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ENG 101 Midterm ePortfolio

In this course, we work on the ePortfolio in three phases: 1) early set-up and tech demonstrations; 2) the midterm requirements; and 3) the final research project of the course. At this midterm phase, you are simply asked to look back at all of the writings that you have done in the course so farwhich is a LOT! You have more than five writing prompts. You have at least 7 reading responses You have a Dialogue Essay You have your Life Is Real essay You have done a lot of writing, sharing, and critical thinking in this class and now you are ready to influence a larger world of ideas that goes beyond the walls of this classroom! All ENG 101 students must create a portfolio of their writings and thinkings from the course. Our goal here is do more than just fulfill a school/program assignment though; we want to use writing for what it is really meant to do: shape others and make its mark on the world. Whatever you do and create in your ePortfolio, let it come from you and let it move others! You have a 50-point spread for this midterm. You can basically use this point-spread as a checklist for yourself. Your fulfillment of the 50 points is how will receive the points/grade for the assignment (for a review of the semesters entire 200 points, please see the syllabus calendar). Please refer to the point-spread below FREQUENTLY so that you know exactly what is expected of you. The point-spread here is not trying to simply capture the rules of a teacher; these points have been designed with the sole purpose of ensuring that your ePortfolio is professional, intellectually creative, inspiring, in-depth and cohesive. You should walk away from this class with a digital footprint you can be proud of.

1st ePortfolio Check-Point (10 points)

These points represent your initial set-up for your ePortfolio. It was graded weeks before.

1) A Header that spans the entire 779X200 pixels space with a Background image that communicates with the header in theme/message and/or design and is visible 2) An "About Me" page under the "About this Site" tab with photo of yourself (it should be clear whether you did option A or B for this). About the Design of this Site should also be under this webpage. 3) Careful attention to the About Me page: proofread, edited, spell-checked, no paragraph indentation, line spaces for indenting. 4) All of the 6 top tabs minimally (All titles for top tabs, left tabs, etc must be capitalized correctly) 5) An ePortfolio title, ePortfolio URL that indicates your name, and a directory icon 6) Accurate privacy settings (it should NOT be open yet) with permissions to Carmen and ENG 101 7) A 3-color scheme that works with the header and background (no white webpages unless the header and background are white) 8) Careful attention to the landing page: its message matches the title/theme of the ePort; its graphic design works well with the background, header, and CSS; it gives credits for the images used in header, background, etc 9) Careful attention to the About the Design of this Site: proofread, edited, spell-checked, no paragraph indentation, line spaces for indenting, addresses all

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questions. 10) A very drafty version of a writing prompt uploaded (or the Life is Real assignment)



General Issues
This part of the point-spread has to do with general issues related to writing for the web. Once you get the feel of it, these issues will become more automatic.

11) About this Site has been fully completed with three left tabs. Every written page in this tab is at least 350 words long, has a left-or-right-justified image, and double-returns on a line instead of indenting. 12) There are no surface errors anywhere in the About this Site tab (errors are not simply about getting the grammar right here you are trying to establish credibility as a public writer). 13) The overall font is large enough to read and easy to see for viewers with multiple visual needs and abilities. 14) The Favorite Pieces tab has been given an interesting name, purpose, and identity. The Life is Real essay is included in this tab. 15) Table of Contents clearly labels each section of the ePortfolios current content with working weblinks to them. The Table of Contents includes original word art with the label, Table of Contents (you can call it what you like) 16) There are no weird formatting issues (big gaps, big spaces, etc). This goes for indentations on the left tab too. 17) You created a CONTACT module and added a little prose to that page that welcomes readers to leave you a note. 18) Each text is written for a public audience rather than a teacher/classroom audience (you do not have headings, mention classes/people that only people at JJay know, etc). 19) All titles are spelled correctly and follow standard capitalization rules for titles (for top tabs and left tabs). 20) Credits for visuals and sounds are offered at the bottom of each webpage (in smaller print). 21) Credits for the header and background are offered at the bottom of the landing page (in smaller print).

Life is Real Essay

This will be the only assignment that is really prescribed for your ePortfolio. The purpose is to define your politics as a writer for your public audiences.

