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R.P.Maheshwari A M U Aligarh (U P), India Protection of the overhead equipment ( OHE ) of single-phase 25 kV t i action system is a special case of distance protection. In addition to the earth faults, wrong phase coupling faults take place on the OHE. I n this paper, an adaptive protection scheme suitable for the single-phase 25kV 50Hz traction system used by the Indian and several other Railways is presented. T h e proposed relay characteristic is a combination of two quadrilaterals in RL-plane, one for the earth faults and other for wrong-phase-couplingfaults. The relay automatically selects the appropriate relaying algorithm on detecting the nature of fault. Secondly, it automatically adjusts its reach to suit the prevailing feeding condition. Performance of the relay has been evaluated both by simulation on a personal computer and by real time implementation on a prototype. T h e prototype is designed around a 16-bit mi croprocessor, Intel 8086. For the evaluation propose the fault data was generated using the simulation package EMTP/ATP developed by Salford University. The results of simulation and real-time test prove that the relay is capable of discriminating between internal faults, external faults and heavy loads, and detects internal faults in about a quarter cycle.

H.K;. Verma
University of Roorkee, India Due: to continuous movement of locomotives load is not located at the farthest point of the line. It may happen at times that several locomotives ruin in the same section of the OHE,leading to a large increase in load. This situation is further aggravateddue to the use of DC series motors in electric locomotives, which draw large current on stating. As a result, the impedance seen by the distance relay on such heavy loads may be even smaller than that on distant earth faullt. Therefore, best discrimination between loads and earth fault (EF) can be provided by a quadirilateral characteristic distance relay The: load current drawn by locomotives is rich in harmonics. Thus any distance relay measuring impedance ( R a n d X ) muslt use higher order filter to have good accuracy of meauurement. This fillter will cause a long delay in relay operation. A better altetrnative is to measure resistance and inductance which is affected neither Iby presence of harmonics nor transients. The power supplies from aldjacent substations have a phase difference of either l:!OOor60.They are isolated froim each other by a neut:ral section during normal feeding and by an insulated overlap during emergency feeding, when due to the failure of one substation. supply to its feeding section is drawn from the adjacent substation by closing bridg,ing interrupter; Fig. I . An inadvertent coupling between these supplies leads to a wrong- phase-coupling (WPC) fault. As the impedance seen by the relay at lagging substation will lie in the second quadrant of R-L plane, another RLmeasuring distance relay with a quadrilateral characteristic i n that quadrant can be very e,ffective. During emergency feeding condition supply I S extended upto next feeding section, thus tlhe relay should provide protection upto the end of next section

Problems in providing protection to the traction overhead equipment (OHE) are different from those faced in protecting an ordinary transmission line or a distribution system of the sanie voltage level. The factors that make it different and difficult are the system configuration. change in the length of the line during operation and the amount and nature of the loading.

Developments in Power System Protection, 25-27th March 1997, Conference Publication No. 434, 0 IEE, 1997










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The 25 kV Railways.





To this end the relay should preferably have an adaptive reach. It will select a lower reach during normal power feed conditions and switch over to an extended r e a c h d u r i n g a n emergency f e e d i n g conditions. The latter condition can be sensed by monitoring the state of the bridging interrupter using a slow communication channel.

TABLE 1 Fault Resistance for earth fault at various location of OHE



Arc Impedance Resistance CQ


Fault Resistance


For the selection of relay parameters and testing of the prototype the OHE of 25 kV traction system of the Indian Railways having line impedance of 0.52 ohm / ktn at an angle of 7 2 degrees and source impedance of 6 . 2 5 ohm at an angle of 8 5 degree is considered. The average length of catenary to be protected during normal feeding 40 km. Thus during emergency feed, the reach of the relay should be set to 80 km. The values of impedances seen by the relay on earth fault at various locations are giving in table 1.

