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How electronic circuits work Have you wondered what goes into play when you put on a switch

an turn on a TV, computer or vacuum cleaner? And what does the turning on of the switch accomplish? Well, all these cases require an electronic current to allow the proper flow of electric current through the wires. iterally speaking, electronic circuits are in one way similar to human !eings" circulatory system. #ust like !lood vessels like arteries and veins, the interconnected wires in a complete circuit carry the electrons to different parts of the electronic systems, there!y allowing the current to flow. $f you have ever wondered what it takes for electronic circuits to work, here are the answers.

$f you can take the simple e%ample of an electric light, there are two wires that are connected to the light. $n order for the electrons to produce light, there must !e a completed circuit without with this operation is impossi!le. When a switch is turned off, there is an incomplete circuit, meaning that current flow is cut off. When a switch is turned off, however, there is a complete circuit which aids in the proper flow of current, there!y resulting in the emission of light. &epending on a gadget, circuits can !e vast systems that transmit megawatts of power of thousands of miles. 'n the same note, they could !e tiny microelectronics that contains millions of transistors. $t is the unusual shrinkage of circuits that facilitated the emergence of desktop computers. (ut how many types of electric circuits are there? Well, !asically, there are !asic types of electronic circuits. These include power circuits that !asically transfer and also control large volumes of electricity. )ood e%amples of such circuits include !usiness and residential premises as well as power lines. The !asic components of circuits include generators, heating systems, household appliances and lighting systems among others. 'thers are circuit !reakers, power lines and transformers. $n addition to power circuits, the other good e%ample of electric circuits is the electronic circuit that !asically transmits and process information. *ell phones, TVs, radars and computers fall in this category. +luorescent lights !asically produce lights !y passing electrons through a mercury,filled vapor or neon. As the electrons pass through the mercury atoms, they force the electrons in the atoms to a!sor! some of the energy. As they return to their normal states, they radiate light energy called photons. $n comparison to incandescent lights, fluorescent lights are more efficient than the former. (ut how many types of electronic circuits are there? 'ne of the types includes a closed circuit which has a complete path to ena!le current to flow. A short circuit, on the other hand, is a low, resistant path that !ypasses part of a circuit. $t can happen when two or more !are wires touch each other in a closed circuit. The other is a parallel circuit which consists of two wires with other smaller wires interconnected !etween them. These two smaller wires have a similar voltage !ut very disimilar amounts of current. -lectronic circuits work in a comple% way. +or more information on how they work

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