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Bill Shankly

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Bill Shankly OBE

Personal information

Full name

William Shankly

Date of birth

2 September 1913

Place of birth

Glenbuck, Scotland

Date of death

29 September 1981 (aged 68)

Place of death

i!erpool, "ngland

Playing position

#ight hal$%nb 1&

Youth career


(ronberry "glinton

Senior career*






(arli)le *nited




-re)ton .orth "nd






'ational team





Teams managed


(arli)le *nited


Grim)by 1o2n




3udder)$ield 1o2n



4 Senior club appearance) and goal) counted $or the dome)tic league only5 6 7ppearance) (Goal))5

William "Bill" Shankly OBE (2 September 1913 29 September 19 1! "a# a Scotti#h footballer and mana$er "ho i# be#t remembered for hi# mana$ement of %i&erpool' (e i# re$arded a# one of football)# $reate#t mana$er#' Shankly came from a #mall Scotti#h minin$ comm*nity a# one of fi&e brother# "ho played football profe##ionally and "a# a ball "innin$ ri$ht half "ho "a# capped t"el&e time# for Scotland, incl*din$ #e&en "artime international#' (e #pent one #ea#on at +arli#le ,nited before #pendin$ the re#t of hi# career at-re#ton .orth End, "here he "on the F/ +*p in 193 ' (i# career "a# interr*pted by hi# #er&ice in the 0oyal /ir Force d*rin$ the Second World War' (e became a mana$er after he retired from playin$ in 1919, mana$in$ +arli#le ,nited, 2rim#by 3o"n, Workin$ton and (*dder#field 3o"n, before acceptin$ the 4ob a# team mana$er of %i&erpool in 5ecember 1969' Shankly took char$e of %i&erpool "hen they "ere in the Second 5i&i#ion and reb*ilt the team into a ma4or force in En$li#h football' (e led %i&erpool to the Second 5i&i#ion +hampion#hip to $ain promotion to the top7fli$ht Fir#t 5i&i#ion in 1982, before $oin$ on to "in three Fir#t 5i&i#ion +hampion#hip#, t"o F/ +*p#, fo*r +harity Shield# and one ,EF/ +*p' Shankly anno*nced hi# #*rpri#e retirement from football a fe"

"eek# after %i&erpool "on the 1991 F/ +*p Final, ha&in$ mana$ed the cl*b for fifteen year#, and "a# #*cceeded by hi# lon$7time a##i#tant Bob -ai#ley' (e died #e&en year# later at the a$e of 8 '

o o o o o o o o o o o o o

1 Early life 2 -layin$ career 2'1 +arli#le ,nited 2'2 -re#ton .orth End 2'3 Scotland 2'1 Style and techni<*e 3 =ana$ement career 3'1 +arli#le ,nited 3'2 2rim#by 3o"n 3'3 Workin$ton 3'1 (*dder#field 3o"n 3'6 %i&erpool 3'6'1 1969 to 1981 3'6'2 1981 to 199> 3'6'3 199> to 1991 3'8 0elation#hip "ith fan# 1 0etirement from %i&erpool 6 %ater year# and death 8 -er#onality 9 (ono*r# 9'1 /# a player 9'2 /# a mana$er 9'3 /# an indi&id*al =ana$erial #tati#tic# 9 Footnote# 1> 0eference# 11 E?ternal link#

Early life[edit]
Bill Shankly "a# born in the #mall /yr#hire coal minin$ &illa$e of 2lenb*ck, clo#e to the /yr#hire7 %anark#hire border' @n 1913, the pop*lation of 2lenb*ck "a# aro*nd 9>> and people born there "o*ld often mo&e to find "ork in lar$er coal mine#':1; /# a re#*lt, 2lenb*ck became lar$ely derelict and by the time

Shankly)# $ho#t "riter Aohn 0obert# &i#ited it in 1998, there "ere only t"el&e ho*#e# left, incl*din$ a cotta$e o"ned by Shankly)# #i#ter EliBabeth (%iB!, "hom 0obert# de#cribed a# Cthe la#t of the children of 2lenb*ckC':1; Shankly)# parent#, Aohn and Barbara, li&ed in one of the /*chen#tilloch +otta$e# "ith their ten childrenD fi&e boy# and fi&e $irl#':2; Shankly "a# the ninth child and the yo*n$e#t boy' :2; /ltho*$h he "a# kno"n a# Bill thro*$ho*t hi# football career, hi# name in the family "a# Willie, prono*nced CW*llieC' :3; (i# father "a# a po#tman "ho became a tailor of handmade #*it# b*t, de#pite the football pedi$ree in hi# family, he did not play him#elf':1; /ll fi&e Shankly brother# played profe##ional football and Shankly claimed that Conce, "hen "e "ere all at o*r peak#, "e co*ld ha&e beaten any fi&e brother# in the "orldC' :1; (i# brother# "ere /lec, kno"n a# CSandyC by the family, "ho played for /yr ,nited and +lydeD:6; Aimmy (19>292!, "ho played for &ario*# cl*b# incl*din$ Sheffield ,nited and So*thend ,nitedD:8; Aohn (19>38>!, "ho played for -ort#mo*thand %*ton 3o"nD:9; and Bob (191> 2!, "ho played for /lloa /thletic and Falkirk': ; Bob became a #*cce##f*l mana$er, $*idin$ 5*ndee to &ictory in the Scotti#h champion#hip in 1982 and the #emi7final# of the E*ropean +*p the follo"in$ year': ; 3heir maternal *ncle#, 0obert and William Blyth "ere al#o profe##ional player# and both became cl*b director# at -ort#mo*th and +arli#le ,nited re#pecti&ely' :2;

Bill Shankly memorial at 2lenb*ck

Shankly "rote in hi# a*tobio$raphy that time# "ere hard d*rin$ hi# *pbrin$in$ and e&eryone "a# Ch*n$ry, e#pecially in "intertimeC':9; (e admitted that he and hi# friend# *#ed to #teal &e$etable# from nearby farm#D bread, bi#c*it# and fr*it from #*pplier#) "a$on#, and ba$# of coal from the pit#' :1>; Shankly admitted the act "a# "ron$ b*t claimed it "a# Cde&ilment more than badne##C and the root ca*#e "a# their con#tant h*n$er, b*t he in#i#t# that he and hi# friend# learned from their mi#take# and became better people in later year#'

(e "a# at #chool from the a$e of fi&e *ntil he "a# fo*rteen' 5i#cipline at both home and #chool "a# #trict

b*t Shankly #aid it "a# character7b*ildin$':12; (i# fa&o*rite #*b4ect "a# $eo$raphy and he played football a# often a# po##ible, e#pecially in the #chool play$ro*nd, b*t there "a# no or$ani#ed #chool team' :13; /fter Shankly left #chool in 192 , he "orked at a local mine alon$#ide hi# brother Bob' (e did thi# for t"o year# *ntil the pit clo#ed and he faced *nemployment' :11;@n hi# a*tobio$raphy, he de#cribed the life of a miner at #ome len$th and mentioned many of the problem# #*ch a# the #heer hard "ork, rat#, the diffic*ltie# of eatin$ and drinkin$ at the coal face, b*t abo&e all the filthE CWe "ere ne&er really clean' @t "a#

*nbelie&able ho" "e #*r&i&ed' 2oin$ home to "a#h in a t*b "a# the bi$$e#t thin$' 3he fir#t time @ "a# in a bath "a# "hen @ "a# fifteenC':16; While Shankly "a# employed a# a miner, he played football a# often a# po##ible and #ometime# "ent to 2la#$o" to "atch either +eltic or 0an$er#, #harin$ hi# alle$iance bet"een the t"o and i$norin$ the #ectariani#m that di&ide# 2la#$o"':18; Shankly de&eloped hi# #kill# to the point that he "a# *nemployed for only a fe" month# before +arli#le ,nited #i$ned him' (e "rote that he had hi# football f*t*re "orked o*t in hi# mind and that, e&en "hen "orkin$ in the pit, he "a# only Ckillin$ timeC a# he Ckne" it "a# only a matter of time before he became a profe##ional player "ith #ome cl*b or otherC' (e e?plained that, in football term#, he had al"ay# been an optimi#t "ith a belief in hi# de#tiny and that "a# the ba#i# of hi# *ndyin$ enth*#ia#m for the #port':19; Shankly)# &illa$e team "a# called the 2lenb*ck +herrypicker#, a name probably deri&ed from the 11th (*##ar# (the C+herry -icker#C!, b*t Shankly #aid Cthe cl*b "a# near e?tinction "hen @ had a trial and @ ne&er act*ally played for themC':1 ; Shankly, a$ed 1 , then played Chalf a #ea#onC (193132! for +ronberry E$linton, abo*t t"el&e mile# from 2lenb*ck' (e *#ed to cycle to and from the $ro*nd' :1 ; +ronberry "ere in the +*mnock F 5i#trict %ea$*e':19; /ltho*$h Shankly had le## than one f*ll #ea#on at +ronberry, he ackno"led$ed hi# debt to Scotti#h A*nior Football a# he Clearnt a lotC, mainly by li#tenin$ to older player# and e#pecially hi# brother#':1

Playing career[edit]
Carlisle United[edit]
Shankly had a #in$le #ea#on, 193233, at +arli#le ,nited, then relati&ely ne" to 3he Football %ea$*e and playin$ in the 3hird 5i&i#ion .orth, their re#er&e #ide playin$ in the .orth Ea#tern %ea$*e' Shankly "a# recommended by a #co*t called -eter +arr*ther# "ho had #een him playin$ for +ronberry' :2>; (e "a# in&ited for a month)# trial and #aid it "a# the fir#t time he had left Scotland' (e "a# #i$ned after 4*#t one trial match for +arli#le)# re#er&e# a$ain#t =iddle#bro*$h re#er&e#, e&en tho*$h +arli#le re#er&e# lo#t the match 8>':21; / local ne"#paper report #aid that CShankly played #tren*o*#ly and mi$ht de&elop into a *#ef*l left backC b*t, in fact, he de&eloped into a top7cla## ri$ht half':22; Shankly made hi# #enior deb*t on 31 5ecember 1932 in a 22 dra" a$ain#t 0ochdale and made 18 appearance# for the fir#t team':23; /t the end of the #ea#on, the re#er&e# "on the .orth Ea#tern %ea$*e +*p, defeatin$ .e"ca#tle ,nited re#er&e# 1> in the final' @n hi# 1998 a*tobio$raphy, Shankly #tatedE C@)&e #till $ot the medalC':21; /t thi# #ta$e of hi# career, Shankly "a# a##e##ed a# Ca hard r*nnin$, $ritty ri$ht7halfC:nb 1; "ho#e di#play# bro*$ht him m*ch prai#e and credit and he "a# Cearmarked a# a key yo*n$ player capable of takin$ +arli#le on to $reater thin$#C':23; (e "a# paid fo*r po*nd# ten #hillin$# a "eek at +arli#le "hich he con#idered a $ood "a$e a# the top rate at that time "a# ei$ht po*nd#' :26; Shankly "a# happy at +arli#le "hich "a# clo#e to hi# home at 2lenb*ck and he had #ettled in "ell "ith almo#t a $*arantee of fir#t team football' When the opport*nity came for him to mo&e on, he "a# not con&inced he "anted to lea&e' :28;

