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State-of-the-art Earthquake Protection Technology set to change the Indian Real Estate Market

Taylor Devices, Inc., incorporated in 1955 is the world leader in providing Earthquake Protection Devices or !uildings and !ridges. The technology patented !y Taylor Devices was at the start only used !y the "# de ense services and the aerospace $issions o %&#&. In appro'i$ately i teen years o active earthquake related applications Taylor Devices has e$erged as a clear leader with over ()) pro*ects to its credit. Taylor Devices has its operations in nearly all seis$ically active regions o the world+ it has achieved huge success in countries like ,apan, Taiwan and -hina and is now eyeing the e$erging $arkets o India. India.s success story o econo$ic growth and the pro*ections or the i$$ediate uture, coupled with the heightened seis$ic activity in the region over the past ew years has led Taylor Devices or launching operations in India. The da$age potential o a single great quake can e'ceed that o any other devastating event, $any ti$es over. It is this threat that leaves all vulnera!le to /other %ature.s $ight. Taylor Devices are the $anu acturers o Earthquake Da$pers whose unction is to a!sor! and dissipate the energy supplied !y the ground $ove$ent during an earthquake to a !uilding. These energy dissipaters 0or da$pers as they are $ore popularly re erred as1 are installed in a diagonal, & or 2 con iguration !etween the colu$ns, however they are not installed !etween all colu$ns, !ut only a very selected ew and are chosen a ter care ul study and analyses !y structural consultants keeping the architectural and unctional constraints in consideration. In $ost structures the da$pers stay hidden in partition walls3 inconspicuous locations and there ore are not even visi!le to occupants. The earthquake da$pers unction as shock a!sor!ers whenever the !uilding is in $otion, 0 or e'a$ple during an earthquake1 and prevent a !uilding ro$ swaying e'cessively there!y preventing any structural da$age. The seis$ic energy is a!sor!ed !y the energy dissipaters, reducing the !uilding sway. The earthquake da$pers ensure that the !uilding stays unhar$ed. Douglas Taylor, -E4 and President o Taylor Devices Inc. is very opti$istic or their India operations. 5e is convinced that as in the other countries the world over, there will !e $any who will de$and a $uch higher earthquake protection level than what is o ered !y the $andatory Indian !uilding codes. The heightened seis$ic activity in the Indian su!6continent has le t a sense o vulnera!ility a$ongst $any, especially those whose !usinesses de$and (789 operations. The Indian #eis$ic -ode, Indian #tandard 61:9; 0())(1 is !ased on li e6sa ety concept which i$plies that the code is so designed that it endeavors to prevent a total !uilding collapse during a $a*or seis$ic event there!y saving lives. 5owever the !uildings !uilt as per I#6 1:9; will sustain structural da$age during an earthquake and i the da$age is $ore than a threshold level then the owners will have no option !ut to de$olish and reconstruct their !uilding. Today technology has reached a level where the !uilding codes can !e !ettered to achieve no or insigni icant da$age even during a $a*or earthquake. 4ne o the ways o achieving this is !y incorporating Taylor Devices earthquake da$pers in !uildings. #o$e o the !ene its that the client accrue ro$ the use o this technology are, reduced insurance pre$iu$s, easier access to !anking loans and pro*ect inance, greater !usiness opportunities especially <usiness Process 4utsourcing where clients are $uch concerned or (789 operations and not the least peace o $ind. Today ,apan has reached a level where insurance co$panies re use to insure high6rise !uildings or earthquake protection unless the owners3developers have !uilt in state6o 6the6

art earthquake protection technology. I$$ediate occupancy a ter a $a*or earthquake is the criteria or !uilding design which is !eing set !y $any !usiness houses3 clients the =orld over to their architects and structural consultants. This level o per or$ance cannot !e achieved without the use o energy dissipaters or da$pers as they are $ore popularly known. <uildings using earthquake da$pers can have a per or$ance enhance$ent o upto 7))> higher than conventional structures under seis$ic conditions, in other words the !uilding !eco$es 7))> stronger or will per or$ 7))> !etter when an earthquake strikes. Taylor Devices earthquake da$pers co$e with a ;5 years per or$ance warranty. The associated costs o Taylor Devices technology is the cheapest in the world and can !e opti$ally con igured or as low as ?s.(5) to ?s.;5) per square oot. =ith the property rates soaring in India, this state6o 6the6art technology works out to only a raction o the real estate cost. Douglas Taylor is con ident that there would !e a huge de$and or their earthquake da$pers in India. Taylor Devices have provided custo$i@ed da$pers to $ore than ()) pro*ects worldwide to include nu$erous $id and high rise !uildings. The 59 storey, Torre /ayor !uilding in /e'ico has won nu$erous awards or its state6o 6the6art Earthquake design+ this was a ter the structural engineers $onitored the !uilding per or$ance a ter an earthquake o $agnitude 9.A on the ?ichter scale hit *ust o without a scratch. The econo$ic superiority that India today en*oys will also orce the decision $aking authorities to $ake the !uilding code provisions $ore stringent or e$ergency response, ad$inistrative and pu!lic !uildings. The earthquake da$pers are specially custo$i@ed !y $aking a co$puter $odel o the !uilding and su!*ecting the $odel to a real li e earthquake which has happened in the past, the structural engineers re er to it as the ti$e6history $ethod o analyses. The !uilding response is then recorded and suita!le da$pers are installed so as to give adequate protection to the !uilding. Taylor Devices earthquake protection technology is considered the !est and also the $ost cost e ective in the world today. It is also suita!le or all kinds o structures and can also !e suita!ly incorporated to seis$ically upgrade e'isting !uildings. Taylor Devices Inc. have co$$enced operations through their representative co$pany Taylor Devices 0India1. The Indian operations are !eing headed !y #andeep Donald #hah who has undertaken /asters in Earthquake and -ivil Engineering Dyna$ics ro$ ".B. and has undertaken research on con iguration o energy dissipation devices. /ore in or$ation can !e o!tained ro$$ the coast o -oli$a, /e'ico 0,anuary (1, ());1. #u!stantial #haking was elt in /e'ico -ity and Torre /ayor per or$ed

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