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Sharif Bro's Corruption

!"#"B$: %2 !ctober %999& 'roof: (li)ht '*-+,- of './ was hi0acked b1 2awa3 Sharif$"S-rke4$ #his 7ideo is a proof that 'ak /rm1 was with 9en. :usharraf 6 the arm1 was 7er1 upset 6 an)r1 with 2awa3 Sharif because of his betra1al with the nation 6 he sold out *ar)il war which 'akistan was winnin) with hu)e success.

Source:;i8332S3" .#<i %. %. C!=="'#.!2 C/S$S

2awa3 Sharif and his cronies ha7e alwa1s been workin) to plunder 'akistan>s wealth as their sole a)enda. <e e8panded his business empire b1 misusin) his authorit1 as Chief :inister 'un0ab and 'rime :inister 'akistan. /nd in order to )ain financial benefits? he manipulated laws and chan)ed policies. @ikewise? in a bid to a7oid accountabilit1? the 2awa3 Sharif 9o7ernment amended A#he $htasaab /ctB and made it effecti7e from A%99,B instead of A%9+-B as proposed in the ori)inal te8t of the A$htasaab /ctB prepared b1 the interim )o7ernment of caretaker 'rime :inister C@ateD :aira0 *halid C%99E-9FD. /nd b1 brin)in) this chan)e he cunnin)l1 sa7ed his tenure of Chief :inister 'un0ab C%9+--++D from accountabilit1. Gespite all maneu7erin) followin) references were filed a)ainst the Sharifs:-

2awa3 Sharif? Shahba3 Sharif and others misused official resources causin) a loss to the national e8cheHuer of =s E2,million b1 de7elopin) %+,, acres of land in =aiwind at state e8pense. 2awa3 Sharif and Shahba3 Sharif are accused of whitenin) black mone1 durin) their first tenure C%99,-9ID and causin) a loss of =s %+, million to the national e8cheHuer b1 e7adin) income/wealth ta8. 2awa3 Sharif? Saif-ur-=ehman and others reduced import dut1 from I2-J to %2-J on import of lu8ur1 cars CB:KD? causin) a hu)e loss of =s%.9+ billion to the national e8cheHuer.

!n the imposition of emer)enc1 and free3in) of forei)n currenc1 accounts? 2awa3 Sharif and Saif-ur-=ehman remo7ed %% billion "S dollars from 'akistani Banks ille)all1. Kithout the consent of account holders? (orei)n $8chan)e Bearer Certificates C($BCD accounts were fro3en and forei)n e8chan)e was misappropriated. .lle)al appointments in 'akistan .nternational /irlines C2awa3 Sharif and Saeed :ehdiD. /bbotabad land purchase scam C2awa3 Sharif and Sardar :ehtab /bbasiD. /7ailin) bank loan for .ttefaH (oundries and Brothers Steel :ills without fulfillin) le)al reHuirements C2awa3 Sharif and Shahba3 SharifD. Concealment of propert1 in the "S C2awa3 Sharif and Shahba3 SharifD. .lle)al appointments and promotions in (ederal .n7esti)ation /)enc1 C2awa3 SharifD. "S wheat purchase scam C2awa3 Sharif and S1eda /bida <ussainD. :urree land purchase scam C2awa3 Sharif and Saif-ur-=ehmanD #a8 e7asion C2awa3 Sharif and Shahba3 SharifD. (or)in) of passports and mone1 launderin) C2awa3 Sharif and .shaH GarD. Concealment of pri7ate helicopter purchase while filin) assets> detail C2awa3 SharifD. (a7orin) *ohinoor $ner)1 Co? causin) loss of =s. 4-, millions C2awa3 Sharif and !thersD. .lle)al cash finance facilit1 )i7en to Brothers Su)ar :ills C2awa3 Sharif and Shahba3 SharifD. Bribe offered to /2'>s Senator La3i :ohammad /nwer C2awa3 Sharif and !thersD. <udaibi1a 'aper :ills =eference a)ainst Sharif brothers and .shaH Gar. .lle)all1 appointin) Chairman Central Board of =e7enue C2awa3 SharifD Khitenin) of black mone1 b1 amendin) laws C2awa3 Sharif and Shahba3 SharifD. Causin) =s. I- billion loss b1 writin) off/reschedulin) bank loans C2awa3 Sharif and .shaH GarD. Bribin) ClateD :aulana Sattar 2ia3i from 2ational $8cheHuer C2awa3 Sharif and !thersD. 'lunderin) =s. 2,, million from Mahe3 and Baitul :aal funds C2awa3 Sharif 6 !thersD !penin) fictitious forei)n currenc1 accounts C2awa3 Sharif and .shaH GarD.

