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TDDi Fuel injection pump (FIP) information

TDDi Fuel injection pump (FIP) information

This is PR !I"I#$R% &'R(I#) DR$FT for * +'#* !td. internal use and Fo+'" users. Please excuse the typos and errors.

Table of Contents
$djustment of fuel pump......................................................................................................................, Dia-nostics of .osch P*)..................................................................................................................../ +onnector............................................................................................................................................./ Pump control unit description............................................................................................................../ Dia-nostics...........................................................................................................................................0


TDDi Fuel injection pump (FIP) information

Fuel pump adjustment

Information about unadapted fuel pump is displa2ed as an fault code .,134 (or 5,0167 .16D$891). The pump is adjusted b2 '.D, dia-nostic connector. +onnect to the en-ine control unit (P+") b2 Fo+'". Function Fuel pump Adjustment can be found at the menu ECU Programmin-/+odin-. *election of an2 other codin- functions such as P$T* lo-in7 delete :e2s7 etc.7 is not needed for fuel pump adjustment.

If 2ou cannot find Fuel pump adjustment function in menu7 please send us file with fast snapshot (-o to the menu Control Unit Identification a clic: button Save ECU Information)7 part number of +5 (;;;;81,$9068;;) and the <I# code on address $ function will be added. For the adjustment is necessar2 to -o throu-h two steps related to P$T*. First is in the P+" and second in the pump. The pro-ram performs these steps automaticall2. T2pe of access in first step in P+" is either timed or codin-7 it depends on t2pe of the control unit. "ore information about P$T* can be found in the rele>ant documents.

The left picture shows the timed access. The ri-ht picture shows the codin- access demandin- I#+'D .


TDDi Fuel injection pump (FIP) information

Remember that for e>er2 '5T+'D 7 which a control unit -enerates7 is necessar2 to -et a uni?ue I#+'D . 5sin- one and the same I#+'D durin- more operations with P$T* is not possible. $fter t2pin- a >alid I#+'D (or after waitin- for time access)7 application -o to the second step also related to P$T* in the pump.

&aitin- for access to the pump

Information a out successful adjustment

$s mentioned abo>e7 both accesses are >er2 often timed. In practice7 2ou can also meet with the state of the pump7 which do not re?uire a second step. If the adjustment fails7 please sa>e the debu- lo- and send it to info=secons.com7 this procedure is described in the user manual.


TDDi Fuel injection pump (FIP) information

Diagnostics of Bosch PSG

Fo+'" supports the dia-nostics of pumps of TDDI en-ines from the manufacturer Robert .osch )mb@. These pumps ha>e not plu--ed their dia-nostic pin into the '.D, soc:et7 it is important to connect dia-nostics directl2 to pin of control unit. Ford ID* doesnAt contains features that allows dia-nosis of this t2pe of control units.

For dia-nostics of pump is necessar2 the direct connection from PI#4((line) in the +5 to PI#B in Fo+'" dia-nostic interface.

Pump control unit description

The control unit of pump contains onl2 a h2brid circuit board7 which is not repairable in normal wor: conditions. +onsumption of the +5 can be up to C$7 it is necessar2 to -et connected to a fused wirin-.


TDDi Fuel injection pump (FIP) information

Dia-nostics of pump is a>ailable from the main menu of Fo+'" b2 clic:in- on D*pecial Dia-nosticsE and then selectin- DFuel Injection Pump Dia-nosticsE.


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