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Reports of Information A report of Information is a factual report. For example, you can tell readers who won a game.

That is fact. In this kind of report no opinons can be given. ere is an example! I"#IA"$ T % R&'% &F (%" A"# )&(%" In any Indian tribe, the men and women have important roles. The men always hunt and fight in wars. )omen always cook and usually do the pottery and baskets. Their surroundings affected their resources and environment. *hief, shaman and government positions are usually the men+s roles. $ome tribes let women be the chief. Indian women could often own land and pick chiefs, which meant they lived like ,ueens compared to %uropean women, who had no right to vote, own land or keep their wages when they married. Indians thought white men were odd because of their religious beliefs, eating habits and other customs. (any of the same reasons caused the %uropeans to think Indians strange. "&RT )%$T I"#IA"$ The northwest Indians+ government was mostly men. (en had the positions like chief and shaman. A married couple lived with the man+s family for a while, but then moved to the woman+s for the rest of their lives. (eanwhile, the women were usually heads of the clans or the highest position. &n the other hand, %uropeans thought the man was the real power. $&-T )%$T I"#IA"$ The $outhwest Indians believed in ways that were mostly like those of Indians in the "orthwest. Again, women were the clan chiefs. The care of children was also the women+s .ob. )omen owned possessions like sheep. (ost every position of power except clan chief was a man+s .ob. The men were war chiefs and kiva priests. The %uropeans agreed with only men in the government but would disagree with women having power and possessions. "&RT %A$T I"#IA"$ The woman once again is the head of the household and the most important of a clan. All the basic work such as harvesting, farming and cooking was done by the women. Art was something else that women did. (edicine men, as it says, was a .ob for a man, as were these .obs! hunting, fishing, gathering food and making tools. The men did less than the women, but the things they did were more dangerous. In some tribes like the Iro,uois, women were landowners and farmers. A married couple would live out their lives at the woman+s house and with her family. In the tribal government, /0 male chiefs are selected by the clan mothers. The clans were turtle, bear and wolf and each was headed by a clan mother. %uropeans failed to accept the power of women in northeastern tribes, such as the Iro,uois. In the %uropean towns, the women didn+t have the right to vote or own property, and they never were picked to lead the government. 1'AI"$ I"#IA"$ &ut on the plains, the Indian men hunted the buffalo, which were important because they were a main food source and their hides were used for clothing. The men also organi2ed the religious ceremonies of the tribe. The training of boys was a skillful man+s .ob,

although childcare was a woman+s .ob. Teaching girls was a woman+s thing. The women of the 1lains set up tepees that they made. They became ,uick and skillful because if a raid happened, they would take down tepees. They could take down or set up a tepee in four minutes. The women had long days of working. $ome of the work they did was carry wood for the cooking fires and carry water and tan hides. The women also made ropes and harvested crops, although these Indians didn+t farm much. &f all the differences that these Indians and %uropeans have, they have some similarities. For example, 1lains Indian and %uropean men both hunt, travel, trade and work. %uropean women and 1lains Indian women were alike in their responsibilities like care of children and care of the home and cooking. $&-T %A$T The Five *ivili2ed Tribes 33 *herokee, *hoctaw, *hickasaw, *reek and $eminole 33 were most like %uropeans in government and economy. The $outheast tribes had men as chiefs. The chiefs were usually picked from a clan that trained their children to be leaders. The miko, or chief, was advised by a council of warriors who had retired. They were known as 45eloved (en4. The men of the tribes usually did things such as hunting and fishing. The women+s role included gardening, weaving, basketry, pottery, and caring for the family. )hen married, the man lives with his wife+s clan *&"*'-$I&" All Indians had basically the same idea in the role of men and women. If you had a choice between Indian and %uropean woman you would want to be an Indian because you would have more power. The women were usually heads of clans and men formed the tribal councils. The %uropeans were mostly different. In their society, the men were head of family and also filled the government .obs. &ne way that most Indians and %uropeans were the same was who fought the wars 33 the men. The %uropean man was mostly the head of everything. In all my report, I have figured out that behind all those differences there were some similarities between Indians and %uropeans.

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