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Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 90 (2006) 30783084

A method for the determination of dynamic resistance of photovoltaic modules under illumination
J. Thongprona,b,, K. Kirtikaraa,c, C. Jivacatea,c

Clean Energy Systems Group (CES), Bangkok 10140, Thailand Rajamankgala University of Technology Lanna, Northern Campus, Chiangmai 50300, Thailand c King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok 10140, Thailand Available online 26 July 2006

Abstract Dynamic resistance of solar cells and modules have been determined from a dark IV characteristic curve. In the determination, it is often assumed that series resistance Rs is small and the shunt resistance Rsh very large, their effects can be neglected. The resultant dynamic resistance can be called the external dynamic resistance RD. RD is normally taken to be the slope of the IV characteristic of a cell or a module. We present in this paper a new method to determine an internal dynamic resistance Rd of a photovoltaic module based on one illuminated IV curve, taken into account nite series and shunt resistance. In the experiment, we measure illuminated and dark characteristics of a 4.5 Wp commercial X-Si solar module (9 V, 500 mA) at 2527 1C, and calculate Rd and RD. We see that Rd and RD can be markedly different. Comparison is also made on the series resistance Rs and shunt resistance Rsh determined from single IV curve and two IV curve methods. r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: IV curve; Dynamic resistance; Series resistance; Shunt resistance

1. Introduction A dynamic model of a solar cell or a module consists of three types of resistance. The rst one-series resistance Rs, can be determined by more than 20 methods under various illumination conditions such as dark, constant illumination and varying illumination and
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J. Thongpron et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 90 (2006) 30783084 3079

they yield different results [1]. In the measurement methods of standards for solar cells, Rs is normally determined by using two different illumination levels, the so-called two-curve method. The second resistance componentshunt resistance Rsh, can be obtained from only one illuminated IV curve, or single curve method. Both Rs and Rsh are independent of illumination levels and operating voltages [2]. The third componentdynamic resistance, being voltage dependent, has been determined from a dynamic model under dark conditions [3,4]. Normally, in the determination of dynamic resistance, it is assumed that series resistance is negligible and shunt resistance innite, thus external dynamic resistance is obtained. Presented here is a new method to determine dynamic resistance from one illuminated IV characteristic. Finite Rs and Rsh are properly accounted for and the dynamic resistance in this case is referred to as internal dynamic resistance Rd, to differentiate it from external dynamic resistance RD, where the effects of Rs and Rsh are neglected. 2. Calculation method Fig. 1 represents an AC equivalent circuit of a solar cell or module [5]. In the model, Iph is the photocurrent. The voltage independent components are Rs and Rsh. The transition capacitance CT and Rd are voltage dependent. The diffusion capacitance CD is frequency and voltage dependent. An IV curve of a solar cell or module, under dark or illuminated conditions, can be schematically represented as in Fig. 2. In determining dynamic resistance, measurement is made between terminals of the cell/panel. The external dynamic resistance RD is generally taken to be the slope DV/DI of an IV curve. In fact, RD is the resultant resistance of Rsh in parallel to Rd and then in series with Rs. Rd is sometimes referred to as an incremental diode resistance. Unless Rs is very small and Rsh very large, Rd and RD can be markedly different. 2.1. Under one illumination level For a cell or a module, the relationship between the photocurrent Iph, the diode current Id and the load current IL, and the diode characteristic equation can be determined from three different conditions [6,7]. They are an open-circuit condition, a short-circuit condition and a condition at any load RL.
Iph I IL


Iph CT CD Rd Rsh


Solar cell
Fig. 1. AC equivalent circuit of a solar cell/module connecting to a load and under illumination G.

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A Isc 1 2 1 2 B

Current (A)

C 1 2

0 Voltage (V)
Fig. 2. Static IV curve of a solar cell or module.


The open-circuit condition I ph I d I sh ; I ph I 0 elV oc 1 V oc , Rsh (1)

where I0 is the diode reverse saturation current and l q=nNkT . The diode curve tting factor n is assumed to be in unity in this case. N is the number of cells connected in series in a module. I0 and Iph can be calculated from measurements at open circuit and short circuit conditions. The short-circuit condition I ph I d I sh I sc ; I ph I 0 elI sc Rs 1 I sc Rs I sc . Rsh V L I L RS I L. Rsh (2)

The condition at any load RL (current IL and voltage VL) I ph I d I sh I L ; I ph I 0 elV L I L Rs 1 (3)

From Eqs. (1) to (3) we can write the voltage VL at one illumination level as follows:   1 Rsh I ph I 0 I L I L RS I L Rs . (4) V L ln l Rsh I 0 At any 2 operating points (V1, I1) and (V2, I2) on a single IV curve, the relationships between V and I are   1 Rsh I ph I 0 I 1 I 1 RS I 1 Rs , (5) V 1 ln l Rsh I 0   1 Rsh I ph I 0 I 2 V 2 ln I 2 RS I 2 Rs . (6) l Rsh I 0

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Rs can be rewritten as Rs   V1 V2 1 Rsh I ph I 0 I 1 I 1 Rs ln . l I 2 I 1 I2 I1 Rsh I ph I 0 I 2 I 2 Rs (7)