40 80

20.8 L72" 41.6 L72'

1.01 2.25

6.01 7.25

The value of impedances seen by relay at lagging substation on WPC fault for angle between sources 120Oand 60 for WPC fault occurring for normal as well as emergency feeding condition are given i n table 2 .


rABLE 2 - Imuedance seen bv relav on wrong phase



ohms whilst L is in mH. The slopes are transformed to Q = 8.746 and P = -0.5613 on RL plane To save computational time, these slopes are approximated to 8 and - 0.5625, respectively. The values of L, and L, corresponding to X,, and X,,are 75 m H and 150 m H respectively. The value of R , is taken as 6 0

I: (Ohm)

RELAY CHARACTERISTIC Earth fault Protection
4s already explained, protection on earth faults on

3HE can be best provided by a RL-meascring relay

Nith quadrilateral characteristic. In order to ensure selective protection in emergency as well as normal 'eeding condition, the relay in provided with two nductance reach settings L,and L,. The setting i s idaptively changed by monitoring the position of the ,ridging interrupter. The relay characteristic on RX- plane is shown in Fig. !. In the figure, Vector OFA is the line impedance, 3F is the impedance of line for normal reach of 40 km ind OA is that for the extended reach of 80 km. A nargin ofabout 15% can be given in the values so that he relay does protect the entire length inapite of an inderreach. Thus the reach settings along the line mpedance vector are OF' and ON . Vectors OC and U3 represent the arc plus ground resistance for the ault occurring at substation and farthest point of :atenary under emergency f e e d conditions, .espectively. From table 1, OC = 5 . 1 3 0 and AB = 1.25 0.The angle p i s taken as loo and ct is found to ,e 70'. The corresponding slopes are p = - 0.176 and 1 = 2.75. The desired operating zones of relay under iormal and emergency feed conditions are taken as he quadrilaterals OED'X,,and OEB'X L2, respectively. The corresponding reach settings along X-axis are CL,, and XL2. An allowance of 15% has been made here n the offset along R-axis, like that for the reach along <-axis.


E a r t h F a u l t Relay charaet e r i s t i c on RX-plane.

3 Shows the relay characteristic of Fig.2 ransformed onto RL-plane. The value of R is taken i n

Fig. 3

Earth Fault Relay characteristic on RL-plane.

The operating condition of the relay for earth fault protection is given by L < LE AND L > Q * ( R - R , ) AND R > O AND L > P * R (1) Where LEis equal t o L,or L, as t h e case may be, and & is the intercept on R -axis. The condition for detection of WPC fault thus can be given by L>O AND R< 0 AND L < L, AND L > Q, (R- \) (2) Where L, in adaptively chosen between LW1 and LW2 depending upon feeding condition.

WPC Protection
Usually, protection for WPC fault on traction OHE is provided by an off set mho relay and that on earth fault by an plain mho relay. But due to an overlap of the two characteristics, some times the earth fault relay operates on WPC fault too. T h e impedance seen by the relay on WPC fault a t the substation with laggingvoltage always lies in second quadrant of RXplane and that for earth fault in the first quadrant. Therefore, these two faults can be discriminated by having the two relay characteristics without any overlap. The earth fault relay characteristic should lie exclusively in the first quadrant (as already proposed) and that of W P C relay in the second quadrant. T h e WPC relay c h a r a c t e r i s t i c should include impedances corresponding t o both the values of the angle between substations, i.e. 120" and 6 0 ' . Fig. 4 shows the relay c h a r a c t e r i s t i c meeting these requirements on RX - plane. W, and W, are impedances seen when angle between sources is 60",under normal and emergency feed conditions respectively. The points W, and W, corresponds to the 120" angle between sources (Table 2), STR, is obtained by drawing a line parallel to the one joining W, and W, and allowing a margin of approximately 15%. For the present case the value of R,,, thus obtained is -1OR The slope of line S T R , is q, = - 1. This slope when transformed on the RL.- plane is Q, = -3.183 1 . For the ease in tnicroprocessor implementation. Q, is
taken a s - 3 G i v i n g a n a l l o w a n c e of about 15%. t h e

rip. 4 1.1.1 ch.r.u.ri.tie on U-pl.".

cor m pmccction

Comprehensive Protection
Since both EF and W C protection are based on measurement of R and L and many calculations are common to them, they can be combined in a single relay. T h e relay after completing the common calculations, will adaptively select the appropriate protection algorithm. The composite characteristic is the combination of the individual quatrilateral characteristics with one modification. Persusal of the operating condition of the two relays, given by (1) and (2) brings out the fact that the one check namely R = 0 is common to them. One more check namely, L > PR, can be made common without jeopardizing the selectivity of the WPC relay. Its implication is to change the bottom boundary of the WPC relay characteristic from a horizontal line
to a s l a n t i n g line.

reach settings for normal operation and emergency feeding are taken as X,,, = 3 7 R a n d X,,, = 7 2 . 5 0 Corresponding reach settings on R L - plane will be L W l = 1 1 8 i i i H a n d L W 2 - 2 3 1 mH.