Preston North End[edit]

Soon after the 193233 #ea#on ended, Shankly recei&ed a tele$ram from +arli#le ,nited a#kin$ him to ret*rn a# #oon a# po##ible beca*#e Canother cl*b "a# after meC' :29; /rri&in$ at +arli#le, he di#co&ered that the intere#ted cl*b "a# -re#ton .orth End "ho had offered a fee of G6>>' 3he term# for Shankly per#onally "ere a fee of G6> pl*# a G1> #i$nin$7on fee and "a$e# of fi&e po*nd# a "eek' :28; Shankly)# initial reaction "a# that it "a# not eno*$h and the deal nearly fell thro*$h':28; B*t Shankly)# brother /lec pointed o*t to him that -re#ton "ere in the Second 5i&i#ion and a bi$$er cl*b than +arli#le "ith the potential to re$ain Fir#t 5i&i#ion #tat*#':2 ; /lec con&inced Bill that the opport*nity "a# more important than "hat he "o*ld be paid immediatelyE Cit)# "hat yo*)re $oin$ to $et later that co*nt#C' Shankly took hi# brother)# ad&ice and #i$ned the -re#ton contract in a rail"ay carria$e' :29; Shankly be$an hi# -re#ton career in the re#er&e#, "ho played in the +entral %ea$*e "hich "a# a hi$her #tandard than the .orth Ea#tern %ea$*e':3>; (e made hi# fir#t team deb*t on 9 5ecember 1933, three month# after hi# 2>th birthday, a$ain#t (*ll +ity':31; Shankly created an early $oal to help -re#ton "in 6>, earnin$ him prai#e in a national ne"#paper for hi# Ccle&er pa##in$C' :32; With hi# "holehearted attit*de and commitment to the team, he <*ickly e#tabli#hed him#elf a# a fir#t7team re$*lar and became a cro"d fa&o*rite':31; -re#ton f*lfilled their potential and $ained promotion to the Fir#t 5i&i#ion a# r*nner#7*p to 2rim#by 3o"n':31; @t "a# therefore a #*cce##f*l deb*t #ea#on for Shankly "ho #tayed "ith -re#ton *ntil he retired in 1919' (i# "a$e "a# increa#ed to ei$ht po*nd# a "eek "ith #i? po*nd# in the #*mmer' :33; @n a #*mmary of the 193331 #ea#on, a -re#ton corre#pondent, Walter -ilkin$ton, "roteE COne of thi# #ea#on)# di#co&erie#, Bill Shankly, played "ith rare tenacity and *ncommonly $ood idea# for a lad of t"enty' (e i# f*ll of $ood football and po##e##ed "ith *nlimited ener$yD he #ho*ld $o farC' :31; @n hi# a*tobio$raphy, Shankly "rote that -re#ton Cmore than held o*r o"n in the 193136 #ea#onC and the cl*b "a# not rele$ated a$ain *ntil the end of the 191 19 #ea#on in "hich he left them' :33; Shankly de&eloped into Ca# to*$h a half back a# any in the Football %ea$*eC' :31; 3he o*t#tandin$ .orthern @reland international -eter 5oherty recalled ho" Shankly do$$ed hi# foot#tep# in one match and kept m*tterin$ C2reat "ee team, .orth End, $reat "ee teamC, #*bd*in$ 5oherty completely a# -re#ton defeated =anche#ter +ity 31':36; @n 193839, -re#ton reached the F/ +*p Final b*t "ere "ell beaten 31 by S*nderland at Wembley Stadi*m':38; -re#ton reco&ered to reach the 193 F/ +*p Final in "hich they defeated (*dder#field 3o"n1 > "ith a penalty #cored by 2eor$e =*tch in the final min*te of e?tra time' /# "ell a# "innin$ the F/ +*p, -re#ton fini#hed third in the lea$*e':38; 3hat #ea#on marked Cthe pinnacle of Shankly)# playin$ careerC' :31; Shankly had 4*#t reached hi# 28th birthday "hen the Second World War be$an and the "ar claimed the peak year# of hi# playin$ career':31; (e 4oined the 0oyal /ir Force (0/F! and mana$ed to play in n*mero*# "artime lea$*e, c*p and e?hibition matche# for .or"ich +ity, /r#enal, %*ton 3o"n and -artick 3hi#tle, dependin$ on "here he "a# #tationed':31; On 3> =ay 1912, he played a #in$le $ame for%i&erpool in a 11 "in o&er E&erton at /nfield':31; Shankly "a# keen on bo?in$ and fo*$ht a# a middle"ei$ht in the 0/F, "innin$ a trophy "hen he "a# #tationed in =anche#ter' :39; (e confirmed in hi# a*tobio$raphy that hi# "ei$ht

a# an 0/F bo?er "a# 169 po*nd# (92 k$! and he "a# only 8 po*nd# (2'9 k$! hea&ier than that in 1998'

Shankly met hi# "ife, .e##ie, in the 0/F (#he "a# in the W//F and #tationed at the #ame camp! and

they married in 1911':3

With the re#*mption of f*ll %ea$*e football a$ain in the 191819 #ea#on, Shankly ret*rned to -re#ton "ho held hi# re$i#tration, b*t he "a# no" 33 and comin$ to the end of hi# playin$ day#' :31; By 1919, he "a# -re#ton)# cl*b captain b*t had lo#t hi# place in the fir#t team, "hich "a# #tr*$$lin$ a$ain#t rele$ation de#pite ha&in$ 3om Finney in the #ide':39; Shankly "a# a <*alified ma##e*r and had decided he "anted to become a coach #o, "hen +arli#le ,nited a#ked him to become their mana$er in =arch of that year, he retired a# a player and accepted the 4ob':31;:1>; Shankly)# depart*re from -re#ton "a# re#ented by #ome at the cl*b and he "a# ref*#ed a benefit match, to "hich he felt entitled' (e de#cribed -re#ton)# attit*de a# Cthe bi$$e#t let7do"n of my life in footballC':11; Shankly had enormo*# admiration for 3om Finney and de&ote# more than three pa$e# of hi# a*tobio$raphy to Finney)# pro"e## a# a footballer':12; @n the 199>#, Shankly "a# a#ked ho" a c*rrent #tar compared to Finney and Shankly repliedE C/ye, he)# a# $ood a# 3ommy b*t then 3ommy)# nearly 8> no"C' :13; /nother -re#ton player admired by Shankly "a# hi# Scotti#h international teammate /ndy Beattie, "ith "hom he "o*ld later "ork in mana$ement':11; Shankly "a# #*cceeded in the -re#ton team by 3ommy 5ocherty and Shankly told 5ocherty that he #ho*ld C4*#t p*t the n*mber 1 #hirt on and let it r*n ro*nd, it kno"# "here to $oC':31;

Shankly played for Scotland t"el&e time# from 193 to 1913 in fi&e f*ll and #e&en "artime international#'

(e #poke of hi# C*nbelie&able prideC "hen playin$ for Scotland a$ain#t En$land and ho", "hen

confronted by the C/*ld EnemyC, the Scotti#h player# "o*ld become William Wallace or 0obert the Br*ce for ninety min*te# after p*llin$ on the bl*e 4er#ey' :18; Shankly him#elf certainly had that #pirit "hen playin$ for Scotland a# confirmed by /le? Aame#E C(e i# a real Scotland player "ho "ill fi$ht *ntil he drop#C'

Shankly made hi# international deb*t on 9 /pril 193 a$ain#t En$land at WembleyD Scotland "innin$ the match 1> "ith a late $oal by 3ommy Walker':19; .ine of hi# Scotland appearance# "ere a$ain#t En$land and the other# "ere a$ain#t .orthern @reland, Wale# and (*n$ary':19; Shankly "a# Scotland)# captain in the "artime match a$ain#t En$land at (ampden -ark, attended by 9 ,>>> people on 3 =ay 1911, b*t Scotland lo#t that $ame 13':19; -erhap# hi# mo#t memorable international "a# the "artime $ame at Wembley on 1 /pril 1912 "hen Scotland "on 61 and Shankly #cored hi# only Scotland $oal' / po#t7match report #aid that Scotland)# #*cce## "a# in#pired by Cthe B*#by7Shankly &ictory #er&iceC "hen Shankly and hi# f*t*re mana$ement ri&al =att B*#by combined to help Scotland)# ca*#e':19;/ccordin$ to the %i&erpool "eb#ite, Shankly)# $oal "a# Cprobably the #tran$e#t national $oal e&erC' :19; (e took a #pec*lati&e #hot $oal"ard# from 6> yard# and the ball bo*nced o&er the En$land $oalkeeper)# head and into the net' :19; @n Aan*ary 1993, "hen Shankly "a# the #*b4ect of This Is Your Life, the $oal "a# #ho"n and Shankly commented that Cthey all co*nt and "e "onC' :1

Style and technique[edit]

