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Chenelly D. Alcasid B.A. 908 Marketing Management (DDC) Mid-Term E am !an"ary #$% &0$' (.

. C)nce*ts and +trategies (disc"ss th)r)"ghly) - ,0-

a) What trend/s and development/s are affecting your company presently? How do you capitalize on the opportunities and minimize on the threats? (20 points) The trends and de.el)*ments /hich a00ects )"r c)m*any as a Banana E *)rter is .ery m"ch de*endent )n the trends and de.el)*ment /hich a00ects the Banana (nd"stry and Agri1"siness as a /h)le. The 0)ll)/ing trends a00ect the ind"stry and agri1"siness2 $. &. #. '. 3reer trade and gl)1ali4ati)n 5es)"rce scarcity (*artic"larly land and /ater) 6reater a/areness )0 the (climate change) and need 0)r s"staina1ility 6reater em*hasis )n 0))d sa0ety and tracea1ility

7n the marketing side% )"r c)m*any rec)gni4es the .ari)"s )**)rt"nities t) e *and its sales. 7"r c)m*any en.isi)ns a 80280 rati) 1et/een Middle East and 3ar East markets and als) 1e a1le t) *enetrate )ther markets 1y )00ering c"st)mi4ed *r)d"cts. 7"r c)m*any /ill c)ntin"e t) *)siti)n itsel0 as a s)cial-agri1"siness c)m*any *r).iding t)* 9"ality 1ananas at c)m*etiti.e selling *rices (.ers"s the ind"stry giants s"ch as D)le% Del M)nte% :a*anday and +"mi0r")% /hile esta1lishing and maintaining g))d relati)nshi*s /ith )"r c"st)mers. 7"r c)m*any i0 /e can c)nsistently *r).ide /hat )"r c"st)mers /ant then they /)"ld de0initely l).e "s. T) gr)/ the 1"siness% the key is t) ha.e the right res)"rces /ith the right timing and strategy. 7"r c)m*any is ca*itali4ing m)re )n its )**)rt"nities 1y sec"ring m)re 0ertile lands% signing l)ng term /in-/in c)ntracts /ith e isting and *)tential c"st)mers% s)"rcing the ca*ital needed t) e *and and )*erate the 1"siness% /hile hiring and in.esting )n the right *e)*le and enhancing the c)m*etencies and talents that they ha.e t) make the entire )*erati)n )0 the 1"siness s)ar. b) How do you segment your mar et? (!0 points) 7"r c)m*any segments its market thr)"gh ge)gra*hical segmentati)n and 1eha.i)"ral segmentati)n. 6e)gra*hically% )"r c)m*any has c)ntin"ed t) e *and its gl)1al reach% n)/ incl"ding m)re c)"ntries in the 3ar East (!a*an% China% and ;)rea) /hile maintaining its str)ng *)siti)n in the Middle East. 3"rtherm)re )"r c)m*any is als) l))king int) additi)nal markets in the 3ar East like +inga*)re and e.en as 0ar as <e/ =ealand and >nited +tates )0 America. This e *ansi)n dri.e /as *r)m*ted 1y a desire t) strengthen the c)m*any?s c)re c)m*etency in the trading )0 0resh 0r"its and .egeta1les% seeking an e.en /ider market 1ase t) achie.e s"ccess )n a c)nsistent 1asis. As *art )0 its gl)1al strategy% it has taken ad.antage )0 the 0l)/ )0 0resh 0r"its and .egeta1les 0r)m the s)"thern hemis*here t) markets in the n)rthern hemis*here. 7"r c)m*any internati)nally is n)/ /ell )n its /ay t) gain an e.en larger .)l"me )0 the market segment than it c"rrently has. As a res"lt% market gr)/th is e *ected t) 1e signi0icant.

