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Development of an E-commerce Site with Smartcard Payment Mechanism

Christopher S. Lacey MEng Electronic Systems Engineering with Management Studies

Supervisor: Mr. P J Miller

Electronic Engineering School of Engineering and Applied Science Aston University

Submitted: May 2001

Chris Lacey / Aston University, 2000 - 2001. To contact the author, see ect

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

The author wishes to express his gratitude to the followi g: Mr. P J Miller a d !r. J " # $illiams of the S%hool of & gi eeri g a d "pplied S%ie %e' "sto ( iversity' for providi g o goi g advi%e a d assista %e for the duratio of the pro)e%t. Mr. J $ard a d Mr. P Trevis also of the S%hool of & gi eeri g a d "pplied S%ie %e' "sto ( iversity' for providi g te%h i%al support. *ita%hi Smart +ommer%e divisio for the do atio of smart%ard e,uipme t a d developme t software- spe%ifi%ally' Mr. J .riffiths for providi g te%h i%al support a d to Mr. # &va s for arra gi g spo sorship. Mr. M Meyerstei of /T +ell et for providi g i formatio a d sour%e %ode with respe%t to Mo dex value tra sfer.

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Acknowledgements...............................................................................................................1 Contents.................................................................................................................................2 Table o !igures...................................................................................................................." 1 Synopsis.............................................................................................................................# 2 $ntroduction......................................................................................................................% 2.1 +o text........................................................................................................................0 2.1.1 "ppli%ability of Smart%ard Te%h ology...............................................................1 2.2 #e,uireme ts.............................................................................................................10 2.2.1 &le%tro i% +ash..................................................................................................10 2.2.2 Perso al Profile..................................................................................................10 2.2.2 &3+ommer%e $eb Site.......................................................................................11 2.2 4verview of #eport...................................................................................................11 & Ser'er(Side )esign $ssues..............................................................................................12 2.1 +hoi%e of $eb Server...............................................................................................12 2.2 Server3Side Pro%essi g..............................................................................................12 2.2 Mai tai i g State......................................................................................................12 2.5 !atabase....................................................................................................................16 2.5.1 !atabase Tra sa%tio s........................................................................................16 2.6 & %rypted +ommu i%atio ........................................................................................17 2.6.1 Publi% a d Private 8eys 9"symmetri% +ryptography:.......................................17 2.6.2 !igital +ertifi%ates.............................................................................................17 2.6.2 SS; a d +ertifi%ate "uthe ti%atio ....................................................................1< * Ser'er $mplementation..................................................................................................1% 5.1 "SP Sy tax...............................................................................................................10 5.1.1 +ode +o ve tio ................................................................................................10 5.2 Separatio of +ode a d Prese tatio ........................................................................10 5.2.1 The eed for i li e %ode embeddi g..................................................................10 5.2.2 =u %tio ;ibraries..............................................................................................11 5.2.2 (ser #edire%ts....................................................................................................11 5.2 !atabase Stru%ture.....................................................................................................21
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5.2.1 #elatio ships......................................................................................................21 5.2.2 Tables.................................................................................................................21 5.2.2 >ueries...............................................................................................................22 5.5 Server3Side Java "ppli%atio ....................................................................................22 5.6 SS;............................................................................................................................25 + Client(Side )esign $ssues...............................................................................................2+ 6.1 *ypertext Mar?up ;a guage 9*TM;:.....................................................................26 6.1.1 =rames................................................................................................................27 6.1.2 =orms..................................................................................................................2< 6.1.2 +lie t3side S%ripti g...........................................................................................20 6.1.5 !y ami% *TM;.................................................................................................21 6.2 +as%adi g Style Sheets 9+SS:...................................................................................21 6.2 +lie t3Side Java "pplet.............................................................................................20 " Client $mplementation...................................................................................................&1 7.1 $eb (ser @ terfa%e....................................................................................................21 7.1.1 Smart+e tre Site................................................................................................22 7.1.2 "sto SmartMar?et Site.....................................................................................22 7.2 +lie t3Side Java "pplet.............................................................................................26 7.2.1 @ terfa%e Methods...............................................................................................26 7.2.2 Aets%ape Aavigator a d @ ter et &xplorer Se%urity Models..............................27 7.2.2 !rivers for Smart%ard #eaders...........................................................................27 # Smartcard )esign $ssues................................................................................................&# <.1 +hoi%e of 4perati g System.....................................................................................2< <.2 +ard3+lie t +ommu i%atio .....................................................................................2< <.2.1 +omma d "P!(Bs............................................................................................2< <.2.2 #espo se "P!(Bs..............................................................................................20 <.2.2 "P!( +ases.......................................................................................................20 % Smartcard $mplementation...........................................................................................&, 0.1 =eature Set.................................................................................................................21 0.1.1 P@A #e,uests.....................................................................................................50 0.2 !evelopme tal Pro%ess.............................................................................................50 , Cryptographic Challenge and -esponse Cycle............................................................*1
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1.1 #e,uireme ts.............................................................................................................51 1.2 @mpleme ted Solutio ...............................................................................................51 1.2 !ebit Pro%edure.........................................................................................................52 1.5 +redit Pro%edure........................................................................................................52 1.6 Tolera %e to Aetwor? =ailures..................................................................................52 1.7 Tolera %e to System @ terruptio s............................................................................55 1.< Se%urity.....................................................................................................................55 1. E'aluation.....................................................................................................................*" 10.1 Pro)e%t +osti g........................................................................................................57 10.1 Possible =uture !evelopme t.................................................................................5< 11 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................*% -e erences...........................................................................................................................*, /ibliography........................................................................................................................+. Appendi0 11 System 2'er'iew.........................................................................................+1 Appendi0 21 3ublic E0planatory Material......................................................................+2 "ppe dix 2.1: @ trodu%tio to Smart@! a d Smart$allet..............................................62 "ppe dix 2.2: Priva%y Stateme t for SmartMar?et........................................................62 Appendi0 &1 Ser'er $nstallation $nstructions.................................................................+* "ppe dix 2.1: @mpleme ti g SS;...................................................................................65 "ppe dix 2.1.1 .e eratio of Server +ertifi%ate........................................................65 "ppe dix 2.1.2: & abli g SS;....................................................................................66 Appendi0 *1 Client $nstallation $nstructions..................................................................+" "ppe dix 5.1: !rivers for Smart%ard #eader..................................................................67 "ppe dix 5.2: @ ter et &xplorer......................................................................................67 "ppe dix 5.2: Aets%ape Aavigator.................................................................................6< Appendi0 +1 Ser'er Code..................................................................................................+% "ppe dix 6.1: "SP &xamples.........................................................................................60 "ppe dix 6.1.1: ;ibrary for %alli g %ryptographi% fu %tio s 9swClib.asp:.................60 "ppe dix 6.1.2: Server3side validatio for registeri g a user 9adduser.asp:..............61 "ppe dix 6.1.2: Dalidati g %ardBs debit respo se 9s%authorise.asp:..........................70 "ppe dix 6.2: Server3Side Java "ppli%atio ..................................................................71
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Appendi0 "1 Client Code..................................................................................................."2 "ppe dix 7.1: *TM; a d &+M"S%ript &xamples........................................................72 "ppe dix 7.1.1: (si g %lie t3side Java applet with forms 9%o figsid.html:................72 "ppe dix 7.1.2: +lie t3side validatio of forms 9setpi .html:...................................72 "ppe dix 7.2: +SS &xample 9asto .%ss:.........................................................................75 "ppe dix 7.2: +lie t3Side Java "pplet...........................................................................76 "ppe dix 7.2.1: Smart@! %lass...................................................................................76 "ppe dix 7.2.2: Message=rame %lass.........................................................................<2 "ppe dix 7.2.2: Pi #e,uest +lass..............................................................................<2 Appendi0 #1 Smartcard Code...........................................................................................#*

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Table of


!igure *.11 3seudocode indicating use o inline scripting...............................................1% !igure *.21 AS3 code showing use o unction libraries and ser'er(side includes.......1, !igure *.&1 E0tract rom db4lib database access library................................................1, !igure *.*1 E0tract rom adduser.asp showing use o user redirects............................2. !igure *.+1 )atabase structure..........................................................................................21 !igure *."1 AS3 code to call 5preempt-esponse6 method in 7a'a application.............2& !igure +.11 Main rame structure.....................................................................................2" !igure +.21 /rowse8search products rame structure....................................................2" !igure ".11 !orm used to con igure personal pro ile......................................................&2 !igure ".21 Aston SmartMarket ront page.....................................................................&* !igure ".&1 3ages to search product database and 'iew results.....................................&* !igure #.11 $S2 #%1"(* Command A3)9 structure.......................................................&# !igure #.21 $S2 #%1"(* -esponse A3)9 structure.........................................................&% !igure %.11 $mplemented smartcard eature set..............................................................&, !igure ,.11 )ebit communication se:uence....................................................................*2 !igure ,.21 Credit communication se:uence..................................................................*& !igure ,.&1 )ebit test site..................................................................................................*+ !igure ,.*1 Credit test site................................................................................................*+

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!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

" Synopsis
@ a attempt to provide a solutio to the problem of usi g %redit %ards for payme t over the @ ter et' the ob)e%tive of this pro)e%t was to impleme t a fully fu %tio i g &3%ommer%e site whi%h utilised a smart%ard me%ha ism for payme t.. !ue to the fa%t that the %reators of existi g smart%ard wallets appear relu%ta t to divulge their full spe%ifi%atio s' a smart%ard3based ele%tro i% %ash system has bee developed from s%rat%h' providi g mea s for i sta ta eous' a o ymous tra sfer of value a%ross a i se%ure etwor?' su%h as the @ ter et. " alysis a d test of the system have suggested the impleme tatio to be se%ure. "dditio ally' smart%ard te%h ology has bee employed to solve a other per%eived problem with busi ess3to3%o sumer &3%ommer%e sites: that of the eed for repetitive perso al data e try. " profile system has bee %reated whi%h permits storage of perso al data i o e lo%atio 9the smart%ard:' a d rapid %ompletio of *TM; forms by automati% retrieval of this i formatio . " &3%ommer%e site has bee %reated with whi%h these two systems have bee su%%essfully i tegrated' i di%ati g that smart%ard te%h ology does provide a feasible mea s for addressi g the problems ide tified. *owever' %ompli%atio s ide tified at the %lie t side suggest that widespread adoptio of the te%h ology will ot o%%ur u til suitable sta dards are developed a d adhered to.

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

# $ntrod!ction
#%" Conte&t
The explosive growth of the @ ter et has %aused a revolutio i the ma er i whi%h busi esses a d %o sumers %o du%t %ommer%ial ex%ha ges. E-Commerce is %urre tly a ma)or growth i dustry' a d the umber of tra sa%tio s %arried out o li e is es%alati g expo e tially. The adva tages provided by @ ter et %ommer%e are self3evide t' a d explai the e thusiasm shared by %ompa ies a d %ustomers for tradi g i this ma er. =or the supplier' there is greater pote tial to %ompete o a global s%ale' a d %ost savi gs %a be attai ed i terms of staff a d real estate by removi g the eed for publi%3fa%i g premises. =or the %o sumer' a mea s is provided to browse a d sear%h for produ%ts' a d %ompare the pri%es of differe t suppliers' more ,ui%?ly a d easily tha was previously possible. *owever' some problems have arise with respe%t to busi ess3to3%o sumer 9E/2+F: systems' whi%h to this day have preve ted them from realisi g their full pote tial. =irstly' there is a ge eral relu%ta %e amo gst the publi% to tra sfer their %redit or debit %ard umber a%ross the @ ter et' for fear of it bei g i ter%epted a d u lawfully misused. The use of e %rypted %ommu i%atio 9via SS;a: has go e a lo g way to alleviate this fear' but it does still remai a issue: a sig ifi%a t umber of pote tial pur%hases are lost for this reaso . Se%o dly' %redit a d debit %ards are ot ideally suited to pur%hasi g ma y of the produ%ts or servi%es that are available' or %ould be made so. @ ma y situatio s' a system more resembli g %ash would be prefere tial 3 avoidi g delays i here t withi %redit %ard %leari g systems' permitti g micropayments 9e.g. of a few pe %e: to be made for o li e servi%es' retai i g %ustomer a o ymity a d providi g a mea s for the user to be aware of his %urre t bala %e at all times. =i ally' the tedious a%tivity of repetitively e teri g perso al i formatio ' su%h as shippi g address' for every tra sa%tio or site registratio is dis%o %erti g to ma y users. " resear%h study %o du%ted by Jupiter +ommu i%atio s 9AG: i 1111 i di%ated that more

Se%ure So%?et ;ayer

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

tha a ,uarter of users surveyed had aba do ed a tra sa%tio solely due to the le gth or %omplexity of the form whi%h had to be %ompleted. Darious solutio s to these problems have bee proposed' su%h as S&Ta a d $eb H/ea IB for payme ts- a d H"uto%ompleteB a d Mi%rosoft Profile "ssista t for %ompleti g forms. *owever' ea%h of these systems solves o ly o e of the problems me tio ed: S&T' for example' avoids the eed for tra smissio of %redit %ard i formatio ' but still uses su%h a %ard as the ultimate mea s for payme t. @ additio ' most solutio s te d to be tied to a userBs ow %omputer' preve ti g them from bei g used effe%tively i @ ter et %afJs or o other ma%hi es. 2.1.1 Applicability of Smartcard Technology Smart%ards have two fu dame tal %apabilities 3 that of data storage a d pro%essi g power. @ terms of the former' they provide adva tages i terms of their portability a d 3 more u i,uely 3 the fa%t that the data stored upo them %a be made tamper3proof. Physi%al se%urity of the %ards provides good prote%tio agai st attempts to read or modify the %o te ts of memory by exter al mea s. !ata %a therefore o ly be a%%essed via the i terfa%e defi ed by the program reside t o the %ard' mea i g that a system %ould be %reated whereby i formatio is ot released from the %ard u less a %orre%t P@Ab is e tered beforeha d' for example. The pro%essi g power of the %ard is of parti%ular use for %ryptographi% a d other se sitive operatio s' where 3 for example 3 digital sig atures %a be ge erated a d validated without a userBs private ?ey ever leavi g the %ard. Smart%ardsB tamper3proof data storage' a d their %apability to perform %ryptographi% operatio s' therefore appeared to provide a feasible mea s for addressi g the problems previously des%ribed: firstly' by allowi g user profile i formatio to be stored a d ,ui%?ly tra sferred by i sertio of the %ard i to a smart%ard reader- se%o dly' by providi g a se%ure mea s for value to be stored a d tra sferred by mea s of a trusted applet reside t o the %ard.

a b

Se%ure &le%tro i% Tra sa%tio s sta dard Perso al @de tifi%atio Aumber
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!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

#%# 'e(!irements
The aim of this pro)e%t was to desig a d %reate a fully operatio al &3%ommer%e site whi%h would ma?e use of smart%ard te%h ology i order to attempt to provide a solutio to the problems previously dis%ussed. (sers would therefore be re,uired to have a suitable smart%ard reader atta%hed to their %omputer i order to ma?e use of this. 2.2.1 Electronic Cash @ order to represe t ErealF %ash most a%%urately' there is a re,uireme t for ;i< 'alue to be stored on the smartcard only' a d ot re%orded elsewhere 9thus mai tai i g a o ymity:. +learly' therefore' a %ard applet eeds to be %reated whi%h will ;ii< pre'ent users rom de rauding the system by increasing their balance without authorisation rom the card issuer- a d ;iii< pre'ent debits rom being made without the user6s consent. =i ally' there eeds to be a mea s for ;i'< securely trans erring 'alue between the card and a remote host= o'er an insecure network whi%h is ope to eavesdroppi g a d modifi%atio of the data bei g tra sferred. @t was i itially the i te tio to use Mondex' a prove smart%ard3based ele%tro i% %ash produ%t' as the basis for value tra sfer withi this pro)e%t. *owever' Mo dex @ ter atio al' %reators of the system' were u willi g to provide the proto%ol spe%ifi%atio s re,uired for se%urity reaso s. +o se,ue tly' a suitable ele%tro i% %ash system had to be developed from s%rat%h. 2.2.2 Personal Profile The basi% re,uireme t was for the smart%ard to ;i< store te0tual in ormation within a number o pro ile > ields? a d for a mea s to be provided for ;ii< a web site to retrie'e this data. "dditio ally' provisio had to be made for a user to ;iii< update his pro ile in ormation whene'er necessary' a d to ;i'< speci y pre erences as to whether= and how o ten= a 3$@ should be re:uested be ore sensiti'e in ormation is released. The ob)e%tive to develop a perso al profile was ot part of the origi al pro)e%t spe%ifi%atio . @t was ta?e o at the re,uest of *ita%hi' providers of smart%ard readers a d developme t software for the pro)e%t.

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2.2.3 E-Commerce Web Site The %ore fu %tio s provided by a y &3%ommer%e site are to ;i< allow users to browse or search within a database o items or ser'ices= ;ii< select those re:uired or purchase and place into a 'irtual >shopping basket?' a d ;iii< >check out? by authorising 'alue trans er to the 'endor. "dditio ally' for this pro)e%t' it was e%essary to ;i'< utilise the electronic cash and personal pro ile systems previously des%ribed.

#%) *verview of 'eport

Three fu dame tal %ompo e ts to the overall system %learly emerge' amely Server, Client a d Smartcard. The followi g %hapters deal with these i dividually: for ea%h' a Design Iss es %hapter des%ribes a d )ustifies the ma)or %o %eptual de%isio s made' a d a Implementation %hapter outli es ?ey methods by whi%h the desig was realised. The method by whi%h value tra sfer was a%hieved is des%ribed separately i ! Cryptographic Challenge and "esponse Cycle' as it i volves the server' %lie t a d smart%ard e,ually' a d %a ot be satisfa%torily des%ribed for ea%h %ompo e t i isolatio . The su%%ess of the pro)e%t is the evaluated' a d possibilities for future developme t ide tified. =i ally' %o %lusio s are draw from the fi di gs made.

