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Slide1: titlu Slide 2: We all lie. It is a universal human characteristic.

Slide 3: Perhaps the most common lie is the answer to the question "how are you?" We used to say "OK". It has even become an automatism. In a word, we lie. And we do that to the simplest question possible. On the other hand we say out loud that honesty is important in a relationship. Slide 4: Lying, says Robert Feldman, is a basic skill that we learn from three years old. Lying may be considered failure, like when a person "forgets" to recall an important aspect of a real events. For example, in one study, researchers found that 60 percent of those questioned had lied at least once during a 10-minute conversation, recorded on video. Furthermore, subjects believed that they were honest. Only when they viewed the recording they found out that they said untrue things . When we get to lie and not even be aware of this, we not only fooling people around us, but also ourselves. This is the explanation that the motivation lies is usually linked to self-esteem and selfpreservation. Slide 5: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Don't lie yourself . That one who lie himself and leaves his own ear to his lies reach not to distinguish the truth in him, or around him and have no respect for themselves or for others" Slide 6: What are the signs that betray a person who lie? To identify a liar should be taken into account and the reason which a person we would hide the truth. The best example is that of the child who lie his parents so as not to be punished. Therefore, if you are convinced that a person has no reason to lie to you and you left the impression that hides the truth pay attention to a few aspects. It is well to remember, however, that the same "Symptoms" occur in case of ashamed of a particular conversation.

Slide 7 : Notice the change in tone of voice. When people say something false, it is normal to change their tone of voice, without realizing it. This is caused by the tension produced by the action of a lie. Tone of voice may be higher or lower compared to that used in normal conversations. Slide 8: Gestures that betray the stress of person whos lying. Touching the nose or face. These habits are specific to childhood and the subconscious is an attempt to "cover up". Slide 9: Pay attention to the eyes. Sometimes a simple glance is sufficient to convey something, and most people have difficulty lying on someone watching him in the eye. Again, in order not to give the impression that his lying, while some people maintain eye contact with the other side more than usual. The look is directed towards the right side. When you look to the top right is stimulated that part of the brain responsible for imagination (that means we invent things), while the left-oriented look stimulates the part of the brain associated with memory (and then we tell the truth). Slide 10: Breaks in speech. There are many people who have the ability to come up with a plausible explanation for the moment, which is why they need the time to invent something, this explaining the breaks during the conversation.

Slide 11 However, everyone complains, in theis own way of lying, the truth is that the more you lie less you turn into a stronger person We lie in an effort to create a better "version" of us: we lie about our achievements and skills, so that others can look at us with more respect. We lie to cover up mistakes and not be held accountable. In other circumstances, we lie to not hurt the feelings of a person etc.In other words, we lie because it works and because we get benefits. When the lie is revealed and has more disadvantages than advantages, only then we think, to admit the truth..

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