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Support Material

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Chemistry B (Salters): !"# $nit: %""& Chemistry o' (atural Resources
)his Support Material boo*let is desi+ned to accompany the OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE speci'ication in Chemistry B (Salters) 'or teachin+ 'rom September &!!,-

. OCR &!!/

Contents................................................................................................................................2 Introduction..........................................................................................................................3 GCE Chemistry B (Salters): H035. 332 Chemistry o! "atural........................................# $esources...................................................# %ther !orms o! Su&&ort.....................................................................................................3'

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


A ne1 structure o' assessment 'or A 2evel has been introduced3 'or 'irst teachin+ 'rom September &!!,- Some o' the chan+es include: )he introduction o' stretch and challen+e (includin+ the ne1 A4 +rade at A&) 5 to ensure that every youn+ person has the opportunity to reach their 'ull potential6 )he reduction or removal o' course1or* components 'or many 7uali'ications 5 to lessen the volume o' mar*in+ 'or teachers6 A reduction in the number o' units 'or many 7uali'ications 5 to lessen the amount o' assessment 'or learners6 Amendments to the content o' speci'ications 5 to ensure that content is up8to8date and relevant-

OCR has produced an overvie1 document3 1hich summarises the chan+es to Chemistry- )his can be 'ound at ***.ocr.or+.u,- alon+ 1ith the ne1 speci'ication0n order to help you plan e''ectively 'or the implementation o' the ne1 speci'ication 1e have produced this Scheme o' 9or* 'or Chemistry B (Salters)- )hese Support Materials are desi+ned 'or +uidance only and play a secondary role to the Speci'ication-

Our Ethos
All our Support Materials 1ere produced :by teachers 'or teachers; in order to capture real li'e current teachin+ practices and they are based around OCR;s revised speci'ications- )he aim is 'or the support materials to inspire teachers and 'acilitate di''erent ideas and teachin+ practices0n some cases3 1here the Support Materials have been produced by an active teacher3 the centre lo+o can be seen in the top ri+ht hand corner Each Scheme o' 9or* is provided in: <=% 'ormat 5 'or immediate use6 9ord 'ormat 5 so that you can use it as a 'oundation to build upon and amend the content to suit your teachin+ style and students; needs-

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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)he Scheme o' 9or* provides e>amples o' ho1 to teach this unit and the teachin+ hours are su++estions only- Some or all o' it may be applicable to your teachin+)he Speci'ication is the document on 1hich assessment is based and speci'ies 1hat content and s*ills need to be covered in deliverin+ the course- At all times3 there'ore3 this Support Material boo*let should be read in con?unction 1ith the Speci'ication- 0' clari'ication on a particular point is sou+ht then that clari'ication should be 'ound in the Speci'ication itsel'-

0ntroduction to Salters Advanced Chemistry Course Materials Available 'rom einemann

)he Salters Advanced Chemistry course 'or AS and A& is made up o' @" teachin+ modulesChemical Storylines AS 'orms the bac*bone o' the 'ive AS teachin+ modules- )here is a separate boo* o' Chemical Ideas3 and a Support Pack containin+ activities to accompany the AS teachin+ modulesEach teachin+ module is driven by the storyline- Aou 1or* throu+h each storyline3 ma*in+ :e>cursions; to activities and chemical ideas at appropriate points)he storylines are bro*en do1n into numbered sections- Aou 1ill 'ind that there are assi+nments at intervals- )hese are desi+ned to help you throu+h each storyline and chec* your understandin+3 and they are best done as you +o alon+From AS Chemical Storylines (ISBN: 978 !"#$"%!7#&

o1 this scheme 'its into the academic year

)his scheme o' 1or* should be read in con?unction 1ith three other documents: OCR Chemistry B (Salters) Support Material %""@ Chemistry 'or 2i'e6 <ractical S*ills andboo*: available via OCR 0nterchan+e https:BBinterchan+e-ocr-or+-u* and at 111-ocr-or+-u*6 )he Speci'ication3 OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Chemistry B (Salters): via 111-ocr-or+-u* !"#: available

)he number o' teachin+ hours contained 1ithin this scheme should not be ta*en as the absolute number re7uired 'or deliverin+ this course- )he times indicated belo1 are +iven 'or +uidance only3 to allo1 teachers to plan ho1 this course 1ill 'it into the educational year 'or their school- 0t must be noted that the t1o schemes o' 1or* to support the Chemistry B (Salters) Speci'ication do not contain time 'or revie1 o' home1or*3 assi+nments or end o' module tests3 all o' 1hich are essential 'or e''ective teachin+ and learnin+-

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

)he teachin+ hours su++ested by the schemes o' 1or* are as 'ollo1s: 33) Chemistry !or .i!e: /otal 50 su++ested teachin+ hours Elements o' 2i'e =evelopin+ %uels &C &D

332 Chemistry o! "atural $esources: /otal #5 su++ested teachin+ hours Elements 'rom the Sea )he Atmosphere <olymer Revolution "D &# @C

333 Chemistry in 0ractice: /otal )0 su++ested teachin+ hours S*ill 0 'or this unit can be assessed durin+ lesson activities 1ithin this scheme o' 1or* S*ills 00 to E must be assessed usin+ OCR supplied )as*s and Mar* Schemes under supervised conditions as speci'ied in the <ractical S*ills andboo* 'or the course (the )as*s are only available 'rom OCR;s secure e>tranet3 0nterchan+e 5 see the Speci'ication and andboo* 'or more details)- 9hilst only one mar* (the best) needs to be submitted 'or each S*ill area3 some candidates may need to attempt more than one )as* (a total o' three )as*s are o''ered by OCR in each s*ill area3 S*ills 00 to E)- )as*s must not be returned to candidates- )as*s remain con'idential 7uestion paper items 'or the li'etime o' the speci'icationAs 1ith all Advanced Subsidiary GCE 7uali'ications3 the Guided 2earnin+ ours 'or this Speci'ication are @,!- )his should include lesson time and directed study- )he schemes o' 1or* provided in the Support Material 'or this Speci'ication do not identi'y ho1 this directed time should be spent- 0ndividual teachers must account 'or this in their plannin+ and ensure that students receive the 'ull Guided 2earnin+ ours 'or this Speci'ication-

=elivery o' %""" 5 Chemistry in <ractice

)o enable students to achieve their ma>imum potential in this unit it is recommended that teachers 'ully 'amiliarise themselves 1ith the <ractical S*ills andboo* (available 'rom 111-ocr-or+-u*)- At the start o' each academic year3 centres should revie1 the current )as*s 'rom 0nterchan+e (a Gettin+ Started 'ile is supplied on 0nterchan+e summarisin+ the )as*s available 'or the current assessment period and3 'rom &!!F3 1hat areas o' the speci'ication should have been tau+ht be'ore attemptin+ the )as* 1ith candidates- )as*s are posted on @ Gune each year and are valid 'or assessment use 'rom @ Gune until @C May o' the 'ollo1in+ year- %rom &!!F3 Mar* Schemes are available 'rom @ September each year)- )his 1ill allo1 teachers to plan the point in their teachin+ 1here they should brea* to carry out an appropriate )as*- )eachers should aim to assess S*ills 00 to E immediately a'ter the appropriate theory has been tau+ht- All )as*s should be trialled by teachers be'ore they are carried out by candidates3 chec* the <ractical S*ills andboo* 'or 'urther details3 and 0nterchan+e should be chec*ed to ensure no updates 'or )as*s have been posted- OCR o''er a 'ree e8mail updates service to noti'y centres i' chan+es are made to in'ormation on 0nterchan+e and it is recommended that all centres re+ister 'or this service3 details are +iven in the <ractical S*ills andboo* and on 0nterchan+e-

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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A Guided )our throu+h the Scheme o' 9or*

H 0nnovative )eachin+ 0dea

All the teachin+ idea contained in the SO9 are innovative3 but the icon is used to i+hli+ht e>ceptionally innovative ideas-

H Stretch I Challen+e Activity H 0C) Opportunity

)his icon is added at the end o' te>t 1hen there is an e>plicit opportunity to o''er Stretch and Challen+e)his icon is used to illustrate 1hen an activity could be tau+ht usin+ 0C) 'acilities-

H S*ill @ Assessment Opportunity

)his icon is used to illustrate 1hen an activity could be used to assess S*ill @ 'rom unit %"""-

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

GCE Chemistry B (Salters):

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson
)52 and (3)

!"#- %""& Chemistry o' (atural Resources

F hours


Story ES @ 9hy is the sea so saltyJ A story o' smo*ers and solutions Story ES & )he lo1est point on Earth "on3Salters resources
%or students 1hose GCSE study o' moles 1as brie' ('oundation tier etc-) it 1ill be e>tremely use'ul 'or them to 1or* throu+h the boo* :Moles: A survivors +uide 'or GCSE chemistry; by Meith Bro1n http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMicroscale N&!chemistryBMicroscaleN&!@C-pd' )he microscale version o' these precipitation reactions 1or*s 1ell

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

/he e6tra time *ill 7e re8uired !or *ea,er students to re2isit moles in solution i! co2ered in E. or to introduce the to&ic !rom the 7e+innin+ i! omitted earlier in the course Read throu+h S/%$9 ES) pCF8#! Carry out some simple test tube precipitation reactions o' %e&K(a7)3 %e"K(a7) and Cu&K(a7) 1ith (aO (a7)- Get students to 1rite e7uations 'or the reactions they observe- %inally +et them to 1rite ionic e7uations 'or these reactions- )his should be revision 'rom GCSE $se I:E;S 5.) p,#8,D :0onic e7uations; to rein'orce the ideas 'rom the practical $se table @ and S/%$9 ES2 p#@ :)he lo1est point on Earth; as a :lead; into discussin+ concentration- Bromine is e>tracted 'rom the =ead Sea because the concentration is hi+h enou+h I:E;S ).5 :Concentration o' solutions; usin+ end o' section Ls @8, to assess understandin+-

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: 9rite and interpret any balanced chemical e7uations re7uired3 includin+ ionic e7uations $se the concept o' amount o' substance to per'orm calculations involvin+ concentrations o' solutions

http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!CBCO/"calcs@@m sc-htm randomised 7uestions on solution preparation and calculations

