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1. DSCP to AF/CS marking (binary) 2. end, exit and commit relation in smartedge . !P"# address $. !

P"# to "$ t%nneling etc &. 'o( to c'eck t'e )D (s'o( context all) #. *'at is "lan +. !P,$ s%bnetting -. .%lticast related /%estions ( 0$ /%estions) 1. 2SPF timers ('ello, dead etc) 13.45P and loo6back relation (i45P) 11.!S!S addressing 12.7oS congestion related exam6le (like i8 (e 6%m6 in some tra88ic in byte/sec, gi,ing some de6t' in /%e%e, (ill t'ere be any dro66ed 6acket) 1 .external and internal 8or e and ibg6 1$.!S!S 91 and 92 relations, (like 91 can 'a,e neig'bors in 92, re,erse etc..) 1&.45P 6at' selection based on gi,en ex'ibit (('ere (e 'ad a 6re8ix learned ,ia next 'o6 b%t (it' di88erent AS Pat'. so ('ic'e,er (o%ld 'a,e less AS in 'o6 (o%ld be 6re8ered) 1#."P: ); ex6ort /%estion 8rom ex'ibit 1+.normal i6 ro%te selection 6rocess (static, bg6, os68) 1-.!P Classes (A, 4, C, m%tlicast and reser,e !P )ange) 11.7%estions on 6o6l%lar 9abel n%mbers ( as P<P, etc..)'ernet basic /%estions (<%b/s(tic' is ('ic' layer de,ice) 21.)edback 'ard(are /%estion (=C)P 6lacement in S>$33, -33) 22.=C)P red%ncany /%estion ('ic' t(o (S,5) 6air (o%ld exist in a net(ork i8 a sender (it' !P address 112.1#-.1.1 sends tra88ic to m%lticast gro%6 22$.13.13.13 (c'oose t(o) 1. (112.1#-.1.1, 22$.13.13.13) 2. (22$.13.13.13, ?) . (?, 22$.13.13.13) $. (112.1#-.1.1, ?) ('ic' re/%irement is mandatory 8or a m%lticast recei,er %sing !5.P,1 1. 2. . $. 1. 2. . $. recei,er m%st 'a,e an i6 inter8ace in t'e same i6 net(ork as t'e so%rce recei,er m%st become a member o8 t'e m%lticast gro%6 recei,er m%st belong to t'e same l2 domain o8 t'e so%rce recei,er m%st be a%t'ori@ed to recei,e a m%lticast steam *'at is t'e max t'eoretical si@e o8 i6,$ 6acketA 1&33 bytes 1&3$ bytes 111- bytes #&& & bytes

;;9 related o6tions

<o( does a tracero%te (orkA

*'ic' s%bnet mask (o%ld yo% %se to di,ide net(ork -1.1#3.123.3/1# into s%bnets containing -113 'osts eac'A 1. 2&&.2&&.12-.3 2. 2&&.2&&.112.3 . 2&&.2&&.22$.3 $. 2&&.2&&.3.3 5i,en t'e !P"# address s'o(n belo( B 332BDF-B3333B33$-B3333BA4CDB>F12B12 $/#$ *'at are t(o ,alid net(ork 6re8ix notationsA 1. 2. . 332BDF-BB$-BB/#$ 332BDF-BB$-/#$ 332BDF-B3B$-BB/#$ *'ic' .AC address (ill be a 'ost %se to disco,er a D<CP ser,er on t'e same segmentA 1. 2. . $. ;'e >t'ernet address 8or t'e m%lticast gro%6 22$.3.3.1 33033033033033033 t'e .AC address o8 t'e D<CP ser,er FF0FF0FF0FF0FF0FF

Co% are connecting a cor6orate net(ork to t'e !nternet. Co% 'a,e been assigned a single 6%blic i6 address. *'ic' net(ork tec'nology (o%ld yo% %se to access !nternetA 1. 2. . $. !PSec :A; "P: "9A: *'at is t'e 6%r6ose o8 a d%al stack on a ro%ter inter8aceA