:akin) %I, political appointments in federal departments C2awa3 SharifD. =ela8in) e8port dut1 and rebate to transport su)ar to .ndia C2awa3 SharifD. Khitenin) of mone1 throu)h ($BC C2awa3 SharifD. Kealth #a8 e7asion C2awa3 SharifD. Concealment of facts to e7ade propert1 ta8 C2awa3 SharifD. Kithdrawal of case a)ainst Senator .slamuddin Sheikh C2awa3 Sharif? 6 .shaH GarD.

2. (.2/2C./@ 9/.2S B "S.29 <.S /"#<!=.# /S '=.:$ :.2.S#$=

#he first tenure of 2awa3 Sharif as 'rime :inister in the 1ear %99, saw another rei)n of loot and plunder. Gurin) this period :ian 2awa3 Shairf obtained loans amountin) to more than =s.E%4 billion from Banks throu)h his influence a)ainst inadeHuate )uarantees. /ccordin) to the details of loans obtained b1 Sharifs include =s.%--E million for .ttefaH (oundries? =s. -4I million for <aseeb KaHas Su)ar :ills? =s.4-- million for :ehran =am3an #e8tile :ills? =s.IFI million for =am3an Bukhsh #e8tile :ills? =s.II9 millions for Ch. Su)ar :ills? =s.22E millions for .ttefaH brothers? =s. 2,- million for Sandalbar #e8tile :ills? =s.%+2 million for <udaibi1a $n)ineerin) :ills? =s.%-I million for <am3a Board :ills @td? =s.%I4 million for <udaibi1a paper :ills? =s.I-% :illion for Brothers Su)ar :ills? =s.%F4 million for Brothers #e8tile :ills? =s.%-9 million for Brothers Steel :ills? =s.E2I million for =am3an Su)ar :ills? =s. %9% million *halid Sira0 #e8tiles? =s.I%I million for .ttefaH Su)ar :ills? =s.%E4 million for .ttefaH #e8tile :ills? and =s.2I9 million were obtained for .ttefaH Brothers. Gue to the malpractice the national wealth was used for establishin) personal empire while the countr1>s econom1 was facin) disaster. #his loan was eHui7alent to the total internal loan obtained b1 the )o7ernment of 'akistanN #hese so called patriotic politicians ruthlessl1 plundered the national e8cheHuer and used national wealth for personal financial )ains. .n addition mone1 launderin) worth billions of dollars throu)h ille)al means? wheat import scam? awardin) motorwa1>s contract to an internationall1 black listed compan1? recei7in) hea71 loans despite of bein) defaulter? secret businesses in "* C$7idence attachedD? Su)ar mills in *en1a and four flats in the most e8pensi7e area of @ondon and hu)e commissions in pri7ati3ation of :uslim Commercial Bank C:CBD are also a few Aachie7ementsB of 2awa3 Sharif and famil1.