Shankly declared in hi# a*tobio$raphy that he C#peciali#ed in the art of tacklin$C, empha#i#in$ that it i# an art':6>; (e claimed that he "a# Cne&er #ent off the field or had (hi#! name in a referee)# bookC' :6>; @n hi# &ie", the art of tacklin$ i# in the timin$ and the #ole ob4ect i# to "in the ball' E&en if the opponent i# in4*red in the tackle, Cit)# not a fo*l beca*#e yo* ha&e timed e&erythin$ ri$ht and yo*)&e "on itC' :6>; (i# philo#ophy, therefore, "a# to play Chard b*t fairC "ith no cheatin$':6>; 5*rin$ hi# playin$ career, Shankly #aid he "o*ld not ar$*e "ith referee#' (e reali#ed after takin$ the ad&ice of hi# brother# that it i# a "a#te of time' 3he referee, he "rote, Cal"ay# "in# in the endC' :61; Shankly "a# al"ay# noted for hi# dedication to football and, in hi# playin$ day#, "o*ld do hi# o"n trainin$ d*rin$ the #*mmer month#' 3he %i&erpool "eb#ite record# that, d*rin$ the #*mmer of 1933 "hen he ret*rned to 2lenb*ck after completin$ hi# fir#t #ea#on a# a profe##ional, he decided to de&elop hi# thro"7 in #kill#' (e "a# an early e?ponent of the lon$ thro"7in and, accordin$ to the #ite, Cpracticed by thro"in$ ball# o&er a ro" of ho*#e# ("hile! the #mall boy# of the &illa$e helped by fetchin$ them back for himC' :23;

anagement career[edit]
Shankly "rote in hi# a*tobio$raphy that he had lon$ prepared him#elf Cfor the day "hen @ "o*ld become a football mana$erC':11; (e pointed o*t that he had ab#orbed all the coachin$ #y#tem# "ith any *#ef*l <*alification# and had f*ll confidence in hi# ability and in him#elf to be a leader' For him, he had done the hard "ork and Cit "a# #imply a <*e#tion of an opport*nity pre#entin$ it#elfC' :11; Shankly #*mmed *p the e##ential criteria for #*cce## in football mana$ement "hen he #aidE C@ co*ld #peak common #en#e abo*t the $ame and @ co*ld #pot a playerC':62; @n term# of the latter criterion, he al"ay# applied Cthe #ame ba#ic form*laC in that, fir#t and foremo#t, the player m*#t ha&e both ability and co*ra$e' Other attrib*te# "ere phy#ical fitne## and "illin$ne## to "ork, e#pecially to #tr*$$le a$ain#t the odd#' :62;

Carlisle United[edit]
Shankly be$an hi# mana$erial career at the cl*b "here hi# profe##ional playin$ career had #tarted' +arli#le in the 191 19 #ea#on "ere #tr*$$lin$ in the bottom half of the 3hird 5i&i#ion .orth and findin$ it Chard to attract #o*thern ba#ed player# beca*#e of their $eo$raphic remotene##C' :63; Shankly)# "ork ethic tran#formed +arli#le "ho fini#hed 16th in 191 19 after he had been in char$e for only the la#t fe" matche#' 3hey impro&ed to ninth in 19196> and then to third in 196>61, almo#t $ainin$ promotion' :63; One of Shankly)# player# at +arli#le "a# 2eoff 3"entyman, then a promi#in$ yo*n$ centre half, "ho "a# later tran#ferred to %i&erpool' /fter he retired from playin$, 3"entyman became chief #co*t at %i&erpool, "orkin$ "ith Shankly and findin$ C#ome of the fine#t talent# in Briti#h footballC' :61; Shankly *#ed p#ycholo$y to moti&ate hi# player#, for e?ample tellin$ them that the oppo#ition had had a &ery tirin$ 4o*rney and "ere not fit to play the match' (e *r$ed the local pop*lation to #*pport the team and "o*ld *#e the p*blic addre## #y#tem at matche# to tell the cro"d abo*t hi# team chan$e# and ho" hi# #trate$y "a# impro&in$ the team':63; Shankly recalled that Br*nton -ark "a# dilapidated "ith the main #tand

Cfallin$ to piece# and the terrace# derelictC':66; (e e&en b*rned all the kit and, "hen the team "a# tra&ellin$ to %incoln +ity, he C#potted a #port#"ear #hop in 5onca#ter, #topped the coach, "ent in and bo*$ht a f*ll #et of kit that the team played in at %incolnC':68; Sea#on ticket #ale# in 196>61 reached an all7time hi$h and +arli#le challen$ed #tron$ly for promotion a# "ell a# achie&in$ a dra" "ith /r#enal at (i$hb*ry in the F/ +*p' B*t it ended badly beca*#e Shankly acc*#ed the cl*b)# board of rene$in$ on a bon*# promi#e for the player# #ho*ld the team fini#h in the top three' Shankly re#i$ned and took *p an offer from 2rim#by 3o"n' Shankly)# o&erall record in lea$*e football at +arli#le "a# 12 "in# and 22 defeat# from 96 matche#':63;

!rims"y #o$n[edit]
/fter a failed inter&ie" at %i&erpool,:69; Shankly mo&ed to mana$e 2rim#by 3o"n in A*ne 1961' (e #aid in hi# a*tobio$raphy that there "a# $reater potential at 2rim#by than at +arli#le' :6 ; (i# main problem# "ere that 2rim#by had been rele$ated t"ice in recent #ea#on#, droppin$ from the Fir#t to the 3hird 5i&i#ion, and #ome $ood player# had been tran#ferred before he arri&ed' :69; B*t Shankly belie&ed he #till had $ood player# to "ork "ith and "a# able to b*y #ome additional player# on the tran#fer market for lo" fee#' :6 2rim#by made a #tron$ challen$e for promotion in 196162 b*t fini#hed #econd, three point# behind %incoln +ity (only one team "a# promoted from 5i&i#ion 3hree .orth, "ith one from 5i&i#ion 3hree So*th!'
:8>; ;

Shankly in#i#ted in hi# a*tobio$raphy that hi# 2rim#by team "a#E C-o*nd for po*nd, and cla## for cla##,

the be#t football team @ ha&e #een in En$land #ince the "ar' @n the lea$*e they "ere in they played football nobody el#e co*ld play' E&erythin$ "a# mea#*red, planned and perfected and yo* co*ld not "i#h to #ee more entertainin$ footballC':8>; Stephen Helly <*ote# the Cpo*nd for po*ndC analy#i# b*t <*alifie# it a# Canother #li$ht e?a$$eration, b*t he meant "ellC' :81; Helly "ent onE Cthat kind of talk co*ld only boo#t morale at the cl*bC':81; Shankly made $reat *#e of fi&e7a7#ide football in trainin$ at 2rim#by, playin$ the#e Ca# if o*r li&e# "ere at #takeC':82; 3he $ame# "o*ld la#t an ho*r each time' Shankly al#o "orked on #et piece# #*ch a# thro"7in# and tried to de&i#e a method of co*nter7attackin$ from corner# conceded' :82; 2rim#by)# a$ein$ team made a bri$ht #tart in 196263 "ith fi&e #trai$ht "in# b*t e&ent*ally #lipped and fini#hed in fifth place':83; @n 196361, Shankly became di#ill*#ioned "hen the board co*ld not $i&e him money to b*y ne" player#' (e "a# rel*ctant to promote #ome promi#in$ re#er&e# beca*#e of loyalty to the older player# (a fa*lt that "a# to re#*rface at %i&erpool year# later! and he finally re#i$ned in Aan*ary 1961, citin$ the board)# lack of ambition a# hi# main rea#on' :81; @n hi# a*tobio$raphy, he #aid that he and hi# "ife "ere feelin$ home#ick in 2rim#by and, "hen an opport*nity came to mana$e Workin$ton, he "a# attracted to the challen$e partly beca*#e they "o*ld be clo#er to Scotland' :82; Shankly)# record in lea$*e football at 2rim#by "a# 82 "in# and 36 defeat# from 11 matche#' :81;

/ltho*$h the Workin$ton team "a# clo#e to the bottom of the 3hird 5i&i#ion .orth, Shankly #a" it a# a challen$e and Che attacked the 4ob "ith all the enth*#ia#m and reli#h he al"ay# #ho"ed at "hate&er he

didC':86; Workin$ton ro#e to 1 th by the end of the 196361 #ea#on and #o did not ha&e to apply for re7 election' @n 196166, the team fini#hed a creditable th and #a" a ri#e in attendance# from 8,>>> to ,>>>'

Workin$ton operated on a #hoe#trin$ and Shankly had to do m*ch of the admini#tration "ork him#elf, incl*din$ an#"erin$ the telephone and dealin$ "ith the mail by *#in$ an old type"riter to an#"er letter#' @n addition, he had the ri#ky 4ob of $oin$ to the bank each "eek to collect the payroll' One of hi# main problem# "a# #harin$ the $ro*nd "ith the local r*$by lea$*e cl*b and Shankly "a# &ery concerned abo*t the dama$e done to the playin$ #*rface by the r*$by player#' :88; 3he #it*ation led to Cn*mero*# ar$*ment#C "ith the cl*b)# board "hich, a# Helly record#, C"a# #tacked "ith r*$by lea$*e men "ho#e intere#t in football took #econd place to r*$byC' :89; Shankly re#i$ned on 16 .o&ember 1966 to take *p the po#t of a##i#tant mana$er at (*dder#field 3o"n, "orkin$ "ith hi# old friend /ndy Beattie':8 ; (i# record in lea$*e football at Workin$ton "a# 36 "in# and 29 defeat# from 6 matche#':86;

%uddersfield #o$n[edit]
Shankly)# initial role at (*dder#field "a# a# re#er&e team coach' (e fo*nd him#elf in char$e of #e&eral promi#in$ yo*n$#ter# "ho #oon $rad*ated to the fir#t team after 3o"n "ere rele$ated to the Second 5i&i#ion at the end of the 196668 #ea#on' Beattie re#i$ned in the ne?t #ea#on and, on 6 .o&ember 1968, Shankly #*cceeded him a# mana$er' On +hri#tma# E&e, he $a&e a fir#t team deb*t to 18 year old pro#pect 5eni# %a"' /nother pro#pect in hi# team "a# left back 0ay Wil#on "ho "ent on to become (*dder#field)# mo#t capped player before 4oinin$ E&erton' :89; Shankly did not $ain promotion at (*dder#field, the team fini#hin$ 12th in 196869, 9th in 19696 and 11th in 196 69' :9>; Other player# in Shankly)# (*dder#field team "ere Hen 3aylor, "ho "a# al#o an En$land 3e#t cricketerD #triker %e# =a##ie and captain Bill =c2arry':91; On 21 5ecember 1969, (*dder#field lo#t 98 to+harlton /thletic, "ho played mo#t of the match "ith ten men, after (*dder#field "ere leadin$ 61 "ith 4*#t 29 min*te# remainin$' Shankly de#cribed it a# Cone of the mo#t amaBin$ $ame# @ ha&e e&er #eenC' :92; B*t, on another occa#ion, (*dder#field beat %i&erpool 6> "ith ten men and Shankly recalled Cthe %i&erpool director# lea&in$ the $ro*nd in #in$le file like a f*neral proce##ionC' :93; 5i#ill*#ioned by a board that "anted to #ell hi# be#t player# "itho*t offerin$ money to b*y replacement#, Shankly felt #tifled by (*dder#field)# lack of ambition and "a# deli$hted in .o&ember 1969 to recei&e an approach for hi# #er&ice# by %i&erpool' (e recalled ho" %i&erpool chairman 3om (3'I'! William# a#ked him if he "o*ld like to mana$e the Cbe#t cl*b in the co*ntryC, to "hich Shankly repliedE CWhy, i# =att B*#by packin$ *pJC:91; Shankly decided to think abo*t the offer a# he reali#ed the $reat potential at %i&erpool, "ho "ere al#o in the Second 5i&i#ion at that time' 0*mo*r# be$an and "ere f*elled by %i&erpool)# &i#it to %eed# 0oad on 2 .o&ember' /ltho*$h (*dder#field "on the $ame 1>, Shankly accepted the %i&erpool offer and re#i$ned hi# po#ition a# (*dder#field mana$er at a board meetin$ on 1 5ecember 1969' :96; (i# lea$*e record at (*dder#field "a# 19 "in# and 19 defeat# in 129 matche#' :9>;