1. (it' t'e ;CP and DDP 2. . in !P"$ and !P"# $. t'e 2SPF 6rocess are tr%e regarding t'e !P"$ 'eaderA 1.

to establis' comm%nications to acti,ate !S!S and 2SPF to establis' comm%nications to acti,ate !P"# and !P"$ 8or *'ic' t(o statements

E;'e !P"$ 'eader 'as global signi8icance and only some 8ield t'at can be c'anged d%ring t'e 6rogress 2. ;'e !P"$ 'eader 'as a di88erent 8ormat regarding t'e ty6e o8 6ayload being sent . ;'e !P"$ 'eader 'as local signi8icance 8or eac' ro%te ron a 6at' 8rom t'e so%rce to(ards t'e destination $. E;'e !P"$ 'eader contains all in8ormation re/%ired to deli,er t'e iP 6akcet 8rom t'e so%rce to destination 1. 2. *'at is t'e di88erence bet(een static and dynamic ro%tingA static ro%ting is t'e only (ay to ad,ertise t'e de8a%lt ro%te static ro%ting is based on t'e distance ,ector ('ile dynamic ro%ting is based on a link0state algorit'm . 4y de8a%lt, ro%ters 6re8erence o8 dynamic ro%tes is 'ig'er t'an static ro%tes $. static ro%ting cannot adF%st to net(ork c'anges (it'o%t '%man inter,ention as o66osed to dynamic ro%ting *'ic' !P Address range (ill yo% %se to send m%lticast data to a gro%6 o8 recei,ers in di88erent s%b net(orksA 1. 2. . $. any !P Address belonging to Class A,4 or C any address 8rom t'e class D s6ace any address 8rom Class > s6ace any address 8rom 6ri,ate !P address s6ace

telecom net(ork (c'oose t(o) 1. 6rotocols in modern telecom neto(rks

!P"# is considered essential 8or a modern !t is essential to %se t'e latest ro%ting

2. maFor 6roblem 8or modern telecom o6erators . maFor 6roblem 8or modern telecom o6erators $. dramatically red%ce t'e 6ossibilities o8 s6oo8ing distrib%tion in .P9S net(orksA 1. distrib%te t'e labels 2. be con8ig%red statically . 6er8ormed be8ore recei,ing o8 any tra88ic $. 8ormed dynamically %6on arri,al o8 tra88ic 1. 2. . $. 1. 2. . $. (c'oose t(o) 1. 2. . $. 9SP s(a6 6'6 6%s' dro6 *'at is t'e 6%r6ose o8 >=P bits

!P"$ address s6ace de6letion is a !P"# address s6ace de6letion is a !P"#Gs b%ilt0in sec%rity meas%res

*'at is tr%e abo%t label !5P is %sed to

9abel bindings m%st 9abel bindings are 9abel bindings are

!t is %sed to carry a 7oS classi8ication !t is %sed to carry an >t'ernet ,al%e !t is o6tional and can be %sed 8reely !t carries a ;;9 ,al%e <o( does 9S) recogni@e t'e end o8 t'e label stackA by c'ecking t'e P bit in .P9S 'eader by c'ecking t'e S bit in .P9S 'eader by c'ecking t'e >=P bits in .P9S 'eader by c'ecking t'e label ,al%e in t'e mP9S 'eader *'ic' t(o label actions are 6er8ormed by P ro%terA

*'ic' t'ree can be %sed to set%6 an

1. 2. . $. &. 'o( .P9S im6lementations s%66ort di88erent a66licationsA 1. 2. . $. 1. 2. . $. 1. 2. . $. 6%r6ose o8 )DA 1. identi8y t'e "P: originating gi,en 6re8ix 2. "P: on engress P> . 6re8ixes (it'in 45P $. (it'in P>