I. #<$ /"G.#!= 9$2$=/@ =$'!=#

#he /uditor 9eneral =eport released in the 1ear %9++-+9 reported that 2awa3 Sharif? misusin) his authorit1 as Chief :inister 'un0ab? issued directi7es which resulted into direct malpractice of =s. I- billion. #he report said that the Chief :inister Secretariat had been turned into a hub of corrupt practices and 2awa3 Sharif used public mone1 like an emperor that resulted into hu)e fiscal deficit of the pro7ince. #he /uditor 9eneral =eport released in the 1ear %9+E-+F said that the then Chief :inister 2awa3 Sharif had used =s. %2,, million for malpractices in onl1 one 1ear. 2awa3 Sharif allotted I,,, precious @ahore Ge7elopment /uthorit1 C@G/D plots amon) his fa7ourites due to which the pro7ince suffered loss of billions of rupees. 2awa3 Sharif was the lead character of the Cooperati7e and (inancial .nstitutions Scam? which depri7ed the retired emplo1ees? orphans? widows? and poor of their total assets amountin) to =s. %F billion. 2awa3 Sharif released =s. %2,, million from his discretionar1 )rant in the 1ear %9+-+E while =s. %+9- million were released in %9+E-+F? =s. %+99 million were used in %9+F++ while another =s. %++F million were distributed amon) his cronies.

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2awa3 Sharif? Shahba3 Sharif and other part1 leaders practicall1 share and proudl1 identif1 commonalities between ':@-2 and #aliban and the1 ha7e 7er1 close ties and cordial relations with terrorists and banned terrorist outfits. .n earl1 9,s 2awa3 Sharif recei7ed hu)e sums of mone1 from !sama Bin @aden to o7erthrow former 'rime :inister of 'akistan Shaheed Bena3ir Bhutto>s 9o7ernment. $7en now ':@-2>s cabinet members and spokespersons are commonl1 seen han)in) around with members of those banned outfits? reportedl1 in7ol7ed in mana)in) terrorist attacks on thousands of innocent 'akistanis includin) soldiers? police officials and members of other law enforcement a)encies. Gue to compromisin) attitude of ':@-2>s leadership and their mild will to fi)ht a)ainst the menace of terrorism the members of law enforcement a)encies are completel1 demorali3ed. #hat is one of the reasons that the in7esti)ations a)ainst terrorists are not carried out in a proper manner and proof a)ainst arrested terrorists usuall1 is not a7ailable. Gue to the incapabilit1 of the 'un0ab 9o7ernment terrible terrorist attacks took place in the pro7ince includin) suicide attack on 'olice #rainin) School Bedian =oad? blast in :oon :arket @ahore? car bomb blast in the =escue %- buildin)? car bomb blast in (.../ buildin)? suicide attack on :unawan 'olice #rainin) Center? :odel #own link road bomb blast? suicide attack on Mamia 2aemia? terrorist attack on /hmedi>s worship

places? blasts in .mam Bar)ahs includin) *arbla 9amma1 Shah and suicide bomb blasts in the sacred shrine of <a3rat Gata 9un0 Buksh alon) with man1 others. /fter these attacks ':@-2 has morall1 lost its ri)ht of )o7ernment in 'un0ab. (urther? it was Shahba3 Sharif? who instead of showin) coura)e and political and moral will to fi)ht a)ainst the enemies of 'akistan? in his speech in Mamia 2aemia @ahore? be))ed for merc1 from the terrorists. <e? in a 7er1 dis)raceful manner? reHuested them not to attack 'un0ab as the1 are likeminded and standin) on the same side. #his statement of Shahba3 Sharif reflects his mindset N

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2awa3 Sharif and Co. has alwa1s been in7ol7ed in destabili3in) the democratic s1stem b1 one wa1 or the other and did not e7en hesitate to take bribes to )rab power. @t. 9eneral C=D 2aseerullah Babar? the former .nterior :inister had disclosed in the 2ational /ssembl1 in %994? that the .S. had disbursed mone1 to purchase the lo1alt1 of 7arious ri)ht win) politicians? includin) that of 2awa3 Sharif? in order to manipulate the %99, elections? for the .slamic Mamhoori .ttehad C.M.- 'akistan democratic allianceD? and brin) about the defeat of the '''. /s proof @t. 9eneral C=D 2aseerullah Babar? @t. 9eneral C=D /sad Gurrani and others ha7e filed affida7its supported b1 copies of 7arious documents. .n /ir :arshal /s)har *han>s human ri)hts petition C<=C %9/9ED in the Supreme Court of 'akistan a)ainst the former Chief of /rm1 Staff :ir3a /slam Bai) and the former Chief of the .S. and a banker concernin) the criminal distribution of the people>s mone1 for political purposes. #he case is pendin) ad0udication in the Supreme Court of 'akistan for the last %4 1ears. %. E. G$C$.# /2G @ .29

