+ic+ cannot easily 0e c+an/ed li@e an ordinary statute3 8it+ t+e disquali*ication e.0odied in Sec3 H, t+e dele/ate 6ill not utili=e +is position as a 0ar/ainin/ levera/e *or concessions in t+e *or. o* an elective or appointive o**ice as lon/ as t+e convention +as not *inally ad1ourned3 T+e appointin/ aut+ority .ay, 0y +is appointin/ po6er, entice votes *or +is o6n proposals3 >ot love *or sel*, 0ut love *or country .ust al6ays .otivate +is actuations as dele/ateG ot+er6ise t+e several provisions o* t+e ne6 ,onstitution .ay only satis*y individual or special interests, su0versive o* t+e 6el*are o* t+e /eneral citi=enry3 )t s+ould 0e stressed t+at t+e disquali*ication is not per.anent 0ut only te.porary only to continue until t+e *inal ad1ourn.ent o* t+e convention 6+ic+ .ay not extend 0eyond one year3 T+e convention t+at *ra.ed t+e present ,onstitution *inis+ed its tas@ in approxi.ately seven .ont+s S *ro. ;uly JI, 1 J& to #e0ruary ", 1 JH3 's ad.itted 0y petitioner Gon=ales, t+is in+i0ition *inds analo/y in t+e constitutional provision pro+i0itin/ a .e.0er o* ,on/ress, durin/ t+e ti.e *or 6+ic+ +e 6as elected, *ro. 0ein/ appointed to any civil o**ice 6+ic+ .ay +ave 0een created or t+e e.olu.ent 6+ereo* s+all +ave 0een increased 6+ile +e 6as a .e.0er o* t+e ,on/ress3 (Sec3 1!, 'rt3 (), P+il3 ,onstitution3) 's o0served 0y t+e Solicitor General in +is 'ns6er, t+e overridin/ o01ective o* t+e c+allen/ed disquali*ication, te.porary in nature, is to co.pel t+e elected dele/ates to serve in *ull t+eir ter. as suc+ and to devote all t+eir ti.e to t+e convention, pursuant to t+eir representation and to t+e peopleG ot+er6ise, +is seat in t+e convention 6ill 0e vacant and +is constituents 6ill 0e deprived o* a voice in t+e convention3 T+e in+i0ition is li@e6ise Bdesi/ned to prevent popular political *i/ures *ro. controllin/ elections or positions3 'lso it is a 0ra@e on t+e appointin/ po6er, to curtail t+e latterDs desire to DraidD t+e convention o* BtalentsB or to control t+e convention3B (p3 1I, 'ns6er in L2J5&&J3) T+us t+e c+allen/ed disquali*ication prescri0ed in Sec3 H o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 is a valid li.itation on t+e ri/+t to pu0lic o**ice pursuant to state police po6er as it is reasona0le and not ar0itrary3 T+e discri.ination under Sec3 H a/ainst dele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention is li@e6ise constitutionalG *or it is 0ased on a su0stantial distinction 6+ic+ .a@es *or real di**erences, is /er.ane to t+e purposes o* t+e la6, and applies to all .e.0ers o* t+e sa.e class3 7 T+e *unction o* a dele/ate is .ore *ar2reac+in/ and its e**ect .ore endurin/ t+an t+at o* any ordinary le/islator or any ot+er pu0lic o**icer3 ' dele/ate s+apes t+e *unda.ental la6 o* t+e land 6+ic+ delineates t+e essential nature o* t+e /overn.ent, its 0asic or/ani=ation and po6ers, de*ines t+e li0erties o* t+e

people, and controls all ot+er la6s3 Enli@e ordinary statutes, constitutional a.end.ents cannot 0e c+an/ed in one or t6o years3 >o ot+er pu0lic o**icer possesses suc+ a po6er, not even t+e .e.0ers o* ,on/ress unless t+ey t+e.selves, propose constitutional a.end.ents 6+en actin/ as a ,onstituent 'sse.0ly pursuant to 'rt3 A( o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+e classi*ication, t+ere*ore, is neit+er 6+i.sical nor repu/nant to t+e sense o* 1ustice o* t+e co..unity3 's +ereto*ore inti.ated, t+e in+i0ition is relevant to t+e o01ect o* t+e la6, 6+ic+ is to insure t+at t+e proposed a.end.ents are .eanin/*ul to t+e .asses o* our people and not desi/ned *or t+e en+ance.ent o* sel*is+ness, /reed, corruption, or in1ustice3 Lastly, t+e disquali*ication applies to all t+e dele/ates to t+e convention 6+o 6ill 0e elected on t+e second Tuesday o* >ove.0er, 1 %I3 G Para/rap+ 1, Sec3 "(a) o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5 is i.pu/ned 0y 0ot+ petitioners as violative o* t+e constitutional /uarantees o* due process, equal protection o* t+e la6s, *reedo. o* expressions, *reedo. o* asse.0ly and *reedo. o* association3 T+is ,ourt ruled last year t+at t+e /uarantees o* due process, equal protection o* t+e la6s, peace*ul asse.0ly, *ree expression, and t+e ri/+t o* association are neit+er a0solute nor illi.ita0le ri/+tsG t+ey are al6ays su01ect to t+e pervasive and dor.ant police po6er o* t+e State and .ay 0e la6*ully a0rid/ed to serve appropriate and i.portant pu0lic interests3 ; )n said 0onzalez vs. &omelec case t+e ,ourt applied t+e clear and present dan/er test to deter.ine 6+et+er a statute 6+ic+ trenc+es upon t+e a*oresaid ,onstitutional /uarantees, is a le/iti.ate exercise o* police po6er3 9 Para/rap+ 1 o* Sec3 "(a), R3'3 >o3 !1J5 pro+i0its$ 13 any candidate *or dele/ate to t+e convention (a) *ro. representin/, or (0) allo6in/ +i.sel* to 0e represented as 0ein/ a candidate o* any political party or any ot+er or/ani=ationG and 53 any political party, political /roup, political co..ittee, civic, reli/ious, pro*essional or ot+er or/ani=ations or or/ani=ed /roup o* 6+atever nature *ro. (a) intervenin/ in t+e no.ination o* any suc+ candidate or in t+e *ilin/ o* +is certi*icate, or (0) *ro. /ivin/ aid or support directly or indirectly, .aterial or ot+er6ise, *avora0le to or a/ainst +is ca.pai/n *or election3 T+e 0an a/ainst all political parties or or/ani=ed /roups o* 6+atever nature contained in par3 1 o* Sec3 "(a), is con*ined to party or or/ani=ation support or assistance, 6+et+er .aterial, .oral, e.otional or ot+er6ise3 T+e very Sec3 "(a) in its provisos per.its t+e candidate to utili=e in +is ca.pai/n t+e +elp o* t+e .e.0ers o* +is *a.ily 6it+in t+e *ourt+ civil de/ree o* consan/uinity or a**inity, and a ca.pai/n sta** co.posed o* not .ore t+an one *or every ten precincts in +is district3

)t allo6s t+e *ull exercise o* +is *reedo. o* expression and +is ri/+t to peace*ul asse.0ly, 0ecause +e cannot 0e denied any to +old a pu0lic .eetin/ on t+e pretext t+at t+e provision o* said section .ay or 6ill 0e violated3 T+e ri/+t o* a .e.0er o* any political party or association to support +i. or oppose +is opponent is preserved as lon/ as suc+ .e.0er acts individually3 T+e very party or or/ani=ation to 6+ic+ +e .ay 0elon/ or 6+ic+ .ay 0e in sy.pat+y 6it+ +is cause or pro/ra. o* re*or.s, is /uaranteed t+e ri/+t to disse.inate in*or.ation a0out, or to arouse pu0lic interest in, or to advocate *or constitutional re*or.s, pro/ra.s, policies or constitutional proposals *or a.end.ents3 )t is t+ere*ore patent t+at t+e restriction contained in Sec3 "(a) is so narro6 t+at t+e 0asic constitutional ri/+ts t+e.selves re.ain su0stantially intact and inviolate3 'nd it is t+ere*ore a valid in*rin/e.ent o* t+e a*oresaid constitutional /uarantees invo@ed 0y petitioners3 )n t+e a*oresaid case o* 0onzales vs. &omelec, supra , t+is ,ourt unani.ously sustained t+e validity o* t+e li.itation on t+e period *or no.ination o* candidates in Sec3 HI2' o* R3'3 >o3 &""I, t+us$ T+e pro+i0ition o* too early no.ination o* candidates presents a question t+at is not too *or.ida0le in c+aracter3 'ccordin/ to t+e act$ B)t s+all 0e unla6*ul *or any political party, political co..ittee, or political /roup to no.inate candidates *or any elective pu0lic o**ice voted *or at lar/e earlier t+an one +undred and *i*ty days i..ediately precedin/ an election, and *or any ot+er elective pu0lic o**ice earlier t+an ninety days i..ediately precedin/ an election3 T+e ri/+t o* association is a**ected3 Political parties +ave less *reedo. as to t+e ti.e durin/ 6+ic+ t+ey .ay no.inate candidatesG t+e curtail.ent is not suc+, +o6ever, as to render .eanin/less suc+ a 0asic ri/+t3 T+eir scope o* le/iti.ate activities, save t+is one, is not unduly narro6ed3 >eit+er is t+ere in*rin/e.ent o* t+eir *reedo. to asse.0le3 T+ey can do so, 0ut not *or suc+ a purpose3 8e sustain its validity3 8e do so unani.ously3 1 0 )n said 0onzales vs. &omelec case, t+is ,ourt li@e6ise +eld t+at t+e period *or t+e conduct o* an election ca.pai/n or partisan political activity .ay 0e li.ited 6it+out o**endin/ t+e a*ore.entioned constitutional /uarantees as t+e sa.e is desi/ned also to prevent a Bclear and present dan/er o* a su0stantive evil, t+e de0ase.ent o* t+e electoral process3B 11 Even i* t+e partisan activity consists o* (a) * or/ani=ations, associations, clu0s, co..ittees or ot+er /roup o* persons *or t+e purpose o* solicitin/ votes andKor underta@in/ any ca.pai/n or propa/anda *or or a/ainst a party or candidateG (0) +oldin/ political conventions, caucuses, con*erences, .eetin/s, rallies, parades or ot+er si.ilar asse.0lies *or t+e purpose o* solicitin/ votes andKor underta@in/ any ca.pai/n or propa/anda *or or a/ainst any candidate or partyG and (c) /ivin/, solicitin/, or receivin/ contri0utions *or election ca.pai/n eit+er directly or indirectly, (Sec3 HI2<, pars3 (a), (0), and (c), R3'3 &""I), t+e a0rid/.ent 6as still a**ir.ed as constitutional 0y six members o* t+is ,ourt, 6+ic+ could not Bi/nore 333 t+e le/islative declaration t+at its enact.ent 6as in response to a serious su0stantive evil a**ectin/ t+e electoral process, not .erely in dan/er o* +appenin/, 0ut actually in existence, and li@ely to continue unless cur0ed or re.edied3 To assert ot+er6ise 6ould 0e to close oneDs eyes to t+e reality o* t+e situation3B 1 2 G Li@e6ise, 0ecause *our .e.0ers dissented, t+is ,ourt in said case o* 0onzales vs. &omelec, supra , *ailed to .uster t+e required ei/+t votes to declare as unconstitutional t+e li.itation on t+e period

*or (a) .a@in/ speec+es, announce.ents or co..entaries or +oldin/ intervie6s *or or a/ainst t+e election o* any party or candidate *or pu0lic o**iceG (0) pu0lis+in/ or distri0utin/ ca.pai/n literature or .aterialsG and (e) directly or indirectly solicitin/ votes andKor underta@in/ any ca.pai/n or propa/anda *or or a/ainst any candidate or party speci*ied in Sec3 HI2<, pars3 (c), (d) Q (e) o* R3'3 &""I3 1 3 T+e de0ase.ent o* t+e electoral process as a su0stantive evil exists today and is one o* t+e .a1or co.pellin/ interests t+at .oved ,on/ress into prescri0in/ t+e total 0an contained in par3 1 o* Sec3 "(a) o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5, to 1usti*y suc+ 0an3 )n t+e said 0onzales vs. &omelec case , t+is ,ourt /ave Bdue reco/nition to t+e le/islative concern to cleanse, and i* possi0le, render spotless, t+e electoral process,B 1 < i.pressed as it 6as 0y t+e explanation .ade 0y t+e aut+or o* R3'3 >o3 &""I, Sen3 Loren=o TaWada, 6+o appeared as a.icus curiae, Bt+at suc+ provisions 6ere dee.ed 0y t+e le/islative 0ody to 0e part and parcel o* t+e necessary and appropriate response not .erely to a clear and present dan/er 0ut to t+e actual existence o* a /rave and su0stantive evil o* excessive partisans+ip, dis+onesty and corruption as 6ell as violence t+at o* late +as .arred election ca.pai/ns and partisan political activities in t+is country3 9e did invite our attention li@e6ise to t+e 6ell2settled doctrine t+at in t+e c+oice o* re.edies *or an ad.itted .alady requirin/ /overn.ental action, on t+e le/islature pri.arily rests t+e responsi0ility3 >or s+ould t+e cure prescri0ed 0y it, unless clearly repu/nant to *unda.ental ri/+ts, 0e i/nored or disre/arded3B 1 5 <ut aside *ro. t+e clear and i..inent dan/er o* t+e de0ase.ent o* t+e electoral process, as conceded 0y Senator Pelae=, t+e 0asic .otivation, accordin/ to Senate Ma1ority #loor Leader Senator 'rturo Tolentino, t+e sponsor o* t+e Puyat2Tolentino a.end.ent e.0odied in par3 1 o* Sec3 "(a) o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5, is to assure t+e candidates equal protection o* t+e la6s 0y accordin/ t+e. equality o* c+ances3 1 / T+e pri.ary purpose o* t+e pro+i0ition t+en is also to avert t+e clear and present dan/er o* anot+er su0stantive evil, t+e denial o* t+e equal protection o* t+e la6s3 T+e candidates .ust depend on t+eir individual .erits and not on t+e support o* political parties or or/ani=ations3 Senator Tolentino and Senator Salon/a e.p+asi=ed t+at under t+is provision, t+e poor candidate +as an even c+ance as a/ainst t+e ric+ candidate3 8e are not prepared to disa/ree 6it+ t+e., 0ecause suc+ a conclusion, predicated as it is on e.pirical lo/ic, *inds support in our recent political +istory and experience3 <ot+ Senators stressed t+at t+e independent candidate 6+o 6ins in t+e election a/ainst a candidate o* t+e .a1or political parties, is a rare p+eno.enon in t+is country and t+e victory o* an independent candidate .ainly rests on +is a0ility to .atc+ t+e resources, *inancial and ot+er6ise, o* t+e political parties or or/ani=ations supportin/ +is opponent3 T+is position is *urt+er stren/t+ened 0y t+e principle t+at t+e /uarantee o* social 1ustice under Sec3 (, 'rt3 )) o* t+e ,onstitution, includes t+e /uarantee o* equal opportunity, equality o* political ri/+ts, and equality 0e*ore t+e la6 enunciated 0y Mr3 ;ustice Tua=on in t+e case Guido vs3 Rural Pro/ress 'd.inistration3 1 7 8+ile it .ay 0e true t+at a partyDs support o* a candidate is not 6ron/ per se it is equally true t+at ,on/ress in t+e exercise o* its 0road la62.a@in/ aut+ority can declare certain acts as .ala pro+i0ita 6+en 1usti*ied 0y t+e exi/encies o* t+e ti.es3 ?ne suc+ act is t+e party or or/ani=ation support proscri0ed in Sec3 "(a),6+ic+ 0an is a valid li.itation on t+e *reedo. o* association as 6ell as expression, *or t+e reasons a*orestated3

Senator Tolentino e.p+asi=ed t+at Bequality o* c+ances .ay 0e 0etter attained 0y 0annin/ all or/ani=ation support3B 1 ; T+e questioned par3 1 o* Sec3 " (a) li@e6ise can easily pass t+e 0alancin/2o*2interest test3 )n t+e apt 6ords o* t+e Solicitor General$ )t is to 0e noted t+at ri/+t no6 t+e nation is on t+e t+res+old o* re6ritin/ its ,onstitution in a +ope*ul endeavor to *ind a solution to t+e /rave econo.ic, social and political pro0le.s 0esettin/ t+e country3 )nstead o* directly proposin/ t+e a.end.ents ,on/ress +as c+osen to call a ,onstitutional ,onvention 6+ic+ s+all +ave t+e tas@ o* *as+ionin/ a docu.ent t+at s+all e.0ody t+e aspirations and ideals o* t+e people3 <ecause 6+at is to 0e a.ended is t+e *unda.ental la6 o* t+e land, it is indispensa0le t+at t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention 0e co.posed o* dele/ates truly representative o* t+e peopleDs 6ill3 Pu0lic 6el*are de.ands t+at t+e dele/ates s+ould spea@ *or t+e entire nation, and t+eir voices 0e not t+ose o* a particular se/.ent o* t+e citi=enry, or o* a particular class or /roup o* people, 0e t+ey reli/ious, political, civic or pro*essional in c+aracter3 Senator Pelae=, , o* t+e Senate ,o..ittee on ,odes and ,onstitutional '.end.ents, eloquently stated t+at Bt+e *unction o* a constitution is not to represent anyone in interest or set o* interests, not to *avor one /roup at t+e expense or disadvanta/e o* t+e candidates S 0ut to enco.pass all t+e interests t+at exist 6it+in our society and to 0lend t+e. into one +ar.onious and 0alanced 6+ole3 #or t+e constitutional syste. .eans, not t+e predo.inance o* interests, 0ut t+e +ar.onious 0alancin/ t+ereo*3B So t+at t+e purpose *or callin/ t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention 6ill not 0e de*lated or *rustrated, it is necessary t+at t+e dele/atee t+ereto 0e independent, 0e+olden to no one 0ut to God, country and conscience3 xxx xxx xxx T+e evil t+ere*ore, 6+ic+ t+e la6 see@s to prevent lies in t+e election o* dele/ates 6+o, 0ecause t+ey +ave 0een c+osen 6it+ t+e aid and resources o* or/ani=ations, cannot 0e expected to 0e su**iciently representative o* t+e people3 Suc+ dele/ates could very 6ell 0e t+e spo@es.en o* narro6 political, reli/ious or econo.ic interest and not o* t+e /reat .a1ority o* t+e people3 2 0 8e li@e6ise concur 6it+ t+e Solicitor General t+at t+e equal protection o* t+e la6s is not unduly su0verted in par3 ) o* Sec3 "(a)G 0ecause it does not create any +ostile discri.ination a/ainst any party or /roup nor does it con*er undue *avor or privile/e on an individual as +ereto*ore stated3 T+e discri.ination applies to all or/ani=ations, 6+et+er political parties or social, civic, reli/ious, or pro*essional associations3 T+e 0an is /er.ane to t+e o01ectives o* t+e la6, 6+ic+ are to avert t+e de0ase.ent o* t+e electoral process, and to attain real equality o* c+ances a.on/ individual candidates and t+ere0y .a@e real t+e /uarantee o* equal protection o* t+e la6s3 T+e political parties and t+e ot+er or/ani=ed /roups +ave 0uilt2in advanta/es 0ecause o* t+eir .ac+inery and ot+er *acilities, 6+ic+, t+e individual candidate 6+o is 6it+out any or/ani=ation support, does not +ave3 T+e *act t+at t+e ot+er civic o* reli/ious or/ani=ations cannot +ave a ca.pai/n .ac+inery as e**icient as t+at o* a political party, does not vary t+e situationG 0ecause it still +as t+at .uc+ 0uilt2in advanta/e as a/ainst t+e individual candidate 6it+out si.ilar support3

Moreover, t+ese civic reli/ious and pro*essional or/ani=ation .ay 0and to/et+er to support co..on candidates, 6+o advocates t+e re*or.s t+at t+ese or/ani=ations c+a.pion and 0elieve are i.perative3 T+is is ad.itted 0y petitioner Gon=ales t+ru t+e letter o* Senator Gan=on dated 'u/ust 1%, 1 %I attac+ed to +is petition as 'nnex BCB, 6+erein t+e Senator stated t+at +is o6n BTi.a6aB /roup +ad a/reed 6it+ t+e Li0eral Party in )loilo to support petitioner Gon=ales and t6o ot+ers as t+eir candidates *or t+e convention, 6+ic+ or/ani=ed support is nulli*ied 0y t+e questioned 0an, Senator Gan=on stressed t+at B6it+out t+e /roup .ovin/ and 6or@in/ in 1oint collective e**ortB t+ey cannot Bexercise e**ective control and supervision over our leaders S t+e 8o.enDs Lea/ue, t+e area co..anders, etc3BG 0ut 6it+ t+eir 1oinin/ 6it+ t+e LPDs t+ey Bcould +ave presented a solid *ront 6it+ very 0ri/+t c+ances o* capturin/ all seats3B T+e civic associations ot+er t+an political parties cannot 6it+ reason insist t+at t+ey s+ould 0e exe.pted *ro. t+e 0anG 0ecause t+en 0y suc+ exe.ption t+ey 6ould 0e *ree to utili=e t+e *acilities o* t+e ca.pai/n .ac+ineries 6+ic+ t+ey are denyin/ to t+e political parties3 8+enever all or/ani=ation en/a/es in a political activity, as in t+is ca.pai/n *or election o* dele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention, to t+at extent it parta@es o* t+e nature o* a political or/ani=ation3 T+is, despite t+e *act t+at t+e ,onstitution and 0y la6s o* suc+ civic, reli/ious, or pro*essional associations usually pro+i0it t+e association *ro. en/a/in/ in partisan political activity or supportin/ any candidate *or an elective o**ice3 9ence, t+ey .ust li@e6ise respect t+e 0an3 T+e *reedo. o* association also i.plies t+e li0erty not to associate or 1oin 6it+ ot+ers or 1oin any existin/ or/ani=ation3 ' person .ay run independently on +is o6n .erits 6it+out need o* caterin/ to a political party or any ot+er association *or support3 'nd +e, as .uc+ as t+e candidate 6+ose candidacy does not evo@e sy.pat+y *ro. any political party or or/ani=ed /roup, .ust 0e a**orded equal c+ances3 's e.p+asi=ed 0y Senators Tolentino and Salon/a, t+is 0an is to assure equal c+ances to a candidate 6it+ talent and i.0ued 6it+ patriotis. as 6ell as no0ility o* purpose, so t+at t+e country can utili=e t+eir services i* elected3 ).pressed as 8e are 0y t+e eloquent and .asterly exposition o* Senator TaWada *or t+e invalidation o* par3 1 o* Sec3 "(a) o* R3'3 >o3 !1J5, de.onstratin/ once a/ain +is deep concern *or t+e preservation o* our civil li0erties ens+rined in t+e <ill o* Ri/+ts, 8e are not persuaded to entertain t+e 0elie* t+at t+e c+allen/ed 0an transcends t+e li.its o* constitutional invasion o* suc+ c+eris+ed i..unities3 89ERE#?RE, t+e prayers in 0ot+ petitions are +ere0y denied and R3'3 >o3 !1J5 includin/ Secs3 5, &, H, and "(a), para/rap+ 1, t+ereo*, cannot 0e declared unconstitutional3 8it+out costs3 2oh- &a? )%oB'%s A'"%r-a"*v% Coa'*"*o- vs. L*+ LGR 11 %%H, 5& ?cto0er 5IIJM En <anc, ,arpio2Morales (;)$ concur, 5 too@ no part 4acts3 Repu0lic 'ct %55%, entitled B'n 'ct 'ccelleratin/ t+e ,onvetsion o* Military Reservations into ot+er Productive uses, ,reatin/ t+e <ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ut+ority *or t+is Purpose, Providin/ #unds T+ere*or and *or ot+er purposes,B ot+er6ise @no6n as t+e B<ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ct o* 1 5,B 6as enacted on 1J Marc+ 1 53 T+e la6 set out t+e policy o* t+e /overn.ent to accelerate t+e sound and 0alanced conversion into alternative

productive uses o* t+e * .ilitary 0ases under t+e 1 &% P+ilippines2Enited States o* '.erica Military <ases '/ree.ent, na.ely, t+e ,lar@ and Su0ic .ilitary reservations as 6ell as t+eir extensions includin/ t+e ;o+n 9ay Station (,a.p ;o+n 9ay) in t+e ,ity o* <a/uio3 R' %55% created t+e <ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ut+orityD (<,C'), vestin/ it 6it+ po6ers pertainin/ to t+e .ulti*arious aspects o* carryin/ out t+e ulti.ate o01ective o* utili=in/ t+e 0ase areas in accordance 6it+ t+e declared /overn.ent policy3 R' %55% li@e6ise created t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Land #ree PortM Oone (Su0ic SEO) t+e .etes and 0ounds o* 6+ic+ 6ere to 0e delineated in a procla.ation to 0e issued 0y t+e President o* t+e P+ilippinesG and /ranted t+e Su0ic SEO incentives ran/in/ *ro. tax and duty2*ree i.portations, exe.ption o* 0usinesses t+erein *ro. local and national taxes, to ot+er +all2nar@s o* a li0erali=ed *inancial and 0usiness cli.ate3 R' %55% expressly /ave aut+ority to t+e President to create t+rou/+ executive procla.ation, su01ect to t+e concurrence o* t+e local /overn.ent units directly a**ected, ot+er Special Econo.ic Oones (SEO) in t+e areas covered respectively 0y t+e ,lar@ .ilitary reservation, t+e 8allace 'ir Station in San #ernando, La Enion, and ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 ?n 1! 'u/ust 1 J, <,C' entered into a Me.orandu. o* '/ree.ent and Escro6 '/ree.ent 6it+ Tuntex (<3(3L) ,o3, Ltd3 (TE>TEA) and 'sia6orld )nternationale Group, )nc3 ('S)'8?RLC), private corporations re/istered under t+e la6s o* t+e <ritis+ (ir/in )slands, preparatory to t+e *or.ation o* a 1oint venture *or t+e develop.ent o* Poro Point in La Enion and ,a.p ;o+n 9ay as pre.ier tourist destinations and recreation centers3 & .ont+s later or on 1! Cece.0er 1!, 1 J, <,C', TE>TEA and 'S)'8?RLC executed a ;oint (enture '/ree.ents 6+ere0y t+ey 0ound t+e.selves to put up a 1oint venture co.pany @no6n as t+e <a/uio )nternational Cevelop.ent and Mana/e.ent ,orporation 6+ic+ 6ould lease areas 6it+in ,a.p ;o+n 9ay and Poro Point *or t+e purpose o* turnin/ suc+ places into principal tourist and recreation spots, as ori/inally envisioned 0y t+e parties under t+eir 'Oe.orand.n o* '/ree.ent3 T+e <a/uio ,ity /overn.ent .ean6+ile passed a nu.0er o* resolutions in response to t+e actions ta@en 0y <,C' as o6ner and ad.inistrator o* ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 <y Resolution o* 5 Septe.0er 1 J, t+e San//unian/ Panlun/sod o* <a/uio ,ity o**icially as@ed <,C' to exclude all t+e 0aran/ays partly or totally located 6it+in ,a.p ;o+n 9ay *ro. t+e reac+ or covera/e o* any plan or pro/ra. *or its develop.ent3 <y a su0sequent Resolution dated 1 ;anuary 1 &, t+e san//unian sou/+t *ro. <,C' an a0dication, 6aiver or quitclai. o* its o6ners+ip over t+e +o.e lots 0ein/ occupied 0y residents o* 0aran/ays surroundin/ t+e .ilitary reservation3 Still 0y anot+er resolution passed on 51 #e0ruary 1 &, t+e san//unian adopted and su0.itted to <,C' a 1H2point concept *or t+e develop.ent o* ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 T+e san//unianDs vision expressed, a.on/ ot+er t+in/s, a @ind o* develop.ent t+at a**ords protection to t+e environ.ent, t+e .a@in/ o* a *a.ily2oriented type o* tourist destination, priority in e.ploy.ent opportunities *or <a/uio residents and *ree access to t+e 0ase area, /uaranteed participation o* t+e city /overn.ent in t+e .ana/e.ent and operation o* t+e ca.p, exclusion o* t+e previously na.ed nine 0aran/ays *ro. t+e area *or develop.ent, and lia0ility *or local taxes o* 0usinesses to 0e esta0lis+ed 6it+in t+e ca.p3B <,C', TE>TEA and 'S)'8?RLC a/reed to so.e, 0ut re1ected or .odi*ied t+e ot+er proposals o* t+e san//unian3B T+ey stressed t+e need to declare ,a.p ;o+n 9ay a SEO as a condition precedent to its *ull develop.ent in accordance 6it+ t+e .andate o* R' %55%3 ?n 11 May 1 &, t+e san//unian passed a resolution requestin/ t+e Mayor to order t+e deter.ination o* realty taxes 6+ic+ .ay ot+er6ise 0e collected *ro. real properties o* ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 T+e resolution 6as intended to intelli/ently /uide t+e san//unian in deter.inin/ its position on 6+et+er ,a.p ;o+n 9ay 0e declared a SEO, t+e san//unian 0ein/ o* t+e vie6 t+at suc+ declaration 6ould t+e ca.pDs property and t+e

econo.ic activity t+erein *ro. local or national taxation3 More t+an a .ont+ later, +o6ever, t+e san//unian passed Resolution 5HH, (Series o* 1 &),B see@in/ and supportin/, su01ect to its concurrence, t+e issuance 0y t+en President Ra.os o* a presidential procla.ation declarin/ an area o* 5"H31 +ectares o* t+e ca.p as a SEO in accordance 6it+ t+e provisions o* R' %55%3 To/et+er 6it+ t+is resolution 6as su0.itted a dra*t o* t+e proposed procla.ation *or consideration 0y t+e President3 ?n H ;uly 1 & t+en President Ra.os issued Procla.ation &5I (series o* 1 &), Bcreatin/ and desi/natin/ a portion o* t+e area covered 0y t+e * ,a.p ;o+n 9ay as t+e ;o+n 9ay Special Econo.ic Oone pursuant to Repu0lic 'ct %55%3B T+e ;o+n 9ay Peoples 'lternative ,oalition, et3 al3 *iled t+e petition *or pro+i0ition, and declaratory relie* 6it+ prayer *or a te.porary restrainin/ order (TR?) andKor 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction on 5H 'pril 1 H c+allen/in/, in t+e .ain, t+e constitutionality or validity o* Procla.ation &5I as 6ell as t+e le/ality o* t+e Me.orandu. o* '/ree.ent and ;oint (enture '/ree.ent 0et6een t+e <,C', and TE>TEA and 'S)'8?RLC3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e petitioners +ave le/al standin/ in *ilin/ t+e case questionin/ t+e validity o* Presidential Procla.ation &5I3 8eld3 )t is settled t+at 6+en questions o* constitutional si/ni*icance are raised, t+e court can exercise its po6er o* 1udicial revie6 only i* t+e *ollo6in/ requisites are present$ (1) t+e existence o* an actual and appropriate caseG (5) a personal and su0stantial interest o* t+e party raisin/ t+e constitutional questionG (J) t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6 is pleaded at t+e earliest opportunityG and (&) t+e constitutional question is t+e lis .ota o* t+e case3B R' %55% expressly requires t+e concurrence o* t+e a**ected local /overn.ent units to t+e creation o* SEOs out o* all t+e 0ase areas in t+e country3DB T+e /rant 0y t+e la6 on local /overn.ent units o* t+e ri/+t o* concurrence on t+e 0asesD conversion is equivalent to vestin/ a le/al standin/ on t+e. , *or it is in e**ect a reco/nition o* t+e real interests t+at co..unities near0y or surroundin/ a particular 0ase area +ave in its utili=ation3 T+us, t+e interest o* petitioners, 0ein/ in+a0itants o* <a/uio, in assailin/ t+e le/ality o* Procla.ation &5I, is personal and su0stantial suc+ t+at t+ey +ave sustained or 6ill sustain direct in1ury as a result o* t+e /overn.ent act 0ein/ c+allen/ed 3B T+eirs is a .aterial interest, an interest in issue a**ected 0y t+e procla.ation and not .erely an interest in t+e question involved or an incidental interest,B *or 6+at is at sta@e in t+e en*orce.ent o* Procla.ation &5I is t+e very econo.ic and social existence o* t+e people o* <a/uio ,ity3 Moreover, Petitioners Edil0erto T3 ,laravall and Lilia G3 :aranon 6ere duly elected councilors o* <a/uio at t+e ti.e, en/a/ed in t+e local /overnance o* <a/uio ,ity and 6+ose duties included decidin/ *or and on 0e+al* o* t+eir constituents t+e question o* 6+et+er to concur 6it+ t+e declaration o* a portion o* t+e area covered 0y ,a.p ;o+n 9ay as a SEO3 ,ertainly t+en, ,laravall and :aranon, as city o**icials 6+o voted a/ainstB t+e san//unian Resolution >o3 5HH (Series o* 1 &) supportin/ t+e issuance o* t+e no6 c+allen/ed Procla.ation &5I, +ave le/al standin/ to 0rin/ t+e present petition3

Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines S,)REME CO,RT Manila E> <'>,



FERNANDO %.J.3 T+e c+allen/e in t+ese t6o pro+i0ition proceedin/s a/ainst t+e validity o* t+ree <atasan/ Pa.0ansa Resolutions 1 proposin/ constitutional a.end.ents, /oes *urt+er t+an .erely assailin/ t+eir alle/ed constitutional in*ir.ity3 Petitioners Sa.uel ?ccena and Ra.on '3 Gon=ales, 0ot+ .e.0ers o* t+e P+ilippine <ar and * dele/ates to t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention t+at *ra.ed t+e present ,onstitution, are suin/ as taxpayers3 T+e rat+er unort+odox aspect o* t+ese petitions is t+e assertion t+at t+e 1 %J ,onstitution is not t+e *unda.ental la6, t+e ;avellana 2 rulin/ to t+e contrary not6it+standin/3 To put it at its .ildest, suc+ an approac+ +as t+e arrestin/ c+ar. o* novelty 0ut not+in/ else3 )t is in *act sel* de*eatin/, *or i* suc+ 6ere indeed t+e case, petitioners +ave co.e to t+e 6ron/ *oru.3 8e sit as a ,ourt duty20ound to up+old and apply t+at ,onstitution3 To contend ot+er6ise as 6as done +ere 6ould 0e, quite clearly, an exercise in *utility3 >or are t+e ar/u.ents o* petitioners cast in t+e traditional *or. o* constitutional liti/ation any .ore persuasive3 #or reasons to 0e set *ort+, 6e dis.iss t+e petitions3 T+e suits *or pro+i0ition 6ere *iled respectively on Marc+ ! 3 and Marc+ 15, 1 "13 < ?n Marc+ 1I and 1J respectively, respondents 6ere required to ans6er eac+ 6it+in ten days *ro. notice3 5 T+ere 6as a co..ent on t+e part o* t+e respondents3 T+erea*ter, 0ot+ cases 6ere set *or +earin/ and 6ere duly ar/ued on Marc+ 5! 0y petitioners and Solicitor General Estelito P3 Mendo=a *or respondents3 8it+ t+e su0.ission o* pertinent data in a.pli*ication o* t+e oral ar/u.ent, t+e cases 6ere dee.ed su0.itted *or decision3 )t is t+e rulin/ o* t+e ,ourt, as set *ort+ at t+e outset, t+at t+e petitions .ust 0e dis.issed3 13 )t is .uc+ too late in t+e day to deny t+e *orce and applica0ility o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution3 )n t+e dispositive portion o* 4avellana v. The +xecutive *ecretary , / dis.issin/ petitions *or pro+i0ition and to declare invalid its rati*ication, t+is ,ourt stated t+at it did so 0y a vote o* six 7 to *our3 ; )t t+en concluded$ BT+is 0ein/ t+e vote o* t+e .a1ority, t+ere is no *urt+er 1udicial o0stacle to t+e ne6 ,onstitution 0ein/ considered in *orce and e**ect 3B 9 Suc+ a state.ent served a use*ul purpose3 )t could even 0e said t+at t+ere 6as a need *or it3 )t served to clear t+e at.osp+ere3 )t .ade

.ani*est t+at, as o* ;anuary 1%, 1 %J, t+e present ,onstitution ca.e into *orce and e**ect3 8it+ suc+ a pronounce.ent 0y t+e Supre.e ,ourt and 6it+ t+e reco/nition o* t+e cardinal postulate t+at 6+at t+e Supre.e ,ourt says is not only entitled to respect 0ut .ust also 0e o0eyed, a *actor *or insta0ility 6as re.oved3 T+erea*ter, as a .atter o* la6, all dou0ts 6ere resolved3 T+e 1 %J ,onstitution is t+e *unda.ental la63 )t is as si.ple as t+at3 8+at cannot 0e too stron/ly stressed is t+at t+e *unction o* 1udicial revie6 +as 0ot+ a positive and a ne/ative aspect3 's 6as so convincin/ly de.onstrated 0y Pro*essors <lac@ 1 0 and Murp+y, 11 t+e Supre.e ,ourt can c+ec@ as 6ell as le/iti.ate3 )n declarin/ 6+at t+e la6 is, it .ay not only nulli*y t+e acts o* coordinate 0ranc+es 0ut .ay also sustain t+eir validity3 )n t+e latter case, t+ere is an a**ir.ation t+at 6+at 6as done cannot 0e sti/.ati=ed as constitutionally de*icient3 T+e .ere dis.issal o* a suit o* t+is c+aracter su**ices3 T+at is t+e .eanin/ o* t+e concludin/ state.ent in ;avellana3 Since t+en, t+is ,ourt +as invaria0ly applied t+e present ,onstitution3 T+e latest case in point is )eople v. *ola, 1 2 pro.ul/ated 0arely t6o 6ee@s a/o3 Curin/ t+e *irst year alone o* t+e e**ectivity o* t+e present ,onstitution, at least ten cases .ay 0e cited3 1 3 53 8e co.e to t+e crucial issue, t h% BoE%r o@ "h% Interim 1a"asa-D )a+.a-sa "o BroBos% a+%-(+%-"s a-( hoE *" +a? .% %A%rc*s%( 3 More speci*ically as to t+e latter, t+e extent o* t+e c+an/es t+at .ay 0e introduced, t+e nu.0er o* votes necessary *or t+e validity o* a proposal, and t+e standard required *or a proper su0.ission3 's 6as stated earlier, petitioners 6ere una0le to de.onstrate t+at t+e c+allen/ed resolutions are tainted 0y unconstitutionality3 (1) T+e existence o* t+e po6er o* t+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa is indu0ita0le3 T+e applica0le provision in t+e 1 %! '.end.ents is quite explicit3 )nso*ar as pertinent it reads t+us$ BT+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa s+all +ave t+e sa.e po6ers and its Me.0ers s+all +ave t+e sa.e *unctions, responsi0ilities, ri/+ts, privile/es, and disquali*ications as t+e interim >ational 'sse.0ly and t+e re/ular >ational 'sse.0ly and t+e Me.0ers t+ereo*3B 1 < O-% o@ s$ch BoE%rs *s Br%c*s%'? "ha" o@ BroBos*-D a+%-(+%-"s 3 T+e 1 %J ,onstitution in its Transitory Provisions vested t+e :nterim >ational 'sse.0ly 6it+ t+e po6er to propose a.end.ents upon special call 0y t+e Pri.e Minister 0y a vote o* t+e .a1ority o* its .e.0ers to 0e rati*ied in accordance 6it+ t+e 'rticle on '.end.ents3 1 5 8+en, t+ere*ore, t+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa, upon t+e call o* t+e President and Pri.e Minister #erdinand E3 Marcos, .et as a constituent 0ody it acted 0y virtue ?* suc+ i.potence )ts aut+ority to do so is clearly 0eyond dou0t3 )t could and did propose t+e a.end.ents e.0odied in t+e resolutions no6 0ein/ assailed3 )t .ay 0e o0served parent+etically t+at as *ar as petitioner ?ccena is ,oncerned, "h% J$%s"*o- o@ "h% a$"hor*"? o@ "h% Interim 1a"asa-D )a+.a-sa "o BroBos% a+%-(+%-"s *s -o" -%E 3 )n ;ccena v. &ommission on +lections , 1 / *iled 0y t+e sa.e petitioner, decided on ;anuary 5", 1 "I, suc+ a question 6as involved alt+ou/+ not directly passed upon3 To quote *ro. t+e opinion o* t+e ,ourt penned 0y ;ustice 'ntonio in t+at case$ B,onsiderin/ t+at t+e proposed a.end.ent o* Section % o* 'rticle A o* t+e ,onstitution extendin/ t+e retire.ent o* .e.0ers o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt and 1ud/es o* in*erior courts *ro. sixty2*ive (!H) to seventy (%I) years is 0ut a restoration o* t+e a/e o* retire.ent provided in t+e 1 JH ,onstitution and +as 0een intensively and extensively discussed at t+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa, as 6ell as t+rou/+ t+e .ass .edia, it cannot, t+ere*ore, 0e said t+at our people are una6are o* t+e advanta/es and disadvanta/es o* t+e proposed a.end.ent3B 1 7 (5) )%"*"*o-%rs Eo$'( $rD% $Bo- $s "h% BroBos*"*o- "ha" "h% a+%-(+%-"s BroBos%( ar% so

%A"%-s*v% *- charac"%r "ha" "h%? Do @ar .%?o-( "h% '*+*"s o@ "h% a$"hor*"? co-@%rr%( o- "h% I-"%r*+ 1a"asa-D )a+.a-sa as S$cc%ssor o@ "h% Interim Na"*o-a' Ass%+.'? 3 For "h%+ Eha" Eas (o-% Eas "o r%v*s% a-( -o" "o a+%-(. )t su**ices to quote *ro. t+e opinion o* ;ustice Ma@asiar, spea@in/ *or t+e ,ourt, in Ael /osario v. &ommission on +lections 1 ; to dispose o* t+is contention3 T+us$ BJ3 'nd 6+et+er t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention 6ill only propose a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution or entirely over+aul t+e present ,onstitution and propose an entirely ne6 ,onstitution 0ased on an )deolo/y *orei/n to t+e de.ocratic syste., is o* no .o.entG 0ecause t+e sa.e 6ill 0e su0.itted to t+e people *or rati*ication3 ?nce rati*ied 0y t+e soverei/n people, t+ere can 0e no de0ate a0out t+e validity o* t+e ne6 ,onstitution3 &3 T+e *act t+at t+e present ,onstitution .ay 0e revised and replaced 6it+ a ne6 one 333 is no ar/u.ent a/ainst t+e validity o* t+e la6 0ecause Da.end.entD includes t+e DrevisionD or total over+aul o* t+e entire ,onstitution3 't any rate, 6+et+er t+e ,onstitution is .erely a.ended in part or revised or totally c+an/ed 6ould 0eco.e i..aterial t+e .o.ent t+e sa.e is rati*ied 0y t+e soverei/n people3B 1 9 T+ere is +ere t+e adoption o* t+e principle so 6ell2@no6n in '.erican decisions as 6ell as le/al texts t+at a constituent 0ody can propose anyt+in/ 0ut conclude not+in/3 2 0 8e are not disposed to deviate *ro. suc+ a principle not only sound in t+eory 0ut also advanta/eous in practice3 (J) T+at leaves only t+e questions o* t+e vote necessary to propose a.end.ents as 6ell as t+e standard *or proper su0.ission3 '/ain, petitioners +ave not .ade out a case t+at calls *or a 1ud/.ent in t+eir *avor3 T+e lan/ua/e o* t+e ,onstitution supplies t+e ans6er to t+e a0ove questions3 T+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa, sittin/ as a constituent 0ody, can propose a.end.ents3 )n t+at capacity, only a .a1ority vote is needed3 )t 6ould 0e an inde*ensi0le proposition to assert t+at t+e t+ree2*ourt+ votes required 6+en it sits as a le/islative 0ody applies as 6ell 6+en it +as 0een convened as t+e a/ency t+rou/+ 6+ic+ a.end.ents could 0e proposed3 T+at is not a require.ent as *ar as a constitutional convention is concerned3 )t is not a require.ent eit+er 6+en, as in t+is case, t+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa exercises its constituent po6er to propose a.end.ents3 Moreover, even on t+e assu.ption t+at t+e require.ent o* t+ree2 *ourt+ votes applies, suc+ extraordinary .a1ority 6as o0tained3 )t is not disputed t+at Resolution >o3 1 proposin/ an a.end.ent allo6in/ a natural20orn citi=en o* t+e P+ilippines naturali=ed in a *orei/n country to o6n a li.ited area o* land *or residential purposes 6as approved 0y t+e vote o* 155 to HG Resolution >o3 5 dealin/ 6it+ t+e Presidency, t+e Pri.e Minister and t+e ,a0inet, and t+e >ational 'sse.0ly 0y a vote o* 1&% to H 6it+ 1 a0stentionG and Resolution >o3 J on t+e a.end.ent to t+e 'rticle on t+e ,o..ission on Elections 0y a vote o* 1&" to 5 6it+ 1 a0stention3 8+ere t+en is t+e alle/ed in*ir.ityF As "o "h% r%J$*s*"% s"a-(ar( @or a BroB%r s$.+*ss*o- , t+e question .ay 0e vie6ed not only *ro. t+e standpoint o* t+e period t+at .ust elapse 0e*ore t+e +oldin/ o* t+e ple0iscite 0ut also *ro. t+e standpoint o* suc+ a.end.ents +avin/ 0een called to t+e attention o* t+e people so t+at it could not plausi0ly 0e .aintained t+at t+ey 6ere properly in*or.ed as to t+e proposed c+an/es3 's to t+e period, t+e ,onstitution indicates t+e 6ay t+e .atter s+ould 0e resolved3 T+ere is no a.0i/uity to t+e applica0le provision$ B 'ny a.end.ent to, or revision o*, t+is ,onstitution s+all 0e valid 6+en rati*ied 0y a .a1ority o* t+e votes cast in a ple0iscite 6+ic+ s+all 0e +eld not later t+an t+ree .ont+s a*ter t+e approval o* suc+ a.end.ent or revision3 B 2 1 T+e t+ree resolutions 6ere approved 0y t+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa sittin/ as a constituent asse.0ly on #e0ruary H and 5%, 1 "13 )n t+e <atasan/ Pa.0ansa <l/3 55, t+e date o* t+e ple0iscite is set *or 'pril %, 1 "13 )t is t+us 6it+in t+e I2day period provided 0y t+e ,onstitution3 T+us any ar/u.ent to t+e contrary is

unavailin/3 's *or t+e people 0ein/ adequately in*or.ed, it cannot 0e denied t+at t+is ti.e, as in t+e cited 1 "I ?ccena opinion o* ;ustice 'ntonio, 6+ere t+e a.end.ent restored to seventy t+e retire.ent a/e o* .e.0ers o* t+e 1udiciary, t+e proposed a.end.ents +ave B0een intensively and extensively discussed at t+e :nterim <atasan/ Pa.0ansa, as 6ell as t+rou/+ t+e .ass .edia, L so t+at M it cannot, t+ere*ore, 0e said t+at our people are una6are o* t+e advanta/es and disadvanta/es o* t+e proposed a.end.ent L s M3B 2 2 89ERE#?RE, t+e petitions are dis.issed *or lac@ o* .erit3 >o costs3

Ma.a-aD vs. 5*"o LGR L2115J, H Marc+ 1 &%M En <anc, Tuason (;)$ J concur, 1 concur in separate opinion, 5 dissent in separate opinions, 1 *iled separate opinion 4acts3 T+ree senators and ei/+t representatives +ad 0een proclai.ed 0y a .a1ority vote o* t+e ,o..ission on Elections as +avin/ 0een elected senators and representatives in t+e elections +eld on 5J 'pril 1 &!3 T+e t+ree senators 6ere suspended 0y t+e Senate s+ortly a*ter t+e openin/ o* t+e *irst session o* ,on/ress *ollo6in/ t+e elections, on account o* alle/ed irre/ularities in t+eir election3 T+e ei/+t representatives since t+eir election +ad not 0een allo6ed to sit in t+e lo6er 9ouse, except to ta@e part in t+e election o* t+e Spea@er, *or t+e sa.e reason, alt+ou/+ t+ey +ad not 0een * suspended3 ' resolution *or t+eir suspension +ad 0een introduced in t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, 0ut t+at resolution +ad not 0een acted upon de*initely 0y t+e 9ouse 6+en t+e petition *or pro+i0ition 6as *iled3 's a consequence t+ese t+ree senators and ei/+t representatives did not ta@e part in t+e passa/e o* t+e con/ressional resolution, desi/nated BResolution o* 0ot+ +ouses proposin/ an a.end.ent to t+e ,onstitution o* t+e P+ilippines to 0e appended as an ordinance t+ereto,B nor 6as t+eir .e.0ers+ip rec@oned 6it+in t+e co.putation o* t+e necessary t+ree2*ourt+s vote 6+ic+ is required in proposin/ an a.end.ent to t+e ,onstitution3 )* t+ese .e.0ers o* ,on/ress +ad 0een counted, t+e a**ir.ative votes in *avor o* t+e proposed a.end.ent 6ould +ave 0een s+ort o* t+e necessary t+ree2*ourt+s vote in eit+er 0ranc+ o* ,on/ress3 T+e petition *or pro+i0ition sou/+t to prevent t+e en*orce.ent o* said con/ressional resolution, as it is alle/edly contrary to t+e ,onstitution3 T+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,o..ission on Elections, t+e Treasurer o* t+e P+ilippines, t+e 'uditor General, and t+e Cirector o* t+e <ureau o* Printin/ are .ade de*endants3 Ei/+t senators, 1% representatives, and t+e presidents o* t+e Ce.ocratic 'lliance, t+e Popular #ront and t+e P+ilippine :out+ Party3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e ,ourt .a yinquire upon t+e irre/ularities in t+e approval o* t+e resolution proposin/ an a.end.ent to t+e ,onstitution3 8eld3 )t is a doctrine too 6ell esta0lis+ed to need citation o* aut+orities, t+at political questions are not 6it+in t+e province o* t+e 1udiciary, except to t+e extent t+at po6er to deal 6it+ suc+ questions +as 0een con*erred upon t+e courts 0y express constitutional or statutory provision3 T+is doctrine is predicated on t+e principle o* t+e separation o* po6ers, a principle also too 6ell @no6n to require elucidation or citation o* aut+orities3 T+e di**iculty lies in deter.inin/ 6+at .atters *all 6it+in t+e .eanin/ o* political question3 T+e ter. is not suscepti0le o* exact de*inition, and precedents and

aut+orities are not al6ays in *ull +ar.ony as to t+e scope o* t+e restrictions, on t+is /round, on t+e courts to .eddle 6it+ t+e actions o* t+e political depart.ents o* t+e /overn.ent3 )* a political question conclusively 0inds t+e 1ud/es out o* respect to t+e political depart.ents, a duly certi*ied la6 or resolution also 0inds t+e 1ud/es under t+e Benrolled 0ill ruleB 0orn o* t+at respect3 )* rati*ication o* an a.end.ent is a political question, a proposal 6+ic+ leads to rati*ication +as to 0e a political question3 T+e t6o steps co.ple.ent eac+ ot+er in a sc+e.e intended to ac+ieve a sin/le o01ective3 )t is to 0e noted t+at t+e a.endatory process as provided in section ) o* 'rticle A( o* t+e P+ilippine ,onstitution Bconsists o* (only) t6o distinct parts$ proposal and rati*ication3B T+ere is no lo/ic in attac+in/ political c+aracter to one and 6it++oldin/ t+at c+aracter *ro. t+e ot+er3 Proposal to a.end t+e ,onstitution is a +i/+ly political *unction per*or.ed 0y t+e ,on/ress in its soverei/n le/islative capacity and co..itted to its c+ar/e 0y t+e ,onstitution itsel*3 T+e exercise o* t+is po6er is even in dependent o* any intervention 0y t+e ,+ie* Executive3 )* on /rounds o* expediency scrupulous attention o* t+e 1udiciary 0e needed to sa*e/uard pu0lic interest, t+ere is less reason *or 1udicial inquiry into t+e validity o* a proposal t+en into t+at o* a rati*ication3 )'a-as vs. Co++*ss*o- o- E'%c"*o-s LGR L2JH 5H, 55 ;anuary 1 %JMG also *anidad vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J"J6, /oxas vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J$26, 1onteclaro vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J$16, ;rdonez vs. <ational Treasurer of the )hilippines 50/ 9'#%J$"6, Tan vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J$L6, Aio7no vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J%#6, 4imenez vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J=16, 0onzales vs. &omelec 50/ 9'#%J=%6, and 8idalgo vs. &omelec 50/ 9' #%JKJ6 Second Civision, ,oncepcion (;)$ J concur, J concur in separate opinions, 1 concurs as recapitulated, 1 dissents in separate opinion, 5 *iled separate opinions 4acts3 ?n 1! Marc+ 1 !%, ,on/ress o* t+e P+ilippines passed Resolution 5, 6+ic+ 6as a.ended 0y Resolution & o* said 0ody, adopted on 1% ;une 1 ! , callin/ a ,onvention to propose a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution o* t+e P+ilippines3 Said Resolution 5, as a.ended, 6as i.ple.ented 0y R' !1J5, approved on 5& 'u/ust 1 %I, pursuant to t+e provisions o* 6+ic+ t+e election o* dele/ates to said ,onvention 6as +eld on 1I >ove.0er 1 %I, and t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention 0e/an to per*or. its *unctions on 1 ;une %13 8+ile t+e ,onvention 6as in session on 51 Septe.0er 1 %5, t+e President issued Procla.ation 1I"1 placin/ t+e entire P+ilippines under Martial La63 ?n 5 >ove.0er 1 %5, t+e ,onvention approved its Proposed ,onstitution o* t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines3 T+e next day, JI >ove.0er 1 %5, t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines issued Presidential Cecree %J, Bsu0.ittin/ to t+e #ilipino people *or rati*ication or re1ection t+e ,onstitution o* t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines proposed 0y t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention, and appropriatin/ *unds t+ere*or,B as 6ell as settin/ t+e ple0iscite *or said rati*ication or re1ection o* t+e Proposed ,onstitution on 1H ;anuary 1 %J3 Soon a*ter, or on % Cece.0er 1 %5, ,+arito Planas *iled, 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt, ,ase GR L2JH 5H, a/ainst t+e ,o..ission on Elections, t+e Treasurer o* t+e P+ilippines and t+e 'uditor General, to en1oin said Brespondents or t+eir a/ents *ro. i.ple.entin/ Presidential Cecree %J, in any .anner, until *urt+er orders o* t+e ,ourt,B upon t+e /rounds, inter alia, t+at said Presidential Cecree B+as no *orce and e**ect as la6 0ecause t+e callin/ o* suc+ ple0iscite, t+e settin/ o* /uidelines *or t+e conduct o* t+e sa.e, t+e prescription o* t+e 0allots to 0e used and t+e question to 0e ans6ered 0y t+e voters, and t+e appropriation o* pu0lic *unds *or t+e purpose, are, 0y t+e ,onstitution, lod/ed exclusively in ,on/ress,B and Bt+ere is no proper

su0.ission to t+e people o* said Proposed ,onstitution set *or 1H ;anuary 1 %J, t+ere 0ein/ no *reedo. o* speec+, press and asse.0ly, and t+ere 0ein/ no su**icient ti.e to in*or. t+e people o* t+e contents t+ereo*3B Su0stantially identical actions 6ere *iled3 Mean6+ile, or on 1% Cece.0er 1 %5, t+e President +ad issued an order te.porarily suspendin/ t+e e**ects o* Procla.ation 1I"1, *or t+e purpose o* *ree and open de0ate on t+e Proposed ,onstitution3 ?n Cece.0er 5J, t+e President announced t+e postpone.ent o* t+e ple0iscite *or t+e rati*ication or re1ection o* t+e Proposed ,onstitution3 >o * action to t+is e**ect 6as ta@en until % ;anuary 1 %J, 6+en General ?rder 5I 6as issued, directin/ Bt+at t+e ple0iscite sc+eduled to 0e +eld on 1H ;anuary 1 %J, 0e postponed until *urt+er notice3B Said General ?rder 5I, .oreover, Bsuspended in t+e .eanti.eB t+e Border o* 1% Cece.0er 1 %5, te.porarily suspendin/ t+e e**ects o* Procla.ation 1I"1 *or purposes o* *ree and open de0ate on t+e proposed ,onstitution3B )n vie6 o* t+e events relative to t+e postpone.ent o* t+e ple0iscite, t+e ,ourt dee.ed it *it to re*rain, *or t+e ti.e 0ein/, *ro. decidin/ t+e cases, *or neit+er t+e date nor t+e conditions under 6+ic+ said ple0iscite 6ould 0e +eld 6ere @no6n or announced o**icially3 T+en, a/ain, ,on/ress 6as, pursuant to t+e 1 JH ,onstitution, sc+eduled to .eet in re/ular session on 55 ;anuary 1 %J, and since t+e .ain o01ection to Presidential Cecree %J 6as t+at t+e President does not +ave t+e le/islative aut+ority to call a ple0iscite and appropriate *unds t+ere*or, 6+ic+ ,on/ress unquestiona0ly could do, particularly in vie6 o* t+e * postpone.ent o* t+e ple0iscite 0y t+e President S reportedly a*ter consultation 6it+, a.on/ ot+ers, t+e leaders o* ,on/ress and t+e ,o..ission on Elections S t+e ,ourt dee.ed it .ore i.perative to de*er its *inal action on t+ese cases3 )n t+e a*ternoon o* 15 ;anuary 1 %J, (idal Tan, et3 al3 LGR L2JH &"M *iled an Bur/ent .otion,B prayin/ t+at said case 0e decided Bas soon as possi0le, pre*era0ly not later t+an 1H ;anuary 1 %J3B )t 6as alle/ed in said .otion, Bt+at t+e President su0sequently announced t+e issuance o* Presidential Cecree "! or/ani=in/ t+e so2called ,iti=ens 'sse.0lies, to 0e consulted on certain pu0lic questionsG and t+at t+erea*ter it 6as later announced t+at Dt+e 'sse.0lies 6ill 0e as@ed i* t+ey *avor or oppose S L1M T+e >e6 SocietyG L5M Re*or.s instituted under Martial La6G LJM T+e +oldin/ o* a ple0iscite on t+e proposed ne6 ,onstitution and 6+en (t+e tentative ne6 date /iven *ollo6in/ t+e postpone.ent o* t+e ple0iscite *ro. t+e ori/inal date o* ;anuary 1H are #e0ruary 1 and Marc+ H)G L&M T+e openin/ o* t+e re/ular session slated on ;anuary 55 in accordance 6it+ t+e existin/ ,onstitution despite Martial La63B Issue 9&:3 8+et+er t+e ,ourt +as aut+ority to pass upon t+e validity o* Presidential Cecree %J3 8eld 9&:3 Presidential Cecree %J purports to +ave t+e *orce and e**ect o* a le/islation, so t+at t+e issue on t+e validity t+ereo* is .ani*estly a 1usticia0le one, on t+e aut+ority, not only o* a lon/ list o* cases in 6+ic+ t+e ,ourt +as passed upon t+e constitutionality o* statutes andKor acts o* t+e Executive, 1 0ut, also, o* no less t+an t+at o* Su0division (1) o* Section 5, 'rticle ())) o* t+e 1 JH ,onstitution, 6+ic+ expressly provides *or t+e aut+ority o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt to revie6 cases involvin/ said issue3 Issue 9':3 8+et+er t+e President +as t+e aut+ority to issue PC %J to to t+e People t+e ,onstitution proposed 0y t+e ,onvention3 8eld 9':3 's re/ards t+e aut+ority o* t+e President to issue Presidential Cecree %J, Bsu0.ittin/ to t+e #ilipino people (on ;anuary 1H, 1 %J) *or rati*ication or re1ection t+e ,onstitution o* t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines proposed 0y t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention and appropriatin/

*unds t+ere*or,B it is unnecessary, *or t+e ti.e 0ein/, to pass upon suc+ question, 0ecause t+e ple0iscite ordained in said Cecree +as 0een postponed3 )n any event, s+ould t+e ple0iscite 0e sc+eduled to 0e +eld at any ti.e later, t+e proper parties .ay t+en *ile suc+ action as t+e circu.stances .ay 1usti*y3 Issue 9;:3 8+et+er .artial la6 per se a**ects t+e validity o* a su0.ission to t+e people *or rati*ication o* speci*ic proposals *or a.end.ent o* t+e ,onstitution3 8eld 9;:3 T+e .atter is one inti.ately and necessarily related to t+e validity o* Procla.ation >o3 11I5 o* t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines3 T+is question +as not 0een explicitly raised, +o6ever, in any o* t+e cases under consideration, said cases +avin/ 0een *iled 0e*ore t+e issuance o* suc+ Procla.ation, alt+ou/+ t+e petitioners in L2JH &" .aintain t+at t+e issue on t+e re*erral o* t+e Proposed ,onstitution to t+e ,iti=ensD 'sse.0lies .ay 0e dee.ed and 6as raised in t+eir Supple.ental Motion o* ;anuary 1H, 1 %J3 't any rate, said question +as not 0een adequately ar/ued 0y t+e parties in any o* t+ese cases, and it 6ould not 0e proper to resolve suc+ a transcendental question 6it+out t+e .ost t+orou/+ discussion possi0le under t+e circu.stances3 )n *airness to t+e petitioners in L2JH &" and considerin/ t+e surroundin/ circu.stances, t+at instead o* dis.issin/ t+e case as .oot and acade.ic, said petitioners s+ould 0e /iven a reasona0le period o* ti.e 6it+in 6+ic+ to .ove in t+e pre.ises3 8eld <totalit"=3 Recapitulatin/ t+e vie6s expressed 0y t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,ourt, t+e result is t+is$ (1) T+ere is unani.ity on t+e 1usticia0le nature o* t+e issue on t+e le/ality o* Presidential Cecree %J3 (5) ?n t+e validity o* t+e decree itsel*, ;ustices Ma@alintal, ,astro, #ernando, Tee+an@ee, Es/uerra and ,oncepcion, or ! Me.0ers o* t+e ,ourt, are o* t+e opinion t+at t+e issue +as 0eco.e .oot and acade.ic, 6+ereas ;ustices <arredo, Ma@asiar and 'ntonio voted to up+old t+e validity o* said Cecree3 (J) ?n t+e aut+ority o* t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention to pass t+e proposed ,onstitution or to incorporate t+erein t+e provisions contested 0y t+e petitioners in L2JH &", ;ustice Ma@alintal, ,astro, Tee+an@ee and Es/uerra opine t+at t+e issue +as 0eco.e .oot and acade.ic3 ;ustice #ernando, <arredo, Ma@asiar, 'ntonio and ,oncepcion +ave voted to up+old t+e aut+ority o* t+e ,onvention3 (&) ;ustice #ernando, li@e6ise, expressed t+e vie6 t+at t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention +ad aut+ority to continue in t+e per*or.ance o* its *unctions despite t+e procla.ation o* Martial La63 )n e**ect, ;ustices <arredo, Ma@asiar and 'ntonio +old t+e sa.e vie63 (H) ?n t+e question 6+et+er t+e procla.ation o* Martial La6 a**ected t+e proper su0.ission o* t+e proposed ,onstitution to a ple0iscite, inso*ar as t+e *reedo. essential t+ere*or is concerned, ;ustice #ernando is o* t+e opinion t+at t+ere is a repu/nancy 0et6een t+e election conte.plated under 'rt3 A( o* t+e 1 JH ,onstitution and t+e existence o* Martial La6, and 6ould, t+ere*ore, /rant t+e petitions 6ere t+ey not .oot and acade.ic3 ;ustices <arredo, 'ntonio and Es/uerra are o* t+e opinion t+at t+at issue involves question o* *act 6+ic+ cannot 0e predeter.ined, and t+at Martial La6 per se does not necessarily preclude t+e *actual possi0ility o* adequate *reedo. *or t+e purposes conte.plated3 (!) ?n Presidential Procla.ation >o3 11I5, t+e *ollo6in/ vie6s 6ere expressed$ LaM ;ustices Ma@alintal, ,astro, #ernando, Tee+an@ee, Ma@asiar, Es/uerra and ,oncepcion are o* t+e opinion t+at question o* validity o* said Procla.ation +as not 0een properly raised 0e*ore t+e ,ourt, 6+ic+, accordin/ly, s+ould not pass upon suc+ question3 L0M ;ustice <arredo +olds t+at t+e issue on t+e constitutionality o* Procla.ation >o3 11I5 +as 0een su0.itted to and s+ould 0e deter.ined 0y t+e ,ourt, and t+at t+e Bpurported rati*ication o* t+e Proposed ,onstitution 0ased on t+e re*erendu.