)*+* to )*,-[edit]
When Shankly arri&ed at /nfield on =onday, 11 5ecember 1969, %i&erpool had been in the Second 5i&i#ion for fi&e year#, and had been defeated by non7lea$*e Worce#ter +ity in the 196 69 F/ +*p'

/nfield it#elf "a# in di#repair "ith no mean# of "aterin$ the pitch and Shankly in#i#ted the cl*b #pend

G3,>>> to rectify that':99; Shankly de#cribed the trainin$ $ro*nd at =el"ood a# Ca #hamble#C':9 ; 3he %i&erpool #<*ad he inherited con#i#ted lar$ely of a&era$e player# and #ome promi#in$ re#er&e#' :9

@n #pite of the diffic*ltie#, Shankly felt immediately at home in hi# ne" cl*b and he belie&ed that he #hared an immediate bond "ith the #*pporter#, the %i&erpool hi#tory #ite #ayin$ they C"ere hi# kind of peopleC'
:9 ;

(e <*ickly e#tabli#hed "orkin$ relation#hip# "ith the coachin$ #taff of Bob -ai#ley, Aoe

Fa$an and 0e*ben Bennett "ho #hared hi# &ie"# abo*t loyalty to each other and to the cl*b' :99; -ai#ley)# infl*ence at %i&erpool "a# Ccr*cialC for, a# Helly p*t# it, Shankly "a# Cthe $reat moti&atin$ force behind %i&erpool, b*t it "a# -ai#ley "ho "a# the tacticianC':

One a#pect of the <*artet)# le$acy to football "a# the

con&er#ion of an old #tora$e room into "hat became kno"n a# the CBoot 0oomC, "hich "a# *#ed for tactical di#c*##ion "hil#t cleanin$ and repairin$ boot#' :

/ltho*$h Shankly belie&ed he had an e?cellent

coachin$ #taff, the playin$ #taff "ere not #o impre##i&e indeed, Shankly #aid of the latterE C/fter only one match @ kne" that the team a# a "hole "a# not $ood eno*$h' @ made *p my mind that "e needed #tren$thenin$ thro*$h the middle, a $oalkeeper and a centre half "ho bet"een them co*ld #top $oal#, and #omebody *p front to create $oal# and #core themC':

3o deal "ith "hat he #a" a# a belo" a&era$e

playin$ #<*ad, t"enty fo*r player# "ere placed on the tran#fer li#t and all of the#e had left the cl*b "ithin one year':9
;: 3;

=el"ood "a# o&er$ro"n and had only an old "ooden cricket pa&ilion':


One of the pitche# Clooked a# if


bomb# had been dropped on itC and Shankly a#ked if the 2erman# had Cbeen o&erC in the "ar' :


in#tit*ted a de&elopment pro$ram to c*lti&ate the #ite and moderni#e the facilitie# and, in the meantime, arran$ed for the player# to meet and chan$e at /nfield before $oin$ to and from =el"ood by b*#'
: 6;

/ccordin$ to bio$rapher Stephen Helly, %i&erpool)# e&ent*al #*cce## "a# ba#ed on hard "ork done in the

trainin$ #y#tem that Shankly, -ai#ley, Fa$an and Bennett introd*ced at =el"ood' Shankly deplored lon$ di#tance r*nnin$ on road# and in#i#ted that, apart from "arm7*p e?erci#e# or any #pecial e?erci#e# needed to o&ercome in4*rie#, the player# trained on $ra## *#in$ a ball' E&erythin$ "a# done #y#tematically "ith player# rotatin$ thro*$h e?erci#e ro*tine# in $ro*p# "ith the p*rpo#e of achie&in$ #et tar$et#' Fi&e7a7#ide $ame#, a# at all Shankly)# earlier cl*b#, "ere at the heart of the #y#tem and he in#i#ted on the#e bein$ a# competiti&e a# lea$*e matche#':

One partic*lar ro*tine de#i$ned to de&elop #tamina, refle?e# and ball

#kill# "a# the C#"eat bo?C "hich Shankly de#cribed a# C*#in$ board# like the "all# of a ho*#e "ith player# playin$ the ball off one "all and on to the ne?tD the ball "a# played a$ain#t the board#, yo* controlled it, t*rned aro*nd and took it a$ainC':

Shankly $ot the idea from a ro*tine he had #een 3om Finney *#e at

-re#ton to hone hi# #kill#' /fter e?perimentatin$ "ith the ro*tine, he #et the player# a limit of t"o min*te# per #e##ion' 3he #y#tem "a# $eared to Shankly)# #imple philo#ophy of Cpa## and mo&eC, "hich formed the

ba#i# of %i&erpool)# #trate$y' :

Shankly in#i#ted on #*itable coolin$7off period# after trainin$ (no" called

C"armin$ do"nC! before the player# took a bath and had a meal' 3he team chan$ed the #t*d# in their boot# to #*it all playin$ condition#' Shankly #*mmari#ed the entire #trate$y a#E Cattention to detailD "e ne&er left anythin$ to chanceC':

%i&erpool)# reco&ery depended on ne" player# bein$ ac<*ired and, in hi# a*tobio$raphy, Shankly recalled the #tr*$$le# he had "ith the board to make them reali#e the cl*b)# potential and the need to #pend money on $ood player#' (e #aid there "ere time# "hen he felt like "alkin$ o*t' (e fo*nd a &al*able ally in Eric Sa"yer, of the %ittle"ood# pool# or$ani#ation, "ho 4oined the board not lon$ after Shankly)# appointment and #hared Shankly)# &i#ion of %i&erpool a# the be#t cl*b in En$land' /t one board meetin$ in 1981 "hen Shankly in#i#ted the cl*b make offer# for t"o player# in Scotland, the board)# initial re#pon#e "a# that C"e can)t afford themC b*t Sa"yer #tepped in and #aidE CWe can)t afford not to b*y themC':9>; 3he t"o Scotti#h player# "ere centre half 0on Keat# and centre for"ard @an St Aohn from 5*ndee ,nited and =other"ell re#pecti&ely' :91; With Sa"yer)# help, Shankly #i$ned them both in the #prin$ of 1981 and challen$ed the %i&erpool board to C#ack me if they can)t playC' :92; /t a pre## conference "hen Keat# came to %i&erpool, Shankly empha#i#ed Keat#)# h*$e #iBe by in&itin$ the 4o*rnali#t# to C$o and "alk ro*nd himD he)# a colo##*#LC:93; 2oalkeeper 3ommy %a"rence came thro*$h the cl*b)# 4*nior team#, #o Shankly no" had hi# C#tren$th thro*$h the middleC and the team b*ildin$ contin*ed "ith the tran#fer of "in$ half 2ordon =ilne from -re#ton' Other player# de&eloped at /nfield "ere Aimmy =elia, 0onnie =oran, /lan /)+o*rt and f*t*re En$land international# 2erry Byrne and 0o$er (*nt' Shankly #aid of $oal#corer (*nt the fir#t time he #a" himE C+hri#t, thi# one can playLC :91; %i&erpool had fini#hed third in both 19698> and 198> 81 (only the top t"o cl*b# "ere promoted!D b*t the ne" team $ained promotion in the 198182 #ea#on by "innin$ the Second 5i&i#ion champion#hip, (*nt #corin$ 11 $oal#' :9

%i&erpool con#olidated in 198283, fini#hin$ ei$hth in their fir#t top fli$ht #ea#on and the team contin*ed to impro&e' Si$nificant #i$nin$# "ere "in$ half Willie Ste&en#on from 0an$er# in 1982 and left "in$er-eter 3homp#on from -re#ton in 1983':96; Shankly de#cribed the 3homp#on deal a# Cdayli$ht robberyC'

%i&erpool)# yo*th #y#tem prod*ced f*t*re En$land international# like @an +alla$han, 3ommy

Smithand +hri# %a"ler':99; 3he hard "ork paid off in 198381 "hen %i&erpool "on their #i?th %ea$*e +hampion#hip title, endin$ the #ea#on "ith a 6> defeat of /r#enal at /nfield' :9 ; /ccordin$ to 0o$er (*nt, the #ecret of %i&erpool)# #*cce## "a# that, *nder Shankly, C"e "ere the fitte#t team in the co*ntryC' :99; @n 1981, Aimmy =elia "a# tran#ferred to Wol&erhampton Wanderer#D:1>>; and Shankly bo*$ht /r#enal *tility player 2eoff Stron$ for G1>,>>> b*t thi# "a# %i&erpool)# la#t #i$nificant tran#fer acti&ity *ntil 1989' :1>1;

)*,- to )*./[edit]
One of Shankly)# $reate#t ambition# "hen he 4oined %i&erpool "a# to "in the F/ +*p and, after he #i$ned Keat# and St Aohn, he told the cl*b director# that Cthe#e player# "ill "in *# the F/ +*pC' :91; @t "a# St Aohn "ho #cored the "innin$ $oal in =ay 1986 "hen %i&erpool did "in the F/ +*p for the fir#t time in the cl*b)# hi#tory "ith a 21 e?tra time &ictory o&er %eed# ,nited at Wembley' @n hi# a*tobio$raphy, Shankly reco*nted that amon$ hi# many achie&ement#, "innin$ the 1986 F/ +*p "a# hi# C$reate#t dayC' :1>2;