C"st)mer?s 1"ying 1eha.i)"r is als) an)ther c)nsiderati)n in )"r c)m*any?s market segmentati)n. An)ther gr)/ing segment are Ca.endish 1ananas marketed "nder 6l)1al6A@ (g))d agric"lt"ral *ractices) standards% as /ell as% highland and l)/-chemical 1ananas /hich are increasing in .)l"me2 sales )0 s)-called As"staina1leB 1ananas. This is t) ans/er the 1ilateral 9"arantine agreement 0)r each ty*e )0 im*)rted 0r"it t) 1e c)ncl"ded in ad.ance 1et/een the Chinese administrati)n and the e *)rting c)"ntry% and als) the strict .alidati)n )0 the !a*an Market 0)r chemical resid"e )n their im*)rted 0r"its. There is als) the c"st)mer?s *re0erence )0 cl"ster *acks (smaller *acks )0 1ananas) ).er 1ananas in hand *acks 1eca"se )0 c)n.enience and C"st the right si4e 0)r c)ns"m*ti)n. C"rrently )"r c)m*any is als) *r).iding c"st)mers this ty*e )0 c"st)mi4ed *ackaging )0 Ca.endish 1ananas. c) "ropose a positioning strategy for your company#s brand/s$ (!0 points) There are many *)siti.e as*ects and characteristics )0 )"r c)m*any?s (<ED @hili**ines (nc.) *r)d"cts and ser.ices. The c"rrent 1rands are already /ell a**reciated 1y )"r target markets. Ehat is lacking seems t) 1e h)/ /ell these 9"alities are c)mm"nicated that /ill s"**)rt 1rand a/areness e00)rts in targeted segments )0 the Ca.endish Banana and )ther 0r"its and .egeta1les market and /ill make )"r c"st)mers 0eel that /e are )00ering Ag))d .al"e 0)r m)neyB *r)d"cts c)"*led /ith e ce*ti)nal a0ter sales year r)"nd. There0)re% ( 1elie.e that de.el)*ing increased 1rand a/areness /ill hel* internal selling e00)rts% re*eat c"st)mer 1"siness and the a1ility t) )*en ne/ market segments. Develop a Concise and Consistent Message E00ecti.e c)mm"nicati)n )0 these 9"alities t) the market*lace is .ital t) the s"ccess )0 the <ED 1rand de.el)*ment. These 1rand 9"alities m"st 1e re0ined% )rgani4ed and *"1licly *resented in a clear% c)ncise and c)nsistent message. 7nce created% this message )r series )0 messages /ill dri.e all marketing c)mm"nicati)ns thr)"gh)"t the c)m*any. The message /ill a00ect all as*ects )0 c)mm"nicati)n incl"ding% 1"t n)t limited t)% the 0)ll)/ing2 !0%&0%!0 'ales (essage (the elevator presentation) This series )0 messages /ill 1e "sed in all <ED @hili**ines? selling e00)rts. The $0F0-$0 message is a series )0 three messages )0 di00erent lengths $0 sec)nds% F0 sec)nds% and $0 min"tes. This may 1e c)nsidered as an @itchB% the $0GF0G$0 Message all)/s the sales and marketing team t) kee* a c)nsistent message thr)"gh)"t all selling e00)rts incl"ding c)ld calling% 0ace-t)-0ace neg)tiati)ns and )ther direct c)mm"nicati)ns /ith the c"st)mer. )rand 'tatement Brand statements 1ring the instant .al"e *r)*)siti)n t) the c"st)mer. A!"st D) (tBH 0r)m <(;EI% A:).e k) Jt)BH 0r)m McD)nalds?I and AEe 3ind EaysBH 0r)m Banc) de 7r)I are all 1rand statements that sim*ly state the reas)n /hy the 1rand e ists. The 1rand statement de.el)*ed 0)r <ED @hili**ines /ill gi.e c"st)mers a sim*le c)nnecti)n t) the c)m*any and c)n.ey h)/ <ED can s"**)rt their .al"es and needs. C"rrently% )"r c)m*any sh)"ld strengthen its 1rand statement )0 ABananas 0r)m the DeartB H thr)"gh a m)re aggressi.e c)mm"nicati)n strategy 1eca"se c"rrently e.en internally the essence and meaning )0 this 1rand statement is n)t yet 0"lly "nderst))d 1y <ED?s em*l)yees and management.