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

) Server-Side Design $ss!es

)%" Choice of +eb Server
!iffere t permutatio s of operati g system a d web server software were assessed' a d i ma y %ases evaluated through i stallatio ' test' a d review of their a%%ompa yi g do%ume tatio . (A@K servers te d to be highly regarded for their reliability a d stability' he %e i itially appeared to be a attra%tive optio for deployme t. *owever' at the time whe this assessme t of alter atives was bei g %o du%ted' Mo dex was i te ded to be the mea s by whi%h payme ts would be made withi the site' a d it was therefore assumed that a smart%ard reader would be eeded o the server i order to fa%ilitate %ard3to3%ard value tra sfers. The ma)ority of su%h devi%es are supplied o ly with $i dows drivers 3 (A@K alter atives are ge erally slow to materialise a d are usually u supported 3 a d as su%h the de%isio was made to sele%t $i dows AT Server as the platform upo whi%h the web server should ru . The "pa%he *TTP Server a d Mi%rosoftBs @ ter et @ formatio Server 9@@S: were the %riti%ally %ompared' the latter fi ally bei g sele%ted due to the fa%t that its ative s%ripti g la guage 9"SPa: was u i,ue i providi g support for i sta tiatio of $i dows +4Mb ob)e%ts' thus permitti g %ommu i%atio with the smart%ard reader via ve dor3supplied %ompo e ts. Darious modules providi g "SP support for "pa%he were lo%ated a d tested' but these were fou d to possess i %omplete feature sets 3 o e of them providi g +4M support.

)%# Server-Side Processing

" &3%ommer%e site obviously re,uires some degree of server3side pro%essi g over a d above simply relayi g stati% %o te t at the re,uest of browsers 3 for example' supplyi g pages whi%h show produ%ts that mat%h a userBs sear%h %riteria. The de%isio was made to utilise @@SBs i li e s%ripti g %apabilities to perform the ma)ority of server3side pro%essi g' as this te%h i,ue uses the appli%atio Bs memory spa%e to pro%ess the s%ripts' drai i g fewer resour%es tha usi g +.@%' with whi%h a ew pro%ess eeds to be %reated to serve every separate page re,uest.

"%tive Server Pages +ompo e t 4b)e%t Model % +ommo .ateway @ terfa%e


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@@S is %apable of supporti g a umber of differe t s%ripti g la guages 9D/S%ript a d JS%ripta as sta dard' Perl a d other alter atives by deployme t of appropriate modules:. Ao o e la guage appeared to offer a y parti%ular adva tage' he %e D/S%ript was %hose solely be%ause this appears to be the most %ommo %hoi%e amo gst users of "SP' a d thus more do%ume tatio a d support is available for it.

)%) Maintaining State

The proto%ol via whi%h web pages are re,uested a d served 9*TTPb: is stateless' i that ea%h page re,uest is effe%tively a isolated eve t whereby a %o e%tio is mai tai ed betwee %lie t a d server for the tra smissio of a si gle file o ly. Aavigati g to a parti%ular page by e teri g its (#;% i to the address bar of a browser or by sele%ti g a hyperli ? %auses a T+Pd %o by a i stru%tio of the form:
GET /filename.html HTTP/1.0

e%tio to be made to port 00 of the appropriate host' followed

"ssumi g the file re,uested is available' the web server the respo ds by tra smitti g the page ba%? to the %lie t' a d the %o released. The stateless ature of *TTP dema ds that %o sideratio be give to how some form of persiste %e be %reated withi the system. +learly' for a &3%ommer%e site' it is desirable for a user to move betwee several pages' browsi g a d sear%hi g for items' a d addi g those whi%h are re,uired to a virtual Eshoppi g bas?etF. @t is obviously e%essary for the sele%tio s made to be retai ed for at least the duratio of the userBs visit to the site' a d preferably also betwee su%%essive visits. Darious exte sio s to *TTP' whi%h are ow mature a d supported by the vast ma)ority of browsers' provide mea s to over%ome this problem. The most established method is ? ow as #$$% A thentication' whereby the web server i serts the followi g headers i to its i itial respo se to a page re,uest:
WWW-Authenticate: Basic HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthori e!

e%tio betwee the two ma%hi es is immediately

Mi%rosoftBs impleme tatio of &+M"S%ript 9Javas%ript: *ypertext Tra sfer Proto%ol % ( iform #esour%e ;o%ator d Tra smissio +o trol Proto%ol

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

/rowsers supporti g *TTP authe ti%atio will the prompt the user for a user ame a d password' %a%he this i formatio ' a d retra smit it withi the headers of every subse,ue t page re,uest to that site. +o se,ue tly' by observi g the user ame a d password a%%ompa yi g ea%h page re,uest' the server %a as%ertai whi%h user is bei g served a d modify the %o te ts of the i formatio retur ed a%%ordi gly. " alter ative to this te%h i,ue is to use coo&ies' whi%h are small text files %reated by the browser o the userBs system upo the re,uest of the server. The i formatio to be stored withi these files is se t to the %lie t withi the respo se *TTP headers' a d this is the retra smitted by the browser withi the headers of every subse,ue t page re,uest to the same site. +o se,ue tly' by usi g %oo?ies to store a u i,ue ide tifier for a parti%ular user' page respo ses %a be perso alised by the server a%%ordi gly. $he %oo?ies first %ame i to existe %e 9i Aets%ape Aavigator 2.0:' they were viewed with suspi%io by some users who regarded the a%t of text files bei g saved o their ow ma%hi es as a se%urity threat. The fa%t that these files %o tai textual data whi%h is ma aged by the browser' o ly ever se t to the site whi%h origi ally %reated it' a d ever exe%uted' has %aused this attitude to be o lo ger widely held' a d although users %a still %hoose to re)e%t them' all browsers i %ommo use today sile tly a%%ept %oo?ies by default. @ additio ' %reatio of the %o %ept of Esessio %oo?iesF whi%h exist i the browser pro%essBs volatile memory' a d thus remai i existe %e o ly u til the program is %losed' have served to provide a te%h i,ue for providi g persiste %e to whi%h few are opposed. @ ge eral' %oo?ies are used mu%h more widely tha *TTP "uthe ti%atio ' a d as su%h the appeara %e of the browserBs logi box is ow rarely wit essed a d %a be dis%o %erti g for i experie %ed users. @ additio ' be%ause the ma er i whi%h the user ame a d password are re,uested is u i,ue to ea%h i dividual browser' it would ot be possible to provide a %o siste t me%ha ism for loggi g i usi g a smart%ard should this method be employed for user ide tifi%atio . +o se,ue tly' despite the small possibility of user re)e%tio ' it was de%ided that the less %o troversial Esessio %oo?ieF be used to provide logi fa%ilities to the site' together with a expla atio of the se%urity issues i volved. "dditio ally' it was de%ided to provide the optio for %reati g a perma e t %oo?ie to provide automati% logi to the site.

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)%, Database
There was a %lear eed for the existe %e of a database o the server' whi%h would %o tai i formatio relati g to the produ%ts or servi%es available for sale o the site 9e.g. des%riptio ' pri%e a d sto%? i formatio :. @ additio ' it was believed to be desirable for the database to be the lo%atio i whi%h the %o te ts of usersB Eshoppi g bas?etsF was held. @t would be possible for the sessio %oo?ie %reated o the %lie tBs ma%hi e to retai this i formatio - however' be%ause %oo?ie data is tra smitted with every page re,uest' use of a server3side database mi imises the amou t of data bei g tra sferred' a d thus the speed of respo se. "dditio ally' it permits the %o te ts of bas?ets to be remembered i defi itely 9i.e. betwee visits:. " large umber of differe t database produ%ts are available' all with their ow parti%ular adva tages a d disadva tages. "ssessme t of whi%h was the most suitable for a &3%ommer%e site would be depe de t upo fa%tors su%h as the expe%ted server load' a d a detailed evaluatio of alter atives was ot %o sidered to be withi the s%ope or budget of this pro)e%t. (se of a sta dard ,uery la guage a d abstra%tio layer to %o database 9spe%ifi%ally' S>; via a 4!/+a %o e%t to the e%tio : was therefore deemed esse tial' so

that the u derlyi g e gi e %ould be repla%ed should it be%ome e%essary 9easi g migratio to a heavy3duty 4ra%le database should server load es%alate' for example:. 3. .1 !atabase Transactions +ertai operatio s that may eed to be %arried out o the database are %omprised of a umber of separate a%tio s 3 su%h as the pro%ess of %he%?i g out' where ea%h produ%t pur%hased must be deleted from the userBs bas?et a d a %orrespo di g re%ord made elsewhere to authorise dispat%h. @t is importa t to e sure that' i the eve t of a error or problem o%%urri g o the server' the e tire operatio would fail or su%%eed as a si gle u it 9i.e. either all of the %ompo e t a%tio s would be %ompleted' or none of them:. Su%h a operatio is said to be atomic. @ order to a%hieve this re,uireme t' it was de%ided to use tra sa%tio al features withi the database whereby a tra sa%tio is %omme %ed immediately before the first %riti%al operatio a d committed followi g the fi al o e. Should a y step i the tra sa%tio fail' all other steps are automati%ally rolled ba%?' thus preservi g %o siste %y of the data.

4b)e%t !atabase +o

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The database e gi e also e sures that partial results of i %omplete operatio s are ever obtai ed by other %o %urre t pro%esses 9e.g. other "SP page re,uests: by lo%?i g the releva t fields for the duratio of the tra sa%tio . !ue to the fa%t that tra sa%tio s o ly appear to be re,uired for re%ords a d fields spe%ifi% to i dividual users' o problems should o%%ur with the database bei g made u available to other users of the site.

)%- Encrypted Comm!nication

+ommu i%atio via the @ ter et is i here tly i se%ure' as data tra sferred over it is ope to eavesdroppi g at ma y differe t poi ts. +o se,ue tly' there is a eed for a y system whi%h i volves the tra smissio of se sitive i formatio 9su%h as %redit %ard umbers: to provide mea s for e %rypti g %ommu i%atio betwee server a d %lie t a d to assure users of the true ide tity of the site with whi%h they are deali g' he %e the ratio ale behi d deployi g SS;a. 3.".1 P#blic and Pri$ate %eys &Asymmetric Cryptography' $he used for e %ryptio ' publi% a d private ?eys are a alogous to padlo%?s a d their ?eys' whereby i formatio %a be e %rypted usi g a publi% ?ey 9lo%?ed with a padlo%?: su%h that it %a o ly be de%rypted usi g its asso%iated private ?ey 9u lo%?ed with its ?ey:. +o se,ue tly' publi% ?eys %a be widely distributed to e able a yo e to e %rypt i formatio i the ? owledge that it %a o ly be de%rypted by the holder of the asso%iated private ?ey. "dditio ally' however' data e %rypted usi g the private ?ey %a be de%rypted by a yo e i possessio of the asso%iated publi% ?ey. @f mea i gful i formatio %a be extra%ted usi g the publi% ?ey' o e %a be %ertai that o ly the holder of the private ?ey %ould have e %rypted it i itially 9i.e. the origi of the data is assured:. This te%h i,ue forms the basis for digital sig ature systems. 3.".2 !igital Certificates @ order for asymmetri% %ryptography to be used effe%tively' it is e%essary for the holder of a publi% ?ey to be %ertai that the ?ey is i fa%t asso%iated with the private ?ey ow ed by the i te ded re%ipie t. (si g te%h i,ues su%h as @P spoofi g' it might be possible to mas,uerade u der the ide tity of a other user or server a d supply a differe t publi% ?ey whi%h would allow u authorised a%%ess to i formatio e %rypted with it.

Se%ure So%?et ;ayer

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@ order for the true ow er of a publi% ?ey to be determi ed' Certification A thorities 9+"Bs: su%h as Derisig a d Thawte have bee established to a%t as trusted third parties whi%h will verify the ide tity of a perso or orga isatio before providi g them with a digital certificate. Su%h %ertifi%ates are wrappers %o tai i g textual i formatio %o %er i g the ow erBs ide tity' together with the a%tual publi% ?ey. The wrapper itself is sig ed usi g the +"Bs private ?ey whi%h gives a yo e proof of its authe ti%ity. The +"sB publi% ?eys' re,uired to verify %ertifi%ates as bei g valid' are supplied as sta dard withi all %ommo web browsers a d web server software. 3.".3 SS( and Certificate A#thentication SS; is a sta dard te%h i,ue used for se%ure data ex%ha ge o the @ ter et a d o private etwor?s. Typi%ally' a web server will prese t a browser with its digital %ertifi%ate whi%h will a%t as proof of its ide tity' a d %o tai its publi% ?ey usi g whi%h data se t to it %a be e %oded. "s @ ter et @ formatio Server a d the ma)ority of mai stream browsers support SS;' the de%isio was made to apply for a suitable digital %ertifi%ate from a ? ow +"' a d to ma?e use of SS; for the tra smissio of address a d %redit %ard i formatio to the server.

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

, Server $mplementation
Please refer to the a%%ompa yi g +!3#4M to view the %omme ted %ode a d other files %reated to impleme t the system 9H$ebB dire%tory for "SP %ode' HServerB dire%tory for "%%ess database a d Java appli%atio sour%e:.

,%" ASP Synta&

" des%riptio of "SP sy tax a d usage is ot withi the s%ope of this do%ume t. *owever' the reader may be efit from ? owi g that dire%tives are disti guished from sta dard *TM; %ode by bei g surrou ded by "# a d #$ delimiters. @ additio ' the "%--& .. --$ tag is used for spe%ifyi g for server3side i %ludes. .1.1 Code Con$ention $ithi this se%tio ' highlighted text will be used to disti guish server3side i stru%tio s from *TM; %ode' where e%essary. +omme ts withi %ode will be show i gree .

,%# Separation of Code and Presentation

"SP i li e s%ripti g 9where pre3pro%essor i stru%tio s are embedded amo gst sta dard *TM; tags: is ot well suited to separati g %ode from prese tatio i formatio . *owever' where possible' user redire%ts a d fu %tio libraries were utilised to isolate sig ifi%a t %ode blo%?s to Ededi%atedF s%ript files. .2.1 The need for inline code embedding @ some situatio s' it was however esse tial to embed %ode i the middle of a *TM; page' as i the %ase of a produ%t listi g 3 illustrated by the followi g pseudo%ode:
Pa'e hea!er HT(): Title* Ta+le hea!er* etc. FOR EACH Pro!uct that matches selection criteria ,e- ta+le ro,e- ta+le cell Print Pro!uct name ,e- ta+le cell Print Pro!uct .rice NEXT Pro!uct Pa'e footer Figure 4.1: Pseudocode indicating use of inline scripting

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.2.2 )#nction (ibraries @ order to mi imise the %ode %o te t of pages' a d to redu%e %odi g repetitio ' a umber of libraries were %reated %o tai i g related fu %tio s 9e.g. those pertai i g to database a%%ess:. These were i %luded' whe re,uired' by use of server3side i %ludes' as show i the followi g example:
"# /)A,GUAGE 0 1B2cri.t #$ "%--&inclu!e file03../st!$ "%--&inclu!e file03../!$ "html$ "hea!$ "lin5 rel03st6lesheet3 href03main.css3$ "/hea!$ "+o!6$ ".$7urrent or!er total: "stron'$"#0'etBas5etTotal89#$"/stron'$"/.$ etc... Figure 4.2: ASP code showing use of function libraries and server-side includes

"SP does ot support the %o %ept of ElibrariesF as su%h- the Li %lude dire%tive simply %auses the %o te ts of the refere %ed do%ume t to be pla%ed at that poi t withi the file. +o se,ue tly' %are had to be ta?e to avoid dupli%atio of variable a d fu %tio ames a%ross multiple libraries' as should more tha o e ever be i %luded i a do%ume t' %o fusio would result. Suitably des%riptive ames were therefore used for fu %tio s a d EglobalF variables that might eed to be refere %ed exter ally- a d Elo%alF variables were prefixed with a %ommo ide tifier 9e.g. dbC for database variables:' as show i the example below:
"# :im o+;7onn* !+4str7onn* !+4str<uer6* o+;=2 2et o+;7onn 0 2er>er.7reate?+;ect83A:?:B.7onnection39 !+4str7onn 0 3:2,02mart(ar5et@:ata+ase02mart(ar5et@UA:0sa@PW:0@3 o+;7onn.?.en8!+4str7onn9 Bunction isEm.t6=28!+4str<uer69 :im !+4chec5=2 2et !+4chec5=2 0 o+;7onn.ECecute8!+4str<uer69 isEm.t6=2 0 !+4chec5=2.E?B !+4chec5=2.7lose En! Bunction etc... Figure 4.3: !tract fro" db#lib database access librar$

.2.3 *ser +edirects @ ma y %ases' the submissio of a form to the server re,uires a %o siderable amou t of pro%essi g to be %arried out before a simple page is retur ed i di%ati g su%%ess or failure.
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"s opposed to embeddi g *TM; represe ti g the user message withi large amou ts of "SP %ode' these messages were %reated i separate pages' a d *TTP redire%t respo ses se t to the %lie t' %ausi g it to re,uest the appropriate Esu%%essF or EfailureF page after pro%essi g of the form was %omplete. =or example' the followi g s%ript is a extra%t from the "SP s%ript %alled o submissio of the E"dd ew userF form:
D7hec5 to see if user alrea!6 eCists in !ata+ase userECists 0 ,ot isEm.t6=2832E)E7T Username B=?( Accounts WHE=E Usern ... Af =eEuest83.ass-or!39 "$ =eEuest83.ass-or!F39 Then DPass-or!s !o not match !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!!user4! G urlA..en!9 ElseAf username033 ?r .ass-or!033 ?r forename033 ?r surname033 Then DEssential fiel! left +lan5 !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!! G urlA..en!9 ElseAf userECists Then DUser alrea!6 eCists !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!! G urlA..en!9 Else D?H to insert user into !ata+ase !+ECecute83A,2E=T A,T? Accounts 8Username*Pass-or!*Borename*2ur ... !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!!usersuccess.html39 Figure 4.4: !tract fro" adduser.asp showing use of user redirects

En! Af

@ this %ase' if the two passwords e tered by the user do ot mat%h' he is forwarded to EadduserCdiffpass.aspF- if a y esse tial fields are left bla ?' he is forwarded to EadduserCi %omplete.aspF' a d so o .

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,%) Database Str!ct!re

" Mi%rosoft "%%ess database was used for stori g user a d produ%t i formatio - this produ%t bei g %hose solely for its ease of availability 9see '.( Data)ase Design Iss es:. .3.1 +elationships /ei g a relatio al database' it is possible to defi e relatio ships that exist betwee fields i differe t tables. Su%h usage e for%es referential integrity 3 by defi i g the stru%ture at su%h a low level' faulty %ode or i terfa%es are preve ted from e teri g i valid data i to the database' allowi g problems to be re%og ised more easily a d thus assisti g i debuggi g. The tables %reated' a d relatio ships betwee fields are as show below. Primary ?eys are i di%ated i bold.

