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High Step-Up High-Efficiency Interleaved Converter With Voltage Multiplier Module for Renewable Energy Sy te!


" novel high tep-up converter# which i uitable for renewable energy y te!# i propo ed in thi paper$ %hrough a voltage !ultiplier !odule co!po ed of witched capacitor and coupled inductor # a conventional interleaved boo t converter obtain high tep-up gain without operating at e&tre!e duty ratio$ %he configuration of the propo ed converter not only reduce the current tre but al o con train the input current ripple# which decrea e the conduction lo e and lengthen the lifeti!e of the input ource$ In addition# due to the lo le pa ive cla!p perfor!ance# lea'age energy i recycled to the output ter!inal$ Hence# large voltage pi'e acro the !ain witche are alleviated# and the efficiency i i!proved$ Even the low voltage tre !a'e the lowvoltage-rated M(S)E% be adopted for reduction of conduction lo e and co t$


1. J. T. Bialasiewicz, Renewable energ

s s!e"s wi!# $#%!%&%l!aic $%wer genera!%rs: '$era!i%n an( "%(eling) IEEE Trans. In(. Elec!r%n., &%l. **, n%. +, $$. ,+*,-,+*., J/l. ,00..
" ub tantial increa e of photovoltaic *+V, power generator in tallation ha ta'en place in recent year # due to the increa ing efficiency of olar cell a well a the i!prove!ent of !anufacturing technology of olar panel $ %he e generator are both grid-connected and tand-alone application Sy te! with +V array-inverter a e!blie # operating in the lave-and-!a ter !ode # are di cu ed$ ,. T. 1e2alas an( A. 1la(as, Anal sis %2 !rans2%r"ers

w%r3ing /n(er #ea&il sa!/ra!e( c%n(i!i%ns in gri(4 c%nnec!e( renewable energ s s!e"s) IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., &%l. *5, n%. *, $$. ,67,-,6*0, 8a ,01,. Re earcher have propo ed tran for!er le olution for connecting renewable-energy power plant to the grid$ "part fro! lac' of efficiency and increa ed co t and weight of the tran for!er# one of the rea on i the dc input current that cau e tran for!er aturation$ %he purpo e of thi paper i the develop!ent of a finite-ele!ent co!putational tool that i going to aid tran for!er !anufacturer in de igning di tribution tran for!er pecifically for the renewable-energy !ar'et$ It i ba ed on a generali.ed

!acro copic repre entation of electrical teel u ed in the tran for!er !anufacturing indu try that enable the accurate evaluation of electro!agnetic field di tribution of tran for!er core under heavily aturated condition $

6. T. 9#%/ an( B. :ranc%is# Energ "anage"en! an( $%wer c%n!r%l %2 a # bri( ac!i&e win( genera!%r 2%r (is!rib/!e( $%wer genera!i%n an( gri( in!egra!i%n,) IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., &%l. *., n%. 1, $$. 5*-107, Jan. ,011. Cla ical wind energy conver ion y te! are u ually pa ive generator $ %he generated power doe not depend on the grid re/uire!ent but entirely on the fluctuant wind condition$ " dc-coupled wind0hydrogen0 uper capacitor hybrid power y te! i tudied in thi paper$ %he purpo e of the control y te! i to coordinate the e different ource # particularly their power e&change# in order to !a'e controllable the generated power$

C;A<TER 1: I=TR'>UCTI'=:
I=TR'>UCTI'= 1E+E21I23 on the application nature# everal type of tatic power converter are nece ary for the ade/uate conver ion and conditioning of the energy provided by pri!ary ource renewable energy y te! i uch a photovoltaic array # wind turbine # and fuel cell $ 4e ide # con idering that the overall co t of high# the u e of high-efficiency power electronic converter i a !u t$

1.1. >C4>C C'=VERTER " 1C-to-1C converter i a device that accept a 1C input voltage and produce a 1C output voltage$ %ypically the output produced i at a different voltage level than the input$ In addition# 1C-to-1C converter are u ed to provide noi e i olation# power bu regulation# etc$ %hi i a u!!ary of o!e of the popular 1C-to-1C converter topologie $ 1.1.1. B''ST C'=VERTER STE<4U< C'=VERTER %he che!atic in )ig$ 5$5 how the ba ic boo t converter$ %hi circuit i u ed when a higher output voltage than input i re/uired$

)ig$ 5$56 4oo t Converter Circuit While the tran i tor i (2 V& 7Vin# and the ()) tate the inductor current flow through the diode giving V & 7Vo$ )or thi analy i it i a u!ed that the inductor current alway re!ain flowing *continuou conduction,$ %he voltage acro the inductor i hown in )ig$5$8 and the average !u t be .ero for the average current to re!ain in teady tate

%hi can be rearranged a

and for a lo


circuit the power balance en ure

)ig$ 5$86 Voltage and current wavefor! *4oo t Converter,

Since the duty ratio 919 i between : and 5 the output voltage !u t alway be higher than the input voltage in !agnitude$ %he negative ign indicate a rever al of en e of the output voltage$ 1.1.,. BUC1 C'=VERTER STE<4>'?= C'=VERTER In thi circuit the tran i tor turning (2 will put voltage Vin on one end of the inductor$ %hi voltage will tend to cau e the inductor current to ri e$ When the tran i tor i ())# the current will continue flowing through the inductor but now flowing through the diode$ We initially a u!e that the current through the inductor doe not reach .ero# thu the voltage at V& will now be only the voltage acro the conducting diode during the full ()) ti!e$ %he average voltage at V& will depend on the average (2 ti!e of the tran i tor provided the inductor current i continuou $

)ig$ 5$;6 4uc' Converter

)ig$ 5$<6 Voltage and current change %o analy e the voltage of thi circuit let u con ider the change in the inductor current over one cycle$ )ro! the relation

the change of current ati fie

)or teady tate operation the current at the tart and end of a period % will not change$ %o get a i!ple relation between voltage we a u!e no voltage drop acro tran i tor or diode while (2 and a perfect witch change$ %hu during the (2 ti!e V&7Vin and in the ()) V&7:$ %hu

which i!plifie to


and defining 9duty ratio9 a

the voltage relation hip beco!e Vo71 Vin Since the circuit i lo



the input and output power !u t !atch on the average V o= Io 7 Vin= Iin$ %hu the average input and output current !u t ati fy Iin 71 Io %he e relation are ba ed on the a u!ption that the inductor current doe not reach .ero$ 1.1.,.1. Transi!i%n be!ween c%n!in/%/s an( (isc%n!in/%/s When the current in the inductor > re!ain alway po itive then either the tran i tor %5 or the diode 15 !u t be conducting$ )or continuou conduction the voltage V& i either Vin or :$ If the inductor current ever goe to .ero then the output voltage will not be forced to either of the e condition $ "t thi tran ition point the current ?u t reache .ero a )igure 5$@$ 1uring the (2 ti!e Vin-Vout i acro the inductor thu *5, %he average current# which !u t !atch the output current# ati fie *8, een in