H 0nnovative teachin+ idea / o' C@

H Stretch and challen+e opportunity idea

H 0C) opportunity GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Go bac* to table @ S/%$9 ES2 p#@- <ose the 7uestion 1hy do di''erent ions have di''erent char+esJ $se the dia+nostic tool available at http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMisconceptionsBMiscon N&!0onisation-pd' to identi'y misconceptions 'rom GCSE

"on3Salters resources
$se the electronic periodic table data boo* at http:BB111-rsc-or+BeducationBteachersBlearnnetB ptdataB1elcome-htm to e>plore trends in ionisation enthalpy Students can be +iven de'inition o' )st Ionisation ener+y and data o' @st 0E;s o' a series o' elements and can develop ideas as to 'actors a''ectin+ si<e o' the @st 0-E

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the meanin+ o' the term ionisation enthalpy3 1rite e7uations 'or the successive ionisations o' an element3 and e>plain periodic and +roup trends in the properties o' elements in terms o' ionisation enthalpy Recall the names and 'ormulae o' (O"53 SOC&53 CO"&53 O 53 ( CK3 CO"56 1rite 'ormulae 'or compounds 'ormed bet1een these ions and other +iven anions and cations Recall the relationship bet1een the position o' an element in the <eriodic )able and the char+e on its ion

E>tend the GCSE type ans1ers to ionisation enthalpy usin+ I:E;S 2.5 :Atoms and ions; includin+ end o' section Ls (o1 that students have learnt 1hy ions have char+es3 use I:E;S 3.) pC&8C" :9ritin+ chemical 'ormulae; to e>tend this lesson- End o' section Ls @!8@@ are relevant

Students can plot +raphs o' successive 0E;s o' elements and analyse successive ionisation ener+y data to sho1 evidence o' main shells and sub8shells

5 5 (1)

/he 8uestions accom&anyin+ ;C/ ES2.2 are 2ery 2alua7le. /he e6tra lesson su++ested here is to allo* the 8uestions to 7e com&leted and discussed in class rather than as home*or, $se ;C/ ES 2.@ :9ritin+ the 'ormulae o' ionic compounds; to revie1 the material 'rom last lesson =iscuss the structure o' ionic compounds and 1hat mi+ht happen 1hen they dissolve in 1ater Students do ;C/ ES2.2 :Solutions o' ions;-

RSC 0onic Bondin+ )rue and 'alse 1or*sheets 'rom :Chemical misconceptions 5 prevention3 dia+nosis and cure; http:BB111-di+italillusions-caBapple1oodscienceB 2essonsOn2iineBChemistryBSC "$!Bnomenclat ureBcrossoverrule-html could be used as 7uic* revision

Candidates should be able to: Recall the names and 'ormulae o' (O"53 SOC&53 CO"&53 O 53 ( CK3 CO"56 1rite 'ormulae 'or compounds 'ormed bet1een these ions and other +iven anions and cations =escribe the structure o' an ionic lattice and be able to dra1 the structure o' compounds that have the sodium chloride lattice 9rite and interpret any balanced chemical e7uations re7uired3 includin+ ionic e7uations Carry out 7ualitative e>periments usin+ test8tubes

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

$e2ie* ;C/ ES2.2 and discuss I:E;S 5.) p,C8,# :Structure and properties;- Students have not 1or*ed throu+h all o' this section and should attempt the end o' section Ls to consolidate ideas Read S/%$9 ES2 p#& :Bromine 'rom sea 1ater; be'ore attemptin+ ;SS 2 (S/%$9 p #") )he remainder o' this lesson can be used to revie1 materials 'rom I:E;S ).23 ).3 and ).( as indicated i' problems arise 1ith ;SS 2

"on3Salters resources
http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMicroscale N&!chemistryBMicroscaleN&!"#-pd' is an interestin+ e>periment loo*in+ at chlorine concentrations in sea 1ater http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!CBCO/"calcs!Fm v+-htm +ives in'ormation and lin*s to 7uiPPes involvin+ +as volume calculations

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the names and 'ormulae o' (O"53 SOC&53 CO"&53 O 53 ( CK3 CO"56 1rite 'ormulae 'or compounds 'ormed bet1een these ions and other +iven anions and cations =escribe the structure o' an ionic lattice and be able to dra1 the structure o' compounds that have the sodium chloride lattice 9rite and interpret any balanced chemical e7uations re7uired3 includin+ ionic e7uations $se the concept o' amount o' substance to per'orm calculations involvin+: masses o' rea+ents and volumes o' +ases Calculate the o>idation state o' speci'ied atoms in 'ormulae (includin+ ions) and e>plain 1hich species have been o>idised and 1hich reduced in a redo> reaction $se systematic nomenclature to name inor+anic compounds =escribe redo> reactions o' s8 and p8bloc* elements and their compounds in terms o' electron trans'er3 usin+ hal'8e7uations to represent the o>idation and reduction reactions3 and de'inin+ o>idation and reduction as loss and +ain o' electrons

Be+in this lesson 1ith a revie1 o' o>idation and reduction at the level covered at GCSE 0ntroduce I:E;S '.) :O>idation and reduction;- =iscuss3 +ivin+ notes 1hich include correct 1or*ed e>amples Be+in to 1or* throu+h the relevant end o' section Ls

http:BB111-chem-iastate-eduB+roupBGreenbo1eBs ectionsBpro?ect'olderBanimationsinde>-htm has some +ood animations o' redo> processes Students can carry out reactions o' metals 1ith acids ('Cl and '(S)!) and M+ 1ith o>y+en to determine 'ormula o' ma+nesium o>ide and 1rite balanced e7uations 'or the observed reactions /hermite reaction demonstration Reaction o' *n 1ith copper(00) sul'ate and a series o' other metals and ionic solutions- )he reactions can then be described in terms o' electron trans'er http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB =0ABppointBRedo>Reactions-pptQ&#D3@3Redo> Reactions- Redo> presentation 1ritten by an e>perienced Salters teacher

Candidates should be able to:

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Continue to 1or* throu+h I:E;S '.) ;SS 3 (S/%$9 p#") is a +ood 1ay to lin* o>idation and reduction directly to the Story Luic*ly revie1 I:E;S )).) :<eriodicity; 1hich 1as tau+ht in $(0) %""@- 2in* bac* to lesson &3 that the usual char+e on an ion is lin*ed to its +roup in the periodic table =iscuss GCSE ideas o' electron con'i+uration as an introduction to I:E;S 2.( :Electronic structure: sub shells and orbitals Complete end o' section Ls and revie1 understandin+

"on3Salters resources
http:BB111-rsc-or+BeducationBteachersBlearnnetBp tdataBtableBinde>-htm can be used to help students visualise the di''erent ener+y levels )he interactive table could also be used by students to revise periodicity by producin+ a presentation about periodic properties

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall that the <eriodic )able lists elements in order o' atomic (proton) number and +roups elements to+ether accordin+ to their common properties6 recall the classi'ication o' elements into s83 p8 and d8bloc*s $se conventions 'or representin+ the distribution o' electrons in atomic orbitals (no treatment o' the shapes o' atomic orbitals is e>pected) 9or* out the electronic con'i+uration o' atoms 'rom hydro+en to *rypton3 and the outer sub8shell structures o' other main +roup elements3 in terms o' main ener+y levels and s83 p8 and d8atomic orbitals and the elements; positions in the <eriodic )able Recall and e>plain the relationship bet1een the position o' an element in the <eriodic )able and the char+e on its ion

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson

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D hours


Story ES " An industrial case study8 ho1 best to manu'acture chlorineJ

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Ideally students should 7e +i2en the o&&ortunity to 2isit an a&&ro&riate industrial site as &art o! their studies. /hey can +ain the ,no*led+e re8uired 7y use o! I:E;S and a case study- an industrial 2isit *ill 7e more 7ene!icial in allo*in+ them to &ut these ideas into conte6t. /he e6tra lesson here allo*s !or such a 2isit Read S/%$9 ES3 p#" ;An industrial case study8 ho1 best to manu'acture chlorineJ; as an introduction to chemical production Brie'ly e>plain the concepts o' batch and continuous production3 usin+ bread ma*in+ as an e>ample- Students should discuss advanta+es and disadvanta+es o' each method Read throu+h I:E;S )5.) :)he operation o' a chemical manu'acturin+ process; Sho1 po1erpoint 'rom Salters 1eb site comparin+ batch and continuous processes 'or lime manu'acture http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB=0AB<aul O2utonBlimeN&!'orN&!EC0-ppt

"on3Salters resources

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: $se +iven in'ormation to compare di''erent methods o' manu'acturin+ chemicals industrially3 in terms o' batch +ersus continuous process

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Students 1or* independently throu+h the :$ltramarine; virtual visit on the Salters 1eb sitehttp:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB )hey should re'er to I:E;S Cha&ter )5 1hilst completin+ the tas*- Sections to be covered include )5.2 :Ra1 materials;3 )5.3 :Costs and e''iciency;3 )5.( :<lant location;3 )5.5 : ealth and sa'ety; and )5.1 :9aste disposal;

"on3Salters resources

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: $se +iven in'ormation to compare di''erent methods o' manu'acturin+ chemicals industrially3 in terms o' sitin+ the plant3 cost o' process and ra1 materials3 1aste disposal3 sa'ety

Students to develop their communication s*ills by ma*in+ their o1n notes 'rom I:E;S )5.2 :Ra1 materials; throu+h to I:E;S )5.1 :9aste disposal;- )his material 1ill lar+ely be assessed throu+h application rather than recall so the note ta*in+ style must be considered- %or e>ample3 they could be +iven a 1ord limit o' #! 1ords per section or the tas* o' simpli'yin+ each section into " *ey points


Consolidate the study o' I:E;S )5.23)5.1 by completion o' the end o' section Ls- Students could be encoura+ed to initially do this usin+ only the notes they made in the previous lesson in order to sel'8evaluate their note ta*in+ s*ills- Alternatively3 they could ta*e part in peer evaluation by initially usin+ another students notes

Candidates should be able to: $se +iven in'ormation to compare di''erent methods o' manu'acturin+ chemicals industrially3 in terms o' sitin+ the plant3 cost o' process and ra1 materials3 1aste disposal3 sa'ety