Figure 4.%: &atabase structure

.3.2 Tables The Accounts table %o tai s a re%ord for ea%h registered user' %omprisi g user ame a d password' real ame' a d the shippi g address most re%e tly e tered 9i.e. for the %urre t tra sa%tio :. 3roducts %o tai s the full list of items available' ea%h bei g assig ed a %ategory from the list defi ed i Categories. These %ategories are used withi the browsi g pro%ess 3 the user bei g able to view all releva t produ%ts by sele%ti g the re,uired %ategory from a dy ami%ally %reated drop3dow list withi his web browser.

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

/askets bri gs together user a d produ%t i formatio 9from Accounts a d 3roducts' respe%tively: to i di%ate the items sele%ted by users to be i their Eshoppi g bas?etsF. $ithi "%%ess' the relatio ships defi ed betwee fields %a o ly be of the type 4 e3to3Ma y' as show 9e.g. a produ%t may o ly be assig ed to o e %ategory' but a %ategory may be assig ed to ma y produ%ts:. @ order to provide a Ma y3to3Ma y relatio ship for the shoppi g bas?ets 9a user may sele%t ma y produ%ts' a d a produ%t may be sele%ted by ma y users:' /askets is re,uired to a%t as a * nction ta)le' possessi g two primary ?eys to e sure u i,ue ess o ly of the %ombi atio s of 9Produ%t@!'(ser ame: tuples 9i.e. it is possible for multiple re%ords to exist with the same Produ%t@!' providi g the (ser ame differs for ea%h su%h re%ord- a d vi%e3versa:. 4 %e a pur%hase is made' produ%ts 9refere %ed by Produ%t@!: are EmovedF to the )ispatches table' whi%h would be used by the shippi g departme t to arra ge for despat%h. &a%h re%ord relates to o e produ%t o ly' to allow i dividual %ompo e ts of a order to be %o sidered separately. *e %e' whe ever suffi%ie t sto%? was available' a delivery %ould be made' a d the re%ord deleted from the system. The Aame a d "ddress fields relate to the shippi g details e tered duri g the %he%?out stage' a d are ot stored elsewhere i the system to e sure o perma e t re%ord is made of them' for user priva%y reaso s. Card3ayments represe ts the list of %redit %ard tra sa%tio s that have bee pro%essed. @ the %ase of this system' a %redit %ard tra sa%tio is deemed to have bee su%%essfully %arried out o %e a e try for it is made i to this table. 4bviously' i a real &3%ommer%e site' tra sa%tio authorisatio would be made by a ba ? or %leari g house 3 e try of data i to this table' however' simulates this pro%ess. .3.3 ,#eries /asketAuery a d /asketSubtotals are + eries %reated withi the database. &ffe%tively' these are read3o ly tables whi%h are dy ami%ally %reated by the server. /asketAuery defi es a li ? betwee its Produ%t@! field a d that of 3roducts a d thus provides the data re,uired for the server s%ript to display details of a userBs bas?et 9without eed for it to perform its ow %ross3refere %i g to obtai produ%t des%riptio ' for example:.

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/asketSubtotals li ?s its (ser ame field to that of /asketAuery' a d %al%ulates the total %ost of produ%ts withi ea%h userBs bas?et by defi i g the Subtotal field to be a expressio of the form:
2u+total: 2um8IBas5et<uer6J%I<uantit6JKIBas5et<uer6J%IPriceJ9

i.e. the summatio of 9,ua tity pri%e: for ea%h item i /as?et>uery asso%iated with a parti%ular user ame.

,%, Server-Side .ava Application

D/S%riptBs Elo gF i teger type was fou d to use a 223bit sig ed umber represe tatio ' he %e was %apable of represe ti g umbers with maximum mag itude of 222. This was i suffi%ie t for performi g %al%ulatio s with 753bit umbers' as used for the %halle ges a d respo ses withi the smart%ard debit a d %redit pro%edures 9see ! Cryptographic Challenge and "esponse Cycle:. +o se,ue tly' a Java appli%atio was %reated whi%h provided methods for performi g the %al%ulatio s' a%%epti g argume ts a d retur i g values as stri gs' a d utilisi g the )ava.math./ig@ teger %lass whi%h provides for represe tatio of arbitrary le gth umbers. #e%e t versio s of the Java DMa for $i dows allow a y Java appli%atio to be i sta tiated as a +4M %ompo e t 3 this fa%ility was exploited to provide a mea s for the "SP %ode to %all the methods %reated' as illustrated below:
:im s-4smartA:7hallen'e 2et s-4smartA:7hallen'e 0 2er>er.7reate?+;ect8372).2martA:7hallen'e39 Bunction .reem.t=es.onse8s-4>alue* s-4challen'e9 .reem.t=es.onse0s-4smartA:7hallen'e..reem.t=es.onse8s-4>alue* s-4challen'e* s-4.ri>ateHe69 En! Bunction Figure 4.': ASP code to call (pree"pt)esponse* "ethod in +ava application

*ere' H+S;.Smart@!+halle geB was the ide tifier 9+;S@!b: used to register the Java applet as a +4M %ompo e t o the server 9via the J"D"#&. utility:.

a b

Dirtual Ma%hi e +lass @!

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,%- SS/
" free EtestF server %ertifi%ate was obtai ed from the Derisig +"' a d usi g this' SS; was su%%essfully %o figured withi @@S. *owever' due to the fa%t that su%h test %ertifi%ates expire after two wee?s a d the diffi%ulty of obtai i g repeat issues' SS; was ot deployed withi the fi ished system. This should ot be regarded as demea i g its e%essity i a y way 3 should a release system ever be %reated' a suitable server %ertifi%ate would eed to be pur%hased' a d SS; re3e abled.

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- Client-Side Design $ss!es

-%" 0yperte&t Mark!p /ang!age 10TM/2
"ll web pages are ultimately passed to a browserBs re deri g e gi e as *TM;' this bei g a appli%atio of S.M;a. @ their simplest form' *TM; do%ume ts %o sist of a basi% blo%? of text' i terspersed with %o trol %odes 9HtagsB of the form MaddressN..MOaddressN: to i di%ate the ature or desired appeara %e of the Emar?ed upF text. Tags also exist for providi g hyperli ?s to other pages' displayi g images' embeddi g Java applets' providi g form %ompo e ts to re%eive user i put' a d so o . The la guage is offi%ially ma aged by the $2+b' who defi e the %omplete list of tags' their usage' a d the ma er i whi%h user age ts 9i.e. web browsers: should re der %o te t. *owever' *TM; has bee i a %o sta t evolutio ary pro%ess si %e its i %eptio %o se,ue tly differe t browsers support differe t versio s of the la guage a d very few have ever %orre%tly supported the sta dard i its e tirety. "dditio ally' ve dors have attempted to provide e ha %eme ts via their ow proprietary additio s 9for example' Aets%ape AavigatorBs Mbli ?N a d Mi%rosoft @ ter et &xplorerBs Mmar,ueeN tags:. (ser age ts are re,uired to ha dle tags whi%h they do ot re%og ise by simply ig ori g them' a d as su%h' %areful desig permits adva %ed features to be impleme ted tra spare tly 3 providi g e ha %ed fu %tio ality to those browsers whi%h support it' but still permitti g users of less well featured browsers to view the basi% i formatio prese t o the page. @ ter et usage statisti%s suggest that over 06P% of users view pages with a browser whi%h supports *TM; 5.0 9revised "pril 1110:1- %o se,ue tly it was de%ided that this versio be used as the basis for developi g the site' whilst e suri g that older browsers 9supporti g *TM; 2.22 a d earlier: be %apable of providi g %ore fu %tio ality' albeit with a less refi ed appeara %e a d user i terfa%e. Proprietary features have bee avoided %ompletely. !iffere %es i usersB system %o figuratio s 9e.g. s%ree resolutio ' %olour depth' fo t availability:' a d i the i terpretatio a d impleme tatio of the *TM; sta dard withi browsers' mea that the ma er i whi%h web pages will appear %a ever be %ompletely predi%table. !espite the temptatio to do so' %o siderable effort was made to avoid

Sta dard .e eraliIed Mar?up ;a guage $orld $ide $eb +o sortium % Sour%e: browserwat%h.i ter et.%om

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desig i g the site for use o parti%ular browsers a d systems' i stead ma?i g %orre%t use of *TM; to e sure that the site be a%%essible from all platforms 3 both those %urre tly i existe %e a d those o ly )ust emergi g' su%h as E$eb TDF a d other embedded systems. *owever' due to the fa%t that arou d 16P of web site hits are made usi g Mi%rosoft @ ter et &xplorer or Aets%ape Aavigator' the site was rigorously tested usi g these two browsers to e sure a i tuitive a d aestheti%ally pleasi g servi%e for the ma)ority of %ustomers. ".1.1 )rames ,#$M- frames allo. a thors to present doc ments in m ltiple vie.s, .hich may )e independent .indo.s or s ).indo.s. M ltiple vie.s offer designers a .ay to &eep certain information visi)le, .hile other vie.s are scrolled or replaced.F1 The de%isio was made to employ frames to provide a persiste t toolbar for easily avigati g arou d the site 9providi g li ?s to browse produ%ts' view shoppi g bas?et' log out' et%.:' as illustrated below. "dditio ally' be%ause the toolbar frame remai s i existe %e for the duratio of a visit' this was deemed the best pla%e to embed the %lie t3side Java applet for %ommu i%ati g with the smart%ard.
Toolbar Frame - Lo+ in - Lo+ out - 2o"e - 3asket - #hop etc. Main Frame

&ispla$s selected page

Figure %.1: ,ain fra"e structure

Similarly' a additio al frameset withi the mai frame itself was %o sidered most appropriate for e abli g users to sear%h for a d browse %ategories of produ%ts o the site:
Toolbar Frame - Lo+ in - Lo+ out - 2o"e - 3asket - #hop etc. Search Frame Select categor$ - nter search ter" Products Frame &ispla$s products "atching search criteria

Figure %.2: .rowse-search products fra"e structure

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&a%h frame withi a frameset displays the %o te ts of a separate *TM; page' he %e a frameset do%ume t itself is fairly small 3 typi%ally defi i g o ly the stru%ture' layout a d (#;s of the i dividual frames. @t is also possible' however' to provide %o te t withi M oframesN..MO oframesN tags whi%h is re dered by browsers that do ot support frames. This fa%ility was used to provide li ?s to the most releva t page 9e.g. the Ewel%omeF page withi the ope i g frameset:- a d all pages withi the site were desig ed to provide a alter ative route to ea%h page' should the stati% toolbars be abse t. ;i ?s were used i prefere %e to repetitio of %o te t withi the M oframesN se%tio i order to ease mai te a %e of the site 9updates would otherwise re,uire %ha ges to be made i two pla%es:' a d i order to preve t u e%essary amou ts of data from bei g tra sferred to the ma)ority of users who would be usi g frames. ".1.2 )orms ,An #$M- form is a section of a doc ment containing normal content, mar& p, special elements called /controls0 1chec&)oxes, radio ) ttons, men s, etc.2, and la)els on those controls. Users generally /complete0 a form )y modifying its controls 1entering text, selecting men items, etc.2, )efore s )mitting the form to an agent for processing.3 1 /ei g the o ly method for obtai i g feedba%? from a user i a web appli%atio ' forms were %learly re,uired for su%h a%tio s as sele%ti g %ategories of produ%ts to view' a d submitti g sear%h %riteria' ,ua tities a d shippi g details to the server. &a%h %o trol is give a u i,ue ame' a d upo submissio ' ?ey3value pairs of the form 9%o trol ame' %o trol state: are passed to the server either withi the headers of the *TTP re,uest 9the HP4STB method:' or as a suffix to the (#; 9the H.&TB method: thus:

Some browsers pla%e a upper limit upo the le gth of a (#;' %o strai i g the umber of ?ey3value pairs that %a be tra smitted usi g .&T. "dditio ally' this method is %learly u suitable for tra smitti g se sitive i formatio as the (#; 9i its e tirety: is li?ely to be %learly displayed withi the userBs address bar' a d may well be %a%hed by the browser a dOor a proxy server. =or these reaso s' it was de%ided that P4ST be used for the submissio of almost all forms withi the site. This te%h i,ue also has the adva tage of %ausi g the i formatio se t to the server to be e %rypted if a SS;a sessio is used. The

Se%ure So%?et ;ayer

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o ly ex%eptio to this de%isio was for the submissio of produ%t %ategory or sear%h %riteria to the Eshow produ%tsF page 3 i this %ase' o ly a small amou t of i formatio is ever tra smitted 9%ategory ame or sear%h term:' a d the availability of (#;s of the form:
htt.://---.ser>!'or60stationer6 htt.://---.ser>!

provides a i tuitive mea s for others to provide li ?s to parti%ular produ%t pages o the site. "lso' as the respo se obtai ed from a parti%ular %ategory or sear%h term is li?ely to %ha ge i fre,ue tly 9o ly whe ew produ%ts are added:' it would be safe for a server or browser to %a%he the page retur ed' refere %ed by its exte ded (#;. ".1.3 Client-side Scripting The vast ma)ority of browsers used today possess a s%ripti g e gi e whi%h permits %lie t3side %ode to be ru withi the browser e viro me t 9e.g. Aets%ape Aavigator 2.0 a d later' @ ter et &xplorer 2.0 a d later' a d 4pera 2.0 a d later:. (sage of this s%ripti g %apability %a provide %o siderable be efits to both %lie t a d server 3 for example' it %a be used to validate forms before they are submitted to the server' preve ti g the user from wasti g time waiti g for a respo se whe the form data is i valid' redu%i g etwor? traffi% a d relievi g server load. *owever' despite the fa%t that s%ripts ru i a Esa dboxF' a plethora of se%urity EholesF have bee dis%overed i the ma)or browsers duri g re%e t years' allowi g s%ripts to observe or modify eleme ts of the exter al system to whi%h they should ot be permitted a%%ess. $hilst the ve dors have typi%ally bee ,ui%? to provide pat%hes to %orre%t su%h problems' some users have lost %o fide %e i %lie t3side s%ripti g a d have disabled it withi their browsers. +o se,ue tly' it is ot possible to rely upo this te%h ology for a%hievi g %ore fu %tio ality. "s a result' the de%isio has bee made to utilise %lie t s%ripti g for the o 3esse tial tas? of e suri g form data is valid before submissio 9i additio to server3side validatio :' a d as the o ly mea s for providi g a i terfa%e betwee the %lie t3side Java applet a d %ompo e ts o the web page. (se of the smart%ard is ot esse tial for a%%essi g a d usi g the site' he %e this' agai ' does ot detra%t from %ore fu %tio ality. The sta dard *TM; s%ripti g la guage i use today is &+M"S%ript' origi ally developed by Aets%ape 9as JavaS%ript:' a d offered for sta dardisatio i "utum 1117. "ll browsers

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whi%h support %lie t3side s%ripti g support this la guage' he %e this was the atural %hoi%e for use withi the pro)e%t. ".1. !ynamic -T.(

!y ami% *TM; 9H!*TM;B: provides a e ha %ed user experie %e by permitti g %lie t3side s%ripts to modify the appeara %e of the web page o %e retrieved from the server' allowi g 3 for example 3 ob)e%ts to be moved a d hidde i respo se to parti%ular eve ts. The method by whi%h su%h dy ami% a%tivity is a%hieved differs mar?edly betwee browsers' however. Ma y do ot support a y form of !*TM;' whilst the two most %ommo ly used produ%ts 9Aets%ape Aavigator 5 a d @ ter et &xplorer 5O6: possess su%h radi%ally differe t do%ume t ob)e%t models that a y form of dy ami% user i terfa%e effe%tively eeds to be writte twi%e 3 o %e for ea%h browser. !espite the publi%atio of a sta dardised !4Ma by the $2+2' it is o ly with the re%e t release of Aavigator 7 that some form of %ommo ality betwee the Aets%ape a d Mi%rosoft produ%ts has bee re%og isable. +o se,ue tly' !*TM; has ot bee employed at all withi this pro)e%t 3 due to the authorBs per%eptio that it offers little be efit to the e d user' a d his relu%ta %e to expe d %o siderable effort over lear i g a d supporti g o 3sta dard' proprietary impleme tatio s.

-%# Cascading Style Sheets 1CSS2

Separatio of %o te t from style is ge erally regarded as desirable' due to the fa%t that the role of providi g a d mai tai i g i formatio 9H%o te tB: is very differe t from that of desig i g a aestheti%ally pleasi g a d logi%al user i terfa%e. *istori%ally' *TM; has blurred the bou daries betwee the two 3 a page will typi%ally %o tai i formatio ' perhaps se%tio ed usi g des%riptive tags su%h as MaddressN' together with formatti g %omma ds su%h as Mfo t siIeQBR2BN 9to i %rease text siIe:. +SS provides a mea s for defi i g style i a separate lo%atio from the mai *TM; body 9usually i a separate file e tirely:' a d offers a far ri%her set of %omma ds to defi e appeara %e. =or database3ba%?ed sites' where the u derlyi g data is already separately mai tai ed withi the database' +SS provides the adva tage of allowi g multiple pages to

!o%ume t 4b)e%t Model

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li ? to a si gle stylesheet' thus allowi g %ha ges to be made a%ross the site by ma?i g )ust o e set of modifi%atio s. The ma)ority of %urre t browsers support +SS ;evel 15 9@ ter et &xplorer 2.0 a d later' Aets%ape 5.0 a d later:' he %e it was de%ided that they be used throughout the site. Pages viewed o a o 3supporti g browser might appear less attra%tive' but would retai full fu %tio ality.

-%) Client-Side .ava Applet

@ order for %ommu i%atio with the smart%ard to be effe%ted' the eed be%ame appare t for the %reatio of a i termediate program whi%h was %apable of i terfa%i g both with the web browser a d also with the smart%ard reader atta%hed to the %omputer. +lie t3side s%ripti g te%h ology is i %apable of a%hievi g the latter dire%tly' he %e the most obvious mea s for a%hievi g this was to %reate a Java applet that would be %apable of ru i g withi the Java Dirtual Ma%hi es 9DMBs: prese t i the ma)ority of mai stream browsers. 4ld Java DMBs preve ted applets from %o du%ti g operatio s whi%h were %o sidered pote tially harmful' su%h as a%%essi g hardware' via a pro%ess ? ow as sand)oxing. *owever' the se%urity model of the Java platform 1.1 does permit su%h operatio s to be %o du%ted u der %ertai %ir%umsta %es 9typi%ally' after see?i g the userBs permissio :. Java 1.1 has bee i existe %e for ma y years' he %e is impleme ted i the vast ma)ority of browsers used today. "dditio ally' via use of a system %reated by Aets%ape ? ow as -iveConnect' it has be%ome possible for %lie t3side s%ripts ru i g i browsers to i terfa%e to Java applets embedded withi the page 3 spe%ifi%ally' by use of the ets%ape.)avas%ript.JS4b)e%t %lass i the Java %ode' a d the Hmays%riptB attribute i the MappletN tag withi the host *TM;. @t was %learly preferable for the applet to ma?e use of a established sta dard to %ommu i%ate with the smart%ard reader' as opposed to ma?i g a dire%t %o e%tio via the serialOparallel port a d bei g tied to o e parti%ular type of devi%e. +o se,ue tly' it was de%ided to ma?e use of a Java3based framewor? ? ow as 4+=a that a%ts as a abstra%tio layer betwee software a d hardware' a d for whi%h drivers are available for a umber of devi%es.

