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Performance and Development Plan "PDP#

For Employees and Managers in Washington State Agencies and Higher Education Institutions
The Performance and Development Plan PDP! is a tool to support effective employee performance management" It is formatted to facilitate #oth performance planning and feed#ac$ at the end of the performance period" The PDP is organi%ed as follo&s' Performance Planning Performance Assessment (" ," 0" 1" 2" Performance E)pectations *esults and +ompetencies! Training and Development -eeds./pportunities /rgani%ational Support Interim *evie&s /ptional! Performance Feed#ac$ *esults and +ompetencies!

Instructions for using the PDP are outlined #elo&" Additional guidance can #e found in the PDP 3ser4s 5uide availa#le at http'"dop"&a"gov.5uidance.performance.PDP5uide"htm"

Preliminary Steps

The supervisor updates the position description form6 if needed" The supervisor completes the data section at the top of the PDP form" The supervisor identifies lin$age of employee4s position to organi%ational mission" He.she may re7uest input from or involvement of the employee" The supervisor determines timing and outlines the process that &ill #e follo&ed in completing Parts (80 of the PDP"

Performance Planning
Part 1: Performance Expectations

To #e completed at #eginning of performance period!

Performance e)pectations are determined #y the manager" Ho&ever6 the employee should have input" Typically6 e)pectations noted in the PDP are limited to those that are critical or $ey to successful 9o# performance" The PDP calls for t&o categories of performance e)pectations' :ey *esults E)pected and :ey +ompetencies E)pected"

Results refer to the ;&hat< of the 9o#" =ased on the primary areas of responsi#ility6 &hat are the most important outputs or outcomes e)pected during the performance period> These e)pected results should #e stated in measura#le or o#serva#le terms6 to the degree possi#le" E)amples and further guidance are provided in the PDP 3ser4s 5uide"

Competencies refer to the ;ho&< of the 9o# ? the #ehavior that the employee engages in &hen carrying out the ;&hat< of the 9o#" +ompetencies are those measura#le or o#serva#le $no&ledge6 s$ills6 a#ilities6 and #ehaviors critical to success in a $ey 9o# role or function" :ey competencies that are specific to the 9o# should #e included" +ompetencies that are core to the organi%ation may also #e included in this section" Some e)amples of competencies are included &ithin these instructions" Additional e)amples can #e found at http'"dop"&a"gov.5uidance.competencies.PerfMgmt+ompE)amples"doc" Further guidance is provided in the PDP 3ser4s 5uide availa#le at http'"dop"&a"gov.5uidance.performance.PDP5uide"htm" Supervisors should consult &ith their Human *esources office for any specific direction a#out &hat competencies might #e used in this section" Part 2: Training and Development Needs !pportunities Improvements the employee should ma$e to achieve or sustain fully successful 9o# performance should #e outlined in Part ," Training and development opportunities for the present 9o# and for career advancement should also #e identified" /rgani%ations that have an individual development plan process may use that format as a replacement for this section"
D/P Form *ev" @A.(A.@2!

Part %: !rgani&ational Support "!ptional# Part 0 is to #e completed #y the employee only6 at his.her option" This is an opportunity for the employee to give the supervisor suggestions as to &hat other support the employee feels he.she needs to #e successful" Signatures "'or performance planning p(ase#: The supervisor and employee sign the PDP at the end of the performance planning phase" Typically the supervisor retains the original form and provides a copy to the employee6 #ut supervisors should chec$ &ith their Human *esources office for agency specific instructions on distri#ution and filing"

Performance )ssessment
Part *: $nterim Revie+s "!ptional#

To #e completed at end of performance period!

As an option6 Part 1 can #e used to document interim performance feed#ac$" Part ,: Performance 'eed-ac. Part 2 is the final performance revie& and is to #e completed at the end of the performance period" The supervisor schedules a performance feed#ac$ session &ith the employee" Prior to this session6 the supervisor and employee separately complete Part 2 of the PDP" At the feed#ac$ session6 the employee and supervisor share &ith one another their draft performance assessments" These responses should #e #ased on o#served or verified performance" The aim of the feed#ac$ session is to have an open and constructive discussion that leads to an understanding of ho& &ell the employee did in meeting e)pectations during the course of the performance period" For each :ey *esult E)pected6 the discussion should include the degree to &hich the e)pected outcomes &ere accomplished" For each :ey +ompetency E)pected6 the discussion should address ho& &ell and.or ho& fre7uently the employee demonstrated the competencies during the period" Space is also provided to insert other relevant information" E)amples include special achievements6 comments a#out strong performance under unanticipated difficult circumstances6 etc" At the re7uest of either party6 the revie&er may #e involved in the process"

Signatures For performance assessment phase!