*efensible +laims De0ensi1le claims are 1rie0 statements )0 the "ni9"e 9"alities that <ED can 1ack "* /ith s)lid em*irical data and *r).en e.idence. AThe )nly c)m*any t) ...B% AThe 0irst c)m*any t) ...B and AThe m)st re9"ested 1y ...B are ty*ical *hrases "sed in de0ensi1le claims. >sing s"*erlati.e like 0astest% largest% m)st% etc. clearly de0ines the 1ene0its )0 the 1rand. These claims are ty*ically <7T s"1Cecti.e 1"t an )1Cecti.e .ie/*)int that /ill set )"r c)m*any and )"r *r)d"cts a*art 0r)m )thers. ,mportant -esearch and *evelopment T) de.el)* a c)hesi.e and c)m*rehensi.e 1rand message% <ED m"st c)mmit t) research st"dies that incl"de internal and e ternal .ie/*)ints. ( /ith c)m*any em*l)yees% market c"st)mers% s"**liers% t)* management% and )ther stakeh)lders /ill determine /hat is im*)rtant in the *"rchasing chain% h)/ <ED satis0ies th)se needs and h)/ <ED can a00ect the acti)n )0 each mem1er )0 the channel. These /ill all 1e *art )0 an )ng)ing research e00)rt t) h)ne the 1rand a/areness message. This "ndertaking is the 0irst ste* t) creating an e00icient and s"ccess0"l 1rand de.el)*ment cam*aign strategy.

On- line Properties The /e1site is the m)st im*)rtant% e00icient and .isi1le marketing t))l that any c)m*any can "se t) *r)m)te *r)d"cts and ser.ices. B"t many c)m*anies mis"se the (nternet 1y creating sites that are merely electr)nic .ersi)ns )0 *rinted 1r)ch"res and catal)g"es. This has 1een the case 0)r <ED. Ehat is m)re im*)rtant is 0)r <ED?s /e1site t) 1ec)me engaging 0)r the "ser and entice the c"st)mer and c)mmit them t) s)me acti)n. (t is this interacti.ity that can 1e tracked and analy4ed t) 0ind the m)st e00ecti.e strategic marketing t))ls. E-c)mmerce can als) 1e an im*)rtant as*ect )0 any *r)d"cer. B"t many *r)d"cerKs la"nch ec)mmerce e00)rts /ith)"t addressing many challenges )0 ser.icing Athe /)rldB. The E)rld Eide Ee1 is named a**r)*riately as e.ery)ne /ith an (nternet c)nnecti)n can )rder thr)"gh an )n-line st)re. (s <ED *re*ared t) acce*t *ayment% 0"l0ill and t) AanyB c"st)mer% )r sh)"ld the )n-line st)re restrict certain *r)d"cts% regi)ns )r c"st)mersL These 9"esti)ns need t) 1e ans/ered in the .ery early stages )0 de.el)*ing any )n-line *r)*erty. 7n-line ad.ertising can 1e a .ery e00icient and 0le i1le /ay t) *r)m)te a 1rand. D"ring the research *hases )0 the 1rand strategy de.el)*ment% )n-line *r)*erties im*)rtant t) channel stakeh)lders sh)"ld 1e identi0ied. These tr"sted /e1sites% 1l)gs and chat r))ms sh)"ld 1e targeted 0)r *)ssi1le links% ads and c)ntri1"ti)ns. d) *iscuss your company#s product development strategy$ (!. points) @r)d"ct de.el)*ment strategies ha.e hel*ed )"r c)m*any t) de.el)* *r)d"cts in a market /here 1ig *layers are already esta1lished and are making *r)0ita1le 1"siness. This /as c)nsidered t) 1e a medi"m risk strategy. E am*les )0 <ED @hili**ines? *r)d"ct de.el)*ment incl"de its A:)/ ChemicalB Ca.endish 1anana la1els and the c"st)mi4ed ACl"ster @ackB 1ananas. This hel*ed <ED t) 1ring its market (c"st)mers) cl)ser t) the c)m*any and t) the *r)d"ct )00ering 1eca"se these /ere de.el)*ed t) 1asically ans/er the c"rrent need and demand )0 the c"st)mers2 n) t) ).er chemical resid"e and smaller *acks 0)r c)n.enient handling and c)ns"m*ti)n.