4pe %ard =ramewor?

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3 Client $mplementation
Please refer to the a%%ompa yi g +!3#4M to view the %omme ted %ode a d other files %reated to impleme t the system 9H$ebB dire%tory for user i terfa%e 9*TM;' +SS a d images:' H+lie tB dire%tory for %lie t3side Java applet sour%e:. "t the time of writi g' the fi ished sites were available from http:OOee3p%52.asto .a%.u?Ola%ey%sOs% a d http:OOee3p%52.asto .a%.u?Ola%ey%sOsm .

3%" +eb 4ser $nterface

Two separate sites were ultimately %reated 3 o e represe ti g the %ard issuer 9SmartCentre:' a d providi g %ard perso alisatio a d top3up fa%ilities- the other 9Aston SmartMar&et: bei g the &3%ommer%e site itself whi%h ma?es use of the SmartID perso al profile a d Smart4allet ele%tro i% %ash fa%ilities. Pages were %reated usi g a text editor 3 developme t tools su%h as Mi%rosoft =ro tPage a d Ma%romedia !reamweaver were avoided' as the %ode they ge erate was fou d to ma?e use of proprietary features withi mai stream browsers whi%h %a prove problemati% whe viewed i other e viro me ts. @mages were i itially %reated i a ve%tor3based drawi g pa%?age' amely +orelKara 2.0' whi%h allowed for the %reatio of sta dard styles a d modifi%atio of graphi%s 9e.g. e largeme t a d rotatio : without loss of defi itio . $he the desig pro%ess was %omplete' a ti3aliased images were saved i .@=a for butto s a d logos' whi%h is a %ompressed' o 3lossy' format providi g a maximum palette of 267 %olours. Photographi% images were saved usi g JP&.b format' whi%h provides 253bit %olour depth' but uses a lossy %ompressio algorithm 9ma?i g it u suitable for images %o tai i g highly defi ed edges' su%h as logos:.

a b

.raphi%al @ ter%ha ge =ormat Joi t Photographi% &xperts .roup

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!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

/.1.1 SmartCentre Site Separate pages were %reated for: %o figuri g the %ard 9e teri g perso al data' spe%ifyi g se%urity setti gs: %ha gi g the P@A u blo%?i g the %ard by e teri g the %orre%t u blo%? %ode viewi g the bala %e %rediti g 9Htoppi g upB: the %ard by use of a %redit %ard repeati g a top up whi%h failed due to a etwor? failure

together with various i formatio al pages' i %ludi g su%%essOfailure feedba%? for top3up attempts. Most of the pages used forms to obtai user i put' passi g the data to the %ard by use of the %lie t3side Java applet. Toppi g up a d repeati g top3ups were the o ly pages to re,uire server3side pro%essi g of forms 9to ge erate the %orre%t %ryptographi% respo se:- the remai i g pages wor? %orre%tly if ru lo%ally i a web browser 9i.e. ot fet%hed from a server:' providi g users a mea s for %o figuri g their %ards without %o etwor?' if re,uired. e%ti g to the

Figure '.1: For" used to configure personal profile

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=rames were used to provide a easy3a%%ess toolbar' as see i figure 7.1 above' whi%h also proved to be a suitable stati% lo%atio for embeddi g the applet. /.1.2 Aston Smart.ar0et Site Separate pages were %reated for: %reati g a ew user a%%ou t loggi g i viewi g shoppi g bas?et %o te ts a d modifyi g ,ua tities providi g sear%h fa%ilities by %ategory or textually displayi g produ%ts mat%hi g the sear%h %riteria addi g a spe%ified ,ua tity of a produ%t to the shoppi g bas?et %he%?i g out usi g a %redit %ard %he%?i g out usi g Smart$allet repeati g a Smart$allet tra sa%tio that failed due to a system or etwor? problem together with various i formatio al pages' i %ludi g su%%essOfailure feedba%? for a%tio s su%h as %reati g a ew user a d ma?i g %redit %ard or smart%ard payme ts. "gai ' a frameset was %reated to provide a stati% toolbar' although avigatio through pages was su%h that operatio i a o 3frames e viro me t is possible.

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Figure '.2: Aston S"art,ar/et front page

Figure '.3: Pages to search product database and view results

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

3%# Client-Side .ava Applet

/.2.1 1nterface .ethods The applet %reated provided the followi g methods whi%h %a be a%%essed from %lie t3side s%ripts' thus allowi g others to impleme t SmartID a d Smart4allet fu %tio ality i to a existi g site relatively easily: get/ala %e9: 3 retur s bala %e as i teger get=ield9Stri g fieldAame: 3 retur s profile i formatio as stri g set=ield9Stri g fieldAame' Stri g fieldDalue: debit9i t value' Stri g +halle ge: 3 retur s %ryptographi% respo se as stri g repeat!ebit#espo se9: 3 retur s %ryptographi% respo se as stri g prepare+redit9i t value: 3 retur s %ryptographi% %halle ge as stri g %redit9Stri g #espo se: 3 retur s su%%ess status as boolea se dPi 9i t pi : setPi 9i t pi : setSe%urity9boolea privateSe%' boolea private4 %e' boolea ge eralSe%' boolea ge eral4 %e: getSe%urity9: 3 retur s se%urity setti gs as stri g of the form E0110F u blo%?9Stri g %ode: 3 retur s su%%ess status as boolea begi +o versatio 9: e d+o versatio 9:

Most are fairly self3expla atory' a d %orrespo d to the %ore smart%ard fu %tio s des%ribed i !.5 Smartcard 6eat re Set. Possibilities for fieldAame i get!ield;..< a d set!ield;..< are Euser ameF' EpasswordF' Efore ameF' Esur ameF' EstreetaddressF' Etow F' E%ou tyF' Epost%odeF a d E%% umberF. $ithi setSecurity;..<' the flags are as defi ed i 7.5.5 Smartcard %I8 re+ ests 9trueQ1 a d falseQ0:. getSecurity;< retur s the %urre t se%urity setti gs i the same order as spe%ified i setSecurity;<' where 0 represe ts false 9off: a d 1 represe ts true 9o :. The %o %ept of E%o versatio sF was %reated i order to preve t the %ard P@A from havi g to be repeatedly e tered if a page re,uested several profile fields from the %ard' a d the %ard was %o figured always to re,uire the P@A. " blo%? of %ard i stru%tio s o a si gle
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page may be surrou ded by beginCon'ersation;< a d endCon'ersation;<' duri g whi%h time if the %ard re,uests the P@A' the applet will %a%he it a d automati%ally retur it to the %ard whe re,uired. /.2.2 2etscape 2a$igator and 1nternet E3plorer Sec#rity .odels !iffere %es betwee the se%urity models of browsers %aused problems i the impleme tatio of the applet' as the mea s for re,uesti g permissio to perform Eu safeF features differs i Aets%ape Aavigator a d @ ter et &xplorer. $ithi Aets%ape Aavigator' additio al %ode was re,uired withi the applet that %aused a error to be throw whe ru i @ ter et &xplorer. +o se,ue tly' a slightly differe t versio of the applet had to be %reated' a d the pla%ed i a J"#a file' a d digitally sig ed usi g a Aets%ape3spe%ifi% me%ha ism. @ @ ter et &xplorer' permissio was gra ted by addi g the web site to the list of Etrusted sitesF' for whi%h full Java permissio s the had to be e abled. +reatio of a +"/b file whi%h was digitally sig ed would allow this pro%ess to be%ome more automated 9prese ti g a s%ree to the user allowi g him to allow or de y permissio s upo dow load:. *owever' su%h a me%ha ism is also proprietary' a d i suffi%ie t time was available for this to be su%%essfully impleme ted. /.2.3 !ri$ers for Smartcard +eaders "lthough ative 4+= drivers have bee %reated for ma y smart%ard readers' it was fou d that their i stallatio te ds to be fairly %ompli%ated 9i volvi g ma ually editi g %o figuratio s%ripts:' a d is dis%o %erti g for ma y users. P+OS+% drivers' however' ow appear to be supplied as sta dard with the vast ma)ority of readers' usually i a form more suited to i stallatio by o 3te%h i%al users 9e.g. by mea s of a InstallShield EwiIardF:. "lthough they %a ot be dire%tly %o trolled withi Java' 4+= provides a mea s to a%%ess P+OS+ drivers. Therefore' despite resulti g i the %reatio of a extra abstra%tio layer' this %o figuratio was used to permit the simplest mea s of %lie t i stallatio .

Java "r%hive 9Mi%rosoft: +abi et % P+OSmart%ard


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5 Smartcard Design $ss!es

5%" Choice of *perating System
Three multiple appli%atio smart%ard operati g systems are %ommo ly i use 3 amely' Su Bs 9avaCard' Mi%rosoftBs 4indo.s for Smartcards a d Maos%oBs MU-$:S. The fu %tio ality provided by ea%h appears to be fairly similar 3 the ma)or differe %e i impleme tatio s bei g the la guage i whi%h developme t ta?es pla%e 9Java' Disual /asi% a d assembly la guage' respe%tively:. The de%isio was made to sele%t M(;T4S %ards for developme t' solely be%ause this is the system upo whi%h the "sto ( iversity Smart Camp s Card is based. +o se,ue tly' it should be possible for the appli%atio s writte for this pro)e%t to be loaded o to a "sto %ard should a suitable appli%atio load %ertifi%ate be obtai ed from the M(;T4S +"a.

5%# Card-Client Comm!nication

@S4 <017 Part 5 defi es a sta dard mea s for %ard3%lie t %ommu i%atio whi%h is supported by M(;T4S a d the vast ma)ority of smart%ard impleme tatio s. +ommu i%atio ta?es pla%e via a se,ue %e of "P!(Bsb' whi%h are effe%tively messages or pa%?ets of data formatted i a %o siste t ma 4.2.1 Command AP!*5s +omma d "P!(Bs 9i.e. those se t to the %ard: %o sist of a sta dard four3byte header' optio ally followed by a body of arbitrary le gth %o tai i g data' as show i 6ig re ;.5 below:
0eader .od$









Figure 1.1: 2S3 141'-4 5o""and AP&6 structure

where the +;" 9%lass: a d @AS 9i stru%tio : bytes ide tify whi%h operatio is bei g re,uested of the smart%ard- P1 a d P2 are parameters spe%ifi% to the fu %tio %alled- ;% %o tai s the amou t 9le gth: of data prese t i bytes- ;e %o tai s the expe%ted le gth of the respo se data i bytes.
a b

+ertifi%atio "uthority "ppli%atio Proto%ol !ata ( its

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4.2.2 +esponse AP!*5s #espo se "P!(Bs %o sist of a optio al data body' followed by a two3byte trailer' as show i 6ig re ;.< below:
.od$ 7railer




Figure 1.2: 2S3 141'-4 )esponse AP&6 structure

where S$1 a d S$2 %omprise the Stat s 4ord' providi g i formatio as to the su%%ess or failure of the operatio 9e.g. 10'00 represe ts su%%essful- 71'02 se%urity status ot satisfied:. 4.2.3 AP!* Cases +o se,ue tly' four fu dame tal types of %omma d exist' as defi ed by @S4 <017: Case 5 3 Ao %omma d or respo se data prese t Case < 3 4 ly respo se data 9from %ard: prese t Case ' 3 4 ly %omma d data 9to %ard: prese t Case ( 3 /oth %omma d a d respo se data prese t

+ases 2' 2 a d 5 were deemed suitable for use with respe%t to the perso al profile a d wallet fu %tio s %reated for this pro)e%t' e.g. %ase 2 for retrievi g profile i formatio ' %ase 2 for updati g profile i formatio ' a d %ase 5 for issui g a debit i stru%tio 9where the %lie t se ds a %ryptographi% %halle ge a d the value to be debited' a d re%eives the %ardBs %ryptographi% respo se:.

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6 Smartcard $mplementation
Please refer to the a%%ompa yi g +!3#4M 9H+ardB dire%tory: or Appendix ; to view %omme ted %ode for the %ard applet %reated.


eat!re Set

"s des%ribed i <.< "e+ irements' the ge eral fu %tio ality re,uired of the smart%ard was the storage a d retrieval of data i the perso al profile' a d provisio of a EwalletF for ele%tro i% %ash. =or more detailed i formatio upo impleme tatio of the latter' refer to ! Cryptographic Challenge and "esponse Cycle. @t would have bee possible' a d perhaps desirable' to impleme t two i depe de t applets for providi g the profile a d wallet features. *owever' to mi imise %o fusio ' all fu %tio ality was provided withi a si gle applet for the purposes of this pro)e%t. The followi g i stru%tio set was defi ed a d impleme ted withi M";a %ode. The umbers i pare theses represe t le gth i bytes' a d the prefix H0xB i di%ates a hexade%imal value. $@S 0x0 n 0x1 n 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x22 0x20 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x52 0x55 !eature #etur profile i formatio Set profile i formatio !ebit wallet Prepare for %redit "ttempt %redit #epeat last debit respo se #etur bala %e Submit P@A Set P@A (pdate se%urity setti gs #etur %urre t se%urity setti gs ( blo%? %ard $nput )ata "S+@@ S20T +rypto %halle ge S7T !ebit value S2T +redit value S2T +rypto respo se S0T P@A S2T Aew P@A S2T Setti gs S5T Setti gs S5T ( blo%? %ode S0T
Figure 4.1: 2"ple"ented s"artcard feature set

2utput )ata "S+@@ S20T

+rypto respo se S0T +rypto %halle ge S0T +rypto respo se S0T /ala %e S2T

Multos "ssembly ;a guage

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6.1.1 P12 +e7#ests "s a additio al measure of se%urity' the applet was desig ed ot to perform Eda gerousF operatio s 9su%h as debits a d profile %ha ges: u less the %orre%t P@A is submitted dire%tly beforeha d 9usi g i stru%tio 0x50:. @ additio ' it was made possible for the user to %o figure the %ard as to whether a d how ofte 9always' o %e per sessio ' or ever: P@A e try is re,uired for retrievi g profile i formatio . 4ptio s %a be spe%ified for Ese sitiveF data 9password a d %redit %ard umber: a d for Ege eralF data 9all other fields:. The four bytes se t a d re%eived as se%urity setti gs i i stru%tio s 0x52 a d 0x52 represe t four flags SprivateSe%' private4 %e' ge eralSe%' ge eral4 %eT. privateSe% i di%ates whether the %ard should re,uest P@A e try whe retrievi g private i formatio ' a d private4 %e how ofte this should o%%ur 91 Q o %e per sessio ' 0 Q every re,uest:. The setti g of the latter is irreleva t if privateSe% is set false. Similarly' ge eralSe% a d ge eral4 %e spe%ify whether a d how ofte the P@A should be re,uested for the retrieval of ge eral data.

6%# Developmental Process

+odi g was %arried out usi g a text editor' a d *ita%hiBs M ltos Development $ools used to %ompile' debug a d load the M"; %ode o to a smart%ard. Dery basi% fu %tio ality was impleme ted i the early stages of developme t' with extra features bei g added o %e testi g proved that those already i existe %e wor?ed as i te ded. &xte sive use was made of the EMS!TF %ard simulator to i sert brea?poi ts i to %ode' the tra smit parti%ular "P!(Bs a d step through ea%h li e of the applet. The system permitted the values of %hose variables to be observed 9Ewat%hedF: whilst steppi g through the %ode' a d showed the %o te ts of registers' the sta%? a d the tra sa%tio shadow data area 3 all of whi%h proved i valuable i ide tifyi g errors withi the %ode. To permit testi g of the applet upo the smart%ard itself' the $erminal Sim lator was used to upload the applet 9by sele%tio of a suitable load %ertifi%ate' desig ed for the developme t %ards:' tra smit "P!(Bs a d view the %ard respo se.

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7 Cryptographic Challenge and 'esponse Cycle

7%" 'e(!irements
Previous desig de%isio s di%tated that the o ly re%ord of the value stored withi a userBs wallet was to be o the smart%ard itself 9see <.<.5 Electronic cash re+ irements:. +o se,ue tly' a system eeded to be %reated whereby: 1. it was impossible for a user to i %rease his bala %e by a y mea s other tha a tra sa%tio authorised by the %ard issuer. 2. a server issui g a debit i stru%tio s %ould be assured that the bala %e had bee su%%essfully de%reased 9before shippi g goods' for example:. =urthermore' %ommu i%atio betwee server a d %ard had to o%%ur via a i se%ure' u trusted etwor?O%lie t termi al' ope to eavesdroppi g a d modifi%atio of the data bei g tra sferred.

7%# $mplemented Sol!tion

The o ly mea s by whi%h the re,uireme ts previously detailed %ould be met appeared' therefore' to be by mea s of %ryptography a d the storage of ?eys o both the server a d the smart%ard 9see '.= Encrypted Comm nication:. The fa%t that %ode ru o the smart%ard %a be trusted 9see <.5.5 Applica)ility of smartcard technology: mea s that the %ard %a be relied upo to assess whether a %redit i stru%tio origi ated from a authorised sour%e before i %reasi g the bala %e. "dditio ally' the %ard applet %a be %reated su%h that a parti%ular respo se 9verifiable by the server' a d i %al%ulable ex%ept usi g the private ?ey o the %ard: is ge erated to i di%ate that a debit i stru%tio was su%%essful 9sub)e%t to user authorisatio by e try of a P@A:. The fa%t that' for this pro)e%t' the %ard issuer was the same e tity as the site whi%h authorised tra sa%tio s' mea t that it was a%%eptable to use symmetri% %ryptography 9i.e. ma?e use of o e private ?ey o ly' stored o both the server a d the %ard:. +o se,ue tly' the se%urity of the system would be bro?e if the private ?ey was ever divulged to a third party. @ a release system' the use of asymmetri% %ryptography or simply a differe t

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private ?ey for ea%h %ard 9as i .SMa S@Mb %ards: would redu%e the pote tial for su%h %atastrophi% destru%tio of the systemBs se%urityU

7%) Debit Proced!re

The pro%edure to debit the %ard i volves the ge eratio of a challenge by the server' whi%h is tra smitted to the %lie t together with the value to be debited. The %ard the attempts to de%rease its bala %e by the amou t spe%ified a d 3 if su%%essful 3 digitally sig s the 9%halle ge'value: data usi g its private ?ey. The respo se thus ge erated %a the be retur ed to the server whi%h' usi g the same private ?ey as that prese t o the %ard' %a assess whether the %orre%t respo se has bee retur ed a d thus whether the debit i stru%tio was %arried out.