Statically (rong )S"P !5P 9DP 45P rig't *'at is tr%e abo%t ;'e 8or(arding 6lane is di88erent 8or eac' a66lication An F>C is assigned to a label .P9S "P:s re/%ires )S"P ;'e a66lications only di88er in t'e control 6lane *'ic' t(o statements are tr%e abo%t !P/.P9S (C'oose t(o) Selected ro%tes 8rom F!4 are 6o6%lated in )!4 Selected labels 8rom 9!4 are 6o6%lated in 9F!4 Selected ro%tes 8rom )!4 are 6o6%lated in F!4 Selected labels 8rom F!4 are 6o6%lated in 9!4 *'ic' t(o statements are tr%e abo%t 9DPA !t can be %sed to reser,e band(idt' !t is a 'o60by0'o6 label distrib%tion 6rotocol !t re/%ires )S"P to create labels !t relies on t'e ro%ting in8ormation *'ic' statement correctly describes t'e 26tion 1 is correct )D is %sed to )D is %sed to identi8y t'e destination )D is %sed to di88erentiate !P )D is %sed to im6ort "P: 6re8ixes

*'at is t'e 6%r6ose o8 );A

1. exc'anging "P: labels bet(een P> ro%ters 2. t'e destination "P: on engress P> . di88erentiate !P 6re8ixes bet(een "P:s on P> $. di88erentiate !P 6re8ixes (it'in 45P





!t is %sed to iden8ity !t !t is is %sed %sed to to

4et(een ('ic' net(ork elements are t'e 9 "P: .P9S (inner) labels exc'angedA 1. 2. . $. bet(een all t'e C> nodes in t'e net(ork bet(een all t'e .P9S nodes in t'e net(ork bet(een all t'e P> nodes in t'e net(ork bet(een all t'e !P nodes in t'e net(ork *'ic' commands can be %sed to ,eri8y )Ds con8ig%red 8or "P: contexts on S>2SA 1. 2. . $. s'o( context all s'o( bg6 ro%te i6,$ ,6n labels s'o( bg6 ro%te i6,$ ,6n rd all s'o( ,6n rd all <o( do 6eers recogni@e eac' ot'erGs ability to %se .P045P extensionsA 1. 6acket 2. o80)!4 marker . %6date 6acket $. ;'ey ad,ertise t'e ability %sing t'e ca6abilities 8ield d%ring t'e session establis'ment *'ic' 6rotocol distrib%tes t'e .P9S labels %sed 8or 9 "P: signalingA 1. 2. . .P045P 9DP !S!S ;'ey ad,ertise t'e ability %sing t'e ca6abilities 8ield in t'e ;'ey ad,ertise t'e ability %sing t'e ca6abilities 8ield in t'e >nd0 ;'ey ad,ertise t'e ability %sing t'e ca6abilities 8ield in t'e 'ello


)S"P "P:

*'at are t(o (ays t'at t'e 9ayer arc'itect%re 'andles a c%stomerGs o,erla66ing !P AddressingA 1. be'ind t'e .P9S label 2. 8%nction to 'ide o,erla66ing !P Address . %ni/%e %sing )D $. %ni/%e %sing );

2,erla66ing !P address are 'idden P> ro%tes im6lement t'e :A; 2,erla66ing !P addresses are ke6t 2,erla66ing !P addresses are ke6t

Co% are setting %6 a 9ayer "P: backbone (it'in t'e same AS. Co% decided to %se 45P 8or signaling 6%r6oses. Co% are not yet con8ig%ring a P> to C> connection *'ic' t(o statements acc%rately describe yo%r con8ig%ration tasksA 1. 2. . $. Con8ig%re 45P 6eering bet(een all P> and P ro%ters Con8ig%re 45P 6eering bet(een all P> ro%ters Dse e45P Dse i45P

Co% are con8ig%ring a "P: context ('ic' m%st exc'ange 6ackets (it' anot'er P> con8ig%red as s'o(n belo( context "P:1 ,6n0rd 133B13 address08amily i6,$ %nicast ex6ort ro%te0target 133B11 im6ort ro%te0target 133B11 *'at are t(o correct )D and ); ,al%esA 1. 2. . $. )D 133B13, ex6ort ); 133B11, im6ort ); 133B11 )D 133B13, ex6ort ); 133B13, im6ort ); 133B13 )D 133B11, ex6ort ); 133B13, im6ort ); 133B13 )D 133B11, ex6ort ); 133B13, im6ort ); 133B11

