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D a t e : t Ol a s l t \

Subject:Regarding additionalFSI upto 0.50as per New IndustrialPolicy-2013. Ref.: Government Notification No. TPS43l2l2lllcR-25120121 UD-1I dated 2011112013.

MIDC, in its meeting no. 335dt. 10June2010,vide resolution no. 4947had decided to enhance basicFSI from 1.0to 1.5 for MIDC areaby charging premium & submitted to the Govt. for its sanction a modification proposal to the regulationno.18.1 of the Revised DC Regulations-20O9, after completingthe legal procedureunder section 37(I) of theMR & TP Act, 1966. The Govt. has also declared the New IndustrialPolicy-2013for Maharashtra Statevide Resolution no. III-Policy 20l0lcR-768l Industry2 dt.22 Feb 2013,whereinthe StateGovt. hasannounced its decision to permitadditional premium. 0.5 FSI for MIDC areaby charging After consultingthe Directorof Town Planning,Maharashtra State, the Government has sanctioned the proposedmodificationwith some changes vide Notificationno. TPS 4312l2lllCR-2512012ND-11 dated 20thNovember, 2013.(copyenclosed). (2) of the Section In exercise of the powersconferred by sub-section 37 of the said Act, the Government has sanctioned following modification andalsofixed the dateof publication of the saidnotification in the Official Gazette as the date of comine into force of this modifications. Regulation18.1-The following Note (vi) is added in the Notesbelow Table3. vi) Additional FSI upto 0.50 may be permitted over and abovethe basicFSI of 1.00,subjectto paymentof premium for suchadditional

decidedby the MIDC from time FSI as per the ratesand conditions

to time. Provided that no condonationshall be permissible in the of parking and amenity as well as requirements marginal distances, for utilizationof suchadditional F.S.I. space Provided further that, the usersfor which additionat FSI up to 100 o is permissible under other relevant provisions of these by thoseRegulations. shall be governed Regulations
Now, with referenceto the sanction accordedby the Government, for the basicFSI of 1.00is permissible FSI up to 0.5 overandabove additional MIDC afea. The issue was discussedin MIDC Board Meeting dated premiumasunderto recover andit is decided 2410212012 plot :25 ohof activities/ industrial 1) Additionalpremiumfor industrial prevailingindustrialrateof MIDC in that area. rate of MIDC in use : 50 Yoof prevailingresidential 2) For residential that area. rateof MIDC or use : 75 % of prevailingcommercial 3) For commercial Rate,whicheveris higher. Ready Reckoner All SPAs and EEs are requestedto take action as per above mentionedguidelines. This circular is issuedwith the approvalof CEO, MIDC.

ChiefPlanner MIDC. Mumbai-93 please. to the CEO,MIDC for information Copysubmitted CopyFWCsto all HoDs. actionto: & necessary Copyfor information All EEs All SPAs All ROs


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