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Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

I nnovo

Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification
Version 2.0

Team Guide: Members:

Mr.R.Jayaraj S.Arun prasath S.Madhan Hindusthan College of Engineering and technology Computer Science and Engineering Tamil Nadu

College Name: Department: State:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Revision History
Date !"!#"#$!! #!"$!"#$!# Version !.$ #.$ Description Aut or Synopsis %nno&o Synopsis ' Additional %nno&o usecase has (een added)corresponding acti&ity diagrams are included) additional ta(les are included.

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Table o! Contents
1.0 Introduction
"#" $urpose %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##& "#' Scope %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##& "#( De!inition) Acronyms) and Abbreviations %%%%%%#* "#& Re!erences %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%* "#* Tools to be used %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%######+ "#+ ,vervie- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.

Page no

2.0 Overall Description

'#" $roduct $erspective %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###. '#' So!t-are /nter!ace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###0 '#( Hard-are /nter!ace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##0 '#& 1se case diagram %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###"2 '#* Se3uence diagram %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#"" '#+ Activity diagram %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##". '#. Database design %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#'" '#0 4R diagram %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###''

3.0 Specific requirements

(#" 1se case reports %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#'(
Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

So!t-are Re3uirements Speci!ication

1.0 Introduction:
Blood donor central database and web-portal is an "%& ood 'an( which can maintain the records of ' ood donors and use that in an efficient manner.


#he Hospita s ' ood 'an(s and hospita s can oo( for donors in their near'$ area who wi 'e avai a' e in quic( time . )nd a so (eep record of donors hea th report to eva uate quic( $.

1.2 Scope:
)dministrator have access to a detai s of ' ood donors #he user can re!ister with his 'asic detai s i(e *ame+ Re!ion+ contact detai s which cou d 'e phone num'er / emai and ' ood !roup. #he detai s of donors are 'e saved in such a wa$ that there is ess ' an( spaces i(e in ,m . & ood &an(s + hospita s etc cou d 'rowse for ' ood donors in their near'$ area and a so the search resu t is provided for on $ those donors who have not donated ' ood in ast - months & ood donors are as(ed to !ive feed'ac( of the hea th report of donors .on 'asis of their ' ood ta(en/+ for future consideration after the ' ood donation is 'ein! made '$ donor. *o user cou d access an$ detai s of donors without 'ein! a mem'er of we'site. 0n $ hospita s+ ' ood 'an(s etc shou d 'e a' e to see the contact detai s of donors . i(e phone num'er / emai / & ood donor cou d 'e a owed to see on $ the name and re!ion the$ ive in. ) so if the$ need to as( another ' ood donor for an$ ' ood donation he p it shou d 'e throu!h admin and proper reason for which there shou d 'e a form to 'e fi ed '$ donor. ) points shou d 'e !iven to ever$ donor on 'asis of their ' ood donation which cou d 'e used '$ ' ood donors if the$ need ' ood for an$ of their re atives + friends etc. .#he priorit$ for ma(in! ' ood avai a' e '$ mem'er ' ood 'an(s for those donors/

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

#he search for donors is made f e,i' e + for e,amp e a user can !ive de hi in different forms i(e + 1"2HI+ de hi+ 1e hi *on%mem'ers can a so oo( for ' ood donors or & oods in an$ particu ar 'an(s and then do quic( re!ister throu!h their mo'i e phones and raise a tic(et for & ood requirements 3aintains the histor$ of ' ood donation and events. 4)5 section is inc uded for user 'enefit. Re!u ar hea th artic es are pu' ished '$ )dministrator.

1.3 efinitions! "cron#ms! and "bbre$iations:

H#32 .H$per #e,t 3ar(up 2an!ua!e/6 It is used to create static we' pa!es. 7S8 .7ava Server 8a!es/6 It is used to create d$namic we' content. 72"" .7ava 2 "nterprise "dition/6 It is a pro!rammin! p atform+ 'e on!in! to the 7ava p atform+ which is used for deve opin! and runnin! distri'uted 9ava app ications. :)SC" .:e'Sphere )pp ication Server Communit$ "dition/6 It is an app ication server that runs and supports the 72"" and the we' service app ications. :S)1 .:e'Sphere Studio )pp ication 1eve oper/ 6 It is a desi!ner too (it which is desi!ned to deve op more comp e, pro9ects '$ providin! a comp ete d$namic we' service. 1&2 .I&3 1ata'ase 2/6 It is a data'ase mana!ement s$stem that provides a f e,i' e and efficient data'ase p atform to raise a stron! ;on demand; 'usiness app ications. H##8 .H$per #e,t #ransfer 8rotoco /6 It is a transaction oriented c ient/ server protoco 'etween a we' 'rowser and a we' server. &1C1:8.& ood donor centra data'ase and we'%porta / 6 It is the we' app ication which maintains the ' ood donor data'ase for quic( access.