<ED de.el)*ed these *r)d"cts thr)"gh im*r).ing the 0eat"res )0 )"r )ld set )0 *r)d"cts )00ered (since /e cann)t alter the A1ananasB itsel0). Ehat )"r c)m*any did /as C"st t) enhance a 0eat"re )0 the *r)d"cts /e are c"rrently )00ering thr)"gh gr)/ing Ca.endish 1ananas "sing )r a**lying less chemicals (d"ring *lant care% 0r"it care% and *)st-har.est )r *r)cessing) and als) adding an)ther ty*e )0 *ackaging (cl"ster *acks) t) *r).ide a m)re Ac)n.enient 0)r handlingB .ariety t) c"st)mers /h) "s"ally ha.e a small h)"seh)ld c)ns"m*ti)n. These ha.e /idened )"r c)m*any?s *r)d"ct range t) im*r).e the c"st)mer e *erience and 1egin t) strengthen )"r c)m*any?s 1rand identity. e) *iscuss your company#s mar et penetration strategy$ (!. points) The 1anana ind"stry is rather c)ncentrated. (n &00,% ar)"nd $#0 c)"ntries *r)d"ced 1ananas /ith the $0 maC)r 1anana *r)d"cing c)"ntries acc)"nting 0)r m)re than ,8- )0 t)tal 1anana *r)d"cti)n (the share )0 (ndia% China% @hili**ines% Bra4il and Ec"ad)r al)ne is already m)re than F0-). C)ntri1"ting t) this regi)nal character )0 the 1anana 1"siness is the di00erence in the im*)rt regimes )0 the c)ns"ming c)"ntries /hich has led t) a di00erentiati)n am)ng *re0erential markets and )*en markets 0)r 1ananas. Trans*)rtati)n c)sts and time in 1anana distri1"ti)n als) *lay a r)le in the regi)nal 0ragmentati)n )0 the market. The maC)r transnati)nal 1anana c)m*anies at *resent are D)le 3))d C) (*re.i)"sly +tandard 3r"it)% Chi9"ita Brands (nternati)nal (*re.i)"sly >nited 3r"it C)m*any and >nited Brands)% and 3resh Del M)nte @r)d"ce. 7ther t/) str)ng 1anana c)m*anies are 3y00es% the leader E"r)*ean 0resh *r)d"ce distri1"t)r% and E *)rtad)ra Bananera <)1)a (B)nita 1rand)% the leader e *)rter in Ec"ad)r (/ith a1)"t &8- )0 Ec"ad)rian e *)rts). (n additi)n% se.eral nati)nal c)m*anies like >ni1an-T"r1ana in C)l"m1ia and :a*anday 3))ds C)r*)rati)n and +"mi0r" in the @hili**ines als) gained signi0icant market shares. Eith these market challenges% <ED als) c)ntin"ally inn).ates 1y creating .al"e-added *r)d"cts and ser.ices in )rder t) *enetrate the c)m*le 1anana e *)rt ind"stry. The C)m*any de.el)*s and im*lements .al"e-added marketing strategies in its 1"siness% "nderstands c)ns"mer trends and address needs 0r)m seed t) m)"th. +)me )0 the c"rrent market *enetrati)n strategies )0 )"r c)m*any are as 0)ll)/s2 "rivate /abelling @r).iding )"r l)yal and maC)r c"st)mers /ith their )/n "ni9"e la1els tied "* /ith )"r 9"ality *r)d"cts /hich /ill gi.e )"r c"st)mers an )**)rt"nity t) 1"ild their re*"tati)n and 1e di00erentiated 0r)m their c)m*etit)rs. (e.g. AMiya1iB 0)r a s*eci0ic !a*an c"st)mer) 01clusive *istributorship 700er )"r c"st)mer e cl"si.e distri1"t)rshi* )0 )"r *r)d"cts )n a *artic"lar regi)n (ge)gra*hically c)nsidered). This is an e ce*ti)nal *artnershi* )n <ED?s *art /hich s)meh)/ t) limit the marketing )0 )"r *r)d"cts 1y e cl"si.ely distri1"ting t) a *artic"lar c"st)mer )n a s*eci0ic regi)n t) gi.e that c"st)mer the )**)rt"nity t) 1"ild "* the 1rand re*"tati)n )0 s)me )0 )"r *r)d"cts.