)ig$ 5$@6 4uc' Converter at 4oundary If the input voltage i con tant the output current at the tran ition point ati fie *;, 1.1.,.,. V%l!age Ra!i% %2 B/c3 C%n&er!er @>isc%n!in/%/s 8%(e, " for the continuou conduction analy i we u e the fact that the integral of voltage acro the inductor i .ero over a cycle of witching %$ %he tran i tor ()) ti!e i now divided into eg!ent of diode conduction dd% and .ero conduction do%$ %he inductor average voltage thu give (Vin - Vo ) DT + (-Vo) dT = 0 *<,

)ig$ 5$A6 4uc' Converter - 1i continuou Conduction

*@, for the ca e $ %o re olve the value of con ider the output current

which i half the pea' when averaged over the conduction ti!e *A, Con idering the change of current during the diode conduction ti!e *B, %hu fro! *A, and *B, we can get *C, u ing the relation hip in *@, *D, and olving for the diode conduction *5:, %he output voltage i thu given a

*55, defining '= 7 8>0*Vin %,# we can ee the effect of di continuou current on the voltage ratio of the converter$

)ig$ 5$B 6 (utput Voltage v Current " een in the figure 5$B# once the output current i high enough#

the voltage ratio depend only on the duty ratio 9d9$ "t low current the di continuou operation tend to increa e the output voltage of the converter toward Vin$ 1.1.6. BUC14B''ST C'=VERTER

)ig$ 5$C6 che!atic for buc'-boo t converter With continuou conduction for the 4uc'-4oo t converter V & 7Vin when the tran i tor i (2 and V & 7Vo when the tran i tor i ())$ )or .ero net current change over a period the average voltage acro .ero the inductor i

)ig$ 5$D6 Wavefor! for buc'-boo t converter

which give the voltage ratio

and the corre ponding current

Since the duty ratio 919 i between : and 5 the output voltage can vary between lower or higher than the input voltage in !agnitude$ %he negative ign indicate a rever al of en e of the output voltage$ 1.1.7. CU1 C'=VERTER %he buc'# boo t and buc'-boo t converter all tran ferred energy between input and output u ing the inductor# analy i i ba ed of voltage balance acro in )ig$ 5$5: i converter$ the inductor$ %he CUE converter u e capacitive energy derived fro! 1U">I%F principle on the buc'-boo t tran fer and analy i i ba ed on current balance of the capacitor$ %he circuit

)ig$ 5$5:6 CUE Converter If we a u!e that the current through the inductor i e entially ripple free we can e&a!ine the charge balance for the capacitor C5$ )or the tran i tor (2 the circuit beco!e

)ig$ 5$556 CUE 9(2-S%"%E9 and the current in C5 i I>5$ When the tran i tor i ())# the diode conduct and the current in C5 beco!e I>8$

)ig$ 5$586 CUE 9())-S%"%E9 Since the teady tate a u!e no net capacitor voltage ri e #the net current i .ero

which i!plie

%he inductor current !atch the input and output current # thu u ing the power con ervation rule


the voltage ratio i


a!e a

the buc'-boo t converter$ %he

advantage of the CUE converter i that the input and output inductor create a !ooth current at both ide of the converter while the buc'# boo t and buc'-boo t have at lea t one ide with pul ed current$ 1.1.*. IS'LATE> >C4>C C'=VERTERS In !any 1C-1C application # !ultiple output are re/uired and output i olation !ay need to be i!ple!ented depending on the application$ In addition# input to output i olation !ay be re/uired to !eet afety tandard and 0 or provide i!pedance !atching$ %he above-di cu ed 1C1C topologie can be adapted to provide i olation between input and output$ 1.1.*.1. :l bac3 C%n&er!er %he flybac' converter can be developed a an e&ten ion of the 4uc'-4oo t converter$ )ig 5$5;*a, how the ba ic converterG )ig 5$5;*b, replace the inductor by a tran for!er$ %he buc'-boo t converter wor' by toring energy in the inductor during the (2 pha e and relea ing it to the output during the ()) pha e$ With the tran for!er the energy torage i in the !agneti.ation of the tran for!er core$ %o increa e the tored energy a gapped core i often u ed$ In )ig 5$5;*c, the i olated output i clarified by re!oval of the co!!on reference of the input and output circuit $

)ig$ 5$5;*a,6 4uc'-4oo t Converter

)ig$ 5$5;*b,6 Replacing inductor by tran for!er

)ig$ 5$5;*c,6 )lybac' converter re-configured

1.1.*., :%rwar( C%n&er!er %he concept behind the forward converter i that of the ideal tran for!er converting the input "C voltage to an i olated econdary output voltage$ )or the circuit in )ig$ 5$5<# when the tran i tor i (2# Vin appear


the pri!ary and then generate

%he diode 15 on the

econdary en ure that only po itive voltage are applied to the output circuit while 18 provide a circulating path for inductor current if the tran for!er voltage i .ero or negative $

)ig$ 5$5<6 )orward Converter %he proble! with the operation of the circuit in )ig 5$5< i that only po itive voltage i applied acro the core# thu flu& can only increa e with ignificantly and circuit failure no the application of the upply$ %he flu& will increa e until the core aturate when the ! current increa e occur $ %he tran for!er can only i po itive voltage acro u tain operation when there i

ignificant 1C co!ponent to the input voltage$ While the witch i (2 there the core and the flu& increa e $ When the witch

turn ()) we need to upply negative voltage to re et the core flu&$ %he circuit in )ig$ 5$5@ how a tertiary winding with a diode connection to per!it rever e current$ 2ote that the 9dot9 convention for the tertiary winding i oppo ite tho e of the other winding $ When the witch turn ()) current wa flowing in a 9dot9 ter!inal$ %he core inductance act to continue current in a dotted ter!inal# thu

)ig$ 5$5@6 )orward converter with tertiary winding 1.1.A. C'=VERTER C'8<ARIS'= %he voltage ratio achievable by the 1C-1C converter i u!!ari.ed in )ig$ 5:$ 2otice that only the buc' converter how a linear relation hip between the control *duty ratio, and output voltage$ %he buc'boo t can reduce or increa e the voltage ratio with unit gain for a duty ratio of @:H$

)ig$ 5$5A6 Co!pari on of Voltage ratio ,. S':T4C'88UTATI=B 8ET;'> :'R A= IS'LATE> B''ST C'=VERTER High power i olated bi-directional dc0dc converter have beco!e 'ey co!ponent in alternative energy y te! $ In contra t to an i olated buc' converter# driving a tran for!er with a current-fed inverter in an i olated boo t converter will lead to a high voltage pi'e acro the current-fed inverter witche becau e of the lea'age inductance of the tran for!er$ " dual active full bridge dc0dc converter wa propo ed for high power bi-directional application$ It e!ploy two voltage-fed inverter to drive each ide of the tran for!er# eli!inating the current-fed inverter$ 4oth voltage-fed inverter operate at oft- witching condition$ " dual active half -bridge oft- witching bi-directional dc0dc converter wa propo ed with reduced power co!ponent count $