*'ic' t(o 9ayer 7%ality o8 Ser,ice (7oS) 8ields are ty6ically a,ailable to classi8y tra88ic in a c%stomer ro%terA

1. 2. . $. 1. 2. . $.

class o8 ser,ice (-32.16) !P 6recedence di88erentiated ser,ices (DSCP) ex6erimental (>=P) *'ic' 7oS mec'anism s%66orts 'ierarc'ical sc'ed%ling on a Smartedge >D)) P*F7 P7 .D)) !n ('ic' order do 7oS b%ilding blocks ty6ically a66ly to !P

6ackets tra,ersing a ro%terA 1. 2. . $. label classi8ied 6ackets. (C'oose t(o.) 1. t'e !nternet to al(ays 6riorti@e t'e 6acket 2. any neig'bor to remark t'e 6acket ;'e marking o8 t'e 6acket in8orms t'e next 'o6 abo%t ex6ected 'andling/6riority o8 t'e 6acket $. ;'e marking o8 t'e 6acket in8orms t'e internal system on 'o( to treat t'e 6acket /%e%e tail dro6sA 1. 8lo( is m%c' lo(er t'an t'e o%tbo%nd tra88ic 8lo( 2. 8lo( consists only o8 tra88ic destined 8or t'e !nternet . 8lo( is m%c' 'ig'er t'an t'e o%tbo%nd tra88ic 8lo( $. 8lo( consists only o8 tra88ic destined 8or t'e ro%ter itsel8 ;'e inbo%nd tra88ic ;'e inbo%nd tra88ic ;'e inbo%nd tra88ic ;'e inbo%nd tra88ic *'ic' statement is tr%e abo%t . ;'e marking o8 t'e 6acket in8orms ;'e marking o8 t'e 6acket in8orms marking, /%e%ing, sc'ed%ling, classi8ication classi8ication, marking, /%e%ing, sc'ed%ling /%e%ing, sc'ed%ling, classi8ication, marking sc'ed%ling, classi8ication, marking, /%e%ing 7oS marking o8 6ackets is a mec'anism to

*'at net(ork in8ormation is ((it'o%t additional con8ig%ration) s'ared bet(een t(o i45P neig'bors by de8a%ltsA 1. 2. . $. 45P ro%tes learned 8rom an 2SPF neig'bor !P address in8ormation 8rom all directly connected inter8aces 45P ro%tes learned 8rom e45P neig'bors !P address in8ormation o8 loo6back inter8aces

4et(een ('ic' !P address are i45P sessions set %6 according to !>;F c%rrent best 6racticeA 1. 2. . $. ;'e !P address o8 t'e 6'ysical inter8ace directly connected to t'e neig'bor ;'e !P address o8 a loo6back inter8ace ;'e !P address o8 management inter8ace ;'e !P address o8 a 6'ysical inter8ace not directly connected to t'e neig'bor *'ic' statement acc%rately describes 45PA 1. 2. . $. 45P is a 6at'0,ector 6rotocol 45P is a distance0,ector 6rotocol 45P is a link0state 6rotocol 45P is an interior ro%ting 6rotocol

!n ('ic' t(o scenarios is a 8%ll0mes' i45P neig'bors'i6 re/%ired (it'in a ASA (C'oose t(o) 1. 2. . $. ;'ere are more t'an t(o e45P 6eers ;'ere is no 45P con8ederation ;'ere is no !5P con8ig%red ;'ere is no )) <o( is an e45P neig'bors'i6 con8ig%red on S>2SA 1. neig'bor $.$.$.$ e45P remote0as #&333 2. neig'bor external remote0as #&333 . neig'bor #&333 $. neig'bor #&333 . . .