1.% References
0'9ect 0riented 3ode in! and 1esi!n with <32%3ichae & aha+ 7ames Ram'au!h. Software "n!ineerin!+ Seventh "dition+ Ian Sommervi e.

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

I&3 Red &oo(s. I&3 #=3C Samp e S$nopsis. I&3 > www.i' operwor(s

1.& 'ools to be used

"pplication arc(itecture ) *"+"! *2,, *"+"
7ava is an o'9ect%oriented pro!rammin! an!ua!e deve oped '$ Sun 3icros$stems a compan$ 'est (nown for its hi!h end <*I? wor(stations. 7ava an!ua!e was desi!ned to 'e sma + simp e+ and porta' e across p atforms+ operatin! s$stems+ 'oth at the source and at the 'inar$ eve + which means that 7ava pro!rams .app et and app ication/ can run on an$ machine that has the 7ava virtua machine .7V3/ insta ed.

7ava 8 atform+ "nterprise "dition or 7ava "" is a wide $ used p atform for server pro!rammin! in the 7ava pro!rammin! an!ua!e. #he 7ava p atform ."nterprise "dition/ differs from the 7ava Standard "dition 8 atform .7ava S"/ in that it adds i'raries which provide functiona it$ to dep o$ fau t%to erant+ distri'uted+ mu ti% tier 7ava software+ 'ased ar!e $ on modu ar components runnin! on an app ication server.

-eb ser$er ) -"S.,

:e'Sphere )pp ication Server Communit$ "dition .from now on :)SC"/ is a free+ certified 7ava "" @ server for 'ui din! and mana!in! 7ava app ications. It is I&3As supported distri'ution of )pache =eronimo that uses #omcat for serv et container and ),is 2 for we' services. 0ver 1@ :)SC" deve opers are committers in the )pache =eronimo pro9ect.

e$elopment tool )R"

I&3 Rationa )pp ication 1eve oper for :e'Sphere Software .R)1/ is an inte!rated deve opment environment .I1"/+ made '$ I&3As Rationa Software division+ for visua $ desi!nin!+ constructin!+ testin!+ and dep o$in! :e' services+ porta s+ and 7ava .72""/ app ications.

atabase platform ) B2
1&2 1ata'ase is the data'ase mana!ement s$stem that de ivers a f e,i' e and cost effective data'ase p atform to 'ui d ro'ust on demand 'usiness app ications and supports the 72"" and we' services standards.
Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

esi/n tool ) Rational Software 0odeler

I&3 Rationa Software 3ode er+ .RS3/ made '$ I&3As Rationa Software division+ is a <nified 3ode in! 2an!ua!e <32 2.0%'ased visua mode in! and desi!n too . Rationa Software 3ode er is 'ui t on the "c ipse open%source software framewor( and inc udes capa'i ities focused on visua mode in! and mode %driven deve opment .311/ with the <32 for creatin! resi ient+ thou!ht%out app ications and we' services.

1.1 2$er$iew:
#he SRS wi inc ude two sections+ name $6 %I% 2$erall escription: #his section wi descri'e ma9or components of the s$stem+ interconnections+ and e,terna interfaces. %I% Specific Requirements: #his section wi descri'e the functions of actors+ their ro es in the s$stem and the constraints faced '$ the s$stem.