It ha voltage-fed inverter at high voltage ide and current fed inverter at low voltage ide$ 4oth converter utili.e the lea'age inductance of the tran for!er a the energy-tran ferring ele!ent# driving energy to flow both way in one witching cycle$ Since the lea'age inductance of the tran for!er i a 'ey para!eter in re onant tran ition type converter de ign and ha to be well controlled# !anufacturability will be an i ue in !a production$ In addition# while oft witching i achieved in re onant tran ition type i olated bi-directional dc0dc converter # high circulating conduction lo e often off et the efficiency gained by oft- witching$ "ctive-cla!p type i olated boo t dc0dc converter achieve oft witching while !ini! the circulation current and achieve relatively high efficiency power conver ion$ However# an active nubber# which con i t an active witch and a capacitor# ha to witch at twice the witching fre/uency and at the full power of the !ain dc0dc converter$ %he burden of high current tre and a ociated ther!al i ue of the active witch and the capacitor add li!itation to active-cla!ped nubber !ethod in bi-directional high power application $ "ctive co!!utating i a !ethod that pre et the current in lea'age inductance to the boo t inductor current before the co!!utation event occur $ However in both active co!!utating !ethod # the witche at voltage-fed ide inverter are hard witching$ a I oft-co!!utatingJ !ethod for an i olated boo t full bridge converter in high power bi-directional application$ In addition# .ero voltage

witching *.v , i al o achieved for all witche at the voltage-fed ide inverter in boo t !ode operation$

C;A<TER ,: C'=VE=TI'=AL 8ET;'>:

" boo t converter * tep-up converter, i a power converter with an output voltage i greater than input voltage$ Here coupled inductor boo t converter are u ed becau e it can be effectively u ed to reduce the duty ratio and the voltage techni/ue that i power tran for!er tre of the witch$ +aralleling of converter power tage i a well 'nown interleaving often u ed in high current or high power and inductor $ %o ta'e benefit of the application to achieve de ired output power with !aller i.e advantage of interleaving# interleaved coupled inductor boo t converter can be u ed$ In thi approach# a ingle coupled inductor boo t converter cell i treated a a pha e and n uch pha e are connected in parallel and operated at the a!e witching fre/uency$ )urther!ore all the pha e are operated at the a!e duty ratio# but they are pha e hifted by , Cn radian electrical angle$ It can be !entioned that due to interleaving# the effective witching fre/uency a een by the input and the output of the interleaved converter circuit i n ti!e higher than the witching fre/uency of a pha e$ %he nu!ber of parallel pha e n in an

interleaved converter !ainly depend on the !a&i!u! power de!and of the load and the !a&i!u! power rating of the interleaved pha e $

)ig$ <$ Single cell boo t converter %he ingle pha e ingle witch boo t converter i a ba ic tep-up topology *)ig$ <,$ %he voltage gain theoretically i inKnite when duty cycle reache 5$4ut witch turn on period beco!e long a the duty cycle *1, increa e cau ing conduction lo e to increa e$ %he power rating of ingle witch boo t converter i li!ited to witch rating$ In order to obtain higher gain everal boo t converter can be ca caded at the e&pen e of efficiency decrea e$ Interleaved parallel topology i the olution to increa e the power and reduce input current ripple allowing lower power rated witche to be u ed$ >RA?BAC1S ': C'=VE=TI'=AL CIRCUIT

More power lo e efficiency

L >arge in i.e due to bul'y inductor and capacitor L >e L More voltage tre L Co!ple& control circuit

C;A<TER 6: <R'<'SE> 8ET;'>:

2owaday # renewable energy i increa ingly valued and e!ployed worldwide becau e of energy hortage and environ!ental conta!ination$ Renewable energy y te! generate low voltage output# and thu # high tep-up dc0dc converter have been widely e!ployed in !any renewable energy application uch fuel cell # wind power generation# and photovoltaic *+V, y te! $ Such y te! tran for! energy fro! renewable ource into electrical energy and convert low voltage into high voltage via a tep-up converter# which can convert energy into electricity u ing a gridby-grid inverter or dc !icrogrid$ )ig$ 5 how a typical renewable energy y te! that con i t of renewable energy ource # a tep-up converter# and an inverter for ac application$ %he high tep-up conver ion !ay re/uire two- tage converter with ca cade tructure for enough tep-up gain# which decrea e the efficiency and increa e the co t$ %hu # a high tep-up converter i een a an i!portant tage in the y te! becau e uch a y te! re/uire a ufficiently high tep-up conver ion with high efficiency$ %heoretically# conventional tep-up converter # uch a the boo t converter and flybac' converter# cannot achieve a high$

)ig$ 5$ %ypical renewable energy y te!

%heoretically# conventional tep-up converter # uch a the boo t converter and flybac' converter# cannot achieve a high tep-up conver ion with high efficiency becau e of the re i tance of ele!ent or lea'age inductanceG al o# the voltage tre e are large$ %hu # in recent year # !any novel high tepup converter have been developed$ 1e pite the e advance # high tep-up inglewitch converter are un uitable to operate at heavy load given a large input current ripple# which increa e conduction lo e $ %he conventional interleaved boo t converter i an e&cellent candidate for high-power application and power factor correction$ Unfortunately# the tep-up gain i li!ited# and the voltage tre e on e!iconductor co!ponent are e/ual to output voltage$ Hence# ba ed on the afore!entioned con ideration # !odifying a conventional interleaved boo t converter for high tep-up and highpower application i a uitable approach$ %o integrate witched capacitor into an interleaved boo t converter !ay !a'e voltage gain reduplicate# but no e!ploy!ent of coupled inductor cau e the tep-up voltage gain to be li!ited$ (ppo itely# to integrate only coupled inductor into an interleaved boo t converter !ay !a'e voltage gain higher and ad?u table# but no e!ploy!ent of witched capacitor cau e the tep-up voltage gain to be ordinary$ %hu # the ynchronou e!ploy!ent of coupled inductor and witched capacitor i a better conceptG !ore over# high tep-up gain# high efficiency# and low voltage tre are achieved even for highpower application $

%he propo ed converter i a conventional interleaved boo t converter integrated with a voltage !ultiplier !odule# and the voltage !ultiplier !odule i co!po ed of witched capacitor and coupled inductor $ %he coupled inductor can be de igned to e&tend tep-up gain# and the witched capacitor offer e&tra voltage conver ion ratio$ In addition# when one of the witche turn off# the energy tored in the ! inductor will tran fer via three re pective path G thu # the current di tribution not only decrea e the conduction lo e by lower effective current but al o !a'e current through o!e diode decrea e to .ero before they turn off# which alleviate diode rever e recovery lo e $ %he propo ed high tep-up interleaved converter with a voltage !ultiplier !odule i hown in )ig$ %he voltage !ultiplier !odule i co!po ed of two coupled inductor and two witched capacitor and i in erted between a conventional interleaved boo t converter to for! a !odified boo t-flybac'-forward interleaved tructure$ When the witche turn off by turn# the pha e who e witch i in ()) tate perfor! a a flybac' converter# and the other pha e who e witch i in (2 tate perfor! a a forward converter$