Go throu+h the ans1ers to the end o' section Ls in detail

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

9or* throu+h S/%$9 ES3 :An industrial case study8 ho1 best to manu'acture chlorineJ; Revie1 the 1or* on redo> by discussin+ the electrolysis hal'8e7uations involved $se ;SS ( (S/%$9 p#C) and ;SS 5 (S/%$9 p##) to brin+ to+ether the material 'rom several recent topics

"on3Salters resources
http:BB111-chem-iastate-eduB+roupBGreenbo1eBs ectionsBpro?ect'olderBanimationsinde>-htm has some +ood animations o' redo> processes http:BBmy1eb-tiscali-co-u*BchemteachBs1'Belectrol ysis@-s1' has a simple animation 1hich can be used to re'resh students electrolysis *no1led+e 'rom GCSE

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: =escribe and 1rite hal'8e7uations 'or the redo> chan+es 1hich ta*e place at the electrodes on electrolysis o' a7ueous halide solutions $se the concept o' amount o' substance to per'orm calculations involvin+: masses o' rea+ents and interpret any balanced chemical e7uations re7uired3 includin+ ionic e7uations $se +iven in'ormation to compare di''erent methods o' manu'acturin+ chemicals industrially3 in terms o' sitin+ the plant3 cost o' process and ra1 materials3 1aste disposal3 sa'ety

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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Su++ested teachin+ time .esson

)1 5 ()#)

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Story ES C %rom atomic bombs to sa'er drin*in+ 1ater

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

;llo*in+ the second lesson here +i2es the o&&ortunity to !ocus more closely on a&&ro&riate titration techni8ue. In &articular the use o! dilution to +enerate more a&&ro&riate titration results *hen necessary Read throu+h the introduction to S/%$9 ES( p##8#D :%rom sa'er 1ater to cleaner clothes;- Be+in to construct a table listin+ the uses o' the halo+ens and the ris*s associated 1ith their use- At this point3 complete only the in'ormation 'or chlorine )itration e>periment to measure chlorine concentrations: ;C/ ES(.) :9hich is the most cost8e''ective brand o' bleachJ; %ocus on correct titration procedure and correct calculations

"on3Salters resources
http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!CBCO/"calcs@&v ct-htm notes and 7uestions to practise titration calculations

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: E>plain the ris*s associated 1ith the stora+e and transport o' the halo+ens ('luorine to iodine) Recall and describe some uses o' halo+en compounds 1hich must be 1ei+hed a+ainst these ris*s3 includin+: 'luorine 5 ma*in+ <)%E3 C%Cs3 in toothpaste3 chlorine 5 ma*in+ <EC3 bleach3 bromine 5 medicines3 'lame retardants3 iodine 5 medicines3 human nutrient $se the concept o' amount o' substance to per'orm calculations involvin+ concentrations o' solutions Carry out a titration Collaborate 1ith other students in solvin+ a problem

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

)= 5 )' and (20)

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

/he e6tra lesson may 7e needed here i! 0$ has not already 7een studied )eacher demonstration o' ;C/ ES(.2 :9hat do the halo+ens loo* li*eJ; Students to use their *no1led+e 'rom GCSE and AS so 'ar to try to e>plain observations

"on3Salters resources
http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BvideoclipsBclipsB<hysApp al o+ens-mp+ is a video clip o' the appearance o' the halo+ens http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMisconceptionsBMiscon N&!spotN&!bond-pd' can be used either as a dia+nostic e>ercise or a revision e>ercise (note use o' van der 9aals rather than dipole induced dipole bond)

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the 'ollo1in+ physical properties o' the halo+ens: appearance and physical state at room temperature3 volatility6 e>plain physical state and volatility o' the halo+ens in terms o' intermolecular bonds E>plain the term electrone,ati+ity6 recall 7ualitatively the electrone+ativity trends in the <eriodic )able6 use relative electrone+ativity values to predict bond polarity in a covalent bond6 decide 1hether a molecule is polar or non8polar 'rom its shape and the polarity o' its bonds E>plain3 +ive e>amples o'3 and reco+nise in +iven e>amples the 'ollo1in+ types o' intermolecular bonds: instantaneous dipole-induced dipole .onds (includin+ dependence on branchin+ and chain len+th o' or+anic molecules)3 permanent dipole-permanent dipole .onds $E>ISI%" $%? 33) =ra1 and interpret simple electron :dot/and/cross; dia+rams to sho1 ho1 atoms bond throu+h ionic3 covalent and dative covalent bonds and be able to describe a simple model o' metallic bondin+6 use the electron

Brie'ly revie1 the types o' bonds covered so 'ar: covalent3 ionic3 dative covalent and metallic- =iscuss 1hy this model needs e>tendin+- 0ntroduce the concepts o' polarity and electrone+ativity usin+ I:E;S 3.@ p"F8C@Complete end o' section Ls D3/3F and @& to lin* the 1or* 'rom this unit to E.2 previously studied (see speci'ication statement labelled REE0S0O() 9or* throu+h I:E;S 5.3 :Bonds bet1een molecules: temporary and permanent dipoles;- )his is a *ey topic and understandin+ should be assessed care'ully- A selection o' the end o' section Ls may allo1 this- (ote3 this section is also studied in 0$3 so the depth o' study here 1ill depend on teachin+ order Students demonstrate their understandin+ o' this section by e>plainin+ the outcomes o' the demonstration (;C/ ES (.2)

http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMisconceptionsBMiscon N&!interactions-pd' encoura+es deeper thou+ht about bondin+ types http:BB111-chemmybear-comBshapes-html has some nice (i' small) animations o' molecular shapes http:BB111-chemistry8videos-or+-u*Bchem N&!clipsB<RN&!=e'lectin+ N&!?etsB<R#N&!de'lectin+N&!?ets-html is a short video clip demonstratin+ the e''ects o' polarity in molecules http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB =0ABppointBC0N&!#-"DN&!BO(=0(GN&!A(= N&!S)R$C)$RES-ppt po1erpoint on bondin+ types 1ritten by a Salters teacher http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB =0ABppointBdipoles-ppt po1erpoint on intermolecular bonds 1ritten by a Salters teacher

pair repulsion principle to predict and e>plain the shapes o' simple molecules (such as C C3 ( "3 &O and S%D) and ions (such as ( CK) 1ith up to si> outer pairs o' electrons (any combination o' bondin+ pairs and lone pairs) (no treatment o' hybridisation or molecular orbitals is e>pected)6 recall the typical
physical properties (meltin+ point3 solubility in 1ater3 ability to conduct electricity) characteristic o' +iant lattice (metallic3 ionic3 covalent net1or*) and simple molecular structure types

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

)5 o! ()


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Read throu+h the introduction to S/%$9 ES( p#/8#F be+innin+ at :)he most reactive halo+en;- %inish constructin+ the table listin+ the uses o' the halo+ens and the ris*s associated 1ith their use- 0nclude in'ormation 'or 'luorine3 bromine and iodine As a +roup e>ercise3 students should complete ;C/ ES(.3 :)his li7uid is dan+erous- =iscuss the outcomes

"on3Salters resources
Opportunity 'or a debate on 'luorination o' drin*in+ 1ater and 'or the use o' chlorinated compounds

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall and describe some uses o' halo+en compounds 1hich must be 1ei+hed a+ainst these ris*s3 includin+: 'luorine 5 ma*in+ <)%E3 C%Cs3 in toothpaste3 chlorine 5 ma*in+ <EC3 bleach3 bromine 5 medicines3 'lame retardants3 iodine 5 medicines3 human nutrient E>plain the ris*s associated 1ith the stora+e and transport o' the halo+ens ('luorine to iodine)


9or* throu+h I:E;S )).( :)he p bloc*: Group /; ta*in+ care to stress the lin* bac* to other concepts studied in this unit such as redo>3 bond polarity and electrone+ativity )he end o' section Ls here are use'ul but e7ually could be omitted i' e>tra time is 1arranted 'or the contents o' the ne>t lesson

Give students e7uations 'or the reaction o' chlorine 1ith 1ater and chlorine 1ith cold3 a7ueous sodium hydro>ide- Allo1 them to assi+n o>idation numbers and develop a de'inition 'or dis&ro&ortionation reaction

Candidates should be able to: Recall the 'ollo1in+ physical properties o' the halo+ens: appearance and physical state at room temperature3 volatility3 solubility in 1ater and or+anic solvents6 e>plain physical state and volatility o' the halo+ens in terms o' intermolecular bonds E>plain and compare the relative reactivity o' the halo+ens in terms o' their o>idisin+ ability6 describe and 1rite hal'8e7uations 'or the redo> chan+es 1hich ta*e place 1hen chlorine3 bromine and iodine react 1ith other halide ions3 Recall the reactions bet1een halide ions (R5) and silver ions (A+K) and 1rite ionic e7uations to represent these precipitation reactions

)1 o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

23 5 2(

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Complete ;C/ ES(.( :Reactions o' halo+ens and halides;- )his activity can be used to assess t1o strands o' S*ill 0- 0' time is ti+ht3 the po1er8point presentation could be omitted and the 0C) s*ill assessed usin+ an alternative activity

"on3Salters resources
)hey can predict the trend in reactivity and o>idisin+ nature (+ivin+ reasons) and3 as a result3 predict the e''ect o' addin+ a7ueous halo+en to a halide salt- )hey can then conduct an e>periment to see i' their predictions are true

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the 'ollo1in+ physical properties o' the halo+ens: appearance and physical state at room temperature3 volatility3 solubility in 1ater and or+anic solvents6 e>plain physical state and volatility o' the halo+ens in terms o' intermolecular bonds E>plain and compare the relative reactivity o' the halo+ens in terms o' their o>idisin+ ability6 describe and 1rite hal'8e7uations 'or the redo> chan+es 1hich ta*e place 1hen chlorine3 bromine and iodine react 1ith other halide ions3 Recall the reactions bet1een halide ions (R5) and silver ions (A+K) and 1rite ionic e7uations to represent these precipitation reactions Carry out 7ualitative e>periments usin+ test8tubes Carry out an e>periment involvin+ 0C)

http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMicroscale N&!chemistryBMicroscaleN&!F-pd' a di''erent version o' the practical

http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BvideoclipsBclipsB=isplacemen t al%&-mp+ 'luorine displacin+ the other halo+ens http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB =0ABppointBCChalo+ens-pptQ&DC3@3Slide @ <roperties o' the halo+ens po1er8point3 1ritten by a Salters teacher 25 Complete and revie1 1or* 'or this topic Students should use ;C/ ES(.5 :Chec* your *no1led+e and understandin+ (part @); to revie1 and amend notes)hey should have the opportunity to resolve problems no1 i' they have not done so be'ore 9ithin this lesson there is the opportunity 'or students to present their po1er8point presentations- )he class can ta*e part in peer mar*in+ to e>tend their understandin+

