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Ninfamaria Arredondo - Walsh Period 1 Zoology Animal Cellular Structure Lysosome: An organelle found in animal cells that digests

worn- out cellular materials and foreign materials that enter the cell Microtu ule-organi!ing centers " with centriole #airs$: region of eu%aryotic cells such as a centrosome or asal ody from which microtu ules grow& Microtu ules: 'he largest of the cytos%eletal filaments( microtu ules ta%e the form of hollow tu es com#osed of the #rotein tu ulin& 'hey hel# gi)e structure to the cell( ser)e as the *rails* on which trans#ort )esicles mo)e( and form the cellular tensions %nown as cilia and flagella& Mitochondrion: +rganelles that are the #rimary sites of energy con)ersion within eu%aryotic cells& Plasma mem rane: A mem rane forming the outer oundary of many cells( com#osed of a #hos#holi#id ilayer inters#ersed with #roteins and cholesterol molecules and coated on its e,terior face( with short car chains associated with #roteins and li#ids& Nuclear en)elo#e: 'he dou le mem rane that lines the nucleus in eu%aryotic cells& Nucleus: A mem rane - lined com#artment that encloses the #rimary com#lement of -NA in eu%aryotic cells: linear strands of genetic material( is attached to #roteins called histones and is organi!ed into chromosomes& Nucleolus: a rounded refractile ody in the nucleus of most cells( which is the site of synthesis of ri osomal .NA( ecoming enlarged during #eriods of synthesis and smaller during /uiescent #eriods0 multi#le nuceoli occur in some cells& Chromatin: A molecular com#le, of -NA and its associated #roteins that ma%es u# the chromosomes of eu%aryotic organisms& 1olgi a##aratus: one of many small mem ranous structures found in most cells( com#osed of )arious elements associated with the formation of car ohydrates side chains of glyco#roteins( muco#olysaccharides( and other su stances& Polyri osome "#olysome$: A cluster of ri osomes connected y strand of m.NA and functioning as a unit in #rotein synthesis& 2esicle: A u le- li%e mem ranous structure that stores and trans#orts cellular #roducts( and digests meta olic wastes within cell& 3ree .i osomes: A ri osome located y itself or in a grou# in the cytosol( rather than ound to the endo#lasmic reticulum0 synthesi!es solu le cytosolic #roteins and most e,trinsic mem rane #roteins& Smooth endo#lasmic reticulum: A networ% of mem ranes with in eu%aryotic cells that is the site of the synthesis of )arious li#ids and site at which #otentially harmful su stances are deto,ified& .ough endo#lasmic reticulum: A networ% of mem ranes( found in the cyto#lasm of eu%aryotic cells( that aids in the #rocessing of #roteins&

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