These c"rrent strategies ena1le <ED t) *enetrate certain markets /hich /ere d)minated 1y their large c)m*etit)rs 0)r years already. Beca"se s"ch strategies *r).ide )*ti)ns t) c"st)mers t) 1e a1le t) esta1lish their )/n identity in their h)m)gen)"s ind"stry (e.g. s"*ermarkets) and ha.e the )**)rt"nity t) gain m)re *r)0its thr)"gh this di00erentiati)n.


Case2 McD)nald?s A3ast-3))dB 5esta"rant - #0-

"roblem2 Ehat sh)"ld 1e Mary Marin)?s c"rrent strategy c)ncerning seni)r citi4en clientelesL a) What is the effect of the increasing seniors population to the image of Marys Mc Donalds Restaurant? ) What services should Marys Mc Donalds Restaurant offer to attract more young customers and avail the facilities of the stores at par !ith the seniors? 3reas of +onsideration2 "# Misconception of Customers

As y)"ng *e)*le *ercei.ed the *lace )0 Mc D)nald?s as 0"ll )0 seni)r *e)*le e.eryday than the a.erage c"st)mers% they might think it?s a *lace e cl"si.ely 0)r the seni)rs and n)t *re0era1ly 0)r the y)"ng *e)*le. Misiting a *lace and s"rr)"nded 1y )ld *e)*le creates an a/k/ard 0eeling t)/ards )ne?s sel0 and t) the That may1e 1eca"se *e)*le )0 the )ld age d)minate the *lace and the *e)*le )0 y)"ng age /ill 1e )"t-)0-*lace. $# Personal %nvolvement to Customers

@ers)nal in.)l.ement t) c"st)mers is ad.isa1le in )rder t) ha.e a str)ng and m"t"al relati)nshi* 1et/een c"st)mers and em*l)yees. (t can hel* )*erate the 1"siness sm))thly and /ith lesser tr)"1les. A g))d interacti)n )0 em*l)yees t)/ards their clients can esta1lish a harm)ni)"s relati)nshi* that may lead later )n t) tr"sting each )ther. B"t t)) m"ch in.)l.ement es*ecially )n *ers)nal matters% i0 a1"sed% can a00ect the 1"siness /hich may lead t) its )/n d)/n0all. Esta1lishing a g))d relati)nshi* am)ng c"st)mers is )ne )0 the e00ecti.e /ays t) ha.e a g))d 1"siness% 1"t )0 c)"rse% there?s al/ays a limitati)n in e.ery *ers)nal c)nnecti)n t)/ards them. &# 'radual (olerance of the Management

Mc D)nald?s is a 0ast-0))d resta"rant in /hich *e)*le are e *ected t) Aeat and r"nB )r A1"y and r"nB. B"t in this case% seni)rs stay 0)r a1)"t $ t) 8 h)"rs m)stly c)00ee /hile chatting /ith 0riends. This may1e 1eca"se the management 0)rg)t t) let them "nderstand )r s*eci0ically *ercei.e /hat Mc D)nald?s 5esta"rant is s"**)sed t) 1e. (t is n)t a /aiting area n)r a c)00ee sh)* 1"t a 0ast-0))d resta"rant )*en 0)r the *"1lic. +ince there?s n) n)te 0r)m the management that it?s n)t )kay t) stay there the /h)le m)rning )r a0tern))n% seni)rs might think and ass"me it is )kay t) s*end their slack h)"rs at Mc D)nald?s d)ing n)thing 1"t ).er"sing their 0acilities. )# Cro!ding and *navaila le +acilities