Complete process flowchart of the composite relay is given i n Fig. 5 . By monitoring the bridging interrupter the relay selects its reach, LEfor earth fault and L,,qfor

WPC protection. As conditions L>PR. is common to earth fault and WPC protection, it is tested first. If this condition is true then depending upon the sign of resistance either the earth fault protection or the WPC protection algorithm is selected.


di K dt

Fig. 5

Operation flow chart of composite relay f o r OHE protection.

From equation (3) and (4) v,alues of R and L can be written as;


Let the samples of current and voltage signals to the relay at instants k-1 and k be I I-,, i ~, v k-l and v L. Now system differential equation, neglecting line capacitance, at these instants can be written as
VL., =

k-1 "k



I; -1

L D , , + R I,,


The values of the derivative of current, D and D t,are obtained by Newtons 5 point backward dfference formula. Accordtngly, the expression for derivative a t instant k is gven by plane. In order to provide immunity to relay from error due to transients and high frequency noise, R and L instead of R and X are measured. For tlus purpose Newton's five point backward dlfference formula with some approximation is used. The relay is provided adaptive feature in terms of reach setting and selection of appropriate protection algorithm for earth fault or wrong phase coupling fault as the case may be. For the testing of the realy test signals were obtaiced by modelling the traction OHE on simulation programe EMTP / ATP of Salford University. The relay is found to successfbly &scriminate between earth fault and wrong-phase-coupling faults. The relay IS able to detect boundary earth faults acurately. It also operates on a fault close to the substation.The earth fault relay is capable of clearing even the boundary faults within a quater cycle besides remaining stable at four times the normal load. The wrong-phase-coupling protection is capable of issuing trip singal within 6.25 ms of fault inception. TABLE 3 - Relay Wrating time for earth fault on Traction

D,= ( 2.O83ik-4 i L-,+ 3 i k-2- 1.333 i k - 3 + 0.25 i k4]/h (7)

In this expression coefficient 2.083 in approximated to 2, to achieve multiplication by binary siuft and thus, saving s o " computational time. Tlus 5- point formula besides being computationally simple gives fairly accurate results.



Rrformance ofthe relay was evaluated both by simulation on a personal computer as well by real -time implementation on a prototype developed around 16-bit microprocessor,Intel 8086. Sampling frequency was taken as 800 Hz. The simulation program was written in FORTRAN and realtime testing program was written in assembly language of

For the dynamic tests on the relay, the traction supply system was simulated with the help of EMTP /ATP ( ElectroMagnetic Transient Package / Alternative Transient Program). Faults were created at various locations on the OHE ( line ). In order to study the worst case, fault were t the voltage zero. Relay operating time for various created a earth fault conditions are tabulated in Table 3 , For WPC faults the relay detected the fault wthin 6.25 ms of the fault inception, both for normal as well as extended reach. In order to avoid false relay operation due to oscillation in the calculated values of R and L, trip signal is issued only when fault is detected on two consecutive sampling instants. Steady state characteristic of composite relay with normal reach setting in shown in Fig. 6 .
A digital distance relay for a comprehensive protection of traction OHE on both earth fault and wrong - phase coupling faults, is presented. The relay characteristic is a combination of two suitablly designed quadrilaterals in RL-

Relay operating time ( ms) Normal reack Extended react

2.5 Cault at substation r h o u g h 5 i2 resistance


Fault at Substation through zero resistance Cault at 'F' through 5 R resistance ( Fig. 2 ) Fault at ' A through 5 R resistance
Fig. 2





N. A


Operation On 4 * rated load

U.A. Not applicable

No operatior No operation


Fig. 6

Steady state characteristic of composite relay with normal setting.

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