a.on/ ,iti=ensD 'sse.0lies *alls s+ort o* 0ein/ in strict con*or.ity 6it+ t+e require.ents o* 'rticle A( o* t+e 1 JH ,onstitution,B 0ut t+at suc+ un*ortunate dra60ac@ not6it+standin/, Bconsiderin/ all ot+er related relevant circu.stances, t+e ne6 ,onstitution is le/ally reco/ni=a0le and s+ould +e reco/ni=ed as le/iti.ately in *orce3B LcM ;ustice Oaldivar .aintains unquali*iedly t+at t+e Proposed ,onstitution +as not 0een rati*ied in accordance 6it+ 'rticle A( o* t+e 1 JH ,onstitution, and t+at, accordin/ly, it +as no *orce and e**ect 6+atsoever3 LdM ;ustice 'ntonio *eels Bt+at t+e ,ourt is not co.petent to actB on t+e issue 6+et+er t+e Proposed ,onstitution +as 0een rati*ied 0y t+e people or not, Bin t+e a0sence o* any 1udicially discovera0le and .ana/ea0le standards,B since t+e issue Bposes a question o* *act3B (%) ?n t+e question 6+et+er or not t+ese cases s+ould 0e dis.issed, ;ustices Ma@alintal, ,astro <arredo, Ma@asiar, 'ntonio and Es/uerra voted in t+e a**ir.ative, *or t+e reasons set *ort+ in t+eir respective opinions3 ;ustices #ernando, Tee+an@ee and t+e 6riter si.ilarly voted, except as re/ards ,ase >o3 L2JH &" as to 6+ic+ t+ey voted to /rant to t+e petitioners t+erein a reasona0le period o* ti.e 6it+in 6+ic+ to *ile appropriate pleadin/s s+ould t+ey 6is+ to contest t+e le/ality o* Presidential Procla.ation 11I53 ;ustice Oaldivar *avors t+e /rantin/ o* said period to t+e petitioners in said ,ase >o3 L2JH &" *or t+e purpose, 0ut +e 0elieves, in e**ect, t+at t+e ,ourt s+ould /o *art+er and decide on t+e .erits everyone o* t+e cases under consideration3 8+ere*ore, all o* t+e cases are dis.issed, 6it+out special pronounce.ent as to costs3 Sa-*(a( vs. Co++*ss*o- o- E'%c"*o-s LGR L2&&!&I, 15 ?cto0er 1 %!MG also 0uzman vs. &omelec 50/ 9'$$=L$6, and 0onzales vs. &ommission on +lections 50/ 9'$$K1$6 En <anc, Martin (;)$ 1 concurs in result, & concur in separate opinions, 5 dissent in separate opinions, 5 *iled separate opinions 4acts3 ?n 5 Septe.0er 1 %!, President #erdinand E3 Marcos issued Presidential Cecree 1 callin/ *or a national re*erendu. on 1! ?cto0er 1 %! *or t+e ,iti=ens 'sse.0lies (B0aran/aysB) to resolve, a.on/ ot+er t+in/s, t+e issues o* .artial la6, t+e interi. asse.0ly, its replace.ent, t+e po6ers o* suc+ replace.ent, t+e period o* its existence, t+e len/t+ o* t+e period *or t+e exercise 0y t+e President o* +is present po6ers3 5I days a*ter or on 55 Septe.0er 1 %!, t+e President issued anot+er related decree, Presidential Cecree 1IJ1, a.endin/ t+e previous Presidential Cecree 1, 0y declarin/ t+e provisions o* Presidential Cecree 55 providin/ *or t+e .anner o* votin/ and canvass o* votes in B0aran/aysB (,iti=ens 'sse.0lies) applica0le to t+e national re*erendu.2ple0iscite o* 1! ?cto0er 1 %!3 Puite relevantly, Presidential Cecree 1IJ1 repealed inter alia, Section &, o* Presidential Cecree 13 ?n t+e sa.e date o* 55 Septe.0er 1 %!, t+e President issued Presidential Cecree 1IJJ, statin/ t+e questions to +e su0.itted to t+e people in t+e re*erendu.2ple0iscite on 1! ?cto0er 1 %!3 T+e Cecree recites in its B6+ereasB clauses t+at t+e peopleDs continued opposition to t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly evinces t+eir desire to +ave suc+ 0ody a0olis+ed and replaced t+ru a constitutional a.end.ent, providin/ *or a ne6 interi. le/islative 0ody, 6+ic+ 6ill 0e su0.itted directly to t+e people in t+e re*erendu.2ple0iscite o* ?cto0er 1!3 T+e ,o..ission on Elections 6as vested 6it+ t+e exclusive supervision and control o* t+e ?cto0er 1 %! >ational Re*erendu.2Ple0iscite3 ?n 5% Septe.0er 1 %!, Pa0lo ,3 Sanidad and Pa0lito (3 Sanidad, *at+er and son, co..enced L2&&!&I *or Pro+i0ition 6it+ Preli.inary )n1unction see@in/ to en1oin t+e ,o..ission on Elections *ro. +oldin/ and conductin/ t+e Re*erendu. Ple0iscite on ?cto0er 1!G to declare 6it+out *orce and e**ect Presidential Cecree >os3 1 and 1IJJ, inso*ar as t+ey

propose a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution, as 6ell as Presidential Cecree 1IJ1, inso*ar as it directs t+e ,o..ission on Elections to supervise, control, +old, and conduct t+e Re*erendu.2Ple0iscite sc+eduled on 1! ?cto0er 1 %!3 T+ey contend t+at under t+e 1 JH and 1 %J ,onstitutions t+ere is no /rant to t+e incu.0ent President to exercise t+e constituent po6er to propose a.end.ents to t+e ne6 ,onstitution3 's a consequence, t+e Re*erendu.2Ple0iscite on ?cto0er 1! +as no constitutional or le/al 0asis3 ?n JI Septe.0er 1 %!, anot+er action *or Pro+i0ition 6it+ Preli.inary )n1unction, doc@eted as L2&&!"&, 6as instituted 0y (icente M3, a dele/ate to t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention, assertin/ t+at t+e po6er to propose a.end.ents to, or revision o* t+e ,onstitution durin/ t+e transition period is expressly con*erred on t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly under action 1!, 'rticle A()) o* t+e ,onstitution3 Still anot+er petition *or Pro+i0ition 6it+ Preli.inary )n1unction 6as *iled on H ?cto0er 1 %! 0y Raul M3 Gon=ales, +is son Raul ;r3, and 'l*redo Salapantan, doc@eted as L2&&%1&, to restrain t+e i.ple.entation o* Presidential Cecrees relative to t+e * Re*erendu.2Ple0iscite o* ?cto0er 1!3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e President .ay call upon a re*erendu. *or t+e a.end.ent o* t+e ,onstitution3 8eld3 Section 1 o* 'rticle A() o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution on '.end.ents ordains t+at B(1) 'ny a.end.ent to, or revision o*, t+is ,onstitution .ay 0e proposed 0y t+e >ational 'sse.0ly upon a vote o* t+ree2*ourt+s o* all its Me.0ers, or 0y a constitutional convention3 (5) T+e >ational 'sse.0ly .ay, 0y a vote o* t6o2t+irds o* all its Me.0ers, call a constitutional convention or, 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, t+e question o* callin/ suc+ a convention to t+e electorate in an election3B Section 5 t+ereo* provides t+at B'ny a.end.ent to, or revision o*, t+is ,onstitution s+all 0e valid 6+en rati*ied 0y a .a1ority o* t+e votes cast in a ple0iscite 6+ic+ s+all 0e +eld not later t+an t+ree .ont+s a a*ter t+e approval o* suc+ a.end.ent or revision3B )n t+e present period o* transition, t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly instituted in t+e Transitory Provisions is con*erred 6it+ t+at a.endin/ po6er3 Section 1H o* t+e Transitory Provisions reads BT+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly, upon special call 0y t+e interi. Pri.e Minister, .ay, 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, propose a.end.ents to t+is ,onstitution3 Suc+ a.end.ents s+all ta@e e**ect 6+en rati*ied in accordance 6it+ 'rticle Sixteen +ereo*3B T+ere are, t+ere*ore, t6o periods conte.plated in t+e constitutional li*e o* t+e nation, i3e3, period o* nor.alcy and period o* transition3 )n o* nor.alcy, t+e a.endin/ process .ay 0e initiated 0y t+e proposals o* t+e (1) re/ular >ational 'sse.0ly upon a vote o* t+ree2*ourt+s o* all its .e.0ers G or (5) 0y a ,onstitutional ,onvention called 0y a vote o* t6o2t+irds o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly 3 9o6ever t+e callin/ o* a ,onstitutional ,onvention .ay 0e su0.itted to t+e electorate in an election voted upon 0y a .a1ority vote o* all t+e .e.0ers o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly3 )n o* transition, a.end.ents .ay 0e proposed 0y a .a1ority vote o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly upon special call 0y t+e interi. Pri.e Minister3 T+e ,ourt in 'quino v3 ,?MELE,, +ad already settled t+at t+e incu.0ent President is vested 6it+ t+at prero/ative o* discretion as to 6+en +e s+all initially convene t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 T+e ,onstitutional ,onvention intended to leave to t+e President t+e deter.ination o* t+e ti.e 6+en +e s+all initially convene t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly, consistent 6it+ t+e prevailin/ conditions o* peace and order in t+e country3 8+en t+e Cele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention voted on t+e Transitory Provisions, t+ey 6ere a6are o* t+e *act t+at under t+e sa.e, t+e incu.0ent President 6as /iven t+e discretion as to 6+en +e could convene t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 T+e PresidentDs decision to de*er t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational

'sse.0ly soon *ound support *ro. t+e people t+e.selves3 )n t+e ple0iscite o* ;anuary 1I21H, 1 %J, at 6+ic+ t+e rati*ication o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution 6as su0.itted, t+e people voted a/ainst t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 )n t+e re*erendu. o* 5& ;uly 1 %J, t+e ,iti=ens 'sse.0lies (B0a/an/aysB) reiterated t+eir soverei/n 6ill to 6it++old t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 '/ain, in t+e re*erendu. o* 5% #e0ruary 1 %H, t+e proposed question o* 6+et+er t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly s+all 0e initially convened 6as eli.inated, 0ecause so.e o* t+e .e.0ers o* ,on/ress and dele/ates o* t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention, 6+o 6ere dee.ed auto.atically .e.0ers o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly, 6ere a/ainst its inclusion since in t+at re*erendu. o* ;anuary, 1 %J t+e people +ad already resolved a/ainst it3 )n sensu striciore, 6+en t+e le/islative ar. o* t+e state underta@es t+e proposals o* a.end.ent to a ,onstitution, t+at 0ody is not in t+e usual *unction o* la6.a@in/3 )t is not le/islatin/ 6+en en/a/ed in t+e a.endin/ process3 Rat+er, it is exercisin/ a peculiar po6er 0esto6ed upon it 0y t+e *unda.ental c+arter itsel*3 )n t+e P+ilippines, t+at po6er is provided *or in 'rticle A() o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution (*or t+e re/ular >ational 'sse.0ly) or in Section 1H o* t+e Transitory Provisions (*or t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly)3 8+ile ordinarily it is t+e 0usiness o* t+e le/islatin/ 0ody to le/islate *or t+e nation 0y virtue o* constitutional con*er.ent, a.endin/ o* t+e ,onstitution is not le/islative in c+aracter3 )n political science a distinction is .ade 0et6een constitutional content o* an or/anic c+aracter and t+at o* a le/islative c+aracter3 T+e distinction, +o6ever, is one o* policy, not o* la63 Suc+ 0ein/ t+e case, approval o* t+e President o* any proposed a.end.ent is a .isno.er3 T+e prero/ative o* t+e President to approve or disapprove applies only to t+e ordinary cases o* le/islation3 T+e President +as not+in/ to do 6it+ proposition or adoption o* a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution3 Occ%-a vs. Co++*ss*o- o- E'%c"*o-s LGR H!JHI, 5 'pril 1 "1MG also 0onzales vs. <ational Treasurer 50/ %=$2$6 En <anc, #ernando (,;)$ " concur, 1 dissents in separate opinion, 1 on o**icial leave 4acts3 T+e c+allen/e in t+ese t6o pro+i0ition proceedin/s a/ainst t+e validity o* t+ree <atasan/ Pa.0ansa Resolutions proposin/ constitutional a.end.ents, /oes *urt+er t+an .erely assailin/ t+eir alle/ed constitutional in*ir.ity3 Sa.uel ?ccena and Ra.on '3 Gon=ales, 0ot+ .e.0ers o* t+e P+ilippine <ar and * dele/ates to t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention t+at *ra.ed t+e present ,onstitution, are suin/ as taxpayers3 T+e rat+er unort+odox aspect o* t+ese petitions is t+e assertion t+at t+e 1 %J ,onstitution is not t+e *unda.ental la6, t+e ;avellana rulin/ to t+e contrary not6it+standin/3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e 1 %J ,onstitution 6as valid, and in *orce and e**ect 6+en t+e <atasan/ Pa.0ansa resolutions and t+e present petitions 6ere pro.ul/ated and *iled, respectively3 8eld3 )t is .uc+ too late in t+e day to deny t+e *orce and applica0ility o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution3 )n t+e dispositive portion o* ;avellana v3 T+e Executive Secretary, dis.issin/ petitions *or pro+i0ition and to declare invalid its rati*ication, t+is ,ourt stated t+at it did so 0y a vote o* six to *our3 )t t+en concluded$ BT+is 0ein/ t+e vote o* t+e .a1ority, t+ere is no *urt+er 1udicial o0stacle to t+e ne6 ,onstitution 0ein/ considered in *orce and e**ect3B Suc+ a state.ent served a use*ul purpose3 )t could even 0e said t+at t+ere 6as a need *or it3 )t served to clear t+e at.osp+ere3 )t .ade .ani*est t+at as o* 1% ;anuary 1 %J, t+e present ,onstitution ca.e into *orce and e**ect3 8it+ suc+ a pronounce.ent 0y t+e Supre.e ,ourt and 6it+ t+e reco/nition o* t+e cardinal postulate t+at 6+at

t+e Supre.e ,ourt says is not only entitled to respect 0ut .ust also 0e o0eyed, a *actor *or insta0ility 6as re.oved3 T+erea*ter, as a .atter o* la6, all dou0ts 6ere resolved3 T+e 1 %J ,onstitution is t+e *unda.ental la63 )t is as si.ple as t+at3 8+at cannot 0e too stron/ly stressed is t+at t+e *unction o* 1udicial revie6 +as 0ot+ a positive and a ne/ative aspect3 's 6as so convincin/ly de.onstrated 0y Pro*essors <lac@ and Murp+y, t+e Supre.e ,ourt can c+ec@ as 6ell as le/iti.ate3 )n declarin/ 6+at t+e la6 is, it .ay not only nulli*y t+e acts o* coordinate 0ranc+es 0ut .ay also sustain t+eir validity3 )n t+e latter case, t+ere is an a**ir.ation t+at 6+at 6as done cannot 0e sti/.ati=ed as constitutionally de*icient3 T+e .ere dis.issal o* a suit o* t+is c+aracter su**ices3 T+at is t+e .eanin/ o* t+e concludin/ state.ent in ;avellana3 Since t+en, t+is ,ourt +as invaria0ly applied t+e present ,onstitution3 T+e latest case in point is People v3 Sola, pro.ul/ated 0arely t6o 6ee@s a/o3 Curin/ t+e *irst year alone o* t+e e**ectivity o* t+e present ,onstitution, at least ten cases .ay 0e cited3 I- RE 1%r+$(%M LGR %!1"I, 5& ?cto0er 1 "!M Resolution En 0anc, Per curia.$ % concur 4acts3 )n a petition *or declaratory relie* i.pleadin/ no respondents, Saturnino (3 <er.ude=, as a la6yer, quotes t+e *irst para/rap+ o* Section H o* 'rticle A())) o* t+e proposed 1 "! ,onstitution, 6+ic+ provides t+at Bt+e six2year ter. o* t+e incu.0ent President and (ice2President elected in t+e % #e0ruary 1 "! election is, *or purposes o* sync+roni=ation o* elections, +ere0y extended to noon o* JI ;une 1 53 T+e *irst re/ular elections *or t+e President and (ice2President under t+is ,onstitution s+all 0e +eld on t+e second Monday o* May 1 53B , t+at t+e said provision Bis not clearB as to 6+o. it re*ers, +e t+en as@s t+e ,ourt Bto declare and ans6er t+e question o* t+e construction and de*initeness as to 6+o, a.on/ t+e present incu.0ent President ,ora=on 'quino and (ice President Salvador Laurel and t+e elected President #erdinand E3 Marcos and (ice President 'rturo M3 Tolentino 0ein/ re*erred to under t+e said Section H (not %) o* 'rticle A())) o* t+e Transitory Provision o* t+e proposed 1 "! ,onstitution re*ers to3 Issue3 8+et+er 'quino and Laurel are t+e le/iti.ate President and (ice President o* t+e P+ilippines3 8eld3 T+e petition states no cause o* action3 <er.ude=Ds alle/ation o* a.0i/uity or va/ueness o* t+e provision is .ani*estly /ratuitous, it 0ein/ a .atter o* pu0lic record and co..on pu0lic @no6led/e t+at t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission re*ers t+erein to incu.0ent President ,ora=on ,3 'quino and (ice2President Salvador 93 Laurel, and to no ot+er persons, and provides *or t+e extension o* t+eir ter. to noon o* JI ;une 1 5 *or purposes o* sync+roni=ation o* elections3 9ence, t+e second para/rap+ o* t+e cited section provides *or t+e +oldin/ on t+e second Monday o* May, 1 5 o* t+e *irst re/ular elections *or t+e President and (ice2President under said 1 "! ,onstitution3 Mutatis .utandis, t+ere can 0e no question t+at President ,ora=on ,3 'quino and (ice2President Salvador 93 Laurel are t+e incu.0ent and le/iti.ate President and (ice President o* t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines3 #urt+er, t+e le/iti.acy o* t+e 'quino /overn.ent is not a 1usticia0le .atter3 )t 0elon/s to t+e real. o* politics 6+ere only t+e people o* t+e P+ilippines are t+e 1ud/e3 'nd t+e people +ave .ade t+e 1ud/.entG t+ey +ave accepted t+e /overn.ent o* President ,ora=on ,3 'quino 6+ic+ is in e**ective control o* t+e entire country so t+at it is not .erely a de *acto /overn.ent 0ut in *act and

la6 a de 1ure /overn.ent3 Moreover, t+e co..unity o* nations +as reco/ni=ed t+e le/iti.acy o* t+e present /overn.ent3 'll t+e eleven .e.0ers o* t+is ,ourt, as reor/ani=ed, +ave s6orn to up+old t+e *unda.ental la6 o* t+e Repu0lic under +er /overn.ent3B Fra-c*sco vs. &o$s% o@ R%Br%s%-"a"*v%s (GR 1!I5!1, 1I >ove.0er 5IIJ) En <anc, ,arpio Morales (;)$ 1 concurs, J 6rote separate concurrin/ opinions to 6+ic+ & concur, 5 6rote concurrin/ and dissentin/ separate opinions to 6+ic+ 5 concur3 4acts3 ?n 5" >ove.0er 5II1, t+e 15t+ ,on/ress o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives adopted and approved t+e Rules o* Procedure in ).peac+.ent Porceedin/s, supercedin/ t+e previous 9ouse ).peac+.ent Rules approved 0y t+e 11t+ ,on/ress3 ?n 55 ;uly 5II5, t+e 9ouse o* Representatives adopted a Resolution, 6+ic+ directed t+e ,o..ittee on ;ustice Bto conduct an investi/ation, in aid o* le/islation, on t+e .anner o* dis0urse.ents and expenditures 0y t+e ,+ie* ;ustice o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt o* t+e ;udiciary Cevelop.ent #und (;C#)3 ?n 5 ;une 5IIJ, * President ;osep+ E3 Estrada *iled an i.peac+.ent co.plaint (*irst i.peac+.ent co.plaint) a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide ;r3 and seven 'ssociate ;ustices o* t+e Supre.e ,ourt *or Bculpa0le violation o* t+e ,onstitution, 0etrayal o* t+e pu0lic trust and ot+er +i/+ cri.es3B T+e co.plaint 6as endorsed 0y 9ouse Representatives, and 6as re*erred to t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice on H 'u/ust 5IIJ in accordance 6it+ Section J(5) o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice ruled on 1J ?cto0er 5IIJ t+at t+e *irst i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as Bsu**icient in *or.,B 0ut voted to dis.iss t+e sa.e on 55 ?cto0er 5IIJ *or 0ein/ insu**icient in su0stance3 #our .ont+s and t+ree 6ee@s since t+e *ilin/ o* t+e *irst co.plaint or on 5J ?cto0er 5IIJ, a day a*ter t+e 9ouse ,o..ittee on ;ustice voted to dis.iss it, t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as *iled 6it+ t+e Secretary General o* t+e 9ouse 0y 9ouse Representatives a/ainst ,+ie* ;ustice 9ilario G3 Cavide, ;r3, *ounded on t+e alle/ed results o* t+e le/islative inquiry initiated 0y a0ove2.entioned 9ouse Resolution3 T+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint 6as acco.panied 0y a BResolution o* Endorse.entK).peac+.entB si/ned 0y at least 1KJ o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives3 (arious petitions *or certiorari, pro+i0ition, and 6ere *iled 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt a/ainst t+e 9ouse o* Representatives, et3 al3, .ost o* 6+ic+ petitions contend t+at t+e *ilin/ o* t+e second i.peac+.ent co.plaint is unconstitutional as it violates t+e provision o* Section H o* 'rticle A) o* t+e ,onstitution t+at BLnMo i.peac+.ent proceedin/s s+all 0e initiated a/ainst t+e sa.e o**icial .ore t+an once 6it+in a period o* one year3B Issue3 8+et+er t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 extends to t+ose arisin/ *ro. i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 8eld3 T+e ,ourtDs po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is con*erred on t+e 1udicial 0ranc+ o* t+e /overn.ent in Section 1, 'rticle ())) o* our present 1 "% ,onstitution3 T+e B.oderatin/ po6erB to Bdeter.ine t+e proper allocation o* po6ersB o* t+e di**erent 0ranc+es o* /overn.ent and Bto direct t+e course o* /overn.ent alon/ constitutional c+annelsB is in+erent in all courts as a necessary consequence o* t+e 1udicial po6er itsel*, 6+ic+ is Bt+e po6er o* t+e court to settle actual controversies involvin/ ri/+ts 6+ic+ are le/ally de.anda0le and en*orcea0le3B 's indicated in 'n/ara v3 Electoral ,o..ission, 1udicial revie6 is indeed an inte/ral co.ponent o* t+e delicate syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances 6+ic+, to/et+er 6it+ t+e corollary principle o* separation o* po6ers, *or.s t+e 0edroc@ o*

our repu0lican *or. o* /overn.ent and insures t+at its vast po6ers are utili=ed only *or t+e 0ene*it o* t+e people *or 6+ic+ it serves3 T+e separation o* po6ers is a *unda.ental principle in our syste. o* /overn.ent3 )t o0tains not t+rou/+ express provision 0ut 0y actual division in our ,onstitution3 Eac+ depart.ent o* t+e /overn.ent +as exclusive co/ni=ance o* .atters 6it+in its 1urisdiction, and is supre.e 6it+in its o6n sp+ere3 <ut it does not *ollo6 *ro. t+e *act t+at t+e t+ree po6ers are to 0e @ept separate and distinct t+at t+e ,onstitution intended t+e. to 0e a0solutely unrestrained and independent o* eac+ ot+er3 T+e ,onstitution +as provided *or an ela0orate syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances to secure coordination in t+e 6or@in/s o* t+e various depart.ents o* t+e /overn.ent3 'nd t+e 1udiciary in turn, 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt as t+e *inal ar0iter, e**ectively c+ec@s t+e ot+er depart.ents in t+e exercise o* its po6er to deter.ine t+e la6, and +ence to declare executive and le/islative acts void i* violative o* t+e ,onstitution3 T+e .a1or di**erence 0et6een t+e 1udicial po6er o* t+e P+ilippine Supre.e ,ourt and t+at o* t+e E3S3 Supre.e ,ourt is t+at 6+ile t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 is only i.pliedly /ranted to t+e E3S3 Supre.e ,ourt and is discretionary in nature, t+at /ranted to t+e P+ilippine Supre.e ,ourt and lo6er courts, as expressly provided *or in t+e ,onstitution, is not 1ust a po6er 0ut also a duty, and it 6as /iven an expanded de*inition to include t+e po6er to correct any /rave a0use o* discretion on t+e part o* any /overn.ent 0ranc+ or instru.entality3 T+ere are also /larin/ distinctions 0et6een t+e E3S3 ,onstitution and t+e P+ilippine ,onstitution 6it+ respect to t+e po6er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives over i.peac+.ent proceedin/s3 8+ile t+e E3S3 ,onstitution 0esto6s sole po6er o* i.peac+.ent to t+e 9ouse o* Representatives 6it+out li.itation, our ,onstitution, t+ou/+ vestin/ in t+e 9ouse o* Representatives t+e exclusive po6er to initiate i.peac+.ent cases, provides *or several li.itations to t+e exercise o* suc+ po6er as e.0odied in Section J(5), (J), (&) and (H), 'rticle A) t+ereo*3 T+ese li.itations include t+e .anner o* *ilin/, required vote to i.peac+, and t+e one year 0ar on t+e i.peac+.ent o* one and t+e sa.e o**icial3 T+e people expressed t+eir 6ill 6+en t+ey instituted t+e a0ove2.entioned sa*e/uards in t+e ,onstitution3 T+is s+o6s t+at t+e ,onstitution did not intend to leave t+e .atter o* i.peac+.ent to t+e sole discretion o* ,on/ress3 )nstead, it provided *or certain 6ell2de*ined li.its, or B1udicially discovera0le standardsB *or deter.inin/ t+e validity o* t+e exercise o* suc+ discretion, t+rou/+ t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie63 T+ere is indeed a plet+ora o* cases in 6+ic+ t+is ,ourt exercised t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 over con/ressional action3 #inally, t+ere exists no constitutional 0asis *or t+e contention t+at t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6 over i.peac+.ent proceedin/s 6ould upset t+e syste. o* c+ec@s and 0alances3 (erily, t+e ,onstitution is to 0e interpreted as a 6+ole and Bone section is not to 0e allo6ed to de*eat anot+er3B <ot+ are inte/ral co.ponents o* t+e cali0rated syste. o* independence and interdependence t+at insures t+at no 0ranc+ o* /overn.ent act 0eyond t+e po6ers assi/ned to it 0y t+e ,onstitution3 Sa-'aFas vs. EA%c$"*v% S%cr%"ar? R%?%s LGR 1H I"H, J #e0ruary 5II&MG also *ocial 4ustice *ociety (*4* ;fficersM1ember 50/ 1%J12#6, *uplico, et al., vs. 1acapagal'.rroyo, et al. 50/ 1%J1L%6! )imentel et al. vs. /omulo et al. 50/ 1%J1J=6 En <anc, Tin/a (;)$ J concur, J concur in result, 1 concurs in separate opinion to 6+ic+ 5 1oin, 5 *ile o6n separate opinions, 1 dissents in separate opinion, 1 on leave 4acts3 T+ey ca.e in t+e .iddle o* t+e ni/+t3 'r.ed 6it+ +i/+2po6ered a..unitions and explosives, so.e t+ree +undred 1unior o**icers and enlisted .en o* t+e 'r.ed #orces o* t+e

P+ilippines ('#P) stor.ed into t+e ?a@6ood Pre.iere apart.ents in Ma@ati ,ity in t+e 6ee +ours o* 5% ;uly 5IIJ3 <e6ailin/ t+e corruption in t+e '#P, t+e soldiers de.anded, a.on/ ot+er t+in/s, t+e resi/nation o* t+e President, t+e Secretary o* Ce*ense and t+e ,+ie* o* t+e P+ilippine >ational Police (P>P)3 )n t+e 6a@e o* t+e ?a@6ood occupation, t+e President issued later in t+e day Procla.ation &5% and General ?rder &, 0ot+ declarin/ -a state o* re0ellion4 and callin/ out t+e 'r.ed #orces to suppress t+e re0ellion3 <y t+e evenin/ o* 5% ;uly 5IIJ, t+e ?a@6ood occupation +ad ended3 '*ter +ours2lon/ ne/otiations, t+e soldiers a/reed to return to 0arrac@s3 T+e President, +o6ever, did not i..ediately li*t t+e declaration o* a state o* re0ellion and did so only on 1 'u/ust 5IIJ, t+rou/+ Procla.ation &JH3 )n t+e interi., several petitions 6ere *iled 0e*ore t+e Supre.e ,ourt c+allen/in/ t+e validity o* Procla.ation &5% and General ?rder &3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e petitions +ave 0een rendered .oot 0y t+e li*tin/ o* t+e declaration3 8eld3 >?3 T+e ,ourt a/rees 6it+ t+e Solicitor General t+at t+e issuance o* Procla.ation &JH, declarin/ t+at t+e state o* re0ellion +as ceased to exist, +as rendered t+e case .oot3 's a rule, courts do not ad1udicate .oot cases, 1udicial po6er 0ein/ li.ited to t+e deter.ination o* -actual controversies34 >evert+eless, courts 6ill decide a question, ot+er6ise .oot, i* it is -capa0le o* repetition yet evadin/ revie634 T+e present case is one suc+ case3 ?nce 0e*ore, t+e President on 1 May 5II1 declared a state o* re0ellion and called upon t+e '#P and t+e P>P to suppress t+e re0ellion t+rou/+ Procla.ation J" and General ?rder 13 ?n t+at occasion, -Tan an/ry and violent .o0 ar.ed 6it+ explosives, *irear.s, 0laded 6eapons, clu0s, stones and ot+er deadly 6eapons7 assaulted and atte.pted to 0rea@ into MalacaWan/34 Petitions 6ere *iled 0e*ore t+e Supre.e ,ourt assailin/ t+e validity o* t+e President7s declaration3 #ive days a*ter suc+ declaration, +o6ever, t+e President li*ted t+e sa.e3 T+e .ootness o* t+e petitions in Lacson v3 Pere= and acco.panyin/ cases precluded t+e ,ourt *ro. addressin/ t+e constitutionality o* t+e declaration3 To prevent si.ilar questions *ro., t+e Supre.e ,ourt sei=ed t+e opportunity to *inally lay to rest t+e validity o* t+e declaration o* a state o* re0ellion in t+e exercise o* t+e President7s callin/ out po6er, t+e .ootness o* t+e petitions not6it+standin/3 )*+%-"%' %" a'. vs. Er+*"a %" a'. LGR 1!& %", 1J ?cto0er 5IIHM En <anc, ,arpio (;)$ 1& concur 4acts3 T+e Senate and t+e 9ouse o* Representatives (-,on/ress4) co..enced t+eir re/ular session on 5! ;uly 5II&3 T+e ,o..ission on 'ppoint.ents, co.posed o* Senators and Representatives, 6as constituted on 5H 'u/ust 5II&3 Mean6+ile, President 'rroyo issued appoint.ents to 'rt+ur ,3 :ap (Cepart.ent o* '/riculture, 1H 'u/ust 5II&), 'l0erto G3 Ro.ulo (Cepart.ent o* #orei/n '**airs, 5J 'u/ust 5II&), Raul M3 Gon=ale= (Cepart.ent o* ;ustice, 5J 'u/ust 5II&), #lorencio <3 '0ad (Cepart.ent o* Education, 5J 'u/ust 5II&), 'velino ;3 ,ru=, ;r3 (Cepart.ent o* >ational Ce*ense, 5J 'u/ust 5II&), Rene ,3 (illa (Cepart.ent o* '/rarian Re*or., 5J 'u/ust 5II&), ;osep+ 93 Curano (Cepart.ent o* Touris., 5J 'u/ust 5II&), and Mic+ael T3 Ce*ensor (Cepart.ent o* Environ.ent and >atural Resources, 5J 'u/ust 5II&) as actin/ secretaries o* t+eir respective depart.ents3 Ce*ensor, et al3, too@ t+eir oat+ o* o**ice and assu.ed duties as actin/ secretaries3 ?n " Septe.0er 5II&, 'quilino P3 Pi.entel, ;r3 (-Senator Pi.entel4), Ed/ardo ;3 'n/ara (-Senator 'n/ara4), ;uan Ponce Enrile (-Senator Enrile4), Luisa P3 E1ercito2Estrada (-Senator E1ercito2