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

)# o! ()

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson

21 5 2#

" hours


Story ES #

ydrochloric acid8 an industrial success

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Read throu+h S/%$9 ES5 : ydrochloric acid8 an industrial success; =iscuss the concept o' atom economy usin+ I:E;S )5.# :<ercenta+e yield and atom economy as a prompt- Both o' these concepts are relatively simple to understand and 'ollo1 on 'rom earlier study o' moles )he end o' section Ls are *ey to chec*in+ understandin+ here be'ore movin+ on )his is a +ood time to revie1 the mole concept and i' necessary devote some time to revision o' moles in solutions (I:E;S ).5) 1hich 1as studied out o' se7uence in the E. unit Ans1er ;SS = (S/%$9 pD!) to lin* the calculations to concepts o' +reen chemistry already studied

"on3Salters resources
;tom economy can be demonstrated by usin+ molecular model *its and comparin+ startin+ materials to useable products An e>ample can be 'ound at: http:BB111-+reenin+schools-or+BdocsB9asteand )in*er)oysAtomEconomy-pd' 111-+reener8industry-or+ also discusses atom economy o' processes http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!CBCO/"calcs!Dr mc-htm randomised 7uestions includin+ atom economy

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: $se the concept o' amount o' substance to per'orm calculations involvin+: molecular 'ormulae3 percenta+e yield3 masses o' rea+ents3 volumes o' +ases and concentrations o' solutions6 1rite and interpret any balanced chemical e7uations re7uired3 includin+ ionic e7uations $se +iven in'ormation to compare di''erent methods o' manu'acturin+ chemicals industrially3 in terms o' atom economy3 percenta+e yield3 batch +ersus continuous process3 sitin+ the plant3 cost o' process and ra1 materials3 1aste disposal3 sa'ety


Revie1 titration procedures and +ive an e>ample o' a correctly presented titration results table =iscuss percenta+e uncertainty 'or both +raduated and sin+le measurement +lass1are Students carry out ;C/ ES5.) :%indin+ the concentration o' an acid solution;

http:BB111-chem-iastate-eduB+roupBGreenbo1eBs ectionsBpro?ect'olderBanimationsB Cland(aO t+E,-html is a nice simulation sho1in+ 1hat happens to particles durin+ a titration RSC Classic chemistry e>periments: (eutralisation o' indi+estion tablets

Candidates should be able to: Recall and e>plain the procedure 'or carryin+ out an acid5al*ali titration and be able to 1or* out the results Carry out a titration

)= o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


, hours


Story ES D )reasures o' the sea Story ES/ Summary "on3Salters resources
http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!DBAhaloal*anesB haloal*aneLmc-htm randomised multiple choice e>ercises on names http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!DBAhaloal*anesB haloal*aneLsa-htm randomised namin+ 7uestions

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Read throu+h S/%$9 ES1 :)reasures o' the sea; to hal' 1ay throu+h pD@ Be+in to 1or* throu+h I:E;S )3.) : alo+enoal*anes; p&,,8&,F Stop at this point to revise 'ormula types and namin+ o' other compounds3 speci'ically al*anes and alcohols0nclude a revision o' shapes o' molecules and the use o' :1ed+es; 'rom I:E;S 3.2 Attempt I:E;S end o' section Ls @3& and C

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Reco+nise and 1rite 'ormulae 'or e>amples o' members o' the 'ollo1in+ homolo+ous series: halo+enoal*anes and those met in unit %""@ $se systematic nomenclature to name and interpret the names o' halo+enoal*anes and compounds 'or 1hich namin+ 1as re7uired in unit %""@ =escribe and e>plain the characteristic properties o' halo+enoal*anes3 comparin+ 'luoro83 chloro83 bromo8 and iodo8 compounds6 the 'ollo1in+ aspects are to be considered: boilin+ points3 (depend on intermolecular bonds) =ra1 and interpret s*eletal3 structural and 'ull structural 'ormulae6 use the concept o' repulsion o' areas o' electron density to deduce the bond an+les in or+anic molecules (includin+ double bonds) (no treatment o' small deviation o' an+le due to lone pair repulsion re7uired)6 relate molecular shape to structural 'ormulae and use 1ed+es and dotted lines to represent "= shape

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

)' o! ()

30 5 (3))

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

I! this is the !irst time students ha2e come across mechanisms- an e6tra lesson may 7e o! 7ene!it here Go throu+h the remainder o' I:E;S )3.) p&F@8&F")here is no need to +ive notes at this sta+e as students are re7uired to do this as part o' the ne>t activity Assess understandin+ usin+ ;C/ ES1.) :)he nucleophilic substitution reaction mechanism;

"on3Salters resources
http:BB111-mp8 doc*er-demon-co-u*BchainsOandOrin+sBmechani smsBinde>-html has an animation o' the mechanism and a 7uiP to chec* understandin+ (nucleophilic substitution bimolecular) http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB =0ABppointBC0@"-@-ppt (ucleophilic substitution o' halo+enoal*anes- A po1erpoint about this reaction by a Salters teacher

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: =escribe and e>plain the characteristic properties o' halo+enoal*anes3 comparin+ 'luoro83 chloro83 bromo8 and iodo8 compounds6 the 'ollo1in+ aspects are to be considered: nucleophilic substitution 1ith 1ater and hydro>ide ions to 'orm alcohols3 and 1ith ammonia to 'orm amines E>plain and use the terms: hydrolysis3 su.stitution3 nucleophile $se the S(& mechanism as a model to e>plain nucleophilic substitution in halo+enoal*anes usin+ :curly arro1s; (*no1led+e o' the S(@ mechanism or o' the S(@ or S(& nomenclature is not re7uired)

Attempt a selection o' end o' section Ls 'rom "3 D8F Brie'ly +o bac* thou+h the material 'rom this lesson so students can correct and amend their notes as necessary 32 9or* throu+h I:E;S )3.) p&F! :0mportance o' reaction conditions; and :=i''erent halo+ens3 di''erent reactivity; 0ndividual practical 1or* ;C/ ES1.2 : o1 do halo+enoal*anes di''er in reactivityJ; Consolidate theory 1ith practical usin+ I:E;S end o' section L#

Candidates should be able to: =escribe and e>plain the characteristic properties o' halo+enoal*anes3 comparin+ 'luoro83 chloro83 bromo8 and iodo8 compounds6 the 'ollo1in+ aspects are to be considered: nucleophilic substitution 1ith 1ater to 'orm alcohols E>plain ho1 either bond enthalpy or bond polarity mi+ht a''ect the relative reactivities o' the halo+enoal*anes and e>plain ho1 e>perimental evidence determines that the bond enthalpy is more important Carry out 7ualitative e>periments usin+ test8tubes

20 o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

33 5 (3()

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

E6&erience o! this &ractical !rom the le+acy s&eci!ication su++ests that most students *ill need t*o lessons !or this &ractical- storin+ their solutions securely a!ter com&letin+ ste& # ;C/ ES1.3 :Ma*in+ a halo+enoal*ane; )he end o' activity 7uestions 1ill need care'ul revie1 as the actual preparation process is assessed by the speci'ication

"on3Salters resources

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: 0000000E =escribe in outline the preparation o' a chloroal*ane 'rom an alcohol usin+ Cl =escribe and e>plain the principal sta+es in the puri'ication o' an or+anic li7uid product: sha*in+ 1ith sodium hydro+encarbonate solution to remove acidic impurities3 separatin+ 'rom other immiscible li7uids usin+ a separatin+ 'unnel3 dryin+ 1ith anhydrous sodium sul'ate3 simple distillation to allo1 collection o' the pure product <repare an or+anic compound


Revie1 the remainder o' the S/%$9 pD@8D" Students should use ;C/ ES5.2 :Manu'acturin+ halo+ens and their compounds; and ;C/ ES# :Chec* your *no1led+e and understandin+ (part &); to revie1 and amend notes- )hey should have the opportunity to resolve problems no1 i' they have not done so be'ore


End o' module test

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

2) o! ()

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


@ hour


Story A@ 9hat;s in the airJ

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Students 1ill have studied the atmosphere as part o' the core GCSE- Be+in 1ith a :sno1ball discussion; o' 1hat they remember- Each student 1rites do1n 1hat they can remember about the atmosphere 'rom GCSE- )hey then share this 1ith a partner and produce a lar+er body o' *no1led+e3 +radually e>pandin+ the +roup siPe to include the 1hole class- At this point3 deal 1ith any ma?or misconceptions e-+- con'usion bet1een acid rain and +reenhouse e''ect

"on3Salters resources
http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BnonRSCBGreenChemistry)e achers<ac*-pd' includes detailed in'ormation 'or teachers and a lesson plan on pollutin+ +ases http:BB111-air7uality-co-u*BarchiveBinde>-php has air 7uality statistics as 1ell as current maps o' pollution

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the +ases present in the atmosphere: nitro+en3 o>y+en3 ar+on3 carbon dio>ide 5 and their percenta+es3 and the pollutin+ +ases and their sources 'rom the : module Calculate3 'rom +iven data3 values 'or composition by volume measured in percenta+e concentration and in parts per million (ppm)