(0 the c"st)mers? *)*"lati)n c)ntin"es t) gr)/% cr)/ding is the n"m1er )ne *r)1lem in that matter. T) a.)id it% there sh)"ld 1e an additi)nal s*ace *r).ided 0)r the c"st)mers 1eca"se the /ider the *lace% the m)re c"st)mers t) 1e acc)mm)dated. There sh)"ld als) 1e additi)nal 0acilities en)"gh t) a.ail 1y the c"st)mers in )rder t) *r).ide c)n.enience and satis0ying

3lternative 'olutions and 3nalysis2 ,lternative -". @r).ide an e00ecti.e *r)m)ti)n strategy that /ill attract the y)"nger markets s"ch as l)/ering the .al"e meal *rice 1y making it m)re a00)rda1le en)"gh t) the 1"dget )0 y)"ng c"st)mers and increase the *r)d"cti)n )0 the m)st in demand *r)d"cts. Mary and her team may c)me "* /ith a g))d/ill gest"re t) their y)"nger c"st)mers (like /hat they re d)ing 0)r their seni)r c"st)mers) 1y *r).iding an AAc)"stic <ightB )nce a /eek )r )00ering 0ree AEi0iB 0)r e.ery any .al"e meal )rdered. Eith these *r)m)ti)nal strategies attracting the y)"th% it /ill 1alance )"t the time s*ent 1y the y)"nger c"st)mers .ers"s the time s*ent 1y the seni)r c"st)mers in the st)re. 3"rtherm)re% this /ill *resent a clearer *erce*ti)n )0 the AMcD)nald?sB as 0ast 0))d resta"rant n)t e cl"si.e t) a s*eci0ic age gr)"*. ,lternative -$. Mary and her team /ill *r).ide a s*eci0ic *lace in the st)re 0)r the seni)rs thr)"gh slight m)di0icati)n in the interi)rs s"ch as a c)rner /here )ld *ict"res )r hist)ry )0 McD)nald?s may 1e sh)/cased. This area s*eci0ically is m"ch mell)/ in am1ience and distincti.e t) the )ther areas )0 the st)re /hich in c)ntrast are in 1righter c)l)rs. M)re).er% they can )00er the *r)m) 0)r seni)rs at a s*eci0ic time )nly (s"ch as the 0ree c)00ee re0ills )r e.en the disc)"nted meals). Eith a s*eci0ic area 0)r the seni)r c"st)mers and the s*eci0ic time 0)r the )00ering )0 *r)m)s )r 0ree1ies 0)r seni)rs% this may enc)"rage seni)rs t) ind"lge and linger in the st)re at a s*eci0ic time 1eca"se a designated area /ill de0initely get cr)/ded at s)me *)int and as c"st)mers this /ill make them 0eel )1liged t) als) gi.e chance t) )thers t) take their meals c)n.eniently C"st like /hat they are e *eriencing. 3"rtherm)re% the s*eci0ic time 0)r *r)m) )r 0ree1ie meals /ill als) attract the seni)rs t) .isit the st)re at a s*eci0ic and m"ch sh)rter time since they /)"ld de0initely /ant t) a.ail s"ch *r)m)s. ,lternative -&. (ntr)d"ce the st"dent disc)"nt meals starting #200 @M )n/ards since m)st )0 the seni)r c"st)mers lea.e the st)re 1e0)re the Aa0ter sch))lB cr)/d c)mes in. An)ther strategy that they may intr)d"ce is the l)yalty card /herein 0)r e.ery # rd *"rchase )r .isit t) the st)re% the c"st)mer may get a s*ecial gi0t )r 0ree .al"e meal 0r)m McD)nalds. Eith these kind )0 strategy c"st)mers may 1e m)re enticed t) dine at Mary?s McD)nalds 1eca"se they /ill see the .al"e added 0eat"re )0 the *r)d"ctsGser.ices they can )00er and this /ill make c"st)mers see that there is g))d .al"e 0)r the m)ney they s*end. +onclusion and -ecommendation2 A0ter analy4ing the *r)1lem% ( there0)re rec)mmend alternati.e s)l"ti)n n).$ /hich is t) *r).ide an e00ecti.e *r)m)ti)n strategy that /ill attract the y)"nger market. ( decided t) rec)mmend t) ha.e a ne/ e00ecti.e *r)m)ti)n strategy since it can 1e seen that Mary Marin)?s McD)nalds is 0)c"sing m)re )n the *r)m)ti)n 0)r the seni)r clienteles /ith)"t n)ticing that the image )0 her 1"siness is t"rning int) an A)ld *e)*le?s resta"rantB /hich is c)ntrary t) the main .al"es )0 McD)nalds? c)m*any /hich is t) satis0y all ages. Their c"rrent strategy als) may e.ent"ally a00ect the le.el )0 cr)/dedness )0 the st)re /hich /ill end "* a00ecting their inc)me. McD)nald?s 5esta"rant "nder the management )0 Mary Marin) m"st l)/er the *rice )0 its *r)d"cts. Make it m)re a00)rda1le and attracti.e t) the y)"ng c"st)mers C"st en)"gh and right 0)r the all)/ance gi.en t) them each day. Alth)"gh )n the )ther hand% alternati.e s)l"ti)n n). # may 1e added t) the s)l"ti)n already rec)mmended. Beca"se t)day /here *rices )0 di00erent c)mm)dities are al/ays increasing% 1"sinesses sh)"ld care0"lly take n)te