%i&erpool made their E*ropean deb*t in 198186, playin$ in the E*ropean +*p and reachin$ the #emi7 final#' @n the #econd ro*nd they "ere dra"n a$ain#t the formidable /nderlecht and, 4*#t before the match, Shankly decided to e?periment "ith the %i&erpool kit' %i&erpool played in red #hirt# "ith "hite #hort# and hooped #ock# b*t Shankly and @an St Aohn had the idea of an all7red kit that "o*ld em*late the all7"hite of 0eal =adrid' %i&erpool ha&e played in all7red e&er #ince':1>3; 3hree day# after "innin$ the F/ +*p, %i&erpool defeated E*ropean champion# @nternaBionale 31 at /nfield in the #emi7final fir#t le$ "ith a performance that "a# #al*ted by @nter)# coach (elenio (errera':1>1; 3he #econd le$ at the San Siro, ho"e&er, "a# accordin$ to Shankly Ca "arC, "hich %i&erpool lo#t 3> and #o "ere knocked o*t of the competition 13 on a$$re$ate':1>6; Ele&en year# later, Shankly maintained that t"o of @nter)# $oal# "ere ille$al':1>8; E&en today, the %i&erpool "eb#ite de#cribe# the match by #ayin$ that C(%i&erpool "ere! only denied at the #emi7final #ta$e d*e to a di#hone#t referee in =ilanC':9 ; /ccordin$ to Helly, ho"e&er, &ideo e&idence #ho"# that the t"o di#p*ted $oal# "ere act*ally le$itimate' :1>9; Shankly #aid after the defeat in =ilan that the @nter fan# "ere $oin$ mad beca*#e they "ere C#o plea#ed to ha&e beaten %i&erpoolC and in#i#ted that thi# pro&ed the hi$h #tandard Cyo* (the team! ha&e rai#ed yo*r#el&e# *p toC' :1>8; @n the 198186 Football %ea$*e +hampion#hip, %i&erpool dropped from fir#t to #e&enth "ith thirteen le## point# than the pre&io*# #ea#on' /ccordin$ to the %i&erpool #ite, thi# "a# d*e to the e?ertion of len$thy participation in the F/ and E*ropean +*p#':9

@n 198688, %i&erpool re$ained the %ea$*e +hampion#hip title and reached the final of the E*ropean +*p Winner)# +*p at (ampden -ark, b*t they lo#t 21 in e?tra time to Bor*##ia 5ortm*nd' Shankly)# #*mmary of that final, played on a "et ni$ht, "a#E CWe didn)t play "ell and "e $a&e a"ay t"o #illy $oal#C' :1>8; Shankly and -ai#ley had learned a $reat deal abo*t E*ropean football "hich %i&erpool "o*ld e&ent*ally t*rn into trophie#' 3he key #trate$y in t"o7le$ tie# "a# Ccontainment a"ay, attack at homeC' :1> ; Shankly applied the principle in a preliminary ro*nd tie a$ain#t A*&ent*# "hen %i&erpool "ere a"ay in the fir#t le$' 5e#pite A*&ent*# takin$ the lead after 1 min*te#, Shankly ordered hi# player# to en#*re the deficit "a# only one $oal' %i&erpool then #"itched to all7o*t attack in the #econd le$ at /nfield and "on 2>' :1>

%i&erpool be$an the 198889 #ea#on by beatin$ nei$hbo*r# E&erton in the F/ +harity Shield match b*t the team "ere ne&er really in contention for ma4or hono*r# that #ea#on, fini#hin$ fifth in the lea$*e' Shankly reco$ni#ed the potential of Blackpool teena$er Emlyn (*$he#, a f*t*re En$land captain, and #i$ned him for G86,>>> in Febr*ary 1989':1>8; %i&erpool)# performance in the 1988789 E*ropean +*p "a# poor and, after #tr*$$lin$ to o&ercome F+ -etrol*l -loie#ti in the fir#t ro*nd, they "ere "ell beaten in the la#t 18 by /4a?, in#pired by 197year old Aohan +r*yff':1>9; /4a? "on 93 on a$$re$ate after defeatin$ %i&erpool 61 in /m#terdam' Se&eral year# later, in hi# a*tobio$raphy, Shankly #till complained that Cthe match in /m#terdam #ho*ld ne&er ha&e #tartedC d*e to fo$ and, altho*$h %i&erpool lo#t 61, he C#till tho*$ht "e ("o*ld "in the tie! at /nfieldC':1>9; /ltho*$h Shankly claimed to ha&e been *n"orried abo*t the /4a? defeat, he ackno"led$ed that C"e "ere e?aminin$ the team and plannin$ aheadC' :11>; (o"e&er, the %i&erpool #ite ar$*e# that Shankly "a# mi#taken in hi# deci#ion at thi# time to po#tpone team reb*ildin$' :9

%i&erpool impro&ed their %ea$*e performance# o&er the ne?t t"o year#, fini#hin$ third in 19898 and then #econd in 198 89, altho*$h to Shankly him#elf it "a# Ca mediocre time in the late 198># a# "e prepared for the 199>#C':111; Shankly made t"o contro&er#ial #i$nin$# in thi# period "hich did not t*rn o*t a# he had hoped' @n 1989, he #i$ned #triker 3ony (ateley from +hel#ea for a cl*b record G98,>>> and then felt obli$ed to tran#fer him to +o&entry +ity only a year later':111; (e claimed bad l*ck and in4*rie# di#r*pted the pro$re## of t"o other pro#pect# /lf /rro"#mith and 2ordon WallaceD Shankly compared the latter to 3om Finney'

@n September 198 , Shankly paid G1>>,>>> to Wol&erhampton Wanderer# for their teena$e #triker /l*n

E&an# "ho th*# became Cfootball)# fir#t G1>>,>>> teena$erC' E&an# #tarted "ell and prod*ced #ome o*t#tandin$ performance# d*rin$ hi# fo*r year# at the cl*b b*t Shankly e&ent*ally had to #ell him to /#ton Iilla' Shankly recalled that E&an# "a# #carred by a $la## in a ni$htcl*b incident "hich, in Shankly)# opinion, had a detrimental impact on hi# career':113; 3he only lon$7term #*cce## that Shankly had in the tran#fer market in the late 198># "a# hi# #i$nin$ of Emlyn (*$he#, "ho "ent on to captain %i&erpool to &ictory in the E*ropean +*p' Other"i#e, he did not #i$nificantly chan$e the team *ntil the 19899> #ea#on "hen %i&erpool fini#hed fifth in the lea$*e champion#hip, a lon$ "ay behind the "inner#E their local ri&al# E&erton' :111; Shankly "a# characteri#tically defiant "hene&er E&erton $ot the better of %i&erpool and, altho*$h he liked and re#pected e&eryone connected "ith E&erton, "o*ld al"ay# talk *p %i&erpool at E&erton)# e?pen#e' 3ypical of thi# "a# hi# &ie" thatE C3hi# city ha# t"o $reat football team# %i&erpool and %i&erpool re#er&e#C' :116; @n the 19899> F/ +*p <*arter final, %i&erpool played a$ain#t #tr*$$lin$ Second 5i&i#ion #ide Watford at Iicara$e 0oad and lo#t 1> after a &ery poor performance':111; 3he %i&erpool #ite record# that the defeat #i$nalled the end for St Aohn, (*nt, Byrne, Keat# and %a"renceD the incomer# incl*ded 0ay +lemence, /lec %ind#ay, %arry %loyd, Aohn 3o#hack, Brian (all and Ste&e (ei$h"ay':111; /part from (all "ho $rad*ated thro*$h the re#er&e#, they "ere all #i$ned from cl*b# in lo"er di&i#ion# or e&en, in the ca#e of (ei$h"ay, from non7lea$*e football':118; /ddin$ the ne" player# to 3ommy Smith, @an +alla$han, +hri# %a"ler and Emlyn (*$he#, Shankly formed the n*cle*# of a #econd $reat team "hich "ent on to dominate En$li#h and E*ropean football in the 199>#' :111; =any of the ne" player# came to %i&erpool beca*#e of a ne" #co*tin$ #y#tem created by Shankly in 1989 and placed *nder the control of ne" chief #co*t 2eoff 3"entyman, "ho had played for Shankly at +arli#le and had then #pent #e&eral #ea#on# at %i&erpool, retirin$ #hortly before Shankly)# appointment' /ccordin$ to Stephen Helly, hirin$ 3"entyman a# chief #co*t "a# Cperhap# Shankly)# fine#t #i$nin$ e&erC' :119; @t "a# thro*$h 3"entyman that %i&erpool fo*nd the ne" player# and, after Shankly retired, 3"entyman $a&e #terlin$ #er&ice to Bob -ai#ley and Aoe Fa$an by findin$ player# like -hil .eal, /lan (an#en and @an 0*#h'
:11 ;

/# al"ay#, Shankly kept thin$# #imple and 3"entyman "a# told to look for a pro#pect)# ba#ic <*alitie#

"hich "ere the abilitie# to pa## the ball and mo&e into po#ition to recei&e a pa##' :119; Shankly al#o "anted 3"entyman to check the player)# per#onality and en#*re he had the ri$ht attit*de for a profe##ional footballer' /bo&e all, #aid 3"entyman, Che "anted to kno" if the lad had the heart to play for %i&erpoolC'

:11 ;

/ltho*$h Shankly #ometime# paid lar$e tran#fer fee# he "a# loath to do #o and 3"entyman)# brief "a#

C$ettin$ them yo*n$ #o he (Shankly! co*ld mo*ld them into "hat he "antedC' :12>;

)*./ to )*.-[edit]
3he ne" team be$an promi#in$ly in 199>91 by retainin$ fifth place in the lea$*e and reachin$ the #emi7 final# of the @nter7+itie# Fair# +*p "here they lo#t >1 to a &ery e?perienced %eed# ,nited #ide':121; 3he hi$hli$ht of %i&erpool)# E*ropean campai$n that #ea#on "a# a 11 a$$re$ate &ictory in the <*arter7final o&er Bayern =*nich':122; For the fir#t time #ince "innin$ the competition in 1986, %i&erpool reached theF/ +*p Final b*t, a# in the Fair# +*p, e?perience "a# the key factor and Shankly)# yo*n$ team "ere beaten 21 by lea$*e champion# /r#enal de#pite ha&in$ taken the lead in e?tra time thro*$h a Ste&e (ei$h"ay $oal':123; Watchin$ from the #ideline# "a# another ne" player "hom Shankly had recently #i$ned from Sc*nthorpe ,nited for G36,>>> on 3"entyman)# recommendation':121; 3hi# "a# He&in Hee$anand he "a# #*ch an important addition to the ne" %i&erpool team that Shankly de&oted an entire chapter of hi# a*tobio$raphy to him entitled C/ Boy +alled Hee$anC':126; Shankly #*mmari#ed Hee$an a# Cthe in#piration of the ne" teamC':128; @n Hee$an)# fir#t #ea#on, 199192, %i&erpool mi##ed o*t on "innin$ the %ea$*e +hampion#hip by a #in$le point, the title $oin$ to Brian +lo*$h)# 5erby +o*nty' Shankly maintained that %i&erpool "ere denied a definite penalty in their cr*cial a"ay match a$ain#t 5erby and then had a $ood $oal di#allo"ed to"ard# the end of their final match a$ain#t /r#enal':129; Both deci#ion# co#t the team a &ital point "hich "o*ld ha&e been eno*$h to claim fir#t place' Shankly took enco*ra$ement from the team)# o&erall form, e#pecially a# they made a #tron$ fini#h to the #ea#on, and he "a# confident of #*cce## in 199293' :12