+ri!ary winding of the coupled inductor with Np turn are e!ployed to decrea e input current ripple# and econdary winding of the coupled inductor with Ns turn are connected in erie to e&tend voltage gain$ %he turn ratio of the coupled inductor are the a!e$ %he coupling reference of the inductor are denoted by IJ and IJ$ %he e/uivalent circuit of the propo ed converter i hown in )ig# where Lm5 and Lm8 are the ! inductor G Lk5 and Lk8 repre ent the lea'age inductor G Ls repre ent the erie lea'age inductor in the econdary ideG S5 and S8 denote the power witche G Cc5 and Cc8 are the witched capacitor G and C5# C8# and C; are the output capacitor $ Dc5 and Dc8 are the cla!p diode # Db5 and

Db8 repre ent the output diode for boo t operation with witched capacitor # Df5 and Df8 repre ent the output diode for flybac'-forward operation# and n i defined a turn ratio Ns/Np$ 8'>ES ': '<ERATI'=: 8'>E 1

1uring the Mode 5# the power witch S8 re!ain in (2 tate# and the other power witch S5 begin to turn on$ %he diode Dc5# Dc8# Db5# Db8# and Df5 are rever ed bia ed$ %he erie lea'age inductor Ls /uic'ly relea e the tored energy to the output ter!inal via flybac'- forward diode Df8# and the current through erie lea'age inductor Ls decrea e to .ero$ %hu # the ! inductor Lm5 till tran fer energy to the econdary ide of coupled inductor $ %he current through lea'age inductor Lk5 increa e

linearly# and the other current through lea'age inductor Lk8 decrea e linearly 8'>E ,

1uring the Mode 8# both of the power witche S5 and S8 re!ain in (2 tate# and all diode are rever ed bia ed$ 4oth current through lea'age inductor Lk5 and Lk8 are increa ed linearly due to charging by input voltage ource Vin$

8'>E 6

1uring Mode ; , the power witch S5 re!ain in (2 tate# and the other power witch S8 begin to turn off$ %he diode Dc5# Db5# and Df8 are rever ed bia ed#$ %he energy tored in ! inductor Lm8 tran fer to the econdary ide of coupled inductor # and the current through erie lea'age inductor Ls flow to output capacitor C; via flybac'-forward diodeDf5$ %he voltage tre on power witch S8 i cla!ped by cla!p capacitor Cc5 which e/ual the output voltage of the boo t converter$ %he input voltage ource# ! inductor Lm8# lea'age inductor Lk8# and cla!p capacitor Cc8 relea e energy to the output ter!inal thu # VC5 obtain a double output voltage of the boo t converter$

8'>E 7

1uring the Mode <# the current iDc8 ha naturally decrea ed to .ero due to the ! current di tribution# and hence# diode rever e recovery lo e are alleviated and conduction lo e are decrea ed$ %he power witch S5 re!ain in (2 tate# and the other power witch S8 begin to turn off$ %he diode Dc5# Db5# and Df8 #Dc2are rever ed bia ed$

8'>E *

1uring the Mode @ the power witch S5 re!ain in (2 tate# and the other power witch S8 begin to turn on$ %he diode Dc5# Dc8# Db5# Db8# and Df8 are rever ed bia ed$ %he erie lea'age inductor Ls /uic'ly relea e the tored energy to the output ter!inal via flybac'-forward diode Df5# and the current through erie lea'age inductor decrea e to .ero$ %hu # the ! inductor Lm8 till tran fer energy to the econdary ide of coupled inductor $ %he current through lea'age inductor Lk8 increa e linearly# and the other current through lea'age inductor Lk5 decrea e linearly$

8'>E A

1uring the Mode A # both of the power witche S5 and S8 re!ain in (2 tate# and all diode are rever ed bia ed$ 4oth current through lea'age inductor Lk5 and Lk8 are increa ed linearly due to charging by input voltage ource Vin$

8'>E +

1uring the Mode B# the power witch S8 re!ain in (2 tate# and the other power witch S5 begin to turn off$ %he diode Dc8# Db8# and Df5 are rever ed bia ed$ %he energy tored in ! inductor Lm5 tran fer to the econdary ide of coupled inductor # and the current through erie lea'age inductor flow to output capacitor C8 via flybac'-forward diode Df8$ %he voltage tre on power witch S5 i cla!ped by cla!p capacitor Cc8 which e/ual the output voltage of the boo t converter$ %he input voltage ource# ! inductor Lm5# lea'age inductor Lk5# and cla!p capacitor Cc5 relea e energy to the output ter!inal$ %hu # VC5 obtain double output voltage of the boo t converter$

8'>E .

1uring the Mode C# the current iDc5 ha naturally decrea ed to .ero due to the ! current di tribution# and hence# diode rever e recovery lo e are alleviated and conduction lo e are decrea ed$ %he power witch S8 re!ain in (2 tate# and the other power witch S5 begin to turn off$ %he diode Dc5# Dc8# Db8# and Df5 are rever ed bia ed $ T#e a(&an!ages %2 !#e $r%$%se( c%n&er!er are as 2%ll%ws: 5, %he propo ed converter i characteri.ed by low input current ripple and low conduction lo e # which increa e the lifeti!e of renewable energy ource and !a'e it uitable for high-power application $

8, %he converter achieve the high tep-up gain that renewable energy y te! re/uire$ ;, 1ue to the lo le pa ive cla!p perfor!ance# lea'age energy i recycled to the output ter!inal$ Hence# large voltage pi'e acro the !ain witche are alleviated# and the efficiency i i!proved$ <, >ow co t and high efficiency are achieved by e!ploy!ent of the low-voltage-rated power witch with low R1S*(2,G al o# the voltage tre e on !ain witche and diode are ub tantially lower than output voltage$ @, %he inherent configuration of the propo ed converter !a'e o!e diode decrea e conduction lo e and alleviate diode rever e recovery lo e $

MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use environment where pro lems and solutions are e!pressed in familiar mathematical notation.Typical uses include Math and computation Algorithm development "ata ac#uisition Modeling, simulation, and prototyping "ata analysis, e!ploration, and visualization $cientific and engineering graphics Application development, including graphical user interface uilding

