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Royal Easy English Grammar Through Tamil

1st Chapter contains the following lessons.

Lesson No.


Page No

The meaning of Grammar

English Letters Classification

Some Words often used in our daily life

Sentence and Kinds of Sentence


Parts of Sentence


Parts of Speech


First Person, Second Person and Third Person


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What is Grammar ? ,yf;fzk; vd;why; vd;d? Grammar is nothing but the rules and regulations framed for speaking and writing in any language without a mistake.

,yf;fzk; vd;gJ ve;j xU nkhopapYk; jtW ,y;yhky; NgRtjw;fhfTk; vOJtjw;fhfTk; cUthf;fg;gl;l rl;l jpl;lq;fisj;jtpu NtW xd;Wkpy;iy.

LETTERS vOj;Jf;fs;
There are twenty six letters in English. Out of these 26 letters, five letters namely A,E,I,O,U are called Vowels. The remaining 21 letters are called Consonants. Mq;fpyj;jpy; 26 vOj;Jf;fs; cs;sd. me;j 26 vOj;Jf;fspy; 5 vOj;Jf;fs; mjhtJ A,E,I,O,U 21 capH vOj;Jf;fs; nka;vOj;Jf;fs; vd;W vd;W

miof;fg;gLfpd;wd.kPjKs;s miof;fg;gLfpd;wd.


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SOME IMPORTANT WORDS Rpy Kf;fpa thHj;ijfs;

We have to know some important words used often in the Sentence. Knowing meaning and usage of the word in the sentence will help us to use these words in sentences in future .








mwpe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;bapUf;fpwJ.thf;fpaj;jpYs;s me;j thHj;ijapd; gad;ghL mHj;jk; ,tw;iwj; njhpe;J nfhs;tJ tUq;fhyj;jpy; thf;fpaj;jpy; ,e;j thHj;ijfisg; gad;gLj;j ekf;F cjtpahf ,Uf;Fk;.

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1. To --- f;F

Example: vdf;F gs;spf;$lj;Jf;F vd; mg;ghTf;F gs;spf;F Nghtjw;F

To me To School To my father To go to school

To go to school with your son ; cd; kfDld; gs;spf;F Nghtjw;F To drive a car To see a picture To meet my friend in Madras To take a book To go to shop to buy a book To speak with him xU fhiu Xl;Ltjw;F xU glj;ijg; ghh;g;gjw;F nrd;idapy; vd; ez;gid re;jpg;gjw;F xUGj;jfj;ij vLg;gjw;F
xU Gj;jfj;ij thq;f filf;Fg; Nghtjw;F

MtDld; NgRtjw;F

Note: Please note that always After To, if any verb comes, only present verb will come. There are some exceptions which will be studied in later stage.

NkNy cs;s vLj;Jf;fhl;LfspypUe;J To vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J tUk; tpidr;nrhy; epfo;fhy tpidr;nrhy;yhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. Rpy tpjptpyf;Ffis gpd; tUk; ghlq;fspy; fhzyhk;.

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2. In - ,y; Example: Jghapy; nrd;idapy; epa+ahHf;fpy; vd;gs;spf;$lj;jpy; vd;dplj;jpy; mtdplj;jpy; vd; mg;ghtplj;jpy; vd;FLk;gj;jpy; vOJtjpy; cz;ik NgRtjpy;
vd; ez;gDf;F xU fbjk; vOJtjpy;

In Dubai In Madras In New york In my school In me In him In my father In my family In writing In speaking truth In writing a letter to my friend In seeing a picture In buying good things In having written a letter In having seen a picture In having taken a book In having discussed the matter

xU glk; ghHg;gjpy; ey;y nghUl;fis thq;Ftjpy; xU fbjk; vOjpapUe;jjpy; xU glk; ghHj;jpUe;jjpy; xU Gj;jfk; vLj;jpUe;jjpy;
,e;j tp\aj;ij tpthjk; nra;J ,Ue;jjpy;

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Note: Please note that if any verb comes after In, it should be a present participle. In the above examples, please note that after In having , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after In having if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

In vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J tUk; tpidr;nrhy; vg;NghJk; epfo;fhy tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. NkNyAs;s (v-fh) fspy; In having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;j fhy tpidnar;rq;fNs te;Js;sd.vdNt ,jpypUe;J In vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J epfo;fhy tpidnar;rKk;> In

having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;jfhy tpidnar;rKk; tuNtz;Lk; vd;gijAk; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;sTk;.