Figure 8.1: &ebit co""unication se9uence

The algorithms typi%ally used to perform digital sig atures are !&S or 23!&S. *owever' either was ot available o the developme t %ard provided- %o se,ue tly' the fu %tio performed was simply a ex%lusive3or of the 753bit private ?ey with a %o %ate atio of the 503bit %halle ge a d the 173bit debit value. +learly' su%h a fu %tio is i o way suitable for digital sig atures' as it is easily reversible' allowi g the private ?ey to be %al%ulated. @f impleme ted o a release %ard' the values would i stead be passed to the digital sig ature algorithm provided- a d the same fu %tio used o the server. &a%h %halle ge ge erated by the server eeds to be u i,ue 9a nonce:' so that the %orre%t respo se %a
a b

ever be obtai ed by refere %e to histori% data. =or the purposes of this

pro)e%t' use of a 503bit ra dom umber with over 200 billio possible values' is regarded
.lobal System for Mobiles Subs%riber @de tity Module
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as bei g suffi%ie t. !eployme t i the real world may re,uire the use of lo ger umbers a d a differe t mea s for %al%ulati g the o %e' i order to provide higher levels of se%urity' a d redu%e the possibility of )r te-force atta%?s from su%%eedi g.

7%, Credit Proced!re

=or toppi g up the %ard' a similar strategy is used to that employed withi the debit pro%edure. *owever' i this %ase the %halle ge is ge erated by the %ard' a d thus a additio al stage is re,uired for the %halle ge to be re,uested' as show :

Figure 8.2: 5redit co""unication se9uence

HvalueB is set to Iero after %ompletio of the top3up to preve t replay of the repo se %ausi g multiple %redits.

7%- Tolerance to 8etwork


@ the eve t of a etwor? failure' the situatio may arise where value is su%%essfully debited from the %ard' a d the respo se is ge erated but ever re%eived by the server. +o se,ue tly' the %ard applet was %oded su%h that the respo se' o %e ge erated' is stored i o 3volatile memory- a d a %omma d added to the i stru%tio set whi%h %auses the %ard to repeat its last respo se. *e %e' this fa%ility %ould be used repeatedly to re3attempt tra smissio of the respo se over the etwor? u til su%%essful. Similarly' i the eve t of a etwor? failure preve ti g a respo se from rea%hi g the %ard i the fi al %redit stage' the server eeds to be able to re3tra smit this as ma y times as e%essary 9i.e. ta?e respo sibility for ma?i g a re%ord of the last respo se %al%ulated for ea%h user:.
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7%3 Tolerance to System $nterr!ptions

@ the same way that tra sa%tio s were employed to preve t partial %ompletio of database pro%esses o the server 9see '.(.5 Data)ase $ransactions:' %ards tra sa%tio s have bee used to e %ompass the %riti%al a%tio s show i 6ig res !.5 a d !.<. +o se,ue tly' if power to the %ard was %ut 9e.g. by removi g 9tearing: the %ard: betwee %riti%al operatio s' a y %ha ges made would be rolled ba%? whe the %ard was ext powered up 3 he %e i the %ase of debits' subtra%tio of the bala %e would be u do e if a respo se was ot %al%ulated.

7%5 Sec!rity
The se%urity model of the %ryptographi% %halle geOrespo se %y%le appears to be sou d' resilie t to fraud attempts su%h as replay atta%?s. *owever' there is o %he%? made duri g the debit pro%edure that the debit re,uest is bei g made by a authorised e tity 3 i stead' the user is relied upo to e sure that the siteOappli%atio they are usi g is trustworthy 9perhaps by refere %e to a SS; %ertifi%ate:. $ithi a release system' it would be be efi%ial to redu%e the possibility of u authorised debits by re,uiri g re,uests to be themselves sig ed i some ma er. " test site was %reated i di%ati g the differe t stages of the debit a d %redit pro%edures' a d allowi g values to be modified to simulate fraud attempts. This is i %luded o the +!3#4M 9H$ebOtestB dire%tory: a d at the time of writi g was available from http:OOee3p%52.asto .a%.u?Ola%ey%sOtestOdebit.html a d http:OOee3p%52.asto .a%.u?Ola%ey%sOtestO%redit.html .

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Figure 8.3: &ebit test site

Figure 8.4: 5redit test site

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"9 Eval!ation
The author believes the pro)e%t to have bee su%%essful' i meeti g a d ex%eedi g the origi al aims. " &3%ommer%e site has bee su%%essfully %reated' a d 3 i the abse %e of suitable spe%ifi%atio s from Mo dex 3 a se%ure smart%ard payme t system has bee %reated from s%rat%h. "dditio ally' a smart%ard perso al profile system has bee %reated i respo se to the re,uest of *ita%hiBs Smart +ommer%e !ivisio . Several people were as?ed to test the sites %reated' a d feedba%? obtai ed from them was used to refi e the user i terfa%e. +o siderable testi g has also bee %arried out by the author to e sure the stability of the e tire system. " site was %reated to demo strate the wor?i gs of the %redit a d debit pro%edures' permitti g modifi%atio s to be made to the data passed to the %ard a d server. "ttempts to defraud the system 9e.g. by de%reasi g the value passed to a %ard for a debit attempt' or %o du%ti g replay atta%?s: all failed.

"9%" Pro:ect Costing

The o ly dire%t %osts i volved with the developme t of the system were with respe%t to smart%ard hardware a d developme t tools 9?i dly do ated by *ita%hi:: 1 .@S Smart Mouse smart%ard reader 2 M(;T4S 2 Test +ards W V20 ea%h V22.60 V50.00 Total1 B"&.+. "dditio ally' two P+Bs 9a server a d a wor?statio : a d various operati g systems a d pie%es of software 9$i dows' Multos !evelopme t Tools' "%%ess: were utilised. The author believes the time spe t resear%hi g a d developi g the system to be i ex%ess of four hu dred hours. "dditio ally' arou d twelve hours were spe t i %o sultatio with a%ademi% staff a d *ita%hi represe tatives- a d approximately three hours with support staff.

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"9%" Possible
followi g issues:

!t!re Development

Should further time have bee available' it would have bee desirable to address the

1. #emove the eed for the site to be added to the list of Etrusted sitesF a d for full Java permissio s to be expli%itly gra ted i @ ter et &xplorer' by providi g a versio of the %lie t3side Java applet whi%h was digitally sig ed usi g Mi%rosoftBs sig i g te%h ology. "lter atively' resear%h the feasibility of usi g Su Bs Java Plug3i for @ ter et &xplorer' Aets%ape Aavigator a d 4pera to provide a sta dard mea s for ru i g a d gra ti g a%%ess rights to %ode.

2. #edu%e the pote tial for u authorised %ard debits by re,uiri g debit re,uests to be digitally sig ed. 2. #edu%e the %omplexity of the i stallatio pro%ess re,uired by users' by %reati g a @ stallShield wiIard 9or similar: to automate the pro%ess. 5. @ %rease the level of user feedba%? provided whe tra sa%tio s fail by providi g a fuller ra ge of %ard respo se %odes to i di%ate differe t errors 6. & sure validatio of *TM; forms o%%urs both o the server side a d the %lie t side i all %ases. @ the lo ger term' the pro)e%t %ould be developed further by: 1. Performi g server load tests' a d impleme ti g a system more suited to high volume traffi% 9e.g. by deployi g a 4ra%le database: 2. Providi g additio al mea s for a%%essi g the site' e.g. via $"PO$M; o mobile telepho es 2. +reati g %lie t3side software to %o figure the smart%ard a d ma age the perso al profile' without eed for a%%essi g the ESmart+e treF web site.

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"" Concl!sion
The su%%essful %reatio of smart%ard3based ele%tro i% %ash a d perso al profile systems' a d the i tegratio of these i to a fully3fu %tio i g &3%ommer%e site' suggest that smart%ard te%h ology does provide a feasible solutio to some of the problems whi%h preve t &3%ommer%e sites from realisi g their full pote tial. Spe%ifi%ally' the e d3produ%t %reated for this pro)e%t provides a portable' se%ure mea s for users to store a d tra sfer ele%tro i% %ash over the @ ter et' providi g the same be efits that real %ash has over %redit %ards with respe%t to mi%ropayme ts' a o ymity a d speed of tra sa%tio . "dditio ally' the system allows users to %omplete o li e forms rapidly' a d removes the eed for sites to retai re%ords of perso al data 3 providi g be efits i terms of priva%y a d removi g the eed for users to i form umerous sites whe ever details %ha ge. +urre tly' the use of smart%ard te%h ology for these purposes is most fu dame tally %o strai ed by the low umber of %ard readers i ge eral use. *owever' the i %reasi g deployme t of smart%ards i ba ?i g' a d the i %lusio of smart%ard fa%ilities i $i dows 2000' %a o ly serve to expedite their i %rease i popularity. Aevertheless' a umber of other issues have bee ide tified whi%h' u til resolved' appear li?ely to limit the utility of smart%ard te%h ology with respe%t to &3%ommer%e. +o siderable diffi%ulties were e %ou tered i a%%essi g the smart%ard from withi the web browser: the o ly mea s dis%overed bei g by use of a framewor? 94+=: whi%h is too %ompli%ated to i stall for the ma)ority of users. "lso' differe %es i the se%urity models of browsers mea t that applets had to be developed whi%h were appli%atio 3spe%ifi% or re,uired %ompli%ated %o figuratio steps to be %arried out. "dditio ally' the relu%ta %e of Mo dex @ ter atio al to provide their spe%ifi%atio s to i dividuals with whom they have o %ommer%ial trust agreeme t' seems to be i di%ative of the attitudes of the developers of most ele%tro i% %ash systems' a d suggests that stro g %o fide %e still does ot exist i the se%urity of these systems. $idespread adoptio of smart%ard te%h ology for &3%ommer%e will therefore probably ot o%%ur u til a sta dard mea s for web browsers to i terfa%e with them has bee developed' a d u til a ope sta dard exists for the storage a d tra sfer of ele%tro i% %ash' allowi g deployme t by all.

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#agget ! et al: #$M- (.> Specification' revised 1110' $2+ #agget !: #$M- '.< "eference Specification' 111<' $2+ $ood ; et al: Doc ment :)*ect Model 1D:M2 -evel 5 Specification' 1110' $2+ ;ie *' /os /: Cascading Style Sheets -evel 5' 1117' $2+

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+obley ": $he Complete ? ide to 9ava' 111<' +omputer Step /a??e S' %#% User Man al' 1111' P*P !o%ume tatio .roup !evargas M: Smart Cards @ Memory Cards' 1112' A++ /la%?well Joh so S: Using Active Server %ages' 111<' >ue ;ie *' /os /: Cascading Style Sheets -evel 5' 1117' $2+ Mit%hell S' "t?i so J: Active Server %ages '.>' 2000' S"MS #agget ! et al: #$M- (.> Specification' revised 1110' $2+ #agget !: #$M- '.< "eference Specification' 111<' $2+ #a ?l $' &ffi g $: Smartcard #and)oo&' 111<' Joh $iley #ey olds M' $ooldridge ": Using 9avaScript' 1117' >ue Ta e bau ": Comp ter 8et.or&s' 2rd ed' 1117' Pre ti%e *all $ood ; et al: Doc ment :)*ect Model 1D:M2 -evel 5 Specification' 1110' $2+ Apache 5.' User0s ? ide' 2000' "pa%he .roup Client-Side 9avaScript ? ide v5.'' 1111' Aets%ape +ommu i%atio s +orp. Client-Side 9avaScript "eference v5.'' 1111' Aets%ape +ommu i%atio s +orp. &+M" Sta dard 272' ECMAScript -ang age Specification' 111<' &+M" 9ava < SDA Standard Edition Doc mentation version 5.<.<' 1111' Su Mi%rosystems @ %. M ltos (.> Development $ools Doc mentation' 1111' *ita%hi M ltos Developers "eference Man al v5.'>' 1111' Maos%o M ltos Developers ? ide v5.<>' 1111' Maos%o

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Appendi& "< System *verview

Server 1nternet *nternet *n4or"ation #erver A#% #criptin+ !n+ine 563C Layer 6ata7ase #erver-si$e 8ava App 3rowser #criptin+ !n+ine Client-si$e 8ava applet 8ava 9& 5pencar$ <ra"ework 5lient

PC8SC (ayer

#"art*6 Applet A%* *nterpreter 5peratin+ #yste" :&ULT5#; S"artcard

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Appendi& #< P!blic E&planatory Material

Appendi& #%"< $ntrod!ction to Smart$D and Smart+allet

Celcome to SmartCentre
This site allows %o figuratio of your Smart$) a d SmartCallet applets. Smart$) e ables you to store a d mai tai your perso al profile o your ow smart%ard. Sites usi g Smart$) do ot retai perso al data' su%h as address a d %redit %ard details' but i stead obtai it whe re,uired by ,ueryi g your smart%ard. Smart$) will o ly release private i formatio whe you permit it to' givi g you full %o trol over how your data is ha dled. "dditio ally' by allowi g you to update your profile whe ever e%essary' Smart$) removes the eed for i formi g umerous sites whe ever your details %ha ge. Gou %a %o figure Smart$) or %ha ge your P@A. SmartCallet provides a se%ure mea s for stori g a d tra sferri g value over i se%ure etwor?s' su%h as the @ ter et. Sites employi g SmartCallet as a mea s of payme t will be able to debit or %redit your %ard i sta ta eously' avoidi g delays i here t withi %redit %ard %leari g systems. SmartCallet will o ly permit debits to be made after see?i g your permissio ' a d as there is o eed to ha d over a y %redit or debit %ard details' there is o ris? of your umber bei g used u lawfully. Gou %a view your %urre t bala %e or top up your wallet usi g a %redit or debit %ard.
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Appendi& #%#< Privacy Statement for SmartMarket

3ri'acy Statement
@ order to ma?e pur%hases from this site' you will eed to register yourself i to our user database by providi g your ame a d %hoi%e of user ame a d password. This' a d the %o te ts of your shoppi g bas?et' is the o ly i formatio whi%h SmartMar?et will retai %o %er i g you. $he ever address or %reditO%ard umber i formatio is re,uested' it used to pro%ess the si gle tra sa%tio for whi%h it has bee e tered. Ao perma e t re%ord is made of this data. $e re%omme d that you use the Smart$) smart%ard system to mai tai your perso al profile a d use this to fill i our forms ,ui%?ly a d a%%urately. $he ever you log i ' we use a Xsessio %oo?ieX to ide tify you to our server for the duratio of your visit. Su%h %oo?ies are small text files whi%h are temporarily stored o your %omputerYs hard dis?' the %o te ts of whi%h %a o ly be se t to the web site whi%h origi ally %reated them. "ll sessio %oo?ies are automati%ally destroyed by your browser whe you %lose it dow . To remove the eed for loggi g i every time you visit our site' you may ti%? the box amed Xremember my logi usi g %oo?iesX to store a perma e t %oo?ie o your hard dis?. $e re%omme d this optio o ly if you are usi g a perso al ma%hi e. ;oggi g out from our site will always destroy all sessio a d perma e t %oo?ies.

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Appendi& )< Server $nstallation $nstr!ctions

These i stru%tio s are spe%ifi% Mi%rosoft $i dows AT 5 Server' with the Java Dirtual Ma%hi e' @ ter et @ formatio Server 2 9with "SP support:' a d "%%ess 4!/+ drivers i stalled. !eployme t o other platforms is u tested. 1. +opy the web site files 9o +!3#4M' H$ebB dire%tory: i to the web root dire%tory of @@S 9by default' +:Z@ etpubZwwwroot: or %reate a ew virtual dire%tory to host the files elsewhere. 2. +opy the "%%ess database 9o +!3#4M' HServerB dire%tory: to a lo%atio o the server that is ot a served web dire%tory. +reate a 4!/+ %o "%%ess 4!/+ driver 9+o trol Pa el !ata Sour%es 94!/+: System !SA tab "dd...: 2. +opy the Server3side Java appli%atio to $@AATZJavaZT#(ST;@/ a d register it as a +4M %ompo e t usi g the J"D"#&. utility 9if ot o system' o +!3#4M' HServerB dire%tory: usi g the followi g %omma d:
;a>are' /re'ister /class:2martA:7hallen'e /.ro'A::72).2martA:7hallen'e

e%tio to this file usi g the

5. #eboot the system to %omplete registratio of the +4M %ompo e t

Appendi& )%"< $mplementing SS/

SS; is ot re,uired for the su%%essful impleme tatio of this system. The followi g pro%edure %a ' however' be used to impleme t it if re,uired. Mi%rosoft +ertifi%ate Server will eed to be i stalled before pro%eedi g. Appendi3 3.1.1 9eneration of Ser$er Certificate Start the Internet Service Manager 9Start 3N $i dows AT 5 4ptio Pa%? 3N Mi%rosoft @ ter et @ formatio Server 3N @ ter et Servi%e Ma ager: #ight %li%? o E!efault $eb SiteF 9or virtual dire%tory if %reated:' sele%t EPropertiesF !ire%tory Se%urity tab 3N &dit Se%ure +ommu i%atio 3N 8ey Ma ager #ight %li%? E$$$F i 8ey Ma ager' +reate Aew 8ey =ollow the wiIard to %reate a %ertifi%ate re,uest file' e suri g EPut the re,uest i a fileF is sele%ted o the first s%ree ' as automati% tra smissio to a o li e authority appears
%a+e -,

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

ot to wor? %orre%tly. 4 the third s%ree ' e sure the e try for E4rga isatio F is the registered ow er of the domai withi whi%h the web server resides 9e.g. E"sto ( iversityF for asto .a%.u?:. "lso' E+ommo AameF should be the resolved @P address of the web server 9e.g. ee3p%52.asto .a%.u?: 3 if this is u ? ow ' determi e usi g http:OOwww.%lara. etOdialupOsupportOip.shtml . #e,uest a server %ertifi%ate from a +ertifi%atio "uthority 9e.g. Derisig at http:OOwww.verisig .%omOsiteOi dex.html:' followi g the o li e i stru%tio s a d submitti g the file ge erated by 8ey Ma ager 9the +S#a file: whe re,uested "fter re%eivi g the %ertifi%ate' right %li%? the ew ?ey i 8ey Ma ager a d sele%t E@ stall 8ey +ertifi%ateF. ;o%ate the %ertifi%ate a d sele%t it. @f the %ertifi%ate re%eived was embedded as plai text withi a &mail message' it will be e%essary to %opy a d paste the text betwee 33333/&.@A +&#T@=@+"T&33333 a d 33333&A! +&#T@=@+"T&33333 i to a ew file with a .p<r exte sio ' a d the sele%t this file. +lose 8ey Ma ager a d save %ha ges whe re,uested.