MATLAB is an interactive system whose asic data element is an array that does not re#uire dimensioning. This allows you to solve many technical computing pro lems, especially those with matri! and vector formulations, in a fraction of the time it would ta%e to write a program in a scalar non interactive language such as & or 'ortran. The name MATLAB stands for matri! la oratory. MATLAB was originally written to provide easy access to matri! software developed y the LI()A&* and +I$)A&* pro,ects. Today, MATLAB engines incorporate the LA)A&* and BLA$ li raries, em edding the state of the art in software for matri! computation MATLAB has evolved over a period of years with input from many users. In university environments, it is the standard instructional tool for introductory and advanced courses in mathematics, engineering, and science. In industry, MATLAB is the tool of choice for high-productivity research, development, and analysis. MATLAB features a family of add-on application-specific solutions called tool o!es .-ery important to most users of MATLAB, tool o!es allow you to learn and apply specialized technology. Tool o!es are comprehensive collections of MATLAB functions .M-files/ that e!tend the MATLAB environment to solve

particular classes of pro lems. Areas in which tool o!es are availa le include signal processing, control systems, neural networ%s, fuzzy logic, wavelets, simulation, and many others. Sim Power Systems: $im)ower$ystems and other products of the )hysical Modeling product family wor% together with $imulin%0 to model electrical, mechanical, and control systems. $im)ower $ystems operates in the $imulin% environment. Therefore, efore starting this user1s guide, you should e familiar with $imulin%. 'or help with $imulin%, see the $imulin% documentation. 2r, if you apply $imulin% to signal processing and communications tas%s .as opposed to control system design tas%s/, see the $ignal )rocessing Bloc%set documentation. The Role of Simulation in Design: +lectrical power systems are com inations of electrical circuits and electromechanical devices li%e motors and generators. +ngineers wor%ing in this discipline are constantly improving the performance of the systems. 3e#uirements for drastically increased efficiency have forced power system designers to use power electronic devices and sophisticated control system concepts that ta! traditional analysis tools and techni#ues. 'urther complicating the analyst1s role is the fact that the system is often so nonlinear that the only way to understand it is through simulation .Land- ased power generation from hydroelectric, steam, or other devices is not the only use of power systems. A common attri ute of these systems is their use of power electronics and control systems to achieve their performance o ,ectives. $im)ower $ystems is a modern design tool that allows scientists and engineers to rapidly and easily uild models that simulate power systems. $im)ower $ystems uses the $imulin% environment, allowing you to uild a model using simple clic% and drag procedures. (ot only can you draw the circuit topology rapidly, ut your analysis of the circuit can include its interactions with mechanical, thermal, control, and other disciplines. This is possi le ecause all the electrical parts of the simulation interact with the e!tensive $imulin% modeling li rary. $ince $imulin% uses MATLAB0 as its computational engine, designers can also use MATLAB tool o!es and $imulin% loc%sets. $im)ower $ystems and $im Mechanics share a special )hysical Modeling loc% and connection line interface. SimPower Systems Libraries The li raries contain models of typical power e#uipment such as transformers, lines, machines, and power electronics. These models are proven ones coming from te!t oo%s, and their validity is ased on the e!perience of the )ower $ystems Testing and $imulation La oratory of 4ydro-5u6 ec, a large (orth American utility located in &anada, and also on the e!perience of +volve de Technologies superior and 7niversities Laval. The capa ilities of $im)ower $ystems for modeling a typical electrical system are illustrated in demonstration files. And for users who want to refresh their %nowledge of power system theory, there are also self-learning case studies. The $im)ower $ystems main li rary, power li , organizes its loc%s into li raries according to their ehavior. The

powerli li rary window displays the loc% li rary icons and names. "ou le-clic% a li rary icon to open the li rary and access the loc%s. The main $im)ower $ystems powerli li rary window also contains the )owergui loc% that opens a graphical user interface for the steady-state analysis of electrical circuits. Building the Electrical Circuit with powerlib Library: The graphical user interface ma%es use of the $imulin% functionality to interconnect various electrical components. The electrical components are grouped in a li rary called powerli . 8.2pen the $im)ower $ystems li rary y entering the following command at the MATLAB prompt. This command displays a $imulin% window showing icons of different loc% li raries.

9ou can open these li raries to produce the windows containing the loc%s to e copied into your circuit. +ach component is represented y a special icon having one or several inputs and outputs corresponding to the different terminals of the component: ;.'rom the 'ile menu of the powerli window,open a new window to contain your first circuit and save it as circuit8. <.2pen the +lectrical $ources li rary and copy the A& -oltage $ource loc% into the circuit8 window. & components have disappeared so that the icon now shows a single resistor. nterfacing the Electrical Circuit with Simulin!: The -oltage Measurement loc% acts as an interface etween the $im)ower$ystems loc%s and the $imulin% loc%s. 'or the system shown a ove, you implemented such an interface from the electrical system to the $imulin% system. The -oltage Measurement loc% converts the measured voltages into $imulin% signals.$imilarly, the &urrent Measurement loc% from the Measurements li rary of powerli can e used to convert any measured current into a $imulin% signal.9ou can also interface from $imulin% loc%s to the electrical system. 'or e!ample, you can use the &ontrolled -oltage $ource loc% to in,ect a voltage in an electrical circuit, as shown in the following figure.

"easuring #oltages and Currents: =hen you measure a current using a &urrent Measurement loc%, the positive direction of current is indicated on the loc% icon .positive current flowing from > terminal to ? terminal/. $imilarly, when you measure a voltage using a -oltage Measurement loc%, the measured voltage is the voltage of the > terminal with respect to the ? terminal. 4owever, when voltages and currents of loc%s from the +lements li rary are measured using the Multimeter loc%, the voltage and current polarities are not immediately o vious ecause loc%s might have een rotated and there are no signs indicating polarities on the loc% icons. Basic )rinciples of &onnecting &apacitors and Inductors when you connect capacitor elements: together with voltage sources, or inductor elements in series with current sources. =hen you start the simulation, $im)ower $ystems will signal an error if one of the following two connection errors are present in your diagram:

9ou have connected a voltage source in parallel with a capacitor, or a series of capacitor elements in series, li%e in the two e!amples elow .

To fi! this pro lem, you can add a small resistance in series etween the voltage source and the capacitors. 9ou have connected a current source in series with an inductor, or a series of inductors connected in parallel, li%e in the e!ample elow. To fi! this pro lem, you can add a large resistance in parallel with the inductor and the capacitors.

SI8ULATI'= RESULT : C%n&en!i%nal Circ/i! >iagra" :

%he above fig how conventional circuit diagra!$ In$/! V%l!age ?a&e2%r" :

%he fig how the i!ulated input voltage for the Conventional circuit in M"%>"4$

Triggering </lses :

%he fig how the triggering pul e for the i!ulation of Conventional Circuit$ '/!$/! V%l!age an( C/rren! ?a&e2%r"s :

%he fig how the i!ulated output voltage and current for conventional circuit in M"%>"4$


%hi figure how that the propo ed circuit diagra! SI8ULATI'= >IABRA8 :'R T;E <R'<'SE> CIRCUIT:

%he i!ulated diagra! for the propo ed circuit i figure$

hown in


%he i!ulated input voltage for the propo ed circuit i hown in figure$ TRIBBERI=B <ULSE:

%he i!ulated triggering pul e for the propo ed circuit i hown in figure$


%hi figure how that the voltage acro for the propo ed circuit$

witche *S5#S8,

V'LTABE ACR'SS >I'>E@V>b1,V>b,D:

%hi figure how that the voltage acro diode*V1b5#V1b8, for the propo ed circuit$

V'LTABE ACR'SS >I'>E@V>c1,V>c,D:

%hi figure how that the voltage acro diode*V1c5#V1c8, for the propo ed circuit$ 'UT<UT V'LTABE:

%he i!ulated output voltage for the propo ed circuit i hown in figure$


%he i!ulated output current for the propo ed circuit i hown in figure$ 'UT<UT <'?ER:

%he i!ulated output power for the propo ed circuit i hown in figure$



8 8

; ;

8 ;

8 8

; ;

8@@ 8 8 ; VIN 8 ; TL) ;A@ B



; VOUT B A 8 8 LED F E < ; 12V

3 8 8% 8@@@7 '

G ) < DM & L 3 D- ) ) G ) ; DT2 & * I -" " 8

G )@ G )8 G ) B D2 $ & ; G ) A D2 $ & 8 D& L * I(

8 ; < ;;

FBL$ 8;A 12V

) I& 8 ; ' A @ C A D$ 2

8@@ 8 ; < 8 ; 12V FBL$ 8;A ;; < TL);A@ B

; 8


230V AC


1 <'?ER SU<<LY >ESIB= 1river circuit need 58V and @V$ Microcontroller need @V upply# o we convert 8;:V "C upply i fir t tep down in to 5@V by u ing tep down tran for!er$ %hen thi 5@V "C i converted in to 1C by u ing )ull bridge rectifier which ha high efficiency than all other !ethod $ %hi 5@V 1C i converting into 58V 1C and @v 1C by u ing BC58 and BC:@ regulator re pectively$ %he capacitor i u ed to provide !ooth variation in voltage$ )or indication purpo e we u ed >E1 with 5E re i tor to li!it current flow to the >E1$ %he following figure how the regulated power upply$

Regulated power upply

<IC1,:*0. belong architecture$ It

to a cla

of C-bit !icrocontroller



tructure i

hown on the following !ap

repre enting ba ic bloc' $ +rogra! !e!ory *)>"SH,- for toring a written progra!$ Since !e!ory !ade in )>"SH technology can be progra!!ed and cleared !ore than once# it !a'e thi !icrocontroller uitable for device develop!ent$ EE+R(M - data !e!ory that need to be aved when there i no upply$ It i u ually u ed for toring i!portant data that !u t not be lo t

if power upply uddenly top $ )or in tance# one uch data i an a igned te!perature in te!perature regulator $ If during a lo of upply$ %hu our device loo e on elf-reliance$ R"M - data !e!ory u ed by a progra! during it e&ecution$ In R"M are tored all inter-re ult or te!porary data during run-ti!e$ +(R%" and +(R%4 are phy ical connection between the !icrocontroller and the out ide world$ +ort " ha five# and port 4 ha eight pin $ )REE-RU2 %IMER i an C-bit regi ter in ide a !icrocontroller that wor' independently of the progra!$ (n every fourth cloc' of the o cillator it incre!ent it value until it reache the !a&i!u! *8@@,# and then it tart counting over again fro! .ero$ " we 'now the e&act ti!ing between each two incre!ent of the ti!er content # ti!er can be u ed for !ea uring ti!e which i very u eful with o!e device $ CE2%R"> +R(CESSI23 U2I% ha a role of connective ele!ent between other bloc' in the !icrocontroller$ It coordinate the wor' of other bloc' and e&ecute the u er progra!$ <I= (iagra": of power upply thi data wa lo t# we would have to !a'e the ad?u t!ent once again upon return

"pplication +IC58)@:C perfectly fit !any u e # fro! auto!otive indu trie to indu trial in tru!ent # re!ote and

controlling ho!e appliance

en or #

electrical door loc' and afety device $ It i al o ideal for !art card a well a for battery upplied device becau e of it low con u!ption$ EE+R(M !e!ory !a'e it ea ier to apply !icrocontroller to device where per!anent tran !itter # !otor torage of variou para!eter i needed *code for peed# receiver fre/uencie # etc$,$ >ow co t# low

con u!ption# ea y handling and fle&ibility !a'e +IC58)@:C applicable even in area where !icrocontroller had not previou ly been con idered *e&a!ple ti!er function # interface replace!ent in larger y te! # coproce or application # etc$,$

<'?ER 8'S:ET BASICS %he M(S)E%# or Metal-(&ide-Se!iconductor# )ield-Effect

%ran i tor i by far the !o t co!!on field effect tran i tor in both digital and analog circuit $ %he M(S)E% i co!po ed of a channel of n-type or ptype e!iconductor !aterial# and i accordingly called an 2M(S)E% or a +M(S)E%$ Unfortunately# !any e!iconductor with better electrical

propertie than ilicon# uch a galliu! ar enide# do not for! good gate o&ide and thu are not uitable for M(S)E% $ %he gate ter!inal i a layer of poly ilicon *polycry talline ilicon, or alu!inu! placed over the channel# but eparated fro! the channel by a thin layer of in ulating ilicon dio&ide$ 7.1.1 :EATURES ': <'?ER 8'S:ETES 5$ 8$ ;$ +ower M(S)E% ha lower witching lo e but it onre i tance and conduction lo e are !ore$ M(S)E% i a voltage-controlled device$ M(S)E% ha po itive te!perature co-efficient for re i tance$ %hi !a'e parallel operation of M(S)E% ea y$ If a M(S)E% hare increa ed current initially# it heat up fa ter it re i tance ri e and thi increa ed re i tance cau e thi current to hift to other device in parallel <$ @$ A$ In M(S)E% econdary brea' down doe not occur# becau e it ha po itive te!perature co-efficient$ +ower M(S)E%M conduction lo e %he tate of the art M(S)E%M are available with rating up to @::V# 5<:"$ 7.1., '<ERATI=B <RI=CI<LE ': =4C;A==EL E=;A=CE8E=T 8'S:ETS " i!plified diagra! of an 2-channel enhance!ent M(S)E% i hown in figure B$5$ 1rain and ource connection are !ade to higher conduction high doped region $ %he !etal gate i electrically i olated fro! the -type ub trate by a layer of non-conducting ilicon o&ide *Si(8,$ When a po itive voltage i applied to the gate with re pect to the ource an electric in higher voltage rating have !ore

field will be created pointing away fro! the ba e and acro

the +-region

directly under the ba e$ %he electric field will ca e po itive charge in the +region to !ove away fro! the ba e inducing or enhancing an 2-region in it place$ Conduction can then ta'e place between the 2N *drain, 2 *enhanced region, 2N * ource ,$ Increa ing or decrea ing the gate voltage will cau e the induced 2 channel to grow or decrea e in i.e thu controlling conduction$ Varying the voltage between the gate and body !odulate the conductivity of thi layer and !a'e it po ible to control the current flow between drain and ource$