Give students the correct percenta+es o' the 'our main +ases in the atmosphere E>press the percenta+es o' nitro+en and carbon dio>ide in the air as parts per million (/,N3 /,!!!! and !-!","N3 "," respectively) and +et the students to +enerate their o1n rule 'or the conversion Students chec* their rule is suitable 'or use by completin+ ;SS ) (S/%$9 pDD) Revie1 pollutant +ases and their sources 'rom : 9hilst not directly assessed3 may o' the concepts 1ithin S/%$9 ;) :9hat;s in the airJ; lin* to material in previous units e-+- entropy3 or material in this unit e-+- oPone depletion3 so it is 1orth a 7uic* revie1 o' the S/%$9 at this point perhaps as a set o' home1or* comprehension 7uestions

22 o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson

2 5 (3)

C hours


Story A& Screenin+ the Sun

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

/he e6tra lesson here is o!ten needed !or those students lac,in+ a &hysics or mathematics 7ac,+round )o understand the ideas covered in this topic3 1e need to understand ho1 radiation interacts 1ith matter- Be+in by loo*in+ at the dia+ram o' the electroma+netic spectrum S/%$9 pD, and compare it 1ith the spectrum on I:E;S p@@F so that students can see ho1 the main re+ions 1e are dealin+ 1ith 'it in to the overall picture simple 7uestions to lin* this e7uation 1ith c H 9or* thou+h the concepts in I:E;S 1.2- Ensure students have correct notes and +ood de'initions 'or the *ey 1ords in bold 1ithin this section )he end o' section Ls (or similar) are vital to consolidate students understandin+ o' this topic- Best done in lesson time but may be set 'or home1or* i' time is ti+ht /he e6tra lesson here *ould 7e re8uired i! students *ere to carry out ;cti2ity ;2.2. ;s a &lannin+ e6ercise only- it is &ossi7ly 7etter le!t as home*or, =iscuss S/%$9 ;2 pD/8D,3 particularly the e''ects o' the $E i-e- sunburn3 s*in a+ein+ and s*in cancer- 2in* this to substances that do and don;t absorb $E Complete ;C/ ;2.) :9hat substances can act as sunscreensJ; and use ;SS 2 (S/%$9 p D,) to rein'orce ho1 important a sunscreen is 'or our survival Complete ;C/ ;2.3 :9hat is the e''ect o' the atmosphere on the sun;s radiationJ; O<)0O(A2 ;C/ ;2.2 :0nvesti+atin+ sunscreens;- 0t is certainly 1orth doin+ as a practise plannin+ e>ercise

"on3Salters resources
http:BBchemsite-lsrhs-netB%lashMediaBhtmlB'lashE MR-htm sho1s an animation o' electron promotion

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the 'ollo1in+ re+ions o' the electroma+netic spectrum in order o' increasin+ 're7uency: in'rared3 visible (red5blue)3 ultraviolet6 recall3 in terms o' these3 the principal radiations o' the Earth and the Sun Recall that: molecules chan+e in vibrational ener+y states (bonds vibrate more) 1hen they absorb 0R radiation Recall that: $E and visible radiation promote electrons to hi+her ener+y levels3 sometimes causin+ bond brea*in+6 vibrational and electronic ener+ies o' molecules are 7uantised Calculate values 'or 're7uency and ener+y o' electroma+netic radiation usin+ the e7uation S0 H h

Revie1 the relationship S0 H h met in E2 and +ive some


http:BBoPone1atch-+s'c-nasa-+ovB (ASAs e>cellent oPone 1ebsite3 the multimedia tab has lots o' use'ul animations

Candidates should be able to: Recall the e''ects o' oPone in the atmosphere3 includin+: oPone;s action as a sunscreen in the stratosphere by absorbin+ hi+h ener+y $E (and the e''ects o' such $E3 includin+ on human s*in)

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

23 o! ()

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


, hours


Story A" OPone: a vital sunscreen

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Be+in to consider oPone by demonstratin+ ;C/ ;3.) :)he photodissociation o' bromine; and completin+ ;SS 3 (S/%$9 pDF) Read throu+h S/%$9 pDF : o1 is oPone 'ormed in the atmosphereJ; 2in* bac* to the study o' smo+ in : Students should have a copy o' the e7uations 'or reactions @8#- $se ;SS ( (S/%$9 pDF) to +enerate their o1n notes about the *ey 'eatures o' the oPone cycle 9or* thou+h I:E;S 1.3 :Radiation and radicals; p@&, to end o' section :Radicals are reactive;

"on3Salters resources
http:BBoPone1atch-+s'c-nasa-+ovB (ASAs e>cellent oPone 1ebsite3 the multimedia tab has lots o' use'ul animations

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the 1ay oPone is 'ormed and destroyed in the stratosphere Recall the e''ects o' oPone in the atmosphere3 includin+ pollutin+ e''ects o' oPone in the troposphere3 causin+ problems includin+ photochemical smo+ =escribe the di''erence bet1een homolytic and heterolytic bond 'ission and reco+nise e>amples Recall the 'ormation3 nature and reactivity o' radicals and e>plain the mechanism o' a radical chain reaction involvin+ initiation3 propa+ation and termination =escribe the di''erence bet1een homolytic and heterolytic bond 'ission and reco+nise e>amples Recall the 'ormation3 nature and reactivity o' radicals and e>plain the mechanism o' a radical chain reaction involvin+ initiation3 propa+ation and termination $se a radical mechanism as a model to e>plain the reaction o' al*anes 1ith halo+ens (a radical chain reaction in the presence o' $E radiation to 'orm halo+enoal*anes) Carry out a titration


Students carry out ;C/ ;3.2 :0nvesti+atin+ the reaction bet1een bromine and he>ane;- )he titration 'or this practical can become a bit hurried i' the bromine ta*es time to react due to the stren+th o' the sunli+ht- 0t is use'ul to have students carry out steps @8# in a 'irst lesson 0n the remainin+ time o' the 'irst lesson3 complete the study o' I:E;S 1.3 :Methane and chlorine; and relate to 1hat students e>pect to happen in the activity Complete the titration and activity 7uestions in a second lesson 0' time permits3 complete the end o' section Ls 'or I:E;S 1.3

http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BClassicN&!Chem N&!=emosBCC=8C/-pd' is a demonstration o' the reaction bet1een hydro+en and chlorine 1ith instructions on ho1 to modi'y it to demonstrate methane 1ith chlorine

Candidates should be able to:

2( o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

$se S/%$9 p/! :OPone8 here today and +one tomorro1; to introduce the scienti'ic study o' reaction rates Students carry out ;C/ ;3.3 : o1 do concentration and temperature a''ect the rate o' a chemical reactionJ;

"on3Salters resources
Students can conduct e>periments usin+ CaC)"1'Cl investi+atin+ concentration and particle siPe on C)( volume or mass lossGraphs can be plotted to sho1 ho1 either o' these 'actors chan+es 1ith time- )he shapes o' the +raphs can be e>plained usin+ collision theory http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BvideoclipsBdemosBSur'aceAr eaReactionRate-mp+ i' a lar+ely theory based lesson is planned3 this demonstration could provide your :1o1; 'actor ydro+en pero>ide and MnO2 or catalase demo

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall (and e>plain in terms o' collision theory) the 1ay that concentration3 pressure and sur'ace area a''ect the rate o' a reaction E>plain the 7ualitative e''ect o' temperature chan+es on rate o' reaction Collaborate 1ith other students in solvin+ a problem

)he mathematical treatment o' the data 'rom this practical may pose problems 'or students 1ith 1ea*er mathematical s*ills and a brie' revision o' +radients and tan+ents may be use'ul be'ore the 7uestions 'or this activity are completed Consider rate o' reaction and the e''ects o' temperature and catalysts 9or* throu+h I:E;S )0.)- )0.2 and )0.1- )he end o' section Ls are probably best le't as home1or* consolidation e>ercises Students carry out ;C/ ;3.( :)he e''ect o' a homo+eneous catalyst on the rate o' a reaction;

)) 5 )2

Candidates should be able to: Recall (and e>plain in terms o' collision theory) the 1ay that concentration3 pressure and sur'ace area a''ect the rate o' a reaction E>plain and use the terms: enthalpy pro2ile3 acti+ation enthalpy $se the concept o' activation enthalpy to e>plain the 7ualitative e''ect o' temperature chan+es on rate o' reaction E>plain the role o' catalysts in providin+ alternative routes o' lo1er activation enthalpy E>plain homo+eneous catalysis in terms o' the 'ormation o' intermediates

RSC e>hibition Chemistry e>periment: '()( and blood:

http:BB111-rsc-or+BEducationBEiCBissuesB&!!/M ayBE>hibitionChemistry-asp http:BB111-chemistry8videos-or+-u*Bchem N&!clipsBcatalysisN&!+eneralN&!inde>-html has videos o' catalysis as 1ell as teacher support material3 directly lin*ed to the Salter;s speci'ication http:BBchemsite-lsrhs-netB%lashMediaBhtmlB'lash% ormin+AndBrea*in+-htm use'ul simulation 1ill helps students relate bond ener+ies to enthalpy pro'iles


Complete and revie1 1or* 'or this topic Students should use ;C/ ;3.5 :Chec* your *no1led+e and understandin+ (part @); to revie1 and amend notes)hey should have the opportunity to resolve problems no1 i' they have not done so be'ore (ote3 part o' S/%$9 ;3 has been delayed until the ne>t section so students 1ill not have a 'ull +rasp o' the 'inal bullet point on ;C/ ;3.5

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

25 o! ()

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


" hours


Story AC )he C%C story Story A# 9hat is the state o' the oPone layer no1J "on3Salters resources
http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BClimateN&!Chan+eBClCh8 pt&-pd' has a series o' activities3 most use'ul is the :timeline; 1hich 1ould be very +ood preparation 'or AC) AC

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Students 1or* throu+h ;C/ ;( :)he lin* bet1een C%Cs and oPone depletion;3 1hich +ives them an opportunity to develop their note ta*in+ s*ills in a hi+hly structured 'ormat- 0nitially students should tac*le all o' this material e>cept the last bullet point- )his 1ill re7uire them to comprehensively study S/%$9 ;( p/"8//('irst hal') :)he C%C story;

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall and discuss aspects o' the research leadin+ to the discovery o' the :hole; in the oPone layer and ho1 the evidence 1as at 'irst overloo*ed E>plain 1hy some properties o' C%Cs made them such use'ul compounds =iscuss and evaluate the evidence that 1as +athered to support understandin+ o' ho1 oPone depletion in the stratosphere due to halo+enoal*anes occurs and ho1 the scienti'ic community validated the results o' this and other e>periments (+iven in'ormation)