Appendi3 3.1.2: Enabling SS( #ight %li%? o the virtual dire%tory or E!efault $eb SiteF as appropriate' sele%t EPropertiesF !ire%tory Se%urity tab' e able E#e,uire se%ure %ha el whe a%%essi g this resour%eF a d E"%%ept %lie t %ertifi%atesF "pply setti gs by %li%?i g E48F.

4 %e this pro%edure has bee %arried out' a%%ess to the web site will be available o ly via SS; 9re,uiri g https:OO as the prefix to its (#;:.

+ertifi%ate Sig i g #e,uest

%a+e --

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Appendi& ,< Client $nstallation $nstr!ctions

These i stru%tio s are spe%ifi% to Mi%rosoft $i dows 10 with @ ter et &xplorer 6.0 a dOor Aets%ape Aavigator 5.<. !eployme t o other platforms is u tested.

Appendi& ,%"< Drivers for Smartcard 'eader

1. @ stall P+OS+ driver for smart%ard reader 9driver for ESmartMouseF reader is o +!3#4M: 2. @f ot already prese t' i stall Java #u time & viro me t 9 e%essary to i stall 4+=:' available from http:OO) .%om 2. @ stall 4pe %ard =ramewor? library' provided o +!3#4M or available from http:OOwww.ope by issui g the %omma d: ;a>a install?7B 5. +opy Hbase3opt1.)arB a d Hp%s%.)arB 9 ew pat%h: from +!3#4M 9H4+= @ stallatio B dire%tory: i to 4pe +ard library dire%tory 9+:Z4pe +ardZ4+=1.2Zlib by default: 6. "dd the 4+= %lasses to the system +;"SSP"T* by ma?i g the followi g additio s to "(T4&K&+./"T:
7A)) 7:M?.en7ar!M?7B1.FM!emosMseten>.+at 2ET 7)A22PATH0#7)A22PATH#@7:M?.en7ar!M?7B1.FMli+M+ase-core.;ar 2ET 7)A22PATH0#7)A22PATH#@7:M?.en7ar!M?7B1.FMli+M+ase-o.t1.;ar 2ET 7)A22PATH0#7)A22PATH#@7:M?.en7ar!M?;ar 2ET 7)A22PATH0#7)A22PATH#@7:M?.en7ar!M?7B1.FMli+Mreference-ser>ices.;ar

Appendi& ,%#< $nternet E&plorer

1. +opy the Hope %ard.propertiesB file i stalled by 4+= 9by default' i +:ZProgram =ilesZJavaSoftZJ#&Z1.2Zlib: i to @&Bs Java home dire%tory 9$i dowsZJavaZlib: 2. "dd the server upo whi%h the site is hosted 9e.g. ee3p%52.asto .a%.u?: to the list of Etrusted sitesF 9Tools @ ter et 4ptio s... Se%urity tab Trusted Sites Sites...: 2. .ra t full permissio s to Java %ode origi ati g from trusted sites 9Trusted Sites +ustom ;evel... Java Permissio s' sele%t E+ustomFJava +ustom Setti gs... &dit Permissio s #u ( sig ed +o te t' sele%t E& ableF:

%a+e -.

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Appendi& ,%)< 8etscape 8avigator

1. +opy the Hope %ard.propertiesB file i stalled by 4+= 9by default' i +:ZProgram =ilesZJavaSoftZJ#&Z1.2Zlib: i to Aets%apeBs Java home dire%tory 9+:ZProgram =ilesZAets%apeZ(sersZMuser ameN: as H.ope %ard.propertiesB 2. +opy the !;; H4+=P+S+1.!;;B i stalled by 4+= 9by default' i +:Z4pe +ardZ4+=1.2Zlib: to Aets%apeBs Java library dire%tory 9+:ZProgram =ilesZAets%apeZ+ommu i%atorZProgramZ)avaZbi : 2. @ stall the %ertifi%ate for the E"sto F +ertifi%atio "uthority 9used to %reate the %ertifi%ate with whi%h the applet was sig ed' as opposed to pur%hasi g o e: by draggi g the Hx601.%a%ertB file 9o +!3#4M' H+lie tOASB dire%tory: i to the browser wi dow' a d followi g the o li e i stru%tio s

%a+e -/

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Appendi& -< Server Code

Appendi& -%"< ASP E&amples
Appendi3 ".1.1: (ibrary for calling cryptographic f#nctions &s;<lib.asp'
"# D)i+rar6 of 2martWallet'ra.hic functions 7onst (aCBalance 0 NO000 7onst s-4.ri>ateHe6 0 31P11QNR4NQFS4RSSNSO3 DAnclusion of this li+rar6 -ill automaticall6 instantiate the ser>er ;a>a 7?( com.onent :im s-4smartA:7hallen'e 2et s-4smartA:7hallen'e 0 2er>er.7reate?+;ect8372).2martA:7hallen'e39 DGenerate a res.onse to a car!Ds challen'e for to.u. 8i.e. authorise the cre!it9 Bunction create=es.onse8s-4>alue* s-4challen'e9 create=es.onse 0 s-4smartA:7hallen'e.create=es.onse8s-4>alue* s-4challen'e* s-4.ri>ateHe69 En! Bunction D7alculate the eC.ecte! res.onse from a car! to in!icate reEuire! !e+it occurre! Bunction .reem.t=es.onse8s-4>alue* s-4challen'e9 .reem.t=es.onse0s-4smartA:7hallen'e..reem.t=es.onse8s-4>alue* s-4challen'e* s-4.ri>ateHe69 En! Bunction DGenerate a challen'e for the !e+it .roce!ure Bunction create7hallen'e create7hallen'e0s-4smartA:7hallen'e.create7hallen'e89 En! Bunction D=elease connection to 7?( com.onent Bunction s-4finalise 2et s-4smartA:7hallen'e 0 nothin' En! Bunction #$

%a+e -0

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Appendi3 ".1.2: Ser$er-side $alidation for registering a #ser &add#ser.asp'

"# /)A,GUAGE 0 1B2cri.t #$ "%--&inclu!e file03../st!$ "%--&inclu!e file03../!$ "# :im urlA..en!* userECists* username* .ass-or!* forename* surname username0=eEuest83username39 .ass-or!0=eEuest83.ass-or!39 forename0=eEuest83forename39 surname0=eEuest83surname39 urlA..en! 0 3Lusername03 G username G 3G.ass-or!03 G .ass-or! G 3Gforename03 G forename G 3Gsurname03 G surname D7hec5 to see if user alrea!6 eCists in !ata+ase userECists 0 ,ot isEm.t6=2832E)E7T Username B=?( Accounts WHE=E Username0D3 G username G 3D39 Af =eEuest83.ass-or!39 "$ =eEuest83.ass-or!F39 Then DPass-or!s !o not match !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!!user4! G urlA..en!9 ElseAf username033 ?r .ass-or!033 ?r forename033 ?r surname033 Then DEssential fiel! left +lan5 !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!! G urlA..en!9 ElseAf userECists Then DUser alrea!6 eCists !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!! G urlA..en!9 Else D?H to insert user into !ata+ase !+ECecute83A,2E=T A,T? Accounts 8Username*Pass-or!*Borename*2urname9 1A)UE2 8D3 G4 G username G 3D*D3 G .ass-or! G 3D*D3 G forename G 3D*D3 G surname G 3D939 !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e!irect83a!!usersuccess.html39 En! Af #$

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Appendi3 ".1.3: =alidating card5s debit response &sca#thorise.asp'

"# /)A,GUAGE 0 1B2cri.t #$ "%--&inclu!e file03../st!$ "%--&inclu!e file03../!$ "%--&inclu!e file03../$ "%--&inclu!e file03../$ "# :im eC.ecte!=es.* actual=es.* transaction1alue* +as5etTotal* name* a!!ress actual=es.0=eEuest83car!=es.onse39 D=etrie>es car!Ds res.onse to'ra.hic challen'e +as5etTotal0'et,umericBas5etTotal89 D?+tain information for current transaction from !ata+ase... !+<uer6832E)E7T Username*Transaction=es.onse*Transaction1alue*Transaction,ame* TransactionA!!ress*TransactionTo-n*Transaction7ount6*TransactionPostco!e B=?( Accounts WHE=E Username0D3 G 2ession83username39 G 3D39 eC.ecte!=es. 0 o+;=283Transaction=es.onse39 transaction1alue 0 o+;=283Transaction1alue39 name 0 o+;=283Transaction,ame39 a!!ress 0 o+;=283TransactionA!!ress39 G 3* 3 G o+;=283TransactionTo-n39 G 3* 3 G4 G o+;=283Transaction7ount639 G 3* 3 G o+;=283TransactionPostco!e39 o+;=2.7lose Af transaction1alue$(aCBalance Then D:e+its of >alues 'reater than 2martWalletDs maCimum +alance are not .ossi+le !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e! ElseAf actual=es.0eC.ecte!=es. An! +as5etTotal0transaction1alue Then D=es.onse o+taine! from car! is correct* an! >alue of +as5et contents Dhas not chan'e! since challen'e -as issue! o+;7onn.Be'inTrans DBe'in !ata+ase transaction +ecause chec5in' out of each item Dan! for'ettin' eC.ecte! res.onse must +e atomic .urchaseBas5et89 !+<uer683UP:ATE Accounts 2ET Transaction=es.onse0-1* Transaction1alue00 WHE=E Username0D3 G 2ession83username39 G 3D39 D7lears transaction information to .re>ent re.la6 attac5s o+;7onn.7ommitTrans D7ommit transaction !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e! Else !+4finalise89 =es.onse.=e! En! Af #$

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Appendi& -%#< Server-Side .ava Application

im.ort ;a> im.ort ;a>a.math.K@ .u+lic class 2martA:7hallen'e T final int (aC7ar!Balance 0 NO000@ .u+lic 2trin' create7hallen'e89 T Bi'Ante'er numFON 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83FON39@ Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83039@ int ran!om@ for 8int i00@ i"0N@ iUU9 T //(a5e a lar'e ran!om num+er +6 result 0 result.multi.l68numFON9@ //concatanatin' se>eral ran!om 0 8int9 8FONK(ath.ran!om899@ //ran!om +6tes 8maC >alue of +6te0FON9 result 0 result.a!!8 ne- Bi'Ante'er8Ante'er.to2trin'8ran!om99 9@ V return result.to2trin'89@ V .u+lic 2trin' create=es.onse8int >alue* 2trin' challen'e* 2trin' .ri>ateHe69 T Bi'Ante'er numFON 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83FON39@ Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83039@ Bi'Ante'er challen'e,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8challen'e9@ Bi'Ante'er challen'eTest 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8challen'e9@ Bi'Ante'er .ri>ateHe6,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8.ri>ateHe69@ +6te tCBloc5IJ 0 ne- +6teIRJ@ for 8int i0Q@ i$00@ i--9 T tCBloc5IiJ 0 8+6te9 challen'eTest.remain!er8numFON9.int1alue89@ challen'eTest 0 challen'eTest.!i>i!e8numFON9@ V if 8tCBloc5IQJ008+6te98>alue#FON9 GG tCBloc5INJ008+6te98>alue/FON99 //1alue em+e!!e! in challen'e is same as that s.ecifie! 8in D>alueD .arameter9 //therefore return correct res.onse... result0challen'e,um.Cor8.ri>ateHe6,um9@ return result.to2trin'89@ V .u+lic 2trin' .reem.t=es.onse8int >alue* 2trin' challen'e* 2trin' .ri>ateHe69 T Bi'Ante'er numFON 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83FON39@ Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83-139@ Bi'Ante'er challen'e,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8challen'e9@ if 8>alue "0 (aC7ar!Balance9 T +6te tCBloc5IJ 0 ne- +6teIRJ@ //:etermine +6tes that -ill actuall6 +e transmitte! to car!... tCBloc5IQJ 0 8+6te98>alue#FON9@ tCBloc5INJ 0 8+6te98>alue/FON9@ for 8int i0O@ i$00@ i--9 T tCBloc5IiJ 0 8+6te9 challen'e,um.remain!er8numFON9.int1alue89@ challen'e,um 0 challen'e,um.!i>i!e8numFON9@ V Bi'Ante'er tCBloc5,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8tCBloc59@ Bi'Ante'er .ri>ateHe6,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8.ri>ateHe69@ result 0 tCBloc5,um.Cor8.ri>ateHe6,um9@ V return result.to2trin'89@ V V

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Appendi& 3< Client Code

Appendi& 3%"< 0TM/ and ECMAScript E&amples
Appendi3 /.1.1: *sing client-side >a$a applet ;ith forms &configsid.html'
"html$ "hea!$ "lin5 rel03st6lesheet3 href03sc.css3 t6.e03teCt/css3$ "scri.t lan'ua'e03;a>ascri.t3 t6.e03teCt/;a>ascri.t3$ function 'etBiel!s89 T >ar .in* sec2ettin's* 'eneral2ec* 'eneral?nce* .ri>ate2ec* .ri>ate?nce .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.+e'in7on>ersation89@ !ocument.userform.username.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83username39@ !ocument.userform..ass-or!.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83.ass-or!39@ !ocument.userform.forename.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83forename39@ !ocument.userform.surname.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83surname39@ !ocument.userform.a!!ress.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83streeta!!ress39@ !>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83to-n39@ !ocument.userform.count6.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83count639@ !ocument.userform..ostco!e.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83.ostco!e39@ !,um+er.>alue0.arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'etBiel!83cc,um+er39@ sec2ettin's03C3 U .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.'et2ecurit689@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.en!7on>ersation89@ .ri>ate2ec0sec2ettin's.charAt819@ .ri>ate?nce0sec2ettin's.charAt8F9@ 'eneral2ec0sec2ettin's.charAt8P9@ 'eneral?nce0sec2ettin's.charAt849@ !ocument.userform..ri>atePinI0J.chec5e! 0 88.ri>ate2ec003139 GG 8.ri>ate?nce0030399@ !ocument.userform..ri>atePinI1J.chec5e! 0 8.ri>ate?nce003139@ !ocument.userform..ri>atePinIFJ.chec5e! 0 8.ri>ate2ec003039@ !ocument.userform.'eneralPinI0J.chec5e! 0 88'eneral2ec003139 GG 8'eneral?nce0030399@ !ocument.userform.'eneralPinI1J.chec5e! 0 8'eneral?nce003139@ !ocument.userform.'eneralPinIFJ.chec5e! 0 8'eneral2ec003039@ V function setBiel!s89 T >ar .in* 'eneral2ec* 'eneral?nce* .ri>ate2ec* .ri>ate?nce 'eneral2ec 0 %8!ocument.userform.'eneralPinIFJ.chec5e!9@ 'eneral?nce 0 !ocument.userform.'eneralPinI1J.chec5e!@ .ri>ate2ec 0 %8!ocument.userform..ri>atePinIFJ.chec5e!9@ .ri>ate?nce 0 !ocument.userform..ri>atePinI1J.chec5e!@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.+e'in7on>ersation89@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83username3*!ocument.userform.username.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83.ass-or!3*!ocument.userform..ass-or!.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83forename3*!ocument.userform.forename.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83surname3*!ocument.userform.surname.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83streeta!!ress3*!ocument.userform.a!!ress.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83to-n3*!>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83count63*!ocument.userform.count6.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83.ostco!e3*!ocument.userform..ostco!e.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setBiel!83cc,um+er3*!,um+er.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.set2ecurit68.ri>ate2ec* .ri>ate?nce* 'eneral2ec* 'eneral?nce9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.en!7on>ersation89@ V "/scri.t$ "/hea!$ "+o!6$ "form name03userform3$ "h1$7onfi'ure 2martA:"/h1$ "center$ "ta+le +or!er0303 cell.a!!in'0303 cells.acin'03103$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$Borename"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03forename3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$2urname"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03surname3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$2treet A!!ress"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03a!!ress3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$To-n/7it6"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03to-n3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$7ount6"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03count63 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$Postco!e"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03.ostco!e3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t!$Gn+s.@"+r$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$Username"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03username3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$Pass-or!"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03.ass-or!3 name03.ass-or!3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t!$Gn+s.@"+r$"/t!$"/tr$ %a+e .2

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

"tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$7re!it car! num+er"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03teCt3 name03cc,um+er3 si e03P03$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t!$Gn+s.@"+r$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$=eEuest PA, for 'eneral !ata"/t!$"t!$ "in.ut t6.e03ra!io3 name03'eneralPin3$Al-a6s "in.ut t6.e03ra!io3 name03'eneralPin3$?nce "in.ut t6.e03ra!io3 name03'eneralPin3 chec5e!$,e>er "/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$=eEuest PA, for sensiti>e !ata"/t!$"t!$ "in.ut t6.e03ra!io3 name03.ri>atePin3$Al-a6s "in.ut t6.e03ra!io3 name03.ri>atePin3 chec5e!$?nce "in.ut t6.e03ra!io3 name03.ri>atePin3$,e>er "/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t!$Gn+s.@"+r$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! cols.an03F3 ali'n03ri'ht3$ "in.ut t6.e03+utton3 >alue03=etrie>e current settin's3 on7lic503'etBiel!s893$ "in.ut t6.e03+utton3 >alue03U.!ate confi'uration3 on7lic503setBiel!s893$ "/ta+le$ "/center$ "/+o!6$ "/html$

Appendi3 /.1.2: Client-side $alidation of forms &setpin.html'

