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AIM Handyman Service

16 March 2014

E-Mail Policies via Arvixe .com

To uphold the quality and reputation of AIM Handyman Service, your u e of Arvi!e i

u"#ect to the e pro$ram

policie % If you are found to "e in violation of our policie at any time, a determined "y AIM Handyman Service, Arvi!e%com or &orldTruth%or$ in their ole di cretion, 'e may 'arn you or u pend or terminate your account% Prohibited Actions In addition to (and)or a 1% ome e!ample of* the violation de cri"ed in the term of ervice, u er may not+

,enerate or facilitate un olicited commercial email (- pam-*% Such activity include , "ut i not limited to endin$ email in violation of the .A/0S1AM Act or any other applica"le anti0 pam la'

imitatin$ or imper onatin$ another per on or hi , her or it email addre , or creatin$ fal e account for the purpo e of endin$ pam

data minin$ any 'e" property (includin$ ,oo$le* to find email addre e endin$ unauthori2ed mail via open, third0party erver endin$ email to u er 'ho have reque ted to "e removed from a mailin$ li t ellin$, e!chan$in$ or di tri"utin$ to a third party the email addre e of any per on 'ithout uch per on3 4no'in$ and continued con ent to uch di clo ure

endin$ un olicited email to i$nificant num"er of email addre e "elon$in$ to individual and)or entitie 'ith 'hom you have no pree!i tin$ relation hip 2% Send, upload, di tri"ute or di eminate or offer to do the ame 'ith re pect to any unla'ful, defamatory,

hara in$, a"u ive, fraudulent, infrin$in$, o" cene, or other'i e o"#ectiona"le content 5% Intentionally di tri"ute viru e , 'orm , defect , Tro#an hor e , corrupted file , hoa!e , or any other item

of a de tructive or deceptive nature 4% 6% 6% .onduct or for'ard pyramid cheme and the li4e Tran mit content that may "e harmful to minor Imper onate another per on (via the u e of an email addre or other'i e* or other'i e mi repre ent

your elf or the ource of any email 7% Ille$ally tran mit another3 intellectual property or other proprietary information 'ithout uch o'ner3 or

licen or3 permi ion 8% :% 10% Interfere 'ith other Arvi!e u er 3 en#oyment of the Service 11% .reate multiple u er account in connection 'ith any violation of the A$reement or create u er account "y automated mean or under fal e or fraudulent preten e 12% Sell, trade, re ell or other'i e e!ploit for any unauthori2ed commercial purpo e or tran fer any Arvi!e account 15% Modify, adapt, tran late, or rever e en$ineer any portion of the Arvi!el Service 14% ;emove any copyri$ht, trademar4 or other proprietary ri$ht notice contained in or on the Arvi!e Service 16% ;eformat or frame any portion of the 'e" pa$e that are part of the Arvi!e Service 16% 9 e the Arvi!e Service in connection 'ith ille$al peer0to0peer file harin$ 9 e Arvi!e to violate the le$al ri$ht ( uch a ri$ht of privacy and pu"licity* of other 1romote or encoura$e ille$al activity

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