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Russian Language Home Russian Travel Guide Forums Dictionary Bookshop Keyboard Russian Lessons Getting Started !

Russian "lphabet # ! $umbers % ! Basic &hrases ' ! (n a Bar)*a+e , ! -erbs ) &ronouns . ! $ouns / ! ( Love000 1 ! &laces0 2in)at)on3 4 ! Family 5 ! Genitive *ase ! &lurals # ! Language Revie6 % ! Dative *ase ' ! (nstrumental *ase , ! &ast Tense . ! -erbs o+ 7otion / ! 7ost 8sed 9ords 1 ! Russian "partments "dvanced ! "udio "rticles Russian Grammar Spelling Rules $ouns : Gender $ouns : $ominative *ase $ouns : "ccusative *ase $ouns : Dative *ase $ouns : Genitive *ase $ouns : (nstrumental *ase $ouns : &repositional *ase &ronouns -erbs : &resent Tense -erbs : &ast Tense -erbs : -erbs o+ 7otion -erbs : "spects -erbs : Re+le;ive *on<ugated -erbs "d<ectives Russian -ocabulary *on<ugated -erbs $umbers =uestion 9ords Days and 7onths Family Food and Drink "nimals *lothes *ountries -erbs # "d<ectives

"d<ectives # >nline Russian Tools Discussion Forums ?nglish!Russian Dictionary Russian Language Trainer Transliterate Tool 7ini!Book Store Russian Keyboard Dual Language ?!Books *rime @ &unishment 7iscellaneous Russian =uiA Russian Keyboard Setup Russia Guide Ho6 To Help 8s Russian Lessons 0$et Russian -erbs and &ronouns Russian Language Lesson , 7ain Lesson -ocabulary ?;ercises $o6 that you have learnt some basic Russian phrasesB it is time to start +orming your o6n Russian sentences0 To do this you need to learn about Russian verbs and pronouns0 This lesson 6ill enable you to start +orming short Russian sentences0 9hen you are learning to speak Russian it is easiest to start by <ust using short sentences0 >+ten you can break a long sentence into several short ones0 This is a long lessonB and introduces some o+ the most di++icult concepts in Russian0 So donCt 6orry i+ you need to go slo6lyB or it takes some time to understand at +irst0 Dou can al6ays come back and revie6 this lesson0 9hen you have completed this lesson you 6ill have taken a ma<or step +or6ard in understanding Russian grammar0 De+initions -erbs are action 6ordsB they are things you can do0 For e;ample: runB 6alkB loveB eatB 6ant0 &ronouns are 6ords that can replace names0 For e;ample: (B youB heB sheB himB herB it0 (n the sentence E( love himE0 EloveE is the verb0 The sub<ect is E(EB and the ob<ect is EhimE0 Russian &ronouns Here are the Russian pronouns that can be used as the sub<ect o+ a sentence0 2Kno6n as the nominative case03 F!( GH ! Dou 2in+ormal3 IJ ! HeB (t 2m3 IJK ! SheB (t 2+3 IJL ! (t 2n3 MH ! 9e NH ! Dou 2+ormalB or plural3

IJO ! They NH is used as the +ormal singular EyouEB and the plural EyouE 2slang: EyousE or Eyou allE3 6hen talking to more than one person0 Here are the Russian pronouns that can be used as the ob<ect o+ a sentence0 2Kno6n as the accusative case3 MPJQ ! 7e GPRQ ! Dou 2in+ormal3 STL ! 2EyevoE3 ! HimB (t 2mBn3 SU ! HerB (t 2+3 VKW ! 8s NKW ! Dou 2+ormalB or plural3 XY ! Them Dou should be +amiliar 6ith using di++erent pronouns +or the sub<ect and ob<ect o+ a sentence 2EmeE instead o+ E(E30 Zust remember that unlike ?nglishBRussian uses an e;tra version o+ the 6ord EyouE0 Dou should memorise these pronouns0 Russian -erbs Dou 6ill be pleased to kno6 that Russian has only one present tense0 (n Russian there is only one 6ay o+ saying E( 6orkEB E( am 6orkingE and E( do 6orkE0 Russian verbs change their endings depending on the sub<ect0 This happens a little in ?nglishB but not as much0 2?;ample: ( 6orkB he 6orks30 This happens according to t6o di++erent patterns kno6n as the +irst con<ugationB and the second con<ugation0 2There are also some irregular verbs30 Both these patterns are [uite similarB and once you get the hang o+ itB it is not too di++icult0 The +irst con<ugation The +irst con<ugation is used +or verbs ending in E\]E but not EO\]E0 (t is the most common0 To +orm the verb +or each person you need to drop the last t6o letters o+ the in+initive 2normally E\]E3B and add the appropriate ending 2E^EB EP_]EB EP\EB EP`EB EP\PE or E^\E30Letas take a look at a verb that uses the +irst con<ugation: bKRL\K\] 2to 6ork30 &laybKRL\K\] ! To 6ork0 2in+initiveB dictionary +orm3 &layF bKRL\K^ ! ( 6ork &layGH bKRL\KP_] ! Dou 6ork &layIJB IJKB IJL bKRL\KP\ ! HeB SheB (t 6orks0 &layMH bKRL\KP` ! 9e 6ork