2awa3 Sharif>s politics is based on the philosoph1 Alie repeatedl1 till it seems as the truthB. <e has based his politics on deceit and lies. 2awa3 Sharif and his Achella3B belie7e in l1in) repeatedl1 and reli)iousl1 follow their con7ictions in this re)ard. #he1 are masters in the art of manipulation and alteration and use their wealth to achie7e their )oals. !ne e8ample is enou)h to e8pose their hideous character. /fter con7iction in the hi0ackin) case? 2awa3 Sharif and his famil1 approached forei)n friends who persuaded 'resident 'er7e3 :usharraf to ha7e merc1 and for)i7e them. 2awa3 Sharif? Shahba3 Sharif and famil1 sou)ht pardon and si)ned a)reements includin) a commitment not to participate in politics for a period of ten 1ears but the1 kept l1in) and hid the e8istence of these a)reements from the nation until the head of Saudi /rabian Secret /)enc1? 'rince :iHran Bin /bdul /3i3 and 'rime :inister of @ebanon :r. Saad <ariri>s un7eiled the e8istence of these a)reements and Ch. 2isar had to admit the e8istence of these a)reements durin) the press conference of Ma7ed <ashmi. Sharif brothers in return of

'er7e3 :usharraf>s A$hsaanB C)enerosit1D ha7e not onl1 crossed all limits of hostilit1 but also lied to the nation. Kould 2awa3 Sharif and his Achella3B e7er tender apolo)1 to the 'akistani 2ation? for l1in) to them for so man1 1ears4

F. '!@.C$ S#/#$

"nder the horrible times of Shahba3 Sharif>s 9o7ernment the 'un0ab pro7ince has been 7irtuall1 con7erted in to a ABadmaashB Cro)ueD pro7ince. <ere police officials )et in7ol7ed in heinous and brutal criminal acti7ities like one in Sialkot. #he administration did not take an1 action a)ainst the shameful and atrocious l1nchin) of two 1oun) brothers until the foota)e was telecast on electronic channels. .t is belie7ed that onl1 in 9u0ranwala Gi7ision? where a brother of ':@ C2D :2/ was deputed as head of police department? more than two hundred e8tra 0udicial killin)s ha7e taken place. #he record shows that in 'un0ab? police force has been continuousl1 used to harass and insult political ri7als. /n endless campai)n of lod)in) false (.=s a)ainst political opponents has also been initiated. "se of brutal police force and baton-char)e has become a routine. $7er1 se)ment of societ1 includin) 0ournalists? doctors? teachers? students? nurses? 9o7ernment emplo1ees? semi 9o7ernment and pri7ate institutions and law1ers ha7e faced the brutalit1 of police while protestin) for their demands.

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.t is a hard fact that poor )o7ernance 6 maladministration is trade mark of Sharif brothers. Shahba3 Sharif is an attention-seeker and likes to show off. (or the sake of Acheap publicit1B he has started callin) himself A*hadam-e-/laB but miserabl1 failed to meet the challen)es of )o7ernance and administration. .t>s a harsh realit1 that durin) his tenure in 'un0ab all institutions deteriorated conspicuousl1. .n order to achie7e their moti7es? Sharifs alwa1s appoint their blue e1ed personnel on ke1 posts b1 completel1 i)norin) merit. /lmost all districts of 'un0ab are bein) run b1 )rade %9 officers who are incapable hence a basic reason for poor )o7ernance. Gue to his dictatorial approach Shahba3 Sharif himself heads %2 pro7incial ministries and he seldom holds cabinet meetin). <e takes decisions o7er rulin)? the cabinet. <is obstinate beha7ior is the prime reason for the maladministration in the pro7ince. .t would be 0ust and appropriate to su))est that Sharifs ha7e failed to establish a democratic spirit in their )o7ernment and ha7e completel1 o7erlooked the norms of democratic political setups.