Shankly had al"ay# been noted for hi# *#e of p#ycholo$y, both to enco*ra$e hi# o"n player# and to rai#e do*bt in the mind# of opponent#':129; One of hi# la#tin$ inno&ation# i# the THIS IS ANFIELD pla<*e #ec*red to the "all abo&e the player#) t*nnel':13>; +o*pled "ith the roar of the cro"d, it "a# de#i$ned to intimidate' :13>;

@n the fir#t match after it "a# erected, %i&erpool defeated .e"ca#tle ,nited 6>, de#pite an attempt

by =alcolm =acdonald to 4oke abo*t the #i$n':131; Shankly "o*ld al#o try to boo#t the confidence of hi# o"n player# by anno*ncin$ that a key opponent "a# *nfit' When He&in Hee$an "a# abo*t to play a$ain#t Bobby =oore for the fir#t time, Shankly told him that =oore had been o*t at a ni$ht cl*b and "a# h*n$ o&er' /fter"ard#, Hee$an ha&in$ prod*ced an o*t#tandin$ performance a$ain#t the e<*ally o*t#tandin$ =oore, Shankly told him that =oore had been brilliant that day and Hee$an "o*ld Cne&er play a$ain#t anyone better than himC':132; @n 199293, %i&erpool "on the cl*b)# ei$hth lea$*e title and their third *nder Shankly' :133; / ma##i&e bon*# for the cl*b "a# "innin$ the ,EF/ +*p, the cl*b)# fir#t E*ropean #*cce##':131; @n the t"o7le$$ed final they faced Bor*##ia =Mnchen$ladbach, "hom Shankly rated Cthe be#t team in E*ropeC':136; 3he fir#t le$ at /nfield had to be played t"ice after an abandonment d*e to hea&y rain "hich flooded the pitch' :138; Shankly had left Aohn 3o#hack o*t of the team b*t, ha&in$ #t*died the Bor*##ia defence, recalled him for the rematch the follo"in$ ni$ht' 3o#hack *#ed hi# hei$ht and headin$ ability to $reat effect and created t"o $oal# for Hee$an a# %i&erpool "on 3>' :139; 3he #econd le$ in =Mnchen$ladbach "a# a different #tory a#

Bor*##ia took an early 2> lead and Shankly admitted he tho*$ht the final "a# lo#t, b*t %i&erpool held on to "in the final by the a$$re$ate #core of 32' :13 ; @t "a# the fir#t time an En$li#h cl*b had "on both the lea$*e title and a E*ropean trophy in the #ame #ea#on':139; %i&erpool "ere "ell beaten by 0ed Star Bel$rade in the #econd ro*nd of the 199391 E*ropean +*p and lo#t o*t to %eed# in the %ea$*e +hampion#hip, fini#hin$ #econd' :11>; @n the third ro*nd of the F/ +*p, %i&erpool had to #core a late e<*ali#er to dra" 22 at home a$ain#t lo"ly 5onca#ter 0o&er# b*t reco&ered to "in the replay and then $o all the "ay to the final':111; @n "hat pro&ed to be Shankly)# la#t competiti&e $ame in char$e, %i&erpool prod*ced a #*perb #econd half performance to defeat .e"ca#tle 3> at Wembley':112;

0elationshi( $ith fans[edit]

Bill Shankly d*rin$ a lap of hono*r at /nfield in /pril 1993, "earin$ the #carf thro"n to him by a %i&erpool fan'

@n hi# a*tobio$raphy, Shankly "roteE C0i$ht from the #tart a# a mana$er (i'e', "hen he "a# at +arli#le! @ tried to #ho" that the fan# are the people that matter' Ko*)&e $ot to kno" ho" to treat them (and! ha&e them on yo*r #ideC':113; 3hi# "a# partic*larly tr*e at %i&erpool and Shankly #aid he "a# Cmade for %i&erpool ("here! the people that matter mo#t are the one# "ho come thro*$h the t*rn#tile#C' :111; (e added that Ca mana$er ha# $ot to identify him#elf "ith the people (beca*#e! football i# their "hole lifeC' @n ret*rn, he #aid, the #*pport of the %i&erpool fan# for their team had been CincredibleC' :111; @n /pril 1993, "hen Shankly and the team "ere #ho"in$ off the %ea$*e +hampion#hip trophy to the fan# on the Hop, he #a" a policeman flin$ a#ide a %i&erpool #carf "hich had been thro"n in Shankly)# direction' Shankly retrie&ed the #carf and "ore it' (e #aid to the policemanE C5on)t yo* do that' 3hat)# precio*#C'

Shankly #a" the offer of the #carf a# a mark of re#pect "hich de#er&ed hi# re#pect in ret*rn'


Shankly empha#i#ed the importance of comm*nication "ith the #*pporter#' /t +arli#le he *#ed to #peak to them o&er the p*blic addre## #y#tem before matche#' 0ather than 4*#t p*ttin$ a fe" line# in the match pro$ramme, he preferred to #peak and e?plain hi# team chan$e# and hi# &ie"# abo*t the pre&io*# match'

/t Workin$ton, he "o*ld an#"er #*pporter#) letter# in per#on, *#in$ an old type"riter' :119; B*t he #aid he

preferred to phone b*#ine## people a# he "o*ld p*t a# little a# po##ible in "ritin$ "hen dealin$ "ith them'

(e "o*ld readily obtain match ticket# for fan# "hom he con#idered to be de#er&in$ ca#e# and "rote in

hi# a*tobio$raphy that he C"o*ld $i&e people anythin$ "ithin rea#onC' :11

Shankly formed a #pecial bond "ith the %i&erpool #*pporter# and, at the end of the 198182 #ea#on "hen %i&erpool "on the Second 5i&i#ion champion#hip, he told the Liverpool EchoE C@n all #incerity, @ can #ay that they are the $reate#t cro"d of #*pporter# in the $ameC':119; @n 3ommy Smith)# &ie", Shankly "a# completely in t*ne "ith the city of %i&erpoolD he lo&ed the #*pporter# and they lo&ed him, mainly Cbeca*#e they kne" he *nder#tood themC':16>;

0etirement from &i'er(ool[edit]

Shankly "a# 8> year# old "hen %i&erpool "on the 1991 F/ +*p and #aid in hi# a*tobio$raphy that, on ret*rnin$ to the dre##in$ room at the end of the match, he Cfelt tired from all the year#C' :161; (i# mind "a# made *p and he kne" he "a# $oin$ to retire':161; (i# "ife, .e##ie, had a#ked him to retire a year earlier b*t he decided that "a# not the ri$ht time':162; 3ommy Smith #aid that Shankly)# feelin$# for .e##ie "ere *ndo*btedly a ma4or rea#on for hi# deci#ion':163; @n 1991, he decided that he co*ld lea&e %i&erpool "ith pride in a 4ob "ell done and only one re$ret, "hich "a# that he did not "in the E*ropean +*p' :162; S*mmer "a# the "or#t time of year for Shankly "ho "a# re#tle## "itho*t daily in&ol&ement in football, and #o he had threatened to re#i$n in pre&io*# year#' 3he %i&erpool #ecretary -eter 0obin#on "a# initially bla#N in 1991 b*t, "hen he reali#ed Shankly "a# #erio*# thi# time, he tried to make him chan$e hi# mind' Shankly)# $randda*$hter, Haren 2ill, #aid to The Observer in 2>>9E C@ think that perhap# it "a# tiredne##, that football had taken it# toll on himC':161; Shankly)# retirement "a# officially and #*rpri#in$ly anno*nced at a pre## conference called by %i&erpool on 12 A*ly 1991' 3he chairman, Aohn Smith, #aid in hi# openin$ addre##E :166; C@t i# "ith $reat re$ret that @ a# chairman of %i&erpool Football +l*b ha&e to inform yo* that =r Shankly ha# intimated that he "i#he# to retire from acti&e participation in lea$*e football' /nd the board ha# "ith e?treme rel*ctance accepted hi# deci#ion' @ "o*ld like to at thi# #ta$e place on record the board)# $reat appreciation of =r Shankly)# ma$nificent achie&ement# o&er the period of hi# mana$er#hipC' B*t Shankly #oon re$retted hi# deci#ion and tried to contin*e hi# in&ol&ement "ith the cl*b, mainly by t*rnin$ *p for team trainin$ at =el"ood' (e #aid he #till "anted the in&ol&ement a# the cl*b had become hi# life':168; (e #oon #topped $oin$ to =el"ood beca*#e he felt there "a# #ome re#entment and people "ere a#kin$ "hat he "a# doin$ there':169; Feelin$ *n"anted, Shankly be$an to re#ent the cl*b altho*$h he #till attended matche# b*t #at in the #tand a"ay from the director# and #taff' (e "a# e#pecially annoyed that %i&erpool did not in&ite him to attend a"ay matche# a# the cl*b)# $*e#t' When, finally, he "a# in&ited to tra&el "ith them to the a"ay le$ of the 1998 ,EF/ +*p Final in Br*$e#, he "a# accommodated in a #eparate hotel and #aid he fo*nd that in#*ltin$':169; Shankly contra#ted %i&erpool)# attit*de "ith "hat he enco*ntered at other cl*b#, incl*din$ %i&erpool)# $reat ri&al# E&erton and =anche#ter ,nited, "here he "a# recei&ed "armly' (e recalled =anche#ter ,nited mana$er 3ommy 5ocherty)# reply to a %i&erpool directorE C/ye, Bill)# "elcome hereC':16 ; /bo*t E&erton, once hi# $reate#t ri&al#, he "roteE C@ ha&e been recei&ed more "armly by E&erton than @ ha&e by %i&erpool' @t i# a #candal that @ m*#t "rite the#e "ord# abo*t the cl*b @ helped to b*ildC':16

