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Future English for Results 2, pp.


a coat , abrigo a jacket , chaqueta, saco a raincoat , gabardina, impermeable a windbreaker , , cazadora
MATERIALS/FABRICS corduroy cotton

some jeans/a pair of jeans , jeans Wrong: a jeans, a new jeans a sweatshirt , , sudadera a scarf/two scarves , bufanda gloves , guantes

, telas, tejidos
polyester rayon

, pana, corderoy, cotel , algodn denim , tela vaquera, de jeans, mezclilla fleece , ,
felpa, polar , cuero, piel linen , lino

, nylon ,


, rayn silk , seda vinyl , , vinilo wool , lana

a sweater , suter, jersey, chompa some tennis shoes/a pair of tennis shoes OR some sneakers/a pair of sneakers /, zapatillas de deporte/de lona a tie , corbata a uniform , , uniforme a zipper , cremallera, , cierre

some boots/a pair of boots , botas Wrong: a boots, a new boots some shoes/a pair of shoes , , zapatos Wrong: a shoes, a new shoes some sandals/a pair of sandals , sandalias a hood , capucha a suit , traje , terno a sleeve , manga

a bra (a brassiere) , sostn a dress , vestido a skirt , falda some panties () , , pantaletas

some lingerie (say: lon jer 'ay) , , ropa interior femenina a slip , combinacin, , viso, fondo

some underwear/ underpants, a pair of underwear/underpants , calzoncillos some slacks/a pair of slacks , pantalones de buena calidad Wrong: a slacks, a new slacks

a pair of slacks

, , ajustado, ceido baggy , holgado V-neck V, cuello en pico, , de escote en V crewneck , cuello redondo
tight VERBS

to put on/to take off your clothes to button up/to unbutton your shirt to tie/to untie your shoes to zip up/to unzip your jacket

to try on some clothes in a store to snap (up) /to unsnap your jacket (a snap , , botn de presin)
4091711backup Roland Trego 09/17/2011 rev. 3/8/2014 9:47 AM

Future English for Results 2, pp. 46-47 Vocabulary Review, Part 1 Student A

Ask your partner the odd-numbered questions. (1, 3, 5, 7...) Answer the even-numbered ones.(2, 4, 6, 8...) 1. 3. 5. You can put one of these on if it's raining so you won't get wet. Answer: a raincoat , gabardina, impermeable, This is something you wear around your neck to keep warm. Answer: a scarf , bufanda, This material1 is made from the fluffy2, white part of a plant. It is cool and good to wear in the summer. Answer: cotton , algodn,

, tela, tejido, ,

very soft and airy,

, mullido, peluche,


This is a man-made material that we often use to make jackets, backpacks, rope*, and women's stockings. * , cuerda, soga, , Answer: nylon , nylon, 9. This material comes from sheep. , ovejas, Answer: wool , lana, 11. What is the opposite of "tie your shoes"? Answer: untie your shoes 13. What is the opposite of "put on your clothes"? Answer: take off your clothes 15. This is a coat and pants made of the same material. You wear them together. Answer: a suit , traje, terno,

Future English for Results 2, pp. 46-47 Vocabulary Review, Part 1 Student B

Answer the odd-numbered questions (1, 3, 5, 7...). Ask your partner the the evennumbered ones (2, 4, 6, 8...). 2. You wear these to keep your hands warm. They each have five fingers. Answer: gloves , guantes, 4. This material is made from cow hide (skin). Answer: leather , cuero, piel, 6. This is the material jeans are made of. Answer: denim, , tela vaquera, de jeans, mezclilla, 8. This material is plastic. Answer: vinyl / , vinilo, 10. You wear these on your feet. They come up higher on your legs than shoes. Answer: some boots/a pair of boots , botas, , , 12. These are very light shoes that you might wear in hot weather. Answer: some sandals/a pair of sandals , sandalias, 14. This is the part of a coat or jacket that goes over your head. Answer: the hood ,, capucha,
4091711backup Roland Trego 09/17/2011 rev. 3/8/2014 9:47 AM

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