Estrada4), ;in//oy E3 Estrada (-Senator Estrada4), Pan*ilo M3 Lacson (-Senator Lacson4), 'l*redo S3 Li. (-Senator Li.4), ;a.0y '3S3 Madri/al (-Senator Madri/al4), and Ser/io R3 ?s.eWa, ))) (-Senator ?s.eWa4) *iled t+e petition *or certiorari and pro+i0ition 6it+ a prayer *or t+e issuance o* a 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction as Senators o* t+e Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines, to declare unconstitutional t+e appoint.ents issued 0y President Gloria Macapa/al2'rroyo (-President 'rroyo4) t+rou/+ Executive Secretary Eduardo R3 Er.ita (-Secretary Er.ita4)3 T+e petition also sou/+t to pro+i0it Ce*ensor et al3 *ro. per* t+e duties o* depart.ent secretaries3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e petition is .oot 0ecause President 'rroyo +ad extended to Ce*ensor, et al3, ad interi. appoint.ents on 5J Septe.0er 5II& i..ediately a*ter t+e recess o* ,on/ress3 8eld3 's a rule, t+e 6rit o* pro+i0ition 6ill not lie to en1oin acts already done3 9o6ever, as an exception to t+e rule on .ootness, courts 6ill decide a question ot+er6ise .oot i* it is capa0le o* repetition yet evadin/ revie63 9erein, t+e .ootness o* t+e petition does not 0ar its resolution3 T+e question o* t+e constitutionality o* t+e President7s appoint.ent o* depart.ent secretaries in an actin/ capacity 6+ile ,on/ress is in session 6ill arise in every suc+ appoint.ent3 Co++*ss*o- o- &$+a- R*Dh"s E+B'o?%%sL Assoc*a"*o- (C&REA! vs. Co++*ss*o- o- &$+aR*Dh"s LGR 1HHJJ!, 5H >ove.0er 5II&M Second Civision, ,+ico2>a=ario (;)$ & concur 4acts3 ?n 1& #e0ruary 1 ", ,on/ress passed Repu0lic 'ct "H55, ot+er6ise @no6n as t+e General 'ppropriations 'ct o* 1 "3 )t provided *or Special Provisions 'pplica0le to 'll ,onstitutional ?**ices En1oyin/ #iscal 'utono.y3 T+e last portion o* 'rticle AAA))) covers t+e appropriations o* t+e ,o..ission on Ri/+ts (,9R)3 T+ese special provisions tac@les ?r/ani=ational Structure and t+e Ese o* Savin/s3 ?n t+e stren/t+ o* t+ese special provisions, t+e ,9R, t+rou/+ its t+en ,+airperson 'urora P3 >avarette2ReciWa and ,o..issioners >asser '3 Maro+o.salic, Mercedes (3 ,ontreras, (icente P3 Si0ulo, and ;or/e R3 ,oquia, pro.ul/ated Resolution ' "2I&% n I& Septe.0er 1 ", adoptin/ an up/radin/ and reclassi*ication sc+e.e a.on/ selected positions in t+e ,o..ission3 'nnexed to said resolution is t+e proposed creation o* ten additional plantilla positions, na.ely$ one Cirector )( position, 6it+ Salary Grade 5" *or t+e ,ara/a Re/ional ?**ice, *our Security ?**icer )) 6it+ Salary Grade 1H, and *ive Process Servers, 6it+ Salary Grade H under t+e ?**ice o* t+e ,o..issioners3 ?n 1 ?cto0er 1 ", ,9R issued Resolution >o3 ' "2IHH providin/ *or t+e up/radin/ or raisin/ o* salary /rades o* certain positions in t+e ,o..ission3 )t, li@e6ise, provided *or t+e creation and up/radin/ o* ot+er positions3 To support t+e i.ple.entation o* suc+ sc+e.e, t+e ,9R, in t+e sa.e resolution, aut+ori=ed t+e au/.entation o* a co..ensurate a.ount /enerated *ro. savin/s under Personnel Services3 <y virtue o* Resolution ' "2I!5 dated 1% >ove.0er 1 ", t+e ,9R -collapsed4 t+e vacant positions in t+e 0ody to provide additional source o* *undin/ *or said sta**in/ .odi*ication3 '.on/ t+e positions collapsed 6ere$ one 'ttorney ))), *our 'ttorney )(, one , ))), t+ree Special )nvesti/ator ), one ,ler@ ))), and one 'ccountin/ ,ler@ ))3 T+e ,9R *or6arded said sta**in/ .odi*ication and up/radin/ sc+e.e to t+e Cepart.ent o* <ud/et and Mana/e.ent (C<M) 6it+ a request *or its approval, 0ut t+e t+en C<M secretary < Cio@no denied t+e request3 )n li/+t o* t+e C<M7s disapproval o* t+e proposed personnel .odi*ication sc+e.e, t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission (,S,)2>ational ,apital Re/ion ?**ice, t+rou/+

a .e.orandu. dated 5 Marc+ 1 , reco..ended to t+e ,S,2,entral ?**ice t+at t+e su01ect appoint.ents 0e re1ected o6in/ to t+e C<M7s disapproval o* t+e plantilla reclassi*ication3 Mean6+ile, t+e o**icers o* t+e ,o..ission on Ri/+ts E.ployees7 'ssociation (,9RE'), in representation o* t+e ran@ and *ile e.ployees o* t+e ,9R, requested t+e ,S,2,entral ?**ice to a**ir. t+e reco..endation o* t+e ,S,2Re/ional ?**ice3 ,9RE' stood its /round in sayin/ t+at t+e C<M is t+e only a/ency 6it+ appropriate aut+ority .andated 0y la6 to evaluate and approve .atters o* reclassi*ication and up/radin/, as 6ell as creation o* positions3 T+e ,S,2,entral ?**ice denied ,9RE'7s request in a Resolution dated 1! Cece.0er 1 , and reversed t+e reco..endation o* t+e ,S,2Re/ional ?**ice t+at t+e up/radin/ sc+e.e 0e censured3 ,9RE' *iled a .otion *or reconsideration, 0ut t+e ,S,2,entral ?**ice denied t+e sa.e on ;une 5III3 Given t+e cacop+ony o* 1ud/.ents 0et6een t+e C<M and t+e ,S,, ,9RE' elevated t+e .atter to t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals3 T+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals a**ir.ed t+e pronounce.ent o* t+e ,S,2,entral ?**ice and up+eld t+e validity o* t+e up/radin/, retitlin/, and reclassi*ication sc+e.e in t+e ,9R on t+e 1usti*ication t+at suc+ action is 6it+in t+e a.0it o* ,9R7s *iscal autono.y3 T+e ,9RE' *iled t+e petition *or revie63 Issue3 8+et+er ,9RE' is a proper party to 0rin/ t+e suit in ,ourt3 8eld3 )t +as 0een +eld in a .ultitude o* cases t+at a proper party is one 6+o +as sustained or is in i..ediate dan/er o* sustainin/ an in1ury as a result o* t+e act co.plained o*3 9ere, ,9RE', 6+ic+ consists o* ran@ and *ile e.ployees o* ,9R, protests t+at t+e up/radin/ and collapsin/ o* positions 0ene*ited only a select *e6 in t+e upper level positions in t+e ,o..ission resultin/ to t+e de.orali=ation o* t+e ran@ and *ile e.ployees3 T+is su**iciently .eets t+e in1ury test3 )ndeed, t+e ,9R7s up/radin/ sc+e.e, i* *ound to 0e valid, potentially entails eatin/ up t+e ,o..ission7s savin/s or t+at portion o* its 0ud/etary pie ot+er6ise allocated *or Personnel Services, *ro. 6+ic+ t+e 0ene*its o* t+e e.ployees, includin/ t+ose in t+e ran@ and *ile, are derived3 #urt+er, t+e personality o* t+e ,9RE' to *ile t+is case 6as reco/ni=ed 0y t+e ,S, 6+en it too@ co/ni=ance o* t+e ,9RE'7s request to a**ir. t+e reco..endation o* t+e ,S,2>ational ,apital Re/ion ?**ice3 ,9RE'7s personality to 0rin/ t+e suit 6as a non2issue in t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals 6+en it passed upon t+e .erits o* t+is case3 T+us, neit+er s+ould our +ands 0e tied 0y t+is tec+nical concern3 )ndeed, it is settled 1urisprudence t+at an issue t+at 6as neit+er raised in t+e co.plaint nor in t+e court 0elo6 cannot 0e raised *or t+e *irst ti.e on appeal, as to do so 6ould 0e o**ensive to t+e 0asic rules o* *air play, 1ustice, and due process3 2oh- &a? )%oB'%s A'"%r-a"*v% Coa'*"*o- vs. L*+ LGR 11 %%H, 5& ?cto0er 5IIJM En <anc, ,arpio2Morales (;)$ concur, 5 too@ no part 4acts3 Repu0lic 'ct %55%, entitled B'n 'ct 'ccelleratin/ t+e ,onvetsion o* Military Reservations into ot+er Productive uses, ,reatin/ t+e <ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ut+ority *or t+is Purpose, Providin/ #unds T+ere*or and *or ot+er purposes,B ot+er6ise @no6n as t+e B<ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ct o* 1 5,B 6as enacted on 1J Marc+ 1 53 T+e la6 set out t+e policy o* t+e /overn.ent to accelerate t+e sound and 0alanced conversion into alternative productive uses o* t+e * .ilitary 0ases under t+e 1 &% P+ilippines2Enited States o* '.erica Military <ases '/ree.ent, na.ely, t+e ,lar@ and Su0ic .ilitary reservations as 6ell as t+eir extensions includin/ t+e ;o+n 9ay Station (,a.p ;o+n 9ay) in t+e ,ity o* <a/uio3 R' %55% created

t+e <ases ,onversion and Cevelop.ent 'ut+orityD (<,C'), vestin/ it 6it+ po6ers pertainin/ to t+e .ulti*arious aspects o* carryin/ out t+e ulti.ate o01ective o* utili=in/ t+e 0ase areas in accordance 6it+ t+e declared /overn.ent policy3 R' %55% li@e6ise created t+e Su0ic Special Econo.ic Land #ree PortM Oone (Su0ic SEO) t+e .etes and 0ounds o* 6+ic+ 6ere to 0e delineated in a procla.ation to 0e issued 0y t+e President o* t+e P+ilippinesG and /ranted t+e Su0ic SEO incentives ran/in/ *ro. tax and duty2*ree i.portations, exe.ption o* 0usinesses t+erein *ro. local and national taxes, to ot+er +all2nar@s o* a li0erali=ed *inancial and 0usiness cli.ate3 R' %55% expressly /ave aut+ority to t+e President to create t+rou/+ executive procla.ation, su01ect to t+e concurrence o* t+e local /overn.ent units directly a**ected, ot+er Special Econo.ic Oones (SEO) in t+e areas covered respectively 0y t+e ,lar@ .ilitary reservation, t+e 8allace 'ir Station in San #ernando, La Enion, and ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 ?n 1! 'u/ust 1 J, <,C' entered into a Me.orandu. o* '/ree.ent and Escro6 '/ree.ent 6it+ Tuntex (<3(3L) ,o3, Ltd3 (TE>TEA) and 'sia6orld )nternationale Group, )nc3 ('S)'8?RLC), private corporations re/istered under t+e la6s o* t+e <ritis+ (ir/in )slands, preparatory to t+e *or.ation o* a 1oint venture *or t+e develop.ent o* Poro Point in La Enion and ,a.p ;o+n 9ay as pre.ier tourist destinations and recreation centers3 & .ont+s later or on 1! Cece.0er 1!, 1 J, <,C', TE>TEA and 'S)'8?RLC executed a ;oint (enture '/ree.ents 6+ere0y t+ey 0ound t+e.selves to put up a 1oint venture co.pany @no6n as t+e <a/uio )nternational Cevelop.ent and Mana/e.ent ,orporation 6+ic+ 6ould lease areas 6it+in ,a.p ;o+n 9ay and Poro Point *or t+e purpose o* turnin/ suc+ places into principal tourist and recreation spots, as ori/inally envisioned 0y t+e parties under t+eir 'Oe.orand.n o* '/ree.ent3 T+e <a/uio ,ity /overn.ent .ean6+ile passed a nu.0er o* resolutions in response to t+e actions ta@en 0y <,C' as o6ner and ad.inistrator o* ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 <y Resolution o* 5 Septe.0er 1 J, t+e San//unian/ Panlun/sod o* <a/uio ,ity o**icially as@ed <,C' to exclude all t+e 0aran/ays partly or totally located 6it+in ,a.p ;o+n 9ay *ro. t+e reac+ or covera/e o* any plan or pro/ra. *or its develop.ent3 <y a su0sequent Resolution dated 1 ;anuary 1 &, t+e san//unian sou/+t *ro. <,C' an a0dication, 6aiver or quitclai. o* its o6ners+ip over t+e +o.e lots 0ein/ occupied 0y residents o* 0aran/ays surroundin/ t+e .ilitary reservation3 Still 0y anot+er resolution passed on 51 #e0ruary 1 &, t+e san//unian adopted and su0.itted to <,C' a 1H2point concept *or t+e develop.ent o* ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 T+e san//unianDs vision expressed, a.on/ ot+er t+in/s, a @ind o* develop.ent t+at a**ords protection to t+e environ.ent, t+e .a@in/ o* a *a.ily2oriented type o* tourist destination, priority in e.ploy.ent opportunities *or <a/uio residents and *ree access to t+e 0ase area, /uaranteed participation o* t+e city /overn.ent in t+e .ana/e.ent and operation o* t+e ca.p, exclusion o* t+e previously na.ed nine 0aran/ays *ro. t+e area *or develop.ent, and lia0ility *or local taxes o* 0usinesses to 0e esta0lis+ed 6it+in t+e ca.p3B <,C', TE>TEA and 'S)'8?RLC a/reed to so.e, 0ut re1ected or .odi*ied t+e ot+er proposals o* t+e san//unian3B T+ey stressed t+e need to declare ,a.p ;o+n 9ay a SEO as a condition precedent to its *ull develop.ent in accordance 6it+ t+e .andate o* R' %55%3 ?n 11 May 1 &, t+e san//unian passed a resolution requestin/ t+e Mayor to order t+e deter.ination o* realty taxes 6+ic+ .ay ot+er6ise 0e collected *ro. real properties o* ,a.p ;o+n 9ay3 T+e resolution 6as intended to intelli/ently /uide t+e san//unian in deter.inin/ its position on 6+et+er ,a.p ;o+n 9ay 0e declared a SEO, t+e san//unian 0ein/ o* t+e vie6 t+at suc+ declaration 6ould t+e ca.pDs property and t+e econo.ic activity t+erein *ro. local or national taxation3 More t+an a .ont+ later, +o6ever, t+e san//unian passed Resolution 5HH, (Series o* 1 &),B see@in/ and supportin/, su01ect to its concurrence, t+e issuance 0y t+en President Ra.os o* a presidential procla.ation declarin/ an area

o* 5"H31 +ectares o* t+e ca.p as a SEO in accordance 6it+ t+e provisions o* R' %55%3 To/et+er 6it+ t+is resolution 6as su0.itted a dra*t o* t+e proposed procla.ation *or consideration 0y t+e President3 ?n H ;uly 1 & t+en President Ra.os issued Procla.ation &5I (series o* 1 &), Bcreatin/ and desi/natin/ a portion o* t+e area covered 0y t+e * ,a.p ;o+n 9ay as t+e ;o+n 9ay Special Econo.ic Oone pursuant to Repu0lic 'ct %55%3B T+e ;o+n 9ay Peoples 'lternative ,oalition, et3 al3 *iled t+e petition *or pro+i0ition, and declaratory relie* 6it+ prayer *or a te.porary restrainin/ order (TR?) andKor 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction on 5H 'pril 1 H c+allen/in/, in t+e .ain, t+e constitutionality or validity o* Procla.ation &5I as 6ell as t+e le/ality o* t+e Me.orandu. o* '/ree.ent and ;oint (enture '/ree.ent 0et6een t+e <,C', and TE>TEA and 'S)'8?RLC3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e petitioners +ave le/al standin/ in *ilin/ t+e case questionin/ t+e validity o* Presidential Procla.ation &5I3 8eld3 )t is settled t+at 6+en questions o* constitutional si/ni*icance are raised, t+e court can exercise its po6er o* 1udicial revie6 only i* t+e *ollo6in/ requisites are present$ (1) t+e existence o* an actual and appropriate caseG (5) a personal and su0stantial interest o* t+e party raisin/ t+e constitutional questionG (J) t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6 is pleaded at t+e earliest opportunityG and (&) t+e constitutional question is t+e lis .ota o* t+e case3B R' %55% expressly requires t+e concurrence o* t+e a**ected local /overn.ent units to t+e creation o* SEOs out o* all t+e 0ase areas in t+e country3DB T+e /rant 0y t+e la6 on local /overn.ent units o* t+e ri/+t o* concurrence on t+e 0asesD conversion is equivalent to vestin/ a le/al standin/ on t+e., *or it is in e**ect a reco/nition o* t+e real interests t+at co..unities near0y or surroundin/ a particular 0ase area +ave in its utili=ation3 T+us, t+e interest o* petitioners, 0ein/ in+a0itants o* <a/uio, in assailin/ t+e le/ality o* Procla.ation &5I, is personal and su0stantial suc+ t+at t+ey +ave sustained or 6ill sustain direct in1ury as a result o* t+e /overn.ent act 0ein/ c+allen/ed3B T+eirs is a .aterial interest, an interest in issue a**ected 0y t+e procla.ation and not .erely an interest in t+e question involved or an incidental interest,B *or 6+at is at sta@e in t+e en*orce.ent o* Procla.ation &5I is t+e very econo.ic and social existence o* t+e people o* <a/uio ,ity3 Moreover, Petitioners Edil0erto T3 ,laravall and Lilia G3 :aranon 6ere duly elected councilors o* <a/uio at t+e ti.e, en/a/ed in t+e local /overnance o* <a/uio ,ity and 6+ose duties included decidin/ *or and on 0e+al* o* t+eir constituents t+e question o* 6+et+er to concur 6it+ t+e declaration o* a portion o* t+e area covered 0y ,a.p ;o+n 9ay as a SEO3 ,ertainly t+en, ,laravall and :aranon, as city o**icials 6+o voted a/ainstB t+e san//unian Resolution >o3 5HH (Series o* 1 &) supportin/ t+e issuance o* t+e no6 c+allen/ed Procla.ation &5I, +ave le/al standin/ to 0rin/ t+e present petition3 EA%c$"*v% S%cr%"ar? vs. Th% Co$r" o@ ABB%a's LGR 1J1%1 , 5H May 5II&M Second Civision, ,alle1o Sr3 (;)$ J concur, 1 on o**icial leave 4acts3 Repu0lic 'ct "I&5, ot+er6ise @no6n as t+e Mi/rant 8or@ers and ?verseas #ilipinos 'ct o* 1 H, too@ e**ect on 1H ;uly 1 H3 T+e ?.ni0us Rules and Re/ulations ).ple.entin/ t+e Mi/rant 8or@ers and ?verseas #ilipino 'ct o* 1 H 6as, t+erea*ter, pu0lis+ed in t+e % 'pril 1 ! issue o* t+e Manila <ulletin3 9o6ever, even 0e*ore t+e la6 too@ e**ect, t+e 'sian Recruit.ent ,ouncil P+ilippine ,+apter, )nc3 ('R,?2P+il3) *iled, on 1% ;uly 1 H, a petition *or declaratory relie* under

Rule !J o* t+e Rules o* ,ourt 6it+ t+e Re/ional Trial ,ourt o* Pue=on ,ity to declare as unconstitutional Section 5, para/rap+ (/), Section !, para/rap+s (a) to (1), (l) and (.), Section %, para/rap+s (a) and (0), and Sections and 1I o* t+e la6, 6it+ a plea *or t+e issuance o* a te.porary restrainin/ order andKor 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction en1oinin/ T+e Executive Secretary, t+e Secretary o* ;ustice, t+e Secretary o* La0or and E.ploy.ent, t+e Secretary o* #orei/n '**airs, ?88' 'd.inistrator, and P?E' 'd.inistrator *ro. en*orcin/ t+e assailed provisions o* t+e la63 )n a supple.ent to its petition, t+e 'R,?2P+il3 alle/ed t+at R' "I&5 6as sel*2executory and t+at no i.ple.entin/ rules 6ere needed3 )t prayed t+at t+e court issue a te.porary restrainin/ order to en1oin t+e en*orce.ent o* Section !, para/rap+s (a) to (.) on ille/al recruit.ent, Section % on penalties *or ille/al recruit.ent, and Section on venue o* cri.inal actions *or ille/al recruit.ents3 ?n 1 'u/ust 1 H, t+e trial court issued a te.porary restrainin/ order e**ective *or a period o* only 5I days t+ere*ro.3 '*ter t+e Executive Secretary, et al3 *iled t+eir co..ent on t+e petition, t+e 'R,?2P+il3 *iled an a.ended petition, t+e a.end.ents consistin/ in t+e inclusion in t+e caption t+ereo* 11 ot+er corporations 6+ic+ it alle/ed 6ere its .e.0ers and 6+ic+ it represented in t+e suit, and a plea *or a te.porary restrainin/ order en1oinin/ t+e Executive Secretary, et al3 *ro. en*orcin/ Section ! su0section (i), Section ! su0section (@) and para/rap+s 1H and 1! t+ereo*, Section ", Section 1I, para/rap+s 1 and 5, and Sections 11 and &I o* R' "I&53 'rco2P+il averred t+at t+e provisions o* R' "I&5 violate Section 1, 'rticle ))) o* t+e ,onstitution (i3e3 discri.ination a/ainst uns@illed 6or@ers, discri.ination a/ainst licensed and re/istered recruiters, a.on/ ot+ers) )n t+eir ans6er to t+e petition, t+e Executive Secretary, et al3 alle/ed, inter alia, t+at (a) 'cro2P+il +as no cause o* action *or a declaratory relie*G (0) t+e petition 6as pre.ature as t+e rules i.ple.entin/ R' "I&5 not +avin/ 0een released as yetG (c) t+e assailed provisions do not violate any provisions o* t+e ,onstitutionG and, (d) t+e la6 6as approved 0y ,on/ress in t+e exercise o* t+e police po6er o* t+e State3 '*ter t+e respective counsels o* t+e parties 6ere +eard on oral ar/u.ents, t+e trial court issued on 51 'u/ust 1 H, an order /rantin/ 'cro2P+il7s plea *or a 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction upon a 0ond o* PHI,III3 'cro2P+il posted t+e requisite 0ond and on 5& 'u/ust 1 H, t+e trial court issued a 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction en1oinin/ t+e en*orce.ent o* Section 5, su0sections (/) and (i, 5nd par3)G Section !, su0sections (a) to (.), and pars3 1H Q 1!G Section %, su0sections (a) Q (0)G Section "G Section G Section 1IG pars3 1 Q 5G Section 11G and Section &I o* R' "I&5, pendin/ t+e ter.ination o* t+e proceedin/s3 T+e Executive Secretary, et al3 *iled a petition *or certiorari 6it+ t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals assailin/ t+e order and t+e 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction issued 0y t+e trial court3 T+ey asserted t+at 'cro2P+il is not t+e real party2in2interest as petitioner in t+e trial court, as it 6as inconceiva0le +o6 a non2stoc@ and non2pro*it corporation, could sustain direct in1ury as a result o* t+e en*orce.ent o* t+e la63 T+ey ar/ued t+at i*, at all, any da.a/e 6ould result in t+e i.ple.entation o* t+e la6, it is t+e licensed and re/istered recruit.ent a/encies andKor t+e uns@illed #ilipino .i/rant 6or@ers discri.inated a/ainst 6+o 6ould sustain t+e said in1ury or da.a/e, not 'cro2P+il3 ?n H Cece.0er 1 %, t+e appellate court ca.e out 6it+ a *our2pa/e decision dis.issin/ t+e petition and a** t+e assailed order and 6rit o* preli.inary in1unction issued 0y t+e trial court3 T+e appellate court, li@e6ise, denied t+e Executive Secretary, et al37s .otion *or reconsideration o* t+e said decision3 T+ey t+us *iled a petition *or revie6 on certiorari3 Issue3 8+et+er ',R?2P+il +as locus standi3 8eld3 P'RTL: :ES3 ',R?2P+il +as locus standi to *ile t+e petition in t+e RT, in representation o*

t+e 11 licensed and re/istered recruit.ent a/encies i.pleaded in t+e a.ended petition3 T+e .odern vie6 is t+at an association +as standin/ to co.plain o* in1uries to its .e.0ers3 T+is vie6 *uses t+e le/al identity o* an association 6it+ t+at o* its .e.0ers3 'n association +as standin/ to *ile suit *or its 6or@ers despite its lac@ o* direct interest i* its .e.0ers are a**ected 0y t+e action3 'n or/ani=ation +as standin/ to assert t+e concerns o* its constituents3 )n Teleco..unications and <roadcast 'ttorneys o* t+e P+ilippines v3 ,o..ission on Elections, t+e ,ourt +eld t+at standin/ 1us tertii 6ould 0e reco/ni=ed only i* it can 0e s+o6n t+at t+e party suin/ +as so.e su0stantial relation to t+e t+ird party, or t+at t+e ri/+t o* t+e t+ird party 6ould 0e diluted unless t+e party in court is allo6ed to espouse t+e t+ird party7s constitutional clai.s3 9erein, ',R?2P+il *iled t+e petition *or declaratory relie* under Rule !& o* t+e Rules o* ,ourt *or and in 0e+al* o* its 11 licensed and re/istered recruit.ent a/encies 6+ic+ are its .e.0ers, and 6+ic+ approved separate resolutions expressly aut+ori=in/ ',R?2P+il to *ile t+e said suit *or and in t+eir 0e+al*3 T+e ,ourt note t+at, under its 'rticles o* )ncorporation, ',R?2P+il 6as or/ani=ed *or t+e purposes inter alia o* pro.otin/ and supportin/ t+e /ro6t+ and develop.ent o* t+e .anpo6er recruit.ent industry, 0ot+ in t+e local and international levelsG providin/, creatin/ and explorin/ e.ploy.ent opportunities *or t+e exclusive 0ene*it o* its /eneral .e.0ers+ipG en+ancin/ and pro.otin/ t+e /eneral 6el*are and protection o* #ilipino 6or@ersG and, to act as t+e representative o* any individual, co.pany, entity or association on .atters related to t+e .anpo6er recruit.ent industry, and to per*or. ot+er acts and activities necessary to acco.plis+ t+e purposes e.0odied t+erein3 ',R?2P+il is, t+us, t+e appropriate party to assert t+e ri/+ts o* its .e.0ers, 0ecause it and its .e.0ers are in every practical sense identical3 ',R?2P+il asserts t+at t+e assailed provisions violate t+e constitutional ri/+ts o* its .e.0ers and t+e o**icers and e.ployees t+ereo*3 ',R?2P+il is 0ut t+e .ediu. t+rou/+ 6+ic+ its individual .e.0ers see@ to .a@e .ore e**ective t+e expression o* t+eir voices and t+e redress o* t+eir /rievances3 9o6ever, ',R?P9)L +as no locus standi to *ile t+e petition *or and in 0e+al* o* uns@illed 6or@ers3 T+e ,ourt notes t+at it even *ailed to i.plead any uns@illed 6or@ers in its petition3 #urt+er.ore, in *ailin/ to i.plead, as parties2petitioners, t+e 11 licensed and re/istered recruit.ent a/encies it clai.ed to represent, ',R?2P+il *ailed to co.ply 6it+ Section 5 o* Rule !J o* t+e Rules o* ,ourt3 >evert+eless, since t+e eleven licensed and re/istered recruit.ent a/encies *or 6+ic+ ',R?2P+il *iled t+e suit are speci*ically na.ed in t+e petition, t+e a.ended petition is dee.ed a.ended to avoid .ultiplicity o* suits3 I-@or+a"*o- T%ch-o'oD? Fo$-(a"*o- o@ "h% )h*'*BB*-%s vs. Co++*ss*o- o- E'%c"*o-s LGR 1H 1J , 1J ;anuary 5II&M En <anc, Pan/ani0an (;)$ & concur, 1 concurs in separate opinion, 1 concurs in result, 5 *iled separate opinions, 1 also *iled a separate opinion to 6+ic+ 1 1oined, 1 dissents in separate opinion to 6+ic+ 1 1oined 4acts3 ?n % ;une 1 H, ,on/ress passed Repu0lic 'ct "I&!, 6+ic+ aut+ori=ed ,o.elec to conduct a nation6ide de.onstration o* a co.puteri=ed election syste. and allo6ed t+e poll 0ody to pilot2test t+e syste. in t+e Marc+ 1 ! elections in t+e 'utono.ous Re/ion in Musli. Mindanao ('RMM)3 ?n 55 Cece.0er 1 %, ,on/ress enacted Repu0lic 'ct "&J! aut+ori=in/ ,o.elec to use an auto.ated election syste. ('ES) *or t+e process o* votin/, countin/ votes and canvassin/Kconsolidatin/ t+e results o* t+e national and local elections3 )t also .andated t+e poll 0ody to acquire auto.ated countin/ .ac+ines (',Ms), co.puter equip.ent, devices and .aterialsG

and to adopt ne6 electoral *or.s and printin/ .aterials3 )nitially intendin/ to i.ple.ent t+e auto.ation durin/ t+e 11 May 1 " presidential elections, ,o.elec 22 in its Resolution 5 "H dated #e0ruary 1 " 22 eventually decided a/ainst *ull national i.ple.entation and li.ited t+e auto.ation to t+e 'RMM3 9o6ever, due to t+e *ailure o* t+e .ac+ines to read correctly so.e auto.ated 0allots in one to6n, t+e poll 0ody later ordered t+eir .anual count *or t+e entire Province o* Sulu3 )n t+e May 5II1 elections, t+e countin/ and canvassin/ o* votes *or 0ot+ national and local positions 6ere also done .anually, as no additional ',Ms +ad 0een acquired *or t+at electoral exercise alle/edly 0ecause o* ti.e constraints3 ?n 5 ?cto0er 5II5, ,o.elec adopted in its Resolution I52I1%I a .oderni=ation pro/ra. *or t+e 5II& elections3 )t resolved to conduct 0iddin/s *or t+e t+ree (J) p+ases o* its 'uto.ated Election Syste.G na.ely, P+ase ) 2 (oter Re/istration and (alidation Syste.G P+ase )) 2 'uto.ated ,ountin/ and ,anvassin/ Syste.G and P+ase ))) 2 Electronic Trans.ission3 ?n 5& ;anuary 5IIJ, President Gloria Macapa/al2'rroyo issued Executive ?rder 1%5, 6+ic+ allocated t+e su. o* P53H 0illion to *und t+e 'ES *or t+e 1I May 5II& elections3 Epon t+e request o* ,o.elec, s+e aut+ori=ed t+e release o* an additional PHII .illion3 ?n ;anuary 5", 5IIJ, t+e ,o..ission issued an B)nvitation to 'pply *or Eli/i0ility and to <id3B ?n 11 #e0ruary 5IIJ, ,o.elec issued Resolution H 5 clari*yin/ certain eli/i0ility criteria *or 0idders and t+e sc+edule o* activities *or t+e pro1ect 0iddin/3 ?ut o* t+e H% 0idders, t+e <iddin/ and '6ards ,o..ittee (<',) *ound t+e Me/a Paci*ic ,onsortiu. (MP,) and t+e Total )n*or.ation Mana/e.ent ,orporation (T)M,) eli/i0le3 #or tec+nical evaluation, t+ey 6ere re*erred to t+e <',7s Tec+nical 8or@in/ Group (T8G) and t+e Cepart.ent o* Science and Tec+nolo/y (C?ST)3 )n its Report on t+e Evaluation o* t+e Tec+nical Proposals on P+ase )), C?ST said t+at 0ot+ MP, and T)M, +ad o0tained a nu.0er o* *ailed .ar@s in t+e tec+nical evaluation3 >ot6it+standin/ t+ese *ailures, ,o.elec en 0anc, on 1H 'pril 5IIJ, pro.ul/ated Resolution !I%& a6ardin/ t+e pro1ect to MP,3 T+e ,o..ission pu0lici=ed t+is Resolution and t+e a6ard o* t+e pro1ect to MP, on 1! May 5IIJ3 ?n 5 May 5IIJ, *ive individuals and entities (includin/ t+e )n*or.ation Tec+nolo/y #oundation o* t+e P+ilippines, represented 0y its president, 'l*redo M3 TorresG and Ma3 ,ora=on '@ol) 6rote a letter to ,o.elec , < '0alos Sr3 T+ey protested t+e a6ard o* t+e ,ontract to MP, Bdue to /larin/ irre/ularities in t+e .anner in 6+ic+ t+e 0iddin/ process +ad 0een conducted3B ,itin/ t+erein t+e nonco.pliance 6it+ eli/i0ility as 6ell as tec+nical and procedural require.ents, t+ey sou/+t a re20iddin/3 )n a letter2reply dated ! ;une 5IIJ, t+e ,o.elec 22 spea@in/ t+rou/+ 'tty3 ;ai.e Pa=, +is +ead executive assistant 22 re1ected t+e protest and declared t+at t+e a6ard B6ould stand up to t+e strictest scrutiny3B 9ence, t+e present petition *or certiorari3 Issue3 8+et+er )T#, et3 al3 +ave t+e locus standi to *ile t+e case questionin/ t+e validity o* t+e election co.puteri=ation 0iddin/3 8eld3 T+e issues central to t+e case are Bo* transcendental i.portance and o* national interest3B 's alle/ed, ,o.elec7s *la6ed 0iddin/ and questiona0le a6ard o* t+e ,ontract to an unquali*ied entity 6ould i.pact directly on t+e success or t+e *ailure o* t+e electoral process3 'ny taint on t+e sanctity o* t+e 0allot as t+e expression o* t+e 6ill o* t+e people 6ould inevita0ly a**ect t+eir *ait+ in t+e de.ocratic syste. o* /overn.ent3 #urt+er, t+e a6ard o* any contract *or auto.ation involves dis0urse.ent o* pu0lic *unds are in /ar/antuan a.ountsG t+ere*ore, pu0lic interest requires t+at t+e la6s /overnin/ t+e transaction .ust 0e *ollo6ed strictly3 Truly, our nation7s political and econo.ic *uture virtually +an/s in t+e 0alance, pendin/ t+e outco.e o* t+e 5II& elections3 9ence, t+ere can