&layNH bKRL\KP\P ! Dou 6ork0 &layIJO bKRL\K^\ ! They 6ork0 LetCs try some other Russian 6ords +rom the +irst con<ugation: &laycLJO`K\] ! To understand0 2in+initiveB dictionary +orm3 &layF cLJO`K^ ! ( understand0 &layGH cLJO`KP_] ! Dou understand0 &layIJB IJKB IJL cLJO`KP\ ! HeB SheB (t understands &layMH cLJO`KP` ! 9e understand0 &layNH cLJO`KP\P ! Dou understand0 &layIJO cLJO`K^\ ! They understand0 &laydJK\] ! To kno60 2in+initiveB dictionary +orm3 &layF eJK^ ! ( kno60 &layGH eJKP_] ! Dou kno60 &layIJB IJKB IJL eJKP\ ! HeB SheB (t kno6s0 &layMH eJKP` ! 9e kno60 &layNH eJKP\P ! Dou kno60 &layIJO eJK^\ ! They kno60

Remember you can make a statement negative by using the 6ord EJPE 2not30 For e;ample: &layF JP eJK^ ! ( donCt kno60 &layF JP cLJO`K^ ! ( donCt understand0 &layIJ JP cLJO`KP\ ! He doesnCt understand0 Dou can also +orm [uestions: GH eJKP_]f ! Do you kno6f &layGH cLJO`KP_]f ! Do you understandf The second con<ugation

-erbs 6here the in+initive ends in EO\]E use the second con<ugation0 $o6 6e 6ill introduce some verbs +rom the second con<ugation0 There are also some other verbs that use this con<ugation0 The second con<ugation uses the endings E^E 2or EgE3 EO_]E EO\E EO`E EO\PE EQ\E 2or EK\E3B 6hich replace EO\]E0 $ote : The second con<ugation is a++ected by the spelling rules0 $ote #: The +irst person singuar is a++ected by the rule o+ consonant mutation0 RememberB this only applies to the +irst!person singular 2F30 &layTLhLbO\] ! To speak0 2in+initiveB dictionary +orm3 &layF TLhLb^ ! ( speak0 &layGH TLhLbO_] ! Dou speak0 IJB IJKB IJL TLhLbO\ ! HeB SheB (t Speaks0 MH TLhLbO` ! 9e speak0 NH TLhLbO\P ! Dou speak0 IJO TLhLbQ\ ! They speak0 &layWiH_K\] ! To hear0 &layWiH_g ! ( hear0 &layWiH_O_] ! Dou hear0 WiH_O\ ! HeB SheB (t hears0 WiH_O` ! 9e hear0 WiH_O\P ! Dou hear0 WiH_K\ ! They hear0 For ?;ample: &layF TLhLb^ cL!KJTiOjWkO ! ( speak ?nglish &layIJ TLhLbO\ cL!bgWWkO ! He speaks Russian &layNH TLhLbO\P cL!bgWWkOf ! Do you speak Russianf &layMH JP TLhLbO` cL!bgWWkO ! 9e donCt speak Russian0

&laylLRKkK JP TLhLbO\ cL!KJTiOjWkO ! The dog doesnCt speak ?nglish0 (rregular -erbs There are a number o+ irregular verbs in Russian0 2-erbs that donCt e;actly +ollo6 the above rules30 Ho6everB o+ten once you kno6 the stem o+ the verbB you can o+ten predict the endings0 ?ven irregular verbs normally +ollo6 a similar pattern to those above0 Some e;amples: &laySYK\] ! To go 2by transport30 &layF Pmg ! ( go 2by transport30 &layGH PmP_] ! Dou go 2by transport30 &layIJB IJKB IJL PmP\ ! HeB SheB (t goes 2by transport30 &layMH PmP` ! 9e go 2by transport30 &layNH PmP\P ! Dou go 2by transport30 &layIJO Pmg\ ! They go 2by transport30 $otice that once you kno6 the stem ESmE it almost +ollo6s the +irst con<uctionB e;cept that EgE replaces E^E0 &laynO\] ! To live0 &layF oOhg ! ( live0 &layGH oOhU_] ! Dou live0 &layIJB IJKB IJL oOhU\ ! HeB SheB (t lives0 MH oOhU` ! 9e live0 NH oOhU\P ! Dou live0 IJO oOhg\ ! They live0 $otice that EUE is used instead o+ EPE 6hen the stress +alls on the ending0 ?;amples: F oOhg h pLJmLJP ! ( live in London0 IJ PmP\ mL`Lj ! He is going home *onclusion

Dou no6 kno6 the main concepts involved in +orming Russian verbs0 This lesson contained a lot o+ grammarB 6hich is some o+ the hardest in the Russian languageB so donCt 6orry i+ you +ound this lesson a little di++icult at +irst0 (n lesson / you 6ill get some more practice0 (n the ne;t lesson 6e 6ill introduce some grammar associated 6ith nouns 2things3B so by lesson / 6e 6ill have covered enough grammar to have some practice +orming sentences0 To help you remember some o+ the concepts learnt in this lessonB you may 6ish to 6ork through the e;ercises0 7ore *on<ugations o+ Russian -erbs -ocabulary ?;ercises Home Recommended Books Big Silver Book o+ Russian -erbs 2"maAon3 ! (+ you re[uire con<ugations +or more Russian verbsB 6e recommend you purchase this book0 (t contains ,,, +ully con<ugated Russian verbs 6ith many e;amples0 29e think itCs the best o+ the Cverb booksC30

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