- ds

- gs



Si"$le "%(el %2 =4c#annel en#ance"en! ! $e 8'S:ET In practice# a fairly large current in the order of 5 - 8" can be re/uired to charge the gate capacitance at turn (2 to en ure that witching

ti!e are !all$ 1ue to gate lea'age current# nano-a!p are needed to !aintain the gate voltage once the device i (2$ " negative voltage i often applied at turn ()) to di charge the gate for peedy witch ())$ It i obviou that fa ter witching peed can be obtained with well de igned gate driver circuit $ 7.1., <R'<ERTIES A=> C;ARACTERISTICS ': 8'S:ET %he tran fer characteri tic of an 2-channel M(S)E% i below hown in fig

:ig +., Trans2er c#arac!eris!ic %2 =4c#annel 8'S:ET %hre hold voltage Vt8 i defined a the !ini!u! gate electrode bia re/uired trongly inverting the urface under the poly and for!ing a conducting channel between the ource and the drain region $ V t i u ually !ea ured at a drain- ource current of 8@:!"$ Co!!on value are 8-<V for high voltage device with thic'er gate o&ide # and 5-8V for lower voltage# logic-co!patible device with thinner gate o&ide $ 3enerally the gate- ource

voltage i

cho en

o!ewhere in the linear region of the tran fer

characteri tic $ %he M(S)E% ha three !ode of operation# one of which that act li'e a witch that i off# and two for which the M(S)E% act a a witch that i on$ )or the 2M(S)E% the !ode are6 1. C/!4%22: When V3SOVth where Vth i the thre hold voltage of the device$ Here the witch i turned off# and there i no conduction between drain and ource$ While the current between drain and ource hould ideally be : ince the witch i turned off# there i a wea'-inver ion current or ub thre hold lea'age$ ,. Tri%(e: When V3SPVth and V1SOV3S-Vth# the witch i turned on# and a channel ha been created which allow current to flow between the drain and ource$ %he M(S)E% operate li'e a re i tor$ 6. Sa!/ra!i%n: When V3SPVth and V1SPV3S-Vth# the witch i turned on# and a channel ha been created which allow current to flow between the drain and ource# but the current i not a function of the voltage difference in the channel# and thu the M(S)E% doe not operate a a re i tor# but in tead it operate a an a!plifier$ 7.1.6 =4C;A==EL TRE=C;8'S TRA=SIST'R @IR:.70D :EATURES 5$ %rench technology$ 8$ >ow (2- tate re i tance$ ;$ )a t witching$ <$ >ow ther!al re i tance$ BE=ERAL >ESCRI<TI'=

2-channel enhance!ent !ode field effect power tran i tor i a pla tic envelope u ing trench technology$ 7.1.7 A<<LICATI'=S 5$ 1C to 1C converter $ 8$ Switched !ode converter $ ;$ %$V and co!puter !onitor power upplie $ %he IR)C<: i !ounting pac'age$ upplied in the S(%BC *%(88:"4, conventional upplied in the S(%<:< *1 8+"E, urfaceleaded pac'age$ %he IR)C<: i

7.1.* >ESCRI<TI'=: %he IR)-C<: provide fa t witching# ruggedi.ed device de ign# low on-re i tance and co t effectivene $ %he %(-88: pac'age i univer ally preferred for all co!!ercialindu trial application at power di ipation level to appro&i!ately watt $ %he low ther!al re i tance and low pac'age co t of the contribute to it wide acceptance throughout the indu try Ba!e >ri&e C#arac!eris!ics an( ReF/ire"en!s 2%r ;EG:ETs Ba!e (ri&e &s base (ri&e I"$ Enhance!ent v 1epletion I4$ 2 v +-Channel %he conventional bipolar tran i tor i a current-driven device$ " illu trated in )igure 5*a,$ a current !u t be applied between the ba e and e!itter ter!inal to produce a flow of current in the collector$ %he a!ount of a drive @: %(-88:

re/uired to produce a given output depend upon the gain# but invariably a current !u t be !ade to flow into the ba e ter!inal to produce a flow of current in the collector$

:ig/re 1. 4ipolar tran i tor i current driven# HEQ)E% i voltage driven$ %he HEQ)E% i funda!entally different6 it i a voltage-controlled power M(S)E% device$ " voltage !u t be applied between the gate and ource ter!inal to produce a flow of current in the drain * ee )igure 5b,$ %he gate i i olated electrically fro! the ource by a layer of ilicon dio&ide$%heoretically# therefore# no current flow into the gate when a 1C voltage i applied to it - though in practice there will be an e&tre!ely !all current# in the order of nanoa!pere $ With no voltage applied between the gate and ource electrode # the i!pedance between the drain and ource ter!inal i very high# and only the lea'age current flow in the drain$

55' :ig/re ,$ 4a ic HEQ)E% tructure When a voltage i applied between the gate and ource ter!inal # an electric field i et up within the HEQ)E%$ %hi field 9invert 9 the channel *)igure 8, fro! + to 2# o that a current can flow fro! drain to ource in an uninterrupted e/uence of 2-type ilicon *drain-channel- ource,$ IA. En#ance"en! &s >e$le!i%n )ield-effect tran i tor can be of two type 6 enhance!ent !ode and depletion !ode$ Enhance!ent-!ode device need a gate voltage of the a!e ign a the drain voltage in order to pa current$1epletion-!ode device are naturally on and are turned off by a gate voltage of the a!e polarity a the drain voltage$ "ll HEQ)E% are enhance!ent-!ode device $ I4$ 2 v +-Channel "ll M(S)E% voltage are referenced to the ource ter!inal$ "n 2-Channel device# li'e an 2+2 tran i tor# ha a drain voltage that i po itive with re pect to the ource$ 4eing enhance!ent-!ode device # they will be turned

on by a po itive voltage on the gate$ %he oppo ite i true for +-Channel device # that are i!ilar to +2+ tran i tor $ "lthough it i co!!on 'nowledge that HEQ)E% tran i tor are !ore ea ily driven than bipolar # a few ba ic con ideration have to be 'ept in !ind in order to avoid a lo >escri$!i%n: "dvanced HEQ)E%R +ower M(S)E% fro! International Rectifier utili.e advanced proce ing techni/ue to achieve e&tre!ely low on-re i tance per ilicon area$ %hi benefit co!bined with the fa t witching peed and ruggedi.ed device de ign that HEQ)E% power M(S)E% are well 'nown for# provide the de igner with an e&tre!ely efficient and reliable device for u e in a wide variety of application $ bD :EATURES: Ultra >ow (n-Re i tance 1yna!ic dv0dt Rating 5B@SC (perating %e!perature )a t Switching )ully "valanche Rated C"# @::V r1S*(2, 7 :$C@:W Single +ul e "valanche Energy Rated S(" i +ower 1i ipation >i!ited 2ano econd Switching Speed >inear %ran fer Characteri tic High Input I!pedance in perfor!ance or outright device failure$

cD SY8B'L :'R <'?ER 8'S:ET:

)ig Hardware !odel for +ower M(S)E%




" ba ic bloc' diagra! of a tage in a pipelined "01 converter i a below BU::ER: %he e buffer 0line driver are de igned to i!prove both the perfor!ance and +C board den ity of %RI-S%"%E buffer 0driver e!ployed a !e!ory-addre 1river # cloc' driver # and bu -oriented tran !itter 0receiver $ )eaturing <:: Mv of hy tere i at each low current +2+ data line input# they provide i!proved noi e re?ection and high fan out output and can be u ed to drive ter!inated line down to 5;;Q$

%RU%H %"4>ES



)ig6 top view of B<>S58@ IS'LATI'= CIRCUIT

I olation circuit are pecially de igned circuit to i olate the +(WER CIRCUI% and C(2%R(>>ER CIRCUI%$ %he e circuit are u ed to provide ground$ IC are u ually u ed to provide thi i olation$

'<T' IS'LAT'R TL<,*0: %he %(SHI4" %>+8@: con i t of a 3a"l" light e!itting diode and a integrated photodetector$ %hi unit i CTlead 1I+ pac'age$ %>+8@: i )E%$ L Input thre hold current6 I)7@!"*!a&$, L Supply current *ICC,6 55!"*!a&$, L Supply voltage *VCC,6 5:T;@V L (utput current *I(,6 U5$@" *!a&$, uitable for gate driving circuit of I34% or power M(S

L Switching ti!e *tp>H0tpH>,6 5$@V *!a&$, L I olation voltage6 8@::Vr! *!in$, L U> recogni.ed6 U>5@BB# file 2o$EAB;<D L (ption *1<, type V1E approved6 1I2 V1E:CC<0:A$D8#certificate 2o$BAC8; Ma&i!u! operating in ulation voltage6 A;:V+E Highe t per!i ible over voltage6 <:::V+E @=%!eD ?#en a V>E0..7 a$$r%&e( ! $e is nee(e(, $lease (esigna!e !#e H%$!i%n @>7DH L Creepage di tance6 A$<!!*!in$, Clearance6 A$<!!*!in$,

<in C%n2ig/ra!i%n @!%$ &iewD

5 6 2$C$ 8 6 "node ; 6 Cathode < 6 2$C$ @ 6 321 A 6 V( *(utput, B 6 V( C 6 VCC Applications:

i$ ii$ iii$ iv$ v$ vi$ "C !ain detection Reed relay driving Switch !ode power upply feedbac' %elephone ring detection >ogic ground i olation >ogic coupling with high fre/uency noi e re?ection


C'=CLUSI'=: %hi paper ha pre ented the theoretical analy i of teady tate# related con ideration# i!ulation re ult # and e&peri!ental re ult for the propo ed converter$ %he propo ed converter ha ucce fully i!ple!ented an efficient high tep-up conver ion through the voltage !ultiplier !odule$ %he interleaved tructure reduce the input current ripple and di tribute the current through each co!ponent$ In addition# the lo le pa ive cla!p function recycle the lea'age energy and con train a large voltage pi'e acro the power witch$ Meanwhile# the voltage tre on the power witch i re tricted and !uch lower than the output voltage$

RE:ERE=CES W5X Y$ %$ 4iala iewic.# IRenewable energy y te! with photovoltaic power generator 6 (peration and !odeling#J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @@# no$ B# pp$ 8B@8-8B@C# Yul$ 8::C$ W8X %$ Eefala and "$ Elada # I"naly i of tran for!er wor'ing under heavily aturated condition in gridconnected renewable energy y te! #J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @D# no$ @# pp$ 8;<8-8;@:# May 8:58$ W;X F$ Qiong# Q$ Cheng# Z$ Y$ Shen# C$ Mi# H$ Wu# and V$ E$ 3arg# I+rogno tic and warning y te! for powerelectronic !odule in electric# hybrid electric# and fuel-cell vehicle #J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @@# no$ A# pp$ 88AC-88BA# Yun$ 8::C$ W<X "$ E$ Rathore# "$ E$ S$ 4hat# and R$ (ruganti# I"naly i # de ign and e&peri!ental re ult of wide range ZVS active-cla!ped >-> type currentfed 1C01C converter for fuel cell to utility interface#J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @D# no$ 5# pp$ <B;-<C@# Yan$ 8:58$ W@X %$ Zhou and 4$ )rancoi # IEnergy !anage!ent and power control of a hybrid active wind generator for di tributed power generation and grid integration#J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @C# no$ 5# pp$ D@-5:<# Yan$ 8:55$

WAX 2$ 1enni ton# "$ M$ Ma oud# S$ "h!ed# and +$ 2$ En?eti# IMultiple!odule high-gain high-voltage 1C-1C tran for!er for off hore wind energy y te! #J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @C# no$ @# pp$ 5CBB- 5CCA# May 8:55$ WBX H$ %ao# Y$ >$ 1uarte# andM$ "$M$ Hendri&# I>ineinteractive U+S u ing a fuel cell a the pri!ary ource#J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @@# no$ C# pp$ ;:58-;:85# "ug$ 8::C$ WCX E$ Yin# Q$ Ruan# M$ Fan# and M$ Qu# I" hybrid fuel cell y te!#J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @A# no$ <# pp$ 5858-5888# "pr$ 8::D$ WDX "$ I$ 4ratcu# I$ Munteanu# S$ 4acha# 1$ +icault# and 4$ Rai on# ICa caded 1C-1C converter photovoltaic y te! 6 +ower opti!i.ation i ue #J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @C# no$ 8# pp$ <:;-<55# )eb$ 8:55$ W5:X R$ Y$ Wai# W$ H$ Wang# and C$ F$ >in# IHighperfor!ance tand-alone photovoltaic generation y te!#J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @@# no$ 5# pp$ 8<:-8@:# Yan$ 8::C$ W55X R$ Y$ Wai and W$ H$ Wang# I3rid-connected photovoltaic generation y te!#J I T!"ns# Ci!c'i&s S(s&# I, R%)# *"p%!s# vol$ @@# no$ ;# pp$ D@;DA<# "pr$ 8::C$

W58X >$ 3ao# R$ "$ 1ougal# S$ >iu# and "$ +$ Iotova# I+arallel-connected olar +V y te! to addre partial and rapidly fluctuating hadow condition #J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @A# no$ @# pp$ 5@<C-5@@A# May 8::D$ W5;X 4$ Fang# W$ >i# F$ Zhao# and Q$ He# I1e ign and analy i of a gridconnected photovoltaic power y te!#J I T!"ns# *o+%! $%c&!on## vol$ 8@# no$ <# pp$ DD8-5:::# "pr$ 8:5:$ W5<X W$ >i and Q$ He# IReview of noni olated high- tep-up 1C01C converter in photovoltaic grid-connected application #J I T!"ns# Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @C# no$ <# pp$ 58;D-58@:# "pr$ 8:55$ W5@X C$ %$ +an and C$ M$ >ai# I" high-efficiency high tepup converter with low witch voltage tre for fuel-cell y te! application #J I T!"ns#Ind# $%c&!on## vol$ @B# no$ A# pp$ 5DDC-8::A# Yun$ 8:5:$

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