*'at are t(o main 8%nctions 8or t'e AS0PA;< attrib%tes

1. 2. . $.

to disco,er neig'bors a%tomatically to de8ine ro%ting06olicies and anno%nce t'em to e45P neig'bors to 6er8orm loo606re,ention to carry t'e list o8 AS


*'ic' statement acc%rately de8ines an AS An AS is a net(ork t'at is ca6able o8 a%tonomo%sly 8or(arding 6acket, regardless o8 direct or indirect connecti,ity to t'e !nternet 2. An AS is a collection o8 !S!S ro%tes im6orted into 45P and 6resented in s%c' a (ay t'at net(orks connected to t'e AS 'a,e a global o,er,ie( o8 t'e net(ork . As AS is a set o8 ro%ters %nder a single administration, %sing an interior gate(ay 6rotocol and common metrics to ro%te 6ackets (it'in t'e AS $. An AS is a gro%6 o8 net(orks directly connected to eac' ot'er t'at can distrib%te e45P in8ormation %sing directly establis'ed links

1. 2. . $.

*'ic' ty6e o8 attrib%te is AS0PA;< (ell0kno(n mandatory o6tion transiti,e (ell0kno(n non0transiti,e (ell0kno(n o6tional

Co% m%st con8ig%re a ne( !P net(ork inside yo%r local organi@ation and (ant all t'e ro%ters to exc'ange t'eir internal ro%tes dynamically. *'ic' t(o 6rotocols can yo% c'oose to do t'isA 1. 2. . $. A)P !S!S 45P 2SPF Which is the purpose of the overload bit in ISIS 1. 2. The overload bit indicates that a router is facing traffic congestion The overload bit indicates that a router is not eligible to be part of a path for any network excpet locally connected networks 3. The overload bit indicates that the S!" filed of a packet has been #odified $. The overload bit indicates that the packet carrying this bit is %ueued in best effort %ueue

A ro%ter learns abo%t a remote net(ork 8rom 45P, !S!S and static ro%te Dsing t'e de8a%lt administrati,e distance 8or all ro%ting 6rotocols, ('ic' ro%te (ill t'e ro%ter %se to 8or(ard t'e 6ackets to t'e remote net(orkA ;'e ro%ter (ill %se !S!S ro%te ;'e ro%ter (ill load balance t'e tra88ic ;'e ro%ter (ill %se t'e static ro%te ;'e ro%ter (ill %se t'e 45P ro%te *'ic' t(o statements are tr%e abo%t link0state ro%ting 6rotocols 1. net(ork 2. >ac' ro%ter %ses a reliable %6date mec'anism to exc'ange to6ology in8ormation (it' its neig'bors . A distance ,ector algorit'm is ,ery 6rocess intensi,e com6ared (it' DiFkstrGs algorit'm $. 9ink0state ro%ting 6rotocols mainly %se 'o60co%nts to determine t'e link cost ;'e ad,ertisement exc'ange is mainly triggered by a c'ange in t'e

1. 2. . $.

All ro%ters in a s6eci8ic 2SPF net(ork are con8ig%red (it' t'e same 6riority ,al%e. *'ic' secondary ,al%e (ill be %sed as )o%ter !D %nder t'e condition t'at no loo6back inter8ace 'as been con8ig%red on any o8 t'emA 1. 2. . $. ;'e lo(est acti,e !P address con8ig%red on t'e ro%ter ;'e 'ig'est >t'ernet !P address con8ig%red on t'e ro%ter ;'e management !P address ;'e 'ig'est acti,e !P address con8ig%red on t'e ro%ter

1. 2. . $.

