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Report By: Sudhanshu Ranjan (B13018) Praxis Business School

We address the problem of classifying documents not by topic, but by overall sentiment, e.g., deciding whether a review is positive/ negative or whether a review is thumbs up/ thumbs down. We have also addressed the rating-inference problem with deference to a multi-level scale (e.g., one to ten stars). We find that standard machine learning techniques definitively outperform human-produced baselines.

Table of Contents
1. Preface 1.1 Objective 2. Methodology 2.1 Collection of data 2.1.1 Key Properties 2.2 Feature Selection and Extraction 2.3 Classification 2.3.1 Supervised Learning: 2.3.2 Unsupervised Learning 3. 4. Conclusion Appendix

1. Preface
The study of film reviews is essential to undertake the complex decision making pattern for the film entertainment industry to research and analyze the trending topics and generate movie scripts on those subjects/matters, decide about the principal cast, and other faces associated with a picture. In addition, with the growing availability and popularity of social media like Facebook, twitter, web logs and various online review sites through which we can elicit the reaction/ opinion/ recommendations/ reviews of viewers towards a pre-released film and scripts can be revolved. Online opinions (such as reviews, ratings, and recommendations) are increasingly used by the industry to market their products, identify new opportunities and manage their reputations. The film entertainment industry can employ sentiment analysis to research and analyze the trending topics of What other people think. Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is an application of Text Analytics to identify and extract subjective information in the source materials. Sentiment analysis aims to uncover the preferences/taste/views of consumers (in writing text) on a special subject. It utilizes natural speech processing and machine learning techniques to discover statistical and/or linguistic forms in the text that reveal attitudes. It has earned popularity in recent years due to its immediate applicability in a business environment, such as summarizing feedback from the product reviews, discovering collaborative recommendations, or helping with election campaigns. 1.1 Objective The objectives of our project are listed below: 1. Analysis of the sentiments in the movie on the web site comments.

2. To drag out the substantial features of the raw text that cause the greatest influence on the categorization, whether the author expresses positive or negative opinion. 3. To predict the unlabeled reviews of the author whether the opinion is positive or negative.

Using statistical methods to bring the components of subjective style and the sentence polarity. Statistical analysis is performed on the text layer.

2. Methodology
Our method of sentiment analysis is based upon machine learning. We explain what sources of data we used in 2.1, how we selected features in 2.2, and how we performed classification in 2.3.

2.1 Collection of data We obtained the reviews of the talaash movie from IMDb site. IMDb has a rating system which allows the users to rate the movie on 10 point rating scale where 1 denote lowest and 10 denote highest rating and leave their opinion on posts. We have retrieved all comments from these posts and stored them in the original format in files. This dataset will be available on-line at View Datasets. Total number of reviews available: 212 Reviews for model building (Excluded unrated reviews): 207 We selected only reviews where the author rating was expressed with stars (*). We concentrated only on discriminating the review between positive and negative sentiment. We labeled the rating into two categories: POS and NEG Positive (POS) Reviews (>5): 150 Tools Used: Rapid Miner, MS Excel Since our first task was to extract the reviews from the web site. We have followed the steps as indicated in the below screenshot. Reviews sites Link: URLs Negative (NEG) Reviews (<6): 57

Fig 1.

2. Key Properties Talaash contains comments on a critique of the Aamir Khan movie. When it's Aamir Khan at the helm, expect something innovative happening. The participants in the discussion express both agreement and divergence with the article and display both positive and negative towards the films itself. Even greater disbalance exists when considering sentences that show negative emotion versus positive emotion.

2.2 Feature Selection and Extraction

In parliamentary law to perform machine learning, it is necessary to extract clues from the text that may lead to correct classification. We have used two classification approach: 1. Supervised 2. Unsupervised For instance, some unsupervised and supervised learning approaches follow a sentiment-specific paradigm for how labels for words are obtained. The importance to supervised learning of having access to labelled data is paramount. We experimented with three standard algorithms: K-Nearest neighbour (K-NN) classification, Naive Bayes classification and support vector classification and compare the sentiment-polarity classification problem for movie reviews. Unsupervised classification approach K-Means clustering.