3.For - Mf

Example: For me For you For him For her For it For them For seeing For writing a letter vdf;fhf cdf;fhf mtDf;fhf mtSf;fhf mjw;fhf mtHfSf;fhf ghHg;gjw;fhf xU fbjk; vOJtjw;fhf

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For meeting my friend For sending money to my father For having written a letter For having told truth For having beaten him For having killed a snake For having sold this house

vd;Dila ez;gidr; re;jpg;gjw;fhf vd;Dila mg;ghTf;Fg; gzk; mDg;Gtjw;fhf

xU fbjk; vOjpapUe;jjw;fhf cz;ik nrhy;ypapUe;jjw;fhf mtid mbj;jpUe;jjw;fhf xUghk;igf; nfhd;wpUe;jjw;fhf mtDilatPl;iltpw;wpUe;jjw;fhf

Note: Please note that if any verb comes after For, it should be a present participle. In the above examples, please note that after For having , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after For having if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.








tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. NkNy fz;l (v.fh) fspy; For having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;jfhy tpidnar;rk; te;Js;sijf; fhzyhk;. vdNt vg;NghJk; For vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J epfo;fhy tpidnar;rKk; For having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;jfhy tpidnar;rKk; tuNtz;Lk; vd;gij ePq;fs; ftdj;jpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;

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4. From - ,Ue;J

Example: vd;dplkpUe;J vd;Dila mg;ghtplkpUe;J ek;Kila ehl;bypUe;J mtHfSila gzj;jpypUe;J fhl;bypUe;J xU fij vOJtjpypUe;J xU glk; ghHg;gjpypUe;J ey;y Gj;jfq;fisg; gbg;gjpypUe;J
,e;j tp\aj;ijg;Ghpe;J nfhs;tjpy ;,Ue;J

From me From my father From our country From their money From the forest From writing a story From seeing a picture From learning good books From understanding this point From having known this From having seen a good man From having studied your lessons From having cut this relationship From having gone to school From having taught this lesson

,ij mwpe;jpUe;jjpypUe;J
xUey;ykdpjidg; ghHj;J ,Ue;jjpy,Ue;J
cd; ghlq;fisg; gbj;jpUe;jjpypUe;J

,e;j cwit Kwpj;jpUe;jypypUe;J gs;spf;Fg; NghapUe;jjpypUe;J

,e;jg ghlj;ijf; w;gpj;jpUe;jypypUe;J

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Note: Please note that if any verb comes after From, it should be a present participle. In the above examples, please note that after From having , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after From having if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.








tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. NkNy cs;s v-fh fspy; "From having" vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;j fhy tpidnar;rk;

te;Js;sijf;fhzyhk;. vdNt vg;NghJk; From having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J tUk; tpidr;nrhy vg;NghJk; fle;jfhy nganur;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. 5. With - My;- cld; - XL Example: With your help With me With you With my father With money With her friend With pen
cd; cjtpahy;, cd; cjtpAld ,;cd; cjtpNahL,

vd;Dld; (My; XL) cd;NdhL (My; cld;) vd; mg;ghTld; (My; XL) Gzj;jhy; (cld; XL)

mtSila ez;gNdhL Ngdhthy;

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6. Without -

Example Without money Without hard work With no work Without seeing Without writing a letter Without earning money Without studying books Without having written a story Without having understood you Without having met my friend Without having done any work gzkpy;yhky; fbd ciog;gpy;yhky; Ntiyapy;yhky; ghHf;fhky; xU fbjk; vOjpf;nfhz;buhky; gzk; rk;ghjpf;fhky; Gj;jfq;fs; gbf;fhky; xU fij vOjpapUe;jpUf;fhky; cd;idg; Gupe;J ,Ue;J ,Uf;fhky;;
Vd;Dila ez;gidr; re;jpj;J ,Ue;jpUf;fhky;

ve;j NtiyAk; nra;jpUe;jpUf;fhky;

Note: Please note that if any verb comes after Without , it should be a present participle. In the above examples, please note that after Without having , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after Without having if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.