9. C=.:.2/@ /SS/"@# !2 #<$ S"'=$:$ C!"=# !( '/*.S#/2

.n order to consolidate and attain more power? Pthe champion of democrac1 and independent 0udiciar1>? 2awa3 Sharif attacked e7er1 indi7idual and institution? he felt could )et in the wa1 and challen)e his authorit1. .n order to )et rid of Chief Mustice Sa00ad /li Shah? who 2awa3 Sharif despised? the latter created di7isions amon)st the 0ud)es usin) the humble ser7ices of a former 0ud)e? =afiHue #arrar Clater 'resident of 'akistanD to make life difficult for the Chief Mustice. / )roup of 0ud)es refused to acknowled)e CM Sa00ad /li Shah as the Chief Mustice and thin)s )ot so bad that a number of 0unior 0ud)es made it difficult for him to carr1 out his duties. $7entuall1? Sharif ordered his thu)s to attack the Supreme Court in order to pre7ent the Chief Mustice from )i7in) a rulin) a)ainst him. #he police did nothin) to stop Sharif>s thu)s as the1 attacked and entered the Supreme Court premises. #he 0ud)es inside the buildin) barel1 mana)ed to escape. #he thu)s? led b1 Sa00ad 2aseem and :ushtaH #ahir *heli? 2awa3 Sharif>s political secretaries? entered the court chantin) anti-CM Sa00ad slo)ans and destro1ed the Court =oom. %. %,. C/:'/.92 /9/.2S# #<$ '=$SS /2G M!"=2/@.S#S

/ number of incidents durin) %99+-99 indicated a pattern of harassment and intimidation of indi7idual 0ournalists as the )o7ernment was increasin)l1 becomin) intolerant. .mtia3 /lam? a @ahore-based 0ournalist? complains of threats o7er the telephone and then of his car bein) set on fire in a m1sterious manner the ne8t da1. /nother @ahore 0ournalist? :ahmud @odhi? was picked up and held in ille)al custod1 for two da1s. <e was Huestioned about his in7ol7ement with a BBC team filmin) a documentar1 on the rise and wealth of the Sharif famil1. 'resent 'akistani ambassador in "S/ :r. <ussain <aHHani was picked up in a cloak-and-da))er fashion and interro)ated at a (./ Center for mone1 embe33lement while he held )o7ernment office. #he residence of .drees Bakhtiar? a senior staff reporter of monthl1 <erald and BBC correspondent in *arachi was raided b1 C./ police on 2o7. 2E? %99+. #he police harassed the famil1 and also arrested his 2+-1ear old son? :oonis? who was later released. !n (eb. %I? %999? three persons? includin) Senator /bdul <a1ee Baloch and a lad1 worker from @ahore? were in0ured when the police baton-char)ed? used water cannons and threw bricks on a peaceful procession of the 'akistan /wami .ttehad in front of the parliament house in .slamabad. #he march? or)ani3ed b1 the '/. for the freedom of the press? was led b1 '/. president 2awab3ada 2asrullah *han ClateD? the then opposition leader Shaheed Bena3ir Bhutto and secretar1 )eneral of the alliance <amid 2asir Chatta? besides a number of sittin) and former ''' :2/s and senators. #he owner of the (rontier 'ost? =ehmat Shah /fridi? was arrested in @ahore on /pril 2? %999? b1 the /nti-narcotics (orce. #he 'eshawar-based (rontier 'ost was critical of