2.3 Classification
2.3.1 Supervised Learning For supervised learning the first thing we need to do is to set the labelled data (POS & NEG). K-NN Classifiers: K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm is a non-parametric method based on learning by pattern. It compare the similarity of test object with training object. And when given an unknown object, K-NN classifier searches the pattern from the training dataset that are closest to the unknown object. Closeness is defined in term of a distance metrics i.e., Euclidean distance. Nave Bayes Classifiers: Naive Bayes assumes that all features in the feature vector are independent, and applies Bayes rule on the sentence. Naive Bayes calculates the prior probability frequency for each label in the training

set. Each label is given a likelihood estimate from the contributions of all features, and the sentence is assigned the label with highest likelihood estimate. Support Vector classifiers: Support vector machines (SVMs) have been shown to be highly effective at traditional text categorization, generally outperforming Naive Bayes. An SVM model is a representation of the examples as points in space, mapped so that the examples of the separate categories (separated by hyperplane) are divided by a clear gap that is as wide as possible. Supervised learning techniques divide the dataset into two groups training set and test set. We have split the dataset into training and test dataset in the percent ratio of 80:20. The training of the classifier is done on the text from the training set. The quality of the training is later evaluated on the sentences from the test set. We have measured the evaluation of classifier on the basis of accuracy. Accuracy is the relation between the sentences that were correctly classified and all the sentences in the test set.

X-Validation Split ration (0.8)

Fig 2 Once the reviews are extracted (process shown in fig 1.) We developed the model building as shown in Fig 2. For classification modeling, we removed the rating indicators (Using select attribute operator) and passed only the textual information for model building. To process the data we use the operator i.e., Process document. It is nested operator, we have observed the various nested process as listed beneath:

Tokenize: splits the texts of a document into a series of words or tokens. We will use the nonletters mode which will generate single word tokens but other options are available. Transform cases: This operator transforms all characters in a document to either lower case or upper case, respectively. In this we have selected lower case. Filter stopwords (English): This operator removes all the English stopwords from the document. Stem (Porter): It allows to reduce words to their base or stem i.e., replaced the words suffixes. For model building we used split-validation operator, which performs a simple validation i.e. randomly splits up the Example Set into a training set and test set and evaluates the model. Here we divide the dataset in the ration of 80:20%. The Split Validation operator is a nested operator. It takes in two subprocess: a training and testing sub-procedure. Training side: Used differently-different classifier for model construction Testing side: Apply model and performance measurement

Fig 3 Accuracy measure through different classifiers: Classifiers K-NN Nave Bayes Support vector Machine Positive Prediction 83.33% 96.67% 100% Negative Prediction 72.73% 9.09% 0.00% Accuracy 80.49% 73.17% 73.17%

Hence, from the above table, we abided by the values of accuracy and our best model is K-NN model, which classified the test data set with highest accuracy rate and receives more than 70% accuracy rate to classify both positive and negative reviews.

2.3.2 Unsupervised Learning Cluster analysis: X- Means

Fig 4 Cluster Cluster 1 (76 items) Cluster 2 (131 items) Word lists Film, investigation, talaash, shekhawat, Accident, case, life, role, mysterious, character, come, death, inspector, Kapoor, perform, star, police, make, suspense, murder, screen Amir, good, expect, act, film, great, half, story, thriller, end, climax, people, watch, plot, scene, ghost, think, time, give, Bollywood, overall, disappoint

Cluster 1: This cluster mainly talks about the role and character of the actors (Aamir Khan, Armaan Kapoor). In this cluster reviewers focus on Shekhawat (Aamir Khan) who is an inspector in the movie. Too talks about all dark side of the life like Murder, Death, etc., which took place in the film.

Cluster 2: In this reviewer gave their judgment around the good expect of Aamir Khan role. Given their view around the overall picture shows. Talks about each scene of the movie from beginning to climax.

3. Conclusion
In this study, we have analyzed the sentiment of social network comments. We used the comments on movies from IMDb website. We measured the fitness of different feature selection and learning algorithms (supervised and unsupervised) on the classification of comments according to their polarity (plus/negative). In terms of relative performance, Naive Bayes tends to do the best compare to other classifiers.

4. Appendix
Dataset: View Datasets Links to review sites: URLs Data extraction process XML: Extraction


Classification process XML:



Clustering process XML:



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