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tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. NkNy cs;s v-fh tpy; Without having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;jfhy tpidnar;rk; te;Js;sijf; fhzyhk;. vdNt vg;NghJk; "Without having" vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J tUk; tpidr;nrhy; fle;jfhy tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;.

7.On - Nky; mjd;Ngupy;

Example ,e;j Nkir Nky; me;jr; Rthpd; Nky; vd; Nky; ,e;j epge;jidapd; Nghpy; ,e;jg; glj;ijg; ghHg;gjd;Nghpy;
,e;jf; fbjj;ij vOjpapUe;jjd; Nghpy;

On this table On the wall On me On this instruction On seeing this film On writing this letter

On having studied this matter On having met him in time

,e;j tp\aj;ijg; gbj;jpUe;jjd; Nghpy;

chpaNeuj;jpy; mtidr; re;jpj;jpUe;jjd; Nghpy;

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On having obeyed to his words

mtDila thHj;ijfSf;Ff fPo;g;gbe;jpUe;jjd Nghpy;

On having visited many places

gy ,lq;fisr; Rw;wpg; ghHj;jpUe;jjd; Nghpy;

On having gone to America On having understood this point

mnkhpf;fhTf;Fg; NghapUe;jjd; Nghpy;

,e;j tp\aj;ijg; Ghpe;J nfhz;bUe;jjd; Nghpy;

On having sold this house

,e;j tPl;il tpw;wpUe;jjd; Nghpy;

Note: Please note that if any verb comes after On, it should be a present participle. In the above examples, please note that after On having , the Past participle of a verb has come. So always after On having if any verb comes, it should be a past participle.








tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. NkNy cs;s v-fh tpy; On having vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J fle;jfhy tpidnar;rk; te;Js;sijf; fhzyhk;. vdNt vg;NghJk; "On having" vd;w thHj;ijf;F mLj;J tUk; tpidr;nrhy; fle;jfhy tpidnar;rkhfj;jhd; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;.

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8. On account of Because of Due to By virtue of By dint of Thanks to Owing to By Virtue of In consequence of In the light of


Example: a.He has passed the examination because of his hard work mtDila fbd ciog;gpd; fhuzkhf mtd; NjHtpy; ntw;wp ngw;whd;. b.He did not go to school due to his illness. mtDila Nehapd; fhuzkhf mtd; gs;spf;Fr; nry;ytpy;iy. c.By virtue of his hard efforts, he has achieved a good position in his life. mtDila fbd Kaw;rpapdhy; mtd; mtDila tho;tpy; ey;y epiyia mile;jpUf;fpwhd;.

d.On account of his having passed in First Class, he has got a good job.
mtd; Kjy;tFg;gpy; NjwpapUe;jjpdhy; mtd; ey;y Ntiyia ngw;W ,Uf;fpwhd;.

e.Thanks to the development of science, we have got so many things in our daily life.
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mNef(tp\aq;fis) nghUl;fisg; ngw;Ws;Nshk;. f.Owing to his illness, he did not go to school. mtdJ Nehapd; fhuzkhf mtd; gs;spf;Fg; Nghftpy;iy.

g.In consequence of his failures in life, he learnt a lot of experiences. tho;tpy; mtdJ Njhy;tpfspd; tpisthf (fhuzkhf) Vuhskhd mDgtq;fis mtd; gbj;jhd;.

h.By virtue of his powers, the President ruled the country under control. mtdJ mjpfhuq;fs; fhuzkhf me;j [dhjpgjp ,e;j ehl;il fl;Lg;ghl;by; Mz;lhH. (Ml;rp nra;jhH).

9.According to:- mjw;fpzq;f Example;

According to the instructions given by the Employer, the workers are doing their work. Kjyhspahy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l epge;jidfSf;fpzq;f me;jj; njhopyhspfs; mtHfsJ Ntiyiar; nra;Jnfhz;L ,Uf;fpwhHfs;.

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