"html$ "hea!$ "lin5 rel03st6lesheet3 href03sc.css3 t6.e03teCt/css3$ "scri.t lan'ua'e03;a>ascri.t3 t6.e03teCt/;a>ascri.t3$ function chan'ePin89 T >ar .in* sec2ettin's* 'eneral2ec* 'eneral?nce* .ri>ate2ec* .ri>ate?nce if 8!>alue00!>alue9 T .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.sen!Pin8!ocument.userform.currentPin.>alue9@ .arent.tool+ar.!ocument.smartA:.setPin8!>alue9@ !ocument.userform.currentPin.>alue033@ !>alue033@ !>alue033@ V else T alert83Entries for ne- PA, !o not match.39@ V V "/scri.t$ "/hea!$ "+o!6$ "form name03userform3$ "h1$7han'e PA,"/h1$ ".$Please note that 2martWallet an! 2martA: use the same PA,."/.$ "center$ "ta+le +or!er0303 cell.a!!in'0303 cells.acin'03103$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$7urrent PA,"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03.ass-or!3 name03currentPin3 si e0343$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$,e- PA,"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03.ass-or!3 name03ne-Pin3 si e0343$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! ali'n03ri'ht3$7onfirm ne- PA,"/t!$"t!$"in.ut t6.e03.ass-or!3 name03ne-PinF3 si e0343$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t!$Gn+s.@"+r$"/t!$"/tr$ "tr$"t! cols.an03F3 ali'n03ri'ht3$ "in.ut t6.e03+utton3 >alue037han'e PA,3 on7lic503chan'ePin893$ "/ta+le$ "/center$ "/+o!6$ "/html$

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Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Appendi& 3%#< CSS E&ample 1aston%css2

B?:W T font-famil6: arial* hel>etica* homerton* sans-serif@ color: &0000NN@ +ac5'roun!: &BBBBBB@ +ac5'roun!-ima'e: url83im'/cornertrian'le.'if39@ +ac5'roun! V T: T font-famil6: arial* hel>etica* homerton* sans-serif@ color: &0000NN@ V

H1*HF*HP*H4*HO*HN T font-famil6: stonesans* arial* hel>etica* homerton* sans-serif@ V A T V A:ho>er*A:acti>e T color: &0000NN@ V

%a+e .,

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Appendi& 3%)< Client-Side .ava Applet

Appendi3 /.3.1: Smart1! class
im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort im.ort ;a>a.a-t.K@ ;a> ;a>a.math.K@ ;a>a.a..let.A..let@ netsca.e.;a>ascri.t.K@ o.encar!.core.terminal.K@ o.encar!.core.ser>ice.K@ com.i+m.o.encar!.terminal..csc10.K@ o.encar!.o.t.util.K@ o.encar!.core.?.en7ar!=untimeECce.tion@ o.encar!.core.util.?.en7ar!Pro.ert6)oa!in'ECce.tion@ o.encar!.core.terminal.7ar!TerminalECce.tion@ o.encar!.core.ser>ice.7ar!2er>iceECce.tion@

.u+lic class 2martA: eCten!s A..let T final int maCBiel!2i e 0 P0@ final int un5no-nPin 0 -1@ final int -ron'Pin 0 -F@ //AP:UDs for transmission to the car! final +6te select7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90CA4*8+6te90C04*8+6te90C07*8+6te90C04* 8+6te90CBF*8+6te90C0F*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0AV@ final +6te sen!Pin7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C40*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0FV@ final +6te setPin7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C41*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0FV@ final +6te un+loc57omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C44*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0RV@ final +6te 'etBalance7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90CP0*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0FV@ final +6te !e+it7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90CF0*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0RV@ final +6te !e+it)eIJ 0 T8+6te90C0RV@ final +6te!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90CFP*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00* 8+6te90C0RV@ final +6te .re.are7re!it7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90CF1*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0FV@ final +6te .re.are7re!it)eIJ 0 T8+6te90C0RV@ final +6te cre!it7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90CFF*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0RV@ final +6te set2ecurit67omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C4F*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C04V@ final +6te 'et2ecurit67omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C4P*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C04V@ final +6te 'etUsername7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C01*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'etPass-or!7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0F*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'etBorename7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0P*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'et2urname7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C04*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'et2treetA!!ress7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0O*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00* 8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'etTo-n7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0N*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'et7ount67omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0Q*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'etPostco!e7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0R*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te 'et7c,um+er7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C0S*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te setUsername7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C11*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te setPass-or!7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1F*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te setBorename7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1P*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te set2urname7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C14*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te set2treetA!!ress7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1O*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00* 8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te setTo-n7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1N*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te set7ount67omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1Q*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te setPostco!e7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1R*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ final +6te set7c,um+er7omman!IJ 0 T8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1S*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C00*8+6te90C1EV@ 2mart7ar! sc@ 7ar!=eEuest cr@ PassThru7ar!2er>ice ser>@ X2?+;ect +ro-serWin!o-@ (essa'eBrame messa'e@ (essa'eBrame .in(essa'e@ 7omman!AP:U selectAP:U 0 ne- 7omman!AP:U8O09@ 7omman!AP:U commAP:U 0 ne- 7omman!AP:U8O09@ int userPin 0 -1@ //>aria+le to hol! cache! user PA, for con>ersations +oolean in7on>ersation 0 false@ +oolean !one2etu. 0 false@

%a+e .-

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

.u+lic +oolean han!leE>ent8E>ent e>ent9 T return!leE>ent8e>ent9@ V .u+lic >oi! init89 T a!!,otif689@ +ro-serWin!o- 0 X2?+;ect.'etWin!o-8this9@ messa'e 0 ne- (essa'eBrame89@ .in(essa'e 0 ne- (essa'eBrame89@ selectAP:U.set)en'th809@ selectAP:U.a..en!8select7omman!9@ // // // // V .u+lic >oi! !estro689 T!estro689@ if 8%!one2etu.9 T tr6 T 2mart7ar!.shut!o-n89@ V catch 87ar!TerminalECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln837ar!TerminalECce.tion: 3 U e.'et(essa'e899@ V V V .u+lic int 'etBalance89 T Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83039@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8'etBalance7omman!9@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ +6teIJ res.onseArra6 0 T8+6te90C00* res.onse.!ata89I0J* res.onse.!ata89I1JV@ result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8res.onseArra69@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V return Ante'er..arseAnt8result.to2trin'899@ V .u+lic 2trin' 'etBiel!82trin' fiel!,ame9 T 2trin' result 0 33@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83username399 commAP:U.a..en!8'etUsername7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83.ass-or!399 commAP:U.a..en!8'etPass-or!7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83forename399 commAP:U.a..en!8'etBorename7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83surname399 commAP:U.a..en!8'et2urname7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83streeta!!ress399 commAP:U.a..en!8'et2treetA!!ress7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83to-n399 commAP:U.a..en!8'etTo-n7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83count6399 commAP:U.a..en!8'et7ount67omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83.ostco!e399 commAP:U.a..en!8'etPostco!e7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83ccnum+er399 commAP:U.a..en!8'et7c,um+er7omman!9@ messa'e.set(essa'e83=ea!in' from smartcar!...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ result 0 ne- 2trin'8res.onse.!ata899@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ return result.trim89@ V ,estca.e s.ecific comman!s* to allo- o.eration -ith ,etsca.e securit6 mo!el o.encar!.core.util.26stemAccess s6s 0 ne- o.encar!.o.t.netsca.e.,etsca.e26stemAccess89@ o.encar!.core.util.26stemAccess.set26stemAccess8s6s9@ init7ar!89@

%a+e ..

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

.u+lic >oi! setBiel!82trin' fiel!,ame* 2trin' fiel!1alue9 T 2trin'Buffer actual1alue 0 ne- 2trin'Buffer8fiel!1alue9@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83username399 commAP:U.a..en!8setUsername7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83.ass-or!399 commAP:U.a..en!8setPass-or!7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83forename399 commAP:U.a..en!8setBorename7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83surname399 commAP:U.a..en!8set2urname7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83streeta!!ress399 commAP:U.a..en!8set2treetA!!ress7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83to-n399 commAP:U.a..en!8setTo-n7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83count6399 commAP:U.a..en!8set7ount67omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83.ostco!e399 commAP:U.a..en!8setPostco!e7omman!9@ if 8fiel!,ame.eEualsA'nore7ase83ccnum+er399 commAP:U.a..en!8set7c,um+er7omman!9@ -hile 8actual1alue.len'th89 " maCBiel!2i e9 T actual1alue.a..en!8D D9@ //Pa! fiel! entr6 -ith s.aces u. to maCimum si e V commAP:U.a..en!8actual1alue.to2trin''80*8maCBiel!2i e99.'etB6tes899@ //Use su+strin' to truncate entries o>er maCimum si e messa'e.set(essa'e83Writin' to smartcar!...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@

.u+lic 2trin' !e+it8int >alue* 2trin' challen'e9 T Bi'Ante'er numFON 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83FON39@ Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83039@ Bi'Ante'er challen'e,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8challen'e9@ +6te tCBloc5IJ 0 ne- +6teIRJ@ tCBloc5IQJ 0 8+6te98>alue#FON9@ //)oa! >alue into tCBloc5INJ 0 8+6te98>alue/FON9@ //t-o se.arate +6tes for tC to car! for 8int i0O@ i$00@ i--9 T //)oa! challen'e into siC se.arate +6tes for tC to car! 26stem.out..rintln8challen'e,um.remain!er8numFON9.to2trin'899@ tCBloc5IiJ 0 8+6te9 challen'e,um.remain!er8numFON9.int1alue89@ challen'e,um 0 challen'e,um.!i>i!e8numFON9@ V commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8!e+it7omman!9@ commAP:U.a..en!8tCBloc59@ commAP:U.a..en!8!e+it)e9@ messa'e.set(essa'e83:e+itin' smartcar!...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ //=eturns'ra.hic res.onse recei>e! from car! result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8res.onse.!ata899@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ return result.to2trin'89@

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!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

.u+lic 2trin' T Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83039@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!!9@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ //=eturns'ra.ic res.onse recei>e! from car! result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8res.onse.!ata899@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V return result.to2trin'89@ V

.u+lic 2trin' .re.are7re!it8int >alue9 T Bi'Ante'er result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83039@ +6te tCBloc5IJ 0 ne- +6teIFJ@ tCBloc5I1J 0 8+6te98>alue#FON9@ //)oa!s >alue into tCBloc5I0J 0 8+6te98>alue/FON9@ //t-o se.arate +6tes for tC to car! commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!!it7omman!9@ commAP:U.a..en!8tCBloc59@ commAP:U.a..en!!it)e9@ messa'e.set(essa'e83Pre.arin' for cre!it...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ //=eturns'ra.hic challen'e recei>e! from car! +6teIJ res.onseArra6 0 T8+6te90C00* res.onse.!ata89I0J* res.onse.!ata89I1J* res.onse.!ata89IFJ* res.onse.!ata89IPJ* res.onse.!ata89I4J* res.onse.!ata89IOJ* res.onse.!ata89INJ* res.onse.!ata89IQJV@ //PrefiCes num+er -ith ero +6te +efore creatin' Bi'Ante'er to .re>ent //ne'ati>e num+ers from +ein' create! //8Bi'Ante'er uses t-oDs-com.lement re.resentation9 result 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8res.onseArra69@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ return result.to2trin'89@

.u+lic +oolean cre!it82trin' c=es.onse9 T +oolean result 0 true@ Bi'Ante'er numFON 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83FON39@ Bi'Ante'er c=es.onse,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8c=es.onse9@ +6te tCBloc5IJ 0 ne- +6teIRJ@ for 8int i0Q@ i$00@ i--9 T //)oa! res.onse into ei'ht se.arate +6tes for tC to car! tCBloc5IiJ 0 8+6te9 c=es.onse,um.remain!er8numFON9.int1alue89@ c=es.onse,um 0 c=es.onse,um.!i>i!e8numFON9@ V commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8cre!it7omman!9@ commAP:U.a..en!8tCBloc59@ messa'e.set(essa'e837re!itin' smartcar!...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ result 0 false@ //=eturn false if cre!it unsuccessful V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ return result@ V

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!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

.u+lic >oi! sen!Pin8int .in9 thro-s ECce.tion T 7omman!AP:U sen!PinAP:U 0 ne- 7omman!AP:U8O09@ sen!PinAP:U.set)en'th809@ sen!PinAP:U.a..en!8sen!Pin7omman!9@ sen!PinAP:U.a..en! //)oa!s num+er into sen!PinAP:U.a..en! //t-o se.arate +6tes for tC to car! init7ar!89@ 26stem.out..rintln83$ 3Usen!PinAP:U.to2trin'899@ =es.onseAP:U result 0 ser>.sen!7omman!AP:U8sen!PinAP:U9@ 26stem.out..rintln83" 3Uresult.to2trin'899@ if 8result.s-189008+6te90CNS GG result.s-F89008+6te90CRF9 T //PA, is incorrect 8NSRF res.onse 0 2ecurit6 status not satisfie!9 if 8in7on>ersation9 userPin0-ron'Pin@ //2et cache! PA, to error state .in(essa'e.set(essa'e83Ancorrect PA,39@ .in(essa'e.sho-89@ thro-8ne- ECce.tion83Wron' PA,399@ V V .u+lic >oi! setPin8int .in9 T messa'e.set(essa'e832ettin' PA,...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8setPin7omman!9@ commAP:U.a..en! //)oa!s num+er into commAP:U.a..en! //t-o se.arate +6tes for tC to car! tr6 T sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ V .u+lic >oi! set2ecurit68+oolean .ri>ate2ec* +oolean .ri>ate?nce* +oolean 'eneral2ec* +oolean 'eneral?nce9 T messa'e.set(essa'e832ettin' securit6 le>els...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8set2ecurit67omman!9@ commAP:U.a..en!88+6te98.ri>ate2ecL1:099@ commAP:U.a..en!88+6te98.ri>ate?nceL1:099@ commAP:U.a..en!88+6te98'eneral2ecL1:099@ commAP:U.a..en!88+6te98'eneral?nceL1:099@ tr6 T sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ sen!7omman!8selectAP:U9@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ V .u+lic 2trin' 'et2ecurit689 T 2trin' result 0 33@ commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8'et2ecurit67omman!9@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ result 0 Ante'er.to2trin'88int9res.onse.!ata89I0J9 U Ante'er.to2trin'88int9res.onse.!ata89I1J9 U Ante'er.to2trin'88int9res.onse.!ata89IFJ9 U Ante'er.to2trin'88int9res.onse.!ata89IPJ9@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ V return result@ V

%a+e .1

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

.u+lic +oolean un+loc582trin' co!e9 T +oolean result 0 true@ Bi'Ante'er numFON 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er83FON39@ Bi'Ante'er co!e,um 0 ne- Bi'Ante'er8co!e9@ +6te tCBloc5IJ 0 ne- +6teIRJ@ for 8int i0Q@ i$00@ i--9 T //)oa!s co!e into ei'ht se.arate +6tes for tC to car! tCBloc5IiJ 0 8+6te9 co!e,um.remain!er8numFON9.int1alue89@ co!e,um 0 co!e,um.!i>i!e8numFON9@ V commAP:U.set)en'th809@ commAP:U.a..en!8un+loc57omman!9@ commAP:U.a..en!8tCBloc59@ messa'e.set(essa'e83Attem.tin' to un+loc5...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ tr6 T =es.onseAP:U res.onse 0 sen!7omman!8commAP:U9@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83ECce.tion: 3Ue.'et(essa'e899@ result 0 false@ V if 8%in7on>ersation9 messa'e.hi!e89@ return result@ V

.u+lic >oi! +e'in7on>ersation89 T in7on>ersation 0 true@ userPin 0 un5no-nPin@ messa'e.set(essa'e837ommunicatin' -ith smartcar!...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ V

.u+lic >oi! en!7on>ersation89 T userPin 0 un5no-nPin@ messa'e.hi!e89@ in7on>ersation 0 false@ V

.ri>ate >oi! init7ar!89 T if 8%!one2etu.9 T tr6 T messa'e.set(essa'e83Please insert 6our smartcar!...39@ messa'e.sho-89@ 2mart7ar!.start89@ cr 0 ne- 7ar!=eEuest89@ cr.setWaitBeha>ior 87ar!=eEuest.A,W7A=:9@ sc 0 2mart7ar!.-aitBor7ar!8cr9@ //Waits for a smartcar! to +ecome a>aila+le on an6 attache! !e>ice if 8sc %0 null9 T ser> 0 8PassThru7ar!2er>ice9 sc.'et7ar!2er>ice8PassThru7ar!2er>ice.class*true9@ //Anstantiates ser>ice to .ermit ra- AP:UDs to +e use! for tC an! rC 26stem.out..rintln83$ 3UselectAP:U.to2trin'899@ =es.onseAP:U result 0 ser>.sen!7omman!AP:U8selectAP:U9@ //2elects 2martA: a..let on car! 26stem.out..rintln83" 3Uresult.to2trin'899@ !one2etu. 0 true@ V else T 2mart7ar!.shut!o-n89@ V

V catch 8?.en7ar!Pro.ert6)oa!in'ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln83?.en7ar!Pro.ert6)oa!in'ECce.tion: 3 U e.'et(essa'e899@ V catch 87lass,otBoun!ECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln837lass,otBoun!ECce.tion: 3 U e.'et(essa'e899@ V catch 87ar!TerminalECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln837ar!TerminalECce.tion: 3 U e.'et(essa'e899@ V %a+e /0

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

catch 87ar!2er>iceECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln837ar!2er>iceECce.tion: 3 U e.'et(essa'e899@ V messa'e.hi!e89@ V V