From %i&erpool)# point of &ie", the #it*ation "a# that Shankly had retired and the cl*b had to mo&e on' Shankly did not *nder#tand that by t*rnin$ *p for trainin$ at =el"ood, he "a# effecti&ely *nderminin$ Bob -ai#ley, "ho had #*cceeded him a# mana$er, e&en to the point of act*ally takin$ o&er the trainin$' 3ommy Smith recalled that Shankly a# mana$er ne&er ran trainin$ and "o*ld only #peak to -ai#ley, Fa$an and Bennett abo*t "hat needed to be done' B*t, a# a &i#itor at =el"ood he be$an to inter&ene and -ai#ley)# initial plea#*re on #eein$ him #oon t*rned to polite embarra##ment' E&ent*ally, -ai#ley had to point o*t to Shankly that he didn)t "ork there any more, that it "a# no" -ai#ley)# team and that he had thin$# "hich he "anted to do "ith the team':161; @t i# belie&ed that Shankly "anted a #eat on the %i&erpool board, follo"in$ the precedent of =att B*#by "ho 4oined the =anche#ter ,nited board after he retired a# mana$er in 1989' B*t, a$ain, "hat Shankly did not *nder#tand "a# that hi# relation# "ith the board had often been acrimonio*# "ith #e&eral re#i$nation threat# and a #tatement made by Shankly thatE C/t a football cl*b, there)# a holy trinity the player#, the mana$er and the #*pporter#' 5irector# don)t come into it' 3hey are only there to #i$n the che<*e#C' /ltho*$h #ome cl*b official# like #ecretary -eter 0obin#on "anted by$one# to be by$one#, 3ommy Smith #*mmari#ed the board)# &ie" a# C0i$ht, that)# it, "e)&e $ot rid of him at la#tC' :161; @t #ho*ld be remembered that Shankly "a# Can o&erpo"erin$ fi$*reC "ho "o*ld certainly ha&e *#ed a po#ition on the board to be a Cback7#eat dri&erC and the board "ere "ell a"are that =att B*#by)# time a# a =anche#ter ,nited director "a# di#a#tro*#, the team 4*#t ha&in$ been rele$ated' Whil#t %i&erpool)# treatment of Shankly may ha&e #eemed di#re#pectf*l, they "ere actin$ in the be#t intere#t# of the cl*b and it# ne" mana$er by p*r#*in$ the #ame relentle## "innin$ ethic that Shankly him#elf had in#tilled' @n any e&ent, their percei&ed r*thle##ne## "a# &indicated by the *nprecedented ha*l of %ea$*e +hampion#hip title# and E*ropean +*p# "on by -ai#ley and Aoe Fa$an':161;

&ater years and death[edit]

3he #tat*e of Shankly, erected in 1999, o*t#ide 3he Hop at/nfield'

Shankly "a# a"arded the OBE in .o&ember 1991, fo*r month# after he retired a# %i&erpool mana$er' (e and .e##ie "ent to B*ckin$ham -alace and, accordin$ to Helly, that "a# Ca rare day o*t for themC' :169; 3hey

contin*ed to li&e in the #emi7detached ho*#e at We#t 5erby, near the E&erton trainin$ $ro*nd at Bellefield, "hich they bo*$ht "hen they mo&ed to %i&erpool in 1969':18>; /fter Shankly)# death in 19 1, .e##ie li&ed there alone *ntil #he died in /*$*#t 2>>2':181; Shankly tried to keep b*#y in retirement and #tay in to*ch "ith football' (e "orked for 0adio +ity 98'9, a %i&erpool #tation on "hich he pre#ented hi# o"n chat #ho", once inter&ie"in$ prime mini#ter (arold Wil#on, and "a# a p*ndit on it# football co&era$e' (e briefly took *p ad&i#ory role# at Wre?ham and then at 3ranmere 0o&er#, helpin$ former %i&erpool captain 0on Keat# at the latter' @n .o&ember 1998, the pre## #pec*lated that Shankly "o*ld make a ret*rn to mana$ement a# the #*cce##or to 5a&e =ackay at 5erby +o*nty, b*t the po#ition "ent to +olin =*rphy in#tead' Aohn 3o#hack recalled that Shankly "a# a $reat help to him "hen he "ent into mana$ement "ithS"an#ea +ity in 199 ' 5e#pite bein$ in hi# #i?tie#, Shankly kept him#elf fit and often took part in fi&e7a7#ide football' @f nothin$ el#e "a# a&ailable he "o*ld 4oin team# of yo*n$#ter# in kickabo*t#':161; On the mornin$ of 28 September 19 1, Bill Shankly "a# admitted to Broad$reen (o#pital follo"in$ a heart attack' (i# condition appeared to be #table and there "a# no #*$$e#tion that hi# life "a# in dan$er' B*t, on the follo"in$ =onday mornin$, hi# condition #*ddenly deteriorated and "a# tran#ferred into inten#i&e care' /t >>E3> on 29 September, he #*ffered another cardiac arre#t and "a# certified dead, a$ed 8 , at >1E2>' (e "a# cremated at the /nfield +rematori*m on 2 October and hi# a#he# "ere #cattered on the /nfield pitch at the Hop end':182; On the day of Shankly)# death, trainin$ "a# cancelled at both =el"ood and Bellefield' :183; 3he %abo*r -arty conference #tood in a min*te)# #ilence for a man "ho had al"ay# been a #ociali#t':183; Sir =att B*#by, the former =anche#ter ,nited mana$er, "a# #o *p#et that he ref*#ed to take any telephone call# from people a#kin$ him for a reaction':183; 3rib*te# po*red in from the "orld of football, e#pecially from the former player# of all Shankly)# cl*b#' %i&erpool chairman Aohn Smith #*mmed them *p "ith a #imple b*t fittin$E C@n my opinion, he "a# the mo#t o*t#tandin$ and dynamic mana$er of the cent*ryC' :183; %i&erpool erected the 167foot hi$h ca#t7iron Shankly 2ate# in front of the /nfield 0oad #tand' @n#cribed You'll Never Wal Alone, they "ere opened by .e##ie Shankly at a lo"7key ceremony in /*$*#t 19 2' @n 1999, a #e&en7foot tall bronBe #tat*e of Shankly "a# *n&eiled o*t#ide the #tadi*m' :161; From the mid7199># -re#ton .orth End commenced a complete reb*ildin$ of 5eepdale to con&ert it into a modern all7#eater #tadi*m' When the former Spion Hop end "a# replaced by a ne" #tand in 199 , it "a# named the Bill Shankly Hop and "a# de#i$ned "ith different colo*red #eat# pro&idin$ an ima$e of Shankly)# head and #ho*lder#':181; Shankly "a# made an ina*$*ral ind*ctee of the En$li#h Football (all of Fame in 2>>2, in reco$nition of hi# impact on the En$li#h $ame a# a mana$er':186;

Stephen Helly, in hi# 1999 bio$raphy of Shankly, call# him Cthe *ltimate ob#e##i&eC' :188; Shankly "a# fanatical abo*t %i&erpool and abo*t football in $eneral' From coachin$ hi# player# and ar$*in$ "ith

4o*rnali#t# to b*ttonholin$ fan# in p*b#, all Shankly Ce&er "anted to do "a# talk abo*t footballC and to be in&ol&ed in football':188; /# a re#*lt, he had fe" intere#t# o*t#ide the $ame other than hi# family' (i# "ife .e##ie told Helly that Shankly "o*ld #pend time in the $arden, mo"in$ and "eedin$' :189; She co*ld al#o rely on him to Cclean the cooker "hen %i&erpool lo#tC' :189; Family holiday# "ere limited to a "eek in Blackpool, "here they al"ay# #tayed at the .orbreck (otel' :189; One non7football acti&ity that Shankly did en4oy "a# playin$ card# and @an St Aohn #aid he Clo&edC it, al"ay# takin$ part on lon$ coach trip# to a"ay matche#' :18 Shankly "a# noted for hi# per#onality and hi# "itD a# a re#*lt, he i# oft7<*oted' :116; (i# mo#t famo*# <*otation i# probably one that i# often mi#<*otedE:116; CSome people belie&e football i# a matter of life and death, @ am &ery di#appointed "ith that attit*de' @ can a##*re yo* it i# m*ch, m*ch more important than thatC' Helly point# o*t that, altho*$h it "a# #aid half74okin$ly, #o far a# Shankly "a# concerned there "a# a de$ree of tr*th in "hat he had #aid' Shankly had f*lly reali#ed the importance of football to it# die7hard fan#, him#elf incl*ded' @t had become Ctoo importantC':189; @an St Aohn a$reed that Cm*ch of Shankly)# beha&io*r "a# biBarreC, b*t e&erythin$ "a# done "ith a p*rpo#e beca*#e CShankly al"ay# kne" "hat he "a# doin$ and "hat he "a# #ayin$C':19>; @n hi# a*tobio$raphy, Shankly $a&e in#i$ht# into hi# character #*ch a# hi# "orld7&ie" a# a #ociali#t, e?plainin$ that the #ociali#m he belie&ed in "a# not abo*t politic# b*t abo*t collecti&i#m, "ith e&eryone "orkin$ for each other and en4oyin$ a #hare of the re"ard#' 3hat "a# the ba#i# of hi# approach to football "hich i# a team $ame in "hich e&eryone "ork# to$ether and #hare# the re"ard#' :191; (e admitted to idoli#in$ 0obert B*rn#, "ho#e birthplace "a# only 28 mile# from 2lenb*ck and he "a# in#pired by many of B*rn#) philo#ophical <*otation#, #*ch a# C/ man)# a man for a) thatC' :192; Shankly had no time for bi$otry or pre4*dice, e#pecially ari#in$ from difference# of reli$ion' (e compared the citie# of 2la#$o" and %i&erpool by #ayin$ that Cfort*nately there i# nothin$ like the 0an$er#7+eltic #it*ation in %i&erpool beca*#e the #*pporter# of %i&erpool and E&erton are a mi?ed b*nch "ho#e reli$ion i# footballC' :6>; Shankly)# p*blic per#ona "a# that of a Cto*$h $*yC "ith the #"a$$er of hi# fa&o*rite film #tar Aame# +a$ney b*t pri&ately he "a# &ery different' Aoe =ercer de#cribed hi# Cheart of $oldC and likened him to aBorder +ollie "ho dri&e# hi# #heep b*t co*ld ne&er h*rt them' :193; %i&erpool)# percei&ed failin$# in the late 198># ha&e been attrib*ted to Shankly)# rel*ctance to drop hi# lon$7#er&in$ player# e&en tho*$h they "ere pa#t their be#t' Bob -ai#ley #aid it "a# Shankly)# Cone failin$C and it "a# beca*#e he "a# Ca #oftie at heartC'
:193; ;

When a#ked by a 3I inter&ie"er ho" he "o*ld like to be remembered, Shankly repliedE CBa#ically a# an hone#t man in a $ame that i# #ometime# #hort on hone#ty' 3hat @)&e been "orkin$ hone#tly for the people of %i&erpool to try and $i&e them entertainmentC':191;

1s a (layer[edit]

Preston North End

F/ +*p (1!E 19393

1s a manager[edit]

Football %ea$*e Fir#t 5i&i#ion (3!E 198381, 198688, 199293 Football %ea$*e Second 5i&i#ion (1!E 198182 F/ +*p (2!E 198186, 199391 F/ +harity Shield (1!E 1981, 1986, 1988, 1991 ,EF/ +*p (1!E 199293

1s an indi'idual[edit]

=ana$er of the Kear /"ard (1!E 199293 Officer of the Order of the Briti#h Empire (1!E 1991 @na*$*ral @nd*ctee to the En$li#h Football (all of Fame (1!E 2>>2 @na*$*ral @nd*ctee to the Scotti#h Football (all of Fame (1!E 2>>1

@n /pril 2>13, Shankly "a# hono*red by 0oyal =ail in the ,nited Hin$dom, a# one of #i? people #elected a# #*b4ect# for the O2reat Briton#P commemorati&e po#ta$e #tamp i##*e':196;

anagerial statistics[edit]
(ecord Team From To # ) D * )in +

(arli)le *nited

19,9 1901


,8 33 2/


Grim)by 1o2n

1901 1903


,/ 16 1/



190, 1900


30 23 2/


3udder)$ield 1o2n

1906 1909


,9 30 0+



1909 19/,

/03 393 180 1/0 02519


&,&/01 121 12- 324%& .