Complete and revie1 the remainder o' S/%$9 ;3 p/@8 /" Students can then lin* this to the 'ormation o' :Chlorine reservoirs; S/%$9 p//8/F in order to ans1er the 'inal bullet point on ;C/ ;( Completion o' ;SS # (S/%$9 p/F) 1ill help to consolidate the lin* bet1een oPone depletion and bond enthalpies

http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BnonRSCBGreenChemistry)e achers<ac*-pd' includes detailed in'ormation 'or teachers and a lesson plan on the oPone hole

Candidates should be able to: Recall the 1ay oPone is 'ormed and destroyed in the stratosphere E>plain the chemical basis o' the depletion o' oPone in the stratosphere due to halo+enoal*anes3 in simple terms involvin+ the 'ormation o' halo+en atoms and the catalytic role o' these atoms (and other radicals) in oPone destruction6 e>plain the ease o' photodissociation o' the halo+enoal*anes ('luoroal*anes to iodoal*anes) in terms o' bond enthalpy =iscuss and evaluate the evidence that 1as +athered to support understandin+ o' ho1 oPone depletion in the stratosphere due to halo+enoal*anes occurs and ho1 the scienti'ic community validated the results o' this and other e>periments (+iven in'ormation)

21 o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Read throu+h S/%$9 ;5 :9hat is the state o' the oPone layer no1J; Students need to ma*e brie' notes about the replacements 'or C%Cs and the associated issues

"on3Salters resources
A use'ul alternative is AC-" :=esi+nin+ re'ri+erants; i' you have access to the einemann Support <ac* &nd Edition Students can prepare a presentation on the oPone layer and C%Cs

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: E>plain 1hy some properties o' C%Cs made them such use'ul compounds and discuss the relative advanta+es and disadvanta+es o' replacement compounds 'or C%Cs: hydrochloro'luorocarbons ( C%Cs)3 hydro'luorocarbons ( %Cs) and hydrocarbons

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

2# o! ()

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


& hours


Story AD )he +reenhouse e''ect Story A/ )rouble in the troposphere Story A, Meepin+ the 1indo1 open "on3Salters resources
http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BnonRSCBGreenChemistry)e achers<ac*-pd' includes detailed in'ormation 'or teachers and a lesson plan on the +reenhouse e''ect http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BClimateN&!Chan+eBClCh8 pt@-pd' 1ould be use'ul to use 1ith 1ea*er students 1ho need e>tra help developin+ their concepts 'rom GCSE http:BBne1s-bbc-co-u*B@BsharedBsplBhiBsciOnatB!CB climateOchan+eBhtmlB+reenhouse-stm has a nice +reenhouse e''ect animation and lots o' other material

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Students discuss 1hat they remember about the +reenhouse e''ect 'rom GCSE Read throu+h S/%$9 ;13;= p,&8,F :)he +reenhouse e''ect;3 :)rouble in the troposphere; and :Meepin+ the 1indo1 open; Students annotate a copy o' the steady state dia+ram (!i+ure 30 S/%$9 p,#)- )hey should sho1 the di''erences 1hich are caused by +ases such as methane and carbon dio>ide ;SS = (S/%$9 p,") and ;C/ ;1.) are use'ul e>ercises to lin* this section to the ener+y ideas studied at the be+innin+ o' this module

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: E>plain the :+reenhouse e''ect; in terms o':

() solar ener+y reaches Earth mainly as

visible and $Es3

() Earth absorbs some o' this ener+y3 heats

up and radiates 0R3


+reenhouse +ases (e-+- carbon dio>ide and methane) in the troposphere absorb some o' this 0R3 in the :0R 1indo1;3 absorption o' 0R by +reenhouse +as molecules increases the vibrational ener+y o' their bonds3 the ener+y is


trans'erred to other molecules by collisions3 thus increasin+ their *inetic

ener+y and raisin+ the temperature3

() +reenhouse +as molecules also re8emit

some o' the absorbed 0R in all directions3 some o' 1hich heats up the Earth3

() Students complete ;C/ ;1.2 :Simulatin+ the

+reenhouse e''ect;

increased concentrations o' +reenhouse +ases lead to an enhanced +reenhouse e''ect


pt@-pd' 1ould be use'ul to use 1ith 1ea*er students 1ho need e>tra help developin+ their concepts 'rom GCSE- 0t also has a +ood section on +raph interpretation

Candidates should be able to:

=iscuss the evidence 'or the relationship bet1een

the increased concentration o' +ases and +lobal 1armin+

)hey should use the results 'rom this e>periment and the


Carry out an e>periment involvin+ 0C)

2= o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

in'ormation in S/%$9 ;# p,D8,, :)rouble in the troposphere; to prepare a brie' (ma> @!! 1ords) para+raph e>plainin+ the evidence 'or +lobal 1armin+

turesBclimate8shorts-shtml a series o' short documentaries by the BBC +ivin+ evidence 'or climate chan+e (only available in the $M)

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


/ hours


Story AF %ocus on carbon dio>ide Story A@! Summary "on3Salters resources

http:BB111-'reePeray-comB'lash%ilesBammoniaCo nditions-htm use'ully simplistic animation sho1in+ the e''ects o' temperature and pressure on an e7uilibrium http:BB111-creative8 chemistry-or+-u*B'unstu''B>1ordBhaber-htm a nice 1ay to revie1 understandin+ 'rom GCSE3 could be used as a 1hole class e>ercise i' pro?ected http:BB111-chemistry8videos-or+-u*Bchem N&!clipsBE7uilibriaBe7uilibriaN&!N&!+eneral N&!inde>-html a selection o' videos

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

9or* throu+h S/%$9 ;' p,F8F& to end o' :Oceans soa* up carbon dio>ide; ;SS )0 (S/%$9 pF!) and ;SS )) (S/%$9 pF@) 1ould be use'ul home1or* activities here =emonstrate an e7uilibrium reaction e-+- Classic Chemistry =emonstrations p@D :)he e7uilibrium bet1een Co( &O)D&K and CoClC&8: 9or* throu+h I:E;S #.) :Chemical e7uilibrium; includin+ the end o' section Ls

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: E>plain and use the term: dynamic e4uili.rium

(rates o' 'or1ard and bac* reaction e7ual6 constant concentrations o' reactants and products6 ta*es place in a closed system)
$se le Chatelier;s principle to describe and predict3 in a homo+eneous reaction3 the 7ualitative e''ects on the position o' e7uilibrium o' chan+es in the 'ollo1in+ conditions: concentration3 temperature3 pressure


Address any issues raised by I:E;S #.) lin*in+ the theory to that o' CO& dissolvin+ in the oceans S/%$9 pF@ Students carry out ;C/ ;'.) :)he e''ect o' concentration chan+es on chemical e7uilibria; usin+ 1hat they learnt last lesson to complete the tables and 7uestions

Students could propose optimum conditions 'or an industrial process (e-+- aber <rocess) and compare these to actual conditions used

Candidates should be able to: E>plain and use the term: dynamic e4uili.rium

Students complete their study o' e7uilibria by applyin+ their *no1led+e to ;SS )2 (S/%$9 pF@)

Students can analyse yield data comparin+ rate and yield 1ith varyin+ conditions and e>tend this to predictin+ reaction conditions used 'or e7uilibrium reactions to produce the most e''icient reaction

(rates o' 'or1ard and bac* reaction e7ual6 constant concentrations o' reactants and products6 ta*es place in a closed system)
$se le Chatelier;s principle to describe and predict3 in a homo+eneous reaction3 the 7ualitative e''ects on the position o' e7uilibrium o' chan+es in the 'ollo1in+ conditions: concentration3 temperature3 pressure

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

2' o! ()

Carry out 7ualitative e>periments usin+ test8tubes

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

$se molecular models to illustrate the structures o' diamond3 +raphite and Buc*minster 'ullerene (all studied at GCSE) and e>tend by loo*in+ at silicon (0E) o>ide and carbon dio>ide 9or* throu+h I:E;S 5.2 :Molecules and net1or*s; be'ore students complete ;C/ ;'.2 :Structures and properties similarities and di''erences; to sho1 their understandin+ /he e6tra lesson may 7e re8uired here i! the IC/ &resentation is to 7e carried out Read throu+h the remainder o' the S/%$9 pF&8F" :Copin+ 1ith carbon; be'ore allocatin+ students into +roups 'or the completion o' ;C/ ;'.3 :Controllin+ carbon dio>ide; )his is an ideal opportunity 'or students to practise their 0C) s*ills i' the activity is e>tended over t1o lessons

"on3Salters resources
http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BChemistsN&!inN&!a N&!socialN&!IN&!historical N&!conte>tBCS C8'ullerene-pd' a 1or*sheet 1hich 7uic*ly revises structure and properties usin+ carbon allotropes as e>amples http:BB111-creative8 chemistry-or+-u*BmoleculesBcarbon-htm +ood animations o' carbon allotropes

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: =escribe e>amples o' +iant covalent (net1or*) structures3 such as diamond and silicon(0E) o>ide6 e>plain di''erences in the physical properties o' CO& and SiO& in terms o' their di''erent structures

22 5 (23)

Carbon Capture and Stora+e (CCS) http:BB111-co&capture-or+-u*B 0n'ra red spectra o' +reenhouse +ases can be 'ound at http:BB111-elmhurst-eduBTchmBvchemboo*B+loba l1armA#-html

Candidates should be able to: Recall and discuss di''erent approaches to the control o' carbon dio>ide emissions: burnin+ 'e1er 'ossil 'uels (alternative 'uels and economy o' use)3 increasin+ photosynthesis3 buryin+ or reactin+ carbon dio>ide


Complete and revie1 1or* 'or this topic )he understandin+ o' ener+y and radiation is essential to this topic3 so students should complete ;C/ ;)0.) :Revie1in+ radiation; as part o' their revie1 session Students should use ;C/ ;)0.2 :Chec* your *no1led+e and understandin+ (part &); to revie1 and amend notes)hey should have the opportunity to resolve problems no1 i' they have not done so be'ore