0e no serious dou0t t+at t+e su01ect .atter o* t+e case is Ba .atter o* pu0lic concern and i.0ued 6it+ pu0lic interestBG in ot+er 6ords, it is o* Bpara.ount pu0lic interestB and Btranscendental i.portance3B T+is *act alone 6ould 1usti*y relaxin/ t+e rule on le/al standin/, *ollo6in/ t+e li0eral policy o* t+e ,ourt 6+enever a case involves Ban issue o* overarc+in/ si/ni*icance to our society3B )T#, et3 al37s le/al standin/ s+ould t+ere*ore 0e reco/ni=ed and up+eld3 Moreover, t+e ,ourt +as +eld t+at taxpayers are allo6ed to sue 6+en t+ere is a clai. o* Bille/al dis0urse.ent o* pu0lic *unds,B or i* pu0lic .oney is 0ein/ Bde*lected to any i.proper purposeBG or 6+en petitioner(s) see@ to restrain respondent(s) *ro. B6astin/ pu0lic *unds t+rou/+ t+e en*orce.ent o* an invalid or unconstitutional la63B 9erein, Ma3 ,ora=on M3 '@ol, Mi/uel Ey, Eduardo 93 Lope=, 'u/usto ,3 La/.an, Rex ,3 Crilon, Mi/uel 9ilado, Ley Salcedo, and Manuel 'lcua= ;r3, suin/ as taxpayers, assert a .aterial interest in seein/ to it t+at pu0lic *unds are properly and la6*ully used3 )n t+e Petition, t+ey clai. t+at t+e 0iddin/ 6as de*ective, t+e 6innin/ 0idder not a quali*ied entity, and t+e a6ard o* t+e ,ontract contrary to la6 and re/ulation3 'ccordin/ly, t+ey see@ to restrain t+e ,o..ission ?n ElectionsG ,o.elec , < '0alos Sr3G ,o.elec <iddin/ 'nd '6ard ,o..ittee , Eduardo C3 Me1os 'nd Me.0ers Gideon Ce, ;ose #3 <al0uena, La.0erto P3, 'nd <artolo.e Sinocru= ;r3G Me/a Paci*ic eSolutions, )nc3G 'nd Me/a Paci*ic ,onsortiu. *ro. i.ple.entin/ t+e ,ontract and, necessarily, *ro. .a@in/ any un6arranted expenditure o* pu0lic *unds pursuant t+ereto3 T+us, t+e ,ourt +old t+at )T#, et3 al3 possess locus standi3 2$+a+*' vs. Ca@P %" a'. LGR 1&&H%I, 51 Septe.0er 5IIHM T+ird Civision, ,orona (;)$ & concur 4acts3 )n 1 " , (ivencio (3 ; *iled 0e*ore t+e Re/ional Trial ,ourt (RT,) o* Pana0o, Cavao del >orte a petition *or declaratory relie* 6it+ prayer *or preli.inary in1unction and 6rit o* restrainin/ order a/ainst Mayor ;ose ;3 ,a*e and t+e .e.0ers o* t+e San//unian/ <ayan o* Pana0o, Cavao del >orte3 9e questioned t+e constitutionality o* Municipal Resolution %, Series o* 1 " (Resolution %)3 Resolution %, enactin/ 'ppropriation ?rdinance 111, provided *or an initial appropriation o* P%!H,III *or t+e construction o* stalls around a proposed ter.inal *rontin/ t+e Pana0o Pu0lic Mar@et 6+ic+ 6as destroyed 0y *ire3 Su0sequently, t+e petition 6as a.ended due to t+e passa/e o* Resolution & , series o* 1 " (Resolution & ), deno.inated as ?rdinance 1I, appropriatin/ a *urt+er a.ount o* P1,H1H,III *or t+e construction o* additional stalls in t+e sa.e pu0lic .ar@et3 Prior to t+e passa/e o* t+ese resolutions, Mayor ,a*e +ad already entered into contracts 6it+ t+ose 6+o advanced and deposited (6it+ t+e .unicipal treasurer) *ro. t+eir personal *unds t+e su. o* P&I,III eac+3 So.e o* t+e parties 6ere close *riends andKor relatives o* ,a*e, et al3 T+e construction o* t+e stalls 6+ic+ ; sou/+t to stop t+rou/+ t+e preli.inary in1unction in t+e RT, 6as nevert+eless *inis+ed, renderin/ t+e prayer t+ere*or .oot and acade.ic3 T+e leases o* t+e stalls 6ere t+en a6arded 0y pu0lic ra**le 6+ic+, +o6ever, 6as li.ited to t+ose 6+o +ad deposited P&I,III eac+3 T+us, t+e petition 6as a.ended ane6 to include t+e H% a6ardees o* t+e stalls as private respondents3 ; alle/es t+at Resolution >os3 % and & 6ere unconstitutional 0ecause t+ey 6ere passed *or t+e 0usiness, occupation, en1oy.ent and 0ene*it o* private respondents, so.e o* 6+ic+ 6ere close *riends andKor relative o* t+e .ayor and t+e san//unian, 6+o deposited t+e a.ount o* P&I,III3II *or eac+ stall, and 6it+ 6+o. also t+e .ayor +ad a prior contract to a6ard t+e 6ould 0e constructed stalls to all private respondentsG t+at resolutions and

ordinances did not provide *or any notice o* pu0lication t+at t+e special privile/e and un6arranted 0ene*its con*erred on t+e private respondents .ay 0e availed o* 0y any0ody 6+o can deposit t+e a.ount o* P&I,IIIG and t+at nor t+ere 6ere any prior notice or pu0lication pertainin/ to contracts entered into 0y pu0lic and private respondents *or t+e construction o* stalls to 0e a6arded to private respondents t+at t+e sa.e can 0e availed o* 0y any0ody 6illin/ to deposit P&I,III3II3 T+e Re/ional Trial ,ourt dis.issed ;u.a.il7s petition *or declaratory relie* 6it+ prayer *or preli.inary in1unction and 6rit o* restrainin/ order, and ordered ; to pay attorney7s *ees in t+e a.ount o* P1,III to eac+ o* t+e H% private respondents3 ?n appeal, and on 5& ;uly 5III (,' GR ,( JHI"5), t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals a**ir.ed t+e decision o* t+e trial court3 ; *iled t+e petition *or revie6 on certiorari3 Issue 9&:3 8+et+er ; +ad t+e le/al standin/ to 0rin/ t+e petition *or declaratory relie* 8eld 9&:3 Le/al standin/ or locus standi is a party7s personal and su0stantial interest in a case suc+ t+at +e +as sustained or 6ill sustain direct in1ury as a result o* t+e /overn.ental act 0ein/ c+allen/ed3 )t calls *or .ore t+an 1ust a /enerali=ed /rievance3 T+e ter. -interest4 .eans a .aterial interest, an interest in issue a**ected 0y t+e decree, as distin/uis+ed *ro. .ere interest in t+e question involved, or a .ere incidental interest3 Enless a person7s constitutional ri/+ts are adversely a**ected 0y t+e statute or ordinance, +e +as no le/al standin/3 ; 0rou/+t t+e petition in +is capacity as taxpayer o* t+e Municipality o* Pana0o, Cavao del >orte and not in +is personal capacity3 9e 6as questionin/ t+e o**icial acts o* t+e t+e .ayor and t+e .e.0ers o* t+e San//unian in passin/ t+e ordinances and enterin/ into t+e lease contracts 6it+ private respondents3 ' taxpayer need not 0e a party to t+e contract to c+allen/e its validity3 Parties suin/ as taxpayers .ust speci*ically prove su**icient interest in preventin/ t+e ille/al expenditure o* .oney raised 0y taxation3 T+e expenditure o* pu0lic *unds 0y an o**icer o* t+e State *or t+e purpose o* executin/ an unconstitutional act constitutes a .isapplication o* suc+ *unds3 T+e resolutions 0ein/ assailed 6ere appropriations ordinances3 ; alle/ed t+at t+ese ordinances 6ere -passed *or t+e 0usiness, occupation, en1oy.ent and 0ene*it o* private respondents4 (t+at is, alle/edly *or t+e private 0ene*it o* respondents) 0ecause even 0e*ore t+ey 6ere passed, Mayor ,a*e and private respondents +ad already entered into lease contracts *or t+e construction and a6ard o* t+e .ar@et stalls3 Private respondents ad.itted t+ey deposited P&I,III eac+ 6it+ t+e .unicipal treasurer, 6+ic+ a.ounts 6ere .ade availa0le to t+e .unicipality durin/ t+e construction o* t+e stalls3 T+e deposits, +o6ever, 6ere needed to ensure t+e speedy co.pletion o* t+e stalls a*ter t+e pu0lic .ar@et 6as /utted 0y a series o* *ires3 T+us, t+e a6ard o* t+e stalls 6as necessarily li.ited only to t+ose 6+o advanced t+eir personal *unds *or t+eir construction3 ; did not seasona0ly alle/e +is interest in preventin/ t+e ille/al expenditure o* pu0lic *unds or t+e speci*ic in1ury to +i. as a result o* t+e en*orce.ent o* t+e questioned resolutions and contracts3 )t 6as only in t+e to ,o..ent4 +e *iled in t+e Supre.e ,ourt did +e *irst assert t+at -+e (6as) 6illin/ to en/a/e in 0usiness and (6as) interested to occupy a .ar@et stall34 Suc+ clai. 6as o0viously an a*tert+ou/+t3 Issue 9':3 8+et+er t+e rule on locus standi s+ould 0e relaxed3 8eld 9':3 ?01ections to a taxpayerDs suit *or lac@ o* su**icient personality, standin/ or interest are procedural .atters3 ,onsiderin/ t+e i.portance to t+e pu0lic o* a suit assailin/ t+e constitutionality o* a tax la6, and in @eepin/ 6it+ t+e ,ourtDs duty, specially explicated in t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, to

deter.ine 6+et+er or not t+e ot+er 0ranc+es o* t+e Govern.ent +ave @ept t+e.selves 6it+in t+e li.its o* t+e ,onstitution and t+e la6s and t+at t+ey +ave not a0used t+e discretion /iven to t+e., t+e Supre.e ,ourt .ay 0rus+ aside tec+nicalities o* procedure and ta@e co/ni=ance o* t+e suit3 T+ere 0ein/ no doctrinal de*inition o* transcendental i.portance, t+e *ollo6in/ deter.inants *or.ulated 0y * Supre.e ,ourt ;ustice #lorentino P3 #eliciano are instructive$ (1) t+e c+aracter o* t+e *unds or ot+er assets involved in t+e caseG (5) t+e presence o* a clear case o* disre/ard o* a constitutional or statutory pro+i0ition 0y t+e pu0lic respondent a/ency or instru.entality o* t+e /overn.entG and (J) t+e lac@ o* any ot+er party 6it+ a .ore direct and speci*ic interest in raisin/ t+e questions 0ein/ raised3 <ut, even i* t+e ,ourt disre/ards ;u.a.il7s lac@ o* le/al standin/, t+is petition .ust still *ail3 T+e su01ect resolutionsKordinances appropriated a total o* P5,5"I,III *or t+e construction o* t+e pu0lic .ar@et stalls3 ; alle/ed t+at t+ese ordinances 6ere discri.inatory 0ecause, even prior to t+eir enact.ent, a decision +ad already 0een .ade to a6ard t+e .ar@et stalls to t+e private respondents 6+o deposited P&I,III eac+ and 6+o 6ere eit+er *riends or relatives o* t+e .ayor or .e.0ers o* t+e San//unian3 ; asserted t+at -t+ere (6as) no pu0lication or invitation to t+e pu0lic t+at t+is contract (6as) availa0le to all 6+o (6ere) interested to o6n a stall and (6ere) 6illin/ to deposit P&I,III34 Respondents, +o6ever, counter t+at t+e -pu0lic respondents7 act o* enterin/ into t+is a/ree.ent 6as aut+ori=ed 0y t+e San//unian/ <ayan o* Pana0o per Resolution 1"I dated 1I ?cto0er 1 ""4 and t+at -all t+e people interested 6ere invited to participate in investin/ t+eir savin/s34 ; *ailed to prove t+e su01ect ordinances and a/ree.ents to 0e discri.inatory3 ,onsiderin/ t+at +e 6as as@in/ t+e ,ourt to nulli*y t+e acts o* t+e local political depart.ent o* Pana0o, Cavao del >orte, +e s+ould +ave clearly esta0lis+ed t+at suc+ ordinances operated un*airly a/ainst t+ose 6+o 6ere not noti*ied and 6+o 6ere t+us not /iven t+e opportunity to .a@e t+eir deposits3 9is unsu0stantiated alle/ation t+at t+e pu0lic 6as not noti*ied did not su**ice3 #urt+er.ore, t+ere 6as t+e ti.e2+onored presu.ption o* re/ularity o* o**icial duty, a0sent any s+o6in/ to t+e contrary3 To'%-"*-o vs. Co++*ss*o- o- E'%c"*o-s LGR 1&"JJ&, 51 ;anuary 5II&M En <anc, ,arpio (;)$ " concur, 1 dissents in separate opinion to 6+ic+ J 1oin 4acts3 S+ortly a*ter +er succession to t+e Presidency in ;anuary 5II1, President Gloria Macapa/al2 'rroyo no.inated t+en Senator Teo*isto T3 Guin/ona, ;r3 (-Senator Guin/ona4) as (ice2President3 ,on/ress con*ir.ed t+e no.ination o* Senator Guin/ona 6+o too@ +is oat+ as (ice2President on #e0ruary 5II13 #ollo6in/ Senator Guin/ona7s con*ir.ation, t+e Senate on " #e0ruary 5II1 passed Resolution "& certi*yin/ to t+e existence o* a vacancy in t+e Senate3 Resolution "& called on ,?MELE, to *ill t+e vacancy t+rou/+ a special election to 0e +eld si.ultaneously 6it+ t+e re/ular elections on 1& May 5II13 T6elve Senators, 6it+ a !2year ter. eac+, 6ere due to 0e elected in t+at election3 Resolution "& *urt+er provided t+at t+e -Senatorial candidate /arnerin/ t+e 1Jt+ +i/+est nu.0er o* votes s+all serve only *or t+e unexpired ter. o* * Senator Teo*isto T3 Guin/ona, ;r3,4 6+ic+ ends on JI ;une 5II&3 ?n H ;une 5II1, a*ter ,?MELE, +ad canvassed t+e election results *ro. all t+e provinces 0ut one (Lanao del >orte), ,?MELE, issued Resolution I12IIH provisionally 1J candidates as t+e elected Senators3 Resolution I12IIH also provided t+at -t+e *irst t6elve (15) Senators s+all serve *or a ter. o* six (!) years and t+e t+irteent+ (1Jt+) Senator s+all serve t+e unexpired ter. o* t+ree (J) years o* Senator Teo*isto T3 Guin/ona, ;r3 6+o

6as appointed (ice2President34 Ralp+ Recto (-Recto4) and Gre/orio 9onasan (-9onasan4) ran@ed 15t+ and 1Jt+, respectively, in Resolution I12IIH3 ?n 5I ;une 5II1, 'rturo Tolentino and 'rturo Mo1ica, as voters and taxpayers, *iled t+e petition *or pro+i0ition, i.pleadin/ only ,?MELE, as respondent3 Tolentino and Mo1ica sou/+t to en1oin ,?MELE, *ro. 6it+ *inality t+e candidate *or Senator receivin/ t+e 1Jt+ +i/+est nu.0er o* votes as t+e 6inner in t+e special election *or a sin/le t+ree2year ter. seat3 'ccordin/ly, Tolentino and Mo1ica prayed *or t+e nulli*ication o* Resolution I12IIH in so *ar as it .a@es a procla.ation to suc+ e**ect3 Tolentino and Mo1ica contend t+at ,?MELE, issued Resolution I12IIH 6it+out 1urisdiction 0ecause$ (1) it *ailed to noti*y t+e electorate o* t+e position to 0e *illed in t+e special election as required under Section 5 o* R' !!&HG (5) it *ailed to require senatorial candidates to indicate in t+eir certi*icates o* candidacy 6+et+er t+ey see@ election under t+e special or re/ular elections as alle/edly required under Section %J o* <P ""1G and, consequently, (J) it *ailed to speci*y in t+e (oters )n*or.ation S+eet t+e candidates see@in/ election under t+e special or re/ular senatorial elections as purportedly required under Section &, para/rap+ & o* R' !!&!3 Tolentino and Mo1ica add t+at 0ecause o* t+ese o.issions, ,?MELE, canvassed all t+e votes cast *or t+e senatorial candidates in t+e 1& May 5II1 elections 6it+out distinction suc+ t+at -t+ere 6ere no t6o separate Senate elections +eld si.ultaneously 0ut 1ust a sin/le election *or t+irteen seats, irrespective o* ter.34 Tolentino and Mo1ica sou/+t t+e issuance o* a te.porary restrainin/ order durin/ t+e pendency o* t+eir petition3 8it+out issuin/ any restrainin/ order, t+e Supre.e ,ourt required ,?MELE, to ,o..ent on t+e petition3 9onasan questioned Tolentino7s and Mo1icaDs standin/ to 0rin/ t+e instant petition as taxpayers and voters 0ecause t+ey do not clai. t+at ,?MELE, ille/ally dis0ursed pu0lic *undsG nor clai. t+at t+ey sustained personal in1ury 0ecause o* t+e issuance o* Resolutions I12IIH and I12II!3 Issue3 8+et+er Tolentino and Mo1ica +ave standin/ to liti/ate3 8eld3 -Le/al standin/4 or locus standi re*ers to a personal and su0stantial interest in a case suc+ t+at t+e party +as sustained or 6ill sustain direct in1ury 0ecause o* t+e c+allen/ed /overn.ental act3 T+e require.ent o* standin/, 6+ic+ necessarily -s+arpens t+e presentation o* issues,4 relates to t+e constitutional .andate t+at t+is ,ourt settle only actual cases or controversies3 T+us, /enerally, a party 6ill 0e allo6ed to liti/ate only 6+en (1) +e can s+o6 t+at +e +as personally su**ered so.e actual or t+reatened in1ury 0ecause o* t+e alle/edly ille/al conduct o* t+e /overn.entG (5) t+e in1ury is *airly tracea0le to t+e c+allen/ed actionG and (J) t+e in1ury is li@ely to 0e redressed 0y a *avora0le action3 'pplied strictly, t+e doctrine o* standin/ to liti/ate 6ill indeed 0ar t+e present petition3 )n questionin/, in t+eir capacity as voters, t+e validity o* t+e special election on 1& May 5II1, Tolentino and Mo1ica assert a +ar. classi*ied as a -/enerali=ed /rievance34 T+is /enerali=ed /rievance is s+ared in su0stantially equal .easure 0y a lar/e class o* voters, i* not all t+e voters, 6+o voted in t+at election3 >eit+er +ave Tolentino and Mo1ica alle/ed, in t+eir capacity as taxpayers, t+at t+e ,ourt s+ould /ive due course to t+e petition 0ecause in t+e special election +eld on 1& May 5II1 -tax .oney L6asM Tx x x extracted and spent in violation o* speci*ic constitutional protections a/ainst a0uses o* le/islative po6er 7 or t+at t+ere L6asM .isapplication o* suc+ *unds 0y ,?MELE, or t+at pu0lic .oney L6asM de*lected to any i.proper purpose34 ?n t+e ot+er +and, t+e ,ourt +as relaxed t+e require.ent on standin/ and exercised our discretion to /ive due course to voters7 suits involvin/ t+e ri/+t o* su**ra/e3 T+e ,ourt +as t+e discretion to ta@e co/ni=ance o* a suit 6+ic+ does not satis*y t+e require.ent o* le/al standin/ 6+en para.ount interest is involved3

)n not a *e6 cases, t+e court +as adopted a li0eral attitude on t+e locus standi o* a petitioner 6+ere t+e petitioner is a0le to cra*t an issue o* transcendental si/ni*icance to t+e people3 T+us, 6+en t+e issues raised are o* para.ount i.portance to t+e pu0lic, t+e ,ourt .ay 0rus+ aside tec+nicalities o* procedure3 T+e ,ourt accords t+e sa.e treat.ent to Tolentino and Mo1ica in t+e present case in t+eir capacity as voters since t+ey raise i.portant issues involvin/ t+eir ri/+t o* su**ra/e, considerin/ t+at t+e issue raised in t+e petition is li@ely to arise a/ain3 )%oB'% vs. 5%ra LGR &H!"H, 1! >ove.0er 1 J%M #irst Civision, Laurel (;)$ & concur, 5 concur in result 4acts3 T+e People o* t+e P+ilippine and t+e 9on/@on/ and S+an/+ai <an@in/ ,orporation (9S<,), are respectively t+e plainti** and t+e o**ended party, and Mariano ,u En1ien/ is one o* t+e de*endants, in t+e cri.inal case entitled BT+e People o* t+e P+ilippine )slands vs3 Mariano ,u En1ien/, et al3B (,ri.inal case &5!& ) o* t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance (,#)) o* Manila and GR &15II o* t+e Supr.e ,ourt3 9on3 ;ose ?3 (era, is t+e ;ud/e ad interi. o* t+e sevent+ 0ranc+ o* t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance o* Manila, 6+o +eard t+e application o* ,u En1ien/ *or pro0ation in t+e a*oresaid cri.inal case3 T+e in*or.ation in t+e said cri.inal case 6as *iled 6it+ t+e ,#) on 1H ?cto0er 1 J1, 9S<, intervenin/ in t+e case as private prosecutor3 '*ter a protracted trial unparalleled in t+e annals o* P+ilippine 1urisprudence 0ot+ in t+e len/t+ o* ti.e spent 0y t+e court as 6ell as in t+e volu.e in t+e testi.ony and t+e 0ul@ o* t+e ex+i0its presented, t+e ,#), on " ;anuary 1 J&, rendered a 1ud/.ent o* conviction sentencin/ ,u En1ien/ to indeter.inate penalty ran/in/ *ro. & years and 5 .ont+s o* prision correccional to " years o* prision .ayor, to pay t+e costs and 6it+ reservation o* civil action to t+e o**ended party, 9S<,3 Epon appeal, t+e court, on 5! Marc+ 1 JH, .odi*ied t+e sentence to an indeter.inate penalty o* *ro. H years and ! .ont+s o* prision correccional to % years, ! .ont+s and 5% days o* prision .ayor, 0ut a**ir.ed t+e 1ud/.ent in all ot+er respects3 ,u En1ien/ *iled a .otion *or reconsideration and *our successive .otions *or ne6 trial 6+ic+ 6ere denied on 1% Cece.0er 1 JH, and *inal 1ud/.ent 6as accordin/ly entered on 1" Cece.0er 1 JH3 ,u En1ien/ t+ereupon sou/+t to +ave t+e case elevated on certiorari to t+e Supre.e ,ourt o* t+e Enited States 0ut t+e latter denied t+e petition *or certiorari in >ove.0er, 1 J!3 T+e Supre.e ,ourt, on 5& >ove.0er 1 J!, denied t+e petition su0sequently *iled 0y ,u En1ien/ *or leave to *ile a second alternative .otion *or reconsideration or ne6 trial and t+erea*ter re.anded t+e case to t+e court o* ori/in *or execution o* t+e 1ud/.ent3 ,u En1ien/ *iled an application *or pro0ation on 5% >ove.0er 1 J!, 0e*ore t+e trial court, under t+e provisions o* 'ct &551 o* t+e de*unct P+ilippine Le/islature3 ,u En1ien/ states in +is petition, inter alia, t+at +e is innocent o* t+e cri.e o* 6+ic+ +e 6as convicted, t+at +e +as no cri.inal record and t+at +e 6ould o0serve /ood conduct in t+e *uture3 T+e ,#) o* Manila, ;ud/e Pedro Tuason presidin/, re*erred t+e application *or pro0ation o* t+e )nsular Pro0ation ?**ice 6+ic+ reco..ended denial o* t+e sa.e 1" ;une 1 J%3 T+erea*ter, t+e ,#) o* Manila, sevent+ 0ranc+, ;ud/e ;ose ?3 (era presidin/, set t+e petition *or +earin/ on H 'pril 1 J%3 ?n 5 'pril 1 J%, t+e #iscal o* t+e ,ity o* Manila *iled an opposition to t+e /rantin/ o* pro0ation to ,u En1ien/3 T+e private prosecution also *iled an opposition on H 'pril 1 J%, alle/in/, a.on/ ot+er t+in/s, t+at 'ct &551, t+at it +as not 0een repealed 0y section 5 o* 'rticle A( o* t+e ,onstitution, is nevert+eless violative o* section 1, su0section (1), 'rticle ))) o* t+e ,onstitution /uaranteein/ equal protection o* t+e la6s

*or t+e reason t+at its applica0ility is not uni*or. t+rou/+out t+e )slands and 0ecause section 11 o* t+e said 'ct endo6s t+e provincial 0oards 6it+ t+e po6er to .a@e said la6 e**ective or ot+er6ise in t+eir respective or ot+er6ise in t+eir respective provinces3 T+e private prosecution also *iled a supple.entary opposition on 'pril 1 , 1 J%, ela0oratin/ on t+e alle/ed unconstitutionality on 'ct &551, as an undue dele/ation o* le/islative po6er to t+e provincial 0oards o* several provinces (sec3 1, 'rt3 (), ,onstitution)3 T+e ,ity #iscal concurred in t+e opposition o* t+e private prosecution except 6it+ respect to t+e questions raised concernin/ t+e constitutionality o* 'ct &5513 ?n 5" ;une 1 J%, ;ud/e ;ose ?3 (era pro.ul/ated a resolution, concludin/ t+at ,u En1ien/ Bes inocente por duda racionalB o* t+e cri.e o* 6+ic+ +e stands convicted 0y t+e Supre.e court in GR &15II, 0ut denyin/ t+e latterDs petition *or pro0ation3 ?n J ;uly 1 J%, counsel *or ,u En1ien/ *iled an exception to t+e resolution denyin/ pro0ation and a notice o* intention to *ile a .otion *or reconsideration3 'n alternative .otion *or reconsideration or ne6 trial 6as *iled 0y counsel on 1J ;uly 1 J%3 T+is 6as supple.ented 0y an additional .otion *or reconsideration su0.itted on 1& ;uly 1 J%3 T+e a*oresaid .otions 6ere set *or +earin/ on J1 ;uly 1 J%, 0ut said +earin/ 6as postponed at t+e petition o* counsel *or ,u En1ien/ 0ecause a .otion *or leave to intervene in t+e case as a.ici curiae si/ned 0y JJ (J&) attorneys +ad 1ust 0een *iled 6it+ t+e trial court3 ?n ! 'u/ust 1 J%, t+e #iscal o* t+e ,ity o* Manila *iled a .otion 6it+ t+e trial court *or t+e issuance o* an order o* execution o* t+e 1ud/.ent o* t+is court in said case and *ort+6it+ to ,u En1ien/ to 1ail in o0edience to said 1ud/.ent3 ?n 1I 'u/ust 1 J%, ;ud/e (era issued an order requirin/ all parties includin/ t+e .ovants *or intervention as a.ici curiae to appear 0e*ore t+e court on 1& 'u/ust 1 J%3 ?n t+e last2.entioned date, t+e #iscal o* t+e ,ity o* Manila .oved *or t+e +earin/ o* +is .otion *or execution o* 1ud/.ent in pre*erence to t+e .otion *or leave to intervene as a.ici curiae 0ut, upon o01ection o* counsel *or ,u En1ien/, +e .oved *or t+e postpone.ent o* t+e +earin/ o* 0ot+ .otions3 T+e 1ud/e t+ereupon set t+e +earin/ o* t+e .otion *or execution on 51 'u/ust 1 J%, 0ut proceeded to consider t+e .otion *or leave to intervene as a.ici curiae as in order3 Evidence as to t+e circu.stances under 6+ic+ said .otion *or leave to intervene as a.ici curiae 6as si/ned and su0.itted to court 6as to +ave 0een +eard on 1 'u/ust 1 J%3 <ut at t+is 1uncture, 9S<, and t+e People ca.e to t+e Supre.e ,ourt on extraordinary le/al process to put an end to 6+at t+ey alle/ed 6as an inter.ina0le proceedin/ in t+e ,#) o* Manila 6+ic+ *ostered Bt+e ca.pai/n o* t+e de*endant Mariano ,u En1ien/ *or delay in t+e execution o* t+e sentence i.posed 0y t+is 9onora0le ,ourt on +i., exposin/ t+e courts to criticis. and ridicule 0ecause o* t+e apparent ina0ility o* t+e 1udicial .ac+inery to .a@e e**ective a *inal 1ud/.ent o* t+is court i.posed on t+e de*endant Mariano ,u En1ien/3B T+e sc+eduled +earin/ 0e*ore t+e trial court 6as accordin/ly suspended upon t+e issuance o* a te.porary restrainin/ order 0y t+e Supre.e ,ourt on 51 'u/ust 1 J%3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e People o* t+e P+ilippines, t+rou/+ t+e Solicitor General and #iscal o* t+e ,ity o* Manila, is a proper party in present case3 8eld3 :ES3 T+e People o* t+e P+ilippines, represented 0y t+e Solicitor2General and t+e #iscal o* t+e ,ity o* Manila, is a proper party in t+e present proceedin/s3 T+e unc+allen/ed rule is t+at t+e person 6+o i.pu/ns t+e validity o* a statute .ust +ave a personal and su0stantial interest in t+e case suc+ t+at +e +as sustained, or 6ill sustained, direct in1ury as a result o* its en*orce.ent3 )t /oes 6it+out sayin/ t+at i* 'ct &551 really violates t+e constitution, t+e People o* t+e P+ilippines, in 6+ose na.e t+e present action is 0rou/+t, +as a su0stantial interest in +avin/ it set aside3 ?* /reater i.port t+an

t+e da.a/e caused 0y t+e ille/al expenditure o* pu0lic *unds is t+e .ortal 6ound in*licted upon t+e *unda.ental la6 0y t+e en*orce.ent o* an invalid statute3 9ence, t+e 6ell2settled rule t+at t+e state can c+allen/e t+e validity o* its o6n la6s3 Arc%"a vs. Ma-Dro.a-D LGR 1H5" H, 1H ;une 5II&M Resolution En <anc, Puisu.0in/ (;)$ 15 concur, 1 on o**icial leave 4acts3 T+e ,ity Prosecutor o* >avotas, Metro Manila c+ar/ed ?*elia (3 'rceta 6it+ violatin/ <atas Pa.0ansa 55 in an )n*or.ation (,ri.inal ,ase 1H 2,R), alle/in/ in an )n*or.ation t+at on or a0out 1! Septe.0er 1 ", 'rceta issued a Re/ional <an@ c+ec@ 6ort+ P%&I,III (postdated 51 Cece.0er 1 ") to ?scar R3 ,astro paya0le in ,'S9, 6ell2@no6in/ t+at at t+e ti.e o* issue s+e did +ave su**icient *unds or credit 6it+ t+e dra6ee 0an@ *or t+e pay.ent, and despite receipt o* notice o* suc+ dis+onor, 'rceta *ailed to pay said payee 6it+ t+e *ace a.ount o* said c+ec@ or to .a@e arran/e.ent *or *ull pay.ent t+ereo* 6it+in H 0an@in/ days a*ter receivin/ notice3 'rceta did not .ove to +ave t+e c+ar/e a/ainst +er dis.issed or t+e )n*or.ation quas+ed on t+e /round t+at <P 55 6as unconstitutional3 S+e reasoned out t+at 6it+ t+e Lo=ano doctrine still in place, suc+ a .ove 6ould 0e an exercise in *utility *or it 6as +i/+ly unli@ely t+at t+e trial court 6ould /rant +er .otion and t+us /o a/ainst prevailin/ 1urisprudence3 ?n 51 ?cto0er 5II5, 'rceta 6as arrai/ned and pleaded -not /uilty4 to t+e c+ar/e3 9o6ever, s+e .ani*ested t+at +er arrai/n.ent s+ould 0e 6it+out pre1udice to t+e present petition or to any ot+er actions s+e 6ould ta@e to suspend proceedin/s in t+e trial court3 'rceta LGR 1H5" HM t+en *iled t+e petition *or certiorari, pro+i0ition and, 6it+ prayers *or a te.porary restrainin/ order, assailin/ t+e constitutionality o* t+e <ouncin/ ,+ec@s La6 (<P 55)3 ?n t+e ot+er +and, t+e ?**ice o* t+e ,ity Prosecutor o* ,aloocan *iled a c+ar/e s+eet a/ainst Gloria S3 Cy *or violation o* t+e <ouncin/ ,+ec@s La6 (MeT, o* ,aloocan ,ity, ,ri.inal ,ase 5151"J), alle/in/ in t+e )n*or.ation t+at on or a0out t+e .ont+ o* ;anuary 5III, Cy issued Prudential <an@ ,+ec@ IIIIJ5 5JI in t+e a.ount o* P5,HII,III3II dated 1 ;anuary 5III in *avor o* 'nita ,+ua 6ell @no6in/ at t+e ti.e o* issue t+at s+e +as no su**icient *unds in or credit 6it+ t+e dra6ee 0an@ *or t+e pay.ent o* suc+ c+ec@ in *ull upon its present.ent 6+ic+ c+ec@ 6as su0sequently dis+onored *or t+e reason -',,?E>T ,L?SEC4 and 6it+ intent to de*raud *ailed and still *ails to pay t+e said co.plainant t+e a.ount o* P5,HII,III3II despite receipt o* notice *ro. t+e dra6ee 0an@ t+at said c+ec@ +as 0een dis+onored and +ad not 0een paid3 Li@e 'rceta, Cy .ade no .ove to dis.iss t+e c+ar/es a/ainst +er on t+e /round t+at <P 55 6as unconstitutional3 Cy li@e6ise 0elieved t+at any .ove on +er part to quas+ t+e indict.ent or to dis.iss t+e c+ar/es on said /round 6ould *ail in vie6 o* t+e Lo=ano rulin/3 )nstead, s+e *iled a petition 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt invo@in/ its po6er o* 1udicial revie6 to +ave t+e said la6 voided *or ,onstitutional in*ir.ity3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e ,ourt s+ould render <P55 unconstitutional due to t+e present econo.ic and *inancial crisis, else due to t+e undue 0urden .ade upon t+e MeT, 0y 0ouncin/ c+ec@s cases3 8eld3 8+en t+e issue o* unconstitutionality o* a le/islative act is raised, it is t+e esta0lis+ed doctrine t+at t+e ,ourt .ay exercise its po6er o* 1udicial revie6 only i* t+e *ollo6in/ requisites are present$ (1) an actual and appropriate case and controversy existsG (5) a personal and su0stantial interest o* t+e party raisin/ t+e constitutional questionG (J) t+e exercise o* 1udicial revie6 is pleaded at t+e earliest opportunityG and (&) t+e constitutional question raised is t+e very lis .ota o* t+e case3