22) This ePage has at least one image that relates critically to the texts content and left or right justified. 23) This ePage has been edited and proofread closely. There are no glaring surface errors that impede credibility. 24) This ePage has MINIMALLY 2 weblinks from websources that offer intellectual discussion (Wikipedia, dictionaries, youtube videos, and any generic site CANNOT be weblinks--- these are too, too easy to find). 25) This ePage includes at least one embedded video that is discussed in the writing and is inserted with the flow of the writing. 26) This ePage is written for a public audience rather than a teacher/classroom (you do not have assignment headings, mention classes/people that only people at JJay know, etc). 27) Your politics as a PUBLIC WRITER are clearly defined. You use vivid language

and detail to get your points across. 28) You SHOW the events in your story, not just tell or list the things that happened that like a recipe or lab report (that genre is important, but not here). 29) You have a unique title and opening sentence/paragraph. You creatively ease us into this story rather than state facts up front. 30) Your entire essay flows. There are no big jumps in the flow of the essay or points that are left disconnected. 31) This ePage has an embedded mp3 at the top (credits for the song are offered at the bottom of the page as well as a youtube link to it). 32) You have included all of the drafts of this project at the end of the document as a tile-gallery of images of each page of your entire drafting process (you can use your phone to take photos of your draftsdo this all the time now).*


Favorite Pieces
This section of the ePort will contain any writing prompts and reading responses that you like. You must include at least two writings here.

33) You included a unique and creative title for this section/tab and did not leave it as Favorite Pieces. 34) You have included at least two pieces in this section that are each at least 700 words long (the equivalent of two pages). 35) Each ePage in this section has an interesting title in the left tab (no need for headings and titles on the ePages). 36) Each ePage has been edited and proofread closely. There are no glaring surface errors that impede credibility. 37) Each ePage has at least one image that relates critically to the texts content and left or right justified. 38) Each ePage has MINIMALLY 1 weblink from websources that offer intellectual discussion (Wikipedia, dictionaries, youtube videos, and any generic site CANNOT be weblinks). 39) Each ePage is written for a public audience rather than a teacher/classroom (you do not have assignment headings, mention classes/people that only people at JJay know, etc). 40) You SHOW the events in your story, not just tell or list the things that happened that like a recipe or lab report. 41) Taken together, everything in this section shows you are interesting, curious, and deeply introspective. 42) You have included all of the drafts of this project at the end of a document as a tile-gallery of images of each page of your entire drafting process (you can use your phone to take photos of your draftsdo this all the time now).*

This is part of the departmental policies but it is an important practice. You are asked here to look back, reflect on what you have learned, and really come to know yourself as a writer and thinker.

43) There is an ePage Reflection for the Life is Real assignment: what was it like writing, revising, and digitizing this piece? Using hindsight, what does this piece show about you as a writer and about your own writing process? 44) There is an ePage Reflection for your midterm progress in the class: what have you learned about yourself as a writer so far? What do you think of your ePort so far and why? What is your vision for your eportfolio? What will you add/revise to your ePort for the rest of the semester?

45) Each ePage Reflection has at least one image that relates critically to the texts content (the source of the image must be explained at bottom of page). 46) No ePage Reflection has surface errors and is 500-750 words long (the equivalent of 1 ! to 2 pages) 47) Each ePage Reflection has at least one weblink from websources that offer intellectual discussion (Wikipedia, dictionaries, youtube videos, and any generic site CANNOT be weblinks).


Notice that you can still get an A and NOT take your ePort wayyyy over the top. If you do choose to GO FOR IT, these points are for you!

48) You created more tabs and content than is required of this ePortfolio (i.e, more reflections, favorite pieces, etc). About what? Well, that is all connected to the purposes and design that YOU have chosen for yourself with this ePortfolio. 49) You used music and video in more than just the prescribed places for this assignment and creatively linked that to your writing and images. 50) Your extensive writing and your use of images are both deep, provocative and do more than just fulfill the minimal length and quantity requirements prescribed here.

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45-50 points: A 40-44 points: B 35-39 points: C less than 35 points: FAILING

*Indicates specific departmental policies and expectations

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