in their *ricing and strategies that m)st are 1ec)ming *racticalminded and ch))se less e *ensi.e )r disc)"nted *r)d"cts )r *r)d"cts and ser.ices /ith .al"e-added 0eat"re (as l)ng as there is g))d 9"ality) and a.ail it right a/ay. McD)nald?s 1el)ngs t) the 0ast 0))d chain ind"stry /hich means a l)t )0 c)m*etit)rs andG)r ri.als. As /e all kn)/% 0ast 0))d chains s)me/hat )00ers similar *r)d"cts and ser.ices e.en in terms )0 9"ality and *ricing. +) /hat /)"ld make Mary Marin)?s McD)nalds distinct is i0 they can )00er s)mething /ith 1etter .al"e 0)r m)ney and is m)re attracti.e t) all age gr)"* )0 c"st)mers. Mary?s McD)nald?s 5esta"rant is a .ery nice and c)n.enient *lace t) stay es*ecially 0)r a certain age gr)"* s"ch as the seni)rs. D)/ 0)c"sing in )ne market segment /)"ld de0initely a00ect their 1)tt)m line---increase in re.en"e. A g))d relati)nshi* /ith c"st)mers is n)t en)"gh t) make *e)*le attracted 1"t it als) de*ends )n many 0act)rs s"ch as *rice% *r)m)ti)n and *r)d"ct t) 1e *ractical n)/adays. (?m n)t saying that McD)nald?s /ill lessen their g))d relati)nshi* /ith their elderly c"st)mers 1"t instead they c)"ld strategi4e and 1alance this kind )0 t)/ards their )ther c"st)mers. 3))d resta"rants gr)/ 0ast in the market as the *)*"lati)n c)ntin"es t) increase and the s"**ly )0 demand als) increases. +) Mary and her team sh)"ld kee* their *r)d"ct% ser.ices% and *rices "ni9"ely c)m1ined and attracti.e 0)r their c"st)mers t) kee* c)ming 1ack and l))k 0)r/ard t) /hat they can )00er.

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