Q A*mp *p toEa b 3he po#ition of "in$ half i# no" ob#olete in football terminolo$y b*t it "a# a key role at the time of Shankly)# career "hen team# ro*tinely played in a 236 formation' 3he "in$ hal&e# (ri$ht and left! played o*t#ide the centre half in the middle three' /ltho*$h #ome "in$ hal&e# "ere more creati&e than defen#i&e, Shankly)# 4ob "a# to "in the ball (hence hi# empha#i# on hi# tacklin$ #kill#! and mo&e it for"ard, #o he "a# the e<*i&alent of "hat i# called a holdin$ midfielder in 21#t cent*ry football'


15 25
3' 1' 6' 8' 9'

Q A*mp *p toEa b c Shankly, p'9' Q A*mp *p toEa b c Helly, p'12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'21' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'1112' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'11' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'1116 3um( u(4 Helly, p'16' Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, p'18' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'13' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'1311' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'11' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'16' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'1618' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'191 ' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'1 ' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'19' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'19' Q A*mp *p toEa b c Shankly, p'29' 3um( u(4 C+ronberry E$lintonC' LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'31' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'3136' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'19'

9' 1>' 11' 12' 13' 11' 16' 18' 19'

19' 2>' 21' 22'

21' 26'

Q A*mp *p toEa b c C+arli#le ,nited (-layer!C'LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'36' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'21' Q A*mp *p toEa b c Helly, p'23' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'39' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'21' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'26' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'39' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d e f g h i j k C-re#ton .orth EndC'LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'29' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'1>' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'32' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'31' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'11' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'62' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'6>61' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'69' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'698>' Q A*mp *p toEa b c Shankly, p'8>' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'1119' 3um( u(4 When Satur$a" !o%es & The Half Decent Football 'oo , p'113' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'19' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'8' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'2>' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d e f g CScotlandC' LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 C3hi# @# Ko*r %ifeC' t&'com' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'1 ' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d e Shankly, p'31' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'293>' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'81' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d C+arli#le ,nited (=ana$er!C'LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'82' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'82' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'86' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'9391' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'88' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'98' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'89'

29' 2 ' 29' 3>'


31' 36'

365 3/5
3 ' 39' 1>'

12' 13' 11' 16' 18'

1 ' 19'


025 035
61' 66' 68' 69'



615 625

Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, p'99' Q A*mp *p toEa b c Shankly, p'8 ' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'9 ' Q A*mp *p toEa b C2rim#by 3o"nC' LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' Q A*mp *p toEa b c CWorkin$tonC' LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'8991' 3um( u(4 Helly, p' 1' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'9>91' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'9 ' Q A*mp *p toEa b C(*dder#field 3o"nC' LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'96' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p' 2' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'111' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p' 1' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'12>' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'138' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p' 6' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d e f g h C%i&erpool Si?tie# 3eamC'LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'111' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'13 ' 3um( u(4 Shetty, San4ee& (21 5ecember 2>>1!' C3he le$acy of the boot roomC' BB+ Sport' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12'

6,5 605
88' 89' 8 ' 89'

91' 92' 93' 91' 96' 98' 99'

99' >' 1'

2' 3' 1'

3um( u(4 Shankly, pp' 9 3um( u(4 Helly, p'118' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'112'


8' 9' ' 9' 9>' 91' 92' 93'

Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p' 9' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'116' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'98' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'9899' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'1>>' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp' 99>' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'18>186' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'9>91' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'186' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'91' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'196199' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'199' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'9999'

96' 98' 99'

9 ' 99' 1>>' 1>1' 1>2' 1>3' 1>1' 1>6'

3um( u(4 Shankly, p'91' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'1 >' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'1 1' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'1 '

3um( u(4 Shankly, p'1>2' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'199' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'2> ' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'1>6' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d Shankly, p'1>8' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'21>' Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, p'219' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'1>9' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'1> ' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'1>9' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'11>' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'11>111' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d C%i&erpool Se&entie# 3eamC'LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' Q A*mp *p toEa b c CSome people belie&e football i# a matter of life and death''' 3he "it and


1+85 1+95

112' 113'

11,5 1105
118' 119'

"i#dom of Bill ShanklyC' Dail" (irror' 2 September 2>1>' 0etrie&ed 28 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'116119' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'211' Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, pp'216218' 3um( u(4 (*$he#, p'19' 3um( u(4 (*$he#, p'11' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'261266' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'266' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'26 ' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'269' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'11 123' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'123' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'282' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'126' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'283281' Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, p'128' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'128' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'281' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'28 ' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'2922 >'

119' 12>' 121' 122' 123' 121' 126' 128' 129' 12 ' 129'

13+5 1315
132' 133' 131'

136' 138' 139' 13 ' 139' 11>' 111' 112' 113'

3um( u(4 Shankly, p'131' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'29 ' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'29 2 >' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'2 >' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'131132' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'2 82 9' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'2 92 3um( u(4 Helly, p'2 ' '

3um( u(4 Shankly, p'83' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'196' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'13 ' 3um( u(4 Shankly, pp'8381' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'19>' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'1 1' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'191' 3um( u(4 Smith, p'2 6' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'111' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'112' 3um( u(4 Smith, p'2 8' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d e f +orbett, Aame# (1 October 2>>9!'CBill ShanklyE %ife, 5eath and FootballC'

1,,5 1,05

11 ' 119' 16>'

1015 1025

166' 168'

%ondonE The Observer' 0etrie&ed 26 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 CBill Shankly)# 0etirementC'LF!Histor"#net' 0etrie&ed 21 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'113' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'111' Q A*mp *p toEa b Shankly, p'116' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'3>9' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'3>8' 3um( u(4 CBill Shankly)# old home $oe# *p for #aleC'icLiverpool' 0etrie&ed 28 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 Helly, pp'312311' Q A*mp *p toEa b c d Helly, p'313' 3um( u(4 C5eepdale 2ro*nd 2*ideC' -re#ton .orth End' 0etrie&ed 28 =arch 2>12' 3um( u(4 CWri$ht @nd*cted @nto (all of FameC' BB+ Sport' 16 October 2>>6' 0etrie&ed 28 =arch 2>12'

10/5 1085
169' 18>' 181' 182'

181' 186'

1665 16/5
18 ' 189' 19>'

Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, p'3' Q A*mp *p toEa b c Helly, p'293' 3um( u(4 St Aohn, p'119' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'29>' 3um( u(4 St Aohn, p'92'

191' 192'

3um( u(4 Shankly, p'32' 3um( u(4 Shankly, p'33' Q A*mp *p toEa b Helly, p'21>' 3um( u(4 Helly, p'311' 3um( u(4 C0oyal =ail celebrate# )2reat Briton#) "ith la*nch of late#t #pecial #tamp collectionC' royalmail$ro*p'com' 19 /pril 2>13' 0etrie&ed 28 /pril 2>13'

191' 196'


Smith, 3ommy (2>> !' Anfiel$ Iron' %ondonE 3ran#"orld -*bli#her#' @SB. 99 7>76937>696 78' Helly, Stephen F' (1999!' 'ill Shan l") It's (uch (ore I%portant Than That' %ondonE Iir$in Book#' @SB. >796367>>>376' (*$he#, Simon (2>>9!' *eoff T+ent"%an) Secret Diar" of a Liverpool Scout' %i&erpoolE 3rinity =irror Sport =edia' @SB. 99 7179>8 >27>>71' St Aohn, @an (2>>6!' The Saint) (" Autobio,raph"' %ondonE (odder F Sto*$hton' @SB. >731>7 111171' Shankly, BillD 0obert#, Aohn (1998!' Shan l"' %ondonE /rth*r Barker %td' @SB. >72137188>37 ' When Satur$a" !o%es & The Half Decent Football 'oo ' %ondonE -en$*in Book#' 2>>6' @SB. >7 117>6169676'

E5ternal links[edit]
Wiki8uote ha) a collection o$ 8uotation) related to9 Bill Shankly

Shankly'com on %F+(i#tory'net "eb#ite dedicated to the life and time# of Bill Shankly Bill ShanklyE %ife, 5eath and Football article in The *uar$ian




Bill Shankly 6 7anagerial 8areer

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,EF/ +*p "innin$ mana$er# Scotti#h footballer# Scotland international footballer# Scotland "artime international footballer# Scotti#h football mana$er# Scotti#h #ociali#t# +arli#le ,nited F'+' player# -re#ton .orth End F'+' player# %i&erpool F'+' "artime $*e#t player# /r#enal F'+' "artime $*e#t player# Bolton Wanderer# F'+' "artime $*e#t player# +ardiff +ity F'+' "artime $*e#t player# 3he Football %ea$*e player# +arli#le ,nited F'+' mana$er# 2rim#by 3o"n F'+' mana$er# Workin$ton /'F'+' mana$er# (*dder#field 3o"n F'+' mana$er# %i&erpool F'+' mana$er# 3he Football %ea$*e mana$er# Scotti#h Sport# (all of Fame ind*ctee# -eople from Ea#t /yr#hire Officer# of the Order of the Briti#h Empire 1913 birth# 19 1 death# En$li#h Football (all of Fame ind*ctee# Scotti#h Football (all of Fame ind*ctee# -eople from %i&erpool

.a&i$ation men*


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