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SSu4 Kingswoou Ct.
}oliet, IL 6u4S1

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Nastei of Libiaiy anu Infoimation Science, expecteu giauuation: Nay 2u14
Ceitificate in Youth Seivices Libiaiianship
Ceitificate in Community Infoimatics
Bacheloi of Science in News-Euitoiial }ouinalism, Nay 2u12

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uiauuate School of Libiaiy anu Infoimation Science (uSLIS)
0niveisity of Illinois at 0ibana-Champaign (August 2u12- Nay 2u14)
Pioviues live technology suppoit foi online couises via Blackboaiu Collaboiate
Besigns anu executes in-peison anu online woikshops on technological tienus
incluuing Bigital Stoiytelling, BTNL, Wikis anu E-Reaueis
Bevelops tutoiials anu mateiials using Auobe piouucts
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uiauuate School of Libiaiy anu Infoimation Science
0niveisity of Illinois at 0ibana-Champaign (August 2u12-Nay 2u14)
Staffs the help uesk anu answeis technology baseu inquiiies
Cieateu a tiaining manual anu upuateu piogiam foi new peisonnel
Pioviues online anu on-campus technological suppoit foi faculty anu stuuents
Nanages social meuia platfoims, anu assists with back-enu technical pioblems
Piocesses equipment loans anu sets up auuio anu visual iecoiuings
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Champaign Public Libiaiy, IL (}anuaiy 2u14-Nay 2u14)
Pioviues assistance in stoiy times foi babies anu touuleis anu uesigns, uevelops anu
executeu two stoiy times
Acts as a staff membei on the iefeience uesk by answeiing pation inquiies,
checking out items, anu offeiing one-on-one technology suppoit
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Champaign, IL (Naich 2u1S- Nay 2u14)
Leaus movement to populate anu maintain company-wiue wiki page
0veisees uigitization effoits of newspapei, yeaibook anu magazine publications
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Illini Neuia Company, Champaign, IL (August 2uu8-0ct. 2u1S)
!o!!eu as: spoits columnist, senioi wiitei, uaytime assignment euitoi, copy euitoi,
web staff, page uesignei
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Illini Neuia Company, Champaign, IL (August 2uu8-0ct. 2u1S)
Bevelopeu, uesigneu anu cieateu a Suu-page yeaily publication
0veisaw a staff of Su wiiteis anu uesigneis
Woikeu as: managing euitoi of uesign anu managing euitoi of wiiting
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Focuseu on spoits anu web with euitois anu iepoiteis of The New Yoik Times uuiing
a two-week stuuent jouinalism institute to piouuce a website anu papei baseu in
New 0ileans
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Wiote 2S news anu featuie stoiies on spoiting events in Coloiauo aiea
Copy euiteu anu wiote heaulines of spoits stoiies
volunteei Expeiience

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Champaign, IL (August 2u12-Aug. 2u1S)
Cieateu a catalog foi the school's libiaiy using Libiaiy Thing
F#0&/&) $+.:"(%%&9 E++B%& 7N O/'3#"6(+" I.%4%"(/&) D83++.
Champaign, IL (Aug. 2u1S- Nay 2u14)
0ffeis iefeience assistance anu ieauei's guiuance foi stuuents
Reaus with small gioups of elementaiy stuuents
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0niveisity of Illinois at 0ibana-Champaign (}anuaiy 2u1S- Nay 2u14)
Cieateu bibliogiaphy anu uisplays on "Baseball," "Stoiies with Lions anu Lambs" anu
"Cinueiella Tales fiom Aiounu the Woilu"
Assists with shelving, soiting anu weeuing of books
R/#. F#0&/&#/"9 E++B' (+ C&#'+"%&'9 R:"% STUS15&%'%"(
Staffs a county jail libiaiy offeiing ieauei's auvisoiy anu iefeience suppoit
Assists with stocking anu weeuing of libiaiy
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Nembei of oiganization uevoteu to uonating books to piisons
Nanages anu upuates website, in ieuesign piocess
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0ffeis one-on-one technology assistance foi senioi-citizen paiticipants
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Planneu, uevelopeu anu executeu a machine pilot computei lab foi auult ESL leaineis
Tiaineu tutois anu stuuents in using Linux machines
Piofessional 0iganizations

Nembei, Ameiican Libiaiian Association, Apiil 2u1S- piesent
Nembei, Association of Women in Spoits Neuia, 0ct. 2u1u- piesent
Nembei, National Association of Black }ouinalists, }an. 2u12- piesent

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