.ri>ate =es.onseAP:U sen!7omman!87omman!AP:U commAP:U9 thro-s ECce.tion T =es.onseAP:U result 0 ne- =es.onseAP:U8O09@ init7ar!89@ tr6 T 26stem.out..rintln83$ 3UcommAP:U.to2trin'899@ //2ho-s !ata tC in Xa>a console for !e+u''in' result 0 ser>.sen!7omman!AP:U8commAP:U9@ //2en!s AP:U to car! >ia PassThru7ar!2er>ice 26stem.out..rintln83" 3Uresult.to2trin'899@ //2ho-s !ata rC in Xa>a console for !e+u''in' if 8result.s-189008+6te90CN: GG result.s-F89008+6te90C009 T //DWron' instruction co!e res.onseD su''ests 2martA: a..let has +ecome !eselecte! 26stem.out..rintln83$ 3UselectAP:U.to2trin'899@ result 0 ser>.sen!7omman!AP:U8selectAP:U9@ //2elects 2martA: a..let on car! 26stem.out..rintln83$ 3UcommAP:U.to2trin'899@ result 0 ser>.sen!7omman!AP:U8commAP:U9@ //=e.eats the comman! .re>iousl6 attem.te! V if 8result.s-189008+6te90CNS GG result.s-F89008+6te90CRF9 T //D2ecurit6 status not satisfie!D res.onse i.e. car! reEuires PA, to .roce!e if 8in7on>ersation GG userPin%0un5no-nPin GG userPin%0-ron'Pin9 sen!Pin8userPin9@ //2en!s the cache! PA, if in con>ersation if 8%in7on>ersation YY userPin00un5no-nPin9 sen!Pin8'etPin899@ //?+tains PA, from user an! if not cache! an! sen!s to car! if 8%8in7on>ersation GG userPin00-ron'Pin99 T 26stem.out..rintln83$ 3UcommAP:U.to2trin'899@ result 0 ser>.sen!7omman!AP:U8commAP:U9@ //=e.eats the comman! .re>iousl6 attem.te! V V if 8result.s-189008+6te90CNS GG result.s-F89008+6te90CRP9 T //DAuthentication metho! +loc5e!D i.e. car! is +loc5e! .in(essa'e.set(essa'e837ar! +loc5e!39@ .in(essa'e.sho-89@ thro-8ne- ECce.tion837ar! +loc5e!399@ V if 8result.s-189008+6te90CS: GG result.s-F89008+6te90C1A9 T //DAn>ali! si'natureD i.e. incorrect res.onse recei>e! +6 car! for cre!it reEuest .in(essa'e.set(essa'e837orru.t ser>er res.onse39@ .in(essa'e.sho-89@ thro-8ne- ECce.tion83An>ali! si'nature399@ V V catch 87ar!TerminalECce.tion e9 T 26stem.out..rintln837ar!TerminalECce.tion: 3 U e.'et(essa'e899@ thro- e@ V catch 8ECce.tion e9 Tthro- e@V return result@ 26stem.out..rintln83" 3Uresult.to2trin'899@

%a+e /1

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

.ri>ate int 'etPin89 T int result@ Pin=eEuest .inWin!o- 0 ne- Pin=eEuest89@ .inWin!o-.sho-89@ -hile 8.inWin!o-.'etPin890009 T //Wait for PA, to +e entere! in -in!oV result0.inWin!o-.'etPin89@ .inWin!o-.!is.ose89@ if 8in7on>ersation9 userPin 0 result@ //7ache the PA, if in con>ersation return result@ V V

Appendi3 /.3.2: .essage)rame class

im.ort ;a>a.a-t.K@ im.ort ;a> .u+lic class (essa'eBrame eCten!s Brame T )a+el messa'e@ .u+lic +oolean han!leE>ent8E>ent e>9 T if 8e>.i!00E>ent.WA,:?W4:E2T=?W9 T this.hi!e89@ return true@ V return!leE>ent8e>9@ V .u+lic >oi! set(essa'e82trin' teCt9 T messa'e.setTeCt8teCt9@ V .u+lic (essa'eBrame89 T Gri!)a6out la6out 0 ne- Gri!)a6out81*19@ set)a6out8la6out9@ messa'e 0 ne- )a+el89@ messa'e.setBont8ne- Bont832ans2erif3*Bont.ATA)A7*F099@ messa'e.setAli'nment8)a+el.7E,TE=9@ messa'e.set2i e8PO0*R09@ a!!8messa'e9@ setTitle832martA:39@ set2i e88insets89.leftUinsets89.ri'htUPO09* set)ocation8100*1009@ V

%a+e /2

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Appendi3 /.3.3: Pin+e7#est Class

im.ort ;a>a.a-t.K@ im.ort ;a> .u+lic class Pin=eEuest eCten!s Brame T )a+el enterPin)a+el@ TeCtBiel! userPin@ Button o5Button@ int userPin,um 0 0@ .u+lic +oolean han!leE>ent8E>ent e>9 T if 8e>.tar'et00o5Button GG e>.i!00E>ent.A7TA?,4E1E,T9 T //?H +utton clic5e! finish89@ return true@ V if 8e>.i!00E>ent.WA,:?W4:E2T=?W 9 T //Win!o- close! finish89@ return true@ V return!leE>ent8e>9@ V .u+lic +oolean 5e6:o-n8E>ent e>* int 5e69 T if 885e600109YY85e6001P99 T //Enter or =eturn .resse! finish89@ return true@ V else return false@ V .u+lic int 'etPin89 T return userPin,um@ V .ri>ate >oi! finish89 T userPin,um08ne- Ante'er8userPin.'etTeCt8999.int1alue89@ //2ets >aria+le containin' PA, as entere! +6 user 8rea! +6 .arent9 this.hi!e89@ V .u+lic Pin=eEuest89 T Gri!Ba')a6out la6out 0 ne- Gri!Ba')a6out89@ Gri!Ba'7onstraints constraints 0 ne- Gri!Ba'7onstraints89@ set)a6out8la6out9@ constraints.'ri!C00@ constraints.'ri!600@ enterPin)a+el 0 ne- )a+el83Please enter PA,:39@ la6out.set7onstraints8enterPin)a+el*constraints9@ a!!8enterPin)a+el9@ userPin 0 ne- TeCtBiel!833*49@ constraints.'ri!C0Gri!Ba'7onstraints.=E)ATA1E@ la6out.set7onstraints8userPin*constraints9@ a!!8userPin9@ o5Button 0 ne- Button83?H39@ constraints.'ri!C0Gri!Ba'7onstraints.=E)ATA1E@ la6out.set7onstraints8o5Button*constraints9@ a!!8o5Button9@ setTitle83Please enter PA,:39@ set2i e88insets89.leftUinsets89.ri'htUFO09* set)ocation81O0*1O09@ V V

%a+e /(

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

Appendi& 5< Smartcard Code

constant =ETU=,U2E=,A(EA,2 0 0C01 =ETU=,PA22W?=:A,2 0 0C0F =ETU=,B?=E,A(EA,2 0 0C0P =ETU=,2U=,A(EA,2 0 0C04 =ETU=,2T=EETA::=E22A,2 0 0C0O =ETU=,T?W,A,2 0 0C0N =ETU=,7?U,TWA,2 0 0C0Q =ETU=,P?2T7?:EA,2 0 0C0R =ETU=,77,U(BE=A,2 0 0C0S 2ETU2E=,A(EA,2 0 0C11 2ETPA22W?=:A,2 0 0C1F 2ETB?=E,A(EA,2 0 0C1P 2ET2U=,A(EA,2 0 0C14 2ET2T=EETA::=E22A,2 0 0C1O 2ETT?W,A,2 0 0C1N 2ET7?U,TWA,2 0 0C1Q 2ETP?2T7?:EA,2 0 0C1R 2ET77,U(BE=A,2 0 0C1S :EBATA,2 0 0CF0 P=EPA=E7=E:ATA,2 0 0CF1 ATTE(PT7=E:ATA,2 0 0CFF =EPEAT:EBAT=E2P?,2EA,2 0 0CFP =ETU=,BA)A,7EA,2 0 0CP0 =E7EA1EPA,A,2 0 0C40 2ETPA,A,2 0 0C41 2ET2E7U=ATWA,2 0 0C4F GET2E7U=ATWA,2 0 0C4P U,B)?7HA,2 0 0C44 (AZATTE(PT2 0 P static +alance: .in: attem.ts: .ri>ate2ec: .ri>ate?nce: 'eneral2ec: 'eneral?nce: eC.=es.onse: last=es.onse: cre!it1alue: .ri>ateHe6: un+loc57o!e: username: .ass-or!: forename: surname: streetA!!ress: to-n: count6: .ostco!e: cc,um+er: session criticalAccess: .ri>ateAccess: 'eneralAccess: fiel!,ame: @=etrie>e .rofile instructions

@2et .rofile instructions

@7re!it an! !e+it instructions

@Balance instructions @2ecurit6 instructions

@(aCimum num+er of PA, attem.ts +efore +loc5in'

-or! &0C0000 -or! &0C04:F +6te 0 +6te 1 +6te 0 +6te 0 +6te 0 +6teIRJ +6teIRJ -or!

@Balance initiall6 ero @PA, initiall6 set to 1FP4 8in !ecimal9 @,um+er of incorrect PA, attem.ts @=eEuire .in for .ri>ate !ata 810true* 00false9 @ --once onl6 810true* 00false9 @=eEuire .in for 'eneral !ata 810true* 00false9 @ --once onl6 810true* 00false9 @EC.ecte! res.onse from last challen'e @)ast res.onse 'i>en to cre!it challen'e @To.-u. >alue for -hich last cre!it challen'e create!

+6teIRJ 0C1F*0CP4*0CON*0CQR*0CS0*0CAB*0C7:*0CEB +6teIRJ 0C11*0CFF*0CPP*0C44*0COO*0CNN*0CQQ*0CRR +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 +6teIP0J 3,one set 3 @All automaticall6 set to ero on reset @Access control for critical functions 810'rante!* 00!enie!9 @Access control for .ri>ate !ata 810'rante!* 00!enie!9 @Access control for 'eneral !ata 810'rante!* 00!enie!9

+6te +6te +6te -or!

%a+e /,

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

co!e cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.'e cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE loa!n cm.n ; cm.+ ;um.eE loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE ;um.eE loa!n cm.n ; loa!a cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o.loa!a a.!uAns* U,B)?7HA,2 un+loc57ar! attem.ts* (AZATTE(PT2 +loc5e!

@Point at -hich eCecution starts on recei.t of AP:U @7hec5 A,2 +6te for Un+loc5 instruction @Xum. to rele>ant co!e if recei>e! @7hec5 if PA, has +een entere! -ron' too man6 times @B6.ass remainin' co!e if true

a.!uAns* =E7EA1EPA,A,2 @?.s -ith no access restrictions recei>ePin a.!uAns* P=EPA=E7=E:ATA,2 .re.are7re!it a.!uAns* ATTE(PT7=E:ATA,2 attem.t7re!it a.!uAns* =EPEAT:EBAT=E2P?,2EA,2 1* 'eneral2ec 1* 'eneralAccess notAllo-e! a.!uAns* =ETU=,BA)A,7EA,2 returnBalance username a.!uAns* =ETU=,U2E=,A(EA,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ETU2E=,A(EA,2 setBiel! forename a.!uAns* =ETU=,B?=E,A(EA,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ETB?=E,A(EA,2 setBiel! surname a.!uAns* =ETU=,2U=,A(EA,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ET2U=,A(EA,2 setBiel! streetA!!ress a.!uAns* =ETU=,2T=EETA::=E22A,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ET2T=EETA::=E22A,2 setBiel! to-n a.!uAns* =ETU=,T?W,A,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ETT?W,A,2 setBiel! count6 a.!uAns* =ETU=,7?U,TWA,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ET7?U,TWA,2 setBiel! .ostco!e a.!uAns* =ETU=,P?2T7?:EA,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ETP?2T7?:EA,2 setBiel! a.!uAns* GET2E7U=ATWA,2 'et2ecurit6 1* .ri>ate2ec 1* .ri>ateAccess notAllo-e! .ass-or! a.!uAns* =ETU=,PA22W?=:A,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ETPA22W?=:A,2 setBiel! cc,um+er %a+e /@7hec5 if .ri>ate @ securit6 status satisfie! @ B6.ass remainin' co!e if false @?.s -ith .ri>ate access restrictions @7hec5 if 'eneral @ securit6 status satisfie! @ B6.ass remainin' co!e if false @?.s -ith 'eneral access restrictions

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE ; cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE cm.+ ;um.eE .o..ush+ 7hec57ase eCitstat notAllo-e!: .ush+ 7hec57ase eCitstat +loc5e!: .ush+ 7hec57ase eCitstat

a.!uAns* =ETU=,77,U(BE=A,2 returnBiel! a.!uAns* 2ET77,U(BE=A,2 setBiel! criticalAccess* 1 notAllo-e! a.!uAns* :EBATA,2 !e+it7ar! a.!uAns* 2ETPA,A,2 setPin a.!uAns* 2ET2E7U=ATWA,2 set2ecurit6 1 &0CN:00 @7hec5 if critical securit6 status satisfie! @B6.ass remainin' co!e if false @?.s -ith critical access restrictions

@7omman! has +een 7ase 1 8,o comman! or res.onse !ata .resent9 @Anform car! ?2 of case +efore returnin' @=eturn -ith Wron' instruction co!e

1 &0CNSRF @=eturn -ith 2ecurit6 status not satisfie!

1 &0CNSRP @=eturn -ith Authentication metho! +loc5e!

recei>ePin: .ush+ 7hec57ase incn loa!n cm.n +raeE eCitstat correctPin: set+ set+ set+ set+ eCitstat

P 1* attem.ts F* a.!uBo!6 F* .in correctPin &0CNSRF@ @Ancrement +efore com.arison to .re>ent timel6 car! remo>al

@=eturn -ith 2ecurit6 status not satisfie!

attem.ts* 0 'eneralAccess* 1 .ri>ateAccess* 1 criticalAccess* 1 &0CS000@

setPin: call .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!n storen eCitstat

resetAccess P F* a.!uBo!6 F* .in &0CS000 @An.ut: PA,TFV

set2ecurit6: call .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!n storen storen storen storen eCitstat

resetAccess P 4* a.!uBo!6 1* 'eneral?nce 1* 'eneral2ec 1* .ri>ate?nce 1* .ri>ate2ec &0CS000 @An.ut: 2ecurit6 settin'sT4V

%a+e /.

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions

'et2ecurit6: call .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!n loa!n loa!n loa!n storen eCitstatla un+loc57ar!: .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!n cm.n +raeE eCitstat correctUn+loc5: set+ eCitstat returnBalance: call .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!n storen eCitstatla returnBiel!: call .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!in storen eCitstatla setBiel!: cm.+ ; call .ush+ 7hec57ase loa!n storein eCitstat

resetAccess F 1* .ri>ate2ec 1* .ri>ate?nce 1* 'eneral2ec 1* 'eneral?nce 4* a.!uBo!6 &0CS000* 4

@?ut.ut: 2ecurit6 settin'sT4V

P R* a.!uBo!6 R* un+loc57o!e correctUn+loc5 &0CNSRP attem.ts* 0 &0CS000 @An.ut: Un+loc5 co!eTFV @=eturn -ith Authentication metho! +loc5e!

resetAccess F F* +alance F* a.!uBo!6 &0CS000* F @?ut.ut: BalanceTFV

resetAccess F P0 P0* a.!uBo!6 &0CS000* P0 @)oa! !ata onto stac5 from location s.ecifie! at to. of stac5 @?ut.ut: Biel! !ataTP0V

criticalAccess* 1 notAllo-e! resetAccess P P0* a.!uBo!6 P0 &0CS000 @An.ut: Biel! !ata TP0V @2tore !ata in location s.ecifie! at to. of stac5

!e+it7ar!: call resetAccess .ush+ 4 7hec57ase loa!n R* a.!uBo!6 cm.n F* +alance +ra'e .erform:e+it .ush+ F 7hec57ase eCitstat &0CN400 .erform:e+it: 7ommitThenProtect su+n F* +alance loa!n R* .ri>ateHe6 Corn R .o.n R storen R* last=es.onse 7ommit loa!n R* last=es.onse storen R* a.!uBo!6 eCitstatla &0CS000* R

@An.ut: 7hallen'eTNV :e+it >alueTFV @Ensure +alance is 'reater than !e+it >alue

@=eturn -ith Process a+orte! - memor6 unchan'e! @2tart transaction .rotection @2u+tract !e+it >alue from +alance @Generate res.onse @ +6 Z?=in' .ri>ate 5e6 -ith 8challen'e*!e+it >alue9 @=emo>e .ri>ate 5e6 from stac5 to access result @2tore res.onse @7ommit transaction @?ut.ut: =es.onseTRV

%a+e //

!-co""erce #ite with #"artcar$ %ay"ent &echanis"

Appen$i' () #erver *nstallation *nstructions .ush+ F 7hec57ase loa!n R* last=es.onse storen R* a.!uBo!6 @?ut.ut: =es.onseTRV eCitstatla &0CS000* R

.re.are7re!it: .ush+ 4 7hec57ase Get=an!om,um+er loa!n F* a.!uBo!6 storen loa!n loa!n Corn .o.n storen loa!n storen eCitstatla R* eC.=es.onse R* eC.=es.onse R* .ri>ateHe6 R* eC.=es.onse R F* cre!it1alue F* cre!it1alue R* a.!uBo!6 &0CS000* R

@Place R-+6te ran!om num+er at to. of stac5 @An.ut: 7re!it >alueTFV 8a!! to to. of stac59 @7hallen'e is no- to. R +6tes of stac5 8ran!om&*cre!it >alue9 @2tore challen'e in eC.=es.onse tem.oraril6 @7alculate eC.ecte! @ +6 Z?=in' .ri>ate @=emo>e .ri>ate 5e6 @2tore cre!it >alue res.onse 5e6 -ith challen'e from stac5 to access challen'e for last challen'e create!

@?ut.ut: 7hallen'eTRV

attem.t7re!it: .ush+ P 7hec57ase .ush&0000 cm.n F* cre!it1alue +raeE cre!itBaile! loa!n R* a.!uBo!6 cm.n R* eC.=es.onse +raeE .erform7re!it cre!itBaile!: eCitstat &0CS:1A .erform7re!it: loa!n F* cre!it1alue 7ommitThenProtect a!!n F* +alance .ush&0000 storen F* cre!it1alue 7ommit eCitstat &0CS000

@7hec5 if cre!it >alue @ is ero @Af true* no challen'e has 6et +een 'enerate! @An.ut: =es.onseTRV @7hec5 if res.onse is correct @=eturn -ith An>ali! si'nature @2tart transaction .rotection @A!! cre!it >alue to +alance @2et store! cre!it >alue @ to ero>entin' re.la69

resetAccess: set+ cm.+ +raeE set+ !ont=esetPri>ate: cm.+ +raeE set+ !ont=esetGeneral: return

criticalAccess* 0 .ri>ate?nce* 1 !ont=esetPri>ate .ri>ateAccess* 0 'eneral?nce* 0 !ont=esetGeneral 'eneralAccess* 0

@Al-a6s reset critical access to !enie! after an o. @7hec5 if ?H to enter .in for .ri>ate !ata once onl6 @ --:onDt reset .ri>ate access if true @ --:o reset .ri>ate access if false @7hec5 if ?H to enter .in for 'eneral !ata once onl6 @ --:onDt reset 'eneral access if true @ --:o reset 'eneral access if false


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