)o7ernment policies. /fridi>s arrest was seen b1 0ournalists and others as another attempt to )a) the 'ress. !n :a1 +? %999? 2a0am Sethi? $ditor of #he (rida1 #imes? was arrested on the orders of 2awa3 Sharif. 'olice stormed into his house in @ahore and dra))ed him out of his bed room. /fter brutal torture and breakin) furniture of the house he was shifted to some unknown place. /nd before lea7in) the house with :r. Sethi? the1 tied his wife Mu)noo>s hands with a rope and locked her up in a dressin) room. @ater? 2awa3 Sharif asked C!/S 9en. :usharraf to char)e :r. Sethi under the 'akistan /rm1 /ct for bein) a traitor and )i7e him ma8imum punishment Cma8imum punishment is deathND. #he 2ew ork-based Committee to 'rotect Mournalists CC'MD? a press freedom or)ani3ation? said on Mune %? %999 that it was conductin) an in7esti)ation into a Ahit listB prepared b1 the 'akistan )o7ernment that contains I- prominent 0ournalists of 'akistan. /ccordin) to reports recei7ed b1 the C'M? the federal )o7ernment had decided to establish a special media cell comprisin) officials from the police? .ntelli)ence Bureau and the (ederal .n7esti)ation /)enc1 to punish the 0ournalists? who had been writin) a)ainst the )o7ernment. $htesab Bureau Chairman? Senator Saifur =ehman *han was to head this cell which would function from @ahore? .slamabad? *arachi and 'eshawar with its head office in .slamabad. /ccordin) to the C'M? the 0ournalists were: .rshad /hmed <aHHani ClateD? =ehmat /li =a3i? /n0um =asheed? Cwriter and anchor personD Suhail Karraich? Sohaib :ar)hoob and ClateD =oman $hsan CMan) @ahoreD? :. Qiauddin CGawn .slamabadD? Gr. :aleeha @odhi? Ma7ed Maidi? 2usrat Ma7eed? :ariana Babar and /nsaar /bbassi C#he 2ews? .slamabadD? =ehana <akeem and Qahid <ussain C2ewslineD? $0a3 <aider? *halid /hmed? Mu)nu :ohsin and /dnan /dil C#he (rida1 #imes? @ahoreD? :ahmood Sham CMan)? *arachiD? =ashed =ehman C#he 2ation? @ahoreD? /mir /hmed *han C<erald? *arachiD? .mtia3 /alam? Beena Sarwar? ShafiH /wan? *amila <1at and /mir :ir C#he 2ews @ahoreD? /bbas /thar C2awa-e-KaHt? @ahoreD? *amran *han and Sheh3ad /m0ad C#he 2ews *arachiD? /3am *halil C'ulseD? :ohammad :alik C#ribuneD? .mtia3 /hmed C#he (rontier 'ost? 'eshawarD? .l1as Chaudhr1 CMan) =awalpindiD? 2a7eed :era0 C#he (rontier 'ost? .slamabadD and S1ed #alat <ussain C#he 2ation? .slamabadD. #he 9o7ernment of 2awa3 Sharif started a campai)n a)ainst the Man) )roup in Mul1 %99+ when it refused to sack a number of 0ournalists critical of 9o7ernment policies. #he )o7ernment ob0ected to the Man) )roup newspapers> reportin) about the law and order situation in the countr1 and put a ban on ad7ertisement. !n /u)ust %I? a report was published about non-pa1ment of =s. F,, million to farmers b1 the su)ar mills owned b1 the 2awa3 Sharif famil1. #hree da1s later? the )o7ernment sent notices to Man) for non pa1ment of ta8es and the case was shifted to the $htesab cell. !n September 2F? %99+? the 9o7ernment asked the Man) )roup not to publish a report of P#he !bser7er @ondon> that 2awa3 Sharif had siphoned off millions of rupees. #he report was not published b1 the Man) but it was published b1 its sister $n)lish newspaper #he 2ews. !n 2o7ember -? bank accounts of the Man) )roup were fro3en and (./ raided the Man) and the 2ews offices in =awalpindi and customs authorities stopped deli7er1 of newsprint to the Man).

!n Man 2+ %999? a sedition case was re)istered a)ainst :ir Shakil-ur-=ehman for publishin) an ad7ertisement of :uttahida>s *hidmat-e-*halH (oundation on Manuar1 %? which accordin) to the police? was aimed at incitin) people a)ainst the state. :ir Shakil-ur-=ehman re7ealed that Senator Saif-ur-=ehman asked him to sack a number of Man) emplo1ees who should be replaced in consultation with the 9o7ernment. <e released to the press audio-tapes of con7ersation with Saif-ur-=ehman on this issue. Saif-ur-=ehman accused :ir Shakil-ur-=ehman for e7adin) ta8 and customs dut1 to the tune of =s. 2.E billion. #he hostilit1 of Sharifs towards media is also e7ident from the fact that in the parliamentar1 histor1 of 'akistan for the first time a resolution? condemnin) the media? was tabled Cb1 a )roup of :'/s belon)in) to 2awa3 @ea)ueD and passed in the 'un0ab /ssembl1. %. %%. G$S#/B.@.Q/#.!2 !( .2S#.#"#.!2S