End o' module test

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

3) o! ()

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


# hours


Story <R@ )he start o' the revolution Story <R& )he polythene story Story <R" )o1ards hi+h density polymers "on3Salters resources
http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!DB<Ral*enesBal *eneLmc-htm and http:BB111-docbro1n-in'oBpa+e!DB<Ral*enesBal *eneLsa-htm are 7uiPPes to practise namin+ o' al*enes )here are various polymers to ma*e in the RSC boo*s :Classic chemistry e>periments; and :Classic chemistry demonstrations; http:BBmedia-rsc-or+B2earnin+N&!about N&!materialsBMaterialsN&!SmartN&!<art N&!@-pd' and http:BBmedia-rsc-or+B2earnin+ N&!aboutN&!materialsBMaterialsN&!Smart N&!<artN&!&-pd' are t1o interestin+ comprehension e>ercises on novel uses o' polymers

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

0ntroduction to <olymer Revolution- Read throu+h S/%$9 0$) pF#8FD :)he start o' a revolution; and demonstrate ;C/ 0$).) :Ma*in+ a polymer; 2oo* at a 'e1 samples o' polymers and chec* understandin+ o' terms: monomer3 polymer (A8A and A8 B)3 elastomer3 plastic3 'ibre 0nvesti+ate the uses o' plastics usin+ ;C/ 0$).2 :<olymer party; Read throu+h S/%$9 0$2 pFD8F, :)he polythene story; =iscuss shapes and names o' al*enes 'rom I:E;S )2.2 p&/&8&/"- Students then 1or* thou+h L@8C 'rom the end o' section Ls

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Reco+nise and 1rite 'ormulae 'or al*enes and use systematic nomenclature to name and interpret the names o' al*enes $nderstand ho1 the uses o' a polymer are related to its properties3 e>plainin+ +iven e>amples and su++est uses 'or polymers based on their +iven properties

32 o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

Students carry out practical 'rom ;C/ 0$2.) :)estin+ 'or unsaturation usin+ bromine;

"on3Salters resources
http:BB111-mp8 doc*er-demon-co-u*BchainsOandOrin+sBmechani smsBinde>-html both o' the sections entitled :electrophilic addition; may be o' use $sin+ models students can predict the products o' reactions 1ith hydro+en3 hydro+en halides3 halo+ens and steam 1ith ethene and propene ('ormation o' t1o isomeric products possible) E>tension 1or* could be based on Mar*ovni*o'';s rule 'or addition to C=C http:BB111-chemistry8videos-or+-u*Bchem N&!clipsBC=#Bcd#-htm may be use'ul i' lab 'acilities are limited

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Recall the addition reactions o' al*enes 1ith the 'ollo1in+: bromine to +ive a dibromo compound (and the use o' this as a test 'or unsaturation)3 hydro+en bromide to +ive a bromo compound3 hydro+en in the presence o' a catalyst to +ive an al*ane ((i 1ith heat and pressure or <t at room temperature and pressure)3 1ater in the presence o' a catalyst to +ive an alcohol (conc- &SOC3 then add 1ater or steamB "<OCB heat and pressure) E>plain and use the terms: addition3 electrophile3 car.ocation6 use the mechanism o' electrophilic addition as a model to e>plain the reaction bet1een bromine and al*enes usin+ :curly arro1s;6 e>plain ho1 the products obtained 1hen other anions are present con'irm the model o' the mechanism Carry out 7ualitative e>periments usin+ test8tubes

)hey then use the mechanism cards in ;C/ 0$2.2 :Electrophilic addition reaction mechanism; to try to e>plain 'or themselves the processes involved

9or* throu+h the remainder o' I:E;S )2.2 p &/" :Electrophilic addition reactions; re'errin+ bac* to students o1n attempts at developin+ the mechanism

Students then 1or* thou+h L#8@! 'rom the end o' section Ls

$se the mechanism cards 'rom ;C/ 0$2.2 to revie1 understandin+ 'rom last lesson 9or* thou+h I:E;S 5.1 :)he structure and properties o' polymers; to lin* to+ether the concepts 'rom lessons @ and &- $se model *its to sho1 monomersBpolymersBrepeatin+ units

http:BB111-chemistry8videos-or+-u*Bchem N&!clipsB<olymersN&!General N&!N&!inde>-html the video o' spa+hetti stretchin+ may be o' use

Candidates should be able to: E>plain and use the term addition polymerisation and predict the structural 'ormula o' the addition polymer 'ormed 'rom +iven monomer(s)3 and +ice +ersa $nderstand ho1 the uses o' a polymer are related to its properties3 e>plainin+ +iven e>amples and su++est uses 'or polymers based on their +iven properties E>plain and use the terms: thermoplastic3 thermoset and co/polymer

Students should attempt the end o' section Ls

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

33 o! ()


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

9or* throu+h I:E;S 5.3 :Bonds bet1een molecules: temporary and permanent dipoles;- )his is a *ey topic and understandin+ should be assessed care'ully- A selection o' the end o' section Ls may allo1 this- (ote3 this section is also studied in ES3 so the depth o' study here 1ill depend on teachin+ order Re'er bac* to the study o' I:E;S 5.13 lin*in+ intermolecular bonds to properties such as thermosettin+

"on3Salters resources
http:BB111&-11norton-comBcolle+eBchemistryB+il bertBtutorialsBchF-htm has t1o e>cellent sections on intermolecular bonds and hydro+en bonds3 it is 1orth usin+ despite the non8speci'ication terminolo+y used as students 1ill come across this 'rom other sources

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: E>plain the relative boilin+ points o' substances in terms o' intermolecular bonds E>plain and use the terms: thermoplastic3 thermoset and co/polymer

1ordO'ilesBmiscon&B0nteractions-doc 0nteractions 'rom RSC te>t: :Chemical misconceptions 5 prevention3 dia+nosis and cure; E>periment: )he e''ect o' ydro+en Bondin+ on li7uid 'lo1 (02<AC :Advanced <ractical Chemistry;) LuiP to identi'y molecules 1hich 1ould sho1 dipole5dipole bondin+3 hydro+en bondin+ and other intermolecular bonds

9or* throu+h S/%$9 0$3 pF,8@!@ :)o1ards hi+h density polymers; includin+ ;SS 2 (S/%$9 pFF) and ;SS 3 and ( (S/%$9 p@!@) Complete and revie1 1or* 'or this topic Students should use ;C/ 0$2.3 :Chec* your *no1led+e and understandin+ (part @); to revie1 and amend notes)hey should have the opportunity to resolve problems no1 i' they have not done so be'ore

Candidates should be able to: $nderstand ho1 the uses o' a polymer are related to its properties3 e>plainin+ +iven e>amples and su++est uses 'or polymers based on their +iven properties E>plain the relative boilin+ points o' substances in terms o' intermolecular bonds

3( o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

Su++ested teachin+ time .esson


F hours


Story <RC =issolvin+ polymers Story <R# <olymers that outdo nature "on3Salters resources
As* students to 'ind the values 'or the boilin+ points o' propane3 butane3 propanol and chloroethane- )hey should then use their *no1led+e o' intermolecular blonds to e>plain any di''erences or trends as 'ar as possible

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

=iscuss I:E;S 5.( :Bonds bet1een molecules: hydro+en bondin+ $se ;C/ 0$(.) :=e'lectin+ ?ets; and ;C/ 0$(.2 :Eiscosity in alcohols; to sho1 ho1 hydro+en bondin+ a''ects properties ;C/ 0$(.5 :(o1 you see itU; is a 7uic* and easy practical 1hich lin*s structure and properties

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: E>plain ho1 hydro+en bonds 'orm and describe and +ive e>amples o' hydro+en bondin+3 includin+ in 1ater and ice =escribe and e>plain the solubility o' a dissolvin+ polymer based on poly(ethanol) (or other polymers3 +iven in'ormation) in terms o' its molecular structure: insoluble 1hen very many or very 'e1 internal hydro+en bonds3 soluble 1hen an intermediate number o' hydro+en bonds

http:BB111&-11norton-comBcolle+eBchemistryB+il bertBtutorialsBchF-htm has t1o e>cellent sections on intermolecular bonds and hydro+en bonds3 the only issue is 1ith the non8speci'ication terminolo+y used http:BB111-rsc-or+BeducationBteachersBlearnnetB 1ordO'ilesBmiscon&B0nteractions-doc 0nteractions 'rom RSC te>t: :Chemical misconceptions 5 prevention3 dia+nosis and cure; E>periment: )he e''ect o' ydro+en Bondin+ on li7uid 'lo1 (02<AC :Advanced <ractical Chemistry;) LuiP to identi'y molecules 1hich 1ould sho1 dipole5dipole bondin+3 hydro+en bondin+ and other intermolecular bonds

)he section comparin+


S and


O is use'ul in:

http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMisconceptionsBMiscon N&!e>planations-pd'


Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

"on3Salters resources

S&eci!ication Statements 4

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

35 o! ()

0oints to note
#5= Read throu+h S/%$9 0$( p@!@8@!" :=issolvin+ polymers; Revise I:E;S )3.2 p&FC8&FD and end o' section Ls @8D 1hich 1as previously studied in : Students carry out ;C/ 0$(.3 :O>idation o' ethanol3 usin+ I:E;S )3.2 p&FD8&F/ to help 1ith the 7uestionsEnsure students have a clear de'inition o' the term :re'lu>; http:BBmedia-rsc-or+BMicroscale N&!chemistryBMicroscaleN&!#!-pd' is a microscale o>idation o' alcohols8 +ood 'or revision or i' resources are short alternatively: http:BB111-practicalchemistry-or+Be>perimentsBi ntermediateBo>idation8and8reductionBthe8 o>idation8o'8alcohols3&@/3ER-html http:BB111-practicalchemistry-or+Be>perimentsBd ehydration8o'8ethanol8to8'orm8 ethene3&"/3ER-html has a 'ull set o' instructions 'or the dehydration o' ethanol practical Candidates should be able to: =escribe and e>plain the techni7ue o' heatin+ under re'lu> 'or reactions involvin+ volatile li7uids Recall the di''erence bet1een primary3 secondary and tertiary alcohols 'rom their structures and identi'y e>amples o' them Reco+nise members o' the 'ollo1in+ homolo+ous series: aldehydes3 *etones3 carbo>ylic acids E>plain and use the term elimination reaction =escribe and e>plain the 'ollo1in+ properties o' alcohols: o>idation o' alcohols to carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and *etones) and carbo>ylic acids 1ith acidi'ied dichromate(E0) solution3 includin+ the importance o' the condition (re'lu> or distillation) under 1hich it is done3 dehydration o' alcohols to 'orm al*enes usin+ heated Al&O" or re'lu>in+ 1ith conc- &SOC <repare an or+anic compound E>plain and use the term: co/polymer Reco+nise 1here 0B* isomerism occurs3 e>plainin+ it in terms o' lac* o' 'ree rotation about CHC bonds 1hen there are t1o di''erent +roups on each carbon6 dra1 and interpret dia+rams to represent 01* isomers 'or al*enes 1hich have the same +roups on both sides o' the double bond (0 5 opposite sides o' bond6 * 5 same side o' bond)6 in such molecules3 describe :0; as :trans; and :*; as :cis; and e>tend this cis8trans nomenclature to other3 more complicated3 al*enes (*no1led+e o' Cahn50n+old5<relo+ priority rules 1ill not be re7uired)