The supervisor prepares the final form and shares it &ith the employee" =oth sign the final PDP" The form is then referred to the revie&er &hose signature indicates that the process has #een appropriately follo&ed" The revie&er may also add relevant comments concerning the employee4s performance" Typically6 the supervisor provides the employee a copy and the original is placed in the employee4s personnel file6 #ut supervisors should chec$ &ith their Human *esources office for agency specific instructions" A ne& performance cycle #egins at this point" The supervisor no& ma$es arrangements to prepare a ne& PDP for the upcoming performance period"

These are a fe& e)amples of competencies that could #e used6 &here applica#le6 in planning performance e)pectations and development needs" Each e)ample includes a general definition and some samples of specific performance standards that could appropriately #e used in the :ey +ompetencies E)pected section of the PDP" In all cases6 the competency description and performance standards should #e tailored to the needs of the 9o#" More competency e)amples are availa#le at http'"dop"&a"gov.5uidance.competencies.PerfMgmt+ompE)amples"doc"

D/P Form *ev" @A.(A.@2!

Position8specific competencies are #est determined through a 9o# analysis process" Supervisors should confer &ith their H* office to receive specific direction around competency identification" )ccounta-ility: Accept personal responsi#ility for the 7uality and timeliness of &or$" +an #e relied upon to achieve results &ith little need for oversight" Productivity' Meet productivity standards6 deadlines and &or$ schedules" 5oal measurement' 3nderstand6 communicate and measure goals accurately" Focus' Stay focused on tas$s in spite of distractions and interruptions" Time efficiency' Ma$e the #est use of availa#le time and resources" =alance 7uality B deadlines' Appropriately #alance 7uality of &or$ &ith a#ility to meet deadlines" =ottom line' +learly see the ;#ottom line< of customer e)pectations and ensure that &or$ products meet that #ottom line" Ac$no&ledge B correct mista$es' Do not ma$e e)cuses for errors or pro#lemsC ac$no&ledge and correct mista$es" Assume responsi#ility' Do not attempt to diffuse #lame for not meeting e)pectationsC face up to pro#lems &ith people 7uic$ly and directly"

3udgment: Display #alanced thin$ing that com#ines analysis6 &isdom6 e)perience and perspective" Produce decisions that &ithstand ;the test of time"< Dearn from past similarities' -otice similarities #et&een current and past situations6 and from that6 identify a course of action" +onsider decision impacts' +onsider the impact of decisions on co8&or$ers and other organi%ational units" Ma$e analysis8#ased decisions' *ecogni%e and carefully &eigh pros and cons of a prospective action and ma$es the #est decisionC #ased on pros.cons6 identify options and choose a course of action to address issues" Involve sta$eholders' Involve sta$eholders as appropriate in decision ma$ing that impacts them"

Stress Tolerance: Effectively handle highly stressful or adverse situations6 ma$ing good decisions6 &or$ing calmly and accurately6 and helping to calm others" Diffuse tur#ulent situations' Handle tur#ulent situations &ith grace and easeC a#le to effectively diffuse potentially violent people or situations" Dead and direct in crisis situations' Dead others into a calmer stateC safely remove others from harm if they are in a dangerous environment" E)pertly intervene and provide direction in crisis situations" *emain calm B rational' *emain calm &hile handling volatile6 threatening6 or other emergency situations" Decisions and actions are o#9ective and rational" Eigilant through slo& periods' *emain vigilant and ready to respond to potential emergency events even through periods of lo& activity" Wor$ under difficult conditions' Maintain order in stressful situationsC &or$ effectively under difficult conditions" Dife8threatening situations' *ecogni%e and respond appropriately to life8threatening situations"

4er-al Communication: Effectively e)press ideas and information through the spo$en &ord using language that is appropriate to #oth the comple)ity of the topic and the $no&ledge and understanding of the audience" +lear audience communication' Spea$ using a clear voice at a volume and pace appropriate to the situation" *ecogni%e &hen to pause to allo& the listener time to assimilate information and as$ 7uestions" Paraphrase' Actively listen to other people ta$ing part in the conversation" A#le to accurately summari%e &hat others have said" -on8ver#al communication' Appropriately utili%e #ody language6 facial e)pressions6 and vocal inflection and tone to help convey ideas and information" *ules of language6 ver#al' +onsistently follo& accepted rules of language regarding grammar6 &ord usage6 and sentence structure" +lear presentation' E)plain or present information in a clear6 concise6 logical manner that achieves understanding of the intended message" *ead audience' Interact &ith and read the audience6 recogni%e pro#lems6 and ad9ust the language6 tone6 pace6 volume6 etc" as necessary to ensure audience understanding" :ey information' Ensure that all pertinent information is included in the spo$en messageC emphasi%e the most important points6 resulting in 7uic$ understanding of the material4s essence" Persuasion techni7ues' Spea$ in a &ay that captures and holds the attention of the listener" +hoose language intended to persuade or influence the listener4s opinions" Present comple) information6 ver#al' Effectively translate comple) or technical concepts into messages lay persons can readily understand and grasp"

D/P Form *ev" @A.(A.@2!

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