#here is probabl1 no institution in 'akistan which 2awa3 Sharif did not a))ressi7el1 confront in order to make them compl1 with his wishes. Besides pickin) a fi)ht with the 'resident? the Mudiciar1 and the restricted/limited media of that time? Sharif also decided to ha7e a confrontation with the arm1? the onl1 7iable institution left in 'akistan. Gue to his hostile and dumb approach in 2awa3 Sharif>s first term as prime minister? he fell out with three successi7e arm1 chiefs: 9eneral :ir3a /slam Be)? 9eneral /sif 2awa3 and 9eneral /bdul Kaheed *akar. Gurin) his second tenure? he fell out with two other 9enerals? 9eneral *aramat and later with 9eneral 'er7e3 :usharraf. 9eneral *aramat became the first Chief of /rm1 Staff in the histor1 of 'akistan to ha7e been prematurel1 retiredN !ne b1 one all challen)es and potential obstacles to his dictatorial mindset were remo7ed from his wa1 b1 2awa3 Sharif. 9hulam .shaH *han? (arooH @e)hari? Sa00ad /li Shah? and 9eneral Mehan)ir *aramat were all remo7ed from the scene b1 2awa3 Sharif. %. %2. .ll-C!2S.G$=$G $C!2!:.C G$C.S.!2S

2awa3 Sharif>s ill-considered economic decisions cost 'akistan dearl1N But the Sharif famil1>s personal business empire )rew e8ponentiall1 throu)h Huestionable means. 2awa3 Sharif? durin) his tenure as Chief :inister 'un0ab from %9++-9,? depri7ed the pro7incial departments of =s. %-.I- billion. .n addition in %99F-99 he caused hu)e loss amountin) in %% billion "S dollars to pri7ate account holders b1 free3in) forei)n currenc1 accounts contrar1 to the law and constitution wherein he and his cronies mana)ed to )et awa1 with hu)e sums e7en after the free3e. Billions of dollars were remo7ed from the banks without the permission/consent of the account holders but the accounts of

common 'akistanis were withheld. .n last two and half 1ears? Shahba3 Sharif wasted more than 4, billion rupees in ASasti =otiB and other subsidi3ed food schemes that had been initiated to earn cheap popularit1 and to benefit their political supporters. /dmittedl1 these funds ha7e been distributed amon)st their own supporters without an1 audit 0ust to )ain political milea)e. / hu)e chunk of these funds has been disbursed b1 the )host A#andursB CburnersD owners. .nflation and un-emplo1ment is rocketin) da1 b1 da1 due to the ill-concei7ed decisions of the pro7incial )o7ernment. #his is one of the reasons that 'un0ab could not help flood 7ictims at the time because the1 had utili3ed their funds in senseless politicall1 moti7ated schemes and now ha7e an o7erdraft amountin) =s. +, billion.

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#he so called son of soil 2awa3 Sharif 7irtuall1 sold *ashmir in %999 durin) .ndian ':>s 7isit to @ahore. 2awa3 Sharif deleted the word *ashmir from the 0oint declaration to please .ndian counterpart. B1 crossin) all the limits of treacher1 and falsehood 2awa3 Sharif and his cronies claim that 'akistan armed forces lost the *ar)il war. .n fact? due to the decisions of 2awa3 Sharif? 'akistan lost this war in the drawin) room of the /merican 'resident after winin) it in the battlefield. %. %4. /#!:.C $R'@!S.!2S .t is a pro7en fact that in %99+ 2awa3 Sharif was double-minded about the atomic e8plosions. Khile the nation waited breathlessl1 for a befittin) repl1 to .ndia? 2awa3 Sharif was bus1 in ne)otiatin) economic packa)es with "S 9o7ernment. 9ohar /1ub *han? who was forei)n minister at that time? has also corroborated this fact in his book.

/fter all this . don't understand wh1 people are so blind 6 stupid.


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