?nly 6+en t+ese requisites are satis*ied .ay t+e ,ourt assu.e 1urisdiction over a question o* unconstitutionality or invalidity o* an act o* ,on/ress3 8it+ due re/ard to counsel7s spirited advocacy in 0ot+ cases, t+e ,ourt 6as una0le to a/ree t+at t+e said requisites +ave 0een adequately .et3 >or does t+e ,ourt *ind t+e constitutional question raised to 0e t+e very lis .ota presented in t+e controversy 0elo63 Every la6 +as in its *avor t+e presu.ption o* constitutionality, and to 1usti*y its nulli*ication, t+ere .ust 0e a clear and unequivocal 0reac+ o* t+e ,onstitution, and not one t+at is dou0t*ul, speculative or ar/u.entative3 T+e ,ourt exa.ined t+e contentions o* 'rceta and Cy care*ullyG 0ut t+ey still +ave to persuade us t+at <P 55 0y itsel* or in its i.ple.entation trans/ressed a provision o* t+e ,onstitution3 Even t+e t+esis o* Cy t+at t+e present econo.ic and *inancial crisis s+ould 0e a 0asis to declare t+e <ouncin/ ,+ec@s La6 constitutionally in*ir. deserves 0ut scant consideration3 's stressed in Lo=ano, it is precisely durin/ tryin/ t+at t+ere exists a .ost co.pellin/ reason to stren/t+en *ait+ and con*idence in t+e *inancial syste. and any practice tendin/ to destroy con*idence in c+ec@s as currency su0stitutes s+ould 0e deterred, to prevent +avoc in t+e tradin/ and *inancial co..unities3 #urt+er, 6+ile indeed t+e .etropolitan trial courts .ay 0e 0urdened i..ensely 0y 0ouncin/ c+ec@s cases no6, t+at *act is i..aterial to t+e alle/ed invalidity o* t+e la6 0ein/ assailed3 T+e solution to t+e clo//in/ o* doc@ets in lo6er courts lies else6+ere3 M*raso' vs. Co$r" o@ ABB%a's LGR 15"&&", 1 #e0ruary 5II1M Second Civision, Puisu.0in/ (;)$ & concur 4acts3 Spouses 'le1andro and Lilia Mirasol are su/arland o6ners and planters3 )n 1 %J21 %&, t+ey produced %I,HI13I" piculs o* su/ar, 5H,!!53J! o* 6+ic+ 6ere assi/ned *or export3 T+e *ollo6in/ crop year, t+eir acrea/e planted to t+e sa.e crop 6as lo6er, yieldin/ !H,1II piculs o* su/ar, 6it+ 5J,! !3&I piculs .ar@ed *or export3 T+e P+ilippine >ational <an@ (P><) *inanced t+e MirasolsD su/ar production venture *or crop years, 1 %J21 %& and 1 %&21 %H under a crop loan *inancin/ sc+e.e3 Ender said sc+e.e, t+e Mirasols si/ned ,redit '/ree.ents, a ,+attel Mort/a/e on Standin/ ,rops, and a Real Estate Mort/a/e in *avor o* P><3 T+e ,+attel Mort/a/e e.po6ered P>< as t+e MirasolsD attorney2in2*act to ne/otiate and to sell t+e latterDs su/ar in 0ot+ do.estic and export .ar@ets and to apply t+e proceeds to t+e pay.ent o* t+eir o0li/ations to it3 Exercisin/ +is la62 .a@in/ po6ers under Martial La6, t+en President #erdinand Marcos issued Presidential Cecree H% in >ove.0er, 1 %&3 T+e decree aut+ori=ed t+e P+ilippine Exc+an/e ,o3, )nc3 (P9)LEA) to purc+ase su/ar allocated *or export to t+e Enited States and to ot+er *orei/n .ar@ets3 T+e price and quantity 6as deter.ined 0y t+e Su/ar Puota 'd.inistration, P><, t+e Cepart.ent o* Trade and )ndustry, and *inally, 0y t+e ?**ice o* t+e President3 T+e decree *urt+er aut+ori=ed P>< to *inance P9)LEADs purc+ases3 #inally, t+e decree directed t+at 6+atever pro*it P9)LEA .i/+t reali=e *ro. sales o* su/ar a0road 6as to 0e re.itted to a special *und o* t+e national /overn.ent, a*ter co..issions, over+ead expenses and lia0ilities +ad 0een deducted3 T+e /overn.ent o**ices and entities tas@ed 0y existin/ la6s and ad.inistrative re/ulations to oversee t+e su/ar export pe//ed t+e purc+ase price o* export su/ar in crop years 1 %J21 %& and 1 %&21 %H at P1"I3II per picul3 P>< continued to *inance t+e su/ar production o* t+e Mirasols *or crop years 1 %H21 %! and 1 %!21 %%3 T+ese crop loans and si.ilar o0li/ations 6ere secured 0y real estate .ort/a/es over several properties o* t+e Mirasols and c+attel .ort/a/es over standin/ crops3 <elievin/ t+at t+e proceeds o* t+eir su/ar sales

to P><, i* properly accounted *or, 6ere .ore t+an enou/+ to pay t+eir o0li/ations, t+e Mirasols as@ed P>< *or an accountin/ o* t+e proceeds o* t+e sale o* t+eir export su/ar3 P>< i/nored t+e request3 Mean6+ile, t+e Mirasols continued to avail o* ot+er loans *ro. P>< and to .a@e un*unded 6it+dra6als *ro. t+eir current accounts 6it+ said 0an@3 P>< t+en as@ed Mirasols to settle t+eir due and de.anda0le accounts3 's a result o* t+ese de.ands *or pay.ent, t+e Mirasols on & 'u/ust 1 %%, conveyed to P>< real properties valued at P1,&1I,&!!3II 0y 6ay o* dacion en pa/o, leavin/ an unpaid overdra6n account o* P1,H1J,J&%3%"3 ?n 1I 'u/ust 1 "5, t+e 0alance o* outstandin/ su/ar crop and ot+er loans o6ed 0y t+e Mirasols to P>< stood at P1H, !&,5H53 J3 Cespite de.ands, t+e Mirasols *ailed to settle said due and de.anda0le accounts3 P>< t+en proceeded to extra1udicially *oreclose t+e .ort/a/ed properties3 '*ter applyin/ t+e proceeds o* t+e auction sale o* t+e .ort/a/ed realties, P>< still +ad a de*iciency clai. o* P15,HH1,5H53 J3 T+e Mirasols continued to as@ P>< to account *or t+e proceeds o* t+e sale o* t+eir export su/ar *or crop years 1 %J21 %& and 1 %&21 %H, insistin/ t+at said proceeds, i* properly liquidated, could o**set t+eir outstandin/ o0li/ations 6it+ t+e 0an@3 P>< re.ained ada.ant in its stance t+at under PC H% , t+ere 6as not+in/ to account since under said la6, all earnin/s *ro. t+e export sales o* su/ar pertained to t+e >ational Govern.ent and 6ere su01ect to t+e disposition o* t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines *or pu0lic purposes3 ?n 'u/ust 1 % , t+e Mirasols *iled a suit *or accountin/, speci*ic per*or.ance, and da.a/es a/ainst P>< 6it+ t+e Re/ional Trial ,ourt o* <acolod ,ity (,ivil ,ase 1&%5H)3 ?n 1! ;une 1 "%, t+e co.plaint 6as a.ended to i.plead P9)LEA as party2de*endant3 '*ter trial on t+e .erits, t+e trial court decided in *avor o* t+e Mirasols (1) declarin/ PC H% and all circulars, as 6ell as policies, orders and ot+er issuances issued in *urt+erance t+ereo*, unconstitutional and t+ere*ore, >ELL and (?)C 0ein/ in /ross violation o* t+e <ill o* Ri/+tsG (5) ?rderin/ P>< and P9)LEA to pay, 1ointly and severally, t+e Mirasols t+e 6+ole a.ount correspondin/ to t+e residue o* t+e unliquidated actual cost price o* 5H,!!5 piculs in export su/ar *or crop year 1 %J21 %& at an avera/e price o* PJII3II per picul, deductin/ t+ere*ro. +o6ever, t+e a.ount o* P1"I3II already paid in advance plus t+e allo6a0le deductions in service *ees and ot+er c+ar/esG (J) and also, *or P>< and P9)LEA to pay, 1ointly and severally, t+e Mirasols t+e 6+ole a.ount correspondin/ to t+e unpaid actual price o* 1&,H ! piculs o* export su/ar *or crop year 1 %&21 %H at an avera/e rate o* P51&31& per picul .inus +o6ever, t+e su. o* P1"I3II per picul already paid 0y P>< and P9)LEA in advance and t+e allo6a0le deduction in service *ees and ot+er c+ar/esG and (&) directin/ P>< and P9)LEA to pay, 1ointly and severally, t+e Mirasols t+e su. o* PHI,III3II in .oral da.a/es and t+e a.ount o* PHI,III3II as attorneyDs *ees, plus t+e costs o* t+e liti/ation3 T+e sa.e 6as, +o6ever, .odi*ied 0y a Resolution o* t+e trial court dated 1& May 1 5, 6+ic+ addin/ t+e *ollo6in/ para/rap+$ BT+is decision s+ould +o6ever, 0e interpreted 6it+out pre1udice to 6+atever 0ene*its t+at .ay +ave accrued in *avor o* t+e plainti**s 6it+ t+e passa/e and approval o* Repu0lic 'ct %5I5 ot+er6ise @no6n as t+e DSu/ar Restitution La6,D aut+ori=in/ t+e restitution o* losses su**ered 0y t+e plainti**s *ro. ,rop year 1 %&21 %H to ,rop year 1 "&21 "H occasioned 0y t+e actuations o* /overn.ent2o6ned and controlled a/encies3B T+e Mirasols t+en *iled an appeal 6it+ t+e appellate court (,'2GR ,( J"!I%), *aultin/ t+e trial court *or not nulli*yin/ t+e dacion en pa/o and t+e .ort/a/e contracts, as 6ell as t+e *oreclosure o* t+eir .ort/a/ed properties, and t+e trial courtDs *ailure to a6ard t+e. t+e *ull .oney clai.s and da.a/es sou/+t *ro. 0ot+ P>< and P9)LEA3 ?n 55 ;uly 1 !, t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals reversed t+e trial court (1) declarin/ t+e dacion en pa/o and t+e *oreclosure o* t+e .ort/a/ed properties validG (5) orderin/ t+e P>< to render an accountin/ o* t+e su/ar account o* t+e MirasolLsM speci*ically statin/ t+e inde0tedness o* t+e latter to t+e * and t+e proceeds o* MirasolsD 1 %J21 %& and 1 %&21 %H

su/ar production sold pursuant to and in accordance 6it+ PC H% and t+e issuances t+ere*ro.G (J) orderin/ t+e P>< to reco.pute in accordance 6it+ R' %5I5 MirasolsD inde0tedness to it creditin/ to t+e latter pay.ents already .ade as 6ell as t+e auction price o* t+eir *oreclosed real estate and stipulated value o* t+eir properties ceded to P>< in t+e dacion en pa/oG and (&) 6+atever t+e result o* t+e reco.putation o* MirasolsD account, t+e outstandin/ 0alance or t+e excess pay.ent s+all 0e /overned 0y t+e pertinent provisions o* R' %5I53 ?n 5" 'u/ust 1 !, t+e Mirasols .oved *or reconsideration, 6+ic+ t+e appellate court denied on 5J ;anuary 1 %3 T+e Mirasols *iled t+e petition *or revie6 on certiorari 6it+ t+e Supre.e ,ourt3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e Trial ,ourt +as 1urisdiction to declare a statute unconstitutional 6it+out notice to t+e Solicitor General 6+ere t+e parties +ave a/reed to suc+ issue *or t+e resolution o* t+e Trial ,ourt3 8eld3 )t is settled t+at Re/ional Trial ,ourts +ave t+e aut+ority and 1urisdiction to consider t+e constitutionality o* a statute, presidential decree, or executive order3 T+e ,onstitution vests t+e po6er o* 1udicial revie6 or t+e po6er to declare a la6, treaty, international or executive a/ree.ent, presidential decree, order, instruction, ordinance, or re/ulation not only in t+is ,ourt, 0ut in all Re/ional Trial ,ourts3 #urt+er.ore, <P 15 /rants Re/ional Trial ,ourts t+e aut+ority to rule on t+e con*or.ity o* la6s or treaties 6it+ t+e ,onstitution3 9o6ever, Rule !&, Section J (>otice to Solicitor General) o* t+e Rules o* ,ourt provides t+at Bin any action 6+ic+ involves t+e validity o* a statute, or executive order or re/ulation, t+e Solicitor General s+all 0e noti*ied 0y t+e party attac@in/ t+e statute, executive order, or re/ulation, and s+all 0e entitled to 0e +eard upon suc+ question3B T+e purpose o* t+e .andatory notice in Rule !&, Section J is to ena0le t+e Solicitor General to decide 6+et+er or not +is intervention in t+e action assailin/ t+e validity o* a la6 or treaty is necessary3 To deny t+e Solicitor General suc+ notice 6ould 0e tanta.ount to deprivin/ +i. o* +is day in court3 T+e .andatory notice require.ent is not li.ited to actions involvin/ declaratory relie* and si.ilar re.edies3 T+e rule itsel* provides t+at suc+ notice is required in Bany actionB and not 1ust actions involvin/ declaratory relie*3 8+ere t+ere is no a.0i/uity in t+e 6ords used in t+e rule, t+ere is no roo. *or construction3 )n all actions assailin/ t+e validity o* a statute, treaty, presidential decree, order, or procla.ation, notice to t+e Solicitor General is .andatory3 9erein, t+e Solicitor General 6as never noti*ied a0out ,ivil ,ase 1&%5H3 >or did t+e trial court ever require +i. to appear in person or 0y a representative or to *ile any pleadin/ or .e.orandu. on t+e constitutionality o* t+e assailed decree3 9ence, t+e ,ourt o* 'ppeals did not err in +oldin/ t+at lac@ o* t+e required notice .ade it i.proper *or t+e trial court to pass upon t+e constitutional validity o* t+e questioned presidential decrees3 Sa'o-Da vs. Cr$M-)a-o LGR H H5&, 1" #e0ruary 1 "HM En <anc, Gutierre= ;r3 (;)$ concur, 1 concur in separate opinion, J too@ no part 4acts3 ' ras+ o* 0o.0in/s occurred in t+e Metro Manila area in t+e .ont+s o* 'u/ust, Septe.0er and ?cto0er o* 1 "I3 ?n ! Septe.0er 1 "I, one (ictor <urns Lovely, ;r3, a P+ilippine20orn '.erican citi=en *ro. Los 'n/eles, ,ali*ornia, al.ost @illed +i.sel* and in1ured +is youn/er 0rot+er, Ro.eo, as a result o* t+e explosion o* a s.all 0o.0 inside +is roo. at t+e :M,' 0uildin/ in Manila3 #ound in LovelyDs possession 0y police and .ilitary aut+orities 6ere several pictures

ta@en so.eti.e in May 1 "I at t+e 0irt+day party o* * ,on/ Raul Ca=a +eld at t+e latterDs residence in a Los 'n/eles su0ur03 ;ovito R3 Salon/a and +is 6i*e 6ere a.on/ t+ose 6+ose li@enesses appeared in t+e /roup pictures to/et+er 6it+ ot+er /uests, includin/ Lovely3 's a result o* t+e serious in1uries +e su**ered, Lovely 6as 0rou/+t 0y .ilitary and police aut+orities to t+e '#P Medical ,enter ((3 Luna 9ospital) 6+ere +e 6as place in t+e custody and detention o* ,ol3 P3 Madella, under t+e over2all direction o* General #a0ian (er, +ead o* t+e >ational )ntelli/ence and Security 'ut+ority (>)S')3 S+ortly a*ter6ards, Mr3 Lovely and +is t6o 0rot+ers, Ro.eo and <alta=ar Lovely 6+ere c+ar/ed 6it+ su0version, ille/al possession o* explosives, and da.a/e to property3 ?n 15 Septe.0er 1 "I, 0o.0s once a/ain exploded in Metro Manila includin/ one 6+ic+ resulted in t+e deat+ o* an '.erican lady 6+o 6as s+oppin/ at RustanDs in Ma@ati and ot+ers 6+ic+ caused in1uries to a nu.0er o* persons3 ?n 5I Septe.0er 1 "I, t+e PresidentDs anniversary television radio press con*erence 6as 0roadcast3 T+e youn/er 0rot+er o* (ictor Lovely, Ro.eo, 6as presented durin/ t+e con*erence3 T+e next day, ne6spapers ca.e out 6it+ al.ost identical +eadlines statin/ in e**ect t+at Salon/a +ad 0een lin@ed to t+e various 0o.0in/s in Metro Manila3 Mean6+ile, on 5H Septe.0er 1 "I, Lovely 6as ta@en out o* t+e +ospitalDs intensive care unit and trans*erred to t+e o**ice o* ,ol3 Madella 6+ere +e 6as +eld inco..unicado *or so.eti.e3 ?n t+e ni/+t o* & ?cto0er 1 "I, .ore 0o.0s 6ere reported to +ave exploded at J 0i/ +otels in Metro Manila3 T+e 0o.0s in1ured people3 ' .eetin/ o* t+e General Military ,ouncil 6as called *or ! ?cto0er 1 "I3 ?n 1 ?cto0er 1 "I, .inutes a*ter t+e President +ad *inis+ed deliverin/ +is speec+ 0e*ore t+e )nternational ,on*erence o* t+e '.erican Society o* Travel '/ents at t+e P+ilippine )nternational ,onvention ,enter, a s.all 0o.0 exploded3 8it+in t+e next 5& +ours, arrest, searc+, and sei=ure orders ('SS?s) 6ere issued a/ainst persons, includin/ Salon/a, 6+o 6ere apparently i.plicated 0y (ictor Lovely in t+e series o* 0o.0in/s in Metro Manila3 ?n 51 ?cto0er 1 "I, ele.ents o* t+e .ilitary 6ent to t+e +ospital roo. o* Salon/a at t+e Manila Medical ,enter 6+ere +e 6as con*ined due to +is recurrent and c+ronic ail.ent o* 0ronc+ial ast+.a and placed +i. under arrest3 T+e arrestin/ o**icer s+o6ed Salon/a t+e 'SS? *or. 6+ic+ +o6ever did not speci*y t+e c+ar/e or c+ar/es a/ainst +i.3 #or so.e ti.e, Salon/aDs la6yers 6ere not per.itted to visit +i. in +is +ospital roo. until t+e Supre.e ,ourt in t+e case o* ?rdoWe= v3 Gen3 #a0ian (er, et al3, (GR HHJ&H, 5" ?cto0er 1 "I) issued an order directin/ t+at Salon/aDs ri/+t to 0e visited 0y counsel 0e respected3 ?n 5 >ove.0er 1 "I, Salon/a 6as trans*erred a/ainst +is o01ections *ro. +is +ospital arrest to an isolation roo. 6it+out 6indo6s in an ar.y prison ca.p at #ort <oni*acio, Ma@ati3 Salon/a stated t+at +e 6as not in*or.ed 6+y +e 6as trans*erred and detained, nor 6as +e ever investi/ated or questioned 0y any .ilitary or civil aut+ority3 Su0sequently, on 5% >ove.0er 1 "I, Salon/a 6as released *or +u.anitarian reasons *ro. .ilitary custody and placed Bunder +ouse arrest in t+e custody o* Mrs3 Lydia Salon/aB still 6it+out t+e 0ene*it o* any investi/ation or c+ar/es3 ?n 1I Cece.0er 1 "I, t+e ;ud/e 'dvocate General sent Salon/a a B>otice o* Preli.inary )nvesti/ationB in People v3 <eni/no 'quino, ;r3, et al3 (6+ic+ included Salon/a as a co2accused)3 Ep to t+e ti.e .artial la6 6as li*ted on 1% ;anuary 1 "1, and despite assurance to t+e contrary, Salon/a +as not received any copies o* t+e c+ar/es a/ainst +i. nor any copies o* t+e so2called supportin/ evidence3 ?n #e0ruary 1 "1, t+e records o* t+e case 6ere turned over 0y t+e ;ud/e 'dvocate GeneralDs ?**ice to t+e Ministry o* ;ustice3 ?n 5& #e0ruary 1 "1, t+e ,ity #iscal *iled a co.plaint accusin/ Salon/a, a.on/ ot+ers o* +avin/ violated R' 1%II, as a.ended 0y PC ""H and <P J1 in relation to 'rticle 1&5 o* t+e Revised Penal ,ode3 T+e inquest court set t+e preli.inary investi/ation *or 1% Marc+ 1 "13 ?n ! Marc+ 1 "1, Salon/a 6as allo6ed to leave t+e country to

attend a series o* c+urc+ con*erences and under/o co.pre+ensive .edical exa.inations o* t+e +eart,, liver, eye and ear includin/ a possi0le re.oval o* +is le*t eye to save +is ri/+t eye3 T+e counsel *or Salon/a 6as *urnis+ed a copy o* an a.ended co.plaint si/ned 0y Gen3 Prospero ?livas, dated 15 Marc+ 1 "1, c+ar/in/ Salon/a, alon/ 6it+ J ot+er accused 6it+ t+e violation o* R' 1%II, as a.ended 0y PC ""H, <P J1 and PC 1%J!3 ?n 1H ?cto0er 1 "1, t+e counsel *or Salon/a *iled a .otion to dis.iss t+e c+ar/es a/ainst Salon/a *or *ailure o* t+e prosecution to esta0lis+ a pri.a *acie case a/ainst +i.3 ?n 5 Cece.0er 1 "1, ;ud/e Ernani ,ru= Pano (Presidin/ ;ud/e o* t+e ,ourt o* #irst )nstance o* Ri=al, <ranc+ A())), Pue=on ,ity) denied t+e .otion3 ?n & ;anuary 1 "5, +e issued a resolution orderin/ t+e *ilin/ o* an in*or.ation *or violation o* t+e Revised 'nti2 Su0version 'ct, as a.ended, a/ainst &I people, includin/ Salon/a3 T+e resolutions o* t+e said 1ud/e dated 5 Cece.0er 1 "1 and & ;anuary 1 "5 are t+e su01ect o* t+e present petition *or certiorari3 )t is t+e contention o* Salon/a t+at no pri.a *acie case +as 0een esta0lis+ed 0y t+e prosecution to 1usti*y t+e *ilin/ o* an in*or.ation a/ainst +i.3 9e states t+at to sanction +is *urt+er prosecution despite t+e lac@ o* evidence a/ainst +i. 6ould 0e to t+at no rule o* la6 exists in t+e P+ilippines today3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e ,ourt .ay still ela0orate on a decision 6+en t+e lo6er courts +ave dropped t+e case a/ainst petitioner Salon/a3 8eld3 T+e settin/ aside or declarin/ void, in proper cases, o* intrusions o* State aut+ority into areas reserved 0y t+e <ill o* Ri/+ts *or t+e individual as constitutionally protected sp+eres 6+ere even t+e a6eso.e po6ers o* Govern.ent .ay not enter at 6ill is not t+e totality o* t+e ,ourtDs *unctions3 T+e ,ourt also +as t+e duty to *or.ulate /uidin/ and controllin/ constitutional principles, precepts, doctrines, or rules3 )t +as t+e sy.0olic *unction o* educatin/ 0enc+ and 0ar on t+e extent o* protection /iven 0y constitutional /uarantees3 )n dela ,a.ara v3 Ena/e (&1 S,R' 1), t+e petitioner 6+o questioned a P1,1 H,5II3II 0ail 0ond as excessive and, t+ere*ore, constitutionally void, escaped *ro. t+e provincial 1ail 6+ile +is petition 6as pendin/3 T+e petition 0eca.e .oot 0ecause o* +is escape 0ut 6e nonet+eless rendered a decision3 )n Gon=ales v3 Marcos (!H S,R' !5&) 6+et+er or not t+e ,ultural ,enter o* t+e P+ilippines could validly 0e created t+rou/+ an executive order 6as .ooted 0y Presidential Cecree 1H, t+e ,enterDs ne6 c+arter pursuant to t+e PresidentDs le/islative po6ers under .artial la63 Still, t+e ,ourt discussed t+e constitutional .andate on t+e preservation and develop.ent o* #ilipino culture *or national identity3 )n t+e +a0eas corpus case o* 'quino, ;r3, v3 Enrile (H S,R' 1"J), durin/ t+e pendency o* t+e case, 5! petitioners 6ere released *ro. custody and one 6it+dre6 +is petition3 T+e sole re.ainin/ petitioner 6as *acin/ c+ar/es o* .urder, su0version, and ille/al possession o* *irear.s3 T+e *act t+at t+e petition 6as .oot and acade.ic did not prevent t+e ,ourt in t+e exercise o* its sy.0olic *unction *ro. pro.ul/atin/ one o* t+e .ost volu.inous decisions ever printed in t+e Reports3 9erein, t+e prosecution evidence .isera0ly *ails to esta0lis+ a pri.a *acie case a/ainst Salon/a, eit+er as a co2conspirator o* a desta0ili=ation plan to overt+ro6 t+e /overn.ent or as an o**icer or leader o* any su0versive or/ani=ation3 T+e respondents +ave ta@en t+e initiative o* droppin/ t+e c+ar/es a/ainst Salon/a3 T+e ,ourt reiterates t+e rule, +o6ever, t+at t+e ,ourt 6ill not validate t+e *ilin/ o* an in*or.ation 0ased on t+e @ind o* evidence a/ainst Salon/a *ound in t+e records3 Sa'aMar vs. Achacoso LGR "1H1I, 1& Marc+ 1 IM

En <anc, Sar.iento (;)$ 1& concur 4acts3 ?n 51 ?cto0er 1 "%, Rosalie Tesoro o* 1%% Tupa= Street, Leveri=a, Pasay ,ity, in a s6orn state.ent *iled 6it+ t+e P+ilippine ?verseas E.ploy.ent 'd.inistration (P?E') c+ar/ed 9ortencia Sala=ar o* !1H R3?3 Santos St3, Mandaluyon/, alle/edly t+e *or.erDs .ana/er, *or 6it++oldin/ t+e *or.erDs PE,, ,ard3 ?n J >ove.0er 1 "%, 'tty3 #erdinand Marque= to 6+o. said co.plaint 6as assi/ned, sent to Sala=ar a tele/ra. directin/ t+e latter to directly appear 0e*ore #erdie Marque=, P?E' 'nti2)lle/al Recruit.ent Enit !K#, P?E' <uildin/, ECS' corner ?rti/as 'venue, Mandaluyon/ on ! >ove.0er 1 "% at 1I a3.3 RE case *iled a/ainst Sala=ar3 ?n t+e sa.e day, +avin/ ascertained t+at Sala=ar +ad no license to operate a recruit.ent a/ency, 'd.inistrator C3 'c+acoso issued +is ,losure and Sei=ure ?rder 15IH a/ainst 9orty Sala=ar3 ?n 5! ;anuary 1 "", P?E' Cirector on Licensin/ and Re/ulation 'tty3 Estelita <3 Espiritu issued an o**ice order desi/natin/ 'tty3 Marque=, 'tty3 ;ovencio '0ara and 'tty3 Ernesto (istro as .e.0ers o* a tea. tas@ed to i.ple.ent ,losure and Sei=ure ?rder 15IH3 Coin/ so, t+e /roup assisted 0y Mandaluyon/ police.en and .edia.en Lito ,astillo o* t+e PeopleDs ;ournal and Ernie <aluyot o* >e6s Today proceeded to Sala=arDs residence3 T+ere it 6as *ound t+at Sala=ar 6as operatin/ 9annalie Cance Studio3 <e*ore enterin/ t+e place, t+e tea. served said ,losure and Sei=ure order on a certain Mrs3 #lora Sala=ar 6+o voluntarily allo6ed t+e. entry into t+e pre.ises3 Mrs #lora Sala=ar in*or.ed t+e tea. t+at 9annalie Cance Studio 6as accredited 6it+ Cevelop.ent (P+il3) 9o6ever, 6+en required to s+o6 credentials, s+e 6as una0le to produce any3 )nside t+e studio, t+e tea. c+anced upon 15 talent per*or.ers S practicin/ a dance nu.0er and sa6 a0out 5I .ore 6aitin/ outside3 T+e tea. con*iscated assorted 6+ic+ 6ere duly receipted *or 0y Mrs3 'suncion Ma/uelan and 6itnessed 0y Mrs3 #lora Sala=ar3 ?n 5" ;anuary 1 "", #lora Sala=ar *iled 6it+ P?E' a letter, requestin/ t+at t+e personal properties sei=ed at 9orty Sala=arDs residence 0e i..ediately returned on t+e /round t+at said sei=ure 6as contrary to la6 and a/ainst t+e 6ill o* t+e o6ner t+ereo*3 ?n 5 #e0ruary 1 "", 0e*ore P?E' could ans6er t+e letter, Sala=ar *iled t+e petition *or pro+i0ition, contestin/ t+e validity o* t+e po6er o* t+e Secretary o* La0or to issue 6arrants o* arrest and sei=ure under 'rticle J" o* t+e La0or ,ode, pro+i0itin/ ille/al recruit.ent3 ?n even date, P?E' *iled a cri.inal co.plaint a/ainst +er 6it+ t+e Pasi/ Provincial #iscal ()S2""2"J!)3 Issue3 8+et+er t+e P+ilippine ?verseas E.ploy.ent 'd.inistration (or t+e Secretary o* La0or) validly issue 6arrants o* searc+ and sei=ure (or arrest) under 'rticle J" o* t+e La0or ,ode3 8eld3 Section J", para/rap+ (c), o* t+e La0or ,ode, as no6 6ritten, 6as entered as an a.end.ent 0y Presidential Cecrees 1 5I and 5I1" o* t+e late President #erdinand Marcos, to Presidential Cecree 1! J, in t+e exercise o* +is le/islative po6ers under '.end.ent ! o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution3 Ender t+e latter, t+e t+en Minister o* La0or .erely exercised reco..endatory po6ers *or t+e arrest and detention o* any person en/a/ed in ille/al recruit.ent3 ?n 1 May 1 "&, Mr3 Marcos pro.ul/ated Presidential Cecree 1 5I, 6it+ t+e avo6ed purpose o* /ivin/ .ore teet+ to t+e ca.pai/n a/ainst ille/al recruit.ent3 T+e Cecree /ave t+e Minister o* La0or arrest and closure po6ers3 ?n 5! ;anuary 1 "!, Mr3 Marcos, pro.ul/ated Presidential Cecree 5I1", /ivin/ t+e La0or Minister searc+ and sei=ure po6ers as 6ell3 T+e decrees in question stand as t+e dyin/ vesti/es o* aut+oritarian rule in its t6ili/+t .o.ents3 Ender t+e ne6 ,onstitution, Bno searc+ 6arrant or 6arrant o* arrest s+all issue except upon pro0a0le cause to 0e deter.ined personally 0y t+e 1ud/e a*ter exa.ination under oat+ or a**ir.ation o* t+e co.plainant and t+e 6itnesses +e .ay produce,

and particularly descri0in/ t+e place to 0e searc+ed and t+e persons or t+in/s to 0e sei=ed3 )t is only a 1ud/e 6+o .ay issue 6arrants o* searc+ and arrest3B Mayors .ay not exercise t+is po6er3 >eit+er .ay it 0e done 0y a .ere prosecutin/ 0ody3 T+e Secretary o* La0or, not 0ein/ a 1ud/e, .ay no lon/er issue searc+ or arrest 6arrants3 9ence, t+e aut+orities .ust /o t+rou/+ t+e 1udicial process3 To t+at extent, t+e ,ourt declare 'rticle J", para/rap+ (c), o* t+e La0or ,ode, unconstitutional and o* no *orce and e**ect3 #or t+e /uidance o* t+e 0enc+ and t+e 0ar, t+e ,?urt rea**ir.ed t+e principles t+at (1) Ender 'rticle ))), Section 5 , o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, it is only 1ud/es, and no ot+er, 6+o .ay issue 6arrants o* arrest and searc+G and (5) T+e exception is in cases o* deportation o* ille/al and undesira0le aliens, 6+o. t+e President or t+e ,o..issioner o* )..i/ration .ay order arrested, *ollo6in/ a *inal order o* deportation, *or t+e purpose o* deportation3 T+us, t+e ,ourt +erein /ranted t+e petition, declarin/ 'rticle J", para/rap+ (c) o* t+e La0or ,ode unconstitutional and null and void, and t+us orderin/ t+e P?E' to return all .aterials sei=ed as a result o* t+e i.ple.entation o* Searc+ and Sei=ure ?rder 15IH3