*'ic' t(o statements are correct abo%t areas in 2SPFA All areas m%st be connected to a le,el 2 area >ac' 2SPF area needs to be con8ig%red (it' loo6back inter8ace All A4) m%st be members o8 backbone area All areas m%st be connected to Area03

Co% 'a,e one !S!S ro%ter in 9e,el1/le,el2 con8ig%ration <o( many !S!S database (ill t'e ro%ter 'andleA 1. 2. one !S!S database to calc%late t'e to6ology correctly t(o !S!S databases, one 8or le,el1 and ot'er 8or le,el2

;'ree !S!S databases, one 8or le,el1, one 8or le,le2, and one 8or s'ortest 6at' com6%ted $. Fo%r !S!S databases, one 8or le,el1, one 8or le,le2, one 8or ro%ting table, and ot'er 8or 8or(arding table 1. 2. . $. 1. *'at is a maFor 6roblem o8 m%lti6le exists in !S!S le,el 1 areasA ;'is design can lead to ro%ting loo6s ;'is design can lead to s%bo6timal ro%ting ;'e !S!S database (ill not con,erge 2ne gi,en le,el 1 area cannot access ot'er le,el 1 areas *'ic' t(o statements are tr%e abo%t >t'ernetA A collision domain can be described as collection o8 m%lti6le net(ork segments linked toget'er in <%b 2. A .AC address is a $-0bit address . An >t'ernet '%b (ill learn .AC addresses on its 6orts $. An >t'ernet s(itc' (ill 8or(ard all incoming 6ackets to all 6orts *'at is t'e maxim%m si@e 8or an >t'ernet 8rame (it' a "9A: 'eader on an inter8ace (it'o%t F%mbo 8rameA 1. 2. . $. 1&3$ 1&22 1&2$ 1&#$

According to !>>> s6eci8ications, ('at is maxim%m segment lengt' 8or t(isted 6air Fast >t'ernet (1334AS>0;=)A 1. 2. . $. 2- 8eet (133 meters) #&$ 8eet (233 meters) $12 8eet (1&3 meters) 2$# 8eet (+& meters) *'at is de8inition o8 "9A:A 1. A "9A: is a gro%6 o8 s(itc' 6orts t'at only %se c%t0t'ro%g' 8or(arding mec'anism


A "9A: is a gro%6 o8 s(itc' 6orts t'at are members o8 t'e same broadcast domain . A "9A: is a gro%6 o8 s(itc'es t'at be'a,e as t'o%g' t'ey are not connected $. A "9A: is a gro%6 o8 s(itc' 6orts t'at only 6er8orm ,irt%al s(itc'ing 1. 2. . $. *'ic' 6rotocol is %sed to a,oid 9ayer 2 loo6sA S;P !S!S 45P A)P

1. 2. . $. 1. 2. . $.

*'ic' !>>> standard de8ines t'e >t'ernet !! 8rames -32.1 -32.2 -32. -32.$ *'ic' S>2S command (ill dis6lay t'e c%rrent con8ig%rationA s'o( r%nning0con8ig s'o( con8ig%ration s'o( redback.c8g dis6lay con8ig%ration

;'e Smartedge system is con8ig%red (it' context local, context A, context 4. *'ic' t'ree statements are tr%e abo%t contextsA 1. 2. . $. &. Context local 'as administrati,e 6ro6erties 8or t'e system and cannot be deleted >ac' context re6resents a %ni/%e ro%ter in t'e system and 'as its o(n ro%te table 4inding are necessary to associate a 6'ysical 6ort or circ%it to context Context local contains t'e ro%ter table 8or all context in t'e system 4indings are necessary to associate an !P inter8ace to context

D%ring initial start%6 o8 t'e Smartedge system, ('ic' t(o ste6s are %sed to access t'e management C9!A

1. 2. . $.

Start a serial terminal session Connect a PC directly to t'e acti,e management 6ort Con8ig%re an administrator acco%nt Connect a PC directly to t'e acti,e console 6ort

*'at 6rotection does t'e Smartedge 'a,e to 'andle !C.P snoo8ing or Denial0o80 ser,ice attacksA 1. res6onses 2. . $. 4ot' =C)P cards s'are t'e load to 6rocess !C.P res6onses ;'e acti,e =C)P card 'as a rate limit to generate !C.P res6onses ;'e tra88ic card 'as a rate limit to generate !C.P res6onses ;'e =C)P and tra88ic card distrib%te t'e 6rocessing to 'andle !C.P

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