9or* throu+h the remainder o' I:E;S )3.2 p&F,8&FF

' Read throu+h S/%$9 0$5 p@!"8@!# :<olymers that outdo nature;- Students 1ill have met Gore8te> at GCSE3 so this may be a use'ul startin+ point Brie'ly revie1 the term :copolymer; 1hich 1as met in the study o' I:E;S 5.1 earlier in the module 9or* throu+h I:E;S 3.( :EBV isomerism; ma*in+ notes and ans1erin+ the end o' section Ls Students can ma*e models o' ethene and propene and discuss o' shapes and *ey 'eatures Challen+e students to ma*e isomers o' butene (branchin+ and position o' double bond)Students to ma*e but8&8ene and then use models to discuss similarities and di''erences in cis3trans isomers- E>tend this to pentene and he>ene

Candidates should be able to:

31 o! ()

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

)0 5 ()))

Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

;n e6tra lesson may 7e needed here i! this acti2ity is to rein!orce the use o! molecular dra*in+ so!t*are Students rein'orce their *no1led+e o' EBV isomerism usin+ ;C/ 0$5.) :EBV and cisBtrans isomers- )his is an ideal opportunity to introduce or rein'orce the use o' a chemistry dra1in+ pac*a+e- ()his may have already been met in : ) )hou+h this is not an essential activity (it cannot be used to assess S*ill 0) it is still very valuable3 particularly 'or any student 1ho 1ishes to ta*e study o' chemistry beyond A&- 0t is also a s*ill that many students as* to be tau+ht durin+ their A& course1or*-

"on3Salters resources
)here are many suitable molecular dra1in+ pac*a+es 'or ;C/ : (.2- :ChemS*etch;3 available as 'ree1are 'rom 111-acdlabs-com is 'ound in many schools and universities-

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

Candidates should be able to: Reco+nise 1here 0B* isomerism occurs3 e>plainin+ it in terms o' lac* o' 'ree rotation about CHC bonds 1hen there are t1o di''erent +roups on each carbon6 dra1 and interpret dia+rams to represent 01* isomers 'or al*enes 1hich have the same +roups on both sides o' the double bond (0 5 opposite sides o' bond6 * 5 same side o' bond)6 in such molecules3 describe :0; as :trans; and :*; as :cis; and e>tend this cis8trans nomenclature to other3 more complicated3 al*enes (*no1led+e o' Cahn50n+old5<relo+ priority rules 1ill not be re7uired)


9atch the video about 0R spectroscopy on the RSC 1eb site http:BB111-rsc-or+BeducationBteachersBlearnnetBspectraBin de>&-htm 9or* throu+h I:E;S 1.( :0n'rared spectroscopy; usin+ the tutorial and problem sections on the RSC 1eb site 'or rein'orcement Ans1er the end o' section Ls and ;C/ 0$5.2 :0nterpretin+ in'rared spectra;

http:BBriodb!@-ibase-aist-+o-?pBsdbsBc+i8 binBcreOinde>-c+iJlan+Hen+ is an e>cellent database o' spectra http:BBteachin+-shu-ac-u*Bh1bBchemistryBtutorialsB molspecBirspec@-htm +ives bendin+ and stretchin+ animations

Candidates should be able to: $se relevant +iven data to interpret (and ma*e predictions o') in'rared spectra 'or or+anic compounds containin+ a limited ran+e o' 'unctional +roups (hydro>yl3 carbonyl and carbo>ylic acid +roups) $nderstand that every compound has a distinctive :'in+erprint; in its in'rared spectrum


;C/ 0$(.1 :Ma*in+ slime; is a use'ul but 'un revision activity ;C/ 0$(.( :Reactions o' alcohols; is a +ood revision idea Complete and revie1 1or* 'or this topic Students should use ;C/ 0$1 :Chec* your *no1led+e and understandin+ (part &); to revie1 and amend notes)hey should have the opportunity to resolve problems no1 i' they have not done so be'ore

http:BB111-chemistry8videos-or+-u*Bchem N&!clipsB<olymersN&!General N&!N&!inde>-html has a video o' the slime e>periment and its chemical bac*+round

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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Su++ested teachin+ and home*or, acti2ities

End o' module test

"on3Salters resources

S&eci!ication Statements 4 0oints to note

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

Other 'orms o' Support

0n order to help you implement the ne1 Chemistry B (Salters) speci'ication e''ectively3 OCR o''ers a comprehensive pac*a+e o' support- )his includes:

OCR )rainin+
Eisit 111-ocr-or+-u* 'or more details-

Mill 9har' )rainin+

Additional events are also available throu+h our partner3 Mill 9har' )rainin+- 0t o''ers a ran+e o' courses on innovative teachin+ practice and 1hole8school issues 8 111-mill81har'8trainin+-co-u*-

Salters Advanced Chemistry <ro?ect

)he course is supported by the Salters Advanced Chemistry <ro?ect at the $niversity o' Aor*- )heir 1ebpa+e 8 http:BB111-yor*-ac-u*Bor+Bse+BsaltersBchemistryB is a valuable source o' support materials)he Salters Advanced Chemistry <ro?ect have also set up some online 'orums 'or teachers to discuss the course- =etails o' these can be 'ound on their 1ebsite-

OCR 9ebsite
)he OCR 1ebsite has a dedicated Chemistry B (Salters) pa+e at http:BB111-ocr-or+-u*B7uali'icationsBasaOlevel+ce'or'irstteachin+in&!!,BchemistryObOsaltersB )his pa+e hosts the latest version o' the speci'ication3 the latest version o' the <ractical S*ills andboo*3 as 1ell as 'orms and documentation associated 1ith the course- )here is an array o' support available on this pa+e- )his includes past and specimen papers and mar* schemes3 candidate style ans1ers3 schemes o' 1or*3 e>aminers reports and notices to centres as 1ell as in'ormation on upcomin+ trainin+ courses-

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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OCR 0nterchan+e has been developed to help you to carry out day to day administration 'unctions online3 7uic*ly and easily- )he site allo1s you to re+ister and enter candidates online- 0n addition3 you can +ain immediate a 'ree access to candidate in'ormation at you convenience- Si+n up at https:BBinterchan+e-ocr-or+-u* )he assessment material 'or unit %""" is only available in 0nterchan+e- Access to 0nterchan+e 1ill be re7uired to access this material-

<ublished Resources
OCR o''ers centres a 1ealth o' 7uality published support 1ith a 'antastic choice o' :O''icial <ublisher <artner; and :Approved <ublication; resources3 all endorsed by OCR 'or use 1ith OCR speci'ications-

0u7lisher &artners
OCR 1or*s in close collaboration 1ith three <ublisher <artners6 odder3 $niversity <ress (O$<) to ensure centres have access to: einemann and O>'ord

Better published support3 available 1hen you need it3 tailored to OCR speci'ications Luality resources produced in consultation 1ith OCR sub?ect teams3 1hich are lin*ed to OCR;s teacher support materials More resources 'or speci'ications 1ith lo1er candidate entries Materials that are sub?ect to a thorou+h 7uality assurance process to achieve endorsement )he publisher partnerships are non8e>clusive 1ith the GCE Sciences bein+ the only e>ception- einemann is the e>clusive publisher partner 'or OCR GCE Sciences-

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GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

einemann is producin+ the 'ollo1in+ resources 'or OCR GCE Chemistry B (Salters) 'or 'irst teachin+ in September &!!, Wpublication 5 sprin+ &!!,X
=ere* =enby3 Chris Otter3 May Stephenson Edited by Chris Otter3 May Stephenson Chris Otter3 (i+el Saunders Chemical Storylines ;S 3rd Edition (&!!,) Chemical Ideas 3rd Edition (&!!,) Interacti2e 0resentations ;S "e* Edition C:3$%? (&!!,) Su&&ort 0ac, ;S 3rd Edition C:3$%? (&!!,) $e2ise ;S Chemistry !or Salters "e* Edition (&!!,) 0SB(: F/,!C"#D"@C/#

0SB(: F/,!C"#D"@CFF

0SB(: F/,!C"#D"@#&F

=ere* =enby3 %ran* arriss3 Chris Otter3 May Stephenson 2esley Gohnston3 =ave (e1ton3 Chris Otter3 Alasdair )horpe3 May Stephenson

0SB(: F/,!C"#D"@#!#

0SB(: F/,!C"#D"@#C"

OCR endorses a ran+e o' publisher materials to provide 7uality support 'or centres deliverin+ its 7uali'ications- Aou can be con'ident that materials branded 1ith OCR;s YO''icial <ublishin+ <artnerZ or YApproved publicationZ lo+os have under+one a thorou+h 7uality assurance process to achieve endorsement- All responsibility 'or the content o' the publisher;s materials rests 1ith the publisher)hese endorsements do not mean that the materials are the only suitable resources available or necessary to achieve an OCR 7uali'ication- Any resource lists 1hich are produced by OCR shall include a ran+e o' appropriate te>ts-

GCE Chemistry B (Salters)

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