2O5ITO R. SALONGA vs. &ON. ERNANI CR,9 )A:O GR H H5&3 #e0ruary 1", 1 "H3

FACTS# ' ras+ o* 0o.0in/s occurred in t+e Metro Manila area in t+e .ont+s o* 'u/ust, Septe.0er and ?cto0er o* 1 "I3 ?n Septe.0er 1 "I, one (ictor <urns Lovely, ;r3, a P+ilippine20orn '.erican citi=en *ro. Los 'n/eles, ,ali*ornia, al.ost @illed +i.sel* and in1ured +is youn/er 0rot+er, Ro.eo, as a result o* t+e explosion o* a s.all 0o.0 inside +is roo. at t+e :M,' 0uildin/ in Manila3 #ound in LovelyDs possession 0y police and .ilitary aut+orities 6ere several pictures ta@en so.eti.e in May 1 "I at t+e 0irt+day party o* * ,on/ Raul Ca=a +eld at t+e latterDs residence in a Los 'n/eles su0ur03 ;ovito R3 Salon/a and +is 6i*e 6ere a.on/ t+ose 6+ose li@enesses appeared in t+e /roup pictures to/et+er 6it+ ot+er /uests, includin/ Lovely3 's a result o* t+e serious in1uries +e su**ered, Lovely 6as 0rou/+t 0y .ilitary and police aut+orities to t+e '#P Medical ,enter ((3 Luna 9ospital)6+ere +e 6as place in t+e custody and detention o* ,ol3 P3 Madella, under t+e over2 all direction o* General #a0ian (er, +ead o* t+e >ational )ntelli/ence and Security 'ut+ority (>)S')3 S+ortly a*ter6ards, Mr3 Lovely and +is t6o 0rot+ers, Ro.eo and <alta=ar Lovely 6+ere c+ar/ed 6it+ su0version, ille/al possession o* explosives, and da.a/e to property3 <o.0s once a/ain exploded in Metro Manila includin/ one 6+ic+ resulted in t+e deat+ o* an '.erican lady 6+o 6as s+oppin/ at RustanDs in Ma@ati and ot+ers 6+ic+ caused in1uries to a nu.0er o* persons3 T+e PresidentDs anniversary television radio press con*erence 6as 0roadcast3 T+e youn/er 0rot+er o* (ictor Lovely, Ro.eo, 6as presented durin/ t+e con*erence3 T+e next day, ne6spapers ca.e out 6it+ al.ost identical +eadlines statin/ in e**ect t+at Salon/a +ad 0een lin@ed to t+e various 0o.0in/s in Metro Manila3 Mean6+ile, Lovely 6as ta@en out o* t+e +ospitalDs intensive care unit and trans*erred to t+e o**ice o* ,ol3 Madella 6+ere +e 6as +eld inco..unicado *or so.e ti.e3 More 0o.0s 6ere reported to +ave exploded at J 0i/ +otels in Metro Manila3 T+e 0o.0s in1ured

people3 ' .eetin/ o* t+e General Military ,ouncil 6as called *or ! ?cto0er 1 "I3 Minutes a*ter t+e President +ad *inis+ed deliverin/ +is speec+ 0e*ore t+e )nternational ,on*erence o* t+e '.erican Society o* Travel '/ents at t+e P+ilippine )nternational ,onvention ,enter, as .all 0o.0 exploded3 8it+in t+e next 5& +ours, arrest, searc+, and sei=ure orders ('SS?s) 6ere issued a/ainst persons, includin/ Salon/a, 6+o 6ere apparently i.plicated 0y (ictor Lovely in t+e series o* 0o.0in/s in Metro Manila3 Ele.ents o* t+e .ilitary 6ent to t+e +ospital roo. o* Salon/a at t+e Manila Medical ,enter 6+ere +e 6as con*ined due to +is recurrent and c+ronic ail.ent o* 0ronc+ial ast+.a and placed +i. under arrest3 T+e arrestin/ o**icer s+o6ed Salon/a t+e 'SS? *or. 6+ic+ +o6ever did not speci*y t+e c+ar/e or c+ar/es a/ainst +i.3

ISS,E# 8+et+er t+e ,ourt .ay still ela0orate on a decision 6+en t+e lo6er courts +ave dropped t+e case a/ainst petitioner Salon/a3

&ELD# T+e settin/ aside or declarin/ void, in proper cases, o* intrusions o* State aut+ority into areas reserved 0y t+e <ill o* Ri/+ts *or t+e individual as constitutionally protected sp+eres 6+ere even t+e a6eso.e po6ers o* Govern.ent .ay not enter at 6ill is not t+e totality o* t+e ,ourtDs *unctions3 T+e ,ourt also +as t+e duty to *or.ulate /uidin/ and controllin/ constitutional principles, precepts,doctrines, or rules3 )t +as t+e sy.0olic *unction o* educatin/ 0enc+ and 0ar on t+e extent o* protection /iven 0y constitutional /uarantees3 )n dela ,a.ara v3 Ena/e (&1 S,R' 1), t+e petitioner 6+o questioned a P1,1 H,5II3II 0ail 0ond as excessive and,t+ere*ore, constitutionally void, escaped *ro. t+e provincial 1ail 6+ile +is petition 6as pendin/3 T+e petition 0eca.e .oot 0ecause o* +is escape 0ut 6e nonet+eless rendered a decision3 )n Gon=ales v3 Marcos (!H S,R' !5&) 6+et+er or not t+e ,ultural ,enter o* t+e P+ilippines could validly 0e created t+rou/+ an executive order 6as .ooted 0y Presidential Cecree 1H, t+e ,enterDs ne6 c+arter pursuant to t+e PresidentDs le/islative po6ers under .artial la63 Still, t+e ,ourt discussed t+e constitutional .andate on t+e preservation and develop.ent o* #ilipino culture *or national identity3 )n t+e +a0eas corpus case o* 'quino, ;r3, v3 Enrile (H S,R'1"J), durin/ t+e pendency o* t+e case, 5! petitioners 6ere released *ro. custody and one 6it+dre6 +is petition3 T+e sole re.ainin/ petitioner 6as *acin/ c+ar/es o* .urder, su0version, and ille/al possession o* *irear.s3 T+e *act t+at t+e petition 6as .oot and acade.ic did not prevent t+e ,ourt in t+e exercise o* its sy.0olic *unction *ro. pro.ul/atin/ one o* t+e .ost volu.inous decision sever printed in t+e Reports3 9erein, t+e prosecution evidence .isera0ly *ails to esta0lis+ a pri.a *acie case a/ainst Salon/a, eit+er as a co2conspirator o* a desta0ili=ation plan to overt+ro6 t+e /overn.ent or as an o**icer or leader o* any su0versive or/ani=ation3 T+e respondents +ave ta@en t+e initiative o* droppin/ t+e c+ar/es a/ainst Salon/a3 T+e ,ourt reiterates t+e rule, +o6ever, t+at t+e ,ourt 6ill not validate t+e *ilin/ o* an in*or.ation 0ased on t+e @ind o* evidence a/ainst Salon/a *ound in t+e records3

Sa-*(a( vs. Co++*ss*o- o- E'%c"*o-s 4acts ?n 5 Septe.0er 1 %!, President #erdinand E3 Marcos issued PC 1 callin/ *or a national re*erendu. on 1! ?cto0er 1 %! *or t+e ,iti=ens 'sse.0lies (B0aran/aysB) to resolve t+e issues o* .artial la6, t+e interi. asse.0ly, its replace.ent, t+e po6ers o* suc+ replace.ent, t+e period o* its existence, t+e len/t+ o* t+e period *or t+e exercise 0y t+e President o* +is present po6ers3 ?n 55 Septe.0er 1 %!, t+e President issued anot+er PC 1IJ1, a.endin/ t+e previous Presidential Cecree 1, 0y declarin/ t+e provisions o* Presidential Cecree 55 providin/ *or t+e .anner o* votin/ and canvass o* votes in B0aran/aysB (,iti=ens 'sse.0lies) applica0le to t+e national re*erendu.2ple0iscite o* 1! ?cto0er 1 %!3 T+e President also issued PC 1IJJ, statin/ t+e questions to 0e su0.itted to t+e people in t+e re*erendu.2ple0iscite on 1! ?cto0er 1 %!3 T+e Cecree recites in its B6+ereasB clauses t+at t+e peopleDs continued opposition to t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly evinces t+eir desire to +ave suc+ 0ody a0olis+ed and replaced t+ru a constitutional a.end.ent, providin/ *or a ne6 interi. le/islative 0ody, 6+ic+ 6ill 0e su0.itted directly to t+e people in t+e re*erendu.2ple0iscite o* ?cto0er 1!3 T+e ,o..ission on Elections 6as vested 6it+ t+e exclusive supervision and control o* t+e ?cto0er 1 %! >ational Re*erendu.2 Ple0iscite3 Pa0lo ,3 Sanidad and Pa0lito (3 Sanidad, *at+er and son, co..enced *or Pro+i0ition 6it+ Preli.inary )n1unction see@in/ to en1oin t+e ,?MELE, *ro. +oldin/ and conductin/ t+e Re*erendu. Ple0iscite on ?cto0er 1!G to declare 6it+out *orce and e**ect PC 1, 1IJJ and 1IJ13 T+ey contend t+at under t+e 1 JH and 1 %J ,onstitutions t+ere is no /rant to t+e incu.0ent President to exercise t+e constituent po6er to propose a.end.ents to t+e ne6 ,onstitution3 ?n JI Septe.0er 1 %!, anot+er action *or Pro+i0ition 6it+ Preli.inary )n1unction, 6as instituted 0y (icente M3, a dele/ate to t+e 1 %1 ,onstitutional ,onvention, assertin/ t+at t+e po6er to propose a.end.ents to, or revision o* t+e ,onstitution durin/ t+e transition period is expressly con*erred on t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly under action 1!, 'rticle A()) o* t+e ,onstitution3 'not+er petition *or Pro+i0ition 6it+ Preli.inary )n1unction 6as *iled 0y Raul M3 Gon=ales, +is son, and 'l*redo Salapantan, to restrain t+e i.ple.entation o* Presidential Cecrees3

Issue3 8K> t+e President .ay call upon a re*erendu. *or t+e a.end.ent o* t+e ,onstitution3 8eld3 Section 1 o* 'rticle A() o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution on '.end.ents ordains t+at B(1) 'ny a.end.ent to, or revision o*, t+is ,onstitution .ay 0e proposed 0y t+e >ational 'sse.0ly upon a

vote o* t+ree2*ourt+s o* all its Me.0ers, or 0y a constitutional convention3 (5) T+e >ational 'sse.0ly .ay, 0y a vote o* t6o2t+irds o* all its Me.0ers, call a constitutional convention or, 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, t+e question o* callin/ suc+ a convention to t+e electorate in an election3B Section 5 t+ereo* provides t+at B'ny a.end.ent to, or revision o*, t+is ,onstitution s+all 0e valid 6+en rati*ied 0y a .a1ority o* t+e votes cast in a ple0iscite 6+ic+ s+all 0e +eld not later t+an t+ree .ont+s a a*ter t+e approval o* suc+ a.end.ent or revision3B )n t+e present period o* transition, t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly instituted in t+e Transitory Provisions is con*erred 6it+ t+at a.endin/ po6er3 Section 1H o* t+e Transitory Provisions reads BT+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly, upon special call 0y t+e interi. Pri.e Minister, .ay, 0y a .a1ority vote o* all its Me.0ers, propose a.end.ents to t+is ,onstitution3 Suc+ a.end.ents s+all ta@e e**ect 6+en rati*ied in accordance 6it+ 'rticle 1! +ereo*3B T+ere are, t+ere*ore, t6o periods conte.plated in t+e constitutional li*e o* t+e nation$ period o* nor.alcy and period o* transition3 )n o* nor.alcy, t+e a.endin/ process .ay 0e initiated 0y t+e proposals o* t+e (1) re/ular >ational 'sse.0ly upon a vote o* t+ree2*ourt+s o* all its .e.0ersG or (5) 0y a ,onstitutional ,onvention called 0y a vote o* t6o2t+irds o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly3 9o6ever t+e callin/ o* a ,onstitutional ,onvention .ay 0e su0.itted to t+e electorate in an election voted upon 0y a .a1ority vote o* all t+e .e.0ers o* t+e >ational 'sse.0ly3 )n o* transition, a.end.ents .ay 0e proposed 0y a .a1ority vote o* all t+e Me.0ers o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly upon special call 0y t+e interi. Pri.e Minister3 T+e ,ourt in 'quino v3 ,?MELE,, +ad already settled t+at t+e incu.0ent President is vested 6it+ t+at prero/ative o* discretion as to 6+en +e s+all initially convene t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 T+e ,onstitutional ,onvention intended to leave to t+e President t+e deter.ination o* t+e ti.e 6+en +e s+all initially convene t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly, consistent 6it+ t+e prevailin/ conditions o* peace and order in t+e country3

8+en t+e Cele/ates to t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention voted on t+e Transitory Provisions, t+ey 6ere a6are o* t+e *act t+at under t+e sa.e, t+e incu.0ent President 6as /iven t+e discretion as to 6+en +e could convene t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 T+e PresidentDs decision to de*er t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly soon *ound support *ro. t+e people t+e.selves3 )n t+e ple0iscite o* ;anuary 1I21H, 1 %J, at 6+ic+ t+e rati*ication o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution 6as su0.itted, t+e people voted a/ainst t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 )n t+e re*erendu. o* 5& ;uly 1 %J, t+e ,iti=ens 'sse.0lies (B0a/an/aysB) reiterated t+eir soverei/n 6ill to 6it++old t+e convenin/ o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly3 '/ain, in t+e re*erendu. o* 5% #e0ruary 1 %H, t+e proposed question o* 6+et+er t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly s+all 0e initially convened 6as eli.inated, 0ecause so.e o* t+e .e.0ers o* ,on/ress and dele/ates o* t+e ,onstitutional ,onvention, 6+o 6ere dee.ed auto.atically .e.0ers o* t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly, 6ere

a/ainst its inclusion since in t+at re*erendu. o* ;anuary, 1 %J t+e people +ad already resolved a/ainst it3 )n sensu striciore, 6+en t+e le/islative ar. o* t+e state underta@es t+e proposals o* a.end.ent to a ,onstitution, t+at 0ody is not in t+e usual *unction o* la6.a@in/3 )t is not le/islatin/ 6+en en/a/ed in t+e a.endin/ process3 Rat+er, it is exercisin/ a peculiar po6er 0esto6ed upon it 0y t+e *unda.ental c+arter itsel*3 )n t+e P+ilippines, t+at po6er is provided *or in 'rticle A() o* t+e 1 %J ,onstitution (*or t+e re/ular >ational 'sse.0ly) or in Section 1H o* t+e Transitory Provisions (*or t+e interi. >ational 'sse.0ly)3 8+ile ordinarily it is t+e 0usiness o* t+e le/islatin/ 0ody to le/islate *or t+e nation 0y virtue o* constitutional con*er.ent, a.endin/ o* t+e ,onstitution is not le/islative in c+aracter3 )n political science a distinction is .ade 0et6een constitutional content o* an or/anic c+aracter and t+at o* a le/islative c+aracter3 T+e distinction, +o6ever, is one o* policy, not o* la63 Suc+ 0ein/ t+e case, approval o* t+e President o* any proposed a.end.ent is a .isno.er3 T+e prero/ative o* t+e President to approve or disapprove applies only to t+e ordinary cases o* le/islation3 T+e President +as not+in/ to do 6it+ proposition or adoption o* a.end.ents to t+e ,onstitution3

Repu0lic o* t+e P+ilippines S,)REME CO,RT Manila E> <'>,

G.R. No. ;3;9/ F%.r$ar? 22 1991 CI5IL LI1ERTIES ,NION petitioner, vs3 T&E E7EC,TI5E SECRETAR6 respondent . G.R. No. ;3;15 F%.r$ar? 22 1991 ANTI-GRAFT LEAG,E OF T&E )&ILI))INES INC. a-( CRIS)IN T. RE6ES petitioners, vs3 )&ILI) ELLA C. 2,ICO as S%cr%"ar? o@ ADrar*a- R%@or+I CARLOS DOMING,E9 as S%cr%"ar? o@ ADr*c$'"$r%I LO,RDES 8,IS,M1ING as S%cr%"ar? o@ E($ca"*o- C$'"$r% a-( SBor"sI F,LGENCIO FACTORAN 2R. as S%cr%"ar? o@ E-v*ro-+%-" a-( Na"$ra' R%so$rc%sI 5ICENTE 5. 2A6ME as S%cr%"ar? o@ F*-a-c%I SEDFRE6 ORDO:E9 as S%cr%"ar? o@ 2$s"*c%I FRAN3LIN N. DRILON as S%cr%"ar? o@ La.or a-( E+B'o?+%-"I L,IS SANTOS as S%cr%"ar? o@ Loca' Gov%r-+%-"I FIDEL 5. RAMOS as S%cr%"ar? o@ Na"*o-a' D%@%-s%I TEODORO F. 1ENIGNO as )r%ss S%cr%"ar?I 2,ANITO FERRER as S%cr%"ar? o@ )$.'*c 4orFs a-( &*DhEa?sI ANTONIO ARRI9A1AL as S%cr%"ar? o@ Sc*%-c% a-( T%ch-o'oD?I 2OSE CONCE)CION as S%cr%"ar? o@ Tra(% a-( I-($s"r?I 2OSE ANTONIO GON9ALE9 as S%cr%"ar? o@ To$r*s+I ALFREDO R.A. 1ENG9ON as S%cr%"ar? o@ &%a'"hI REINERIO D. RE6ES as S%cr%"ar? o@ Tra-sBor"a"*o- a-( Co++$-*ca"*o-I G,ILLERMO CARAG,E as

Co++*ss*o-%r o@ "h% 1$(D%"I a-( SOLITA MONSOD D%v%'oB+%-" A$"hor*"? r%sBo-(%-"s.

as &%a( o@ "h% Na"*o-a' Eco-o+*c

:gnacio ). 9acsina, 9uis /. 1auricio, .ntonio /. Euintos and 4uan T. Aavid for petitioners in L#LJ=. .ntonio ). &oronel for petitioners in L#L1%.

FERNAN %.J.3p T+ese t6o (5) petitions 6ere consolidated per resolution dated 'u/ust , 1 "" 1 and are 0ein/ resolved 1ointly as 0ot+ see@ a declaration o* t+e unconstitutionality o* Executive ?rder >o3 5"& issued 0y President ,ora=on ,3 'quino on ;uly 5H, 1 "%3 T+e pertinent provisions o* t+e assailed Executive ?rder are$ Sec3 13 Even i* allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e ordinary *unctions o* +is position, a .e.0er o* t+e ,a0inet, undersecretary or assistant secretary or ot+er appointive o**icials o* t+e Executive Cepart.ent .ay, in addition to +is pri.ary position, +old not .ore t+an t6o positions in t+e /overn.ent and /overn.ent corporations and receive t+e correspondin/ co.pensation t+ere*orG )rovided , t+at t+is li.itation s+all not apply to ad +oc 0odies or co..ittees, or to 0oards, councils or 0odies o* 6+ic+ t+e President is t+e ,+air.an3 Sec3 53 )* a .e.0er o* t+e ca0inet, undersecretary or assistant secretary or ot+er appointive o**icial o* t+e Executive Cepart.ent +olds .ore positions t+an 6+at is allo6ed in Section 1 +ereo*, t+ey ( sic ) .ust relinquis+ t+e excess position in *avor o* t+e su0ordinate o**icial 6+o is next in ran@, 0ut in no case s+all any o**icial +old .ore t+an t6o positions ot+er t+an +is pri.ary position3 Sec3 J3 )n order to *ully protect t+e interest o* t+e /overn.ent in /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations, at least one2t+ird (1KJ) o* t+e .e.0ers o* t+e 0oards o* suc+ corporation s+ould eit+er 0e a secretary, or undersecretary, or assistant secretary3 Petitioners .aintain t+at t+is Executive ?rder 6+ic+, in e**ect, allo6s .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir undersecretaries and assistant secretaries to +old ot+er /overn.ent o**ices or positions in addition to t+eir pri.ary positions, al0eit su01ect to t+e li.itation t+erein i.posed, runs counter to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, 2 6+ic+ provides as *ollo6s$ Sec3 1J3 T+e President, (ice2President, t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, and t+eir deputies or assistants s+all not, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitution, +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 T+ey s+all not, durin/ said tenure, directly or indirectly practice any ot+er pro*ession, participate in any 0usiness, or 0e *inancially interested in any contract 6it+, or in any *ranc+ise, or special privile/e /ranted 0y t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency, or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or t+eir su0sidiaries3 T+ey s+all strictly avoid con*lict o* interest in t+e conduct o* t+eir o**ice3 )t is alle/ed t+at t+e a0ove2quoted Section 1J, 'rticle ()) pro+i0its pu0lic respondents, as .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, alon/ 6it+ t+e ot+er pu0lic o**icials enu.erated in t+e list attac+ed to t+e petitions as 'nnex B,B in G3R3 >o3

"J"1H 3 and as 'nnex B<B in G3R3 >o3 "J" ! < *ro. +oldin/ any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 )n addition to see@in/ a declaration o* t+e unconstitutionality o* Executive ?rder >o3 5"&, petitioner 'nti2Gra*t Lea/ue o* t+e P+ilippines *urt+er see@s in G3R3 >o3 "J"1H t+e issuance o* t+e extraordinary 6rits o* pro+i0ition and mandamus , as 6ell as a te.porary restrainin/ order directin/ pu0lic respondents t+erein to cease and desist *ro. +oldin/, in addition to t+eir pri.ary positions, dual or .ultiple positions ot+er t+an t+ose aut+ori=ed 0y t+e 1 "% ,onstitution and *ro. receivin/ any salaries, allo6ances, per die.s and ot+er *or.s o* privile/es and t+e li@e appurtenant to t+eir questioned positions, and co.pellin/ pu0lic respondents to return, rei.0urse or re*und any and all a.ounts or 0ene*its t+at t+ey .ay +ave received *ro. suc+ positions3 Speci*ically, petitioner 'nti2Gra*t Lea/ue o* t+e P+ilippines c+ar/es t+at not6it+standin/ t+e a*orequoted Ba0solute and sel*2executin/B provision o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, t+en Secretary o* ;ustice Sed*rey ?rdoWe=, construin/ Section 1J, 'rticle ()) in relation to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2<, rendered on ;uly 5J, 1 "% ?pinion >o3 %J, series o* 1 "%, 5 declarin/ t+at ,a0inet .e.0ers, t+eir deputies (undersecretaries) and assistant secretaries .ay +old ot+er pu0lic o**ice, includin/ .e.0ers+ip in t+e 0oards o* /overn.ent corporations$ (a) 6+en directly provided *or in t+e ,onstitution as in t+e case o* t+e Secretary o* ;ustice 6+o is .ade an ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil under Section ", para/rap+ 1, 'rticle ()))G or (0) i* allo6ed 0y la6G or (c) i* allo6ed 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+eir respective positionsG and t+at on t+e 0asis o* t+is ?pinion, t+e President o* t+e P+ilippines, on ;uly 5H, 1 "% or t6o (5) days 0e*ore ,on/ress convened on ;uly 5%, 1 "%$ pro.ul/ated Executive ?rder >o3 5"&3 / Petitioner 'nti2Gra*t Lea/ue o* t+e P+ilippines o01ects to 0ot+ C?; ?pinion >o3 %J and Executive ?rder >o3 5"& as t+ey alle/edly Blu.ped to/et+erB Section 1J, 'rticle ()) and t+e /eneral provision in anot+er article, Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A<3 T+is Bstrained lin@a/eB 0et6een t+e t6o provisions, eac+ addressed to a distinct and separate /roup o* pu0lic o**icers one, t+e President and +er o**icial *a.ily, and t+e ot+er, pu0lic servants in /eneral alle/edly Ba0olis+ed t+e clearly separate, +i/+er, exclusive, and .andatory constitutional ran@ assi/ned to t+e pro+i0ition a/ainst .ultiple 1o0s *or t+e President, t+e (ice2President, t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, and t+eir deputies and su0alterns, 6+o are t+e leaders o* /overn.ent expected to lead 0y exa.ple3B 7 'rticle )A2<, Section %, par3 (5) ; provides$ Sec3 %3 3 3 3 3 3 Cnless otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of his position, no appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the government or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, including government'owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries 3 T+e Solicitor General counters t+at Cepart.ent o* ;ustice C?; ?pinion >o3 %J, series o* 1 "%, as *urt+er elucidated and clari*ied 0y C?; ?pinion >o3 15 , series o* 1 "% 9 and C?; ?pinion >o3 1HH, series o* 1 "", 1 0 0ein/ t+e *irst o**icial construction and interpretation 0y t+e Secretary o* ;ustice o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) and par3 (5) o* Section %, 'rticle )2A< o* t+e ,onstitution, involvin/ t+e sa.e su01ect o* appoint.ents or desi/nations o* an appointive executive o**icial to positions ot+er t+an +is pri.ary position, is Breasona0ly valid and constitutionally *ir.,B and t+at Executive ?rder >o3 5"&, pro.ul/ated pursuant to C?; ?pinion >o3 %J, series o* 1 "% is consequently

constitutional3 )t is 6ort+ notin/ t+at C?; ?pinion >o3 15 , series o* 1 "% and C?; ?pinion >o3 1HH, series o* 1 "" construed t+e li.itation i.posed 0y E3?3 >o3 5"& as not applyin/ to ex'officio positions or to positions 6+ic+, alt+ou/+ not so desi/nated as ex'officio are allo6ed 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+e pu0lic o**icial, 0ut only to t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple positions 6+ic+ are not related to or necessarily included in t+e position o* t+e pu0lic o**icial concerned (disparate positions)3 )n su., t+e constitutionality o* Executive ?rder >o3 5"& is 0ein/ c+allen/ed 0y petitioners on t+e principal su0.ission t+at it adds exceptions to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) ot+er t+an t+ose provided in t+e ,onstitution3 'ccordin/ to petitioners, 0y virtue o* t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitution,B t+e only exceptions a/ainst +oldin/ any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in Govern.ent are t+ose provided in t+e ,onstitution, na.ely$ (1) T+e (ice2President .ay 0e appointed as a Me.0er o* t+e ,a0inet under Section J, par3 (5), 'rticle ()) t+ereo*G and (5) t+e Secretary o* ;ustice is an ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil 0y virtue o* Section " (1), 'rticle ()))3 Petitioners *urt+er ar/ue t+at t+e exception to t+e pro+i0ition in Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A< on t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission applies to o**icers and e.ployees o* t+e ,ivil Service in /eneral and t+at said exceptions do not apply and cannot 0e extended to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) 6+ic+ applies speci*ically to t+e President, (ice2President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet and t+eir deputies or assistants3 T+ere is no dispute t+at t+e pro+i0ition a/ainst t+e President, (ice2President, t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet and t+eir deputies or assistants *ro. +oldin/ dual or .ultiple positions in t+e Govern.ent ad.its o* certain exceptions3 T+e disa/ree.ent 0et6een petitioners and pu0lic respondents lies on t+e constitutional 0asis o* t+e exception3 Petitioners insist t+at 0ecause o* t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB used in Section 1J o* 'rticle ()), t+e exception .ust 0e expressly provided in t+e ,onstitution, as in t+e case o* t+e (ice2President 0ein/ allo6ed to 0eco.e a Me.0er o* t+e ,a0inet under t+e second para/rap+ o* Section J, 'rticle ()) or t+e Secretary o* ;ustice 0ein/ desi/nated an ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil under 'rticle ())), Sec3 " (1)3 Pu0lic respondents, on t+e ot+er +and, .aintain t+at t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+e ,onstitutionB in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) .a@es re*erence to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A< inso*ar as t+e appointive o**icials .entioned t+erein are concerned3 T+e t+res+old question t+ere*ore is$ does t+e pro+i0ition in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution inso*ar as ,a0inet .e.0ers, t+eir deputies or assistants are concerned o* t+e 0road exceptions .ade *or appointive o**icials in /eneral under Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )2A< 6+ic+, *or easy re*erence is quoted ane6, t+us$ BEnless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position, no appointive o**icial s+all +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporation or t+eir su0sidiaries3B 4% r$'% *- "h% -%Da"*v%. ' *oolproo* yardstic@ in constitutional construction is t+e intention underlyin/ t+e provision under consideration3 T+us, it +as 0een +eld t+at t+e ,ourt in construin/ a ,onstitution s+ould 0ear in .ind t+e o01ect sou/+t to 0e acco.plis+ed 0y its adoption, and t+e evils, i* any, sou/+t to 0e prevented or re.edied3 ' dou0t*ul provision 6ill 0e exa.ined in t+e li/+t o* t+e +istory o* t+e, and t+e

condition and circu.stances under 6+ic+ t+e ,onstitution 6as *ra.ed3 T+e o01ect is to ascertain t+e reason 6+ic+ induced t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution to enact t+e particular provision and t+e purpose sou/+t to 0e acco.plis+ed t+ere0y, in order to construe t+e 6+ole as to .a@e t+e 6ords consonant to t+at reason and calculated to e**ect t+at purpose3 11 T+e practice o* desi/natin/ .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants as .e.0ers o* t+e /overnin/ 0odies or 0oards o* various /overn.ent a/encies and instru.entalities, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned and controlled corporations, 0eca.e prevalent durin/ t+e ti.e le/islative po6ers in t+is country 6ere exercised 0y * President #erdinand E3 Marcos pursuant to +is .artial la6 aut+ority3 T+ere 6as a proli*eration o* ne6ly2created a/encies, instru.entalities and /overn.ent2 o6ned and controlled corporations created 0y presidential decrees and ot+er .odes o* presidential issuances 6+ere ,a0inet .e.0ers, t+eir deputies or assistants 6ere desi/nated to +ead or sit as .e.0ers o* t+e 0oard 6it+ t+e correspondin/ salaries, e.olu.ents, per die.s, allo6ances and ot+er perquisites o* o**ice3 Most o* t+ese instru.entalities +ave re.ained up to t+e present ti.e3 T+is practice o* +oldin/ .ultiple o**ices or positions in t+e /overn.ent soon led to a0uses 0y unscrupulous pu0lic o**icials 6+o too@ advanta/e o* t+is sc+e.e *or purposes o* sel*2enric+.ent3 )n *act, t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple o**ices in /overn.ent 6as stron/ly denounced on t+e *loor o* t+e <atasan/ Pa.0ansa3 1 2 T+is conde.nation ca.e in reaction to t+e pu0lis+ed report o* t+e ,o..ission on 'udit, entitled B1 "J Su..ary 'nnual 'udit Report on$ Govern.ent2?6ned and ,ontrolled ,orporations, Sel*2Governin/ <oards and ,o..issionsB 6+ic+ carried as its #i/ure >o3 & a BRoaster o* Me.0ers+ip in Governin/ <oards o* Govern.ent2?6ned and ,ontrolled ,orporations as o* Cece.0er J1, 1 "J3B Particularly odious and revoltin/ to t+e peopleDs sense o* propriety and .orality in /overn.ent service 6ere t+e data contained t+erein t+at Ro0erto (3 ?n/pin 6as a .e.0er o* t+e /overnin/ 0oards o* t6enty2nine (5 ) /overn.ental a/encies, instru.entalities and corporationsG ).elda R3 Marcos o* t6enty2t+ree (5J)G ,esar E3'3 (irata o* t6enty2t6o (55)G 'rturo R3 Tanco, ;r3 o* *i*teen (1H)G ;esus S3 9ipolito and Geroni.o O3 (elasco, o* *ourteen eac+ (1&)G ,esar ,3 Oala.ea o* t+irteen (1J)G Ru0en <3 'nc+eta and ;ose '3 RoWo o* t6elve (15) eac+G Manuel P3 'l0a, Gil0erto ?3 Teodoro, and Ed/ardo Tordesillas o* eleven (11) eac+G and Lilia <autista and Teodoro P3 PeWa o* ten (1I) eac+3 1 3 T+e 0latant 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust evolved into one o* t+e serious causes o* discontent 6it+ t+e Marcos re/i.e3 )t 6as t+ere*ore quite inevita0le and in consonance 6it+ t+e senti.ent o* t+e people t+at t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission, convened as it 6as a*ter t+e people success*ully unseated * President Marcos, s+ould dra*t into its proposed ,onstitution t+e provisions under consideration 6+ic+ are envisioned to re.edy, i* not correct, t+e evils t+at *lo6 *ro. t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple /overn.ental o**ices and e.ploy.ent3 )n *act, as @eenly o0served 0y Mr3 ;ustice )sa/ani '3 ,ru= durin/ t+e deli0erations in t+ese cases, one o* t+e stron/est sellin/ points o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution durin/ t+e ca.pai/n *or its rati*ication 6as t+e assurance /iven 0y its proponents t+at t+e scandalous practice o* ,a0inet .e.0ers +oldin/ .ultiple positions in t+e /overn.ent and collectin/ unconsciona0ly excessive co.pensation t+ere*ro. 6ould 0e discontinued3 <ut 6+at is indeed si/ni*icant is t+e *act t+at alt+ou/+ Section %, 'rticle )2A< already contains a