Eq. (7) can be further simplied as shunt resistance Rsh is normally much greater than a series resistance Rs. Thus, Rsh(Iph+I0I1)bI1Rs and Rsh(Iph+I0I2)b I2Rs. Therefore,   V1 V2 1 I ph I 0 I 1 Rs ln . (8) lI 2 I 1 I ph I 0 I 2 I2 I1 |{z} |{z}

The rst term in Eq. (8), V1V2/I2I1, is essentially a slope at any operating point, or the external dynamic resistance RD. The second term is the internal dynamic resistance Rd. It can be shown that Rsh V oc . I ph I 0 elV oc 1 (9)

2.2. Under dark conditions Similarly, under dark conditions, Iph is zero, the relationship between voltage and current in terms of Rs can be written as follows:   1 Rsh I 0 I 1 I 1 Rs V1 V2 ln Rs . (10) lI 2 I 1 Rsh I 0 I 2 I 2 Rs I2 I1 Eq. (10) can be further reduced as RshbRs. Thus, Rsh(I0+I1)b+I1Rs and Rsh(I0+I2)b+I2Rs. Then Rs 1 I 0 I 1 V 1 V 2 ln . lI 2 I 1 I 0 I 2 I2 I1 |{z} |{z}


3. Experiment An X-Si 4.5 Wp module with 18 commercial cells connected in series is used. The size of each cell is 34.3 51.5 mm. In the test, three IV characteristics of the module at 2527 1C are obtained. One characteristic is from dark conditions and two characteristics from two different illumination levels using a solar simulator. The two illumination levels are 900 and 1100 W/m2, respectively. I0 and Iph of the three illuminating conditions, one dark and two illuminated, are calculated from the aforementioned equation. Rs, Rsh, Rd and RD are subsequently determined.

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4. Results and discussion The dark and the two illuminated IV curves obtained are compared in Fig. 3. From VOC and ISC of the two illuminated curves and the Eqs. (13), the reverse saturation current I0 can be determined. I0 is found to be 1.12 109 and 1.20 109 A at 900 and 1100 W/m2, respectively. External and internal dynamic resistance of the module under dark and two illumination conditions are shown in Fig. 4. It can be clearly seen that: (i) external and internal resistance at the same bias voltage under similar illumination conditions are distinct. This is due to the voltage dependent nature of Rd. As the bias voltage is increased, the dynamic resistance becomes less, and
0.60 0.40 0.20 Current (A) 0.00 0 -0.20 900 W/m2 -0.40 1,100 W/m2 -0.60 -0.80 Voltage (V)
Fig. 3. Dark and illuminated IV curves (900 and 1100 W/m2) of the module.

Dark Forward Bias




Fig. 4. Internal and external dynamic resistance of the module under dark forward bias and illumination of 900 and 1100 W/m2.

J. Thongpron et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 90 (2006) 30783084 Table 1 Rs, Rsh, Rd and RD of the module under dark and illuminated conditions Illumination condition 1: G 1100 W/m2, Iph 0.597 A, VOC 9.25 V, ISC 0.597 A Maximum power point: 3.48 Wp, 6.60 V, 0.528 A Two curve method Single curve method Rs ( O) 4.06 Rs ( O) 4.59


Rsh (kO) 149.60

RD (O) 12.26

Rd ( O) 8.32

Illumination condition 2: G 900 W/m , Iph 0.462 A, Voc 9.10 V, Isc 0.460 A Maximum power point: 2.83 Wp, 6.75 V, 0.419 A Two curve method Single curve method Rs ( O) 4.05 Rs ( O) 4.29 Rsh (kO) 1110.50 RD (O) 16.1 Rd ( O) 9.56

Dark condition, forward bias Maximum power point: 3.50 Wp, 10.58 V, 0.330 A Rsh (O) RD (kO) R s ( O) 4.05 117.05 3.37

Rd ( O) 1.23

(ii) the dissimilar nature of Rd at different illuminating conditions is also noted. This can be expected as the values of diode factor at different illuminations are not the same. By way of illustration, the values of Rs, Rsh, Rd and RD were calculated at the maximum power point and are shown in Table 1. It should be noted that we refer to the generative maximum power in the case of the module under illumination and the dissipative maximum power for the module under dark conditions. It can be seen that:


Rs obtained from the single-curve method and the two-curve method differ by about 10%. As mentioned earlier, the values of Rs depend on measuring techniques. Rs obtained from the two-curve method is more reliable and independent of the illumination, difference in Rsh is what some larger than that of Rs, and Rd and RD of each illumination condition can differ by more than 50%, in the case of our module. Therefore, clear distinction should be made when one studies and measures the two types of dynamic resistance.

5. Conclusion A new method to determine internal dynamic resistance Rd of a photovoltaic module based on one illuminated IV curve is presented. The determination of Rd has taken into account nite series and shunt resistance. It is shown that Rd is markedly different from the external dynamic resistance RD. The method is applicable to solar cell measurements.

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Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge support from the staff of the Clean Energy Systems Group (CES) of KMUTT, as well as the Rajamankgala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL), Northern Campus, Chiangmai Thailand. Thongpron received his doctoral scholarship from RIT. References
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