2.0 2$erall


2.1 Product perspectives:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

2.2 Software Interface .lient on Internet

:e' &rowser+ 0peratin! S$stem .an$/

.lient on Intranet
:e' &rowser+ 0peratin! S$stem .an$/

-eb Ser$er
:)SC"+ 0peratin! S$stem .an$/

ata Base Ser$er

1&2+ 0peratin! S$stem .an$/

e$elopment ,nd
R)1 .72""+ 7ava+ 7ava &ean+ Serv ets+ H#32+ ?32+ )7)?/+ 1&2+ 0S .:indows/+ :e'Sphere.:e' Server/

2.3 Hardware Interface

0inimum Requirements: Client Side

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo Processor Internet Explorer - 6 Server Side Processor RAD DB2 - 9.5

2.0 21/01/2012

R"0 or 12B 3&

is3 Space 100 3&

Inte 8entium III )31 % B00 3HC

R"0 1 =&

is3 Space -.@ =& @00 3&

Inte 8entium III )31 % B00 3HC

or 2@D 3&

.",c udin! SiCe/


Recommended Requirements: Client Side Processor Internet Explorer - 6 Server Side Processor RAD R"0 2 =& ) Inte or )31 % 2 =HE @12 3& is3 Space -.@ =& @00 3& .",c udin! SiCe/ 1ata R"0 is3 Space 100 3&

) Inte or )31 % 1 2@D 3& =HE

DB2 - 9.5

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

2.4 Use case diagram:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

2.5 Sequence diagram:

Blood bank registration:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

,$ent creation:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Blood donor lo/in :

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

4on member re/istration:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Request anot(er blood donor:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012


Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

2. !ctivit" diagram:
#$ood %an& approva$:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Blood donor re/istration:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

onate fund:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Blood transfer:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

2.' (ata%ase design:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

2.) *+ (iagram

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

3.0 Specific requirements:

3.1 Use Case Reports: Non 5members:
Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Register: *on mem'ers can re!ister in &1C1:8 '$ !ive mandator$ detai s i(e username+ name + password+ emai id + phone num'er and contact detai s. Search for blood donors: *on mem'ers can search for ' ood donors in the specific address and ma(e a re!istration to view their detai s. View help: *on mem'ers can view on ine he p and a so can down oad off ine he p to efficient $ use the faci ities avai a' e in the site. View health articles: *on mem'ers can read a hea th artic e which was created '$ administrator. View FAQ: *on mem'ers can view the frequent $ as(ed questions section and can c ear his dou'ts Contact admin: *on mem'ers can quer$ admin '$ enterin! his mai address and his quer$ for which admin wi rep $. Blood donors: Login: & ood donors can enter into the site '$ o!in with his username and password which he provided at the time of re!istration. View his stat s: #he user can view his detai s and his histor$ of ' ood donations. !ive feedback: & ood donors can !ive feed'ac( to administrator a'out his hea th records "dit profile: & ood donors can edit their profi e and modif$ his detai s and a so he can de ete his account. View c rrent re# irement:

Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

& ood donors can view the current requirements in his area and can donate ' ood. Register for blood donation: & ood donors can re!ister for ' ood donation in ' ood donation camps which is or!aniCed '$ & ood 'an(s. View events: & ood donors can view an event which is or!aniCed '$ & ood 'an(s and a so the$ can ma(e a quic( re!istration. Re# est other Blood donor: & ood donor can request other ' ood donors throu!h administrator and can have more priorit$ than other ' ood donations Blood bank: Register: & ood 'an(s can re!ister in the we'site and can wait for approva from administrator. )fter approva & ood 'an(s can o!in. Login: & ood 'an(s can o!in '$ usin! the detai s which the$ provided at the time of re!istration. "dit profile: & ood 'an(s can edit their profi e and the$ a so can deactivate their account. Create events: & ood 'an(s can create events with a particu ar date and can ma(e quic( re!istration for ' ood donors. $rgani%e Blood donation camps: & ood 'an(s can or!aniCe ' ood donation camps '$ which mem'ers can ma(e re!istration and can donate ' ood in the camp. Create re# irements: If the & ood 'an(s need an$ particu ar ' ood the$ can post their requirement on the site '$ which the & ood donor can view the requirements. Search for blood: & ood 'an(s can access the ' ood donor data'ase '$ enterin! the required ' ood and the ocations if needed.
Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


Blood donor central database and web-portal

Software Requirements Specification Innovo

2.0 21/01/2012

Administrator: &aintain blood bank: )dministrator can add or de ete ' ood 'an( and a so he can update the detai s of the ' ood 'an(. Create FAQ: )dministrator can add + remove and update question in F4requent $ as(ed 5uestionsG section which ena' es the eas$ understanda'i it$ of the users. Create health articles: )dministrator can create hea th artic es for various topics which ma$ 'enefit the users. &aintain Blood donors: )dministrator can view+ add+ update and de ete the & ood donor detai s.


Innovo / Hindusthan Co e!e of "n!ineerin! and #echno o!$


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