0lan@et pro+i0ition a/ainst t+e +oldin/ o* .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent 0ot+ elective and appointive pu0lic o**icials, t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission s+ould see it *it to *or.ulate anot+er provision, Sec3 1J, 'rticle ()), speci*ically pro+i0itin/ t+e President, (ice2President, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants *ro. +oldin/ any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+e ,onstitution itsel*3 Evidently, *ro. t+is .ove as 6ell as in t+e di**erent p+raseolo/ies o* t+e constitutional provisions in question, t+e intent o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution 6as to i.pose a stricter pro+i0ition on t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily in so *ar as +oldin/ ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent or else6+ere is concerned3 Moreover, suc+ intent is underscored 0y a co.parison o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) 6it+ ot+er provisions o* t+e ,onstitution on t+e disquali*ications o* certain pu0lic o**icials or e.ployees *ro. +oldin/ ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent3 Ender Section 1J, 'rticle (), B(>)o Senator or Me.0er o* t+e 9ouse o* Representatives .ay +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in the 0overnment 3 3 3B3 Ender Section H(&), 'rticle A(), B(>)o .e.0er o* t+e ar.ed *orces in t+e active service s+all, at any ti.e, 0e appointed in any capacity to a civilian position in the 0overnment, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or any o* t+eir su0sidiaries3B Even Section % (5), 'rticle )A2<, relied upon 0y respondents provides B(E)nless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position, no appointive o**icial s+all +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in the 0overnment 3B )t is quite nota0le t+at in all t+ese provisions on disquali*ications to +old ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent, t+e pro+i0ition pertains to an o**ice or e.ploy.ent in the government and /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or t+eir su0sidiaries3 )n stri@in/ contrast is t+e 6ordin/ o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) 6+ic+ states t+at B(T)+e President, (ice2President, t+e Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, and t+eir deputies or assistants s+all not, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitution, +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3B )n t+e latter provision, t+e disquali*ication is a0solute, not 0ein/ quali*ied 0y t+e p+rase Bin t+e Govern.ent3B T+e pro+i0ition i.posed on t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily is t+ere*ore all2e.0racin/ and covers 0ot+ pu0lic and private o**ice or e.ploy.ent3 Goin/ *urt+er into Section 1J, 'rticle ()), t+e second sentence provides$ BT+ey s+all not, durin/ said tenure, directly or indirectly, practice any ot+er pro*ession, participate in any 0usiness, or 0e *inancially interested in any contract 6it+, or in any *ranc+ise, or special privile/e /ranted 0y t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations or t+eir su0sidiaries3B T+ese s6eepin/, all2e.0racin/ pro+i0itions i.posed on t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily, 6+ic+ pro+i0itions are not si.ilarly i.posed on ot+er pu0lic o**icials or e.ployees suc+ as t+e Me.0ers o* ,on/ress, .e.0ers o* t+e civil service in /eneral and .e.0ers o* t+e ar.ed *orces, are proo* o* t+e intent o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution to treat t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily as a class 0y itsel* and to i.pose upon said class stricter pro+i0itions3 Suc+ intent o* t+e 1 "! ,onstitutional ,o..ission to 0e stricter 6it+ t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily 6as also succinctly articulated 0y ,o..issioner (icente #o= a*ter ,o..issioner Re/alado Maa.0on/ noted durin/ t+e *loor deli0erations and de0ate t+at t+ere 6as no sy..etry 0et6een t+e ,ivil Service pro+i0itions, ori/inally *ound in t+e General Provisions and t+e anticipated report on

t+e Executive Cepart.ent3 ,o..issioner #o= ,o..ented, B8e actually +ave to 0e stricter 6it+ t+e President and t+e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet 0ecause t+ey exercise .ore po6ers and, t+ere*ore, .ore c+ee@s and restraints on t+e. are called *or 0ecause t+ere is .ore possi0ility o* a0use in t+eir case3B

T+us, 6+ile all ot+er appointive o**icials in t+e civil service are allo6ed to +old ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure 6+en suc+ is allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+eir positions, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants .ay do so only 6+en expressly aut+ori=ed 0y t+e ,onstitution itsel*3 )n ot+er 6ords, Section %, 'rticle )2A< is .eant to lay do6n t+e /eneral rule applica0le to all elective and appointive pu0lic o**icials and e.ployees, 6+ile Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is .eant to 0e t+e exception applica0le only to t+e President, t+e (ice2 President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants3 T+is 0ein/ t+e case, t+e quali*yin/ p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) cannot possi0ly re*er to t+e 0road exceptions provided under Section %, 'rticle )2A< o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution3 To construe said quali*yin/ p+rase as respondents 6ould +ave us do, 6ould render nu/atory and .eanin/less t+e .ani*est intent and purpose o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution to i.pose a stricter pro+i0ition on t+e President, (ice2President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants 6it+ respect to +oldin/ ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 RespondentsD interpretation t+at Section 1J o* 'rticle ()) ad.its o* t+e exceptions *ound in Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )A2< 6ould o0literate t+e distinction so care*ully set 0y t+e *ra.ers o* t+e ,onstitution as to 6+en t+e +i/+2ran@in/ o**icials o* t+e Executive <ranc+ *ro. t+e President to 'ssistant Secretary, on t+e one +and, and t+e /enerality o* civil servants *ro. t+e ran@ i..ediately 0elo6 'ssistant Secretary do6n6ards, on t+e ot+er, .ay +old any ot+er o**ice or position in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure3 Moreover, respondentsD readin/ o* t+e provisions in question 6ould render certain parts o* t+e ,onstitution inoperative3 T+is o0servation applies particularly to t+e (ice2President 6+o, under Section 1J o* 'rticle ()) is allo6ed to +old ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent 6+en so aut+ori=ed 0y t+e ,onstitution, 0ut 6+o as an elective pu0lic o**icial under Sec3 %, par3 (1) o* 'rticle )2A< is a0solutely ineli/i0le B*or appoint.ent or desi/nation in any capacity to any pu0lic o**ice or position durin/ +is tenure3B Surely, to say t+at t+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB *ound in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) +as re*erence to Section %, par3 (1) o* 'rticle )2A< 6ould render .eanin/less t+e speci*ic provisions o* t+e ,onstitution aut+ori=in/ t+e (ice2President to 0eco.e a .e.0er o* t+e ,a0inet, 1 5 and to act as President 6it+out relinquis+in/ t+e (ice2Presidency 6+ere t+e President s+all not +ave 0een c+osen or *ails to quali*y3 1 / Suc+ a0surd consequence can 0e avoided only 0y interpretin/ t+e t6o provisions under consideration as one, i 3 e 3, Section %, par3 (1) o* 'rticle )2A< providin/ t+e /eneral rule and t+e ot+er, i 3 e 3, Section 1J, 'rticle ()) as constitutin/ t+e exception t+ereto3 )n t+e sa.e .anner .ust Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )2A< 0e construed vis' a'vis Section 1J, 'rticle ())3 )t is a 6ell2esta0lis+ed rule in ,onstitutional construction t+at no one provision o* t+e ,onstitution is to 0e separated *ro. all t+e ot+ers, to 0e considered alone, 0ut t+at all t+e provisions 0earin/ upon a particular su01ect are to 0e 0rou/+t into vie6 and to 0e so interpreted as to e**ectuate t+e /reat purposes o* t+e instru.ent3 1 7 Sections 0earin/ on a particular su01ect s+ould 0e considered

and interpreted to/et+er as to e**ectuate t+e 6+ole purpose o* t+e ,onstitution 1 ; and one section is not to 0e allo6ed to de*eat anot+er, i* 0y any reasona0le construction, t+e t6o can 0e .ade to stand to/et+er3 1 9 )n ot+er 6ords, t+e court .ust +ar.oni=e t+e., i* practica0le, and .ust lean in *avor o* a construction 6+ic+ 6ill render every 6ord operative, rat+er t+an one 6+ic+ .ay .a@e t+e 6ords idle and nu/atory3 2 0 Since t+e evident purpose o* t+e *ra.ers o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution is to i.pose a stricter pro+i0ition on t+e President, (ice2President, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants 6it+ respect to +oldin/ .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent durin/ t+eir tenure, t+e exception to t+is pro+i0ition .ust 0e read 6it+ equal severity3 ?n its *ace, t+e lan/ua/e o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is pro+i0itory so t+at it .ust 0e understood as intended to 0e a positive and unequivocal ne/ation o* t+e privile/e o* +oldin/ .ultiple /overn.ent o**ices or e.ploy.ent3 (erily, 6+erever t+e lan/ua/e used in t+e constitution is pro+i0itory, it is to 0e understood as intended to 0e a positive and unequivocal ne/ation3 2 1 T+e p+rase Bunless ot+er6ise provided in t+is ,onstitutionB .ust 0e /iven a literal interpretation to re*er only to t+ose particular instances cited in t+e ,onstitution itsel*, to 6it$ t+e (ice2President 0ein/ appointed as a .e.0er o* t+e ,a0inet under Section J, par3 (5), 'rticle ())G or actin/ as President in t+ose instances provided under Section %, pars3 (5) and (J), 'rticle ())G and, t+e Secretary o* ;ustice 0ein/ ex'officio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil 0y virtue o* Section " (1), 'rticle ()))3 T+e pro+i0ition a/ainst +oldin/ dual or .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent under Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e ,onstitution .ust not, +o6ever, 0e construed as applyin/ to posts occupied 0y t+e Executive o**icials speci*ied t+erein 6it+out additional co.pensation in an ex'officio capacity as provided 0y la6 and as required 2 2 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* said o**icialsD o**ice3 T+e reason is t+at t+ese posts do no co.prise Bany ot+er o**iceB 6it+in t+e conte.plation o* t+e constitutional pro+i0ition 0ut are properly an i.position o* additional duties and *unctions on said o**icials3 2 3 To c+aracteri=e t+ese posts ot+er6ise 6ould lead to a0surd consequences, a.on/ 6+ic+ are$ T+e President o* t+e P+ilippines cannot c+air t+e >ational Security ,ouncil reor/ani=ed under Executive ?rder >o3 11H (Cece.0er 5&, 1 "!)3 >eit+er can t+e (ice2President, t+e Executive Secretary, and t+e Secretaries o* >ational Ce*ense, ;ustice, La0or and E.ploy.ent and Local Govern.ent sit in t+is ,ouncil, 6+ic+ 6ould t+en +ave no reason to exist *or lac@ o* a c+airperson and .e.0ers3 T+e respective undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, 6ould also 0e pro+i0ited3 T+e Secretary o* La0or and E.ploy.ent cannot c+air t+e <oard o* Trustees o* t+e >ational Manpo6er and :out+ ,ouncil (>M:,) or t+e P+ilippine ?verseas E.ploy.ent 'd.inistration (P?E'), 0ot+ o* 6+ic+ are attac+ed to +is depart.ent *or policy coordination and /uidance3 >eit+er can +is Endersecretaries and 'ssistant Secretaries c+air t+ese a/encies3 T+e Secretaries o* #inance and <ud/et cannot sit in t+e Monetary <oard3 2 < >eit+er can t+eir respective undersecretaries and assistant secretaries3 T+e ,entral <an@ Governor 6ould t+en 0e assisted 0y lo6er ran@in/ e.ployees in providin/ policy direction in t+e areas o* .oney, 0an@in/ and credit3 2 5 )ndeed, t+e *ra.ers o* our ,onstitution could not +ave intended suc+ a0surd consequences3 '

,onstitution, vie6ed as a continuously operative c+arter o* /overn.ent, is not to 0e interpreted as de.andin/ t+e i.possi0le or t+e i.practica0leG and unreasona0le or a0surd consequences, i* possi0le, s+ould 0e avoided3 2 / To reiterate, t+e pro+i0ition under Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is not to 0e interpreted as coverin/ positions +eld 6it+out additional co.pensation in ex'officio capacities as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+e concerned o**icialDs o**ice3 T+e ter. ex'officio .eans B*ro. o**iceG 0y virtue o* o**ice3B )t re*ers to an Baut+ority derived *ro. o**icial c+aracter .erely, not expressly con*erred upon t+e individual c+aracter, 0ut rat+er annexed to t+e o**icial position3B +x' officio li@e6ise denotes an Bact done in an o**icial c+aracter, or as a consequence o* o**ice, and 6it+out any ot+er appoint.ent or aut+ority t+an t+at con*erred 0y t+e o**ice3B 2 7 'n ex'officio .e.0er o* a 0oard is one 6+o is a .e.0er 0y virtue o* +is title to a certain o**ice, and 6it+out *urt+er 6arrant or appoint.ent3 2 ; To illustrate, 0y express provision o* la6, t+e Secretary o* Transportation and ,o..unications is t+e ex'officio , o* t+e <oard o* t+e P+ilippine Ports 'ut+ority, 2 9 and t+e Li/+t Rail Transit 'ut+ority3 3 0 T+e ,ourt +ad occasion to explain t+e .eanin/ o* an ex'officio position in /afael vs 3 +mbroidery and .pparel &ontrol and :nspection -oard, 3 1 t+us$ B'n exa.ination o* section 5 o* t+e questioned statute (R3'3 J1J%) reveals t+at *or t+e and .e.0ers o* t+e <oard to quali*y t+ey need only 0e desi/nated 0y t+e respective depart.ent +eads3 8it+ t+e exception o* t+e representative *ro. t+e private sector, t+ey sit ex'officio 3 )n order to 0e desi/nated t+ey .ust already 0e +oldin/ positions in t+e o**ices .entioned in t+e la63 T+us, *or instance, one 6+o does not +old a previous appoint.ent in t+e <ureau o* ,usto.s, cannot, under t+e act, 0e desi/nated a representative *ro. t+at o**ice3 T+e sa.e is true 6it+ respect to t+e representatives *ro. t+e ot+er o**ices3 >o ne6 appoint.ents are necessary3 T+is is as it s+ould 0e, 0ecause t+e representatives so desi/nated merely perform duties in the -oard in addition to those already performed under their original appointments 3B 3 2 T+e ter. Bpri.aryB used to descri0e B*unctionsB re*ers to t+e order o* i.portance and t+us .eans c+ie* or principal *unction3 T+e ter. is not restricted to t+e sin/ular 0ut .ay re*er to t+e plural3 3 3 T+e additional duties .ust not only 0e closely related to, 0ut .ust 0e required 0y t+e o**icialDs pri.ary *unctions3 Exa.ples o* desi/nations to positions 0y virtue o* oneDs pri.ary *unctions are t+e Secretaries o* #inance and <ud/et sittin/ as .e.0ers o* t+e Monetary <oard, and t+e Secretary o* Transportation and ,o..unications actin/ as , o* t+e Mariti.e )ndustry 'ut+ority 3 < and t+e ,ivil 'eronautics <oard3 )* t+e *unctions required to 0e per*or.ed are .erely incidental, re.otely related, inconsistent, inco.pati0le, or ot+er6ise alien to t+e pri.ary *unction o* a ca0inet o**icial, suc+ additional *unctions 6ould *all under t+e purvie6 o* Bany ot+er o**iceB pro+i0ited 0y t+e ,onstitution3 'n exa.ple 6ould 0e t+e Press Endersecretary sittin/ as a .e.0er o* t+e <oard o* t+e P+ilippine '.use.ent and ,orporation3 T+e sa.e rule applies to suc+ positions 6+ic+ con*er on t+e ca0inet o**icial .ana/e.ent *unctions andKor .onetary co.pensation, suc+ as 0ut not li.ited to c+air.ans+ips or directors+ips in /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations and t+eir su0sidiaries3 Mandatin/ additional duties and *unctions to t+e President, (ice2President, ,a0inet Me.0ers, t+eir

deputies or assistants 6+ic+ are not inconsistent 6it+ t+ose already prescri0ed 0y t+eir o**ices or appoint.ents 0y virtue o* t+eir special @no6led/e, expertise and s@ill in t+eir respective executive o**ices is a practice lon/2reco/ni=ed in .any 1urisdictions3 )t is a practice 1usti*ied 0y t+e de.ands o* e**iciency, policy direction, continuity and coordination a.on/ t+e di**erent o**ices in t+e Executive <ranc+ in t+e disc+ar/e o* its .ulti*arious tas@s o* executin/ and i.ple.entin/ la6s a**ectin/ national interest and /eneral 6el*are and deliverin/ 0asic services to t+e people3 )t is consistent 6it+ t+e po6er vested on t+e President and +is alter e/os, t+e ,a0inet .e.0ers, to +ave control o* all t+e executive depart.ents, 0ureaus and o**ices and to ensure t+at t+e la6s are *ait+*ully executed3 3 5 8it+out t+ese additional duties and *unctions 0ein/ assi/ned to t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily to sit in t+e /overnin/ 0odies or 0oards o* /overn.ental a/encies or instru.entalities in an ex'officio capacity as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+eir pri.ary *unctions, t+ey 6ould 0e supervision, t+ere0y deprived o* t+e .eans *or control and resultin/ in an un6ieldy and con*used 0ureaucracy3 )t 0ears repeatin/ t+ou/+ t+at in order t+at suc+ additional duties or *unctions .ay not trans/ress t+e pro+i0ition e.0odied in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, suc+ additional duties or *unctions .ust 0e required by the primary functions of the official concerned, who is to perform the same in an ex'officio capacity as provided by law, without receiving any additional compensation therefor 3 T+e ex'officio position 0ein/ actually and in le/al conte.plation part o* t+e principal o**ice, it *ollo6s t+at t+e o**icial concerned +as no ri/+t to receive additional co.pensation *or +is services in t+e said position3 T+e reason is t+at t+ese services are already paid *or and covered 0y t+e co.pensation attac+ed to +is principal o**ice3 )t s+ould 0e o0vious t+at i*, say, t+e Secretary o* #inance attends a .eetin/ o* t+e Monetary <oard as an ex'officio .e.0er t+ereo*, +e is actually and in le/al conte.plation per* t+e pri.ary *unction o* +is principal o**ice in de*inin/ policy in .onetary and 0an@in/ .atters, 6+ic+ co.e under t+e 1urisdiction o* +is depart.ent3 #or suc+ attendance, t+ere*ore, +e is not entitled to collect any extra co.pensation, 6+et+er it 0e in t+e *or. o* a per t+e. or an +onorariu. or an allo6ance, or so.e ot+er suc+ <y 6+atever na.e it is desi/nated, suc+ additional co.pensation is pro+i0ited 0y t+e ,onstitution3 )t is interestin/ to note t+at durin/ t+e *loor deli0erations on t+e proposal o* ,o..issioner ,+ristian Monsod to add to Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2<, ori/inally *ound as Section J o* t+e General Provisions, t+e exception Bunless required 0y t+e *unctions o* +is position,B 3 / express re*erence to certain +i/+2ran@in/ appointive pu0lic o**icials li@e .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet 6ere .ade3 3 7 Respondin/ to a query o* ,o..issioner <las ?ple, ,o..issioner Monsod pointed out t+at t+ere are instances 6+en alt+ou/+ not required 0y current la6, .e.0ers+ip o* certain +i/+2ran@in/ executive o**icials in other offices and corporations is necessary 0y reason o* said o**icialsD pri.ary *unctions3 T+e exa.ple /iven 0y ,o..issioner Monsod 6as t+e Minister o* Trade and )ndustry3 3 ; 8+ile t+is exc+an/e 0et6een ,o..issioners Monsod and ?ple .ay 0e used as aut+ority *or sayin/ t+at additional *unctions and duties *lo6in/ *ro. t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+e o**icial .ay 0e i.posed upon +i. 6it+out o**endin/ t+e constitutional pro+i0ition under consideration, it cannot, +o6ever, 0e ta@en as aut+ority *or sayin/ t+at t+is exception is 0y virtue o* Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )2A<3 T+is colloquy 0et6een t+e t6o ,o..issioners too@ place in t+e plenary session o*

Septe.0er 5%, 1 "!3 Ender consideration t+en 6as Section J o* ,o..ittee Resolution >o3 HJ1 6+ic+ 6as t+e proposed article on General Provisions3 3 9 't t+at ti.e, t+e article on t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission +ad 0een approved on t+ird readin/ on ;uly 55, 1 "!, < 0 6+ile t+e article on t+e Executive Cepart.ent, containin/ t+e .ore speci*ic pro+i0ition in Section 1J, +ad also 0een earlier approved on t+ird readin/ on 'u/ust 5!, 1 "!3 < 1 )t 6as only a*ter t+e dra*t ,onstitution +ad under/one re*or.attin/ and Bstylin/B 0y t+e ,o..ittee on Style t+at said Section J o* t+e General Provisions 0eca.e Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )A2< and re6orded BEnless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position3 3 3 3B 8+at 6as clearly 0ein/ discussed t+en 6ere /eneral principles 6+ic+ 6ould serve as constitutional /uidelines in t+e a0sence o* speci*ic constitutional provisions on t+e .atter3 8+at 6as pri.arily at issue and approved on t+at occasion 6as t+e adoption o* t+e quali*ied and deli.ited p+rase Bpri.ary *unctionsB as t+e 0asis o* an exception to t+e /eneral rule coverin/ all appointive pu0lic o**icials3 9ad t+e ,onstitutional ,o..ission intended to dilute t+e speci*ic pro+i0ition in said Section 1J o* 'rticle ()), it could +ave re26orded said Section 1J to con*or. to t+e 6ider exceptions provided in t+en Section J o* t+e proposed /eneral Provisions, later placed as Section %, par3 (5) o* 'rticle )A2< on t+e ,ivil Service ,o..ission3 T+at t+is exception 6ould in t+e *inal analysis apply also to t+e President and +is o**icial *a.ily is 0y reason o* t+e le/al principles /overnin/ additional *unctions and duties o* pu0lic o**icials rat+er t+an 0y virtue o* Section %, par3 5, 'rticle )A2< 't any rate, 6e +ave .ade it clear t+at only t+e additional *unctions and duties Brequired,B as opposed to Ballo6ed,B 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions .ay 0e considered as not constitutin/ Bany ot+er o**ice3B 8+ile it is per.issi0le in t+is 1urisdiction to consult t+e de0ates and proceedin/s o* t+e constitutional convention in order to arrive at t+e reason and purpose o* t+e resultin/ ,onstitution, resort t+ereto .ay 0e +ad only 6+en ot+er /uides *ail < 2 as said proceedin/s are po6erless to vary t+e ter.s o* t+e ,onstitution 6+en t+e .eanin/ is clear3 Ce0ates in t+e constitutional convention Bare o* value as s+o6in/ t+e vie6s o* t+e individual .e.0ers, and as indicatin/ t+e reasons *or t+eir votes, 0ut t+ey /ive us no li/+t as to t+e vie6s o* t+e lar/e .a1ority 6+o did not tal@, .uc+ less o* t+e .ass o* our *ello6 citi=ens 6+ose votes at t+e polls /ave t+at instru.ent t+e *orce o* *unda.ental la63 8e t+in@ it sa*er to construe t+e constitution *ro. 6+at appears upon its *ace3B < 3 T+e proper interpretation t+ere*ore depends .ore on +o6 it 6as understood 0y t+e people adoptin/ it t+an in t+e *ra.ersDs understandin/ t+ereo*3 < < )t 0ein/ clear, as it 6as in *act one o* its 0est sellin/ points, t+at t+e 1 "% ,onstitution see@s to pro+i0it t+e President, (ice2President, .e.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies or assistants *ro. +oldin/ durin/ t+eir tenure .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in t+e /overn.ent, except in t+ose cases speci*ied in t+e ,onstitution itsel* and as a0ove clari*ied 6it+ respect to posts +eld 6it+out additional co.pensation in an ex'officio capacity as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* t+eir o**ice, t+e citation o* ,a0inet .e.0ers (t+en called Ministers) as exa.ples durin/ t+e de0ate and deli0eration on t+e /eneral rule laid do6n *or all appointive o**icials s+ould 0e considered as .ere personal opinions 6+ic+ cannot override t+e constitutionDs .ani*est intent and t+e peopleD understandin/ t+ereo*3 )n t+e li/+t o* t+e construction /iven to Section 1J, 'rticle ()) in relation to Section %, par3 (5),

'rticle )A2< o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution, Executive ?rder >o3 5"& dated ;uly 5J, 1 "% is unconstitutional3 ?stensi0ly restrictin/ t+e nu.0er o* positions t+at ,a0inet .e.0ers, undersecretaries or assistant secretaries .ay +old in addition to t+eir pri.ary position to not .ore t+an t6o (5) positions in t+e /overn.ent and /overn.ent corporations, Executive ?rder >o3 5"& actually allo6s t+e. to +old .ultiple o**ices or e.ploy.ent in direct contravention o* t+e express .andate o* Section 1J, 'rticle ()) o* t+e 1 "% ,onstitution pro+i0itin/ t+e. *ro. doin/ so, unless ot+er6ise provided in t+e 1 "% ,onstitution itsel*3 T+e ,ourt is alerted 0y respondents to t+e i.practical consequences t+at 6ill result *ro. a strict application o* t+e pro+i0ition .andated under Section 1J, 'rticle ()) on t+e operations o* t+e Govern.ent, considerin/ t+at ,a0inet .e.0ers 6ould 0e stripped o* t+eir o**ices +eld in an ex' officio capacity, 0y reason o* t+eir pri.ary positions or 0y virtue o* le/islation3 's earlier clari*ied in t+is decision, ex'officio posts +eld 0y t+e executive o**icial concerned 6it+out additional co.pensation as provided 0y la6 and as required 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is o**ice do not *all under t+e de*inition o* Bany ot+er o**iceB 6it+in t+e conte.plation o* t+e constitutional pro+i0ition3 8it+ respect to ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent +eld 0y virtue o* le/islation, includin/ c+air.ans+ips or directors+ips in /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporations and t+eir su0sidiaries, su**ice it to say t+at t+e *eared i.practical consequences are .ore apparent t+an real3 <ein/ +ead o* an executive depart.ent is no .ean 1o03 )t is .ore t+an a *ull2ti.e 1o0, requirin/ *ull attention, speciali=ed @no6led/e, s@ills and expertise3 )* .axi.u. 0ene*its are to 0e derived *ro. a depart.ent +eadDs a0ility and expertise, +e s+ould 0e allo6ed to attend to +is duties and responsi0ilities 6it+out t+e distraction o* ot+er /overn.ental o**ices or e.ploy.ent3 9e s+ould 0e precluded *ro. dissipatin/ +is e**orts, attention and ener/y a.on/ too .any positions o* responsi0ility, 6+ic+ .ay result in +ap+a=ardness and ine**iciency3 Surely t+e advanta/es to 0e derived *ro. t+is concentration o* attention, @no6led/e and expertise, particularly at t+is sta/e o* our national and econo.ic develop.ent, *ar out6ei/+ t+e 0ene*its, i* any, t+at .ay 0e /ained *ro. a depart.ent +ead spreadin/ +i.sel* too t+in and ta@in/ in .ore t+an 6+at +e can +andle3 #indin/ Executive ?rder >o3 5"& to 0e constitutionally in*ir., t+e court +ere0y orders respondents Secretary o* Environ.ent and >atural Resources #ul/encio #actoran, ;r3, Secretary o* Local Govern.ent < 5 Luis Santos, Secretary o* >ational Ce*ense #idel (3 Ra.os, Secretary o* 9ealt+ 'l*redo R3'3 <en/=on and Secretary o* t+e <ud/et Guiller.o ,ara/ue to i..ediately relinquis+ t+eir ot+er o**ices or e.ploy.ent, as +erein de*ined, in t+e /overn.ent, includin/ /overn.ent2 o6ned or controlled corporations and t+eir su0sidiaries3 8it+ respect to t+e ot+er na.ed respondents, t+e petitions +ave 0eco.e .oot and acade.ic as t+ey are no lon/er occupyin/ t+e positions co.plained o*3 Curin/ t+eir tenure in t+e questioned positions, respondents .ay 0e considered de facto o**icers and as suc+ entitled to e.olu.ents *or actual services rendered3 < / )t +as 0een +eld t+at Bin cases 6+ere t+ere is no de (ure, o**icer, a de facto o**icer, 6+o, in /ood *ait+ +as +ad possession o* t+e o**ice and +as disc+ar/ed t+e duties pertainin/ t+ereto, is le/ally entitled to t+e e.olu.ents o* t+e o**ice, and .ay in an appropriate action recover t+e salary, *ees and ot+er co.pensations attac+ed to t+e o**ice3 T+is doctrine is, undou0tedly, supported on equita0le /rounds since it see.s un1ust t+at t+e pu0lic s+ould 0ene*it 0y t+e services o* an o**icer de facto and t+en 0e *reed *ro. all lia0ility to pay any one *or suc+ services3 < 7 'ny per die., allo6ances or ot+er e.olu.ents received 0y t+e

respondents 0y virtue o* actual services rendered in t+e questioned positions .ay t+ere*ore 0e retained 0y t+e.3 89ERE#?RE, su01ect to t+e quali*ication a0ove2stated, t+e petitions are GR'>TEC3 Executive ?rder >o3 5"& is +ere0y declared null and void and is accordin/ly set aside3

C*v*' L*.%r"*%s ,-*o- v EA%c$"*v% S%cr%"ar? (19< SCRA 317!

4A%(S3 T+e petitioner are assailin/ t+e Executive ?rder >o3 5"& issued 0y t+e President allo6in/ ca0inet .e.0ers, undersecretary or asst3 secretaries and ot+er appointive o**icials o* t+e executive depart.ent to +old 5 positions in t+e /overn.ent and /overn.ent corporations and to receive additional co.pensation3 T+ey *ind it unconstitutional a/ainst t+e provision provided 0y Section 1J, 'rticle ()) pro+i0itin/ t+e President, ,a0inet .e.0ers and t+eir deputies to +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent3 Section %, par3 (5), 'rticle )A2< *urt+er states t+at -Enless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la6 or 0y t+e pri.ary *unctions o* +is position, no appointive o**icial s+all +old any ot+er o**ice or e.ploy.ent in t+e Govern.ent or any su0division, a/ency or instru.entality t+ereo*, includin/ /overn.ent2o6ned or controlled corporation or t+eir su0sidiaries3B )n t+e opinion o* t+e C?; as a**ir.ed 0y t+e Solicitor General, t+e said Executive ?rder is valid and constitutional as Section % o* 'rticle )A2< stated -unless ot+er6ise allo6ed 0y la64 6+ic+ is construed to 0e an exe.ption *ro. t+at stipulated on 'rticle ()), section 1J, suc+ as in t+e case o* t+e (ice President 6+o is constitutionally allo6ed to 0eco.e a ca0inet .e.0er and t+e Secretary o* ;ustice as ex2o**icio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil3

ISS5 3 8+et+er Section % o* 'rticle )A2< provides an exe.ption to 'rticle ()), section 1J o* t+e constitution3

R5$I673 T+e court +eld it is not an exe.ption since t+e le/islative intent o* 0ot+ ,onstitutional provisions is to prevent /overn.ent o**icials *ro. +oldin/ .ultiple positions in t+e /overn.ent *or sel* enric+.ent 6+ic+ a 0etrayal o* pu0lic trust3 Section %, 'rticle )2A< is .eant to lay do6n t+e /eneral rule applica0le to all elective and appointive pu0lic o**icials and e.ployees, 6+ile Section 1J, 'rticle ()) is .eant to 0e t+e exception applica0le only to t+e President, t+e (ice2 President, Me.0ers o* t+e ,a0inet, t+eir deputies and assistants3 T+us t+e p+rase -unless ot+er6ise provided 0y t+e ,onstitution4 in Section 1J, 'rticle ()) cannot 0e construed as a 0road exception *ro. Section % o* 'rticle )A2< t+at is contrary to t+e le/islative intent o* 0ot+ constitutional provisions3 Suc+ p+rase is only li.ited to and strictly applies only to particular instances o* allo6in/ t+e (P to 0eco.e a ca0inet .e.0er and t+e Secretary o* ;ustice as ex2o**icio .e.0er o* t+e ;udicial and <ar ,ouncil3 T+e court t+ere0y declared E3? 5"& as null and void3

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